Malaya Tribune, 27 August 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune Vol. XIII. No. 200 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1926 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 1926.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 COMMERCIAL MANILLA BUFF ENVELOPES JUST RECEIVED OF SPECIAL QUALITY sIZK 6*x34 -$2 00 per 1000 Envelope. (A Lia'ted ateck •■lf ia aaae*) r t Malaga Tribune Press, Ltd, printer* Stationery, Singapore. cooc==aoi=oc=oa I MEET I S YOUR FRIENDS I 0 o AT j 0 O 1 THE I MALAYAN EXHIBITION
      73 words
    • 20 1 y Buj:n«u P filmic** »rid uhlmmC X O t»*l«« or eycela»»". ot l*ht ght £h actal rtxn •pccucle* or hhlim
      20 words

  • 1264 2 Plenty of Work for Men of Ideas (BY SIR ROBERT DONALD, G.8.E., LL.D.) Before the Imperial Conference meets it will be the duty of the Government to fortify itself with data—and a policy— on films and the Empire. At present neither the Colonial Office nor >he Department of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 337 2 When you expect babyremember that every cell comprising baby's b* ay and there are many millions of them must have calcium for its nucleus, and you are the only source of supply. Kalzana, the new calc aim-food, is the solution of your problem. It supplies in a pal itabie, easily
      337 words
    • 474 2 "SUMMER TROUBLE" Baby's Own Tablets Are Just the Remedy Your Children Need At This Time. During the hot season s omach and bowel ailments are especially dangerous, therefore every parent should carefully watch the health of the children at this time. "When any warning symptom of "summer trouble'' is no
      474 words
    • 498 2 Singapore No. 3 r THE RBIONINQ FAVORITE IN SCHOOL AND BUsiNEsT Have you seen the Over-size Pen that looks like Lacquer JK 'Black-tipped? 1 Handsomer than gold —with the 25-year point I£J J of the Scarlet r'fvmjii LA s| HAVE you seen the Fountain Pen with the 25-year point—the Pan
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  • 991 3 Chenderiang Tin Dredging, Limited The twelfth annual general meeting of Tin Dredging, Ltd., was held jon July 22, at the registered <, I Martin's lane, Cannon-street, E.C., Mr. j John L Philips (Chairman of the company) presiding. Mr. J. Hope Bowden, A.C.A., on behalf of the Secretaries (Messrs.
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  • 1264 3 tihird annual general meeting of the membens of Lambak Rubber, Ltd. was held on Ju.y 19 at the registered office of the company, 5, Whittington, avenue, E C, if n7', Hay Presiding. Mr. Vv. M. Miller, representing the Seeretanes (Messrs. Guthrie and Co., Ltd), navmg read the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 175 3 No Picnic is Enjoyable without W/> P A E RATED 'Phone 3463 WhiteJlorse hS VfiS -»,»1 There ere ample atocke maturing to ensure the continuance of the same high fej W quality which haa alwaye li& r i&YH characterised White Horse. ufurjj Horse P 1 So**WHISKY Agents:—Messrs. A DAM SON,
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    • 274 3 No. 8 of series. I INSPECTION To lay down a set of principles before being filled, are thoroughly and rules governing the manu- clean and inspected; once filled, facture of Aerated Waters is not they are again inspected for enough; rigid inspection is also visible impurities; once every necessary to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 461 4 Amusements. S TO-NIGHT AT THE I I I 13 Jb* Jl JLrSL jel* i I In the Second Show at 9.10 p.m. Sharp jc I jjj OH M E -CH ME OK MY! in He waa a handsome >oung colhve processor «rd hi hated women. Then, X C{ he found
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    • 382 4 I A SPLENDID PROGRAMME I From Tuesday, August 24 to Sunday, August 29. I AT THE ALHAMBRA! Ln I 3 (Tan Chen* Kee A Co., Ltd. Proprietor*.) I I In the Second Show at 9. p.m. g I A Pox Special a c I May Mc Avoy I jj| in
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    • 325 4 GAIETY CINEMA Junction Albert A Bencoolen Street*. TO-NIGHT AT 9.15 New Cartoon and Spotlight HERE HE IS AG UN In a piciure of pep for }o>i A real cure for the Bteeal REGINALD DE NY In the Universal Jewel THE RtCKLESS AGE Dashing, Crashing, Smashing, THRILL! This picture is just
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    • 271 4 SURINA THEATRE North Bridge Road. Telephone No. 289 TO-NIGHT AT 9 p.m. I J Fighting Ranger New Universal Serial, Parked with Thrills! Suspended in mid-air, hanging U slender ladder from the rac-in* n comes the sudden jump to the man on t£ motorcycle See this stern ruthl chase, with men
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  • 114 5 To-day, August 27 >i --C.30 a.m., 17 p.m. T1 Wa i] closes, 1 p.m. Commission— p.m. Horticultural Show, K. Lumpur. orfaa -Presbyterian Church, 8.45 P rT A 'h# Trotters. Victoria Theatre, 9.30 To morrow, August 28 m* Ti-?es.- -1 14 a.m. 1.41 p.m. n Mail closes, 2 p.m.
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  • 59 5 To-day, August 27 rill Hall, S.V.C. Band. Full Ball Range, S.V.C. Units, 6 Range Competition. To-morrow, August 28 irrei Range, Malay Company. *t2 ,vetry ClaasificatMß. ikit Timah. «C* Company and *Y Bl ..cement Group, Musketry Cl idiestkMS, Sunday, August 29 -o 0 n.—Farrer Range. Malay Company sincatioav ikit
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  • 27 5 untitled who was sentenced to life untitled JJSwent for tta murder of Mrs. Campl roet last year, has sub- tenet but baa present2d a petition for mercy.
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  • 1137 5 FINANCE COMMERCE PRODUCE Singapore, August 27 Rice, Siam No t Per Koyan $388 Rice, Siam 2 $368 Rice, Siam 3 $350 Hue, Saigon 1 1334 Rice, Saigon 2 $J>26 Rice, Saigon 3 Rice, Rangoon 1 Rice, Rangoon 2 Rice, Par Boiled No 1 per bag $10.00 Rice, 2 9.80 Rice,
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  • 243 5 TO-DAY, AUGUST 27 Selat Pandjang and Bagan Si Api Api (Eng Guan) 2 p.m. Ceylon, Southern and Western India Djibouti (General Metzinger) 2 pm. Banka Island, Java, South-Wiest Sumatra, South-East Borneo, Celebes, Moluccas and Timor Dilly (Melchior Treub) 2 p.m. Muar (*Flying Dragon) 2 p.m. Mersing and Kuala
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  • 96 5 On most estates in the Stra'ts employing Indians there are estate shops where he price* are controlled. Th-3 labourer continued to pet rice in 1P25 at 4j io do cenU per gantan-S the price of r cc increasing towards the end of the year. The genera; rat**, were about 50
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  • 106 5 Elaborate Programme at Malay Union Seminary The fifth annuel Commencement of ttoe Malaysian Union Seminary,. Serangoon Road, begins on Friday (to-day) at 7 p m., with a consecration service, and ends on Monday next with the rendition of the Cantata Ruth, at 8.30 p.m. This cantata
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  • 213 5 EMPIRE CINEMA In his latest film comedy, "1 11 Show You The Town," the Universal-Jewel feature which opened at the Empire Cineam last night. Reginald Denny comes to the screen in the role of an unromantic professor who is literally deluged with feminine hearts of all ages—and sizes.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 592 5 t EST ADVERTISEMENTS j GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. T*r > s w'll be received at the Colonial RKitemb'i 1923, for the erection and com- «2 neral fiospital, Sepoy Lines, Singapore. r rson ap lying for a form cf «Jnder trffi be required to deposit the ram X TuXd Dollars w th the
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    • 29 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Replaced Natural-Like, VERY MODERATE CHARGES O. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentfct, 75 Hill Streets, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary, Thane 4057
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    • 20 5 FOR DEFECTS OF CONSULT M. EZEKIEL SONS. Manufactoring Ophthalmic Opticiana, 4, Raffles Chambers, Ralßee Place. Optometries AJI. EaeldeL OJ)n F.P-O.C
      20 words
    • 285 5 Stop! What is Ahead of You? Are you sati-fied with v?ur pay and prospect*? *re you pure ot you-job? If >our servioes are PgprßMi with, will you bi able to get another [K>fc t? sure of your future by qualiyiDg yourself la one r!Arv>cußr line of work. The 1.0. 8.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 69 5 METEOROLOGICAL REPOR'i (By courtesy of the Government Health Officer.) Kar.dang Kerbau Station for the 24 hours hours ending midnight August 26, 1926. deg. Maximum temperature 86 F. Minimum shade tempsrature 75.8 r. Mean shade temperature 79 9 F. Maximum sun radirtion 145 F. M.nimum grass radiation 72.J F. Sea temperature
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  • 996 6 A letter from "J. L., M pub ished on another page to-day, deals very fully with the complaint made by the Municipal Engineer with regard to Municipal summons cases in magisterial courts. The Engineer considers that the ordinary magistrate does noj inflict sufficiently deterrent punishment and that
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  • 1181 6 Dr Chota Singh will deliver a lecture on Indian Music' at the Indian Asscciaton premises to-day, at 8 p.m. All interested are welcome. George Caddy, chief engineer of the aeam yacht Yaria, had a heart attack in the sreet, outsloV* the house where hi, daughter was staying, in Southampton. He
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  • 337 6 down in Leipzig. l< sttt£| TeXic h 3 S Kg*. the Ministry of Agrcultur S on pension after t W n am U He expects to ££1? yeai? mediately. lflUe Sin* i^. Prof Ba ky P/.ys lcs Chumbngko.n >ri :esior *W a position i? lowa si
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  • 24 6 China and Japan °y s.s Kalyma, cue Singapore 4 a.m. to-morrow.' Maru° m rln?i" a and Japan °y Maru, due Singapore to-morrow.
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  • 52 6 The following j, «ft re Malunu, m Singapore, J.J V r 1000 hniO .June 22 per [fl 0 p r iihiO Juy 2,2 per i» o SC »000 Aujr. 2 2 p_r |0O0 Mpt 2 0 j„ r 101)0 got. per lODO Nov. JJ jer li I>ec. 3.2
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  • 89 6 Ipoh, Aug.i st 27. (From Our Own Correspondent.) After a lapse of thirteen pearl the Open Perak Athletic Meeting takei place tnis week end in preparation for the Malayan Championships. Over fort) competitors have entered but some of the belt school ath'.etes are absent owing cc the nolidays.
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  • 162 6 At a General Meeting- of the FathaJ Kar b Club held at the Club btooi Sunday the following gentlemen were elected Office Bearers for the 2nd half year:--President, Mr. Mohamed Kassim bin Manjoorsah; Vice-p? esider.t, Mr. Abdul Rahim bin Haji Osman; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer, Mr Haji
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 362 6 I SUITABLE MARRIAGE PRESENTS jj] ivo 448 5 Six Blue and Gr id Aynsley China C ffee cups, with silver I Ifj GiJt Holders ai d China Saucers to match. Complete with g six silver Kilt Cffte Bean i-poors in best Morocco leather Dj coveied case. g I Price $130.00
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    • 79 6 I COMPARISON jjj |jj is the only infallible Test gof the relative value of jg Typewriters. X I By comparison the Royal S proves its superiority. Ask for Booklet S Describing the 20 I Reasons jt a To l LTD. I I Singapcrs. Peoang, Kuala Lumpur, g sJsa mwhi kl
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  • 359 7 probable Terms of Settlement IMPORTANT SPEECHES BY MINISTERS Pov.ninfr-Street Meeting Ends in Hopeful Spirit British Official Press Service. Reuter's Service. London, August 26. I seervcy has been main- r. -u-.iinc: the coal discussions at Street, wh'ch lasted ninety I it app-ars that no immediate c esttlts are
    British Official Press Service.; Reuter's Service.  -  359 words
  • 107 7 ANGLO-RUSSIAN MEETING CONCLUDED Protocol for Submission to the Executives Reuter's Service. Berlin, August 26. TH* Anglo-Russian committee for pro*3 Tra le Union unity has concluded ■»*<«r days meeting here. Pry s.cretive as regards the defr but the fact that the meeting If Protracted till nearly midnight daily
    Reuter's Service.  -  107 words
  • 45 7 Reuter's Service. Paris, August 26. Captain Pell; tier d'Oisy left Paris on *°*J at :>.CO and, making a circuit cf tonm, Tinis, Casablanca, Madrd, *Bd Paris, was back on Weines- lv -'*n;;;-thrce hours and fourteen He was cheered by a laree crowd
    Reuter's Service.  -  45 words
  • 22 7 Reuter's Service. 'hnb'own, Pennsylvania, August 27. Tw °hJ U inerS are entombed at Clymer. W h "ve been recovered.
    Reuter's Service.  -  22 words
  • 92 7 DROPPING HIS CARRIAGE AT DARWIN Leaving Australia on Second of September British Official Press Service. London, August 26. On his return flight from Melbourne to London, Mr. Alan Cobham will discard the lanl undercarriage of hi 3 aeroplane at Port Da win, which he expects to reach on
    British Official Press Service.  -  92 words
  • 75 7 FAMOUS BROOKLANDS RIDER KILLED Car Dashes in Among the Spectators Reuter's Service. Boulogne, August 26. The motor-car race meeting here orened disastrously. The famous brooklands rider, captain Howey. during a hill test, failed to take the second bend and his car dashed among the spectators. It kille
    Reuter's Service.  -  75 words
  • 119 7 Three Ex-Ministers Sentenced to Death Reuter's Service. Constantinople, August 20. The second important trial arising from the alleged plot against the life of Mustapha Kemal has ended at Angora where a number of former members of the Committee of Union and Progress were charged with instigating the
    Reuter's Service.  -  119 words
  • 128 7 Splendid Improvement in Infant Death Rate British Official Press Service. London, August 26. The annual report of the Ministry of Health records that the rate of infant mortality per thousand births last year was seventy five, wh eh is the same as the figure fey 1924. Commenting upon
    British Official Press Service.  -  128 words
  • 109 7 Former German Battle Cruiser Re-Flooded British Official Press Service. London, August 25. As a result of a severe gale which swept over the Orkneys, the former German battle-cruiser Hinderburg, which is being raised in Scapa Flow, has been reflooied. During the storm a salved ex-German destroyer, which
    British Official Press Service.  -  109 words
  • 24 7 Several River Boats Sunk at New Orleans Reuter's Service. New Orleans, August 27. A hurricane here last night sank several river boats.
    Reuter's Service.  -  24 words
  • 123 7 GERMANY CONFIDENT OF COMPROMISE Is Spiin Fully Occupied With Tangier? Reuter's Service. Berlin, August 26. The Reichstag's Foreign Affa rs Committee has received Dr. Stresemann's re port on the foreign political situation and learned that the Foreign Minister on the whole is confident that the difficu'.tes of Germany's
    Reuter's Service.  -  123 words
  • 73 7 DEMAND FOR DISMISSAL OF DE RIVERA King Refuses to Dissolve Corps of Artillery Reuter's Service. St. Jean-de-Luze, August 26. A very serious situation has arisen in Spain. According to French reports, it appears that the Artillery Corps have sent a petit'on to K'ng Alfonso demanding tho dismissal of
    Reuter's Service.  -  73 words
  • 123 7 Girls Giggle as they Approach The Bier Reuter's Service. New York, August 26. There were many scandalous breaches of decorum yesterday at Rudolph Valentino's lying in state. For example, many g'rls approaching the bier giggled and plied powder-purrs and lipsticks. One we?ping girl was foun>j to have secreted
    Reuter's Service.  -  123 words
  • 108 7 Aviators Fail to Scupper Arms Vessel Reuter's Service. New York, August 27. A battle between a Government bombiig aeroplane and a gun-running vessel endeavouring to land arms for the revriutionary forces is described in a letter fibre Managua. Two former American aviators now employed in the Nicaraguan constabulary
    Reuter's Service.  -  108 words
  • 74 7 Wife of Tungku Azh of Johore Bahru I We deeply regret to record he death, m Johore Bahru last night, d Tungku Azizah the wife of Tungku AbdJ Aziz the Deputy Mentri Besar of Johore i*nd sister ot His Highness the Sultan 6f Johore. J-Jeath was due
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  • 67 7 The great majority of Labourers brought here in 1925 were recruited/by licensed kangams. During the year 1561 licenses (for estates in the Straits' Settlements, Federated Malay States, Johfre, Kelantan, Kedah and Perils) iJund as crm-pJrci-wit.h 3 0 69 in 19 24. Registration v i lcenses was refusal in Penang, while
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  • 308 7 Danger of Mixing the Issue ALLEGED PLOTTING BY BRITAIN To Give Spain an Illusory Satisfaction Reuter's Service. Paris, August 20. The Tangier question continues to occupy the attention of the press. "Lc Gaulois' emphasises the danger of confusing; the entirely separate questions of Tanker and the reform of
    Reuter's Service.  -  308 words
  • 118 7 COMPOSED OF CIVILIAN PATRIOTS General Kondilis Placed at Head of Affairs Reuter's Service. Athens, August 26. In accordance with a decision of party leaders to form a Cabinet of service, consisting of civilians headed by General Kondilis as head of the National Democratic Party, General Kondilis has formed
    Reuter's Service.  -  118 words
  • 49 7 Reuter's Service. Moscow, August 26. A party of 400 South American tourists have arrived at Len ngrad aboard the German steamer Cap Polono, including some of the leading statesmen cf Argentina, Uruguay, Chile anil Brazil, and also German bankers and manufacturers. The party were heartily welcomed.
    Reuter's Service.  -  49 words
  • 84 7 Reuter's Service. Moscow, August 27. The Foreign Commissariat has published a memorandum en the Latvian and Esthonian Governments declaring their willingness to negotiate directly with the Soviet for a Security Pact. The Soviet Government has instructed its representatives at Riga and Reval to start negotiations immediately. The
    Reuter's Service.  -  84 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 312 7 PatroniBed Eatabltahed. I Byßoyaur I For Your Wedding and Birthday Gifts Go to S The Royal Jeweller 1 a Where you will always find everything in the best in I Design, Quality and Price Entirely New Stock in a JEWELLERY, SILVER AND F. P. WARE I Just Unpacked B. P.
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  • 53 8 CRICKET Australians vs. Kent Reuter's Service. London, August 26. At Canterbury the weather wa3 fine and the wicket good. A crowd of 15,000 was present. Rain feL overnight. The Australians were out for 386 at tne Close, Ryder scoring 109, Collins 86, and Andrews 71. Freeman took six
    Reuter's Service.  -  53 words
  • 86 8 Married vs. Single The following will represent the Married and Single in a friendly Bendemeer Athletic Club soccer game on Saturday on the S C.F.A ground. Married:—llay Yong, Cheng Yeok, Kirn Whatt Ban Hee, Mun Fun, Chwee Cheng, Tian Lye, Soon Eng. Un Sun, Wah Cheng and Chin Tian.
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  • 218 8 Duke of Wellington's vs. Y.M.CA. A team representing the Duke of Wellington's Regiment were entertained at the Y.M.CA. on the eveni.g of the 25th instant. This is the fifth time that teams have met and the Y.M.CA. have proved the more skilfull players on all but one occasion.
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  • 117 8 Japan vs. France Reuter's Service. Fores: Hills, Au-rust 26 In the inter-zrne final of the Davis Cun tennis match. Cachet of France beat Tawara of Jaean. I—6, 4—6, 7—5, 6—3, 6—2. Tawara easily won the first two sets* keeping Cochet running with low-bounding Shot?. Cochet then adopted the
    Reuter's Service.  -  117 words
  • 373 8 "B'' Doubles i J. C Green and R. E. Cox plu3 4 beat H. Buckha -dt and O. Zimmerman owe 3, G' Gold/ack and J. Bright plus 15 beat E. Ziegele and J. A. Gagan owe 15, 6—l, 6—2. P. H. Romney and E. H R.
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  • 20 8 Mixed Open Doubles •inclai" and Miss Griffith-Jones beat Mr. and Mrs. Hunt 5—7, 12—10, 9—7.
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  • 359 8 RECORDING MAGISTRATE CRITICISED Accused Man's Confession Inadmissable Severe criticism of the manner in which am accused person's confession was recorded by a police m agist rate, was mad l by Mr H R Bull, in the Second Police Court yesterday' afternoon, when the prelim nary enquiry, into a
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  • 344 8 Largely Attended Funeral at Bidadari The funeral of the late Mr. A. F. Peate, manager of the Raffles Hotel, took place at Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon and was largely attended. The Rev. G. H. Douglas cffic ated both, at the chapel and the graveside. The grave
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  • 75 8 British Official Press Service. London, August 26. Exchange rates: Paris 170.25. New York 4 *****5. Brussels 176.5. Geneva 25.145. Amsterdam 12 115. Milan 147.75. Berlin 20 371 Stockholm 18.14. Copenhagen 18.28. Ber in 20.37. Osb 22.16. Vienna 34.39. Prague 163 75. Helsingfors 192.625. Mad: id 31.63. Lisbon 2
    British Official Press Service.  -  75 words
  • 98 8 C.F.A. Tournament i The following are the fixtures of the Badminton Tournament of the Chinese Friendly Association: SATURDAY'S TIES A. Class Handicap Sng Bee Ay Scratch vs. Choo Lye Huat Scrrtch Toh Or ens Kiat ewe 10 vs. Khoo Beng Hock plus 3. Low Chwee Thye owe 4 vs.
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  • 1512 8 Slow Voyage of United States Cargo Boat THE SHIPPING BOARD CASE The case for the defence was heard in the Supremo Court before Mr. Justice Deane, yesterday afternoon, in "the suit brought by Messrs. Boasson and Van Overzee agamst the U. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corporation for
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  • 651 8 MUNICIPAL SERVANT AND A "RAFFLE" Car Transaction Alleged to Have been "a Fraud" Mr. Justice Deane at the Supreme Court, this morning, took the usual weekly grist of bankruptcy cases. On application of Mr. Ariff a receiving order and order of adjudication were granted against Abubakar bin Mohamed
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  • 115 8 THE CRIME WAVE (To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune.) Sir,—Permit me to reply—through the medium of your most popular journal—to Mr. Peter W. Penson's letter appearing in your issue of the 21st instant. Mr Penson should be congratulated upon for his courage in espousing the
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  • 210 8 (To the Editor of the Malaya Tribune.) Sir, —As your correspondent Mr. P. W. Penson made some remarks regarding my letter, I am never going to leave him He says that it would be an honour on my part if I were to approach the police authorities on
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  • 295 8 (To the Ed-tor of the Mr lay» Tribune..» Sir,—Your Wednesday's leader must have brought home to many the tragic cloud that hangs over the social fabric of our city. As you say Silence—-The reticence of false modesty, as we prefer to call it—has been responsible for
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  • 852 8 (To the Edritor of the Malaya Tribune.) Sir My attention was attracted by your correspondent's letter wh eh appeared in yesterday's issue, and feeing that some- thing in addition is needed for the satisfaction cf your correspondent, I take the opportunity to request you if you
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  • 643 8 (To the Editor of the Malaya Tribute.) Si r The Renort of the Executive Munieipal Engineer, just published, contains extraordinary suggestions for the institution, of a Municipal Court, "A Municipal Magistrate to hear all Municipal Cas-s? As far as I understand thr reasons given for this,
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  • 28 8 The rate of issue of untitled ndia and Ceylon to-day is Ba. v o $100 The rate of pa>«<at h-ders from India and Cey.on U *qual to $100.
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  • 220 9 Malaya Again at the Head of the Lists ay a's splendid total of £10.575 8.4. for J t year's Poppy Day collections again htr we ahead in the Overseas List, Ki' by Earl Haig"* Committee. The iptailSi R£MV P" biished fo lows:— Dollars. sn.-aporc 27,024 78 l ra
    220 words
  • 1037 9 Singapore, August 21. rin baa advanced i 2 per ton during the I k a d with Rubber continuing very air business in shares has been induatrals and Loans also being >ra for Dollar Rubber do not shew any noticeable changes tinctly tinner and th oft hut little
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  • 171 9 Beauty as an Indication of Health A shapely leg and head mean a lot to Sir Thomas Leyge the Senior Medical Inspector of Factories. Apparently they are synonymous with good hea th and in 20 years. Sir Thomas told the Roya: Sanitary Congress ar Westminster, he had noticed
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  • 237 9 The Cairo Museum will shortly be enriched by an interesting addition as the result of a discovery made by Messrs. Firth and Quibell, who are excavating on behalf of the Egyptian Department of Antiquities at the Sakkara step pyramid. While clearing a space for a dump
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 114 9 THE SHY WOMEN OF INDIA. FALSE MODESTY. Nature has made woman subject to certain peculiar ills. In India modesty and shyness have coniemned her to suffer unnecessarily. Girls in their teens, young woman, and mothers, are all liable to have one or another of the various illnesses which their perials
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    • 484 9 2SgsEs£S2SaSZsasasZsdsß^ I Victoria Theatre, j I TWO NIGHTS ONLY I S At 9.30. p.m. ffi Friday and Saturday, August 27th and 28th X I DICK NORTON Presents 3 THE NEW B GLOBE TROTTERS! S New Programmes, New Artists. New Songs, New I 8 Dances, and Burlesques. H S Booking Now
      484 words
    • 242 9 S Tpade/W. k$)A Established X j 6- I Bl FINEST I I EXPORT j j BOTTLING j 1 Guinness' jj IBP OBTAINABLE. 3 I 0 Sole Agents: S JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. I q (Incorporated in England). [0 G Singapore, Penang Kuala Lumpur. jjj 1 Gt J We have an
      242 words
    • 64 9 HAVE YOU EVER TRIED ZEMODINE 4 safe and snre Antidote for AlcohoL Sobers op in Five Minutes. Obtair a Die from R. MUTTIAH, Ipoh. Perak, F.M.S bole Agents, 8.8. F.M.6. or Sab-Agents: FHB ANGLO-CHI NE3E DISPENSARY, LTD., 803, Nonh Bridge Road. Singapore, ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM TOOTHACHE? IF SO CONSULT
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  • 399 10 $11,000 Worth Disappear from Penang Jetty A sensational loss occurred at the Penang Railway Jetty on Thursday afternoon, when a parcel containing gold bars and gold leaf, said to be worth nearly $11,000, was mysteriously spirited away. Up to noon on Friday there was not the slightest
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  • 234 10 Glad to Rule Islands Should America Withdraw Representative J. Mayhew Wainright, (Republican of New York), told the institute of Politics that both England and Japan would like to rule the Philippines if the United States ever withdrew. Ue said that he hoped, for the sake of world
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  • 306 10 The use of reclaim in rubber manufacture continues to be discussed in the Technical Press, and the article by the Consulting Chemist, which appeared in the las-i issue of H The Bulletin,' has been widely commented upon. In these Notts the question was discussed from the point of
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  • 64 10 Husbands, in Cuestrin, Germany, are determined that their wives will acknowledge them as masters in the home. They have decided that the feminine custom of gossiping over the fence while the husband is away breadwinning is not part of a wife's duty, and they complained so bitterly to the Prussian
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 271 10 ICE CREAM I I 5 THE DESSERT THAT PLEASES ALL. a c a o jj Obtainable from: g 0 iOHN LITTLE Co., BUN BEE Co, KIM ANN Co, LIM KHOON HENG. jj 1 LUNA CAFE (Dhoby Ghaut), LIM YEW CHYE SONS, High Street, or fro* I I THE COLI> STORAGE
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    • 370 10 I I CRUSADER FENCING j| 0 (Galvanised after Manufacture) I a V ThC UaSt Ex P ensive and Most 3 I |A| Effective Unclimbable Fencing 1 I |m Obtainable. 1 M 1 I Enquiries Invited. I InJ 11l Klfi Manufactured Solely by 1 k Sol Agenls: m a Engineering Department
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 445 11 AUCTION SALE ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES LTD. AUCTION SALE OF Unredeemed Pedges, the property of Eleven Pawnshops Xo be htld at our Sale-Room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Spore. On Wednesday, September 1, at IO a.m. On Friday, September 3, at IO a.m. On Monday, September 6 4 at IO a.m. The
      445 words
    • 558 11 STEAMER SAILINGS P li BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) OUTWARDS from LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China Japan For Marseilles, London Antwerp. Due Leave Tonnage Singapore
      558 words
    • 607 11 STEAMER SAILINGS LONDON LINE p Tonnage Destination Due Sell tFush:mi Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Sept 2 8 Hakozaki Maam i 0,500 Marseilles, London Antwerp Sept 16 IT Hakusan Maru 10,500 Marseilles, London Antwerp Sept 30 Oct 1 Kitano Maru 8,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Oct 14 15 Haruna Mara 10,500
      607 words
    • 220 11 STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE MONDAY KINTA, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenaaai and Penang. ♦RAHMAN, 4 p.m., for Muar. CALYPSO, 5 p,m., for Malacca. TUESDAY ♦ROMPIN, 3 p.m., for Batn Pahat. MEDUSA, 4 p.m. for Port Dicksoa. Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Lumut ana! Port Dickson.
      220 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 565 12 PUBLIC NOTICES MEETING OF THE BOARD OF LICENSING JUSTICES, SINGAPORE. L The quarterly session of the Board Of Licensing Justices for the Settlement of Singapore for the 4th quarter of the year 1926 will be held in the First Magistrate's Court, Singapore, at 2.30 p.m. on Thursday 16th September, 1926.
      565 words
    • 675 12 PUBLIC NOTICES I the undersigned K. Sevatha Mariear, who formerly oarried on business as a Cloth Merchant in Singapore, beg to inform the public, that I fcave opened a similar business it No. 33 North Bridge Road, Singapore, under the Style of K. tievitha Mariear Coy. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Notice
      675 words
    • 416 12 BANKS THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94. MARKET STREET. BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Junker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16 Ilir. Hongkong 13 Queen's Road Central. Seremban 63 Birch Road Batavia 47 Corner Lloyd Straat. AGENCIES AT: London. New
      416 words
    • 504 12 BANKS THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December 1892. Authorised Capital «3.000,000 Subscribed Capital Paid-up Capital «1.060,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,512,884 HEAD OFFICE: 18, Grace Church Street, London, E.C. 8. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M. Ryrie,
      504 words
    • 469 12 INSURANCE 80UTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATE 3. L. a MARGOLIOUTH, Manager. Office: 2, Finlayson Green. ORIENTAL Government Security LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in India 1874.) Results of th- Company's o|>HaillM during the three years 1922-1924. PROFIT Rs. 51,00,000
      469 words
    • 413 12 M. HASSAN ELECTRICAL CONTRACT'"* 86, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE. If you are in need of electric lights, fans, bells, power f OP motors and etc. Please write to the abo? e address or 'Phone up N O 341J CHARGES MODERAIF BR •Phone 3481 NO. 35, BRiS BY.RAH BO»p PHOTO ENGRAVERS
      413 words