Malaya Tribune, 6 October 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol XIX, No. 253e SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Thursday, Oct. 6, 1932. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1932.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 416 1 Buy the -MALAYAN SATURDAY POST/ The Picture Paper. 20 cents. 2S aVWh 11 i 111 1111 I I MH 11 1 itWI II 1 11 1 11 jjj'Tl 111 I V M 111 I Mil I II II jjij 1 111 W IMIMIIII r~~ ca q^ j L A KER
      416 words
    • 174 1 A. FLINTER. 6, Raffles Place. BUYS Gold coins and gold i ornaments of every j class and quality, paying highest prices' according to daily exchange rates. S2SESHSaS2S2S2S2 SHJ?S?JJ?SHSZSZSHSZSHSZS2SES?EHSHSZSES2S2SE^ h WHY DOES EVERYONE I Himalaya Bouquet! 3 TOILET PREPARATIONS I I RFCUIISF 0F TaE ALLUR *I It -llflHHfeial ING PfcRFUME I
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  • 83 2 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. C UBim! h° to u* on 1 uhfects of public interest. It must be underpondenh Ltrrffl? ?Mrw!r"n D not ntve3XvrU P endorse opinions expressed by corresXS£V; anFon ol £A t J B AS POSSIB fUcr**, tppevrtttei (double addretst•» 0 corrr*™,, > t paper
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  • 466 2 (To thn ed,tor, "Malaya Tribune.") S4r 6l,lCt lh OoVfniUlCTji CI Tied) Examination which ion« uiuc-.- 10-r month. I ♦wive b.en wondering U the public wlut it really L» it mean U«qt the clerk I piomoicct B6 socm fis he ptivsc; ihla Examna«on No, it m meana
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  • 462 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") £Jlr, When the League of Nntionr invited Mr. De VaJera to preside over (he deliberations nf Its Council meeting th* varloug statesmen did not wont him to be "comical." but I bslieve they expected him to indulge In some plainspeaking when "posturing
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  • 37 2 (To tha Editor, "Malaga Tribune."j vim on Bin above subject vo rcry Interesting ,T Mt T* SMn the tJ"Z? 3&ZJL''£ Uul 3 *££J WUC U Your m very Your», etc., P«lnwrft Oct 1. "aPWTTATOR."
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  • 604 2 (To lue Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—Kindly allow me a little space in the People's Paper, which b known far and wide, that I may express my views on a recent notification passed from the Educational Department to our school—namely, the A.C.S., Cairnhill, Singapore. According to
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  • 69 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir. I shall be much obliged if you will be so kind as to let me know whether the full Lytton Commission Report will be published bl your paper; and if so, when? Yours, etc., TAN TTANG SENG Singapore. Oct. 4. fAs
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  • 21 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") ?o h r M^ry amount of good wouw Yours, etc., Kuala Lumpur, Sept. 29. CHANT."
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  • 34 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—l shall be very thankful m Publish my letter in U you wUJ treat. 1 see 11 missed a good Yours, etc., Singapore, Sept. 30. Q
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  • 21 2 "A SwimnjLr'a" letter Publishto conncctlmV'th *"«v*dco •«■on. and ZZS'ZZ' when they «em to have bic JST* 1 rn
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  • 2 2
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  • 198 2 (To the Editor, '-Malaya Tribune.") h *f£r2 hftVC pleasure ln lvi n* some informations to your recent correspondent regarding the statue "Emerdld Buddha" which' is kept m the magnificent Siamese temple known as Wat Prakao." The structural part of the statue not a natural stone but was
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  • 549 2 iTo the Editor, 'Malaya Tribune."/ Sir,—With much interest I used to read all the letters in your Correspondence columnconcerning the subjects "Preference to Malays,' 'Malaya for the Malays," 'Malays and Malayans," etc. The claims and rights brought forward by various communities were of much -nteiest and justifiable. But what
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  • 78 2 the clo e has 'o which much snace 1 Enough ha, Sen writtn recentlyletters would fUrther and opinions aiW^S^Jj l lllB subjects are: U Iy T^ese "Malays and Malayans" "The Straits Chinese." "Malay Divers." "Religion in Schools." "Monogamy or Polygamy?" S other <* «al toter«» s^sss I**1**
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 175 2 -•-«T" MTT £g FRAGRANCE to keep you fresh 14» and dainty w>jk. When the heat becomes I flmm\\\Vr oppressive surround yourself Bmm\ r*Br with the coolness of a mouiv s\ of mountain flowers come to p^^,^^ refresh you. Use your bottle OTHER FAMOUS HIMALAYA Solid Briih'antine |L\ jfc||ff—" Talcum Powder
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  • 834 3 A German Engineer's Experiments. THE ERKEN ENGINE. Pr m G rroany comes details of the devclcp- thi v/>e:imental work an engineer, R. Erren, with an ratine that functions en a fuel of water. v firs the idea appears fantastic, but thst <♦ has a more
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  • 626 3 BOMBAY'MOTORISTS JUBILANT. Bombay, Sept. 11. The l eduction in the price of petrol in the city of Bombay and suburbs, amounting to nearly 21 per cent., announced by Burmah Shell Oil Company, wtth prospects of the reduction being extended to other centres is •egaided by the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 18 3 your car Sole Agents, UNIVERSAL CARS LTD., Orchard Road, Singapore. Represent throughout Ma laya by Wearne Bros, Ltd.
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    • 85 3 SPORTS NOTES BY "ECHO" Every Week in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." ••i i i 1.1 •h i t i i.lrani lit i; i .Li ti'i 4 r i i ••ili:iii t i i i iii<i i i i •i•i• »•'**ri* i I. t l H W 5 I M 3
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 100 3 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme Of Drills. x TO-DAY, OCT. 6. 5.15 p.m.—Mount Emily Pool, S.V.C, Framrc*. Cup. TO-MORRROW. OCT. 7. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, S.R.A. (v), Promotion Class. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "B" Coy., Recruit. Course. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Intelligence Platoon, Lecture. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Ist Bn. Slg. Section, Equipment Inspection and Morse Instruction. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Fortress
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    • 426 3 WHAT TO LISTEN FOR. Stations Best Received In Malaya, A list of **possible stations is of less use to the beginners and the average listner than some information about the broadcasting stations which may be received regularly ar.d at fair itrcngth. Below is such information, given fully and compiled with
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    • 499 3 Eandoeng-Sydney Telephone—A pprox. 31 metres. This station Is on the air in the afternoon.. and is U3uelly clear. Operator, a I women, calls "Hullo, Sydney. Bandoeng ceilI ing, can you hear me?" In between call* j gramaphone records''ore played. These are m i l .elected and reception la good. Sydney
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  • 518 4 Viceroy's Meeting With The Princess—Preparing Them For The Federation—lncome-Tax Bill To Be Amended "—Mr. Sen Gupta's Health—Removing False Impression About Premier's Sincerity. T-.vo very important d cisions Were taken at private cooferene of Moeti ani Ifinttt.ii Simla en Sep. 18, where they had corns response to
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  • 599 4 Sir Hari Singh Gour moved in the Assembly on Sept. 20 that the Amending Bill to the dian Income Tax Act of 1922 be referred to a select committee. He said that the Incomeax Ac, was enacted fer the first time in 1886, VIMB a
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  • 454 4 Mr. Haig, Home Mcmocr, reply* .g to Mr. S. C. Mitra in the Assembly on Sep:. 19, said that Mr. Sen Gupta was not in soli.a: y confinement, but was alowed facilities fc,r conversing with the Supe.'intrndent cf the jail and other members cf the Jail
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  • 417 4 Mr. Vi.habhrJ Patel left Loncion on his American ccur t,n Sept. 18. The Standing Committee of the Chamber of Princes has decided that the Ind an States' Del *a*ton to the forthcoming London Conteianc should c nstst of Ministers < dy, a hue Princes wcu-d also udt LoJdoa wi
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  • 192 4 List Of Some Recent Additions. The following novels were added to Raffles Library during the past fortnight:— Adams (FR.) King's Crew. Arp'in (Arthur) Love Match. 3 copies. Baker (Amy J.) Never Laugh at Love. 3 copies Baxter (Gregoiy) Murder Could Not Kill. Browne (E. 0.) Fair Rosamund. Buekrose
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  • 421 4 THAT chalk is made of millions of bodies (By Our Scientific Correspondent.) All chalk., whether used in pencil form in the schcolrocm or found 0.1 tht hillside, is made up of all that is left of the bodies cf millions of minute sea creature:.. When these died,
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  • 506 4 Death Of Sir Ronald Ross. RonuU who han d.i\\ at the of fit bourne famuU; to leetwn v.ur» ill? disocveiy ihct mnlari* laiumltKd through thr o:i-iu?y of BK«UU °A «n of Gtovfml Sir Campbe'i Olay® Ortnt sir Ronald, whose investigations -vcnS 3m K.CB aUI MHO, n
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  • 113 4 Sightless Students Pass Examinations. Reuter's Wireless Service. Vmdon, Oct. 1The gra'Jfylng sur-ce s In ihe training *>112 the b.'nd is proved in th; la teal musical. Uifrnry and commTCial enuninadtns. Of 3" ghtless. students entered by 111" Ro;- al Normal College not a single student fai
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  113 words
  • 105 4 Reuter's Wireless Service. Rome, Oct. 2. Hunireds of I.allan »o Ke a, All meub rs of !he Confed rxti n of Professional Men and Artists, met yestcrit y to t ear ii p.yeoch delivered fcy Stg. Mu sallnl In *hlch the Duce emphasls?a th"t v.h rons
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  105 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 334 4 I NOVELTY NOVELTY! I 'j I i Gl' Alt A N TEED 15-JEWEL CIIROML. SILVER, 14 OT. GOLD. 18 Cr. GOLD. Thfl N ew Handless Wrist Watch THe wu-m no glass TO BREAK E a,y to find out the comet time. Movement same as an ordinary watch. I Ea.y to
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  • 1146 5 LATEST QUOTATIONS. MINING. ■fIUED BY FRASER CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore. Oct 6. 1932. 10 a.m. jsue Vaiue Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang Tin 26 23;El Austral Malay 18|- 3o|Aj., Hitaa Tta 12|- 43,--t] Baaerifl Tin 14- 16,--$1 BeUnf Parian* 0.05 OilO Si Bate Cat i
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  • 138 5 Chamber Of Commerce R. A. Report- The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association, in their weekly auction report of yesterday, state: Catalogued 1,513,040 1b.=675.46 tons. Offered 1,404,673 1b.—627.08 tons. Sold 1.252.939 1b.—559.35 tons. London spot 2'-d. New York spot 314 cts. Prices Realized. Ribbed smoked
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  • 224 5 (By Courtesy of Hongkong Bank.) Singapore, Oct. 6. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 4d., London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 31 32d., London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 15|16d., London 30 days' sigh. 2s. 3 29,32 d., London demand 2s. 3-sd., London T.T. 2s. 3 2732 d.,
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  • 93 5 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore, Oct. 6. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Sirdhana 22. Main Wharf (Entranre Gate 3.) Suwa Maru 18, Saarbrucken 13; Kamuning 7. Empire Due* •fintrtuice Uau- Ipoh 32: Karagola 35; Irisbank 37. Empire Doc* (£uin*nce Gale 4.) Siantar 46. West Wharf (Entrance Gate 4.)
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  • 33 5 The rate of Issue of Money Order for Indie end Ceylon to-day is Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Order from Indie and Ceylon is Rs. 156 for $100.
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  • 469 5 Eraser's Report. t^y^TZfr in their weekly f there have action of the JiT r commp nt In any lightly eaS market and with a business on* a prevallin round, •WUe. End of tne monthT eWhat reStrlcted rather disappoint fl nrt\£l ,taUsUcB proved the smau swi t hp
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  • 200 5 Singapore, Oct. 6. (Siam) W. Coast No. l per Koyan $mo (Siam) W. Coast 2 134 Rice, B. Siam No. 1 197 Rice, B. Siam No. 2., 12 2 Rice, Siam "Sinway" per koyan No. 1 $176 lee Siam No. 2 $166 Rice, Siam "Sinway" No 3 $153 Rice,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 CBEAT EASTERN OPTICAL CO., 11: Bridge Road, Singapore. rWBT*y ful] y qualified optician in Malaya. Sight tested free C. Y. Pan (weH"JPf known in Shanghai, Canton Malaya). !>r vv I t? !A;: I GIVEN ON GLASSES. 8 1 dtobe of the best quality. DIABETES. THABIB A. Md. HASSAN guarantees t0
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    • 133 5 BILAX Regd. BILAX are the Best Remedy for a disordered liver, artd quickly relieve Biliousness, Sick Headache, Depression, Constipation, Flatulence and Indigestion. Most laxative medicines are much too drastic in their action and ex- 1 haust the patient's strength and vitality by the violence of their purging and griping effects.
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    • 77 5 PLEASE THE WIFE by Buying the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." She'll Like It. And So Will You. Use a soap which does something more than cleanse— a soap which protects from infection as well. Use Litebuoy! Have your home not only free from dirt but tree from dangerous germs. Lifebuoy banishes
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 1217 5 CLUB DIARY. Panjang, 3 p.m. Consul-General for Slam win preslde and w111 deliver a lecture on Buddhism (There are numerous Clubs and Societies in All Interested are Invited. Those who intend most of the members of which are *> attend should inform the hon secretariat reader, of the "Malaya Tribune."
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 140 6 "LILY CHRISTINE" Described by H.R.H. The PRINCE as jj "4 GREAT PICTURE!" c.15 TONIGHT 915 All London flocked to it I Now We bring it to YOU!! MICHAEL ARLEN'S famous story transferred to the screen with all the polish, sparkle and power associated with his stories of London life LILY
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    • 209 6 Amusements < TO-NIGHT i Uo you know of a job j for a girl who can ride, dance and look orna- v mental?" j "Sure. How about being my hostess WEEK ENDS 1 ONLY V I with Joan 1 I BENNETT ft I\ 1 Ben LYO N Ii v\ John
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    • 328 6 Continuing the brilliantly successful I season brought tn a close at Alhambra b i} op >n q *>\ "CONGORILLA" EDMi LOWE in j Attorney iov ire Defence TO-MORROW ii HARI L J t m m MmW m kWkmm^ m mW m mmm9MWßWf^^ i GREAT WORU* rALKIE THEATRE TO-NIGHT AT 7.15
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  • 725 7 Volunteers Destroy Communications. Capture Of Ammunition And Food. Shanghai, Oct. C. The authorities cf the Tokyo Foreign Ministry declare that, regardless of the Lytton Report, the Japanese Government will carryon its positive poMcy towards Manchuria and Mongolia—Empire expansion en the continent of Asia— at all costs.
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  • 54 7 RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Singapore, Oct. 6. Standard Spot 7% 7^ Oct. 7 7116 T 9116 Nov. 7 7 Dec. 7 9116 7 11 16 Jan.-June 7% 1\ Apr.-June 1% 8 Tone of Market: Easier. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet 2V_d. per lb. Nev; York Spot Sheet 3 716
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  • 1293 7 Average Subscription Falling Off. Mercantile Co-operative Society Report. The sixth annual general meeting of the Singapore Mercantile Co-operative Thift and Loan Society, Ltd., will be held on Oct. 14 at 515 p.m. in the Co-opjrative Societies Department, Fullerton Buildings. In their report tne committee states: Your
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  • 251 7 New Stadium Opened. The shov,-going public readily responded to the announcement of various attractions at the Great World Show last week-end. Tire talkie was crowded right from the start and the tickets were sold out bsfore the show started. The ladies and children were the happy recipients
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  • 445 7 Text Of Leaders' Cable To Premier. Poona, Sept. 25. j The following is the text of the cable sent to the Premier by the Leaders' Conference:--"Pursuant to the wishes of the All India Conference, consisting of Caste Hindus und Depressed Classes held in Bombay, we have ccme
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  • 532 7 Metur Project Nearing Completion. Within another two years Metal Proj" would have completed a d.cade since the Isl P. W. D. Division was smarted in 1924 at Bhavani as a base c. preliminary operation at Metur Headwcrks. The day ot close Is not far ahead and at
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  • 308 7 B. ETLIN AND COS REPORT. I RUBBER. Oct. 6, 11 a.m. London: 2 15 32d.. down 116 d. New York: 3 7]16 cents (G.). down 116 cent. Shares: Quiet. Allenbys 45—55 cents, Ayer Moleks 35-—4O cents, Ayer Panas 35—N cents, Bassetts 20—25 cents, Brogas 20—25 cents, Bukit
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  • 313 7 Dutch Liner Aids Small Vessel In Distress. SHIPPING NEWS. The age-o d traditions and courtesy of ihe BSti were maintained :y the Dutch I ncr ''Metre; Zealand during the voyage thro, gh the* Java Sea on»Aug. 2C. A lady pas .enger no!iced a Malay prau, or
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  • 132 7 N. Z. Officials In London Involved. Reuter. Washington (N.Z.), Oct. J>. Ail ices that the misappropriation of public money Ins been discovered in the New Zealand Ki'.,h Commissioner's office in London are contained in l cable which Mr. Forbes the Pramier. announces he has received from Mr.
    Reuter.  -  132 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 433 7 I "MADGE" 07 SELEGIE ROAD. 'PHONE 4227. JUST RECEIVED j LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR HATS OF i CQ 4? SE SH/NY STR AWS LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Hcctrfc ref:igorator and some \pplv Box 642. c c M. Tribune. WER < ENTILE INSTITUTE, 16. Prinstp S r?et. and English Classes by ual s. Special coaching
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    • 100 7 I I I ■»■<■'"— l HI lII■JI 1 _1 _j_ T I■■Jl J I I I_lLl*■■M■l■ II II I II 1 I I ITT Assets exceed $12,000,00«. Assurance in force orer $35,000,0«0. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated to toe Strut* Settlement!). HEAD OFFICE: Greet Bertern Life Building,
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  • 60 8 -AN—Madam Lim Si:w Sian~ wife cf the late Tan Ihiam Hao and siter-ii-law cf Tan Ihiam Herg, a', hr res:d?nc? No. 221. Tank Road. Age 49 vers. Sn; l ayes tw: ienr. Tan Huns Chiang ana Tan Kwan? Cntng, ar.d one daught r to mourn her losr.
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  • 796 8 It is hardly too much to say that the whole future of the Rubber Research Institute of Malaya turns on to-morrow's meeting of. the Board in Kuala Lumpur. It is a meeting specially called to consider the protests made by the Planters' Association of Malaya and other
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  • 146 8 Mr. R. J. Farrer, C.M.G. former President of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners, who since his retirement a few months ago has lived In Singapore, has decided to settle down in Kelantan, the State in which he served for many years with such distinction. He will leave Singapore in the near
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  • 125 8 Sir Lancelot Elphinstone Not Returning. Reuter. London, Oct. 6. Sir Lancelot Elphinstone, Chief Justice, F.M.S., has resigned his appointment, according to a report published in the "Daily Telegraph."—Reuter. Sir Lancelot went Horn? on leave early th'.j year and since then there have been persisteni rumcurs
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • 181 8 De Valera's Smile A Good Sign? Reuter. London, Oct. 5. The Angle-Irish conference has agreed to negotiate concerning the rnnuities and other :;unis withheld by the Five State. A new phase in the Anglo-Irish controversy was begum when the conference between Mr. J. H. Thomas. Loid Hailsham,
    Reuter.  -  181 words
  • 206 8 Fears Of The Smaller States. Reuter. Paris. Oct. 5. Tne British suggestion that a Five Power Conference should be held in London has met with a distinctly cool leception. "Le Journal says it would only be acceptable ii the small Pcv.ers would consent md the Conference
    Reuter.  -  206 words
  • 39 8 Reuter. Amsterdam. Oct. 6. A draft scheme for tea restriction has been approved by a meeting of the Association Of Tr 3 Culture of the Dutch East Indies, according to the correspondent of the "Financial Times.'—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 46 8 S'aintr's "Crucifixior." is to be broadcast on Sunday frcm 11 a.m. by VSiAD (Mr. E. C. Yet s), one cf ihe two Singapore amateur radio s ations. Ine wave.'-ngth will be 42 m >r:s a.:d the b cadcaet will la t about 35 minuter
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  • 33 8 From China and Japan by the "Rangoon Maru," due at Singapore U-morrow morning. From Europe (London mails despatched on Sept. 15), by the "Ronna." due at Penang at 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 35 8 Members and friends Of the Chinese Christian Association are reminded of Mr. Cheong Koon Seng s tall: on "My Trip Round the World in Four Months" to-night at eight o'clock in the Prinsep Street Church.
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  • 456 8 (BY "LOOKBR*ON.») His Excellency's statement on the "New Policy," published to-day makes good reading, anyway. The most astonishing thing about it is the suggestion that things hawbeen moving far too fast in Malaya. ft It is H. E. himself, really, who h been breaking the speed-limit in
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  • 57 8 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. London: 2«£d. New York: 3 7j16 (G.) cents. Singapore: 7% —7% cents. TIN. London Spot: £151 ss. (Unchanged.). London 3 months: £152 12s. 6d. (Up 2s. 6d Singapore: $76.87 Va. COPRA. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Sundrlcd $5.80 Mixed $5.25 Business is being done in
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 113 8 «i». o^ ,nsoils Special Quality Windsor Swimming Costumes. A NEW SELECTION A I IN PLAIN COLOURS, Ij 1 j SMART TWO I 1 V i PIECE EFFECTS t AND STRIPES. I j IN THE LATEST j j STYLES. Robinson Co, Ltd. j SINGAPORE KUALA LUMP IR. J KOREAN CLOTH FAST
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    • 42 8 -CTraf==ir^^rrdrrdraElr^ Chippendale! PATTERN STERLING SILVER WAITERS For Presen'ation j U.S. de Silva Bros., I JEWELLERS, j 23, High Street, Singapore. I T. K. K. S RUBBER PrLLOWS $1 $1.20 each. i I i TENG SENG GUAN, EstabLshed 1905. 634. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD,
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 37 8 SINGAPORE WEATHER REPORT Yesterday's Mrx. Temperature. 00 deg. F. Last r.ight'* Mir..'Temperature, 78 deg F. Yesterday's Rainfall, nil. Sunshine. 7.0 hours. 1 p.m. Relative Humidity, 8! per cent/ 1 p.m. Wind. S.S.E. 13 m.p.h. p.m. Weather, overcast.
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  • 3171 9 HISTORY OF FEDERATION PROVES THE NECESSITY. BRITISH INFLUENCE RESTS ON GOODWILL OF RULERS. An important memorandum prepared in July by Sir Cecil iti, Governor of the Straits Settlements and High Commisioner for the Malay States, on the policy of decentralization
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  • 314 9 War Debts To Expand Trade. Reuter. Desmoines (Iowa), Oct. 5. A big effort to check the drift to the Democratic Party among debt-laden farmers in the Middle West was begun by President Hoover in a speech here, following an anti-Hoover demonstration in which thousands participated. 'Jhe
    Reuter.  -  314 words
  • 413 9 Italian View Of Lytton Report. Reuter. Naples, Oct. 6 Strcng views about that "masterpiece cf ambiguity," otherwise the Lytton Report, pre expressed in the newspaper "II" whicn says the Commission did no: go ;o the Far Last to find a soluti n to the Manchuria problem
    Reuter.  -  413 words
  • 108 9 Success Assured By Private Persons. Reuter. Paris', Oct. 5. The great success of the conversion loan is demonstrated by the publication of the final results shewing that holders of eighty-one milliards of francs of the old stock have adhered to the new scheme leaving only four and
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 21 9 Reuter. Mexico City, Oct, 5. The Papal Legate has departed to the United States by private aeroplane.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 434 9 MISSING COPRA CHARGE. Further Evidence Before District Judge. Accountant From Java In The Box. The case in which Tan Thye Joo, manager of Chtp Thy e Ltong, dealers in produce, is charged wilh cheating *nd. alherna ivcly with abetnur.;.', in respect of thre? cheques of $10,500, 115.250
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  • 224 9 Part Of Fine Returned To Appellant. The Cihef Justice, Sir William Murison. delivered judgment to-day in the appeal of Teo Woo Tin. The appellant war, convicted of a charge of keeping on his licensed premises, 287. Serangoon Read, dutiable lieuor in contravention of sections 40 (1) and 77
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  • 67 9 Dowrward Plunge In Wall Street. Reuter. New York, Oct 5. The stock market plunged down in successive flurries before settling, many leaders losing two to seven points in a turnover of three million shares. No special reason is offered for the break although there is a certain
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 12 9 It's Best to Subscribe to the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST." Then You're Sure!
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    • 141 9 HEYMAN Creamery Butter I AN EMPIRE PRODUCT Fresh creamy butter direct from Australia can be yours if you ask for HEYMAN Butter. A II British Empire Product that is famed throughout the world for it s purity and delicate flavour, j HEYMAN BUTTER will make every more enjoyable. j IN
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  • 340 10 Sports Pastimes. M.C.C. TEAM DUE AT COLOMBO. USUAL MATCH WITH ALL-CEYLON. M. K. ALBERT NOW A RESERVE. CRICKET. Arrangements are complete for the usual match which M.C.C. teams play in Colombo on their way to and from Australia. The "Orontes" will arrive early on Saturday morning, and will .stay in
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  • 247 10 LAWN TENNIS. Results and ties in the Tanglin Club tournament are as follows: GRIFF CUP: Corry and Curtis plus 2 beat Harris and Phipps plus 3 6—4, 6—2. LADIES' DOUBLES HANDICAP: Mrs. Ho mes-Smith and Tayier owe 15 brat Mrs. Battishill and Lady Murison plus 15.3 C—o. 6—4.
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  • 77 10 YACHTING. On Sunday, at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club the "A" Class yachts will sail the second of the series of three races for the Milner Challenge Cup, starting at 10 a.m. Mr. Lundon's leads, so far, with three points. "B" Class will sail the first of a
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  • 24 10 BILLIARDS. The championship final in the S.R.C. tournament, between E. H. Valberg and A. Neubrouner will be played at 8 p.m. to-day.
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  • 562 10 CLUB FIFTEEN BEATEN BY GLOSTERS. RUGBY FOOTBALL. A hard struggle on the Padang yesterday, between a Cricket Club XV and the Glosters "A" team, r suited in a win for the Tanglin men by a goal and four t:: s (17 points) to a g:,al
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  • 108 10 PROBABLE STARTERS AND JOCKEYS. THE TURF. Reuter. London. Oct. 5. The final acceptances and probable jockeys for the Cesarewitch C$S» miles) to be run en Wednesday next are as follows: Sandwich (Harry Wragg) Nitsichin (Beary) Son of Mint (Perryman) Sigiri (Elliott) Pahokee (Lane) Sandals (Dines) Blue Vision (Steve
    Reuter.  -  108 words
  • 94 10 TICKETS TO BE ISSUED AGAIN. Bombay, Oct. 5. It is understood that the Stewards of the Royal Calcutta Turf Club have decided to return to the old system of issuing tickets instead of numbers lor their Derby and 3t. Leger Sweeps. They will also issue drawing lists
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  • 1400 10 S.C.C. BEAT GLOSTERS. HOCKEY. An excellent game was played between two veil-balanced sides yesterday at the S.C.C, the Club beating the Olcsters by the only goal scored in the match. Capt. D. V. Hill and Pte. Christie umpired and tne teams lined up as follows:
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  • 98 10 SWIMMING. The medley race at the Chinese S.C. on Sunday for the Clarke Shield resulted as follow--: Teo Siew Sun. Tan Hong Seng, Tan Wee Chwee. In the inter-team water polo League, th "S<-a Serpents" drew with the "Jelly-fish" I—l. The members cf the Chinese Swimming Club
    98 words
  • 112 10 Happilads' AP. team v. the Tan Tock Seng Hospital R.C. en Saturday at the Jovials' court (Lim Twa Tow Road, off Upper Serangoon Road I, at 2.30 p.m.: Yeo Joo Lim. Lee Yang Chim. Chong Kirn Chock. Tan Huat Seng. Tar. Meng Chew. Tan Seng Chia. Lee Chwee Chit..
    112 words
  • 87 10 Henderson Road F.T. v. the Rovers BP. XI at the Jervios Athletic Party's ground (Alexandra Road) on Saturday at 5 p.m.: Chwee Seng. Hong Kee. Chua Seng. Wee Kiat. Choo Liang, Cheng Kiat. Howe Phoo, Chan Scon, Chwee Leong. Soon Tuan, Kee Lim. Reserves. Boon Seng. Soon Kiat
    87 words
  • 171 10 Several Arrests By Preventive Officers. A clever attempt to smuggle about $200 worth of non-Gcvernment chandu in tins which, were supposed to. have contained peanut oil, was detected by Revenue Officers when the 'Van Hemsz" arrived from China ports the other day. The suspicions of ihe
    171 words
  • 209 10 AT THE CINEMAS. It la a oo d thiox 10 try <o film a Michucl ArU-n story It la clsver writing vhat if- one cl his principal characteristics, and c»<vcr writing la not confined to dialogue. This difficultv has. however, bten -klltully sturmounMsd in ihi?
    209 words
  • 37 10 The ten Chinese who were arrested in connection with the rioting at the New Race Course yesterday, were charged before the Second Magistrate .Mr. A. W. Hay) this morning and remanded for further enquiries.
    37 words
  • 31 10 Members of the Teluk Ayer Epworth Leagueare •*-e reminded of their social to-mcirow at 7.30 pm Entries for the mens single.- championship and ladies p'lg-pong events will close at 9 p.m.
    31 words
  • 110 10 Alhambra.—"Week Ends Only," feeturlni Jo:n E nnett, Ben Lyon, etc. Caplto".—"Lily Christin?." featuring Corinne Griffith and Colin Clive. Empire.—"Tarzan —the Ape Man." Great World.—Side shows, pasar raalam Malay opera, Chinese wayangs, sh>n; and talk ;ng h mi (Tamil talki.: "Raja Harl.handra Marlborough—Edmund Lowe In "Attorney for th.
    110 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 1400 11 How The Problem Is Dealt With. Interesting Address To Rotary Club. An interesting address en the Frontier Provinces of India was delivered at the weekly luncheon cf the Rotary Club of Singapore at the Adelphi Hotel yesterday by Mr. C B. Packer, manager, "Straits Times." Mr.
    1,400 words
  • 297 11 Accused Acquitted On All Charges. (From Our o«m Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Oct 4 heard concerning a 5 C3Se recently fishermen IgJSTSJST* flve The judgment stated that according to the prosecution Embong assaults Ang G c Tv a and of" X* "heT 11 5 a dis P^e
    297 words
  • 279 11 Returned Bahishee Sent To Prison. (From Our Otcn Correspondent.) Seremban. Oct. 5. A Chinese named Chan Weng appeared before the Hon. Mr. Justic J. L. McPall this cnoming at th? Negri Sembilan Assizes to answer :t charge of having returned from banishment. The accused had been banished
    279 words
  • 190 11 Lioness Defends Cubs In Bitter Fights. Ueno Zoo in Japan was last wetk the scene of a fierce fight between a licne>s and a leopard, the latter being killed. The lioness is suckling two cubs, and defending them she mauled th- leopard ferociously, the animal having its thro
    190 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 452 11 mmnf J m mmmsmmm r1 r m»>n ■■■u»»»M»«j Prhe New World j i SSOVNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY I MR. ONG SAY BAH The Amateur Champion Cyclist of Singapore And His Troupe Of Amateur Cyclists WILL APPEAR At The NEW WORLD ARENA N s A TURDAY AND SUNDAY, OCT. 8 and 9, AT
      452 words
    • 117 11 I mSiS j I OF J GOODS, MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD j EFFECTS, MOTOR CARS EFFECTED Jj I AT LOW RATES I For quotations for all transit risks by Road, (I I Rail or Water I Apply to:— (J SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd. j General Agents: r Motor Union Insurance Co., Ltd.,
      117 words

  • 775 12 World Significance Of His Fast Gandhi. Poona, Sept. 22. Mr. Gandhi received the following cable from an American friend:— "American opinion, though respecting your inner conscience and your deep religious feel ings, is profoundly befuddled by the fast "Could you send a definite explanation which m.'ght
    Gandhi.  -  775 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 164 12 10 Delightful Drink j| 1bJ iger Bf 1 R Shand y IS I^-^^^^•■■■■■•••■^■■■•^■^•••Maa^rarwwaaEsaswaa» FOR PROMPT RELIEF OF H CATARRH HAY FEVER, ETC. give relief to all Catarrhal conditions of the respiratory passages. Allow one pastille to dissolve slowly Containing Menthol. tne moiJ th when required. OH of Pine. Cresote, Regesan
      164 words
    • 16 12 You Will Smile if you read "SPARKLES," by "Quiz," Every Week in the MALAYAN SATURDAY POST."
      16 words
    • 236 12 in the are in perfect smoking condition wherever and whenever you buy rushin The Craven "a" Works in London j tin i. designed to he of J where the World's real use m many 3* empty. N« cotter i,, nCSt lr Ji ln,a CRAVENX in PACKETS IIIS are sealed-Fresh in
      236 words

  • 188 13 jeweller VcQuitted Of Breach 01 Trust. Urn Correspondent.) f>rerrlxsti, Oct 3 :i,«ry to tl:r Vnlikr or ,i,. 1 rftiw up lor hearing SinM Assises. ,'J vir .htniir, J 1.. MncFall. i»m> Uor from Malacca P 111* on»:, nucl ihr allegation iirii vith several valuable .oni Iho Chinese
    188 words
  • 134 13 Hungarian Half-Wit Arrested. Reuter's Wireless Service. Geneva, Oct. L A il. rentiy a half-wit. fired which the Fourth Comr Assembly was sifting d from outside the room, the frame of the window .r.ashing the panes. The commit) c atari the >eport but for some toe identity
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  134 words
  • 229 13 Spccial Meeting Of The Board. x r -tl n i interest in the affairs of iht 112. Dt>- ..rtii institute of Malaya has teen uyi the Malay Mall." by the 1 Hunters' Association cf Malaya. ti;i Jobore Planters' Association, <J. .m mi:; iuii a *pceial meeting
    229 words
  • 136 13 Important Conference In Leicester, Reuter's Wireless Service. London, Oct. 2. o! p tv »c earnestly taking stock rent !prOSpscts at the reuse, which opened at Leiceste; obh; t conference since their virtual v 'hur neral elecLlon °< :ast y par addr- hZ Htnder:oa the leader, in an x
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  136 words
  • 134 13 Mrs. Pawley And Corkran Still Held. Reuter's Wireless Service. Mukden. Oct. 4, A lnrge scale anti-bandit drive along th<Nonni ft;ver has resulted m tb* *lnn«hier of l.tiKJ bandits by Japmnrct* bombing plot.p. which art* yursulng the remiiniu ol ihe force which has fied to the flooded
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  134 words
  • 103 13 Car Crashes Down Embankment. Reuter's Wireless Service. London, Oct. 1. Two young naval officers attached to tho Royal Air Force base at Leuchars. Lieut. R. U. L. Dickson and Sub-Lieut. V. W. Dobson, were killed to-day in a motor accident near Cupar. While motoring from St.
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  103 words
  • 73 13 Italian Liner 'Leaves For New York. Reuter's Wireless Service. Gibraltar. Oc!. 1. "Jimmy" Walker, the tx-Mayor of Now York, urrd of waiting for th<? fiiuali of the tepo:rs to the Italian g.ant Usi r ''Rix," hrs ieft lor Madrid en n>u.i* to Paris It is still
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  73 words
  • 89 13 Irish Delegate's Protest. Reuter's Wireless Service. Geneva, Oct 1. A strong protest on relisucu> %!Cumu. igainit the reference to contraception in llv report cf the League health organisations wu> made to-day by the Irish Free Stat? deleft? at the meeting of the second com. U tee
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  89 words
  • 61 13 Reuter. London, Oct. 4. The Wsges Committee cf the Federation of Master Coftonspinners has tailed to reach an agreement with the operatives and has re olved in favour of all mem:ers posting notics of wages by 15 1 i per cent, ir~m Oct. 10. a s mi
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 203 13 Embezzlement Alleged Against Principals. Reuter's Wireless Service. ChlcnstP. Oct. 4. That Immediate steps will br taken for the extradition of Samuel Ituniii nam France an hU brother Martin from Cunad.t was announced by the State Attorn-y, after me Oruad Jury had Indicted them on chaiges of embezzlement
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  203 words
  • 123 13 Committees Praise Of The Commander. Reuter's Wireless Service. Marseilles, Oct. 3. The fire aboard the "Georges Phillipar" in the Red Sea last May. which led to the loss cf the vessel and of nearly ICO lives, has teen found due t3 a defect in the electrical circuit,
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  123 words
  • 453 13 SINGAPORE, OCT. 1. MEAT. Beef, steak (round), kati 33 Beef, stew or curry, kati 2 jj Pork, lean, kati 4 Pork, lean and fat (st quality), kati 36 Mutton Australian, lb. 35 Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared), kati Ducks, each Pigeons, domestic unfledged, pair 90 Pigeons, fledged,
    453 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 183 13 j THE J "MALAYAN SATURDAY POST is new owned by the "Malaya j Tribune" Press, Ltd., and published t from the -Malaya Tribune" offices j at 56-60, Anson Road, Singapore. j It is being greatly improved by the introduction of many New Features, while the best of the old j
      183 words
    • 31 13 There is (MM pleasurable %ty(4lil anticipation M AMm in waiting for a PLAYER'S JAQiEILOR Fine st Virginia CORK TIPPED JOHN PLAYER&SONS, ENGLAND. j Milk at its Best I 1 (a ii
      31 words

  • 418 14 ENGLISH CHAMPIONSHIP PROSPECTS. BILLIARDS. London. Sept. 20 (by Air Mail). Walter Lindrum, the famous Australi n will begin ano'hrr invasion of Erplar.d on Oct 3 with a match against Joe Davis chsmpicn. Lindrums plans for the trio are not vet
    418 words
  • 233 14 OLYMPIC CHAMPIONS TO TURN PRO. SWIMMING. Nev; York. Sept. 20 (by Ah Moil). Helen Madison, the greatest woman swimmer of all time, who won the Olympic 100 metres and 409 metres Olympic titles at Los Angel s and who holds the World's sixteen free style records, is,
    233 words
  • 222 14 DIRT TRACK RACING. London. Sept. 20 (by Air Mail). Closely following England's cricketers to Australia will be two parties of speedway riders who art to visit the Commonwealth at the ?nd of the English season. One party will be under the guidance of Mr.
    222 words
  • 778 14 SOMERVILLE TURNS UP TRUMPS. GOLF. London, Sept. 20 (by Air Mail). Amaiican golf supremacy received a severe back in th 3 American Open Amateu: champlonsbip h;!d c ver the Five Fa: ms cours. a, ihe Baltimore Country Club. For the first t:m: for 21 yean they
    778 words
  • 105 14 GOLFER'S CURIOUS SHOT. London. Sept. 20 (by Air Mail). Mr. G. Scott, a member of the Surbiton Goif Club, had an unusual experience while Pterins over the links. At the eleventh hole he played a brassie second shot and the ball killed twr sparrows in
    105 words
  • 80 14 CUSTOMS DUTIES ON TENNIS CUPS. •ti LAWN TENNIS. Winntoc American tour.:am:nts is a costly business. When Mrs. J. c. PJttman who recently tour.d the United States wilh another English girl. Miss Joan Ridley, arrlvad at *>ly mcuth frcm New York she found that the 'had to
    80 words
  • 328 14 TOEING LINE WITH ENGLAND. CRICKET. London, Sept. 20 (by Air Mail). Australian cricket enthusiasts will be able to reserve their scats im the public stand for the English touring learns matches, if the proposal of a certain newspaper is carried cut by the trustees of the
    328 words
  • 249 14 CONTRACT ON PAR WITH BRADMAN'S. London. Sept. 20 (by Air Mail). Denys Moikel, the Souh African all-round-er, who Wei vice-captatn of the South African crickrt tram in Au'tralia last year, has lecei'--ed another very tmpting offer from a League Ciub. The offer, which is for
    249 words
  • 385 14 PLADNER BEATEN IN TWO MINUTES. BOXING. London, Sept. 20 (by Air Mail). Jackie Brown, of Manchester, the British flyweight chempion, who has been waiting for ome time lor a world title fight with the Frenchman, Young Peres, retained his British title when he beat the Scottish champion,
    385 words
  • 110 14 Earthquake Creat.h Four. Mile Crovnss*. Reuter's Wireless Service. Ail n» o,! tiic arm n.-L «a&n u& t» D <-■ < tld In. tlio Gr**fc eo: u*J pni'til nmitl tf'iMi,, r Tht' Admiral*: (Sly un, j.n ui'.wlcr-ln-cfc.:-:» final g« t fcUfiQl <U SO.t'UO """J U- Vi'ilT If
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  110 words
  • 47 14 Sin Chew Jit Poh. Hongkong. Oct. 4 The Ccmmander-in-Chief of the enforces. General Chan Chai Tong. I JJ .he convention of an Important milj ference in Canton on Saturday. All th West military leaders are invite.; to 1 ""V. —Sin Chew Jit Poh.
    Sin Chew Jit Poh.  -  47 words
  • 32 14 Bakersfiled (California!. Oct. 2 Tweniy-seven bodies, mostly of passeM have been recovered from the trail! hJchr* wrecked ty the huge wail cf rairr **r*n_ a eJoud-bnrst.— Uc titer's wi:. vice.
    32 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 614 14 Ruminia Pickles. We beg to inform our Customers that we have now received our fresh stock of Rumanis Pickles. So please come and buy straightaway before you are late again.' Tepung Hunkwe. (GREEN PEAS FLOUR). Most delicious and tasty fcr making cakes and confectioneries. Highly flavoured of Vanille. A trial
      614 words
    • 9 14 THE PEOPLE'S PAPERS "Malaya Tribune"— Daily. "Malayan Saturday Post"—Weekly.
      9 words
    • 329 14 "MALAYA TRIBUNE." 20 Pages For 5 Cents Every Saturday. WEEK-END SUPPLEMENT FOR THE HOME. Truly wonderful success has attended the innovation of giving oar readers their Saturday 'Tribune" at noon. Now we are making; it a real Week-end Journal for the Home! The Saturday 'Tribune" has been enlarged to 20
      329 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 436 15 rEA MER SAILINGS. P. 0. CKIIISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. incorporated In England). «4ii PASSENGER A CARGO lH AN D ORIENTAL STEAM 'Ligation co london and Jar EAST MAIL SERVICE. aruTJr contract with Hi* Majesty. Government). fniTWAPD FROM LONDON. »or CMna and Japan. Due Tonnage Singapore 1932. 15,000 Oct. 14
      436 words
    • 606 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. Iggff LINE ( TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles. London, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Middlcsborough. Vessels'. Tonnage Due, Sail 8 FUSHIMI MARD 11,000 Oct, 20 21 HAKOZAKI MARU 10.500 Nov. 2 3 TERUKUNI MARU 12,000 Nov. 15 16 HAKUSAN MARU 10.500 Nov. 30 Dec. 1 HARUNA MARU 10,400 Dec. 14 15 KATORI
      606 words
    • 510 15 STEAMER SAll^gg^ rC NORDDEUTSCHER ■papal LLOYD, (incorporated in Germany). The undernoted are the Company*! Intended fixtures: OUTWARDS, "PULDA" for Manila, H'kong, S'hai, Kobe, Taku, Dalny and T ingtao "LAHN" fcr Iloilo, Cebu, Manila, H'kong, S'hai. Japan, Taku, Dalny and Tsingtao HOMEWARDS. "SAARBRUCKEN" for Genoa, Barcelona. Lisbon. Amsterdam. Rotterdam, Hamburg Br.
      510 words
      524 words
    • 316 15 BANKS. YEARLY j Your name should jm j Bank Book. In it will be recorded the small savings you are able tc: j bank from time to time. Soon j it will show you a handsome account, assisted by 3 per cent. I interest paid quarterly. J i B w
      316 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 304 16 I" MALAYAN SATURDAY POST"j I THE BIG I 20 CENTS-WORTH. J I FIRST OF THE WEEKLIES. J) THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET—I6S, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET—Prom Ist July, 1932. Noa. 27 and 28, Mosque Street. Apply to Messrs. Rodyk and
      304 words
    • 550 16 I SPECIAL BARGAIN! SPECIAL BARGAIN! I 1. Swiss Wrist Watches In 14 kt. Gold, 15 Jewelled lever movement prices from $7 and upwards. I 2. Swiss Wrist Watches In Rolled Gold, prices from $3.50 and upwards. 3. Swiss Wrist Watches In sterling silver, 15 Jewelled levtr movement, prices from $5.50
      550 words
    • 391 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. SHERIFF'S SALE. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. 669 of 1932. Between Ravena Mana Navena Navena Moona Nachiyappa Chettiar Plaintiff Versus 1. Lim Keok, 2. Lim Teck Watt, 3. Chop Lim Swee Huat, Defendants. AUCTION SALE OF All the right title
      391 words
    • 332 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. Established 1828. (A Government Registered School). (For Bpys and Girls) B —Short Street, Singapore. Offers thorough training In Music—both PRACTICAL A THEORETICAL Courses leading to CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA, A etc. Booklet upon request, M. ANCIANO, Principal. ASTHMA. HIMASAR relieves ASTHMA lnstaneously, 75 cts. HIMALAYAN PHARMACY, 135,
      332 words
    • 181 16 I Have In Stock Swiss Made Jumping Figure Wrist Watches Of The Latest And Various Designs For Ladies Gents. They Are Both Attractive And Cheap. RELIABLE, DURABLE AND PUNCTUAL. 7 Prices Moderate. Call Inspect. (< KWONG WAH LOONG, Junction of Upper Cross Street, And 182, South Bridge Road, SINGAPORE. SPORTSMEN
      181 words
    • 482 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE—Eight k>. c. linotype Motors, each y 2 H.P all in good working order. For further particulars write to the Manager Malaya Tribune, 56.6t. Anson Road. MALAYA TRIBUNE 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION BATfccs PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. I Delivery Including at office Postage Posta*. or close (Local or to
      482 words