Malaya Tribune, 10 August 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 30 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. XIX.- -No. 188 SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Sing ipore: Wednesday, Aug. 10, Ur.\2 Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1932.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 350 1 on has made a of the climatic Malaya, there- j BAT A FOR ECONOMY ah OMFORT. v|,,.« rMW! j I I ILDING, SINGAPORE. —> i —ll —Il—Jl—lUULUUUUUUUUUUUI-ILJLJI-11-i>-<' I |W I "Chop Hijau" l^^^^Sj liiij RjBH i'j You will be satisfied I 0 ii K§|i«g CARLSBERG PILSENER m iI M "CHOP
      350 words
    • 222 1 A. FLINTER. I 6, Raffles Place. BUYS I Gold coins and gold j ornaments of every class and quality, paying highest prices according to daily j exchange rates. I I v mmt i IGUINNESS IS THE BEST! I BUT BE SURE IT'S "DOG'S HEAD" GUINNESS STOUT t I mr I
      222 words

  • 77 2 ->■ letters to the editor. rt tM ttt us oft of jiuhJUl interest. It must ne uki*ct«too® TOJir rcfld'T, mrttrd l<> to u ffJ|dorJr opmm .i. rrprcMcd by cottmf/»o£ fJu- \W>to*u Tnlin"' n/>/ir >15 POISIbLE. jtrcfcrably typewritten pond,»,.. UrnM SWOWB DK w trouble ipuciQ', av<l on an?
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  • 1193 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir-I have been asked what might appear a simple question, fit: Who are payers? Judging from the accounts in W press I naturally answered "the public But on being told that I wai wrong, I roOTreo to the word -Bate" lathe Dictionary
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  • 555 2 /To the Editor, •'Malaya Tribune"; su In h»* ti.rri--i.>und« neo dated Juhcrr Brum. -July 16. S.A.M. .-aid: -The not\lalny: claim Umi tlwy aiic»vl!tl cn.ioy slnu uv PtlViliv. v -.««id prt 1« 112 nee* !o [to» vJ:at ar ,i ?-d« d by tin .-.dintni'»lr.!|ort -t Mala;- :c T
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  • 148 2 (To Vic Editor. "Malaya Tribune."j Sir.—l have for tonu' time past been considering the work of girls In the higher Utnd&rcK of our schools. The course set lor the pupils Is In my (pinion of a high standard, end whilst »bu 5 eminently for girls who wish lo
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  • 68 2 f'T"-» (Fie Editor. Malat/a Tribune.") riu— l» i. admit*.* di: U'J'- 'ha«. man.', fepreser.tiiti cf ChlPise Secret Societies art demanding mjmy itzm coffes-lhops, !ur*kcrt. etc. ic Narcic Street, Tanjong Pagar and cAher placc». This is a very serial's matter tn this area, espccta'ly lor poor p.'Opit* without,
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  • 253 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—Under the cuspices of the above Association, an All-Malaya Adi-Dravida Conference was held and passed resolutions to help the orphans and widows, as well as to obtain grata cf lands for unemployed labourers to enable them to employ their time
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  • 161 2 (To the Editor. "Maluya Tribune.", Sir.—l shall be glad if you will kindlj allocate me a space in ycur popular journal to voice my appreciation of "Decency" in defending a good cause. In places like Hongkong. Shanghai and elsewhere, hairdressing is most'y performed by girl-barber., and it
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  • 161 2 Government Monopolies Department. The activities of the Government Monopolies Department for the year 1931 are concisely se out in the annual report. During the year an agreement was entered into with the Governmen'. of Sarawak unde. which Sarawak is supplied with chandu from the Singapore factory. The
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  • 344 2 Johore Royalty Going To Switzerland. PROBLEM OP DISMISSED STUDENTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, Aug. 8. H.H. the Tungku Amjpuan Besar of Pahang, widow of Tungku Mahmood. late Sultan of Pahang, and a sister of H. H. theSullan of Johore. with H. H. Tungku Abu Fakar,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 256 2 For your throats soke, smoke FRESH Cigarettes. lifliEiMnML^ffll From Arcadia Works in London When you pull this rubber Tab listen s where the World's finest Virginia for the air rushing into the tin. The Cigarettes axe made. "d lifts off easily. TRY as you may, you won't find a smoother,
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  • 578 3 Counterfeiting Apparatus Under Hen. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Soiembaii, Auir. a. Customs Officers recently raided a hOttse in search of illicit sumsu and instead found underneath a hen sitting en eggs a bottle containing a pink liquid the contents of which, v.hen analysed, were found to be
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  • 401 3 Decrease In Crime During Last Year. The annual report oi tike organisation and administration of the Strait:, Settlements Police and the state of crime for the past J29X contains some interesting facts: particularly :n regard to Singapore. The report shows asa tisfactory decree.U in robberies
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 338 3 7¥ione 346 3 STI SHIRT A»# HEADQUARTERS If VVVVV\\VVV\\\Vl\V\^^ ,lAI X HIOST T m *yi I Jyj VIOLET L a J X I HOST is alleged to have said to the violet, ilt thou?" And it wilted. That's what happens to some shirts when you send them to the laundry.
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    • 356 3 I Seine tiling new Mk CLARET j I CUP I Jjjraser Neave, Ltd. (Guarding homes throughout the World! r' 1 I r T* r HROUGHOUT the world today thee* an thousands of families tjo live happily in die protection of Manufacturers Life policies. With Head Office in Csnarla, this great
      356 words

  • 409 4 Contributed By "MALAYA TRIBUNE" READERS. AUNTIE LIZZIE'S LETTER. The Coming Convert. My litisr Nl '-'t--1 an> MVrfj'i «1 l<> ir < !l l ,r 1:1 i: r v-,;nii(ibf \ui* i' ili-rouih Abinti 60 -1*1: uiK'iikie.l ;«tul cf tl im I iHiki", «r» a" .i;, n \tr «'P. the
    409 words
  • 690 4 by "G< Z 1.. T:i r<.ins WVIt« «bout %< triHhmx !.Rp|V (1 t I OIIIY tu, u: v*. li t.ny c rfcitr w turlß .i>, ".j'l nv ni i»cs* Sit a.*»; <> 'v 4 coup* ii I rjitn* s: mu.<i ;iuv«. b.«rn C Wi U; .k
    690 words
  • 295 4 IBy "Qucenie:') On Monday morning, as I was going to cehOOl, I met "Y. N. Koh." As w> >\<re talk, tog, I espied the badge cf the Girls' Circle." Suddenly I thought Lew floe it W«uM be to ■>> B number of the "Circl I
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  • 618 4 ■By "Jean."? When I first heard of a rendezvous for Ccrnerites. I smiled. shall never go there."' 1 tdd myself, "Heavens! Id di- of bashfulIfy lesoluticn. however, began to falter j when I read 9t the Cornerites first meeting. ;Th n 1 learn.d about the prospective concert id
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  • 154 4 (By "Molly.") I wish someone could definitely tell u>. whether or not there is any truth in this "Oily Man" business which has so completely raptured the imagination of the people. There is no end to the descriptions cne hears, but all this is hearsay; nobody I
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  • 72 4 n -*>aNew Members. »1 *1 »13» Thr t.Uowiiig hav«* bo n adritrt'-d and ».n rolled as members of the "Girls* Circie" Tiny Tffli," Tot." -Jaswi't." E:-?£ep,' "Allda 'MlckJ "April." I'" -Marvtm." B ity" a«Kt." A l •Adojablt 11 'Qurtni'!." ••Military Tw St. p." 9»UI 'Thi?p-(.a," "Ohl-'kiii* t
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  • 273 4 (By '-Anne."j Our "Girls Circle" is a jelly affair. There J isn't any "bo-sing" among the girls—and I hope there never will be; for it is "bossing' j hat makes things unpleasant and tt is usually i tlie downfall of Clubs, etc Furthermore. there's the
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  • 584 4 <By "Eircne." i It is an amazing fae,t to realise that e.e.y week brings in near members lor the "Girl." coiner." it is certainly growing large and a giance at last Wedn.sdays papers wi.l teveal tne fact mat no lewer ihan 121 entou* iastic girls are membeis
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  • 140 4 (By 'Cordelia.") Before I start to :ay anything 1? me thank Aun*i-: UsZK fnr the beautiful radge which I think every 0.-rnerite loves dearly. Oh! giris ho.v g ad I am to see our t>,al increase to 121. E.cry Wednesday arrives like a mother with a string
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  • 160 4 'fly "JftUJMrrin, Hew arr 7-. r r jo mm y_*u t !t-r 112 cf a !ur.r«jrw I 1 nc s ;ioj I 112 •MtttyT' tram .1. 4 My 1 «ib <|« f»i 1» «HiAl I «!»> I wlUi »1 lUI licr Neur muid. -fir.., nk.,
    160 words
  • 533 4 By "A Shoriff/m. »r i Fclkm Cornerlt* n rwf ye who biJ'Jisß 1«» Tli»' 1 lend tnv your «u You Mv 'U»ijt<» tlJi w-t i M «s.-,.., \vhlc:n m«aue thai y»ni -r.-., cm v_, ..i!" but when you :jk 4 <:l n'riiKßitvi "hut uttii imu arid then
    533 words
  • 117 4 ißy "Jturw Well? ViMii Wt»W ll i comlw Befoir I ihank dear SchwoU'*»*! my Ilrsst uiUcV i '-J k when I heard Hi*' iwitth*' >'■'■ Mtja Laiane-se lull •'">* and would not alio* yt>sfc?Lf by uriUmi l" thcv ti.n annoyu:»f' »•»>t v yoor'U' got rid of 1 By t]>».
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 168 5 M 1 v m. ins REPORT, ,>ut' 10. II ..m. >*n I *d 3 unchang <1. J—lo ccr.L Ayrt Pr.nai 20 —23 CitiiS, 3r: 20 —25 i-tus. Buior -LiXlls 30—4 0 r.ernis. „rti .ritu 30— 3 C» oßDtn, i't 1 -10 >; .uUi sidinui »5—65 41'
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  • 460 5 LATEST QUOTATIONS* MINING. •RUED BY rBASEB CO.. EXCHANGE AND STOCK. RBOUBS. Slniapctc, Su~. 10. 1932. 10 oa. asm tfwuc. Buyen. Sellara. ill Asam Kumbang Tin 21,5 23|C CI Austral Malay 181* SUi{* ss. Ayir Hit am It.- 11- 12r El BanuTin Tin 7|9 Bill Batang Padarxp, 0.U5
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  • 117 5 ISSUED BT FRASER CO. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Buyer*. Seller». Singapore Cold Storage Deb. 7 cent. 102 103 cl Singapore Municipal ilW)li 6 ptir cut 104 107 nom Singapore Municipal < 1907 >44 per cent. 100 103 nom Singapore Municipal (1909) 4 J per cent. 100 103
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  • 373 5 ERASER CO AND LYALL AND EVATTf QUOTATIONS. Singapore. Aug. 10, 1932. 1« am. Issue To-day's Prices. Value. Fraser Lyali <fc I Shares. Co. Kvatt. I Allenby $0.25 $0.35 $0.30 $0.40 1 Alor Gajah 0.20 0.30 0.25 0.35 lA. Hitam 0.40 0.60 0.30 0.50 IA. Kuning 0.05 0.15 0.05
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  • 288 5 FRASER CO. S QUOTATIONS. s a a CLOSING QUOTATIONS 11 g > Buyers. Sellers. $2 $2 Al x. Brick Pref. 0.90 1.00 aj $2 Alex. Brick Ord. 0.50 0.80 norn £1 £1 B. Ameri. Tebacco 83;6 88 510 $5 B. Malays Trustee 4.00 5.00 $100 $50 Chinese C. Bank
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  • 198 5 Domestic Production (as ascertained by exports from Federated Malay States, Unfederated Malay States, and Straits Settlements) of Tin, and Tin-in-Ore at 72 per cent., during the mcnth of July, 1932. Tons. Tons. Federated Malay States 437 Unfederated Malay States: Johore 21 Kedah 6 Perils 109 Kelantan nU
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  • 530 5 "BOOMLET" DUE TO SPECULATION. Caution On Both Sides Of Atlantic. Reuter. London, Aug. 9. A turn-over of 5,000,000 shares: the highest Prices since March: railway securities doubled in price since the low level of June: but some recession in all sections before the close. These features
    Reuter.  -  530 words
  • 109 5 Alleged to have been found in possession of an automatic pistel and eight rounds cf ammuniticn. a Sikh watchman named Lab Singh was prosecuted before the District Judge (Mr. C. Wilson) yesterday. The accused was employed by one of the local European firms and lived in
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  • 291 5 (By Courtesy of Hongloong Bank.) Singapore, Aug. 10. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 29i32d.. London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 "ted., London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 27|32d., London 30 days' sight 2s. 3 13;16d., London demand 2s. 3 25 32d., London T.T. 2s. 3%d., Lyons
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 166 5 I HERE IS REAL RELIEF! 1 him nudes ache and arc all taut and nrmed *;m pain, rub m relief and mb the wisTncM and pain with Absorpi esrsses Jeep into the SBBS Oct, Fed the glowing warn;th mm] starts the blood coursing to the sore rbees Impurities that have
      166 words
    • 280 5 Of Local j DIAMOND I Superior Manufacture BATTERY I Strcngtb Made under \i y QlTe> EXPERT k S v I >|k A* UGBT. EUROPEAN LASTS ,BE,T,SB, toNc» SUPERVISION. owing; to the fact SUPPORT Xj- m FRE^EB LOCAL Ay". ''"P 0 1 1 INDUSTRY. TV:- W 4;; \m THE CHEAPEST If;
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 212 6 Amusements < The First Grand Opera Filmed In Sound 6.15 TO-NIGHT 9.15 Leoncavallo's World Famous Opera PAGLIACCI Presenting the Celebrated SAN CARLO Opera Company of 150 Artistes With the Italian Opera Stars ALBA NOVELLI, FERNANDO BERTINI and MARIO VALLE. WITH ORCHESTRAL ACCOMPANIMENT BY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF 75 MUSICIANS. Magoificent Voices!
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    • 161 6 MATINEE TO-DAY at 3 p.m. You m\y not like the title BUT YOU'LL THRILL TO THIS GRAND HUMAN PICTURE OF YOITtTS dangerous years SPENCER TRACY, DORIS KENYON BERYL MERCER, RALPH BELLAMY --IN— America FRIDAY i Robert Montgomery. Heather Thatcher IXj BUT THE FLESH is WEAK Another BRITISH SUPER BY METRO
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  • 1504 7 NOT CONFINED TO LANDLORDS. Amendment To Payment Of Assessment. A public meeting with the object of forming a Ratepayers' Association was held at the Adelphi Hotel yesterday. Mr. John Lay. C ek presided and the attendance numbered ever sixty. The chairman said, at the outset, that h;
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  • 80 7 Reuter. New York, Aug. 9. The cnation cf a new sort of "reconstrucf;cn" < rrporat.on aimed at eliminating surplus row materials is nearng completion by NewYork bank- under tlie leadership of Mr. Eugene Meyer, Governor of the Federal reserve Hoard. The corporation, which nay be
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 35 7 Rugby. Aug. 9. Viscount Chelmsford, former Viceroy of India, i as been appoinica Chairmen of t! B ror-imiite-e CO investigate the acquisition of a permanent site for the British lUdWtttiea Fair—British CfYicial.
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  • 174 7 Singapore, Aug. 10. Rice, Siam Al per Koyan $190 Rice, Siam 1 $175 Rice, Siam 2 $165 Rice. B. Siam No. 1 $131 Rice. B. Siam No. 2 $126 Rice, Siam "Sinway" per koyan No. 1 $180 Rice, Siam No. 2 $160 Rice, Saigon Al Sl6O Rice. Saigon N.
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  • 106 7 At the las', meeting of the Johore Executive Council it was resolved to follow the policy Of the Colony and the Federated Malay States In remitting, as a purely temporary measure for 1932 only, all rents on agricultural land [q excess of $2 an acre. Rents
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 320 7 i bNDERS. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. cerred at the Colonial fgfDXRB [c noon of August t gfcttfy> the 1 hawing work: g construction of a floating C tford Pier compris- of Rs! forced Concrete a» Thr to t f Reinforced Concrete Reinforced Concrete ions of btfttan wood with I ior a firm
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    • 81 7 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Assurance in force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated ln the Straits Settlements). HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry, E.G. The Company has £30,000 deposited with the-Supreme Court of England and complies with the British
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  • 46 8 u-m; Mas RoqUiMn fr. ir repoer tf Ur. *acf h Li- Mr Sa&r.ul Fnuutte DCc.,, .r«, uill j -u. *<>irtorr.,w, at »»30 «slit v C_ .j fi If ■f •Hr Goud Tlv .io > <v a ui rtlntr.c" „nc /..r :ir a
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  • 875 8 I The report of the Singapore Municipal Retrenchment Committee is moderate and sound. There are those who consider that it does not go far enough in envisaging practicable economies, which shows that it stops short of harsh extremes in axe-play; and there are j those who hold that it
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  • 20 8 A lecture on "Is Theosophy Anti-Christian" will be given at the Thcosophical Society, 181, Tank Road, at 6.30 p.m. to-d?y.
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  • 533 8 Mischievous Rumours Refuted. The military authorities in Malay* have ben BOnewhat perturbed by published reportc and gossip recently, calculated to injure the reput, ation of the army and prejudice public opinion, which are either wholly false oi much distorted. One of the matters as to
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  • 36 8 Rugby, Aus. 9. The Kins and Queen to-day left London for Sandringham, Norfolk, where they will stay fcr a few days before proceeding north for their annual visit to Balmoral.—British Official.
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  • 20 8 From Europe (London mails despatched on July 21) by the "Rohna," due at Penang at 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 311 8 It is reported that Sir Lancelot Elphinstone, Chief Justice, F.M.S.. who is or leave at present, may net be returning to Malaya. Amongst the visitors to th? Cameron Highlands over the week-e id was Major Doyle, who is opening a sanatorium foi race horses. Mr. L. L. Hodgson will be
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  • 456 8 ■'•st toaxn tKr Topsy-turvy times—ther. at the improven n .7 Some day th. mine, m deep mourning becauaT reached £200 a ton ifl N *A*3C armc.% cUoyengf" ri join the Etateptyers' you feel it is really itself useful. nR to There seems to be some douht to
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  • 39 8 Latest Quolali" 08 RUBBER- Loudon. '2 5 Mid N»*w York: 3 Slmtflpur*. 7 cu l». TIN. London Bpnt: tMO y > Fyondon !i f72^r't COPRA. M-ssrs. Bwloiv and Oo T,: ,>w "jundrled P* Infixed Thr markrf Is <iWt
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 611 8 Billiards At Home! iThe AYHLITE MODEL BILLIARD TABLE FITTED WITH THE NEW AYRSTEATE j CUSHION KAILS. j i These tables are well constructed fascimrle models and should in no sense be regarded as toys. The "Ayrlite" tables embody j patented improvements i:i construction, which render them practically equal in stability
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    • 66 8 A Happy Thought FOR THE CHRISTENING jj PRESENT. t CHILDREN'S CUPS in SOLID' SILVER. jj I l[ I U.S. de Silva Bros i JF.WEI.LERS, j 23, High Street, Singapore. 1 634 I j T. K. K.'S it BALLOON TOYS 20, 25, 40, 50 and X 0 els each. I m
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 37 8 SINGAPORE WKATHKR RE^ RT Yesterdays Max. TomperaU-re F Last night's Min. WMpeMtaw Yesterdays Rainfall, ml. Sunshine 9.9 hours. fen t I p.m Relative Humidity t 1 pm. Wind. S. 10 m p h 1 p.m. Weather, cloudy
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  • 768 9 AMERICA WILL BACK THE LEAGUE. SPEECH BY STATE SECRETARY. PrelurK- To Action In Far Hast? Reuter. ii in tht American Secre- Slat* to the effort that he Ur I art tod spm *c ntly of {real ignilirance in I r.tM aeatag As embly tMm mral
    Reuter.  -  768 words
  • 61 9 Dangerous Driving! Reuter's Wireless Service. Rome. Aug. 6. A v r »Mch pulled up a 4 1 "jniutA hie dangerous driving hr Unv discovered that the r lr w ,li Mussolini himself. but thr Dure good'1 <hc men oti their zeal '?crt war veterans, h'J Mil m
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  61 words
  • 118 9 Alleged Dispute Over Love Affair. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Dahru. Aug. 10. A drowning fatality occurred at 3 p.m. yesterday at the river by the side of the market at Batu Pahat. It appears that two y:ung Chinese girls, aged 13 and 15.' were
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  • 229 9 Money For Party From Kreuger. Reuter's Wireless Service. Stockholm, G. Tlie acceptance of 50.000 kronor from Klreuger lest February for th; Pany funds of the People's Party is ofne ia iy desenb. d as the reason for the sudden resignation of the Frirr.e Minister. Mr. Ekman. leader
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  229 words
  • 39 9 Reuter. Brussels, Aug. 9. The coal miners' demand for a general strike me coai c Na tional Committee has been rejected b the N£w h cf the Commission Bei q 26 unions are affiliated membership.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 57 9 OUR READERS' VIEWS, on page OVFR THE CAUSEWAY, on page 2 CUSTOMS OFFICERS' DISCOVERY, on p. 3. GIRLS' CORNER, on page 4. SUDDEN RISE IN SHARES, on page 5. TOPICS OF TO-DAY, on page 8. CLUB DIARY, en page 12. rwARY OF EVENTS, on page it. SSSro AMERICAN
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  • 170 9 Demand For Resignation Of Ministers. Tokyo. Aug 9. The vernacular papers give prominence to the demand by the nonagenarian ex-Minister of th? Imperial Household. Count Mitsuaki Tanaka. that Count Makino. the Lord Privy Seal, and Mr. Ikki, Minister of the Imperial Household, should resign, taking responsibility
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  • 62 9 R'tght and Lett Wings Of Proletarians. Tokyo, July 24. T'r:ere was a significant political movement during the week-end when the right and lefi wings of ths Japanese Proletarian Party dec id.d to unite under the name of the People's 'Socialist. Party. This unifies the movement into a
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  • 97 9 Reuter's Wireless Service. London Aug. 8. The widespread interest evinced for some cays in the arrival of the film star Greta Garbo, on a visit from Hollywood, reached a climax this afternoon when Router's Stockholm correspondent flashed the news that she had landed at Gothenburg.
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  97 words
  • 61 9 The culvert at Bukit Per nai in which is said to (low the magp.C water (from a spring) by using which many people claim to have been cured of various diseases A Chirac said he had a dream that his eyes would ba cured if he
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  • 181 9 Rumoured To Be The "Oily Man." The District Judge (Mr. C. Wilson) sentenced a Hylam, Lim Ah Quee, o three months' rigorous imprisonment this morning for housebreaking. The accused was found hiding in a bedroom in Dr. Slopcr's house in Chatsworth Avenue on the might cf
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  • 1940 9 NATION IS BEING CRUCIFIED. Passionate Outburst By Mr. Soong. Following the resignation of lhe "Premitr," the whole Cabinet at Nanking har resigned and China is v.rlually without a Government. The resignations are due to inability to contrcl the war-lordi, v. he, will not organise rcsistanee to
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 321 9 SANATORIUM MB AN DJAHE (EAST COAST OF SUMATRA) 3.C00 FEET ABOVE SE LEVEL. 2 HOURS FROM MEDAN. Climatic, dietetic and surgical treatment of lung disease. CHARGES: 1. Class: F 250.—monthly (including lodging, food, medicines general treatment.) 11. Class: F. 150.—monthly (including lodging, food, j general treatment.) 11. Class: F. 75.—monthly
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  • 574 10 Wholesale Resignations Confirmed. Shanghai, Aug. 10. It is observed that Mr. Wang Ching Wei is bent on his resignation from the Presidentship of the Executive Yuan, despite all advice. However there appears to be a ray of hope for his resumption of the office, if Marshal Chiang Kai
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  • 863 10 Sports Pastimes. ASSN. FOOTBALL. SINGAPORE LEAGUE RESULTS. GOALLESS DRAW AT ANSON ROAD. SURPRISES IN THIRD DIVISION. puur match** pfoyrd tn be S.AF.A leai/uo yvstfrfli'y, the FLr*t Dlvi- >on garni* at Anrou Stadium he'wew the tud »i»»"* R a ir (i dJTttA In M»< Third Division, l'uh!l. STylc» 1 r<*«i«irji>d tfar.'r
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  • 602 10 HARD STRUGGLE AT HASTINGS. CRICKET. BIG SCORES AT THE OVAL. Yorkshire's comfortable win over Derbyshire (reposed yesterday), and the absence of a decisive (result in the Sussex v. Kentmatch has increased the champion County's lead and they are now 19 points ahead cf Sussex, al hough the
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  • 64 10 A MAR SINGH BOWLS EFFECTIVELY. Reuter. Lcndon, Aug. 9. The Ali-India team won their match against Gloucestershire at Bristol by 56 runs. Amar Singh, the 21-ytars-old medium-fast Sikh bowler, captured eight Gloucester wicke's for 90 runs in the first innings. Scores: Indians 236 and 390. Gloucester: 230
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 441 10 Triumph Of Recording At The Capitol. AT THE CINEMAS. An cpportunily rarefy offered is that now pus .nod by the Capitol, where the *irst operatalkie, **I Pr.gliaeci." is being screened When the ialkier, first arrived as a practical preposition rone thoughtful critics predicted that the new r-rt would
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  • 1216 10 NAMING OF NEW PIER. S.S. (S) A. And Governor's Decision. Copies of the correspondence between the Straits Settlements Association and the Colonial Secretary relative to the Governor's decision to name the new pier "Clifford Pier" are forwarded for publication. As the arguments are of general public interest
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  • 70 10 Boy Witness Sent T 0 Reformatory. Alleged to have a rjhfa.. in daylight in Bewcoten Sta? I two Chinese. Tay Ah Cho, .IT were sentenced to three raorrtt!. 5 priscrunent by the Dittrfa tj" k Wilson) yesterday ofc7 A boy witness who gave tile, prosecution, and his
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  • 224 10 Heavy Gun Practices. SHIPPING NEWS. Owners and masters of shipping mk quested to keep their J range as possible during the heavy tice, which will take plac* the night of Aug. 26. 1932. commS 5.30 p.m. A red fla j will be flown rrom Moure tan* B'akan
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  • 151 10 Alhambra— "Young Amend." fta'ct; Spencer Tracy. Dorh Kenyan, Ralph Belkw. etc. Matinee at 3 Capitol.—Th- famous opera: 'Pagfctc: Additional stag? at rp.cticn: EhV- and mt in their dance speciality—" The Spicier a Moth." Empire—Double talkie featun "Tho Sr Raiders" and the "College Coqu.tte" Ft: shew at
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  • 122 10 Valuable .And Important Tivebj A* At »i:t Ottawa Con!cniK<' wiin U tor the oor-ul; l '.''T.,-tion-i between the United Kjugfl"!' 1 and the Caiifcftan MU&t*'- n^ r J! Cabinet arc understood <• T Ridercd the SrMfch »»>;.*?' > previous j>ro|KJeals ano v circles ihr» In ,l so
    122 words

  • 410 11 Ambushed In The Jungle. Dramatic Evidence Before Coroner. Dramatic evidence was given before the Singapore Coroner (Mr. F. G. Bourne) yester- day during the inquiry into the death of the j Chinese Police Constable who was stabbed to death whilst attempting to arrest three j Javanese suspects
    410 words
  • 277 11 "Pasar Malam" And "City Lights." The Pasar Malam continues to drawtremendous crowds to the Great World Show, and brisk business is going on at every stall nightly. New attractions are added every now and then and the public will never find a dull moment should they choose
    277 words
  • 33 11 The rate of issue of Money Order for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Order from India and Ceylon is Rs. 156 tot $100.
    33 words
  • 556 11 BRITONS OFFER TO FIGHT. Blockade By Neutral Nations? Reuter's Wireless Service. Buenos Aires, Aug. 9. An economic blockade of the belligerents is believed to have been unanimously agreed upon by other South American States in the event of Bolivia insisting on war with Paraguay. It is
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  556 words
  • 187 11 A Pierrot-Pierette Theme. Under the auspices of the Wesley Guild a fantasy entitled "Prunella," or "Love in a Dutch Garden," will be presented by t|ie "Mummers" at the Y. M. C. A. Hall on Aug. 13 and 20 at 9.15 pm. The performance is under the
    187 words
  • 118 11 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVKt*. Singapore, Aug. 10. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Penang Ma:u 22. Mam Wiimi i Sntrnnee Gate 3.) Eulan 16; Soudan 3*; Flatcig 12; General Met linger 10. Enipln- Dock (Entrance Gate 3.) W(irbank 30; Thurland Castle 32; Karapara 36; Kut-ang 37; Kola 38. Empire
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 184 11 World Show GATE ADMISSION 10 CENTS. LAST NIGHT Grand Basket Volley Ball Exhibition AT NEW WORLD BOXING ARENA BETWEEN j auanan (South China) Singapore A; m ,s,i..n Charges Including Gat e 50 cts. &20 cts. j TALKIE PROGRAMME 7 15 To-Night 9 30 j "The DRAKE CASE For People With
      184 words
    • 281 11 By Special T H M Tb i Appointment am jj ESTABLISHED 1872. RACING RUGBY 4 Puts You In The Game* THEATRE TENNIS No Matter Where You Slt BOXING SWIMMING CRICKET AVIATION FOOTBALL TRAVELLING j B. P. De Silva, Ltd., SOLE AGENTS: J SINGAPORE: PENANG: j 19 21, High Street. No.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 129 11 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY, AUG. 10. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Officers S.V.C., Revolver Course. 5.15 ,p.m.—Headquarters, S.R.A. (v), Battery Parade. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "D"( Eurasian) Coy., Company Parade. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, M.G. Platoon (Eur.), Practice D. F. Orders. TO-MORROW, AUG. 11. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, Officers S.V.C., Revolver Course. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "E" (Chinese) Coy
      129 words

  • 114 12 London Stock Exchange Report. Reuter's Wireless Service. London, Aug. 8. On the S-ock Exchange gilt-edged securities have iuJered a sot-tack, which, is chiefly ascribed to selling owing to the broadening interest in other sections. O herwise the new account opened with a burst of strength, following
    Reuter's Wireless Service.  -  114 words
  • 125 12 Mrs. Bruce Makes Third Attempt. Reuter. London, Aug. 9. Mrs. Victor Bruce began her third attempt at establishing a duration record from Portsmouth and her seaplane proceeded to Ipswich in order to obtain more favourable weather -onditions. Mr. J. A. Moilison. the airman, left Stag Lane
    Reuter.  -  125 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 167 12 Pineapple" Bacon FINEST SUPPLIES i; AT CHEAP PRICES. Streaky Collar e °>* Forelock- 35 'Singapore Gold Storage I Company, Limited, lOrchardI Orchard Road, Selegie Road, Keppel Harbour, Katong Grange Read. 1 ■MMMMWMBMB—W 11 I wmi ■i mm mmwrn j CHILDREN SIMPLY LOVE I HORLICK S SO WHY NOT m I
      167 words
    • 397 12 LATEST ADVERTISEME NTS. NOTICE. In reply to an 'advertisement appearing in jtM paper I. Loh Guat Neo hereby give notice Tut I have taken proceedings before the Cninese Protector for the dissolution of my man.age with Chua Keng Cr. 3ng and that he i:. not entitled to be considered as
      397 words
    • 970 12 Latest Advertisements ORDINANCE (BANKRUPTCY, IN THE STJPREa straits BmiSSaS settlemz:;-. In Bankruptcy. Re HENRY DE CONCEH B.Ba!estierß il H.M„:^;;; i V No ice is hereby giv en that a s **X is intended to be deehu All credi ors mmt pn 2nd cay of September, 1932 be excluded from this
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 842 12 CLUB DIARY. I (There are numerous Clubs ar.d Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in
      842 words

  • 4206 13 nrR TENT. CUT IN Mv( .iop:>l Retrenchment Report i all the recomA f J vU (h) \hniH ipal Budget o»' nd ,J qtP—t— bus already 0"" P h iiubiish in iiu.almrn s ■>** u.thout abridgment Monday's issue.) t Conclude- MISCELLANEOUS. ii no change is desirable v..
    4,206 words
  • 36 13 China's chief competitor in the world Olympic Sports, Mr. Liv Chang Chun (middle) and his two trainers. Mr. Li.i failed in the 100 metres heats. (By courtesy cf "Sin Chew Jit Poh.")
    36 words
  • 79 13 After the French submarine "Promethee" was sunk in 150 feet of water north of Cape Levi, divers from the Italian salvage steamer "Artiglio II," which recently succeeded in obtaining gold from the strong room of the sunken P. and O. steamer "Egypt," proceeded to the spot to
    79 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 135 13 j If You Would Only Tate PINKETTES! i JjTL You would stand J FIM the heat so much i If jlf better. Plnkettes > l|J|ii) clean s c the j njj stcmach, liver and ill ir.testi gently but j efficiently, thus \y i! Vl helping you to keep J Hf/
      135 words

  • 1211 14 MUST THEY BE SENT AWAY "BAG AND BAGGAGE?" PRACTICAL REASONS FOR RETAINING LABOUR FORCE. The case of the Indians who are now being repatriated to India from Malaya is a deplorable one, says the "Hindu" (Madras). It can differ but little from that of Indians that
    1,211 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
      484 words
    • 182 14 f JUST TWICE A DAY I CHANGE "lea, the rest off the time, as usual. I like it just as well as ever... couldn't set along without it. But Postum is easy to prepare: ponr I Can ffCt along Without fOO miirh boilin* water orcr a teaspoon. ful in a
      182 words
    • 278 14 lneßeason,., 'Unpleasant Odour is Caused by Underarm Hair Yvonne always wondered why <*# unpopular and it was such a ter it was difficult to teU he' |Es* plucked up ooorage Hair 2*! arms is not only uyly an H Zr looking bat greatly problem of body odour Then I Slimy
      278 words
  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 813 14 WHAT TO LISTEN FOR. Radio Stations Received In Malaya. All times givn m the following me Singapore timet. MONDAY 8. PETALING HILL, 55.5 metres, testing daily from 10.30 to 1 am. MANILA, KZRM. 49.3 metres, every Monday; 8 to 9 pm, weekly broaacast ol recorded music. BANDOENG, PMY.. 58.2 metres;
      813 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 400 15 o. KjfITtSHINDIA .pcARLiNES. England). CARGO |> N-T.ON AND kvice. IBU Majesty's LONDON. OIJ -r\VAF D japan. for I Due Tonnage. Singapore 1932. Aug. 19 M AUg. 21 0 Aug. 31 j Sept. 2 000 s^ l 16 |Q Sept. 25 11 000 Sept. 30 m oc. i 4 V/ Nl
      400 words
    • 536 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. /§\N.Y. K. S «BP LINE (Japan Mail) TO LONDON. Naples. Marseilles, London. Antwerp, Rotterdam MJddlesborouau. Vessels. Tonnage. Uue. Ball. I KATORI MARU 10,000 Aug. 11 12 i KASHIMA MARU 10.000 Aug 2d 26 YASUKUNI MARU 12.000 Sep 6 HAKONE MARU 10,500 Sept. 21 22 snwA MARU 10,700 Oct.
      536 words
    • 483 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. ifiT fH n^R I)DEUTSCHER iXUYD. (incorporated in Germany). The undernoted are the Company's Intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. "SAARBRUCKEN" for Iloilo. Cebu, Manila, H'kong. S'hai. Taku. Dalny and Tsingtau TSAR"' for Iloilo. Manila. HKcng. S hai Kobe. Taku. Lalr.y Tsingtau Aug. .8 HOMEWARDS. I "ALLER" for Port Said, Tripohs, Marseilles.
      483 words
      575 words
    • 725 15 BANKS. |The Ho Hong Bank, Ltd. j BAFFLES PIjA.CE, SINGAPORE. •SAFE DEPOSIT SERVICE j I Safe Deposit Boxes for the safe keeping of valuables and important document* are available at very moderate ratea. For the information of intending depositors the following is a scale of the fees payable for renting
      725 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 366 16 fj THE NEW HAN I>I,ESS WRIST WATCH. I 4. I Guaranteed 15-jewel Lever Movement. I Chrome, Silver, 14 ct. Gold, 18 ct. Gold. I ]By JO HANDS I I J\i <> GLASS TO BRI \K |j X AND COMPACT IN APPEARANCE i I PRICES MODERATE. 1 I |j X M.
      366 words
    • 402 16 £|iimii iiii'iini ;iiiiiii:'iiiiiiri!iiiiiiiiii;rii!iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|i!i!iij[fiiii[|Mi!;i!iiniMr:i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiviiiiifliii .iiiinnniiii iiii'iiniMiii'iiiiii'i' Le <zJ\derciers School at ESTABLISHED 1906. f 218, Queen Street 61, Waterloo Street I mmmmwmmhm I Morning Classes only—Primary to Commercial. NO AGE LIMIT! Principal:—F. I MILES. 1 m -'''■lIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIHIIim^ TO LET. COMFORTABLE ROOM to let. 21, Lembu Rd. TO LET—3O7, East Coast Road, spacious
      402 words
    • 483 16 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. LEONG SAN TONG. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that persons ;ualifi d to be members of Leong San Tong arc equired on or before September 15th, 1932, lo •all personally at the effice of Khoo 800 Gay. 2sqr.. 48. Change Alley, Singapore, between ,he hours of 10 a.m.
      483 words
    • 382 16 EDUCATIONAL. FAR EASTERN MUSIC SCHOOL. Established 1628. (A Government Registered School). (For Boys and Girls) B —Short Street. Singapore. Offers thorough training in Music—both PRACTICAL THEORETICAL Courses leading to CERTIFICATE, DIPLOMA, ft etc Booklet upon request, M. ANCIANO. Principal. civil engineeringT For tuition ln all branches of Civil Engineering including
      382 words
    • 334 16 lIIIJIIIIITiIICI 1 1 1 I I I i flits fey 119, North Bridge Road. SinjaJ^P] j DOLLAR COUPON s ALf II Owing to num:rous Customei in cbtaining various sizes of l\ owing to the great d;ma d, by Spi Sale is extended for a period ot -i Bth September, 1932.
      334 words
    • 409 16 FOR SALE-EiehTT Linotype Motors, 3*u J all in good working order" further particulars writ/,, Manager Malaya TrilZ J Anson Road. '*> MALAYA TRIBOi 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION hAfts. PAYABLE IN ADVAN'CI Delivery Including at offlce Postage *2 or doss (Locale: tojl residence F.M.5..) c»J Yearly $15.00 $2100 oi Half Yearly $7
      409 words