Malaya Tribune, 21 May 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. XIX.- -No. 120 SINGAPORE SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Saturday, May 21, 1932. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1932.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 138 1 CEYLON TIPTON'S TEA. y oU annot Better The Best. j 1 I jpW|| |jj "Chop Hijau" •jjji BifM You will be w/t'sfieJ W I i B inn %w CARLSBERG P1ISENER m TsShI t "CHOP HIJAU" Obtainable at Hotels, Clubs and j j j j i j J The ideal drink
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    • 241 1 1 THE "MALAYA TRIBUNE" IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM IN MALAYA. I BEER il. j SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. By Or. C»o'S H«nninfl Obtainable at all Dispensaries Stores GULL BAHAR OIL B(REGD.) AWARDED 2f GOLD MEDALS is the best for the hair GROWTH AND OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE. ASK FOR: Butterfly Green
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 215 2 Amusements < Matinees: To-Day and To-Morrow 6.15 To-Might 9.15 THE BRIGHTEST AND MERRIEST SHOW OF THE MONTH! First National's ALL-LAUGHING Musical Comedy— Spring is Here With an all-star cast headed by The Beautiful Prima Donna of "NO. NO, NANETTE" fame— BERN ICE CLAIRE WITH Ij FORD STERLING ALEXANDER GRAY. LAWRENCE
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    • 139 2 MATA HARI IS COMING MATINEES: To-Day and To-Morrow at 3 p.m j Joan Crawford j Clark Gable IN Possessed A METRO SUPER—AND THE OBVIOUS WEEK-END SHOW JACK HOLT Ralph Graves IN A MIRTHQUAKE OF MYSTERY I A Dangerous Affair j JWy*''*'' RESERVATIONS-—'PHONE 6903. i 8.15 Nightly 9.15 i I MATINEES
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    • 243 2 6.15 TO-NIGHT 9. 13 Suicide Fleet To-Morrow— Sunday RALPH LYNN i IN L_jjISCFIEF| TO-N-.CHT. AND ~.5 P. M j Great World Talkie Theatre KIM SENG ROAD GLENN TRYON, VERA REYNOLDS, STEP'N FETCHIT AND CARROLL vvr "NECK and NECK" i A ,„ve story f the MM !l PRECEDED BY "MONKEY BUSINESS
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  • 67 3 Raided A Bank In South Africa. Reuter. Capetown, May 20. A Malayan, Stanley Raymond, the chief culprit in the sensational raid on the Plum--steed branch of the Standard Bank, South Africa, last March, was sentenced to 25 years' imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cat. Raymond
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 44 3 The M.M. "Compiegne" is due here irom f aigon to-morrow at about 2 p.m. and will probably sail on Monday at 9 a.m. for Madras, londicherry. Colombo. Djibouti. Suez, Port n'ald and Marseilles. She will berth at the C H. B. wnarves.
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  • 33 3 The rate of Issue of Money Order for India and Ceylon to-day ls Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Order frcm India and Ceylon is Rs. 156 for $100.
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  • 174 3 Flying Own Machine To Singapore. An accomplished Swtes pianist and aviator, .Mr. Alphonso Breitenbach, with his brother, i expected to arrive in Singapore by air at the beginning of next month. Mr. Breitenbach is rot cut to make records and his destination h Adelaide. It was.
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  • 297 3 (By Courtesy of Hong Kong Bank.) Singapore, May 21. Silling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 29;42d., London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 27 32d., London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 13 lCd London 30 days' sight 23. 3 25,32 d., London demand 2s. 3%d., London I.T. 2s.
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  • 654 3 Tested Over Malayan Railways. An electrically driven Dis,. 1 iv.ih.ay rngln belonging to tne Siam.-ft Royal r .Un:::.y arrived in Singapore at 6.23 p.m. yilteiday evcn.'ng. bringing the ordinary day express from Kuala Lumpur. The engine was lent by Ihe Siamese Railways for the purpose of
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  • 149 3 Capitol Presents Musical Comedy. "Sp:ino Ls Here," a musical comedy which b-gan p. season at the Cap'.tol last night, is not likely to be as popular as most films of this typ?. There is plenty of music end plenty of humour but th/? action Is held i;p
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  • 42 3 Reuter. Kaibour Grace, Newfoundland, May 20. Mrs. Putnam, wile of the well known publisher and iuimerh; Miss Amelia Ear heart, ihe firsi woman passenger on a trans-Atlantic {.eroplane, started to-day on a solo flight to Paris—Reuier.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 26 3 Reuter. Washington, May 20. The Canadian Minister. Mr. Herridge, officially denies the repor. that Canada is negotiating a trade agreement with Russia Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 401 3 Assets exceed $12,000,000. eftnftnnn f Assurance m force over $35,000,000. The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements). j HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street. Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry. E.G. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England and
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    • 209 3 ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Summary Case. In Bankruptcy. No. 269 of 1932. Re Mohamed Sidik bin Haji Ismaon of No. 58, Kandahar Street, Singapore, Malay Teacher. Receiving Order made 15th April, 1932. Date of Order for Summary Administration 14th
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    • 224 3 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS t m I WANTED —Young Lady (Eurasian) for out- 1 doo; canvassing. Must be able to speak Chinese. Apply stating salary required to Box No. 572, c o Malaya Tribune. i TAIPING TURF CLUB. AMATEUR RACES. Friday, 3rd June, 1932 (Kimr's Birthday) Saturday, 4th June, 1932. Horses Classes
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  • 687 4 Big events are stirring in Japan. This has long been known, and has een suspected as partly the reason or the military adventures at Shanghai and in Manchuria—they 'lave served to distract attention 'rem domestic issues. The position seems to be that the militarists, rhe-i imbitions becoming
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  • 319 4 Mr. W. Gordo has been appointed to be an Assistant Superintendent of Chandu and Liquc.s Revenue. "Malaya Tribune" photographs of the Empire Chopping Week lorry parade appear on page 11 ot this issue. The resignation of h'.s commission in ihe S.S.V.F. Reserve of Officers by Sectnd-Lieut. Owrn Owen has been
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  • 176 4 Excess Of Bank Reserves In U.S.A. Reuter. New York, May 20. A committee cf bankers and industrialists headed by Mr. Owen D. Young (the Reparations expert) formed to ccnsider means for making the funds released by the Federal Reserve Bank useful affirmatively in business. announces that
    Reuter.  -  176 words
  • 69 4 Big Jumps Exnected In S!am. In regard to the report in yesterday's "Ma'aya Tribune" of an ircrease in American .y.c prices n Malaya on M:nday (10 ocr cent, en "passe- ger' and 15 per cent on "truck") V. is understood that in Siam the prices
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  • 201 4 A New Form Of Home Mail! Singapore newspapermen made records yest r(not a hletic) records. By the invitation of Mr. M. Vo>s they attended at his studios in the offices of Msssrs. Thos. Cook and Son, Ltd., in Robinson Road, speke into a microphene in a li
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  • 136 4 The following amendments to the regulations for student scholarships to the Raffles College are published in th? Government Gaze it? issued yesterday: (a) The word "will" in the first line of Regulation II is deleted and the word "may" is substituted therefcr. <b> Regulation 12 ii' deie.ed and
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  • 258 4 Mr. J. H. Pedicw has been appointed to act as flolicitcr-General, S. S.. as from M3y 14. The promr>ion of Second-Lieut. C. B. Web'j. S.S.V.F., to Uie lank of Lieutenant ha:, bern approved. The hLstorycf the Singapore Botanic Gardens will be related to Rotary Club members at their weekly tiffin
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  • 39 4 Quotations. RUBBER. LOBdflti 1 16d. Hi* York: 2 13! IS (G Singapore Spot: %%*t> C e£ts. TIN. London Spot: £124 15s. (Down 17s 6d) London 3 months: £127. (Down 12s. 6d.) Tin: $64.00 (50 toss sold).
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  • 520 4 (BY ~lOOKlR- ON u,_ Oil dividends ar still despite trading losses 7f pai <5 millions. 1 flar.y Malaya may well famous as the last L !f Kings. 1 oi| It may even of uncontrolled fl ia The Match Trust, it i" ;f ncr good profit on sale,
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  • 21 4 Mills by tlic outward D««5 rrrniiiiflym are m pore by the morning respondence will be holders at 8 a.m.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 211 4 I 1.1 J..... BRITISH EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK U&EĕĔP' May 18th to 24th wkkir Empire Products "NEW WORLD Jalan Besaß j SPECIAL DISPLAY OF i "His Masters Voice" GRAMOPHONES AND RECORDS. Call and hear the latest Records Played on the H.M.V. Electrically Amplified Gramophone. Robinson Co., Ltd.! SINGAPORE. The Ideal String
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    • 91 4 .cjr^r^r^f^r^frsJr=drsdr==J^ WHAT SHALL I SEND HOME? Dragon or Cherry Blossom Mounted. TEA SETS CONDIMENT SETS ROSE BOWLS SERVIETTE RINGS LIQUERS m FLOWER VASES POWDERS PIN TRAYS Etc., Et=. Gifts that will be ever appreciated. U.S. de Silva Bros, JEWELLERS, J 23, High Street, Singapore. -:634:T.K K.*s I BISCUITS. 2 lb.
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  • 298 5 MANY BURNT TO DEATH. Traiit'dy "f The "Georges I'hilippar." Reuter. pa niters en the "Georges iren trapped and burnt to )(lt i, ovriag to the hulkiicads being nn them is one of the serious made in connection with crgea Philippar," the
    Reuter.  -  298 words
  • 257 5 Many Resignations During The Year. aval report of the Johore Planters' lor the annual general meeting irday -ates that the year from April March 31, 1932, has been an excepriifficult year for the industry and m be no early prospect of imprssuHut. idily increasing membership is reported, the
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  • 93 5 Uian After Acceptance Of He organisation. Rugby, May 20. V -'inning of the League Council session -day Viscount Cecil represented B:.t in when the question of Liberia was r Mln report, providing for the apLeague and the United States to jfcr^nistrxti^. --rutzrj Telcccit was acic,?tad, X,ri'xry
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  • 156 5 Huge Frauds For Eight Months By Kreuger. Reuter. Stockholm, May 20. I\ar Kreuger as the "world's greatest bankrupt" emerges frcm the final report of th? Committee of experts appointed to examine the position of Kreuger companies. It is sensationally disclosed that Kreuger's personal debts amounted to five
    Reuter.  -  156 words
  • 84 5 Passengers Talk While Rushing North, British Official. ROgby, May 20. Telephonic communicatirm was established tc-day between the Imperial Airw?vs Ur-tf "Heracles.'' which was or i s journey fee Gla gov;, and the famous flying Scotsman of the Lordcn North Eastern Railway. Th-> train was proceeding
    British Official.  -  84 words
  • 165 5 Fine Performance On Desert Journey. British Official. Rugby. May 20. A War Office report records a fine performance by British motor vehicles in Southern Sudan between Jan 18, when a convcy of four military vehicles left Cairo, to April 1«, when a journey of 5,G00 miles
    British Official.  -  165 words
  • 103 5 A bold attempt to victimise Messrs U. 5. Ie Silva and Bros., the well known High Stm t jewellers, was made this morning by Games it would appear that the Chinese entered the shop and picked up a few articles of jeweUety from one of
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  • 35 5 TOPICS OF TO-DAY, on page GLUE DIARY or. page 7 DI\RV O? EVfcNTS, en page 7. CEYLON NEWS AND nWs. on paj* U. WHAT TO LISTENFOR. onJJJg.. tt OUR LONDON LET#R, on P*^
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  • 115 5 Riots Bring Business To A Standstill. Reuter. Bombay, May"2?). Thro.? wer? killed and 40 injured in to-day's fifjht'n®. in addition to the twelve previously injured, who have died, but the situation generally has greatly improved. One thousand two hundred bad characters were rounded up and over
    Reuter.  -  115 words
  • 725 5 Glorious Array Of Wreaths. The funeral of Mr. G. H. McWalter. M.P.S.. director and manager of lleusra. Maynard and Co., chemists, of Singapore, who died suddenly yesterday morning, took place yesterday aftcmojn. Try? first part of the service was cendue ed by the Rev.
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  • 64 5 Members of the "M.T." staff have sampled T i Cross Milk, en excellent product manufactured in Holland by the General Milk Co. of America. Messrs. Ccnnell Bros, (the local agents) offer $2,000 if any one can prove that the milk is made in Japan, as has been alleged. Th" milk
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  • 952 5 NATIONAL GOVT. DEMANDED. Latest Developments In Manchuria. The Japanese Army continues to prej for a National Government and a string policy. Nihilists are being rounded up. General Ma is nearer Harbin, which Is defended by Japanese troops. Attempts Jo achieve Chinese unity continue. Marseilles, May 20. The
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 183 5 \\*Jjß PACKED BY THE GROWERS JL By Specialization—concentration—doing one thing only and that thing well, is responsible for the unequalled popularity enjoyed by "GOLD LEAF* Tea, a British Empire product, blended by experts with lifelong experience in Tea blending. Obtainable in 1-lb., '/2-lb., 4 -lb. and «-Ib. lead foil packets.
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  • 775 6 MALAYS LOSE LEFT BACK FOR ONE YEAR. Suspensions By Disciplinary Board. ASSN. FOOTBALL. The Disciplinary Board cf the S.A.F.A. announce th? following suspensions: For threatening the referee: Salleh bin Yuscf (Cold Storage A.C. > for cne year, and Sulong, for three months. For ungentlemanly conduct towards tne
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  • 112 6 Judgment In Supreme Court. .f J"""" Murison, the Chief Justice to-day in the case in which' T* Hoag and others sued the Guardian Arsiirance Co., Ltd.. for the recovery of $12 000 on an insurance policy. si 3PP: T that the Pontiffs insured their propei y, situated
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  • 553 6 Remarkable Bowling At Southampton. Rain Again Ruins Many Games. CRICKET. Reuter. In the County championship matches begun en Wednesday, there was some remarkable bowling at Southampton, where Notts were playing Hampshire. Nottingham batting first scored 206 rues and then bundled Hants out for 57, Sam Staples sending
    Reuter.  -  553 words
  • 133 6 Wazir Ali Scores Another Century. Th* ah t j* London, May 20. A11 Indla twists registered their first decisive win yesterday, when they bit oxford Zh°? tOTd by e ht wicktts Tfie tourists batted first and put up a total of 324 runs, towards which Li
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  • 388 6 GROUND AND PAVILION OPENED. f formed Nondescripts' C.C. wtoen a Jarre gatherin* turned up to witness the openmTcererncSy turn) to declare the grounds and pavilion opto, Mr. Lancelot M. Pennefather. a foundermenfter and the cricket convener of th» Club feelingly referred to the- l#e Mr. A. Lange'
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  • 312 6 LAWN TENNIS. Vienna, May 20, In the Davis Cup competition Prenn (Germany) beat Matejka (Austria) 6—2, 10—8, 6—1 and Camm (Germany) beat Art ens 6 —2, 6—>0, 6—4. Dublin. May 20. Lyttletcn Rogers and McGuire (Ireland) beat Von Kehrling and Gabrowitz (Hungary) 4—6. 7 —5, 6—4.
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  • 124 6 BILLIARDS. esterday's ties in the Malayan championship tournament resulted as follows: Chia Sai Tee (Post Office Club) 250 beat H. Butcher (Association of Engineers) 200 and Yeo Koon Yam (Amicable A.A.) 250 beat Seah Peng Kwang (St. Joseph's O.B.A.) 145. Seah Peng Kwang made the highest break
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  • 56 6 Carry Forward After Dividends. The report of the Royal Dutch for the year ZrSL IJ 1 Sh WS a net 27^16^8 florins. After payment of dividends they carry forward florins. The Shell TransS net income, including the balance brought iorient 2 Bo1 1 2 an
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  • 1643 6 Nancykar Creates Upset. MR. KIRWAN'S EXCELLENT RECORD. THE TURF. I I The first day's amateur races were held yesierday in ideal weatfces. The heavy shower of rain which Singapore experienced curlier I in the day had efl :ct on lhe soing, but nevertheless the day racing provided
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  • 213 6 Inspection Of Empire Products Exhibition. Interest in the exhibition of British goods at the New World Ls maintained and there was a large crowd of visitors again last night To-night H. E. the Governor (Sir Cecil C emeriti) will visit the New World at 7.15
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  • 70 6 The District Judge (Mr. G. C. Dodd) this morning fined a Chinese named Chin Yew Lang $10,000 (in default, 18 months' rigorous imprisonment), for smuggling a large quantity of non-Government chandu into Singapore «n\ Was Stated that the acc "sed imported over $5,030 worth of chandu
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  • 790 6 Allegation n a, n${ European. Crown Witness Bciiev. u Not Mean T.s The statement «hat h, commission would be d: accused and the engine, to make favourable rej the District Judge (M o r by the chief witness in t! Caldwell Tannock a Eun cheating a Japanese
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 231 7 gXUN AND CO/8 REPORT. COMMERCIAL NEWS. May 21, 11 a.m. RUBBER. |gd down 1,16 d. 13 10 cents <G.). down If 16 Ailenbys 30—40 cents, Ayer its, Ayer Panas 15—20 cents, cent* Brogas 15 —20 cents, 10—15 cents, Bukit Katlls Connemaras 25—35 cents, 10-- 15 c f
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  • 81 7 Guthrie And Co.'s Report. Singapore, May 20. m..... Guthrie and Co.'s weekly report states: Th- !iov;ing are the U.S.A. stocks ana a figures for April. 1932, with the !'ur the previous month, and for April of last year. April, March, April, 1932. 1932. 1931. C' sumption
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  • 33 7 BARLOW S REPORT. we sis market report of May 20, Barlow and Co. state: ased -lightly during the past vetk Closing quotations are as follows: tadrfcd S5 45 Mixed $4.90.
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  • 30 7 d a condensed statement of March 31. 1932, of the National Kea York, including domestic oOees. The total assets amount 11.871.982.619.52 while the total liabilities m 8TK,5g1,T15.11.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 383 7 THE NEW WORLD i EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK FROM 18th TO 24th MAY 1932. IfCIAL PROGRAMME TO SUIT ALL. Thousands and thousands of useful Articles will be given away FREE during the Season. J COME AND HAVE SOME OF THEM. All Shops well displayed and an inspection from house to house
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    • 197 7 i j fOR HEALTH ft VITALITY lIlR^ j FRAMROZ'S Italian Professional Violins f Noted for their tone quality and carrying Prices at $25, $35, $45, $75 A trial will convince you. j SEASON Co., Ltd., 115, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, SINGAPORE. I mX L T j I At Last! Abundant Hot
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 269 7 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. MALAYAN DAILY WEATHER REPORT. Tempera- Bright, STATIONS, ture Rainfall. SunMax. Mm. shine. 91 75 Nil 10.8 leH Bharu 91 73 Nil 7.9 n Bggana 90 74 Nil 10.3 86 72 0.08 5.5 Sitmar. 93 76 0.02 7.4 J Poh 92 75 0.50 4.6 htttervortfe 90 76 0.85 8.5
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    • 769 7 €LVB DIARY. Ye *?iMa:ous GluU «nd Societies in TO*'* the 0/ are readers ot the "Malaya Tribune." Thi, Diary LJZZH f* "xetaUv for them. Secretaries are aZ t to c in keeping it up-to-date tll 5* S cZudcd in UDU "V of Events" tataJSl? WTJS 1 cover meeting*, entern and
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  • 1484 8 Malayan Stocks Shares. MINING. Singapore, May 21, 10 a.m. Uaue Tear CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Value End*. Buyer*. Sellers. f1.0.0 Aaam Kumbang Tm Dec. SI £1 20 £1 M 1.0.0 Austral Malay Dec. 81 0.18.0 L 0.0 0.6.0 Ayer Hltam Tin June SO 0.10.3 0.11.3 1.0.0 Bangrln Tin Dec. SI 0. 6.6
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  • 73 8 Saved By Revolver Failing To Work. Calcutta, April 27. Mr. E. C. Gibson, the Commission of Ajmer Merwara, had a miraculous escape when a revolutionary fired at him from a range of two yards. The revolver failed to work. A plucky police inspector grappled with the assailant and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 120 8 I ■lhHHHliH|[iflHflHilHHillHiilHlßll||||^|||^ HOW MANY automobile owners realise the importance of giving proper attention to the STORAGE BATTERY of a car. TAKE A TIP FROM THE CHINESE Over to China they pay the doctor to keep them well. We ll be the doctor for your battery U you'll drop to for
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    • 202 8 What will you be doing one year from to-day? Will you still be struggling on at the same old job and possibly drawing even less pay—worried about the future—never quite able to make both ends meet? There is no greater tragedy in the world than that of a man who
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    • 482 8 CHURCH TRINITY SUNDay MAY 22, 1932. S. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL 6:50 a.m. Holy Communion 7:30 ajn. Matins. 8 a.m. Holy Communion choral 5:30 p.m. Evensong (Choral) and and Pnday at 8 a.m. Tuciv and Saturday at 7 a.m. TANGLIN GARrTsON 7 a.m. Holy Communion. LRca 8:45 a.m. Parade Service 7 p.m.
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 287 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY, MAY 21. 2 p.m.—Bukit Timah Range, "B" Coy., Table "A." 2 p.m.—Farrer Range, S.R.E. (v), Table "A." TO-MORROW, MAY 22. 7.30 a.m.—Bukit Timah Range, "B" Coy., Table "A." 7.30 a.m.—Farrer Range, S.R.E. (v), Table "A." 7.30 a.m.—Raffles Institution Ground, 2nd Bn. S.S.V.F., Rehearsal King's
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    • 69 8 MAILS CLOSE. MONDAY. MAY II North. N.-East and N.-Wcst Sumatra tOp ten Noorn 9 IB Indo-China tO. G. Merlin. 10 Java, South-West Sumatra. South-Ea-Borneo. Celebes. Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Van Lansbcrec» IOJu -Ceylon. Southern and Western Ind'.a. Egypt, Genoa and Europe UIJ (Gaasterkerk) U au North. N.-East and N.-West Sumatra.
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  • 940 9 THREE HOURS' SLEEP A DAY. Silent Interview With Meher Baba. w Meher Baba received me on April 9 in his bed house, writes James Douglas fn the London He has bten described as the Indian Christ or He arrived
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  • 17 9 11 Braun, Minister-President of Prussia. Carl Severing, Home Office .Minister in Prussia.
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  • 703 9 WARLIKE SPEECH OF MINISTER. Manchuria At All Costs. An amazing speech was made by General Araki, Minister of War, at a public meeting organised in Ojaka by the Kokuhohsha, of which Baron Hiranuma, Viee-Presidentyif the Privy Council, is the president The meeting was attended by about 700
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  • 220 9 THAT walking acts as an antidoto? (By Our Sci:ntific Correspondent.) Practically every patient, whatever his complaint, is better off for a good sleep; yet a New Jersey man has just undergone exactly the opposite form of treatment—he has walked miles (along the corridors of a hospital) in
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 270 9 Milk ait its Best i I 1 i i I Safe and Gcwd For j Our representative will call at your home j to show you Blue Cross Milk. A gents: j ICONNELL BROS. CO., LTD., 117, Cecil Street, j SINGAPORE. j Newly discovered! a priceless safeguard to teeth —an
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  • 1126 10  -  A MAYFAIR NOTEBOOK. Royal Portraits—A Debutante Parades The Latest Fashions—Modern Business Method For The London Hostess. (BY PHILINE. London, May 4 <by Air Mail.) The 1932 season in London hay begun with the opening of the- yearly exhibition of paintings at' the Royal Academy. Private View Cay is
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 452 10 A TRIAL LIFE READING FREE TO READERS OF THIS PAPER. The well-known Astrologer Prof. Roxroy has r>!.ce more decided to favour the people of this country with Free Test Readings of their lives Prof. Itoxroy's fame is so well known In this try that he hardly needs an introduction I
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    • 110 10 I DOAN'S j Cough Lozenges Doan's Cough Lozenges are specially made for the relief of all sufferers from Sore Throat, Loss of voice, Tickling Cough and other throat affections. Sold in small bottles in tablet form, these well-known Cough Lozenges are very convenient for carrying in the pocket, where they
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    • 165 10 POSTUM? "I don't mean give up your too. No reason \r why yoti should do tliat. Just give up 100 I much lea, and change to Postum t\*o or jfl Hirer times a day. I feel better since f tried it-sleep better, too. I think you would, W also. Postum
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    • 359 10 The Man Out Of Work n»nuuiu»»»n»mr»tiiii»wii«»i»»Miiiiiium will benefit by every tin of De Reszke Cigarettes sold in Malaya during this year. Messrs. Godfrey, Phillips and Co., Ltd., manufacturers of De Reszke Cigarettes, are donating 2 cents on every tin sold, to be divided equally between the Buropean and Asiatio Unemployment
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    • 59 10 Send all your orders for stationery and printing to CHONG'S, the House of Statisfied Customers. Our printing pleases our customers and WILL PLEASE YOU. Our prices are recognised by many to be the lowest in Malaya and may we expect your orders to prove our claims? Peter Chong Co. Courteous
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  • 36 11 Buy British and be proud of it. Hillman "Minx" and Ford Cars. "Lactogen" Babies. Raleigh Cycles. Another view of the Morris Exhibit. Soaps, Cigarettes and Furniture. Canadian Products. Borneo Motors' Exhibit.
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  • 2164 11 Drastic Retrenchment—A Deputy I.G.P. And A.S.P. To 00—Protest Against Financial Secretary's "Interference"—Schoolboys Tried On Spade And Plough—Lord Bea verb rook's Assurance For Preference—Home-Made Dress For Convicts And Constables—South Indian Arrack Imports—Old Palace To Be Mupcum. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Colombo, May 7. The Retrenchment Commissioners are
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  • 1819 12 COMMERCIAL BYWAYS WHICH SHOULD BE TESTED ANEW. V.U.UARf.E Ri'SiNESs MAY RE FOUND. The attitude adopted by the majority of British manufacturers towards Malaya undoubtedly shows a failure to appreciate the full potentialities o' the market, says the "Biltish Export Gazette/ When a few years beck,
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  • 231 12 Four Daughters At School. In the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr Jm ice a'Beckctt Terrell, receiving and ad.' PatkkaT sTf T gramed ar T S M ahamed Ibrahim, and Abdul bin ru-t 1 »«t-nam t d was made a bankrupt on his own petition. H? said
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  • 200 12 LEWIS AND PEATS KEPOKT. May 20. The market has again been v?r/ quiet throughout the week and. although subjec: to minor fluctuations, it seems likely that it will l.main at this level for some time. American consumption lor April was again disappointing at 25.900 tons, and fh're
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 138 12 YOU seldom see this destructive ineect— the silverfish is too busy gnawing away at your silks, laces, hooks, and important papers to keep in sight. Every year silverfish destroy valuables running into ire mmdous amounts. Take no chances. Spray the hiding places of silverfisb n gulurh *ith Hit. A \A
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 992 12 WHAT TO LISTEN SAmTS* Jp/ID SINGAPORE, VSIAB, 41.7 metres, as on r Wednesday. PETALING HILL, 65 metres, relayed conRadio Stations Received tSSB&SSbg? In Malaya. f™ rY 3123 mrtrM ,rom m au, 0Ma m m fiiiiiiiL. arc AMERICAN TRAN21VII;*2IOi%a pore tunes. BOUND EROOK, H J W3XAL, 12 k.w MONDAYS. 4
      992 words

  • 1266 13 SEVEN TOURNA iMENTS RUN SUCCESSFULLY. BADMINTON. The report of the Committee of the Singapore Badminton Association, for the year ended licccinbcr, 31 to be presented at the third annual general meeting to be held at the V.MC.A. to-morrow at 3 p.m. states: There
    1,266 words
  • 714 13 BOXING. London, April 28, Don McCorkindale is the new big sensation. Almost unknown to the English ringside a few months back he is to-day being called the world's most remarkable heavy-we'ght boxer. A former railway engineer of Pretoria, he rame to London some nine months ago
    714 words
  • 473 13 NEED FOR IMPARTIAL REFEREEING. ASSN. FOOTBALL. We all have our hopes, our likes and dislikes in football. My greatest dislike (writes Mr. P. J. Moss in "The Daily Mirror") is the referee who penalises honest shoulder charging and misses ankle tapping and elbow-nudging; th» referee who gives an
    473 words
  • 274 13 IFrom Our Ourn Correspondent.) Malacca. May 18. Tin first Malaya Cup trial was playc-ci to-day 1 the Kubu "C" ground when a very large rcwH turned out to witness it. The game, lowever, did not come up to expectations. Play was very scrappy in the first
    274 words
  • 250 13 LAWN TENNIS. Mrs. Grundy may say what she likes, but ihe Tennis Girl this year is going to play in comfort. She has decided to leave off her kneelength tennis frock, and play instead in "camirjhor.,3"—a on? piece garment newly designed by a West End firm. With
    250 words
  • 219 13 CRICKET. The Nondescripts beat the Ceylon Tamils by 31 runs on the C. T. A. grounds on Monday. Scores: N. C. C.—IST. INNINGS. P. Cooke c b Muthucumaru 31 E. Aboywardanc C S. Maniam b Thuraisingham 1 R. Scully b Lawrence 1 Dr. R. T.
    219 words
  • 633 13 ANOTHER LANCASHIRE LEAGUE ACQUISITION. A correspondent writes in the "Manchester Guardian" of March 27: W. E. Merritt. the young New Zealand slow bowler, arrived in London yesterday in order to tsize up his engagement with the Rishton (Lancashire League) club. Five years ago, Merritt, a schoolboy
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 467 13 I The Far East Oxygen Acetylene Co., Ltd. THONE *****. w i;> Per Drum of 1 cwt.—Delivered at Your Godown. Special Rates for Large Orders. AUCTION SALE CHEONG KOON SENG CO. AUCTION SALE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES. v vit"».rs Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s Saleroom, No. 30, Chulia Street,
      467 words

  • 2085 14 BRILLIANT "PRIVATE VIEW." Laureate Helps Young Poets. (Special to the "Malaya Tribune") London. May 3 (by Air Mail). Even more visitors than usual went to the Private View of the Rcyal Academy—the event which opens the London Season —this year. Before the doors had been opened
    2,085 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 358 14 riie qucikcrt k Safestv-«y w fu reduction C^Bfe—*j fiidily recommended by Physician* Hindenburg Records. 23c2 Anak Lang Mandi Pay«.—Boengah Blimbing. 23f0 Slendar.g Batik. —Jamdawan. 2376 Sri Dam—Tjepaka Biroe. 2378 Krcntjong Tji Onang.—Sri Muar. 2386 Sirih Temce Oerat.—Malang Laut. 23f4 Cherai Alarm—Stamboel Roesak. 2-108 Sayang Sayang.—Boroong Layang. 240S Chi.ta Brahi—Martin. 2404
      358 words
    • 251 14 THE BETT E R MILK FO R BAB IE S Jr or Bab/s Sake— LACTOGEN Doctor and Nurie arc so pleased "Lactogen" is pure, fresh, with Baby and the way he has fuli-cream milk, dried by the' come on, since Mother put him "Lactogen" method which on "Lactogen." They say
      251 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 453 15 SAILINGS. o. BRITISH INDIA AND AP CAR LINES. (incorporated in England.) ojaO, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. H-BOLAII AND ORIENTAL STEAM Ligation co. London and FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. Un dtr Contract with His Majesty's Government.) OOTWARD FROM LONDON. ror enma and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1932. 6.000 May 23 B:: 1
      453 words
    • 595 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE dNY. K. <gg§? LINE osa UapanMail), TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam Middlesborough. Vessels. Tonnage. Due. Sail. S FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 June 2 3 HAKOZAKI MARU 10,500 June 15 16 t TERUKUNI MARU 12,000 June 28 29 HAKUSAN MARU 10,500 July 13 14 HARUNA MARU 10,500
      595 words
    • 510 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG AMERIKA i™» Dwnpf«chlflt (P"Qj o**enacbaft rfTempeaie* incorporated tm Q*rmn§ OUTWARDS. HONG KONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1141. s.s. PREUSSEN, via Manila June 2 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila June 13 s.s. HINDENBURG, direct Japan ports June 16 m.s. ERMLAND, omit Japan ports Jims 27 HOMEWARDS.
      510 words
      477 words
    • 346 15 BANKS, THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements.) CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. Authorised Capital $4,000,000. Issued Capital 2,000,000. Paid-up Capital 1,000,000. Reserve Liability of Shareholders 1,000,000. Reserve Funds and Undivided Profit 1,600,000. AGENCIES: London, New York, Hong Kong, Canton, Shanghai, Swatow, Amoy, Medan, Kuchlng, Kuala Lumpur,
      346 words
    • 580 15 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: METFK CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. BRANCHES: Singapore 4£B, North Bridge Rca* Penang 88, Beach Street Malacca 181, Jonker Street Muar No. 1, Jalan Sayang. Batu Pahat 109, Jalan Rahmat. Palembang 18, Uk Hong Kong IS, Queen's Road. Central Seremban 88, Birch Road
      580 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 322 16 THIS PAPER HAS THE LARGEST SALE. AMONG THE PEOPLE WHO SPEND MOST IN BRITISH MALAYA. L 1 i THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESS!VP TO LET. TO LET—IBS, Tank Road, Immediate entry apply Meyer Brothers. TO LET —117, Kllllney Road, Modern Sanitation, Garage. Apply 64, Market Street. TO LET —Seaside
      322 words
    • 396 16 Le School ESTABLISHED 1906. 2 IS, Queen Street 61, Waterloo Street Morning Classes only—Primary to Commercial. NO age LIMIT! Principal:—F. I. MILES. TO LET. ROOMS TO LET*—Serangoon House, 300, Serangoon Road, under new management. Convenient situation. Very low rate. Personal application invited. TO LET. Two floors and a strong room
      396 words
      725 words
    • 551 16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE —Compound House, 117, Keng Lee Road, any reasonable offer. Apply 77-3, Pasir Panjang Road. AUCTION SALE OF Three printing machines, one cutting machine, one lithographing machine, one perforating machine, &c. TO BE HELD AT No. 258, Jalan Besar, ON TUESDAY, MAY 24, 1932, AT 11 A.M.
      551 words
    • 489 16 "TRIBUNE"SMALL AD& j BRING RESULTS j j BECAUSE THEY REACH I THE (j PERMANENT j| j} FOR SALE FOR SALE-EighTT7 Linotype Motors, each U b all in good working order iS further particulars write to 2 MALAYA TRIBUNE 'PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including Includto. at office
      489 words