Malaya Tribune, 24 May 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune vol. xvn. -No. 122 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1930 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Saturday. May 24, 1930.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 247 1 UPTON'S CEYLON TEA. yor \NNOT BETTER THE BEST. J A. STAUB Co.,~Cognac. j I Pure Grape-juice Brandies. j. Jj Delightful and Mellow of taste with a real Cognac Aroma. JB I I 1 TRY Staub's A j 1 UlJ] 3 STAR S or 5 CROWNS ||H j [H~(S Brandy Once
      247 words
    • 159 1 "FLORODOR" Washing J7^^^// Suitings- jff t^^f /r j/ For Tropica) Wear. f HIGH STREET, j Singapore. II; BEER j I And How to Drink it— I a 1. Take any suitable receptacle. 2. Fill with READ'S "Dog's Head."- J 3 taking a firm grip, raise reverently to the lips. to
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  • 1417 2 THE FLOODS SUBSIDE. Energetic Relief Measures. Colombo awoke on the 9th inst. to find itself In the throes of a flood which is supposed to have broken all past records in its intensity. The north of Colombo was very badly affected, the plight of the people being
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 267 2 This is the Original Package A of (BAYER) ftoyefc's ASPIRIN E j Bayer Cross^ genuineness and effective action. Ihe original flop's ASPIRIN Tablets give rapid and certain relief in headache, toothache, earache, rheumatism, neuralgia, influenza and fever. v i I Truth in Advertising j I AND WE STAND BEHIND THE
      267 words
    • 289 2 j Going on Leave Soon? Then you want a Cme-"K Q fr>> > Take home living pictures of life in Malaya ffi a living diary of your holiday and enio H again at your leisure. I KODAK LIMITED i 5j 'Incorporated in England./ I SINGAPORE. I 7~"''i n i T
      289 words

  • 1933 3 BY SWAMI ADYANANDA, PRESIDENT, RAMKRISHNA MISSION, SINGAPORE. audits cf divine philosophy are charming and musical as Apollo's lute, bays MJton ana among the philsophies which we possess up till now in the world, no system is more fascinating than the philosophy of the Hindus. The Hindu
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 301 3 I The COTV Way I I to Greater Charm. H I LES POUDRES I I There is no Face Powder in the world that can compare with I I Cot y Face Powder both as regards quality and price. No matter 1 feat you pay you cannot find a better
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    • 85 3 The nearest way to a man's heart is through his stomach, so wise wives tell us. But unless hubby's digestive tract is in proper working order the efforts of the good lady in this direc tion are liable to miscarry. So keep in the house as a prompt corrective oi
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    • 440 3 I Get Well j j and I I Keep Well! |j I S Picture tells a Story jjj iT Thf h afc P aiQ lI J L the ?mall of the back; that irregularity of I S k i l6 v rme; fcired nerv ous, worn out feeW those I
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  • 89 4 I Our readers are invited to write to us on mbjccts of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not lecessarily endorse opinions expressed by qorresoovdents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double ipacingj, and on one side of the paper only
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  • 1261 4 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —Yesterday's mail from the Straits brought roe some surprisingly sad reading mat?rjal in the form of your report of the sensational annual general meeting of the members of the Anglican Church and your leader of the 1st inst. Being myself a
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  • 899 4 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir,—Yes, v.c are slowly but surely drifting to another war more scvage and gigantic tban the last. The-great Europ:an War is sa d to have been fought to 'end waro," bat directly we won it we went the wrong
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  • 199 4 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir—ln compliance with the letter appearing in your columns on the 19th inst., I shall esteem it a favour if you wiil kindly enlighten me, through the medium of your va'uable paper, whether the Principal of the School, Mr. T. Huang,
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  • 542 4 (To the Editor of "The Medical Preu m Circular.") Sir, —La a former article I dealt with lit indications for the use of tuberculin. I pointed out that I had had excellent result? in T.B. negative cases, but not in TJB. positive cases: The results were not
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 415 4 \J H If the cost of neglected ill-health could be demonstrated t0 y ou on a balance-sheet you would see at once that it is a loss which must be cvt —and promptly. Not only the days when you miss business altogether, but the blunders, the wrong decisions, and the
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    • 188 4 COMMON SENSE" AND INDIGESTION Any doctor will digestive tiouble is due t wiiich ferments food Ken, fi P.';' and attacks the deli< Obviously, then, to get need only counteract the for this purpose then > little -Bisurated- |fagn q*i a or when discomfort alu T tte^ Magnesia which a a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 347 5 NEW SHIPMENT. MALAY POPULAR RECORDS. <uik By The Famous Artists. Paulus. Mr. Soeara Miskin, Mr. Ch. Aboe, Mr. Kasmah, Mr. Tan Tjeng A mat. Mr. Lightvoet, Mr. Saleh, Mr. Mr John Jseger. Mr. S. Abdullah, 10 il, Ms. Sadimeon. Mr. Sastrokora, Mr. Nasir FOR, BEST RECORDS fa!t it: T MM
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    • 308 5 Church Services. FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. St. Andrew's Cathedral May 25, 1930, 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7:30 a.m. Matins. 8 a.m. (Choral) Holy Communion 10 a.m. Sunday School at S. Andrew's School 5:30 p.m. (Choral) Evensong and Sermon. Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday
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    • 386 5 WESLEY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, Fort Canning Road. 8:30 a.m. Sunday school. 9:30 a.m. Service of worship with sermon by the Rev. H. B. Amstutz, M.A. 5:30 p.m. Service of worship with sermon by the Rev. H. B. Amstutz. MA. Tuesday. May 27. 5:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible study hour. Wednesday,
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    • 360 5 Owing to Weather Conditions n U To-night's Meeting Postponed/ 1 This Sensational Programme will be Contested o NEXT SATURDAY I AT SINGAPORE O 0 SPEEDWAY 5 Direction Singmpore Speedways Ltd., A. J. Reynolds. Managing Director n SIG SCHLAM N DE s B MOST HAS CHALLENGED SINGAPORE'S CHAMPION CHAS DATSON I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 301 6 Amusements. kjyv r~ K. PAVILION I 'PHONE 6903 I To-night, the last night of "GIRL OVERBOARD;' I From Sunday,Z£May 25 to Saturday, May 31r {a a AT 9.15 P M. SHARP. i urn f g EVE'S FILM AND EVERYBODY'S REVIEW. 0 I c nJ nJ 1 THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE.
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    • 222 6 I ALHAMBRA j I 'PHONE «909 cj I From ■Monday, May 19 to Sun., May 25. 5j NIGHTLY AT 6.15 PJK. AND 9.15 P.M. SATURDAY aND SUNDAY AT 3 FM. g I Great Pictures for ALL Occasions! jjj S now I MARION DAVIES I IN HER FIRST TALKIE I I
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    • 356 6 GAIETY From Friday, May 23 to Thursday. Ma/ 29. AT 9.00 pjn. "THE WATER HOLf With JOHN BOLES, JACK HOLT, NANCY CARROLL, JACK PFRptT ANN CHRISTY and MONTAGUE SHAW. Kidnapped for fun. Stranded m X *oWto> Without water, without food. Rescued by the strong arm of love a r' >»
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  • 248 7 The Markets Quiet. Etlin and Co. report at 11 a.m. RUBBER. d up 1 16d. r 13% cents (G). unchanged. Quiet. Allenbys $1.40—51.50, Ayer $1.40. Ayer Panas $1.35—51.45, 75 cents. Brogas 97% cents— Jelotongs 53—56 cents, Bukit cents, Colinsburghs $2—52.25, ?1 35 —$1.45. Glenealys $1.70— iris
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  • 189 7 Lewis And Peat's Report. Messrs Lewis and Peat, Ltd., Singapore, in their weekly report dated May 23, state: The low level of prices that was reached last *eek has con'uued almost unchanged during the past few days. Occasional interest has been shown for June shipment rubber on
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  • 128 7 Messrs. Barlow arid Co., Singapore, in their *eekiy report c'ated May 22. state: There has 'yen a slight improvement to-day, loLowing better advices from London and New r 1)0 1 th>» market throughout the week has **••1 pract:c'i v lifeless and prices show a decline of a cent
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  • 265 7 Alienation Of Rubber Land. issiu-H k^ U "V n tment of the recent statement rubtv- V M S Gove rnment in regard to foUru a n 11 :ation terms-is contained in the Dear cv'* 1 T the Mala y Mail": Paoer v 1 !ast Saturday's issue of
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  • 249 7 The Rubber And Tin Crises. LATEST FIGURES FROM HOME. (By arrangement with the "S.F.P.") t l„ London, May 23. quoted 2SST iT i a S et opened to d& y with sp°t unchanged"' tanmnl Later prices The sharemarket is idle 5^ e f OWing meeti *«s -have
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  • 32 7 {"Japanese News" Service.} Tokyo, May 22. It is understood that further drdstic measures to restrict the output of the cotton mills are now under consideration, for application after August.
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  • 41 7 Barlow's Report. Messrs. Barlow and Co., Singapore, in their weekly report dated May 22, state: The market has fluctuated within narrow limits. There are no shipments to report this week. Closing quotations are as followsSundried $9; Mixed $8.50.
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  • 154 7 Protest Against Cramgyng. There is a comic aspect to the discussion now being waged among French educationists as. to the amount of work which a student can be asked to do without injury to m hiinltlt.. Professors are united in their agreement that at present the average schoolboy
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  • 213 7 New York's famous system of traffic lights is about to undergo a radical alteration, the purpose of which is to give the pedestrian a little better chance to cross the street unscathed. Hitherto at every crossing the lights have changed, without any sort of warning, from red to green, and
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  • 336 7 WEALTHY CHINESE SENT TO GAOL. End Of Protracted Trial. The protracted trial of Yeo Nghee Kiow, a wealthy Chinese goldsmith of 13, South Bridge Road, on a charge of abetment of culpable homicide not amounting to murder, of h:s nephew, nine years ago, was concluded yesterday at the
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  • 230 7 Visits Of British Warships To Singapore. H.M.S. 'Vindictive" (Capt C. G. Stuart D.5.0., D.S.C. R.N.), arrives June 1 from Hong Kong. Sails June 2 for Colombo and United Kingdom. H.M.S. ••Castor" (Captain W. F. Wake-Walker 0.8.E.. R.N.i. arrives June 2 from Hong Kong. Sails June 4 for Penang
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  • 141 7 Bangkalis," Dut. 578 tons, Capt Verstelle. from Bagan. 22-5: for Bagan. 24-5. Pasir, Dut. 1,187 tons, Capt. Schakel. from Sourabaya. 23-5: for Penang, 24-5. "Dukat." Nor 7,610 tons. Capt. Eilertsen. from Bangkok, 23-5; for Bangkok. 25-5. Anking, Brit. 2.047 tons, Capt. Patersen, from Hong Kong, 23-5: for Hong Kong.
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  • 113 7 A mysterious individual, said to be called M. Pieds-du-Chat ("Mr. Pussyfoot"), has been carrying on a secret "dry" campaign in France for some time. He persuaded schoolmasters to have large posters put up in classrooms declaring that -alcohol is the ruin of the individual and calling attention to the example
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  • 385 7 Road to Be Completed This Year. A correspondent of the "Malayan Daily Express" writes from Tapah that work at the future great Sanatorium of Malaya is progressing steadily, though not so fast as was expected by the general public. Messrs. Fogden, Brisbane and Co., the contractors, who have
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 1135 7 Civil Service. SHOULD THERE BE AN OPEN DOOR? lnttr-Club Debate. "That the Malayan Civil Service should be open to all British subjects" formed the proposition at Thursday night's inter-club debate held under the auspices of the Chinese Students* Literary Association, the Chinese Christian Association and the Singapore Shorthand Writers' Association.
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    • 107 7 long ago and no definite steps had as yet been taken. He complimented the speakers for the able manner in which the debate had be-n conducted. Speaking from an impartial viewpoint, he outlined the progress of the Chinese, and said that the Chinese, who formed three-quarters of the population here,
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    • 407 7 I -j. uu uu vy < wMU v- mm j I J I £3 qH v A II I I II V "SI NIGHTLY AT 6.15 AND 9.15 P.M. I Terrific Success of RADIO'S Perfect I I ALL-SINGING AND ALL-DANCING GORGEOUS SPECTACLE I "RIO RITA" I I VVhh BEBE DANIELS
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 149 7 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY, MAY 2*. High Tides.—7.16 a.m., 7.59 p.m. Singapore Amateur Race Meeting. Cricket: S.C.C. Tournament, Merchants v. Services, Padang. Football League: S.C.F.A. v. R.A. (Div. I), Jalan Besar; S.C.F.A. "B" v. Welclyj^pj. Stadium. TO-MORROW, MAY 25. High Tides—8.18 a.m., 8.30 p.m. Cricket: Welch Regt. v. S.C.C, Tanglin;
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    • 230 7 MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. MAY 24. Kemaman. Dungun and Trengganu (Hong Lee) 3 p.m Sarawak (Kuching) 3 p.m Bengkalis and Bagan Si Api Api < Bengkalis» 3 pm Bangkok (Dukat) 4 p.m. Tembilahan and Indragiri (Rokan) 4 pm Port Swettenham. Belawan, Bagan Datoh and Penang (Bulan) 4 pm "Jiboean Bilik and
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  • 108 8 Births, Marriages And Deaths. DEATHS. Mrs. Song Joo Theng nee Madam Lim Peck Lian at her residence No. 306. Kampong Bahru Road, on the 22nd instant. Aged 57. Leaving behind a son. Mr. Song Yam Hong! a daughter-in-law and a grand-daughter to mourn her loss. Funeral on Sunday,
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  • 720 8 Once again Mr. Ramsay MacDonald's Labour Ministry at Home has been challenged, this time from within the Party, and once again it has survived. Sir Oswald Mosley's motion of censure, at a special Party meeting, found only 29 supporters, and it was opposed by 210 votes. It
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  • 217 8 Mr. Justice Sproule has come from Penang on a visit to Singapore. Mr. J. D. Hall has been appointed to be Adviser, Land Office, Kedah. Dr. M. J. Rattray left by the Siamese Piince" for Europe on a holiday. Private Chan Woon Seng ha> been dismissel from the Singapore Volunteer
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  • 521 8 Horley—Heeley. At the Wesley Church, Port Canning Road Singapore, yesterday, Mr. Noel Horley, the second son of the Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Horley was wedded to Miss Irene Heeley, of Croydon, England. The Rev. H. B. Amstutz and th3 bridegroom's father officiated. The hymn "O Perfect Love"
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  • 65 8 Wholesale Cut In Prices. [Reuter's Service.] New York. May 23. Increased distribution of book; through bo:k clubs is the principal reason for a revolution in the publishing trade. It was started by a number of New York publishers announcing a drastic cut in prices. Two and a half
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  65 words
  • 75 8 Prom China and Japan by Hosang." due Singapore to-morrow morning. Prom France by "Porthos," due Singapore at 8 a.m. to-morrow. From China and Japan by "Shinnoh Maru," due Singapore to-morrow. From China and Manila by "President Adams," due Singapore daylight on Monday. From China and Japan by Santos
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  • 225 8 Examinations for Government officers who are tequired to pass in law. general orders and Colonial regulations will be held on July 14 and following days. "A Quiet Talk With Ghosts" will be the subject of a lecture delivered to-morrow evening at 8.15 at the Seventh-day Adveatist Church. Penang Road, by
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  • 700 8 •<BY "LOOKEK-ov The telephone service yesterday between Bon understands, benefit s>. direct way. Local Qrn an? Java will be able to a messages In only a agents but here all kwj yj new service ends. Th, m the S.S. and F.M.S millions, as against Ja for the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 230 8 q| No. 1808. N I BUY i j >r SHIELDS j j YOUR €UPS E I SPORTS jSlt BOWkS- S PRIZES TANKARDS I NOW MEDALS. I 3 A LARGE NEW SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROSI J H 5D AH INC AN Jfc .TA ITH i'lncorporated i* th<\ SINGAPORE ft cj ItUDlliijUli
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    • 80 8 I NEW ESTABLISHMENT. I 3 A Choice Selection of Latest a I Silver and E. P. N. S. Goods 1 Suitable for Presentations. 1 MANUFACTURERS OF I JEWELLERY OF EVERY I DESCRIPTION. Careful Workmanship f and H Prompt Attention. I U. S. De SILVA BROS., I 61, High Street, jjj
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    • 36 8 TIN AND Rl BBER. Latest Qiun ns. BVBBCB London: —6 7 sd. New York:— c Singapore:—23'—23 TIN 30s PJ London: —Spot £1410. 30? 3 months, buyers £143 < od' Od.), sellers £143 2s Singapore:— $72 00 112
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  • 203 9 Northerners Retreat In Disorder. \NG'S TROOPS TAKE LANFENG. Twenty Thousand Prisoners. [Reuter's Service.] Shanghai, May 23. from official reports pouring in li, the Government troops have ed a crushing blow to the forces of coalition during the past few if ter
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  203 words
  • 185 9 Alldnsides" SEEKING SEIFDESTRUCTION? Sin Kuo Min Press" Service.] Shanghai, May 24. President Cniang Kai Shek proceeded to the Lunghai front ai?a n yesterday to direct a second offenshe; it is reported that the Government vanguards have entered Lanfeng and that the Northern forces have retreated to Kaifeng. The
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  • 160 9 EMPLOYEES CLASH WITH POLICE. Hong Kong, May 24. thp rt suit of their refusal to pay duty on electric lights the native bank employees clashed with the Swatow police yesterday, and M the banks in Swatow are reported to have appended business. The Communists at thacchow and
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  • 77 9 Si r Oswald Mosley's Successor. PRFMIH: ro TAKE OVER PROBLEM OF UNEMPLOYMENT. [Reuter's Service.] London. May 23. a member of the Simon Com'ucceedi Sir Oswald Mosley as the Duchy of Lancaster, tales, l!d resigned a few days ago as a the Government's refusal to colder policy for
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  77 words
  • 46 9 untilted Elder and Dr. M. J. Rattray for Settlements) and Dr. W. T. Quaife btti 1 F Conoley (for the F.M.S.) have the lnated *sr the Malayan branch of Medical Association as members h L C w Council oS tne straits Sett'.e--0 F.M.S. for 1930. i
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  • 172 9 PILGRIMS PRAY AMID THE FLAMES. Native Boatmen's Bravery. [Reuter's Service.] Jeddah, May 23. The "Asia" is lying at anchorage in the outer harbour. The fire started at 8 p.m. on Wednesday evening and spead very, rapidly. Other ships in the harbour launched life-boats and rescued 950 of the
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  172 words
  • 133 9 Brilliant Spectacle At -Glympia. TO BE OPENED BY KING AND QUEEN. [British Official Wireless.} Rugby. May 23. The Royal Military Tournament, in which the Navy, Army and Air Force combine annually to give at Olympia a display which is one of the pleasantest and most picturesque events of
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  • 126 9 Not Settled In Japan. ["Japanese News" Service.} Tokyo. -May 23. Differences between the Government and the Naval General Staff Office on the question of the right of control of the Navy, which it is alleged, has been trespassed on by the Ministry, which accepted the American
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  • 104 9 Special Empire Day Programme. British Official Wireless. Rugby, May 23. The Prime Minister, Mr. J. Ramsay MacDonald, will at 9.30 to-morrow night introduce a special programme to be issued on all stations of the British Broadcasting Corporation in connection with the annual Empire Day celebrations. During
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  • 55 9 [Reuter's Service.] Wellington. May 23. The Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Forbes, who is succeeding Sir Joseph Ward in the Premiership and the leadership of the United Party, is re-forming the Cabinet. He is a prosperous sheep farmer and a strong advocate of a national settlement
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  55 words
  • 112 9 (By arrangement with the "S.FJP.") London, May 23. Archbishop Davidson is sinking. [Archbishop Davidson, who was born in 1848, was educated at Harrow and Trinity College, Oxford, has held many 1 esponsible ecclesiastical offices. He was one of the six preachers of Canterbury Cathedral from 1880 to 1883
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  • 247 9 POINT BLANK SHOT AT PREMIER. Saved By A Policeman. [Reuter's Service.] [British Official Wireless.} Rugby, May 23. An unsuccessful attempt to shoot Lord Strickland, the Prime Minister of Malta, was made in the Law Court at Valetta, the Maltese capital, tb-day. Lord Strickland was uninjured, thanks to the
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  247 words
  • 171 9 Elderly Chinese Killed By Mosquito Bus. SCHOOLBOY BADLY INJURED. A fatal accident occurred in Geylang Road early -fchis morning when an elderly Chinese was knocked down and killed by a mosouito bus. He sustained a fracture at the base of the skull and died before the arrival of
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  • 319 9 [Reuter's Service.] Washington, May 22. Congress has approved of the transfer of Prohibition enforcement activities from the Treasury to the Department of Justice, which Mr. Hoover requested for the purpose cf strengthening the machinery to enforce the day law. Philadelphia, May 22. Mr. J. J. Davis, the
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  319 words
  • 260 9 Peaceful Methods In India. CURFEW WITHDRAWN IN SHOLAPUR. Monster Demonstration. [Reuter's Service.] Sholapur, May 23. The withdrawal of the curfew order yesterday afternoon was immediately followed by a sports meeting of the Royal Ulster Fusiliers, attended by numerous members of the public, including millhands, and the at.nosphere was
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  260 words
  • 223 9 Recognised By Russia. [Reuter's Service.] Nanking, May 22. The Mongolian Affairs Conference to discuss the internal development of Mongolia was formally inaugurated yesterday, more than 40 delegates of the Mongolian tribes with banners being present. In this connection the Foreign Ministry, in a statement addressed to
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  223 words
  • 185 9 Girl Flyer's Last Lap. [Reuter's Service.] [British Official Wireless.) Rugby. May 23. Miss Amy Johnson hopes to reach Port Darwin. Australia, the goal of her magnificent flight from England, to-morrow. To-day she flew a few miles from a remote village in Timor, in the Malay Archipelago, to the
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  185 words
  • 38 9 NOTES FROM CEYLON, on page 2. PHILOSOPHY OF THE HINDUS, on page 3. TOPICS OF TO-DAY, on pare 8. CORRESPONDENCE, on parrs 4 and 11. RADIO IN MALAYA, on pare 11. CHINESE TOPICS, on pare 13.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 183 9 I ifoh She's a brick!... S appreciation 0 jjj If your presenilis to be appre*. j! I GumpjE c €b I 0 incorporated in the Straits* Settlements.) jjj 1 n I NEW I "H.M.V. RECORDS I TO-DAY. I MID-MAY ISSUES. J 3 3 LISTS SENT WITH PLEASURE. 3 I S.
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  • 368 10 Sports Pastimes. COUNTY MATCHES. Weaker Sides On Top. CENTURIES IN EACH INNINUS BY THNTURIES MEN. CRICKET. [Reuter's Service.] London, May 23. County matches commenced on Wednesday resulted as follows: KENT BEAT NORTHANTS. Kent: 193 (Clark 6 for 64) and 377 for 8 wkts (deel). Northants: 122 (Freeman 5 for 38)
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  368 words
  • 388 10 Aussies Win By 10 Wkts. HORNIBROOK AGAIN DESTRUCTIVE. (By arrangement vnVi the SJ*. n London, May 23. The weather at Chesterfield to-day was and the wicket hard when the match between the Australians and Derbyshire was continued. Opening Derbyshire's second innings, Alderman produced some fine cutting. Jackson, his
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  • 153 10 Bryan's Opening Stand. The match between the United. Services and the Merchants in the' S'.CC. tournament was commenced yesterday on the Padang. Taking first knock, the services had 83 for the loss of one wicket at close of play, Bryan being unbeaten with 54. The match will be
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  • 33 10 (By arrangement with the "SJfJ*.") London, May 23. The death is announced of the cricketer. Titchmarsh. I The late Mr. C. H. Titchmarsh was born in 1881. He played for Hertfordshire.
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  • 35 10 ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. (B V arrangement with the London. May 23. HnI h VV Ual r0port ,he Poo «»U Associa- H a proflt 0n the past war o1 £105 400 the surplus to
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  • 45 10 S.A.F.A. v. ARMY AND NAVY AT STADTUM. iS given of to-morrow's charity ?a p a Stadium between the following ?h» A "L and a strong side representing the Army and Navy:— K0W Bo°n T Z:"Sffi B Z^ Ahmed, MU PU S '-«i
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  • 37 10 The *'B" team in the Malacca Sprinter* A team by three goals to o!l WpH I by three g0alS t0 tWO On Wednesday, the "D" team met the "A" team. Result two all.
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  • 25 10 vl he S^T y beat the Registrar of ehicles Office, in the match played on ThursPrriera SCOrerS Were Jlt Mui and L.
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  • 71 10 ROWING. TW L Ia UnCheS "9 avail able for spectators who wish to follow the R.S.Y.C. Boat Races next Saturday. Those who wish tea to be served on board the launches are asked either to advise Mr. T. H. Stone, captain of boats, or sign their names on
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  • 271 10 Association Football. S.A.F.A. LEAGUE FIXTURES First Division. To-day. Chinese v. R.A.. Jalan Besar Reserve Division. To-day. Chinese 'B" v. Welch. Stadium. S.C.C. team v. I.C.F.A. on Tuesday, on the Padang:—L. J. Brittan; J. Lee, R. Craik; E. S. Bell, A. K. Reade, A. Donald; A. C. Perdriau,
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  • 767 10 Capt. Barlow Lands Outsider. YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. THE TURF. The weather was fine, the attendance good and the going excellent for the first day of the Spring Amateur Race Meeting held under the auspices of the Singapore Turf Club yesterday. The sport commenced at 4.20 in the :ifrcrnocn and
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  • 115 10 (By arrangement with the ''8.F.P.") London. May 23 The following is the latest Derby betting Sir Hugo Hirst s Diolite 5 to 1 H. H. Aga Khan s Rustcm Pasha 8 to 1. Major D. Dixon's Ballyferris 100 to 9. Major J. S. Courtauld's Silver Flare 100
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  • 43 10 MEXICO ELIMINATED. LAWN TENNIS. [Reuter's Service.] London, May 23. In the Davis Cup, Allison (America) defeated Tapia 6—3, 3—S, 6—B, 6—2. 7—5. Vanryn and Wilmer Allison beat Alfonso un da and Manuelllano 6—o. 6—l. 6—3. in the enter inter-zone final.
    [Reuter's Service.]  -  43 words
  • 91 10 S.T.C. Amateur Meeting. The following are our selections for to-day's amateur events:— Race No. I.—l. DANDY. 2. THE KNUT. 3. OLD BILL. Race No. 2.—1. WHIPPET. 2. WHY SHY. 3. GRID. Race No. 3.—1. PANRILLA. 2. GAY DECEIVER 3. TAIPING 11. Race No. 4.—1. VITALITY. 2. LADY JANE
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  • 336 10 Ctoslng Port Dickson Line. The "Malayan Daily Express'' understands that the F.M.S. Railways propose to cease running the passenger line to Port Dickson shortly. This decision, the Kuala Lumpur paper learns, has been arrived at after long and careful consideration. The passenger traffic on this line has never
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  • 308 10 The Posi:ion Of Ape Men. in the life after death v. hat hi the position ul the ape-men from whom, according to the Evolutionists, the human race sprang.* Dr. Barnes. Bishop of Birmingham and a leader of Modernist thought, dealt with this question in a remarkable snmon
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  • 56 10 To-Night's Meeting Postponed. DIRT-TRACK RACING. Owing to th- very heavy rain which fell this morning it has been decided to postpone to-night's Speedway meeting. The rata was particularly heavy in the Serangoon district. The attractive programme drawn up for this week, including Sig Schlam's challenge to
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  • 1491 10 PUBLIC EXAMINATION OF A FORMER M.B.E. Mr. Lee Peck Hock's Affairs. In the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before Mr. Justice Steven, motions for substituted service of bankruptcy notices were allowed against Haji Shiek Mohamed and Cheong Guan Boon, while receiving and adjudication orders were issued against Ong Cheng Swi,
    1,491 words
  • 204 10 Evidence Before Liquor Inquiry. The cock-tail habit ana denounced hj S:: Edgar Sanders, ex-general manager. Qnli State Management Area. Gains evat cently before the Royal Commisioa on licencing, he said that the habit aai oa the increase deleteriously affecting the consumer He suggested that people
    204 words
  • 188 10 But No! In Singapore. The editor ui Ufe Ch the writing of report the ambition of hi, nffl manner: "The gnxm i«* a pup in bu n^ hasn't done a lick ol w< in the middle of his junr.; He manages to dresf of spending money h
    188 words

  • 679 11 A L ESSON ON TUNING. Mori Recepton Reports. which an oscillating current I an oscillatory circuit and -entials, viz., Inductance and sUSI tot lesson we found that an produced by charging a that the resulting charge in in be made use of by disdenser through a useful
    679 words
  • 267 11 ds his reception log as follows: I! u en shut down owing to too nee. Manila ditto. la came through on the loudtrong and clear. Operatic music. Monday Huisen 8.40 p.m. clear. do ng P.L.E. 15.93 metres. Too aker. For the first time, after -accession, this station has
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  • 87 11 [Our readers are invited to write to us on tubjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressedTby corresoondents. LETTERS SHOULD BE AS BRIEF AS POSSIBLE, preferably typewritten (double spacing), and on one side of the paper only. Pen-names may
    87 words
  • 273 11 fTo the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, As the question of accommodation for visitors at Fraser's Hill is before the public, I take the liberty to enclose particulars of the 'Retreat," which belongs to the Church. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to advertise the house as well as it should
    273 words
  • 39 11 "A Cinema Fan" supports previous correspondents in complaining against the scramble for tickets at the cinemas and suggests that the managements should take steps WftuUtt* it unnecessary. A queue system, he thinks, would solve the problem.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 317 11 I NEW WORLD CAB MET 1 5{ JALAN BESAR. |{j ru To-night, JTo-morrow and Monday, May 24. 25 and 26. rO [Jj First appearance in Singapore. The greatest and mo.-t unique attraction. Cj Bir. CHAPLITSKY Presents H S "THE LILLIPUTIANS" X The Tiniest People in the World in Dances, Songs,
      317 words
    • 196 11 By Q ORANGE-SMASH AjSj JLJ is Renowned ail muL fIU over Ma,a y a Tne fLm f |«Km so much admired $Sj JiK IjjMIJ for its Delightful |£f UJ|B Prepared from J|g| 8? p^&'jQl Pure Fruit Juice Sflt S SEASON I TROPICAL, PIANOSi j? are backed by reputation for I
      196 words
  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 281 11 Singapore volunteers/ Drill Programme. TO-DAY, MAY 24. 2 p.m.—Bukit Timah Range, "A" (M. O.) Coy., Classification. 2 p.m.—Fairer Range, M. G. Plat. Eurasian, Classification. 3 p.m.—Siglap, "E" (Chinese) Coy., Camp. TO-MORROW, MAY 25. Siglap. "E" (Chinese) Coy. Camp. 7.30 a.m.—Bukit Timah Range, "A" (M. G.) Coy., Classification. 7.30 a.m.—Farrer Range,
      281 words

  • 1135 12 MINING. ISSUED BY FRASER CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, May 24, 1930, 10 a.m. Issue Value Buyers. Sellers. 5 Pangnga River 5,3 5|9 0.15 Padang Plandok 0.04 0.08 1 Penawat 0.56 0.58 51- Pengkalen Ord. 14|6 15 6 1 Petaling 5.25 5.40 £1 Puchong 20 6
    1,135 words
  • 670 12 Lyall And Evatt's Report. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Singapore, in their weekly report dated May 22, state: London rubber stocks have now* passed the 100,000 mark, an increase of 1,507 tons for the week bringing the total to 101,392. The excessive total of world s visible supplies
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 599 12 NCHOR BBANdI New Zealand 1 I BUTTER I j "The World's Best." I Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. 1 i ft* tlncorporated in the Straits Settlements.) ft Dr. Richard Weiss' G0N0THEK OUTFIT A complete equipment for the quick and complete cure of gonorrhoea. Gonorrhoea must be considered as a dangerous
      599 words
      291 words

  • 919 13 MR. SOONG'S REPORT ON FINANCE. The Country's Six Zones. (By a Special Correspondent.) The "Annual Report for the Fiscal Year, July, 1928, to June, 1929," prepared by T. V. Soong, the Finance Minister of Nanking, is the first official report regarding the financial position of China since 1910.
    919 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 698 13 Cj X I<ii 10 MTOMATIC DRAINAGE GATES IN conjunction with ARMCO 8 N IRON CORRUGATED CULVERTS. ft H; A st Difficult Drainage Problems cheaply and efficiently. &j |V ibksonM p-oblems that confront engineers is to effect adequate drainage S ft i and al the same time prevent BACK FLOW u\
      698 words
    • 25 13 SEALS AT SINGAPORE ZOO. Visitors to the Zoo wfll be surprised to see the latest arrivals which include Seals, rare Paradise Birds, full-grown Lion, etc.
      25 words
    • 964 13 0 that there are thousands of vl^£SV^^^ liny cretices in healthy, nor- wkmm^^MyV//// 1 /f^k\ mal teeth and gums? WL*4r* w// 1 fInks that no toothbursh can get Br '////km down into these microscopic /r/nk\ places ft ////'^^^ffS&^^^k^SL^^^' 1^'^ that food particles and mucin B /^^H^HHB^^^H^^S^^^^M deposits lodge in these
      964 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 432 14 PUBLIC NOTICE. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE Notice under Section 101 of Ordinance No. 135 (Municipal) for making up part of Onan Rood from Chamri Road to Reserve for road. In connection with notices served under Section 101 of Ordinance No. 135 (Municipal) for making up the above road, it is notified
      432 words
    • 642 14 FOR SALE. POR SALE—Portable Typewriter, M. Prager 264, Middle Road. 'Phone 4883. POR SALE—Freehold land facing road. Fhll particulars from 48, Wilkie Road. FORT SALE!— 4 freehold building lots within premises described M.C. 21. Small bungalow house, brick piers, planked walls, zinc roof. Situation—Lim Twa Tow Road, off Upper Serangoon
      642 words
    • 456 14 SITUATIONS VACANT. SITUATION VACANT—Experienced Dispenser. Chinese preferred. Apply personally with testimonials 124, Hill Street. WANTED—Energetic, smart and self-respect-ing lad. Fluent English. Mechanical turn of mind. Willing and keen to learn what will eventually be expected of him. Must start at the bottom. Nominal pay at first but good prospects and
      456 words
    • 571 14 j BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. I HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85> Beach street Malacca 1 31> Jo nJcer Street Muar No. 1, Jalan Sayang. Batu Pahat 109, Jalan Rahamat. I Palembang 18 I Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Central! Seremban 63 B lrch Road. Batavia
      571 words
    • 424 14 BANKS. —t THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890. on 2nd December. 1892:) Authorised Capital £3 000 000 Subscribed Capital njm*M* Paid-up Capital £i, 0 50,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1 §46 505 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street. London,
      424 words
    • 301 14 rosuß a ncTH INSURANCE OOaiFASlw FIRE, MARIXK MOTOR car LOWEST U VTMni THE ASSURANCE CORpSJJ (incorporate*- HEAD OFI l< i 1 2nd Floor of I Singjp ore I Thone Kea. »44 and I BOARD OF mUECTORs- 1 See Teong Wah. I Ong Scon Tee Esc Jj* I Seah Eng Lina
      301 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2020 15 STEAMER SAILINGS P, 0. BRITISH INDIA AND \PCAR LINES. icorporated in England.) HAU i ASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. vl > |\R AND ORIENTAL STEAM \TION CO., LONDON AND R EAST MAIL SERVICE. I ontract with His Majesty's Government.) 1 WARD FROM LONDON r China and Japan. Due Tonnage Singapore 1930 5,300
      2,020 words
    • 167 15 GOLD AND SILVER. Ear-rings, Neck-laces, Brooches, Curtain Hangers, Key Hangers. Belts, Hair Pins etc. Prices [Moderate. D. T. LIM CO., 15S, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD SI NO A POM. Phone 4681. DON'T CURB YOUR FEELINGS by using inconvenient contraceptives. It you will take a good advice and protect your health from
      167 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 109 16 I I jj It CRUDE OIL ENGINES. I Stationary tngines I H o oolB an d Verticai jj I Marine Engines j I SOLE AGENTS: 1 N. V. Straits Java Trading Co., I j 1 SINGAPORE and PENANG. M L *H2 JTJkw j jj the outstanding QUALITY record. [j] ji
      109 words
    • 184 16 Articular^ I is a dfeease mere dangerous qui and safe cure a, l j than thought of by mar.y il) persons. eliminate* quickly and AU preoptions cf th, doctor mu 3 t he surplus of therefo,e be strictly followed, for the health of the entire „r Ihe complications that
      184 words