Malaya Tribune, 7 September 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune VoL XVI.- No. 211 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1929 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Saturday, Sept. 7, 1929
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 309 1 UPTON'S CEYLON TEA. YOU CANNOT BETTER j THE BEST. asaasasasasasasasasasasasmrarogo NOTICE. I I Notice is hereby given that the manufac- J turers of "0.X." Cement are not selling their I I product in British Malaya under any other I I label, but the 44 0.X." label, and proceedings j I
      309 words
    • 232 1 •I LORODOE" Mashing Jy suiting* /Y w HIGH STREET jy Singapore. mm I II nnnc3og oc.c.g^'asa^7 II 0 1 CHCfCJ the most delicious of all jjn 1 I BAKED BEANS j iflU' fl R| mm Ii 1" appetising Tomato Sauce. 4 S ci B C ooked to perfection and ready
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  • 1486 2 Free Defence for Motorists. (From Exchanges. > For some time past, week alter week, the mail from Ceylon has brought stories of murder, ruffianism and cruelty. The worst of these in mail week comes from Lunugala. A villager left his
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  • 272 2 "Many Distressing Habits." j Cyclists in Malaya, says a writer in the "Malay Mail," have many distressing habits. They jump off their machines in front of motor-»ehkles in a most disconcerting way, and half drag half carry their machines out o; th.- way of anything powvr-drive 1 which
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  • 260 2 Problem to be Faced. carious point has arisen in connection with the arms of the diocese, says the Bishop or Singapore in the -Singapore Diocesan Magazine.- The eagle eye of a correspondent detected that m ail official put Ileations the shield represented St. Patrick's Cross, and not St.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 220 2 Thousand j y Good best is: "Take V Gavel s ASPIRIN". \tl In addition, rub 1 SPIROSAL Solution into the I NEW COLUMBIA I AND I I H M. V. Records. 1 i I NANG HENG Co. 3 'Phone 6958. 105, Selegie Road, Singapore. p 1 Cool, comfortable shaves THERE'S
      220 words
    • 270 2 j from headaches! ■P^^j^ fi Most headaches can he traced to WW^^Gr^r inner sluggishness. Correct this con- {np^^gmWy^ dition and the headache goes. And I the way to correct rlvs condition is B^l^X^ I not through drugs but by adopting j//^ I the regular morning glass ot Eno's I tv
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  • 1590 3 DEVELOPMENT OF DUTCH EAST INDIES. Govt.'s Role in Industry. Writing in "Inter-Ocean," Dr. W. M. F: Mansfelt, of the Department of PublicWorship and Education in Netherlands India, states: The period from 1,600 to about 1870 can be regarded as being that during which the Netherlands Indian Colonies
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 526 3 Foods Made from the purest milk of cows pastured in the home counties, the 'Allenburys Foods are as easily digested as mother s milk. They are germ free and are simply and quickly made by the addition of boiling water only. Fresh supplies, specially packed for the tropics, are received
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    • 145 3 "Appelisers." When one feels more or less jaded and out-of-sorts, there is a tendency to stimulate the enfeebled appetite by means of cock-tails, 'aperitives' and unaccustomed foods. The result is that the judicious use of a laxative at intervals is more essential than ever, so that the digestive tract may
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    • 372 3 I 1 I BR.AND w\/ of HAMS **J BACON j I stands pre-eminent in the country where lots of Pi^s 1 vIM are c an J 1 I fflthfc S0 IT »OES HERE! ft/ I PFRESH FOML 1 I PXEFFLIOEPLKTinG G> LTD Sljß Branches:- Orchard Road, Selegie Road, Keppel Koad,
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  • 1573 4 OVERSEAS CHINESE PROBLEM. Encouraging Vegetable Growing. (By Our Chinese Correspondent.) Duty, if nothing else, compels me to reply to the correspondent who signed himself as Spirit of a Celestial in Exile" and who has taken me to task for urging the leaders of our community to establish more
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 174 4 SIMPLE BACKACHE IS OFTEN DANGEROUS Short, sharp stabbing pains in th bark when you rise from bed, mil t<»r?« to straighten tbe body after sio ping, '.hems are sure siims ol dangerous kidney trouble. The quickest means of banishing chronic Backache, Lumbago, Sciatica or Rheumatic Pains, is a short course
      174 words
    • 227 4 1 j j piCCADiI j j »^pjpj^j -^jT j v I COOL* j «ccl I I ***** 11 1 y SMOKING, I FLAVOUR, /^L rr J M J:« DELIGHTFUL acao* (3 p^|rffljgjFßAGßANCE, leal is used tor "PICCADILLY" j fmf cigarettes. They are made V; lllif by Carreras in London, who
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  • 166 5 Banks Ease the Situation by Giving Loans. Rangoon, Aug. 23. The "Rangoon Times" says that the position among the Chettyar Bankers in Mogul Street has been considerably eased following the financial assistance rendered them by banks. It is stated that following the crash of two Chtttyar firms, and
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  • 176 5 Mussolini's Gift. Signor Mussolini is sponsoring the foundation of a challenge cup to be presented to the commune recording the largest number of births during the year In the districts of Abruzzo and Molise. He has also marked his approval of this local effort by
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  • 311 5 When I muse on electoral gambles I g.leve In my inmost soul To think of the national interests that turn en the chance of the poll And chief of those national interests <or so it appears to me) Is JowHt—Sir William Jowitt—Sir William Jowitt. K.C. Suppose
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 303 5 If you want a better Job Let us know in what you are interested; what subject you want to learn Tell us this and we can help you. Write for FREE, illustrated book Accountancy AjeMtoctOW Commercial Training Clerk of Works writing Draftsmanship LA.A. and C.R-A. Engineering:-Civtl Good English Sectoral Correspondence
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    • 612 5 Church Services. FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. St. Andrew's Cathedral September 8, 1929. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7 45 a.m. (Choral) Holy Communion and Sermon. 9:15 a.m. Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. Children's Service. 5:30 p.m. (Choral) Evensong and Sermon. Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a.m. Tuesday,
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    • 66 5 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, Ophir Road. 8 a.m. Mass and Sermon. 5 p.m. Prayers and Benediction. CHURCH OF ST. JOSEPH. <Portuguese Mission.) 5:30 a.m. Low Mass. 6:30 a.m. Low Mass. 8 a.m. Solemn High Mass and Sermon. 5 p.m. Vespers and Benediction. CHURCH OF SACRED HEART OF JESUS,
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    • 237 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WANTED —An Indian Ledger Clerk with previous office experience of not less than five years. Salary $50. Apply to Box 915, c/o Malaya Tribune. WANTED —A Malay clerk with good knowledge of English and Malay and having previous clerical experience. State qualifications aid apply to Box No. 914,
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    • 87 5 Cuts, Abrasions and scratches are immediately soothed and rapidly healed by PUROL Tins 30 and 55 cts. Tubes 75 cts. Obtainable everywhere ~t^. n,' Importtrs: Borneo Sumatra OUR SHOP," FLORISTS. Removed to No. 55, Stamford Road. Phone 7403. PRECAUTION! Waste not time and mammon both, nor rely any more on
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    • 238 5 DENTISTRY. Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth replaced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES. 0. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentist 75, HILL STREET, SINGAPORE. Ist Floor of SL Mary's Dispensary. THONE 4057. FOR ALL DEFECTS OF VISION CONSULT: M. EZEKIEL A SONS Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians. 4, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Optometrists: A.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 225 5 FREE LIFE READINGS TO READERS OF THIS PAPER. a ell-known Astrologer Prof. Roxroy has more decided to favour the people of itintry with Free Test Readings of their f. Roxroy's fame is so well-known in this that he hardly needs an introduction s His power to read the lives of
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    • 74 5 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme of Drills up to and week-ending Sent. 8: TO-DAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 2 p.m.—Bukit Timah Range, "A" (M. G.) Coy.. 2 p.m.—Fancy Range (Seletar) S. R A. iv). Clas^inoation TO-MORROW. SEPTZMBER 8. 7.30 a m.—Bukit Timah Range, "A" M. G.) Company. Classification. 7.30 a.m.—Farrer Range (Seletar), S. R.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 330 6 Amusements. ?J25Z5E*****E5H5a*****25H***************25^ PAVILION g THONE 6903 g 1 FBOM MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 TO SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. I AT 9.1S P.H. SHARP. I The Latest PATHE GAZETTE. g S MALAY INTER-CLUB SPORTS. S l"Phyllis of the Follies"! [jj STABBING j£ jj ALICE DAY and MATT MOORE. J "HONEYMOON FLATS" 0 STABBING
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    • 319 6 lalhambra! jj 'PHONE 6909 I (TAN CHENG KEE Co., Ltd., Proprietors.) I ih s j I PROGRAMME j I I FOR SEASON jjj I I Commencing Thursday, September 5. 1 i ci X Q IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 P.M. qJ I THE LATEST EMPIRES-NEWS. I I "4 DEVILS."
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    • 535 6 SURLNA THEATRE North Bridge Road. Phone No FROM WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 TO TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 10 SECOND SHOW AT 9 P.M Paramount's Sensational SonnJ p *t Ure "WINGS" War from the air tbe like of which has never been seen before. STABBING CLARA BOW. CBARLES ROGERS and RICHARD ARLEN ".IN 112
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  • 295 7 The Commodities Decline. Messrs. Etlin and Co. report at 11 ajn 'o-day: RUBBER. London 10d.. down s d. New York 20 cents (G), up cent. Shares:—Quiet. Allenbys $2.30—$2.40, Ayer Uoleks $1.65—$1.70. Ayer Panas $1.85—$1.95, Biissetts 95 cents—sl, Balgownies $3.05—$3.15, jrogas $1.30—$1.35. Bukit Jelotongs 72—77 nts, Bukit
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  • 162 7 Guthrie's Report. Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., Singapore, in their weekly report dated Sept. 0, state: The local market has been devoid of nterest and closes with Spot unchanged at •4 cents—sellers not being willing to meet buyers' ideas. The large shipment figure for August nf 50.441
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  • 262 7 August Returns. The following further rubber crops returns for the month of August are reported to us: Alor Gajah. 26.530 lb. Australasia, 19.300 lb. Ayer Kuning (F.M.S.) Ltd., 90,000 lb. Aver Panas, 76,500 lb. Badek Ltd., (Staffield Estate), 30,900 lb. Balgownie, 38,950 lb. Banteng (Selangor) Ltd, 183,<«6 lb.
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  • 137 7 Takyo Chamber's Inquiry. ["Japanese News" Service.] Osaka, Sept C. How to check the increasing trend of imports into Japan? How to encourage the oil industry as well as the manufacture of automobiles and their accessories? How to promote the artificial and chemical fertiliser industry at home?
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  • 113 7 British Official Wireless. [British Official Wireless.} Rugby, Sept. 6. The Colonial Secretary has now completed the appointment of the Commission to investigate and report upon the state of the sugar industry in the West Indies and British Guiana. The Commissioners are Lord Olivier, whose acceptance of the position
    British Official Wireless.  -  113 words
  • 148 7 British Official Wireless. [British Official Wireless.] London. Sept. 6. Paris 123.875 New York 4.81 i Brussels 34.89 uereva 25.16 Amsterdam 12.09% Milan 92.695 Berlin 2U J ,*>y Stockholm 18.10 Copenhagen 18.215 Oslo 18.205 Vienna 3 4 44 Prague 163.75 FelMngfors 192 ft Madrid 32.905 Lisbon 108.20 Athens 375 Bucharest
    British Official Wireless.  -  148 words
  • 144 7 Singapore, Sept. Rice, Siam 1 per Koyan $375 Rice, Siam 2 5360 Rice. Siam 3 $347 Rice. Siam 4 $338 Rice. Saigon A-l $330 Rice. Saigon 1 310 Rice, Saigon 2 $298 Rice, Saigon 3 $277 Rice, Rangoon 1 $265 Rice. Rangoon 2 $261 Rice, Par Boiled No.. 1
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  • 92 7 SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSOCIATION. 12 o'clock noon, Sept. 7. Bayers Sellers -l s.S. equal to Standard •Q.C.F. Spot 33 ?4 standard R.S.S. on Tender September 34 34 October 34 35> 4 November 35 :t i 36 October/December 3594 36V* January/March 37 37 M: Tone of
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  • 1310 7 REPORT OF THE ROYAL COMMISSION. Recognition of Facts. The following: comment by the "Spectator" on the report of the Traffic Commission at Home may be of some help in cortsidering the special traffic problems in Malaya: The first Report of the Royal Commission on the control of
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  • 617 7 K. L. Sanitary Board and its Chairmen. Mr. G. VV. Bryant, the Chairman, at the meeting of the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board on Wednesday, announced that he had received a communication from the Under-Secretary to the effect that in succession to Mr. A. J. Sturrack the Secretary of
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  • 81 7 A suggestion has emanated from a responsible source that a Central Report centre should be established in Penang for the receipt of applications for police assistance, and that an English-speaking officer should be on duty there day and night. Should the proposal be adopted. it is further suggested that the
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  • 86 7 London, Sept. 6. Manchester Market. 8% lb. Shirtings, fair (new basis) 12s 6d 40's Grey yarns, single twist 17% C lb. T. Cloth, fair—24 yards 7s 10% d Liverpool Market. Cotton— Fully Middling American 10.46 Egyptian Cotton 17.50 Metals. Tin Standard 3 months £209.5.0 Produce. Copra, fair merchantable
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  • 112 7 Ships Alongside the Wharves. Singapore. Sept. 7. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Fusijama 22. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Cepolis 18; Perak 14: Gemma 11; Calchas 8. Kopah 6. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Nratal 30: Ajax 32. Katong 33; City of Hereford 35. Benavon 37. Empire Dork
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  • 207 7 To Relieve Hungry Islanders. The island of Ithayat, Batanes, whose inhabitants were hardest-hit by the hunger which prevailed due to the town's dangerou.geographical location, was reached with rice and other supplies enly at the price of a swim in a shark-infested and furious sea by Governor Bernardo
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 386 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS TO LET —Compound house No. 18. Telo Kurau Road. Apply A. P. N. Abdul Jab'oav anct Bros.. 179, Arab Street. SHIRTS—Ready-made or made to oru;-r Prices low. Expert tailors. Kerala Trading Co., 130. Serangoon Road. *****K Wanted by an English lady, private pu.)tl.. Hours 9 to 12. For
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 511 7 Daily Weather Report. METEOROIX)GICAL BRANCH. SURVEY DEPARTMENT MALAYA. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. AT 9 A.M. Temperature Rainfall Bright Mean Wind. Sunshine Force Stations. yesterday Yesterday. Humidity. Direc- Weather. Max. Mm. No, of M.H P. p p j Ins. hours tion. j Kuala Lumpur 89 72 oi i 41 77 N.W. 2
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  • 763 8 It vas on July 20. a day or two after the opening ceremony, that the Opening of the Clifford Fund for Raffles College was announced. The response has been very disappointing. In over six weeks only about $10,000 has been subscribed. Yet with whai great expectations the
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  • 276 8 A Commission as Second Lieut, in the Chinese Company, S.S.V.F.. has been granted to Mr. Tan Chong Kew. Mr. A. B. Cobden Ramsay and Mr. N. Ward, having passed the prescribed law and language examinations, become passed Cadets. At the usual weekly literary meeting of the Malayalee Association, at 13,
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  • 478 8 Philharmonic Society Revived. A phase of social life that has been missing in Singapore for some years, and tor which at one period the city was famous, is to be revived. With the restoration of the large and beautiful concert hall—the Memorial Mall earlier in the year
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  • 107 8 Pinei'j Stands the Test of Time. The Forbes-Russell Comedy Co.'s season at the Victoria Theatre ends to-nighi with a performance of "Good Morning, Bill." the rollicking farce by P. G. Wodehouse. Last night an appreciative audience attended the presentation of Pinero's famous comedy, "The Second Mrs. Tanqueray."
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  • 79 8 Recital To-morrow Evening. After Evensong at St. Andrew's Cat;: dial to-morrow an Organ Recital will be played on the new organ bv Mr. S. J. Watkins. of London and Medan. The programme will bo as follows Toccata and Fugue in D. Minor, J S. Bach. Suite Gothique,
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  • 20 8 From China by •Suisang." due Singapore daylight to-morrow From China and Japan by "Celebes Maru." due Singapore to-morrow.
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  • 266 8 Mr. Kogyo Yonegaki has been recognised as Japanese Vice-Consul at Singapore. Lieut.-Col. A. T Shakespear. D 5.0., M.C., C.R.E.. Changi. his been appointed O. C. Troops, Changi. Dr. Hu Tsai Kuen takes the place of Dr. J. B. van Cuylenbcrg on the Social Hygiene Advisory Board. The Standing Advisory Committee
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  • 1121 8 (By Plebiuh. I Gambling at the races (which begfett i to-day as merrily as ev;r> and the oi moneylender have been subjects much L cussed within the last few days, both matt having been mentioned in the speeches on th adjournment at the Legislative Council t
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  • 44 8 Latest Quotations. RUBBER London:—10 l/16d. New York:—20 1 s cents (Gi Singapore:—33%-34»4 cents TIN. London:—Spot £205 0s. 0d. «down 35s. 0C 3 months, buyers £209 23. 6d. (down 3 6d.>, sellers £209 5s <M. »*0*™ -?ss. Od Singapore$106.25. <175 tons sold.)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 246 8 E S fife c*-cJZSZSZS?S2SZ£RS&S2SttSSS2S2SZPJ2 %»*M*i«' i r> *£^2<45?&&b298 I ROBINSON'S SALE, j 2j 00.N f MISS THIS OPPORHJMrY to secure b GfciMJINE BtRtiAINS IN G&llV HoSItHV I Knicker Hose and Half-Hose l UOOTIIAK MARK pl lennis Socks I |k W mm y. No. S. O. 2». Plain Crewn with Fine
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    • 135 8 STANLEY'S World Renowned SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS PRISMATIC COMPASSES, THEODOLITES, ROAD TRACERS. LEVELS. Etc., Etc. Sole Agents: MOTION SMITH AND SON LIMITED 15, Battery Road, Singapore. 634 T.K.K s TENNIS SHOES Gents, Siz-s 3 and 4 wiih Ordinary Sole $>.oo per pair. Ladies Sizes 3 and 4 with Ordinary Sole $I.c 5
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  • 374 9 labour Governments Initiative lX E KELLOGG PACT. British Official Wireless. British Official Wireless.} Rugby, Sept. 6. j League of Nations Assembly thai i sumed the general discussion or. *7 r of the League for the past year r>on, the British Foreign Secretary, *h M
    British Official Wireless.  -  374 words
  • 187 9 CONFERENCE ON FRENCH PROPOSAL. Reuter's Service. Geneva. S>;pt. 6. M briand. in the course of his speech yesterday, vaguely referred to his famous p:ojec. lor an economic Federation of Europe. He i;rged on delegates that there should be some !mk betv.'een various States enabling them ».o
    Reuter's Service.  -  187 words
  • 53 9 Reuter's Service. [Renter's Service.] Geneva. Sept. 6. Mr Henderson expressed pleasure at the 'recent .speech of the Chinese delegate. The B-t. delega lon wc-'.comed what he said and lookf d forward with encouragement and he p t> t' collaboration of the great Chinese people i active operations
    Reuter's Service.  -  53 words
  • 86 9 STRESEMANN'S APPEAL TO BRITAIN. 1 Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.] Berlin, Sept. 6. I press welcomes with satisfaction the f n Minister. Herr Stresemann's protest, at the i lgue of Nations' Council, against the for the amalgamation of Tanganyika. .i and Kenya as inconsistent both with ie ague Pact
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  • 94 9 Police Severely Criticised. [Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.] Berlin, Sept. 6. T public are aghast at the latest bom'j 'jutr at Lueneburg, where the seat for the Com. Council and the neighbouring Munirt Pa- Hall were demolished by bombs of lc^r .1 construction with those employed .n r
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  • 237 9 DEFECT IN BRITISH PLANE. Mechanics Work All Night. Reuter's Service. London, Sept. 6. In the glare of electric lights half-naked men were seen toiling in almost tropical heat all night at Calshot air station. They were, the engineers and mechanics feverishly preparing the British and Italian Schneider
    Reuter's Service.  -  237 words
  • 151 9 British Official Wireless. Rugby, Sept. 6. Six British and Italian seaplanes, which will compete for the Schneider trophy to-morrow, successfully passed the preliminary tests to-day. The British planes went through the trials without incident but there were thrills when it was seen that the second Italian machine,
    British Official Wireless.  -  151 words
  • 395 9 British Explanation to the League. British Official Wireless. Reuter's Service. [British Official Wireless.] Rugby, Sept. 6. Th- Colonial Office states that the situation in Palestine Ls reported quiet in all districts. B:itish forces are actively employed in searching lor hidden aims and apprehending suspected persons. In the Safed
    British Official Wireless.; Reuter's Service.  -  395 words
  • 37 9 ["Japanese News" Service.] Tokyo. Sept. 5. Mr. Tsutsumi the "Fisheries King" of Japan, was detained this evening at the Ichigaya Gaol in Tokyo in connection with the trouble concerning the fisheries in Russian waters.
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  • 117 9 FURTHER NOTES ON "EXTRALITY." No Agreement with Soviet. Reuter's Service. Nanking, Sept. 6. The, Foreign Minister. Mr. Wang, informed pressmen that he was sending by mail fresh "extrality" notes to the United States to-day, to Great Britain and France to-morrow and the Netherlands and Norway next week, through
    Reuter's Service.  -  117 words
  • 187 9 SINO-SOVIET CONVERSATIONS. ("Sin Kuo Mm Press" Service.] Shanghai, Sept. 7. The Foreign Minister, Dr. Wane! Ching Ting, arrived at Shanghai to-night and stated that China and the Soviet were issuing a joint declaration if possible but some points were nor agreed upon. The conversations show no development. CIVILIANS
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  • 70 9 Bill to Try Them in Their Absence. Reuter's Service. Simla. Sept. 0. Following i renewal of tl.e nun- r strike b> cwo accused in the Lahore conspiracy cfcCtf, tl-e Gcvernment have decided on Sept. 9 to introduce a Bill making special provision for the holding of
    Reuter's Service.  -  70 words
  • 69 9 Ccnferences with Employers to Continue. Reuter's Service. London. Sept. 6. The Trade Union Congress over*heimingi\ rejected a motion to terminate the industrial peace conferences with the Melchett group of employers. It passed a resolution demanding that Government should appoint a Roya! CommLssioon to enquire into the relationship
    Reuter's Service.  -  69 words
  • 22 9 [Havas Agency.] Paris. Sept. 0. If. Clemenceau's condrtion is now quite satisfactory and he has resumed his normal occupations.
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  • 132 9 ["Sin Kuo Mm Press" Service.] Shanghai. Sept. 7. Mr. Kao Ying has arrived at Shanghai end was sent to Nanking to-day. Madame Kao stated that the opium smuggling was her doing and her husband was not connected with it. She was ready to answer all the consequences.
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  • 21 9 CEYLON NEWS AND NOTES, on page 2. ►CHINESE TOPICS, on page 4. NOTES OF THE WEEK, on page 8.
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  • 171 9 Results of Recent Talks. BRITISH CONCESSIONS. Reuter's Service. London, Sept. 7. The "Times" Washington correspondent summarises the results of the Anglo-American naval negotiations. Firstly, Britain definitely acknowledges the right of the United States to have a superiority of ten thousand tons in cruisers. Secondly, the United States recognises
    Reuter's Service.  -  171 words
  • 52 9 V. S. NOTE TO BRITAIN. Reuter's Service. f Reuters Service.] New York, Sept. 6. The "Evening Post" says that America has addressed a new Note on the cruiser question to Britain. I Reuters Service. J Washington. Sept. 6. Sir C. Vansittart. the British Premier's Chief Secretary, has seen
    Reuter's Service.  -  52 words
  • 115 9 Lindbergh's Rush to Rescue. Reuter's Service. New York. Sept. 7. Reports that the passengers on the "City Of San Francisco" may be *:ti:l alive havt eaueod excitement all over the country and have resuscitated extensive searches in which Lindbergh and his wife have joined. This couple, with
    Reuter's Service.  -  115 words
  • 52 9 Ind an Floods Disappearing. Reuter's Service. Hyderabad. Sept. 7. Following the rapid fall of the river at Mithankot the authorities are of the opinion t'->at the danger of further extcnr.ivc Hoods is disappearing, though report, oi devastation, through earlier breaches of the river banks, are still
    Reuter's Service.  -  52 words
  • 179 9 Wife Kept in a Cage for Over Two Years. A rich landlord of Sanakhana. in Bhavnagar. ha< been sentenced by the jcint Sessions Jud<>e of Bhavnagar, to three years' rigorous impr'ssnment and a fine of Rs. 750 for confining hi. wire in a narrow cagv for more than
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  • 201 9 The Septembr number of the Journal of the Singapore Society of Architects, Incorporated, has been issued. Leading contents include: The Making and Unmaking Of Slums; Singapore Town Planning, being the first of a series of tliree articles by Mr. W. H. Collyer. of the Singapore Improvement Trust; A'rial
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 198 9 I GILBEYS TONICONA WINE. 1 Tonicona Wine is not a new Luxury, it is a necessity, lt I has as a Tonic, all those valua- I bleingred ents, that are essential I to preserving and maintaining I your health. A> a Wine it has a all those qualitiesthat a elcokei
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  • 162 10 Sports Pastimes: Big Fields in To-Day's Races. Latest Scratchings, and Our Selections. To-Day's Races. SINGAPORE AUTUMN MEETING. Our Selections. THE TURF. The following are our selections for to-day's races: Race No. I—'. QUEEN ANNE. 2. SARASWATI. 3. EDMOROONGA. Race No. 2—l POPPYKAR. 2. TANDUBAS. 3. AWARD. Race No. 3—l SOME
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  • 157 10 ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. The S.R.C. fielded a weakened team when they engaged an eleven from the Singapore Amateur Weight-lifters' Association on the Padang yesterday. With such players as Mat Noor, Wan Futeh. Jargasi and Omar on the visitors' side, the Club were outplayed, leaving the
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  • 48 10 The following will represent the S.A.W.L.A. against the Ho Hong Sports Club on Wednesday, on the S.C.P.A. ground:— Ng Fook Chin; Wan Puteh, Guan Yam; Jargasi. Quek Boon. Shin; Salim, Omar, Teng Moh. Mat Noor. Syed Ahmad. Rtspryes:—Khiam Chuan. Ghim Hock and Baijar.
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  • 46 10 The following will represent S.A.W.L.A. II against the Y.M.C.A. on the latter's ground to-morrow: Wee Eng Siang; Peter Dias. Makmang; Ahxnat Tahir, Khiam Chuan. Baijar; Kim Teck. Theam Seah, Ghim Hock, Kim Tian and Kair Pong. Reserves:—Rashid. W. Omar and Miah Hee.
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  • 44 10 On the Serenraban Station Padang recently the Temiang Rovers Association were beaten 8—3 by the Seremban United Chinese Association "A" in the N.S.F.A.I.. Teck Chye scoring five of the winners goals. The S.U.C.A. "A" are leading ir. league, having played eight games.
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  • 41 10 The postponed semi-final tie in the Hose Cup competition, between the Temiang Rovers' Association of Seremban and the Seremban United Chinese Association, will be played on the Station Padang on Monday, and the final tie on Saturday next.
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  • 48 10 In a return friendly match between the H. and S. L. U. and S.P.C.C (Welch Regiment) on the C. T. A. ground on Thursday, the League's team won by 2 goals to ore. Lgrs. H. Oliveiro and Po Leng scored for the League.
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  • 29 10 T he Amicable Athletic Association met the Malaya Publishing House yesterday on the .M.C.A. ground and the 'game ended m a draw of two goals each.
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  • 61 10 In the Civil District Court, this morning, Mr ihi;H M x C al i delivered j ud &ment in the case in which Mr. Stuart Bell made an application io m aside a writ of distress levied on 377-1 Victoria Street. His honour held that the procedure adopted by the
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  • 107 10 Visi;ors Take First Knock. CRICKET. Batting first in the two-day match which commenced on ihe padang at 11 o'clock to-day. the Klang Club had scored 120 for the loss of 4 wickets when the lunch interval arrived, Richards contributing a splendid 42. KLANG CLUB—lst Innings. J. R.
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  • 94 10 Centuries by Test Veterans. Reuter's Service. [Renter's Service.] Londjr., Sept. 6. The following first-class matches, begun on the 4th inst., were concluded to-day:— KENT BEAT M.C.C. Kent: 206 (Kennedy 5 for 59) and 519 for 9 declared, (Johnston 100 not out. Woolley 104k M.C.C.: 308 (Hearne 104 >
    Reuter's Service.  -  94 words
  • 26 10 TOURISTS' LAST MATCH. An England XI meet the South Africans in the tourists' last match in England, commencing at Folkestone to-day.
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  • 444 10 A Shanghai Merchant's View. The following letter appeared in recent issue of the "Spectator:" Sir,—As one who has lived in Shanghai a good many years and travelled extensively in China as a British merchant, I was greatly interested in reading Captain Knapp's letter in last week's issue. From the
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  • 154 10 Popular Fallacies About the Arctic. Popular fallacies with regard to the Arctic were shattered by the Canadian explorer, Mi. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, in a lecture at Oxford. He said that Iceland was Iceland In nam. only. The average January temperature in Iceland was only one degree colder than
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  • 344 10 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. LAWN TENNIS. Results of yesterday's ties in the autumn lawn tennis tournament at the S.C.C. were as follow: A. Doubles:—N. S. Wise and Roy Smith owe 15-2 beat Rev. W. Aitken and Col. Miller owe 15 3—6, 9—7, 7—5; W. N. Hanscll and R. B. Gotch
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  • 28 10 The final <>f th? Inter-Unit (all rank. Tournar.u nt (R.E. Fort Canning) will be played on the Military Hospital Courts at Tanglin to-day, at 3-30 p.m.
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  • 110 10 Would-be Secret Society Members Caught. The raid on a house in Temple Street recently, by Inspectors Spinki and Byrde, of the Central Division, had a sequel before Mr. J. F. F. Gregg, the Fourth Magistrate, this morning, when eight Chines? were asked to show cause why they should
    110 words
  • 112 10 The Singapore Fund. Previously acknowledged $91 395 4(j Dr. H. T. Wee I 0 Cable Staff of the Eastern Extension A. C. Telegraph Co.. Ltd. 133 Mrs. Phoon Sye Leone, mad family 130 Mr. Phong Sup Kun j Mrs. Lim Poh Chun 10 Miss Tan Kik Kiat
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  • 206 10 The following is the Health Bulletin of the League of Nations' Eastern Bureau, Singapore, for the week ended Aug. 31: Alexandria: 3 plague cases and 1 death. Port Said: 1 plague case. Suez: 3 smallpox cases; 1 case of typhus exanthematicus. Aden: 1 smallpox case and 1
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  • 62 10 BADMINTON. A match of five singles will be played between the Friendly B.P. and the Singapore Cold Storage Athhtic Club on the fanner's court in Upper Serangoon Road tomorrow, at 4.30 pm. The following will represent the Friendly 8.P.: Tan Eng Sin, Tan Ann Chen?, Tan
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  • 55 10 A match of six singles will be played between the Gleeful B.P. and the U.C.A. "B" on the former's court at 3.30 p.m. tomorrow. The following will represent the Gleeful 8.P.: Cheong Yew Loo, Gan Hock Seng, E. Sim Mong, Foo Siak Chuan, Chia Vow
    55 words
  • 65 10 MOTORING. The first Negri Sembilan Motor Assoc ticn Gymkhana will be held on the Convent Padang, Seremb-.n, on the 21st inst. There will be four events for motor-cycles and six for motor-cars. The entrance fee for each event is a dollar. Entries should he ssnt to Messrs.
    65 words
  • 168 10 Jazz Specialists at The New World. "The Serenaders" made their debut at the City Opera, New World, last night, and were very well received. The company comprises five coloured musicians and a European singer and eccentric dancer. Lovers of jazz music will not be disappointed with the entertainment
    168 words
  • 120 10 What is said to be the largest telephone e>ch nge in the world has been opened in Berlin. It contains 4,500 lines for long distance calls alone and intensifies are employed to aid clarity of hearing over very n ide areas. Direct lines now connect Berlin
    120 words
  • 221 10 The Chinese steamer "Yuan Jeng" arrived this morning from Saigon with 200 pigs. There were 64 bullocks and 1,028 pigs on board the "Reijust" from Cheribon yesterday. j j The "Dalgoma" is due on Tuesday from Hong Kong with 040 deck passengers for this port, 68 for Penang
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  • 81 10 The Rev. G. W. Ridout and Mrs. Ridout of Asbury College. Kentucky. U.S.A.. are visiting Singapore on their Evangelistic tour through the East. Dr. Ridout will preach in the Wesley Methodist Church. 4, Fort Canning Road, at 9.30 a.m. to-morrow, and at the Straits Chinese Methodist Church, 1, Short Street,
    81 words
  • 574 10 A Motor-car Salesman's $150,000. LEGACY LOST THROUGH INSOLVENCY. Mr. Justice Stevens disposed of R numte: of petitions for receiving orders and other matters under the Bankruptcy Ordinance in the Supreme Court yesterday. Upon the application of Mr. E. E. C. Thuraisingham, the receiving order against Mr. A. Max
    574 words
  • 296 10 Annual Meeting Yesterday. At the annual meeting of the Singanor. Eurasian Association, the Hon. Dr! Noel Clarke, president, who was in the chair, was re-elected president, Mr. C. H. da Silva vice-president, Mr. W. H. Mosbergen honj. secretary and Mr. V. F. d'Almeida hon. treasurer. In re viewing
    296 words
  • 90 10 Women and girls from overseas will interested in the "At Home" which Ls to to held at the Y.W.C.A.. Pom Canning Road on Wednesday next, at 5.30 p.m at whfch Lady Munson and members of the General Committee have promised to be preset It hoped that this
    90 words
  • 80 10 I Our readers are invited to write t» subjects of public interest. It n v^ 0 *d stood that the "Malaya Tribune- iL?^ necessarily endorse opinions expn Jj? H respondents. Letters should v J[l possible, preferably type-written I ing). and on one side of th V/ Pen-names may be
    80 words
  • 297 10 iTo the Editor. "Malaya Tribne.-t Sir,—l shall be obliged if v ;;1 fa publish the following in your rned** so that it may be helpful in ci m v misapprehension prevailing about estahi* ment of an Indian Bank in U a" This subject was very
    297 words
  • 358 10 Gaol for Fighting Police Constable. In the District Court before |ft c I Clarke, yesterday, an Indian P. C. named Sada: Khan was charged with voluntarily hurt to Sub-Inspector Jasmy of the telm Police Station. Sub-Inspector Jasmy said that he m rounds in Changi Road on Aug. 15
    358 words
  • 56 10 The Tivoli. To-night the screen vers. <>f ar Corelli s "Sorrows of Satan" v ''f sh'wfor the last time at the Tivo! ,-morro» there will bp a change of pr mnie. Warner Bros, production, r^oii*^ «qi! > T s hown, along with a featun She Wolves," starring Air..
    56 words
  • 20 10 Orders for week ending Bttl Wednesday. Sept. 11.—Officerquarters, 6.30 p.m. Friday. Sept. 13, -Ambuiai. quarters. 5.15 p.m.
    20 words
  • 32 10 It is proposed to form untitled mercial classes at Raffles Ins) entrance fee is $3 per term ol and intending students shouie -> Superintendent at Raffles Imtn ~c day next at 5 p.m.
    32 words

  • 164 11 Lewis and Peat's Report. %I Lewis and Peat Ltd., Singapore, in ther Kly reDort dated Sept. 6, state: T! ,p larket has remained steady during the and business has continued at the ol prices. Shipments of over 50,000 august when they were published <i to
    164 words
  • 448 11 g e r>. Barlow and Co, Singapore, in ekly report dated Sept. 5, state: Th local market has been quiet during r bk and prices eased slightly in antici- the heavy August Shipment? from Ualawt. details of which we give below. Cables to hand this morning quote n
    448 words
  • 32 11 August Returns. The following tin outputs for the month of August are reported to us: Katu Ltd.,'4oo pis. Kuchai Ltd., 260 pis. Kinta, 650 pis. Renong Consolidated Ltd., 450 pis.
    32 words
  • 35 11 ["Japanese News" Service.] Tokyo, Sept. 3. Japans's trade returns for the month of August, show a total of Y219,630,000 for exports and Y156,869,000 for imports, the favourable balance of trade being Y62.770.000.
    35 words
  • 67 11 A section of the office on the third floor in Fullerton Building. Singapore, of the Department of Statistics, S.S. and F.M.S., has been set apart as a Reference Library and Reading Room, open for the use of the public, containing current literature, received by the Department from Malaya and abroad,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 155 11 FILIPINO "SIAMESE" TWINS. Honeymoon Trip to United States. -z ..cs were in Kobe on their Recent* the above of France." They honeymoon trip to the Inited States en tne recently married to two are Simplicio and Lucio who The twin, Filipino girls. AH four are with the excepare 21
      155 words
    • 133 11 TO-NIGHT! SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. TO-NIGHT I NEW WORLD SHOW VARIED ATTRACTIONS. Specisl lace Week Programme Offered by tie Popular CITY OPERA TO-NIGHT REQUEST PERFORMANCE OP THIT SUCCESSFUL PLAI 44 Raja Laksamana Bentan. The greatest Malay Romantic Play with excellent ancient Malay costumes and spectacular scenes. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FAMOUS
      133 words
    • 582 11 Orange-Smash LIMERICK COMPETITION. We have arranged to issue a Coupon for the above competition to the purchaser of one do?en of our Fruit Juice Beverage Orange-Smash, purcnased either from our Works or from any of the dealers. Th* Coupon will entitle the holder to compete for our Limerick Competition, in
      582 words

  • 1052 12 MINING. Br FRASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND STOCK BRORLRS Singapore. September 7. 1929, 10 a.m. Issue Issue Value b v vers Sellers. Value Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbang 38 6 39 6 5,- Pahang Consols 10|- Ayer Hitam Tin 13 6 14 6 5|- Pangnga River 7j- 7
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
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    • 275 12 I I— Colgate's removes causes of tooth decay Prevent tooth trouble Smile at the years as they slip by. Guard carefully against tooth decay. Colgate's is a preventive dentifrice safe, effective, and pleasant to use because of its delightful taste. It removes causes of tooth decay by the gentle "washing"
      275 words

  • 207 13 Plot to Assassinate Chiang Kai-shek. A plot to assassinate Marshal Chiang Kai-shek has been revealed in Shanghai. Unofficial reports state that about a week ago a man about 25 years of age, well dressed, drove up to the Marshal's residence in a motor-car. He was allowed to pass
    207 words
  • 103 13 To King Solomon's Quarries. The first pilgrimage under the auspices ot the Masonic Pilgrimage Association, which lias been formed with such prominent office-bearers as ihe Duke of Portland, the Earl of Derby and other officers of Grand Lodges, will study Masonic origins on the shores ot the
    103 words
  • 57 13 Kenkyu-Kai's Attitude. ["Japanese News" Service.] Tokyo, Sept. 3. The candidates for the standing committee of the Kenkyu-kai, in the Upper House, consist exclusively of Viscount Aoki and his supporters, formerly the managing staff of that body. It is anticipated that the Kenkyu-kai, the most powerful political body in
    57 words
  • 70 13 Hickaville, N V., Aug. 21. Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, America's premier airman, to-day was busily engaged in teaching his bride, the former Anne Spencer Morrow, to be a pilot. Newspaper reporters were barred from the Lindy-Anne personal and private aviation school- However, they saw
    70 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 933 13 j PUDLO I I The Pre-Eminent British Waterproofer. I I 1 a S DAMP dwellings are bad for health and the consequences are sometimes 6 y, e ven fatal. Many cases of damp walls and floors, previously considered t h ?less, have been effectively cured by cement renderings waterproofed jjj
      933 words
    • 219 13 WHEN RICE CAUSES INDIGESTION. For many people in the East the eating of a dish containing rice means that flatulence and dyspepsia will surely follow. Such peopic will probably be surprised to learn that those painful and disagreeable after-effects can be completely avoided by taking half-a-teaspoon-ful of 'Bisurated' Magnesia (or
      219 words
    • 194 13 Sound Sleep It is not only the externals— quently of mind, an impossithe Hies, mosquitos, the heat bility. Remember to keep the —that banish sleep. The system free from all clogging trouble is often within. An matter by an occasional monii.t paired digestion, headache, ing glass of Andrews, th-j cool,
      194 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 725 14 public notices, notice. I m; j THE OVLRSEA-CHINiBE BANK. LTD. Notice or Loss of Dividend Warrants Whereas an application has been made to «ne Directors of the Oversea-Chinese Bank, Ltd. by Ho Ah Soo <f) administratrix of the estate of Mok Keng Hock (deceased) to issue to her (6) six
      725 words
    • 550 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. i. MOHAMED NOORDIN MARICAR \'/k DECEASED. Will any person knowing of or having possession of the Will of J. Mohamed Noordin Mallear formerly of Singapore who died on August 18, 1929 at Karikal, French India, oiease communicate with Messrs. Braddell 8rothers, Solicitors, 24. Raffles Place, Singapore. NOTICE.
      550 words
    • 393 14 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED —Immediately, talented artists, good prospects. Apply controller City Opera, New World, Singapore. WANTED—Candidates for (evening) Commercial Classes in Typewriting, Book-keeping and Shorthand. Apply early to T. G. Koshy, Bethel English School, Katong. SITUATION WANTED. POSITION WANTED. British Indian—Electricians (A.C. anc 0.C.), Wiremen, Chargemen, Welders Fitters, Engine-Drivers (Steam,
      393 words
    • 543 14 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94. MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85, Beach Street Malacca 131, Jonker Street. Muar No. 1, Jalan Sayang. Batu Pahat 109, Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Ilir. Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Central. Seremban 63, Birch Road. Batavia 47, Corner Lloyd Street. Shanghai 9,
      543 words
    • 794 14 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA. LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890. on 2nd December, 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,060.000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,612,046 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street. London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. M.
      794 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 509 15 j STEAMER SAILINGS 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. Incorporated in England.) MX U PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. „vi\sCLAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM pE Vi\.<;\TlON CO., LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. .under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) rWARD from LONDON For China Japan Due Tonnage Singapore 1929 r 11,000 Sept 7
      509 words
    • 500 15 STEAMER SAILINGS HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINK. taitwb luitrallicbt •tmphehllh JQ fj eaMlltohart (Companies Incorporated In Germany.) OUTWARDS. HONG KONG. SHANGHAI, KOBE AND NORTH CHINA PORTS. t m.s. VOGTLAND via Takao, omitting Japan ports Sept 10 t m.s. DUISBURG via Takao Sept 21 t Bus. SAUERLAND via Takao Oct S t BUS. KULMERLAND
      500 words
    • 627 15 STEAMER SAILINGS NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA TO MARSEILLES LONDON. Tonnage Destination Due Sail tHakusan Maru 10,500 Naples, Marseilles, London, A'werp Rotterdam Sept 12 13 Kitano Maru 8,000 M'seilles, London, A'werp R'dam Sept 26 27 Haruna Maru 10,500 Naples, Marseilles, London, A'werp Rotterdam Oct 11 12 Kamo Maru 8,000 M'seilles, London, A'werp
      627 words
    • 405 15 STEAMER SAILINGS t rffird NORDDEUTS HEB LLOYD (Incorporated m Germany The undernoted are the intended ixturea:— OUTWARDS. HOLSTEIN for Takao, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Moji, Kobe, Osaka, Yokohama Vladivostok Sept 12 FULDA for Manila, Hong Kong, S'ghai, Taku, Dalny Tsingtao Sept 13 MAIN for Hong Kong, S'ghai, Nagasrki, Moji, Kobe, Osaka, Yokohama,
      405 words
    • 429 15 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO..LTD. LOCAL SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE PENANG (direct express service—lS!- huurvi. Thursday 11.30 a.m. "KEDAH" BELAWAN (via Penang*. Thursday 11.30 ...m. "KEDAH" A special Motor Bus lor Brastagi connects with s.s. Kedah at Belawan on Saturdays. Tickets for this bus caD be purchased on board s.s. "Kedah."
      429 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 715 16 THE NEW FORD Tj has a JXEMARKABLE Value of simplicity of design shown m W daily in outstanding smoothness, J X T 1 TTV T acceleration, speed, power, relia- m XJ. i X-i 6ih*fi/ and economt/. Low-priced m m car should not he complicated. AJJ of this care and accuracy
      715 words