Malaya Tribune, 4 March 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 327 1 AjUATEUfT PHOTO STOR6 .no, NCRTH BftlOGE STANDARD I stanoahq uuiiefc j ffi S mi HDiMvrarTA" avti n arp one or whiteawayS stakiwwo VMUiet ffi S 'HE PROTBCTA ANTIGLARE THE "GLAREGARD" GOGGLES. 1 GOGGLES. THE u SiGIITSAVA" GOGGLES. j j v Xyionite rim and ear pieces. A S Xj rsms and
      327 words
    • 370 1 I Don't wait for pains or failing v I Vision before you consult aa. II I I yon need glass*we will prescribe I and prepare lenses and fit in I frame and mountings of any jj s character. I Doctors' and Occullsts' pre scrip- a I tions executed promptly at
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  • 1543 2 THE TRANSFORMATION OF TURKEY Throwing off the Shackles of Oriental Feudalism •"Not only will we wear hats, but we will follow Western civilization in all other ways," declared the President of the Turkish Republic, Ghazi (Conqueror) Mustafia Kemal Pasha, in a speech made at Akhissar, a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 145 2 Golden Smokes from London. jmml m®s4& h «> Piccadilly Virginia Cigarette, are like old wine to the V A£V \\\s fw^ff^"* o The finest sun-sweetened golden Virginian tobacco N reach y U as fresh as the day they were made Every puff gives pleasure for they are cool and fragrant—you
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    • 239 2 "A PLEASURE TO SĔE Some women have such a delig&fowr fresh natural complexion and reflect such radiant health and charm that the sight of them gives pleasure whererer they go. There are others, on the contrary, who, whilst possessed of beautiful features, can only be looked upon with feelings of
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    • 175 2 Rtoab tht beaut cf w ff ■>■- r t..„. I—^?lir Fr«« V-' I JHP kttUar nmd in- £d« thVbSnrel Ĕ9M out of Urm'i > il Mmmg I m Praae ti>« Bet- BmW ton. r»ie»-r ac 4 ktobwfiUof ink slno«r akwaa of j f 7 Duo-Sl«e»« Cap I /> forma lak-Tisbt
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  • 473 3 Features of the Latest Standard Saloon. The saloon type of body k> ax&nowledged to afford tha utmost protection from inclement weather, but, judging by the latest rendering of the "Pall Mali" saloon fitted to thte 1926 14 h.p. Standard ohaseis, it can be made to provide a very
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  • 177 3 In addition to a selecS'on of new fictron the undernoted works have been a ided to Raffle* Library, and w 11 te available for issue on Saturday March G, at 9 am. Brown (R. Grant) Burma as I saw rt. 1889-1917 ill. Caldwell (Harry R Blue T trer:
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  • 184 3 Exemption from taxation of all land parcels devoted to the growmg of rubber and free d's ribution of rubber seedlingJby the Government are advocated by U.rector Fidel A. Reyes of the Ph I'PP na Bureau of Commerce and Industry aa a means by wh eh the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 461 3 HOCK KIN Co. 3 s--l2 and 387-13 Victoria Street, V (Corner of Bras Bassa Road.) C ONFECTH>rSRS. t i y established, tke Management t0 B u PP*y and for WEDDING and BIRTHDAY CAKES. ICE CREAMS and FANCY CAKES. TEA, COFFEE, COCOA, COLD DKINKS, &c. Prompt and Clean Service Mim and
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    • 324 3 X Ohoroughhfßritish and British in W*J' theirOfiorougdness TjaT The British tradition tor thoroughness, for perfection of detail, strength and durability is worthily upheld in the two (latest models of the Standard Car. An efficiently cooled engine with an ample reserve of power, roomy and comfortable coachwork, Dunlop tyres, and a
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    • 359 3 The Super Driving BelC Unique Guarantee* m^K^n LEWIS TYLOR, Ltd, w!ff*M t. St. Thomas* St„ LONDON, S E.L fcfflSw m\\*T Wmrk* Gufolt Mills, Qjuuxft. /gSpoly\ lililP^t^ Gmipoly PATENT BELTING STOCKING AGENTS J SIME, DARBY CO., LTD. 9 (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Penang Malacca. ,HE ONLY
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 608 4 AMUSEMENTS b] Thursday, March 4 to Monday, March 8. E In the First Show at 7-30 p.m. ft Rip-Roaring Romance A Guaranteed Ghost- A Hypnotic Haunted jjj S House and Buck Battling Ihrougb. r? fi R qJ William Fox Presents I Buck w I AGAINST ALL ODDS ,Kfx Brands ncvc-1
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    • 491 4 AMUSEMENTS AT THE I j ALHAMBRA! I (Tan Cheng Kee Co.. Ltd. Proprietora.) |j I N la the Second Show at 9p m. j I THE SUPREME ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SCREEN 1 Cecil B. De Mille's Masterpiece, a wonder Paramount Production q With an Exceptional Cast: j I Theodore Roberts,
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    • 687 4 AMUSEMENTS GAIETY CINEMA f^ ma TheliTe Every woman knows of ioidi girl who Ins civil zei or mmml the g ne through thick and thin f>r a man— erpotl m s_j ov of ematry or ti*° dH MM h.r r.„a««ton .nd Uf. f him.ndofth. "(hank." ihe got fir It gla;
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  • 270 5 February Returns Singapore, March 2. ~.e af. Registrar ot imports ano r\> a*ts favours us with the following s-tate- Ojaactity and Value of Ruuue fi ruary 1926:— 1926 1925 1925 to dalce 2 months mm Tons Tons Tons MM Kingdom— VmW 2971.02 12.633.63 4,406.07 inittd States of
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  • 114 5 tf^? 0808 and plana of the new Amen'Hon to the NorLh Pol a are V George Wilfcins, head of thb t on Party Jiike Ik? says nia Party is prepared to *k parate attempts to reach tht y flying d rectly to the spot -ar h s
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  • 1081 5 PRODUCE Singapore, March 4 Rice, Siam No I per Koyan $365 R»ce, Siam 2 m $345 R cc. 61am 3 $335 Rice, Sa gon 1 $310 Rce, Saigon 2 t $303 Rice, Saigon 3 Rice, Rangoon 1 $290 Race, Rangoon 2 $275 Rico, Par Boiled No 1
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 18 5 M. EZEKTEL ft SONS, Manufacturing Ophthalmic Opticians, 4, Baffles Chambers, Baffles Place, Singapore. Optometrist: A. M. EZKKIEL, OJ).
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    • 29 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Replaced Natural-Like, VERY MODERATE CHABGES O. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentist, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary Thone 12*
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    • 121 5 QBotaor—to ALBION CLAY'S BRITISH g GLAZED STONEWARE S DRAINPIPES. U i 0 2 Ready stocks obtainable of f J 4", 6", 9" and 12" Wholes* j Bursting pressure up to T standard.! Barrels true Sockets suitable for |1 Sewerage I* 3 PRICES LOWEST IN MARKET. 1 f 4, ROBINSON ROAD,
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    • 179 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS CUP HANGERS.—Th? only Patent* Cup Hangers yet produced. They hold cups of any s wndard size and they can be fated to trees of any girtdu Full particulars and samples on request, free.—Mid-Asia Trading Company, Singapore. NOTICE. The list of applications far Public House and Billiard Room Licences
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    • 262 5 file Malayan Electric Co., ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 111-A Market Street, Singapore. (Corner ef Cecil Street,) Wiring far IUSINESS HOUSES, RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS. SHIPS AND ALSO OVERHEAD LINES, ETC. WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED, STOP. LOOK. THINK. Ten—Twenty years hence will yon be just ibout where you are to-day, or will yoa occupy a position of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 195 5 Si^GAFORE DIARY. r.»-day, March 4 -j-- 14 a.m., 1.11 p.m. Znrd mail closes. |1 JTfare Socie.y, Govt. House, u p.m. \\V'h ip t, 8.30 p.m. i heatre, "The Quainte," 9.30 p.m. To-morro*. March 5 mt 1.30 a.m., 1.50 p.m. St. La&**& mail clost*. M, ng Singapore Olub, 5.15 p.m. Socrjtv
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    • 71 5 METEOROLOGICAL REPORT (By Courtesy of the Govern nent Health Officer.) Kandanig Kerbau Sto.fcion for the 24 hours endmg midnight March 3, 1926. deg. Maximum shade temperature 87.5 F. Minimum shade temperature 75 F. Mean shade temperature 79.1 F. Maximum sun radiation 152 F. Minimum grass radiation 70 F. Sea Temperature
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  • 80 6 DEATH. TAN.—At her residence No. 535, East Coast Road (6th Milestone) Singapore, on Ist March 1926, Mrs. Tan Yong Thian nee Ng Hean Neo, aged 59 years, the beloved mother of Tan Khim Chua, Guan Chua, Choon Chua, Heng Chua and mother-in-law of Kwek Noy Chia
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  • 1087 6 Our remarks about film censorship ear'iei ii the week have met with the unanimous approval of F ha importers in Singnpjre. They are anx ous to see the heme tr'ed out because they feel that i. will be some sort of insurance auain-t the very heavy dea-i losses
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  • 1089 6 Telegraphic communication with Bangkok still interrupted. o Blotters are being distributed announcing that Boy Walley w 11 defend his title to the flyweight championship of Malaya on Friday night when he meets AI Trono at the Happy Valley. II gnbere of the JunSar Civil Service As*ocai*x>n are riminiad of tine
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  • 221 6 The Japanese bugaboo which is being used by the imperialists as an effeet-ve weapon against Phi pp'ne independence is a mere illusion and has no basis n reality. Japan has no intention of grabbing the Is lands in t he evert: they are turned loose by the
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  • 81 6 A motor car which smashed the railings and dived into Rochore Canal is still lying in the water. Fortunately no passengers were in the ear at the time ani driver escaped wi hcut any serious injuries. It appears that the man was going towards Rochore Canal
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  • 421 6 Vice-Admlrals Sir p« Hugh Tothill and sir promoted *> AdmiraL W Me. GM. Bakewell, IIM famous Champ on Spark pSSr* l < h Aaaeeaea, ia now hi Singapore Um J Mr. Rudolp S. Lonez of the Alia S£i. M gS«£SS this momiß^^fc-ng^ andM me Wl-lJ^SSjg Mr S.
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  • 86 6 (From Our Own Corra-po.xknt) Pen&ng. March 3. .A serious charge of oagftP y ar.d fully obsiruc'ng a fr" sgine prvx«m to a fire was preferrd agaoat a driver. Mr. L, E. Coleman. Superintendent the Penvang Fire Brigad?, in the his avkkraee. seated that the defendant aa ♦.h»
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  • 35 6 (From Our Own Correspondent. 1 Penar.p. March The accounts of mm V.W.rA. h ydar ar. V.ry satisfactory, t. r balance at the bank and in w I There are no ous;.ami ag paya
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  • 86 6 The following had the honour ding a farewell dinner to I S. de V. Julius at Government March 2, 1926: Lieut. OoL ami auj p; Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Tul 5 Brownjohn, M. C; Mr. and Mf* v; Capt. T. H. M. and Tht>Lid* <
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  • 63 6 The question was 11 Chinese named T. San TmmJ :n Chop Bian run;- before the Chef J**** this mo q Dlaintiffs in the »cc aye Chinese Bank who had ok m acains the Chop n ao aL ,t ft i£ Mr. Eber appeared or^J ett daat Mr.
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  • 21 6 Purl imm% From France »£^f^ Singapore 4 p.m. From Europe due Pe^ February HI «1 s--6 a m. to-morrow.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 285 6 I ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL I g FOOTBALL GOAL NETS I S Best Stoam-Tarred Hemp without Posts or Ropes cj Price $37.50 Pair. jc SBILLfGCKS 1 X IHt t-EMUINE LW. I S Durable a I g light. SI roc g and 1 S g Perfect ia fchape I. S "as used iv
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    • 42 6 I j combine accurate timekeeping with" (n 3 artistic appearance at moderate price*, Qj At all firhf-class stores and |n jjj watchmakers. ffi 3 Wholesale Distributors: X 5j SCHIFFNER CO., fji a 5, METER MANSIONS. SINGAPORE. Dj [jj 'Phone 1342 g SZSHSHSaSSS2SESESHSZSHSHSESaSHSHSi2Sc!SaSH
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  • 775 7 El(lU M DEFINES HER POSITION ijoyd Gewse's Motion in Parliament British Official Press Service Reuter's Service. Brussels, March 6. Bjaate has unanimously adopted the ajrreemeal and the adhesion of I**** 0 V.Ague Court of inteiHew Van der Velde, the U referring to the question I of the league,
    British Official Press Service; Reuter's Service.  -  775 words
  • 213 7 Costs Reduced but Efficiency not Impaired British Official Press Service London, March 3. Sir Laming Worthmgtxm-Evans, Secretary for War, has confirmed the report tihat the Army Estimate for 1926-7, which will shortly be Issued, will amount to £42,500,000 aa compared with £44,500,000 for 1925-6. Sir Laming Worihington-Evans doc
    British Official Press Service  -  213 words
  • 83 7 [Havas Agency.] Paiis, March 2. Commenting on the ratification of the Locarno Pact, "Le Journal" says that it is a splendid success for M. Briand, all parties in the Chamber, excepting the Extreme Right and the Communists, approving of his foreign policy. "Le Matin'' writes that foreigners
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  • 91 7 Reuter's Service. Washington, March 3. Mr. Davis, Secretary for War, has published tue military aviation programme for the mxi fiv-j years. If adopted, the army air forco wfifl possess 2,200 aeroplanes in five years, bene* personnel will consist of 1,650 regular army officers, 550 reserve officers an
    Reuter's Service.  -  91 words
  • 175 7 Knocked Down by Car which did not Stop The linquest on the death of a Sikh named N a rang at the Tan Took Sens Hospital following a motor-car acciaenwm February 13, in Moulmeun Road was concluded before Mr. Bourne the Cicy Coroner yesterday. The ident ty
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  • 170 7 New York Brokers Go Into Hysterics Reuter's Service. New York, March 4. There were imlescribalble scenes on tha stock market y esterday as the result of a record slump in railroad siharts, (hundreds of thousands of which were fi»2ely offered. Trading in the afternoon was done at
    Reuter's Service.  -  170 words
  • 69 7 British Official Press Service London, March 3. Exicnange rates: Parts 130, Xew York 4.85 1S| 16. Brussels 107, Geneva 25.25 Amsterdam 12.1325, Milan 121, Ber 1 n 20 4. Stockholm 18.12, Copenhagen 18.7, Olso 22.64, Vienna 34.46, Prague 164, Helsingfors 193, Madrid 34.49, Lisbon 2V», Rio 7%. Buenos
    British Official Press Service  -  69 words
  • 164 7 (By courtesy of the Nanyo X chiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, March 2. Rubber was quoted, to J iay at Y1.50 (sailer) per pound f.a.q. spot, while tin, Banka, ma ntained its price at Y206 per pikul. Japan's trade returns for February show a total of Y243 032.000 for the
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  • 213 7 Mr. R. A. van Prehn, Director of th*: Culture Mijen, Plaotr, Goliis and Gedat, who is aJso manager of the last two estate*, has discovered a new coagulation process, whereby no chemicals are used. Estates w 11 be able to introduce this new method without drastic alterations
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  • 203 7 Most of os have associated the veteran Sir Hens- Wkkham wi;h the beginn ng of the rubier industry." but apparently a Frenchman--Charles Mare de La Condanr'ne—is mainly responsible for introducing rubber to Europe. According to a recenl) issue of "T. P.'s and Casseli Weekly" in an article
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  • 261 7 QUESTIONS ON CANTON SITUATION Complexity of the Tariff Conference Reuter's Service. London, March 3. In the House of Commons, ca>U'ing attention to the, Uact that many qutts-lons affecting the interests of Hongkong can only be daalt with by the Canton authorities, Mr. Lockar-Lanipson asked wheJher the Government would sanction
    Reuter's Service.  -  261 words
  • 67 7 Reuter's Service. London. M-uvh 3. The Wembley Ur:an D strict Councl has agTeed 'with the I'rto.ilntors of the Exhibition that the sit? of the Exhibit on will be used for factories with the exception of a part wh'ch wLtl become open space. The New "Zealand and Ma'aya buildings
    Reuter's Service.  -  67 words
  • 519 7 Chinese Widow's Claim Regarding a Chop \n acUon for the recovery ot the value U the stock-In-tra'i i of a Chop, and account and a share of the profits, was disposed gf yesterday in the Supreme Court befoie the Chief Ju.Lice, S.r Wi*JW Murison. The pla ntiff
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 181 7 I &stal)li**he« P*tnmi*ei l OF 1 3 0 AND BEAPS OF OTHEB USEFUL THINGS. jjj 1 "\EUT B. P. De SILVAbT^iUJ 2 THE ROYAL JEWBLLKB J] 11,300» 24 Cl zrl 121 WORLD'S RECORDS I I BEATEN. I I i S Agg THIS REMARK ABLE PERFORMANCE jjj S g WAS CREATED
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  • 731 8 INTERESTING PICTURE SCREENED Representative of Big Company in Singapore Mr George M. representative of fkmols Chanson Spark Plug Com-«a->v who is now in Singapore on a busiof the world, addressed an interested audknee of meting mta representatives of the lading Saigapore mocor firms, ad^rnoon. Mr. BakeweU gave
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  • 41 8 [We do not necessarily endorse the opinions express/ad by correspondents. Letters sent for publication should be written an one side of the paper only; preference given to short letters. Only extracts of long letters can be given.]
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  • 226 8 Sir,—I shall be very much obliged if you win k> ndly a low me a little space in your valuable columns. My purpose in writing this letter is to draw the attention of my fellow Malays to the present backward condition of thar community which I believe
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  • 3125 8 THE LAST STAGES REACHED Mr. Mundell Commences His Final Address The last stages of the Mos em L'el case were reached yesterday before Mr. Justice Deane when ihe case for the defendant was closed and Mr. Mundeii, the defence Counsel, commen-ed his fin* address after Mr. Campbell,
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  • 149 8 The New World The Management of The New had p anned a special pyrotechnic display for the Chinese Year. Owing to unforeseen circums.anc s, the special consignment of Cantonese firewcrks ordered for this purpose, did not arrive in time (from a world renowned manufacturer). They have how ever
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  • 127 8 A British group is shortly to buy up a cons'derable number of shares in the Banda Rubber Company, promising the shareholders that an arrangement is to be made to buy the whole lot. A definite agreemen is shortly expected. A Dutch group at Amsterdam, know hg about this plan, is
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  • 270 8 SPORTS PASTIMES BOXING Who Will Win? To-morrow's Big Fight Between Walley and Trono To-narrow night should see a record crowd at the Happy Valiey rwhen Boy Waley, flyweiight champon of Malaya, meets Ai Trono, h}B formidable rival in the fifteen three-mini*je round main-event. The public has long wanted to see
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  • 44 8 Home League Results Reuter's Service. London, March 3. The following are the results of the Lugue matches play>ad to-day: First Division Huddersfield 2 Spurs L NoJts County 3, Birmingham 0. Second Division South Shields 1, Hull 3. Scottish League Hearts 1, Celtic 2.
    Reuter's Service.  -  44 words
  • 17 8 Test Team Selectors Reuter's Service. Londbn, March ft. The test selectors have co-opted Hobbs and Rhodes.
    Reuter's Service.  -  17 words
  • 35 8 Reuter's Service. London, February 3. The cricketer Douglas was taken to hospital Irom appendicitis. It is understood an operat.on ls necessary. Later. Douglas was operated on and :ss pro« gressing satisfactorily.
    Reuter's Service.  -  35 words
  • 218 8 Selangor Sky Meeting Handicaps for Friday The foiow.rvg are the handicaps for the nrs„ day of the Selan 0 or Turf Club Sky Race Meet ng, to be held on Friday: Race 1.—Ponies, Claas D. (Five Furlongs): Gloaming 11.12, Tha Gift 11.9, •uenador 11, jane 10.12, Neverwasa 10.10,
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  • 151 8 Fixtures of the Spring Term Tournaments Ths folWng are the fixtures of the Ma.acca Epworth League, Spring Term Tournaments:— TO-DAY, MARCH 4 Tennis (Mixed Doubles) Semi-final Mrs E. Kuan and Mr. Chan Ah Hm vs. Winner of Miss Chua pair and Miss Lim pair. Mrs. Chong Ah Poon
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  • 182 8 langhn Club Tourna me Yesterday's Results dyne cup Mr. tad Mm. Hunr, scr w M mann ami Leggat:, p i Us 2 f Mrs. Hedley Stevens and a beat Miss L. and sT scr., 6—4, 6—4. CULLEN CL'p Mr. and Mns. Lmll, i w T 1^ e ow
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  • 351 8 The Reliability Trial Detailed Results and Marks Obtained are the d?taile d results if the second Singapore rel ability trk] f?, motor-cyces.:— 9. Harding, (Moto Guzzi), 93. 8. Dioden, (Triumph), i<4. 37. St_d<i)jns, (Tnumphj, j3. 57. Hi ton (Raleigh), 91. 27. Henley. (B S.A.), 88. 39. Rozelles, (B.S.A.),
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  • 249 8 Successful Experiments at Empress Place White Vnes f*>rm rikisha lane* or eaietj zones on the extreme lef. of tire r a parking is allowed in these J*® oeintre of the road s reserved far <•' rams. Cross traffic cross es U .u ere Raffles S atue -r\\ Anderson
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  • 436 9 Celebration of Fortieth Anniversary event was the Staff Dinner School held at 95-5 \p Roa d. the residence of Mr. *r «J Qg J .P., one of the o.ti l*V tin School, on March 1, the t 0 the fortieth anniverm funding- of the School by i,m.
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  • 160 9 tone Municipal Committees* Denunciation r*W of satanic corruption has lately JW r he stage of Rome, accord ne; ■pant members of the Mun cipal gke for the Protection of Public On the occasion of its last sitt ng, welt at '.ength on whether rinsically immoral when r'
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  • 23 9 The rate of issue of Money Orders for »»> r" Meuev Orders for f > s..i Ns. Ilil eo.u»l «7 tl of payment ol «one/
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  • 854 9 London, February 2. The Opening of Parliament Parliament opened to-day, February 2. Despite the half mourning of the Court tae ceremony still reta ned impressive elements of the picturesque, with the scarlet and ermine of Peers and the bright uniforms of the troops, The King's Speech contained noth
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  • 89 9 London, March 2. Manchester Market— B*4 lbs shirtings tan- (now tastis) J on 40\s Grey Yarns, single twist M 6 lbs T. CJcth, far 24 yards 8s Liverpool Market Cotton-Fully M .ddling American Egyptian Cotton 1655 M a n ,S sTandard 3 months *284.12.6 merchantable £28.15 0
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 249 9 Lactogen i THE NATURAL MILK FOOD I FOR YOUR BABY j Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., (London) 144-147 CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. NEW STOCK I A jsrk\ CRICKET BATS, BALLS, I Bk=Jjfl*\ GLOVES and PADS Dj VERY CHEAP AND LOW PRICES I STANLEY LIMITED, 109, North Bridge Road, Singapore. jjj j
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    • 527 9 lbw if J> I I FRAMROZ Go's AERATED WATERS are indispensable. I FRESH STOCK! FRESH STOCK!! JUST UNPACKED. I Sand;w s chest expander 3 Steel strands 6.10 each 3 jjj C jttf^J 1 4 M 7.50 each jj N 5 8,50 each y I Sandows "SIIAO Chest expanders. 0 3
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  • Page 9 Miscellaneous
    • 83 9 VOLUNTEER CORPS I I o-day, March 4 —Unl\ Hall, Motor Cycle Platoon, j 0 -morrow, March 5 Hall, M. G. Platoon, Gun Raad Mal »y Company, 7L tnd N C. O.'s Camps (Buses i *»SJ Drill Hail at 5 p.m.) >■ p,._ t Satur day, March 6 W'*..'\- rri r
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  • 1136 10 MONTE CARLO BOWER DIES POOR MAN Adventures of World's Greatest Spender a waitei was given when he learned that £40 was the largest sum the waiter had previously received. "And who gave you that?" inquired Bower as an afterthought. "Yourself, sir, a few nights ago." What with the
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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  • 522 11 Singapore, February 27. ftf&AT Beef uteak (round) kati 48 Beef etew or curry kati 46 Pork lean kati 64 Pork lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 58 Mutton ib 0U Mutton Australian ib 60 Fowl kati 65 Capons (Locally reared) kati 85 Hens (Locally reared) kati 85
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 541 11 STEAMER SAILINGS JToTbRITISH INDIA AND APCAR UNES I (I corpora ted in England.) HAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. LtiSULAR AND ORIENTALSTEAM NAVIGATION CO. lON DON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Government.) rTrVIRDS from LONDON. HOMEWARDS Wan thins ft Japan For Marseilles, London ft Antwerp. f
      541 words
    • 24 11 PON T FEEL SOUR AND GRUMPY j oweeterv your SiomacH and Dr.Ross IbijEM life Pills You will be naturally MB}////. H?ppy/*™ h/alh cheerful y /////>
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    • 585 11 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAY KINTA, 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. CALYPSO, 5 p.m., for Malacca. GEMAS, 5 p.m., for Muar. TUESDAY KRIAN, 4 p.m., for Port Dickson, Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Lumut and Port Dickson. RENGAM, 4 p.m., for
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    • 594 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.) LONDON LINE. Tonnage Destination Das Sai Hakone Mam 11,000 Marseilles, London, Hull ft A'werp Mar 4 f Suwa Mam 11,000 Marseilles, London ft Antwerp Mar 18 It Fushimi Man 11,000 Marseilles, London ft Antwerp Apr 1 f Hakozaki Man 11„000 Marseilles, London, Hull A'werp Apr
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 453 12 SITUATIONS VACANT V-vNl;:t> Eurasian Field Aseittant* for Mi.-i. must b* able to ban lie Ub ;ur and a ma k iuwlaJga of Bl^gl neering. Ag» not over i 5 >e*rs. Apply Box 'izO c/o Aialaya LriDuuw WAN TE > effioient typiet with knowledge of general office work required for Ulrt.
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    • 440 12 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE. The business of Chop Hock Liong Co. -arried on lately at 11 Peking Street as 4alt fish merchant* and commission agents aas been dissolved oy mutua. consent, and 10 one is authorised to use the Chop for *i:y purpose whatever from this date. Singapore, February 18, 1926.
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    • 396 12 BANKS THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES Penaig 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Ja'an Rahamat. Palembang 16, Dir. Hongkong 18 Queen's Road CentralSeremban 63 Birch Road. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang,
      396 words
    • 483 12 BANKS THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Registered ia Loads*, under Companies Acts of 1862 to 1800, on 2nd December 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital «1,800,000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,458,221 HEAD OFFICE; 15, Trace Church Street, Loudon, EX. 8. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J. M. Ryrie.
      483 words
    • 468 12 INSURANCE I Kr¥J SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MARGOLIOUTH, Office 2, Finlaysen Green. ORIENTAL Government Seenrity LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in India 1874.) Results of the Company's Operations daring the three years 1922-1924 PROFIT Rs. 51,00,000
      468 words
    • 468 12 NEOSEX and EVASEX Has the sam. Ui.ct as p r i Professor Nelliea 1 I REJUVENATING KtSM j turns are dangerous pt EV4SEX and NEoShX are' J >! j preparations with effective L ak Absolutely no danger Z ous. Highest recommend Jj the greatest authorities ?J Medical World. NEOSEX: for
      468 words