Malaya Tribune, 26 March 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune. Vol. XIII.. •No. 71 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1926 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY. MARCH 2(5. 1926
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 114 1 AMATEUR PHOTO ST9R6 i 109 WORTH SfttQGfc Pg oiaocaaaoßaoi locaoi i\\zz\\\\\zfz\w lOßLtooEaoi i m^^y"— iobbo o I bicycle's 0 r o 0 1 /4111k I I Spill I > This Trade Mark is the property of j Messrs. NEW HUDSON LTD., j St George's Works, BIRMINGHAM 9 and is borne
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    • 72 1 j DANGER j I COMFORT EYES NERVES I The discomfort aga'nst which i fyou try to shield your eyes may be a 'caused by the invisible rays in arm- 1 .'tight. 2 j We lis worth Cruxite and Sir Wm. 1 j Crookes lenses fuliy protect against I {this inviable
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  • 891 2  -  Attitude of Europeans Dictated by Fear (By Miss S. M. Warner It is a simple matter to express complete sympathy with the Indians in South Africa in their difficult position, and particularly j with frheir protest against the unjust) Asiatic Bill, but to deal clearly wvh
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 225 2 I GREAT REDUCTION ON ALL MODELS j 1 BM. 2 sealer de luxe $1,750 I 1 8 h.p. 4 seater de luxe $1,900 I 1 W\ 1015h,p 4 sseaterdeiuxe $2,400 It&*- PI l"! I 15 20 bp 6 7 seater deluxe $3,600 VrT\ lli I I /AW **10 20 30
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    • 165 2 THE MOSQUITO MENACE. A METHOD TO OVERCOME IT. It is poor consolation to the sufferer from Malarial Fever to know that some anopheles mosquito caused the trouble. India is full > of mosquitoes, and the malaria figures show he wide prevalance of the anopheles variety. While mosquito enthusiasts may be
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    • 540 2 INTERIOR CLEANLINESS is of paramount importance to all who youth, health and effic ency. To keep the system clean and in perfect working order use Pinkettes, the dainty littie regulators which neither pain nor purge. As gentky as nature they dispel constipation, PwketteS* stimulate the liver, banish biliousness and sick
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  • 1373 3 Discussion of Trade Situation in Siam The ninth annual general meeting of tho shareholders in Barrow Brown and Co., Lai., took place on Saturday, March G, v 11 a.m., at the Registered Offices of the Company. Notice convening the meeting having been read, and the nvnutes of the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 292 3 s *s*!*^^5*!*^^ WHY THE GREAT RUSH t i n. There can only be ONE Reason— j Their favourite Bar has just decided to jjj serve I STENGAHS' with Phone 3463 PHOENIX SODA WATER. j B Fo3P jjj SPORT SNAP-SHOTS I even shortest opcsuie I vlaW use only I W ROLL-FILMS
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    • 388 3 THE GUARDIANS OF YOUR HEALTH Few people realise to what Aerated Waters the called-for lengths a manufacturer may go drink over the last thirty years, in establishing beyond all doubt the purity of a product such as ideal conditions of Cleanliness, Aerated Waters. In the follow- Purity, Inspection and Unrelening
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 428 4 Amusements. 1 EMi»I HL E Cj Thursday, March 25 to Monday, March 29. Ia the 2nd Show at 9 p.m. J3 g United Artists Corporation Presents E I »Tlie World's Sweetest Sweetheart MARY PICKFORD I in her latest production 1 11 Little Annie Rooney" 1 g In 9 Reels S
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    • 426 4 From Sunday, March 21 to Saturday, March 27. I The Greatest Drama of the Ages created into an even X Greater Motion Picture cj I AT THE S ALHAfviBRA jjj (Tan Ckenr Kee Ca„ Ltd. Proprietors.) H &j In the Second Show at 9 p.m. g I A WILLIAM FOX
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    • 456 4 GAIETY CINEMA Junction Albert and Bencoolcn Streets. For the last time TO-NIGHT until Thursday, April 1. At 7 15 Sharp. SIR OSWALD STOLL'S production of SIR RIDER HAGGARD'S MOON of ISRAEL In 10 Parts. No greater film has ever been presented to the public EVENING NEWS: One of the most
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    • 124 4 SURINA THEATRE North Bridge Road. To-night at 9 Slurp! NEW PATHE GAZETTE PLEASE TEACHER (Century Co mGd House Peters in THE UNIVERSAL JEWEL THE STORM BREAKER His brother stranded on a rock, beaten im pulled by an angry Sea! Urged to re,cu him by his own wife! With the mUm
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  • 1074 5 PRODUCE Buyers. Seller». S ngapore, March 26 Smat Pear. Tapioca 7.75 R:ee, Siam No 1 per Koyan .$370 No. 1 Sago Flour Rice. S am 2 $350 Fair Sago Flour 6 00 R ce, Siam 3 $340 Borneo jag*) Flour Uice, Sa'gon 1 $302 No. 2 Sago
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  • 188 5 The rate of issue of Money orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 154 equal •o $100. The rate of payment of Money Orders from India and Ceylon is Rs. 15e equal to $100. The German M'n'ster of the Interior, Dr. Kuetz, caused a storm on March 11 in
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  • 91 5 London, Match 23. Manchester Market— 8% lbs shirting's fair (new basis) 12s 9d 40's Grey Yarns single twist 19% 6 lbs T. Cloth», for 24 yards 8« Liverpool Market— Cotton—Fully Middling American (spot) 10.09 Egyptian. Cotton $15.35 Metals— T n Standard 8 months £283.12.6 Produce— Copra, fa"-r
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  • 86 5 The Shipping and the Import and Export Offices will* be ciose-J -en Good Friday, the 2nd April, 1926, and open on Saturday, the 3rd April and Monday, the sth April, 1926, for one hour only (from 10 a.m. to 11a.m.). Considerable damage has been done to the Prmce of Walk's
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 498 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS .IN EE! A BILL- C'< >LLF.(.'T< I K. Been tity $,kO in bond, appl} f m ~vr n J Cyofa Co., Ltd. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. <••.-:.: KM hi reoy BOtHM that broken maged cargoes ex M ind'.is Maru" transhipped at Hongkong from "Altai Mara" will be surwyed at
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    • 17 5 M. EZEKIEL SONS, Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians. 4, Raffles Chambers, Rsffles Place, Singapore. Optometrist: A. M. EZEKIEL, O.D.
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    • 30 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Replaced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES O. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dent||t, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary 'Phone 123. j
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    • 110 5 —ii—ll—ii—n—ii— pj I FBMIOM-GLASSES 1 I Old biconvex New Punktal glass c /<| 1 I fc I spectacle glass ofttRIZESSSjE^^ I I f soo^^^o-....... I 3P>{„||,r>«> I So These images n 3 3 ate perceived when fne visual line 3 S I deviates from the axis S I j at
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 144 5 A SINGAPORE DIARY ..-:lav, .March 26 -J fog i 46 a.m., 10.6 p.m. Putcfa homeward mail closes, p ami O. homeward mail (train.) Mimic pal Commisson, 2.15 p.m. vv k*: Navy vs Fkike of Wellington's. Lectin by Rev. Edwin F. Lee, Y.M.C.A., 8.30 p m. i Tneatre: Royal Hawaikans, 9.30
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    • 130 5 MAILS CLOSE TO-DAY, MARCH 26 Banka Island, Java, South-West Sumatra, South-East Borneo, Celebes, and Timor Dihy Melch or Treub 2 p.m. Upper Burma, North and East Ind a Elephanta 3 p.m Ssrawak Kuching 3 p.m. North, North-East and Norih-Wesi. Sumatra Royr-st 3 p.m. Cey;on, Southern and Western India, Aden, Mauritius,
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    • 71 5 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT (By Courtesy of the Government Health Officer.) Kandancr Kerbau fetation for ihe 24 houri ending midnight March 25, 1926. deg. Maximum shade temperature 89 F. Min. shade temperature 75 F. Mean .«hade temperature 80.7 F. Maximum sun radiation 151 F. Minimum grass radiation 72.5 F. Sea temperature 81
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  • 1054 6 Sometimes although practically everybody la agreed ab>ut the desirability of a project, it is nearly impossible to get it carried through for obscure reasons whch nobody can expCain. Take for any example brokering in S"h|apore. An immense business is done in stocka and shares on this market and amazingly
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  • 1020 6 The F.M.S. Government is exploring the of a railway line from Taiping to Luntut. o The Japanese Government Budget foj the ensuing fiscal year and the new Tax P-eform Bill have passed the Hoiuse of Peers without modification. o Sir Bradford Leslie, whose ddath has occurred in Lpndon, was
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  • 209 6 A verd'ct of justifiable homicide was returned by the City Coron?r yesterday, at the conclusion of the inqu'try touching the d.-ath of a Javanese aaidan> bin Kasa Samito. The deceased was found in his hut lying in an uncortsc imius eomd'Hon. He had several injuries all over his
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  • 35 6 (From Our Own Correepondcnrit.) Penang-, March 25. A branch of the Y.M,C.A. was formed here tj-day. Mr. Justice Brown was asJced to be President. Mr. Guneratnam Secretary and Captain Saunders Treasurer.
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  • 411 6 Mr Patrick Hadow, the well-known ii tor of ruaber com pan es Z i™ d England at the en<t of the weak 8 for Reuter cables to-day an ann n of the death of Sir HaJev pTn Unc me «t Publishing Co., Ltd. ne Caxtoi Mr. Mahtab
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  • 94 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang March 2S. A Mafay poic* l cons able Baaed Ma: bin Akit was fined $60 and two other policemen, Cho bn Sa'eh and Tetab >in Han iff. woe each fined $10 on a charge of using criminal force to a toddy shop-keeper.
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  • 43 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) rilß—f M:>rch 25. llr. Ar.har Wiliaims. District OfficerBaVJc I'ulau, was married to Miss L'ian May Itead r.t the Presbyterian Church h re •diy. The brde was givei b >' Ri?s*tent Councillor; Mrs. Fed was the rnai:on of honour.
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  • 47 6 The case aframst F. C. Almeuia. A. Aratoon and Walter Lingard. .-tanu charged with robbery from a imtMm woman at the Oriental Hotd, was mm tioned n the D strict Court Uva morning and postponed until April 21, ow'ng to tor complainant's illness.
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  • 53 6 Captain Cotton of rt amer SeaJJ Bee" was summoned before Mr. P. F. Dav:d. the District Judge, th s morn ng, n connect on with the discovery of $44,000 worttt of contraband chandu on board by ta«* Preventive Service. Captain Co ton p.eaded guilty and Was fin
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  • 34 6 From Western Australia by s.s. Centaur, due Singapore daylight to-morrow. From HdMand and Germany by Insulirtde. due Singapore to-morrow mora* From Ch na and Japan by s.*. Iloaolttl» Maru, due Singapore to-morrow.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 308 6 J 11 QUEEN ANNE" DESIGN I^^^ jjj HALI MARKFD SILVER P TEA AND COFFEE Suitable for Presentation X g No. 3536 fcclici] Silver Tea and Coffee Set consisting of 1 Coffee jjj Pot, 1 Tea Pot. 1 Sugar Basin, 1 Cream Jug and 1 Pair Tongs. X Complete in leatherette
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    • 91 6 aS2SHSHSHS2S2S2SHS2S2S2SES2S2SaS2S2S2SK leberhard watches I ffl combine accurate timekeeping with [n aj artistic appearance at moderate |fl rfl prices. Cj At all first-clasß stores and [S jjj Watchmakers. gj J Wholesale Distributors: ffl a SCHIFFNER CO., $5, MEYER MANSIONS, SINGAPORE H Cj 'Phone 1342. g SSSfHSHSHSHSHSSSSSES2S2SHSESBSHSHSHSHSHSe 1 COMPARISON I jjj is
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  • 707 7 BUT THE LEAGUE IS UNHARMED Chamberlain Receives Freedom of London British Official Press Service. Reuter's Service. London, March 25. c r Aaaten Chamberlain, Foreign SecNtsrf, 'o-day presented with the cd the city of London at Guild I dot ledging the honour paid to km l>3 Mayor and Corporation.
    British Official Press Service.; Reuter's Service.  -  707 words
  • 168 7 Effort to Eliminate Strong Competition Reuter's Service. London, March 25. Protracted consultat'ons between European steel interests have resulted, according to the "Daily Newts" correspondent at Berlin, in a far-reaching "Rails Cartel," eliminating: competition and apportioning quotas for the export of rails as follows: Britain, 43 per cent;
    Reuter's Service.  -  168 words
  • 92 7 British Official Press Service. London, March 25. It is undei-stood that the firsu meeting of the League of Nations commission set up to consider Qhje question of the future constitution of the League Council mtM be held in Geneva on May 10. It wiTJ consist of ten members
    British Official Press Service.  -  92 words
  • 77 7 Reuter's Service. Rio de Janeiro, March 25. It is now believed: that the death-roll in the Paes do Carvalao calamity is thirty-eig-ht. It is probably an unparalleled disaster, considering- that Bt occurred 1,500 miles inland. Its origin is ascribed to a smoker in a third-class cabin accidentally setting
    Reuter's Service.  -  77 words
  • 72 7 British Radio Press Service. London, March 25. Exchange rate?: Paris 138.675. New York 4.86, Brussels 121, Geneva 25.25, Amsterdam 12.135, Milan 120.85. Berlin 29.42, Stockholm 1814, Copenhagen 18.54, Oslo 22.73, Vs. nna 34.5, Prague 164, Helsingfors 193, Madrid 34.5, Lisbon 2.5, Rio 7 1; 16, Buenos Aires 43
    British Radio Press Service.  -  72 words
  • 49 7 Reuter's Service. Paris, March 26. A telegram from Beirut says that numerous Druses attacked Kattana, stouthwest of Damascus, which was surrounded and set on fire. Four squadrons of cavalry supported by airmen counter-attackeid the Druses who ware repulsed and fled leaving over a hundred dead.
    Reuter's Service.  -  49 words
  • 46 7 Reuter's Service. Washington, March 25. After conferring with Secretary Kellogg, Senator Borah declared that some of the claims of Americans against Great Britain and France arising from the seizure of goods during the war while America was neutral should and would be paiid.
    Reuter's Service.  -  46 words
  • 44 7 Reuter's Service. Rome, March 25. In addition to the four years remitted by amnesty, a further reduction has been made in respect of the period awaiting trial. Hence, the convicted men in the Matteotti trial will !be released within three months.
    Reuter's Service.  -  44 words
  • 31 7 Reuter's Service. Peking 1 March 25. Ofncxal tclograms state that Geneml Chang Kai-shek has carried out a coup d'etat at Canton and imprisoned Chinese and Russian communists.
    Reuter's Service.  -  31 words
  • 3171 7 STRANGE STORY TOLD IN COURT Defendant Ordered to Repay $2,400 to Girl The strange behaviour of a Chinese young man, who utilised the love of a young lady for the purpose of obta ning from her various sums of money, and who, subsequent y, tendered a blun
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  • 100 7 British Official Press Service. London, Mail-h 25. The coal owneas and miners have lost no time in entering upon the consideration of the points jn which they must agree between themselves before the Premier's promise fco give effact to the Coal Commission's report be>oomes operative. The executives
    British Official Press Service.  -  100 words
  • 67 7 Reuter's Service. Paris, March 26. The Chamber of Deputies has adopted by 415 votes to 128, the revenue section of the Budget. The expenditure .side was voted at the Autumn sefsion. The entire 1026 Budget is now ready to go to the Senate. The Socialists have decided
    Reuter's Service.  -  67 words
  • 27 7 Reuter's Service. Mexico Oity, March 26. It is understood that conferences of the oil interests with trie Mexican Goveaunanrt are virtually deadlocked. a
    Reuter's Service.  -  27 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 238 7 H525Z525Z5H*****H5a5E5Z5Z5E5Z52^ l KiUWisked Patrcmked j DURABILITY ELEGANCE I THE PREDOMINANT FACTORS, c I IflHlffiffilforcffl Ital Mark the Quali,y 01 m I II [lp i CIGARETTE CASES I! j) AND I 111 1 BOXES. jj a Most Exc i nslve stoC I IN GOLD, G. in L. SILVER, and SILVER.; <
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  • 319 8 Opening Performance at Victoria Theatre A fairy good but somewhat disorderly bom greeted the Royal Hawaiian troupe at Victoria Theatre last night. The programme was carrlvd through a vim, without tiresome delays, and w»as completed at the early hour of 11:15, yet it was not a short
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  • 205 8 Receiving Order Against Mr. P. Richardson An appldcation was made this morning in the Bankruptcy Court before Mr, Justin Deane. for a receiving order against Mr. P. R chardson. Mr. Roland Bradddll, appearing for the p:'tiitionrng creditors, the proprietors of the Raffles Hotel, Messrs. Sark'es Bros., sa d that
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  • 1138 8 The Jeram Kuantan Rubber Estate, Ltd. The annua) general meeting of the Jeraae Rnavtan Rubber Estate, Ltd., was held yasterday at the leg s-terod o-ffic-es of the com pony at the Charteeod Bank Gh'amnbers. Mr. Chew Wooi r\>h presided and the others on int were Meaora. Gaw Kh-jk
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  • 1035 8 Further Hearing into Case Against European The adjourned hearing into t>he cas<e in which Peter X chardson, a European, stands charged w.uh cheating the Raffles Hotel by tenderjng a bad cheque for $1,000 was continued before Mr. P. F. David* the D.strict Judge, yesterday m >rning. Mr. N.
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  • 164 8 In connection with the Penang untitled coo'ies' str ke a correspond nt wr'tes to the "Straits Echo" that the cool'es have secur ed a "great v'ctory" for the tw nty per cnt 'ncrease wh'ch they have obtaned at the expense of the cmp'oyers is a great more than they, actually
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  • 411 8 SPORTS PASTIMES FOOTBALL Coming Big Matches in Java (From Our Own Correspondent.) While there is nothing doing in boxing here, the fotA-ball will be in full rwIt<g in Aprl J l and May, when big annual matches will take place at Semarang. Tlie Chinese Inter-Town events will begin on April
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  • 51 8 In connection wth this afternoon's foot ha !i match at the Stadium between the Ruyal Navy and the Duke of Wellington's Regiment in aid of the Union Jack Ciub, the Band of the Reg ment will be :n attendance through the courtesy of Lieut-Colenel, D.S.O. and
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  • 545 8 S.C.C. Defeat the Regiment in Exicting Game An except onally brilttiant game of soccer \va» witnessed on the Padang, yesterday ■dQtenKWA, when the Singapore Cricket Cub me: the Duke of Wei ington's Regiment for the first time. The Cub gave an excellent account of itself and won by
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  • 39 8 Submarines vs. Hawkins A team f rom the submarines mot a team from the H. M. S. Hawk ns yesterday at hockey and he match ended in a victory for the .submar ne team by 3 to 1.
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  • 97 8 Services Tournament Hm Competition for th<- "fl r i Grant" Challenge up will take IE?* the boxmg enclosure of the 'Haoavw 1 v on Saturday, March 27, at :;o addition to this competition wh rib twcan teams of eight ron*, k Royal Navy and the Army 3-round contests. Wi
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  • 95 8 S.C.C. Tournament YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Championship R. N. Hamilton beat 0. R s 6—3, 6—0. Championship Pairs (Preliminary) C. Salter and S. H. Moss heal T \r and F. A. Teale, 6-4, 7-5 A. A. Ewlng and P. C. Mum*. k.. ZLegele and G. B. Page, C—7.I f Profession
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  • 114 8 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Handicap Doubles (Men) Dyne and Mflligan, owe 1 and Dvviea, owe I, B—6, (i—i. TO-DAY'S TIES Championsh p fa r. Mixed /-Final) Miss Gunn and Mile- vs. Miss GriffithJones and Sme a r. Handicap Doubles (Men). Hunt and Teale, owe 152 vs. Dyae una Miiiigan,
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  • 96 8 Race Course Golf Club I March MedaJ Thirty-three cards were taker, out for the March (1926) Medal cf the Rwe Course G>lf Club, and ihe best nine re turned were as follows: L. A. Rappa 40 38 10 G. F. Glass 45 39 14 70 T. Mori.a 43 42
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  • 73 8 West Coast To urnament TKeuter's Serv ee.] I .M I. O- St. Petersburg. Florida March Walter Hagen won the West Coa-~t tournament with a sco:e of t holes. Bobby Jones, the American ?.ma. champ'on, was second with -S5. J>nea entited to a prize of $500 in patf, ou. he requested
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  • 45 8 L.U. vs. S.R.C. The fallow'ng will represent the Union vs. the S.R.C. to-morrtw on S.R.C. ground:—M. G. T T. E. K. Retnam. G. K. Aiyatfcura-. A. Chunch e. R H. tie Kr Weerakkody. B Dud'ey I). J. Dr. S. Thambipi lai and E. 1(Capt.).
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  • 91 8 This Week's Sportin? Programme The followng is the programme of*** ing events arranged n conneco-. Vist cf H. M. war-hp-;. arrangements are provisional capton of the football match M wej tJday and the boxing the Happy Valley on Saturday, which aie in aid of the Ln
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 47 8 I SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CO* To-day. H*"* i 3.15 p.m.-Drill HaB. 8. V. C. Band, W> Practice. M To-morrow, Ma-rh -< 2.30 p.m.—Bukit Timah Rarnreforcement. Musketry Class ncatioa leave Drill Hall at 2.15 p.m. Sunday, March 28 8 a.m.—Buk t Tirnah ment, Musketry ClaatiBOl»»leave Drill Hail at 7.30 a.m.
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  • 744 9 RUBBER SHARES WEEKLY REPORTS Singapore Chamber of Commerce Singapore, March 24. 1.i50.268 lbs. 526.91 tons, offered 093,07H lbs.; 300.41 tons. S,d 555,439 lbs.; 247.96 tons. Spot. London 2 s 6d. w York 60 cents. PRICES REALIZED Lihhed Smoked Sheet Cents Per Lb. X Quality Pale No Sales .re Quality 1.00
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  • 278 9 Carlow Co. Singapore, Maivh 25. Rubber Pric s have agan fluctuated ••'"•ng the past w?ek. but he undertone "as been steady. Anprex'mately "27 tons wer3 catalogu*d for the local auction held yesterday, -t of which 248 tons so'd under the ham■er. The tone throughout the sale was V-i>t. Little interest
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  • 801 9 PASSENGERS LEFT The following passengers left for Europe by s.a. Khiva, at 8 a.m. to-day:— Mr. P. Milan se, Miss A. Vinette, Lt. H. L. C. Hall, Mr. C. P. Nicolay, Capt E. Hall, Mr. Neson, Mr. S. P. Staples. Mr. J. F. Cashen, Mas K. B. Craig
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 96 9 However robust and strong ne con pjj IS stittttion there lire times when Nature requires |> 51 assistance in relieving I congested parts and re- W M storing normal function. |jj f\ Nature has no more |j efficient aid to health than jg II Beecham's Pills. If When the digestive
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    • 326 9 1 Lactogen 1 I THE NATURAL BULK FOOD I FOR YOUR BABY I a Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co.. (London) I 144-147 CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. 1 FRESH SPORTING GOODS ON APPROVAL, g S Autograph Cricket BatK Super-quality fl 19.00 3 p\ J- B. Hobbs xxjl x Cricket Bats 19.00 S
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    • 299 9 I tittle's J J Annual Cash J J Clearance I j Commences 1 MONDAY, a c l MARCH 29 a I C a i Catalogues Now Ready. a c a I a c a o a 1 t John Little Co., Ltd.,! jj (Incorporated in England.) jjj a SINGAPORE, PENANG
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  • 1069 10 Easy Toleration of Barbarism in Australia When Rome took over the guardianship of human civilisation many curious spots of barbarism were permitted to re- < main. The great formalities were spr nkl<xi with absurdities; the rigid law ben: at unexp'.cted places and allowed element! of anarchy to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 626 10 I DAYEMPCRT OIL I DIESEL. COLD STARTING Cj A Four Cycle Heavy Duty Internal Combustion Engine H 3H. P. 6IL P. SB p 3 system for T inject ing the fufd—NO^Cißg BURETOR—NO MAGNETO "si \RK g HOT BULBS NO TORCHES. INSPECTION INVITE]). S ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF j THE BORNEO COMPANY,
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  • 527 11 Singapore, March 20. MEAT Bo of steak (round) katii 43 Beef stew or curry (Brisket) kati 36 Pork lean 64 Pork lean and fat (1st quality) kati 46 Mutton Indian ib 60 Mutton Australian lb 60 Fowl kati 58 Capons (Locally reared) kati 77 Hens (Locally reared) kati
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 515 11 STEAMER SAILINGS TTo BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR UNES (Icorpo rated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. rfcNINSULAR AND ORIENTaTsTEAM NAVIGATION CO. r LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty* Government.) $¥TWARDS from LONDON. HOMEWARDS Far China Japan For Marseilles, London Antwerp. Due Leave Tonnage Singapore
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    • 573 11 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAY KINTA, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. CALYPSO, 5 p.m., for Malacca. GEMAS, 5 p.m.. for Muar. TUESDAY MEDUSA, 4 p.m, for Port Dickson, Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Lumut and Port Dickson. RENGAM, 4 p.m., for
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    • 644 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.) LONDON LINE. Tonnage Destination Due Sail Pushimi Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Mar 31 Apr 1 Hakozaki Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London, Hull A'werp Apr 14 15 Hakusan Mam 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Apr 28 29 Kitano Maru 8,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp May 12 13 Haruna
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 498 12 PUBLIC NOTICES. Visiting Agent, and Director of Rubber Companies, in touch with financial groups in England and America, going Home shortly, is prepared to take options on :ound well reported on properties for flotation during June, July and August. Dealings with principals only. Apply Finance C/o Mains a Tribune. NOTICE—Mr.
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    • 599 12 PUBLIC NOTICES. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. The Municipal Commissioners cf Singapore hereby give notice that Gaylang River Bridge— Grove Road —is unsafe for tratlic heavier than two tons in weight (laden or unladen) owing to its dangerous condition at present. Pending its repair, drivers of laden or unladen motor lorries and
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    • 410 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street i luar 77 79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat PaJembang 61 liir Hongkong 13 Queen's Road Central Seremban 63 Birch Road! AGENCIES AT: London, New York, Sar Francisco
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    • 494 12 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,468,221 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street, London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M.
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    • 471 12 BANKS. THE SOUTH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MARGOLIOUTH, Manager. Office: 2, Fiitlayson Green. ORIENTAL Government Security LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated 'n India 1874.) Results of the Company's Operations during the three years 1922-1924 PROFIT Rs. 51,00,000 Increased
      471 words
    • 501 12 Several thousands have be cured of this U*** malady by the use of the rtZ? German "IPHECA" ointm, the latest German medical to cure blind, bleeding JHZSI piles Prepared by a patent out of rare and pure medicinal[JJ Price: §1.50 pe r bo x THE UNITED PHARMACY, 305, North Bridge
      501 words