Malaya Tribune, 17 August 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol XIX- No. 103 f_ SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Wednesday, Aug. 17, 1932. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1932
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 307 1 U£4/? SHOES FOR ECONOMY. ROE RANGE OF COMFORTABLE VISIT OUR (U ,,,1 .nUMM^-SINGAPORE. lilt fjlliiii "Chop Hijau" t<Mg^ r ill Yo„ i, e sstsfaj %Sm i#l AliSfJ i CARLSBERG PILSENER i| "CHOP HIJAU" Obtainable at Hotels, Club* aiV rm. Rest Houses throughout the Bj j! J! The ideai drink for
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    • 115 1 A. FLINTER. 6, Raffles Place. BUYS Gold coins and gold ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. :iiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiifiii)!iiiiiiiiniiiiii)iinwnMiiininiiiiuiifti% iQUINNESS IS THE BEST! BUT m BE SURE IT'S "DOG'S HEAD" GUINNESS STOUT j I 1 I ra i i i i i i i
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  • 97 2 Letters To The Editor. [Our readers are invited to write to us on mbjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not tipcessarily endorse opinions expressed by corresvondcnts. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double ipacing), and on one
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  • 851 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.", Sir—With reference to the present controversy in your esteemed journal on the at ore subject, I wonder when it will come to an end. There have been very Lny letters from Malays, and I take it that these "sons of the ooil"
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 307 2 jlj^^jHRHIH Ml xW\ mm i'A mm *iH l*J 1 <rfl IF9 k. |$f J ~*Rll*p *ll Ambassador of Commerce A WORLD WIDE ORGANIZATION. Established 1887. In addition to its Offices In Canada, Great Britain and Ireland, and the United States of America, The Manufacturers Life has Agencies established in Newfoundland,
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    • 16 2 DON'T TRIFLE WITH BABY'S HEALTH Give him LACTOGEN and sco how much hell improve on It.
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    • 265 2 are in perfect smoking condition wherever and whenever uou buu i n,lc *Ipp; t If -M&'&i /►'hen you pull this rubber Tab the air rushing into the '*>• Works in London The Craven "A" "50- >W >A I L wr 1J« tin U designed he of -W WllCfC the World
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  • 227 3 Boom During Degression. Bristol is bcomin?. In adcHUon to a record yi ar at th? Docks, tv.o industries have been launched at Avor.mouth BrLtol. In their annual report, the Docks Committee states that the trade of the Pe-t has been fully maintained and even improved in certain directions.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 426 3 ~~^r~ IT'S FUN-BUT IT'S TIRING j Jem imming—football—all wonderful exercise j after off rovid 1 you are fit. If you are unlit, either j tlly, all sports lose their savour. Your tie jy Bags and your spirit droops. i E 5] rt has its J >ni every one of j
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    • 86 3 Spread it on —and Shave f Throw away the brush, forget about lathering and rubbing-in, just spread on Barhasol and shave away. Your razor will slide smoothly over your face, cutting crisply at the base the hairs which stand up in this modern scientific shaving cream. Your face will tell
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    • 333 3 I Something new ,^rrj=jr==Jr^r^ir^r-^r^ claret I ĔĔSk CUP >t'|raser Neave, Ltd. PEARS'stands alone! Pears' Soap is specially made to keep /7 your >kin smooth and cool and free from 4. blemishes, even during the hottest weather* f *v Thii is due to the unique refining A processes which remove all
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 289 3 SINGAPCRE VOLUNTEERS. Programme of Drills. TO-DAY. AUG. 17. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, S.R.A. (V), Battery Parade. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "D" (Eurasian) Coy., 30 Yards Range Table "A."' 5.15 p.m.—-Headquarters, 2nd Bn. Sig. Section. Section Parade. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, M.G. Platoon (Eur.t. Complete revision Elementary Gun Drill. TO-MORROW. AUG. 13. 5.13 p.m.—Headquarters. "E"' 1 Coy..
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  • 717 4 AUNTIE LIZZIE'S LETTER. Contributed By 'MALAYA TRIBUNE" READERS. Comments On The Mail. My dtar N.ccis, I have quite a lot of things to say to you v.. Our concert prac:iees are* getting and everything points to success, ial I tan t Id that girls who are not Corbave
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  • 147 4 (By "Sunny.Girl.") Hullo, cousins. I hope you wen t think that Im pushing myself forward. Er—what am I going to taik about? Oh, yes, it's about dear kind Auntie Lizzie who is kfnd enough to nceive our articles. If only there is a photo of Auntie Ltozie
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  • 210 4 (By •'lndian Pearl") Oh! The Oily Man! What a nam-., It feat maker me :hiver though I deu;t his url existence. He has become -the ,alk of r:ngapore, especially among the schocl gir'.i yhenever a girl has some |new news of this devil crowds gather rov-nd
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  • 271 4 (By "Moonlight."/ As I am a frequent reader of the "Git Is' Cormr." I cannot resist the temptation of not being one of its members. The lovely articles which appear in the popular People's Paper every Wednesday have become so interesting and so impressive,
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  • 438 4 (By "Ruth.") You wi'.l forgive me, won't you. dear cousins, for my ur.ccnscious delay In writing to you? I can't imagine weeks have passed by. s nee I wrot? last. Thank ycu. dear "Jean." "Schoolgirl Rosalind" and "Cordelia" for y.ui ilnd words cf sympathy and enceu:agem?nt to
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  • 215 4 (By "K. P. Cheong.") Sister and friends, as I am a new Corneriie and this is my first article I hope ycu will excuse me if you find any mistakes in my article. What I am writing is about things which happened in Singapore this year and last
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  • 157 4 (By "Dawn.") Iri these days of acute depression, when life s ems eternally tainted with misery, it is hardly possible to find every person around xis with a bright, cheerful face, gleaming wiih happiness. But why should we feel discouraged with life's change cf tide? Just because Mr.
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  • 58 4 New Members. The following have ;been admitted and enrolled as members of the "Girls' Circle": "Empress," "Mitzi." "LaviAia." "Emerald." "Blue-cell." "Hazel Eyes." "Peter Pan." "Baby Bunting." "Powder Puff." "Dimsie." "Winkles." "Yseult." "Forget-Me-Not. "Maria." "Christine." "Mischief." "Norma." "Jeaneite." Mascot. "D and L." "Grac Darling." "Moonlight." "Barney.- "Carmalita." "Poisettia."
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  • 264 4 (By "G. O. C. 8.") On Friday last, some of my friends and i desired to have our photos taken. We called the camera-man, and having arranged ourselves we waited patiently. Whether he wanted to show us that he could take a picture or whether we
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  • 198 4 'By April." J By the way, before I start I must say that I am a new member and this is my first contribution to the -Girls' Corner". Wasn't I proud ias: Wednesday when I saw my name the now members. Proud of the honour cf being
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  • 170 4 (By •'Nemesis.") Well, Sporty," here's my description of you. Pleas: don't be off aided at ar.y queer r.mart —or. th? other hand don't g?t fat-head d or flsc 111 not be able to recognise you the next ime I meet you. Ha! Ha! To b.gin with,
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  • 151 4 (By "Luna.") Hello, girls, I'm not a new memb.r, but this is my first article. I have wanted to write before but one misfortune after another has befallen me. I did not know I was a member, till I received my badge. You can imagine my surprise then! I
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  • 95 4 (By ••Shorty."j Well, here I am, another member of the "Girls' Circle." I think this little family has b:en growing rapidly of late. Now I must congratulate "Gwennie" for her interesting and regular articles. "Annette" does not always int?rest me. "Tomboy" as well as a few others
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  • 608 4 (By "Qwennle") My dears, here I am again, all bombast as usual! I hope that the people who term my magnificent essays "sheer rubbish" (and they are legion! But are they! Don't believe ie myself!) will not read further, cause I'm going to be wors? than usual. "Molly" (the
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  • 175 4 (By "Country Maiden.") Dear girls, I hope you all are just as excited as "Molly" and I are. Everybody, I mean all the Cornerites in my class, talk of nothing else but the concert. "Gwennie's" article last Wednesday was so comical that "Molly" and I were still
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  • 161 4 (By "Molly.") It was very kind of the Editor of our "Corner" to have published my letter last ucek, whilst having to hold out the contributions of many others. Perhaps it was because it was short, and conven emtly filled up the space available. Whh 149 Coinerite*.
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  • 140 4 (By "Dixiana.") Hello, sisters, I am a new member and I don't suppose you could guess who I am. I invite you to try. All the girls in my class are mad about the "Cormr," especially "Molly," who adores "Gaennic," although she hasn't spoken to her yet.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 278 4 H SHIRT HEADQUARTERS DON'T HOPE 1 TILL YOU*KE BLUE IN THE FACE J^tv\ JL _VN ordinary shirt shrinks and shrinks in laundering. Don't just hope it won't happen. The remedy is Arrow Shirts. i Every one of our smart spring Arrow Shirts is subjected to a new Arrow process known
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 160 5 jjh Malayan Premiere of Paramount's m Miracle Film! d d n 1 J TO-BAY «,t; 3.15 TO-NIGHT 6.15 «8s 9.15 Undoubtedly The Most Glorious Screen Thrill You Will Have in 1932 2 j The Story That Made LON CHAN FA' famous! O I o 1 A Great Cast p Hobart
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 920 6 JSL iii -a. s e m ents < "THE MIRACLE MAN" TALKS AND THE j WORLD LISTENS Commencing j TO-DAY 3.15-6.15-9.15 j Tin ICMt Vital Story of .he Screen! —Paramount:: Miracle Film of 1932 that will ergiave a new -Talk::'' Exp rience on your Mtmory— J I I I I
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  • 318 7 a ETLIN AND CO S REPORT. Aug. 17. 11 a.m. RUBBER. London: 2'jd.. up 1 lGd. Hew York: 3.L cents <G.>. down l 16 cent. Shares: Steady. ADenbys 30—40 cents, Ayer Moleks 20—30 cents, Ayer Panas 25—30 cents. Easxtts 20—30 centa, Brcgas 20—25 cents, j Bukit Jclotonys
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  • 33 7 The rate of issue of Money Order for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Order from India and Ceylon is Rs. 156 for $100.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 317 7 I i ATTEST ADVERTISEMENTS, MaUh mm* Ike .ft*. ipoRK AWN TENNIS ASSOCIATION. Ni iiimura passinc j v.ay to Japan, the Turn nawrnt Tokyc. ground nt 4.30 p.m.. U2, thi game is as Murakami and Xishimura j-, and Roy Smith. Mi rakami and Xishimura rhconjr ii ii*.! Choon Leon}?. Murakami :ti'<l
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    • 279 7 I Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j (Incorporated In the Straits Settlement*). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry, E.G. The Company haa £20,000 deposited with the 8upreme Court of England and compiles
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 74 7 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MORP.OW. AUG. 18. Penang. Province Wellesley. North-West Perak. Kedah, Siam. North. NorthEar: and North-West Sumatra (Kedah) 10 a.m. C'.ina. Hainam, Japan. Korea. Formosa East Siberia. Western Canada and W. States of U.S.A. (Tftkada) noon Southern India (Ronna) 3 p.m. Siam. Burma. India. Iraq. Palestine. Egypt, East and South
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  • 733 8 Tho Service Company, for unemployed Europeans, is likely to be disbanded. Its ranks have been depleted by various causes, and for the few left the organisation certainly -cems hardly worth while. The remaining members, it is said, are to be repatriated—that is, sent Home— befcre the winter, which
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  • 342 8 Mr. Daniel E. Sundram will be speaker fj evangelistic prayer service at the Methodist Missicn Chapel. Paya L-bar tomorrow at 5 p.m. Members of the Telok Ayer Epworth League are requested to note that Mr Lim spoak on Su "dcy at 733 p.m m "A Trip to America." for the
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  • 247 8 Wild Life Commission's Report The report of the Malayan Wild Life Commission is now made available to the public. It is issued in two volumes, priced at $4 each, j The firs v takes the form of a general survey Of the subject. It mainly consists
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  • 88 8 Special Meeting Of S.S. (S.) A. Committee. A special meeting of the corr.mittee of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association will be held in the Singapore Exchange Room at 5 p.m. on Tuesday next. The only item on the agenda will be: "To consider the report of the- Municipal
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  • 49 8 Russell Boardman Badly Hurt. Reuter. New Yo. k, Aug. 19. 'Th-: airman. Russell Boa cLran. ho d r <t tht distance wa; seriously d in a crash. He gained ihe r:c rd m 1931, flying with Poiando fr.m Lonj I 1 .nd to Istanbul.—Reuter. y
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 50 8 Reuter. Berlin, Aug. 16. A huge decline !n Germany's trade in th? past year is revealed Is official figures, which arc: Export', for J;::y 4/2 million marks ai cl imports 366 million marks, compared with 827 million and 562 mfilion respectively in July last year.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 245 8 Monday. Axxg. 8 The Hon. Mr. P. ShnpECn .n rived to stay at Government House. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Legislative Council held at the Council Chambar, Government Offices, in the morning. His Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held a: Government
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  • 20 8 Prom Europe (London mails despatched on July 28), by the "Ranchi," due at Penang at 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 30 8 His Excellency the Govenor will attend the Children's Concert to-mcrrow. The audience are requested to be in their seats by 5.5 p.m The concert will ccmmence at 5. U p.m.
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  • 32 8 OUR READERS' VIEWS, on page 2 GIRLS' CORNER, on page 4 TOPICS OP TO-DAY, on page 8 I CLUB DIARY, on page 11. DIARY OP EVENTS, on page 11 I
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  • 492 8 (BY "LOOKER ON.-, J Sundry energetic vountr to run ten miles in sSf Sept 18. It wouldVS£f* to take a bus. much Hitler won't sell the Ma 7; for a mess of pottage* Tt c that it can make its own 1 buying one. mn mess wiih
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  • 51 8 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. N London: 2 d |I New Y'irk: 3 ccnl* IB Singnjjore —7 r rr« ,s |B TIN. M L"iiduti diwt, Cl« 75 /J B Lcnduu 3 p IB Sing upon? ITJJi'.. IE COPBA4 m MrMOk B*rlo» WJtl >i.- [II Suadri<*t IB The nimk''i tt ~f1
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 471 8 YARDLEY LAVENDER So long cherished by all dainty womanhood that it has become a very part of modern social life. Charming at all times, and for the informal occasion, when heavier and more exotic perfumes are out of place, there is no other fragrance which so perfectly fits the mood
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    • 46 8 i A Happy Thought FOR THE CHRISTENING j| PRESENT. j CHILDREN'S CUPS IN SOLID SILVER. U.S. de Silva Bros JEWELLERS, !j 23, High Street, Singapore. HWM T. K. K.'S SLIPPERS From 20 to 55 cts. per pair. TENG SENG GUAN, 634, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, Established 1905.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 39 8 SINGAPORE WEATHER REPORT. Yesterday s Max. Temperature, 80 deg. P. Last night's Mm. Temperature, 74 deg. F. Ycster-day's Rainfall. 0.33 ins. Sunshine, 2.7 hours. 1 p.m. Relative Humidity, 95 pei cent 1 pm. Wind, calm. 1 p.m. Weathr, thunders'.olm.
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  • 362 9 IMPORTANT OFFICIAL STATEMENT ON INDIA. system of separate electorates MAINTAINED. K M I'TK MAJORITY FOR HINDUS IN SEVERAL PROVINCES. M"-i I I'UKI'ONDERANCE IN BENGAL. PUNJAB AND NORTH-WEST. Special Representation For Women. London, Aug. 16. Kr hU Government to-day gave its unanimous decision on mi it .w
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  • 1022 9 Rugby, Aug 16. oment's provisional scheme for the aent oi the Indian communal problem is bet with a statement on it Prime Minister, Mr. Mac Donald. It is mailed :n these documents that the task of EMaj a derision on thL issue was undertaken
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  • 88 9 Killed By Woman In Self Defence? Reuter. Fa: is, Aug. 16. A man. apparently a Bourbon P;ince, was found with his throat cut in his hotel bedroom. His identity card was found to be I Ascribed "Prince Edgard Bourbon, born 1870. Rothenstein, son of Alice
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 107 9 America Delighted. Reuter. Englewood, New Jersey, Aug. 16. America is delighted at the news that Mrs. Lindbergh gays birth to a son this morning at the home of her mother, Mrs. Morrow. New York, Aug 16. The birth of the Lindbergh baby, which occurred at 6.30
    Reuter.  -  107 words
  • 94 9 Store At Butterworth. NujtotJnttcns are lrt progress, aays Lhu 'Strait» I Echo," for the purcha&c of a site in Butterworth for th* s'orage o! Pau-Paoiftc oil. which win soon make its in Malaya. The Pmang paper p'.eo states that a godown tins already been con.
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  • 99 9 Storekeeper Committed Tj Assizes. Ong E- Thiam. formerly cmplcyed by Messrs Sime. Darby one Co.. Ud.. as storekeeper at their gcdown at 3. Malacca Street, was comn *ted t) th? A-sfces by th" Second Megis.rats (Mi. A. W. Hay) this morning, on a charge ot criminal
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  • 68 9 Brother And Sister Badly Injured. A Chinese girl o' about 10 years of age md her >ounger brother were injured in an accident that occurred in a garage in Shrr: Street last night. It apocirs that they were playing in tho garage wh-n a
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  • 46 9 Two Chinese were admit ed into hospital yesterday as a result of an affray in Cashin Street. When the ambulance arrived on the scene, the victims were bleeding profusely from stab wounds in the neck and thigh. The Po'ice detained one man.
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  • 866 9 girl leads attack ON CHINCHOW. I Nanking Sends Arms To Volunteers. China has produced a Joan of Are L I Wh is Voluntas in Manchuria who are attacking Chinchow. Her troops were first to reach fat* a„ d attack Japane3e tTf 0 Arms and ammunitions are
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 355 9 I SANATORIUM KABAN DJAHE (EAST COAST OF SUMATRA) 3,600 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL. 2 HOURS FROM MEDAN Climatic, dietetic and surgical treatment of lung disease. CHARGES: 1. Class: F 250.—monthly (including lodging, food, medicines, j general treatment.) N IL Class: F. 150.—monthly (including lodging, food, medicines general treatment.) JJ 11.
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  • 601 10 Sports Pastimes. ASSN. FOOTBALL. S.R.C. ELIMINATED. SINGAPORE CUP COMPETITION. CATTLEMEN QUALIFY TO MEET CHAMPIONS. The Straits Cattle Co's team, the 1532 Commercial Cup champion. l Qualified .o meet the Malaya I in the second round of the 3.A.V. Challenge Cup competition when they met and defeated the S.R.C. 3—o in
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  • 526 10 YESTERDAY'S THIRD DIVISION GAMES. I.EADKBS HELD TO A DRAW." Recovering well in the second half the Medical College Union managed to draw I—l with the Marine Dept.. the likely champions on tht Harbour Board ground in the Third "raon of the S.A.F.A. League yesterday Mr. Nesbit refereed
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  • 231 10 The Medical Services gained a 4 —2 victory ever the V.M.C.A. in the Third Division cf the S.A.F.A. League yesterday on the Geylang gicund. The winners did most of the attacking and the score is a fair indication of the play. Mr. R. L. Hastie refereed
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  • 166 10 Positiuas to dale in the /Third Division ci thf S.A.F A. L<*ague r*re as follows: Goals. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Marine* 15 13 1 1 33 9 27 MP.H. 13 11 1 1 52 12 23 »> Hong 14 7 2 5 25 10
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  • 101 10 On the S.C.C. ground yesterda" the S.C.C. II were beaten 3—o by the Bramtoco in a friendly game, th? visitors proving too last and clever. The Club had as much of the play but were unskilful in attack and hesitated in front of goal. Brown
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  • 68 10 Per this afternoon's League match on the Padang between the S.C.C. and the Glosters part of the S.C.C. side will be reserved fcr members of the general public, with seating accommodation, at an admission charge of 30 cents. Members cf H.M. Forces in uniform half price.
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  • 35 10 Reuter. London, Aug. 16. In the First Division of the Scottish League to-day, Celtic beat Third Lanark 4—2 at Celtic Park.—Reuter. Many other sports items will he found on pages 13 and 14.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 359 10 COUNTY MATCHES. i LEADERS' POSITIONS UNCHANGED. LANCASHIRE TROUNCE MIDDLESEX. CRICKET. The ei?ht County championship matches played ever the week-end produced six decisive results. Four matches were won by a margin of over an innings, and the other two by ten and nin" wickets respectively. The positions of the leading teams
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  • 178 10 Couijsy tab!* 1 up to cht j -OJlobts", Ist In. Points a'.arded la 5 2 4 P. W. L. W. L. D. Pts Yorkshire (l) 24 15 2 3 l 3 255 SIISStX <4> 23 13 0 3 2 5 236 Notts (5> 24 12 3 G 2
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  • 111 10 FOLLOW ON AND DECLARE. Reuter. London, Aur. 16. Phe mutch btrivioen surr?y and the Alt-India XI m th<* Ovu] was left drawn. Surrey batted fix t and acorad 367 for nine wickets and cV-lued. The Indiana scoring "04, followed on rmJ deelißd ai 32a lur
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 93 10 ATHLETICS. There are only two civilian entries from Singapore for the Malayan A.A.A. championships at Kuala Lumpur on Friday and Saturday —;V. Ganapathy and E. H. Tred?old. The Singapcre Police, also, have, only entered two—Assar Singh and Ghunanio Singh. The Military entry, on the oeher hand, is a
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  • 79 10 RIFLE-SHOOTING. The Chinese Volunteer Rifle Club spoon shoot will be held on Saturday at 2.30 p m. at Farrer Range. Buses will leave the Club at 2. pm. Members can take pa-t in this shoot and future shoots on payment of the membership subscription of $1. Ex-members
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  • 109 10 KWANTO CHAMPIONS IN SINGAPORE. LAWN TENNIS. Murakami and Nishimura, champions of the 1932 Ail Kwanto tournament are passing through Singapore on their v,ay back to Japan and will play exhibition games here on Friday and Monday as follows: On Friday, at S.R.C: Murakami and Nishimura v.
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  • 324 10 RESULTS AND TIES. Results in the SCC. Autumn tournament yesterday were: -B" Class Singles Handicap: A. C. C. Perdrfail owe 15 v. W. A. Wilson scr. (unfinished set all); Lt. M. T. L. Wilkins,>:i owe 15 beat J. M. Brown owe 15. I—6. B—6,8 —6, 6—2: V.
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  • 175 10 S.C.C. PLAYERS MEET. HOCKEY. Mi R A A&btsorih presided at fltc S.C.C hocfccy meeting oht-n it was sufS»s »<l that Iho aivii'i u:ikil.i tX' lriigliU!|)t'(i. The rhuiiman pronu>id to rr.u? the mutter at th nc.vt anviau: or (he H ciu> Association o( Singupjr? unit «0 refer
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  • 62 10 SWIMMING. The results of the 400 yards (12 lengths) free style handicap races, a: the Chinese Swimming Club on Sunday, were: "A" Division: J. E. Tan (at 35), Lim Chin Hin (at 55). Chia Kirn Bee (at 120) scr. "B" Division: Khco Hock Tien (at 45), Ong
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  • 82 10 Losses Partly Made Up At The Close. Reuter. New York, Aug. 16. An excited flurry and short covering gave the list a boost from one to seven points early to-day. Later, however, there was bullishness, tempered by d sappcintment caused by a fall in wheat, and
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 53 10 Reuter. London, Aug." 16. There is a further development in the Lancashire cotton wage crisis. The Spinners' Federation has decided to give a month's notice of the reduction of the wages of spinners by approximately 2s. 9d. in the pound.—Reuter. [Half a million workers are
    Reuter.  -  53 words
  • 114 10 Government Heading For Chaos. Reuter. Berlin, Aug. 16. "My followers would never understand me if I accepted President Hindenburg's compromise" declared Hitler in his first public utterance since he rejected the Vice-Chancellor-ship of the Reich and the Premiership of Prussia. Hitler said that he was convinced
    Reuter.  -  114 words
  • 651 10 Charming Production At The V.M.C.A. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." This would appear to have been the motto of The Mummers, the amateur players whs presented 'Prunella, or Love in a Dutch Garden" at the V.M.C.A. Hall on Saturday evening. The play, by Lawrence Housman and
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  • 152 10 Mr. Justice Whitley granted a petition for the winding up of the Europe Hotel, Ltd.. on Monday in the Supreme Court. Mr. D. K. Walters appeared in support while Mr. C. H. Smith appeared for certain creditors. Mr. E. N. Taylor, Assistant Official Assignee,
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  • 57 10 A policaman on beat duty on Bukit Timah Road came upon the prostrate fcrm of a Chinese near the 10% mile last night. The man was unconscious and was bleeding profusely from a nasty head injury. He is said to have been knocked down by a
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  • 255 10 Bonm Of m.Mo F w Manager "Y< Ul* EO:l) d i?i 112 IV I|>, (l raulaleu funds j ;uiisidt mbly hi ox- t t o\ ;j, R fcuiv inK OXI U« Ixttlni-. n.r\ thr sum cf *4t> pif .1.,,, i* holders and thu c?j>ital 112 m,
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  • 96 10 Alleged Fraud On Woman. AKrgrd lo !..v/l ii. May Sd.oOiK.;i in iiA«»d h.m 4i«i i,) j Cili her t*lkw !fi-i lie t'...0 m.ju'.fu t./p writer v.; iin »;jn Emi, !iiruji»tr»T 01 Buiuini» .jjo, tr.- kntuvn Filipino »»>wr* btt.Tr t, Second Magistrate Mr. a w k 1.
    96 words
  • 268 10 Former 3Janagcr I*rosc:uted Further uiitience t..«- mco.J-x! t»» to.- ir,Second Mig.Mtut: ±iv W U3l ..i--duy in ihe pivii:»ir tr, inquiry »u<d errui lUcsatlons Hgfunst 7 c Mr., v *■> o who \v w ia" ti<rnicr cau-i 4 s ,r th K'-Qi-DUpewaii.v. is aUruoti I i■> *rp i
    268 words
  • 42 10 A notification in last Frichy s Gaa'.te jjj that in addition to 'he- present charges i of 20 cents is to be paid in respect m foreign telegram handed in on a mm* Good Friday or oh Christmas Day.
    42 words
  • 116 10 1 Alhrmbra.— Commencing a: 1 Jacki- Cooper in -When a Feller new Friend." tire Capitol.—Ccmmencing at ihe mau Miracle Man." Kfed Dane Empire.—William Ham l MM j -Navy Blue:.- First show at Walker in -Bey cf th: Street" («0« Great World.-Side BhCW. Malay opera. Chinese wayangs. si. Nt
    116 words

  • 77 11 Rugby, Aug. 16. I Paris 88-V New York 3.48 1 Montreal 4. I Brussels 25.07... Geneva 17JS%, Amsterdam i 8.C4. Milan 67"*. Berlin 14%, Stockholm 19.47'_>. Copenhagen 18.75. Oslo 19 31 32, Vienna 30. Prague *****, Helsingfors 232' L.. Madrid 43',. Lisbon 110, Athens 550. Bucharest 590. Rio
    77 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 310 11 TALKIE PROGRAMME i j 715 TO-NIGHT 9.30 I skinner Steps Out I WITH J j Glenn Tryon and Merna Kennedy. j i i I r "packed by the growers TTl^s 7 »N r3g3!Cl| ii— n IQ— ii. 1 TM—ir-wVI 111 GOLD LEAF T EA" c ie Achievement of the Blender's
      310 words
    • 50 11 ii De Reszke coupons in every tin if Reszke J fiv^PfA VIBciNIAS »11 f j j Smoked preferred and insisted upon by those who enjoy a good smoke. They're cool mild and so satisfying. UH.Q yir>istoerat I Coupon In Every Tin. Il= Agents: HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD. 1 Singapore—Penang—Kuala Lumpur—lpoh.
      50 words
    • 275 11 By Special To H M Th Fin< Appointment ot Siam KSTABLI6EED 1873. jj RACING RUGBY, j Puts You In Ihe Game* THEATRE TENNIS No Hat,er m r M. I BOXING SWIMMING I CRICKET AVIATION FOOTBALL TRAVELLING B. P. De Silva, Ltd., SOLE AGENTS: io^S^ 81 PENANG: j lt|2l. High Street.
      275 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 483 11 (There are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the "Diary of
      483 words
    • 360 11 sary celebration. Mr. Aw Boon Haw's bungalow, 5*4 milestone. Pasir Panjang Road. Amicable Athletic Association: Funeral of Mr .Poh Seng Toh's father. Mr. Poh Teong Seng, 39-8. Japan Street, 9.45 a.m. Broadway Musical Party: Birthday invitation, 9. Crawford Road. Assemble, Mr. Bek Swee Hoon's residence, 75-1, Palembang Road, 7.30 p.m.
      360 words

  • 451 12 MINING. LATEST QUOTATIONS. •IMJED BY FRASER CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, Auj,. 17, 1932, 10 a.m. MM /aiue. Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang Tin 21 6 23 6 £1 Austral Malay 18 2o!--5r. Ayer Hitam Tin 116 12 3 £1 Bangrin Tin 9 3 10 3
    451 words
  • 118 12 ISSUED BY FRASER A CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BBOKEBS. Buyers. Sellers. Singapore Cold Storage Deb. 7 per cent. 102 103 cl Singapore Municipal (1901) 5 per cenl. 104 107 norn Singapore Municipal (1907 per cent. 100 103 norn Singapore Municipal (1909) A% per cent. 100 103 norn
    118 words
  • 436 12 FRASEB 4 CO.. AND LVAIJ. EMT7I HI Qt'OTATIOMS. 11l Sir»),.»puiv, Am«,\ i:. 1932. J# *js II Jssue Prlca. II Value. Friact Lr*il ft IV Shares. Ac Co. Ewt II 1 All' nby SO 30 50.40 $01 w<| II 1 Alor 0.20 0&U uzi tji 111 IA. ll:tam
    436 words
  • 251 12 FRASER A CO.'S UlOT*TlO?& ill „s V CLOSING QUOtATIOfe |fl 5 a ~"3 Bujrrl* 0- 1| 3:> IL > ,(0 I 52 $3 All DrU'-P" »JJ o |d c" tj $2 Alex. Brif< Orfl c% K» W L! B Antti I tUf S((V ifV «10 S5 R- Mrtliyo ITU>
    251 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 574 12 "TANGLIN" BRAND Fresh Pork Sausages 613 cts. per lb. Freshly Made Daily UNDER EXPERT EUROPEAN SUPERVISION t Singapore Cold Storage Company, Limited. Orchard Road, Selegie Road, Katong, Keppel Harbour, Grange Road. j mmm I THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPION No.l THERAPION N0.2 THERAPION No 3 Mo. t Cant Disch.>-««». Mo.
      574 words
    • 509 12 Latest Advertisements. TO LET—Prom Ist July, 1932, Nos. 27 and 28, Mosque Street. Apply to Messrs. Rodyk and Davidson, No. 4, Raffles Place. NOTICE. IX THE ESTATE OF Hajijah binte Jemahat alias Ahjijah bin c Junta hat alias Hajr«jah bintc Jamahat a?ias Hadjccjah binte Jumahat deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
      509 words
    • 178 12 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL \rvrir Notice is hereby given that i now invited for the ÜBuS £2? services, and that particulars of Sj** may be obtained in the Tender kS? NI pal Offices:— r MuJJ Tender. Construction cf Read at 0/ Joo Chiat Terrace- from Joo Chia- Road to Lorcng 210.
      178 words

  • 102 13 Sports Pastimes. CRICKET. H K\ I X! VISIT JOHORE. II t ,iu-> CnrretpondentJ 1 our. GafU-U. Aug. !3. m Singapore uer«? U '!.*> '•>»• J» hur«* C.C, I ih Hoyui Air I 1,1- ituvi t\ was tirawi., I *H fOi'CJP 14 If) 37 I 17 Tim 5 I I
    102 words
  • 120 13 I* 0 11 Cprri'sz-yndcnt.j Auv 14. *r»<*L l.ti.ttuur de/wtPri 3« r»mbmi !«j-du v r-* C-iapman r Pi liS b r.amu or ,LL. -10 T sukum*rvn i, W Still-vuutlie Jdw. b A. 1. o K.M .1 «I; Nuvdi-Qtaaii uu. PiUuii: b p nniah 11 F l P nniuti b
    120 words
  • 100 13 i Sii>eJe match •J- Ar.octatlon ground on 1 t La II b. Varma 3, Vmi .i ;ii j t ParanF K c. Mallai Iri i»r ti Abbasbhoy J. B. 2i Df»najHiniv t Vanna 12 P ramnn 1 -ij 11 not out 2 l c L 1 9.
    100 words
  • 97 13 '-"•in tho Bombay &c. by A trvjund on Saturday" I .im- i) sivum 1. S. »'i»r*munai*mn 17, w n Mnhu c Kumar vl, SJtUm c TliUJilnatluui M. l> Mutltu 1. T Sblgh v Rucllu c Madujeh b I Mm mi B Si»)ian Singh 2, ToUl
    97 words
  • 100 13 Rovers and l draw. Sores: Jl V| »V li Kee Chae 9, v 11 1 R N' Mfhtr. b Slew 1 Kin* 37, C. S 5-dhu 11 >no» out 32. R K. 1- eiUKh b Slew 7, 1 SJnclj not out 9. r a *«».> J44. <>> J
    100 words
  • 372 13 ASSN. FOOTBALL. A k .-enly coctested match was played on the Ran Institution ground on Friday between Kafilt.s Institution and Bt. Joseph's Instl ut<on vhicli wa* won by thr former s~a. F* m the klck-ofl. R.I. attacked but a good movwmnt was repulsed by i
    372 words
  • 109 13 'From Our Own Correspondent.» Ssrcmb&n, Aug. 13. In liu* or ihe Hose Cup Comix fo;3 the Station sjS, OB A beat Kualu Pz'ah Dli.rJit s—! Th, tnal aßttlna lht Ng Cblnfx Uifces place iirxt Saurday Sercrrbati. Aug 14. Tljo rorr R.c wrre visitor- to WW»n tH.y. vben they
    109 words
  • 175 13 (From Our Own L'orrctponaent .> Jobore Oahru, Aug 13. Hie Muh bi»:i F A. nnd a 'cam r presenting Krdipolr Baiiru (lr w 2—2 on tfar Istana Fa. 1 -?la> ti icTe u fa«r!y Lirj;e crowd Eru-h. Abdul Rahmm, captain of the Po.cs and THc;:apnfi RC V
    175 words
  • 51 13 RIFLE-SHOOTING. Prcjrammrs for the Malaya Command rifle meeting, which is being held at Kuala Lumpur on Sept. 23, 24, 25 are now available 8t Headquarters. All entries must be forwarded to reach the hon. secretary, Fort Canning, by Monday Aug. 29 and must be accompanied by entrance
    51 words
  • 79 13 The Ist Bn. The Gloucestershire Regiment rifle meeting will be held on Bukit Timah Rifle Range on Sunday afternoon, Sept. 4. Several competitions will be open to all Regular and Volunteer Forces in Malaya and to the Police. These include rapid, snapshooting and deliberate matches, a service aggregate
    79 words
  • 55 13 LAWN TENNIS. (From Our wn Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 13. The N.S.L.T.A. championship came to a close to-day on the Sungei Ujong Club Courts when the Chinese left-handed player, Chew Toh Seng, who won the doubles partnered by Poi Eng Poh, was defeated by S. Nakaka in the
    55 words
  • 279 13 IS THE GERMAN GOOD ENOUGH? BOXING. "Disappointed and Dissatisfied" writes: "I rubbed my eyes in astonishment yesterday on reading i n K. O.s' sports notes that a German, Max Brilka, has been matched with Battling Guillermo on the 20th. Having heard or seen nothing of the pugilistic
    279 words
  • 322 13 "A Boxing Enthusiast" writes: "I have to thank you for having published my prediction that the Ellis-Johnson fight on the 29th ult. would be a'fiasco, and what a genuine fiasco it was! "As regards Max Brilka. who has been *m J*J° meet Quiilermo n the 20th inst. V
    322 words
  • 169 13 RUGBY FOOTBALL. (From Our Own Correspondent./ Th Seremban Aug. 14. Neeri 4^hn a gCneral meetin <* Zfs Blues F °°t»*n Ch*sirir 5 heM at the Ne ri Sembilan n3" on Friday Tuan Sheikh Ahmadhtn Sheikh Mustapha, J.P., M S.C presiding. foU^s:-*"™ 1 f ffiCe bearers resulted
    169 words
  • 102 13 REVIVAL WANTED IN SINGAPORE. MOTOR-CYCLING. "A Non-Rider" writes: "Three or four years back there was an annual Mctor-cycle Reliability Trial in Singapore. I presume those who partook in the Trials and the spectators who crowded to witness them still have then* fresh in their memory. I suppose the
    102 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 62 13 representative: ROBERT BLAU (Malaya). Hon S kon g Bank Chambers. Singapore. Phone 4711 1 ~j J I The Tea of j World-wide Prestige j By its choice quality and incomparable flavour Lipton's Tea appeals to all who appreciate the best ON SALE EVERYWHERE IN THE FAMOUS YELLOW TIN LITTON LTD..
      62 words
    • 188 13 jj A Few of Our jSole Agencies Jl Spark plugs, Speedometers, Oil (i Gauge, Fuel Pump, Ammeters, I fexi Standard Equipment on Chevrolet, I I AC Buiek, Dodge, Chrysler, etc. f Delco Remy and Northeast ignition l parts as Standard Factory equipment 11 (>n c autom °bites and (l trucks
      188 words

  • 249 14 HOCKEY. THE OLYMPIC MATCHES. Los Angeles, Aug. 4. In tho Olympic hockey tournamnt. India beat Japan by 11 goals to one. Dhyan Chand and Rup Singh scored four each and Gurmit Singh scored three. Japan responded through Inchara. The Indians" attack was magnificent. The Japanese defence was
    249 words
  • 245 14 (From Our Oicn Correspondent.) Muar Aug. 13. In a friendly match played on the Muar Club Padang yesterday, the Muar Police beat the G.E.S.. Batu Pahat. by 4 goals to 1. The boys were greatly handicapped. Firstly the field was too big. it being a full
    245 words
  • 157 14 Th: V.M.C.A. team v. R.A. at .th? V.M.C.A. ground, Anson Road, on Satuday at 2 p.m. will be eelected from: R. Lyne (capt.) R. p. Ridley, Douglas Ross. H. Gibson. R. van Cuylenburg. L. T. Willi?. W. R. Willis. Lim Kean Kooi, G. V. Neubronner, Sim Teng Pheng, C.
    157 words
  • 130 14 An enactment to amend the Distribution Enactment. 1929, is shortly to be introduced in the Federal Council. The objects and reasons are: The principle enacted in section 5 of the Enactment as it now stands, though in accordance with ihe decision in Ong Cheng Neo versus Yap Kwan
    130 words
  • 105 14 Reuter's Wireless Service. London, Aug. 11. London is sweltering under the spell of iropical weather, with a shade temperature cf 88 degrees at 3 O'clock, which is the highest temperature recorded in London s'n~e Aug. 29, 1930, it rose to 93 degrees. There are large queues
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  105 words
  • 202 14 ATHLETICS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 13. The Anglo-Chinese School, Seremban, held their annual athle'ic spcrts meeting to-day on the school grounds. Ideal weather prevailed at the start, but rain fell half way through the programme. There were 31 events on the programme and were all
    202 words
  • 285 14 (By Our OiC'i Correspondent Kuala Limpur Aug. 13. Upwards of .1,000 ftpeo'-aiori- watched the fM S Polite Sports Rt the Stadium Kuala Lumpur, on Snurday. Ram tHrtalcoied all uficrnooi). but apart from odd spots. did not maUMalli-c. The occasion wan the fim on which the Stadium has
    285 words
  • 72 14 The second annual sports of the Tan Boon Liat Institution was held on the BChCAJ groimd on Saturday, a fairly good gathering enjoying the function. Mrs«Goddard distributed the prizes. The championship cup went to Wong Kirn Po. In the high jump. Chow Wai Sun cleared 5'
    72 words
  • 101 14 PING-PONG. At the S.A.W.L.A. premises en Sunaay, the Heong Chu School team beat the home team by 6—l. Scores (Heong Chu School mentioned first): Lai Sang beat Phua Tian Loh 21—12, 21—12, 21—8; Ycong Teng Kum beat Tommy Tan 21—13, 21—9, 21—19; Cheong Chun Chong
    101 words
  • 57 14 The following are this week's ties in the S. C. R. C. tournament: To-day (championship): Tan Thean Tek v. Tan Boon Poh (at 5 p.m.). To-morrorv (championship): Low HuckLeng v. winner of John Lim v. Ng Chee Seng. Friday ("B" Handicap): Cheong Chee Lim owe 9 v. winner
    57 words
  • 705 14 LADIES IN A SQUALL. YACHTING. The weather was most unladylike on Saturday afternoon wl;en seven lady helmsmen eailed the first of a series of three laces, at the R.S.Y.C. On the way tc the Man-o'-Wa: buoy a heavy rain squall with plenty of wind ;n it was encountered
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  • 452 14 DIFFICULTIES OF NIGHT SAILING. The moon being well up and past the first quarter, seven boats turned out on Friday night fcr the R.S.Y.C. moonlight race, the first event of its kind in local waters, and in spite of various collisions and d:fficulty in spotting the marks,
    452 words
  • 108 14 BANKERS BEAT BLUE i: A(;| f BADMINTON. On Sunday before a large cr tors the Chartered Ban'- RecnJr f spH Blue Eagle B. P. by 4 games i$ 5 court. Scores ißank pj n r latiert Lee Kirn Seek bent Quek < 13-13 (5-3); Lim P c* J h U-1S
    108 words
  • 131 14 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca. Aug. The Malacca Argonaul B c Sports Club on Bauirday ai IT* by five matches to two So n" mentioned first): onau s Singles. Sect Bock Seng ba- Bee) aKeng 15-4. 1.5-6: T*n Yong Lian Hin 15—11 Tee beat Guan Keh Tin
    131 words
  • 47 14 GOLF. Oe»t'n wrro ♦ak*n ■ut tjr v.a ladies' tpern iv.cnn.-i nn iuni*cJ; M>t P, ti R. tzm X IXI □nt' iirs W. L Grirvo l cio-J'r., All. .1 H L- cr.rMri J. C 1 :,;j, \V 112 DoufilflS 3 Miss r C 14-L.J 4.:
    47 words
  • 34 14 t'hf aG C tnociiiir m. Saturday an!- fcttuO-y tc u ir i> upl i# between Fit L* F>t*it c. P- 1 c Sl.ver ili I I).-.;. T. I» v.. :.-dr-s later.
    34 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 703 14 WHAT WILL YOU BE DOING ONE YEAR FitOM TO-DAY? j Will you still be strug- I Post this Coupon to day gling on at the same old i international correspondence job and possibly drawing schools, (Cdonui) Ltd., of London, even less pay—worried 112, H 1101,4,***** sin^reabout the future never Please
      703 words
    • 146 14 I "OVERWORKED! BOSH! YOU NEED A DOSE OF PINKETTES." Tha: drowsy feeling: may wmftimfa be ov*rwcrk. But often:r than not it is a sluggish liver or congested intestines that need action. Pinkettes are a an.idote fur that ured feeling. When the food tract ar.d digesun? organs are ccng:st:d the
      146 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 424 15 JTOIKK SAILINGS. P. &o. I JSKITISH INDIA I APCAK LINES. A In England). CAMO A,L sEBVICEa o AND ORIENTAL STEAM A 0 LONDON AND 1*1 IGA Jj, jr. bE R VICE. RH Majesty's DVT M LONDON. Dus Tonnage. Singapore B 1932. H 7.000 Aug. 19 I 6.990 Aug. 23 MM
      424 words
    • 550 15 _STEAMER SAjLINGS^ THE LINE (Japan Mail) TO LONDUM. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam Mlddlesborouan. Vessels. Tonnage. Due. Bail. 8 KASHIMA MARU 10.000 Aug. 25 26 t YASUKUNI MARU 12,000 Sept. 6 7 HAKONE MARU 10,500 Bept. 21 22 SUWA MARU 10,700 Oct. 6 7 FUSHIMI MARU 11.000 Oct. 20 21
      550 words
    • 542 15 SAILINGS. ft i>RDI)EUTS€I!EJa LLOYD, (Incorporated In Germany). The undernoted are the Company's intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. "SAARBRUCKEN" for Iloilo, Cebu, Manila, H'kong, S'hai, Taku, Dalny and Japan Aug. 20 'TSAR for Iloilo, Manila, H'kong, S'hai, Kobe, Taku, Lalr.y Tsingtau Aug. 28 "COBLENZ" for Manila. Hongkong, S'hai, Taku, Dalny, Tsingtau Japan S:pt
      542 words
    • 525 15 INSURANCE. SOUTH 111 l BRITISH I 1 if/ V INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT AND MOTOR CAR INSURANCE ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MARGOLIOU TH, Office: 2, Pinlayson Green. Manager LeprosT Diabetes, Consumption, V.D., PILES, LEUCODERMA, I Impotency, Women-disorders, I Paralysis and numerous other chrenicl diseases considered
      525 words
    • 360 15 r BANK& The Ho Hong Bank, Ltd. BAFFLES PL\CE, SINGAPORE. j I SAFE DEPOSIT SERVICE I are 2» f For the information.of intending depositors the following is a scale of the fees payable for renting the boxes:— Size Dimensions. One Six Three One A v n. »t Year Months. Months.
      360 words
    • 423 15 THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. Authorised Capital $4,000,000. Issued Capital 2,000,000. Paid-up Capital 1,000,000. Reserve Liability of Shareholders 1,000,000. Reserve Funds and Undivided Profit 1,600,000. AGENCIES: London, New York, Hong Kong, Canton, Shanghai, Swatow, Amoy, Medan, Kuching, Kuala Lumpur, Batu
      423 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 292 16 THIS PAPER HAS THE LARGEST SALE. AMONG THE PEOPLE WHO SPEND MOST IN BRITISH MALAYA. j THE PEOPLE'S PAPER; INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE TO LET. TO LET. Reduced Rents. Oarage No. 32, Jalan Besar. Open Day and Night. Cars rents $6, $5. $4 to $3 per month. 29 cts, 30 eta.,
      292 words
    • 578 16 «pi ••'i! iMiiiii;ini;ii!!ii'itiii!i::i!ii(iii'iMiiiiiiii!iiiiiiii«iiiiii!iiuiiiiiii|iniininmnini7iw 1 f Le <J\derciers School. I ESTABLISHED 1906. I 218, Queen Street 61, Waterloo Street. j I Morning: Classes only—Primary to Commercial. I NO AGE LIMIT! Principal:—F. I MILES. "iiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriuiiiiitii^ TO LET. TO LET—3O7, East Coast Road, spacious compound house, good tennis court, electric light and. water.
      578 words
    • 518 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. LEONG SAN TONG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that persons -jualified to be members of Leong San Tong are squired on or before September 15th, 1932, to •all personally at the effice of Khoo 800 Gay. Ssqr., 48. Change Alley, Singapore, between che hours of 10 a.m. and
      518 words
    • 397 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. Established IMS. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls) B—Short Street, Singapore. Offers thorough training in Music—both PRACTICAL Jk THEORETICAL Courses leading to CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA, ft etc Booklet upon request, M. ANCIANO, Principal CIVIL ENGINEERING. For tuition In all branches of Civil Engineering including
      397 words
      316 words
    • 402 16 FOR SALE. i FOB SALE-EighTVT Linotype Motors, each U> up all in good working order further particulars" write to i Manager Malaya Tribune, 56ft Anson Road. m MALAYA TRIBUNE THONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATfcs. PAYABLE B ADVANCE, Delivery Including memo, a: office Postage |2 or close (Locr.lor to Foreta residence F.M.S.)
      402 words