Malaya Tribune, 28 February 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol XVEr- -No. so SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1930 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Friday, Feb. 28, 1930.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 244 1 UPTON'S CEYLON TEA. yOU CANNOT BETTER THE BEST. o j J s 0 jj 1 c I- 1 f 0 I 1. Every Safe, even if "only for books," should be not less 2 1 than !4-in. thick at its thinnest part and should be bent 0 1 o solid
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    • 17 1 •FLORODOR" jjfjf*^ Washing /y mm*T/0 Suitings F or Tropical I /£y/ waa- 4%m\s% j/ HIGH STREET, Singapore.
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  • 624 2 The Anglo-Indian View. AM EXTRAVAGANT DEMAND. The Congress resolution demanding independence for India and the policy of civil disobedience, including non-payment of taxes, determined upon as an alternative, demonstrates that this great organisation is now completely dominated by uncompromising extremists. The rejection of the Viceroy's offer of a
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  • 173 2 Charge Of Burglary. London, Feb. 7. The Ghatge Brothers who were charged with breaking into a jeweller's shop and stealing £850 worth of jewellery were brought up for judgment before London Sessions to-day Detective Inspector Bradley said arrangements had been made for the prisoners to
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  • 177 2 Position Sound. New Delhi. Feb. 15. An interesting discussion ensued in th* Federation of the Chambers of Commerce over' Sir Purshotamdas Thakurdas's resolution that IBd ratio was responsible for the unprecedented depression and was bound to lead to dire 2? CeS "2 that the whole situation should be
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  • 981 2 Among The Straits Chinese. It is interesting to observe how the Western countries have influenced the Straits Chinese in. their sports and arts, and it is gratifying to observe also that to-day most of the games which require great skill, stamina and training —games which are
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  • 70 2 Congress President's View. Boinhr y. Feb. 17. F&ndit Jawaharlr.l WehfU Congress President, who arr ved at Bombay to-day. stated that civ.l disobedience, however 't might begin would develop into a ma?s campe. gn and the whole strength of the Congress and the nation had been concentrated on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 194 2 The Proud Mother finds in her child a never-ending source of joy and at the same time a never-failing responsibility. Above all other considerations she places that of the child's well-being, and if she is wise she keeps Baby's Own Tablets always ready at hand for the preservation of the
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    • 119 2 jl^ PEARS soi c Agents: HENRY WAUGH CO., LTD., singapor ".p.h e r/ Umpc I "O.K" CEMENT j I CONTRACTS CAN BE ARRANGED AT SPECIAL RATES ON APPLIC ATION TO: I Sole Importers. Jlte EaSt Asiatic CO., Ltd., SINGAPORE jj (Incorporated In Denmark.) SZsrlsr2scVSHsc^rlsrlSEsc Sr2£3?sZs?ScVTrl SZEZSE Jr2sZ' ESSZSSe2£ YOUR CHOICE
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  • 89 3 [Our readers are invited to write to us on subjects of public interest. It must be understood that the "Malaya Tribune" does not necessarily endorse opinions expressed by correspondents. Letters should be as brief at possible, preferably typewritten (double spacing), and on one side of the paper only. Pen-names
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  • 336 3 (To the Editor, 'Malaya Tribune."j Sir,—Following closely the letters appearing in your correspondence columns daily, I find that much enthusiasm is shown on the subject of the admission of Asiatics to the Malayan Civil Service, but very few of these "loyal and patriotic" gentlemen, whose ancestral heme
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  • 482 3 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir—l quite agree with m> countryman that Indian English differs in pronunciation, and of course a European can find fault with us, as we do with him when he speaks the Tamil language.. As for his suggestion lliat Tamil boys should take
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  • 1069 3 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —"Firstly, that a training in England is desirable for the consummation of a good English education: secondly, as Cam and Isis are ancient seats of learning, it is imperative that we give our best students a chance to study in these Meccas;
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  • 284 3 Are Filipinos Of Malay Origin? Los Angeles, Feb. 11. The status of marriages of more than 100 white American girls to Filipinos hinges on the outcome of an injunction which Judge William Doran has granted to Mrs. Stella Robinson, temporarily preventing the marriage of her daughter, Miss Ruby
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 I HEALTH j iISII AND I I Jik HAPPINESS! ;|j 0m in Every Bottle f li 'Phone 3463 1 For your Trial Order, f Pli THE PHOENIX I l Aerated Watep w pks I j| li^llji SINGAPORE. I INSTANT WRITING with UTMOST EASE. I SCIENTIFICALLY <WK Sold throughout Malaya by
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    • 261 3 I Orange 1 j|§ Crush i I From Selected j Ca,iJornian Oranges. jjj J A Palatable 8 fySmi&ubh and Healthful jj! I Drink I I I I I|l| KFB;jj' A P f Of Experts. I llpPllpl I I Il M-i Fraser Heave Ltd. I I I tNOW HE'S One thing
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  • 1579 4 HOW ACCIDENTS OCCUR. A Premium On Sate Driving. You open your morning paper and read every -day that five, six. seven, anything up to fifteen or twenty persons have been killed in motoi accidents, writes Leonard Woolf in the "Nation and Athenaeum." You are appalled. Everyone is appalled.
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  • 616 4 General Fawcus\s Report. A substantial reduction in the incidence of malaria in the Army during 1928 is reported by the Director-General of the Army Medicnl Service. Lieut. General K. B. Fawcus. in h'; annual statement on the health of the troops which has just been issued by
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  • 77 4 Good Prospects For Winter Sports. London, Feb. 8 J^r 0n f wet mlld weather rh S T eed d by snow fros t and icv the countr y- The traffic ou ?ntPrr?L mai y P intS includin Kent has en interrupted oy snowdrifts. In view of the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 222 4 I Cologne »d £7//' Cologne, famous in song and story, famous, too, as the cradle of .L-i aromatic 4711 Eau de Cologne, most potent weapon in Beauty s y j armoury. Indeed, what more brecious than "4711". its fra&rance and its h charm? 4711 Eau de Cologne is the hey
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    • 165 4 THE LEMBAGA MAIAYI! [n j (Malay Bd OF THE MALAYA rBIBO' SUBSCRIPTION BATEss Payable fu Yearly fs g rfl j Half-yearly |C Quarterly g J Postage Ext.'■ M k fc I The Malay Edit: g the "Lembaga M ft Singapore. Johore Bahru t! d i Java. Sumatra. Bltts* smaller Islands
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  • 284 5 Guthrie's Report. Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., Singapore in their report dated Feb. 27, state: Since last reporting the market has been fairly steady, principally on the strength of a favourable outcome of the decision to recommend a tapping holiday during the month of May
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  • 443 5 Singapore, Feb. 21. MEAT. Beef, steak (round) kati 49 Beef, stew or curry kati 42 Pork, lean kati 64 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 55 Mutton Indian lb. 55 Mutton Australian lb. 55 Fowl, kati 62 Hens (Locally reared) kati 78 Ducks each 1.00 Pigeons, domestic
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  • 994 5 Lyall And Evatt's Report. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Singapore, in their weekly report dated Feb. 26. state: The rubber market was active and prices firmed up considerably in anticipation of the results of the British and Dutch planters meetings and the probable methods of restricting outputs to
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 205 5 I I ALWAYS ORDER j I "SUGARCANE" BRANDS I OF 1 HAMS and BACON. 1 I DO YOU? j They are tlie Best. Truth In Advertising I Always Reaches Its Objective. I Rf FRIGBRATIMG Co LTD I j Orchard Road—Selegie Road—Keppei Road—Grange Road Market, j "PAGODA BRAND." g 3 Ornamental
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    • 240 5 I.Evzry Man -Every Woman Strives For Prosperity l>nir.s for god lock niii o:jh- fiu'Mitly in vain, becaas• ttuii- gl.i idu v- appAMUH does not function bmeetly and consequently tlieir napaM litv for function tbntr vigour Maiutod. Th. aaa completely regain all their possibilities hy mjautof gUnd pr.jw rations: T E
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 359 6 Amusements. PAVILION I I THONE 6903 I FROM TUESDAY, FEB. 25 TO SUNDAY, MARCH 2 g ft AT 9.15 P.M. SHARP S I s SJ THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE. I* R I B I LON CHANEY j ft IN ft i"Laugh,Clown,Lauglii From play by DAVID BELASCO TOM GUSHING ft A
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    • 193 6 I ALHAMBRA| ft Uj g Phone rwiTrjrTTi T T>¥7 1 Pn *?l 3 a 6909 A JrtJbj/%. A KJu 6009 a In ru ft I COMING! I I The most Wonderful Screen Spectacle Syet Pioduced. I Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's j Great Musical Comedy j I x The I 1 Hollywood Revue All
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    • 49 6 db db db db db ii^sdsdsdsdKsdb"dsdsdSds ARCADIA CINEMA KATONG. From Wed., Feb. 26 to Sat Mar. 1. NORMAN NOVARRO in "A CERTAIN YOUNG MAN." ALICE DAY and MATTE MOORE "PHYLLIS OF THE FOLLIES" FIRST SHOW. FRANKIE DARRO LITTLE MICKEY GROGAN." Sunday's Matinee*—"The Chinese Parrot." "The Devil Queenado." Fred Thompson.
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    • 506 6 Another LUBITSCH Triumph From Friday, Feb. 28, to Thursday. March 6. i< SECOND SHOW AT 9 P.M. Nos. 3 and 4of "THE COLI EGIANS with Brimming with Smashing Actio:? c Uwjs Screen. Magic! Paris at the height of the Midnight i, i< "SO THIS IS PARIS'. I Sophisticated, swift-moving, mirthful
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  • 316 7 Both C ommodities IK>wn. i/ v lin and Co. report at 11 a.m. Messrs o-d»> RUBBER. -7 d down 3/16d. London cents (G>( down cent. NeW V Ol iet Allenbys $1.60-$ 1.70, Ayer *****'i 1? si 50. Ayer Panas $1.40—$1.50, >toleks qa ce nts. Brogas $1.02
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  • 68 7 Cotton Exchange Amendment. Reuter's Service. New York, Feb. 27. The Cotton Exchange has adopted an aendment to its by-laws whereby a new con£nT«at«> eliminating the differential bein delivery in New York and designated .uthern markets The «P*t*g i eliminate New York as a delivery point. Trading to
    Reuter's Service.  -  68 words
  • 319 7 I Bv courtesy of H. and S. Bank.) I SINGAPORE. FEB. 28. I SELLING. I London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 15/16*1. London 3 months* sight 2S- 3 a. I London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 13/1. I London 30 days' sight 2s. 3 25/32d. London demand I
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  • 594 7 Big Reduction In Costs. The eleventh ordinary general meeting of the Kuantan Rubber Syndicate, Ltd., was he'd yesterday afternoon at the Chartered Bank Chambers. Mr. Q. A. Potts presided, supported by the Hon. Mr. A. P. Robinson and Mr. C. B. Pecker (for the secretaries, Harrisons, Barker and
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  • 56 7 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OP COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. 12 O'CLOCK NOON, FEB. 28. Bayers. Sellers. q.S.S. equal to London Standard, Spot >•* Zb Standard R.S.S. on Tender July September 29 zy Tone of Market:—Easier. Latest Cable:-London Spot Sheet 7 15 '16d. PG New York:-Spot Sheet G. cente It* per
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  • 170 7 SINGAPORE, FEB. M. Rl ce, Siam JP« fMO Rice. Siam J $300 Rice, Siam J $2go Rice. Siam $284 Rice. Siam New l Rice, Siam New 2 Rice, Siam New 3 Rice, Siam New 55 Rice, Saigon A-l 5 Rice, Saigon J $235 Rice. Saigon J $225 Rice, Saigon
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  • 528 7 Cessation Of Tapping During May. The following is the text of the circular issued in London on Feb.- 24 by authority of the Council of the Rubber Growers' Association, and kindly forwarded to us by Mr. C. Ward-Jackson, local secretary. The problem of alleviating the pressure of the
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  • 291 7 Reciprocal Treatment. British Official Wireless. British Official Wireless. I Rugby. Feb. 27. A report was issued to-night of Lord d'Abrenon's economic mission to the Argentine. Brazil and Uruguay. The mission point out that, as Britain is the largest customer for many South American products, she
    British Official Wireless.  -  291 words
  • 82 7 Southern Railway Acquires An Interest. I British Official Wireless. I British Official Wirchss. I Rugby, Feb. 27. Mr Baring, chairman of the Southern Kv.ilway announced at the annual meeting that the ccmpanv had acquired shares and interest in Imperial Airways. Ltd., and had made arrangements with the latter
    British Official Wireless.  -  82 words
  • 40 7 The directors of the Eastern United Assurance Corp, Ltd. (Singapore., have declared an interim dividend of 5' i on account of the year ending June 30, payable to shareholders standing in the register on the 17th prox.
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  • 179 7 Barlow's Report. Messrs. Barlow and Co.. Singapore, in their weekly report dated Feb. 27. state: During the past week the price of the commodity has fluctuated bttecen 26% and 21 < cent* and is now quoted at 27 cents. The undertone however. 1« rather firmer owing to
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  • 123 7 Ships Alongside The Wharves. Singapore. Feb. 28. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Baltraig Inside E. Wharf. Johan de Witt 22: M. Treub 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Chakrata 18: Tapanoeli 13: Silvermapl? !1: Sarpedon 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Mentcr 30: Shinnoh Maru 37. Empire Dock
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  • 365 7 The Proteus" arrived with 500 sheep from Pnom Pneh yesterday. The "Produce," which arrived yesterday from Saigon, brought 230 pigs on board. The "MatMiye Maru" te due Iran Suez on Mar. 5 and is leaving for Japan the next day The Norwegian boat "BoUfla" arrived yesterday from Palembang
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 244 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE. We the undersigned. WONG YO YING and WONG YO KEE. both of WOO HING BROTHERS (Watchmakers i. of 486, North Bridge Road, Singapore, have from this day severed our connections entirely with Messrs. SUN HING BROTHERS (Watchmakers), of 507, North Bridge Road, Singapore. We hereby also give
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    • 464 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE—Baby Austin, Model 1957, for $600. Apply 90, Victoria Street. SITUATION WANTED. Well experienced Lino-Operator, holds good references. Apply Box 135. c/o Malaya Tribune. Private Tuition for three boys, classes 3 and hours after 2 p.m. $30 per month. Apply Tuition Malaya Tribune. NOTICE. The Singapore Marine
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 413 7 MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY, FEB 28. Port Swettenham and Teluk Anson (Perak) 3 p.m. Batu Pahat (Ban Siong Bee> 3 p.m. North. N-East and N-West Sumatra (General van Geen> 3 p.m Pladjoe and Palembang (Botiiia) 3 p.m. Tembilahan Indragiri «Mandan 3 p.m. Ceylon. Southern L Western India (Sinnoh Maru) 3 p.m.
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    • 110 7 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme of Drills up to and for week ending March 2, 1930. TO-DAY, FEB. 28. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall. "E" (Chinese) Company, Officers N.C.O.'s Weapon Training Course. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, "D" (Eurasian) Company, Organization parade (No. 16 Platoon). 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, ML G. Platoon Eurasian. I N.C.O.'s Elementary Gun
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  • 768 8 The Government has yet to declare whether it intends to tax racecourse betting in the Colony. The proposal confined to the Federated Malay States will soon come under discussion in Council, and it may be that it is intended to wait and see what sort of a
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  • 362 8 At the cinema show at the V.M.C.A. this evening at 8.30 o'clock the main feature will be Piivate Izzy Murphy." starring George JeaaaL Mr. H. Fraser. Dfetrtd Orris -r. Larul afatang, entered the European Boepitil, Taiping. on Monday and was operated on by or Bur ne. The Un—DIII (f the
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  • 38 8 Latest Quotations. RUBBER. I.cndcn:—7 J 5 18d. New Yrik:— lb\ centa id. Siniar.cix:—:^ 1 .-26.. cenis TIX. Ixndcn:—Spot £171 2s. 6d. (down 2s. Cd.)--3 months. £173 15s. Cd. 2-. fd Sin«spcrt:—SBG.62' 2 »250 tons add.)
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  • 292 8 Conferences At Home. The Bishop of Singapore (the Rt. Rev. B. C Roberts) announces in the "Singapore Diccesan Magazine" that, after prolonged consideration, he has decided to leave for England on Mar. 21. He adds: Tt will then be less than 2' 2 years since I
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  • 312 8 Farewell To Mr. A. C. Baker. (From Our Own Correspondent.j Batu Pahat. Feb. 27. On Monday the Court House at Muar was crowded by members of the local Bar. court officials, lawyers' clerks and others, to b d farewell to Mr. A. C. Baker. First
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  • 140 8 Yesterday's Matinee At The Theatre. The "Revue de Luxe." repeated by special request at the Victoria Theatre yeatcrday evening, attracted a larger audience than hitherto. The performance, a medley of classical dancing and other numbers. Ls really worth seeing and is the result of the splendid effoits
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  • 116 8 "Malay Mail" Looks Back. Yesterday's issue of the "Ma ay Mail." of Kuala Lumpur, was the 10,000th—an fittingly commemorated with an editoral and spec al supplement. In this supplement Mr. J. H. M. Rob~on, C.8.E.. founder (along with Mi. W. W. Bkeei—like himself a member of the
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  • 86 8 Prom Holland and Germany by "Joharj civ Witt." due Singapore at 3 p.m. to-day. From France by "Athos II," due Singapore at 7 a.m. on Sunday, the 2nd proximo. Pttm China and Japan by Namsmy civ Biagi pore on Gunday mornir,j. t' > Ln:l proximo. From Europe (London
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  • 513 8 New Law R The Colony, A meeting of the mai M the society for the ft T r nx Animals .Singapore Board Room on Pot (vice-president) presided 8 o*2 included Mrs. H. L. ft Mrs. P. G. Stevens. Hfr Q Dyne. Hadji Manioc, 1w <hon. treasurer, and
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  • 186 8 Shell's Latest Reductions. The oil price war is raging fast and funou in Singapore, attacks and counter-attacks beinj 1v*e between Soccny and the A PC. 1 Shell' resulting in price reductions. The latest ntf of this "conflict" is an offensive by the APC on all fronts. To-day
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  • 133 8 Skelchy—<ie Costa mnised at tt» A very pretty wedding v.- v v >a lil< church of St. Francis X:r.. Rev. Father Francois oOcta 0 morning, between Joo iyn Clem. III. Audit Offic atr. and Mrs. de Costa, an 0 f SKr'.chv, daughter of Mr> J -j*® Fraya Lane,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 272 8 I Two of the finest drinks obtainable. I Invigorating and Refreshing. I 1 SPECIAL PRICE TO fiß jjj CLUBS HOTELS. |H I I C S ZH B. LIGHT DUTCH LAGER. Pb,u ptr case. GUINNESS STORK BRAND, Duty extra, per case $6.00. IffiiifcL 5] SOLE AfJENTS ROBINSON CO., 8 iV.B. —We
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  • 309 9 Liberal Coal Bill Amendment Rejected. LABOUR GOVERNMENT SAVED. Complete Coal Stoppage Narrowly Averted British Official Wireless. Reuter's Service. London. Feb. 27. ~v- ceived urgent Whips for the at the Committee stage of -he Liberal amendment to the Bill to marketing, and relating to
    British Official Wireless.; Reuter's Service.  -  309 words
  • 146 9 ECONOMIC AND NOT POLITICAL. London. Feb. 28 Lord "Beaverbrook. leader of the United Party, opening his West country campaign ?at Gloucester, said his Party thought the cure for unemployment was Empire Free Trade. He urged Mr. Baldwin to have the courage of his o*n fiscal convictions,
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  • 307 9 Japan s Firmness At Naval Conference. MORt mmon a the commons. Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 27. G E at Mander asked, in the House s Commons to-day, whether it was the Gov«aenrs policy to arrive, by international Cwment at the Naval Conference, at the possible
    Reuter's Service.  -  307 words
  • 22 9 Reuter's Service. I London. Feb. «,9. t. and 20 injured in a J 1 rJ by fire, at Haydock.
    Reuter's Service.  -  22 words
  • 117 9 To Secure Econemical Costs. Reuter's Service. London, Feb. 27. With the object of eliminating redundant capacity to secure more economical costs, by resultant concentration, British shipbuilders have registered a company entitled the National Shipbuilders' Security, Xtd., with a nominal capital of £10,000 but with borrowing powers to three
    Reuter's Service.  -  117 words
  • 95 9 Many Demonstrators Arrested. Reuter's Service. Los Angeles. Feb. 27. Reinforced by another hundred, the police eventually pressed back and dispersed the struggling demonstrators, who were mostly unemployed and destitute men. Similar demonstrations were held in other cities; 135 were arrested in Chicago, a dozen in Seattle and
    Reuter's Service.  -  95 words
  • 84 9 British Warship Sent. Reuter's Service. Virgin Islands. Feb. 27. His Majesty's sloop "Wistaria" has proceeded to Santo Domingo, where 2,000 insurgents have occupied the city except for the fortress, garrisoned by a few supporters of President Vasquez. Washington, Feb. 28. The State Department has been informed of
    Reuter's Service.  -  84 words
  • 65 9 No Arrest Made Yet. Reuter's Service. Peshawar, Feb. 28. L ent. Hawkes, who. as already reported, was in .11 Utred in his bed, was apparently awakened by burglars, with whom he had a scuffle. It is believed that one struck him with a heavy weapon and
    Reuter's Service.  -  65 words
  • 242 9 CHAIN OF AERODROMES PROMISED. Official Statement To-day. It has been definitely ascertained that a chain of aerodromes from south to north o{ Malaya, is to be established in the near future. Pew details, as yet are available. The first public intimation that such a scheme was under review
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  • 215 9 Yen Organises Conference Against President ["Sin Kuo Mm Pren" Service.] Shanghai, Feb. 28. Japanese and German ammunitions ordered by President Chiang Kai Shek are expected to arrive at Shanghai early in March. President Chiang has instructed Mr. T. V. Soong to rais i ten million dollars. Yen
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  • 229 9 Fall In Exports—Setback For Reds. Reuter's Service. Canberra. Feb. 27. Mr. ScinTn (Australian Prem er), in a statement on th? financial outlook, said that the fan in the value of and volume of exporlaD'e Pnmary products from Australia in recent month* was respons be for d'fSculties in the
    Reuter's Service.  -  229 words
  • 109 9 Effort To Eliminate Competi;ion. Reuter's Service. Osaka. Feb. 27. "The Mainichi" says (hat Lancashire derire; an Anglo-Japanese cotton entente cordiale in markets. The paper states that desire was communicated to the cottcn leaders some time ago by the British Consul at Osaka. The proposals are said to aim
    Reuter's Service.  -  109 words
  • 209 9 Republican Cries In Spain. BLAME FOR MOROCCO DISASTER. Ex-Premier Leads Revolt. Reuter's Service. Madrid. Feb. 27. A sensational attack on King Alfonso was made by the Conservative ex-Premier, Sanchez Guerra, at a wildly enthusiastic meeting here, for admission to which people paid nearly a peveieign fcr so-called
    Reuter's Service.  -  209 words
  • 180 9 White Slavery Alleged. {Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.} Berlin, Feb. 27. The public are galvanised by an alleged ease of white slavery in wh eh the police are powerless to interfere. The case arose from dramatic scenes accompanying the departure j from the Berlin railway station of
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  • 82 9 Sensational French Statement. [Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia] Geneva, Feb. 27. Alter drifting for several days the Tariff Holiday Conference was torpedoed when the French delegate M. Serruys, announced that France would never sign a convention providing for a tariff truce. The sub-committee, in which M. Serruys m.-dc this
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  • 81 9 Making A Fool Of Herself? Trans-Ocean vie Pan-Asia. I Bucharest. Feb. 27. Political quarters are aghast at the Dowager Queen Marie's intention to publish her extremely frank and candid memoirs which It is feared, might further damage the prestige of the Royal Family, coming on top of
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  • 94 9 Chinese Women Charged. I Five Straits-born Chiuesc women were 'hpiged beiore the Second Magistrate (Mr. I S. Williams) this morning with playing in a cemmon gaming house. The first accused, an elderly woman, was further charged with being the occupier of *he premises. All claimed to be tried
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  • 17 9 CORRESPONDENCE, on page 3. RADIO IN MALAYA, on page 19. MUSLIM AFFAIRS, on page 11.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 126 9 I She's a brick!... g 5j That was his wa\ of expressing PPtMl>> j X i 8 3 B at I n I I Cj Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.). Be 8 c r'' NEW ft I "His Master's Voice" lElectricalI Electrical recordings J Mid-February Issue 1 Including A Great
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  • 590 10 Sports Pastimes. Sharkey Wins. TECHNICAL KNOCK-OUT OF SCOTT. Heavyweight Championship. BOXING. Reuter's Service. Miami, Feb. 28. in the fifteen-rounds contest tot heavyweight championship Jack SharKey Sea) aefeated Phil Scott tEngland, by a technical knock-out in the third round. [The position in regard to the world championship is somewhat vague, but
    Reuter's Service.  -  590 words
  • 81 10 WATER POLO. The following will play for the Chinese Swimming Club against the Singapore Swimming Club on Sunday:—Choo Seng Kay, Goh Buan Cheok. Ng Mong Guan, Lee Pong Lim. Soo Sian Chye, J. E. Tan, Lee Choon Nghee, Seah Teng Ann. Ho Chin Lai. Lim Pook
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  • 48 10 BILLIARDS. At the conclusion of his billiards exhibition at the S.C.C. on Wednesday evening, Mr. H. W. Stevenson was presented with a cup by Mr. E. B. Evans, on behalf of a few friends, on the occasion of the ex-champion's farewell visit to the S.C.C.
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  • 61 10 BILLIARDS. The draw for the British Billiards Championship, which will be played at Thurston's, beginning on April 7, has resulted as follows: Heat 1: C. Falkiner v. Joe Davis (holder). Heat 2: Tom Newman v. M. Inman. Entries for the junior professional championship close on Feb. 28. The
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  • 56 10 The British Racing Driver's Club announce that their championship trophy ha* been awarded to Kaye Don. and that awards of "merit are given to Major Sir Henry Segrave for his world's record. Capt. Malcolm Campbell for records in South Africa, and S. C. H. Davis for performances in Dublin, Ulster
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  • 242 10 A Spectator's Tribute. PHYSICAL CULTURE. Physical Culturist writes: "I was fortunate to be given the chance ol witnessing the physical culture display put up oy the members of the Singapore Amateur Weight-Lifters Association at their club premises on Sunday last. To say I was merely an interested on-looker
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  • 73 10 ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. FINAL FIXED FOR WEDNESDAY.. The concluding fixtures in the Inter-Com-mercial Cup compet tion at the old Stadium, will be played as follows: TO-DAY, FEB. 28. Uniteers v. F. and N. (Semi-final;. TUESDAY, MAR. 4. S. H. B. v. H. K. and S. Bank (Semi-hna!). Referee Mr.
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  • 67 10 The following represented the Johore Chinese F. A. against Mr. A. Cairns's team of European players on Wednesday at the Istan«i Padang, Johore Bahru. when the Chinese won 3—l. Low Long Seah, Yeow Ah Miang, Lee Lak Tee, Poh Keok Siang. Tan Ah Hiang, Seah
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  • 166 10 Tian Peng's team against Sweet Teck's team in the S.C.F.A. League at the Jalan Besar Stadium to-morrow will be as follows: Ng. Cheng Koon: Tan Tian Peng. Soo Ah San; Bay Song Chiew, Simon Chong. Ang Seng Chor; Lye Kirn Siew, Lim Joo Moh, Gan Kee Siang; Tan
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  • 40 10 RIFLE-SHOOTING. Members of the Chinese Co., Rifle Section, S.V.C, are notified that a spoon shoot will be' held at Farrer Range on Sunday at 2.30 p m Buses will leave the Drill Hall at 2 p m
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  • 143 10 The Gaiety. "So This is Paris," another Lubitseh feature, is the special attraction at the Gaiety to-night. It is a comedy of errors, ending in the resplendent Pete of the Reveillon, with a panorama of gay boulevards, cafes, crowds, laughter, song, and love. In addition are Nos! 3
    143 words
  • 75 10 All candidates of the Par Eastern Music School (Singapore) have passed the Trinity College (London) examination held in Singapore in December last, in the theory ot muato The following are the names and total marks gained by them; Mr. David Sassoon Solomon 99 per cent, Mr. Kok
    75 words
  • 585 10 Government And Broadcasting. The news that the Indian Government is to take over Indian broadcasting, which was threatened with extinction owing to financial difficulties, is very welcome. It may serve as an encouragement to the Malayan Administration, which stands alone among the Governments of the Far East,
    585 words
  • 444 10 "Indian Pioneer's" Views. The following editorial appears in the "Indian Pioneer." the weekly journal published in Kuato Lumpur: That democratic dat'y. the Malaya Tribune,' which commands a wide circulation and in- i vokes popular admiration, has recently taken up in right earnest the need for reform in the council
    444 words
  • 1521 10 SINGAPORE CHINESE GIRLS' SCHOOL. Lady Clementi Presents Prizes. The annual prize distribution of the Singapore Chinese Girls' School took place yesterday evening at the school hall, when Lady Clementi kindly presented the prizes. Her ladyship was received by a guard of honour comprising the school's
    1,521 words
  • 63 10 Lady Loses Valuable Watch. Sentence cf four months' r.i. was passed by the Second Magistrate (Mr. P. S. Williams» this morning on the Hylam who pleaded guilty recently to fraudulent possession of 47 diamonds, the property of a lady visitor at the Sea View Hotel. The diamonds
    63 words
  • 54 10 Alleged Attempted Extortion. When a youthful Chinese was charged be-t-re the Second Magistrate (Mr. P. S. Williams) this mailing with attempted extortion. Court Inspector King said that the complainant was the accused's father. The alleged offence took place in Changi Road yesterday. The case was postponed, bail
    54 words
  • 251 10 Reuter's Service. New York. Feb. 27. The death has occurred of the publisher. George Haven Putnam. Constantinople". Feb. 27. The death has occurred of the ex-Shah of Persia. Ahmed Mirza, founder of the committee of union progress, which fought the ISamidian regime. Washington. 28. Mr. McGarrah. chairman
    Reuter's Service.  -  251 words
  • 1034 10 EUROPEAN WITNW EVIDENCE. The Fate Of A Ring The Chief Justice S* was engaged the whole ol fa**-.?! evidence in an action tanug* by 7* Pathinaike against hi brou* r m Walter Abeygoonev or an share of the profit* Uie Tjj Estate. Jurong. sold through Mi s Smith,
    1,034 words

  • 970 11 -ADAN,OR THE MUSLIM FAST. \m correspondent.) B and the Muslims will be 0* Hari Raya Puasa. or, as it is jn other Mushm countries, This feaSt 18 h6ld to jjd-ul-i' 111 the Muslim fast and on Vavers in the mosques in the M '£tiv* >' oung and ld
    970 words
  • 17 11 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India I "Money Orders from India »1 for $100.
    17 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 400 11 Just Unpacked. "Imperial Records" The Rainbow Man Sleepy Valley By Dowling Hanley and many others latest Titles from Talkie Films Please book your order early to avoid disappointment. LIMITED NUMBERS ONLY. I I Distributors Union Musical Store, 721, North Bridge Road, Singapore. (Opposite Sultan's Mosque.) §mWtS m P*llt»-t« martin s
      400 words
    • 306 11 I fHE NEW WORLD I g JALAN BESAR. 1 g Presentation of Prizes to ft I THE MERRILADS MINSTRELS ft in fancy dresses at the New World Cabaret S To-morrow, March W I jjj A NIGHT OF LAUGHTER R Watch this opportunity and the Cabaret will be open H until
      306 words
    • 118 11 yto comfort j BY INSISTING ON j RECisrißeo i L 3 THAoe maw* KETTLE D 5302 $14.00 TOASTER D 5604 $12.00 IRON D 5824 7.50 Write or call for Illustrated Booklet. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 12, BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. i■ mm i, i FOR ALL DEFECTS OF VISION. CONSIXT: M.
      118 words

  • 1139 12 MINING. ISSUED BY FRASER CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, February 28, 1930. 10 a.m. Issue Issue Value Buyers. Sellers. Value Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang 36,- 38|- 1 North Taiping 0.65 0.70 5 Ayer Hitam Tin 13 6 1413 5i- Pahang Consols 9|6 10 6 £1
    1,139 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 315 12 I Fish For Breakfast j I" SMOKED HADDOCKS. SMOKED HERRINGS. f I WRAPPED KIPPERS. S I Di I FRESH HERRINGS. j I FISH FILLETS. I I BLOATERS. 1 Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. jfl (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) X APEX Electroplionic Records Made in Canada. 91.20 each. Ml Paddy's
      315 words
    • 103 12 Dirt Track Racing. Motor Cyclists and all interested in this new Sport S to Singapore are invited to attend a meeting on I Tuesday, March 4, at 5 p.m. 1 3 TO BE HELD AT 0 I Singapore Speedways Ltd. Off ice J I 18, Battery Road, Singapore 8 a
      103 words
    • 186 12 1 "MADGE^j S 59, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE I Cash Clearance Sale I From MARCH 1 to MARCH 15 I LADIES, MAIDS, AND CHILDREN'S HATS DRESttc UNDERCLOTHING ETC. j a At Exceptionally Lt>tv Prices. 5E5H5H525H5E5Z5H5Z525H5H525H5H5Z5^ EVERSHARPS LATEST! point you select fitted instantly to trie riolder you prefer The point that exactly
      186 words

  • 262 13 DEPARTMENT OF STATISTICS. The Reference Library. The following publication? received durlug i he week ending Feb. 22, are available for public use In the Reference Library of the Department of Statistics, S.S and F.M.S.. Pullerlon Building, Singapore; Burma:—Report on Crops. Produce Prices and ftainfall in Burma for the
    262 words
  • 153 13 Chamber of Commerce R. A, Report. The Singapore Chamber i..r Commerce Rubber Association in their weekly auction report, dated Feb 26. stale Catalogued 2.268.929 Ib. I.01.»92 Ions Offered 2.056.761 lb -918.20 tons Sold 1.744.018 lb.-778.58 tons. London spot 8 I6d. New York spot i.i cent*. PRICKS Kl.ALIZlID.
    153 words
  • 129 13 ASIATIC PETROLEUM CO., (S.S.) LTD. Per Imp. Gallon cts. Red Shell (ex pump) per imp. gl. 60 Red Shell (ex 2-gl. can &/or 4-gl. drum) per imp. gal. 60 Yellow Shell (ex 4-gl. drum* per imp. gal 60 Yellow Shell (per 4-gl. tin) S2 52 Shell Aviation (ex
    129 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 424 13 f CALENDER f CABLE Undto the core. V\ ,r IN STOCK Ba bber Insulated J I ffires and Cables 1 glgS^ j iThe Borneo Co., Ltd. P^^^^h E^oßL L-i L l 1 TTTmil I ||j THE LATEST AND EXCELLENT MUSIC PIECES I FROM THE TALKIES i By The World's Famous
      424 words
    • 64 13 HURRY UP. THE UNIVERSAL HISTORY :.0F THE WORLD. A Very Useful Book. Interested) Essential fco Ever y Human-Being. Explains Former World and Generation Birth of the World. Making of the Earth. Life of the Earth before Man. in 8 Vols. Price $72. (POSTAGE EXTRA). Only small stocK available. Don't lose
      64 words
    • 643 13 I DRY ECZEMA ON Caused Great Disfigurement. Cuticura Healed. w Cn my four months old she had dry eciema on her (ace. It first started with a red rash and itched and burned so that I had to muffle her hanJs to keep her from scratching. It cau*ed great disfigurement
      643 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 810 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. The Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held at Government House on Saturday, March 1, 1930, at 10.30 a.m. It is hoped that a full attendance will be ore Bent j. M. SIME, Hon. Treasurer. NOTICE. POWELL CO„ LTD. i*r Cheong Guan Boon
      810 words
    • 563 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. THE SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Notice is hereby given that the rubber market will be closed officially on Monday, March 3. 1930, being a Bank Holiday. By Order of the Committee, GATTEY BATEMAN. Secretaries. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Messrs. Italasia Limited, incorporated in
      563 words
    • 562 14 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94. MARKET STREET. BRANCHES. Penang 85, Beach Street Malacca 131, Jonker Street. Muar No. 1, Jalan Sayang. B tv Pcbat 109, Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Ilir. Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Central. Seremban 63, Birch Road. Batavia 47, Corner Lloyd Street Shanghai
      562 words
    • 440 14 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December, 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-np Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,612,046 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Stueet, London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. M.
      440 words
      503 words
    • 495 14 M HASSAN ELECTRICAL m JJ 3*-3<, Bras Basah SINGAPORE 1 you are in need if lights, fans, moS «S water service, plea* s e n. above addre »Ta NEW BOOKS 'Advance p Mitchell. Part 11. s By j p t Arithmetic of Building iv, X Technical Plumbins and Samiar^2 "1
      495 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 403 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. fR 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. ffrnvtrporated in England.) u 4 il PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. ■ininn and oriental steam CO.. LONDON AND FAR EASI MAIL SERVICE, inter Ontract with His Majesty's Govtrnmeiit.) 00TWAR1 ROM LONDON. For China Japan. Due Tonnage Singapore 1930 11.100 Mar 8 Ktfe 3300
      403 words
    • 561 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. KAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutsch f Li /S Dampfschiffs |™D H Austra,,Bche IQ Q Gesellschaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany.) OUTWARDS. HONG KONG. SHANGHAI, KOBE AND j NORTH CHINA PORTS. t m.s. SAUĔRLAND Mar 0 I t m.s. KULMERLAND Mar' 24 t s.s. SAARLAND 7ZJ Q s.s. AMMON P 8 t
      561 words
    • 675 15 STEAMER SAILINGS, Msm—» jsPeß «H AWMmM B vB I fl NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON. j Tonnage Destination Due Sail J 1930 Kltano Maru 8,000 M'seilles, London, A'werp and R'dam Feb. 27 28 Haruna Maru 10,500 Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp Rotterdam and Hull Mar 13 14 8.000 M'seilles,
      675 words
    • 891 15 Yety Extra Safety Razor Blades. mo-t <xaetit:g leqjiromeiit.-. Ma Jo from t io famous uul best SWEDISH Sandviok bled, and \i>u aave uunrv on every packtt foe ihe price is only 75 cents a packet of 10 blades Quality second to none. GIVE A TRIAL. Sold everywhere and from the
      891 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 479 16 ELECTRIC n J "a RECORDSII %J9£& S ?Jr To make your repertoire even more attractive, choose the 0 g following. BLIGHT CLASSICAL MUSIC. VIOLIN SOLO. J 12 Oil A NDREA CHEMER J Giordano) UEBESFREID (Krefaler). I AA FANTASY In 2 parts. LIFBFSLEID (KreCsler). AA Dajos Bela Symphony Orchestra M fmm
      479 words
    • 208 16 j §f| 2nd. HAND GARS li I We beg to announce re organization of our 2nd. hand 3 3 car department, and therefore better values. Mj I Every car receives proper overhaul and reconditioning I jj before disposal. S I Favourable prices are always allowed for the Trade-in I against
      208 words