Malaya Tribune, 6 April 1932

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune V#L XIX. No St SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1932 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. Singapore: Wednesday, April 6. 1932. Malaya Tribune SINGAPORE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1932.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 350 1 LIPTOIVS j CEYLON j j TEA. fOU CANNOT BETTER; THE BEST. j jljl "Chop Hijau" I You will be satisfieJ I Jj J J CARLS BERG TILSENER |j t! CHO? HIJAU" Obtainable at Hotels, Olubs and Itii Rest Houses throughout the jj J J The ideal drink for tropical straits
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  • 2203 2 On The Kve Of The Pres-dcntial Flections—Why Hindenburg Is Opposed—The Position Of Parlias—Hr. Hitler's Sacrifice—The Prospects Discusse!—The Late Frederic Augustus Of Saxony—A Good Humoured King—A Journal That Damaged The Dignity Of The Persian King—Dice To Decide Possession of A Duchy. '3 /Special to the "Malaya Tribune.") ;-»r~L»r?
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  • 82 2 UNITED APPEAL IN PALESTINE. Jerusalem, March 20. Christians, Moslems and Jews united this week-end In a common prayer for rain to end the drought and heat which are becoming a serious menace and causing considerable apprehension with regard to the Palestinian rnd Transjordonlan crops. -he Moslems of
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  • 186 2 IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS. Rome, March 5. After prolonged negotiations, the famous Borghese Archives have passed from the princely family of that name to the Vatican Library. It i.s stated that Prince Borghese has lent them indefinitely; but it is whispered that the Pcpe has purchased
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  • 135 2 A LINK BETWEEN EAST AND WEST. Constantinopole, March 3. A contract has at last been signed between the Turkish Government and the American Curtiss Wright Society for the provision of a close net of air-lines in Anatolia. Thus Anatolia is to become an important link in the air-ways
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  • 136 2 MASS WORSHIP BY ALL CASTES. Bombay, Marcn 15. The Times of India" correspondent writes from Ratnagiri that fifty persons including members of several castes from Bhangis to Brahmins, officiated as priests and concluded a mass worship together there under the guidance of Swami Onkaranand, in connection with the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 479 2 A TRIAL LIFE READING FREE TO READERS OF THIS PAPER. The well-known Astrologer Prof. Roxroy ha* once more decided to favour the people of thu country with Free Test Readings of their Uvea Prof. Roxroy's fame Is so well known in this country that he hardly needs an introduction from
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    • 375 2 A Record of Steady Progress Insurance in Force ,92i .w^—~w £41,178,603. 1926 £74,212,325. 1931 £111,462,235. Assets 1921 '(■■■hmbhb £7,670,010. 1926 £13,899,392. 1931 £23,738,469. Total Income 1921 MMHBIHHHi £1,963,834. 1926 £3,835,871: 1931 £6,003,277. Dividends to Policyholders 1921 BH £96,020, 1926 £272,833; 1931 £708,964^ THE Manufacturers Life Insurance Company ESTABLISHED 1887 HEAD
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  • 513 3 MALACCA CHINESE SENTENCED. (From Our Own Correspondent.} Malacca, April 3. Two Chinese, Seah Chin Chong and Seah Ah Bah, were charged before Mr. H. C. Willan, Malacca District Judge, yesterday, with the murder of a Malay named Alus bin Amat at Ayer Tawar at about noon on
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  • 434 3 AGAINST DR. BRADDON DISMISSED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban. March 2 Dr. W. L. Braddon was a successful defendant in an action bio.;ght aeainst him by the State of Negri Sembilan for receiving assessment oa Indian labourers for the first half of 1931. The case was
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  • 80 3 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, April 3. Mr. Tan Cheng Yam, clerk attached to the Chinese Protectorate, Malacca, died suddenly at the Durian Daun Hospital on Saturday at about noon, of cerebral haemorrhage. Deceased was only 38 years of age and leaves a widow and
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  • 91 3 [Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest. It must be understood that the Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double spacing), and on one side of the paper only. Pen
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  • 260 3 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."; Sir, —Whilst sympathising with my Malay friends in their honest struggle to emulate the people of other progressive communities. I must admit that the sentiments expressed by "The Man in the Moon" in his letter of March 31 are based on solid
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  • 152 3 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir—Prom time to time I have read in your columns complaints regarding the "ricksha parado" along Bras Basah Road. Queen Street ■and Waterloo Street. So vigorous and numerous were the complaints against this nuisance that the other night I thought it safe
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 164 3 j Easter Easter I Hot j Cross Buns I A LARGE SELECTION OF I Chocolate j Easter Eggs j i i AVAILABLE i G. H. Cafe Ltd. L I FASTER MORE ECONOMICAL j 1932 Singer "JUNIOR" TOUKER j J The IW2 Singer "JUNIOR" 8 h.p., 4-Seater Tourer has a far
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    • 327 3 BLISTERS FORMED BfflUß On Little Girls Face. Healed by Cuticura. "My little girl's and head were covered with fearful water blisters. When the blisters broke they formed sore eruptions which caused her to be v;ry restless through the night. The itching and burning were terrible for she did nothing but
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    • 253 3 j THE FAVOURITE: Refuse A j j Imitations. j j q |pB INSIST on j L Hi c orange j MJM iCRDSH! j jJgpK v j i 4: nr I :i Sr r > I M Manufactured ty I G FR4SER j Hp! H j NEAVE LTD., j I ii
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  • 567 4 J.C.S.A.M. MAKE THEIR DEBUT. CRICKET. (From Out Own Correspondent./ Malacca, April 3. On Saturday th, n wly-formed Junior <** Service Association of Malacca met O. Ma appen's XI on the B.H.E.S. ground and won by 63 runs. Scores: Vries run 9* O. Mariappens XI. C. A. aev \1
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  • 314 4 ASSN. FOOTBALL. (From Our Oion Correspondent.) Johore Bahru, April 3. The soccer season in Jchore opened yesterday when Rengam met and drew with Johore Bahru I—l1 —1 in an inter-district fixture on th? Istana Padan?. before a very enthusiastic gathering of spectators. Mr. C. E. Winter, of
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  • 689 4 Motion In Supreme Court Of Penang. SHIPPING NEWS. ,From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. April 4. The hearing ol a motion by the Straits Steamship Co., Ltd., for an order for Lieut, j H Owen, Fori Officer, Penang. to give sanction for a charge to be preferred against
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  • 94 4 VOLLEY-BALL. A match was played at the Kaiming School ground. Tankak, between the Pay Fong School, Malacca, and Tankak Chinese over the week end. The teams were. M.P.P.S.:—Au Loon. Kok Pun, Toa Slew, Chin Yong, Nai Chin, S. Fun, Yuen Lee, Wo Bun B. Y.
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  • 53 4 Members cf the Amicable Athletic Association, are invltrd to en'er for the annual tournaments which wll commence early in May. In order to encourage competitors, the entrance fees for the various games ar? being reduced. The closing date will be April 25. Pull particulars can be ob ained
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  • 302 4 B. ETLIN AND CO.'S REPORT. April 5, 11 a.m. RUBBER. London: 7%d., up l!l6d. New York: 3 cents (G.), unchanged. Shares: Easier. Allenbys 35—45 cents, Ayer Moleks 20—25 cents. Ayer Panas 20—25 cents, Bassetts 20—25 cents, Brogas 20—25 cents, Bukit Jelotongs 10—15 cents, Bukit Katils 10 —15
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  • 223 4 Mr Prank S. Williams. American Trade Commissioner. TA, Ocean Building. Smgapore. has just received by cable th, folio* steUtics relating to the foreign trade of (he Urn ed States with Middle Asia Fcr the month of February. 1932 Total Exports from United
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  • 150 4 ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO. (8.8. J. LID As from Sept. 30 the following rented prU* for Shell Motor Spirit and various brand* w Kerosene are effective: Red Shell Motor Spirit ex pump andjor ex 4 gall, drum per British Imperial gallon M Red Shell Motor Spirit per 4 caUoa
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  • 52 4 On* year life reading, monthly detail* «h Weekly details fl. Correct answers for I auctions about futurity sh.2. Each extra Qu**tlon. d*.«. Rend copy of horoscope or time and date of birth or writ.fn* lett*» and approximate ace. Charges payable In advance The Manager Oandhl Jothlsha NUayam Tlruttani.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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  • 1650 5 Malayan Stocks Shares. MINING. Singapore, April 6, 10 a.m. Lssue Year CLOSING QUOTATIONS. Valued Ends. Buyers. Sellers. >_l 0.0 Asam Kumbang Tin Dec. 31 £1. 1.0 £1. 3.0 10.0 Austral Malay U-c. 31 0.18.0 1. 0.0 o Ayer Hitam Tin June 30 0. 9.6 0.10.6 cd 10.0 Bangrin Tin Dec.
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  • 449 5 SINGAPORE, APRIL 1 MEAT Beef steak (round), kati 40 Beef stew or curry, kati 30 Pork, lean, kati 50 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality), kati 40 Mutton Australian, lb. 30 Fowl, kati 40 Hens (locally reared) kati 46 Ducks, each 55 Pigeons, domestic .nfledged, pair 88 Pigeons,
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  • 158 5 Dismissing the appeal in the "Daily Mail" case on March 22, the Bombay Chief Justice held that the general tendency of the articles which appeared in the issues of Feb. 26 and 27 seemed not to criticise the Government policy of promulgating the Ordinances or the legitimate operations thereof, but
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  • 248 5 th mo t nn nrpan-steamers at all Malayan ports, during the month of March. 1932 Ocean shipments of rubber, including concentrated latex, latex and revertex, being final shipments on ocean steamers m w Sheet and Crepe Latex. Concentrated Lata. TOTAL. Tons Revertex. Tons ions. t tvq nc
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 217 5 Practice Thrift j The "Prudential Jmw w *y fk l No policy offers a better \;IV j j opportunity than a C \j\ M(I j PRUDENT POLICY, for r\{y\ securing independence and I j\ for those you love. j W I I i j The PRUDENT is the IDEAL FAMILY
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 157 6 I Last Night s Audience held Spell bound! j t AT THE J PHONES 5261-5262. 1 SPECIAL MATINEE To-Day at 3.15 615 TO-NIGHT 915 j SIR ARTHUR sCONAN DOIfLE'S FAMOUS DETECTIVE MYSTERY j The Speckled Band j With a BRILLIANT ALL-ENGLISH CAST headed by Two Leading Stage Stars j j
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    • 229 6 j c.IS TO-NIGHT 9.15 j SIDNEY FOX, j CONRAD NAGEL Bad Sister j M j THURSDAY j WOHABAT-KE-ANSU Another Great Indian Talkie j 516. TO-NI 9A5 j j she fell for j pll i*y" t that nev/ j i V Frank I 11>£| I j KSSSi^^— sensational novel HKAR j
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  • 109 7 SHIPS ALONGSIDE THE WHARVES. Singapore, April 6. East Whan (Entrance Gate 1). Shunko Maru 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate S). Perak 16; Bulan 15; Burdwan 14: Carnarvonshire 9; Lycaon 6. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 1). Tweedbank 30: Burma Maru 32; Karoa 37. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate Palembang 48.
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  • 51 7 London, April 5. Batu Tiga show a profit of £1.370 on the year and propose to carry forward £18,819. A profit of £705 is shown by Taiping Rubber who propose to carry forward £20.185. Kramat Tin propose to pay an interim dividend of 6d. per share.—"S.F.P."
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  • 1085 7 RIGID ECONOMY EXERCISED. LABOUR CONDITIONS NOT FAVOURABLE. j Mr. S. Q. Wong presided over at the twelfth annual general meeting of the Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubber, Co. Ltd., yesterday held in the Hong Kong Bank Chambers. Others present were Messrs. E. A. Elias, W. E. Rayner and
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  • 296 7 B. ETLIN AND CO.'S REPORT April 6, 11 a.m. RUBBER. London: l 7 s d.. unchanged. New York: 3 cents (G.), unchanged. Shares: Easier. Allenbys 35—45 cents, Ayer Moleks 20—25 cents. Ayer Panas 20—25 cents. Bassetts 20—25 cents. Brogas 20—25 cents, Bukit Jelotongs 10—15 cents,
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  • 169 7 Singapore, April 6. Rice, Siam Al per Koyan $225 Rice, Siam 2 $202 Rice, Siam 2 $175 Rice. Siam 3 $168 Rice. Siam "Sinway" per koyan N. 1 $175 Rice, Siam No. 2 $162 Rice, Saigon Al $170 Rice, Saigon No. 1 $165 Rice, Saigon 2 $160 Rice, Saigon
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  • 51 7 Singapore. April 6. Standard Spot 5% cents, business done. April 5% 5% May 5% 5% June 5% 6 July-Sept 6% 6»4 Oct.-Dec. 6% Tone of Market: Dull —Steady. Latest Cable: London Spot Sheet l 7 per lb. New York: Spot Sheet 3 cents (G per
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  • 66 7 London, April 5. Messrs. Lewis, Lazarus and Sons notify today's tin prices as follows: Spot £109"k (£lOB 1316). Forward £111% (£llO 11|16). The market is firm. Messrs. Symington and Wilson notify today's rubber prices as follows: Spot l 7 xd. (1%d.). Forward 2' B d. (2
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  • 116 7 SHIPPING NEWS. At sunset on April 10 without further notice OB we.-tern .ude r4 south entrance to Penang at Lat. 5 d-;g. IB mm. N, long. 100 deg. 17 mm. E (approx), the temporary flashing red light will be replaced by an occulting light, with white and
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  • 33 7 The rate of issue of Money Order for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Order from India and Ceylon Is Rs. 156 for $100.
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  • 98 7 R.G.A. Decisions. London. April 5. The R.G.A. Council have decided, in view of the decision against a restriction scheme, that they will not re-open negotiations with the respective Governments or consider any schemes for regulation of supplies on a voluntary basis. The Council propose to
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  • 386 7 A SLUMP-TIME DIVIDEND! Thi last report of the directors of Kamasan Rubber, Ltd., for the year ended Dec. 31 for presentation at the twenty-second annual genral meeting at Kuala Lumpur on Friday, states:— The ret profit for the year is $2,641.58 ?•> vhich fa±*s to be added $16,068.04
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  • 98 7 Foreign Imports of Tin Ore during the month of March, 1932. Country of Origin. Tons. 1. Alaska nil 2. Burma 157 3. Netherlands India: Banka and Biliiion !)44 Singkep 89 Other Places 4. French Indo-China 85 5. Japan 67 6. Siam 1,357 7. Tanganyika 8 8. Union
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  • 288 7 British Official. Singapore, April 6. Selling: London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 !5 I6d London 3 months' sight 2s. 3Tid., London 60 days' tight 2s. 3 27|32d., London 30 days' sight 2s. 3 3 'Jd., London demand 2s. 3 25 32d London, T.T. 2s. 3%d., Lyon demand 1,080.
    British Official.  -  288 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 395 7 I Victoria Theatre OWING TO THE TREMENDOUS SUCCESS I of the j Tanglin Tit-Bits j j their performance will be repeated j On Saturday Next, Apirl 9, at 9.30 p.m. j i j Don't be among the number unable I j to obtain seats. j Book Early At Little's j
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    • 264 7 k tSMPBB ADVERTISER. Britisher, small capital, seeks employment for same and self manufacturing enterprise preferred. Box No. 542, c o "Malaya Tribune." ORDINANCE NO. 44 (BANKRUPTCY.) IN THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Summary Case. In Bankruptcy. No. 46 of 1932. Re ER SOO LIM of
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    • 199 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED—A Wireman and Water Fitter immediately. Apply No. 6, Allenby Road. WANTED—A Partner to start a glass manufacturing business in Singapore. Full particulars, please apply Box 544, c o Malaya Tribune. TO LET—No. 46, Victoria Street, suitable for Dispensary or Nursing Home. Apply S. Fung. 7, Bonham Building.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 315 7 METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. MALAYAN DAILY WEATHER REPORT. tempera- r u STATIONS. ture. Rainfall, dun ix. MSB. n Alor Star 92 75 1 77 7.1 Kcta Bharu 88 76 Nil 8.3 K. Trengganu 88 74 0.23 9.9 Kroh 90 72 0.20 7.3 Sitiawan 91 75 0.11 9.4 Ipoh 93 73 0.78 6.4
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  • 38 8 Mrs. Chia Teck Hai nee Cheong Suat Khim. on Tuesday. April 5. 1932. at her residence. No. 17. Lorong 19. Geylang. age 42. Interment at Bukit Brown on Thursday, April 7. 1932. at 10 a.m.
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  • 951 8 The Colonial Government's gesture of sympathy with the rubber indus- try, in limiting rentals of Government land cultivated by it to a i maximum of $2 an acre, is genuinely appreciated. It involves a sacrifice, at a time when reduced revenues are causing the deepest anxiety, of
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  • 134 8 General Situation Is Improving. Rugby. April 5. Reviewing the Indian political situation Sir Samuel Hoare. Secretary for India, in a statement in the House of Commons to-day. says that the gcnrral fituaticn ha continued to show improvement during the past fortnight, and convic.ioni in connect.on with
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  • 165 8 DISCOURAGEMENT OF PLANTING. Reuter. London. April 5. Accepting the breakdown of the efforts to frame an international scheme to regulate rubber production and expert as final, the Rubber Growers' Association has issued a statement drawing attention to the "disastrous results" if production and absorption continue
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 51 8 British Official. Rugby. April 5. The re-election of Mr. Montagu Norman as Governor of the Bank of England during the coming year and of Sir Ernest Musgrave Harvey as Deputy Governor was announced to-day. This is the thirteenth successive year Mr. Norman has elected—British
    British Official.  -  51 words
  • 82 8 From China by the "Mirzapore." due at Singapore noon to-morrow. From China and Japan by the "Kashima Maru." due at Singapore to-morrow. From Holland and Germany by the "Poelau Bras." due at Singapore at 6 a.m. on Friday. From China and Japan by the "Havre Maru." due at
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  • 34 8 British Official. Rugby. April 5. Two further Parliamentary vacancies are in prospect by the retirement of Sir Newton Moore, who represents Richmond, and Sir Rennell Rodd. M?mber fcr Marylebcn British Official.
    British Official.  -  34 words
  • 341 8 This afternoon at 4.30 the Ladies Union. Singapore, is giving a T:a Party at 6. Mount Sophia, in honour of Lady Clementi, on the occasion of the first anniversary cf th? Union A performance is to be given at the Capitol Theatre on May 9. in aid of the Orphan
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  • 50 8 OUR BERLIN LETTER, on page 2. CORRESPONDENCE on page 3. TOPICS OF TO-DAY. cn page 8. CLUB DIARY, on page 11. DIARY OF EVENTS, on page 12. NEW WORLD NEWS, on page 12. WHAT TO LISTEN FOR. on page 12. CAMBRIDGE EXAMINATION RESUL1S. on pages 13 and 14.
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  • 454 8 BY "LOOKER-ON." > The Rotarians heard Mr. Ramplen Jones on "Tin" to-day. A It would be more entertaining to hear a sharebroker on the subject. And then an agency house man on "Rubber" could provide a diverting half-hour. A If the proletariat read more they would be
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  • 26 8 The Rev S. M. untitled will be th- speaker at the rvanu- k tomcrrcw at 5 p.m. at the M bodW Mission Chap 1. Paya Lebar.
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  • 39 8 iJUOT ATIONH. RUBBER London: l 7 sd. New York: 3 cents <G.>. Singapore Spot: 54 cts. business done. TIM London Spot: £109.Os. (Down 42s. 6d.). London 3 months: £111.Os. <Dow:i 40s.) Tin: $56,624 *75 tens sold).
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 183 8 "MARMET" j I FOLDING CARRIAGES AND PFRAMBULAIORS j ARE "MARMET" FOR SAFETY, STRENGTH AND SMARTNESS. J Folding Baby Carriages from $45.00 Perambulators from $57.50 j J SOLE AGENTS: j j Robinson Co., Ltd. j j > ngapore Kuala Lumpur. j IL"MJDGE" S 'Phom 4227 67,-elegte Road, Singapore, g We have
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    • 83 8 SPORTING CUPS IN SILVER E.P.N.S. LATEST DESIGNS BEST QUALITY i REASONABLE PRICES. I ARTISTIC ENGRAVING AT LOWEST RATES. Special Discount to Clubs and Schools. U. S. de Siiva&Bros, Jewellers, Singapore. rdr=Jr=ir=Jr=Jrdf=Jf=ir=Jrr 634 I Nortti Bridge Road. TENG SENG GUAN Established 1905. f BR T. K. RYS I TABLE COVERS j
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  • 507 9 NOT SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE. European Prisoners' Evidence. ed to have been an accomplice of J. A. and A. Lundy, the Englishman and American who were recently sentenced to nibs' rigorous imprisonment and six rigoroui imprisonment, respectively, tempting to get a refund from Messrs. ['nomas Cook and Son. on
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  • 133 9 Rugby. April 5. The Monthly Returns of the Minister of a .-rate that at March 21 there were ximately 9.549.060 insured persons aged 16 to 64 In employment in Great Britain. This lis 146.000 more than one month before and 166 000 more than one
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  • 79 9 British Official. Rugby, April 5. A contract for a large percentage of the 200 milts of pipe line to be laid by the Iraq Pftrcleum Co. has been placed with Stewarts n.d Lloyds. Ltd., tube manufacturers, of < Has 'row and Birmingham. Steel necessary for 'he
    British Official.  -  79 words
  • 68 9 Reuter. Rome, April 5. trial by a special tribunal of 22 Italians ii Emilia on a charge cf plotting the reconUon of the Communist Party in Italy ilted in the leader, Carloalpi, being sentenced to twenty years' imprisonment, while two era were sentenced to 14 and
    Reuter.  -  68 words
  • 27 9 Reuter. -lie death h-> occurred of Coun*. J/' m iv.. Foreign Mini ter during Ihe l-ter stages ol th« Euiopean war —Re i e\
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 748 9 PREPARING TO ATTACK CHINESE LINES. MILITARY DISPLAY IN STREETS OF PEKING. New Manchurian Government Debars Dr. Wellington Koo. Reuter. Nanking, April 6. Tne Japanese held military manoeuvres in the public streets of Peiping (Peking) yesterday. A bureau for the maintenance of order in Chapei
    Reuter.  -  748 words
  • 72 9 Alleged Manipulation Of Rubber Funds. Reuter. St. John's (Newfoundland). April 6. Tho Government has res gned. The Prcm er. Sir Richard Squires, was marooned in the House Assembly, a howling mob waiting cutride. Ricting occurred earlier. The deers anr> windows of v.ere smashed, the mob demand
    Reuter.  -  72 words
  • 64 9 Reuter. Cologne. April 5. Large 'Japanese orders wi'l full: employ Bestag's rolled wir- works at Hochfcld, near Duisburg, for a long period. It is stated that the orders are not connected with the Si 10Japanese conflict. are the largest and mcsl modem in Germany but owi.:g
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 36 9 London. April 5. It is officially announced that the Government intend* to dea! afresh with the whole question of unemployment insurance and place it on a permanan: footing In 1933.—"5. F.P." Service.
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  • 188 9 Other Dominions Much Concerned. Reuter. Rugby. April 5. It is announced that the draft of the proposed reply to the British N.te regarding representations made on the question of the oath cf allegiance to the Crown and payment of Irish land annuities had been unanimously approved
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 324 9 APATHY OF THE PEASANTS. Lack Of Individual Responsibility. Reuter. Riga. April 5. "Certain imperialistic Powers" are scheming to wrest Far Eastern territory from the Soviet, declared M. Molotov in a speech at Moscow, adding that it was vitally necessary to prepare against the Powers who planned
    Reuter.  -  324 words
  • 183 9 Gross Misrepresentations Alleged. Stockholm. April 5. A tremendous sensation has been caused 1 y the preliminary report cf the English auditors Messrs. Price and Waterhouse (who investigated the Hatry crash I that the bri lance-sheet of the Kreuger Toll Co. on Dec. 31, 1930. gr >ssly
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  • 62 9 Reuter. Valparaiso, April 5. The abandonment of the gold stanaard by Chile is assur.d by a special law passed by the Senate Chamber, now awaiting the signature of th? President. There was frenzied trading in p:so secur ties to-day in expectation of heavy depreciation of the
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 48 9 Reuter. London, April 5. The Financial Secretary to the Treasury. Mr Ellict. informed the House cf Commons that Government has not received official representations concerning the ho'diig of an international silver coherence. The Government, did net propose to initiate any action in the matter. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 59 9 Reuter. New Ycrl:. April 5. Further procf cf Britain s financial strength was givei when the last vestige of the Morgan tanlring credit of srOD.OOO 000 grenlcd to Britain 'ast August wes repaid to-day. According tc the •Hera I d-Tribt ne" the United States will net cancel
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 45 9 Reuter. Washington, April 5. Declaring that economic burdens and the menace :o world have been increasing during the last few months, Mr. Hoover said that Mr. Stimson was leaving for Geneva in the hope of facilitating positive achievements Of the Disarmament Conference. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 173 9 PayilioN e.ia TO-NIGHT 9.15 MATINEE AT 3 15 CROWDED OUT LAST NIGHT I The grandest Musical Comedy you've ever seen. L 1 "SUNSHINE SUSIE" A GAINSBOROUGH PRODUCTION. "It is among those rarest of films which live up to advance notices" says to-day's ''Free Press." You won't be disappointed with THIS
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  • 1051 10 BRAMTOCO'S FOURTH CONSECUTIVE WIN. YESTERDAY'S THIRD DIVISION GAMES. ASSN. FOOTBALL. Thrrr matches were played in the Third Division of the S.A.FA. League yesterday, Bramtcro increasing their tally to eight prints for four marches. Eight goals were scorcd on the Harbour Board ground and the Postals beat the
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  • 166 10 "RED TERROR" OF AUSTRALIAN TRACK. THE TURF. New York. April 5. The famous five-year-old gelding. Phar Lap. "red terror" of the Australian turf, died oi colic at California f o-day. It was sent u> America to compete in the Aqua Caliente Handicap, the 550.000 classic
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  • 217 10 THE MALAYAN ENTRANTS. GOLF. London. April, 5. Entries for the Empire Overseas tournament have been closed already Instead of on May 30 owing to the record number of over 300 applications. The entry of actual competitors is limited 150. Singapore entries are: H. R. Baker, S. C.
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  • 297 10 BILLIARDS. The draw fcr the Volunteer Snooker tournament, commencing at the S.C.C. to-morrow, resulted as follows: J. W. Jones and A. W. Hay. J. E. Wills and F. S. Wood. J. V. West and D. R. Harper, Capt. D. V. Hill and L. N. Strachan, A. L.
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  • 56 10 DATES PLAYERS. Badminton. The draw for the open doubles championship tournament of the Alfairs Badminton Party to be played off on Sunday at 6.30 a.m. resulted as follows: Tarn Tuan Siah and Pang Nai Cheng v. Soh Chuan Kiat and Alfred Gan, Yap Tuan Yang and Seah Mia Hee v.
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  • 469 10 RESULTS AND TIES. LAWN TENNIS. Results and ties in 'he S.C.C. tournament are as follows: YESTERDAYS RESULTS. Championship Singles' Dr. H. O. Hopkins beat E. Jackson 6—l, 6—o; E. Cherrington v. W. H. Droogleever unfinished set all—to finish to-day; A. A. A. Paterson beat Dr. L. Demeny
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  • 75 10 CRICKET. The V.MC.A. beat the Nondescripts on Saturday on the Y.M.CA. by 12 runs. Taking first knock the Y.M.CA. scored 92. towards v hith Taylor contributed 27. Pillai 23 and Cantrell 10. The Nondescripts replied with 80. Scully marine 35. before being run out. and Smith 16.
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  • 28 10 SQUASH RACKETS. Lieut. G. J Bryan. R.E.. was the winner, and Lieut. N. C. Phillips. R.A.. the runner-up in the Garrison Fquash competition first concluded.
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  • 149 10 DUPLICATE KEYS USED? (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh. April 5. A very daring theft occurred at the Papan office of the Straits Trading Co. during the v eek-end when the office safe was opened and 119 840 stolen. The theft was evidently perpetrated some time between closing
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  • 83 10 ALLEGED OFFER TO POLICE INSPECTOR. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 5. Sentence of three months' r.i. without the option of a fine was passed on S. N. S. Shatappa Chetty, for offering an illegal gratification to Inspector Blakerley at the Detective Station on March 13. The accused
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  • 48 10 A combined literary meeting of the Teluk Ayer Epworth League and the Straits Chinese Epworth League will be held on Friday in the Teluk Ayer Church at 8 p.m. "That Co-operation is a greater incentive to success than competition" will form the subject of the debate.
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  • 201 10 AT THE CINEMAS. A story of th2 ring which has many unusual features is the chief attraction at the Alhambra for the next few days, where Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper ar- associated in "The Champ," a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer production. The treatment of this picture is
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  • 182 10 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stcries undoubtedly make good talkies. This j is proved by "The Speckled Band." which is I being screened at th? Capitol. There is no mystery as to the murderer. He is known j from the start. But how did he
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  • 146 10 The Pavilion Theatre- was crowded to capacity at both houses yesterday when the British Gainsborough picture. "Sunshine Susie." starring Renate Muller. Owen Nares ar.a Jack Hulbert. commenced a run. There is music and mirth right through the piece and the air of cheerfulness which surrounds
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  • 219 10 CHETTIAR SUED BY MISTRESS. In the Supreme Court yesterday, the CJhief JutiA», S|r William Murison. X.C entered judgment for the plaintiff. Rayna Kathava Ammal. in an action she instituted agaifist S. P. K. M. S. T. Kumarappa Chettiar. in respect of certain money and jewellery which she claimed
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  • 108 10 The dance held last Friday at the New World Dance Hall was a great success and the Committee of the Relief Fund for China organised by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Ccmmcrco desires to thank Mr. Ong Boon Tat, J.P., Mr. Ong Peng Hock, Mr. da
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  • 40 10 Playing at the Selangor Golf Club during the Easter Holidays Dr. W. C. E. Diamond holed his tee-shot in at the 200 yards 8th hole on the fourth course. [Other Sporting News will be found on pages 4 and 11.]
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  • 1247 10 Six Months' Salary Claim Fails. iFrom Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur. April 5. A former memoer of the Malayan Daily Express :taff, Asrtr Gunasekeia, appeared as plaintiff in a claim for $1,000 against the pub Ushers, heard at the Supreme Court yesterday. The claim represented the
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  • 508 10 Over Ten Thousand Dollars Missing". (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang. April 5. The hearing of the case in which K. Ahmed Khan, until recently employed in the office of the Registrar of Vehicles as registration clerk, is charged with breach of trust of $3,500 and falsification
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  • 50 10 We are keeping open an office at our old premises in Union Lane. Collyer Quay Letters, advertisements, ttc., may be delivered there, though delivery direct at Anson Road will oe appreciated. ANSON ROAD TELEPHONE NO 6171 UNION LANE (behind Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank) 6110.
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  • 183 10 SALE AT TOMLINSON HALL. For the purpose of raising funds to cover the cost of the various church requirements, a sale was held yesterday in the Tomlinson Hall. n The sale proved very successful financially, realising about §1,500. Mrs. J. M. Sime declared the sale open, stating that
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  • 866 11 Will Glosters Break Civilians 9 Run Of Successes? SOCCER COMMENTS. ißy Argus") Mthough it is rather too early in the season to draw comparisons, it is not difficult to i what teams are likely to be the favourites ten of the three Divisions of the S.A.F.A.
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  • 480 11 THE GUILLEMARD CHALLENGE CUP. YACHTING. Racing was resumed again at the R.S.Y.C. on Sunday, after the usual Easter break, and both classes were out; the two six-metres, Tromp and Kathleen, sailing the second of a series of three races for the Guillemard Challenge Cup and the "B" boats
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  • 148 11 WATER-POLO. Six teams will compete in the S.S.C. tournament which commences to-morrow. The teams are: E. A. Brodie. C. Goldman. A. P. Goldman. J. L. Bonnar, C. J. Bembroke. A. P. Goldman, J. L. Bonnar, C. J. Bembroke. S. H. Mac Murray. Tremlett and C. V. Andrews. C.
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  • 183 11 BADMINTON. Tne foUw:ng are next week's tic? in the Juveniles open singles championship tournament: Monday: James Choa v. Yeo Oon Boon, Low Bok Eng v Tan Chin Ohuan. Tuesday: Wee Boon Hai v. Tan Eng Tee, Yap Tian Beng v. Tan Chin Chye. Wednesday: Lauw Pek Tjin
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  • 104 11 GOLF. The April ladies' bogey competition of the Singapore G. C. was played on Monday and resulted in a win for Mrs. G. V. Allen, (8,2 up) in "A" division and in a tie between Mrs. A. C. Mace nald and Mrs. S. H. Moss (both 12,2
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  • 49 11 DATES PLAYERS. Cricket. Nondescripts team v. the Minto Club on Sunday at 2 p.m. Dr. Karunaratne, M. Mirando, P. R. Forbes, R. Scully, L. Smith, Geo. Stouter, R. E. Fernando, E. Abeywaitiane, j. N. Fernando (capt), L. M Pennefather, G. P. Chandradasa. Reserves: M. Bastiansz and R D Simon
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  • 694 11 (There are numerous Clubs and Societies tn Singapore, most of the members of which are readers of the "Malaya Tribune." This Diary is provided specially for them. Secretaries are invited to co-operate in keeping it up-to-date and complete. Happenings of general interest will still be included in the
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  • 109 11 Further proof of the determination on the part of the British Government to press on With the reform of the constitution has been given by the various committees touring the country to obtain necessary data to enable the reformed constitution to be launched, declared Sir George Stanley. Governor of Madras,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 90 11 7.15 TO-NIGHT 9.30 FOX MOVIETONE'S ANN HARDING CLIVE BROOKE in "EAST LYNNE 99 One Man Stole Her Youth—Another Stole Her Heart But Neither Gave Her Happiness. Prices: 20 cents 40 cents. ■folk $aF J WINGET CONCRETE MIXERS are made in capacities to meet every requirement. The patent drum fitted to
      90 words
    • 238 11 By Special To H M The King i Appointment am i i i ESTABLISHED 1873. —V j RACING RUGBY I Pats You In The Game' j j THEATRE TENNIS No Matter Where You Sit. j I BOXING SWIMMING I CRICKET AVIATION FOOTBALL TRAVELLING B. P De Silva, Ltd., j SOLE
      238 words

  • 272 12 The following are routine orders issued by Lieut. Col. M. J. T. Reilly, M.C.. Commanding S.S.V.F., dated April 6. Ranges: The following range allotments arj published for information. Buses Leave Drill Hall Sat. Sun. Bukit Timah Ranqe Farrer Rg. 2 p.m. 7.30 pm. 0.4.32 "E" (C.) Coy. S.R.A.
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  • 289 12 PENANG CHINESE GENTLEMAN'S PROJECT. Mr. Heah Joo Seang, a prominent Penang Chinese, has decided to start an Amusement Park on a large scale in the near future which, it is hoped, will provide work for at least a couple of hundred of the local unemployed.
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  • 296 12 FORTHCOMING MUSICAL ATTRACTIONS. The first Children's Concert of the year will take Place in the Memorial Hall on Friday, he »5 inst.. at 5 p.m. At this concert, Mr Menohinsky. now well known in Singapore, will examples ol stringed instrument playing. Mr Menchinsky is as
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  • 113 12 VEILED ALLEGATIONS ABOUT NURSE. (From Our' C en Correspondent.) Ipch, April 5. What ls known as the Five Whiskers" case, which involved an alleged libel against the Chinese principal of the Anglo-Chinese School. Kampar. came up before Mr. Justice Prichard in the Appeal Court yesterday, the
    113 words
  • 546 12 The Easter Holidays. The New World was undoubtedly the rendezwm of Singapore during the Easter Hohaay. The total attendance during the holidays was stated to be well over 50.000 Thousands flocked in nightly, and peopie mm jostling and pushing their way through Lhe great crowds towards their
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 80 12 Iff Hutton's Famous Pineapple Hams GREATLY REDUCED PRICES I I Singapore Gold Storage Company, Limited j Orchard Road Sub-Depots. I RADIO AND SOUND ENGINEERS. «OC« AGENTS AJIO —>—<■■■»»■»■■ O» TMC LtAOING HAO-O MANjrACTU.Ij 2, Orchard Road, Singapore. j (Cwmt OppMtto Amber Maacfeaa). mm THE LARGEST RADIO COMPONENT MANUFACTURERS IAjUgX IN
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 186 12 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme of Drills up to and for weekending April 10. 1932: TO-DAY. APRIL 6 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall. "A" Wing—Depot Coy., Weapon Training—Recruits Course. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall. S.R.A. (v), Batterv Parade. 5.15 p.m.-Drill Hall. Brigade Signal Section. Section Parade. TO-MORROW. APRIL 7. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, N.C.O.'s Promotion Class. Tactics
      186 words
    • 921 12 WHAT TO LISTEN FOR. Radio Stations Received In Malaya. All times given in the following are Singapore times. MONDAYS. PETALING HILL. 55.5 metres, testing daily from 10.30 to 11 a.m. RADIO SAIGON, 49.02 metres, 12 k.w.: 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. recital of chamber or classical music by the soloLts of
      921 words
    • 292 12 BOUND BROOK. N.J.. W3XL.. 46 69 metres. Saturdays. 5 a.m. to q.45 a.m.; Sundays, 1.30 a.m. to 6.45 a.m. SCHENECTADY. N. V.. W2XAF., 10 k.w. 31.48 metres; Tuesdays to Saturdays, 5.30 a.m. to 11 a.m.; Sundays and Mondays, 4 a.m. to 11 am SCHENECTADY. N.Y.. W2XAD.. 20 tW. 19.56 metres;
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    • 142 12 MAILS CLOSE, TO-MORROW. APRIL 7. Siam (except Lower Siam) (Malini) 8 a.m. Anamba and Natuna Islands (Scott Harley» 9 a.m. Penang. Province Wellesley. North-West Perak. Kedah. Western Siam. North. North-East and North-West Sumatra (Kedah) 10 a.m. Siam (except Lower Siam) (Kola) 11 a.m. Philippine Islands. Cebu and Japan (Teucer) 3
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  • 6521 13 LIST OF MALAYAN PASSES. Htonours For Many Local Schools. The full results in the Cambridge Local Examinations held last December were received this week by the Education Department and are reproduced below: SCHOOL CERTIFICATES. The following candidates obtained School Certificates: KUALA KANGSAR. Ahmad Bidawi, Malay College. KUALA
    6,521 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
      406 words
    • 233 13 ftDt=Jr=lr=li=Jr=Jr=Jf=ir=J^Tr If Try I H Agents: ijj Hagemeyer Co.'s Handel-Mi j. NT. 1 j A.P.8.—3 j STAMFORD CAFE I 69. Stamford Road—Telephone 2716. Open daily 7 a.m. to midnight. HOT MEALS A LA CARTE Tiffin $1.00. Dinner $1.20. School children $4 per mensem. Special terms for office girls arid clerks.
      233 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 467 14 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PRICKING PQSTU^^^ **1 Started several mooiha w mMJf would frrl tire l\ \u wholesome nourKdlillS iiraiilS. It COlltain* IM> |>~i tum j„ ~a sy to prepare: pour lx.iliiiu r r> I if—l »;il.r oxr a lra«| nful in a rup I morr lannin or eanein...narmiui
      467 words
    • 91 14 THE IMPERIAL Portable SOLE AGENTS: Duncan Roberts, Ltd. 112 and 114-A, Robinson Road. Singapor Brush? No! Lather? No! Rub-In? No! When you urn Barba§ol Throw (may your brush Wet your face, cither hot or cold water, spread on the creamy Barbasol. Then feel the razor mow down the hair which
      91 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 444 15 BTEAMER SAILINGS. P. 0.~~ BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR lines. (Incorporated In England.) MAIL, PASSENGER ft CARGO SERVICES. rMNINBULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (TJ«der Contract with His Majesty* Government). OUTWARD FROM LONDON For China and Japan. Due Tonnage Singapore 1932 rh)tr%» 15.000 April If?
      444 words
    • 579 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. THE IfeNY.K. <gSgg? LINE (Japan Mail) TO LONDON. Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp. Rotterdam and Middlesbrough. Vessels. Tonnage. Dut. Ball. I KABHI MA MARU 10,000 Apr. 7 t YABUKUNI MARU 12,000 Apr. 19 10 HAKONE MARU 10,500 May 4 5 I SUWA MARU 10,700 May 19 10 I FUBHIMI
      579 words
    • 528 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. |U t%\ Australlsche Deutsch I I OeseUschaft Dampfschiffs wm ,'Companiet Incorporated tn Oermannj OUTWARDS. HONG KONG AND SHANGHAI. NORTH CHINA AND JAPAN PORTS. 1833. m.s. RUHR via Manila Apr. 7 t m.s. BURGENLAND via Manila Apr. 15 m.s. RHETNLAND direct Japan porte Apr. 21 t s.s.
      528 words
    • 490 15 INSURANCE. THE fß*\ SOUTH Vi ill ||f I BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT AND MOTOR CAR INSURANCE ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. I* O. MARQOUOUTH, Manager OQrm: Flnlayart, Green. By Or. Ceorg Henning Obtainable al all Dispensaries Stores DIABETES. THABIB A. Md. HASSAN guarantees to cure Diabetes by
      490 words
    • 407 15 BANKS. The National City Bank of New York is fully responsible, under the Banking Laws, for the obligations contracted by each of its several Branches and Agencies. The Branch in Singapore, an integral part of this world-wide organization, begs to announce the inauguration of a new department for Savings Accounts.
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    • 602 15 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED, HEAD OFFICE: MEYER CHAMBERS. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. BRANCHES: Singapore 458, North Bridge Road. Penang 85, Beach Street Malacca 131, Jonker Street Mua r No. 1, Jalan Sayang Batu Pahat 109. Jalan Rahmat. Palembang 18 m,' Hong Kong 13. Quern's Road, Central Seremban 63. Birch
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 766 16 j THIS PAPER HAS THE LARGEST SALE. AMONG THE PEOPLE WHO SPEND MOST I IN BRITISH MALAYA. j i —7 THE PEOPLE'S PAPER: INDEPENDENT AND PROGRESSIVE. TO LET. TO LlT—Bungalows Nos. 1. Margate Road Mtl 7, Ramsgate Road, both off Grove Road, bungalow No. 9, Wllkle Terrace off Wllkle toad.
      766 words
    • 803 16 Le <z!Mercie/s School. ESTABLISHED 1906. 218. Queen Street 61, Waterloo Street. Morning: Classes only—Primary to Commercial. NO AGE LIMIT! Principal:—F l. MILkMs. PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. THE ACME STORE beg to inform their customers that they have removed from the Ist April to No. 212 Bukit Timah Road (a short distance
      803 words
    • 274 16 TRIBUNE SMALL ADS. BRING RESULTS BECAUSE THEY REACH THE PERMANENT POPULATION. FOR SALE. FOR SALE—SI7S, will secure a three seater Citroen in good order. Self starter. Write Box No. 539, c o Malaya Tribune. FOR SALE—Baby Singer Tourer, 1931 Model. Done nearly 2.000 miles. Price $1,000. Apply Box 541. co
      274 words
    • 473 16 MASSAGE MANICURK. MASSAGE. Miss Matsuye, Mlv Masako and Mm Mlssko. No. 20, Bencoolen Street, Slngspor* MALAYA TRIBUNE •PHONE 6171. SUBSCRIPTION RATER. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Delivery including Includisg at office Postage Postags or close (Local or to Poreigs residence. F.M.S.) Oountrlss Yearly $15.00 121.00, $11.00 Hall Yearly 7.50 1ie.50 $18.50 Quarterly
      473 words