Malaya Tribune, 27 February 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. XVII. No. 49 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1930 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Thursday, Feb. 27, 1930.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 166 1 v UPTON'S CEYLON TEA. YOU CANNOT BETTER THE BEST. jA. Staub Co., Cognac, I I Pure Grape-juice Brandies. jg- j ■J. Delightful and Mellow of taste with 111 I a a real Cognac Aroma. j 3 STARS or 5 CROWNS i Brandy Once and you will never ||||J I ask
      166 words
    • 200 1 "FLORODOR" Washing A Suitings A jV For Tropical A 4^y* f fl Wear. /yjfjfk. j/ HIGH STREET, <A> Singapore. THE "SOUTHERN CROSS" I I FLEW THE PACIFIC 1 —r—l ON UNION I Tfl I Use ARISTO on your car and be jjj RPE BHI I a-sured of perfect I jjft
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  • 2019 2 THE FRANCHISE IN CEYLON. Position Of Indian Labourers. Pandit Hridiyanath Kunzru moved an impoitant resolution in the Legislative Assembly on the 11th inst. drawing attention to a danger that threatens Indians in Ceylon, and asking the Government of Ind a to take immediate steps to avert it.
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  • 103 2 I We have received a copy of fee Annual Report ot the Institute of Medical Research I Kuala Lumpur, for the year 1928. It is ratne' belated, but it gives an height into the useful work being carried out by the Institute, who m periodical bulletins
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  • 195 2 A THING TO BE AVOIDED. Do you know that the stomach needs rest regularly and that eating between meals is a common cause of indigestion? Do ycu know what happens when you eat more than you can digest? Do you know that gcod digestion is impossible unless
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 24 2 SHIRTS. Have your shirts from us. Ready mad* or made to order. Prices low. Good cloth. Kxpert Tailors. KERALA TRADING CO. 130, SERAXGOON ROAD.
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    • 223 2 |A fresh pure! I body-builder I ttcrbdCs Halted Milfe Is f I the kod for babies l l iat fj motliers have IcamcA to fj 5 Inisl Made of jusl tiiae 1 bcdiy building elmcnti 1 I esser&ial for babijs 8 S health. Horlicks is so 1 Jf easily digested
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    • 498 2 like a 2-yr-oMf Stmx tmking X, "I hat* |hm r.;vl,„, tl.. »»> A'iV/ A.-, /•< i II HiMf PM ttg. fctf On-,,, in j Here it aontlM-i ii.M.n •lour by tlx- *ix ih l ft* peace, KrmSn, Kraw-hen salt* i. a'-al.-r-- and *or -•eaMMh In i.i i iMaMa at trifling
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  • 1699 3 Flying From Shanghai To Nanking. J. Mack Swigert writes in "Japan" <N.Y.s.> as follows: A battling automobile approached what appeared to be several sturdy stacks of middle western straw. They were the queerest airplane hangars east of Chicago, where, it is said, a machine is
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  • 267 3 A New Publication. We have received from the Department oi Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur, a copy of a new publication on the Culture of Vegetables in Malaya, which is the first of a new series of bulletins which will be issued by the Department from time to time
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 273 3 J **********11,11,1 J ll uansa »Bßinißßaßnß THE BENEFICI4L EFFECTS I i of I PHOSFERINE The Greatest of all Tonics ARK SPEEDY, MARVELLOUS LASTING, jjj j 3 used by practically .ill the Royal Families of jg Europe, and its value. is acknowledged by the'highest I In Authorities- in every country of
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    • 147 3 .Solid Silver. GIFTS-FREE! FOR W RAPPERS (F ARCE SIZE) 150 WRAPPERS (SMALL SIZE) 1 I A LADY'S solid silver hair brush, a I lady's solid silver wrist watch, a OSk f\W\\ I gentleman's solid silver wrist watch, and 19 /JH 1} I a heavy electro-plaied tea-set—each f/l (fLwl I worth
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  • 149 4 Friends Say Frankly:—"lsn't Doris Skinny?" Doris knows she is thin and has nearly worried herself to death wondering what to do about it. She has tried almost everything in the hope of getting fatter —rich foods, medicines and so on. but nothing does her any i' d.
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  • 760 4 THE NEED FOR ACCURATE ENUNCIATION. The "Harrow Voice." "I he Importance of Accent" was the subject cf the presidential address of Mr. H. Wickham Steed to the Modern Language Association. He insisted on the need for accurate enunciation, whether in the realm of diplomacy or in the
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  • 265 4 India's Credit With The World. Madras. Feb. 13. Governor and Lady Beatrix Stanley were the chief guests at the annual dinner of the European Association (Madras Branch) tonight at the Gymkhana Club. The other gue ts included Viscount Peel and Lord Gage After the King's toast had been
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  • 1066 4 Valued Straits Chinese Leader. Not a few of his friends who realise what a great and important part the Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock has played and continues to play in the public life of the Colony—and naturally, more particularly in stressing to Government the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 288 4 WE TEACH BY POST ■nd specialise in preparing for examinations In connection with almost all Trades ane Professions. Our fees which include all text books are most moderate, and are payable in small monthly instalments. Write for particulars, mentioning the subject or exam, you are interested in. Representative: S. K.
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    • 41 4 DON'T BE TOO OLD AT 40. Make your hobbies in Physical Culture. Pitch your training regularly in WeightLifting with Trevors Muscle Building Course. For your Barbells and particulars Apply L.D.O.: —L. K. Chan, c/o Kiam Kia't and Co., 108/9, Market Street.
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    • 127 4 The 4 points that have made Craven 4A* £he biggest success In cigarette hfeteary.. CL2AN CORK TIP Pf Guaranteed natural cork of f! j£ the finest possible tcx- jR( ft quality, providing a perfectly The largest-selling cork-tipped %il cigarette in the World. V' THEY NEVER VARY CARRERAS LIMITED. 142 YEARS'
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  • 739 5 NEWS DISPATCHES THAT MISLEAD. Need For A Publicity Bureau. (By a Special Correspondent) .atms sss? r«h;rof o, h int s nattonai regreater STY l 3t of tne Press- It is ctandiL aCtorS WhiCh make for better unde r J° r Understanding between oi Sril, c CharSCter f news
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  • 284 5 Viceroy Confers With Leaders. New Delhi. Feb. 16. In connection with the Legislative Assembly galleries controversy, the Viceroy held a conference with the party leaders to-day. Sir James Crerar, Sir Brijendra Lai Mitter, Mr. V. J. Patel, Pandit Malaviya, Mr. M. R. Jayakar. Sir D'Arcy Lindsay and
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  • 447 5 Singapore. Feb. 21. MEAT. Beef, steak |round* kati 49 Beef, stew oi curry kati 42 Pork, lean kati 64 Pork, lean and fat Ust quality) kati 55 Mutton Indian lb. 55 Mutton Australian lb. 55 Fowl, kati 62 Hens (Locally reared) kati 78 Ducks each 1.00 Pigeons, domestic
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 344 5 FOR AI I DEFECTS OF VISION. fONStIT M. EZEKIEL SONS. Ophthalmic Opticians. 4 Raffle < hambers. Raffles Place. tf(; i m Ezekiel, 0.D., F.P.O.C. optometrists nefoHan«l Books, Bibles, Prayer i Books, Chant Books, Books for p** d GirK Children's Picture Books, *2 Story Books, Books for Spiritual o*** Religious Pictures.
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    • 301 5 "MADGE" j g 59, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. jc I Cash Clearance Sale 1 j jjj From MARCH 1 to MARCH 15. S LADIES, MAIDS, AND CHILDREN'S HATS, DRESSES, g I UNDERCLOTHING ETC. jjj Exceptionally Low Prices. DOAN'S I s s Lung Tonic D3AN S LING TONIC is a special remedy
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 144 5 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme of Drills up to and for week ending March 2, 1930. TO-DAY, FEB. 27. 5.15 p.m.—Drill, Hall, "C" (Scottish) Coy., 30x Range No. 10 Platoon. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, "D" (Eurasian) Company, Organization parade No. 15 Platoon. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, "E" (Chinese) Company, Recruits training. TO-MORROW, FEB. 28.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 347 6 PAVILION I THONE 6903 I jc FROM TUESDAY, FEB. 25 TO SUNDAY, MARCH 2 S AT 9.15 P.M. SHARP S I THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE. I LON CHANEY 1, rLaugh, down, Laugh'i I Prom play by DAVID BEL A SCO TOM GUSHING S A love tragedy of Circus Life in
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    • 211 6 Amusements. ALHAMBRAI 'Phone rriTn rwiW^MT 1 Phone 6909 JL JOLJEi/*. JL JKJIIi 6909 jjj (TAN CHENG KEE, Sole Proprietor.) I jj COMING! J pj The most Wonderful Screen Spectacle I yet Produced. I Metro-Goldwyn-Mayers SJ Great Musical Comedy j The I Hollywood Revue I All Talking, Singing, Dancing. I a
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    • 439 6 To-night's Tremendous, Stupendous Western Ait "caimr" cinema From Friday, February 21 to Thursday, February 27 SECOND SHOW AT 9.10 P.M. "The Last Frontier" Real red-blooded, up-and-at-'em Wild West. The kind thai home and buy a booming six-shoot, r! "Man! What a Picture feasting your eyes on this hurtling action-western, with
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  • 298 7 Tin's Modest Rise. Messr? E tlin and Co re P° rt at 11 to-day RUBBER. u, n d"r: 8 1 T6d.. unchanged. Ne% v 13 cents (G), unchanged. shares:- Steady. Allenbys $1.55 —$1.65, Ayer 5i.55. Ayer Panas $1.45—51.55, SLetts 75—80 cents. Brogas $1.05—51.10, rT. t i
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  • 261 7 The Chairman's Confidence. At the third annual general meeting of the Fresh Food Co. held yesterday afternoon at Messrs. Evatt and Co.'s offices, the chairman Mr. J. M Sime) said: The result of the year's working is no doubt I disappointment to you, but I would point
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  • 83 7 (Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.) Moscow, Feb. 26. kV*?Z tht P ollo of Soviets v Wlt h foreign concessions the ot 5 Present negotiating with the AQmirai Nak^^ neSe OU on Sakhalin. a «it for a la rger capital investVhich the Soviets assert the -~m*m mable to
    (Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.)  -  83 words
  • 58 7 TO -DAY'S RUBBER PRICES. S| Nr,APni>i HAMBER OF r^>t>*ERCE RIP.RRR association. ''-LOCK NOON, FEB. 27. dcn Buyers. Se.w., March on Tp ndp r 27», 27 Ss Jan, 28 28*.» 28:: 29 cf 30 30 UtM C'a|,| V Dt 1 il. Spot Sheet 8 l/16d V* *crk O Sheet G. cents
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  • 383 7 Selangor Chinese Miners Co-operate. iJSfS?' f& and Co., EL J" Producers' Association, have been informed by the secretary of the Belabor m£n S H ABBOcUt,Qn 1 fon Chined £stated aYe redUC6d th6ir daUy W rk^g ho^ From Jan. 1: Sin Yong Fatt Mining Co., Ltd. H Ur!> Ampang
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  • 319 7 (British Official Wireless.) ißy courtesy of H. and S. Bank.) SINGAPORE. FEB. 27. SELLING. London 4 months' sight 2s. 3 15/18 d. London 3 months' sight 2s. 3% d. London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 13/16 d. London 30 days' sight 2s. 3 25/32 d. London demand 2s.
    (British Official Wireless.)  -  319 words
  • 233 7 CARGO BOAT ABLAZE. Fire Tug To The Rescue. (Reuter's Service.) Melbourne. Feb. 26. The China Mutual Navigation Company's steamer, "Ningchow," laden with wool and general cargo, but no passengers, bound for England, caught fire in the vicinity of Cape Naturaliste. Western Australia. A tug from Fremantle equipped with
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  233 words
  • 180 7 "Borneo Maru," Jap. 4.262 tons. Capt. Fukue. from Calcutta. 26-2; for Japan. 27-2. "Mossel," Dut. 1.126 tons. Capt. Duechkonek. from Semarang. 26-2; for unknown. "Perak," Brit. 519 tons. Capt. Johnston, from T. Anson. 26-2; for T. Anson. 28-2. "Pyuhus," Brit. 4,803 tons, Capt. Adcock from Sibu. 26-2; for London,
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  • 83 7 (Reuter 's Service.) The Hague, Feb. 27. Tha Board of the Billiton Tin Mines has issued a statement saying that although DutchEast Tin producers have maintained a fairly fabiiised rate of production during the last few years, the company was disposed, in the general
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  83 words
  • 169 7 SINGAPORE, FEB. 27. Rice, Siam 1 per Koyan $360 Rice, Siam 2 $330 Rice, Siam 3 $300 Rice, Siam 4 $280 Rice, Siam New l H $284 Rice, Siam New 2 $275 Rice, Siam New 3.. $264 Rice, Siam New 4 $255 Rice, Saigon A-l $255 Rice, Saigon 1
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  • 33 7 The rote of issue of Money Orders for India nnd Ceylon to-day is Rs. 153 tor »100. Tfca rote of payment of Money Orders from Indn» and Ceylon Is Rs, 157 for $100.
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  • 94 7 The N«w World: On Saturday the New World Cabaret will be open until 2 a.m. ta decide a competition in fancy dresses by the Merr.lads Minstrels, when three prizes will be given by the proprietors of the New World Show. Numerous extra coloured lights have been addfcd to
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  • 123 7 Ships Alongside The Wharves. Singapore. Feb. 27. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Balcraig 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Kitano Maru 18: Hai Hing 16: Dessau 13; Silvermaple 11: Klang 9. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3». Mentcr 30: Pyrrhus 32: Glenshane 35: Shinnoh Maru 37. Empire Dork (Entrance
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 15 7 06 r ls t will be found *»1 X Pu and other Commer«n page 13.]
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    • 141 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS* NOTICE. THF SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Notice is hereby given that the rubber market WH be closed officially on Monday March 3. 1930. being a Bank Holiday. By Order of the Committee, GATTEY BATEMAN. Secretaries. NOTICE. s m 0 NOTICE is hereby given that tlie TRADE
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    • 854 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SALE—Baby Austin. Model 1927. for $600. Apply 90. Victoria Street. 1 iNUIIHi. WANTED School teachers immediately Notice is hereby given chat Messrs rt a r a Apply Box 136, c/o Malaya Tribune. Limited, incorporated m the Struts Settle 1 ments Registered Office. Hong Kong Bank WANTED—A well-known
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 233 7 MAILS CLOSE. TOMMT, FEB; Z7Z. Java. South-West Sumatra, SouthEast Borneo, Celebes. Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Bintang) 3 p.m. Batu Pahat (Gemast 3 p.m. Muar «Junantut) 3 p.m. Penang and Rangoon (Seang Beet 3 p.m. Upper Burma. North-East. India. Egypt, Europe. Canada and U.S.A. (Tairea) 3 'Great Britain. Ireland. Europe.
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    • 140 7 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. DmLy Weaker Report. Bright RelaTeatperature. Bain- Sun- tive Wind. Htoft Mln i» ahinee. Humi- Dlrec- Speed, Stauona. F, P. Hour. dity Uon. 53 Weather S 2 ai Cain, Cloud, K. Trengganu. «H !fi 86 8 E 6 Ipoh S m 107 S B.W. 5 Pine g 10
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  • 52 8 Births, Marriages And Deaths. ACKNOWLEDGMENT. Mr. Tan Yong Lee and family beg to thank all relatives, friends, and members of the? Tan Tan Badminton Party and Gee Hup Whay who attended the funeral cf the laic Mrs. Tan Keng and also those who sent wreaths, scrolls and letters
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  • 714 8 It is easy to form an impression that there is no longer a housing problem in Singapore; or rather that such problem as there is falls upon landlords rather than tenants. Many houses are to let. as the advertisement columns of the newspapers show—and not all vacancies
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  • 443 8 Dr. P. H. Hennessy. "the man who beat the Australians." returned from leave by the "Rawalpindi." It is understood that Mr. A. E. Coopc is to succeed Mr. A. C. Baker as Assistant Adviser. Johore. early :i March. Dr. Selwyn Clark has arrived from Home and has taken up his
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  • 526 8 Funds Considerably Depleted. The Bishop of Singapore, the Right Rev. .B. C. Roberts, presided at the annual meeting of the St. Andrew's Church II ssion. held in the school hall in Stamford Road yesterday evening. There was a good attendance cf church workers. The Rev. R.
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  • 114 8 Rubber Association Circular. (Reuter's Service.) London. F.i, 3t The Rubber Growers' Association has circularised rubber producers recommending their to to the Anglo-Dutch Liaison Committee's proposal to cease tapping n May and stating that every effort should be n.ack to secure the support of producers in
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  114 words
  • 100 8 Firs! Service Trip Completed. The first service trip of the Singapore Batavia air mail has been successfully completed. The machine, carrying eight passengers in addition to the mail, left Singapore early en Wednesday morning, and arrived shortly after two o'clock. The official time for the trip Is
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  • 211 8 M. Anatole Shister, the famous Russia. portrait painter of the Imperial Academy of Pine Arts. Petvograd. is staying at the Station Hotel. Kuala Lumpur. He is at present encaged on the portraits of Mr. San Ah Wing and Mr. Chew Kam Chuan. of Kuala Lumuur. and has be?n commissioned by
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  • 333 8 Many Problems To Tackfe (Reuter's Service.) (British Official Wireless.) London, It is officially announced that th Conference will meet in Load a ,7 The Conference will be attends 23 Governor or a senior official of as m 5 Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated f as possible. It
    (Reuter's Service.); (British Official Wireless.)  -  333 words
  • 148 8 Figures Supplied To The Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock. At the last meeting of the Legislative Council the Government undertook to obtain and supply by letter certain information asked fo: by the Hon. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock regarding prosecutions of hawkers in the three Settle mtnts. Mr.
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  • 35 8 (Reuter's Service.) Jerusalem. Feb. 26 Mr. Van Lear Black, the American newspaper magnate, who is flying to the Far East, ha larrived at Gaza, on his way to Bagdad
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  35 words
  • 57 8 From Australia by "Malabo at noon to-day. From Europe. (London Q paldw Feb. 6> by "Rohna." due Penang it 6 air. to-morrow. From Holland and Germany v Johai de Witt." due Simapow T From Franc- by "Atho- II *> S::.sapoat 7 a.m. on Sunday, the 2nd ::r.o From
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  • 74 8 Mr. George Henry untitled Messrs. Pritchard and Co. Ltd tered upon his eightieth aay be and Mrs. Prftchi golden weddin.,'. Mr. PritcC 1880 and after working launched his own boaJnesfi vhard Penang. in 1880. La'cr b and Co. and from this Anvßb grown Pritchaid's as il branches at Ipoh. SungeJ
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  • 30 8 latest Quotations. Rinnn: l* idon 1 16d. \m Ytrk: 1G cents iGi Sinirapcrc: —25 ,-27 W TI-V ,55 Od.'. L*.,d.-n:-*pct £171 3 months. £173 sima-p» .<*: fBf .12
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 318 8 Two of the finest drinks obtainable. 1 Invigorating and Refreshing. f I SPECIAL PRICE TO W I p'v^fr CLUBS HOTELS. |f| C S^^T S Z H B. LIGHT DUTCH LAGER jjj j GUINNESS BR^ 5 Duty extra, per case 56.00. [jj J sole agents ROBINSON CO., I "EDGEWORTH" J 1
      318 words
    • 109 8 STANLEY'S Rustless Drawing INSTRUMENTS IN SETS OR SINGLE Compasses, Dividers, Bows, Etc., Etc. Sole Agents for W. F. STANLEY CO.. LTD. MOTION SMITH AND SON LIMITED. 15, Battery Road, Singapore. 634 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TENG SENG GUAN. Established 1905. Tel. No. 2415. T.K.K's TYRES. Further reduced from Tubes. 715 x
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  • 470 9 gemains Sole Aim Of Conference. m PROGRESS BEING MADE. Nr. hutchili Critical. ("Japanese News" Service.) (British Official Wireless.) (Reuter's Service.) Rugby, Feb. 26. British, United States. r r ■;.-legations to the X v-.a! r aii renee, the French J?!Lor Pi -J'.ie Minister's room of
    ("Japanese News" Service.); (British Official Wireless.); (Reuter's Service.)  -  470 words
  • 109 9 (Reuter's Service.) ki Surgeon Who Led The Frothblowers. London, Feb. 26. of tne Surgeon. fck< r r ts prominent in conrthblowera' movement. f%j5 to ripp '*as 65 years old. ntai m rendering considerable X JJff* to London charities in J --Q Lady Prippa were interested. L a«s had a
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  109 words
  • 22 9 v 1 n His Bungalow. (Reuter's Service.) Delhi, Feb. 26. Royal Engineers in his bungalow who are believed
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  22 words
  • 603 9 ACTION OVER OPTION PROFITS. Pithinaike v. Abeygoonesekera. Mr. V. Pathinaike was plaintiff in a partnership action brought in the Supreme Court to-day before the Chief Justice (Sir William Murisoni against Mr. Walter Abeygoonesekera. Outlining his case for the plaintiff, Mr. E. A. Stevens said that his client
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  • 54 9 Tear And Smoke Bombs Used. (Reuter's Service.) Los Angeles. Feb. 27. Several thousand men and women, alleged to be Carnrnrrnists. began a march on the City Hall at six o'clock in the evening, and 200 policemen, armed with tear and smoke bombs, were unable to
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  54 words
  • 60 9 (Reuter's Service.) Manila. Feb. 27. A delegation cf 40 Moro leaders, representing 85 per cent, of the Moro population, have adopted a resolution expressing a desire for a separate government for the Philippine people. The same resolution was adopted at the Philippine Independence Congress. So far the
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  60 words
  • 132 9 Cape Town, Feb. 7. There was a remarkable scene at the SenaU lobby. Senator Boydell. ex-Minister 01 Labour, was leaving the Committee meeting with My. T. S. Warwick, a member of the Opposition, conversing earnestly and suddenly started a scuffling. Mr. Boydell knocked down Mr Warwick who
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  • 186 9 WILL FORM A FRENCH CABINET. Poincare Declines Job. (Reuter's Service.) (Havan Agency) Paris, Feb. 26. M. Tardieu has recommended that M. Poincare should be asked to form a Cabinet. M. Tardieu, summoned to the Elysee this morning, told M. Doumergue (President) that he considered that, with four important
    (Reuter's Service.); (Havan Agency)  -  186 words
  • 114 9 Record Temperatures In America. CHILDREN DROWNED IN FLOODS. (Reuter's Service.) New York, Feb. 26. Spring has arrived with a vengeance. The temperature in New York yesterday was 73 degrees, which is a record. Temperatures in the south are even higher. A case of heat prostration
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  114 words
  • 135 9 Young Plan's Second Reading Postponed. (Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.) Berlin. Feb. 26. The Reichstag's steering committee has unexpectedly postponed the Young Plan Bill's second reading until the middle of next week when, it Is hoped, the Coalition Parties will have found a solution to the pressnt deadlock
    (Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.)  -  135 words
  • 168 9 ("Japanese News" Service.) (British Official Wireless.) (Reuter's Service.) Rome. Feb. 2G. Cardinal Merry Del Val died alter an operation. Washington. Feb. 27. The Senate has passed a resolution calling upon the Secretary for Agriculture to submit recommendations regarding the price cf cotton and wheat, even to the
    ("Japanese News" Service.); (British Official Wireless.); (Reuter's Service.)  -  168 words
  • 22 9 NOTES FROM INDIA, on page 2. CHINESE TOPICS, on page 5. SPORTS NOTES, on page 19. CORRESPONDENCE, on page 11.
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  • 507 9 Nanking Troops Dig Trenches. GOVT. APPOINTMENTS READJUSTED. General Attack On Ironsides. ("Sin Kuo Min Press" Service.) Shanghai, Feb. 27. Nanking troops are now digging trenches and fixing electric wires at Tangshan. A large detachment of Government forces have advanced on Tsaochow to meet the Shansi forces there, and
    ("Sin Kuo Min Press" Service.)  -  507 words
  • 285 9 Air Service Ta Australia. PARLIAMENTARY STATEMENTS. (Reuter's Service.) London. Feb. 27. Commander Ken worthy asked in the House of Commons to-day, when the establishment of the England-Australia airmail service was expected, and whether arrangements had been made vv th the Dutch Government foi the DBS of landing
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  285 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 112 9 I MILNEHS' j SAFES ARE USED BY THE LEADING BANKERS I I SOLE AGENTS: H i Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) I NEW I I "His Master's Voice" 1 I ELECTRICAL RECORDINGS I Mid-February teste I Including I A Great Dramatic" Reco r d, 1 i "Death of Otello'-Flonzaley t
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  • 445 10 Sports Pastimes. INDIANS DISAPPOINT. Poor Resistance To S.C.C. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL [By "Reynard."] The S.C.C. senior eleven had an easy victory (8—1) over the Indo-Ceylonese on the Padang yesterday. Only the first few minutes were thrilling. Afterwards the game was too one-sided to be interesting. It was a friendly affair and
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  • 361 10 A.P.C. Beat Telephonists. AN EXCITING FINISH The A-PC defeated the Q.T.F.C. by four goals to one whet* they met yesterday at the Stadium in the Intet-Commercial Cup competition. Following the kick-off. the A.P.C. made an early raid but were frustrated. Many fast raids were effected by them but
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  • 43 10 Yesterday's Games. (Reuter 's Service.) London. Feb. 26. League matches played to-day resulted as follows: ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIV. L Manchester City 5. Portsmouth 2. ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIV. 11. Bradford City 3, Bristol City L ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIV. 11l (Southern). Bournemouth 3, Northampton 1.
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  43 words
  • 46 10 In a friendly at the Anson Road ground yesterday, the held the Royal Engi- neers to a goalless draw in which the soldiers pressed strongly in the initial half. After the interval the Association played up strongly but were unable to score.
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  • 49 10 On the S.C.P.A. ground yesterday, the General Electric XI beat the Socony teem by two goals to nil after a very interesting and fast game. The scorers were M. Noor and Kum Wah. Ah Kow in the goal and Dolfatah as centre-half played an excellent game.
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  • 260 10 COMBINED COLLEGES v. S.C.C. BL The following will represent the Combined Colleges against the Cricket Club second eleven on the Padang to-day (Thursday, Feb. 27) at 5 p.m. R. Roylands; Low Chin Seang, R. A. Chapman; L. Jayesuria, W. Ess, Lee Mun Yui; V. C. G. Yzelman, Tan
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  • 209 10 LAWN TENNIS. Ties in the tournament being held by the Tamilians' Physical Culture Association, Kuala Lumpur, from Mar. 1 to Mar. 3 are as follows: Singles. S. Canagarajah, bye, V. M. Samy bye. S. Sittampalam v. R. E. Durairatham. A. Das Lazarus v. N. E. Singam. N. Subramanium
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  • 162 10 Stevenson At Singapore. BILLIARDS. Mr. H. W. Stevenson, the weli-known billiurdsi pluyer, gave an exhibition before a disappointingly small attendance at the Singapore Cricket Club yesterday. Giving a start of 200 to Mr. •C. L_ Wyatt. tlie Club's champion, he won by 482 to 359, his biggest break.;
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  • 30 10 CRICKET. The match between the Ceylon Sports Club and the Riff-Raffs. which was to be played on Monday on the C. S. C. ground, has been cancelled.
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  • 59 10 A meeting of Outram Old Boys will be held at the School HaH at G. 30 p.m. to-irtorrow to pass the draft rules and elect office for the proposed Outram Old Boys* Sports Association. A football match between two t?ams of Old Boys will be played before tbe
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  • 17 10 Members of the Indian Association are informed that regular badminton (shuttle-cock) practice has commenced at the Association.
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  • 50 10 A cable has been received in Australia from Jean Borotra the French tennis star sayine that he was very disappointed to find that business calls would not allow him to visit Australia for at least some months, and. therefore, that the proposed visit of a French team must be cancelled.
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  • 204 10 Sharkey Favourite. PHIL SCOTT'S BID FOR WORLD'S TITLE. BOXING. (Reuter's Service.) Miami, Feb. 26. Under waving palms, before the most opulent crowd hi America, Phil Scott enters the ring at ten o'clock to-morrow evening as the first Englishman to fight for the world's heavyweight boxing championship since
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  204 words
  • 50 10 A meeting of the Singapore Amateur Boxing Association will be held to-morrow at the Victoria Memorial Hall at 5.30 p.m. All interested in boxing, whether they are members of the Association or not, will be welcome and suggestions are invited as to the running of the Association.
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  • 299 10 Handicaps For The First Day. THE TURF. The Wright* foi the first day of the Selangor Turf Club's Spring Meeting commencing on Saturday at Kuala Lumpur are as follows: Ponies—Cass '—2nd Div.—(s furlongs): Cool Game 9, Snow Laddie 9, Rosette 8.11. Lady Rem ngton 8.11. Che Siti 8.8,
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  • 114 10 VOLLEY BALL. (From Our Own Correspondent.j Batu Pahat. Feb. 2 > On Saturday volley-ball match was played between tla- Ai Chun Chinese School and the India-Ceylcn Association, Batu Pahat. The game was well contested and from stun to finish was very exciting. The Associatioji team was more
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  • 106 10 PHYSICAL CULTURE. XT* members of Mie Selangor Health and Strength Association will be staging physical culture displays at Kampar on Saturday and at Teluk Anton on Sunday, at the Chinese New Theatre Hall and the Odeon Cinema Hall respectively. The principal object of the
    106 words
  • 76 10 The final positions in the S.H.B. Junior Service Club's Dura Competition are as follows:— P W D. L. Pts. Ong Seng Kay 12 11 o 1 22 Suleiman bin Ahmad 12 8 I 3 l? Koh Chong Teck 12 7 1 4 15 Yap Cheok Chuan 12
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  • 633 10 A Weekly Commentary. Lieut. G. J. Bryan, the Kent county cricketerarrived at Singapore, reoently by H. M. Transport "Neuralia" to join the Royal Engineers. Mr. Bryan is a forceful bfttsman, and several times he has made very good scores for Kent against some of the major counties. In
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  • 99 10 AMERICAN TEAM CHOSEN. GOLF. rhe Executive Committee of the United States Golf Association has selected -Bobby Jones to captain the American team to BMet Great Britain in the Walker Cup match, at the Royal St. Georges course. Sandwich, Kent on May 15 and 16. The composition of
    99 words
  • 58 10 MOTOR RACING. (Reuter's Service.) London. Feb. 26. Kaye Don left Southampton to-day aboard the "Berengaria" en route for Daytona Beach. Florida, for the attempt on the World's motor car speed record with his enormous 4.000 h.p. car. the "Silver Bullet." which he believes is capable of doinu
    (Reuter's Service.)  -  58 words
  • 68 10 Fri. C. Aussem who was untitled as the 'German Lcnglen" an her first appearance in first class tennis and who recently returned to the game after an absence owing to eye trouble, was defeated in a covered courts match at Koln by Fri. Krahwinkel 6—4, 4 6. 6 —3. In
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  • 130 10 Phil Scott, the British Boxer, who is now in America to make a bid for world champion ship by beating Sharkey has been a soccer player for some years and loved the game. He is not alone in this among boxers or jockeys. Gordon Richards, the champion jockey, we are
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  • 557 10 P. O. AND ALTERNATIVE SCHEMES. Dominions To Be Linked Up. (British Official Wireless.) Rugby. Feb. 2a\ In tiie House of Commons to-day. Mr. H. B. Lees Smith, the Postmaster-General, announced that the Government had decided upon a policy for overseas telephony by concentration of the Post Office wireless
    (British Official Wireless.)  -  557 words
  • 913 10 CJ>X HRITHV ICH FETED. D Proud Of The Loc,, The Sindhi Merti*ntr gapore entertained a Adelphi Hotel yesterdnv a of Mehta Prithvi Inspector. Crimii °*l 1)2 s.s. Police. Mv/; r' King's Police Medal mly The guests n mad placed about the *oom of the hotel, at the
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 195 10 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY. FEB 17 High Tides —9.45 a.m.. 11.08 p.m. Association Football: S.C C. 2nd XI v. Combined Colleges. Padang: S.C.F.A. League. Commercial Cup Football Uniteers v. F. and N.. Stadium. S p.m. Singapore Chinese Girls' School. Prize Distribution. 4.30 p.m. Singapore Flying Club: Annual Dinner and Dance.
      195 words

  • 87 11 are invited to write to us on our de: lZ interest. It must be under>"'1! "SUya Tnbune" does no. ;na h ,r> opinions expressed by corjjir® ea f; t 9 r s should be as brief as tfl'v typewritten (double spac- >• prf one side of the paper only.
    87 words
  • 559 11 Ed., "M.T." 3* Editor, "Malaya Tribune.", a Dir there are too many in 5-" 11 belong to the ilk of "Truthful StfJP 0 try to find fault where there gpjdent in benefactors when they > ,ed More is the pity that this t0t ?!,-c arguments do not
    Ed., "M.T."  -  559 words
  • 408 11 ft? Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") article in your issue of the 12th headings "Anglo-Indians and 7®H5tand by the British Raj," conveys tf. all Anglo-Indians. from your Kuala Lumpur I n I s 1 dare say correct, but it is a Nace or the Pandit to decide D an d
    408 words
  • 289 11 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") lr A yone reading Mathias Sinn's letter will conclusively assert that he is a drinker and as such he naturally stands by what he by his hints 4,10 tracfc the Key to the solution of the long unsolved oroblem and
    289 words
  • 185 11 (To tlie Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir—lt is more than a pity that the talkie film "Bulldog Drummond" should have been banned for reasons that are not quite obvious and too much mention cannot be made of the fact that all screen fans will lose a genuine entertainment. For
    185 words
  • 476 11 Pertinent Opinions From Penang. These days, says the "Pinang Gazette," any little diversion is welcome, so long as it causes us temporarily to forget the seemingly chronic stagnation which afflicts our two main industries. The thanks of the public are therefore due to two contemporaries, one having its
    476 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 329 11 j fHE NEW WORLD S g JALAN BESAR. 8 jj Presentation of Prizes to [j] jj THE MERRILADS MINSTRELS 8 5j in fancy dresses at the New World Cabaret I On Saturday, March 1. I A NIGHT OF LAUGHTER I Watch this opportunity and the Cabaret will be open g
      329 words
    • 110 11 For Perfect Health Drink our Famous The Real Fruit Juice Beverage. Healthful and Refreshing. Framroz Company. Laboratory and W>rks: 135, Teluk Ayer Street 1 The Most Reliable Gramophone. jjj Double spring niotx r, teak wood case varnished in jc mahogany colour with reliable sound box. I PRICE $50 cash, I
      110 words

  • 1049 12 MINING. ISSUED BY FRASER CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, February 27, 1930, It a.m Issue Issue Value Buyers. Sellers. Value Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang 361- 38 1 North Taiping 0.65 0.70 5 Ayer Hitam Tin 13 6 14 3 6j- Pahang Console o|6 10|6 £1
    1,049 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 228 12 j Fish For Breakfast I SMOKED HADDOCKS. I SMOKED HERRINGS. j I WRAPPED KIPPERS. FRESH HERRINGS. FISH FILLETS. I B D BLOATERS. j Singapore Gold Storage Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) n. COLEMAN LAMPS TURN NIGHT HOURS INTO BRIGHT HOURS. Em 411 abundance of brilliant white light,
      228 words
    • 26 12 Pyramid Handkerchiefs for Men I A TOOTAL PRODUCT. I I Fast-to-Boiling Colours E I Dependable Quality. SOLE IMPORTERS: g I Wm. Jacks Company, (Malaya) Ltd. I
      26 words
    • 391 12 I When food makes A failing appetite is one of Nature's danger signals. It is a warning that all s not well with your digestion—that your I and thoroughly of its daily waste. It this condition which Eno's "Fruit Salt" I Eno simply flushes and effectively cleanses the whole intestinal
      391 words

  • 559 13 THE SHARE MARKET. Fraser's Report. Messrs. Fraser and Co., in their weekly report dated Feb. 25, state: The price of tin continues to decline and shows a loss of about £3 on balance during the past week. The scheme for restriction of output appears now to be in
    559 words
  • 256 13 Chamber Of Commerce Meeting. I The following are the minutes of a meeting j of the committee of the North Borneo Chamber lof Commerce held at the office of Messrs. Harrisons and Crosfield (Borneo), Ltd.. Sandakan, on Jan. 31. Present— The Hon. Mr. F. W. Pinnock. Mr.
    256 words
  • 64 13 January Returns. Further February rubber crop returns reported to us are: Ampat (Sumatra) 69,200 lb. Buloh Kasap 62.000 lb. Continental Plans. 127.031 lb. Djember (Jerantut) 13,900 lb. Gadek 75,264 lb. Kwaloe 55.240 lb. Mount Cyril 6.656 lb. Nordanal (Johore) 67,000 lb. Rim (Malacca) 63.700 lb. Roebourne Fin. 20,000
    64 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 407 13 CUT YOUR TRASSPORT COSTS ffi b> a quicker and more efficient handling with a fQ HUDSON LIGHT RAILWAY THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in England.) 51 Singap-T» —Kuala Lumpur—l poh—Teluk Anson and Penang. g Re latest and excellent j MUSIC PIECES I FROM THE TALKIES I By The World's Famous
      407 words
    • 55 13 SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. ABSTRACT. I. O. Pharmacy, 116, Serangoon, Singapore. Dear Doctor, I am glad to inform you that the medicine you gave me the other day for MALARIA had good effects on me. I started on Thursday, the 8th, current and finished the 7 doses yesterday, and I am enjoying
      55 words
    • 428 13 y-\ ljy M» »"t»«rptic v?«|K>ur» liberated by Ev»n« fC"}- 7 !s»*:'A VI Pasr.lles quickly kill (he germs thai lurlc in tha i\~~'f iif ob*cu-* byewayt of the nose, throat and cheat I V \jt r\§) aooth»ng the affecteJ parts Doctors strongly fiji Ivans' *W tfJ Pastilles 1 Made in Eng'and
      428 words
    • 297 13 EDUCATIONAL. Evening Junior Bookj Keeping Class. FROM MARCH 3. j Owing to the request of many clerks who were unable to join the usual class, we have decided to form a special one. Apply to the Principal, G.M.K. Rajah, A.I.S.A (Lond). Incorporated Secretary or to the Assistant Mr. T. I.
      297 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 522 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. I POWELL CO., LTD. ifr. Cheong Quan Boon has relinquished all Us Interests in the Company as from February U. 1930. Mr. Frank Merrells has been appointed Managing Director and the business af the Company will be continued to be carried on as formerly. POWELL CO., LTD.,
      522 words
    • 441 14 SITUATION VACANT. WANTED —A man teacher and a student teacher for the St. Anthony's Boys' School. WANTED —Agents for canvassing orders for our products. Handsome commission or salary offered. Security Rs. 15 only. For particulars write to:—Benjamin Weaving Factory, Ludhiana, India. EARN a big salary as a Certificated Bookkeeper. Individual
      441 words
    • 550 14 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94. MARKET STREET. BRANCHES. Penang 85, Beach Street. Malacca 131, Jo nicer Street. Muar No. 1, Jalan Sayang. B tv Pahat 109, Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Hir. Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Central. Seremban 63, Birch Road. Batavia 47, Corner Lloyd Street
      550 words
    • 695 14 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acta of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December, 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,612,046 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Stneet, London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. M.
      695 words
    • 444 14 TIRED-OUT u t waste matte,*WBMh blood mafcf* «nd lacking in i&\S, enjoy work and n M i W K-J for iiifZl destroying ataU ofk> Cdneyaod Bladt^W «d Kidney TrotS your chemist to-day, wt *«We* NEW BOOhT^ Building Constructioa ra*. Mitchell. Part Br, Arithmetic cf Building* Technical Pin, ±3arlow Benn. Mathematics
      444 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 379 15 VOIB SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA 9 AND 4PCAR LINES. \;„»rfO"«•' En ani > P4SSENGER CARGO f SERVICES. rttß UTD ORIENTAL STEAM CO. LONDON AND NA S EAST MAIL SERVICE. OUTWARD FROM LONDON. For Cfctaa Japan. Due Tonnage Singapore 1930 11.100 Mar 8 PJ J>,300 Mar 9 Pj 11.100 Mar 30 PJ*
      379 words
      571 words
    • 656 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON. Tonnage Destination Due Sail |fj| Kitano Maru 8,000 M'seilles. London, A'werp and R'dam Feb. 27 28 Haruna Maru 10,500 Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp Rotterdam and Hull Mar. 13 14 Kamo Maru 8,000 M'seilles. London, A'werp and R'dam Mar. 27 28 Katori
      656 words
    • 704 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD /Incorporated Shm^/ii\r German y> The undemoted are the Company's Intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. t DESSAU for S'ghai, Moji, Kobe. Yokohama and Vladivostock Feb 27 TRIER for Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taku, Dalny and Tsingtau Mar 4 HOMEWARDS. 9 PRANKEN for Marseilles, Oran. Amsterdam, R'dam, H'burg and Bremen
      704 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 97 16 3 i A o i D I I 1 l SOLE AGENTS: j I N.V. Straits Java Trading: Co. I SINGAPORE PENANG, 3 n B i j the outstanding QUALITY record. M j Songs perfectly clear reproduced, no scratching noises. Widest and most [m 1« up-to-date range of Chinese and
      97 words
    • 185 16 The Pleasures of Sporting can only be enjoyed by him who enjoys good health. The r qiirements of every day-life call for a healthy and well-working organ «m. Therefore, do not wait till you are compelled to walk with the assistance of crutches, but treat in good time any rheumatic
      185 words