Malaya Tribune, 16 April 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune. Vol. XIII- No. 87 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1926 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1926
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 SPECIAL OFFER FOR DIANA BLUE AND GREEN PENCILS PRICE $2.15 per doz. FROM U fhe Molami Tribune Press, Ltd. 208. Col Iyer Quay. Singapore. l agOSasaOßaOl 1000 I BALLOONS 6=W 0 I 1 Straight away without any alteration Continental Balloons are built in a g to your wheels, no matter
      108 words
    • 47 1 jf I DANGER COMFORT EYES NERVES The discomfort against which you try to shield your eyes may be caußod by the invisible rays in sunlight. \Vellaworth Cruxite and Sir Wm. Cr cokes lenses fully protect against this invisible danger. We Stock them. THE EASTERN OPTICAL CO. i
      47 words

  • 1136 2 Bishop of Birmingham's Daring Speech Terrible statistics are given each year of the result of marriage of the diseased and unfit. To allow such a condition of hings to continue is calamitous to the nation and the mdlv dual. The problem must be faced and a way
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  • 208 2 Baby's Own Tablets Safeguard Children's Lives. Patients who live' up-country,' or in placqe remote from cities t»nd towns, find Baby's Own Tablets a wondarfui help and comfort in tihe home. The prompt tas>e of these Tablets has saved many little lives. And they
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 298 2 1 1^ ********************252^^ I GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL MODELS j I 8 u,p. 2 seater de luxe $IJSO 9 509 8 hp 4 seater de lnxe I'9oo1 900 1 jWf\V\ W T\fc|l 501 IQ. 15 h.p. 4.5 sealer deluxe $2,400 I IftSjj LI U I 5^5 15/20 hp 6/7 sealer
      298 words
    • 345 2 Cuticura Baths Comfort Baby's Skia The absolute purity and delicate medication of Cuticura Soap make it ideal for baby's tender skin. Used daily,with of Ointment to little skin troubles, it keeps the skin smooth, clear and healthy. Cuticura Talcum is soothing and cooling, ideal for baby after a bath.
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  • 1468 3 Tooth Relic a Magic Symbol of Faith Mr. Ham ay MrcDonald conrributes the follow rig artie.e to the "Forward (GUvgcw):— I'iu .c wai evdentiy something on in Kana... When tabs Market Square came into ew it. was a miws of glossy blackhe. ;ded white-robed figures moving leisurely
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 263 3 PHOENIX j MINERAL f|j I j WATERS j/tj I Fhone:3463 jjj jl *****2 r HSHSHSSSESESHSHSZSBSHSESHSSSZSESZSH£ZSZSZ Let Everyone in th c Family Know Instant Postum v ksgv.2, refreshing, Postum is for every *v.cmv ber oi the family, young and old alike. Give it to children and watch them thrive. Postum is
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    • 281 3 CONSUMPTION HAS BEEN CURED. A Remedy for Consumption Has Been Found. DERK P. YONKERMAN, DISCOVERER OF THE NEW REMEDY FOR CONSUMPTION Marvellous as it may seem after centuries of failure, a remedy has been discovered* that has cured the deadly Consumption even in the advanced stages of the disease. No
      281 words
    • 384 3 I 11l It m-^mmm —————_Ull————— No. 5 of a series. I A) j n r°*i? nTn VL_d HtiJlU SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT PeW jK-.ople realise that, apart from moves those- impurities which the quadruple filtration, tho water that most meticulous lllturation d(M;s net goes to make Fraser and Ncave's rlctecfc. Aerated Drinks
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 624 4 I EMPIRE I Thursday, April 14 to Monday, /pril 19 M Show at 9-15 p.m. q! Wlnam Fox Presents a Wonder-Picture. 5j A Heart-Gripping Story of a Romance g I That Never Died US NO MAN H4S LOVED S In 8 Reel* g H BASED ON iDWARD EVtBETT BILE'S STORY
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    • 533 4 Amusements. H5c5Kc5H525H5c5c5H5H5H5c*****^ FOR SIX NIGHTS ONLY cj From SuEidiy, April 11 to Friday, April 16, 1926 S g at the [jj ALHAMBRA H (Tan Cheng Kee Co., Ltd. Proprietors.) H S In the Second Show at 9 p m. S A HERBERT BSENON PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION g PICTURISLNG g m William
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    • 340 4 GAIETY CINEMA Junction Albert Benccolen Streets To-night at 915 THE LITTLE CHURCH AROUND THE CORNER Seeing this Warner Bros* classic of the Screen is worthwhile, for it is an entertainment that comes about once in a blue moon. FROM THE PLAY BY CHAS. E. BLAJSEY Claire Windsor, Kenneth Harlan, Hobait
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    • 172 4 S URINA THEATRE North F.r d ;o Road. To-night at 9 pm. HORSESHOE *<cw j. G. BUSTW&roBu^tLCK Extras Cartooa, Gazette. Wesiera and Comedies At 7-30 IRON MAN SERIAL Alaertlai! Chapter Ii THE FIGHTING SKIPPER SERIAL With FRANCIS FORI) AND JACK PERRIN Episodes 1 2 Matinees of Different Pictures m Setorday
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  • 60 5 The teachers of the Wuchang Government schools are now refusing t* receive thei- salaries in Hupeh casn-notes are demanding that the Finance Com~ ner's vamen shall pay -hem n sn\-r loTlars. The general outlook m the ts this spring is none too v owing to the tightness of money in
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  • 1128 5 PRODUCF Singapore, April 16 Rice, Siam No 1 per Koyan $380 Rice, Siam 2 $300 Rice, Siam 3 $345 Rice, Saigon 1 1 $310 Rico, Saigoa L' $300 liice, Sa'igcn S Rice, Rangoon 1 $294 Rice, Rangoon 2 $291 RJce, Par Boiled No 1 per bag $10.00
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  • 84 5 4 London, April 13. Manchester Markets' lbs shirtings, fair (new basis) 12« 9d 40's Grey Yarns, single twist 19' 6 lbs T. Cloth, for 24 yards 8s Liverpool MarketCotton—Fully Middling American $10.14 Egyptian Cotton $15.80 V eta Is— Tin Standard 3 months £270.7.6 Produce— Copra, fair merchantable
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  • 77 5 The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 154 equal to $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 158 equal to $100. A reward of£s is offered by the London General Omnibus Company for information ng
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 194 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS lAS RUBBER ESTATES lIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) nCE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an m Diridend of 15 per cent., on account of at ending 31st October 1996, wffl be paid to en -ii the Register on the Gtn lUjJ N] NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN rransf< r
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    • 29 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Repteced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES 0. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentist, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary Thone 123.
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    • 17 5 M. EZEKIEL SONS, Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians, 4, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Singapore. Optometrist: A. M. EZEKIEL, O.D.
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    • 69 5 HAVE YOU NOTICED THAT there is a VARIETY ENTERTAINMENT at THE VICTORIA THEATRE on Thursday, April 22, 1926 and j Saturday, April 24, 1926. Book your seats at JOHN LITTLES. In Aid of the Funds of The Ex-Service Association of Malaya (Singapore Branch) Organised by Mrs. G. M. ALFORD. |"0.X."
      69 words
    • 217 5 MASSAGE AND MANICURE. Misses MIfIAKO MARATAI, No. 20, Bencoolen Street, Singapore. M. HASSAN ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 36, Bras Basah Road, SINGAPORE All kinds of electrical works undertaken. Philips V» Watt Lamps, Ceiling Fans, Wira Etc Supplied by United Engineers, Limited. CHARGES MODERATE Thone 3411. THE Trained Man Wins four advancement depends
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 288 5 V oi.voAfOUE DIARt To-day, April 16 Tides.— a.m., 1.14 p.m. f Dutch homeward fttail leaves. To-morivw, April 17 High Tides.—6.50 a.m., L68 p.m. B I. outward mail due. Sunday, April 18 Hi£h Tides. —1.23 a.m., 2.49 p.m. Band Concert, Botanie Gardens, 9.15 pan. Monday, April 19 High Tides. —2.2 3.54
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    • 100 5 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS To-4ay, April 16 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, M. G. Platoon, Gun Drill. 5.10 p.m.—Drill Hall, "A" Company, Drill. Dress, Drill Order, Caps. 5.10 p.m.—Drill Hall, "C" Company, Drill. Dress, Drill Order, Caps. 5.15 p.m.—Malay Drill Hall, Malay Company, Kit Inspection, and Organization of Company. 5.15 p.m.—Malaya Drill Hall,
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    • 132 5 THE WEATHER Meteorological Weekly Report (By Courtesy of the Government Health Office) Hill Station Records for the seven days ending midnight on Saturday, Apr 1 10,1926 Penang Hill Altitude of observation (feet above M. S. L.) 2,100. Average mean shade temperature (deg. F) 2.91. Total evaporation (in inches) .319. Total
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  • 58 6 DEATH. ?k ioTu D n heo a 58 on Tuesday the 13th m st. at No. 56-17 Neil Road, beloved mother of Gan Chong Bin. and mother-in-law of NgoYam Liang and Tan Bene hee Funeral on Sunday, the 18th. inst. at Senh Gan a Burial Ground,
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  • 40 6 The Sons and Family of the late Mrs. Tan Kim Tee express their heartfelt thants to those relatives and friends who attended the funeral and those who sent wreaths so rolls and letters of condolence in their recent bereavement.
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  • 2073 6 There is a traditional friend-hip between Great Britain and Japan; but Dr. George Bonson Rea, in "The Far Eastern Review" for March, publishes an article in which he declares that Britain has broken faith. Were the charge capable of being substantiated it would be serious, because
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  • 272 6 A wireless telegram received re***, announced tne 6e* hin Jersey o i TZ y Houston, the shipping 006 The King has sent his annual subM. taon of ten guineas to the Homes for IS: Boys, Famingham and Swank v Kent Prii Pt p L 'a E I
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  • 79 6 MALAY ALEE ASSOCIATION r^A^t^™** 1 Mala- aie- Association was heh at S »m Saturoay, the 10th inst., at the Associa tion premises. Af er pising theretort as office-bearers for th. e "^ter; to,- v v ii tfte eaaumw Year: xr F ;Neelankavil, X p Mer.on. Vice-President- M, v if «i
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  • 73 6 duce%JnT k C Urt Mt ii" te IJe ane n-s mom nr. M nan* a> .area application* for Recebine Offers w?r t made against Tan Wi v.. .fan Wi \an an. one of CaSS y hj \f ee< n application oJ Lounse: for the ered tors, be ma
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  • 105 6 •4 members of the Regiment who 1 not already registered at the Drill rt\\;n n a^ re > are askoi to write to Fall fLS at the Drill nam* Roa l' Singapore giving their S a rs? es i? nd the ba tta:ion they served m!»L bject
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  • 58 6 We ree-ret to record the death of Mr. Albert Henry Carlos, secretary of the kl!!! 1 Association and a prominent memoer of the local Eurasian community which took place at his re*sadenoe in Rate Course •ru ves t e r r la y morning:. The frneral
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  • 57 6 Mails from Europe, (London maiLs dt* patched March 25,) ex B. L Tara will arrive by train to-morrow morning. Correspondence will be ready for delivery to boxholders at 9.45 a.m. From Holland and Germany by s.s. Johan de Witt, due Singapore 5 p.m. to-day. From China and Japan
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 271 6 Ibedsteads f A 4 i gj Four-Post Bedsteads I I I s In Ail Sizes I s l V-4 Inch Pillars 1 VERY BEST FINISH S BRASS RAIL AND PILLARS AS H gj ILLUSTRATED ff] I COMBINATION I P V BLACK ENAMELLED g Sizes 3 Feet and 3 Feet 6
      271 words
    • 93 6 S 2S25a5Z5as25 aszsasE5Esas25asas2sasasasi COMPARISON a is the only infallible Test I 3 of the relative value of Typewriters. K ®y comparison the Royal cj Proves its super iority. S "typewriters""* 1 3 rO a S 3 "1 3 Ask for Booklet [c Describing the 20 S 5 Reasons [c R°NE.°
      93 words

  • 390 7 SUSPENSION OF THIRTEEN LABOURITES Singing and Joking in the Lobby Reuter's Service. London, April 15. In the House of Commons an extraordinary situation developed at six in the mornintr, after an all-night debate, in a committee of the House on the Economy Bill, ting n *he suspension of
    Reuter's Service.  -  390 words
  • 34 7 [Havaa Age icy.] Paris, April 15. The total revenue returns for March are franc.-. Hie yield of normal peramacnt taxes «rae 2,063,*****0, showing an increase of 8.°>.55o,900, compared with March, 1925.
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  • 41 7 Reuter's Service. Baghdad, April 15. The capital no longer is endangered by the breech in the bank of the Tigris as it has been repaired by a thousand men dropI' ntr thousands e>f sandbags into the river from barges.
    Reuter's Service.  -  41 words
  • 36 7 Reuter's Service. London, April 15. DtnUopa reconi a net profit on la-t year's operat ons of £2,896,000. The Directors recommend a dividend on the ordinary shares *A fitteen per cent, the first since 1920.
    Reuter's Service.  -  36 words
  • 30 7 Reuter's Service. Paris, April 15. A telegram from Nice says that M. •Haan was successfully operated on in a nursing home and had a transfusion of hlood.
    Reuter's Service.  -  30 words
  • 22 7 Reuter's Service. London, April 15. The Froach franc to-day marked a new record closing at the -weakest at 144.
    Reuter's Service.  -  22 words
  • 20 7 Reuter's Service. London, April 15. H R. H. the Prince of Wales has left for Biarritz.
    Reuter's Service.  -  20 words
  • 260 7 Contains no Secret Clauses of Neutrality Reuter's Service. London, April 15. A message from Berlin sates that it would appear that the new Russo-German Treaty, on which negotiations are now proceeding, contains bo h economic and political c auses, and with regard to military action is neulfc-al and
    Reuter's Service.  -  260 words
  • 83 7 Reuter's Service. London, April 15. After sitting privately for over an hour this morning, the Execuive of the Miners' Federation met Mr. Baldwin and Sir Arthur Steel-Maitland at No. 10, Downing Street at noon when, it is understood, the miners informed the Premier that in their view
    Reuter's Service.  -  83 words
  • 72 7 THE "NORGE AT GATCHINA Reuter's Service. Stockholm, April 15. The Norge sent a message from Vaxholm wireless station at 5.40 this morning, 4 ating that she had entered a zone of mist extending almost all over the country and is unablo to tell her position, but it is thought that
    Reuter's Service.  -  72 words
  • 105 7 Reuter's Service. Paris, April 15. In connection with the "Quotidien's" report cabled on April 14 it appears that while agreement has been reached with regard to the establishment of a r lines, there are still dlfficu ties with regard :o the rules laid down by the Conference of
    Reuter's Service.  -  105 words
  • 45 7 Reuter's Service. Geneva, April 15. The League Secrei.iariat has received a German note agreeing to (participate in the committee to study the composition of the Council and the method of election, reserving freedom of decision as regards her entry into the League.
    Reuter's Service.  -  45 words
  • 41 7 [Havas Agency] Paris, April 15. Several papers lay stress on tihje work of Bishop Fabregues in China. In "L'Echo de Paris" he makes an appeal for money and subscriptions for the college he intends to found in Peking.
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  • 45 7 Reuter's Service. Peking, April 15. The Kuominchun have evacuated the city and the Chinese allied troops have taken over control. President Tuan Chi-jui has returned to the Presidential palace and resumed the function of office. Tsao Kur. has gone to the Legation quarter.
    Reuter's Service.  -  45 words
  • 119 7 Exhibits in the American Investigation Reuter's Service. Washington, April 16. All sort* of stills, corn-sugar and flavouring extracts used in the manufacture of 'Ibootleg hootch" figured in the prohibition committee sitting where Senator Reed ocularly demonstrated plain and fancy whisky-maki ng. In the meantime, prohibition is the main subject
    Reuter's Service.  -  119 words
  • 67 7 Reuter's Service. Ottawa, April 15. A small land boom has been started at Bridgeburg, Ontario, as the result of work beginning on the Buffalo and Fort Erie bridge, but the Mayor has held up operations, strongly objecting to the naming of new streets after the American Presidents,
    Reuter's Service.  -  67 words
  • 60 7 Reuter's Service. Hels ngfors, April 15. The Soviet representative has verbally informed the Finnish Foreign Ministry that the Soviet is ready to negotiate separate non-aggress'on treaties wi h Finland and the Baltic States and Poland, including provisions under which the contracting parties undertake to remain n.utral
    Reuter's Service.  -  60 words
  • 55 7 Reuter's Service. Hilo. Sandwich Islands, April 15. The volcano, Ma una Loa. spectacularly erupted last night. Streams of lava are descending twelve thousand feet from the crater and flowing towards the forest and villages in the Kau district The flow has illuminated the en-ire island and is
    Reuter's Service.  -  55 words
  • 26 7 Reuter's Service. Washing on, April 15. President Cooliige is suffering from a mile attack of indigest on ani has cancelled to-day \s engagement*.
    Reuter's Service.  -  26 words
  • 171 7 Lord Balfour on the Jew in Palestine The Earl of Balfour recen ly received a Zion'st deputation consist n? cf Dr. M. D. Eder, Dr. B. Feiwel, ani Mr. Leona-d S em, who presened hiri with a raised model cf the Colony of Balfouria together wth a
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  • 102 7 By kind ptrm*.ssi«va of Lt. CM C. J. Pickering, C.M.G.; D. S. 0., and Officers, the Band of the 2a] Bn. Ti:e Duke ot Wellington's R?gt. under the direct'on of Mr. R. V. S. Wright, A. R. C, will render he following programme in the Botanic Gardens on
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  • 101 7 An unusual accident in which an eldery Ch nese woman lost her life occurred in Kallang Road on the afSernoon of the 12th instant. The woman, who was about 70 years old, was attempting to cross 'he roal when she was knocked down by a Malay youth
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  • 349 7 IMMUNITY OF STATE FROM CLAIMS International Conference Urges Uniformity Reuter's Service. London, April 15. The Internat'onal Shipping Conference adopted a resolution deaL'ntr wih matters affecting the safety of life at sea. The resolution noted with pleasure that Great Britain will shortly call a diplomatic conference to revise the convenlSon
    Reuter's Service.  -  349 words
  • 298 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, April 15. A settlement has been reached in the dispute between the lightermen and the Penang Harbour Board after negotiations led by Mr. G. W. A. Trimmer, Chairman cf the Harbour Board. The men are to receive 20 dollars per month for
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  • 153 7 Unclaimed letters for the following are lying at the General Po*t Office, Singapore. Antierson, J.S.; Arbez, J.; Author, J.; Brant, Mm. Eiza: Balthazar, Miss; Brinton, C; Damey, Miss Janet; Down'e, W.; Farrell R. C. O.; Gadelius, C. E.; Gilchrist, J. F.; Go'lner, F. H Green, T. Cunningham; Hartley,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 277 7 a Established Patronised i 1 DURABILITY ELEGANCE f I THE PREDOMINANT Hi Thal Mark ,he ua||, y of m > 3 I CIGARETTE CASES i" 1 lntH''||l BOXLS I iJf§M The Largest and Iflf ll*lf I Most Exclusive Stock. IN GOLD, G. in L. SILVER, and SILVER. jj Prices You
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  • 945 8 Commercial Depression Hits Organisations The situation which had to be faced by the Y.M.C.A. in 1925 was not an easy one. Numerous difii.-uLies presented themselves, not the least cf these be ng financial. The commercial depression which was so acutely felt in the city in the early
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  • 42 8 Monday, April 19. —Individual Troops Parade. Tuesday, April 20.—Signalling and Ambulance Classes, Headqua-ters. Wednesday, Aprl 21.—Band Practice. Headouarters. Friday, April 23.—Officers and Patrol Loaders Class, St. Andrew's School at 8.30 p.m. Saturday, April 24.—Wireless Class, Headquarters, at 4.30 p.m.
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  • 105 8 Indian Sustains Fractured Leg in Accident John Scbroeizer, a European, was before Mr. Howifc the Thind Police Magistrate, this moraing charged with causing grievous hurt by a rash act and wi.h allowing three persons 10 on the iront seat of his car. Court Inspector Sheriden, in mentioning
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  • 954 8 Action was taken a; a meeting of Committee *\o. a, on April 9, as fol ows:— Decided that the and status of Mr. Caunce, Asst. San ta: y Engineer, can be considered wnen he has reached he max.mum oi his class, and that the question of a
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  • 23 8 A Bronze Age pottery urn. 13 in. hight and 30 in. in circumference, was ploughed »r» ot a farm a: ldockwoll. Norfolk, l'eeently.
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  • 765 8 SPORTS PASTIMES CRICKET Notes by Wayfarer After their brilliant perfotrmance against Selangor, the S.C.C. met the Lanka Union last Saturday on the latter's ground at ilalestier Road, and received perhaps the worst defeat so far this season. It is a matter of great difficulty to account for the collapse of
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  • 198 8 The V.M.C.A. defeated the Band of the Duke of We.lingtons Regiment by 4 wickets andt 130 runs last Wednesday on the V.MC.A. ground. The following are the scores and bowling analysts:— Y.M.GA. M. Ignatius b Hyde 0 C. Choon Lim hit wkt. b Hemblys 51
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  • 362 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Ltiropur, April 15. When the inter-State match between Negri Sembilan and Selangor was resumed this morning: Selangor could only add seven to their over-nigftt score, the innings closing at 10.50, the total just reaching three figures. Selangor followed on but by
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  • 29 8 It is understood that the Hongkong cricketers, who are returning the 1924 visi: of the Straits in May, are leaving Hongkong on the Hosang on May 15.
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  • 48 8 The following have been selected to represent the Services versus S.C.C at on Saturday, start at 2 p.m.:—Lieut-Col. Haseldine. Lieut -Col. Major Vyvyan Capt. Armiiage, Capt. K:dd, Lieut. Frankis, Lieut. Exham, Lieut. Taylor, Lieut. Harte, S-Sergt. Woolgar, R.E., A. N. Other. Umpire: Capt. Peers.
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  • 72 8 The S.C.C. second eleven wi 1 cppo<=e the S.R.C. II on the Palang this afternoon, the match commencing at 5 o'cleck and beinsr continued to-morrow at 2 p.m. The S.C.C. team is as follows: J. B Carr, R. S. Herbert, H F. Hammond. C. on.
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  • 59 8 The following will represent the fermer in the above match which will be played to-morrow on the L. U. ground at 2 p.m.:— M. G. Pius, M. Ignatius, Dr. S. Thambp lai. V. Ambiavagar, F. R. S. Martinus, Dr. C. S. Maniam, D. G. Ponnuthurai G.
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  • 392 8 Royal Singapore Yacht Club The second race for the Guillemard Challenge Cup was sailed last Sunday in such light airs, calms and heai. that a:l ccncemtd g aj to sea th? bla:* -ail at the Flag-staff head as they struggled over the last leg of the first round.
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  • 65 8 Home League Results Reuter's Service. London, April 14. Results of League matches played to-day are as follow: Division I. Newcastle 4, Manchester U. 1. Division 111 (Southern) Exeter 1, Northampton 0. Division 111 (Northern") Accrington 2, Donoaster 3. Scottish League Coltic 3, Morton 1. London, April 15. In the
    Reuter's Service.  -  65 words
  • 235 8 The United Chinese Association of Malacca wore engaged in a series of football ma ches during the past fweek. In their first game the Medical Football Team played on Fr day last on the Kubu Plain B Ground, th:y were victors by 3 goals to
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  • 64 8 S.C.C. Tournament YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Champ onship Pairs D. R. Kleinman aid N. H. P. Whitely bear R. N. Hamilton and R. Wild, 6—4 2—6, 6—2. Veterans Pairs Handicap p w wffi? ,9- F owe 15.3 beat C. y. M ies and V. G. Coleman, owe 15.3, v>—6—3, Newcomers
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  • 21 8 McCluney Defeated Reuter's Service. T Thurston, April 15. the bvliards competition Earlam (Eng.and) 2,000 beat McCluney (North Ireland) 879.
    Reuter's Service.  -  21 words
  • 40 8 Race Course Golf Club The t'e for the Commit cc's Cup was played off o.i Sunday the 11th instant, and resulted n a win for Dr. A. J. Lim with an eclectic score of 38 minus 5 equal 33
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  • 255 8 The Victoria Theatre Booking is now cpen at John Little's for the vari.ty enterta nment when Mrs. Alford is organising in aid of the Ex-Service funds. It prom'ses to be an excellent en erta nment. In additicn to the b-st local talent obtainable, Messrs. Leeds and La Mar,
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  • 136 8 A landslide near Yeo Chu Kang Road on the morni-g of the 13th instant caused th" 1 death of a Cn nese cooiie employed in removing ear h. I; appca-s that the coolie was wonting a a trolley whrn foxr* or fi p tens of earth tumbled down
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  • 2485 8 Teluk Anson Rubber The Annual General Meeting of the Teluk Anson Rjutluer Estatte, Limited, was held ye3.erday in the Hongkong Bank Gnambers, Mr. A. E. Baddeley presiding and other/ present being: M'assrs. the Hon. D. J. Ward, J. R- Crawford, C. J. Stephen, Mr! Whtehouse, manager, and Mr.
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  • 482 9 An extraordinary generai meeting of this company was held on March 12 at 5 Whittington Avenue, E.C., London. Major F. B. Lawscn. 0.8. E., who pres'ded, said that the meeting had been called for the pmtpose of increasing the capital and also obtaining the approval of
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  • 146 9 At the annua' general meeting of share- holders in the Rajah Coconut Estate, Ltd., held in Bangkok recent y, the chairman, Commander G. Foss, in making his annual speech, said he would not be surprised if the BismriS) Government scon issuod an ordet forbidding amy
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 110 9 THE SHY WOMEN OF INDIAFALSE MODESTY. N?.iure has made woman subject to certain peculiar his. In India modesty and shyness nave condemned her to suffer unnecessarily. Girls in their teens, young women, and mothers, are all liable to have one or another of the various illnesses which their peri Is
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    • 262 9 ILactogen I THE NATURAL MILK FOOD g FOR YOUR BABY I Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., (London) g 144-147 CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. (j! FRESH SPORTING GOODS ON APPROVAL. [I Autograph Cricket Bats Super-quality 19.00 ffl J. B. Hobbs xx x x Cricket Bats 19.00 f3 Cj Bykes English Driver Bats
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    • 417 9 1 r ittle's* I GLEARING-UP DAYS I I* Wednesday, April 14 j Thursday, April 15 Friday, April 16 Saturday, April 17 I ODDMENTS j i and j I REMNANTS i j at J 1 HALF PRiCE I I I Other Sale Goods I J Further Reduced John Little Co., Ltd.,
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  • 588 10 Western Women as Seen by Eastern Eyes Of all strange lands, Japan, parhaps, is strangest to the Westerner. 'The Mikado" and "Madame Butterfly" maan Japan for most of us. Equally wizarre and unr alis.ic visions must fill the minds of our Oriental friends when they turn their eyes
    588 words
  • 436 10 World's Most Famous Maker of Glass Eyes Alone in his small shop in the heart of London, sits the world's most famous maker of glass eyes. He is both artist and specialist. He does not manufacture—he creates the artificial eye that is the almost perfect imitation of Nature's
    436 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 140 10 I Cold Storage I I ICE CREAM I I FOR YOUR NEXT TENNIS OR BRIDGE PARTY. I I I Obtainable from a I IOIDfI LiTTLK Co*. PUN BEE Co., KIM ANN Co., LIM KHOON HENG, 1 LUNA CAFE (Dhoby Ghaut), LIM YEW CHYE SONS, High Street, or from I I
      140 words
    • 1006 10 C CALCO AUTOMATIC DRAINAGE GATES USED g IN CONNECTION WITH AKMCO INGOT IRON C- Corrugated Culverts are solving many Ci Difficult Drainage Probl sms. R SENSITIVE —A difference of head of on it Lr -i-— JJ a few hundredths of an inch automat yss2SsBejm opens or closes gate. !f v
      1,006 words

  • 535 11 Singapore, April 10. MEAT Beef steak (round) kati 48 Beef stew or curry kati 42 Pork lean kati 64 Pork ican and fat (Ist quality) kati 60 Mutton Australian lb 60 Fowl kati 60 Capons (Locally reared) kati 70 Hens (Locally reared) kati 70 Ducks each LOO Pigeons,
    535 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 580 11 STEAMER SAILINGS TTo BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. i>v\ INSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) OUTWARDS from LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China Japan For Marseilles, London Antwerp. Due Leave Tonnage Singapore
      580 words
      43 words
    • 555 11 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAY KINTA, 4 p.m., for Port Swetbanham and Penang. CALYPSO, 5 p.m. for Malacca. GEMAS. 5 p.m., for Muar. TUESDAY RENGAM, 4 p.m.,ior Batn Pahat. MEDUSA, 4 p.m., for Port Dickson, Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Lumut and Port
      555 words
    • 670 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.} LONDON LINE. Tonnage Destination Lae Sal*. Hakozaki Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London, Hull A'werp Apr 15 16 Hakusan Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Apr 28 29 Kitano Mara 8.000 Marseilles, London Antwerp May 12 13 Haruna Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp May 26 27 Kamo Maru
      670 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 377 12 SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED Genera! Clerk, Chinese preferred i? r -Ji, S*" 4 1 Shottroom Apply Manager, United Engineers Limited, No. 13 Battery Road. WANTED— Assistant able to handle Miehle printing machine in a prospective publishing firm. Apply stating full part.culars, past experience and tmmMJf required to Box No. 320 c/o
      377 words
    • 477 12 PUBLIC NOTICES. I THE SZE If AI TONG BANKING AND I I INSURANCE COMPANY LTD I IQ^° T A ICE IS HER EBY GIVEN that the of th/r nUaI General Meotin 8 Shareholders Office No mp s8 V rh 1,1 b0 eld at thw umce Mo. 58 Chuha Street. Singapore
      477 words
    • 379 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94. MARKET STREET BRANCHES 85 Beach Street M aiaCCa 131 Jonker Stree* Palembang K»iani.t 63 Birch Road AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Batavia Sourabaya, Semarang, Sh?n7£ Amoy, Pontianak, Prang, Foo Kuala Lumpur and Medan. CAPITAL. i A sfu h eo ri3ed
      379 words
    • 472 12 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December 1892.) c ll^? 6 £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve fund and Rest tl Kit MM HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace ObmSTaSS London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS:
      472 words
    • 430 12 BANKS. iw) sourfi BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MARGOLIOUTH, Manager. Office: 2, Finlayson Green. ORIENTAL Government Security LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated 5 n India 1874.) Results of the Company's Operations during the three years 1922-1924 PROFIT Rs.
      430 words
    • 452 12 MAT MAKES MAN A Un NERVE FORCE. Oar mode of living nowad*. o high strain on tho of our nervous system, resulti„„ d greater consumption of 1 1 (Whin.) Tne Lecithin oooSS?" food is not sufficient to suppl Ur SJ naturally we must turn to h help• NEUBA LECITIffX by
      452 words