Malaya Tribune, 23 March 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune. Vol. XIII, No. 68 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1926 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1926
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 272 1 AMAT£UfT PHBTQ STQRg 109 NORTH 6R»DGE_Pg__ I Your lady will certainly ITI I 1 All 1 fI) S approve the elegance I I ft \I II 1 111 189, Orchard Road. lIALAUIA LIU., 'Phone 950. j PIANOS TUNED ***************************************************************************5252S AND REPAIRED. d 1 '^:;f t satisfactorily wsm V«u cannot buy
      272 words
    • 279 1 1 DANGER I COMFORT EYES A NERVES I The discomfort aga nst which you try to shield your eyes may be caused by the invisible rays n sun- light. 1 Wellsworth Cnxxite and Str Wm. I Crookee lenses fully protect against th:s invisible danger, i We Stock them. 1 THE
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  • 647 2 Chinese Contention Believed to be Winning Quietly delving through voluminous compilations in Engl sh translations of the Chinese crimma. and civil law codes, experts attached to the Extra-terr toriality Inquiry now taking pliace at Peking are obtaining a mass of data which may go far toward deciding whether foreigners
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  • 191 2 After 25 years as a respee'ed gen.ral practtioner. Dr. M. V. Mayfield, of Mena, Arkansas, has astounded the entire dstrict, firstly, by proclaiming herse'f to be a woman and secondly b y disposing her Bntish nat'ona'ity. Dr. M-iyfie d is s. venty-fiv* years eld and she only
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 266 2 H The Fashionable Perfume J|| II l ho*e v, ho obey the dictates and the calls ot Fashion must 111 II always appear with a complexion radiant and fresh. Care of 111 II the skin is important, more particularly in this climate. Con- ill I sis tent use of "4711"
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    • 188 2 HOCK MEIN Go. Not. 587-12 and 387-13 Victoria Street, (Comer of Bras Bases Road.) I~■■■ CONFECTIONERS. Recently established, the Management Undertakes to supply and cater for WEDDING and BIRTHDAY CAKES. ICE CREAMS and FANCY CAKES. TEA, COFFEE, COCOA, COLD DRINKS, &c PROMPT AND CLEAN SERVICE Previsions and Groceries of all
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    • 305 2 THESE CHARMING LITTLE CHINESE CHILDREN Owe Their Excellent Health To BABY'S OWN TABLETS Says Their Family Physician. In countless homes throughout China Baby's Own Tablets are held m the highest esteem, and many Chinese doctors prescribe them for their little patients. For example Dr. Pai Yu Sang 1 a prominent
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 625 3 Dr. Lim Boon Keng's Visit to Hongkong Those in the Colony who were present at the GongTegat'on .n 1919 will recall the remarkable speech delivered by Dr. Lim Boon Keng on the occasion of his receiving the honorary LL.D. says he South Ch na Post." But more, perhaps,
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  • 299 3 Noticeable Lack of Crime in England Women become criminals ten years later in life ihan men, according to British pol.ce WnUfi Paris has been having two murders a day and manslaughters average more than one an hour in Chicago and New York, London's pol cc have had
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 379 3 insist on 1 l The World's Best. f Sole Agents: g DIETHELM Co., Ltd., j (Incorporated in Switzerland.) 5 B Singapore—Penang—Bangkok. ■"THE CREAM OF FASCINATION 99 [jj j /tTk. EASTER FOA VI" is a i»olut#ly pure—a true Gj VANISHING R j :AVI iMtaaily absorbed and S "< m\ presenting No
      379 words
    • 330 3 M I Fresh Youthful Skin Maintained By Cuticura Daily use of Cuticura Soap, with touches of Cuticura Ointment when required, will do much to prevent pore-clogging, blackheads, pimples, roughness and other unwholesome conditions of the skin. Soap, Ointment, Talcum sold throughout the worn. British Depot: T. Hawbery Socs. Ltd. 31.
      330 words
    • 46 3 mjr M PILLS. I AP/Ot STEEL I I Sure and certain for all Female 1 S complaints.Every lady should I I keep a box in the house. 1 I Chemists add Stores sell I I them world. 1 I Proprietor: 1 I MARTIN, a—itt, Satitli—»toa. fayVa^l
      46 words
    • 465 3 Men admire a freak, smooth and radUatafcia. Most Men Ask "IS SHE PRETTY?" not "Is She Clever?" Palm and olive oils—noth- Often we marvel at hei —the girl whose only assetisherbeauty. She know, S o little and «aysso j little; yet serenely attracts everyone to her side. %RS£2s£gZ& Too often
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 465 4 I EMPIRE I H Tuesday, March II *nd Wednesday, March 24. H Ist Show > a 7-30 p.m. I Triangle Productions Present TAYLOR HOLMES jjj jjj la a ro*erfal Ccmed>-Drrma H I IT'S A BEAR 5 Heels I g A Picture of wit and humour. g i{} To be preceded
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    • 531 4 A m s«3m«3 ml -fes From Sanday, March 21 to Saturday, March 27. (5 The Greatest Drama of the Ages created into an even Greater Motion Picture C I AT THE C ALHAMBRA S (Tab Cfcenr Km A O- Ltd. Proprietor*.) B rO D a In the Second Show at
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    • 528 4 GAIETY CINEMA Junction Albert and Bencoolen Streets. TO-NIGHT AT 9.15! WILLIAM FJX presents FOOTFALLS Blind, but with a sense of hearing Abnormally acute. He waited for the Murderers Return Starring TYRONE POWER and ESTELLE TAYLOR CARTOON AND NEW COMEDY At 730 sharp SIEGE Universal Jewel TWENTY YEARS AFTER. Final Chapter.
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  • 144 5 io-da>, March 23 |S9 am., 7.43 p.m. C icus 9.16 p.m. > To-mot row, March 24 Tdee __tfJtt a.m. 8.46 p.m. SScfc homew«d mail leaves. sCC. vb» Navy. 1 revs, Farewell performance, j a v».1.» P m I Thursda), March 25 l T des.—7.4l a.m., 9.32 p.m.
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  • 109 5 TO-DAY. MARCH 23 hem and Western Ind a Mentor 2 p.m. v rtb-Eaot and North-West Le" Ma Ire 3 p.m. .La t Borneo King Sjig 4 p.m. and Palembang Henh 4 p.m. TO-MORROW, MARCH 24 p na, Hainam, Japan, Korea, Foxa, Ba«t Siberia, IM pp ne in fe,
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  • 169 5 The Empire Cinema [Ha World Sweetheart" comes to the 0 n Thursday, the 2ath, m Littic ne Rooncy," starts a fight ,rls wkh a fight. In are lauefel galore, a tear or two—much mmmany heart throbs. It's an ideal for Mary Pckford aid her characr /-Hon of
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  • 190 5 The foi.owlng passengers Singapore per 3e K.PM steamer Melchior iVeub on Monday:—Mr. Thio Soei Ho Mr. tod Mrs. J. W. Ruuerwor h, Mr. C J. JJ. 4ncona, Mr. L. M. Watson, Mr. Takahar Lcketen. Mr. Mrs. and Miss Scfcawfcer, Mr. P. Headriek Mr. ami Mrs. A.. J. Refnu,
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  • 120 5 Prostitution is more rampant in Manila and n* Viibourng towns to-day than ,t ev_ *ac, and there are strong nd cations.that venenal diseases will work as time go s en, it If learned from tne I'hlppine Health Sanrce. Offical atatati« show that 1925 closed a total i 1.060 persons
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  • 1022 5 PRODUCE S nprapove, March 23 Rice. S am No 1 per Koyan $372 Rice, Stam 2 $362 R c~, Siam I $347 Rice. Saigor. 1 $3*2 Rice, Saigon 2 $307 Rice, Saiteoi: 3 Rice, Rangoon 1 $298 11 cc, Rangoon 2 $290 R ice, Par Boiled No
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 14 5 SONS, Manufacturing 4 Raffles Chambers, Raffles 1 lace, S.ngapore. Optometry A. M. EZEKIEU O.D.
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    • 28 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Pa n Teeth Replaced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES 0 JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentist, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary 'Phone 123.
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    • 501 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS WATCH MUBICALF. BATU PAHAT BANK, UMimD. which will bo given at Y. M. C. A. Auditorium NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Sixth hv Annua! Of 111 Mooting of the Company witt be o„ vt held at the Registered Offices of the Company ST. ANDREW'S MISSION. S£ G4
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 60 5 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT K> Courtesy of the Government Health Officer.) mm Kevbau Station for the 24 hours mSlnighi Maruh 22. 192G. deg. fa shade temperature 90 F. Mm. shade temperature <* Hean shade temperature tfaximum tun radiation liav grass radiation «J >ea temperature 8 Vlean wet-bulb temperature F« >!ean relative humidity
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  • 1065 6 Let us leave alone the m nor peccadilloes of those who have expended the incp.d b.e sum of pracically half a rail ion pounds sterling upon the new General Hospital. We hope we have made it abundantly clear that in our opinion the work done has be
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  • 747 6 According to the Chinese papers, there are 129 young Japanes* in Shanghai awa.ting mrd cal examinations for admission to military servce. The Yokohama company of Girl Guides, u-h eh has been inactive since th* earthquake of 1923, (has been revived, formal enrolment of the company taking place on March 3
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  • 60 6 Ro?a""a^ ,U of fh m V n^ D rea] y welcome w?th in th thventire Pacific area in Say Business and pleasun» ivi k for RnNr aB wu.oe com: ned SuJSSS c uI <* ffo on to the InternaLonal Convention in Denver, a'so becauL that is
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  • 22 6 ST"! b rn in and 11 >ears of age cannot speak th* .'aneuatre parcn, s By ,V unknot. WhereaboUts th <
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  • 414 6 Mr. W. Skrin? Uit ie on Fr.cay. v Wp v f b The Hon. Mr G r°r-i I Petroleum Urke of the a Bangkok. P y S n A^:< v **a| The official opting TT t>W4 Mr. H ft MP from BaSS^^^i&^ H. E. the Il'irh r«
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  • 122 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penan?. Man* 22 As Mr. Just'ce Acton haft Satarday my Serembsn and Mr. Josti Brown v row j> Kedah, prosd'ng at a Bpoe'al prvate l quiry, there w'M be no sitt?ag of :he Court b?re untv Thursday when Mr. Justcr Brown is ex
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  • 106 6 H? 5 Lordship the Chef Justice, Sir W l l r am Mur'son. K.C., de l'ver:d judgment th'j morning :'n the appeal of ;h? Mac n which To.ig Chong, a ch'ndhew on board the W ng Hong, was convicted' of havvg made a fa'se deelarat'on n contra
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  • 43 6 From Indo-China by Is. Porthos, due Singapore 6 a.m. to-morrow. From Ch'na and Japan' by s.s. Khiva, doe Singapore 4 p.m. to-morrow. From Europe, (London mai's desoatched March 4) by s.s. Macedonia, due Penary 6 a.m. on Thursday, the 25th inst.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 321 6 I LADIES' BRACELET WATCHES, f jjj This popular HALF-HUNTER shape is one of the most approved patterns, and fp H recommended by us as the 3 most elegant, as well as the most useful of these ft jjj very favourite ornaments. The Watch are beautifully made, with extra |(j Jjj
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    • 87 6 lEBERHARD WATCHES combine accurate timekeeping with C artistic appearance at moderate C prices. C At all first-class stores and Watchmakers. ffi Wholesale Distributors: a SCHIFFNER CO., K5, MEYER MANSIONS, SINGAPORE Cj Phone 1342. SBSESHSiSHSESHSHSES2S2S2S2S2SESSS2SESHS I COMPARISON I a is the only infallible Test Ĕ S Lr 3of the relative value
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  • 369 7 STRESEMANN'S REVIEW TO REICHSTAG League Hitherto Instrument of Allies Reuter's Service. Berlin, March 22. Tht- Reichstag was crowded for the debase on Geneva. Dr. Stresemann, in his speech, said that the result of Geneva was regrettable because special interests in OH countries had strongly and bruitailly xerted
    Reuter's Service.  -  369 words
  • 64 7 Reuter's Service. Geneva, March 22. In conformity with the decision of the League Council, the Secretariat has aga n nvited the Soviets to participate in the preparatory conference, pointing out that the Government has given an assurance that the Soviet delegates will be granted the same
    Reuter's Service.  -  64 words
  • 58 7 Reuter's Service. Washing on, March 23. The Jud ciary Committee of the Senate has approved a programme for a public «i xussion on April 5 befoie a special com- Uee of proposals for modifications of the prohibition laws, each side to have j x day? n which to
    Reuter's Service.  -  58 words
  • 49 7 Reuter's Service. Colombo, March 22. Th? Japanese steamer Sumatra Maru, <l a c at Cochin this morn Tig, has a fire aboard. Cochin, March 22. The steamer Sumatra Maru has arrived •Ml her cargo on fire. It is not cons'dered serious. She has proceeded to Colombo.
    Reuter's Service.  -  49 words
  • 38 7 Reuter's Service. Delhi, March 22. The five years' negotiations on the question of Indian em'gration to Br»*ish Guiana *re ended, the Assembly approving the ''mgration of 500 families of unskilled labourers not exceeding 1,500 persons.
    Reuter's Service.  -  38 words
  • 35 7 Reuter's Service. Washington, March 22. Th* United States Suprene Court has KranUd a review of the Doheny oil lease ca e which was the result of a political scandal a year ago.
    Reuter's Service.  -  35 words
  • 456 7 Disclaimer by the State Department Reuter's Service. Washington, March 22. While ofnc'al circles axe still silent with regard to th? nature of Ambassador Houghton's report to President Coolldge, the newspapers are apparently startled at the sensation created in Europe and are now endeavouring to allay European apprehenslons. The
    Reuter's Service.  -  456 words
  • 108 7 [British Official Press Service.] London, M; <rch 22. In the House of Commons, Commander Kenworthy, Liberal Member for Central Hull, asked what was being done with regard to the claims of Norway, Iceland and other countries to extend the three-mile limit beyond which deep sea fishing was
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  • 52 7 Reuter's Service. Copenhagen, March 22. The Danish airman, Lieutenant H, rschend, en route to Toko, has arrived at Aleppo from Constantinop c. There is no news of his companion, Lieutenant Botved, of whom Lieutenant Hereckend lost eight naar Esklshehr, but he felt that there was no aanise
    Reuter's Service.  -  52 words
  • 53 7 [Havas Agency.] Paris, March 22. The Mm stry of War s complet'n? a Bill reduc'ng military service from eighteen to sixteen months with the hope to lower it ultimately to twelve. After ites reorganization, the Army witf probably comprise twenty metropolian dvls-'one, four of North Africans and
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  • 210 7 Canton's Offer to Mediate Not Accepted Reuter's Service. Lm lon. March 22. In the House of Commons, replying to Mr. Viant, Mr. Amery sa d that the Canton Government's offer to mcd ate between the strikers and the Hongkong Government was based! on a c aim that! they
    Reuter's Service.  -  210 words
  • 127 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 22. Mr. Jacob suggested in the House of Commons with a view to extending British markets and relieving unemp'oyment that Mr. Amery should do everything possible to arrange pref erenti al treatment of British goods in our Asiatic colonies and dependencies. Mr. Amery
    Reuter's Service.  -  127 words
  • 77 7 British Official Press Service. [British Radio Press Service.] London, March 22. Exchange rates: Paris 137.25, New York 4.86 3 16, Brussels 119.25, Geneva 25.25, Amsterdam 12 13, Milan 120.75, Berlin 20.42, •Stockholm 18.12« Copenhagen 18.5, Oslo 22.5, Vienna 34 5, Prague 164, Helsingfcrs 193, Madrid 34.5, Lisbon 2
    British Official Press Service.  -  77 words
  • 39 7 Reuter's Service. Tientsin, March 22. The Kuo Mm Chun, otherwise Nationalist defence, has broken down. They are in full ro.reac from Law Haien in Shansi Province which the Mandhurlans have captured after a continuous artillery bombardment.
    Reuter's Service.  -  39 words
  • 113 7 Reuter's Service. [Reuter s Service.] London, March 22. The death is announced of Mr. Reginald George Watlson, C.MG. [Mr. Watson was bom on Jun 2, 1862 son of the late Gem E. D. Waiison, Bengal Army He was educated at Ha leybury and entered
    Reuter's Service.  -  113 words
  • 149 7 A case arising out of the saTe of fifty boxes of adJver thread valued at $700 was takism up this mom ng in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Deane. when J. Z. Sassxm stued P. Reoomall arii Company. The plaintiff alleged tha»c the defendant houghJ from
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  • 29 7 A three year old Tamil boy, living in a oll Iluala l.tuap»». l t p'HVNg on 'Nmrsaav near loinoone v'h>«h nacl oning to th, raln, in and na« drc>«med.
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  • 414 7 QUESTION OF BAIL RAISED THIS MORNING $150,000 Fixed in Case of Court Interpreter Further development! have takan place in the sensational robbery of over $300,000 from the Banque de 1' In do Chine in 1922. With th» arrival from India of Mariaopen, who is alleged to have
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  • 170 7 British Official Press Service. Grand Old Man of Bridge Building [British Official Press Service.] London, March 22. The death is announced of Sir Bradford Leslie at the age of ninety-four. He was the "grand oid man" of engineering and one of the most famous brdge builders of this
    British Official Press Service.  -  170 words
  • 94 7 At a meeting held at Government House on Tuesday February 9, 1926, the follow*, ing executive comm tiee was— Lady Guil emard. President; The Hon. Mr. R. O. Wrnstedt, D.Litt., V cc Pre&dent; Mr I H. Hoahing and Mr. G. T. Peall, M.A., Joint Hon Secretaries;
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  • 42 7 Earl Carol picture producer, was called before the Federal Grand Jury at New York concerning a party which he was reported to have g.ven where a nude chorus girl d apensed beverages to the guess Ss. mc aid ng Councess Cart heart.
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  • 40 7 There are approximately 80,000 square miles in Alberta that hava good petroleum poseblities according to a statement by Dr. ASI en of the University of Alberta. Development a** >rk has mc uded 96 wells competed and fifteen bt ng drilled.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 192 7 DURABILITY ELEGANCE 1 THE PREDOMINANT FACTORS. I j 1 f 1 1 fjl CIGARETTE CASES BOXES. j i 11 iW The Largest and I »1 v rf. nw*** Most Exclnsive stockIN GOLD, G. in L. SILVER, and SILVER. jjj Prices You will Smile at 5 62/3 High Strea D O
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  • 1861 8  -  A WEEKLY CAUSERIE FOR SCOTTISH EXILES (By Robert S. Angus Edinburgh, February 25. After a wet winter, which has made fife unpleasant to the town dweller and unprofitable to the farmer, there are at last signs that spring is on the way, anJ v few *varm, sunny day
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  • 186 8 This Week's Sporting Programme The following is the programme of sporting events arranged in connection with the vis t of H. M. war-sh ps. AH these arrangements are provisional with the except on of the football match at the Stadium on Friday and the box'ng tournament
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  • 38 8 Mr Bordner, City Superintendent of Schoo's. Man ia, in ask ng for addit'onal funds for educational purposes from the Municipal Government, says tihat tw ny per cent of the populaion of the c'.ty are attending the public schooa.
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  • 142 8 Army Captain Figures in Fatal Accident A fatal motor ace d nt in which a sixtythree year old Ohaese woman was killed occurred n Kampong Bahru Road on the morn ng of the 7th instant. The mot< r car, S-2329, was driven by Capwain Oawald George Wilnams,
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  • 811 8 Ulu Benut Consolidated Rubber Co. The annual ccnora meeting of the Ulu ISenut Consoi'dated Rubber Co., Ltd., was held at the registered offices of the company at the Hongkong Bank Chambers on Saturday. Mr. S. Q. -Wong fcfefrifed and the others rressn. were Mr. H. C A kinBerry,
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  • 67 8 Nos. 12 and 13 The Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge wufch ma*ny thanks receipt of .the following donations:— Previous'y acknowledgedi $39 215 70 Teon» Lam School 168 95 L>k Tho C\ub 52 Ni ng Yeung Wui Kun 30 Thung Fuk Sha 5 SvmpaJhizer (signature illegible) 2
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  • 30 8 A mandate ordering the arrest of the a'leged Communist leaders has been ssued by the Peking Government but ,he suspected n-rsons have taken refuge in the Embassy at R.king.
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  • 312 8 SPORTS PASTIMES FOOTBALL Home League Positions The leading positions in the English and Scottish Leagues to date are as follow: Division I Goals. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Huddersfield <1) 34 19 ***** 48 48 Arsenal (20) 33 18 9 6 70 50 42 Sunderlanc (7) 34 17
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  • 60 8 Reuter's Service. London March 22. In the first division of the Eng;-sh League the match between Notts County and Weatr ham er.di d n a draw of one all. In the second divis on the Wednesday defeated Nets Forest by 2 to nil. and n the tkird
    Reuter's Service.  -  60 words
  • 155 8 On Saturday last the Bendemreer Athletic Cub met the Headquarters in a friendly soccer match in the pres-no? of a very large crowd and the game end:d in a victory of 4 goals to 1 for the B. A. C. On coonmencemt nt of th* play the
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  • 69 8 The fo'lowing wi' 1 represent 'he S C-F.A. II in a fr endly game aga ust a Naval Team on the S C F.A. grounl this af ernoon:— Ong Siong Ho; Ho Kĕe Seng. P, ter Leong; Ch a Gue S:ng. L m Yong L ang, Goh
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  • 168 8 On Saturday, the final of the See Ew* Boon Cup Tournament was played on the School ground between Mr. C. M. Rodrlg«e9* and Mr. Ec Chan He:'s elevens. The game was very ke-nly fought out, both sides bst'ng very determlaed to score. Mr. Chan He?'s tarn won
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  • 177 8 Th; Public Works De par. merit and Sur~ veys XI met the first .earn of the United Chinese Assoc ation at soccer lasi Sa urday on the Kubu Pain uA Ground, Malacca on the occas» on of Mr. G. Holden of h P.W D. go ng on transf?r.
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  • 428 8 S.C.C.'s Victory in Exciting Match bVll Again fielding a team w !h three chanzes n its s de the S rai s Ch n:sp Foofch-\ 1 Assoc aticn had to take a b"ck seat for the second time on the Padang yesterday afternoon. The Duke of We?8'ngton's
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  • 53 8 Framroz Cricket Cup League A meeting: W"1 be held at the YM.CA. r>n Thursday, the 25bh inst., at 6.15 p.m. for the purpose of receiving and passing Ru in conr.ect'on with the above CVcket League. A. Clubs desiring to parti cipate ■Kfflfd make a point of send r»g
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  • 32 8 The YM.CA wi'! olav a Mama and home ma\'h next Saturday at Telok Ayer at 2.15 pm. A 1 members interested m cricket are asked to atuend.
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  • 717 8 The Jean n Challenge Cup Thtj Third and Last Race This event came off under hand caps on Sunday over the course as advertisedl and result xi n a trrmendouslypopular win_ for the Eve, owner Mr. V. D. Knowlea. 18 no nis out of a poss b.e 24.
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  • 97 8 Demsky in Manila iUuiy Cur lie, one of the WHn, writers of A-ussral.a, and Pau < T w port one of the nrjst popular iiehtw^" 15 7, Australia, arrived .n Mania on w v ,n on board the a s. Aki Maru C a h 14. manager of the
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  • 255 8 C.S.C. vs. Naval Teams On Saturday the wa,ter polo to, a* the Ambrose and Titaala viscted X cJ?" Swimmtng Ciiub and were ?T5 game. The Amhrose had the ltrong tr s*? cafe and play was more or Less P v*n ,iJ/ the win for the Club by eight
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  • 244 8 S.C.C. Tournament YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Newcomers' Handicap G. G. Wilson, scr. vs. J. Green, plu* 1, (unfinished D. W. Bowen, plus 2 beat E. II Olden. <we 1, 6—4, 6—4* A Hancock, owe 3 beat G. B. GrLsp ow* 2. 6—l, 9—7. T. J. WinnaU, scr. beat C. T.
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  • 28 8 Keppel Golf Club March Lad'es' Spoon:— wer? takfn out for the above wh'ch resulted in a win for Mrs. v<ho return ?d a score of 50 1nett.
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  • 51 8 Rafflesians vs. R.A.M.C. The fo'lown? wttl represent the Vans vs. R.A M C at hockey the Raffles School groundV-J.. v T and J R RnJig 1 (j Yew Hock. G. E. N. Othler? a«I A. H \rmati*>ng; N. Lwcescer. C.J D q Ct. S ack (Capt), V. AraJhoon an
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  • 67 8 P\aying a man short W-kev match yps.erday .the 1 V lv« odd Seated by Raffles hu MMgj by tne ~o S l in five The A-eca*-on, cweT in the firs, hajf and led M JJJ nettdi by Stack Tne ttstrreaafyery in th? second bas. ■■j by emerged
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  • 101 8 To-day, March 23 Q 5.15 p.m.-DriM Hall, S. R. A W raying, etc. Thursday. March 25 a „d 5.15 p.m.-Sig'ap <*W. Chinese Coy., Officers MWj* ;l at S glap. kave Mil Hall p.m. Dress-Fight ng Order. Friday. March 26 w 5.50 p.m.-DrLll Hall, M. G. Platoon, Lect
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  • 1614 9 sharp Criticisms from Swatow Resident John Robinson writes to the "Times" c ffa -ow what is largely a criticism jan address of Sir Charles Add s, which writer had just been perusing. He 0P in part: Carft r and private notice* of this speech nd v duals
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  • 506 9 Barbara La Marr Had Five Husbands Oree famous as a se-een M vampire of the nicer tyre, bcautifo] Barbara La Marr has d'ed in a bungalow at th- age of thirty. During her really astonishing career she had five husbands and she rose from the humble position
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  • 33 9 The rate of issue of Money orders for Inda and Ceylon to-day h R«. *g*jgj $100. The rate of paymerrt of Money Orders from India and* Ceylon ;s Rs. 158 equal to $100.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 416 9 *****525Z525Z5Z525Z*****Z**********5Z5^ I THE NATURAL MILK FOOD FOR YOUR BABY I 3 Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., (London) 3 I 144-147 CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. I !f\ THE CRICKET SEASON. 1 W\ have received a large shipment of English fjJ an< ludian cricket bats. Force, Autograph, rfl k ~%t>K Cannon, and a
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    • 184 9 After a f refreshing fast set of j| |i than a Tennis Gl&ss of there is C JL FR MHCZ'S nothing nk\rs-\ft Lemon more ?5 fvFfl Squash, Singapore I Te,: PBONE: I I "ATHLETICS" 39S Football Elastic Knickers and Athletic 8 ips (Suspenders) 1 1 White. 1 I Price $1.50
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  • 448 10 Morocco, Syria and China to be Scenes of Destruction Three wars—ittle ones in Morocco and Syria and a potentially great one in Ch na —are awaiting the coming Spring to hunt into full blaze. The warm Spring sun that soon will bring new life to leaves
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  • 399 10 National Movement for Consolidation It is officially announced that the Supreme National Council, the extra-lajral coalition of the leaders of both FJpno political parties, will visit M.ndanao and Su;u about the middle of April for tfce purpose of convert ng the Mohammedan Filip nos of those islands
    399 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
      613 words
    • 160 10 THE MOSQUITO MENACE. A METHOD TO OVERCOME IT. It is poor consolation to the sufferer from Malarial Fever to know that some anopheles mosquito caused the trouble. India is full of mosquitoes, and the malaria figures show he wide prevaJance of the anopheles variety While mosquito enthusiasts may be left
      160 words
    • 516 10 HUDSON WAGONS! jjj Are BRITISH Made jj 2l Dr. Morses Indian Root Pills M j W Indispensable as a Household Medicine j^j pi_ It U their searching, cleansing qualities L£, which make Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills 3r^ b#H invaluable as a household remedy. Impuri- Hi yf ties collect in
      516 words

  • 533 11 Singapore, March 13. MEAT Beef ateak (round) kati 48 Beef stew or curry (Brisket) kati 36 Pork lean kati 62 Pork lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 47 Mutton Indian lb 60 Mutton Australian lb HO Fowl kati 64 Capons (Locally reared) kati 76 Hens (Locally reared) kati
    533 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 505 11 STEAMER SAILINGS I .ft BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES 1 (Icorporated in England.) HAIL. PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. tfVINSULAR AND ORIENTALSTEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE, (Under Contract witk Hia Majesty's Government.) from LONDON. HOMEWARDS Kor China ft Japan For Marseille*. London ft Antwerp. Due Leave Tonnage
      505 words
    • 100 11 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. THERAPION No. 1 THERAPION No.2 THERAPION No.3 No. 1 for EIi«d.1*r Catarrh No. S for Blood ft Skin Di:.—sea. No.3 for Chronic Waaknaaaa*. joIH by'e«JI<"1 *.or-i. u-r sr«t.,rii rnailfcoia I n.tlCi r-tnMaa.Cn liaverstock R.l.N.W.8.Londoo «f In <o«bt No. rf uire I do no- herit. to write
      100 words
    • 589 11 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAY KINTA, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. CALYPSO, 5 p.m., for Malacca. GEMAS, 5 p.m., for Muar. TUESDAY MEDUSA, 4 p.m., for Port Dickson, Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Lumut and Port Dickson. RENGAM, 4 p.m.. for
      589 words
    • 659 11 STEAMER SAILINGS v Am W Am\ t£Sk% 1» I Kjk*ja|% ffijf* k i mmmwLm Am* IhbiPsl I k i (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON LINE. Tonnage Destination Due Sail Fushimi Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Mar 31 Apr 1 Hakozaki Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London, Hull ft A'werp Apr 14 15 Hakusan
      659 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 411 12 SITUATIONS VACANT. WAajfED—Sale Hands for Ladies Department. Only Women and Girls with previous experience need apply. John Little Co., Ltd., Singapore. WANTED —Assistant able to handle Miehlc printing machine in a prospective publishing firm. Apply stating full particulars, past experience and salary required to Box I\o. ;>'2J c/o Malay a
      411 words
    • 604 12 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE—Mr. Long Hong KieW is no longe* manager of the Standard Pharmacy and has no connection whatsoever with the above firm. Any bills against the Standard Pharmacy are to be presented within ten days from date hereof for payment or endorsement and after that date I will net
      604 words
    • 402 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat. Palerabang 61 liir. Hongkong: 13 Queen's Road Central. Seremban 63 Birch Road. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Baiavia, Sourabaya,
      402 words
    • 509 12 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LIMITED. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Cap tal £1,800,000 Paxt-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,458,221 HEAD OFFICE: 15, Grace Church Street, London, E.C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J.
      509 words
    • 479 12 BANKS. THE gun §OUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MARGOLIOUTH, Manager. Office: 2, Finlayson Green. ORIENTAL Government Security LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated 'n India 1874.) Results of the Company's Operations during the three years 1922-1924 PROFIT Rs.
      479 words
    • 478 12 BARACHOL* a l over the affected par menrs. JUST RUB 1 vfo YnrtSP* 2 AT NIGHT TIME FORYn£E! «aS CURE GUARANTEED WITHfi?7 "BARACHOL" has a disurfi on ail your clothes and bld&F *M it a tna, for all skin disease,. G Price: $1.50 per tube. THE UNITED PHARM ACY 305,
      478 words