Malaya Tribune, 21 February 1930

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune VoL XVII.- No. 44 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Friday. Feb. 21. 1930.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 261 1 LIPTON'S CEYLON TEA. YOl CANNOT BETTER THE BEST. o[3 c =o=o== =a o=io==io=o===,o Ca o=,o C3 o== 3a o e ===o=o= a o=o==o=o I BILLIARD TABLES. U tit im i LL SIZES rj j "he WoWds Best 7 REAOY delivery 1 By Every Test NONE BETTER wade j 9 NONE
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    • 12 1 "PLORODORWashing mm\m: Suitings /I^/ M For Tropical V" wear HIGH STREET. Singapore.
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  • 651 2 Curious Customs of Caucasian Race. There is a race living in the Caucasus mountains where women support their families by the outside activities with which men elsewhere busy themselves, while the stronger t < x contents itself with humbler hou e-hold duties. This race is known
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  • 435 2 Man And Wife Stopped At Chancel. t Holy Communion was refused to a man and his wife who attended a midnight service at St. John the Baptist Church, Holland-road. Kensington, on Christmas Eve. They had worshipped in the earlier part of the service, and when the
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  • 135 2 Amazing Letter Published. j London, Jan. 7. Beneath triple headlines, the first of which reads: "Should we sell Australia?" the "Yorkshire Observer" publishes on its leader page to-day an amazing letter ?igned "G. P. Townend. Sydney. Nov. 27. The letter begins byasserting that Australia never was. and was
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 IVP 1 yl 1m I Bi yi l 5? I Within the Reach of All CLEAR, healthy skin and soft, lustrous hair are your best assets. They are so easy to lose through neglect, yet so easy j to retain if you will only use Cuticura Preparations every day The
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    • 42 2 I /ALWAYS ORDER 1 1 "SUGARCANE" BRANDS 1 jjj OF HAMS and BACON, j J •DO YOU? 1 They are the Best. J I Truth In Advertising Always Reaches Its Objective. J REFRIGERATING Co LTD 8 Orchard Road—Selegie Road—Keppel Road—Grange Road Market.
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    • 332 2 Protection I I Security. I No RATNER fire-resisting safe has I ever had its contents destroyed by fire, j I and no RATNER thief-resisting safe j I has ever been opened by burglars. j I AGENTS: f I SIME, DARBY CO., LTD., 1 S 'Incorporated in the Straits Settlement).) I
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  • 636 3 ESSENTIAL QUALITIES FOR SUCCESS. Mr. Rockefeller's Advice. J. D. Rockefeller writes:— In the days when my father was active in affairs, the great problem with which business was grappling was how to organise on a scale commensurate with the growing demands fcr service made by the ever-increasing population.
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  • 177 3 German Reclamation Plan. While Holland is busy draining a large part of the Zuider Zee, a number of German engineers and experts are working at a grandiose plan for wresting from the waters of the North Sea no less than 115,000 square miles of land, or
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  • 191 3 News From Mr. Davidson. Mr. James W. Davidson, Hon. General Commissioner of the Rotary International, writing to the "Malacca Guardian" from Batavia on Feb. 4, says that among the passengers on board the "Franconia," which is due in Malaya early in March, are Mr. and Mrs. Guy
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  • 229 3 Three Scholarships Awarded. One of the chief objects of the India Institute of "Die Deutsche Aka demie." is to promote cultural relations and better understanding between Germany and India. The institute has now announced that three scholarships have been accrued for worthy Indian students, who are to
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  • 266 3 Gifts To Friends And Faithful Servants. Mr. T. P. O'Connor, politician, essays;, critic, film censor, and "Father" of the House of Commons, has left only £300. "T. P." came to London in 1870 with foui pounds in his pocket. He died in London in November of last
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 i 8 H I AND s ilk HAPPINESS j j gJM in Ever, Mil. j j 'Phone 3463 j For your Trial Order. f||| THE PHOENIX I lift 'SM «l Aerated Water Works I IHP SINGAPORE. ©iste j ©us I M I JRLL. j THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED. THE MOTOR
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    • 109 3 y BRINK i I ORANGE 8 I CRUSH Al I AND GUI PL YOUR I I J j FRASER NEAVE il D AERATED WATER SPECIALISTS I Prepared from Pure and Excellent Cream 1 J UNSURPASSED IN QUALITY AND RELIABILITY, g [jj Packed in 2 lb., 1 lb., 2 lbs., 4
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  • 1583 4 CASE FOR THE ASIATIC SMALLHOLDER. The Lessons Of The Past. The foLlowirm interesting article is contributed to the "Malayan Police Magazine" by a writer signing himself 'Optimist:" "111 fares the land to hastening ills a prey, where wealth accumulates and men decay. So wrote Goldsmith in "The Deserted
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 334 4 W j tLver welcome offerings at the shrine of Beauty f charm unci fragrance to mahe 321 lowliness Joubly adorable Surely even ?jl O/j/hV could not oiler treasures n I 0/1/9/7 CiQ/)//9 precious than these, more welcome than i fil mmmm //«/uii/vm ntlit Eau de Cologne and tlie unidue CSJ
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    • 31 4 I "O.**" CEMENT I CONTRACTS CAN BE ARRANGED AT SPECIAL RATES ON APPU CATW j I see importers: The East Asiatic Co., Ltd., SINGA I Cj (Incorporated in Denmark.; 1 SESES2SHSZSHSZSI»S2S2SSSHSHS2SESHSHS2SZ^
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  • 1266 5 NEW RULER OF AFGHANISTAN. French Orientalist's Views. (By Our Muslim Correspondent.) Upon his arrival in Peshawar on Jan. 28. M. Hakim, a well-known Oriental Scholar, is reported to have stated, in an interview, that he was deputed by the French Government to carry out archaeological research in Afghanistan.
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  • 439 5 Singapore. Feb. 14. MEAT. Beef, steak <round) kati 50 Beef, stew or curry kati 41 Pork, lean kati 64 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 54 Mutton Indian lb. 55 Mutton Australian lb. 55 Fowl, kati 65 Hens (Locally reared) kati 74 Ducks each 83 Pigeons, domestic
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 472 5 SYNTHETIC DIAMONDS. S :.iass real ones, especially Hardness. Have withA tes t of fire, Steel Pile and //k> Acid, and cut glass like f\r3la real Diamond* Price Rs. 10 carat. Catalogue free with n testimonials. -gjjAM GRirTB CO. (M.T.). j. r 12*. Madras. G.P.O. S, M.A.. L.T. Diamonds' to
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    • 223 5 Eucry Man Every Woman Strives For Prosperity longg for good li:ck and only frequently in vain, because their glandular apparatus does not function correctly and consequently th. ir capability for function, their vigour stunted. They can completely regain all Iheir possibilities by m ans of gland preparations: TESTOGAN wasculin.) TH
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    • 127 5 1 Just Arrived! I I SLEEPY VALLEY RECORDS. I 1 NANG HENG CO., 1 Irj 'PHONE 6958. Nos. 103 105. Selegie Road, Singapore. I HARI RAY A PUAisA. 1 j X Don t forget your cake* and Bose Syrups. jjj Specialty prepared for the season. [q I We handle only
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 128 5 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme of Drills up to and for week ending Feb. 23, 1930. TO-DAY, FEB. 21. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, "A" (M. G.) Company Instructors Course and Recruits Training. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, "E' (Chinese) Company. Officers and N.C.O.'s L. A. and Rifle Course. 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, M. O. Platoon Eurasian,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1060 6 Amusements. PAVILION THONE 6903 jjj 3 FROM WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19 TO MONDAY, FEB. 24 1 jj] AT 9.15 P.M. SHARP jjj Hi THE LATEST PATHE GAZETTE. J CHARLIE CHAPLIN 1 I "A DAY'S PLEASURE G] (RE-ISSUE) X 1 ZANE GREY'S Story of a girl vho was tamed. j I THE
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  • 277 7 Rubber Down: Tin Up. Etlin and Co. report at 11 a.m. RUBBER. o 'j lfd, down l/16d. 11« cents (G). down cent. __steady Allenbys $1.60—51.70, Ayer Sh re «5—5145 Ayer Panas $1.55—51.65, Moleks s g.„ cen ts, Brogas $1.05—51.10. B* L. CO—6s cents. Bukit Katils 75
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  • 40 7 Barlow's Report. Messrs. Barlow and Co., Singapore, in their weekly report dated Feb. 20. state: The marke: has been steady throughout the nek. Approximately 665 tons were shipped. Closing quotations are as follows: Sundried 5930. Mixed $8.85.
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  • 283 7 By courtesy of H. and S. Bank.) f SINGAPORE, FEB. 21. SELLING. London 4 months' sight 2s. S 15/16(1 London 3 months' sight 2s. 3%d. London 60 days' sight 2s. 3 13/16 d. London 30 days' sight 2s. 3 25/32 d. London demand 2s. 3%d. London T. T.
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  • 252 7 Bartow's Report. Messrs. Barlow and Co., Singapore, in their weekly report dated Feb. 20. state: The market has been quiet to dull during the past week, but after easing to 26 cents prices improved to 27 cents, in anticipation of a favourable outcome of the meeting to
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  • 262 7 Messrs. Lewis and Peat Ltd., Singapore, in their weekly report dated Feb. 21, state: The course of the market has been chiefly influenced during the past week by sentiment and rumour. It has been known that an anj nouncement was to be made and as it
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  • 162 7 SINGAPORE, FEB. 21. Rice, Siam 1 per Koyan $360 Rice, Siam 2 $330 Rice, Siam 3 $300 Rice, Siam 4 $280 Rice, Siam New 1 $284 Rice, Siam New 2 $275 Rice, Siam New 3 $264 Rice, Siam New 4 $255 Rice, Saigon A-l $255 Rice, Saigon 1 $245
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  • 69 7 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. 12 O'CLOCK NOON, FEB. 21. Buyers. Seller*. R.S.S. equal to London Standard Spot 26% 27 Standard R.S.S. on Tender March 27%. 27 April 28 28% April .'June 28% 28 July September 29% 30 Tcnr of Market:—Steady, quiet. Latent Cable:—London Spot Sheet
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  • 37 7 Insurance contracts in Japan at the end of November last amounted to Y7,272,789,487, including Y6,523,713,000 for life insurance, Y177.943,000 for pension insurance and Y561,132,000 for military conscription insurance. [The Share list will be found on page 12.]
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  • 993 7 Harbour Board's Big Scheme. Tenders are being invited, states the "Singapore Free Press," for quite one of the htgge* schemes in connection with Singapore Harbour since the building of the Empire Dock —the building of a quay along the face of the Telok Ayer Basin
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  • 97 7 The Gaiety. "The Last Frontier," a really fine Western Sim, is the main attraction at the Gaiety Cinema to-night. More than two thousand Indians, embracing twelve tribes, were employed in the dramatic scenes of this picture, as also a giant herd of 4,000 bisons. The cast includes William
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  • 50 7 According to a statement appearing in the Johore Govenunent Gazette, 148,469 pikuls, 30V4, katis of rubber were exported from Johore in January, compared with 145,584 pikuls, 28% kat is in January, 1929. During 1929, the amount exported was 1,620.867 pikuls, 59 katis compared with 1.024.884 pikuls, 63 katis In 1928.
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  • 115 7 Ships Alongside The Wharves. Singapore, Feb*. 21. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Van der Parra Eau Basin; Planeius 22: Malacca Maru 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Cmgalese Prince 11. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Katong (p.m. shift to 48) 34. Empire Dork (Entrance Gate 4). Oanfa 46;
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  • 33 7 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 153 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon i.s Rs. 157 for $100.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 316 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE —"Excelsior" Motor Cycle. Complete Electrical Lighting and tools. Excellent condition. Full tax paid. First cheque lor $75 secures. Box No. 132, c o Malaya Tribune. LOST at the New World on the night of the 20th February, 1930. a leather pocket book containing one $10 note
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    • 308 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL NOTICF, NOTICE is hereby given that tenders are now invited for the following materials or services, and that particulars of such tenders may be obtained in the Tender Room. Municipal Offices:— Tender. Date of Ctosin» Erection of a Water Department Sub-Depot at Pasir Pan jang.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 559 7 DIARY OF EVENTS. TO-DAY, FEB. 22 High Tides.— a.m.. 4.46 p.m. Opening of Polo Season. S.A.P.A. Annual Meeting, Stadium. 5 p.m. Meeting: Singapore Chess Club, Adelphi Hotel, 5 p.m. Commercial Cup Football: S.H.B. v. Socony, Stadium. 5 p.m. Annual General Meeting: Society of Yorkshiremen, Europe Hotel, 6.30 p.m. Lecture by
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    • 265 7 MALAYAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE. Daily Weather Report. Bright f RelaTemperature. Bain- Sun- tive Wind. Max. Mm. fall, shines. Humi- Dlrec- Speed, Stations. p. to». Hour. dity tion. aupJx Weather 41or Star 95 G7 nil 10 9 55 E.N.E. 2 Fine Kota Bharu 86 69 nil 10.2 85 W. 2 Cloudy K.
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  • 93 8 Births, Marriages And Deaths. REQUIEM MASS. A High Mass of Requiem fcr the icpose of the soul of the late Jovita J. rereira will be sung at the Church of St. Joseph o.i Tuesday. February 25. at 6.30 a.m. The prayers and attendance cf relatives and friends are
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  • 770 8 Great is the power of the Press, ■and mightier than that of the sword, but there is a limit. And when two titled newspaper owners, who during recent years have made themselves the jest of journalism and have lowered journalistic standards by successive "stunts" in quest of mammoth
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  • 242 8 Mr. E. A. Ross has been appointed to act tt Controller of Labour. Johore. Mr and Mrs. Lim Cheng Law. of Penang. have come on a visit to Singapore. Mr A. S. Haynes. M.C.S.. has been re-elec:ed Fresident of the Kuala Lumpur V.M.C.A. A reminder is given of the lecture
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  • 350 8 "Great 20th Century Disciple" In Singapore. Mr. C S. Chen, for the Chinese Buddhist Association, writes as follows: As there exists the International Buddhist Union in Singapore. I believe that many people in Malaya wish to know the origin of Buddhism. About 25 centuries ago, one night,
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  • 109 8 Step In Right Direction. Reuter's Service. Amsterdam. Feb. 2«. The Telegraaf points out that the decision of the rubber producers, to stop production during May, must be ratified at the general meeting of rubber growers on Mar. 5, and expresses the opinion that it is a
    Reuter's Service.  -  109 words
  • 544 8 An application was made to Mr. Justice Prichara at Ipoh on Tuesday, by Mr. K. M. OuuHMlOOimj. for an order to allow Mr. R. Rmmiai. banister-at-law. to appear in chamber* pending his admission to the F.M.S. Bar. m c apptk ation was allowed. Ii is ii juried rays the "Banakcl;
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  • 406 8 GRAVE INFORMATION FROM RUSSIA. Parliamentary Statements. Reuter's Service. ft* In the House of Oaam m Uj jounced that he would m April 14. the Bod*, tßrttbfc Ofllctal vFireieaij The Charing Cros> Bride Bill second reading in the Hous> rwsf night by 230 votes to «2 i- is
    Reuter's Service.  -  406 words
  • 247 8 "Whale island" Policy Criticised. Our editorial on -Municipal Reform" hii i-l;ci:;d from INK for whose views we *9* the utmost respect views mcrawer v.rucli art founded on far more Intimate knowledge I h. problems Involved than we can claim I pom* a letter eon I;: mine criticisms *ac
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  • 21 8 From Europe. (London 1 Jan. 30>. ex "Rawalm:.. train at 10-13 a.m I pM will be ready to bo
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  • 22 8 Everyone in the untit led all success and at 1 P'° ,e that the mayoiahy this instance bi.' responsibilities—we •nya the -Malay
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  • 31 8 Latest Quotation* WOMBS* Lcndcn:--* 3 I6d Hew Ytrk i ITkomrr- i tin- hi ml Lo«d>n:-Spet tM #d 10 3 months, buyers I Od.), sellers £1" 1 i: Saunuyccr:—
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 162 8 STYLES TO PLEASE EVERY INDIVIDUAL TASTE. GENTLEMEN'S TIES In Newest Designs and Colorings lor all Occasions foulards in New Spotted ROBINSON CO., LTD., /Incorporate* tn tne Straits Settlement*./ SINGAPORE KUALA LUMPUR. «KeSESe^S^SSSeScS^^ 1 IS YOUR LIFE USELESS f Then Consult a Specialist g jjj (Tersonally or by falMfmJfWr). g Who
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  • 535 9 Conservatives See Real Danger. DISCUSSION IN THE LOBBIES. An Impossible Ideal? Reuter's Service. Loodon, Feb. 20. yr A ting at Derby, regretted decision to launch his new was a real danger of [idatur* weakening the Confight against the common superstition. Mr. Amery, f nnerl>
    Reuter's Service.  -  535 words
  • 83 9 r*** In nited Staies. British Official Wireless. Official Wireless.) ft Rugby, Feb. 20. i I V"L Secretar y' "as ad-: PbtftZ J W feme Howard on urn fmsmm W n where ne h as been February. 1924. He leave Washington diplomatic service deep and sincere *o«
    British Official Wireless.  -  83 words
  • 26 9 Reuter's Service. h Berlin. Feb. 21 "horlsed the levy of under which the from 130 IT* a*. w» from 220 to 350 marks
    Reuter's Service.  -  26 words
  • 404 9 SEQUEL TO COUPON CONTEST. European's Office Raided. I At the instance of Mr. E. Tonetie Aqp attached to the Detertiv* p™„„t named m ml detective Branch, a European 2"S 15 a PP e ared before the Secona Magistrate (Mr. P. s. Williams) this morning the h lding of
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  • 219 9 Resuming Next Wednesday. British Official Wireless. Reuter's Service. [British Official Wireless.) Rugby, Feb. 20. The Italian delegate to the TJaval Conference. Sig. Grandi. left London for Italy this morning. He will return to London next week, before Wednesday, to which date tht Conference has been adjourned
    British Official Wireless.; Reuter's Service.  -  219 words
  • 106 9 Tardieu Will Not Be Premier. Reuter's Service. Paris, Feb. 20. J M. Chautemps, President of the Raj cal Group of the Chamber, is undertaking to form a Cabinet, which will be a "union of Republicans around a Democratic programme." He has asked M. Tardieu to join the
    Reuter's Service.  -  106 words
  • 139 9 According to a "Daily Chronicle" (London) report in mail weak, it is stated hat the number of children born cf unwe 'ded mo he:s on the Rhine line and who.<e fat le:s have bee 1 members of the occupying Allied Forces is no 'ess than 15.000. Th:'s fgu-e has b:en
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  • 25 9 MT SLIM AFFAIRS, on page 5. RADIO IN MALAYA, on page 19. CORRESPONDENCE, on pages 1;) and 11. CHINESE TOPICS, on page 13.
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  • 216 9 GOVERNOR TO LEAVE US IN JUNE? A Meeting In London. Reuter's Service. London. Feb. 20. It Is understood that the Colonial Conference, at which the Governors of the Crown Colonies are the chief delegates, will probably j be held in London in June or July. I It is
    Reuter's Service.  -  216 words
  • 191 9 Struggle For Freedom Must 'Continue. i Reuter's Service. Ahmed* bad Feb. 20 Mr. Oandha, writing in his paper, "Young Ind a," declares that the only danger regarding civil disobedience would be the outbreak of violence. -If there is violence I now know the way; not
    Reuter's Service.  -  191 words
  • 83 9 Treatment Of Rheumatism. British Official Wireless. [British Official Wireless.) Rugby, Feb. 20 UeeD pen next Tues day a special which UtLTSZ V eatment f 'heimSSaS I throuehout th I°f to be established I tftroughout the country, principally in Indus asS ta a n e cr'and
    British Official Wireless.  -  83 words
  • 63 9 Heavy Poll Expected. {"Japanese News' Service.] Tokyo. Feb. 19. -Fine weather, coupled with the effective Sr f takCn t0 PrSVent fronTTe n charge of the headquarter of the Govern ment Party in the elect on ™I Sciyuka. headquarters were to late last night. whMe at those of the
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  • 85 9 Lady's Experience In Fort Canning Rd. In the Fourth Court yesterday a Chinese wao charged with theft. It appears that Mrs p j l*2*l u WaS Walking alon For t Canning Road with her sister on Wednesday night when one of two Chinese snatched her hand-bag The bag
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  • 260 9 CANTONESE LEADERS' DECISION. Govt. Seeking Support. Ultimatum From Chiang. I"Sin Kuo Mm Press" Service.) Shanghai, Feb. 21. President Chiang Kai Shek sent an ultimatum to Marshal Yen Shi Shan yesterday demanding his resignation, the release of ?nT?I F n t YU Sian (t0 De »»t abroad, and the
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  • 260 9 Chinese Students Literary Association. The annual general meeting of the C.S.LA f will be held at the Association s premises. 37 Ann Siang Hill, to-morrow at 2 p.m Refreshments will be served. The Association was founded five years ago and duly registered on Dec. 23, 1924. At
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  • 207 9 Reuter's Service. Paris. Feb. 20. The examining magistrate found that there was no case for trial with regard to the drugs discovered in the luggage of Gulamnabi Khan. Batavia. Feb. 20. The Epidemiological Congress has decided to .nclude Bagdad and Vladivostok in the list of ports with
    Reuter's Service.  -  207 words
  • 40 9 Mr. N. S. Pathasarathi Swamt who has beer, enterlainlng crowded l:.....,. c..i.l.<.oec5. ll» the vur.ou, aHaiayar» centre» aith his hlxhlv nhghtening lyrical ,«,ur«. t»e perlormn« his la«l at lohore b>morroa >en!ng. to leaving lor atadm? bv Xlonday> Prench Xlail .Reamer
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 120 9 GILBEY'sI !L p I JLi I I j Your Natural j j SOLE AGENTS: I I I '/worporotof In strait, SrttlMwM, X I'"""" "T-imiV,, ,il Jusf Arrived Lawrence Wright's I I 19th. Song and Dance Album I I Containing: f I My Ideal Ntaelte I I Carolina Moon ain't never
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  • 40 10 Sports Pastimes. Home League Results. YESTERDAY'S GAMES. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. London, Feb. 20. League matches played to-day resulted as follows: ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIV. L Leicester 1. W»st Ham 2. «NGLISH LEAGUE —DIV. IH. (Northern.) Tranmere 5. Barrow 2. Halifax 1. Carlisle 0.
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  • 76 10 The following fixtures in the Inter-Commer-ciafcup r^S rtIST-SS (SfS Ayer Reclamation) and will commence at 5 p.m. To-day. Feb. 21. ,Sb B E SS Kassim: Chin W. Omar and H. Peng Khoen. Monday. Feb. 24. H.K. Bank v. M.P.H. Wednesday. Feb. 2«. A.P.C v O.T.F.C. Thursday. Feb. 27.
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  • 204 10 Two scratch teams of the S.C.C. met in a practice game yesterday on the Padang, and several more newcomer a appeared. The teams were: Colours: C. Kendall: C. Thornton and P. H. Steed H. E. Hall, L. V. Taylor and D. Reid, K. C. Bryant, E. A. Brodie,
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  • 65 10 The following will represent the Friendly Sporting Association aganist the Amicable Athletic Association in a friendly at tho S.C.F.A. ground on Sunday: Yeo Kheng Lee; Tan Tian Peng (Capt.), Yeoh Chiang Bock; Charlie Lim, Yeo Cheng Hoe, Lee Yang Chin; Saw Chee Liat, Yeo Tiang Chwee, Willie
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  • 44 10 The following will represent the Indian AsMiciation against the C.T.A. on the I.A. ground on Sunday at 4.45 p.m.: Paranjoth; Ramasamy, Rajaram; Rajoo, D. K. Samy, A. S. Joliari; Row, A. Malique, M. A. Johari, L. *»ereira. Reserves: Sithambaram and Ferandez
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  • 59 10 "torn the following will be selected Boon Lay*'* team against Seng Kay's team on Sunday, at the Jalan Besar Stadium:— Goh Tong Hee; Tan Yong Chuan, Low Chin Siang; Chan Wing Kan, Soh Chee Liat, Tan Miang Teng; Teo Kim Chua, S. Koey Hoe, Goh Tonp Siew, Tan
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  • 23 10 Yesterday, on the school ground, the St. Joseph's Old Boys defeated Bendemeer Athletic Club by 4 goals to 1.
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  • 80 10 THE TURF. Owing to the lack of rain, the tracks at Kuala Lumpur racecourse art* at present stiy hard. In consequence fast work is not possible. and horses were all engaged in steady or slow work yesterday morning, many of them on the sand track, says
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  • 52 10 Members of the Singapore Amateur Weight Lifters' Association are informed that the Club will be "At Home" to members and their friends on Sunday at 4 p.m. An exhibition of weight-lifting, ju-jitsu. etc. will be given by members. HE the Chinese Consul-General and Mrs. Tong Lao have kindly consented to
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  • 131 10 At the 16th. annual general meeting of the Straits Bachelors* Physical Culture Club, held at 8 Raffles Quay, on Tuesday evening, the following were elected office-bearers for 1930: president. Mr. Lim Hock Seng; Vice-Presidents, Messrs Tan Soo Liew, Chua Swa Chwee and Teo Koon Berg; hon. secretary, Mr. Teo Hoe
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  • 708 10 Countries Classified. LAWN TENNIS. Apropos of lawn tennis matters. L'Opinion." of Saigon, in its sporting columns recently, suggested a grouping of players by countries of the Far East. In its opinion the recent tournament of the Racing Club de France has disclosed several hopes" entirely
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  • 245 10 CAPTAETS TEAM v. VICE CAPTAWS TEAM. GOLF. The following are the teams and times of play for the match between the Captain's and Vice-Captain's teams at the Keppel Golf Club Dn Sunday, «Captain's side mentioned first): 8.45 R. Craik and H. Irving Jones v. J. ML A. Lowscrn
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  • 36 10 Sunday's tactical exercise, in which the Regular Troops and "D" (Eurasian) Co., and "E" (Chinese) Co., S.V.C, will take part, will take place between 7.30 am. and 2 p m and 1 not as previously notified.
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  • 671 10 LAVENDER STREET COMPLAINTS. Mr. Farrer Gives Evidence. The case in which the Chinese owner of a timber mill in Lavender Street is being prosecuted for failing to comply with an order to abate a nuisance caused by smoke from the mill chimney was continued before the District Judge
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  • 294 10 An Unsuccessful Hoax. Our readers may possibly remember that a l-.tter was received by the "Malay Mail" recently purporting to have been sent by the notorious Ng Gim It who carried out a swindle n share certificates on a large scale about two years ago. says the
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  • 45 10 Bullock Cart Driver Fined. At the instance of Chief Inspector V. L Bracken, of the P. C. A. Department, a Chinese bullock cart driver was fined $60 by the Second Magistrate (Mr. P. S. Williams) to-day for overloading and heating his bullocks.
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  • 416 10 Anniversary And Prize Distribution. The sixth anniversary of the United Chinese Amateurs was successfully celebrated on Sunday at Mr. Aw Boon Haw's bungalow, Pasir Pan jang (kindly lent for the occasion). There was a good attendance of mcmoers and amongst the many guests were representatives from various
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  • 489 10 "General Post" Imminent. Referring to Sir William Peel's promotion t,o the Governorship of Hong Kong, writing in the "Times of Malaya." says. Everyone who knows our Chief Secreta\ will wish him good luck in his new appoint ment. and be thankful that he has not sufTered Sir
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  • 648 10 IMPERIAL VALUE OF BROADCASTING. Reception Notes Of The Week. Radio dealers all over India are faced with a serious, though not unexpected, financial situation, as a result of the decision of the Indian Broadcasting Company to close down. It is estimated that there are Rs. 20 lakhs
    648 words
  • 223 10 Mr. Low Kvvay Song. .Hon. director of the Merrilads Musical Association, has been approached many times to write a new play out performances of his "Fortune Teller" are still popular. At the- Moonlight Hall. New World, last evening UtsetW was a most appreciative attdienci who considerably
    223 words
  • 110 10 The case in which Mr. C. L. untitled works. P.W.D., Muar, iz charged on three count* with using abusive language to a neighbour Mr. Jai Gopal Sin-*h. Government Veterinary Inspector, Muar. came up fcr hearing before Inche Mahmood bin Mohd. Shah. Ist. Class Magistrate, Muar. Mr. M. V. Pillay, instructed
    110 words
  • 75 10 fOur readers art i nvit tn I objects of public to 1 stood that the -Ma.av'3" J? I lecessarily endorse opiwons e «*5 I respondents. Offers J I possible, preferably tjpncrtaJr 01 L I •Of), and on one Pen-names mav be used but t! I addresses of correspondent. JJ?
    75 words
  • 585 10 (To A, imor. 0l0M Sir,—Your correspondent Mr w has by his letter of the i 4t h himself a half-heart, dness in I >V^! the Nanking Governments req n ox the abolition of the Luna?? 4 the Solar one. fe In his second paragraph, Mr ir«, "the
    585 words
  • 170 10 (To the Editor, "Malaya TribW M Sir.—When ue are sincerely real education, we should not o. mcrcia! education. Thi> Colony se ats ol commerce, and every act D 1 jm to accept the idea of P- 0 0, s «iH sound commerr al knowdgf- i known that
    170 words

  • 73 11 mvited to write to us on interest It must be under- the "Mai*?* Tribune" does not 0l opinions expressed by cor--o*o*°* letters should be as brief as jtsponc typewritten (double spacp*0 c■e■ pn side of the paper only. a nay bi used, but the names and r W-o» tnrS
    73 words
  • 354 11 ht by a school mistress In Jalan Besar intriby no means incredirikea me is that it is woman to go about as leroned, and '"bedecked" so is to invite trouble, it, a quartet notorious ;h, street by women working in league fcr them in public. IwS <>t
    354 words
  • 152 11 To t* Editor, Malaya Tribune.") S- -I am surprised to see that there is no access to North Boat Quay from North if Road. High Street and/or from the 01 ictoria Theatre. Lately 1 noticed certain part between the Government e str c t Court has been
    152 words
  • 31 11 31 W" e 0n5tant Reader" fails to enclose r'7(. :d lCidr T according to rule, but in e ihink that enough has now been hls subject -Ed.. "M.T."
    31 words
  • 1331 11 How They Can Help The Motherland. F I\ E-t OLD REFORM PROGRAMME. Last week the "Malaya Tribune" published an account of a special interview on Indian J M. Sen Gupta, Mayor of oalcutta and a pillar of the "independencemovement in India; to-day we are able to publish another
    1,331 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 349 11 j New World Cabaret I X] JALAN BESAR. D fl c rfl D S Every Night at 9 p.m. D I DANCING AND CABARET. I I 0 a] TO-NIGHT. ffi THE UNION CITY OPERA 1 Cj Present a] I AcV ALL VAUDEVILLE REVUE. 3 Cj New attractive niffllWri firnlj Combination
      349 words
    • 194 11 j v y&comfort I BY INSISTING ON WECISTHtD <l I TRADE MARK KETTLE D 5302 $14.00 TOASTER D 5604 $12.00 IRON D 5324 7.50 Write or calf for Illustrated Booklet. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LTD. 12. BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. DENTISTRY I.itext Method of rreatments Without Pain 9m *t^ rm s o&L
      194 words

  • 1113 12 MINING. ISSUED BY FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKERS. Singapore, February 21, 1930, 10 a,m. Buyers. Sellers. VaTue Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang 36,6 38|- cd 1 North Taiping 0.66 070 51- Ayer Hitam Tin 13|6 1413 6|- Pahang Consols M £1 Bangrin Tin 22|- 23|- 6|-
    1,113 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 208 12 nif 1||i;TMIIIjllllllilll II 111 1 1. J SPECIAL OFFER I AT I I Orchard Road Depot 1 I I FOR 3 DAYS ONLY i 8 I I Feb. 21, 22 and 23. 1 I I i i Shoulder Lamb 1 i I 4515 cts. per lb. j I Singapore Gold
      208 words
    • 153 12 APEX Electrophonic Records Made in Canada. 91.20 each. 441 Paddy's Reel (Piccolo Solo) ***** Largo (Handel) (Pipe Organ Solo Sailor's Hornpipe (Piccolo Solo) Elegie (Massenet) (Pipe Organ Nolo j $97 Plantation Melodies (Banjo and Piano) ***** United Musicians* March College Days (Banjo and Piano) (Accordion Solo 569 Medley of Irish
      153 words
      319 words

  • 971 13 EVILS OF RACIAL SNOBBERY. Emperor Chien's Arrogant Mandate To George 111. (By a Special Correspondent, j The racial arrogance which prompted the Manchu Emperor Chien Lung to send a special mandate to King George 111 of England about 140 years ago, to be "tremblingly obeyed," Is still manifest
    971 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 600 13 /r RUNWELL I SEMI-ROTARY WING PUMP, c The BEST and CHEAPEST lift and force C Pump on the market. C Some Characteristics of this I ALL BRITISH PUMP p ACCESSIBILITY, I DOUBLE ACTING, X FEW WORKING PARTS, RELIABILITY. j x ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF j P The Borneo Co., Ltd. j
      600 words
    • 76 13 SELLING IS DIFFICULT—BUYING IS COMPARATIVELY EASY. Have YOUR CAR overhauled, repainted and repaired, etc. BEFORE DISPOSAL, and therefore at better values. Favourable prices are always given for the PURCHASE or TRADEIN against NEW CAR or 2nd-hand one of any make. We have lst-class Motor Repairer to do this for you.
      76 words
    • 346 13 FEAR! Little children are easily scared. The dread of nasty medicine so terrifies many children that they fear to tell when they feel out-of-sorts, or ill. Most of us can remember /*™^vs\\ even to this day the PMm horrors of castor oil. l^* s senna tea. and the \^st^%smf nauseous
      346 words
    • 146 13 EDUCATIONAL. Bethel Girls School. Bethel Boys School. Both the schools are under European management and supervision. Pupils are admitted from Primary to Cambridge Senior. Apply to Principal, Bethel English School, Katong, Singapore. < SELF EXPRESSION. In the commercial or social sphere a sound knowledge of the principles of self expression
      146 words
    • 183 13 I EDUCATIONAL. Evening Junior BookKeeping Class. FROM MARCH 3. Owing to the request of many clerks who were unable to join the usual class, we have decided to form a special one. Apply to the Principal, G.M.K. Rajah, A.I.S.A (Lond). Incorporated Secretary or to the Assistant Mr. T. L Cherriyan,
      183 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 790 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. j Mr. Soh Eng Chiang is no longer in our employment and is not authorized to trans- I act, as from this date, insurance or any other business on our behalf. BOUSTEAD CO- LTD. February 15, 1930. NOTICE. As my wife. Yeo Liew Eng. alias Baby daughter
      790 words
    • 557 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. In consequence of the Application of Ordinance 150 (Mid-wives) to Rural Board Areas in Singapore as from January 1, 1930, all persons desirous of practising as mid-wives in the above areas are recommended to communicate or to attend at the Government Health Office, Fullerton Building, between 3
      557 words
    • 557 14 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES. Penang 85, Beach Street. Malacca 131, Jonker Street. Muar No. 1, Jalan Sayang. B tv Pc'.iat 109, Jalan Rah a mat. Palembang 16, Ilir. Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Central. Seremban 63, Birch Road. Batavia 47, Corner Lloyd
      557 words
    • 520 14 BANKS. TOE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December, 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,612,046 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street, London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. M.
      520 words
      509 words
    • 401 14 M HASSAN ELECTRICAL AND Z CONTRACTOR Bras Basah SINGAPORE. I* you are in need fans, moS° > water service, 5 < the above 3411. S 0r MANIKINS. Atlas of Anatcrr.v and p FEMALE Human Body BaTS ix 86 illustrations. 684 parts ml 9• *a Atla, MALE. Bj W s Atlas
      401 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 379 15 Steamer saws. \y. o. BRITISH INDIA an 6 ffCAR LINES. in England.) ULPASSENGER* CARGO SERVICES. ORIENTAL STEAM !ON DON AND AD SERVICE. inder mU !ln His Majesty's t,, wrnment.) OL -r\v.\ 111 LONDON. for (nina X Japan. Due 1 ounage Singapore 1930 Mipsc: -600 22 1100 Mar 8 5 300
      379 words
    • 566 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIeT nTt,,, jNpA yy"» |Q rj Gesellschaft 'Companies Incorporated in Germany.) OUTWARDS. HONG KONG, SHANGHAI, KOBE A\D NORTH CHINA PORTS. t m.s. DUISBURG Peb 24 t m.s. SAUERLAND Mar t m.s. KULMERLAND Mar 2 4 t s.s. SAARLAND Anr S.s. AMMON A t s.s. OLDENBURG HOMEWARDS. HOLLAND,
      566 words
    • 692 15 STEAMER SAILINGS. NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA TO MARSEILLES AND LONDON. Tonnagĕ Destination d ue S a ,j 1930 Kitano Maru tt.OOO M'seilles, London, A'werp and R'dam Feb. 27 28 Haruna Maru 10,500 Naples, Marseilles, London, Antwerp Rotterdam and Hull Mar. 13 14 Kamo Maru 8,000 M'seilles. London, A'werp anc' R'dam Mar.
      692 words
    • 802 15 I* Apollo Hair-Cream I flxesthe hair in any desired' way-maintaining its soft ness and glossy Commands your onruFh^ Indisputably the best. Sold every* hto or from the agents:— VAINA MOHAMED SONS, SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. Get Your "RECORDS" at Our Store, We h\\ e Stocked, malay records. Odeon Gold Label,
      802 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 393 16 14 iBl I ELECTRIC Jj RECORDS. fl To make your repertoire even more attractive, choose the q following. jj LIGHT CLASSICAL MUSIC. VIOLIN SOLO. 5 812 011 ANDREA CHENIER (Giordano). AA FANTASY in 2 parts. 212.032 LIEBESFREUD (Kreisler). Dajos Bela Symphony Orchestra A A MEBESLEID (Kreisler). O. Andreas Weissgerber 212.014
      393 words
    • 242 16 |tl| 2nd. HAND GARS "11 ,a We beg to announce re-organization of our 2nd. hand 3 car department, and therefore better values. I ijj Every car receives proper overhaul and reconditioning I before disposal. I Favourable prices are always allowed for the Trade-in against new Fiats of the small European
      242 words