Malaya Tribune, 13 August 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. -No. 191 SINGAPORE SATURDAY, AUGUST 13, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, Aug. 13, 1932. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. AUGUST 13, 1932
    28 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 165 1 SHOES SHOES |%TJt A 0 MTU* OF SHOES THE m SHOE UK. LTD. 5Z *****E525»'- J, j ra CtiH for' "Carlsherg Hijau its j i Is CARLSBERG PILSENER. P^i^^ "CARLSBERG HIJAU." [j^^S^j W -37 The ideal drink for tropical climates. XT' "obtainable at HoMs. Clubs and Rest jf* nouses throughout
      165 words
    • 275 1 A. FLINTER. 6, Raffles Place. BUYS Gold coins and gold ornament-, of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily exchange rates. I TOW G I I SIUE, DARBY CO.. LTD. I :^JC3CJ3C3C3CJCL3tl3C3[13[Usl3CJC^l^ilutJ^J^J'— Jl The Far East Oxygen Acetylene Co., Ltd. PIIONL *****. S8.15 Per Drum of 1
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  • 1753 2 POULTRY HINTS. (Continued./ 3.—DONT'S. Do not forget that 10 cents worth of vegetables every day is better than 20 cents worth of white rice. Do not forget that ''clean water" placed in a shady corner will prevent roup. Poultry uten-ils most be as clean as your own
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  • 1541 2 (BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT.) Below we give the first of a series of notes on pig-breeding, supplied by an expert who has been many years in Malaya and who does not believe it is necessary to import pigs for eating, just as our Poultry Expert does not believe
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  • 524 2 Johore Clerk To Stand His Trial. (From Our Otrn Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Aug. 10. The preliminary inquiry into the alleged forgery of a receipt, purported to be sicned by Mr. P. V. Cl arry. an advocate and solicitor in the State of Johore. against his Chinese clerk,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 412 2 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PRINKING POSTUM^^ "i Started -ex rial month- iffi ago, and it's done me a lot of good. Haven't given up ik. tea, either—l'm just easing Iwt up a bit. Fell nervous and V /II irritable, and a friend sug- V W\\/^|! gested *.«><> much tea
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  • 94 3 Letters To The Editor. [Our readers are invited to write to us on tubjects of public interest. It must be underwood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double tpacing), and on one
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  • 558 3 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir >— 1 r °ad carefully your Indian Corrtspendent's comments on Hindu Temple renovation in your issue of the 2nd inst. It IS increasing y clear that the Hindu Endowment, Eoard at Singapore has the ;ame ideas as that at Penang
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  • 176 3 I To the Edttor, "Malay Tribune.") ai —On 'ny cf your rca<l ns I-»|| mr th« «Wiwin why (here has been so uiuch written '0 lit the oily Man" 1 I Mould i> ):a» i »5 practically useless for anyone in wr\r i-afn ond a<;3in about
    176 words
  • 265 3 (To the Editor, "Malcya TrPjstne."i Sir.—In your Ikfuc of the 6th Ira?. Mr Pin- br.iupln up a subject which I think should j be considered as very imix.rtun' by all classes r>i people. irrc$pecilvr of Llv to which th-«y belong. espr<*lal|y ji <hr pro,pnt .lunct'.rc The prevaUlng clump
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  • 180 3 (To the Editnr, "Malavtt Tribute") S I r^° Ur 011 Iu r I jn-rttrrtWi! i?aue Th Paraph on "Shai p.. arr Uiuk r 'tVftfth Night v pjrforwsd pi' Gardens It» R» :m "s Ijrr. London, on a natural gut .-sv u- w'h bish a f<r side «creens i~d
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 305 3 How Teeth Sparkle! this Special (7 F you want clean white teeth Qy suc h as those you have albowdcr whitens ways admired —you should use this rhrttm s P ecial formula called Colgate's ana aeam Dental Powder when brushed^ Colgate's breaks into an active sparkling foam. In this foam
      305 words
    • 52 3 If 2 NEW FRENCH REMEDY. 1 THERAPION No 1 THERAPION No 2 THERAPION N0.3 or S £2irf!L CLERC B P,LLS MM Liver *K-dn r y a weak kidney* bladder. mW i Jllll Stationary Engines Horizontal and Vertical Marino Engines "l^^^^^ »9T9* SOLE AGENTS: N. V. Straits Java Trading Co., SINGAPORE
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    • 211 3 I ANNU \L DISPLAY and S \LF now in FULL SWING I Exceptional Value in Watches Jewellery at Rene ULLMANN. y New Stock cf Geld tai Cbrcinc "V Id .1 I .Uiivrd. Lcwest Prices As FcHtfWS: B j Ltver 15 Solid 8 f i Gcll 15 A ';rr! d Shap
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  • 411 4 Deadlock Over Commuted Pensions And Rice Duty-Fate Of State Council In The Balance-To Be Decided By Meeting Of Inofficial Councillors-Dissolution Of Council Or Board Of Ministers-Blessings Enjoy pd By Govt. Servant n-Re-trenchment In Colombo Municipality-Retrench-ment Report In The Hands Of Secretary Of State. me fate of
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  • 523 4 What the Unofflcials' meeting on the 3rd Inst was to decide was the course of action tney should adopt to avert the political crisis. It is understood that the State Council wai divided on the question of dissolution. Some of the members are reported to have
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  • 753 4 There is no denying that the Government servants are of all men the most fortunate. Apart from th? advantage, which the depression has conferred on the Government servant, who to-day enjoys blessings denied to other mortals—for instance, security of tenure, assurance cf regular income, a high
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  • 307 4 The question of retrenchment in the Colembo Municipal Council, which has been under con-s.'-eration for some time, has taken a new uin. Mr. Aolian Pereira has given no'iee tf .he motion: 'That this Ccuncl is of opinion that a Commission should be appointed to inquire into
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  • 182 4 It is understood that the delay in th~ publication cf the report of the Retrenchment Commission is due to the fact that the report has been forwarded by H. E. the Governor to the Secretary of State for the Connies for his approval. The
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  • 316 4 SPORTS PASTIMES. BADMINTON. SYLVERTONS UL. U ARl C1TV Thr Gai'f1<*n City V UK* IWM'T cmn o>, i. in .trvrn 6co:(- fVtl W i«v .nmv J.>—7 —15 dr li»iy-T ItA? t*» N 1 P, /V. I/ M:o*n C H. Ktmia .»ml A ,in<i Mmve 21 -is i- .inrt F do Witt
    316 words
  • 324 4 Bombay S. C. team v. 'he Of! Association en the C. T. A. p p.m. to-day: C. S. Sidhu. Singh, G. Singh. Sohan Singh. Par: Singh'. T. Singh. Chelhah. V. Rae:- I UettUL Reserves: R. Singh. P B Bombay S. C. v. Roeen en IJU ground at 2 p.m.
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  • 49 4 (From Our Oam Musr A* The volley-ball. teams of visited Batu Pah* 0* 4* series of matcmv, If" %aa m English School tha» 0* basket-ball and t&V* l f o! Pi Recreation Club. bu; *ere Pahat by 2 by W the Chinese W" basket-ball.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 238 4 NEW HUPMOBILE SIX a finer, richer car Far more value! That's exactly what the New Hupmobile Six gives you. A finer, richer Six —new in a host of ways —with the inbuilt quality and durability that is Hupmobile's unwritten trade mark. Today you enjoy Selective Free Wheeling—with Free Wheeling's thrift
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  • 1114 5 LATEST QUOTATIONS. MINING. rK xsr.R CO.. EXCHANGE l H> L sTOCB BROKERS. -1 1)32, 10 amBuyers. Sellers. V arr. L 18,--11 A -r H- 1 8- 9--005 0.10 g.' I 0.29 0.32 0 40 norn J pDi Aral y_ 7 norn J! Bufß*h v' 0 9 l
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  • 421 5 SINGAPORE, AUG. 5. MEAT. 35 Beef, steak (round), kati 28 Beef stew or curry, kati 45 Pork, lean, kati Q Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kati JJ Mutton Australian, lb. 42 Fowl, kati 4C Hens (locally reared) kati &Q Ducks, each g0 Pigeons, domestic unfledged, pair Pigeons,
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  • 56 5 Singapore. Aug. 12. Standard Spot TO 7916 Aug 7 916 7> sept. 79i6 j:;! 6 fi Oct 7 7 11 16 Oct.-Dec. 7 \m 7 Jan.-Mar. 7 1316 T* Tone of Market: Quiet. Latesl Cable: London Spot Sheet 2 7 160. New York Spot Sheet
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  • 300 5 British Official. (By Courtesy of HonQkong Bank.t Singapore. Aug, 13Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 29i32d.. London 3 months' sight 2s. 37igd.. London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 27;32d.. London 30 days' sight 2s. 3 13.16d,, London demand 2«. 3 25 32d., London T.T. 2s. 3»;d.. Lyons
    British Official.  -  300 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 34 5 M. HASSAN. ELECTRICAL AND WATER CONTRACTOR. 26-37, Bras Basah Road. SINGAPORE. v you are in need of electric "gnts, fans, motors, etc., and -tcr service, please write to nbf >vo address or 'Phone •111
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    • 121 5 Make old age enjoyable! Old age is not merely a matter of years; so much depends upon the state of the vital organs of the body. But a great deal can be done to comfort old people, for backache, urinary irregularities, sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism and gravel are too often suffered
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    • 184 5 I a cork tipped I cigarette and delightfully cool. PLAYER'S BACHELOR MADE IN ENGLAND For Baby's SakeLACTOGEN Doctor and Nurse are so pleased "Lactogen" is pure fresh, with Baby and the way he has full-cream m, k, dned by the Tome on. since Mother put him "Lactogen method wWh nn
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 189 6 Matinee TO-DAY at 3.15 6.15 TONIGHT 81.15 OF j PAR AMOUNT'S BRIGHT MUSICAL ROMANCE Dancers in the Dark Presenting The Popular Star of "DR. JEKYLL MR. HYDE" MIRIAM HOPKINS in her first starring role WITH LYDIA ROBERTI The New Star Sensation! TO-MORROW Commencing at the Matinee, 3.15. LUPE VELEZ The
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    • 158 6 JUST AS WE SAID! Another Grand Show from M.G.M. for the House with the Stars and The Pictures 0 j "Where Entertainment is all that it should be!" Matinees To-day and To-morrow That popular fellow Robert Montgomery j with j HEATHER THATCHER J »nd all English cast— IN IVOR NOVELLO
      158 words
    • 208 6 TO-NIGHT 8.1. P.'s Great Musical Show Out Of The Blue mi ii MMMMH I' I I I' I i i i I TO MORROW j— silent witness^ CHITRASENA VPAKHYANA A Most Intcrestin ff Episode From The MAHABARADHAM Adapted and Dramatized by RAO BAHADUR P. SAMBANDA MUDALIAR Avl, B A., 8.L.,
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  • 160 7 Robert Montgomery Heads Fine Cant. AT THE CINEMAS. The Alhambra's ju w pictiuc, 'Bu Uu- F1 ft 1 L' Weak," is a r ally porklinn comedy tn whkli I he popular Rubi-rt Munl&vmery L, supported K an 4xcrpl tonally v/ II »iir*i ti oASI, He J:. lh_ p.
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  • 227 7 The "Doomed Battalion," the Universal masterpiece put on as the main feature at yesterday's chang? at the Pavilion theatre, -is something out of the common and extraordinarily unlike anything screened before having the war for a background. The filming ot scenes in the Austrian Tyrol makes
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  • 12 7 Motor Accident In France. British Official. Rugby, Aug. 12.
    British Official.  -  12 words
  • 127 7 British Official. Rugby, Aug. 12. The 'Times" to-day announces the preliminaries lor a round-Europe air race and international touring competition. The preliminaries began in Berlin yesterday. One British light aeroplane and 25 British aero-engines in foreign aircraft will take part. Of the six competing
    British Official.  -  127 words
  • 173 7 B. ETIJN AND CO'S REPORT. Aug 13, 11 a.m. rubber. N^York 2 V > Uo*n 311C tent. BhlJ- ouwr AL),aby s 3(,-« .«.u Ayer Molck, iO-JO ccnu. A>« wnos X-g Banettt »■><-;• Br0 Sjr K,U' res» je sr u. 65-6-, =Ss£3S££M ««pSfs&rSS 10 —IS wnu, Sungel TufcuiS-
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  • 199 7 .•■Rut ihe Flesh b W:ak," featurAlhambrs.- But J h l Heather Thatcher, etc. ing Robert Mon gemery. Heatner Satine.s to-day and ro-morrow. i -Dancers in the Dark." featuring M r^^- 5 to-day and tom Fn, C oU- 3: Ha:i' m shot at Sunrise," featuring Empire. 1A First
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  • 497 7 RAPID PROGRESS AT OTTAWA. May End Next Week. Reuter. British Official. Ottawa, Aug. 12. II the work proceeds as hoped, it is understood ihat the -plenary session of the Conference will be held on Aug. 18, when the bulk cf the work has been completed. This
    Reuter.; British Official.  -  497 words
  • 170 7 Singapore, Aug. 12. Rice. Siam Al per Koyan $190 Rice, Siam 1 Rice, Siam 2 Rice, B. Siam No. 1 JJJJ Rice, B. Siam No. 2.. JJJJ Rice, Slam "Sinway" per koyan No. 1 80 m No. 2 $lto Rice, Siam IGO Rice, Saigon Al Rice. Saigon N. 1..
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  • 34 7 Mails by the outward Dutch aeroplane from Amsterdam are expected to arrive at Singapore by the evening express tovmorrow. Correspondence «IdresseA to ooxholders only will be ready for delivery at 7.30 p.m.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 413 7 IMEAL.AM" AT The Great World Show n rr\TS LADIES—FREE. U! .OMISSION 10 CENTS .lip I SILENT THEATRE. I** t To-night at 7 9 p.m. -is a is r» m RAMON NOVARRO in HABLIE CHAPLIN in oevil-May-Care rITV LIGHTS j (SUent Picture). x| XN( K; _MONUW. I NEXT CHANGE: j iOF
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    • 762 7 j_ i Assurance in force over $35,000,000. j Assets exceed $12,000,000. I The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits SetUemenU). > LONDON OFFICE: 21, Old Jewry. 1.0. riTo+t Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. HEAD p^Ucular. The Company haa £20,000 oxw AGENTS WANTED. ATTRACTIVE PLANS OF
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 88 7 MAILS CLOSE. MONDAY, AUG. 15. Southern and Western India. Ceylon, niibouti Egypt and Europe DjiDouu. (Chantilly) 8 a.m. North N.-East and N.-West Sumatra Norm (Op ten Noort) 9 a.m. Indo-China <©. G. Merlin) 10 a.m. Ceylon Southern and Western India. Djibouti Egypt, Europe and Great Britain 10 BBI 1 Java,
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  • 696 8 One of the most pressing world problems is that of the maldistribution of gold and the disastrous fall b the go!d value of silver. Restore silver to a reasonable relationship with the more precious metal and ihe purchasing power of eight hundred million people in China and
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  • 64 8 Gilt-Edged Securities decline Reuter's Wireless Service. OnB. stocl Exelwnge Sm™'!:' 1 i unh cniiily from abroad but Drlces finnrivmiu "•"-""v. bZr Whal 0™» Md?SZ fuy* rs wire vt?rv rp.wrvt-rt rv-i niruutpd bal n ,u ,r f°~» »na jut. „«ki w im price* but at Liverpool
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  64 words
  • 163 8 Mr. W. M. Millington has resumed duties as Under Secretary, S S iesumed duties as Settlements. binary (B), S -aits K«M t i in Ma>MM Zin is to be a Kathl for the islands of Pulau T*k™<r 5 Pulau Tekong. Kechil ek ng and The Hong Kong Girls' School anri
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  • 299 8 Exploitation By New Company. A ocmpany is being formed to exploit the gold deposits in the area of the Jelai Concession (Pahang), Ltd. Its title is the Buffalo Reef (Gold' Prospecting and Development Co., Ltd., and a modest amount of capital is being subscribed locally to finance the
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  • 58 8 Imperial Airways' Offer To Establish It. Reuter. Melbourne, Aug. 12. Imperial Airways. Ltd.. have offered to extend the India Air Mai! to Singap;re providing that Australia will undertake to complete the ser\ice tj Australia. A report on this matter is being forwarded to ihe
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 96 8 British Official. Rugby. Aug. 12.' The extremely rapid growth of air travel is shown by the fact that whereas 13 years ago only 20 passengers left Croydon in an average week, now 2.000 leave that air pert weekly. This hundredfold increase promises to be rapidly
    British Official.  -  96 words
  • 175 8 Large Mail Frcm Holders Abroad. British Official. Rugby, Auc. 12 The Treastry announcement ns lo the pro- press which the War Lean Conversion operaj tion will achieve un to the end of th? bonus I month is expected early next week. Much i progress has now b-en made
    British Official.  -  175 words
  • 199 8 Arrival In Venice. British Official. Rugby, Aug. 12. The Prince of Wales and Prince George cn arrival by air yesterelay afternoon at L« Bcmrget, Prance, were met by Groi-p-Captain R. J. Bone. British Attache at Paris. Later in the evening the Prince left by train for
    British Official.  -  199 words
  • 70 8 On Saturday night last Mr. Harris, Electrical Engineer, Kuala Lipis, accompanied by Mr. Powell Robinson, was diiving from Mr Harris's house to the Lipis Rest House, whei the car got out of control, fell to the bottom of a ravine and was utterly wrecked. Mr Pcwell Robinson was thrown clear,
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  • 445 8 m L r Malaya's new v There's quite a "rush" arrive! Ush on. Memories of Ponri« I The Indians forgot ftfc*. mg hockey at up a cricket score. 1111(1 If the American eoali* veteran, he must have it L5 a self in France a j barrage. Ua
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  • 46 8 Yesterday's Quotations. RUBBER. London: 2 7 16d. New York: 3 11(16 ceWh (l Singapore: 7-.—7 9.16 I TIN. London Spox: £142. (0» *■■>• --j London 3 months: £143 I* < L P Singapore: $73.37^. COPRA. Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: Sundried Mixed The market Ls lte*dy.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 297 8 I Every toilet need is found j under the famous Sign of I) -4711" EAU DE "4711" NENITA "4711" ICE E\U DE QUININE. BRILLIANTINE. COLOGNE. I An Ideal Hair Tonic. Scented with Nenita Wonderfully refreshing 8 ox. size $1.00 per bottle. Perfume. 8 oz. size $1.75 per bottle I aize
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    • 49 8 A Happy Thought FOR THE CHRISTENING j PRESENT. j CHILDREN'S CUPS IN SOLID SILVER. U.S. de Silva Bros, JEWELLERS, 23, High Street, Singapore. 634 T. K. K.'S BALLOON TOYS. 20, 25, 40, 50 and 80 cts each. TENG SENG GUAN, 634, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, Establshc-d 1905. ■mi i———Mi laM,^^,^^^^^
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  • 870 9 LOCAL CATHEDRAL RAIDED. Civilians Make Plucky Arrests. ••in tse who broke lß e the I I** G—i Shepherd rec-nt-lbe Hi dam.<g: in ibe n» (in!) wire deal, with 11 District Judftr ye-, trdiy. h Ipfd to i up »be »rmll i-omplimrntcd. pi
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  • 80 9 Sudden Dismissal Of Five Ambassadors. Reuter. Rome, Aug. 12. Signor HillHliil has dismissed five Ambassadors, those at Washington, Paris, Berlin, Brussels and Madrid and has appointed to Washington Sig. Rosso, to Paris Sig. Pignatti Mcrano, to Berlin Sig. Cerruti, to Brussels Sig. Vannutclli Key and to Madrid
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 80 9 Reduced Spending Pjwer Of Members. Reuter's Wireless Service. Berlin, Aug. 9. The Co-operative Society of Berlin, which has 120.000 members, chiefly small officials, has suspended payment. The society has its own chain of shops from which it sells goods very cheaply -and also has its own savings'
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  80 words
  • 144 9 Wins First Round. Reuter. Albany. Aug. 12. The forces of Mayor Walker have obtained a Bnpreme Court order requiring Governor Re: revolt to show cause why he should rot be restrained frcm passing judgment on the case. This is the first step in ob'aining a legal
    Reuter.  -  144 words
  • 231 9 Retiring Early In October. Mr. A. J. Shcedy. Chief Poller- Officer. Penang. v. ill be retiring frrm service early in October, says the "Straits Echo This n ws will be received with regret by all sections cf the population throughout the Straits Settlements, fcr the retiring
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  • 53 9 British Official. Rugby, Aug. 12. Mr Vernon Barlett. whose weekly talks on international affairs in the British BroadCorporation national programmes have oeen heard by millions of listeners in Britain and abrcad, is shortly to make a tour of mas European capitals, from each of which a talk will
    British Official.  -  53 words
  • 75 9 End Of The Sudden "Boomlet" Reuter. New York. Aug. 12. The Stock Market had its long expected make-out to-day. A torrent of selling In the last hour brought down many issues by one to five points and a few by six a turnover of three
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 197 9 The weekly rubber report of Messrs. Lewis end Peat (Singapore), Ltd.. issued late yesterday afternoon, states: Against all expectations prices have continued to advance and the long looked for reaction has not as yet set in. Reports from New York srill indicate that the buying
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  • 233 9 SUCCESSFUL THIRD CONCERT. Vhe thhd concert of the Singapore Mushai Society, held at the Memorial Ha:l last n ght under the condurto sh p oi Mr. Edwin A Trown. was a grea; success. k here tei.-g a large attendance which includ d His Exceiien the Governor end
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  • 68 9 Working Day Lengthened. A Straits Settlements Government Gazette Extiaoidinary, published this morning, states that the hours for the conduct of public busness in Government offices will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Saturdays 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.). [The hours at presents are 9.30 to
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  • 39 9 British Official. Rugby, Aug. 12. An exhibition will be held at Ottawa to-night of films produced in all parts of the Empire. The question of Empire films will He left over for further examination.— British Official.
    British Official.  -  39 words
  • 45 9 Reuter. London, Aug. 12. By remaining in the air for fifty-five hours Mrs. Victor Bruce broke the British air endurance record of 50 hours 38 minutes established by Squadron-Leader Jones Williams and Flight-Lieutenent Jenkins in 1929. Mrs. Bruce has descended at Felixstowe.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 62 9 MALAYAN POULTRY NOTES, on page 2. OUR READERS' VIEWS, on page 3. CEYLON NEWS AND NOTES, on page 4. CHURCH SERVICES, on page WIFE PUIS HUSBAND IN BANKRUPTCY, on page 11CLUB DIARY, en page 12. DIARY OF EVENTS, on pa& e 12 MALAYANS AT HOME, on page 12.
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  • 276 9 SKULL PRODUCED IN COURT Jury And Spectators Amazed. Reuter. Probably for the first time in th? hfr.tory oi murder trials the $,kull of the victim has beer, produced in Court. This was at the Lancaster rial yesterday and the ckull was offered as ivid.noe of suicide.
    Reuter.  -  276 words
  • 65 9 Prussia Authorities' Action. Reuter. E.-rlin. Is. Drac-tie decrees against the cut of ihe nude so popular in Germany for rome years issued to-night by the Depu'.y Commis. loner of Prussia. now enly against stae spectacles with naked women and gymnastic displays by naked resons of beta
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 115 9 Would Have To Fight In Green Hell. Reuter's Wireless Service. London. Aug. 9. A new type of "foreign legion" presented pathetic ficures outside the Bolivian legation in London to-day. when a crowd of unemployed ex-Service men gathered offering their services to fight for Bolivia. They were
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  115 words
  • 119 9 More Unemployed. Reuter. London. Aug. 12. Rationalisation of railways has resulted in the decision of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway to cease manufacturing their own steel and close the Crewe works on Sept. 30 on the ground that it is an uneconomic proposition at present.
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 140 9 De Valera's Policy Causes Crisis. Reuter's Wireless Service. Dublin, Aug. 9. Criticism of the Free State Governments imposition of a tax of 5s a ton on BiiUsh coal was made at a special meeting of the Great Southern Railway Co. to serious position of the railways in
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  140 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 278 9 GRAMOPHONE Record Carriers THE WINEL is the idea] Record Carrier, or can be used for storing records, made of iout millboard and wood, covered with leatherette or leachercloth, in various colours. A schedule for indexing records on inside of lid and index cards are included. For ten and twelve inch
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  • 743 10 Sports Pastimes. LEAGUE CHAMPIONS DEFEATED. CHINESE WIN BY PENALTY GOAL. KEEN FOOTBALL AT ANSON ROAD. ASSN. FOOTBALL. The Malays concluded their programme in Div. I of the Singapore League rath inBloriousrjr When they were defeated by the Chines* lit the Anson Road Stadium yesterday. A penalty goal (the oniy point
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  • 61 10 LAWN TENNIS. The Garrison tournament was concluded last •mng. The results of the three remaining finals were: M*.ried Couples Open: Cept. and Mrs More T .jor and Mrs. Winder 6—3, 6—l. liUit-Regimental: RA. beat R.A.M.C. 6—3, b—l. Mens Doubles Handicap: Major Cuff and Capt. Grant Taylor plus
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  • 670 10 TALL SCORING EVERYWHERE. LANCASHIRE'S FOURTH SUCCESSIVE DEFEAT. CRICKET. Reuter. Lancashire, after assuming a challenfcinc position earlier in the season, look like finishing lower on the table than sixth, the position they held last year. They met with their fourth successive defeat at Cheltenham yesterday, when playing Gloucestershire.
    Reuter.  -  670 words
  • 112 10 GOLF. The following will represent the Rotary Club hi the return match rjafept the Island Club, at the Island Club course on Sunday, Aug. 21. H. D. Mundell and Lt. Col. F. Q. Hyland; w Smith and S. S. Church; F. V. Broadman and H. Bowrey;
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  • 1058 10 Annual Meeting Of Rugby Section. RUGBY FOOTBALL. Perak To Play In Singapore? A proposal to run a second fifteen independently of the first team, with a separate captain and convener and a separate fixture li?t was made at the annual meeting of the Rugby Football Section
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  • 650 10 ALLEGATIONS OF FAKED FIGHTS. < BOXING. London. July 25 toy Air Mail.) Allegations -hat boxing natches in Gnat Britain are eirar.ged. ihel lights are faked and thai lacketeering was rcmpr.nt are among th cnsaticnal chaig.s b-ough against Ihe t-POEt bj the boxing egpett oi the "Daily
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  • 386 10 WIDOW'S SERloug ALLEGATIONS Husband's Death Aft*. Assault. The Singapore Police m trace a Chinese who, it assaulted a man with J tv* latter was being held Milled man's confederal, I operated on fcr a rap un d f c died Hj leged, bore him a grudge
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  • 77 10 BASEBALL. Ww *V» V«v f SsUlcr Khblrt i.ii [«.1U.-r.4r tullt: l'i jqi," T3i IN::» Now York 0 4 Ootnpl'j i i -j 1 Brooklyn CUtrjc.* ptitZL-J-PhDadilphi u 'idem. 2 Vl'.-ll Davt I Boston AMERICA* fr.U-.tT BOfctcn 2 ijoilpy i iTii i i:j Philadelphia Cleveland XMjiol Nv-«
    77 words
  • 16 10 ATHLETICS. Th< .»unual othirtjc ir* T MfttbotUs GMV 17 Ml 11 Mount S":
    16 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements

  • 597 11 BORROWED TO PAY H is DEBTS. kipal Employee's public Examination. cy Coun yesterday, before an application was made V c of bankruptcy petition named Zainah Ghani Wnte ..pp:ared in support of Mr vD v C nl ch »as granted. A i for a receiving order
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  • 356 11 DID YOU KNOW THAT there is an automatic S.O.S. for submarines? (By Our Scientific Correspondent.) The location difficulty that was experienced after the sinking of the British submarine M 2 would have been greatly simplified if the vessel had been equipped with a patent device for giving warning of an
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 428 11 CHURCH SERVICES. TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 8. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL, 6:50 a.m. Holy Communion. 7:30 a.m. Matins. 8 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 5:30 p.m. Evensong (Choral) and Sermon. Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 a.m. TANGLIN GARRISON CHURCHES. 7 a.m. Holy
      428 words
    • 215 11 I llihni'il iMH TALKIE PROGRAMME: 7.15 TO-NIGHT 9.30 Skinner Steps Out WITH Glenn Tryon and Merna Kennedy. JJ PACKED BY THE GROWERS ~.W fA j 8 PEKQeQ^^^^^J \tzzL GOLD LEAF TEA 99 j The, Supreme Achievement of the Blender's Art. In the face of the competition which clearly must exist
      215 words
    • 174 11 No fussing with pots and pans. Every mould a masterpiece. Oown Jelly is a time and labour saving BRITISH PRODUCT. FRAMROZ Co. j Official Insurers To The 4. A, j of England. X The Motor Union Insurance Company, Ltd. j THE SPECIALISTS IN CAR INSURANCE, OFFER Better Policies Lower Rates.
      174 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous

  • 138 12 ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO. (S.S LTD. Prices for the Shell Motor Spirit and various brands of Kerosene are as follows: Shell Motor Sprit ex pump per British Imperial gallon $0.86 ex 4 gallon drum per British Imperial gallon $0.89 Shell Motor Sprit per 4 gallon tin $3.68 Shell Kerosene
    138 words
  • 1486 12 A Weekly Letter From London. (From Our Own Correspondent.) London, July 15 (by Air Mail). It has been r* dull week in London, cne way and ano her. Already, the annual "summer slump" has hit the business interests of the metropolis—a bit earlier than usual, this year.
    1,486 words
  • 73 12 On Sept. 28, 1931, Jack Pet-rsen had his first professional fight Since then he has won the heavy-weight championship of Wales, the cruiser-weight championship of Great Britain and, recently, by defeating Reggie Meen, the hoavy-weight championship of Great Britain. In the picture the referee is telling
    73 words
  • 113 12 Will Not Ik Office, Reuter. ScTc Till \Yl<0'\>-r' J r rft G-.jiri.iny in virvt-of PtT*.d<'.u t, *h«; Cablrwo t> party tltn une U17 lr. I, to glv.» ,»jr ?t» Ct-nMv 1 en- rarry om N» n as out cl Uu <ji* A HUHrailt 1; but
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 173 12 67, Selegie Road, h 'PHONE 4227 /j j Last Three Days of Cash Cheap Sale 13tli, 14tk and 15th. j FURTHER REDUCTIONS. <j iMWWWBMiIinn imini iwp—mb— mmma 'simmtammwmm ENERVIN GIVES RELIEVES ENERGY iar¥W ANAEMIA HEALTH VWILL LASSITUDE STRENGTH OO INSOMNIA NEW LIFE V^,T INDIGESTION VITALITY YU>*J WEAKNESS VIGOUR GOOD DEPRESSION
      173 words
    • 184 12 KAPALA CI laTAMAnT The best for growth of balr, the scalp, head, r.cse and ea- HIMALAYAN PHARMACY, 135, Serangoon Road, Slnrapot I" Na E 348! I MMSVTACTTJWBfm m I <\%n I .ii jrn'. Na g late' I i|f nt. I 'ft. »si*.Ai R*-*H tOAD ll Special Care is Essential in
      184 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 687 12 CLUB DIARY. (There are numerous Clubs and Societies f* Singapore, most of the members of which art readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
      687 words

  • 951 13 MAYFAIR NOTEBOOK. l Queen Vbaard the ''Victoria and Albert"—Down it, in Shorts—We Take to the Fruit Cocktail. PHI LINE.) 27 ißy Air Mail). v t their Summer 4 -vk toria and porl gncutb this week th Cow.s Pcint day hae? s>en i op' (rem London to OoodWOOd and
    951 words
  • 743 13  -  (By "MARIAN." [All Rights Reserved.] invalid essence. e ef—Mutton —Chicken. iu ,,f hecf or mutton. Remove bor.e Take a lb. email stone jar <n nud mlntt- Put into d thl Chin empty preserve Jar B placo JgJ Willi on»- small tcac I v at cr and put «r,
    743 words
  • 280 13 Car Runs Into A Hedge. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremtan, Aug. 10. A Eurasian named Jules Sta Maria appeared ■Are vhe poice magistrate. Che .coning, in answer aim for having commi.ted disorderly cm Road on the morning of Aprt by jumping on to the running board of
    280 words
  • 49 13 British Official. Rugby, Au?. It. The highest temperature for two years was recorded in London to-day, when the thermometer reached 88 degrees in the shad* 135 in the sun. Most inland districts ol England and the east coast continue to enjoy heat wave conditions.—British Official.
    British Official.  -  49 words
  • 35 13 v right) «inning the final of the 80 metres hurdle race d .in at Stamford Bridge. On the left is Miss Webb, who rts England in the Olympic games at Los Angeles.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 316 13 ffl /St, £aw*^» ne f The Fragrant Message jj Combining the allur- g orious moments -ot romance, of social j '"X fra aoe< uf g^mour the refined woman of to-day uses the I W Tea with the W Tosca Perfume. Its delicate and distinc I 1 «83 d ;T d
      316 words

  • 387 14 Three Years For Stabbing A Woman. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Aug. 10. The last case at the Negri Sembilan Assizes was heard to-day, before Mr. Justice J L McPall, when a Tamil coolie named Pavadai appeared to answer a charge of having on April 12. at
    387 words
  • 234 14 Air. Frank S. Will una. Am rican Trad Commissioner. 7A. Oe an Building;, Singapore, has jus: received by cable the following statistics relating to the foreign ;rade of the United States '.vith Middle- Asia: I ar the month of June. 1932. Total
    234 words
  • 175 14 Britain-Canada Negotiation At Ottawa. Reuter. Ottawa, Aug. 11. Britain and Canada are en ihe verge ol agreement, according to well-informed circles The question of Russian dumping is said be out of the way, Britain having agreed to secure legislative authority to proceed by Or-ders-in-Council under
    Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 215 14 Barlow's Report. Messrs. Barlow and Co., in their weekly repor dated Aug. 11, state: Following the better tendency mentioned in our last report, prices have shewn an appreciable advance in the chief selling centres, with a firmer undertone. Locally 1% centwas at one time touched for R.
    215 words
  • 48 14 Barlow's Report. Messrs Barlow ami Co. In iheir weekly rruort dated Aug. 11. *tate Tins commodity has again aperJene quiet week. There have been miner fluctuations, but at ihe close prices are sUchtiv better han those reported las; week vfe Sundried $5.55; Mixed $5 05
    48 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 417 14 ILLS/ For cou^h.-,coM -,bronchi!!* anaemia end other IK |m\ trouLLe due o run-down physical conditions IKk or to undernourishment,Waterbury's Com- mm 111 pound i sv, onderful food, tonic andhealtli Km |Al builder. It especially <;<H;d forchildren. Kmi Mm\\ a r "-'ut-tasting--non-oily— practically 11mm ll\ nevcrupsets the stomach, /mm wßm\\ iS
      417 words
    • 196 14 ANY SCALP DISEASE? ZAM-BUK QUICKLY CURES SCURF DANDRUFF, ECZEMA RINGWORM. Nothing spreads quicker than scalp disease —nothing is more infectious. A ravaging attack of ringworm or scalp eczema may easily be caused by scratching :he top on* a small itchy spot. To treat dandruff, scaly sea'p. bald patches (alopec.;a). scurf
      196 words
    • 102 14 Germs of decay lurk in ugly film Prevent trouble-keep teeth free from film with this special film-removing tooth paste I 7T Tl° F** rem VeS tWs fi,m a d -eals in/the, v Zi7 rT clean e,)amd of your X' hide V ,<! tec h- this dull lian" Y„ teA w
      102 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 559 14 WHAT TO LISTEN iwaunq i ,a ly 1(1 SO to 11 n>etf-si FOR. R S RADIO QOLDBERG R*?' ««flb Stations «ecetoed JTTpS hot J /n ifatoifa. ah Money. CHELMSFORD, as or m MONDAYS. BOLENAS, Calttonda^l* o^ P.m., music. ■«0 metrn PETALING HILL. 55.5 metres, testing dally RADIO GOLDLFRr from 10.30
      559 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 403 15 w i o. UKIIISH INDIA .PCARLINBS. *U England). ■SSSSSen #fl. Novices. m\IL SERVICE. <£«• d JapaD Due Tonnage. Singapore 19^2. 17 000 Aug. 19 Aug. 21 6.500 Aug. 31 15 000 Sept. 2 6.850 Sept. 14 16.000 Sept. 16 t 6.000 Sept. 27 17 000 Sept. 30 > 15.000 Oct.
      403 words
    • 515 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. I ~r Ti Mil THE iiNY.K. (Japan Mail) TO LONDOM. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam MiddlesboruuaM. Vessels. Tonnage. Lrue. Sail. I KASHIMA MARU 10,000 Aug 25 26 YASUKUNI MARU 12.000 Sept. 6 HAKONE MARU 10,500 Sept. 21 22 SUWA MARU 10,700 Oct. 6 7 I FUSHIMI MARU *****
      515 words
    • 483 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. ll!rf<l NORDDKUTSCHER LLOYD. (Incorporated in Germany). The undernoted are the Company's Intended fixtures: OUTWARDS. "SAARBRUCKEN" for Iloilo, Cebu, Manila, H'kong. S'hai, Taku, Dalny and Japan A 8 5 "ISAR" for Iloilo, Manila. H'kong, S hai, Kobe, Taku. Lalr.y Tsingtau Aug. HOMEWARDS. 1 "ALLER" for Pert Said, Tripolis, Marseilles,
      483 words
      553 words
    • 657 15 BANKS. Tbe Ho Hong Bank, Ltd. j RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. i SAFE DEPOSIT SERVICE Safe Deposit Boxes for the safe keeping of valuables and important documents j are available at very moderate rates. J For the information of intending depositors the following is a scale of the J fees payable
      657 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 342 16 w.iXiliUiiiiliWll'il)'r'ininir|[iiniitiim;;i[ii[i»TT»i,<..iiiiiiiTi»j«iiMi«ii»umu«:miiMt» w_ 11 THE NEW HANDLESS WRIST W ATCH. I J lĔ3B j I Guaranteed 15-jewel Lever Movement. I Chrome, Silver, 14 ct. Gold, IS ct. Gold. I I «O HANDS O GLASS TO BREAK I X EAT AND COMPACT IN APPEARANCE PRICES MODERATE. j I X M. OLI MOHAMED.
      342 words
    • 632 16 -iiiiiliiliii.iii'iiiiiiiHiiiiiitiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiitxliilhtiilnliil.itni i«i<t~tiit'>f.i|Mtiifi'tii|ii(il|iitii|iil"li^*lill>t> l l, a 91 SPECIAL BARGAIN! SPECIAL BARGAIN! f I 1. Swlcs Wrist Watches in 14 kt. Gold. 15 Jewelled lever movement prices from $7 and upwards. 2. Swiss Wrist Watches ln Rolled Gold, price.', from $3.50 and upwards. j 3. Swis3 Wrist Watches in sterling silver, 15
      632 words
    • 298 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. LEONG SAN TONG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that persons qualified to be members cf Leong San Tong art required on or before September 15th, 1932, tc call personally at the effice of Khoo 800 Gay Esqr., 48, Change Alley, Singapore, between the hours of 10 a.m. and
      298 words
    • 371 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. Established IC2B. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls) B—Short Street. Singapore. Offers thorough training ln Music—both PRACTICAL Ai THEORETICAL Courses leading to CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA, L etc. Booklet upon request, M. ANCIANO. Principal. Lady gives Fr nch conversation and violin lessons. Box 612, c
      371 words
    • 306 16 I•I•III I 119, North Bridge Road, 5 Si! DOLLAR COUPON SALE |j to num rous Customers havh I j in obtaining various sizes of Shoes W 9 II owing to the great ckma-.d, by SpecV if Sale is extended for a period of one mo I Bth September, 1932.
      306 words
    • 468 16 FOR SALE. ..FOB Unotype Motors, each v., pf all in good working order F further particulars write to 2 &oS aya TribUM^ MALAYA TRffii^ 'PHONE 6171 SUBSCRIPTION RAri.B. PAYABLE DI ADVANCE. Delivery Including atamt at office Postage PorJ or close (Local or to pi residence F.M.S.) Coun&J Yearly $15.00 $21
      468 words