Malaya Tribune, 22 February 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol XVII, -No. 45 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: .Saturday. Feb. 22, 1930.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 281 1 r UPTON'S CEYLON TEA. yor CANNOT BETTER THE BEST. SWEETENED CONDENSED MILK g PURE 1 -^^T——- i MILK, and in condensation nothing but FINEST WHITE CONDENSED \kvm'' SUG R is added Bein w I> V sweetened JH% > pared under the most hygienic cj /U, 'ffi/'i conditions, this Milk is
      281 words
    • 181 1 "FLORODOR" A Washing 0 Suitings y^^ 9 For Trop,c l /A> Wear. HIGH STREET. /7 Singapore. j SI ME, DARBY CO., LTD., I (Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement*.) S. S. F. M. S. X I 11 811 11 4ji•- '"-i ALHAMBRA I In Veritable Jewel Boxes I I Made of
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  • 3292 2 ORIGIN OF THE MODERN DIALECTS. History Of Colonisation. (BY DR. LIN YUTANG.I In 1924, a Society for Dialect Research was founded at the Institute for Sinological Research of the Peking National University. Its purpose was to institute a general and detailed linguistic survey of China, and to collect
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 446 2 I TirsS This is the Original Package A of BAYER «oyeks ASPIRIN 4\%J (^V**4^B^^ J r Jhis trade-mark is a guarantee of —n iicnuineness and effective action. The original «oye*'s ASPIRIN Tablets give rapid and certain relief in headache, r%t*l toothache, earache, rheumatism, neuralgia, IZJ influenza and fever. TRUTH IS
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    • 108 2 Yoang Boys Be Ambitions Don't remain idle and waste your time, money and energy. Turn your ideals to Physical Culture by taking up Weight-Lifting. Vou will improve ycur physique as well as 70ur memory. You will not regret when you grow older r'or you shall have reserved your energy. For
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    • 339 2 NO' V?' I'VE PINKETttsITLTf IN MY BAG. i-ft MY KIT i :>wm complete^JmL TO THe WW SMALLEST DETAIL! 52 experienced traveller buconvenience it is to I simple and easUj Pinkettes. Just a cou laxatives, taken vfa "J* necessary to ensure rect sick headach- y» the ill-effects of Chemists everywhei. ""«rrttni
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  • 1084 3 FEMINIZATION OF THE AUTOMOBILE. "Milady's" Car. This year of grace ushers in, for America, at least, the era of woman's complete domination of motor-car manufacture, especially from the aesthetic viewpoint, says an American writer in "The Motor." Paradoxically enough, man. the natural tinkerer. seemed content with the ugly,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 255 3 Wailenburgs Foods [c irom the purest milk of cows pastured in the counties, the 'Allenburys* Foods are as easily >teJ as mother's milk. They are germ free and simply and quickly made by the addition of boiling water only. Fresh supplies, specially packed ior the tropics, are received each week.
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    • 416 3 I j WTT/L p] IB B B lo: pi g-fi-JI Singapore—l*« nanii—lpoh unci I PORTABLE GRAMOPHONE. U 51 Why this penetrating foam 3 CLEANS WHERE TOOTHBRUSH CANNOT REACH HHHHiHiMHMMHHMHHn In a dramatic science now proves what millions of people know—that Colgate's teeth better. A scientist recently made an important experiment
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    • 44 3 URASEPTINE. f l A remedy for urinary diseases m general:—Hepatic, and Renal P^^ t Colic, Calculus-Stone in the bladder, GOUT, RHEUMATISM Gravel, Eczema, Liver Comh plaints etc. At all drug store or The Distributors for Malaya MEDICAL OFFICE, I 300, North Bridge Road, SINGAPORE.
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  • 1793 4 SALARIES' INCREASES FROM OCTOBER. Principle Sacrificed To Expediency. The long drawn-out debate on the recommendations of tne Salaries Commission was concluded in the Ceylon Legislative Council on ihe 11th inst.. and it was decided that provision be made to give effect from Octooer, 1930, to the recommendations
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  • 104 4 All pilot employed in he Lufthansa, the German air company, must be able ri the future to fly by means of their instrument; enly before they can trke :ha ge of a aeroplane. The Luf than a h ye become W rrlecl by the recent air crashes and have dcci
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  • 104 4 If you «ulTer frcm indigestion, gastritis, or dyspepsia after meals, you can prevent it inctantly by taking a little 'Bisurated' Magnesia in water immediately after eating. This remarkable preparation not only neutralises the acid, and thus so removes the cause of the trouble, but it also
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  • 91 4 Walter Critchlow. 1939-B st.. Wheaton, 111., r J.S.A.. has patented a Vapor Moisture Petrol Saver and Carbon Eliminator for all Autos and Engines that beats any ever got out. Old Fords report as high as 66 miles on 1 gallon. New Fords 55. Other
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 255 4 o=o=ocsioi loaocasiiocaoiisJoaoEaoQo^ jj Than any other make. o o I Car manufacturers demand the highest quality (ires. II This year they are building more and better cars i 0 dur an v P er *°d n history, and it is n significant that more FIRESTONE TIRES are no* 0 JJ
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    • 8 4 or eruptive J. sects anu allays removes be.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 468 5 MIDDLE-AGED MEN READ THIS! v won arc too l rfS 10 work or to •joy the pleasnrefl of lire, if you raffer Lin ikepl«ssn«» and loss of apatite -if yon are in constant pain, Do Witt's ,r, Bladder Pills will restore roar vita and quickly make yon mow roUL or
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    • 623 5 Church Services. SUNDAY SEXAGESIMA. St. Cathedral February 23, 1930. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7:30 a.m. Matins. 8 a.m. (Choral) Holy Communion 10 a.m. Sunday School at St. Andrew's School. 5:30 p. m (Choral) Evensong and Sermon Holy communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
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    • 674 5 THE TEMPLE OF THE DIVINE SPIRIT, 432, Geylang Road. Intercession Service, 7 to 0 ajn. every day. Sunday, 11 a.m. Divine Service. Subject of Homily:—"The Glory of Going On." SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST. Penang Lane. Sabbath School (Saturday) 3:30 pjn Preaching Service (Saturday) 6 pjn. Speaker: Mr. w. W. R. Lake,
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    • 522 5 Every Man Every Woman Strives For Prosperity toy fer jcoj luck nd only f enU ya tSSL latdu,ar apparatus does no ,tv for f C rrect, v J«nd consequently their capabiSLSIS? ***** Thev can TESTOGAN <mascllin, THELYGAN <femlmn.> Highly Hecommended by Physicians Manufactured by Dr. Georg Henning, Berlin. (Samples and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 185 6 Amusements. ALHAMBRAf THONE 6909 I ANNOUNCEMENT. g Owing to final preparations in installing I the Famous Western Electric Talking jjj System, the Alhambra Theatre will be j 1 closed from to-night until further I a s a notice. jjj i 1 1 WATCH THIS SPACE I a S j OUR
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    • 416 6 To-night's Tremendous, Stupendous Western AttT^^ "CAIEfY" cinema From Friday, February 21 to Thursday, February 27 SECOND SHOW AT 9.10 P.M. "The Last Frontier" Real red-blooded, up-and-at-cm Wild West. The kina that home and buy a booming .six-shooter! "Man! What a Pictu: *J* to feasting your eyes on this hurtling action-western,
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  • 293 7 Tin Still Falling. r3 Etim and Co. report at 11 a.m. RUBBER. j„„ »i d up l/16d. W* cents (CO, up cent. M rps-— Steady. AUenbys $1.65—51.75, Ayer !STtl 40—51.50, Ayer Panas $1.66—51.60, -85 cents, Brogas $1.07%—51.12%, S Jelotong* 65—70 cents, Bukit Katils 77 "Sf cents
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  • 138 7 70 Per Cent. Agreement Necessary. The "Malay Mail" states that Messrs. C. J. Baker and Co., Kuala Lumpur, have received from Messrs Baker. Morgan and Co.. Ltd., London, the following cablegram: If 70 per rent, of the European producers agree, the Dutch rubber growers will not tap during
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  • 57 7 British Official Wireless. London, Feb. 21. 124.27 4.86 332 34.89., 25.19', rdani 12.12^ 92.8', 18.18»,. Prague 3451 ■Afctfon lit I s 193 Üboa 3981 -itbens 108 25 Bucharest j?? 5 Rio 818 2. 5 17/32 °«eaos Aires Bombay 42 Shanghai ls 5 27/32 d. Hong Kono Is. HV 2
    British Official Wireless.  -  57 words
  • 83 7 SINGAPORE, FEB. 22. Siam Siam Koyan $360 J*.Siam S 330 f». Siam 5 $30 T e 'Siam New J $28 ,:ce 'S,amw. I $284 I 2 64 $255 25 5 g*. Saigon I »245 J «235 J «225 I «227 S Par b v «212 *cc. 'V: i per
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  • 549 7 "MUNICIPALITY HARD TO PLEASE." Experiments Carried Out. Z re <K>rded by the District Judge (Mr C. H. O. Clarke) yesterday in the case in which the Chinese owner of a large timber mill m Lavender Street is beta* prosecuted by the Municipality for failing to comply with a
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  • 8 7 [The Share list will found on page 12.]
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  • 92 7 Reuter's Service. Washington, Fell 21. An attack on the Cunard Company for Tying to "skim the cream of the winter tourist business to Cuba'* from Americans, was made -n the House of Representatives by the Republican member, Mr. Wallace White, chairman of the House of
    Reuter's Service.  -  92 words
  • 347 7 Reuter's Service. Geneva, Feb. 21. The Australian Government has informed the League of Nations Par-Eastern Health Bureau that a bill of health v/ill henceforth not be required from ships entering Australian ports, owing to epidemiological information now available. The Dutch steamer "Main" is due to-day from Belawan
    Reuter's Service.  -  347 words
  • 209 7 Indian P. C. Sent To Prison. An Indian police constable named Vaitilingam, attached to the Central Division, was sentenced to three months' r.i. this morning by the fourth magistrate (Mr. J. F. F. Gregg» for theft of 200 francs from a Shanghai Chinese youth who had been detained
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  • 74 7 The case in which the licensee of a toddy shop at Parit Jawa was summoned at the instance of Mr. J. G. Christian, Sanitary Inspector, for keeping the premises in an insanitary condition, was heard on Wednesday mSf"" M hd Noan Magistrate. Muar. Muttiah, on behalf of the licensee, A.
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  • 69 7 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION 12 O'CLOCK NOON. FEB 22 oac m Buyers. Seller*. R.S.S. equai to London Standard. Spot 27 27 V Standard R.S.S. on Tender 27 27^ April/June 29, July/September 30 v 4 30^ Tone of Market :-Quiet and slightly easier. Latest Cable:—London Spot
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  • 156 7 Judgment In Diamond Dispute. Mr. Justice Stevens to-day awarded Judgment to the plaintiff in the action which Mr. J. Safier, a diamond merchant, brought against the firm of Ismail A. Raheem, of Bras Basah Road, for a sum of $16,906 in respect of six promissory notes. His lordship
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  • 81 7 JUDGE'S CLEMENCY. When the Malacca insurance claim case was mentioned before Mr. Justice Stevens in the Supreme Court to-day. his lordship directed that the offending witness who was sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment for contempt of court be brought before him on Tuesday morning. The judge said
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  • 49 7 Charge Against Contractor Withdrawn. On the Deputy Public Prosecutor s instructions, the charge of negligence against ihe Chinese sub-contractor and his "kepala" in connection with the death of the Chinese woman who was buried alive in a trench at the Tanglin Barracks recently, has been withdrawn.
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  • 36 7 The Surma. The second part of 'Westward Ho," in ten reels, will be screened at the Surma Theatre from to-morrow night until Thursday next There will be matinees of European pictures to-day and to-morrow.
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  • 126 7 Ships Alongside The Wharves. Singapore. Feb. 22. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1) «hm ei Parra Basin: Katong',s p.m shifts to 16) 22; Malacca Maru 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3) Genoa Maru 18; Main 13; Cingalese' Prince 11. Kinta 9; Protesilaus- 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Malaya
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  • 338 7 Public View Latest Models. A very effective display of the latest model Cltroens attracted a large number of visitors U> the Eastern Auto Co.s garage in Orchard Road yesterday. The Citroen is already notable throughout the length and breadth of Malaya as elsewhere in the world, for its
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  • 85 7 Violent Seas Over Cruiser. British Official Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 21. a J?* Admiralty states that during the severe and sudden storm at Nassau. Bahamas, on Monday last violent seas broke over the forecastle and upper deck of the cruiser "Durban Whiteaker, a coxnrnissioned gunner, sustained
    British Official Wireless.  -  85 words
  • 108 7 the Second Magistrate (Mr Ps Williams) yesterday a Chinese named Yeo Nghee Kiow was charged with abetment of the murder of Chia lam. who died under mysterious circumstances in 1921. The accused who Z 01 a jewellery sh °p Bridge Road, was remanded on bail of
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  • 25 7 The 17th annual general meeting of the atT PI Z FUneral Aviation will be held WednP.H dCnCe f Mt Yew Bee on ssrs are to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 224 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED Per Power Station, H. M Naval Base, Seletar. three Junior Shift Engineers must possess at least 2nd. Grade Engineers l Land Certificate. Salary $200 to $250 per mcnth, plus free quarters, according to experience and qualifications. Reply with copies of testimonials to Sir John Jackson, Sel-tar Singapore.
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    • 517 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. The public are hereby notified that Connaught Drive will be closed to all traffic from Monday, February 24, for about a week, lor asphalt paving operations. C. H. GOLD lE, Acting Municipal Secretary. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Applications are invited for the appointment of a Mechanical
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 302 7 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY. FEB. 22 High Tides.—4 a.m.. 6.48 p.m Taiping Races. Third Day S.R.Y.C. Regatta. Meeting: Chinese Rubber Estate* Owners and Merchants. Chinese Chamber of Comment 2.30 p.m. Association Football: S.C.F.A. v. S.C C Jalan Besar Stadium. Golf: Sepoy Lines Mens Monthly Competition LA. Sports Meeting. 7.15 p.m.
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    • 234 7 MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY, FEB. 22. Port Swettenham Penang (Klang» 3 p.m JJ uar 'Tronoh* 3 p.m. Malacca (Larut* 3 p.m rawak (Vyner Brooke* 3pm Batu Pahat .Ban Siong Bee) 3 pm Penang, Port Said. Boston, New York. Baltimore and Philadelphia 'Birchbank* 3 p.m Java. Sumatra. SouthEast Borneo, Celebes. Moluccas and
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  • 836 8 The Dutch and British rubber producers have evolved (but not yet definitely adopted) a scheme for rescuing rubber from the doldrums. U is the beautifully simple ami, within \U limits, Inevitably effective one of ceasing production for a whole month, in May. And the suggestion is that this
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  • 349 8 Sir Evan and Lady Jones arrived by the •Rawalpindi this morning on a visit to Singapore. Captain the Hen. Dato Mohamed Salleh bin Ali, D.P.M.J., Johore Vo:unteer Forces, has be< n placed on the Reserve Service. Mr. A. F. Richards, accompanied by Mrs. Richards, will sail frcm Singapore en March
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  • 155 8 Jumped From Seventh Floor. VENGEANCE OF TUTANKHAMEN? British Official Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 21. Lord Westbui-y. who was 78 years oid, jumped from the seventh floor of a flat in London and was killed. At the inquest a verdict of suicide while of unsound mind was returned. Evidence
    British Official Wireless.  -  155 words
  • 44 8 Miss See Chye Hong. Miss See Chye Hong. L.L.8., barrister-at-law, daughter of Mr. See Txng Wah. Municipal Commissioner, and Mrs. See Tiong Wah ai rived in Singapore by the 'Rawalpindi"' to-day. Miss See is the second Malayan Chinese lady barrister.
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  • 277 8 Th'o "Moths" Ordered. in May. 1929, a largely attended meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur to inaugurate a Flying Club. At this meeting, which was ful'v reported in the 'Malay Mail" on May 11 1929 it was decided that the name of the Club should
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  • 78 8 Reuter's Service. London. Feb. 21. a T < S?S 5* at thy StoJI C^ienia London. Cheny Kearton s film. "Tembi." depicting wild l ie in the African jungle, where the Prince of les w bunting. She afterward* took tea with Sir Oswa d and Lady StoU
    Reuter's Service.  -  78 words
  • 199 8 Mr. King C. Gillette, the razor blade magnate, and Mrs. Gillette, on their world tour arrived back In Singapore on the "Prine der Nederlanden" from Batavia yesterday A commission as hon. Cadet Lieutenant In the Raflles Institution Cadet Ocrpe is mate I T J Kall: and tne resignation of hon.
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  • 239 8 LONDON THE WOR.n. SWI TCHBOARr S To Aus !ralia British Official Wireless. Reuter's Service. The -Daily Herald" i Office negotiation v,;', 8 fct culminate in v AmerKn S^J regular telepho^e^^, te s eventually hoped to India and New Zealand" t0 it The paper says that the p-k,
    British Official Wireless.; Reuter's Service.  -  239 words
  • 197 8 Latest State Of The Parties "Japanese News" Service. Reuter's Service. Tolcyo. Feb. I The results of the pott* w fc Geim Election will not be known until late en today night. It is understood that 134 results oat of J" 1 be known in Tokyo to-dty, ft returns
    "Japanese News" Service.; Reuter's Service.  -  197 words
  • 89 8 The second of the i era* Of «WahP wiacl have been planned for young paopfe J J Rev. W. E. Horley. M.8.E.. and the fJP* will be held tOHnonro* alftt at ocloc M the large hall of the V.M CA. Orch-rd Haw These meetings are
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  • 3 8 sfsa
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  • 30 8 The perfor m 1:: rearranged for Wed: k*4 i had to be can x booked seats for that event booking transfer-. 27th or 28th. wr the 1
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  • 38 8 Latest Quo'alion*- RIBBIK. Lcndtin: —8 5 I6d. New York: —16 ttR Singapore:—117-27 c T,N i-tra 2* *il Lrndrn:—Sr-'t i* 7 od '^ad» 3 months, buyn* f d0 ,-n 2* Od.). ftllers £1" "f^ r S'asapcrc:—5S9-'®-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 320 8 j ICY-HOT JUGS, j !On Icy-Hot protected neck jugs the outer 1 PINT SIZE metal case completely Price $17.50. encloses the inside glass filler; this feature, as mtt Wf 1 PINT STZE I well as the coiled spring 1 Price $19.50. and rubber cushion upon I fifl a which the
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    • 88 8 STANLEY'S World Renowned SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS PRISMATIC COMPASSES. THEODOLITES. ROAD TRACERS. LEVELS, Etc., Etc. Sole Agents: MOTION SMITH AND SON LIMITED. 15, Battery Road, Singapore. 634 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. TFNG SENG GUAN. Established 1905. Tel. No. 2415. T.K.K's TYRES. ti- Further educed from Tubes. 710 x 115 513.50 to $11.50 $2^o
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  • 4406 9 More Illegal Arrests And Sentences. GAME LAW ABSURDITIES. Magistrates Afraid T(£ Displease Higher Power NUMrtaj his recent sensational exposures of the manner in which the «umf administered in Johore, Mr. Justice McCabe Reay, this morn IBW n the Supreme Court. Johore Bahru, delivered some
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  • 463 9 EXCESSIVE DEMANDS AT NAVAL PARLEY. Britain's Good Example. British Official Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 21. Although the list of members of the New French Government, which M. Chautemps", leader of the Socialist-Radical gToup is formng, had not been completed this morning, it is understood that M. Brland, who will
    British Official Wireless.  -  463 words
  • 110 9 Governors To Attend. British Official Wireless. Rugby, Feb. 21. It is considered probable that economic, rather than political, problems will be the main concern of the Imperial Conference which will open in London on Sept. 30, and that the work of the Imperial Economic Conference, which
    British Official Wireless.  -  110 words
  • 107 9 Poisoned An Aged Rancher. Reuter's Service. Florence (Arizona >, Feb. 21. The first woman to be legally executed in the Slate o: Arson*, and the 261h to be executed In the United States since its incorporation. was hanged at sunri-e to-day. namely Mrs. Eve Dii'sn, a°ei
    Reuter's Service.  -  107 words
  • 116 9 Expbration Of New Land. Reuter's Service. Oslo, Feb. 21. Considerable areas of new land in the Antarctic have been discovered by the Norwegian explcraticn expedition under Captains ftieser Larsen and Luetzow Holm, whose ship, the "Norvegia." wirelessed on Feb. 17 that they had discovered territory, the southwest
    Reuter's Service.  -  116 words
  • 603 9 Civil Disobedience In India. MR. GANDHI LAUNCHES CAMPAIGN. Vital Pillar Of Salt. Ahmedabad, Feb. 14. The latest development in connection with the preliminary discussions for to-day s meeting of the Congress Working Committee members is that a draft resolution has been prepared by Mr. Gandhi giving himself
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  • 142 9 Briand Foreign Minister. Reuter's Service. Pari;, Feb. 20. M. Chautemps has provisionally fcrm~d a Cabinet consisting of himself as Premier and Minister of the Interior. M. Briand (Foreign Minister). M. Besnard .Minister cf War) M Sanaut .Minister for the Na\y». M. Pietri •Colonies). M. Danielou .Marine, and
    Reuter's Service.  -  142 words
  • 18 9 CHINESE TOPICS, on pa<re 2 NOTES FROM CEYLON, on pa*e 4 C ORRESPONDENCE, on pare 11
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 150 9 j Agents: GUTHHIjc; CO., LTD. S 'Incorporated in ihe Straits Settlements S -„00««- J ft F n,f Mt K.ii wir« n• I Jusf Arrived j Lawrence Wright's I I 19th. Song and Dance Album I I Containing: I I My Ideal Ninette 8 I Carolina Moon I ain't never been
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  • 162 10 Sports Pastimes. COMMERCIAL CUP. Harbour Board Defeat Sou OI, y- ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Soconv lost their chances in the InV. Commercial Cup competition defeated by the Harbour Board by 3—1 at Use Hobinson Road Stadium yesterday. The winsuperior in attack and thorough y deserved to win. Socony made the cf keeping
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  • 81 10 The following fixtures in the ria Cup competition will be played on the dates sh°vm below. All games will be played 2 the old Stadium (Teluk Ayer Reclamation) and will commence at 5 p.m. Monday, Feb. 24. j H.K. Bank v. M.P.H. Wednesday. Feb. 26. AP.C. v.
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  • 110 10 TO-DAY'S MATCH AT JALAN BESAE. There will be an interesting match at the Jalan Besar Stadium to-day when the first teams of the S.C.C. and the S.CJ.A. meet in a frendly match. There will be seating accommodation for holders of 50 and 20 cent ticketThe teams will
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  • 140 10 The following have been invited to play for* S.C.C. in matches next week: Against the R.E. on the Padang on Tuesday 12nd XI); R. Haxworth; J. Lee, M. McCaffery, Ri Craik, D. Reid. A. Wilson; 'S. A. Woosey. A) Cairns, H. E. Hall. T. C. D. Jones, A.
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  • 61 10 i The following will represent Ong Seng Kay'-; learn against Chua Boon Lay's team in the S.C.F.A. competition at the Jalan Besar Stadium to-morrow:—Tan Choo Quee; Eugene Chong. Ong Seng Kay; Teo Kirn Song, Tan Chwee Teck. Khoo Hock Kin; Chua Chian Lee, William Lim. Ong Yeng Hong,
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  • 49 10 The following will represent the H. and S. L. Union against the S.R.C. on Monday on the S.R.C. ground: E. Olivero; Teng Seng, Ramasamy; Cheng Hoe, Kemat, Kit Hoe; Y. C. Song, Dollah, Johari, Gam Hock, E. Nawawi. Reserves: Khun Onn, M. Yousoff.
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  • 42 10 A combined Press team will meet a German team at the Robinson Road Stadium to-morrow An interesting game should result, for the Germans are taking no charces and wero totn practising on the Y.MCA. ground y2So n da/
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  • 36 10 THE TURF. Reuter's Service. London Feb. 21. It •is announced that the Stock Exchange Derby sweep will be limited to £100.000 this year (in £1 tickets) compared with one million sterling in 1929
    Reuter's Service.  -  36 words
  • 45 10 TO-DAY'S SCRATCHINGS. Scratchings for to-day's Races at Taiping are as follows: Race 1. —Mutual Trust Race 2. —Puth Arl. Race 4.—Slawi, Besure, Gold Rush. Race e.-fTulkxnead, Pollykar, Battlemagne. Y r Race 8 —Lady Baton. The big sweep will be drawn on Race 6.
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  • 53 10 Owing to an error our correspondent stated l that the cup given to the Merrilads Musical j Association at their charity performance in aid of the Sayh Tien Hood Chor Temple was firesented by the Temple Committee. This is Incorrect as the cup was presented by Mr. Q Kelly,,of the
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  • 128 10 BILLIARDS. Mr. H. W. Stevenson, former billiards champion of England, will give an exhibition in thi HC.C. on Wednesday. The exhibition wih commence at 6.30 p.m. and will consist of Milliards game of one hour, one or two games eft straight snooker, a few fancy shots, and
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  • 25 10 London, Feb. 11. Following are to-day's closing scores in the billiards match at Memorial Hall:— McConachy (New Zealand) 4,042, Lindrum (Australia) 3,319.
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  • 112 10 MOTORING. British Official Wireless. Rugby. Feb. 21. Kaye Don's 4,000 h.p. car. the "Silver Bullet" to-day left the experimental shop of the Sunojam Works at Wolverhampton where it ha; b?en constructed with the greatest* secrecy. Kaye Don expresses the greatest confluence at Daytona he will beat the
    British Official Wireless.  -  112 words
  • 196 10 CHESS. The annual general meeting of the Singapore Chess Club was held at the Adelphi Hotel yesterday, when Mr. Justice F. G. Stevens was elected president. Mr. Justice McCabe Reay, retiring president, did not stand for re-election in view of his impending departure on retirement. The opportunity
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  • 449 10 Local Amateurs' Efforts. An excellent concert and variety entertainment was given at the Victoria Theatre last night in aid of the Overseas League. The aims and objects of the Overseas League are too well known to need reiteration and yesterday's performance was arranged with a view
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  • 71 10 The District Judge (Mr. C. H. G. Clarke) yesterday sentenced a Malay police constable to three months' r.i. for extorting 15 cents from a Chinese hawker in North Bridge Road. Inspector Minns was on his rounds when he came upon the P. C. with the money in his hand. When
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  • 953 10 Discussion On Cost Of Annual Dinner. YESTERDAY'S MEETING. The annual general meeting of the Society of Yorkshiremen in Malaya was held yesterday in the Europe Hotel The Hon. Mr. John Scott presided over a good attendance of mem the motion /or the adoption of the report and
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  • 89 10 Outram School Old Boys Get Together. After an enjoyable football match between two teams consisting of old boys of Outram School, a meeting was held in the school premises yesterday with Mr. Goodman Ambler in the chair, to consider the possibility of forming an Outram Old Boys' Sports
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  • 536 10 Provident Fund "AnntxerT CREDITORS TO HAVE 13 YEARS INTEREST. In the Bankruptcy Court yesteraay Mr T. R. Cocker (Assistant Official Assignee out an application before Mr. Justice Stevens» quiring Clarence Bodestyne. a eotsenuq inspector, to hand over the amount of prcdeut fund money he would receive on reapai
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  • 36 10 At a meetini deC ioMfl f held or. r Government quire the Pasir Panjan tt* 2 s*** park, as the) 0 JJ «0 Boon Haw- P- £of t* I cnt to serve th
    36 words

  • 84 11 r are invited to write to us on [Our rejL interest. It must be underabject- 6 -Malaya Tribune" does not stood nd(jrse opinions expressed by cor00*£*S utten should be os brie/ <u tvpewri tten (double spacpHlifc pr; ",.,.,> S ide of the paper only, a*'- may be used, but
    84 words
  • 398 11 I III» 1 lTo the Editor, Malaya Tribune.") vnur correspondent "Chinese" in his vour -ssue of the 12th inst. is not tter r p, rbaps he is referring to the impntioned in the local Chinese papers ,?pea ii as the "Singapore Free Press." If so, !!>ir
    398 words
  • 33 11 I -c A W. Al-Jelany replies to "Ijok M" on j tt« natter, but we cannot see that further n would benefit anyone and we must J?'.' the closure—Ed.. "M.T."
    33 words
  • 443 11 Mr. Cochrane, Dr. Winstedt Or Mr. Hemmant? Discussing candidates for the Chief Secre-J-Tship of the F.M.S in succession to Sir J*m Feel, the Times of Malaya" says that Sir William Peel's likely retirement from w service was discussed about a year ago it felt that the Hon. Mr
    443 words
  • 28 11 The rate of issue of Mone y or ders for India l 153 for $100. The k d M °ney Orders from India R r >7 for $100.
    28 words
  • 882 11 MALAYA A BRIGHT SPOT. Troubles Of The French And The Dutch. Such sedition as is to be found in Malaya a f^ tUred Unrest ."> essentially LMfft «rowth, with no re al roots in the soJ of the country, it is confined to adherents nrnn« C
    882 words
  • 182 11 He Grew Indifferent Till She Took Herself In Hand. Here's a message to every woman who feels her vitality slowly ebbing away—who is constantly tired and depressed. Get a packet of McCoy's Tablets and take them regularly. There is no finer tonic in the world. They re-vitalise
    182 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 498 11 G Follow the Crowd to jjj I THE NEW WORLD I p] where various attractions and amusements await you. bj I THE NEW WORLD CABARET 1 G Dancing and Special Vaudeville. g nj The Cabaret will be open to 2 a.m. to-night. jfl I To-morrow, Feb. 2j— CABARET— 9 p.m.
      498 words
    • 209 11 Orange and 1 I Pineapple I Smashes I I I I Have become favourite ali over I I Malaya for their goodness. I I a I I They are the true and perfect I 1 Fruit Smashes. 1 Healthful and Refreshing. I I Framroz Company, I S J HARI RAY
      209 words

  • 1119 12 MINING. ISSUED BY FRASER CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, February 22, 1930, 10 a.m. Issue Value Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang 36 6 38 j- cd 5|- Ayer Hitam Tin 1316 14|3 £1 Bangrin Tin 22|- 23|- S 1 Batang Padang 0.22 0.25 1 Batu Caves
    1,119 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 240 12 I SPECIAL OFFER 1 1 AT I I Orchard Road Depot I FOR 3 DAYS ONLY I 8 1 1 Feb. 21, 22 and 23. I i 1 I Shoulder Lamb I <Se> cts. per lb. I I Singapore Gold Storage Co., Ltd. jjj C/ncorporoted i* the Straits Settlements.) jjj
      240 words
    • 43 12 TOBRALCO is ideal fo» charm- I ing wash-frocks anJ fcr kiddie a wear. The (0 S colours are lovely and will remain so S X through wash and wear. I A TOOTAL PRODUCT. nj SOLE IMPORTERS: 0] I Wm. Jacks Co., (Malaya) Ltd.
      43 words
    • 333 12 "MADGE"! C| 59, SELEGIE ROAD, SINGAPORE. I Have just received a nice selection of I UNTRIMMED STRAWS AND LEGHORN HATS FOR im I AND MAIDS. AOIES B Also a smart lot of I READY-TO-WEAR HATS SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN Mir I AND LADIES. I 1 ASIA LIFE j J Endowment Policies
      333 words

  • 495 13 Girl Secretaries At Naval Conference. Kindness is to be found among officials as well as among policemen: otherwise, it would not be possible to explain why the twenty-four girls—or. rather, girl secretaries —who are accompanying the American Naval Delegation to London will live in an
    495 words
  • 539 13 A Land Of Opportunity. A Madras beggar who regularly journeys to Burma for the begging season writes in an exchange:— The voyage across the Bay of Bengal at this season is calm and balmy, and our party was not crowded where we sat on deck. That is
    539 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 655 13 r FAIRBANKS-MORSE g «Z" ENGINES 1 BIGGEST VALUE—DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR) 2 HP, 3H.P., 6H.P., 10H.P., and 15 H.P. 1 When to m 2 Wgg f St lUC 18 1116 one that gives you the i I Zwt 1 ble 106, gCS and COSts the least over a Period of years
      655 words
    • 357 13 DANISH PORTLAND CEMENT, f i jjp£+*—*t I 1 S [jj AGENTS: I G. H. SLOT Co., Ltd. SINGAPORE AND PENANG. Stocks carried. Large supplies can be arranged 3 for contract delivery S EDUCATIONAL. Evening Junior BookKeeping Class. FROM MARCH 3. Owing to the request of many elerss who were unable
      357 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 399 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. The Annual General Meeting of the Society will be held at Government House on Saturday March 1, 1930, at 10.30 a.m. It is hoped that a full attendance will be present. J. M. SIME, Hon. Treasurer. NOTICE. In consequence of the Application of Ordinance 150
      399 words
    • 605 14 SITUATION VACANT. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Applications are invited for six appointments of Engineering Surveyors in Grade I in the Municipal Engineer's Department. Candidates must have had at least ten years experience in surveying, levelling, plotting surveys and designing road and land drainage schemes, and other works pertaining to Municipal engineering,
      605 words
    • 557 14 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES. Penan? 85, Beach Street. Malacca 131, Jonker Street. Muar No. 1, Jalan Sayang. B tv Pcbat 109, Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Ilir. Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Central. Seremban 63, Birch Road. Batavia 47, Corner Lloyd Street. Shanghai
      557 words
    • 521 14 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December, 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,612,046 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street, London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. M.
      521 words
      506 words
    • 362 14 UNICOBNSI^ 1 M !M lil j C slot S r «Utf PENANG AND SISGAPORI THONE 6171. j SUBSCRIPTION RATEs PAYABLE IN AD?AMC£ Delivery Including IneaW at office Postage or close (Local or residence F.M.S.) Co«S Yearly $15.00 $21.00 fr» Half Yearly s $10.50 Quarterly S 3.75 J I Single Copy
      362 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 407 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. '(incorporated in England.) M4IL PASSENGER CARGO P SERVICES. AND ORIENTAL STEAM co. London and FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. Vadtr Con tract with His Majesty's Government.) OUTWAiIL) FROM LONDON, por Cmmm Japan. Dae Tonnage Singapore 1930 11,100 Mar 8 P*L 5,300 Mar 9 PJJ
      407 words
    • 581 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Deutsch IH■> fi I Australische Dampfschiffs A y 1Q99 r~ I Gesellschaft (Companies Incorporated in Germany.) OUTWARDS. HONG KONG. SHANGHAI, KOBE AND NORTH CHINA PORTS, t m.s. DUISBTJRG Fes 04 t m.S. SAUERLAND Mar g t m.s. KULMERLAND Mar 94 t S.s. SAARLAND a' a s.s.
      581 words
    • 680 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. U Hi NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON. Tonnage Destination Due Sail 1930 Kitano Maru 8,000 M'seilles, London, A'werp and R'dam Feb. 27 28 Haruna Maru 10,500 Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp Rotterdam and Hull Mar. 13 14 Kamo Maru 8,000 M'seilles. London, A'werp and R'dam Mar. 27
      680 words
    • 673 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD Incorporated in Germany/ The under noted are the Company s intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. S MAIN for Hong Kong, Shanghai, Moji, Kobe, Yokohama, Taku, Dalny and Tsingtau Feb. 22 t DESSAU for S'ghai, Moji, Kobe, Yokohama and Vladivostock Feb. 25 TRIER for Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taku,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 105 16 I I fl CRUDE OIL ENGINES. 0 E 1 I I Stationary Engines j Horizontal and Vertical j Marine Engines j 1 SOLE AGENTS: fl I N. V. Straits Java Trading Co., J fl o 1 M SINGAPORE and PENANG. M 1 PI !n 'c=ii=ii=ii=ii=Ji=ii=sJr=ii==Jr=Ji=Jfs H IS the outstanding QUALITY
      105 words
    • 175 16 fl Gbi// prevents me from participating in the joys and pleasures of sporting and travelling "That is because you wanted it like this." Do take the famous Atophan tablets manufactured Ly Schering's, Berlin, and restore your good health as. rapidly j as possible. Atophan removes any inflammatory processes and the
      175 words