Malaya Tribune, 30 March 1929

Total Pages: 16
1 16 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune VoL XVI.- -No. 73 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 30, 1929 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune Saturday, March 30. 1929.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 194 1 j. p™ s^^ j |y| ORANGECUP J LEMONCUP. I Costs Mo More! 1 PONT SMOKE SCRAP. I I jg If yon could look through a chtap cigar, you «,:uirf fin* that it Is filled with I tobacco and covered with a wrapper. Scrap Tobacco consists 6t waste a and has
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    • 7 1 y topical ir f HIGH STREET, Singapore.
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  • 1776 2 Broadcasting in Madras. (From Indian Exchanges.) One of the subjects which came up for discussion during the meeting of the City Corporation during mail-week was that of a regular broadcasting service by the Corporation from April 1, 1929. At its meeting in October last the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 295 2 WORKS WINCARNIS works wonders. A doctor says I usually prescribe it for my adult patients whenever a tonic is indicated and in most /vN|\ cases it has met with prompt Ffm /|Hf\\ success." Rt|[ Therefore, if you are weak, 1 run down, depressed, or i-'w' 'nervy' let Wincarnis bring /^^^l/^^^ll
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    • 57 2 COLD your first need is a gentle cleansing of the system by means of a good mild laxative. Nothing better answers this description than Pinkettes. the dainty little liver and intestinal regulators. PINKETTES quickly relieve colds, dispel constipation, J banish bilious attacks, sick headaches, I liverishness, clear the complexion, purify
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    • 556 2 A TRIAL LIFE READING FREE TO READERS OF THIS PAPER. The well-known Astrologer Prof. Roxroy has once more decided" to lavour the people of this country With Free Test Readings of their lives. Prof. Roxroy's fame is so well-known in this country thai he hardly needs an introduction from us.
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    • 763 2 ANDREWS Take Andrews Lirer Salt and enjoy that continuous good health that EffflffW means so much whether you work iSSllllll BP-™ 5 Ilk k arC *—play hard—or both. Andiewa fiStllSlll SlSli clears the system of waste, and in l^at natura l wa V corrects const: I |Ar/|ff||H 1 011, indi
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  • 82 3 The first of a series of officers' quarterly nner<='will be held at the Malacca V.C. Drill Hall on Thursday, April 4. The Corr.s are shortly losing their popular and »nei?retk CO.. Major A. A. Lermit, V.D., who is proceeding on leave in June. H.M.S. "Malaya," which has been in dockyard
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 143 3 5 *****25Z52 5? s?i I Yes my Baby f 5 FATHER- [2 V A Girl! But I wameJ a Boy NURSE- il Very well, sir. there is a Boy, too.'" PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY I I jj AERATED WATER WORKS HAVE TBIS COMBINATION— 8 j Quality and Prlee. jjj [PHONE 6379
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    • 105 3 B« I flfffnPi wit lii/kHIiA HIhA vK ?V4^SkV^o^^B\^vA^^%l^^^O' f w wm Jrm BBy from Golden Virgini^^^^^^^^^^ MM Largest Hygienic Cigarette Factory. H| ffPL mTLTRING THEM COOL AND FRAGRANT ||f Afatwra. HPTTENBACH LAZARUS SONS LTD: SINGAPORE. PENANG. IPOtt KUALA-LUMPUR. Best Shave I ever had I tAnd you'll say the same thing
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    • 86 3 I 'I II i j,.,g*S«* I THE MOTOR UNION INSURANCE COMPANY LTD E g Incorporated in England.) I 1 INSURE j I with tke t MOTOR UNION 1 I THE I LEADING MOTOR VEHICLE f I INSURANCE COMPANY j I favourable Rates-Prompt Settlement of Claims,! I I I FIRE A
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  • 778 4 Rose MacphaTs Report. i Messrs. Rose Macphail Co., Singapore, i-aeir weekly it port dated Mar. 23, ?tate: Mining.—The week has seen a coasiderab.e rise ir. th; j: ice of Tin; London spot has advanced £6 10s and forward £6 7s 6d t< £224 17s 6d and ±225
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  • 600 4 Messrs. Fraser Co., Singapore, in their weekly report dated Mar. 26, state: The past week has seen a slightly easier tone in the tin market, although advices f;om Londcn indicate- a better demand with support for near positions coming from the 'Bud' group. Both Sterling and dollar shares
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  • 179 4 It is understood that Mr. J. Graham Black, Assistant Adviser, Kuala Trengganu, will leave Trengganu on furlough in April. A farewell dinner was to be given at the Residency last Thursday in his honour. In celebration of the Hari Raya Aidilfitri. 1347, a reception was held at the Mejlis, Kampong
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 333 4 DARE YOU LOOK THE WEIGHING MACHINE IN THE FACE? Skinny Men and Women —Don't Miss This! You leso health as you lose weight—all your reserve strength goes and you have nothing to fall back on when illness strikes you. If you have given up all hope of ever being able
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    • 38 4 Swallow ArielFs I (WORLD RENOWNED) 1 BISCUITS j AND CAKES j 2 Stocked by Everybody, Everywhere. 8 I If Sole Agents Malaya: ji Mackay, Monk, Ltd., g I Singapore and Penang. ■aipssT' —ni —l iir-™ 1 ioejoi 10=«
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    • 178 4 NOTICE kWuW WMW k^k^k^k\ mm Tfu«( m*xk Iflasiilightl 1 vmamm I H rpAOE mark ;j 3tW FLASHLIGHT jfj NOTICE is hereby given that the Trade Mark depicted above is the exclus property of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company a corporation organ> d Dl the laws of the State of Conecticut
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 320 4 THE MODERN WIZARD OF ASTROLOGY. Remarkable Accuracy of Indian Astrologer's Predict; i Sends FI(£E Test Horoscopes from His Studio in Bombay. Hundreds who have tested the skill of Pundit Tabore," famous Indian phychie, are proclaiming him the modern wizard of Astrology. Dr. K. Katrak declares that Scepticism melts as mist
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  • 435 5 Singapore, Mar. 23. MEAT. Beef, steak (round) kati 50 Beef, stew or curry kati 45 Pork, lean kati 62 Pork lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 52 Mutton Indian lb. 55 Mutton Australian lb. 55 Fowl, kati 68 Hens (Locally reared) kati 70 Ducks, each 1.04 Pigeon, domestic,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 271 5 Your Guarantee j of PURITY— if "PILOT" brand M4RGARINE "SUGARCANE" brand J J HAMS and BACON J freshupocd REFRIGERATING Co.. LIMITED 233-3 Orchard Road Phone 3500 5078 VIRGINIA- HAY ST A RITA and His Roll Away, Cloudy Fox-Trot Ambassadors Band A Dreams cf Yesterday, Waltz With Vocal Chorus) b, 5071
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    • 173 5 DIABETES GUARANTEED TO CURE. Apply Specialist c|o Malaya Tribune. "FAIRYTAN" is the re c Vovt sult of hundreds of years of research by Scien tist -s. Cures completely .'3''Z'- fs\ llkt ma K' c Pimples, Itch, Burn l Wounds, Ulcer.-, Eczema, Lumbago, Neu\j|H||flK ralgia, Gout, Rheumatism, Corpulence, Disn ii flammation,
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    • 249 5 I STOP SUFFERING AFTER EATING. If you suffer from indigestion, gastritis, or dyspepsia after meals, you can prevent it instantly by taking a little 'Bisurated' Magnesia in water immediately after eating. This remarkable preparation not only neutralises the acid, and thus so removes the cause of the trouble, but it
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    • 88 5 UNDER THE AUSPICES OF rhe Singapore Municipality AND The Baard of Control AN EXPERIMENTAL CONCERT will be given in the MEMORIAL HALL ON SUNDAY, APRIL 7th, 1929, AT 9.15 P.M. Programme arranged by MR. E. A. BROWN (to be published later) Admission $2 (reserved) and $1 (unreserved). a TRY I
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    • 149 5 BOYS LEARN,, ACCOUNTANCY Study at home in your spare time. Find out what the I.C.S. can do for you. Write for FREE, illustrated book Accountancy Architecture Commercial Training Clerk of Works S'hand-Typewriting Concrete L.A.A. and C.R.A. Engineering:—Civil Good English Mechanical Correspondence Structural Advertising Steam, etc. Salesmanship Draftsmanship Matriculation Electrical OVER
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 287 6 Amusements. UIHAMBRAS I 'PHONE 6909 I (TAN CHENG KEE Cm* Ltd., PwprieUn) U ru I PROGRAMME 1 I TO-NIGHT—SATURDAY, MARCH 30 I I "THE AWAKENING."-last night. I E I I Commencing Sunday, March 31 J landI and ending Friday, April 5. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT t PJL THE LATEST
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    • 431 6 GAIETY CINEMA Junction Albert and Bancoolen Streets. From Thursday, March 28 to Thursday, April 4. Grand Easter Programme. AT 9 PJtf. Latest International News and Gumps Comedy. HOME JAMES! Starring LAURA LA PLANIE. The funniest, most entertaining and all-round amusing picture ever produced. Don't miss it! AT 7.30 PJK. "STRINGS
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  • 144 7 Ships Alongside the Wharves. Singapore, Mar. 30. tiast Wharf (Entrance Gate 1). Dura E.E.E. Wharf: Talma 22: Kasado Maru 20. Wain Wharf (Entrance Gate 3). Medusa 16; City of Melbourne 14; Marudu 13; Targis 12; Blankeness 10; DemodocM 8; Chantilly 6. Empire Dock (Entrance Gate 3). Lopez Y.
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  • 67 7 The Dollar Steamship Liner, President ohnson," is due from Manila on Monday, April U m The "Tennessee" is due to-morrow from i port? via the Philippines. The "Michael Jobsen" is due from "5 wat uw to m orro w. The Dampto, from Hong Kong, is due -morrow. H
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  • 175 7 "Singkara," Dut., 283 tons, Capt. Blankin. from Belawan-Deli, 30-3; for Asahan, t-4 Aden Maru." Jan.. 4.260 tons, Capr. H>mbo, from Dunkirk, 30-3; for Yokaama. 31-3. Peng," Brit., 2,525 tons, Capl. ovan, from Rangoon, 30-3; for Hong Kong, 31-3. Simbilan," Dut., 131 tons, Capt. Sauh, S. Pallas, 30-3; for
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  • 66 7 A piece of land in Segamat, about one n area, is to be reserved as a Chris- n hn r i a i ground, to be maintained by the 7"« an Catholic Bishop of Malacca, resi,,ent in the S.S. Another piece, about 20 in area, situated in Johore Bahru. be
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  • 277 7 Li Chai Sum Safe. (Sin Kuo Mi n Press Service.) Chuanchow, Mar. 29. The Changchow and Amoy Chamber of the Kuomintung hav 2 telegraohed to Nanking and Foochow urging punishm?nt o* I Chen Kuo Hui because Chen Kuo Hui seat his bodyguard to assassinate in the Lonyen
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  • 80 7 Snubbed Prince Seeks Help. Reuter's Service. Nice, Mar. 29. A new dictator has arisen in Europe, namely, Rene Leon, director of the Casino, Monte Carlo, who has become absolute dictator of the tiny principality of Monaco. As a result Prince Louis of Monaco is deciding to disband
    Reuter's Service.  -  80 words
  • 80 7 Lieut.-Governor of Canada. Reuter's Service. Quebec, Mar. 29. Lieut. Governor Sir Lomer Gouin died while proceeding to prorogue Parliament. [Sir Lomer Gouin was a son of Dr. Gouin and was born on Mar. 19, 1861. He was a member of the Provincial Parliament for Montreal, 1897—1908.
    Reuter's Service.  -  80 words
  • 23 7 Reuter's Service. London, Mar. 28. The retiring American Ambassador, Mr. Houghton, has departed for Baden Baden pricr to going to America.
    Reuter's Service.  -  23 words
  • 112 7 All Abroad This Week-End. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Mar. 28. Apart fiom the amateur race meeting this week-end Ipoh is bereft of sporting events. The State cricketers will go to Penang and another European eleven, the Butterflies, will visit Kajang. The Railway soccerites will go to Singapore.
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  • 138 7 No Settlement Reached. From enquiries made by a representative of the "Malaya Tribune" this morning, there is every reason to believe that the «tudents of the Yan Chin School, Club St*.eet, have gone on strike. The strike appears to be due to dissatisfaction with the system of
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  • 474 7 Sentences in Seremban Case. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Seremban, Mar. 28. At the Negri Sembilan Assizes on Thursday, before Mr. Justice Burton, a Chinese named Theng Ah Sin was produced on three charges, two of distributing seditious documents and one of possession of seditious documents, at Birch Road,
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  • 124 7 Surrenders Himself at Seremban. Cheng Foh Fat, the forger among the thiittn convicts who broke paol la=t Sunday, was charged in the Police Courts this morning \,ith escaping from legal custody. The prisoner, who was r? -arrested at Seremban the day following his escape, was Lrought down
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  • 119 7 Protection of Women and Girls. THIRD LIST OF SUBSCRIPTIONS. Previously acknowledged $4,500 Aw Boon Haw, Esq. $1,000 Singapore Weekly Entertainment Club 500 Tong Jin Club 117 Teo Chiew Fresh Fruit Association 100 Sze Hai Tong Bank 100 Ho Hong Bank Ltd. 100 Ho Hong Co. 100 Loke
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  • 38 7 February Returns. The following are the tin outputs for the month of February: Iroh Tin Dredging, 732 pis. Kepayang, 48 pis. Pahang Consolidated, 3,4L>5.91 pis. Sungei 565 pis. Teja Malaya, 107 pis The R.nong, 343 pis.
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  • 97 7 A Kuala Trengganu correspondent writes that a Chinese junk from a Hainan port, with general cargo, on entering the port of Kuala Trengganu at noon on Mar. 17, got into difficulties at the mouth of the river owing to a strong current caused by the recent heavy rains, lasting for
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  • 1707 7 Indian Immigrant Labour. (From Ceylon Exchanges.) The 75th annual report of the Planters' Association of Ceylon is a most iirterestinc and important document, because it ceais i vv th every phase of the immigrant labour problem, right from the recruitment of the coolie from India ('own
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  • 127 7 Guthrie's Report. Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd., Singapore, in their weekly report d«t«d Mar. ff. state: Prices sagged away still further but support was forthcoming at the lower hvel. the markejt recovering slightly towards the close. There is little inclination to do business owing to the pending
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  • 63 7 Asiatic Petroleum Co. (f.S.) Limited. Per Imp. Gallon cts. RED SHELL (ex pump) 79 (ex 2-gall. can A/or 4-gall. drum) 79 YELLOW SHELL (ex pump) 79 (ex 4-gallon drum) 79 (ex 4-gallon tin) 83 SHELL AVIATION (ex 4-gall, drum) 94 (ex 4-gall. tin) 98 Standard Oil Co., of
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  • 186 7 Visit to Kuala Lumpur. The Chinese Consui-General for the Straits Settlements and Mrs. Tong Lav accompanied by Mrs. Loc Chung Ching,' weie accorded a hearty reception on Tuesday afternoon by the members of the Kuala Lumpur Chung San District Society, reports the "Malayan Daily Express." k »1 c
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 LATEST ADVERTISEMENT* FOR SALE—Used car Cleveland "—in very srood runtime ~ord »r—fmfl set tyres [•most new—May be seen at Lyons Motors, NOTICE. Tenders are invited for the Erection and Completion of Fifteen Terrace Houses in Oi chard Road for Syed Ibrahim Alsagoff Eso. Flanr, Specification and Tender forms may be
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 205 7 SINGAPORE DIARY. Tu~day. Mar. 30. gigh Tides. —0.58 a.m., 1.49 p.m. pu. iir Holiday. Uater Polo: Army v. Navy, Tanglin, 4.45 p.aa. FootbaH: F.M.S. Chinese v. Colony Chinese, Stadium. Goll Championship meeting, Bukit Timah ket: S.C.C. II v. S.R.C, S.R.C. ground; St. John's Old Boys' v. Indian Association; V.M.C.A. v.
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  • 704 8 "By love, serve one another." That is the motto of the Young Women's Christian Association, and none more worthy could have been chosen. It symbolisms work of a great organisation, of which there is a flourishing branch in Singapore. That branch is nourishing because of the generosi'v
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  • 1337 8 Raffles Library will be closed on Monday, but will bv open to-day. >lr. 2. W. Orant. 51.C. H4.C.3.. b»s been granted seven w'.ntbt,' lca>o on full 5ulary. 7'be penang Xut«»mobile Club ba» 10 > alled upon to furnisb proot ol »t> ex» 8e<'.'N»j Lieut, CliampKin bu< r, «,gn< «< "mmission
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  • 380 8 Killed Two Men. INTOXICATED WHILST DRIVING. (From Our Own Correspondent Ipoh, Mar. 30 The recent motor accident European residental quarter at I,.,, one Sikh and one Chinese wen U two others seriously injured bv model Ford two-seater driven by Ur'Vr Dunn Young, Assistant at the kV
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  • 263 8 Results of Professional Examinations. i The following are the results of ht March Professional Examinations ;f thr King 1 Edward VII College of MedicineSingapore: First Professional Examination, Part I.— Awang bin Hassan, Boey Chew Sek, Cha-ju Hoey Chan, Lip Song Chiew, Mah Kee I.ui, C. Nadarahah, Omar
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  • 82 8 Big Increase Reported. The Municipal health st'item nt for week ending 1 March 23 gives the t tal r ber cf deaths as 255. Th: de ith 27.65 per mille compared v th the preceding week and 2fi.< i in 'h responding week of last ve caus2s
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  • 34 8 A ran* of knife and pstol-armed entered a retail shon in th Rochore 1» on Thursday ni-ht :nd took awaj $V>o in cash. Or of them fired a before leaving the premises.
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  • 15 8 From France by "Atho? II." duo at S pore at 7 a.m. to-morrow.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 150 8 No. 3459. Hall-marked Silver G.U CENTaE PIECE Price $256 00 No. 3450. I No. 3451. r L__ Hall-marked Silver Gilt-CENTRE STAND.? Hall-market Silver GiIt—FLOWER VASES. L E 5 in. Price $21.50, 6 in. $30.00. 5 m, $40 00, 10 in $150.00. 0 3. C ROBINSON it Co., Ltd. Singapore. -SiS-S__HS_h-SH-^^
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    • 158 8 STANLEY'S Rustless Drawing INSTRUMENTS IN SETS OR SINGLY Compasses, Dividers, Bows, Etc. Etc Sole Agents for W. F. STANLEY ft CO, LTD. MOTION SMITH AND SON LIMITED 15, Battery Road, Singapore. A Brilliant Investment. I Brest yonr money lo Jewels! While enjoying the use of them they will yet preserve
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  • 642 9 I China and Japan. f? I need of unity in the KUOMINTANG. Fenir Declares for Nanking. Reuter's Service. Wanking, Mar. 28. Kuomintang CongTess conf[u(;t sessions to-day after continuous daily s' in P»- practically without incident. General Chiang Kai Shek, describing the to the Congress's deliberations, >a d
    Reuter's Service.  -  642 words
  • 60 9 verative Selling Scheme. Reuter's Service. London, Mar. 28. T X -rt-d by the success of the Eastern -c ation, which lias already sold ec s of cloth in China against Japanese competition, another big scheme among shippers for ■••ntetins. Lancashire cotton-goods abroad afoot, j ft s proposed
    Reuter's Service.  -  60 words
  • 148 9 RAPID FAREWELL TO BROTHERS. Nearly Misses His Train. Reuter's Service. London, Mar. 28. In contrast with the reception awaiting him in ceremonious Japan, th e Duke of Gloucester';, departure was most informal. The platform at Victoria was thronged not merely with the ordinary boat-train crowd but with many
    Reuter's Service.  -  148 words
  • 153 9 Big Merger and Sale. Reuter's Service. New York, Mar. Zd. The Chemical National Bank of the United States and the Mortgage and Trust Company, two of the oldest New York banks, are merging. The combined assets j wi 1 be $-100 000,000. The "Herald-Tribune" states that an
    Reuter's Service.  -  153 words
  • 78 9 King's Appetite Improves. Reuter's Service. London, Mar. 29. A bulletin states that the King continues to make satisfactory propress, despite the tiresome rheumatism around the right shoulder. His weight is increasing and his appetite is returning. Sleep is better in quality and the insistence on lengthy abstention from
    Reuter's Service.  -  78 words
  • 83 9 Reuter's Service. London, Mar. 29. The death has occurred of the Rev. F. B. Meyer, the famous preacher. [The Rev. Federi k Brotherton Meyer was born on April 8. 1847, and was educated at Brighton College and Regent's Park Baptist Coilege. He was president of the National
    Reuter's Service.  -  83 words
  • 47 9 Legal Qpinion Required. Reuter's Service. Washington, Mar. 29. The oil curtailment plan, approved by the directors cf the American Petroleum Institute, was referred by the Secretary of the Interior to the Attorney-General for his opinion regarding its legality under the Sherman Antitrust and Clayton Acts.
    Reuter's Service.  -  47 words
  • 45 9 More Power for Reserve Board. i Reuter's Service. Washington, Mar. 29. Legislation to strengthen the powers of the Federal Reserve Board in order to ensure its control over funds likely to enter the speculative market will be proposed at the ccming Congress.
    Reuter's Service.  -  45 words
  • 23 9 Reuter's Service. Paris, Mar. 30. The Senate has ratified the Kellogg Pact, which the Chamber ratified on Mar. 1:
    Reuter's Service.  -  23 words
  • 28 9 INDIAN NEWS AND NOTES, on pages 2 and 3. CEYLON NEWS AND NOTES, on page 7. SPORTS NOTES, on page 10. MUSLIM AFFAIRS, on page 11.
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  • 297 9 AUSTRALIANS ATTEMPT DIRECT FLIGHT. On the Way to London. Reuter's Service. Sydney, Mar. 30. Captain Kingsford Smith and Mr. Ulm, the first airmen to fly over the Pacific, have started on a nan—stop 2,000 miles flight to Wyndham, West Australia, en route to Singapore and thence to England.
    Reuter's Service.  -  297 words
  • 397 9 New General Electric Scheme. Reuter's Service. London, Mar. 28. In consequence of American shareholders' protests regarding the new G.E.C. issue, Sir Hugo Hirst has formulated a fresh scheme for the issue cf new shares. This has be:n unfolded at a shareholder s' meeting. The main feature is ths
    Reuter's Service.  -  397 words
  • 72 9 Good Welcome in Moscow. Reuter's Service. Moscow, Mar. 28. The British commercial delegation has arrived in Russia It was met at the frontier by the chairman of 'a reception committee and welcomed here by the leading commeraial body and the Society for the Promotion of Cultural Relations
    Reuter's Service.  -  72 words
  • 29 9 Reuter's Service. Berlin. Mar. 29. The Gral Zeppelin has returned to her base at Friedrichshafen. The Graf Zeppelin's cruise to Palestine and back lasted for 81% hours.
    Reuter's Service.  -  29 words
  • 184 9 Reliable Forecast. EMPIRE SETTLEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. Reuter's Service. London. Mar. 30. Mr. Stanley Baldwin, the Premier, will announce the Ministerial election programme at a gathering of Conservative M.P.'s, candidates and leaders in London shortly after Mr. Churchill's Budget state- j ment in the House of Commons
    Reuter's Service.  -  184 words
  • 174 9 Russia and Afghan Border. Reuter's Service. Moscow, Mar. 28. Reports that the Soviets have closed the frontier to Afghans are officially described as false. It is atciared that Afghans are perfectly free to enter Soviet Russia under existing long-standing regulations. Reports of movements of Soviet troops on the
    Reuter's Service.  -  174 words
  • 94 9 Coastguards and the "I'm Alone." Reuter's Service. New York, Mar. 29. Coastguard authorities announce that responsible Government officials have made a thorough investigation into the circumstances and corroborate th- view that the "I'm Alone" was orab!y within the twelve mile limit when sighted and a hot,
    Reuter's Service.  -  94 words
  • 83 9 Reparations Meeting Adjourns. Reuter's Service. Paris, Mar. 28. The conference of reparation experts is dragging on but is no nearer agreeing as to the amount whifh Germany shall pay. It is understood the *ap between the German offer and the creditor Powers' demands is as wide- as
    Reuter's Service.  -  83 words
  • 33 9 A New World Record. Reuter's Service. New York, Mar. 29. Martin Jensen, at Roosevelt Field, has established a new world's solo endurance flight of 35 hours 33 mins. 21 sees.
    Reuter's Service.  -  33 words
  • 40 9 Reuter's Service. Washington, Mar. 29. Mr. Henry Stimson was to-day inducted into office in succession to Mr. Kellogg as Secretary of otate. The oath was administered <by Chief Justice Taft. whom Mr. Stimson once served as War Secretary.
    Reuter's Service.  -  40 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 132 9 1 fi J H I 1 i s* g I N R I \S I l .Ends'with 0 r JfcR.TENNENT LTD. D Q SOLE ACtNTS D 0 GUTHRIE C CO LTD H 5 n i a R 0 k 3 fi 1 I THE MARK OF REALLY GOOD f MUSIC
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  • 49 10 Sports Pastimes. S.C.C. v. SELANGOR. Singapore Team's Bad Start. CRICKET. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 30. The S.C.C. Selangor state match was commenced this morning. The S.C.C. took first knock and at the time of going to press had lost live wicksts with only 54 iuns scored.
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  • 63 10 The following will represent the Indian Association against the St. John's 0.8.A. «>n the LA. ground to-day, commencing at 11 a.m.:—A. Nomanbhoy, R. Jumabhoy, iN. A. Mallal (capt.), P. K. Baskaran. D. S. Fernandez, A. Sunpiah. K. V. Menon, C. A. Baig, D. K. Samy, A. S.
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  • 232 10 Yesterday's Results. SHOCK FOR CLP FINALISTS. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL. Reuter's Service. [Reuters Service.] London, Mar. 29. The following art the results of English Association Fooebal! League games played here to-day: ENGLISH LEAGUE—DIVISION L Bolton Badly Beaten. Arsenal 1, Blackburn 0. Bury 1, Manchester U. 3. Liverpool 2, Cardiff C.
    Reuter's Service.  -  232 words
  • 412 10 Darul Aihsan Beat Darul Taalam. Darul Aihsan, the Penang League champions; won the handsome cup presented by Haji Manjoor Sahib, J P., when they defeated Darul Taalam by 2—l at th--Stadium on Thursday afternoon. His Lx cellemy the Governor (Sir Hugh Clifford) and Lady*d were among
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  • 323 10 Penang Team's Brilliant Play. A huge crowd gathered at the Stadium yesterday to witness the game between the Penang Malays (M.F.A.) team and Johore State Malay-, The Penang team dkplayed all round superiority, leaving the field winners Iby I —L It was an interesting game, nevertheless, Johore trying
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  • 143 10 Kuala Lumpur v. Singapore. R :binsori and Co., Ltd., are, we lelieve, th: only firm besides the A.PC. who hay* been able to arrange an inter-company game of soccer between the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur houses. A keenly contested game was witnessed by p very large -rcwd on
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  • 72 10 S.S. and F.M.S. Chinese. The names of the players in to-day's important math. Colony Chinese v. F.M.S. Chinese, at the Stad urn are not available for publication, as several players on each side, of those originally expected to play, are unable to turn out and last moment substitute--
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  • 28 10 Expected on Monday. Ths Shanghai footbalbrs are expected to arrive he:? on Monday morning. The visitors will appear in a series of matches against local teamc.
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  • 47 10 The mat h between the Bertdomeer Athletic C] b and, the R.A.F., arranged to be played o:i the S.C.F.A ground, on Thursday even nr, was postponed. Yesterday*,; match bo'we.n the Welch and the F.M.S.R. to be played on the Malay ground, was. r%ho postponed.
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  • 60 10 The Merrilads will meet the Ipoh Railway Station Football Team to-day on the S.C.F.A. ground, when the following will represent the Merrilads:— Koh Chim Yeat; Tan Tian Peng, Koh Lye Hck; Tan Bok Lim, Kam Gim Lock, Tan Chwee Teck; Ang Seng Kay, Tan Chim T
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  • 65 10 BADMINTON. A match of four singles and one doubles will be played between the Novice B.P. and the Chinese Friendly Association tomorrow, at 3.30 p.m., at the former's court. The Novices will be represented by: Singles:—Wee Eng Siang, Choo Tan Jong. Teo Soo Poh, and Teo Keng
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  • 58 10 The following will represent the Jovial B.P. against the Oversea Chinese Bank B.P. in a match of five singles to-morrow, at 3.30 p.m., at the former's court at 4, Lorong "C," East Coast Road: Koh Beng Swee, Koh Lock Nam, Koh Wee Nam, Koh Choo n
    58 words
  • 584 10 Proposed Transfer to Pasir Panjang. SWIMMING. The report of the Committee of the Swimming Club, Singapore, for the year ended Jan. 31, to be presented at the annual meeting on April 7, states: After making the usual piovision for depieciation ($6,380.71) and reserving a further instalment ($500) for
    584 words
  • 54 10 Lcughran Retains Title. BOXING. Reuter's Service. Chicago. Mar. 29. In a ten round contest fo r the world's light-heavyweight championship the holder, Tommy Loughran. heat Mickey Walker, world's middle-weight champion, on points. It wa- the opening fight at the new Stad urn, which has a record indoor s:ating
    Reuter's Service.  -  54 words
  • 126 10 LAWN TENNIS. The following are Thursday's result*, of the ties in the S.C.C. Lawn Tennis Tournament. Champ Onship Doubles.. Lt. Dearden and Lt. Waring v. G. F. Murphy and M. G. Marriott (postponed). C, E. Winier and W. C. Hill beat J. Duguid and C. B. Terdre, 6—o,
    126 words
  • 36 10 The Ladies Doubles Handicap Fiml ii the Tanglin Club Lawn Tennis Tournament resulted as follows: Mrs. Zylstra and Miss Wal'is owe 15.4 beat Mrs. Atkin Berry and Mrs. Newell plus 1, 6—2, 5—7, 6—3.
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  • 33 10 WATER POLO. The Singapore Chinese Swimming Club will play ths Penang Chinese Swimming Club at Water Polo to-morrow at 2 p.m. Following this there will be a Medley Relay Race.
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  • 29 10 The Singapore Swimming Club will meet the Penang Chinese Swimming Club in a water polo match at the Singapore Swimming Club on Easter Monday, at 3 p.m.
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  • 793 10 Colony v. F.M.S. Match Proposed. GOLF. The greatest interest was displayed at tht Singapore Golf Club when tne annual bogey competition which opened tne Malayan Golf Championsh p Meeting at Bukit Timah was commenced yesterday. In addition to the five, got! cluos in tne island, up-country was sirongly
    793 words
  • 491 10 Improvements to the Course. The r port of the committee of the Sirajapoti Golf Club for the year ended Dec. 31. last to be presented at the annual meeting on Apr-'l 3, states inter alia:—The income and expenditure for the year shows a surplus of $3,361 04
    491 words
  • 78 10 Won by Horton Smith. Reuter's Service. [Reuters Service.] Pinehurst, Mar. 28. The Pinehurst open gclf tournament was won by the brilliant yenng American Ryder Cun player Horton Smith, (vho is shortly leaving for England with the team for the match against Britain at Leeds on April 26) wi.n
    Reuter's Service.  -  78 words
  • 61 10 To-day s Scratchings. THE TURF. The scratchings for to-day's Amateur Race meecing at ipoh are as follows:— Race 1, Jangeishak, Star Lady; Race 2, Ensign; Race 3, Tosaii; Race 4, Stiffy, Dolly Keneiworth; Race 5, Untong; Race 7, Valedine; Race 8, Taree, hidden Toy, Mutual Trust; Race
    61 words
  • 138 10 Latest Changes. The following changes m classi.ication cf horses anu poni.s have been by the S.K.A.: HORSES. Transfers:—Lacy uounce Class 2. io Class o\ Monreaie from Ciasr 2 to Ciass 3. from Class 4 to Cla s 3. Stiffy from Class 3 tv Class 4. Deletions:—Air
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  • 72 10 (By courtesy of the Nanye- Nichi-Nichi Shimbunshaw) Tokyo. Mar. 27. HEAT WAVE IN FORMOSA. An untimely heat wave is now raging throughout Formosa. The thermometer registered yesterday 95 degrees (Fahrenheit). T CABINET REFORM. Cabinet reform i? stated to be the most urgent problem for the Premier. Many
    72 words
  • 133 10 The people responsible for circulating objectionable pseudo-medical pamphlets and catalogues in the F.M.S. are evidently aware that the postal authorities here have taken steps to stop matter of this description in the post. One simple but ingenious method of evading this prohibition has been brought. to our notice. A member
    133 words
  • 820 10 A WEEKLY COMMENTARY. («pecial to th* M ala >a Trifc^ The English cricketers ~i fcd this week having won lour of r! r h m cf the 1928-9 series. The ~v fee played in England i n th? n 'Hi 1930. Although England w£ reach the Australian wins,
    820 words
  • 58 10 To Be Staged in Singap ii, i gj'llt As announced in our a n columns, some €nt?rpnsinir n1 1 S3langor Indian Assocatii'i w i; for the purpo (,t t; Indian play, Kovalan." at tnc Royal to-morrow. This move will no doubt be mu« u ciated by the Indian
    58 words
  • 41 10 It is notified in a supplement to untitled Government Gazette that for tn< 0 of the Rubber Research Institute ot Enactment, 1925, and the AfcTK Post* Enactment, 192<*. Mr continues to Der-'orm tl 1 1 tary for Ajrrioultur? ES. und r
    41 words

  • 980 11 EI)rCATION OF MUSLIM BOYS. Religious' Instruction in Schools. (By Our Muslim Correspondent.) The -abject of English education of uoys is of such abiding interest [hat it cro P s U P> either in the columns of the ii .vspapers, both vernacular and gaghsh, or elsewhere, off and on.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 296 11 t GRAMOPHONE REPAIRS AND jjj ■i PARTS SUPPLIED S [jj You can repair your own Phonograph in [jj less than 5 minutes! We now offer the ffi jy public complete Accessories for ALL X rfl IYPES of Phonograph from sound fi\ boxes, springs, gears, and down to the nJ jj
      296 words
    • 85 11 TO-NIGHT f SATURDAY, MARCH 30. TO-NIGHT NEW WORLD SHOW OPEN AIR CINEMAS—CHINESE WAYANG—JAVANESE WAYANG WONG—SIDE SHOWS—Etc. THE CITY OPERA j will stage Mohaned Haron's Sensational Production THE TOOL OF SA TAN." Supported by VAUDEVILLE. To-morrow, March 31 —"THE GYPSY'S REVENGE." COMING SOON! Grand Vaudeville and Minstrel Revue" —By the City's
      85 words
    • 388 11 Ah! Here I see the Finest Quality of I FRAMROZ Co. I kk ASPRO IS THE KEY TO HEALTH. TABLETS g l/nn) TABLETS 1 25 CTS. gj fj/ 60 CTS. S a The marvellous relieving powers of "As:>ro" are now becoming as well known X m Malaya as in other
      388 words

  • 143 12 February Returns. The following rubber crop returns for the month of February are reported to us: Ampat (Sumatra). 59,018 lb. Brusch Ltd.. 38,910 lb. Brunei United, 35,020 lb. Bukit Timah, 10,674 lb v Batu V.liage, 1,352 lbs.' Chantfkai 23,916 lb. Continental Plantation Company, 86,019 lb. Haytor, 19,631 lb.
    143 words
  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 306 12 Amusements. I A RARE OPPORTUNITY j TO SEE |j g The Selangor Indian Association Amateurs! c ffl FOB THE FIRST TIME IN SINGAPORE! D I I a see: g THEIR PLAY C KOVALAN." I 1 At The THEATRE ROYAL C [3 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. jj S To-morrow March 31c c
      306 words
    • 544 12 Church Services. (SUNDAY) EASTER DAY. St. Andrew's Cathedral March 31, 1929. 6:16 a.m. Holy Communion. 7:30 a.m. (choral) Holy Communion. 9:15 a.m. Holy Communion. 4 p.m. Children's Service. 5:30 p.m. Festal Evensong and Sermon, Holy Communion on Monday, Wednesdaj and Friday at 8 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7
      544 words
    • 333 12 WESLEY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 8:30 a.m. Sunday school will meet for half hour session. 9 a.m. The Morning Easter Service. A programme has been arranged in which can take part. 5:30 p.m. The Evening Easter Worship Service. Sermon by the Rev. Hobart B. Amstutz. The usual mid-week services will not
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 100 12 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEERS. Programme of Drills up to and for March 31, 1929. To-day, Mar. ML 2 p.m.—Bukit Timah Range, S. R. E. (v), Musketry. Port Dickson.— 44 C" Scottish Coy., In Camp. Port Dickson.—lst Battn. Sig. Section, In Camp. Port Dickson.—lntelligence Sec, In Camp. Air Base Seletar.—"A" M. G. Coy.,
      100 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 496 13 I Calco Automatic Drainage Gates Used fl I IN CONNECTION WITH 3 ARMCO INGOT IRON I Corrugated Culverts are X S solving many Difficult S Drainage Problems. g /ragjPy Conveniently transported. Quickly Jjj installed. Strong and Reliable. No g gu> CALCO SLIDE HEAD GATES, ARMCO CORRUGATED ffl CULVERTS, FLUMES AND
      496 words
    • 315 13 i jj v li* ii i i in iii wdi—i— j URASEPTINE. f Jj/j A remedy for urinary diseases in general:—Hepatic, and Renal Colic, Calculus-Stone in the r'jl bladder, GOUT, RHEUMATISM Gravel, Eczema, Liver Complaints etc. li™' At all drug store or The Distributors for Malaya MEDICAL OFFICE, j' f/*
      315 words

  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 759 14 1 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. THE SZE HAI TONG BANKING AND INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Twenty-Second Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Registered Office of the Bank, at Nos. 56, 57 and 58, Chulia Street, Singapore, on Saturday, the 6th April, 1929,
      759 words
    • 677 14 PUBLIC NOTICES. TENDER. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE Tenders are invited for the purchase of the following:— Item 1. 81 Old solid tyres. 12 Old pneumatic tyres. Item 2. 122 Empty oil drums. Item 3. A quantity of assorted scrap. Tenders to be submitted for each item, separately. The above can be
      677 words
    • 518 14 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85, Beach Street. Malacca 131, Jonker Street. Muar No. 1, Jalan Sayang. Batu Pahat 109, Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Ilir. Hong Kong 13, Queen's Road, Central. Seremban 63, Birch Road.' Batavia 47, Corner Lloyd Street. Shanghai 9,
      518 words
    • 618 14 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December, 1892.) Authorised capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1.800.000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund an-* Rest £1,684,846 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street. London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M.
      618 words
    • 521 14 INSURANT THE EASTERN j ASSURANCE CORP oR LIMITEIf ir HEAD OFFICE: S v 2nd Floor of No. 3, y lhr Singapon 'Phone Noa. 30 f6 and r BOARD OF DIP: r Fee Teong Wah, Esq.-. Ong Soon Tee—Vice-C; a £2* a Koh San Hin. Es< Seah Eng Lim, E Vow
      521 words

  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 386 15 SEA SAILINGS 0. SRI INDIA *D AFC LINES. in England.) PAS GER CARGO A ICES ,*Ttf*Cl vf ORIENTAL STEAM L LONDON AND F AB IL SERVICE. jet- o1 r tft Hia Majesty's ment:) 0 rem LONDON Kei ft Japan Due moafe Singapore 1929 Kaivan MM Apr 6 'a 11.000 Apr
      386 words
    • 551 15 STEAMER SAILINGS HAMBURG-AMEJUKA UK« oeuiscn Ao,tni,,M,,a O&inpliohjJTi BewllMlaft (Companies Ine rporated la Germany.) OUTWARDS. HONG KONG. SHANGHAI, KOBB AND NORTH CHINA PORTS. t m.s. VOGTLAND Apr 11 f m.s. DUISBURG Apr 21 t s.s. SAUERLAND May 1C t s.s. OLDENBURG May 22 t s.s. EMIL KIRDORF June 6 m.s. HAVELLAND
      551 words
    • 378 15 STEAMER SAILINGS NORDDEUTSCBER LLOYD (Incorporated In Germany > The underrated are the Company's intended fixtures:— OUTWARDS. t TARGIS, for Shanghai, Y'hama, Kobe, Moji Vladivostok Mar 30 COBLENZ for Manila, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taku, Dalny Tsingtao Apr 2 t FRANKEN for Hong Kong, Shanghai, Moji, Kobe, Y'hama, Taku, Dalny Tsingtao Apr
      378 words
    • 268 15 STEiBER SAILINGS straits (teamship cb^Tm LOCAL SAIJNGS FROM SINGAPORE I 1 PEN AW G «r*ct expreaa service— is ft hours) Thurfday 11.80 am. "KEDAF" BELAWAN Via Penang) Thunday 11.50 ajn. "KEDAH' A sp-cial tfotor Bus for Brastagi connects with *s, -Kedah at Belawan on Saturdays. Tickets for this bus can
      268 words
    • 523 15 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) TO MARSEILLES LONDON «J A werp B- R Kit&no Maru 8 000 If—hi_ t a Apr 11 v Haruna Maru 10S *£5 Kamo Maru p, 000 lf»—in t j> Rotterdam May 9 i» Atsuta Mam k nnn xt» tn T Rotterdam June 6 ■SU
      523 words