Malaya Tribune, 27 March 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 22 1 The Malaya Tribune. Vol. XIII.- -No. 7 4 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1926 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1926
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 272 1 AMATSUF?' PHBTOSTOR6 109 NORTH BfttDGE R2 1 GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL MODELS I 2 1 509 8 b,p. 2 sealer de luxe $1,750 c 509 Bhp. 4 sealer de luxe $1,900 jj! i-| fffc 501 1C 15 hp. 4 5 seaier de luxe $2.400 IO]LI U 1 YjjM 505 IS
      272 words
    • 263 1 I DANGER I I COMFORT EYES NERVES t I The discomfort aga. nst which I I you try to shield your eyes may be L I caused by the invisible rays in son- I Slight. j I VVeLlsworth Cruxite and Sir Wm. E Crookes lenses fully protect against hla invisible
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  • 1909 2  -  A COMPLETE NEW NOVEL BY ROBERT GEE CHAPTER 1. The Appleyards and Macclesdale Ann Appleyard was not fuLy conscious of herself, analysing no emotions, rarely exp. riencing any. To herself she was a complete enigma, an unexplained, inexplicable mystery, a creature who somehow felt strange things but
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 409 2 f I more so if it occurs when you are acting \A M B as Guest or Hostess; when you would appear \v < \A S£ at your best. A timely inhalation of \k\ B "4711" Han de Colognt—or better -till a Hp little diluted in water and used to
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    • 94 2 HOCK MEIN Go. Not. »87-12 and SB7-1S Victoria Street, (Corner of Bras Basaa Road.) i i CONFECTIONERS. Recently established, the Manafemra; undertakes to supply and eater for WEDDING and BIRTHDAY CAKES. ICE CREAMS and FANCY CAKES. TEA, COFFEE, COCOA, COLD DRINKS, &c. PROMPT AND CLEAN SERVICE frsYisions and Groceries of
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    • 189 2 THE FEVER PERIL. NOT DIFFICULT TO OVERCOME Suffering, from Malaria "on and off for years," not being able to take quinine in any form by mouth, running to hospital every time and taking quinine injections, was the unpleasant experience of Mr. C. 0. H. Stevens of Rohri. He found great
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    • 410 2 DIET AND THE BABY. When Food Does Not Agree Aid Digestion With BABY'S OWN TABLETS. Nothing is more common n infant chi dhood than mdigest on. Nine-SSL** ail the minor il s of childhood hall tk 5 root .n digestive disorder. There medic ne for iit/e ones to eaua' n\
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  • 907 3 British Aid Should be Given Anti-Soviets Wo gather Jhat things happen n£ in Ghna which Aire of moment to Europe, since they affoct the relations of that country our .bitterest enemy there and elsewhere, Boishevia. Hitherto the Soviet has fished with some success in She
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 511 3 y How much of your motive power s lost in combating the little ills m\mm\\\\ a lim nts that should be checked as soon ay they show W J themselves If the liver is kept Rj|r *l active, the digestion in r^ood i vJ 1 v order, and the functions
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    • 174 3 STOMtCH TROUBLES QUICKLY REM EDI D Disorders of the stomach arc, generally speaking always caused by harmful acid which accumulates, causing fermentation in the stomach and often agonising pain. You have only to get rid of the excess acid and strengthen the stomachlining, when the whole trouble will leave you.
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    • 306 3 I 00 1 1 I Mosquitoes Bring Disease Into Your Home Destroy the mosquito, the insidious enemy of man MOSQUITOES are more than pests. les s to humans. It evaporates gttkkly f.nd They are> i mpnarp tn vnnr lnvpd completely. Extensive tests showed Flit i/f menace to your iovea did
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 438 4 1 EMPIRE Cj Thursday, tfartfa 25 to Monday, March 29. ft Im the 2nd Show at 9 p.m. X Onir#l Artists Corporation Presents I The World's Sweetest Sweetheart MARY PICKFORD I in her latest production 1 "Little Annie Hooney" g In 9 Reels a p] Happiaess and Heartaches, hard knocks
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    • 501 4 Amusements. I From Sunday, March 21 to Saturday, March 27. cj The Greatest Drama of ihe Ages created into an even g I Greater Motion Picture g I AT THE I ALHAM BRA S (Tan Cheng- Re* ft o„ Ltd. Proprietors.) g X in the Second Show at 9 p.m.
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    • 582 4 GAIETY CINEMA Junction Albert and Bencoolen Streets. For the last time TO-NIGHT until Thursday, April I. At 7 15 Sharp SIR 08WALD STOLL'S production of SIR RIDER HAGGARD'S MOON of ISRAEL In 10 Parts. No greater film has ever been presented to the public EVENING NEWS: One of the most
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  • 1101 5 PRODUCE < Buyers. Sellers. Singapore, March 27 Small Pearl Tapioca 7.75 Rice, Siam No 1 per Koyan 9370 No. 1 Sago Flour Rice, S am 2 $350 'Feir Sago Flour 6.0t> 6.00 it ce, Siam 3 $340 Borneo Sago Flour Rue, Sa g-ori l §302 No. 2
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  • 174 5 Smugglers who are weary of ihe dans*rs of getting choice foreign txxbacco- and liquors into Germany, are reaping large profits just now by plying their trade openly and with immunity because of a kink in the administral.on of the carilf law. The tariff on cigars, eigne**!*!, wines
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  • 82 5 It is learned that Mr. Shao Li-tze, chief secretary to Generafl Chang Kai-shek, who has the full control of the whole «f Kwangtung and is now the most influential man in South China, left Shanghai on March 5 for Peking, whence he will proceed to the place where Marshal Feng
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 226 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS The Messageries Wiaritimes Offices will be remcved From April 1 to No. 61, Robinson Road. MOTOB LOBBIES FOR SALE.—One 5-ton Dennis" nrry sad one U-ton "Lacro" lorry. ;h v good running order. Cheap for ■■■■ilUm safe. Apply Box No. 330 c/o Malaya Tribune. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. KB OBSTRUCTION
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    • 18 5 M. EZEKIEL ft SONS, Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians, 4, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Singapore. Optometrist: A. M. EZEKIBL, O.D.
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    • 29 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Replaced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES O. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentist, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary 'Phone 123.
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    • 190 5 I LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT! g I The Return of the Popular [3 I UNION STAR OPERA |j] vf Singapore. S !FOR A SHORT SEASON ONLY The Alexandra Hall North hriag'e Road Lj STARS: —The CclchraLed WttWfti Tijah, Bfthm, ttmn R Dm**, Zuiuol, &c. g The Engagement of Several Talented
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 327 5 A SINGAPORE DIARY Jo-day, March 27 j "h rides. —9.33 a.m., 10.33 p.m. p r^p r and annual meetii>g, noon. hnok.rt: Army vs. Niavy, TangLin. u ,rl>v: Army vs. Navy, Stadium oxi ng: Army vs. Navy, Happy Vafley, y.30 p.m. icto; Theatre: Royal HawaHens, 9.30 p.m. To-morrow. March 28 .f;rh
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    • 70 5 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT tBy Courtesy of the Government Health Officer.) Kandang* Kerbau StaMon for the 24 hours ending midnight March 26, 1926. deg. Maximum shade temperature 90.5 F. Minimum shade temperature 75 F. Mean shade temperature 81.3 F. Maximum sun radiation 158 F. Minimum grass radiation 71.5 F. Sea temperature 81
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  • 795 6 It is not always easy to escape the evernady abuse of racial comparison in Singapore, when cou are an administrator of the law iin one shape or another; and for that reason, if for no oher, it is highly important that whatever discretion is used shouid- be used
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  • 912 6 On April 1 a new Sub-Post Office will be opened at Pulau Tikus, Penang. By a Bill coming- before the Legislative Council on Monday, disabilities on German citizens will be removed. o The Government Gazette of yesterday contains tables showing the rainfall in var ous parts of Malacca during 1925.
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  • 286 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 26. The wedding took piace of Mr. Arthur Williams, district officer, Balik Pulau, to Miss May Lilian Read, at the Presbyterian Chuich. The bride, who arrived by the Macedonia, was given away the Resident Counc llor, the matron of honour
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  • 149 6 His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint ;he under mentioned gentlemen to form the Social Hygiene Advisory Board for the Settlement of Singapore:— The Principal Civil Mcd cal Officer, Straits Settementa (Chairman); th? Secretary for Ch-'nese Affairs, Straits Settlements; the Senior Medical Officer, Nawil Base;
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  • 56 6 The President of the "Tionr Nam School" has asked us 'o point out that the rar «> in sums of $200, $1,000, $800 and $168.95 acknowledged in the Press as from the "Ticng Nam School" were not subscribed by the said school but collected by the
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  • 667 6 Mr. G. Savage has been appoints as Assistant ro»tMa»i*.^ c £7™ ,ed 10 Mr. W. Davis has ,veen appoints ant at the General Post ofietfS acCOu *t. Mr. F. E. Harmer has the Comm.ssion of ihe i eace Tor p** Mr. R. Rex has been arnointpH n
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  • 106 6 By kind permiss on of Lt.- Pickering, C.MG, D.5.0., and OnY- DP Band of the 2nd Bn. The Duke oi *ington's Regt. will render the programme at th? Botanic Gardens, Sunday the 28th ins*, from M* 1 10.30 p.m.:- 1 Overture. The Wanderers' GoaL *> u j££ 2
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  • 28 6 From China and Japan by s.s. Nagato Maru, due Singapore to-morrow. From Chin* and Japan by s.s. IWJgj Maru, due Singapore on Monday, the mm inst.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 288 6 OgiWMMnMBHMMHggS2S2SagSZSaS2SZSaSZS2SaSg^ "QUEEN ANNE" DESIGN A l !g HALL MARKED SILVER I TEA AND COFFEE I Suitable for Presmtatlon st^^^ss No. 3536 Solid Silver Tea and Coffee Set consisting of 1 Coffee m Pot, 1 Tea Pot. 1 Sugar Basin, 1 Cream Jug arid 1 Pair Tongs. k Complete in leatherette
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    • 94 6 I combine accurate timekeeping with (fl artistic appearance at moderate Ej prices. Cj (jj At all first-class stores and S j}j Watchmakers. g jj Wholesale Distributors: jj] 3 SCHIFFNER CO., S 3 5, MEYER MANSIONS, SINGAPORE H gj 'Phone 1342. S ipSHS2SESHSHSHSSSHSaSHSHSZSBSHSHSHSHSESi I COMPARISON 1 lis the only infallible Test
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  • 292 7 GOVERNMENT PROMISES RELIEF principal Measure to be Brought up Next Year British Official Press Service. London, March 26. Sir William Joynson Hicks, Home Secretary, promised in the House of Commons t0 produce a Bill for the further improveof factory conditions. He said he would submit a bill during
    British Official Press Service.  -  292 words
  • 178 7 Reserves Increased to Combat Speculation Reuter's Service. Paris, March 26. A furtru r development in the t>uit of M. Durme: in against Le Banque Industrielle de Chine is the contention of the hank of Pari.- that it is acting for the Government, which is supported by a
    Reuter's Service.  -  178 words
  • 123 7 Reuter's Service. Rome, March 26. On the occasion of the seventh ann ver;ary of Fascism, Signor Mussolini sent a rnessage to the Italian Fascists saying, inter alia; "At home the consent of the people is thronging ever more around the Government which Jia*> solved formidable problems
    Reuter's Service.  -  123 words
  • 69 7 British Radio Press Service. London, March 26. Exchange rates: Paris 141.3, New York 4-86, Brussels 121, Geneva 25.25, Amvter«lam 12.135, Milan 120.85. Berln 20.42, Stockholm 18.12, Copenhagen 18.55, Oslo 8.71, Vienna 34.5. Prague 164%, Helsingfors m, Madrid 34.5, Lisbon 2.5, Rio 7 I|l6, Buenos Aires 43 29-32, Bombay
    British Radio Press Service.  -  69 words
  • 173 7 U. S. Explains Money Borrowed from Individuals Reuter's Service. Washington, March 27. The Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Mellon, smiled when interviewed in regard to Mr. Churchill's speech in the House of Commons on Tuesday wherein he threw out the suggestion that the United States should wipe out
    Reuter's Service.  -  173 words
  • 106 7 British Official Press Service. London, March 26. The Union Castle liner Garthcastle, of 12,115 tons, which left London on March 7 for Capetown and other South African ports, struck a rock off Ascension Island last night. She has aboard 228 passengers including a crew of 108, but
    British Official Press Service.  -  106 words
  • 46 7 Reuter's Service. Melbourne, March 26. The House of Representatives had passed a Bill increasing the capital of the Colonial Oil Refinery by a hundred thousand sterling. Mr. Bruce defined the purpose of the measure to prevent outside oil interests dominating the Australian market.
    Reuter's Service.  -  46 words
  • 44 7 Reuter's Service. Buenos Aires, March 26. The Government has aisked Congress ape dily to vo'.e ratifkat on of the Argentine Government rejoining the League of Nations, which is necessary before the Government can accept the invitation to sit on League committees.
    Reuter's Service.  -  44 words
  • 40 7 Reuter's Service. Riga, March 26. A telegram from Moscow announces that the so-called Holy Synod has decided on total abolition of throughout Russia. The monks must renounce their vows as not conforming with the spirit of the times.
    Reuter's Service.  -  40 words
  • 35 7 Reuter's Service. Washington, March 26. Secretary Kellogg has announced that the Governments of Peru and Chile have accepted the good offices of the United States for settlement of the long-standing TacnaArica boundary controversy.
    Reuter's Service.  -  35 words
  • 31 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 26. French francs in London have reached a new low record, closing at 141.30 on selling believed to be emanating chiefly from Paris.
    Reuter's Service.  -  31 words
  • 25 7 Reuter's Service. The Hague, March 26. Jonkheer de Graaff, formerly Minister at Tokio, has been appointed GovemoTGeneral of the Dutch East Indies.
    Reuter's Service.  -  25 words
  • 30 7 [Havas Agency] Paris, March 26. Pour cavalry squadrons with air farces repelled important Druse contingents attacks on Katana, south-west of DamasCU The flying enemy left a hundred killed.
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  • 151 7 Reduced Production Cost to Lower Prices Reuter's Service. Berlin, March 26. The Rhenish-Westphalian Steel Trust, which will be known as the Vereinigte Stanlwerke, is now practically a fait accompli and begins active operations on April 1. The purpose of the trust is stated to be to reduce
    Reuter's Service.  -  151 words
  • 19 7 Reuter's Service. Bucharest, March 27. A treaty of alliance between Rumania and Poland has been signed.
    Reuter's Service.  -  19 words
  • 236 7 Judgment in Favour of Messrs. Gammon and Co. The Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, K.C., delvered judgment, this morning, in the ease in which Messrs. G. C. Gammon and Company sued the owners of the steamship, the Mersing, for the recovery of a sum. of $6,111.20 as
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  • 141 7 Chinese Mother Loses Her Children "Causing death by a rash act," was the verdict returned by the City Coroner yesterday at the conclus-ion of the inquest on .he death of two Ch nese children who died as a result of a motor accident. Chew Yong Lee, the driver
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  • 148 7 A Singapore Banker wi es: Wo think that it would be of interest to the local creditors of the above Basque il ;,ou vv oui~ insert a paragraph in your paper d awing their a tention to the Wording of the receipts are requ red
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  • 92 7 The case in which M. N. M. E. T. Muthurmxtrnm Chettiar sued Pana Suppiah and Mana Manicka Mudaliar for the recovery of a sum of $234, balance due on a promissory note signed by the two defendants, was argued in appeal the morning before the Chief Justice,
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  • 989 7 BRIEF MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS Licensing of Ricksha Pullers Opposed The monthly meeting of the Singapore f Municipal Comm ssconers was held yesterday in ihe Municipal Board Room. Mr. R. J. Farrer presided and the otttars present were:—Messrs. W. Dunman, A. E. Baddeley, O. P. Griffith-Jones, E. A. Brown,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 174 7 DURABILITY ELEGANCE J C THE PREDOMINANT FACTORS, c 11 CIGARETTE CASES llpj: 1 U BOXES. i i Iki The Larg€si and l g I'M m-1 H it 1 Mosl Exclusive Stock. B I I I IN GOLD, G. in L. SILVER, and SILVER.: I I Prices You will Smile at
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 44 7 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS To-day, March 27 2 30 p m.—Bukit Timah Range, 1st Rein 'forcement, Musketry Classification. Buae* leave Drill Haiti at 2.15 p.m. To-morrow, March 28 8am —Bukit Timah Range, 1st Reinforce ment, Musketry Classification. Bus» leave Drill Hall at 7 30 a.m.
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  • 1996 8 Huge Losses Revealed by Two Bankrupts A remarkable story of hugo business losses was revealed in the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, befon- Mr. Justice Deane, in connection w th the bankruptcy of Choo Hong Heng. Mr. Lee Seah Chek, senior partner of the Chop, on .being examined, said th&i
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  • 222 8 The Empire Cinema Mary Pickford's new United Artists Corporation production, "Little Anne Rooney," which was shown at the Empire for the last two nights before a good is a story of New York's East *Side, yet i was all made in Hollywood. Those who see the picture w
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  • 38 8 To-day, March 27 Madium: Rugby—Royal Navy vs. Army Happy Valley (9.30 p.m.): Boxin™a N av y_ b °xing tournamer for the S:r Lowther Grant Cup. Pro ceeds m aid of the Union Jack Club
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  • 1005 8 Tapah Rubber Estates The annual general meeting of the apah Rubber Estates. Ltd., was held at tin registered offk-es of the Company, at the French Rank Buildings, on Thursday, Mr. \V. H. Macgregor presided and the osiers pre-cnt w <.c -Messrs. John Robe<rtso\ C. V. Bailey and E.
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  • 115 8 Government and Bank of Japan Specie hold ngs at home and abroad registered a "ailing off of Y12,000,000 since" the end of T anuary, accord'ng to a s atemert of the Finance Department. Japan's entire speiie Co dings at the end of Fe-mary stood at Y1,389 mi'lions cf which the
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  • 509 8 Vigorous Investigations Pursued by Police Further investigations into the rofobery of the Bank de rTndo-Chne are being carried out by the Detect Department ar<d startling developments an? antJc.pated. The cr.-me was committed in October 1922 when a hug* m>m oi nearly $360,000 was removed from the blank.
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  • 204 8 •By courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokic, March 23. Rubber was quoted, to-day, at Yl.60 (m ade price) per pound f.*.q. spot, wh le n. Banka, ma.ntained its price at Y206 per p kuh The Kuo Ming Tung forces have comP etely eva-ua ed from Luan Chow,
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  • 231 8 Further was recorded yesterday .lnthe Supreme Court, before Mr Just ce ne applicat on to resc nd an IS ?Vt u r the examination *2* m fnd Loh Km Swee in the cf the bankruptcy of Chop Loh Chee Mr. RoOand Braddell with Mr. Ivans
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  • 342 8 SPORTS PASTIMES FOOTBALL Army Beats Navy Duke of Wellington's Again Victorious The Duke of Wellington's scored another victory yesterday afternoon on the Stadium Association ground against a naval team drawn from ;he vesseis now lying in port. Ad inter-serv cc event is always interesting ana the Army and Navy affair
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  • 54 8 The fcTlowflng will represent the Bendemeer Ath etic Club against the S.C.C. in a friendly soccer match on Monday, on the S.C.C. ground:—'Boon Eng; Siak Cheng, Cheng Yeok; Keji 800, Boon Lay, Chwee Cheng; Tian Lye Gek Choo, Un Sun, Wah Cheng and Mun Fun. Reserves: Gim
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  • 43 8 Reuter's Service. London, March 25. The following are the rusuits of to-day's Ljijgue matches:— Division I Tottenham L NewcasUe 0. Division II Preston 2, FuUham L Division 111 (Southern) Charlton 0, Plymouth 5. Division 111 (Northern) Grimsby 2, Crewe 0.
    Reuter's Service.  -  43 words
  • 250 8 The following matchcs in the English and Scottish will be played to-day:— Division I—Blaickburn R. vs. W. Ham U. Bury vs. A racial. Cardiff City vs. Leeds U. Everton vs. Notts County. Huddexsf.eld T. vs. Aston V. Sheffie-d U. vs. Bi rn1 y. Sunderland vs. Leicester
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  • 134 8 The Grand National Reuter's Service. London, March 26. The Grand National (4% miles), run at Liverpool to-dj*, rcsul.ed as follows:— JACK HORNER 1 OLD TAY 2 BRIGHT'S BOY 3 Thirty started. Won by three lengths, third one length away. Betting: 25 to 1 winner, 8 to 1 second,
    Reuter's Service.  -  134 words
  • 84 8 Inter-Service Hciuts Provided with good weather L j v be a large crowd at the Ila .'u 'vY" 0 1 nigh: when the Army and ment will l>e he-d for tm siV i Ur Grant'' Cup. Messrs. Nestle Sw ss Milk Company, Limited" ?1 sensed a cup for the
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  • 54 8 Y.M.C.A. vs. R.A.M.C. The following will represent the "S \i, vs. R.A.MjC. at Hockey on Monday'1 Y.M.C.A. grouidi-R H. Pi-nnefath.?-1 A. Pennefa-.her and L. G. Wheatlev- iV n Dale, R. Lyne and C. D. Smitn* .V' '< v toor, A. N. Katyal, H. G. Stack ir/rV' E. V. Smith
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  • 79 8 Reuter's Service. London, March 25. The finaj week of the boat race pracw consisted of light work. Even So OxfrrJ was criticised from the view-point of SI ness. However they refutes this to-dw" rowing from Hammer- mith Bridge to mile post in 2 mm. 57 sec. threp
    Reuter's Service.  -  79 words
  • 40 8 Reuter's Service. Sydney, March 2ti. Major Goodsell and Tom Saul have siffned ar: cles for a Sculling race on the Parj matta River on May 3 for the worki' a championsh p on a stake of 1200 a*irie
    Reuter's Service.  -  40 words
  • 493 8 R.S.Y.C. Arrangements To-morrow, Sunday, sees th<- team rat* between the Royal Navy a:x! .the Royal S ngapors Yacht Club. On the latter rests the harbour of the East for the China Fleet, has recently lowered the Colours of the Royal Hongkong Yacht Club and has thai Lnged Singapore to
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  • 37 8 The Inter-School Drill and Games Com petition, Class 4A wll be beid on M Raffles Institution ground commencing n 3 p.m on Monday next, March 9. a cordial invitation is extended to al. tees cd.
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  • 144 8 Singapore March 11 The Commod'ty Market has rejntinw farly stady throughout the c ogM dull and easy on a lower bomiui quo at'o.i r~<fhct'ng a break in Stock Markets. Business continues to be confined to mm trad'ng positions, futuaes being V and i pecuat'cn consp'cuous by
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  • 19 8 The introduction into Penang at untitled from the Sate of Negri Serooilan J> solutely prohibited on account of nMM.
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  • 239 9 In addition to a selection of new fiction the under note 1 works have been added t)o Raffles Library and will be ava lable for issue on Saturday, March 27, at 9 a.m. Asqu th (Cynthia) and Others. The Flying Carpet: a collective work with con.ui'.Dui ons by
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  • 56 9 It is reliably reported that George Reisner, head of the Harvarddl tlion, has, discovered the tomb of a Pharaoh of the 4th dynasty under the great Pyramd of Cheops in the Nile valley Cairo. It is believed to be the body of the mother or father of Cheops. The furniture
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 561 9 CHURCH SERVICES PAI M SUNDAY March 28,1926 Garrison Churches Tang tin Barracks 7 a.m. Holy Communion, g45 a.m. Parade Service. 1p m Evensong and Baptism. Blakan Mati 10.30 son. Parade Service. Chinese Presbyterian Church Tek Kha. 1015 a.m. 2 and 7 p.m. Services in Chines" l;%njoiig Pagar Road. aJQ a.m.
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    • 308 9 WESLEY CHURCH, FORT CANNING ROAD 7.30 p.m. Bpworth Leag*ue Service. Subject: "Why the InstHute!". Speaker: Mrs. E. F. Lee. 8.15 D.m. Evening English Service. Speaker: M*r. A. Mac Nab. Tuesday, 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting. Speaker: Mr. Thie Chan Bee. Wednesday, 11 a-m. Women's meeting. Straits Chinese Church, Prinsep-St 8 am.
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    • 239 9 I Lactogen 1 S THE NATURAL MILK FOOD X I FOR YOUR BABY I I Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., (London) a 1 144-147 CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. cj IS FRESH SPORTING GOODS ON APPROVAL. HI Autograph Cricket Bats Super-quality 19.00 [jj J. B. Hobbs xx x x Cricket Bats 19.00
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    • 249 9 After hßl^hi fast set of than a TenniB X Class of there is fSHL FR a'MROZ'S nothing Lemon more PsSTI Squash. S "ATHLETICS 1 pi 1 Football Elastic Knickers and Athletic Slips (Suspenders) 130 ins. Navy Gents' 1 a Price $1.50 Each. Price 65 Cents Each. SPECIAL PRICB* TO TRADERS
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  • 1295 10 An Affliction Not Unknown Even in Malaya It seems to come at all hours and all places. It is no respecter of persons. One meets cases of it in the bura-sahib's chair and CB the chupprassi's stool. It has msi more pocket-diaries than all the efforts of Mr.
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  • 474 10 Woman's Marvellous Mental Power One of the most remarkable of modem (women ris Ellennette Betis. Finding the square roots of impossible rrumbers mentally is her favourite pastime. She thinks and Lives and speaks .n figures. In fact, she claims die title of the only woman Lghtning calcuia.or in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 510 10 Sprains. Bruises I Rely on Sloan's to Ĕ Kill the Pain- fit i No rubbing M'M^U\ You pet quick relief from painful i'fi Sprains, Strains and Bruises with Ab w Sloan's Liniment. Lay on gently a aSta 5 little Sloan's —instantly you feel its sjffijmj warming, soothing influence at work
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    • 116 10 M' Pitts. I AP/OL STEEL f I Sureandcertain for all Female I f complainrs.Every lady should I B Chemists and Stores sell a them throughout the world. MARTIN, Clwut, Sootfiunptoa, Eo;UmL I LUNA. CAFE 2 3, mm ghvur High Class Confectioner and Caterer Always obtainable fall tssortmeat of SWEETS FRUITS
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  • 528 11 Singapore, March 20. MEAT Be (if steak (round) kati 43 Beef stew or curry (Brisket) kati 36 Pork lean 64 Pork lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 46 Mutton Indian lb 60 Mutton Australian Lb 60 Fowl kati 68 Capons (Locally reared) kati 77 Hens (Locally reared) kati
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 543 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDIA AND APCAR IMS 1 (Icoraoratad in England.) MAIL PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. -nwiNSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. fE LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract wit*. Hia Majesty's Government.) SffTWARDS from LONDON. HOMEWARDS Far China ft Japan For Marseille*. London ft Aatwtrp. Dae Laava Toonaga
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    • 563 11 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAY KINTA p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. CALYPSO, 5 p.m-, for Malacca, GEMAS, 5 p.m., for Muar. TUESDAY MEDUSA, 4 p.m., for Port Dickson, Telok Anion, Began Datoh, Lumut and Port Dickson. RENGAM, 4 p.m., for Batu
      563 words
    • 632 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.) LONDON LINE. Tonnage Destination Due Sati Fushimi Maru 11,000 M'seille*, London, AVerp R'darn Mar 31 Apr 1 Hakozaki Mam 11,000 Marseilles, London, Hull Awerp Apr 14 lb Hakusan Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Apr Kitano Maru 8,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp May 12 13 Haruna Maru
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 517 12 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. Consignees are hereby notified that broken and/or damaged cargoes ex s.s. "Indus Maru" having beeu transhipped at Hongkong from s.s. Altai Maru" will be surveyed at the S. H. B.s Godown No. 32/33 on Monday the 29th instant at 9 a.m. when Lloyd's Agent will
      517 words
    • 745 12 PUBLIC NOTICES. Visiting Agent, and Director of Rubber Compares, touch with financial group? in England and America, going Home shortly i" prepared to take options on Sound well reSrted on properties for flotation during June.^Jutv WK USt With Principals only iinance c/o Malaya Tribune. THE BUKIT rWAH RUBBER ESTATES LIMITED.
      745 words
    • 344 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES s*2a ,0 85 Street. Muar m, 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77 79 Ja] Sulei remban 63 Birch Road. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San FranrWo Batavia Sourabaya, Semarang, sSngha Amoy, Pontianak, Trang, Foo Kuala Lumpur and Medan. CAPITAL.
      344 words
    • 506 12 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Com pan es Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paxi-up Gap:tal £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,458 221 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF
      506 words
    • 467 12 BANKS. jfP\ THE (l&l SOUTH V %|i§/ BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. j L, C. MARGOUOUTH, Manager. Office: 2, Finlayson Green. ORIENTAL Government Security LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated n India 1874.) Results of the Company's Operations during the three
      467 words
    • 499 12 "BARACHOL" all over the affected par,, ments. JUST RUB IVrn i °2r2 AT NIGHT TIME FOR •?vV )l 'R HaS CURE GUARANTEED {Ug9> «Q "BARACHOL" has a* on «11 your d it a tnal for all B ki o diseat's." 1 5 Price: $1.50 per tube THE UNITED 305, North
      499 words