Malaya Tribune, 19 May 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. XIXv- -No. 118 SINGAPORE THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Thursday, May 19, 1»)32 Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 189 1 UPTONS TEA. yen Cannot Better The Best. I "YOU CAN'T BUY BETTER THAN THE BEST HI "01" CEMENT and it is more ECONOMICAL N^°£jg**g^ r "0.X." Cement is famed throughout the world for its SUPERIOR QUALITY. Although moderate in price it is outstandingly DURABLE and STRONG. When YOU use cement
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 308 2 6.15 To-Miglit 9.15 For One Night Only— In Response to Public Demand! Special Rrturn Fill 111 of Tho PARAMOUNT BRITISH comedy Triumph— SERVICE FOR LADIES WITH LESLIE HOWARD GEORGE GROSSMITH AND ELIZABETH ALLAN. Don't miss this LAST OPPORTUNITY OF SEEING This BRILLIANT BRITISH PICTURE That Broke all Records when shown
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    • 209 2 Adfg Matinees: Saturday Sunday. Now acclaimed by Singapore! Alhambra sets the pace and keeps it with the greatest series of films ever brought to Malaya! Joan Crawford Clark Gable IN i PO S 15 S I Maintaining the standard A Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Picture. MATA HARI IS COMING jEp&t''''' RESERVATIONS— 'PHONE 6903
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    • 129 2 6.15 TO-NIGHT 9.13 BILL BOYD, ROBERT ARMSTRONG JAMES GLEASON, GINGER ROGERS in SUICIDE FLEET Thrills that will Knock You Cold! 1 Raffles Hotel j St. Andrew's Hospital Under the distinguished patronage of i H. E. THE GOVERNOR I j Saturday, May 28. J j From 9.30 p.m. until 2 a.m.
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  • 348 3 Must Signatory Pay Who's Amount? An interesting question as to whether a maw uho entered into a bond fcr $5,000 was liable k pay the whole amount stipulated was argued in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday b?fore Mr. Justice a'Beckett Terrell. The bond in question was
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  • 306 3 (By Courtesy of Hong Kong Bank.) Singapore, May 19. Selling: London 4 months' sight ls. 3 29 32d., London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 27 32d., London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 13 lGd London 30 days' sight 2s. 3 25 32d.. London demand 2s. 3 *d.. London
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  • 74 3 What do the billiards professionals do in winter time? Joe Davies tcld a 'Daily BMlid" correspondent Gclf and motoring are W hobbles." As Willie Smith is also a motoring enthusiast, the correspondent hoped that they would not meet on the road because b th men were inclined to accelerate. Davies
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  • 944 3 Well-Known Straits Chinese Acquitted. Siow Ngai Choon alias Song Kirn Pui, a Slraits-bcrn Chinese and the son of a wealthy C.iinese cf Singapore, now deceased, was acquitted and discharged jesterday at the Singapore Assizes before Mr. Justice Whitley and a special jury. The accused is the son
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  • 67 3 The Chinese Department cf the Y.W.C.A. Intends starting clashes cn embroidery, Mandarin and the making of children's clothes as soon as there are enough enrolments. Members and friends of other nationalities are also invited to attend. The Chinese cooking and English conversation classes and First Aid Lectures are
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  • 882 3 Self-Preservation Of Paramount Importance. The twenty-second anual general meeting of the Changkat Serdang EstaCes, Ltd., was held yesterday at noon in the French Bank Buildings, Mr. H. D. Mundell presiding. Others present were the Hon. Mr. W. A. Fell and Messrs. J. A. Clarke, A. S. Especkerman
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  • 25 3 The Straits Chinese Epworth League will hold its monthly social to-morrow in the Social Hall of the Straits Chinese Church, Kampong Kapor, at 8 p.m.
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  • 33 3 The rate of issue of Money Order for India •nd Ceylon to-day ls Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Order from India and Ceylon Is Re. 15« for 9100.
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  • 316 3 B. ETLIN AND CO.'S REPORT. COMMERCIAL NEWS. May 19. 11 a.m. HOT, London: 1 15 led., up l,i6d. New York: 2Ts cents (G.), up lib Mat. Shares: Nominal. Ailenbys 30 —40 cents, Ayer Moleks 15—20 cents, Ayer Panas 15—20 cents, Bassetts lo —20 cents, Brogas 15—20 cents]
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  • 265 3 A precack nt cf international interest has been et by a Biitisii syndicate whuii has closed a •onto act to icase lor a period of years an entire .uilding in the new Rockelelier Centre on .fth Avenue. New York. The structure, to known ns
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  • 64 3 Rugby, May 17. When the Slock Exchange opened after the aolidays this morning an outstanding feature .vfc, again provided by kading high class inestmem securities on a favourable monetary portion. Good buying was again in progrer*. and new high records were established by ieveral
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  • 190 3 SHIPPING NEWS. Ihe outer chanhcl of Kemaman river "entrance (lat. 4 deg. 13'N., long. 103 deg 27'E approx) is marked by a pair of leading boacons, details of which are as follows:—(a> front bcaon.—A white post 30 feet In he<eht surmounted )>y a rec angle and exhibltir
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 177 3 Assets exceed $12,000,000. Amwn»c* itv tee* over *35,00 M 00. "jj The Great Eastern Life Assurance Co., Ltd. j| (Incorporated In the Straits Settlements). I j HEAD OFFICE: Great Eastern Life Building, Cecil Street, Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 27. Old Jewry. JSC. The Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court
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  • 712 4 He would fain fly but he wanU feathers," says an old proverb. Anc' men there was that chickenheirtec' re.itleman in the history books who mournfully confessed: 'Fain woul- »y, but that I fear to fall." Hen n Malaya the fear about flying h •ot in the
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  • 332 4 The first full rehearsal of the new music or the Singapore Mufical Society Orchestra •ill Uike place o.i Monday next at 5.15 p.m.. .-.hen all members a#e rejueited to attend. We have received, and sampled, bottles of Rose's lime-juice cordial, lemon squash and j ange squash. Uom the agents. Messrs
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  • 73 4 Local Passengers Not Likely To Be Affected. In conntctkn with the reported outbreak of veveral dUeases on the O.S.K. "Rio D* Jaoeiru {HE* at Purban we are informed that the rouowlng passengers were from Singapore: Mr.' and Mrs. Alexander Sncw -and Miss Majorie Snow
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  • 220 4 Probability Of Its Adoption. (From Our Own Carres-pendent.) Kuais I iirnpur. 19. Explaining tha London Malayan Chamber of Mines' new scheme thh morning, the Senior Warden of Mines said: "The Byrne scheme is absolutely dead. There is no hope of any tcheme involving complete involuntary
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  • 124 4 Chinese Miner Sues The Government. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 19. I 1 in the I f >oh Supreme Court a lot*,. Chinese miner is claiming $50,000 agai 1» the Givernmcn; for alleged loss and damage to mabilicy to mine land gran.ed by the Government.
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  • 159 4 Ceremonial Parade On Esplanade. The Birthday of His Majesty the King win be celebrated on Pridav, June 3 H T e ,h CU Cmery cerem< > ni «l Parade, which n J, G °vernor will attend, will take place on he Esplanade, Singapore, at 7.45 a
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  • 67 4 New Zealand Premier's Statement. Reuter. Wellington, May 18. Th? Singapore Naval Base will definit.-ly be completed. Government dots not intend fuither to curtail the Singapore vote stated the Rt. Hon. G. W. Forbes (New Zeal md Premier) to-day. The Government had decided rot to the
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 105 4 Tuesday. May 10. In the morning His Excellency, accompanied by the Hon. Major R. L. Nunn, visited the Civil Aerodrome at Grove Road. Wednesday. May 11. HLi Excellency presided at a meeting of the Executive Council held at Government House in the morning. The Misses Walter and Mr.
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  • 36 4 On Whit-Monday more than 1,000 Malays had joyrides in Semarang in one of the X.XI.L.M. planet. In Palembang 1 600 tickets were sold on Monday, and 1.600 Malays went in the air on Whlt-Menday.
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  • 33 4 From China and Japan by the "Malacca Maru," due at Singapore en Saturday. From Europe (London mails despatched on April 28). by the Rohna." due at Penang %t 6 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • 484 4 "l<ooiz5_25..^ It ts cffi&afty n txcefieacy risitea rk« r lf ir drome at Grove fccad week. wa 1 u *%i* If there is an aerodrome at r Road, it is the most guised one in the world h■ long-distance futurity t,i find it. tete to ft ft
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  • 31 4 The Boys' Brigade Singapore untitled will hold an Enrolment Service and Colours in the Presbyterian CHurc.i. Road, on Friday at 5-15 p m 1« pany will be preserved with the Colour..
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  • 35 4 Quotations. RUBBER. L> udou l%4. New York: 2:i ceflk (C>. Singapore Spot: TIN. M London Spot: £121 7s. 6d. (Uj «j London 3 month I» 6(1 M Tin: $03.27«| <75 to#is sold'
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 225 4 I BRITISH EMPIRE jmLs(@l SHOPPING WEEK May I?th t0 24th 1 Empire Products i j j "NEW WORLD I Jalan Besar j SPECIAL DISPLAY OF j "His Master's Voice" GRAMOPHONES AND RECORDS. Call and hear the latest Records Played on the H.M.V. Electrically Amplified Gramophone. j Robinson Co., Ltd. j
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    • 66 4 GIFTS THAT LASTFOR TINY HANDS. j U.S. de SilvaA 8r05.,! I JEWELLERS, 1 j 23. High Street, Singapore I 634 T.K.K.'s BISCLITS. 2 lb. Tins from 40 ce.ns to 95 cents per I In, 1 lb. Tins from 2« cents to 50 cents per tin. Pack ts from 2 cents
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  • 724 5 Latest News Of Passengers Saved, further news has been received of lb* oncers and crew of ihe PhiJlppar," the French liner uas abanicned. afire in the »,ulf Aden, an Sunday morning. It (arc that
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  • 109 5 Exciting Scenes At Stamford Bridge. Lr- 'mg scenes were witnessed in the vicinity 1 Stamford Bridge yesterday morning, when was > seen struggling in 1 the canal crowd quickly gathered and several "< mpted to rescue the man, but the Idea of the canal greatly hampered their
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  • 292 5 Lindbergh Intermediary's Confessions. Reuter. New York, May 18. The sensational disclosure was made to-d?y that Mi*. Curtis made a confession after beinj confronted by an unnamed Scottish bootlegger, who accused Curtis of swindling him of a large sum by failing to carry out a promise to
    Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 172 5 Attempt To Heal Split At Canton. "Min Kuo Jih Pao." Shanghai, May 19. The Japanese troops will evacuate the Kiangwan district to-day. Hong Kong. May 19. In order to prevent the outbreak of hostilities between General Chan Chai Tong's Army and Admiral Chan Chat's Navy, Mr. Hu
    "Min Kuo Jih Pao."  -  172 words
  • 325 5 Good Work Of Sanitary Board. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, May 18. In conversation with the Health Officer, Batu Pahat, the other day, I loamed thai the health of this commercially growing district is excellent as compared with that of Segamat, Muar or Johore Bahru.
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  • 278 5 Indifferent To Soviet Opinion. Reuter. Tokyo, May 18. The Army's sympathy towards the farmers and small merchant-class, and a conviction that alleviation of economic distress in the rural districts is essential, seems likely to play an important part in deciding the constitution of the new Cabinet. I
    Reuter.  -  278 words
  • 168 5 Getting Ready For Lausanne Conference. British Official. Rugby, May 18. The Prime Minister this morning left the nursing home and returned to Downing Street. His eye was heavily bandaged. He leaves this evening for Scotland where he will remain for three weeks. His doctors advise complete
    British Official.  -  168 words
  • 154 5 Vigorous Measures Restore Order. British Official. Bcmbay, May 18. Deadly stillness descended on the city at sunset yesterday. Not a theatre or restaurant was open and the streets were without traffic. Small groups of British troops at measured distances in the shadows showed the reason for
    British Official.  -  154 words
  • 53 5 British Official. Rugby, May It. It is reported from Dublin that Mr. de Valera, President of the Irish Free State. Government, has permitted a delegation to attend the Empire Economic Conference at Ottawa. It is stated .that the Free State delegation will comprise three members of
    British Official.  -  53 words
  • 95 5 TOPICS OP TO-DAY, on page 4. CLUB DIARY, on page 8. DIARY OF EVENTS, on page 8. PARLIAMENT OF SCIENCE, on page 9. COMING ON LEAVE—? on page 9. A LONDONER'S NOTEBOOK, on page 9. WHY KREUGER KILLED HIMSELF, on p. 9. BOYS' CORNER, on page 10. INDIAN
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  • 250 5 Two Lines Converging On Harbin. Rueter. An Englishman, an American and some Japanese civilians have been murdered by Chinese insurgents near Harbin. General Ma's troops are approaching the city from two directions and are expected soon to clash with the Japanese. It is
    Rueter.  -  250 words
  • 139 5 Returns For Last Quarter. British Official. Rugby, May IS. I The returns published by the Beard of Trade reveal that the proportion of importbfrom British countries in the January-March I quarter showed a marked increase as com- pared with the corresponding periods of 193fl and 1924. British
    British Official.  -  139 words
  • 78 5 Clerk Collapses At Desk And Dies. A sad tragedy occurred in a rubber broker's office at 20, Raffles Place, at about 1 p.m. yesterday. Mr. Seng Chwee Yang, a Straitsborn Chinese clerk, was seated at his desk when he was seen to collapse. The ambulance was
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  • 138 5 Ordinary Dividends Of 14s. The annual report, revenue accounts and balance sheet tor the year 1931 of the General Accident Fire and Life Assurance Corporation, Ltd., have just been received. Notwithstanding the past year having been one of the most difficult for business of every kind
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  • 42 5 Reuter. Washington, May 18. Despite the great pro-beer demonstrations in the United States last Saturday, the Senate has rejected the proposal to permit the manufacture and sale of beer of over 2.75 per cent, alcoholic strength.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 34 5 Whikt riding a bicycle in Cluny Rpad early this morning, a Malay PC was knocked down by a motor-lorry and badly injured about the Head. The ambulance was to attendance.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 193 5 Moutrie Pianos Manufactured by a BRITISH firm, the following BRITISH mate rials being used:— Actions from CANADA Teak Wood BURMA Steel Strings SCOTLAND Beech Wood ENGLAND Copper Wire Hardware Prices from $485.00 Slightly used pianos from $350.00 S. Moutrie Co., Ltd. Raffles Place Singapore. THE GOLD COMPANY BULLION MERCHANTS SINGAPORE,
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  • 948 6 Glosters' Big Win Over S.R.C. In Div. I. POLICE BEAT S.C.C. II. ASSN. FOOTBALL. The Glosters had an easy passage when they met. the S.R.C. in Div. I of the Singapore League at the Anson Road Stadium yesterday, winning by 5-nil. The Club was rather unfortunate in
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  • 303 6 HOLDER EASILY DEFEATED. LAWN TENNIS. Reuter. (From Out Own Correspondent.) Penang, May 19. The Penang L.T.A. singles championship played yesterday on the P.C.C. courts between Yeo Wee Yeang (holder) and Khoo Hooi Hye, iormer Malayan champion, resulted in an easy vieory for t he
    Reuter.  -  303 words
  • 300 6 ACHIEVEMENTS OF JACK'S NEXT OPPONENT. BOXING. Mr. Ong Chin Beng writes: "With reference to "A Bcxing Fan's" comments regarding Gunboat Jack's next opponent appearing in your columns yesterday, while a yo. say 'there seems some reason for requirin" Nelson tc prove himself against other opposition before being pitted
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  • 111 6 MALAYAN CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT. BILLIARDS. Yesterday's games in the second round of the Malayan championship at the New World, resulted as follows: E. E. F. Prstty (Singapore Club) 250, beat Lim Chuan Geok (Clerical Union) 185; Tan Kim Song (Siong Boo A.S.) 250, beat Chua Boon Lay (Siong Boo A S
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  • 179 6 BADMINTON. On Saturday the Happilads' "B" defeated We lank Road Badminton Party at their Court by six games to one. Scores (HAP players first) Meng Chew beat Chye Yeok Hon 15-8, 15-2; Koh Pway Thow beat Cheong Chin Soon 15—9, 15—11; Lee Chwee Chin
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  • 801 6 HANDICAPS FOR TO-MORROW. THE TURF. Handicaps for the first day of the Singapore Turf Club Spring Amateur Meeting to-morrow ere as follows: Race I,—Ponies—Class 2—Div. 4—(514 f U rg —3.30 p.m.: Hats Off 10.12. Highland Lass 10 7 Timbang 10.7. Hop Over 10.7. Arjuna II 10 3
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  • 136 6 GOLF. The first round of the ladies' championship of Singapore (Andrew Currie Cup) waa played on the Keppel course yesterday with the fol- lowing result: Mrs. W. L. Stevens beat Mrs. Breakey 6 and 3. Miss Law beat Mrs. R. H. Wilson 2 up. Mrs. Hardie beat
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  • 310 6 "Old Bill's" Creator Interviewed. Capt. Bruce Bairnsfather, the creator of the famous "Old Bill," was interviewed by a repre tentative of the "Malaya Tribune" on board the "Suwa Maru" this morning. Fpeaklng of the origin of "Old Bill." Ca,)t. 3a msfather said that many people all
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  • 218 6 Changes At The Capitol. "Service for Ladies,"' the very amusing Paramount British production, featuring Leslie i Ho-vard, is being screened at the Capitol to- j night, for one night only. This film was uni- versally acclaimed by London critics as one of th? best to come out
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  • 364 6 Marked Improvement In Lay-Out. cipai e ßuSiL 0f s Mr A Cannell actil clpjrt Budding Surveyor, for the year 1931. During the year 1931 a decrease is shown hi he number of plans submitted and approved the number of buildings completed compared aith che previous year
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  • 501 6 Goods Exhibition At New World. unusually large number of cars parked outside the New World last night was evidence 01 the many visitors who were attracted by the exhibitijn of British goods which is being h~ld there in connection with Empire Shopping Weak, whicn opened yesterday with
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  • 564 6 Formal PiHJgentatiaa Of Insignia. Last r.ight His Exceneni < Cecil Clem.-nti, G.C.M f Si: John Scott with th Commander cf the Civil j... ExceUect Order of the R: ceremony took plac: ait..■ (1 rcom at Government a presence of over 100 persons fcrJS? :n tJ oi the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 3470 7 ENTERPRISE OF THE DUTCH. ADDRESS TO ROTARY CLUB SINGAPORE. Ij, (he wcekrjl tiffin of the Rotary Siagßpam yesterday the local it ire of the Dutch Air Mail »li M A. Dellaert, gave a ter -:inj; talk on the growth of i md I Britisher who was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 290 7 THE NEW WORLD EMPIRE SHOPPING WEEK FROM 18th TO 24th MAY 1932. SPECIAL PROGRAMME TO SUIT ALL. Thousands and thousands of useful Articles will be given away FREE during the Season. COME AND HAVE SOME OF THEM. All Shops well displayed and an inspection from house to house will please
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    • 298 7 FDR HEALTH VITALITY j FRAMROZ'S I 1 I 4 I J "LYSOLATS" the I world's finest Anti- j r a septic and Disinfect- I j j ant in the most j 1 lt"'"!» efficient and economi- j MM with all the!; (I.YSOL ta*lets<| »J»| troubles, dangers and I Vs2H?4j BEC
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  • 227 8 The following are routine orders issued by Lieut, Col. M. J. T. Reilly, M.C., Commanding S.S.V.P.. on May 18. Ranges: The following range allotments are publlshtd for information. Buses Leave Drill Hall. Sat. Sun. Bukit Timah Range Farrer Rg. 2 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 21.5.32 "B" Coy. Table "A"
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  • 89 8 At the general meeting of the Singapore Malay Musical Association, held at 87, Alsagoff Estate, on May 8, the following were elected office-bearers for the ensuing year: President, Mr. Mohamad bin Haji Ahmad; hon. secretary, I Mr. Marzuki bin Haji Ahmad; hon." treasurer, Mr. Omar bin Haji Abdul Gani; hon.
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  • 1539 8 Malayan Stocks Shares. MINING. Singapore, May 18, 10 a.m. Iwue Tear CLOSING QUOTATION 3. Value Ends. Buyers. Sellers. £1.0.0 Aaam X urn bang Tin Dec. Sl £1- 2.0 £1. 4.0 1.0.0 Austral Malay Dec. 31 0.18.0 1. 0.0 0.5.0 Ayer Hltam Tin June SO 0.10.3 0.11.3 I. 0.0 Bangrln Tin
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 213 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme Of Drills. TO-DAY, MAY 19. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, "E" (Chinese) Coy., Rehearsal King's Birthday Parade. 5.15 p.m—Headquarters, 2nd Bn. Sig. Section, Rehearsal King's Birthday Parade. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters. S.R.E. (v), Rehearsal King's Birthday Parade. 5.15 p.m.—Malay Headquarters, S.V.F.A., Rehearsal King's Birthday Parade. TO-MORROW, MAY 20. 5.15 p.m.—Headquarters, 9 PI.
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    • 470 8 CLUB DIARY. i nert are numerous Clubs and Societies in Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in
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    • 383 8 assemble, Mr. Lee Cheng Sim's residence, 4», Neil Road, 7 a.m. with instruments. Transport will be provided and a group pnotofrspli will be taken. Springdale 'Minstrels: Dress rehearsal, Moorlight Hall, New World, 1 to 4 p.m. Memben attend with instruments at noon. Clerical Union: Meeting, musical section club-house, 11.30 a.m.
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  • 1073 9 SENTENCED IN COURTROOMS OF U.S. BANKERS. Whole Future Of Investment In The Balance. CAPITALISM RECEIVING BLOW AFTER BLOW. The suicides and prosecutions in recent months of prominent world financiers—the suicide of the Match King and arrest of his co-directors being
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  • 29 9 Mr. Stimson (left), U.S.A. Secretary of State (Foreign Minister) at Geneva, with Mr. Gibson, U.S.A. delegate to the Disarmament Conference. Mr. Stimson has returned to Washington.
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  • 225 9 THAT the body adapts itself to temperature? By Our Scientific Correspondent.) W all know how our health is affected by a sudden change ;n temperature, especially such a cJiang? as is experienced by the European who eoes to live in a tropical country; but the scientific explanation
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  • 1160 9 CONGRESS OF GERMAN SURGEONS. New Treatment Of Gangrene. tion conduces to the onset of the disease. Hence it is not surprirlng that diabetes should often be found at the root of the latter. Nervous disorders, especially in young persons, are likewise a frequent contr outory cause. German
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  • 1299 9 Where Is The "Problem Picture?"— Britain's Most Famous Inn—Landlord Who Hates Ugly Customers. (By David Baxter.) London, May 3. by Air Mail) To the lay observer, the most remarkable thing about this year's Royal Academy is the absence from its walls of that annual joke, the
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  • 466 9 Kicking And Embracing John Bull. Mr. De Valera is an amazing person, says "Truth," While he is wantonly stirring ud political trouble with Great Britain over the oath and annuities and threatening "independence," he is preparing to take the fullest economic advantage of the Imperial
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  • 1327 9 A Costly Lawsuit Ends—New Stories Of The Prince Of Wales—A Simple Way To Combat A Dread Disease. people think the disease is incurable. Evca in the present state of knowledge however, this is very definitely untrue. To-day, with the great improvements in technique, the advent of radium
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  • 199 10 Dear Boys, There were fewer contributions this week than usual, due I expect to Whitsuntide. You sHm to be keeping up the good standard and If you keep on writing letters as interesting as you art now
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  • 438 10 (By "Happy-Go-Lucky Kid."/ Hello, folks! I see that the much-talked-of subject at present is "Dreams.'' Being a keen reader of tiie "Corners," especially the "Boy., Corner." I wish to express my ideas in paper. Although I do not dream often at night, yet when I do. I do not
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  • 319 10 (By David Heng.) This is the story that was told by a gentleman who said that he owed all his success in life to a simple iesson taught him by his father. One day when I was a boy (said he) a party of boys and
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  • 43 10 (By "Riddle Kid.") WhiCh neVer and vet requires many answers?—A door bell Which is the hardest key to turn?_ A donkey lng lO ,leltg b rit ßet thCir B d y° n c k elf: Wntt lunTv^n^r B^ 9 U
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  • 256 10 tßy "Morning Star."; I live quite far away from school. In order to be in time for school, I have either to travel by bus or trolley-bus. I often go by the latter because the fare is much cheaper. For you know, my dear friends
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  • 775 10 (By S. T. Koh.) As I look to the days when I was a small boy of five or six years, I cannot reconcile myself to the fact that a space of eleven years have sped by and is unrecoverable. Yet, such is the case. I am
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  • 103 10 (By "Thuitgt.") Volunteers are those who sacrifice, their cwn labour and energy in doing something without any wages. But if it is spoken in these modem days it usually means those who spend their spare time in drilling and practising as aoldiero, and should there be an
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  • 377 10 (By "Wooi," K. L.) Hello, brothers, I want to tell you something wonderful this weok, not merely of China, our Mother Country, but of the world. It is the Great Wall of China. No verbal description, no pictures, can convey any conception of the nobility
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  • 300 10 'By "Ying.") I lived in the countryside and am its most devoted, though new. lover. The more reason. I think, why I should make up my mind to :upply the "Corner" with news of our doings. As is common with everything, there are always two sides to it;
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  • 215 10 (By C. Kirn Swee, Ipoh.) If the slump were to go on for another two or three years we wonder what Malaya would turn out to be since it depends upon tin and rubber, which are at present at rock bottom price. The cause of the slump may
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  • 198 10 (By "A Student," S. P. Seremban.) One of the most wonderful plants known in the floral kingdom is the Resurrection Plant by some called the Rose of Jericho It is a native of the Far East, being found in the sandy regions of Syria and Egypt. One
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  • 217 10 (By "Smiling Kid.") When this world was young there were only a few inhabitants litifig in the five different continents of the globe. They were the founders of our mother earth and their personal features were of an extraordinary type. Their heads looked as if divided
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  • 52 10 (By S. Jr. Teo.) All kinds of commodities are made known to the public in the world through the medium cf advertisements. Advertisement is public notification." A dealer who has a certain article to sen will advertise in newspapers, posters, :ign-boards, etc., in order to draw the attention oi
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  • 166 10 We need never fear to be without friends while we are able to enjoy books.—"S.O.B." The horrors of war are ghastly enough to describe. They are most terrible to those who dwell within the region of combat. To them war means ruined homesteads, a ravaged country, loss
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 168 10 i HOW MANY automobile owners realize the importance of giving proper attention to the STORAGE BATTFT?v of a car. V TAKE A TIP FROM THE CHINESE j Over in China they pay the doctor to keep them well. We'll 0 the d for your battery if you'll drop in for
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  • 1812 11 committee report was signed all the members except who had to leave India a sir There is one dissenting f .rtnight }m e members, in addition lea on special points by to be anticipated over ettff*- N main volume, which is V p and which will
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  • 88 11 [.Our reader* are invited to write to us on ubjects of public interest. It must be under•tood that the "Malaga Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF IS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (doubU pacing), and on one side of the paper only 'en
    88 words
  • 383 11 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir Throughout the Sino-Japanese conflict detailed attention has beer, given to oh kind? if TeDorts and accounts of judicial decistons. but the recent news Shanghai looked rather novel m the matter of the signing of an armistice, attributed to the British Minister
    383 words
  • 89 11 Joe Mack the old billiards professional and present referee at the Burwat Hall, is against any limitation being placed on close cannon play says a "Daily Herald" correspondent). There are, he contends, oniv about three men in the world who can play them with any degree of accuracy, and it
    89 words
  • 892 11 Financial Status Favourable. Lausanne, May l. nr lii, and aS elscwh€re the economic problem, and especially the financial aspect, remain a subject of the first importance. In view of the mutual dependence of international interests in this domain it seems to be not irrelevant to consider
    892 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 278 11 Fully equipped to conquer OLD GIANT DECAY Clean the teeth you want to keep with Gibbs Dentifrice. Nothing preserves teeth so well as cleanness. Gibbs Dentifrice cleans perfectly. Clinging acid formations—produced by fermenting food particles—are the chief cause of tooth decay. Gibbs Dentifrice washes all these dangerous deposits cleanly away.
      278 words

  • 1782 12 GLIMPSES INTO A GREAT BOWLER'S LIFE. PLAYERS WHO MADE RECENT CRICKET HISTORY. m UNIQUE COLLECTION OF PRESENTATION BALLS. Malaya bids farewell at the end of the month to one of its best known residents, when Dr. P. H. Hennessy. the popular Medical Officer. Ipoh. letovea
    1,782 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 161 12 oTtrapLejcJb (ReaJL j Brownie Camera makes good Pictures —you're sure of that. And it's so simple that you waste' V no time or film learning how to I All you need is good sunlight and the camera does the rest—no focusing-. Any Brownie gives the kind of pictures you've always
      161 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 127 12 ST te ?T?r at 1130 a m and fSSSS^ VSIAB 417 metres cerfrromT, 65 metr< concert from Selangor Club at 7.16 p.m Ne xt transmission Tuesday VK2ME, 31.28 metres, from 7 to 9 AMERICAN TRANSMISSIONS. BOUND BROOK, N.J., W3XAL, 12 k w lay and"SfiSPfff days, and Fridays, 1.30 a.m. to
      127 words
    • 831 12 WHAT TO LISTEN FOR. i Radio Stations Received In Malaya. All times given ;n the following are Singapore times. MONDAYS. PETALING HILL. 55.5 metres, testing daily from 10.30 to 1 a.m. RADIO SAIGON. 49 02 metres. 12 k.w.: 6 30 to 7 30 pm. recital of chamber or classical music
      831 words

  • 2397 13 "ELECTRIC FIGURE IN WHITE TURBAN." Glowing Reports In Home Papers. (From Our Own Correspondent.) By Air Mail, May 3 Lall Singh, the ex-school boy from Kuala Lumpur, captivated the crowd at Pelsham, Sussex, when the All-India team made its debut in
    2,397 words
  • 103 13 RUGBY FOOTBALL. The long-standing dispute between the French Rugby Federation and the "rebel" clubs ls about to be satisfactorily settled 'says a message to "The Dally Mlrfbr" of March 31.) A meeting between representatives of the two bodies will be held on Sunday, and an agreement will
    103 words
  • 45 13 BOXING. New York, May 3. The Madison Square Garden authorises are seeking permission to postpone the Behmeling—Sharkey title fight from June 16 to June 21, in order to avoid a conflict with the Republican National Convention, beginning at Chicago on June 14.
    45 words
  • 108 13 This story is from H. Strudwick. Bobby Abel had made over 200 at the Oval when Tom Richardson Joined him and was out first ball as the result of a wild, cross-bat strok*. As he passed Abel on his way back to the pavilion. Abe! remarked. "Why did you do
    108 words
  • 896 13 INDIA'S DAVIS CUP CAPTAIN DEFEATED. LAWN TENNIS. London, By Air Mail, April 28. Miss Katharine Stammers was in the limelight again over the week-end. She is the eighteen-year-old St. Albans* girl who in her first big tournament of the season became the Surrey Hard Court
    896 words
  • 21 13 Primo Camera best the French champion. Mturtce Orlcelle. the fight stopped in the 10th •?.<! test round in Parts on May 1.
    21 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 460 13 j The Far East Oxygen Acetylene Co., Ltd, THONE SIMS. $8.15 Per Drum of 1 cwt—Delivered at Your Godown. Special Rates for Large Orders. 1 ii AUCTION SALE ■'1 1 T, I CHEONG KOON SENG CO. AUCTION SATjE OF FREEHOLD AND LEASEHOLD SINGAPORE PROPERTIES. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng Co.'s
      460 words

  • 3051 14 The Funeral Of Colonel Short—The Flaming Torch Of The Legion Of Justice—Soviet-Japanese Conflict Inevitable —White Russians Will Support Moscow—M. Voroshfloff's Warning To The People— Japanese Fail In North Manchuria—Armoured Cars, Tanks And Heavy Artillery Absolutely Useless. Shanghai, April 25. The funeral of the late Col. Robert
    3,051 words
  • 174 14 May Schmeling is one the most respected fighters who had ever climbed to the top of pugilistic fame. But, somehow or other he lacks colour. The fans like him in a mild fashion, but they don't follow him around the street. I met and talked with Max when he was
    174 words
  • 1910 14 PROFIT ON TRADING OPERATION. Exchange And Depreciation Difficulties. The 134 th annual meeting of the Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society, Ltd., was held on Monday last at the head office, Surrey Street, Norwich. Mr. Michael Falcon (the chairman) presided The notice convening the meeting and the auditors'
    1,910 words
  • 240 14 Sir L. Wilson's Plea For Unity. cemTy 0 TVIT rS giVCn in re--entry to Sir Leshe Wilson, formerly Governor of Bombay, on fardel S sions before his departure to QuelS-' tend of which he is the a?,„. Designate. Speaking at the Royal Empire Society, Sir
    240 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 412 14 Zvrry f Hute Natural Signals! Mark whether you exnerieJ frequent or to few calk* t Cc too odourously offensive ~n ri ?f at freaked, cloudy, to, dark or'tn? in colour, scalding and nl f lf passing, sandy, gritty J r > settlings. Be also warned kT?? ache, rheumatic twine.;,, lumbago,
      412 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 427 15 o. BRITISH INDIA AND ApCAR LINES. a rated in England.) HAIL, PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. WD ORIENTAL STEAM f CO LONDON AND MAIL SERVICE. FAt- 1 c otrad with His Majesty's Government.) PROM LONDON. China and Japan. Due Tonnage. Singapore 1932. j 6,000 May 23 11,520 May 27 y.ioo June 6
      427 words
    • 592 15 JTEAME^SArLTNGS^ IgNY.K. LINE, (Japan Mail) TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp, Rotterdam Middlesborough. Vessels. Tonnage. Due. Sail. FUSHIMI MARU 11,000 June 2 3 HAKOZAKI MARU 10,500 June 15 16 t TERUKUNI MARU 12,000 June 28 29 HAKUSAN MARU 10,500 July 13 14 HARUNA MARU 10,500 July 27 28 KATORI MARU
      592 words
    • 499 15 _BTEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG-AMERIKA Dampfschlffs 111 Cl OeseTaehaft .'Cewpasles Incorporate* fm German*.) OUTWARDS. HONG KONG, SHANGHAI, NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1993. s.s. PREUSSEN, via Manila June 2 t m.s. DUISBURG, via Manila June 10 s.s. HINDENBURG, direct Japan ports June 16 m.s. ERMLAND, omit Japan ports June 27 HOMEWARDS. HOLLAND,
      499 words
      479 words
    • 396 15 BANKSo j THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated ln the Straits Settlements.) CHINA BUILDING, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. Authorised Capital $4,000,000. Issued Capital 2,000,000. Paid-up Capital 1,000,000. Reserve Liability of Shareholders 1,000,000. Reserve Funds and Undivided Profit 1,600,000. AGENCIES: London, New York, Hong Kong, Canton, Shanghai, Swatow, Amoy, Medan; Kuching, Kuala
      396 words
    • 584 15 F BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED, HEAD OFFICE: METER CHAMBERS, RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. BRANCHES: Singapore 458, North Bridge Road Penang 85, Beach Street Malacca 131, Jonker Btreei I Muar No. l, Jalan Sevang. Batu Pahat 109, Jalan Rahmat. Palembang 11, Ittx j Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Centra, 1
      584 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
      2,045 words
    • 492 16 TRIBUNE SMALL ADg. I BRING RESULTS I BECAUSE THEY REACH THE PERMANENT POPULATE j FOR SALeT" 5 FOR Lmptype Motors, each X 9} all in good working order C further particulars write to ,w Manager Malaya Trifi «2 Anson Road. malaya^rSS THONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION BATES, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery Including
      492 words