Malaya Tribune, 13 March 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 21 1 The Malaya Tribune. Vol. XIII.- -No. 60 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1926 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1926.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 192 1 AWATfiUfT PWOTO STCRg 109 NORTH BfttOGE Pg i approve the elegance IllilUlifTll and comfort of the Ufllal IA 1111 1S!) Orchard Road, ft palest Fiat, Model 509. ■HLHUIH L I |f|| 'Phono 950 1 ft 1 I Ii 1 I PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. Satisfactorily Moderate Charges. YANG HENG CO.,
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    • 312 1 I on fc fait for rains #r U r inft I I Vlslon Wore you consul! v?' If I you need glares, w e wih P res C r be I 5 and prepare lenses and fin 1 I char^ter and «5| gDociora' and Occulists' prescrip- I I pS XecUted
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  • 1625 2 Peculiar Tribe in Southern India In the south of India runs a range of hirMs called ihe Ki.gir s of wh eh the highest pon. is 8 700 feet and on these hiils are three hili-sta.ions, Ootacamund, Coonoor, and Kotagiri, to there are many visitors from the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 674 2 NOW TRY 1 -ANDREWS I The climate is beginning to tel on S r^" 1 ,-r3Wi i\ you, isn't it The morning M head," the dizziness, and geneial latitude f need prompt attention. lake a cool g9k r_ 1 f\f ann bubbling glass <,f licjuitl health— u^ I*J in a
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    • 118 2 IF A DOCTOR HAD »DIGFS1I0N He wouldn't attempt tjo g>dt rid of the pain by deaden iig it—he'd remove- the harmful acd whxh is the cause. Th-, a-id Is neutral sed by Bsuraied Magnesia, which preparat on doctors prescrib- whilst hosp.tals mm it with conspicuous success Braunated Magma* will do
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    • 284 2 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE te on sale at the following depots— SINGAPORE. The Federal Rubber Stamp Co., 32 P.afflei Place. Kelly Walsh, Ltd., Raffles Place. P. Abdul Razak. 83 South Bridge Road. Abdul Aziz, 39 New Eridge Road N. Hussain, 180 New Bridge Road. ML Mohamed Dulfakir and Co., Corner oJ
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    • 262 2 INTERIOR CLEANLINESS is of paramount importance to all who va'ue youth, health and effk ency. To keep the system clean and in perfect working order use Pinkettes, the dainty little re- gulators which neither pain nor purge. As gentky as nature they dispel const pation, PiNKFTTeS stimulate the liver, banish
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    • 80 2 HOCK MEIN Co. Pfos. SB7-12 and SB7-13 Vi«. (Comer of B™. fc^^ CONFECTIONEBS. Eeeently established, the M.» WderUke. to supply JJ*J( WEDDING and BIRTHDAY CAKES ICE CREAMS and FANCY CAKES TEA, COFFEE COCOa COLD DRINKS, &c A PROMPT AMD CUM* Pr»Ti»lon« and Groceries of »v COLD STORAGE ICE CREAM APIOL
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  • 2239 3 Severe Strictures by Lord Chief Justice The "Times" of February 10 gives the judgment of tha Lord Ohuef in the case of G.W.K., Ltd., and Associated Rubber Manufacturera, Ltd., vs. Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. Hs Lordah p dolrvered his considered judgment in thus action, in which
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 494 3 Sciatica f here'sinstanti&ief f f No painful rubbing—no waiting—just lay on gently a little Sloan's Liniment, instantly jflfc you notice an amazing difference, and as Sun's penetrates it quickly brings relief md kills the pain. >re than 40 years Sloan's has brought I IHKs^IS and comfort to thousands of victims
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    • 66 3 THE NEW FRENCH REMEDY. THfcRMPiONIMo 1 THERAPION N0.2 THERAPION NO 3 No. 1 fop Bladder Catarrh. No. a for Blood a fcktn 01l .ms. No. 3 for Chranio WMknttMi. iolJ l.> pail in hamifii »,or< iin»r No return mail froia .l.tCi ;.R' Mm C llaverotnck KJ.N.W.S.Lootioa fl In Inubt No,
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    • 375 3 Is there anyone ill at home to-day? ANYONE who is completely run down through overwork ot neurasthenia? Anyone just up after a serious illness? Anyone whose health wants thoroughly rebuilding If there is —it's a case for a course of WINCARNIS. More than 10,000 doctors have recommended this great tonic
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 499 4 AMUSEMENTS KE5Z*****H525E525H5H5Z525Z*****E5E^ I EMPIRE I Tueida>,.Marct||9 to Ponday, March IS—ln the Ist Show at 7-30 p.m. g g ADOLFH ZUKOB and JfcSSE L. LASKY Present g I ZANE GREY'S WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND f I MADE ENTIBELY IN NaTLRAL COLOURS g In 7 Reels with a tremendous cast including Cj
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    • 549 4 AMUSEMENTS Commencing Suoday, March 7up to and including S Saturday March 13. jjj Sill RiRE PICTURES TO THRILL, INTEREST AND ENTERTAIN I j 1 AT THE I ALHAMBRA j S (Tan Cheng Kee ft Co., Ltd. Proprietora.) g d] In the Second Show Commencing 9 pm. g I I A
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    • 512 4 AMUSEMENTS I GAIETY CINEMA surina"tS^ Attention! J5" »■■«•'»11 mi npeu o vi ainval of the film "a Worrnn EJf TO-NIGHT AT 9.30 P.M. aro obliged to put up i n j William Christy Cabanoe's j SIXTH COMMANDMENT l^^'^J WILLIAM FmRSHtN mll^^^H^^ Tense drama, Colorful Romance, Thrills. -'M < 2ffi Suspense,
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  • 82 5 b or about April 15, 1926, an Aga rill be e.tabksbx-d on a concrete lat- aoxfc superstructure bui.t on the ra Beacou (No. 6) on the Cyrene ->*ioal. C&wracfc* of light: Fiaehing—two ifha, e gfet sooonds dark. or: Red. '•-lily about 7 miles. < n this new
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  • 87 5 raoaa, Bturker and Co., Ltd., advise ow outputs for the month of «7, 1926:— ah 1:5,500 lbs. Kusntan 36,111 ibs. roft 15,010 lbs. ***** lbs. Moh 10,678 lbs. P Bagan 35,300 lbs. V base 2,094 Lbs. f» 35,853 lbs. Assoc ation, M*sae 96.25 pdculs, 387.83* piculs. P' oember
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  • 1065 5 PRODUCE Singapore, March 13 K ee 3 feiam No 1 per Koyan $370 Rice, I $353 Kice. 61am 3 330 Kice, Saigon I N $310 Rice, Sa.goi: 2 $300 Rice, Saigon 3 Kice. Rangoon 1 %t 2 <J0 Kice, Rangoon 2 Kice, Par Boiled No 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 M. EZEKIEL ft SONS Manufacturing Ophthalmic Optidana, 4, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Singapore. Optometry: A. M. EZEKIEL, OJ).
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    • 31 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Replaced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES O. JOT SIANG, Qualified Dentist, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary Thone 123 1 i
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    • 538 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS FOB SALE, 0 cylinder Buick Motor Car, N O TI f F 6 Stmt, in good running condition: will v/ J. AY/ i>. accepr, reasonable offer. Apph Box So. Wfl c/o Ma lava Tribune. THE UNITED MALACCA RUBBER ESTATES Ltd. NOTICE. (Incorporated in tie 8. 8.) MI 'ViriPAi
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 471 5 A SINGAPORE D1AKY. To-day, March 13 i ,,h Tides. —9.41 a.m., 10.56 p.m. 'ircon.a, Vk ond-Cruiser, due. ton's Circus, 4.30 and 9.15 p.m. V ctoTia Theatre, 5 and 9.30 p.03. To-morrow. March 14 a Tides. —10.28 a.m., 11.27 pun. vrmming Ch»b, annual meeting, 10 a.m. s Circus, 9.15 p.m. Monday,
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  • 1022 6 Perhaps the clearest official industrial report ever made is that issued by the Ceal Commission appointed by Mr. Baldwin. It is at once practical and far-embracing. Even from the abridged summaries of it received by cable, it is possible to form a very clear idea of*
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  • 964 6 The Lyric Theatres, Ltd.; of Penang, is to he struck off the Regis.<_r of Companies. A second 8 per cent interim dividend has been declared fay the United Malacca Rubber Estates. Ltd. One school in Penang and three in Bukit Mtr.ajara have just been struck off the Regis :er of
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  • 114 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 12. The Tamil, Chelliah, a Municipal carp3n or. was found guirty and sentenced to death for the murder of Louis Karl, chief conservancy inso>ector, on February 13. Xfisr thearing the sentence, Chelliah doclaredr 'T never intended to kill him. God Himse'f
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  • 76 6 Mr. J. A. Roberts the Indian Association on Thursday night on theapathy of the Ind ans iowar<:s the educa:ion of their own people. After telling how much Maaya -a indebted to Indian labour, the speaker blamed the more advanced Indians for not doing some.hing for the educa ional
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  • 84 6 The fo.lcwing have successfully passea the Government examination in Malay Dr. R. W. C. Ke ly, and Dr. A. D'cksonVV right, of S ngapore, Miss A. M. Seo.t of Singapore and Miss A. M. Waugh of Penang, all in s antiard I. Messrs D W Dale. E.
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  • 219 6 The Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge with jnany thanks 1 eeeipt of the follow ng don a t on v:— Previously Acknowledged $11,197 Joo Chiang and Co., S n Seng Moh and Co., Quah Nam Siang, Lam Choon, Teo Siang Guan Kee. Chee Chuan, A k
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  • 799 6 Sir Malcolm and Lady W a t,*„ Singapore -en route to Java, &re Mr. E. E. F. Rr+- v r, Laluan, has been e aß teave. v Commander W. G. 0 dersKo™, t» Gazetted as Exam ncr f« v Mates' certificates. Mast ra *t>. Commander W. G
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 336 6 En25Z5Z5Z5Z5Z5Z525Z5Z5Z£5525^ I FINELY PIERCED CURL TOP jjj SILVER PLATED FLOWER VASES I STRAIGHT SHAPE WITH HEAVY METAL BASE I No. 205 ffi Height 5 Ins. Price $350 f acta Height 9 Ins. Price $7 50 gj 4.C0 IOHIns. 10.50 1 7 N 5.00 12 Ins. N 15.00 I 8,. 000
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    • 40 6 Jg combine accurate timekeeping with D Cj artistic appearance at moderate C Cj prices. Q |3 A*t all first-class 4 ores and C jjj Watchmakers. C Wholesale Distributors: C SCHIFFNER CO., I C]s, MEYER MANSIONS, SINGAPORE C S 'Phone 1342.
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  • 819 7 CHAMBERLAIN ACTING AS MEDIATOR Reported Tentative Agreement with Germany [Reuter's Service. Geneva, Mar.h 12. T he Dam iron/ representatives in the met Sir A. Chttmlberiain in the >.:r vafC at o'clock this morning with him for an hour. The r f the signatories to the Locarno the whole
    [Reuter's Service.  -  819 words
  • 230 7 Miners' Delegates Discuss the Report British Official Press Service London, March 12. A fully attended conference of miners' delegates was held to-day to discuss the report of :he Coal The Executive of the Miners' Federation Bubmitted to the conference the conclusions whlth it had naached after examination
    British Official Press Service  -  230 words
  • 107 7 [British Official Press Service] London, March 12. After to-day's meeting of the Locarno signatories, in which Lord Cecil and Messieurs Loucheur and Boncour also took part, a short communique was issued siting That during the conversatiioas var ous suggestions had been made by those present for solving
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  • 90 7 Reuter's Service. Tepic, Mexico. Mi*nuh 12. An armed ccntr-'" ensued as Uhe result of th« Government's attempt to cloae a Roman Catholic church near J-aiisquelle, in which three persons representing the authorities were killed and several people wounded, one seriously. It appears that the priest did
    Reuter's Service.  -  90 words
  • 57 7 Reuter's Service. Peking, March 12. Two Japanese sailors and a military officer jm wounded by machine-gun and artillery fire from the forts in the vicinity of Taku, when two J? panose cruisers attempted to proceed up ifce river. The cruisers were compelled to retire. The Japanese Consul-General
    Reuter's Service.  -  57 words
  • 141 7 Italy Compels Arbitration for Trade Disputes Reuter's Service. Rome, March 12. Uiie Senate approved by 138 votes to 20 the Fascist Trade Unions' Bill, providing for coanpu»sory arb'tratiom, in Labour disputes. Signer Mussolini described the measure as the most revohßiomary yat produced by the Fascl-1 Government. Mussolini's
    Reuter's Service.  -  141 words
  • 123 7 Big Consignment of Champagne Captured Reuter's Service. New York, March IZ. A daring attempt to smuggle liquor was revealed -to-day when customs officials announced the seizure of chsumpagne of a value exceeding $100,000 on the basis of bootleg prices aboard two well-known American liners engaged in round the
    Reuter's Service.  -  123 words
  • 89 7 [Havas Agency] Paris, March 12. M. Raoul Perei, the new Minister for Finance, declared to "Le Petfc Parisien" that the immediate situation at the Treasury was !n no way bad. Yesterday, subscriptions to the bonds for national defence exceeded reimbursements by 74,000.000 francs. The Minister will study
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  • 80 7 Reuter's Service. New York, March 13. Feeling is running high over the ethics of General Smerfley Butler's action in ordering the arrest, of his host. Colonel Williams, at a dinner g'ven the General on his taking command of the Marines at San Diego, for a breach of
    Reuter's Service.  -  80 words
  • 61 7 Reuter's Service. Buenos Aires, March 12. After an impressive ceremony, when the aviator Senor Franco presented the aeroplane with which he crossed the Atlantic to the Argertdne Government, he embarked on a cruiser for Spain amid a tremendous ovat'on. Senor Franco's mechanic takes back a purse
    Reuter's Service.  -  61 words
  • 27 7 Reuter's Service. New York, March 13. Immigration Commit 3 oner Ourran, who came into prominence in connection with the Countess of Cathcart case, has resigned.
    Reuter's Service.  -  27 words
  • 107 7 At a committee meeting in the Japanese House of Peers Mr. Adach', Minister of Communications, replied to a qtres ion that he was aware of the mpor ance of fac Hating ihe sh pping service to promote the c relations between Japan and th? Near for which he is
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  • 401 7 AN EXCITING JOURNEY FROM EGYPT Solium to Athens in Just Over Five Hours British Official Press Service. London, March 12. Mr. Alan Cofoham, in a massage to the ''Evening News»" gives an account of his exalting fljght from Solium in Egypt to Athens which is a d stance
    British Official Press Service.  -  401 words
  • 182 7 Pastor Refuses a Literal Interpretation Reuter's Service. Amsterdam, March 12. A literal interpretation of the second and th rd chapters of Genesis is unjust, complains Doctor Geelkerken, replying to the Synod's ultimatum that hi» sign his belief, inter alia, that the conversation between Evr? and the
    Reuter's Service.  -  182 words
  • 75 7 British Radio Press Service. London, March 12. Exchange rates: Paris 133 2, New York 4.86 1(16, Brusse s 107.05, Geneva 25.23, Amsterdam 12.135, Milan 111, Berlin 2J.42 Stockholm 18.12, Copenhagen 18.52, Oslo 22.36, Vienna 34 5, Prague IG4, Ho singf ors 193, Madrid 34 48 L"s»bon tflk, R'o
    British Radio Press Service.  -  75 words
  • 40 7 Over 3,000 hands of the Non-peasonable (In form S aff of he C<*. lon Government Ra"lway have forwarded, through the Acting General Manager, a memonal to His Excellency the Governor praying for the redress of a mimter of gr evances.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 3 EeUblishei Palroalse I ATTRACT H AND HEAPS OF OTHEB USEFUL' THINGS. ft 62/3 Hhjh Stree Q O QTf \7 A BrBDch No X Singapore. OlLYri Bishop Street, Penang. |fj g THB ROYAL JEWELLER ffj I Guthrie Co., Ltd. I rjj ,y (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) W r— —J
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  • 858 8 SERIOUS DISTURBANCES AVERTED Prisoners not Anxious to be Acquitted •They must be shown that there is a power higher than theirs, and punished," sa<t the Hon. Mr. D. Beatty, in the course of his biief address yesterday when the thirty-nine Xc ams and two other Chinese were convicted
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  • 145 8 Yesterday marked "he anniversary of the death of Caesar Borgia. Borgia was a son of Pope Alexander VI. and became notorious for h's cunning, vlciousness and cruelty. He is suspected of having murdered h s own brother in order that he might succeed to the dukedom of
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  • 26 8 The Chairman of the Klang Sanitary Board has asked for an extension of six rooms to h e added next year to the Rest House, Klang.
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  • 1273 8 (From Oar South Chine Correspondent.) Hongkong-, March 3. "Wah frze Pao" special correspondence has it that Mr. Wang Ching-wei, chairman of the Kuomintang in Canton; Dr. C. C. Wu, acting Canton Mayor; and Mr. Foo Pingsheung, Commissioner for Foreign Affaire in Canton, acting as a Government, have decided
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  • 550 8 Receiving Order Against F. C. D'Almeida In the Bankruptcy Court yesterday, before the Chief Justce, Sir William MuriSon, K.C., an application was made for a receiving order against Mr. F. C. D*Almeida of Messrs. F. C. D'Ameida .~nd Co. Mr. Williamson appeared for the petitioning creditor, the International Banking
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  • 157 8 The Reichsverband of the German Industry, the Central Union of German Wholesa ens, the Central Union of German Retai'.ers, and the Rachsverband of Germen Craftsmen have published the fallowing announcement: Ow ng to the. many complaints received from var'ous quarters of the economic a. stem about nonfulfilment of
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  • 598 8 Chinese Sentenced for Motoring Offence The case in which Chow Sek Woo stood charged with having on January 2, laat driven his car an a rash or negligent manner, and on the wrong side of the road, and at excessive speed and thereby caused the death of a
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  • 268 8 New Educational Programme Started The Y.W.CA. have just Issued a neat iitHJe folder de script ye of the educational work of the Association, whxm is being started Uris n* mth. There i» a wide variety of subjects and the fees are very low. AJ classes are open to
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  • 155 8 Franconia on Her Third Round the World Cruise The Cunard liner ss. "Franconia" arr ved in Singapore this morn'ng on her third cruise-de-lux 3 r and the world ->ni be thed alongside the Tanjong Pagar Wharf with a large contingent of toursts. The shore arrangements were of the
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  • 260 8 SPORTS PASTIMES FOOTBALL To-day's League Matches The following m&lidhjßß in the English and Scottish League will be played bo-day Division I.—Birmingham vs. Neweaßtle U. Backburn R. vs. Burnley. Bury vs. Leeds Un ted. Cardiff City vs. Aston Villa. Ever on vs. Apsenal. Huddersfield T. vs. Manchestir U. Manchester C. vs.
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  • 54 8 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, March 12. A soccer team from H.M.S. Concord gave a sr. lend :d display againsi a Penang side, wh'ch was defaatxl by three goals to nil. The saibors d splay .d splendid combinaton and almost perfect ball control. Their play was
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  • 70 8 Ths following will represent S.C.F.A. Ist eleven m a charity match against the 2nd Battalion the Duk» of Welling ion to-day at the Stadium. Tan Boon Eng; Chua Boon Lay, Foo Siak Cheng Lim Chee Kt. Cheong Chee Lim, Koh Koon Yam; Choo St Quee, Ec
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  • 332 8 S.C.C. Tennis Tournament Tuesday's Ties Newcomer's Handicap D. HazeH, .owe 30 ye. D. W. Bowen, plus mm G. B. Grsp, owe 2 vs. L C, Mackay, owe 3. E. C. T. Matt, plus 3 vs. A. Hancock, ewe 3. T. J. WinnalL scr. *s. L. K. Griffin, owe
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  • 55 8 An All-American Final Reuter's Service. Nice, March 12. In the semi-finals of the South France championships Miss Wilis beat the Hungarian, Madame Peterie, by 6—2, 6—2, and the Bo>ion an, Istbelle Lee Mumford, hitheroo unknown on the Riviera, beat the Eng ishwoman, Miss E>:een BenneU, by 4—6, 6—3,
    Reuter's Service.  -  55 words
  • 19 8 Reuter's Service. Palmbeach, March 12. fcchards, defeating Harada by 4—6, 6—l, 6—l, 6—3 won the Palmbeach title.
    Reuter's Service.  -  19 words
  • 116 8 S.R.C. vs. S.C.C The above meUh was» terday on the S lie The SCC. skipper 5 ed to bat on a wickn. thi ar mistake w&s oniv to, Was «ut/set M 'the S.&C. hoSf" 1 f'oa^ 2! Wher cheap a. *<2 the ;>„C,C. lost seven c «»l! of o
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  • 52 8 Th^; C A S Fort Ca nnin H The following will mpresentth v? vs Fort Canning and Hxdcey on Monday on tL v P ground:-P, H. Pennefather C father and R. Lyne; T Dale and D. K. Samv D. Smith, H. G. and F. R, S. Marrinus. P' h
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  • 345 8 HarmstoiTs Circus Harmston's Circus i& gi ving performance on Tuesday night nXt of the Geylang fire sufferers "g change of programme has been arrant Outside talent has offered free and the owners of the site »T£ mg free the use ef their groond evening. The programme wil] be
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  • 159 8 The following Singapore W*** -old by auction a: the ssknwm Cheong Koon Seng Ha No.P Street, on Wednesday, March. W 99 years leasehold ani «*"**Jfu Ophir Road, area 687 sq. ft, boufht Dr. Chen Su Lan for MJ* Freeho d land and bouse No. JJ j Ghau area
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  • 144 8 Sngapoie.Marc; Values have taken a *c* the .better and aH markets at high levels which do not seem to The rise is attributed to up supplies in London and a jg in Plantaton production for to severe wintering. The t- lT uC i tion figures for
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  • 288 9 Sees Impending Ruin of v Bourgeois States Trotsky con mues to speak untiringly on the most varied political and economic subjects. Apparently h s popularity with rhe Communist Party is corap etely restored. According to the Press reports, he is received everywhere with en thus asm. Hi.s favour
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 631 9 IB CHURCH SERVICES I fOl RTII SUNDAY IN March 14, 1926 9 s. Andrew's Cathedral j fajk Holy O>mmun on. I ut lioly Communion and Sermon. I 4i5 a.m. Matins and Litany. I |yjL Th.- Catechism. I 5.30 pm. Evensong- and Sermon. I preacher:— The Yen. Archdeacon F. G. H
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    • 436 9 Geylang Methodist Church 9a.m. Englmh Servica of Wor*hir, Pteacher: Rev. Dean Swift 10 a m Snnday School. Ss- Su Pt-: Miss E. E. Walker a.m. Chinese Service of Worshin Rev Moi P Ping. P Wednesday 8 p.m. Home prayer meeting fa the home of Mrs. 6h Kwang 21-9 Lorong 16,
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    • 145 9 I THE NATURAL MILK FOOD I I FOR YOUR BABY Nestle Anglo-Swi 88 Condensed Milk Co, (London) I Is 2S!S!S! SINGAPORE I ffi FRESH STOCK oF^^g jj V\ m ENGLISH CRICKET 1 I m\ goods I g 109 North Bridge Road, To-Ni|fht Saturday, March 13. To-Nl<ht AT THE NEW WORLD
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    • 295 9 I Infallible |V\ I I Quality 1 I FRAMROZ Co. I f **********52^^ I FR£ SH STOCK! FRESH STOCK" I j JUST UNPACKED. 1 I Saudows chest expander 3 Steel strands $6 SO caeh I g 4 7.49 each jjj gjjjfjjj 5 8.50 each I I J Sandow's S3ACO'' Chest
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  • 1287 10 RUBBER SHARES WEEKLY REPORTS Lyall and Evatt Singapore, March 10. An actdve week is recorded in the Rubber section and, after wrlde fluctuations in the commodity quotation, the closing position is firm and shares have all strong enquiries at well above (Last week's values; both in\*estment and speculative issues attracting
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 362 10 1 j Bed Bug's work in the dark i HpHE day is past for Bed Bugs free you of this scourge. Flit also clears ri 1 with their sickening odor and f hp house in a few minutes of diaeasei fclurfr flisairreeable bito This filthy faring m es mad mosquitoes.
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    • 592 10 *****5E£E5Z£E525Z*****E5H5^ [jj THE FBE-EMIMNT BRlllbH, WATLBHROOFER. a PUDLO Brand Cement Waterproofing Powder is a standard h jjj material which has placed additional value upon Portland q din 9 Used lor Reservoirs. Baths. Tanks, Damp Wails, Flat &n,!f meni B Cj Garage Pits, fctoke Holes, concrete Bindings, etc H On the
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  • 515 11 Singapore, March MEAT Beef uteak (round) kati 48 Beef stew or curry kati 34 Pork lean kati 63 Pork lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 44 Mutton inuian ib tiO iiutton Australian ib 60 Fowl kati 69 Capons (Locally reared) kati 90 Hens (Locally reared) kati 77 Ducks
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 567 11 STEAMER SAILINGS TTo. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR UNES 1 11 corporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. INSULAR AND ORIENTALSTEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government.) sjirrWAßDfl from LONDON. HOMEWARDS ,t C ains Japan For Marseilles, London Antwerp. Due Leave Tonnage
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    • 550 11 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAY KINTA, 4 pjn., for Port Swettenham and Penang. CALYPSO, 5 p.m., for Malacca. GEMAS, 5 p.m., for Muar. TUESDAY KRIAN, 4 pun., for Port Dickaon, Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Lumut and Port Dickson. RENGAM, 4 p.m., for
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    • 646 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.) LONDON LINE. Tonnage Destination Due Sail Suwa Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Mar 18 19 Fusbimi Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Apr 1 2 Hakozaki Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London, Hull A'werp Apr 15 16 Hakusan Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Apr 29 30 Kitano Maru
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 545 12 SITUATIONS VACANT. MUNICIPALITY OF SINGAPORE. Applications ara invr.od for 'he post of Registration lsik. seMtretariav in $race Jof the Jdunioipil Subjrdions Officsrs **aU;y Sohsm* it commandlg saUry «f 111' 1 per in«D»«ai, plus stic i umpTaT al'owance <*s may be aiuh >rheu by ne Jo l from tline to tica*
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    • 513 12 PUBLIC NOTICES. NOTICE. The business of Chop Hock Liong Co. carried on lately at 11 Peking Street as salt fish merchants and commission agents aas been dissolved by mutual consent, and ao one is authorised to -use the Chop for in'y purpose whatever "from this date. Singapore, February 18, 1926.
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    • 421 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET, BRANCHES J! B****8**** 86 Beach Stre*. Malacca 131 JonloM Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Bata Fahat 109 Jalan Bahamat. Palembang 18 Illr Hongkong 18 Qneen's Road Central, Serembaa 63 Birch Road. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, batavia,
      421 words
    • 500 12 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. /Renter** 1 *n London, under the Ccmpaaies Acta of 1362 to 18&0, on 2r.d December 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800,000 PaidHjp Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,468.221 HEAD OFFICE: 16, "race Church Street, Loudon. E.C. S. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J.
      500 words
    • 473 12 BANKS. fflli SOUTH iMw' BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MAJRGOLIO UTBL Manager. Ofies: 2, Ftnlayson Green. ORIENTAL GoTernmcnt Security LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in India 1874.) Results of, the Company's Operations daring ths three years 1922-1924 PROFIT
      473 words
    • 491 12 Several thousands have h manently cured of this trS malady by the use of ih? German IPHECa the latest German to cure blind, bleeding J7> piles Prepared by a patent £j» out of rare and pure atdlri^ Price: $1.50 per box. THE UNITED PHABMJq 305, North Bridge Road. PATIENTS Ask
      491 words