Malaya Tribune, 1 March 1926

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] V AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY. vol xm -No. 49 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1926 FIVE CENTS. The Malaya Tribune. MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1926
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 40 1 ESSSZSZSZSHSE£r=S3SZS2ScSaSHS2SHSHSSSHSHSZSZSZS2E2^ I. You cannot buy a cj A Better I I■ I SOLE AGENTS: I United Engineers Limited! 3 (Incorporated in the Straita H I ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT, 13, BATTERY ROAD, B g SINGAPORE. SHS ES 2 S 2 S2S 2S2Sr2Sr2SrISH
      40 words
    • 279 1 Don't wait for pains or failing 1 Vision before you consult ua. If j you need glasses, we will prescribe I 1 and prepare leases and fit in frame and mountings of any character. Doctors' and Occuliata* prescrip- tions executed promptly at special price. I THE EASTERN OPTICAL CO, 15,
      279 words

  • 1152 2 (From Our South China Correspondent.) Hongkong, February 18. The proposed $5,000,000 Kwangtung Treasury Prem'um (bonds, to be issued through the Kuomintang Central Bank Canton for the purpose of the port of Whampoa and other state industries like the Cement Works, Tannery, and others, will be put on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1347 2 Pontianak Gold Dredging Concessions, Ltd. (Incorporated in Singapore under The Companies Ordinance, 1923). Capital $2,000,000 Divided into 2,000,000 shares of $1 each. Notice is hereby given that the above-named Company is issuing a Prospectus, dated Feb. 17th, 1926, a copy of which has been filed with the Registrar of Companies,
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    • 709 2 capital of the Dutch Company is $1,250,000 to be satisfied by the allotment to the Vendor or his nominees of 1,025,000 shares in the Company credited as fully paid up and the payment of $225,000 in cask in four instalments payable in April, June, September and December, 1926. The agreement
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    • 404 2 GERMS RENDERED HARMLESS. The Modern Method of Fighting Malaria. Every day many germ ol d kmc tela our bodies, but they are made harmless id passed off if the righting: forces of tit body are in good condition. Rich red blood is the power that keeps the humas body in
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 387 3 American Newspaper-Man Sees Yeliow Peril The Filipinos do net 5-eam to attach much importance to the Japanese menace in the event <rf Philippine independence, lout the Americans feel that this ie the paramount consideration, said A. Bartiett Maurice, veteran newspaper-man and farmer editor of The Book man
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  • 300 3 Poor Farmers to be Encouraged to Start Plantations Declaring that there is at present a loophole in the actual law on rubber see«is which he fathered in the last session of the legislature, Senator Pedro Rodriguez of Cebu stated recently that he wii. work for
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  • 102 3 The projected flight of Spanish aviators to the Philippines will take place in April by which time all preparations for the cruis? will have been made, according to a cable received by "El Mcrcantil" of Mania. The flight will be undertaken by military officers, Messrs. Galarza, Estevez
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 185 3 v ru I You'll not have anything to BUCK" at if you insist on jjj PHOENIX I CRATED WATERS. > LEAPING ABOVE OTHERS IN QUALITY I Send for Trial Order. 'Phone 3463. I Is your digestion j like a tortoise? jl People wfio are slow of digestion < •hould take
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    • 688 3 RHEUMATIC PAINS QUICKLY DISAPPEAR HEALTH IMPROVES REMARKABLY From the great capitals of Europe and from far off Australia como reports of wonderful cures effected by De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. These reports are confirmed by the experience of wellknown local p ope and in practically every bazaar take are
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    • 361 3 SCIENTIFIC FOUR WATER FILTRATION PURIFICATION PROCESSES AERATED WATER SPECIALISTS. EXPERT QUALITT EUROPEAN AND SUPERVISION SERVICE The ideal, food for Npiirishes without excessive heating nir— r Safely ibouJfJ be your first principle. J*? 12 BLENOSAN CAPSULES have not met with a failure during nearly half a century sale. Sure, safe and
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 622 4 AMUSEMENTS 1 EMPIRE I Thursday, February 25 to I 2nd Show at 9p m. jjj t A Daring, Smashing, Screaming Film Comedy IB Douglas Maclean IN THE YANKEE CONSUL I Funniest of all Mac Lean Pictures -It's a ricture of Romance and g S Adventure with Laughs and Thrills a-plenty
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    • 475 4 AMUSEMENTS LS2SESESEKSHSHSHHS2SZSESZM n To-Night S 3 AT THE I I ALHAMBRA jj (Tan Cheng Kee Co Ltd. Proprietora.) S jj In the Second Show at 9 p m. am I I THE SUPREME ACHIEVEMENT OF THE SCREEN jj Cecil B. De Ml lie s Masterpiece, a wonder Paramount Production jS
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    • 657 4 AMUSEMENTS GAIETY CINEMA Surma Th^ e TO-NIGH.T A f 7-30 Every woman knows of mini girl wbo ha» g ne through thick and thin f>r a man- ALBERUNI risked her reputation and life f r him— j aß K Qg of th(j and of the thanks the got for It
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  • 77 5 o!'- unvmployed totai n mark, no barbers oi among those who are Gov< ro meat's dole for the as revealed in sta;iist:cs jus* how that tha women of spending approximaioly ear more with hairdressers they d d before bobng oca me fash onable. d that about 7,000,000
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  • 1077 5 PRODUCE Singapore, March 1 Rice, Sam No 1 per Koyan $360 Rice. Siam 2 $340 Rice, Siam 3 $325, Sa-gon 1 $307 Rice, Saigon 2 $290 Rice, Saigon 3 R cc, Rangoon 1 $285 Rice, Rangoon 2 $272 Rice, Par Boiled No 1 per bag $10.20
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  • 8 5 Telegraphic communication with Songkhla and Bangkok is interrupted.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 374 5 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS tor 30 pairs of Kedah 50 and $1.00 on $2.00, all ung iod condit on. The lot $210.00 or near r to Box No. 319, co Malaya Tribune. NOTICE. SIONG LIM SAWMILL, j Syed Alwi Road. 9MHICE is hereby given that the under- has thia
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    • 16 5 M EZEKTEL SONS, Manufacturing Ophthalmic 4, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, Singapore. Opto.rtrUt: A. M. EZKKIKL, O.D.
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    • 29 5 DENTISTRY Latest Method of Treatments without Pain. Teeth Replaced Natural-Like. VERY MODERATE CHARGES O. JITT SIANG, Qualified Dentist, 75, Hill Street, Ist Floor of St. Mary's Dispensary 'Phone 123
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    • 160 5 ALBION CLAY'S BSIHSH 6LA££9 |> TONE WARE O ]w RaaJy stocks obtainable of 4", V, 9" and IT Wholes Bursting pressure ap to standard. Barrels true, 5 o Sockets suitable for m Sewerage JJ J PRICES LOWEST IN MARKET. O 3 4, ROBINSON ROAD, j"| SINGAPORE* I WOODSDAI E SYNDICATE
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    • 271 5 'he Malayan Electric Co., ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Ul-A Market Street, Singapore. (Corner of Cecil Street.) Wiring far SUSINESS HOUSES. RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS, SHIPS AND ALSO OVERHEAD LINES, ETC WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. MORE MONEY! .t takea but a moment to mark the career of your choice, sign your a name, and poet the attached
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 181 5 v SINGAPORE DIARY To-day. March 1 1 i O 1 o ff| i -h T f," T) a y Dinner, Adelphi Hotel. Fracundlich, Y. M. C. A. r "The Quaint»." 9.30 p.m. f To-morrow, March 2 __019 a.m., 0.3 p.m. c.:n 1 C3 society mtg., Govt. House, 5 A U
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    • 104 5 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS To-morrow, March 2 5 15 p.m.—Drill Hall, S. R. A. (v), Gun Lay ng. Wednesday, March 3 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, M. G. Platoon, Gun Tests,. Thursday, March 4 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, Motor Cycle Platoon, Drill. Friday, March 5 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall, M. G. Platoon, Gun I Tests.
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  • 79 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Mrs. Lee Chye Van and family beg to thank those kind relatives- and friends who attended the funeral of the late Rev. Lee Chye Van on the 27th ult. and also those who sent wreaths and letters of condolence. Mrs. Tan Sin How and family
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  • 64 6 CHEW.—On Thursday last the 25th Feb. at 9 p.m. at 31 Rowell Road Mr. Chew Chong Sim age 64 years late Chief Clerk Civil District Court Singapore. He leaves behind him three daughters, three sons-in-lnw and four grand-children to mourn his loss. Funei'il on Sunday the 7th March 1M
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  • 1005 6 When the growing impoitanee of the screen Is recognised, when its already vast influence is admitted and wheel its undoubted fascination for the public of Malaya is realised, one requires li.tie imagination to perceive the encrmoua responsibilities of film censorship. Some months ago, ere the Fed a .ral
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  • 1040 6 The Band of Hope will meet on Wednesday, March 3. at 4.30 p.m. a; the Y.W.CA. At the present moment til are are almost «3.000 overseas students in the University of London, says a ihome paper. The last two issues of the London "Chamber of Commerce Journal'" contain an exhaustive
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  • 169 6 ttnh reference to an advertisement Appearing on another page reminding the lolders of Bonds in the S. S. 7 per cent uoan 1921-1926 that these bonds are reJeemabie at par on May 1, 1926, we are .nformed on good authority that the Municipalities of
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  • 260 6 A case from the District Couit of Singapore in wmch Chong Ngit Sin sued Chop Loong Kongsi" for the return of *000 deposited by plaintiff with detfendaru, was argued on appeal on Saturday before the Chef Justice, Sir William Muri- arui Mr Ju Deane, Mr Koek appeared
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  • 392 6 The news is now K. Suzuki, R. M i°zun a ashi join the Seiyukai It is announced that i. Gmtaro has been elected rW** 4 Kyushu Imperial Universi-.J d nt < Marquis Hosakawa and an. passengers pacing r Miss M. Taru-idgv k. ■U Women's Sg'n jT <
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  • 89 6 The fourth Anniversary of Ml "Yew Ai Seah" Association was on the 28.h ultimo at the Irnnrjinrir of Mr. la] Eng Lejng, No. 49, Ea*t Coa* Road, whict was kindly lent for the occasion at vfmtr. there was a full avoidant-? of member-. The bungalow was
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  • 54 6 (From Our Own CorreapaaaflttO IpS*, March I A cab eg ram from Earl Ha<g Secretary of the Malaya Popp; fm as follows: •The MaKxan Ponpy Diy over ten thousand pound- a truly M»* fioent and testifies to the apV «d:d and generosity of the raatrihd organisers. Please
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  • 45 6 (From Our Own CoiTWrKJndent' Penang March 1 At the Coroner's inquest into of Karl Chief Conservancy Wgj tor, Fonang, wh(» was rial whv-n ejecting a Tamil named < be the coolie i nes an February 13, a w of murder against Clfelliah :uriu
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  • 80 6 (From Our Own Correspond*) Kuate Lumpur, 4 A fatal mine mm*** took Ampang on Friday, due *>*c a OSSBfMaafed air bottrc. Th f*™°. being tried by Mr. Pat:.r-r,r. the «Jjj of he East Asiatic Company. «I with a Malay fetor at The Md»ay was bunt to dajfc
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  • 46 6 From China and J:*par. »>> >■ Kara, due Plfl">™ :u n, °c T F pb Mails desp-iUhed fW" WW doa 4 by s.s. BDW ck'hvcrid February 27. c .y- oore Mails despatched from V 1 Lon<J" B 5 by us. Pair a, do.n»'-- n February 27.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 266 6 I LUCAS THE |C I CAPTAIN" WORLD'S jjj I OIL LAMP. IjlMfc J OIL B L.AMP. J Price $5.00 Price $9.50 5- 9 ft^EHSFLECT A BELL .-fltfSßSii S X *W*f/fs?££l RY ITS TONE dfijfl 12 jjj TBI A LUCAS g LUCAS WRENCHES. U |i Mg S I CALCIA KING w
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    • 39 6 nJ combine accurate timekeeping with 0 artistic appearance at moderate prices. f> 5 At all first-class stores and Sj watchmakers. Qj tJ Wholesale Distributors: ffi I SCHIFFNER CO„ i 5, METER MANSIONS, SINGAPORE. I g 'Phone 1542 5j ScIS2SESHSHSHS2SHSHSESES2S2SHS2SES2SaSESH'
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  • 573 7 IO RP GREY S SPEECH AT NEWCASTLE |ari rcnicnt Would Spoil Result of Locarno British Official Press Service. Reuter's Service. rmj&k Official Pre** Service] London, February 27. n Qgey, former Foreign Secretary, contribution to the League Council ester** in speech at Newcastle. ha it was going to spoil
    British Official Press Service.; Reuter's Service.  -  573 words
  • 138 7 Briand's Reference to French Finances Reuter's Service. Paris, February 28. After the Senate had passed the financial proposals, M. Brand in a speech referred to the thankless task the Government had in searching for new sources of taxaton end the campa gn against increased busdens. He depreealted
    Reuter's Service.  -  138 words
  • 97 7 Sunday Commemoration of Those Who Fell Reuter's Service. Berlin, February 28. Sunday was commemorated over the whole of Germany as a day of mourning for the war dead. President Hindenburg and -he Government issued a joint man fesio declaring that the German peop'e cannot be destroyed provided they
    Reuter's Service.  -  97 words
  • 103 7 Reuter's Service. New York, February 27. Mm Peggy Hull a newspaper war correspondent, despite the fact that she was bom in Kansas and is the descendant of four generations of Americans, must ivave the United States by May 1, because he immigration law excludes American women who
    Reuter's Service.  -  103 words
  • 97 7 Reuter's Service. Bmibay, February 27. The Maharajah of Indore has abdicated in favour of his son and the Government of India has accepted his abdication. Delhi, February 27. An official statement with regard to the abdication of the Maharajah of Indore says that the Maharajah objected to the
    Reuter's Service.  -  97 words
  • 80 7 British Official Press Service. [British Official Press Service] London, February 27. Exchange rates: Paris 132.15, New York 4.8600, Brussels 106.975, Geneva 25 265. Amsterdam 12.1394, Milan 120.975, Berlin 23.415, Stockholm 18.115, Copenhagen 18.695, Oslo 22.42, Vienna 34 5 Prague 164 l! 16, Helsingfors 193, Madrid 34.505, Lisbon 2
    British Official Press Service.  -  80 words
  • 46 7 [Havas Agency.] Beirut, February 28. Attempts |3 bring about rebellions in Northern Syria have failed entirely. French -troops continue the offensive started on February 24, on the slopes of Herman where joint action of three column scattered the enemy who suffered heavy losses.
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  • 40 7 [Havae Agency.] Paris, February 28. Tlie Senate has voted by 288 to 21, a financial project yielding new resources mcc uding an increase in the price of tobacco, a tax on payment and a tax on exports.
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  • 234 7 Red Sympathisers Protest to Commissioner Reuter's Service. Hongkong, February 28. A great procession of Red sympathisers, organised as a protest against '.he Customs Commissioner closing the Port of Canton, passed off without incident alchough members of the Canton Government, leaders of the anllj-Imperialist boycott and various Ch.nese
    Reuter's Service.  -  234 words
  • 164 7 Foreign Buyers Given Tour of Country British Official Press Service. [British Official Press Service] London, February 28. More than thirteen hundred foreign buyers left London in groups Ch's weak-end on a tour of the principal industrial centres of tihis count ry. Many of them came to London more
    British Official Press Service.  -  164 words
  • 98 7 Reuter's Service. New York, February 28. The formation of the "first Federal Foreign Investment has begun here under the Federal Reserve Law and a public offering of securities will shortly be made. Details are not yet published, buft it is expected that the capital of the Trust will
    Reuter's Service.  -  98 words
  • 56 7 Reuter's Service. Riga, February 28. Among the eleven Communists arres ed by the Latvian rolice are two alleged to have been specially sent by the Communist International from Moscow for the purpose of reorganising the revolutionary activities. Besides forged passports, correspondence with the International is alleged to
    Reuter's Service.  -  56 words
  • 114 7 'By courtesy of the Nanyo NiciriNichi Shimhunaha.) Tokio, February 26. Rubber was quoted, to-day, at Y1.60 (buyer) per pound f.a.q. spot, while tin, Banka, was priced at Y206 per pikul. January foreign trade resulted in a debit of Y39.279*000, ,there being merchandise exports valued at Y166 254/)00 against
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  • 564 7 BIG REDUCTION ON LAST YEAR Provision for Building of Several New Cruisers British Official Press Service. [British Official Press Service] London, February 28. The Navy Esi'iftnates for the nfew financial year which, as stated yesterday, amount to £58,100,000 and show a reduction of £2,400,100 below ihose of the
    British Official Press Service.  -  564 words
  • 57 7 Reuter's Service. Buenos Aires, February 28. At a public oaremony on March 5 Senor Franco presents to the Argentine Republ c the seap ane Ne Plus Ulra in wh eh he crossed '.he Atlan:*.'. The Spanish Government has accepted the Argentine's offer to convey the aviators to
    Reuter's Service.  -  57 words
  • 66 7 Reuter's Service. Parts, February 27. The Chinese M in 7 Lor and other officiate saw off Miss Soume Tcheng at the action bound for China via Marseilles. Miss Tcheng, who is a fervent protagonist •f jho League of Nations, proposes to reorganise the girls' schools in
    Reuter's Service.  -  66 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 128 7 ig Established Patnmia, e4 a AND HEAPS OF OTBEB USEFUL THINGS. X X 62/3 High Stree O O Qff \7 A Branch So I, X Singapore. OILi r\ Biihop Street, Peoaug rO G{ THE ROYAL JEWELLER. g SOLE AGENTS: I Guthrie Co., Ltd. I X (Incorporated in S.S.) jQ I
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  • 1598 8 Annual Report of the General Secretary The fo low in* is an abbreviated form of the annual report of the Young Women's Christian Association of Singapore submitted to the annual meeting on Friday: Owing to the many changes of personnel so chara.-teristic of Singapore the responsibility for the
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  • 195 8 Brutal Murder by Unknown Assailants A part'cularly brutal murder in wh'cfc a wea thy Chinese was done to dca h in the presence of his two wyes and children occuied in 69, Alliwakl Street on Saturday night. According to reports made, five Chinese armed with p'stols and kn
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  • 130 8 Fixtures of the Spring Term Tournaments The following are the fixtures of the Mia ca Epworth League, Spring Term Tournaments: TO-DAY, MARCH 1 Tennis (Men's) Semi-final Replay Messrs Chua I >k Han and Tan Cheng Hock vs. Messrs Foo Tee Lan and M. Dodswortih. Messrs Chan Ah H«m
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  • 148 8 SPORTS PASTIMES FOOTBALL Coleman Shield Mariae Police Defeated by Fathol Karib Tho Fsthoi Karib Club and the Marine Po! cc met on the Reclamation ground on Sajarday afternoon in ,ihe firmi of the Malaya Football Association league for the Co etmui Shield. A lairly large cnowd witnessed the match which
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  • 331 8 Reuter's Service. [Renter's Service.] London, February 27. The following are the results of to-day's English and Scottish League matches:— First Division Birmingham 2 Aston Villa 1. Blackburn R. 3, Bolton W. 0. Durv 3 Notts County 1. Cardiff CUty 0, Arsenal 0. Everton 1. Barney 1. Huddersfield
    Reuter's Service.  -  331 words
  • 172 8 Reuter's Service. [Reuters Service.] London. February 27. Scotland beac Ireland at Ibrox Park today by 4 goals to nil. The weather was fine but after rain n tihe morning the gr>und was very heavy. There were 23.000 spectators. ASjer thirteen minutes pay Gallacher, the Scottish centre-forward, beat
    Reuter's Service.  -  172 words
  • 150 8 Singapore Golf Club Capta'n's Prize This competition was cone \ided on Sunday and resulted ii a win for Mr. H. SI raetz, who re urned ane ec eeiic sco.e of 65. Th? foltowing completed cards were returnod:— H. 79 14 65 J. S. B-ooke 85 18 67 A. C.
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  • 388 8 S.C.C. Defeat L.U. The mait-ch between the SCC. and the r anka Union was played on on the oadang and ended in a dec.sive victory for the SCC. Taking first knock the SC C put up 151 for the oss of 4 wickets and'deelared their inn'ngs Charleswor«i was undefeated
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  • 302 8 The above ma eh came off on Saturday on the S R.C ground and resu'ted n an sa| v'ctory for the homes .ers. The SRC ba ed firs*: "and dec ared their innings closed with 117 for 5 w'ekets. Ga'istan top-scored for his side with 42 whi
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  • 252 8 The above mat h was p'ayeii on the V M C.A. ground and ended in a victory for the S.C C by 14 rurb-i. Th>3 following are the scores and bowling analyses:— V.M.C.A. R. Lyne b Vine 0 E. T. Brettell'e Ibw b Vine 1
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  • 411 8 Selangor Race Meet Saturday's Results (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Fert>. 27. The last day of the Selangor races attracted a record crowd, those present including H. H. the SuLtan of Perak, Sir George and Lady Maxwell, and the Resident, the Hon. Mr. H. W. Thomson, and
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  • 263 8 Ireland Beats Scotland Reuter's Service. London, r eoruary <s<. In fine w-eartjher 40 000 spec aflors saw Ireland defeat ScoJliand at Edinburgh, on a ground heavy after mom Jig rasru by 3 po.n.s to ni.. Tne-e many thrills during the evening mnuMi and enthusiasm was at fever p.teh-
    Reuter's Service.  -  263 words
  • 289 8 Reuter's Service. London, February 27. England beat France at Twickenham by 11 paints to ntl Tht* weather was dull but ihe g ound was in sp>lendd cond tion. H s Majesty the K'ng was present, and there were 40,000 sipeotators. Tremendous cheering greet; d the arr'«vai short.y
    Reuter's Service.  -  289 words
  • 77 8 Franco-American Team Contest Reuter's Service. -New York. February 28 In the indoor doubles Tilden and tut defeated Lacostc- and Bru m B—lo, 6—l, 7—5. In the rJhnd singles of the FraneaiS can team contest, Laeoste beat p; a r 6—3, 6—l, 6-3. at a New York, February M
    Reuter's Service.  -  77 words
  • 26 8 Reuter's Service. Monte Carlo, February Miss Helen W.lls defeated Senorita fa Alvarez in the final of tha Udiej ffiTJ Lawn Tennis Tournament kV—2,
    Reuter's Service.  -  26 words
  • 57 8 Y.M.C.A vs. Sergeants The following will represent the Y.M.C A vs. Sergeants Royal Sussex Regi. at Hockey to-day on the Y.M.C.A. ground at Teiok Ayer:—R. H. Pennefather; C. A. Penntfather and R. Lyne; F. Albuquerque. D. W Dale and T. Damadoram; M. Ca.chatoor. C. D. Smith H. G. Stack
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  • 288 8 Second Reliability Trial Proves a Success Considering that there are 1.300 motorcycles regV.trcd for the road b Singapore, the entries for the satcond Rel ability Trii held yesterday morning, were poor. La< year OV3T a hundred cyclist* turned oat but lh's year His number, fer some reaaoi or other,
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  • 275 8 The Empire Cinema What is If comedy role yet brought W toe J the popular Douglas M*cU*a a Dudley A .isworth in by B 2JJ3TS ton. "The Yankee Consul. Mac Lean's merriest com*, dies comes Empire Cinema. .jjjo- Jut when hie palls on lent young New Yorker, he
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  • 1707 9 rK y CAUSERIE FOR 1 Sottish exiles (By Kolnrt S. Angus) Bd-nburgh, January 4 Sec*** M.l'.'s I have met L if*. easy in their minds ic y oi the Government, husiastic about the .n- as any form I **r 'v i invoive supervision. They think that in of
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  • 63 9 London, February 26. Manchester Market— g% lbs shirtings fan- (new gd 4ffßQtly Tctttks. twist 20% 6 Ibe T. "Cloth, fab 24 yards 8s 6d Liverpool Market Cotton-Fully Middling American pot) r (tnn $17.30 Egypt an Cotton month., £282.12.6 Black Pepper Wh'te Pepper 39g Camber Nc«n. Cube Gantbser
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 591 9 ■BgPBISZSaSaSISaS2SaSZSZgES^ i Lactogen I THE NATURAL MILK FOOD I J FOR YOUR BABY j Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co., (London) I 144-147 CECIL STREET, SINGAPORE. I m NEW STOCK I I CRICKET BATS, BALLS, [jj GLOVES and PADS I I I I STANLEY LIMITED, 1 I I > 109. North
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    • 303 9 jj 3 |i| The age and genuineness of this Whisky Mm 3 are guaranteed by the Excise Department mm f n 511 ac Canadian Government by jj 0 iH Certificate over the capsule of every bottle. rj Sole Agents: JOHN LITTLE Co., Ltd. 3 (Incorporated in England.) a SINGAPORE, PENANG
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  • 512 10 Girl's Loneliness in Frozen Labrador Last Christmas was a happy one for an English girl, only just out of her 'teen*, who has just returned home after plumbing the absolute depths of loneliness :n frozen Labrador. Lonely! Its hard to have any idea what the word really means
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  • 402 10 England Has Firm Grip on World's Raw Materials If the Hoover investigation discloses anything it «il be that the British Empire is <a slow but apparently firm, and perhaps las ing gr p on the world's output of raw material. Almost anything that the earth y'elds
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  • 124 10 Influenza has been rampant all over South Manchuria of late. Advices from Laoyang say that things are gecting quite bad there, jn one instance one fami y cf six mem- te ng all la d U P wi h th epidemic. The present epidemic is said to
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 220 10 252£ asas as is s ris as as bbebasp d s c s d b as ie^asc^^ Cold Storage I ICE CREAM I THAT PLEASES ALL. I I Obtainable from I JOHN LITTLE Co., BUN BEE Co.. KIM ANN Co„ LIM KHOON HENG, I LUNA CAFE (Dhoby Ghaut), LIM YEW
      220 words
    • 697 10 I ROBERT HUDSON LTD. -^^-^^^=22 ffi Hudson's «Tlpplog Wagons fiV |3 For over sixty years Hudson's /^^MN^g^lH^^Vf^Ubl j-G Tipping Wagons have been giving i; v 5j tbe splendid service expected o r /■3^T*Sggl<s> > m. ra| Cj them because they are buil; for i 1» Cj service, and every A'agon
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  • 523 11 Singapore, February 20. MEAT c Beef steak (round) kati 48 Beef stew or curry kati 45 Pork lean kati 62 Pork lean and fat (Ist quality) kati 56 Mutton Indian lb 60 Mutton Australian lb 60 Fowl kati 60 Capons (Locally reared) kati 85 Hens (Locally reared) kati
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 549 11 STEAMER SAILINGS INDIA AND APCAR UNES (Icorporated in England.) HAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. tC iti ar AND ORIENTAITsTEAM NAVIGATION CO. AnDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract witli His Majesty's Government.) ARDS from LONDON. HOMEWARDS t bins ft Japan For Marseilles, London ft Antwerp. for Due Leave Tonnage
      549 words
    • 24 11 Get relief from Colds and Chills by taking Dr.Ross 1 Life Pills j mL" For the liL Stomach \\3l3p Liver and IV vvf Bowels
      24 words
    • 570 11 STEAMER SAILINGS STRAITS STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. STEAMERS INTENDED TO SAIL FROM SINGAPORE. MONDAT KINTA, 4 pan., for Port Swettenham and Penang. CALYPSO, 5 pan., for Malacca. GEMAS, 5 pan., for Muar. TUESDAY KRIAN, 4 pan., for Port Dickson, Telok Anson, Bagan Datoh, Lumut and Port Dickson. ROMPIN, 4 pan., for
      570 words
    • 601 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.) LONDON LINE. Tonnage Destination Doe Safl Hakone Manx 11,000 Marseilles, London, Hall ft A'werp Mar 4 i Suwa Mara 11,000 Marseilles, London ft Antwerp Mar 18 It Fushimi Mara 11,000 Marseilles, London ft Antwerp Apr 1 t Hakozaki Man 11 „000 Marseilles, London, Hull ft
      601 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 561 12 PUBLIC NOTICES. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 7 per cent. Loan 1921-1926 Holders of Bonds of the above loan are reminded that their bonds are redeemable at par on Ist May, 1926 after which date all interest will cease whether payment of the principal has been demanded or not. It will be necessary
      561 words
    • 757 12 PUBLIC NOTICES Kuchai Tin Dredging Co., Ltd. Shareholders are reminded that the last lay for the conversion of the 8 per cent Cumulative Preference Shares of the Com ►any into Ordinary Shares is March 6th, 1926. By Order of the Board, OH AN SZE ONN A CO., Secretaries. Dated this
      757 words
    • 464 12 BANKS THE HO HONG BANK, LIMITED, HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES Penaag 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Paha* 109 Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Dir. Hongkong 18 Queen's Road Central. Seremban 63 Birch Road. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya,
      464 words
    • 479 12 BANKS THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Registered in London, under tbe Companies Acts of 1862 to 1890, on 2_d December 1891.) Authoariaed Capital 28,000,000 Subscribed Capital a>1,800,000 PaidVup Capital £1,060,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1.458,221 HEAD OFFICE: 15, "race Church Street, London, E C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: J.
      479 words
    • 476 12 INSURANCE €k TH* i SOUTH f. BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE, MARINE TRANSIT MOTOR CAR INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MARGOLIOUTH, Manager. Office: 2, Finlayson Green. ORIENTAL Government Security' LIFE ASSURANCE Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in India 1874.) Results of the Company's Operations daring: the three years 1922-1924
      476 words
    • 537 12 NERVE FORc E of our nerves r ?T' 1 a greater contumpt"! if uUi ••3 within >r h !ecl?hialo t r 0U f .01 l.not .vfßcUut ;o .n! Ed 3 naturally we mat turnV v*2 M c help NEUKa LKlm^fe 1 StS pared by the German LeMthL *i reiult of
      537 words