Malaya Tribune, 5 April 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. XVII.- -No. SI SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, APRIL 5, 1930 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Saturday, April 5. 1930.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 163 1 LIPTON'S CEYLON TEA. YOU CANNOT BETTER THE BEST. "o.h:" cement I j 9 CONTRACTS CAN BE ARRANGED AT SPECIAL RATKS ON APPLICATION TO: Sole Importers: TIIC EaSt AsiatlC CO., Ltd., SINGAPORE. I (incorporated in Denmark.) X 1111 Motors and Dynamosl 1 3 ?y Makers of 45 years' experience. I E,c
      163 words
    • 131 1 •FLORODOR' Washing /jm^kT// Suitings _^tV AT F r Tropical S/^& J/ Wear. HIGH STREET W /r Singapore. IT'S "DOG'S HEAD" GUINNESS STOUT I X IS I i I I SIME, DARBY CO., LTD., I 3 (Incorporated in the Straits Settlement* > 3 I S. S. F. M. S. I I
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  • 87 2 lvui readers are lnvlted lo Write to Us on «ubject» ol public interest. It must be under«.lood tbat tbe "llHalaya Irldune does not necessarlly rndnr»»: opinions expressed by eor» respondents, letter» »/lould be as drle/ poZslbic. prolerabiy lypewritten «double sp»ein«». and on one» lllcle ol tbe paper only, pen-names
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  • 167 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —I fully endorse the opinion of your correspondent, Mr. Lim Kang Thiam, when he asserts that the "Lion City," despite its speedy improvement in all its appearances, is still being handicapped through the existence i of this vile practice, the "Social
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  • 393 2 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —India is fast awakening from her deep lethargy of illiteracy and to-day education is progressing rapidly. The various Municipalities, Corporations and Councils have deeply gone into the question of having a common language for India, and it is very gratifying to
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  • 826 2 (To Vie Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —Being a keen believer in concord I feel it my duty to step once again on the platform of "Unity" and ask a few pertinent questions in reply to Mr. Dover, who takes pride as an Indian. Before he can think
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 231 2 I Truth in Advertising AND WE STAND BEHIND THE STATEMENT. J WE BUY THE BEST IN THE BEST MARKETS. j AMONG OTHER LINES WE STOCK. jjj The Best Mutton j I The Best Spring Lamb j I The Best Cheddar Cheese I The Best Hams Bacons S ("SUGAR CANE" BRAND.)
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    • 558 2 IPUROL 1 For eruptions and I wounds of the skin. I Tins 30 and 55 cts. Tubes 75 cts. I Obta:nabie everywhere I Importers: Borneo Sumatra BURLINGTON. 3, COLEMAN STREET. 'PHONE 7108. Under New Management. Five minutes from Raffles Square. Coolest and most quiet building tn town. Furnished and unfurnished
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  • 923 3 HOBBS AS ENGLAND CAPTAIN. A Popular Choice. Mr. A. G. Gardiner writes in "John Bull": The curtain is about to be rung down on the cricket season in Australia, and Woodfull and his comrades are packing their bags for Wig land. What are the prospects of the adventure?
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  • 371 3 Here is the team as I should like to see chosen, writes a reader in a Home sports paper: Hobbs, Sutcliffe, Hammond, Jardine, Hendren, Woolley or Duleepsinhji, Leyland, Tate, Larwood, J. C White or Freeman, Duckworth or Ames. This team is, I believe, the cream of English
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  • 146 3 There was a little surprise for the members of Sir Julien Cahn's team of cricketers, who sailed for the Argentine from Tilbury in mail week Mr. H. S. R. Critchley Salmonson. the Somerset cricketer, announced that it would be his honeymoon trip. He was
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  • 157 3 The English batting and bowling averages for the New Zealand Test matches are as follows: BATTING. Ins. Tot. H.S. N O. Av K. S. Duleepsinhji 6 358 117 2 89.50 Nichols 6 185 78 3 61.66 G. B. 6 299 196 1 59.80 Bowley 4 162 109 0
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  • 66 3 So far Sussex and Gloucester are the onlytwo cricket counties who paid their way last season, in a summer that was generally acknowledged as a good one. On the other side thert is quite an array. Yorkshire, Lancashire, Hampshire, Worcestershire, Glamorgan, Derbyshire and Somerset all showed a loss,
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  • 77 3 Jack Hobbs considers badminton and golf the best exercises to keep a cricketer fit during the winter months. He is an expert at both games and has, in fact, entered for the AllEngland Badminton Championships. Incidentally, he is this year's captain of the St. Stephen's Badminton
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  • 166 3 Writing to "Onlooker" of "The Ceylon Observer" recently from London Jack Hobbs says: "I am feeling very fit at the moment. On March 1, I am going along with "Struddy" for another holiday to Penzance. We shall be there for a couple of weeks and hope to get
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  • 139 3 The following were among the passengers proceeding by the "Rawalpindi," which sailed yesterday for Penang, Colombo, Bombay and Europe: Mr. C Hewetson, Mr. W. B. Sutherland, Mr. J. B. Neilson, Mr. H. N. Ferrers, Mr. W. Mailer, Mr. H. E. Trenerry, Mrs. W. J. A. Grant and child. Mr. and
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 245 3 FREE GIFTS for users of DRINK Wincarnis and get well. Save the wrappers, and get FREE GIFTS —beautiful and useful articles of jewellery, cutlery, etc., etc. Ask your dealer for list that shows all the gifts and tells you how to get them. HUTTENBACH LAZARUS SONS, LTD., Wincarnis Gift Dept.,
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    • 208 3 I wish. Ik&divt Wf ate that salad, |pi Its reaLly made me I oo^^ pallid. It My whole interior's aquake BUT I Mvat a difference PINKLTTES make!" I V KEEP YOU WELL OBTAINABLE FROM CHEMISTS EVERYWHERE I NEW STOCK I I "IiIAQTFD" Instruments j MANDOLINE BANJOS I AND I I
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  • 782 4 Lyall And Evatt's Report. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Singapore, in their weekly report, dated April 2, state: The R.G.A. announces as a result of the meeting on the 29th ultimo that, whereas the minimum necessary to make the AngloDutch Liaison Committee's scheme operative was 70
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  • 140 4 Chamber of Commerce R. A Report The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association in their weelv auction report, dated April 2, state: Catalogued 1,887,697 1b.=842.72 tons Offered 1,470,228 1b.=656.35 tons Sold 1,260.092 lb. 562.54 tons. London spot 7 9/16 d. New York spot 15% cents. PRICES REALISED.
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  • 157 4 Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., Singapore, in their weekly report, dated April 3, state: The outstanding event of the week has been the announcement that the Anglo-Dutch scheme for a cessation of tapping during May has secured the necessary support to make it operative, and we understand that
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  • 147 4 Messrs. Lewis and Peat. Ltd.. Singapore in their weekly report, dated April 4, state: Prices have not responded to the announcement made by t h e R G.A. at the beginning of the week that the necessary support had been given and that during May a
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  • 95 4 Foreign Rubber Imports During March. Smoked Scrap r Sheet Luitid Country of Origin and Sheet, and Total Crepe. Bark. Dry. Wet Tons. Tons. Tons. Tons Sumatra 581 4 969 Dutch Borneo 599 3.091 543 tSZ Java &O. Dut Isls 127 75 32 S Sarawak 1i042 S Jj4
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 264 4 shhhbsh-™ The Great 3reatAeaMe Tablets COUGHS, COLDS, Cn ILLS, SORE THROAT etc' Of all medicine dealers. 75c a bottle. GOOD ENGLISH BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE. In your own home and in your own time we can easily and quickly improve your knowledge of the English Language and teach you to write Good
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    • 365 4 A SURE WAY TO STOP INDIGESTION. Indigestion is such a common ailmem thai many people regard it as an unavoidable evil never realising that unless checked it is doing incalculable harm to the stomach and may even cause stomach ulcers The best safest and surest remedy for digestive troubles IJs
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    • 372 4 Why this penetrating foam CLEANS WHERE TOOTHBRUSH j CANNOT REACH ■■■I f ra ~a,ic w »y now proves what million, of people know-that Colgate', cleans teeth be,,'" f recently made an important experimem II ,h 'TV* measur d tLeir power to V," I the thousand, of tiny crevices whUh are
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  • 657 5 TO-MORROW'S CHENG BENG FESTIVAL. New National Language Association. The Cheng Beng festival, which will probably be observed to-morrow in every corner of the world where there are Chinese, brings to mind the universal worship of ancestors which has been from time immemorial such a marked feature of Chinese
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  • 33 5 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 153 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 157 for $100.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 538 5 ,VV/ < GER AANY)^^ ye n^tor ft m sT U ATi(>. o f-, FiGure !{r!J^VEN'y\TES Pjf,» gc. T Elanhood KSTING E\JOVME\r, s>o 6 Aaenl s IMA v\OHAMED SONS. d A i S'NGA 0 0RE. j MMP PU* sX IiF.ST SPEEDIEST REMEDIES! ABSTRACT! 0 jrmacy. 11«. Serangoon. Singapore. ne, oi a
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    • 615 5 Church Services. .FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT. St. Andrew's Cathedral April 6, 1930. _a 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7:30 a.m. Matins. 41 8 a.m. (Choral) Holy Communion and Sermon. 10 a.m. Children's Eucharist. 5:30 p.m. (Choral) Evensong and Sermon. Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday
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    • 165 5 THE TEMPLE OF THE DIVINE SPIRIT, 432, Geylang Road. Intercession Service, 7 to 9 a.m. every day. Sunday, 11 a.m. Divine Service. Subject of Homily: "The Good Shepherd." CHURCH OF ST. JOSEPH. (Portuguese Mission.) 5:30 a.m. Low Mass. 6:30 a.m. Low Mass. 8 a.m. Solemn High Mass and Sermon. 5
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    • 557 5 VI R [LINE IliC a( FERTILINE •ct.vstad ectlvnssd T«es hormone lor men Ovary hormone loi vooitn In sexual debilities and sexual In menstrual and climacteric disturNeurasthenia. Impolency. Nervou bances. sterility, toss ol appetite sness. Sleeplessness. and sleep. PANCRESAL QOUTOSAN in Diabetes In Gout Sciatica Activated and potentiated Pan Powerful Uric
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 276 6 I PAVILION I 'PHONE 6903 cj FROM THURSDAY, APRIL 3 TO TUESDAY, APRIL 8. AT 9.15 P.M. SHARP. X I THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE. jjj World's Greatest Thrills....Not A Scon.- Staged [0 Natural as GOD made it ft "SIMBA" ffi Naked men against tooth and claw. A drama of desperate
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    • 251 6 Amusements. j ALHAMBRA 'PHONE 6909 jjj I From Wed, Apr. 2 to Monday, Apr. 7. j jo At 6.15 p.m. and 915 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at 3 pm. I 1 C j William Fox Presents I I c TH\T CHARMING AIL-TALKIMG MOVIETONE WITH MUSIC I The Romance) I of
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    • 288 6 GAIETY'S Bi g Nightly at 7.15 p.m. sharp. Whole /ffffifk J k £«h Complete l^ c GAIETY MATINEES: Saturday: "THE GOLD DIGGERS' (9) FOOLS IN THE DESPPT Sunday: HOGANS ALLEY" ,7, "PHANTOM OF THE CIRCUS SURJHA The Shou which provides plenty of thrills and entertainment for ,v, TO-NIGHT AT 9.15
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  • 275 7 Both Commodities Down. Messrs. Etlin and Co. report at 11 a.m. d3y RUBBER. London down l;16d. tui York 15', cents (G). down cent, shares—Quiet. Allenbys $1.70—51.75, Ayer ifnteki $150—51.60, Ayer Panas $1.45—51.55, nJsetts 80-85 cents, Biogas $1.02',. St Jelotongs 60-63 cents, Bukit Katils -_78 cents Colinsbuighs
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  • 272 7 Rubber And Tin In London. By arrangement with the "S.F.P.") London, Apr. 4. The rubber commodity market opened at 7 9 16 and 7 14 16, falling off later to 7 8 16 and 7 14 16. the tone being easier, with the sharemarket idle and also
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  • 32 7 It is notified in the F.M.S. Government Oazette that the price of rubber for assessment ■I duty for the period April 4 to 10, inclusive, is -•''•i cents per pound.
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  • 259 7 Drastic Restriction Of Imports. WIDESPREAD SENSATION CAUSED. Reuter's Service j Sydney. April 4. J The announcement of the Government's tariff proposals has caused a widespread sensation. It is generally thought that the new measures prohibiting the importation of certain luxuries ought quickly to adjust the unsatisfactory overseas
    Reuter's Service.  -  259 words
  • 76 7 Melbourne. April 4. The Commonwealth Bank has arranged to ship overseas a further £8,000.000 gold, making £24,500.000 since July 1. 1929. Sydney, April 4. Sir Robert Gibson. Chairman of the Commonwealth Bank, says that a further depletion cf Australia's gold stocks after the shipments mentioned earlier, is
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  • 336 7 (By courtesy of H. ajjid SINGAPORE, APRIL 5. SELLING. London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 15, 16d London 3 months' sight 2s. 3 7 d. London 60 days* sight 2s. 3 13 16d. London 30 days' sight 2s. 3 25/32 d. London demand 2s. 3%d. London T. T.
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  • 178 7 Large Market In Far East. Reuter's Service. London. April 4. Plans are afoot to form an Empire Canning Council to stimulate the erection of local canning factories, particularly in India and in the Crown Colonies. The Council consists of unofficial representatives of India and all the Crown
    Reuter's Service.  -  178 words
  • 231 7 Barlow's Report. Messrs. Barlow and Co.. Singapore, in their weekly report dated April 3, state: The market has not responded to ihe announcement that over 80 per cent, ol British and Dutch companies have given their assent to the cessation of tapping in May and chat in
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  • 41 7 Barlow's Report. Messrs. Barlow and Co., Singapore, in their weekly repport dated April 3. state: The market has been slightly firmer during the*past week. Approximately 718 tons were shipped. Closing quotations are as follows: Sundried $9.10. Mixed $8.65.
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  • 74 7 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. J2 O'CLOCK NOON. APRIL 5. Buyers. Sellers. R.S.S. equal to London Standard Spot 25 254 Standard R.S.S. on Tender April 25'- 25", May 26>, 26> r June 26 1 4 27 May/June 26M 26 July Sept. 27 28 Tone of Market:—Quiet.
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  • 143 7 SINGAPORE. APRIL 5 Rice. Siam New A-l per Koyan $350 Rice. Siam New 1 $320 Rice, Siam New 2 $305 Rice. Siam New 3 $284 Rice. Siam New 4 $262 Rice. Saigon A-l $265 Rice, Saigon 1 $260 Rice, Saigon 2 $248 Rica, Saigon 3 $237 Rice. Rangoon 1
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  • 119 7 A measure designed to protect newspaper men in guarding sources of confidential information has been introduced in the New York State legislature by Senator John A. Hastings of Brooklyn. The proposal would extend the legal safeguards to reporters, editors and publishers of all weekly periodicals, who would not be required
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  • 39 7 Australian Mail Destroyed. <bt/ wit/, HL.P.', I<ondon. 4 It is rmv stated tllat a portion ol tbe llan mail on board tbe "Du-morln Wblcb on lire m Doiombo barlx»ur, be deb v. r «rd »t ls undeclobernble
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  • 59 7 (By arrangement with the "S.F.P.") London, April 4. Mr. Prank Brangwyn. the well-known Royal Academician, has now been definitely commissioned to undertake the interior decoration, of the new giant steamer "Empress of Britain. The commission is interesting in view of the fact that the House of
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  • 54 7 The "Malaya," belonging to the Straits Steamship Co, arrived this morning from Malacca and another ship of that name belonging to the East Asiatic Co., is also due today from China and Japan. The authorities are arranging to have them lying in close proximity to each other
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  • 183 7 lreljlbt pool' bas nccn lormed by live out llier companion, onnelv. tl„ lbe tbe «avasaXi. lbc Vaman 8,ulu, n,cl tl,.' 1»»yo «aim», ln order to lN^ d>. bmna trend ol ll,e lrelgbtag" on lumli lbt l)ooi is exported to be ellecuve ln ln> ol tbe lrei«bl mnrlcct.
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  • 94 7 Boltana." Brit. 7.126 tons. Capt. Den.-, from Rotterdam. 4-4; for Hong Kong. 16-4. "City of Shanghai." Brit. 3,747 tons, Capt Lloyd, from Dunkirk. 4-4; for Hong Kong. 6-i "Sibolga" Dut. 784 tons. Capt. Zuidema. from Belawan. 5-4; for Tegal. date uncertain. "D. V. Twist." Dut. 537 tons. Capt. Stute,
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  • 156 7 A committee meeting of the Kesatuan Melayu was held at the premises of the Darul Taalam Club, on April 1, the following committee members being present the Hon. Inche Mchamed Eu.ios bin Abdullah. Tuan Haji Pagak. Tuan Haj; Ambok Sooloh. Tuan Haji Ismail, Tuan Haji Ibrahim. Tuan Haji
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  • 113 7 Ships Alongside The Wharves. Singapore. April 5. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Nil. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Malaya (Danish) 18: Malaya (S.S.S.Co.) 11; Idomeneus 9; Beltana 6. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). San Francisco Maru 30; Akita Maru 35. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 4). City of Shanghai
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 195 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICK NOTICE is hereby given that tenders are now invited for the following materials or services, and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained in the Tender Room. Municipal Offices: Tender. Date of Closing. Election of Quarters at Joo Chiat Place for Water Department.
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    • 490 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. SITUATION VACANT. Vacancies for male Eurasian or Chinese shorthand typists, willing to go abroad. Good salary. Apply Box 159. c/o Malaya Tribun-German-teacher, experienced. Apply B<>i 147, c/o Malaya Tribune. TO LET—3. Ramsgate Road, off Grove Road, and close to Katong Park. 3 bed rooms, garage for two cars,
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 180 7 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY. APRIL 5. High Tides.—l.l 4 a.m.. 2.38 p.m. Muar Assizes open. Perak Amateur Races. Cricket: S.C.C. v. U. Services. Padang; SC.C. v. Y.M.CA, Y.M.CA.: S.R.C. v. Riff-Raffs. S.R.C; C.S.C. II v. Welch 11. Balestier; v. Welch Rog.t.. Tanglin. football League: Malay, v. RAF. <Div. I). Jalan
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    • 198 7 MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. APRIL 5. Port Swettenham and Penang (Klang» 3 p.m. Malacca (Larut) 3 p.m Ceylon. Southern and Western India (Clydebank) 3 p.m Djambi (Alting) 3 p.m. Java. South-West Sumatra. SouthEast Borneo. Celebes. Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Van Cloon> 3 p.m Kemaman. Kemasek. Paka. Dungun and Trengganu (Hong Leei
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    • 355 7 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. Daily Weather Report. Unght RelaTemporavr.e. Ra:n- Sun- tive. Wind. Max. Mm. fall. shine. Humi- Direc- Speed. Stations. F. f. ins. Hours. dlty tion. m.p.h. Weather. JS SJf* 95 71 nil 9.7 65 E.N.E. 5 Fine Kota Bharu 89 72 nil 9.6 75 S.S E. 2 Fine K.
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  • 39 8 Nt54IN8 «m,.. Db.oic all«5 lan l>y. c?,..^ lU l,30 «m al bcr V, .r.n» 22. 8b. lc..v« txbn.d t.o ..cnoo. «.,< .no li»m l..x <me Kbo. r.... «lm lboic. «everal>bll<ll.-n «r. ly3t,. l030 u m «°r „3
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  • 553 8 Before the Naval Conference in London began we expressed the fear teat it would fail because of the difficulty of reconciling the French and Italian claims. After weeks of keen and at times only superficially friendly discussion that fear Menu unfortunately likely to be realised. *or some
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  • 215 8 Messrs R. P. Bingham. S. E. King and J. I. McPall have been granted leave. Mr. G. E. Cator has been appointed to act -*s Superintendent. Government Monopolies. S.S. Mr. G. A. McAfee. Chief Inspector ol Police S.S., has been seconded for service with the Singapore Harbour Board. he next
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  • 45 8 Government Decision. A notice appears in the Government Gaz°ttof the intention of Government to acquire *7 loti of land in the district of Geylang for the purpose of an aerodrome. The land sought to be acquired is 183 acres or thereabouts <n extent.
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  • 58 8 Good Progress In London. British Official Wireless. Rugby. April 4. Negotiations for the conclusion of an AngloRgyptian treaty were continued at a meeting in the Foreign Office to-day. Various points were discussed in the light of the observations furnished by the Egyptian delegation and good progress was made.
    British Official Wireless.  -  58 words
  • 18 8 Reuter's Service. Osaka. April 4. Mr Van L-ar Black has arrived here from S©OUJ.
    Reuter's Service.  -  18 words
  • 44 8 The Victoria Theatre was again crowded laa evening for the final performance by the Quaints of "Journey's End. with Noel Coward in the principal role. The Quaints' very successful season ends with (c-days matinee and evening performances of When Knights Were Bold."
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  • 523 8 Mr. L. G. W. Ward recently arrived in Ipoh U) take up an appointment in the FMS Government Electrical Department. Pastor W. W. R. Lake wiU speak to-morrow SSSf 2. 8 l l at the Seventh Adventfart Church, the subject being. -Heaven and Earth declare the End." "wo Mr. p.
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  • 650 8 <BY LOOKER-ON "What is lacking in the s r r centre-forward, a leader wfaTcLfi a vvorKing togeher and whc a r' his he S.R.C. are not alone Yn V" the League clubs at Home wouS". T' cf pound, for that Si? 3 h A There is plenty
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  • 45 8 From China by IBMB« H due Singapon to-morrow. From China and Japan by "Akita Maru." dm Singapore to-morrow. From China by "Takaria." due Singapore on Monaay, the 7ih Instant From China and Japan cv 'tlurohfcne Han due Singapore on Monday, the Tin instant.
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  • 43 8 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. Lr>ndcn:—7 l id. New York:—15 cent* <<5). Singapore:—25-25V* cents. TIX. Ltndcn: Spot £163 7s. Cd. (dovn 22s 6d.> 3 months, buvers £165 2s. fd. rdown 25s Cel.), sailers £1G5 5s. Od. (d>-7n 25s od Singapore:—$83.37».. ay) -<2d
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 187 8 l JUST RECEIVED. A No. 308 A I SILVER PLATED RICE SPOON f J Price $6.75. I E.P.N.S. BETELNUT BOXES j I IN VABIOUS NEW DESIGNS I Prices $55.00, $68.50. a j I ROBINSON Co., Ltd Gj (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. I "EDGEWORTH" S W EXTRA
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    • 118 8 I{l New Establishment. g A Choice Selection of Latest C I Silver and E. P. N. s. Goods I I Suitable for Presentations, g I MANUFACTURERS OF I I JEWELLERY OF EVERY I a DESCRIPTION. 0 J Careful Workmanship I I +and g A Prompt Attention. G I U.S. de
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  • 258 9 Terrible Outrages In China. BRITISH MISSIONARY MURDERED. f i Bandit < Torture Their Victims, Reuter's Service. Shanghai, April 4. Tories come from very reliable ndit outrages in Yunnan Province In one town several well-to-do people, who i Ljid not pay sums
    Reuter's Service.  -  258 words
  • 244 9 Tientsin. April 4. Mr Cullen arrived this afternoon with Mr. S body. Interviewed. Mr. Cullen dethe outrage. The missionaries arrived uho Junction at about 5 p.m. on Wedand were proceeding to the Beach on when at about 5.30 in broad daylight, roughly three miles from the
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  • 107 9 lExploitationI Exploitation By Dutch And Japanese. Reuter's Service. a Sourabaya, April 4. Vtherlands Colonial Petroleum Com- nam ß out an expedition on April 17, are Participating, to have been I P ratlons in New Guinea which ttnS^* 1 during the last 14 months. 00
    Reuter's Service.  -  107 words
  • 104 9 o'ice Forced To Fire. MAXv People injured. Reuter's Service. Thirty Bombay, April 5. Sua: injured and sent to t a Cro -vd *225° h hef c were forced to fire Vlctori.™*** railway strikers out- rmmus of the Great Indian J*aj The injured people in--7 an one
    Reuter's Service.  -  104 words
  • 150 9 NO HOPE OF FIVE-POWER PACT?. Italians Blame France. British Official Wireless. Rugby, April 4. again speni expert advis^s for a formula 5h UrS tO-day 111 a «arch Covenant Aith v &rtlcles of the been^t^^ St™ 1 enTertZd^ crease knee's sensed WhiCh StUl in -ague CovSnHnd* ,"5^ FoTeL Min
    British Official Wireless.  -  150 words
  • 266 9 Reuter's Service. London. April 4. Recent optimism with regard to the Naval Conference has distinctly diminished to-day It is stated that prospects of a three-Power pact are very favourable but the piospects of a five-Power pact are .trtainly not too bright Tbe only hopeful sign at present is
    Reuter's Service.  -  266 words
  • 70 9 Paris, April 4. J The newspapers assert that Mr. MacDonald has rejected the French security formula. The "Echo de Paris" pleads: "Let Mr. MacDonald. i hasten to conclude a three-Power treaty, for we are getting involved in a most unpleasant 1 controversy with Italy and it is
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  • 108 9 London, April 5. I The "Daily Mail" says the Conservatives are so perturbed about the continued Anglo-French discussions of a formula to meet the French demands arising from the Naval Conference that they will put a series of searching questions to the Premier in the Commons on Monday,
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  • 118 9 Extension Until 1935. British Official Wireless. Rugby, April 4. A Bill is to be introduced by the Government to extend the operation of the Export Credits Scheme until March. 1935. Under existing legislation the scheme lapses in September of next year. The extension has been decided upon
    British Official Wireless.  -  118 words
  • 69 9 [Trans-Oce*;t via Pan-Asia.] Berlin, April 4. Unknown persons committed an unprecedented theft by breaking open the recently laid foundation stone of the capital's new broadcasting station, in the hope of finding valuable coins in an immured steel box. They were deceived, since it contained only documents of
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  • 368 9 HOME UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF. Business Development In View. British Official Wireless. Rugby, April 4. In the course of a debate on unemployment in the House of Commons to-day, Sir Arthur Steel Maitland (Minister of Labour in the late Conservative Govt.) suggested that the selling of British goods on an
    British Official Wireless.  -  368 words
  • 179 9 Gunboats Defending For Chiang. l'Hln 6u„ .Vm press" Her,..^ Lbumbln .>l.r mcl v,n Lb, 8M.N lrom po»t.i It ,H olNclallv «nnounced tnac lbe nor,.,, eastern navy t- procelMn»? to ,<, asln tbe .,l llmt p<,rt t„. l...'lon ol Ven» troop.. president Dbt«n« I<al LbeK, »o
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  • 156 9 Tary Planks At Next Election. Reuter's Service. London, April 4. Safeguarding and economic unity of Empue were proclaimed by Mi. Stanley Baldwin at ft Primrose League gathering at the Albert Hall, as the planks of the Conservative platform at the next election. The Party never lost
    Reuter's Service.  -  156 words
  • 73 9 Armed Police In The Neighbourhood. Reuter's Service. Bombay, April 5. Accompanied by some 80 of his followers, Mr. Gandhi has nearly completed his march to the sea. He encamped last night three miles from Dandi and there proposes to extract salt from the sea in defiance
    Reuter's Service.  -  73 words
  • 64 9 Fireworks Factory Disaster. STREET BLOWN UP ON BROADWAY. Many Deaths And Injuries. Reuter's Service. New York, April 4. and a scoreS uredin f\££ t6n WCre killet factory nLr^^Jt!*^ 1 I**1 "rework. a mnr Were charred from manhole "V C overeTf ."V"™ Shot UP to the siv whKh v;ere
    Reuter's Service.  -  64 words
  • 71 9 Ruhr Industrialists Meet. l Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia Berlin, April 4 t a **f industnaSs^ of their individual attitude to the Yo mg Plan I S2?" tht> acceptd •anLt ag IndUM,y arid commerce, panning accord.ngly. must strive earnestly to aent Hindenburg signed the Young Plan a'ler matme
    71 words
  • 90 9 Triumph Of New Photo Process. Reuter's Service. Schenectady. April 4. Simultaneous world-wide publication of newspapers by means of wireless telephotography is suggested by the appearance here of the front page of the "San Francisco Call" transmitted across the continent, within threhours of leaving the press, by a
    Reuter's Service.  -  90 words
  • 68 9 Reuter's Service. Rome. April 4. The death has occuiied of the Queen of Sweden in her villa in Rom?, where she had long been suffering from chest trouble. Addis Ababa. April 4. Queen Zauditu. "Empress of Abyssinia and Queen of the Kings of Ethiopia" is dead The
    Reuter's Service.  -  68 words
  • 122 9 Cabinet Members' Discussions. I London, March 24. Discussions arc proceeding between the India Office and the Colonial Office regarding the franchise of Indians in Ceylon, but no settlement has yet been reached. Ceylonese views are being represented to Lord Passfield by Mr. Wijeyekoon. recently a member
    122 words
  • 30 9 ["Japanese News" Service.} Tokyo, April 4. The Tokyo City authorities are considering a proposal to seek employment in South America and the South Seas for the educated unemployed.
    30 words
  • 33 9 CHINESE TOPICS, on pa*e 5 TOPICS OF TO-DAY, on pa S e 8 CAMBRIDGE RESULTS, on page 16 CORRESPONDENCE, on pa t 2 and 11 NOTES FROM CEYLON, on papr 11
    33 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 95 9 LUUL^ g 111 Ml 4flr«?nfs; GUTHRIE CO., LTD. S Lg incorporated in rfce Srraite Settlements) I I MOUTRIE j I Th« SYMBOL 1 I all that is best in f PIANO I I CONSTRUCTION. 1 I ASK FOR ILLUSrRATED CATALOGUE. "Pay as you Play Terms Arranged. I I S. MOUTRIE
      95 words

  • 308 10 Sports Pastimes. BRYAN SHINES FOR R.E. Engineers Beat Recreation Club. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Although the S.R.C. were beaten by 3—t when they met the Royal Engineers at tV Stadium yesterday in the First Division of t"--Singapore League, the losers put up a better .display was generally expected. The Club had two
    308 words
  • 255 10 LAWN TENNIS. NO PLAY YESTERDAY. Owing £o the rain there was again no pipy in the S.p.C. tournament yesterday. 1 MONDAY'S TIES. Championship Preliminary:—O. R. More v. E. A. Joy; C. E. Hudson v. E. Cherrington; A. L. B. Perkins v. J. Duguid; F. T. K. Hobbes v.
    255 words
  • 140 10 RESLLTS AND TIES. Results and ties in the S.R.C. tournament are as follows: Doubles Handicap: —E. Woodford and E. Te> sensohn beat I. M. Eber and C. Westerhout. 6—4, 4—6, 6—2; T. Leijssius and R Nicholson beat J. de Souza and V. de Souza 6—2, 6 2. "A"
    140 words
  • 38 10 London, Mar. 25. It is stated that Henri Cochet. is very unlikely to defend his title at Wimbledon owing to business reasons but that He will play in the Davis Cup matches.
    38 words
  • 42 10 DIRT-TRACK RACING. The directors of Singapore Speedways. Ltd have for exhibition rides by the well-kryffrn jldirt-track motor-cyclists, Messrs. DatspB, Lewjs, Yates and Sharp, to be held c L S^**° re Seaway. Aikaff .Gardens, Seran^Ooi/ ftpad, to-morrow at 4.3d p.m.
    42 words
  • 15 10 Messrs. Seah Eng Chiang and Tan Chiap Choon are Patrons of the Aston Athletic Club.
    15 words
  • 28 10 Members of the Athletic Union are UTS!** the quarterl y general meeting to be held to-morrow at Lorong 20, Geylane at noon. Badminton will be placed in Serening
    28 words
  • 395 10 Vav's Result». THE TURF. ,0N7 Dur DttTl DorrespondelU Il»ob. 4. ?dr lirsi da> at tbe peralc lurl Dlud's race meiztine u>-Uaz> lNere »as line ear.lbi li tbe day. but ram leii dur»n« lb» l>.:t lbuuHb ll «lopped later l1».c c wu« z<x>d 1l:e result acre llacc /.—ponies
    395 words
  • 206 10 BADMINTON. (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune."/ Sir,—ln view of the approaching Easter holidays, hosts of people, clubs and associations will visit the up-country and vice versa? During these visits, various games such as football, tennis, cricket, badminton and billiards will be freely indulged in. The Singapore Badminton Association
    206 words
  • 43 10 GOLF. The Sepoy Lines Golf Club's monthly medal competition for March resulted in a win for S. J. Beattie. who returned a card of 87,23-«4 The same player won the ball-sweep"To> the best nine holes with a score of v 2.
    43 words
  • 42 10 A special general meeting of members of the Garrison Golf Club will be held at the Club house at 6.30 p.m. on Wednesday next to consider certain items involving expenditure m excess of that sanctioned by Rule 4 pena,wire
    42 words
  • 634 10 pixlv»«8. lo-days llxtures in tbe I«a«ue are as lollovs «alav, v, NXP 2eaar «ansliela v Ol.p.D.. 2tadium Drd, He lZlzs. >. Warders, p. 2r»ni Dap«ain« nnd «ecretarlcs will obilUe by sendln»? to tbe 8port2 Idltnr tbe name, ol tbeb players ln tlie maleb» as early as po»8
    634 words
  • 274 10 Perfect Safety Obtained. The racing track at Singapore Speedway is now complete find actual practice is about to commence. Messrs. Datson. Sharp and Lewis have already tried out the track and consider it the best and safest they have ever ridden They had no difficulty in negotiating the
    274 words
  • 459 10 Many Novel Amusements At Easter. REAL RADIO PROGRAMMES. The seventh Malayan Agri-Horticultural exhibition at Kuala Lumpur during Easter will be opened by the High Commissioner, who will te at Fraser's Hill and whose speech will be relayed by loudspeaker. The loudspeaker set has been lent for this occasion
    459 words
  • 541 10 Members Claim Money Seized. Mr. Withers Payne, appearing on behalf of Tan Hock Tim and Lam Ah Chong. made an application, before the Second Magistrate <Mr. P. S. Williams) yesterday, relating to certain sums of money which were seized by the police when the latter carried
    541 words
  • 59 10 Municipal committee No. 1 took the following action at a meeting held on April I: Disapproved of proposal to rename Buffalo Road. Considered that a stand for 2nd class hackney carriages should be provided within the Harbour Board area, and postponed discussion of proposed general introduction of taximeters
    59 words
  • 498 10 Was Defendant Sober? (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 4. The case in which G. F. Lenders is charged w th criminal assault on Mrs. Oon, the Penang lady barrister, was continued in the District Court to-day and further hearing was postponed till to-morrow morning,
    498 words
  • 70 10 Willie Smith And McConachy. 'By arrangement with the ''S.F.P.") London, April 4. The dispute between Willie Smith, the English billiards player, and McConachy. the New Zealander. the former having taken out a summons against the latter for threats, came to a head ir. the police courts
    70 words
  • 90 10 Sentence of four months' r.i. each was passt i by the Third Magistrate (Mr. J. F. F. Gregg* on two Hylams named Wang Ah Sang and Tee Yoh Kang who were convicted of being unlawful members of the South Seas Communistic parties. The accused were arrested in a
    90 words
  • 103 10 The District Judge <Mr. Charles Wilson* sentenced a Chinese to 12 months' r.i. this morning for being in possession of two fully loaded revolvers. Acting on information received DetectiveInspector Mcintosh went to a house in Albeit Street on March 13 and in a back room, he found the
    103 words
  • 1226 10 Local Students' Successes SENIOR—BOYS. Under 18 years who obtained Raffles 1 Institution: Abd [juu p A. K. Sinha. Soong |£1q J** AbduEah Hassan Te ag<j Anglo-Chinese School: Ang Bah c Hian Choan, Lim Tav Boh H»t a J 6 Kw bhoy. Tan Sim Eng. m N °*a n
    1,226 words

  • 1658 11 THE INDIAN VOTE. Protest Against The Assembly Move. w, shall always be ready to treat Incuan< W« are only too well aware of ;t c ulture and kinship that bind When the great Indian Mahatma were ieady to sit at his feet 2 our money into his
    1,658 words
  • 80 11 lDur leaders are Mvited to vrlte to us on «ublects ot public interest. It must be under- «tood tbut tbe lrlbune" doe» not oec.Vs»riiy endorse opinions expressed by onrrespondents Idlers de as drle/ as! po<««dle. prelerably typevrtttun <double «paevl we». »nd cm one side ol tl»e paper only l?en-nnmes
    80 words
  • 59 11 -lo t»,c 2dttor. «ol0M T'ritNtNt' 2ir.—I «ban be very mm b obliged it you vlll de good enougb to lnlorm me v>ber« I can obtain prayer Noolc on tbe Nuddlust religion, a» l nave lrled man-, place., vitbom any suecess Vuurs. etc 2 DN2ND DUtlXN lluala l.umpur.
    59 words
  • 251 11 To !rrib««e", Slc—2estdes publisbMg of genelnl pubbc Mterest. tbe "«alayu lrlbune.. c l». allovs discussion ol lUusllm Dndoubtedly. tbe Klnl»v.! !>„/„,»/ ueserves mucb uppreciution lrom tlie ivlu>lbn <<mn»»»nity m partlcuisr. Suluce it to «tate tbat it is lllgbly popular wllb tbe communlly. lbe object ol any prencber in
    251 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 268 11 a^ **********252s ZSKHS2Si>SHS3H^ 1 New World Cabaret I JALAN BESAR. I EVERY NIGHT AT 9 P.M. J The Webster gives the best Dance Music. I TO-NIGHT OUR CABARET WILL OPEN TILL 2 A.M. C I C I The Opening of our Bar will be I Announced Shortly, r *************** 1
      268 words
    • 172 11 Ah, my Beloved, drink the "SWASH" that clears To-day of past Regrets and future Fears To-morrow? -Why! Tomorrow I may be Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years. FRAMROZ CO. Directory s& of Malaya NOW READY Printed and Published by and f V SBTAINA3LE FROM C. A. RIBEIRO CO., LTD. N.
      172 words

  • 1110 12 BONING. ISSUED BY *RA8ER CO„ EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore. April 5. 1930. 10 a.m. iTfcOS Valve Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang 35J- 37|5|- Ayer Hitam Tin 15(4% 16{£1 Bangrin Tin 25|3 26(3 1 Batang Padang 0.1$ 0.23 1 Batu Caves 0.97% 1.05 I Buklt Arang 0J0
    1,110 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 329 12 I Finest Quality Streaky I Bacon I 80 cts. per lb. Singapore Gold Storage Co., Ltd. (Incorporated <» the Strait* Settlements.) S2SZSESZSE£fiSSZS2SESESHSES2SHS2SHS2^ ASIA LIFE i I Endowment Policies will Help you Save. 1 ASIA LIFE I I INSURANCE CO., INC., U.S.A. I Singapore Office—E-4, Hongkong Bank Chambers Si X PHONE
      329 words
    • 160 12 Ap ex Electrophonic Records. Made in Canada 8986 Little Pal (Vocal Fox Trot) 8946 Bloc Hawaii (Vocal Walts) rm In Seventh Seven Pagan Love Soar (Vocal Walts) (Vocal Fox Trot) 8933 I Kiss Your Hand, Madame «983 The Desert Son* (Vocal Walt.) (Vocal Fox Trot) Ton re My Beautiful Theme
      160 words
    • 617 12 AMUSEMENT^ 8 SPECIAL SATURDAY NIGHT PERFORMANCE! I Miss RIBOET'S \n MALAY DRAMATIC CO. "ORION". I I MOONLIGHT HALL. New World. Jalan Besar. I TO-NIGHT. SATURDAY, APRIL 5 I "R. A. SOEMIATIE" fi This flne JAVANESE stage-play has run 67 performances' Does it n I [U recommendation? The EUROPEAN Press in
      617 words

  • 204 13 New Parliamentary Committee Formed. London, March 19. A meeting of the members of Parliament held to-day in the House of Commons decided to form a Parliamentary Committee pledged to secure Dominijn Status for India. Mr. Peter Freeman was -lected President and Mr. Mardy Jones, Secretary. The
    204 words
  • 774 13 ADoel Krim's German Chief Is Deported. Transocean Service. (Special to the "Malaya Tribune."/ That very much over-worked word adventurer may be used to describe the singular 2_?i Wh T the Fmih convict-ship -La Atlantic towards the French Penal Settlement m Guyana. Probably, the name oTnSTZI most
    Transocean Service.  -  774 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 585 13 J FAIRBANKS SCALES I S (A TRADITION OF ACCUBACY AND DEPENDABILITY.) I I Use FAIRBANKS Scale and you use a Scale that is well-known for its ACCURACY and DEPEND iBI 5 LIT* For almost a century the name of FAIRBANKS 3 has been dominant in the field of fine scales.
      585 words
    • 327 13 WATCH YOUR WEIGHT! Men, Women And Children Can Put On Healthy Flesh This Pleasant Way. The Medical Profession knows the dan*er tfSLTX thin for 6uch a SS that there is not a sufficient reserve of vitality to resist disease germs buiWe°r fe t° n f^™ 8 that «22 Hhof mlder
      327 words
    • 295 13 X Not tie^Shoe ri M i mffift I Eueri/ day i s a Sales day j I SHOW IT ON THE I MITCHELL 1 jj PIER j J About fcQOO pe „p> pass thr<Jugh hm d ii]v j J! Particulars from: II The Creative Advertising Service j 3 Kina Street,
      295 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 752 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. (incorporated in S.S./ LOST CERTIFICATE. Application has been made to the Directors of this Company to issue to Estate of Scow Eng Tin, deceased, of 75, Neil Road. Singapore, a duplicate certificate of 100 shares numbered 2921 to 3020 inclusive in the
      752 words
    • 585 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. Messrs. Tan Seng Chong and Co., Architects and Engineers, beg to notify the public that they have recently opened their Town Office it No. 28, Chulia Street, Ist. Floor, Room 28-D as from the Ist. of April, 1930, and our telephone number Is 4899, besides their usual
      585 words
    • 551 14 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85. Beach Street. Malacca 131, Jonker Street Muar No 1. Jalan Sayang. Batu Pahat 109, Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Dir. Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Central. Seremban 63, Birch Road. Batavia 90, Buiten Nieuwpoort Straat. Shanghai 9.
      551 words
    • 491 14 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December, 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,646,505 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Btreet, London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. M.
      491 words
      498 words
    • 567 14 SYNTHETIC DIAMONDS Surpass real ones JL J£ Jsk m Lu6tre Hardness Wi. stood test of fire, Steel wJ rttL wVyaffltV Nltric Acid, and cm o, nfflAreal Diamonds X Vf Carat. Catalogue trwJ* numerous testimonial?. v WILLIAM GRIFTH CO„ M t Post Box 1230, Madras, GP.o. Miss Bavani Swaminathan vr Madras.
      567 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 2175 15 STEAMER SAILINGS BRITISH INDIA I AND APCAR LINES. Incorporated in England.) HAIL PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. ■cNINSULAB AND ORIENTAL STEAM l LIGATION CO.. LONDON AND UK EAST MAIL SERVICE, lei Contract with His Majesty's Government.) 0 TWARD FROM LONDON For China and Japan. Due Tonnage Singapore 1930 9.000 Apr. 5 11,000
      2,175 words
    • 302 15 Eucalyptus MentholBonbons. Excellent in relieving Cough, Cold and Sore Throat. Those Bonbon? are made of the best and finest drugs in convection with Malt Extract md Menthol and Eucalyptol, tho cleaned oil which is taken out from the leaves of the lustra! fever heal (Eucalyptus Globulus) and are of excellent
      302 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 139 16 I <l*o I I CRUDE OIL ENGINES. 1 I flß||L Stationary Engines I j Horizontal and Vertical jj j Marine Engines j j] nW jj ISOLE AGENTS: f N. V. Straits Java Trading Co., I j t i jg£ SINGAPORE and PENANG. j I ■IplddtaiagiiaUiJgjd =jr^Mrar==dr=dr^r=dr=Jr^ I "Miss Riboet" I
      139 words
    • 132 16 All ever the World *i;^T-^ r mark when acquiring Schering products these Atophan Schering should be especially noted, for at r v ou may fali a victim of a rhetmatfv or gouty attack, in the treatment of which Atophan is unimit y able. It reduces the formation of uric acid
      132 words