Malaya Tribune, 3 September 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune VoL XVI. No. 207 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1929 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Singapore: Tuesday. Sept. 3. 1929.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 216 1 UPTON'S CEYLON TEA. YOU CANNOT BETTER THE BEST. F^ **********2^^ j "Ny Carlsberg Beer" MANUFACTURED IN DENMAP V 1 W Obtainable at Hotels, Clubs jjcj and Rest* Houses throughout H f Jp| Straits Settlements and the flj. r Malay States. IffS! I SoW by all First Class dealers I Q|
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    • 79 1 Gouw Boen Seng's Java Syrups. VANG PALING BAEK. Ruae Rose. Cherrieg. Vanilla. Grenadine *M?anr Aaihon. Lemon. >n1 a -inr! Milk Syruo. Citrowa^. Aerated Water. Ranja Orangeade. Santa. Mocca. Foaco. etc. etc.. D. T. LIM Oo., KM, North Bridge Road. Singapore. j UNRULY Q41R CAN BE OVERCOVIC IF VOL USE Apollo
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    • 106 1 MmJ... :\\\w\:> CLOTHKS POB EVEBT OCCASION 1 j I 0 I A Spanish Queen I M%!*lktf Specially selected and bottled by Crosse 8 S iPQ§5r and B,a< kwell only tho tinest frl,!t iri jj MTkbtmW P er fect condition is used. {j j Crosse Blackwells I £l SPANISH QUEEN OLIVES
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  • 3015 2 No Respite for Premier and Colleagues. NAM OF LABOUR'S MILLIONAIRE. t Special to the "Malaya Triburte.") London, Aug. 8. RECESS WITHOUT LEISURE. A defeated Ministry has some compensations. and Mr. Baldwin and his colleagues must now be feeling that, after ail, the Election
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 253 2 VICTORY. The latest scientific triumph on "REJUVENATION" of which the world has neither heard nor seen from its creation. The Real Elixir of Life. Not In liquid form but tablets, by Dr. Richard Weiss of Berlin VTRILINE (for men) PERTILINE (for women). Do you know what la life? If not
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    • 277 2 f JGUARD THE i DANGER U where teeth I V "V*«s?' meef gumi You Brush Your Teeth And Still They Decay! Ordinary brushing is not sufficient because more thr-n 50% Squibb's Milk of Magnesia, it does not protect the teeth at The long recognized as a safe, effective antacid Danger
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  • 1078 3 CRITICS UNKIND TO NEW PLAY. I Film Man's Tribute to Police ai Singapore. i Special to the "Malaya Tribune.") London, Aug. 8. Everybody one meets seems either to be just departing on holiday or coming back r'roni holiday. The former are the luckier, nowever, for the lovely
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  • 723 3 Celebration in London. The celebration of the Yaum-e-Ashura or 10th day of Muhurrum, held in London at Caxton Hall. Westminster, under the auspices of the Western Islamic Association, was unique in the annals of Islam in Great Britain. The pioneer of Islam in the West, Dr.
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  • 132 3 A sub-post office has now been established st Raffles Institution, with telegraph and Savings Bank facilities. Post Offices are about to be established at Pulo Tekong and Pasir Panjang. Mr. HamiPon. Commissioner of Pol'ce. Kedah, suggests that each Unfederated State and each State in the Federation and Settlement in the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 648 3 DOCTORS SAY THIS CURES RHEUMATISM If yon are tortnretl by the daily misery of Rheumatic Fains, chronic |»ains at ht-tirae when trying to rest, pain going about yonr work or plea- will you test this ilocti>r-re«»>m-inended remedy— Wilt's Kidney and idder Pills. They give instant relief ;heir effect QUI be
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  • 324 4 A Hopeful Outlook. Tin (says the Financial Correspondent of the "Times of Malaya," is described in Loftdkm as a steady market and has fractionally changed only in price. The feature of this market has been its remarkable steadiness during the last month or two. First
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  • 136 4 Not Attractive to Investors. The proposed issue by the Georgetown Municipality of $8,250,000 of 4 i per cent Debentures has not been well received, wrii.j the Financial Correspondent of the "Straits Echo." The interest, to say ihe ltaot of it, is not attractive. The enmity may be
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  • 76 4 Statistics for July. Calcutta, Aug. 20. India's foreign seaborne trade in July shows that the total imports of private merchandise amounted to Rs. 190,600,000 and the total exports, including re-exports, to Rs. 256,300,000. The net imports of private treasure during the month were Rs- 20,000,000, and the
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  • 73 4 Far First Half of August. Calcutta, Aug. 20. The quantity of tea ent; N d for export to the United Kingdom for the first half of Ausuts is: Calcutta Black 14,824,292 pounds: Chittagong Black 3,599,413 and Green .16,744 pounds, compared with 11,337,243 and 4,563,912 and
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  • 44 4 The .parts of the dredge for Tujoh Mine, near Kampar, have now been transported from Port Swettenham to the mine by the Perak Transport Co., the third shipment having been just delivered. The pontoon of this dredge is now well forward.
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  • 211 4 "Born a Monarch With no Choice." King Alfonso, of Spain, spoke frankly of the duties of a modern monarch in an informal conversation on July 18 at Durham railway station with the Mayor of Durham (Councillor Wilkinson). He was waiting to join the
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  • 539 4 Chairman and Shareholders. Stormy passages regarding the relationship between Messrs. Courtaulds and the Nuera Art Silk Company, Ltd., marked the annual meeting of the Nuera Company in Manchester recently. Sir James Paton, the chairman, saying that he would like to put the minds of the
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  • 242 4 Kay Yew (Kinta Valley) Tin Mines, Ltd, was formed in September, 192", and its brief career so far has been excited and troubled. Owing 1 to rumours, one of the directors visited the property last September, and engaged Mr. L. G. Attenborough, the well-known Ipoh group engineer,
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  • 71 4 4SIATIC PETROLEUM CO., (S.S.) LTD. Per Imp. Gallon cts. Red Shell (ex-pomp) 79 (ex 2-gall. can &/or 4-gall. drum) 79 Yellow Shell (ex pump) 79 (ex 4-gall on drum) 79 (ex 4-gal lon tin) 88 Shell Aviation (ex 4-galL drum) 94 (ex 4-gall. tin) 98 STANDARD OIL CO„
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  • 29 4 Tokyo, Aug. 29. Owing to the revival of Japanese trade with China, the Nippon Yusen Kaisha has put two extra boats on the Japan-Shanghai service. <
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 190 4 j Gold and I Silver GIFTS— FREE I for users of I AM% The Wine of Life mimtm 29 beautiful gifts Watches, cutlery, powder bowls, cigarette cases, etc., etc. I Get well and GET THESE GIFTS. Save your Wincarnis m wrappe. s. Ask your dealer for list that shows all
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    • 177 4 I j Getting back strength after illness It is the great re storative value of Bovril which has "^l 0 B gained for it the universal m^k^B» nurses. It stimulates and MVSmm ml)* any ot Never be without Bo\til in gencies but for daily use as a iff stimulating and
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  • 492 5 George Washington's Bust Leaving England. The famous bust of George Washington, by Jena Antoine Houdon, sought after for years by collectors and museums, has been bought for America. "The Evening News" understands that the price paid tor it is over £50,000. For more than a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 201 5 web ana uaaaat a I EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED. r Pointed J iM#fWiML Semi-Chiffonl No. 2002 > P. H. W No. 900. I ML b jflft D 0 c D Stocked by all Leadiag Dealers. In all Styles. In all Shades. I g S n. Manufactured by Foot Ease Hosiery Mill,
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    • 215 5 1 f GUARD AG Au!SUhe\ jjj I AILMEHTS Mfl g Wdue to exposure torn COLD, DAMP and I 3 M £>y the regular use of rjj I VALDAI I V PASTILLES g ja 3 lOn Sale at all Chemists I jjj m Druggist* B jjj INSIST on the boxes bearing
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    • 408 5 I NOTICE. I I Notice is hereby given that the manufac- 1 I turers of "O.K." Cement are not selling their I product in British Malaya under any other I I label, but the "O.K." label, and proceedings I 1 will be taken against any person or persons J I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 282 6 Amusements. ALHAMBRA I 'PHONE 6909 (TAN CHENG KEE Co., Ltd., Proprietors.) 1 PROGRAMME jjj I Commencing Friday, August 30 I and ending Wednesday, Sept. 4. H IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 P.M. qJ I THE LATEST EMPIRE NEWS. J 9 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Presents: I I QUALITY STREET. jj FEATURING: I
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    • 308 6 j GAIETY CINEMA I Junction Albert and Bencoolen Streets. FROM FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 TO j THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. SECOND SHOW AT 9.15 International News. Pathe s Super Special Production The Forbidden Woman. The dramatic story of a woman spy in Morocco who marries one man only to fa.l in love
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    • 93 6 SURLNA THEATRE North Bridge Road. Phone No. ftgg FBOU WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 TO TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 5. SECOND SHOW AT 9 P.M. Latest Patbe Gazette NEW BILLY WEBT COMEDY. A Paramount Western Special THE LAST OUTLAW. STARRING GARY COOPER. T errifir battle between ranchers a rustlers with a herd of cattle
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  • 5116 7 Corrupting the Lives of Younger Generation. LOTTERIES AND TAINTED MONEY. Chinese Member's Protest at Council Meeting. The principal matters dealt with by the Legislative Council at yesterday morning's meeting were reported in yesterday's Malaya Tribune." Below are reports of other matters disposed of. together with longer reports
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  • 66 7 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 152 for $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 156 for $100. Notice is issued in the Gazette of the names of a number of firms whose goods at
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT* NOTICE. I, the undersigned, Teo Cheng Hong beg to inform the public that I have purchased from Seek and Co., No. 363. Victoria Street. Singapore, all their stock-in-trade, furniture, fittings. machinery, accessories, etc., as from September 1, 1929. and I shall henceforth carry on the business at the
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    • 686 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED —Junior Clerk, (Chinese) with knowledge of type-writing Apply wtth copies of testimonials to PO. Box 234. WANTED —Immediately, talented artiste, good prospects. Apply controller City Opera, New World, Singapore. TO LET—Compound house (attap rooft 1047, Hillside Drive, rent $25. Immediate enUpv Apply The Estates and Mills Supply
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  • 811 8 Considerable public interest was taken in the questions asked by the Hon. Mr. Lim Cheng Ean, of, at yesterday's meeting of the Legislative Council. Referring to the "rapid growtn and development of horse-racing in the Colony," and the extensive gambling on it. he suggested that there be
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  • 1215 8 Mr. F. Robinson. Legal Adviser, Kedah. has been appointed to act as r. Judge, F.M.S., with effect from jesteiday. Z. Perpetual Forests, Ltd.. report local rales of 353 bonds, making an aggiCgate total of $75,683.20. for the month of August. Mr. A. N. Katyal. managing director of Messrs. Stanley. Ltd..
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  • 81 8 A fancy dress dance organised by the "D" (Eurasian) Coy., S.V.C.. will be held at the Drill Hall on Friday next week frn^* 1 bY tlckets obtainable ft Ti for SPS and Platoon Sergeants at $1 for a member and one lady and $3 for an approved
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  • 26 8 Prom China, and Japan by "Kashmir," due Singapore at 6 p.m. tomorrow. Prom Holland by "Tambora," due Singapore on Thursday morning, the sth instant.
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  • 467 8 SEQUEL TO DISMISSAL AT POWER STATION. Municipal Commissioners Sued. Ah action of considerable interest w. menced in the Supreme Court to-day Mr. Justice Stevens in wnich Mr. C. ti. m is suing the Municipal Commissioners of pore for damages amounting to $750 fc.- a.l <> wrongful dismissal. Plaintiff,
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  • 119 8 Forbes Russeli Comedy Company. The audience at the Victoria Theatre la.*t nicht did not justify the excellent entertain ment provided by the Forbes Russll Comedy Company when "The Patsy," Barry Conyer's drawing room comedy, was {resented. It is a triple-act play brimful of wit. It concerns the com
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  • 178 8 Application to Set Aside. In the Civil District Court before Mr. J L McPall this morninp. Mr. Stuart Bell, appearing for Mrs. G. Roberts, made an application to set aside the distress issued against her by Seng Motor Garage and Co. on the grounds that she was
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  • 39 8 Donations received up to noon to-day the Clifford Fund for the- Ram.- CoDege are: Already acknowledged $9,05.. Teachers, Malay Girls' School, Kampongr Baharu. Kuala Lumpur P~ I.cow Chia Henjr $r,o Annamalay Chettyar, Malacca $1 Total $y,3or.
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  • 42 8 Latest Quotations. RUBBER London:—10 V* d. New York:—(Holiday). Singapore:—33*., -34 cents. T1X. London:—Spot £206 5s. Od. (down 50s. 0d.' 3 months, buyers £210 5s. Od. (down 40; 0d.), setilers £210 10s. Od. idown 37s. 6c.» Singapore:—$105.87»*. (300 tons sold.)
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 216 8 ROBINSON'S 1 ANNUAL SALE j I Do not miss your g I Opportunity. I Remarkable Bargains I Iri Every Department. I SEPTEMBER 2nd. TO 18th. B 1 BOTH DATES INCLUSIVE B 1 I I ROBINSON CO, LTD. j (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) SINGAPORE AND KUALA LUMPUR. j IKu^^^ For
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  • 279 9 KacDciialo's Trip (o U.S. A. PATE NOT YET FIXED. Reuter's Service. British Official Wireless. Geneva. Sept. 2. The Persian delegate. Prince Mohamed All an Farughi, opened the tenth annual session the League of Nations Assembly to-day. f Renter"» Service.] Geneva, Sept. 2
    Reuter's Service.; British Official Wireless.  -  279 words
  • 85 9 ARBITRATION IN TREATY DISPUTES. Reuter's Service. Geneva, Sept. 2. Mr. MacDonald said that the Labour Partywas pledged to support the Optional Clause in The Hague Statute (binding signatories to submit to arbitration legal disputes concerning the interpretation of treaties, questions of international law, etc.». "W? fe 1
    Reuter's Service.  -  85 words
  • 155 9 BUT NO ABANDONMENT. Reuter's Service. Geneva, S;'pt. 2. Mr MacDonald's statement that he was unable say whether it was possible to go tr> the United States in the autumn is interpret d in some quarters as foreshadowing a possible abandonment of the visit. Interviewed by Reuter
    Reuter's Service.  -  155 words
  • 146 9 Empire Labour Conferences. Reuter's Service. London, Sept. 2. I throw out as a practical suggestion that there should be periodical inter-Dominion conferences of organised labour throughout the Empire concurrently with the official Imperial Conferences or independently." said Mr. Ben Tillett. Labour M. P. for North Saiford,
    Reuter's Service.  -  146 words
  • 72 9 Breaking All Records. [Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia,] Priedrichshafen. Sept. 2. Amongst the thousands assembling in anti■ttion of the Graf Zeppelin's return, scheduled Tuesday noon (Greenwich time) was Mr. yd George, who with his family is having vacation In the neighbouring Black Forest, ■•'•'ing passed the Azores on Monday after««m
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  • 297 9 IS RUSSIA'S PEACE MOVE SINCERE? Berlin Talks Continued. Reuter's Service. Mukden, Sept. 2. An official communique states that foreign journalists at Chalanor examined the hill-top there, which is covered with holes from Russian shells and they report that no White Russians are to be seen anywhere. The
    Reuter's Service.  -  297 words
  • 49 9 Resolution in Council. Reuter's Service. Hong Kong, Sept. 2. At a meeting- of the Legislative Council on Sept. 5 the Colonial Secretary will move a resolution for the construction of the Kaitaek Aerodrome at an estimated cost of $1,689,467 exclusive of contributions from H.s Majes.y's Government.
    Reuter's Service.  -  49 words
  • 54 9 Interests in Common. Reuter 's Service. London, Sept. 3. Over £60,000,000 share capital is involved in the provisional agreement to secure cloae cocp.rat.on between Lever Brothers and the Margarine Union, thereby linking up the largest group of West African traders and jap manuiacturtrs with tne biggeit European
    Reuter's Service.  -  54 words
  • 71 9 Berlin Police Vigilant. [Trans-Ocean via Pan-Asia.] Berlin, Sept. 2. Despite the Police's feverish activities and the reward of £3.500 offered for information leading to the arrest of the author of the bombing outrages, culminating in Sunday's attempt at the Reichstag, no clue of the perpetrators has been
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  • 112 9 North Perak Agricultural Show. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Sept. 2. The North Perak show this week-end at Taiping. the only show this year in Parak, wa6 a big success. It was opened by His Highness the Sultan and the Resident was present. This show is notable
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  • 15 9 OL R LONDON LETTER, on page 2. MALAYANS AT HOME, on page 3.
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  • 151 9 VAST TRACTS OF LAND THREATENED. Pople Warned to Evacuate. Reuter's Service. Hyderabad. Sept 3. The prodigious efforts of 100.000 workers were devoted to the strengthening of vital points in the Bund in preparation for the flood, which is expected to reach Sukkur to-niglit. The authorities warned all
    Reuter's Service.  -  151 words
  • 369 9 Crowd Refused to Help. NO EVIDENCE OF RASHNESS. A verdict of "death by misadventure." has been returned by Mr. F. G. Bourne, the Singapore Coroner, in connection witii the ut.Uh oi an elderly Chinese woman who was knockee down by a motor-cycle riden by PnvaU. rt. X
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  • 151 9 The F.M.S. Gazette announces the following appointments: Mr. L. S. Hlmely and Mr. J. L. Officer to be 3urvey probationers, F.M.S. aid S.S.; Mr. T. D. Hughes tv be an officer tf Class V. M.C.S.: Mr. J. N. Milsum to act as an Agricultuiist. Agricultural Depaitment; Mr. H.
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  • 85 9 The following students of the College of Commerce passed the examinations of the London Chamber of Commerce held in May last: Senior Bookkeeping.— (3 7) Valan Muthu Singaram (Distinction). Arokiasamy Jacob. Ong Hian Kiat. Junior Bookkeeping.— (2|3) Lee Chin Tortg, Lee Geok Peng. Junior Shorthand.—Khoirw Eng Gan (70Distinction).
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  • 72 9 The following is a further list of donations to the Port Swettenham Mariners' Club: Previously acknowledged $7791.01 Sir Hugh Clifford. M.C.S., G.C.M.G., G.B.E. $100 Hon. Mr. James Lornie, M.C.S.. $100 Messrs. Paterson Simons Co., Ltd. $500 Anonymous $30 Dr. H. J. Lawson $20 Captain and Officers,
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  • 107 9 Arabs Still Invading Palestine. AIR FORCE RESISTANCE. Reuter's Service. British Official Wireless. London, Sept. 2. The Colonial Office in a communique says that the .country in north Safed is inclined to be restless. The situation in other districts is generally quiet. Demonstration flights were carried out in strength
    Reuter's Service.; British Official Wireless.  -  107 words
  • 312 9 Queen Wilhelmina's Birthday. Festivities in connection with the birthday of H M. Queen Wilhelmina were observed with great rejoicing not only throughout Java on Saturday, but also on board the X.P.M. steamer "Op Ten Noort," which left Tandjonj? Priok on Saturday att( moon. on which a representative
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  • 242 9 Changes Among the Clergy. The Archdeacon and Mrs. Swindell, says the "Cathedral Monthly Paper." are leaving in the M. S. "Meonia." about Sept. 22. Their home address until they settle in a "living" will be c/o the Church Imperial Club. 75. Victoria Street. London. S.W. 1. There
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  • 134 9 Reuter's Service. ["Japanese News" Service.] Tokyo, Sept. 1. The fifteen Siamese Boy Scouts who visited Japan recently are stated to have decided to come to Japan next spring to study in Japanese schools. A return visit by twenty Japanese Boy Scouts, headed by Viscount Mishima. will be
    Reuter's Service.  -  134 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
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  • 345 10 Sports Pastimes: Yesterday's Home Soccer Results. Two Penalties Missed in Local Cup Tie. SINGAPORE CUP. United Banks v. S.C.F.A. II. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. TWO PENALTIES MISSED. The Chinese were rather unfortunate to draw with the United Banks when they met at the Stadium in the S.A.F A. cup yesterday. The United
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  • 134 10 Yesterday's Results. Reuter's Service. London, Sept. 2. The following are results of English League matches played this evening (Monday): ENGLISH LEAGUE.—(Div. I.) Burnley 1. Everton 1. Leicester 4, Manchester United 1. Wednesday 1. Bolton 0. ENGLISH LEAGUE.—(Div. II.) Blackpool 2, Bury 1. Bradford City 2, Notts County 0.
    Reuter's Service.  -  134 words
  • 37 10 The fee for Indian labourers to be paid under the Labour Ordinance for the fourth quarter of the year has been fixed at $2 for males and $1 tor females, and the number of tttrtOsg at 72.
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  • 519 10 This Morning's Track Work. THE TURF. Thire was a fair attendance again this morning at the Race Course tp watch the tiack work of the various animals, including the new arrivals from Kupla Lumpur. The weather was fine and the inner track, which was in use, was quite
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  • 49 10 ATHLETICS. Entries for the St. Joseph's 0.8.A. Sports close on Satu-day. The heats will takt place on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday next, beginning at 5 p.m. each day, on the school ground. The finals will be at the Stadium on the 21st inst., beginning at 2.30 p.m.
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  • 31 10 GOLF. The September ladies' medal competition was played at the Singapore Golf Club yesterday afternoon, and resulted in a win for Mrs. Wylly—4s-10-35. Thirty-seven cards were taken out.
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  • 121 10 Th a following are the results of the Malayalee Association's annual tournament, held during the last month: BADMINTON. Woollen-ball.—'Singles (Pereira Cup): Champion, A. I. Pereira; runner-up. B. W. Pereira. Doubles: Winners, A. I. Pereira and M. P. Fernandez; runners-up, C. P. Warning and P. J. Paul. Shuttle-cock.—Singles:
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  • 64 10 Health and Strength Leaguers who have signed for the badminton, football and body improvement competitions are requested to turn up at the League's premises on Sunday at 10 a.m. for the purpose of selecting teams. In the case of body improvement special exercises and instructions will
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  • 55 10 Messrs. John Little and Co., Ltd., have received a cable from Messrs. A. J. Stevens, Ltd., stating that at Montlhery on Aug. 27 Denly broke four world's records, riding a 5(00 c.c. A.J.S.—in the 500 and 7so c.c. classes, 5 kilometres at 117.23 kilometres per hour, and 5 miles at
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  • 224 10 OPEN AMATEUR TOURNAMENT DESIRED. BILLIARDS. "Cueist" writes: "Not a few people had assumed that the recent visits of Willie Smith and Claude Falkiner, two of the world's best players, to Singapore, would be followed by a competition among local clubs with a view to finding Singapore's best
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  • 209 10 BADMINTON. Before a large crowd of spectators the Horlieks B.P. defeated, the Jovial B.P. 4—2. on the former's court on Sunday. The results were:- (Horlieks named first) Singles: E. Cheng Leong v Koh Beng Swee 14—14 (o—3) 14—14 (3—o), Yeo Koon Yam beat Tarn Tuan
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  • 46 10 HOCKEY. V.M.C.A. members interested in hockey are requested to be present at the V.M.C.A. ground for practice games at 5 p.m. every Monday and Thursday this month. It is heped that beginners will turn up along with those who have already had some experience.
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  • 62 10 The compact and handy annual year book of the Singapore Automobile; Club has been issued It contains most of the information which motorists requir?. regarding rules and regulations, together with road information, account-, of reliability trials, lists of certificated drivers, hints on, touring and driving. The
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  • 381 10 LAWN TENNIS. The following are the results of ties played off yesterday in the autumn lawn tennis tournament at the S.C.C.:— A. Double*:—T. H. Holyoak and G. H. Daly plus 2 v. E. Macdonald and J. RStrachan plus 15 postponed; J. R. Bennett and R. E. Prentis plus
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  • 79 10 Occupants* Remarkable Escape. The junction of Kampong Kapor Road and Hindoo Road was the scene of a bad collision between an Erskine car and a Citroen ;.t about one o'clock this morning. The occupants of the Erskine had a miraculous escape from death, for the ear turned completely
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  • 339 10 The "Amur Maru" is clue from Hamburg. Dunkirk. Antwerp. Rotterdam, Port Said and Suez on Thursday and is proceeding to Hong Kong, Shanghai, Kobe and Yokohama. She will anchor in the roads. The motor-ship "Leverkusen" is expected from Manila via Miri on Saturday mornit. t. with cabin passengers.
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  • 289 10 Chinese Clerk in Trouble. An English-speaking Chinese clerk named Loh Nee How, employed by the N. V. Straits Java Trading Company, was ordered to pay $50 (or undergo one month's r.i.) by the District Judge (Mr. C. H. G. Clarke), this morniny on being convicted on
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  • 116 10 Ships Alongside the Wharves. Singapore, Sept. 3. East Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Esquilino 22; Rajula 20. Main Wharf (Entrance Gate S). Talma 18; Bulan 16; Mata Hari 15; Pranken 13; Pres. Van Buren 11; Oanfa 9; Antung 7. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate I). Asphalion 32; Natal 33; Bloemfontein
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  • 335 10 Shares Inactive. Messrs. Etlin and Co. report at 11 .in. to-day: RUBBER. London. —HHid.. unchanged. New York.—No market. Shares: —Quiet. Allenbvs $2.35 —$2.45, Ay Moleks $1.674 —$1,724, Ayer Panas $1.80$1.95, Bassetts 95 cents —$1, Balgownies $3.10 —$3.20, Brogas $1.274 —$1.35, Bukit Jelotoivs 72—75 cents. Bukit Katils
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  • 28 10 ["Japanese News" Service.] Tokyo, Sept. I. The trade returns for the eleven days ending Aug. SI show totals of Y50,854.00.i for imports and Y81,818,000 for exp< :>
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  • 90 10 [British Official Wireless London. Sept. I Paris 123.92 New York 4.84 13 Ll Brussels 34.885 Geneva 25.190 Amsterdam 12.10 Milan 92.69 i Berlin 20.37 Stockholm 18.09Copenhagen 18.21; Oslo 183 Vienna 34 4^ Prague 163.7.Helsingfors 192". Madrid 32f»: Lisbon 108 2 Athens 3T Bucharest 817 Rio o Buenos Aires 47
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  • 55 10 The City Opera. CHARITY PERFORMANCE Under the patronage of H. E. the (Sir Hugh Clifford), and in aid oi t; Union Fund, the New World will pi attractive programme at the City O; night. "Raja Laksamana Bentan". a r play depicting the ancient Malay costun. the notorious pirates
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 199 10 SINGAPORE DIARY. To-day, Sept. 3. High Tides.—ll.7 a.m., 10.26 p.m. Football: Div. I. S.C.F.A. v. Seletar, Stadium. Exhibition: Oil paintings and water-colours, Dutch Club, 5 p.m. Forbes Russell Co.: The Patsy," Vie. Theatre, 9.30 pjn. To-morrow, Sept. 4. High Tides.—ll.3s a.m., 11.9 pjn. Football: Div. I, S.C.C. v. Malays. Padang.
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    • 206 10 MAILS CLOSE. TO-DAY. SEPT. 3. Selat Pandjang. Siak and Pakan Baroe (Nam Heng) 3 p.m. Bengkalis, Laboean Bilik and Tandjong Balei (Singkep) 3 p.m. North. N.-East and N.-West Sumatra (Selangor) 3 p.m. Indo-Chlna and Hokow (Dalny) 4 p.m. Java, South-West Sumatra, South-East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Glang Ann)
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    • 321 10 Daily Weather Report. METEOROLOGICAL BRANCH, SURVEY DEPARTMENT MALAYA. TUtSDAY. SEPTEMBER, 3 AT 9 A.M. Temperature Rainfall Bright Mean Wind. Sunshine Force Stations. yesterday Yestercay. Humidity D»rec- Wear Max Min No of I IUIP p 4 p Ins. hours tion Kuala Lumpur qo 72 nil 79 74 Calm Fine Singapore 89
      321 words

  • 289 11 Sports Pastimes. AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION FOR ENGLAND. Willie Smith's Triumphs and After, BILLIARDS. London, Aug. 9. H ir omised boom in billiards is coming v a irter when the world's three greatest Willie Smith (England), Walter ffimrn (Australia) and Clark McConachy "bo have beer, attractingrowdsin Australia, will come to Engfrd for
    289 words
  • 76 11 In honour of H.H- the Sultan of Johore s birthday on Sept. 17, sea sports are being arranged at Johore Bahru. These include koleh 'sailing races, Chiow rowing, Pukat paddling, with valuable money prizes. Outboard motor-boat races for trophies and aquatic sports will also be held. It
    76 words
  • 58 11 TEMPORARY BEACONS. A notice to mariners announces the temporary establishment of unlighted surveying btacons moored in by H.M. Surveying vessels "Irquois," at Lat. 2 27' 30"N, long. 101= 37 00"E-, Lat. 2° 27 00"N, Long. 101 43' 15"E., Lat. 2° 21' 00"N, long. 101 42 00"E. Further notice
    58 words
  • 188 11 The following beacons are being erected on .structures on concrete piles and are unlighted: (a) At a distance of 10,000 feet 303° fnm Cupola house. Lat. 1° 29'N, long. 193 48'E (approx). (b) At a distance of 6,300 feet frum Cupola house. (c) At a
    188 words
  • 178 11 rophon," Brit. 5,713 tons, Capt. from Vladivostok, 31-8; for Liverpool. Brit. 519 tons, Capt. Johnston, Penang, 31-8; for Penang, 2-9. n an Maru," Jap. 2,708 tons, Capt. from Miike, 31-8; for Batu Pahat, 10-;». tipok," Siam. 603 tonr, Capt. >!, from Bangkok* 31-8; for Bangkok, 2-9. Tf fa,"
    178 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 413 11 DARE YOU LOOK THE WEIGHING MACHINE IN THE FACE? Skinny Men and Women—Don't Miss This! You lose health as you lose weight—all your reserve strength goes and yon have nothing to fall back on when illness strikes you. If you have given up all hope of ever being able to
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    • 559 11 Orange-Smash LIMERICK COMPETITION. We have arranged to issue a Coupon for the above competition to the purchaser of one doztn of our Fruit Juice Beverage Orange-Smash, purchased either from our Works or from any of the dealers. The Coupon will entitle the holder to compete for our Limerick Competition, m
      559 words

  • 1128 12 MINING. lttStCD B t FRASER A CO., EXCHANGE AND STOCK BROKfcKS Singapore. September 3, 1939, 10 a.m. Issue Value Buyers. Sellers. £1 Asam Kumbaiig 38 o 39|6 5|- Ayĕr Hitam Tin 13|6 14j6 fci Bangrin Tin I 36j- 37,1 Batang Padan* j.jS 0.4u 1 Batu Caves 1.55
    1,128 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 377 12 fIMXJSEMJENTS. A LIGHTNING PROGRAMME OF ACTION, THRILLS THE FIRST GREAT TIE-UP AND LAUGH WHOLE SERIAL OF 20 REELS At ARCADIA CINEMA m£T%Sax KATONG. Fro»San Sept. 1 to Toes.. Sept. 3. specal rbduct,os of prices. At GALAXY CINEMA LAURA LA PL ANTE in geylang. "Poker Faces" From Son., Sept. Ito Toes.
      377 words
      66 words
    • 314 12 i i Colgate's removes causes of tooth decay Prevent tooth trouble Smile at the years as they slip by. Guard carefully against tooth decay. Colgate's is a preventive dentifrice safe, effective, and pleasant to use because of its delightful taste. It removes causes of tooth decay by the gentle "washing"
      314 words

  • 438 13 PENSIONING OF WIDOWS AND ORPHANS. Bachelors' Grievance. It is an old grievance of bachelors in various Indian and colonial services, says a "Truth" contributor, that they are compelled to contribute to funds for the pensioning of widows and orphans. The lat'st growl comes from the Federated Malay
    438 words
  • 21 13 The Singai Maruthuvar Sangam (Singapore), has been registered, and the Jovial Badminton Party 'Singapore), exempted from registration, under the Societies Ordinance.
    21 words
  • 446 13 Sir A. Cobham on New Developments. Squadron-Leader C. E. Kingsford Smith and his companions were entertained at luncheon at Australia House by Major C. W. C. firarr, Minister of State in the Commonwealth of Australia, in honour of their flight from Australia. Major Marr, in proposing the toasts
    446 words
  • 40 13 Chief Inspector Barrett, of the Penang Contingent. S.S. Police, has proceeded on eight months' leave. Messrs. J. A. Embury, P. Sharp, W. R. M. Kaxworth and J. D. Nicholson, newly appointed Prcbationarv Inpectors, a.c under training at the Pclice Depot.
    40 words
  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 633 13 I FAIRBANKS-MORSE TYPHOON POWER PUMPS 1 Single Cylinder— a, TYPHOON PUMPS are adapted for use in connection with water systems I X on the tarn, suburban bomes and factories; for pumping water into elevated I H storage tank*; for low pressure boiler feeaing for circulating brine in small p jjj
      633 words
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 530 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LTD. Notice of Loss of Dividend Warrants. Whereas an application has been made to ehe Directors oi the Oversea-Chinese Bank. Ltd. by Ho Ah Soo <f) administratrix of the estate of Mok Keng Hock (deceased) to issue to her (6) six duplicate Dividend Warrants
      530 words
    • 473 14 SITUATIONS VACANT. "DRAUGHTSMAN." Capable man required with experience of Furniture draughtsmanship. Able to supervise work in progress. Must speak English' and Malay. Apply Box 912, c/o Malaya Tribune. WANTED—Candidates for (evening) Commercial Classes in Typewriting, Book-keeping ■and Shorthand. Apply early to T. G. Koshy, Bethel English School, Katong. MUNICIPALITY OF
      473 words
    • 542 14 I BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85, Beach Street Malacca 131. Jonker Street. Muar No. 1. Jalan Sayang. Batu Pahat 109, Jalan Rahamat. Palembansr 16, Ilir. Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, CentralSeremban 63, Birch Road. Batavia 47, Corner Lloyd Street. Shanghai 9,
      542 words
    • 779 14 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA. LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890. on 2nd December, 1892 Authorised Capital £3.000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,612,046 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street. London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS. J. M.
      779 words
    • 581 14 Do you want a Bigger Salary P In the spare time yon will never miss—yon can fit yourself for better job and a bigger salary Find out what the I.C.S. can do for you. Write for FREE, illustrated book ircountancy Architecture Commercial Training Clerk of Work* 5 'hand-Type writing Draftsmanship
      581 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 505 15 STEAMER SAILINGS P. 0. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MUL PASSENGER CARGO SERVICES. PF\INSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO., LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. < i nder Contract with His Majesty's Government.) OUTWARD from LONDON Far China Japan Due Tonnage Singapore 1929 Mantua 11,000 Sept 7
      505 words
    • 463 15 STEAMER SAILINGS HAMBURG-AMERIKA LINIE. Beutwh |H D P| luttrallMlit ••■pftchlfTi W CJ iwllMhtfl 'Companies Incorporated in Germany.) OUTWARDS. HONG KONG, SHANGHAI. KOBE AND NORTH CHINA PORTS. t m.s. VOGTLAND via Takao,* ftt ittin Japan ports Sept 11 t m.s. DUISBURG via Takao Sept 21 '1 S* SAUERLAND via Takao Oct
      463 words
    • 686 15 STEAMER SAILINGS ■UJUesVewiUewa' NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA TO MARSEILLES LONDON. Toaaage Destiaatiea Dee Sail fHakusan Maru 10,600 Naples, Marseilles, London, A'werp A Rotterdam Sept IS II Kitano Maru 8,000 M'seilles, London, A'werp R'dam Sept M 17 Haruna Mam 10,600 Naples, Marseilles, London, A'werp Rotterdam Oct 11 12 Kamo Maru 8,000 M'seilles,
      686 words
    • 339 15 STEAMER SAILINGS fc rffirrf NORDDEUTSCHER LLOYD \**£At*J (Incorporated In Germany The ondernoted are the Company'! intended natures:— OUTWARDS. I FRANK EN for Hong Kong, S'ghai,, Moji, Kobe, Osaka, Y'hama, Taku, Dalny and Tsingtao '.L Sept 3 HOLSTEIN for Takao, Shanghai, Nagasaki, Moji, Kobe, Osaka, Yokohama Vladivostok Sept 12 FULDA for
      339 words
    • 382 15 STEAMER SAILINGS i mmtm STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD, LOCAL SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE PENANG (direct expreM aerrtee— MM keen* Thursday 11 JO a.m. "KEDAH" BELAWAN (via Panel). Thursday 11 JO a.m. "KIDAH" A special Motor Bus for Brastagi connects with s.s. Kedah at Belawajt on Saturdays. Tickets for this bus can
      382 words

  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 153 16 N^HOT^y^ H Invigorahng &gpreshing SOLE AGENTS: N.V. Straits Java Trading* Co. SINGAPORE PENANG. r=dlr==di=Jf=Jr=^ I LATEST I I oEKA" I 1 i I Miss. Riboet Records, j 1 ELECTRICALLY-RECORDED. I I s m Nt. ***** Sayang Hauls (extra) i No. ***** Peetri Sahania ft ***** ftronchong Boemel ***** Mina Nana
      153 words
    • 166 16 Atophan Schering is the standard remedy against rheumatism and gout obtaining wonderful effects in these diseases, lt removes in the most effective way and most energetically the uric acid, which has been proven by a s good many experimental and clinical tests and researches. It alleviates pain I quickly and,
      166 words