Malaya Tribune, 9 March 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 91 1 A¥AT£Uf?' PHOTO STOR6 too, NORTH SgJDjSE n II 1 j UNDOUBTEDLY I o j THE BEST RANGE OF CARS 8 S At the most Competitive Prices in the World. I o j MODEL SO9 Four Wheel Brakes 2 Seater de-luxe $1,750 4 Torpedo $1,900 8 I SOI n 9 4
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    • 62 1 Don't wait for pains or failing I Vision before you consult us. If I you need glasses, we will prescribe and prepare leases and it ia g frame and mountings of any I character. I Doctors' and Occulists' pre scrip- I tions executed promptly at special I b price. p
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  • 705 2 Fifth Annual Exhibition to be Held in July Encouraged by the support given to the annual exhibition in the past years, the Ma ayan Camera Cub have deeded to again hold an exhib tion, open to all users of the camera, profess onal as well aa ama.cur,
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  • 158 2 Mr. Augusiine Birreil contributes an interesting study on John Wesley to the "Empire Review," in connection with tho opening: of new buildings of the postgraduate College for Wesleyan Minister* •4 Cambr ddre last October. The recognition given to this ceremony by the VioaChancellor of the University and the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 263 2 The modern woman m^ M MSm\ k'.o*i how eny It 'S y Today ererjrwbere ire tea more aod more beautiful women. What's Become of the i Palm and olive oils—noth- ''w~-\r\TY\pA\7** aOit»!? ing else-give nature's green *> I.V/11IC1 y VJ» IH colour to Palmolive Soap. PalmoliveSoapisproduced Everywhere women and girls
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    • 303 2 THESE CH CHINESE CHILDREN Owe Their Excellent Health To BABY'S OWN TABLETS Says Their Family Physician. In couniless homes throughout China Baby's Own Tablets are held in the highest esteem, and many Chinese doctors prescribe them for their little patients. For example Dr. Pai. Yu Sang, a prc-mima.Tt physician at
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    • 342 2 j with the MOTOR UNION I THE f LEADING MOrO£ VEHICLE j INSURANCE COMPANY 1 Favourable Rates-Prompt Settlement of Claims I J FIRE MARINE BUSINESS I jj Also transacted on Favourable Ttrrrta. I For all particulars apply I General Agents: I I Messrs. SIME, DARBY Co., Ltd I (laeorforataa ia
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  • 688 3 Chinese New Year Gifts to the Hospitals Th© magnificent «wm vaf $1,013 was co Jected by the Stra ts Chinese Epworch League from the Singapore publ c for their Hospital Fund this New Year. Tha League were .hus ab;e to gve away usefu prcstn s to as
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  • 298 3 Celebrated Magician Criticises Spiritualism M. Houdiir, the ceicuraed magician, offers n Llerty an expose cf what he al eges 'o be the fraudulen. practices of profecs'onal mediums: "Raps,'' the most usual of "spirit phenomena," are made, Houdini dec ares, by rnois ening the fingers and slid ng them
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  • 152 3 A hospital for exclusive accommodation of Ch nese is t> be erected at Fushun at the outlay of Y320 000. The new hospital, when fin shed will accommodate 250 patients pr'no'nally requiring surg'cal ministrations. Heretofore hosp'tal facility for lower class Chinese injured has been sore y missed
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 155 3 ifisfst on I l ~T I I Sole Agents. DIETHELM Co., Ltd., (Incorporated in Switzerland.) if »r Singapore—Penan»—Bangkok. j fTakc Andrews Liver Salt and enjoy that continuous good health that means so much whether you work hard—play hard—or both. Andrews clears the system of waste, and in that natural way
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    • 306 3 1 there's Parity and Vigour j I I IN EVERY DROP OP Jf C 1 "DOG'S HEAD" GUINNESS It retains through th* entire brewing process and after mature* n f] and bottling, tho delicious fragrance of the hop with it* tweet ana soothing perfume. n It hss the sparkling force
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 608 4 AMUSEMENTS E525Z**********5Z5Z**********5Z52^^ I EMPIRE March 9 to Monday, March IS —In the Ist Show at 7-30 p.m.ff AEOLPH ZUKOB and JfeSSE L LASKY Present ft I ZANE GREY'S Sj WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND I MADE ENTIRELY IN NATURAL COLOURS a In 7 Reels with a tremendens cast including g JACK
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    • 413 4 AMUSEMENTS I MRmmnmmmjßJßßnmmmm^ 0 Commencing Sunday, March 7. jj j SPLENDID, RARE PICTURES TO THRILL. INTEREST AND ENTERTAIN g 1 AT THE A ALHAMBRA 0 (Tan Cheng Kee ft Co, Ltd. Proprietors.) X go gj 3 In the Second Show Commencing 9 p.m. g 0 a S A THRILLING TALE
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    • 659 4 AffllSOiENTS Be Well Entertained! Surina TheafT While down town make sure .hat the **trO th.atra you att.nd I. printing a p'.y E2e?*o* la tht that hat In it that whloh yon like to on ni mt—lore 0 f aaastryor* .fit! d HUMOR, SUSPENSE, THILINESS. ?he h o^r m^a1^:t^w.^ f f
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  • 155 5 To-day, March 9 T.jcs. —4-34 a.m., 7.18 p.m. g begin. Supreme Court, in. homewarji mail' leaven, an Sa. c of Work, Tomlinson Hall. SJLSI n'a Circus, 9.15 p.m. stre, "The Quaints," 9.30 p.m. To-morrow, March 10 h Tides.—*J a.m., 8.51 p.m. Jljj homeward mala loaves, ton's Circus,
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  • 135 5 TODAY, MARCH 9 S uthern :.nd Western Hector 2 p.m. ih-Eaat and North-West a Le Maire 2 p.m. Japan and Korea, Hamburg Maru 3 p.m. i avlembang Henli 4 p.m. TO-MORROW, MARCH 10 gginu Asdang 11 a.m. Anhui 1 p.m. Bengkalis S ak and B e Han
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  • 73 5 1y Courtesy of the Goremncnt Health Officer.) xandang Kerl-au Str.tion for the 24 :rs ending m.dnight March 8, 1926, deg. Itex. -«hade temperature 85 F. 5Iin. shade temperature 72 5 F. >It\:n fhiale temperature 77.6 F. Mix. sun radiation 132 F. Mia. crass radlaiion "3 0 F. Sea
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  • 87 5 pain to he Trans t Instrument Faber Observatory, T me Signals be made from Monday. Marca 15, until further nos cc. The I eili be fired daily as usual but tne tired will be approxima c only, t no: be as a time signal. M. M.
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  • 104 5 To-day, March 9 l 5 P m. Driii Ha 1, S.R.A. (v) Gun Laying, To-morrow, March 10 m. Ha.l, M. G. Platoon, Gun Friday, March 12 Ma. Driii Hall, M. G. Platxm, Gun Drill. P.m. Dr 1 Hall, S.V.C. Band Practice. Saturday, March 13 Ma. Bukit
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  • 97 5 The first British train specially equipped w redess receiver and an atrial with twenty loud s is under the auspices of the Western Railway Rad o Soc'ety, journeying from Bristol to Carfecently enabled every passent to hear muse from six European v incladlag San Sebastian, a thoua<i stant. A steel
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  • 1100 5 MIODUCE S nffnporc, exarch 9 Race. Siam No 1 per Koyan $365, Siam 3 Rice, Sa gon 2 2 95 Rice, Saigon 3 Rico, Rangoon 1 $284 Rice, Rangoon 2 276 Kice, Par Boiled No 1 per bag $10 00 g* ce m 2 9.80 Buyers.
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  • 387 5 Singapore, Maxcb 6. V\e are pleased to report a steadier market in rubber shares. The commodity has fluctuated eicher s*ie of 2s 3%d, and c oses steady at 2s. 3&d. London and 90 cents locally. Mentakabs have, throughout the week, provided a fair volume ot business and
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  • 21 5 The Seiyukai Party's resolution to impeach the Japanese Government 's s?ted to be submitted to the Diet on ihe 20.h inst.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 M. EZEKIEL ft SONS, Manufacturing Ophthalmic Optidana, 4, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Singapore. Optometrist: A. M. BZEKIBL, OJ>.
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    • 29 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Replaced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES O. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentist, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary 'Phone 123
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    • 251 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE. TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF FISH-BOX US Tenders will be received at the Fisheries Office, Odllyer Quay, S ngapore, up to the) 15th March, 1926. for rhe supply of fishboxes as per sample to be seen in the above office, fb the number required from time to «?ime.
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    • 175 5 fha Malayan Electric Co., ELECTRIC A!. CONTRACTORS 111-A Market Street, Sing •par*. (Carner of Cecil Street.) Wiring for 5 U SIN ESS HOUSES. RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS, SHIPS AND ALSO OVERHEADLINBS. ETC. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. LOOK AHEAD LOOK AHEAD LOOK AHEAD YOUR FUTURE More Money A better position Ease Independence Respect As! depends
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  • 61 6 DEATH At No. 13 Martin I*ane on March 6, 1926, Lim Yew Gek, beloved mother-in-law of Mr. Ch a Cheng Hoe of Singapore Agency Company. She leaves her son, Chan Sian Cheng, two grand daughters Annie and NeiiV.e Chia to mourn her loss. Funeral on Wednesday
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  • 946 6 I: was interesting over :he week-end. to make a tour of one or two of Johoiv's roadways. There l aye been many omplaints about the main road through to the North and ihey are well jus ified. From Muar t-> Batu Pahat's one ot the vet ywo
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  • 1220 6 A letter addressed to Mr. G. C. Bayani, manager for Al Trono, awaits him at this office. A box of > and butterfl!*t has been salvaged from the ruins of the Hongkong Hote intact. The Tokio Mun'«uipaM'y has decided to forward to London 916 species of Japan's characteristic plants.
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  • 80 6 Tho foVowlng is a corrected list of Troops in the Singapore and S. Malaya Assoc ation for 1U26: First Singapore—Heachruarters. Second Singapore—Raffles Institution. Th rd Singapore—St. Joseph's Institution. Fourth S ngapore—St. Joseph's Institution. Fifijh Singapore—Headquarters (Malay). Sixth Singapore.—Victoria Bridge School. Seven.h S ngapon.—Rangoon Road School. Eighth Singapore—Gan
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  • 100 6 (From Our Own Corrxepondent.) Penang March 8. The Allahabad correspondent of the "iPnang Gazette" te'egranhs ha a de erm ned attitude with regard to the Oxus dispute is gauged by the acs adv.ces from Kabul showing that th? Afghan port'on of the D?marea den Coram ssion s ati
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  • 73 6 (From Our Own Carrespandent.) Penang March 8. Two policemen have been charged w th theft and renin ng stolen property respectively whilst on duty. The accused claimed trial and the case was postponed, bai being allowed. A man named Sain Fong waa arrested here in consequence of
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  • 566 6 Dr. Leopold Robert h&« Bangkok en route to Nice! *H Miss Mildred Leicester has r», a proiracted v.sit to md.a 1 I Sisler Margaret, of th> p vent, i» patient at the f Hospital. cMfti The death is announced n Bu, Saxmundham of Mr \v 4 i
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  • 37 6 In connec ion with the of th* Geylang Fire, those have clothes for ehi dren I f fcfflemmm over to Mr. Lm X- v Place. Oaafcdoaatona may v Lim Bock Kee of th > ho
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  • 104 6 A. tho ejnoal v.,U* "Oei Kin.■ Uwafcjo" (Th tf cation) bXd on tha Oban Yeow Kang's rearf W mite were elects as offi* v v th? curren: vear^P^-• G* Chong L'-m; Vi^Pi^=« J Oaf Teck BwtJs, Lie Peck Tn; Hon. Sec*"tary. rhan r«f Asst. Hon, Secretary. gock:
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  • 48 6 From Chi* and Jnpa» Wf due Sngapove 6 pm. M*nt* From China and Jaj.-n due Singapore 8 From Indo-Chma W Smgepore B 'J* to-m;" *g«; v by Jj From Inland nn »V Thur*i*> Indrapoera. Smj*po« February IS) *£"*JE| Hth in L 3 p.m. on Thursday nH
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 300 6 pj£5Z525Z5Z5Z5Z525Z525Z*****25Z525Z525Z^^ I VICKERS MODEL DE LUXE HAND 1 I SEWING MACHINES. 1 I VICKER'S MODEL DE LUXE. {j Embodies all the most recent im- P ft jl provements applied to Sewing 0 S Machines, has a new reversible ee( wmcn allows the operator to <r SGW hack wards and forwards
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    • 44 6 lE6ERHARD WATCHES I jfl combine accurate timekeeping with C=j ijj artistic appearance at moderate prices. Qj 3 At all first-claaa stores and Ln |G watchmakers. X 3 Wholesale Distributors: R SJ SCHIFFNER CO., S 3 5, METER MANSIONS, SINGAPORE. X £j 'Phone 1342 5j
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  • 306 7 LfUGUESE ELECTED TO P THE CHAIR bw Nations May Give Way to Germany Reuter's Service. Geneva, March 8. mat** xhc l Bß of unpreoedr-nt.d whai the League o::erjed private am the Agenda. A huge f journaßstb, hi •dtt'-tion to the ?2 Mbi c, were all dJscussing the posof
    Reuter's Service.  -  306 words
  • 205 7 British Invitations to Confer Accepted British Official Press Service [Brit rth Ofiioial Press Service] London, March 8. The Ministry of LafcouT here has now :v> answers from Germany, Belgium, France and Lay rJbout the meeting of the -fervn.c to which tiny have been inv.>d by the Britbh Government.
    British Official Press Service  -  205 words
  • 97 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 8. ka Joynson-Htcks was the principal guest we annual dinner of the Institution for lafttar Industry dt London. In his ho d«clared that the attacks on the n r strict!on scheme vrete absounjustifiable. (CfawAs). "We ma* nasher industry. Wa had a right to
    Reuter's Service.  -  97 words
  • 238 7 Far-Reaching Effects on Empty Treasury Reuter's Service. London, March 8. The fa/r-reaohi'rag effects of the French financial crisis, which i. d*&erlb2»s as grave indeed, are subjected to a saardh'ng ar.n'ysis by the "Times" n a leading article, which express s th? opinion hat one of the chiief
    Reuter's Service.  -  238 words
  • 226 7 Turks Attempt to Interfere with High School British Official Press Service [British Official Press Service] London, March 8. Jn reply te a quos.ion in tha House of Commons Mr. Locker-Lampson, Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs stated that no further communications had passed between che British and Turkish
    British Official Press Service  -  226 words
  • 183 7 Leave the Assembly After Impassioned Protest Reuter's Service. Delhi March 8. Crowds which throned ths galleries of the Legislative Assembly, in anticipation of a livery d scusivon on the budge c gran s witnessed a dramat c 'scene, the Swarajists walk ng out after an impassioned speech, Moilal
    Reuter's Service.  -  183 words
  • 37 7 Reuter's Service. Blue Field West Virginia, March 9. A double explosion has occurred at a mi ne near Eccles. Twenty-eight were rntembed by the nrst the second. The escape of gas prevent r*»scu'i work.
    Reuter's Service.  -  37 words
  • 133 7 Policy Which Goes Far Beyond Her Obligations Reuter's Service. London, March 8. Replying to a question in the Hove of Commons, Lord Wlntarton outl'ned the of India's opium policy which, if approved by tha Legislature, he said would go far beyond then* international daiigat'ons. Mr. Hudson
    Reuter's Service.  -  133 words
  • 217 7 Seventieth Birthday of Leading Salvationist Reuter's Service. London. Marc!. 8. The seventieth anniversary of the birthday of General Booth was celebrated bf an enthusiastic Salvation Army demonstration at Albert HaiU. Delegates from all over the world paid a great ovation to General Booth. Telegrams and letters of congratulation
    Reuter's Service.  -  217 words
  • 70 7 British Official Press Service [British Official Press Service! London, March 8. Exchange rates: Par s 135, New York 4.857i, Brussels 107, Geneva 25.24, Amsterdam 12.1125, Milan 121.1, Berlin 20.4, Stockholm 18.12, Copenhagen 18.72, Oslo 22.7, Vienna 34.48, Prague 164, Helsingfors 193, Madrid 34.49, Lisbon 2Vx, Rio Buenos Aires
    British Official Press Service  -  70 words
  • 55 7 Reuter's Service. New York, March 8. The wireless btlawhoaji converse/ions with London we e twtfmr suoce atful at th'ls "end. Tlie London sp.&kers were «<s etaariv heard as ov.r the local lines, and asides, like bell* tollirg the -horns, the tCufflng of fee. and the hum of,
    Reuter's Service.  -  55 words
  • 53 7 Reuter's Service. Washington, March 8. The United S attr> Supreme Coun has refused o entertain a mot on cf a "lawyer, Mr. Benjamin Gatchings to restrain ihe United States from parricipa ing in the World Cour. on the a It sad ground that the par: rlpation wou
    Reuter's Service.  -  53 words
  • 17 7 Reuter's Service. London, March French francs have remaned steady and closed to-day at 134.45.
    Reuter's Service.  -  17 words
  • 20 7 Reuter's Service. London, March 8. The Royal Air Force flyers have arrived at Malaknl, in the Sudan.
    Reuter's Service.  -  20 words
  • 108 7 Although the electric lighting in the Chinese city of Hankow shows a steadily rocrcas ng profit for the company year by year, the came enterprise en the Wuchang side shows a sieady Joas. The reason for the loss in Wuchang, accord ng to a Chinese explanation, s that too many
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  • 2500 7 MEETING OF THE COUNCIL Memorandum by the High Commissioner (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuak Lumpur, March 8. In the Federal Counol), to the Hon. R. C. M. K'nctersky's quesion as to when the High Commissioner proposed to ■ffjvd the Chief Secretary and the Residents an opportunity of stating
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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  • 193 8 Banteng (Selangor) R. E. Ltd. 54.119 lbs. Beaufort Borneo Rubber Co., Ltd. 40 500 lbs. Cheviot Rubber Ltd. 112,300 fta. F.M.S. Rubber P anters E. Ltd. 105.500 lbs. Galang Besar Rubber P. Ltd. 43.000 lbs. Gemencheh Rubber Estate Ltd. 20,446 lbs 75^60 m ?bs ng (PCrak) Snd
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  • 141 8 Per Me'chior Treub:—Mr. A. D. Baker. d xT Mrs T Blake Mr G w Birks Mr. W. N. B'rks, Mr. V. M. B'rks Mr F. Brasra, Mr. and Mrs. O. A Bag n s ky, Mr O. B och Mr. G. Culhbert Mr. R. G. Day es Mr.
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  • 401 8 First Case One of Alleged Robbery A Chinese named Lira Ah Kirn was put on h s trisd this morning at the Assizes before Mr. Justice Deane and an ordinary jury on an of three counts, (1) that bs die! en January IT, conun.t robbery of $G0
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  • 373 8 Remarkable Man Who Rules the Rifis The American magazine Asia contains an art.cle by an adventurous c:rr.spondent wno managed to penetrate the fastnesses of the R fis, and obtain an aud ence with the'r ruler. Th s remarkable man, according to the coiresponuen. (quoted in the Literary Digest),
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  • 295 8 The fourch annual general mV3etng of the United Ch nese Assoc ation, Malacca, was held on Sunday, the 7th instant. Mr. Lee Ewe Aik pres ded. Following ihe adoption of the reports and accounts for the year ending December 31. 1925 the follow ng members were returned
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  • 527 8 The Ghost Train at the Victoria The Quaints commenced their second week's entertainment here when they ftaged Arnold Ridley's "The Ghost Train." adapted by CI ye Woods, at the Victoria Thea-re l«et might. It was a drama bu: not without tht? humcrcus elenK-nt. The scene is the waiting
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  • 507 8 Lancet on Dr. Visv, alinsam's Pamphlet The following is token from "The Lancet". Th? specific infective d'is.&ee caused by I Treponema pert Mm >s mcst common.v known by the nrm applied to ii in Afrca, yaws or framboes a, bu; it also occurs in pa t>
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  • 274 8 Application for Reduction of Capital Mr. A. V. L. Daviess, on behalf of Timms' Dispensary, Ltd., made an application yestttrday in the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Deane for an order confirming a resolution passed by the company reducing tha capl« al of Hm company from $50,000, compr
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  • 188 8 Police Court Crowded With Interested Hylams The Second Pol cc Court and the Court compound provided an unusual spectacle this morning wth hundreds of Hylams when the forty-one Hylams rounded up by the Detective Department were aga n produced. The accused, it will be recaded, were arrested in
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  • 144 8 The Pavilion The Hunchback of Nbtre Dame", a splsmJ'i piciure in 13 reels commenced its short season in Singapore at the Pavilion Theatre ?ast night to a packed house. The City Opera The C'ty Opora are ,only here for a few nights more, but Jheir programme before they
    144 words
  • 345 8 A Wash'ngton woman needed a cook. She opened negotiations with a lady cf colour. (Incidental ly, let it be remarked, the f?male of the coloured racj who* 9 profession is that of domestic service resen's the mputation she is a woman and is always a "lady. Her
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  • 20 8 SPORTS PASTIMES FOOTBALL. urient and Blackpool Dr.u The match between Mi *eh ended in a draw of 2ad n J
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  • 29 8 Reuter's Service. LReuter'g Service.l Tha F. A Cun played on March 27 teanGTft Manchester City vs. Rramal ane, Sheffieid aid s mm Forest or Bolton at
    Reuter's Service.  -  29 words
  • 18 8 Y.M.C.A. vs. R.A.M.C 7, h 9oovq rnatdi Was n av j Vnf.C.A. ground Hit bT« ft i
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  • 77 8 Tanglin Club Tournament To-day s Ties Cullen Cup Mrs. Newell and Prentis Nichodl and Hickey, 0 v;e 4. 10 V£ Mrs. Handicap Doubles (Meni Dyne and M.Migan, owe 1 Vs Fn owe 3. huiifer Di. Dawson and Assiter, plu<< i c r and W Id, owe 15. s<
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  • 570 8 The Jean II Trophy Capsizing of the Bobbe Tfrs operant race for the above trophj will always be associated with the deow ture of th:> Royal Sussex R'egnien. s&ilin» as they did by the Deibyihtre at the staIng gun fired by CapLain Plett at 10 ai The eours'e and
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  • 146 8 (By courted oi the Nsaye N-' Nichi Shimbunsha.) Toko. March. 5. Kubber was quoted »< H6O per pound f.a.q. spot Ti the market price is doe :e sthe stocks. Tin, Banka. was eraY206 per vU India"! A crushing tar iff raw cotton s now proposal »1 nj ,f
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  • 459 9 SPORTS PASTIMES CRICKET L Home and Home Match r*' y P< i a home and home match r when Under 30 s. opposed the ye as de. The "Youths" who ftf? t d had 105 for tha loss of 4 day, raised their toj ai to 243 <1 declared their
    459 words
  • 243 9 ,v ;>h's 0I<1 Beys defeated the 1 t-ign. ;s on the former's ground on /•■'"'«ay by ."1 runs. Go'mg in first <ihe B,y S scored 105. Kean Siew and iy added 72 between themselves. f mer hiiting out a s'xer and several Crs Capt. K dd
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  • 1004 9 Home League Results The position* da the English and Scott'sh Leagues to ds*e are as fcibw.,: First Division Goals. P. W. L. D. F. A. Pts. Huddersfs?ld (1) 32 17 ***** 47 44 Sunderland (7) 31 16 9 6 74 56 38 ?ury (5) 32 17 12 3 73
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  • 223 9 Mr. An hony M. Ludovc, a former private secretary of RoVi n, con r.butes various reminiscences of tho master to the Cornhil Magazine. In one of his etone* he There were many among the v sitors §T Meudon who found difficulty m unders andmg even so
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  • 20 9 The rate of issue of Money Orders for Order, >rom India and Ceylon is Rs. 156 equal to $100. j
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 260 9 j Lactogen I THE NATURAL MILK FOOD 1 FOR YOUR BABY I f Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., (London) 1 144-147 CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. I FRESH STOCK OF I jC\ A ENGLISH CRICKET J BE AT I I Bridge Road, l I Sligapwe. ffi To-Nlght Tuesday. March 9 To-Nlght AT
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    • 362 9 I Infallible j I ality wk i I FRAMROZ Co. 1 FRESH STOCK! FRESH STOCK!! I I JUST UNPACKED. I Sand uv s chest expand r 3 Steel strands 6.50 each j lW» 4 7.50 each jjj I m m 5 m 8,50 Mch j jj i j Sandow's MSB
      362 words

  • 1041 10 Malaysia Message Opposes Popular Vehicle The front page of the March issue of the Malays'a Message conta ns a reproduction cf a cartoon depict ng :he r.cksha man, wh'ch original y appeared in the Malaya Tribune about a yeair ago. Accompanying ;he iiustra.ion is the following editorial
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 161 10 THE MOSQUITO MENACE. A METHOD TO OVERCOME IT. It ia poor consolation fo the sufferer from Malarial Fever to know that some anophelee mosquito caused the trouble India is full of mosquitoes, and the malaria figures show he wide prevalance of the anopheles variety While mosquito enthusiasts may be left
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  • 521 11 Singapore, March 6 WkJkj Beef uteak (round) kati 48 Boef stew or curry kati 34 Pork iean kati 68 Pork lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 44 Mutton imuan io ol' Mutton Australian ib SCI Four! kati 69 Capons (Locally reared) kati 90 Hens (Locaily reared) kati 77
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 567 11 STEAMER SAILINGS I BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES 1 (Icorporated in England.) SAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. .csiNSLLAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO, r LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Government.) OUTWARDS from LONDON. HOMEWARDS per China ft Japan For Marseilles, London ft Antwerp. Due
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    • 26 11 mkwwnii mmm mmm Get relief fcrfr%&. from Colds j and Chills f3p|L I by taking fplk I m lifePffls J (he* ;pk Stomach Liver and Bowels-
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    • 574 11 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAY KINTA, 4 pjn., for Port Swettenham and Penang. CALYPSO, 5 p.m., for Malacca. GEMAS, 0 pjn., for Muar. TUESDAY KRIAN, 4 pjm, for Port Dickson, Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Lumut and Port Dickson. RENGAM, 4 p,m., for
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    • 633 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHAJ! LONDON LINE. Tonnage Destination Doe Sal Suwa Mara 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Mar 18 19 Fue«rhirni Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Apr 1 2 Hakozaki Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London, Hull A'werp Apr 15 16 Hakusan Maru 11,000 Marseilles, London Antwerp Apr 29 30 Kitano Maru
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 455 12 SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED by European firm Chinese clerk for Accounts Dept. App.ications to be sent to "Bookkeeping" cjo Malaya Tribune". WANTED, Chinese Clerk with accounts exper ence required immediately for Johore Bahru. Apply to Box No. 324, ef* Malaya Tribune. WANTED energetic young men. No experience necessary. Can make money
      455 words
    • 592 12 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE. The business of Chop Hock Liong Co. arried on lately at 11 Peking Street as <alt fish merchants and commission agents las been dissolved by mutual consent, and 10 one is authorised to use the Chop for my purpose whatever from this date. Singapore, February 18, 1926.
      592 words
    • 405 12 BANKS THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES Penaag 85 Beach Street. Malacca 181 Jonker Street Muar 77-7» Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Dir. Hongkong 18 Queen's Road Central. Serembaa 68 Birch Road. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya,
      405 words
    • 488 12 BANKS THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd December 1892.) Authorised Capital «3,000,000 Subscribed Capital «1300,000 Paid-op Capital «1,060,000 Reserve Fund and Rent «1,458,221 HEAD OFFICE: 16, "race Church Street, London, E.C. 8. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M.
      488 words
    • 471 12 INSURANCE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES, L. C. MARGOLIOUTH, Manager. Office 2, Finleyson Green. ORIENTAL Government Security LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in India 1874.) Rcaulta af the Company's Operations daring the three years 1922-1924 PROFIT Rs. 51,00,000 Increased
      471 words
    • 484 12 Seyeral thousands have been manantly cured „f this foubki malady by the use of the «3 German "IPHECA" he latest German medica! £3 to cure blind, bleeding or 3 p.les Prepared by a patent out of rare and pure medicinal h« Price: $1.50 per box. THE UNITED PIIARMAC] 305, North
      484 words