Malaya Tribune, 26 February 1924

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. 1 Vol XI.- -Xo. 48 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1924 FIVE CENTS. THE Malaya Tribune. TUESDAY, FEB. 26. 1924.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 174 1 ,,***** I 'IHIIIiilHlflll'lIUlHIt fjaJRLO j lN SURPASSBD FOR V <H1NG WOOLLENS, I vnnH-S LACES, I mas. AND ALL Z WHITE OR COLOLRED FINE FABRICS. I n -i trial packet to-day. i&a Sons Lt<L I ted in Eng-Iand.) t i i i i i i i i i i i »1
      174 words
    • 184 1 EVER-HOT BAG WATERLESS Heats Itself and Stays Hot for 24 Hours. Medical Hall, Ltd., 23, BATTERY KOAD, SINGAPORE. RCBINSCNTiANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hongkong)'Phone 529. Estab. 1875. Mandolines, Banjos, Guitars GENUINE ITALIAN GUITARS AND MANDOLINES FROM $17.50 Hawaiian Guitars COMPLETE WITH STEEL BAR AND PIC i FROM $20.00 Swanee Whistles
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    • 236 1 J'<l!il l >*:ili>lill;itll|il|ii||||ii||||;:|ii|uga|BJi(t.,| IiUJUIU S ha.rmo.nY I m 5 The gla.-se3 you wear should be I M in harmony with your com- I plexion and particular style of dTess. Our Optometrists will do I f this satisfactorily for you. I THE EASTERN OPTICAL CO., I tl. Soufh Ca<*< Road, Singapore.
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  • 1140 2 ITS DOOM SEALED. Thai rascal reformer, the Earl of introduced La the House of Lords a port 4 tons b v l which on 29 1922, received the Royal Assam as the 'Law of Prqperty Act, 1922,' writes a correspondent in the "Dai Telegraph." It i» tti
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  • 336 2 Chambers of Commoce ask for Action by Government. Attention is drawn in letters atnl to the Prime M n ster, the Foreign Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, to a report from the Finance and Taxation Committee of the Association of British Chambers cf Commerce
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 221 2 Tr; de W 112 1 Mark POMADE "VASELINE" POMADE will soften and beautify the hair. It is pleasantly perfumed and especially suited for keeping the hair neat and glossy. Look for the trade-mark "Vaseline" on every bottle. Refuse substitutes. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY (Consolidated) I CP GOERZ'S j I CAMERAS LENSES
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    • 149 2 DON'T GIVE UP. When you suffer tfie unbearable tinges and tortures of Rheumatism, when you are oppressed by the awful spectpe of ceaseleaa when you have tried all the cures you kno, and these cures failed—don't give up. The skill of man can find a way to solve any problem
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    • 435 2 CHILDHOOD INDIGESTION. Is caused by errors in diet, frequently by over-feeding. Anions' the troubles which aris. firm it are col c, wind in the stomach vornitbg, restless sleep, night terrotrs, difficult and) panful teetihing. Th_ best treatment is by means of Baby's Own Tablets, the Canadian children's remedy. Baby's Own
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    • 498 2 j SALE I Nbw Proceeding I jj Special Redactions in all kinds of I 8 SILK AND CURIOSKY X 3 S REDUCED 15 to 50 PEI CENT i I Inspection will convince y ou I C. RAMCHAND SONS, 42 Road, I g SINGAPORE. J THE 3 Motor Union INSURANCE Co.,
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  • 976 3 CANNED FOODS AND HEALTH. Foods preserved in sealed vesselsform a large a.-.d rapidly increas'ng pnopor.V.n of our diet. According to Dr. W. G. Savage, who has publ'shed hiA recent Milroy lectures as a little bcok in the Cambridge Public health Series ("Canned Foods in Relation to
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  • 444 3 famous Witticisms. Witty' pcesages-at-arni3 among fair out peop'e have a way of "passing in'? the languag."—a.; many of them deceive to do. Some cf these are recalled! ii "A London :x's Diary" in the "Evening St:ndaixJ" One of the best 1« that about Mr. Ch:»te. Mr.
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  • 135 3 Real Room for Eight only at House of Commons. A res ful sitting-rcom. furnished in Tud r style with panelled walls, has been provided in th* House of Commons for the eight woman M.P-'s. "We have endeavoured" Mr. Wilson, the clerk of works told the L don "Evening
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 565 3 How's Your Liver? THE habit of drinking coffee, with as a delightful beverage to take the its drug, caffeine, promotes slug- place of coffee and tea. It possesses gishness of the liver and throws the en- all the refreshing qualities without the tirehumansystem out of balance, caus- harmful results, tag
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    • 344 3 During the anxious times of* illness j bovril v gives strength S ti H c Prevents that Sinking Feeling m SQEIIGeaBEIIEySiaBBIIIIiIII I THE GRAY CAR 1924 MODEL j The Gray car has a reputation throughout the world and j the introduction of this car into the East has met with
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  • 819 4  -  COMMENTS OF LOCAL AM) GENERAL INTEREST. "THE DIAMOND QUEEN.*' By "Felmar." When her fr.ther, ruined by unscrupulous d amor.d trust, commits suicide, Dot's Harvey sw:ars to avenge his death. This determination takes her to the ear/i/h's remotest comers, and involves her constantly in grim peril Aided by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 248 4 AMUSEMENTS Empire Cinema To-Night At 7.15 Sharp To-Mght For- One Night Only 25 REELS Specially Selected Pictures. Prices of Admission. 1st 2nd Class 30 CtS. 3rd 4th Class 10 CtS. PALLADIUM THEATRE ttf To-Night at 9.15 To-Night at 9.15 SPECIAL SERVICE SQUADRON. Reception of the Admirals at Johnston's Pier. Arrival
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    • 208 4 AMUSEMENTS ALHAMBRaT From Sunday, February 24, to Friday, February 29. Id the Second Show at 9 pm. Sharp. Topical Budget British Screen News. ASSOCIATED FIRST NATIONAL PRESENTS Richard Barthelmess in Sonny In 8 Reels. (From thfl play by George Y. Horbari) The story is human in conception and realistic in
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    • 495 4 G AI'ETY f,i" 6 READ THIS 1 In the Second Show at 9.15 p.m. THRILLS. Jnst ever whelming. iiaiM^L^Wof^ DOUgUS Fairbanks Sensational fceria!. ur e In his Newest Production I ro fiU««, reachirg *i uwuiiiiMiitiiiMi; npiir If A ni/ eleventh stury 0 f fc lb 1 11 parjtißg but »105
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  • 569 5 |liall V AND WATER K n. Messrs. E. D. j given by the Volunteer Corps at ICC a Ciub on the 22nd Uv Soo Hock preG. J. Greer, who t as Officer Gommy** asU had b en and drunk. Major urse of his response, formation of a
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  • 572 5 TO-DAY, FEB. 26. Bangkok Henrik 2 p.m. Ba*u Pahat *Hang Yon 2 p.m. Batu Pahat *Tnanig 2 pjn. Oolo.mbo, Suez,* Part. Said,* Marseilles* Liverpool* Durfban- Maru 3 p.m. Pemang Colombo Bombay Soudan 3 p.m. Malacca Muar *Mer*n S p.m. Muar *Flying Dragon 3 p.m. Tamdgonfc Balei Teluk Nlboeng*
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  • 145 5 TO-DAY'S QUOTATIONS. RUBBER. L0ca1.—47% cents. London.—ls. lTfcd, TIN. L0nd0n.—£274.15 0. LocaL—sl3B% per pioul 75 Una ■old. PRODUCE. Buyers Seller* Gambler $20 50 iava Cube -r Hamburg Cube Press Cube White Pepper 27.00 M'xed Black Pepper 17.75 Sindr'.ed Copra 12.60 Mixed Copra 1230 Start Flake TapVcea 14.00 Mcd
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  • 159 5 Tins.—Ta p'rvgs $1.27% to $1.32%. North Taipj.igs $125 t:> $1.30, South Ta pings $1.04 to $1.07 ex. Johans 38 to 40 cents Rtai ngs $115 t» $1 18 N.i.vng Pets $1.85 to $1 90 Ulu P*i «hs $2.12% to $2.17%, Liniguis $4.90 to $5. Pcc.gkakfcs $15
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  • 89 5 Smgapore, Feb. 26. On London Bank 4 months' sight 2s. 4 7j32d Demand 2s. 4%d Private 3 months' s'ght 2s 4%d On Ind a Bank Tel. Transfer 166% On Hongkong Bank demand draf c 1 p.c P™. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 7°% On Jay Bank Tel. Transfer I*o
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  • 80 5 C. of C Rubber Association. Singapore, Feb. 26. •ale Crepj Closing Prices. Buyers Seiiert. Spot Latest London Cables quote. London Spot. < bbed Smoked Sheet Closing Pncei. Bayers Sellers Spot v 4 March 47% <*% April to June 48% 49 July to Sept 49% oO latest London Cables
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  • 196 5 ARRIVALS. February, 26. Van Ckx>n from Batavia. Singkel from Singkawang. Van dor Lyn from Batavia. De Weert from Sourabaya, Ban Whatt Soon from Malacca. Esmeralda Bagan. CLEARANCES. February, 26. Bam Ho Guan for Sourabaya Pontiartak for Rhio Llngga via Samboe. Reriong for T. Anson via P. Dickson. Neleus
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  • 145 5 Ships Alongside the Wharves or Expected to Arrive. S cgapore Feb. 26. Number after the ship the Godown it is abreast of and the word Gate," the number of the Gate to enter at. East Wharf (Gate 1) T.esT.a 20. Main Wharf (Gate 3.) Oity
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  • 123 5 Standard Oil Co/s Current Prices. Devoe's Imperial Biilliant per two tins $5.60 Sylvan Arrow per two tins $5.20 Tiger per two Cms $5 20 Tiger in drums per two drums $4 40 Socony Motor Gasol ne peatwo tins of 8 gallons $8.50 Socony Motor dasoline peagallon
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 424 5 >• i i i *iiuuiiMi4iiiiiiiiir;i.ii~**j i i i i mniiiininin)H!iiiiiniin»»ti»u»ii»'i»»""-^"-''"""'"— s j /Ilk 1 iri 111 I j Fresh Supplies Just Received of j GANCIA'S I I SPARKLING wines, DESSERT wine, VERMOUTH j AND BROLIO RICASOLI CHIANTI. Sole Agent G. Aurflly, N.Y.K. Buildings, Raffles Square. 'PHONE 172. WANTED.—Shorthmd-typist with cnowledge
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  • 120 6 A SINGAPORE DIARY. To-liy, Feb. 26. Hgh Tides.—l 47 a.m., 2.16 pra. To-morrow, Feb. 27. High Tides.—2.29 a m., 3.21 pm. Y. W. C. A. Jumble SaleThursday, Feb. 28. High Tides.—3 20 am. 4.44 pm Phil. Orchestra, Mem. Hall, 5 15 p.m. Singapore Golf Club genoi'al meeting
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  • 823 6 Comparisons are said to be odious but they are often entertaining and sometijmes instruei tive. Sir Frederick James, at the farewell banquet of the Chinese community on Saturday flight, replying to the Chairman's assertion that he (Sir Frederick) is mainly known through the though! it a bright
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  • 1229 6 The Singapore Bas*?. A rumour having been gbaited by one of the Press agencies, Reuters Agency is offic a iry informed that that* is not a worxi of tmntOi in the report that the British Cab net has" decided! to abandon the project for the Singapore base.
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  • 94 6 Rotwneon Road Accident. The adjourjned hearing inito the case n which Dr. Black, of the General Hospital, stands charged with rash driving, wats cor'tmued before Mr. P. F. David, the District Judtre, yesterday arft?Tpoxm. It will be remembered that the case was a sequel to a
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  • 518 6 Reuter. Nor finding h s Puegeot motor csir, \a'u]:l ht $1,900, n h s garage at 8.30 IBL on Mr. Gunn an Digtl&h school master «mpLoy?d at Raffles Institution, res'ding at "Pasi<r Panj |g Per," made a rcpoue to the Orch ird-road Police Stat on
    Reuter.  -  518 words
  • 372 6 ACTION ON FORGED VOTE Before ih e m Walu r w: i t»n:s morni.-o- gr r v r, Si: isr^i recerrtlv 0 f th f as t «ite3 term of q'x yean note. li,e Par..^ Mr. C. da 3 ha, ho by the chetty, havi* from the case,
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  • 71 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) KUALA LUMPUB Tfttwi* The Engineering Asits annual BMftaof I D. Fettes pros'ding. The bus ness consisted of the eiec.ijn of bearjrs as follows:-*. W sdent; Lt. Col. J. P. ftp***** hon. Mr. J. H. W. Park, and J.mes Craig, v ce-pmd.r. a: Wh'tfield,;
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  • 37 6 ftom HtEand Germany by Raw. due Singapore 4 From Oh'ria and Jap* l Andes Maru, due Singapore From Europe- I-• T patched Feb. 7) by a* Clrne Penang 9 a.m. on Frcay. W inst.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 370 6 I R binson Co, Ud. I THE WORLD'S MOST POPULAR jALARM CLOCKS! I O Guaranteed Timekeepers J I BIG BEN" BABY BEN" f I Price $6.75 each. I Robinson Co., Ltd. j Incorporated in Singapore* H VERY INSTRUCTIVE 6GGK& ON PUBLIC SPEAKING AND ETIQUETTE. K Tbe Art of Effective Public
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    • 57 6 WHAT iNTlmTTi Par! 4 amen: Ths^ Qu T fc S ptf* Notes and Comment* Supreme Court Strlk? Ca\'ed Off IfalJxk Election* Court Bar e. Th- Profr m of Sci Humour m Hif* Cif*2* 4 j Sta-e and Screen Ma'acca Notts Mail Not'cc j Shipping News 1 Share Market Orman Fleet
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  • 558 7 No Repeal of Rubber Restriction. Statement by Mr. Thomas. Reuter. LONDON, Yesterday. n f Commons, reply!n !h< «MStMM suggesting the MlO t the Rubber expert British Ma,aya- th e increasing supply of Mf fr#lß the Dutch East Indies output in Malaya, rS^-M ,hat he did not on ,f J
    Reuter.  -  558 words
  • 59 7 Ti Cause of the Out Break. Reuter. ALEXANI >RIA, Vest .rday. k< ra have resumed ■k The five leaders h'-ve been i wjrk rs' lawyer ■J it of the res- Government. The f men was rase [the outbreak The •vaeua'ul the Egclin ccttonike factory wh eh
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 34 7 Reuter. WASHINGTON, To-day. «■rtaident \VM?on's w TI has been *J»«i a expected to y eld $225 000. "Vfeag g s to the widow except 18 of $2,500 to the daughter ur.married
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 35 7 VKRA CRUZ, Vest rday. Lcpei has defeated the •**o-ary command at Paso DelJ 810 The reb la are reported to j7 a 150 k'lled and wounded Matfi were captured) and after court mart:?!.—Reuter.
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  • 83 7 »J* indebted to the "Nanyo v Saimbun" for the follow TOKIO. Saturday. £J ftfemnd that Mr. Tahnhashi, J th Seiyu Party, has ward in Tokio foT tuency. k 4 a- the film liiw—t »?..,<, tb r h- pc to re-open M nfereno although hope to enter into
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  • 59 7 MACDONALD FRANCE. Desire for Co-operation. Reuter. PARIS, To-day. It is very reliably stated that Mr. Macior.2ld des ring to co-op «rate with France, has communicated to France h s views regarding the necessty of the resumption of inter-al'ied m litary control in Germany and suggested the cond tiors tihereanent. The
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 33 7 Reuter. PARIS, Yesterday The first executive act follow'-ng the pa Pi •age of the pnopostels is a decree foxibddng the "access of foreigners to stodc .:xchant?es, except with special
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 108 7 Programme of Drills up to and for March 1924: To-day, Feb. 26, 5.15 pum.—DriW HaE, Eurasian Ooy., Recruits Drill. M. G. Ptetoon Rev's ion. S. R. E. (v) Signals, Lamp and Flag Inst-.ructilcn. To-motrrow,, Feb. 27. 5.15 p-m^-Drill Hall, M. G. Platoon, Revision.. Tbunsday, Feb, 28, 5,15
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  • 37 7 We are officially inifomned that the Government of tfce Federated Malay States has up to date sold 5,500 tone of its stocks of tfn. This reprint* Che total released under the Bandoeng Agreement.
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  • 180 7 WORKERS RESUMING IN ALL PORTS. Another Railway Grievance? Reuter. LONDON, Yesterdr.y. Yesterday's mass meefig of docker? all over the- country whout except on dec ded in favour of reiumpon. wheh is thus inevitable tomorrow, except in the case of stevedores, whose union cla ms 25,000 members, mostly
    Reuter.  -  180 words
  • 287 7 Committee No. 7. Aotkvn; taken at meeting h»eld on Feb. 21, 1924:— Decided that the confidential repants on members of tihe European Staff be snabrol tod to the President, anid ttfoat it be left to h'm to df'scoee tihe gisrt of such report rs to the Comnt cxners
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  • 194 7 Metropolitan Magistrate for 27 Years. The "Evearng Standard" learns that Mr. d'Eyncourt, the well-known Marl-borough-street Magistrate is retiring. Mr. Tennyson d'Eyncourt has been a Metropolitan pol'ce magistrate since, 1897, and has sat at Marlhorcughstreet s nee 1922 having been on th* Marylebone Bench for the preceding
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  • 158 7 DEMOCRATS BILL FOR UNITY. Stiff Fight Coming. Reuter. PARIS, Yesterday. M. Brand's spech at Carcassione m y be regarded as opening tbe elec toral campa gn. M. Br and appeal ed to all Democrats and Soc al'st<i to unl.<e against the Governmental Bloc National. He dechred that union
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 193 7 (From Our Own Correspondst.) PENANG, Yesterday. Tho wedfTcg took place at St George's Church, fhe Rev. Kepp-1 Gar. .er offic, cf Mr. Ernest Aiberj Taylor, of the Aj-at c Petroleum Co., to Miss Kathleun Mary F tzpairick- The bride was». away by Mr Rule and Miss
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  • 215 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) His Highness the of JohoTe left Segamat on tihe 22nd inst. The ehoot was not satisfactory bc-eause H. H. refused to kill young Siadang. There were about fifteen young bo&s/js but they were 4 boo-ed' back to their jungle homes. The bigger animals
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  • 122 7 The following Singapore properties w&re solid by auction at the saleroom of Messrs, Cheong Kocn Seng and Co., No. 30 ChuS'a-street on Wednesday afternoon: Land situate off Yes Chu Kang, area 2 acres and 25 poles comprised in Statutory Land Grant No. 160, bought by Madam Low Gee
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  • 267 7 SPORTS PASTIMES. FOOTBALL. ASTEON A. BEATEN BY S.C.C. Quite a crowd w;tnee~:d the soccer match /bc&wocn the S C. C end the As.on Athletic Club y.~'erday afternoon whe'- the la. t >r were bemtoa by thro? goals to n 1 Th S C. C fielded a s' eleven and although
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  • 306 7 The fallowing- ar;; "he r.isu'.ts of footibali matches played in the League o'i Ftbru ry 16. Division I. Arsenal 0 Aaton VfTa L Brminglam 2, Mid li mbt& I. Blackburn 1. Sh?ffiVd Un'ted' 1. BoVi 'i Wanderers 4 m 0. Ev%rton 2 Burnley 2. Notts County
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  • 55 7 SINGAPORE SOUTH MALAYA BOY SCOUTS ASSOCIATION. Orders for week ending March 2, 1924. To-morrow, Feb, 27.—Band Practice, Headquarters, 5.15 p.m. The rate of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Re. 164 >qual to $100. The rate of payment >f Monpy Orders from India and Ceylon ie
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 355 7 ii iiiiiiii:iiHiimiii;ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiMiiiiMii>ii!iHiniiiimitiiiii' i i i i t uinniitntimniiirii'ii'ifini'iiiiininiiiiiiiiiiwß ARM CO IRON Five Points of Superiority Armco Iron acceptably fulfills the demand on its Five Points i of Superiority—Chemical Purity, Ru^t —Resistance, Enamel m 3 2 ing Property, Welding Property and Electricil Conduc- I tivity,—each a characteristic of special importance in'
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  • 1765 8 Sports Pastimes. NOTES OF THE WEEK. The sport cf modern boxing as distinguished from pugil'sm, dates back from the JfM 1866 and has m de much headway with all .v Its progress has been so rreat thai X now ranks as the princ# of .ports and 4» generally referred tK>
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  • 286 8 ROYAL SUSSEX RIFLE MEETING. Events Open to S.V.C. Open events floe tfhis meetf'ng will be fired off at the Bukit Tmah Ita.ige during the Easter holidays. There are three open individual r*fle matches, tftrree open team rifle ma'tcfoes, Volunteer t tarns to be selected from half companies, one Mtachl'ne
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  • 97 8 DAVIS CUP. Reuter. NEW YORK, Yesterday. Spain and Rumania have challenged for the Davis Cup.—Reuter. BUFFALO, Yesterday. In the final of tihe men's singles indoor terairs tournament, the Spanish player, Manuel Alonsp beat Tilden by 6—4, I—6, 6—l, 3—6, 6— 4. Tilden was eunattic throughout especially at the
    Reuter.  -  97 words
  • 38 8 S. C. C. TOURNAMENT. The final of the B Class Bill ards Tournamenit at the S. C. C. and also cf the Snooker Tournament,, will be played on Thfc*day, the 20th Inst commending at »5 30 p.m.
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  • 247 8 IRON BUX ARRIVES. W*h arrival of the steamer Eurybates one of the greatest fighters ever produced in the Orent came ashore and ths fistic star is no less a pvrson thn Iron, Bux welterweight champion of the Or crt Th Iron man, as he is called cemes here with
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  • 378 8 Som4 good box ng is promised) at the H *ppy Val'ey nex; Saturday nigh:, the eh ef ev.rt: bang eight rounds between Boy Walley and Yeoh Chai Lar. Boxing enthus asts have besn wait ng eagtrly far th s fight. By Wailey, 6st. 12
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  • 140 8 RAFFLESIANS BEAT ST. JOSEPH'S. The hockey -mabch played on the Padan? yestcuday afternoon bettween lhe rid Raffles km and the St. Joseph's Old Boys' Aseodi'atTioni resulted in a win for the tanner by four goals to nr'l. Play in the first half was of a dingdong type, with tihe
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  • 158 8 Woman's Startling Effect in a Ballroom. Londor, Jan B—One8 —One of the molt curious effects ever produced in a ballroom occurred at the Savoy Hotel. A wcman n a dress of glittering black sequins appeared whose curly black hair seemed to glow as soon as the 1 ghts
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  • 177 8 Young and old, gentle and simple, cleam and unclean, wise and foolish, cultured and barbarian, yea even the boasts that perish, are among ita victims. No man or woman is too young or too old to euffer, the old fall more readily than the young. You pity
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 419 8 CRICKET GEAjP Wisden s "EXCELLER Bat IUHi"SPECIAL CROWN" Ball 6CO Cricket Stumps Ist. Q. 7 Cricket Stumps 2nd Q. IM Score Book UiJ^ TENNIS BALLS Ayre s M CHAMPIONSHIP M w<Bs Dpp Wisden's "NEW SrANDARD" 985 SLAZENGERS GUT REVIVER 0 .9S [\2 Sports Goods of All KinU OBTAINABLE FROM RAJA
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  • 1022 9 LATEST PRICES QUOTED IN THE MARKET. Messrs. LYALL AND EVATT, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations: Singapore F.?b. 26. RUBBER, STERLING SHARES. Mail Quotationa. laaue value of shares ahcwn after name of company. Allagar 2s i|o% Anglo-Java 2s 2|5% Anglo-Malay 20s 22[Ayer Kuning
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 438 9 I ""•"""■"""""■"■"■"•"■"■"•ttllllUllUullUHWIUiU THE CARBIDE 1 j "Brilliant Search Light" BE Strong, Safe, Powerful, Dependable 1 j W>* A SP0T LIGHT WORN ON THE HEAD. I •*flp THE "BRILLIANT SEARCH LIGHT" i s the 1 Tf I W mast P° werful carbide head tamp on the market I iL an d
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    • 473 9 Sun-Mald» are dried in MmW^lßm the tun In these heaun- EtlSi ful great clutters ju»t aa maw they come from the H v!ne if I 1; MMiiaßiici 1L r B amai Only the finest table grapes are used in these new raisins Only the finest table grapes, San Joaquin grapes
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  • 369 10 GREAT SALVAGE TASK BEING STARTED SOON. ScuUkd at Scapa Flow in June 1919, the German Fleet is to bs salved by a Medway firm of eng r.e?rs ar.d shopbreakers, Messrs. Cox and Danks. The task of raising the sunken warships is probably th:. fjreaitest cf
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  • 229 10 Woman I'leada on her Knees for Forgiveness. Martha Mitton (50), attired In nurse's un form and Elizabeth Barnard (56). married, s'aters, residing at 160, Meadvale-road, Ealing, were at Westminster Court charged with shop lift ng. The accused, together at Harrods Stores or> an afternoon during the
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  • 57 10 When a woman appeared in the Bow County Court counsel asked: "You are a domestic servant 7 The Woman— Pardon, me! I am a lady-help. Co U nsel.--Oh, but you waah up the Plates and d shes. The Woman.-No doubt you have polished your boots, but
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 751 10 AUCTION SALE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES LTD. By order ot the Liquidator (Henderson Brothers Ltd in Liquidation) IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE 1 he Undersigned have received instructorns to sell by Public Auction at their Sale-rcom, Chambers, Raffles I'lace, On Monday, March 3, at 2.30 p.m. Taoglin Residential Properties Lots 1 1 Valuable
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    • 323 10 Danger lurks Wherever there's a crowd there's danger. Pop an occasional Evans' Antiseptic Throat Pastille in the mouth, and however many germs the stale atmosphere contains you are safe. Evans' Pastilles kill all microbes of bronchial diseases. They never reach your lungs if you cany EtfANS* ANTISEPTIC THROAT Pastilles From
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    • 355 10 HORLICKSI j MALTED I j MILK J BUILDS FIOM J th riM undermining of your Vi Wj<ff constitution by the range. W| id hot climates. Drink Vi X fl\ HOKLiCiS HALTED Vi I V Ii!LK. th* tried, trusted end M A trm OOD-DRINX Lfl is fcomeat »j the addjtie» >
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 500 11 STEAMER SAILINGS AND APCAR LINE (Compan es Incorporated in England.) L PASSENGERS AND CARGO SERVICES. Consular and oriental 3. n. Co. p london far-eastern service. j er Contract with H's Majesty* Government.) LONDON. HOMEWARDS. f ri m k Japan For Marseilles. London A Antwerp. for tmna Due Leaves Tosnage Singapore
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    • 387 11 STEAMER SAILINGS HUGO STINNES UNES (Incorporated ia Germany.) Regular monthly freight and Passenger service. OUTWARD BOUND. FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Carl Legien March 2 Adolf von Baeyer Apr 14 HOMEWARD BOUND. FOR ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. tScheer Mar 20 ♦Albert Voegler Apr 9 ♦Carl Legion May 5 tCargo only.
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    • 471 11 STEAMER SAILINGS V LINE OF STEAMERS Moathly sailings to and from Australia for cargo only, calliag at Batavia, Sourabaya, Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. SCHEDULE OF ARRIVAL" AND SAILINGS. Date of Arrival Date of Departure 1924 1924 EURELIA Mar 9 Mar 11 EMITA Apl 6 Apl 8 For further particulars
      471 words
    • 469 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA) LONDON LINE. TONNAGE DESTINATION Hakozaki Maru 11,000 Marseilles xjondon Antwerp Mar 11 Hakusan Maru 11,000 Marseilles London Antwerp Mar 18 Kitano Maru 8,500 Marseilles London Antwerp Apr 1 Hanma Maru 10.400 Marseilles London Antwerp Apr 15 LIVERPOOL LINE. •Durban Maru Marseilles Liverpool Feb 26 *Delagoa
      469 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 372 12 NOTICE. SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. Seats for 70 Students are available in he Indian Elementary School, So. 8, 8hort Street, in classes from Pr mary to Standard III. For particulars apply to the Hon. Secretary. mmum BRITISH WAR MEDAL AND MERCANTILE MARINE WAR MEDAL. The above medals have bee.i awarded to the
      372 words
    • 451 12 NOTICE. NOTICE. Tbe International Banking Corporation, Singapore. Telephone No. 2780. WAR DEPARTMENT CONTRACTS. Sealed tenders will be received at Headquarters Office. Fort Canning, at 10 a m. on Monday, March 3, 1924, for COOLIE LABOUU COOLIES* FOR CARRYING WATER BULLOCK TRANSPORT SAMPANS ANO TONGKANGS STEAM LAUNCHES and at 10 a
      451 words
    • 371 12 BANKS. THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. 64, CHUUA STREET, SINGAPORE. (Incorporated in the S.S.) Au horised Cap tal $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability of Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Funds and Undiv'ded Profit $1,589,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairmaa: —The Hon. Mr. Lee Choon Guan. Vice-Chairman :—Lim Nee Soon
      371 words
    • 512 12 banks! THE MERCANTILE BANK *)F INDIA, LTD. (Registered in London, under the Companies Acts of 1862 to 1800, on 2nd Dec. 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800.000 Paid-up Caoital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest.. £1,362.105 Head Office: 16» GRACE CHURCH STREET, London, E. C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Sir
      512 words
    • 472 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANS OF INDIA. AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1858. Paid up Capital ia 600,000 shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fuad £3,800,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE 38, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. Agencies and Branches. Alor Star Hongkong Puke: Am ri tsar Iloilo
      472 words
    • 367 12 INSURANCE. THE Iw) 80UTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. FIRE MARINE TRANSIT INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MARGOLIOUTH, Manager. Offices: 2, Finlayaon Green. THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED, (Incorporated ia the S.S.) Head Office: Singapore, lat Floor, Banque del Indo China BuuVn*js, IA, Malacca Street. 'Pk,,ne, No.
      367 words
    • 333 12 ™E YOURSELF From the claws Asthma I By taking Dr. j Bj Medicinal ty ,llH! v «Ur Spec*, I Sold I verywhere, malaya tribune AND SHIPPING GAZETTE, (EVENING DAILY: Tel. No. 315E^,! Tel. .No. M, Material SUBSCRIPTION RAM PAYABLE IN ADVAJQ Per annum J Bfcif-yeaiif v Per quart, r jM
      333 words