Malaya Tribune, 4 February 1924

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 148 1 MALAYA TRIBUNE J AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. I :T .uiar Newspaper of I raiti Settlement!. published Daily. pltti deports of Local Events. Kt: .ad Uteat Telegrams. B&T spoot mom 5Z5Z*****525S HSZTdSE£I3HEcSZ£JZIIEb£SZSZSHScS£SZSZS?™ PHILiPS I 8| B| LAMPS Wm Are noted for their E SB j^^^^Kjlp^ BRILLIANCY I Sole Agents: I "Qniteers" >
      148 words
    • 194 1 c larks THINNING BATH SALTS PASTE AND PASTILLES Fresh Stocks. Medical Hall, Ltd., 23. BATTERY ROAD, SINGAPORE. m mmmmmm m ROBINSON PIANO COMPANY, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Hongkong). 'Phone 529. Estab. 1875. Mandolines, Banjos, Guitars GENUINE ITALIAN GUITARS AND MANDOLINES FROM $'7.50 Hawaiian Guitars COMPLETE WITH STEEL BAR AND PICK FROM
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    • 169 1 The glasses yru wear should be in harmony with your complexion and particular sftyle of dress. Our Optometrists will do satisfactorily for you. THE EASTERN OPTICAL CO., 15, South Cai'S? Road, Singapore. I§§M £7 MEATS lEfflr For Everyday Use The high quality of Libby's Food Products is your u arantee
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  • 921 2 FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. SWARAJISTS IN MADRAS. Madras, Jan. 17- is understood that some Swaraj'st members of the Madras Council have applied for admission to the Independent Party. OBSTRUCTION BEGINS. Delh', Jan. 17. —A- the first bus ness sitting of the Central Provinces Legislative Council, the Swarajists, who form
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  • 305 2 Suggested Register Scheme for Identificat on. Some veterinary Bert. Hon of the Alfort School near Pars-has suggested that, ju-. a.s the p live identify cr minals by their finger-prints, canine aristocrats should be distinguished ffpn the caia.Ue of the dog world by a t>ya.em cf
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  • 210 2 Judges Ruling in Approved Society Case. A King:'? Bench Divisional Court, consisting of the Lord Chief Justice and Justices Sankey and Sw ft, delivered the'r considered judgment on the question whether he New Tabernacle (Old-street Congregational Approved Soe'ety, formed und:r the Nat'onaJ Health Insurance Act) could by its
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 349 2 j/« KILLS PAIN M and quicklyN I brings comforting relief. m For prompt relief from Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago, and to remove p I the swelling and case ttie pain caused by Sprains, you can depend upon X Sloan's Liniment. Thii aoothing, penetrating liniment is the quickest way l 8
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    • 404 2 mm\\\\\\\\\w IN THE GRIP OF INDIGESTION. Many sufferers have daily to 60B»\i:r which they piefer—starvation or torture. Craving for food to appease m* system's need for nourish, ment. they scarcely dare eat because of the agonies- which follow even the lightest meal. Thr's pa n aft r Nftiflf is the
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    • 532 2 THE GRAY CAR 1924 MOD£u j The Gray car has a reputation throughout the the introduction of this car into the Bast has enormous sales and unqualified success and i The Gray holds the American Automobii* certificate (copy in office) for JCut!Q n" s I America's Most Economical Car i
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  • 948 3 'HORRIBLE AND REVOLTING' REVELATIONS. Jt'dgmint in the chorus girl case Wh th lais.d the quest lon of theatr ca! wa; gven by Mr. Juslce Russell in the Chnncury Divleroa in mall week. Th:> act on brought by Mr. John Br melow, proprietor of the "King
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  • 333 3 Why the Average Span is Growing Longer. Babies born to-day should live ten ye rs longer than their grandfathers. The allotted span s now four score years instead of three score and ten. The fact is disclosed by the announcement' that Ijcttt.-01. Whitaker. the editor
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  • 69 3 The Commander-in-Chief of H. B. Ms. Squadron in China and Japan, Admiral Sir Arthur Leveson, K.C.B. is payfing a visit to Bangkok towards the end of March, coming from Hongkong. According to present arrangements the Admiral will be entertained by His Majesty the King, who will then be in Bangkok,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 398 3 fA prevent i y Sore Throat ljs by using [foRMAMINT fl The Germ filing Throat Tablet. Wi lbe 1 n '7 Sff that Hie W>\ MM Wnlfin: Live Glossy Hair Follows use of Cuticura Soap and Ointment. On retiring rub Cuticura Ointment into the scalp, especially spots of dandruff and
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    • 166 3 A Great Sufferer from Rheumatism Cured By. LITTLE'S ORIENTAL BALM. Mr. N Terry of Countess Wells, Aberdeen, says:—I was a great sufferer from Rheumatism for many years, during which time I tried many remedies from which I received but very little relief. I had great pain in my arms and
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    • 213 3 I C I F~"nvosan j j I Chemist^ I THE SUPER INSECT KILLER OUTFIT (Sprayer and one tin liquid) $3.50 REFILLS pints $2.85, quarts *3.5e I Hie Straits Chemical Go., The- British Pha-macy. S a 440-2, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. SOLE DISTBIBUTOKSj g [Jj Representatives Ui 5 FOR MALAYA, D.E.I. AND
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    • 241 3 A MAGIC REMEDY. Burning sensation in the urine, loss of blood, piles—blind or bleeding, ana similar other disca-es can be cured by using CHANDRAPRABHA PILLS. fhese pills also work successfully oa lysurla, hydrocele, and the diseases of women consequent upon the complaints of confinement, and also remove excess of heat
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    • 256 3 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE is on sale at the following" depots:— SINGAPORE. K. Pakeer Mohamed, 87 Robiasjr» Road. X Syed Mohamed Bros., 159, Cr<>sa Street. P Abdul Razak, 88 South Bridge Road. Abdul Aziz, 89 New Bridge Road. N Hussain, 180 New Bridge Road. M. Mohamed Dulfakir and Co., Corner of
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  • 521 4  -  COMMENTS OF LOCAL AND GENERAL INTEREST. By "Felmar." "THE GREAT GAMBLE." Roger Mort m, a wealthy bus'ness man, has twin rfaragha iv--Aline, who lives' with h'm anJ feMl Who is believed to hay perched a*h pwreck extern yer. s previously, when her moihtr' eleped w :h Richard
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 449 4 AMUSEMENTS Empire Cinema FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY. Saturday, feb. 2 to Monday, Feb. 4. In the Second Show at 9.50. In the First Show at 7.30. Eves Film Review All Over Twist Century Cbmedy in 2 Parts. Come and Get Me Western Drama featuring TllC Call Ol Leo Malone COUTage
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    • 275 4 AMUSEMENTS ALHAMBRA From Thursday, January 31, to Tuesday, February 5. In the Secord Show at 9 pm. Sharp. Topical Budget British Screen News. ASSOCIATED EXHIBITORS PRESENTS Richard Farrell in Breaking Home Ties In 6 Reels. (Inspired by the Heart Song of Centuries M Eili Eili") Life is a symphony of
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    • 77 4 PRIVATE TUITION IN ENGLISH MP.cmll ymM t f„ r he w th. vi a Ti ned S*52S *o me vi. Time 6.30—8 30 nm p nr Sne. aPPI7 EIPeHeDCe c/o P MaJa^ SACRED MASSAGE. All sorts of sickness, para!ysi« sm-aln. and broken bones can CTStStfKSJ r r eatnTenr Und -red
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    • 384 4 AMUSEMENTS GAIETY sTTpTT^ To-Night at 9.15 p.m. N A THE VICTORE THEATRE ATTRACTION 1 J-,-. PICKfORD mTmm In her latest production Through the GAMBIE fcAf k DOOD" f led with U,Ju:itVdhle -**< |/MVl\ I/ V/V/l<* daring, with every ejis d e Dircctioo kjJackftckfod and wi *h thriiK end with a
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  • 399 5 TO-DAY, FEB. 4. tUftiMM Penang <' *Kinfca 3 p.m. (By train) 6 pm. TOMORROW, IEB. o. i p»hsnf. P^' kan Sungei Kuantan By train Le (vis Jeroatut) 6 a.m. t f mPmV Bandjerrriasin Sar c Borneo II a.m. it taw I islands Van Diemen neon I- y-ing Dragon
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  • 54 5 °f C. Rubber Association. ?,u p Singapore, Feb. 4. te c fe PJ Closing Prices. a Buyers Selleri. u fcit London Cables quote. Spot.Smoked Sheet Prices, Buyers Seller* l'','" 47% 48 A Mari 48 >2 49 June 49% 50 Utest V T 51 51 -*ondon Cable3 quotj. S|'
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  • 32 5 ia a P° re > Feb. 4. Ire f f,SI ng rubber quotations under:— York o-r, '»rwW 2;)% 2**~U. 2d. 47 3j T ,4 74 cents. of Market.— Quiet
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  • 51 5 ARRIVALS. February 1« Coon from Janssens from Koemai. Van Hoorn from T. Priok. Singkep from Djambi. Attakk from Miri. Trang from B. Pahat. Ipoh from Penang. Malacca Maru from Osaka. Melch.or Trcub from Sourabaya. Circe from Deli. Ayuth'a from T. Bi.Jei. Singaradja from Belawan. Mat a Hari from
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  • 49 5 February 4. .Mekhior Treub for Bekuvar. Deli. Prinsea Juliana for Amsterdam via pox s. Caw s for Hongkong via Samboe and B. Pa pan. Hero for G. B. Besar via Samboe. February 5. Sarie Borneo for P. Samboe and Bandjerm ,<s'n. February 6. Esmeralda for Bagan via ports.
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  • 248 5 Per Na'dara:—Mr. L. Jeavons, Mr. aad Mrs. R. H. A. Jeff and infant Mrs. A. Bakes, M ss K. Roe. Mrs. K. V. Collier. Miss Collier, Mr. and Mis H Rcv.Ly, ard child Mr. V. H. YanCuyU:.: erg Mrs. H. T. Hedley ni eh"di: i, Dr. and Mas.
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  • 81 5 London, Feb. 1. Manchester Market— 8U lbs slVrtings fair (new basis) 17|40's Grey Yams singh Twtet 29% 6 lbs. T. Cloth fa r 24 yards 15[Liverpool Market— Cotton (Fully M ddling American) 19.67 Cotton Egyptian 23.20 Metals— T'-n.—S 1. 3nt mmm 6251 2s 6d Produce— Cop:a (fair
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  • 88 5 Singapore, Feb. 4. On London Bank 4 months' sight 2s. 4 7j32d Demand 2s. 4%d Private 3 months' sigh: 2s 4 19|32d On India Bank Tel. Transfer 163% On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 1 p-c. pm. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 70 On Jay Bank Te'. Transfer 140 On
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  • 50 5 London, January 24—Continued heavy rains have flooded much of the Thames valley, thousands of acres being submerged and bungalows latedThe river has risen seven feet above normal at Chertsey. The postmen at Cookham and Bourne end served as waders- The river is still r r ßirg.
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  • 18 5 The Chief Justice, Sir Walter untitled and Mr. Acton have gone to Johore for the Court of Appeal.
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  • 134 5 'I o- DAIS QUOTATIONS RUBBER. London.—ls. l%d. TIN. Looal.-4124.12ft per picul 200 tons sold. London.—£2slo.o. PRODUCE. Buyer* Seller* Gaa&ier $iv.25 Java Cube Hamburg Cube Press Cube White Pepper 2600 Mixed Black Pepper 17.00 Sundried Copra 12.50 M xed Copra 12.15 Small Flake Tapioca 13.75 Med. Pearl Tapioca
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  • 152 5 Tins.—Taipings $1.17% to $1.22%. North Taipings $1.15 to $1.20, South Taipings $1 05 to $1.08 Joh-ms 41 tja 45 cewts. Petalingjs $1.12 to $1.17%, Nawng Pets $1.65 to $1.'70. Ulu Partis $2.02% to $2 07%. LTngiris $5.05 bo $5-25. siS.25 to $18.75, Rubbers—Mcntakabs 21 to 23
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  • 123 5 ROSE MACPHAIL COS REPORT. (L. R. Macphail.) Rubber. —Amalgamated Malays $1.92% o $1.97%, Kuala Sidims $1.90 to $1*95, Allenbys $1.07% to $1.12%, enquiries for Luna; at $7 25. Tint—Ta Ring's $1.17% to $1.22%, Souths $1.05 to $1.10, Norths $1.15 to $1.20, Peogkaler.s $17.75 to $18 25, Hitams $1.40 to $1.45
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  • 196 5 Rubbers. —Bukit Sembawang Is 4d to Is 10d, New Cna'gieless 50 to 53 cents, Luias $7 to $7.50 ex.. New Scudais $1.05 to $1.15, Kedahs $1 95 to $2.05, Mandai Tekongs 34 to 36 cents, Bukit Jelotongs 49 to 52 cents Mentakabs 21% to 23 Ms
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  • 17 5 Notification of rinderpest in Province Welle«ley, at Bukit Br*pit, has been issued and the appropriate measures taken.
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  • 105 5 Caajibt Bilvrtcn Two Cars. There was a nasty accidett in On ittd >ad r »y yestterday afternoon v. i c an Excelsior mortor cycle ridden by Irepector R. Higgins, of the Gambling Suppression Department, collided, it is said, with two cars. It would appear that Mr. Higgins
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  • 103 5 (From Our Own Correspondent). PENANG, To-day. Five l gh. cru>K?rs cas. a ichor at Penang 730 this moaning. The Resident l>aid ai offic al call. Rear Admiral Brand afd staff landed at 12 30 and were met by Resident, the Harbour Master and were presented by Mr.
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  • 253 5 On her wty to China the light cruiser Weymouth, under Commander A. F. St. C. Amnitage, conveying relief fjr the light OMtoai Durban, which is under the command of Capt. Washington C.M.G., D.5.0., arrived in port on Saturday from Sheemess followed by tihe sloop Magnolia under Commandjr
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  • 148 5 Ships Alongside the Wharves or Expected to Arrive. Singapore, Feb. 4. Number after the ship indicates the Godown it is abreast of and the word "Gate," the number of the Gate to enter at. East Wharf (Gate 1.) Teesta, 20; Melchoir Traub, 22. Main Wharf (Gate
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 348 5 TITAN 3 'BRAND I 1 j Cement Cement jjj Sole Importers I|| Selling Agent ;J Borneo Sumatra fel- Ure *yi I Trading Co., Ltd. raffles place, g i —■1 D I I i I SILVER WEDDING. B3INS—LEICESTER —On the 4th February, 18 J9, at the Methodist Episcopil Church, Coleman Street,
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  • 103 6 A SINGAPORE DIARY. To-day, Feb. 4. High Tides.—9.33 a.m., 11.4 p.m. The Squadron due at Fdning. Dutch homeward ma'l closes. To-morrow, Feb. 5. High Tides.—lo 22 a.m., 11.39 p.m. Chinese New Year. No Issue of "Malaya Tribune," L. L. T. C. open termite tournament. The Theaitre, 9.15
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  • 44 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. MRS. SEE KEE ANN and famifly thank all friends and relafcons who attended the funeral of the Late Mr. See Kee Ann at Malacca on Saturday the 19th instant and all those who sent wreaths, scrolls, telegrams and letters of condolences.
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  • 952 6 The death of Ex-Presidem Wikon, sudden and premature as in the case of the late Pres'dent Harding, cafila io mind tru historical part he took in the Great War and in the making of the peace which followed. Tha fact that the peace ha> become a travesty of
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  • 341 6 i < uiiuauoci Day. Wednesday next *B be fete 105 th anniversary of the Settlement of Sngsipjnre, or Foundation Day, an oocao ow always observed fc the past S a P ufc, ic holiday but within th<* few rem the holiday has been Buppres- td m* holoay
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  • 429 6 There will be untitled of the 51 lr l morrow ,Ch l>a) On Wechl»H>d5v "> sliai! :o».l>bh NH usual. dr. d. V. (3. Uilt> has been appoint td to act a« 1». put) pub'ic prose, uxor p-nang. 5Ir. d. I.. K,„c. 'l'ln»rz<t»v und 5lr .4 K. 5 sci re was
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  • 142 6 Communism Urged. RIGA, Sa urday. Addressing the Soviet Congress of Moscow, Zinovieff exhorted the delegates to spread the light of Commun'sm among the hundreds of millions of orientals, especially those in Ch na ar.d Ind'a whom Lenin's Dopu y h:d previously called Soviet Russia's heavy reserves.— LENIN'S SUCCESSOR.
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  • 166 6 E. Fernando's Affairs. The public examination of E. AFernando, of Hotel St George fame, was concluded before Mr. Justice Acton n the Shift—lC Court on Saturday. In reply to Mi\ KeLlagher,-the Ass\stant Offic'al Aasic-Ke, the debtor said that the Hotel St. George was flcatod in Jure, 1921. Fernando
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  • 125 6 Success of Mr. E. K. Seah. H>s many friends wiil be glad to Uar that Mr. E K. Seah, the youngest son of Mr. Seah Liang Seah and brother of the late Dr. E. S. Seah ha passed the primary examination for the fellowship of the Royal
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  • 64 6 (From Our Own Correspondent.) KUALA LUMPUR, Yesterday The Selangor Church Bazaar was opened by Mrs. Ralph ScoU. wife of Rodent of Se: a ngt,r, in the main haW of th 6 Selangor Club, which was transformed wondertfuiJy by stalis eonta ning a bewildering variety ef attractive wares.
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  • 153 6 QUEBEC, Saturday. The Federal Government has sent the• Canadan Arctic Explorer Captarn Bern er to BrHain to take charge of the steamer "Franklin" in a cruise of clT h Wa 10 eStab!ish a num ber of Caradiaa outposts on the Northern Islands and thereby to ant cipaU ac V L
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  • 458 6 ™«D 4UBGBD R btwr > «f TfrnpV The Detect:»- i, leaving n> sto„ e untuT' 7 <> s-aroh for the g a e v and knifed a Chines Upper ird i wounded another. \y;.' h alleged murderers already a thi rd, named Cantonese, was tracks WccdLarids and arrest
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  • 64 6 "Way Down Bast thatouchi muimmoth product craze cf movie lens at prcf r.t Singl pcre. R:ocrJ Cwus > at. otrLljr at the Pa la'dlu.n si* Jts first ecr.ctii on I"r day so:res o<f p cturc-goers are turned ut n ght y fur want of st®- Messrs the
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  • 18 6 The Band of Hope will m K I the Y. W. C. A. on Wednesday 4.30 p.m. I
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 230 6 Robinson Co., Ltd.! m C Sole Agents for RALEIGH THE ALL-STEEL BICYCLE j Complete Catalogue of the Latest Models may be had ou application. ——H——— —I I Robinson Co., Ltd. I (Incorporated in S.S.) j SINGAPORE. A Very Happy and Prosperous mm mm I To all our Customers and Frie.ids
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    • 15 6 CHANGE OF ADDRESS THE BISHOP OF SINGAPORE Bishopsfcourne Corner of Nathan Road and Chatsworth Road.
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    • 48 6 WHAT INTERESTS W* l P. mier and Po r -t r \V> odrow is n TV 5 p**^ and Comments Pol cc Court,, O 1 Sc ndal Ita'y and Rus IrSd'an News Judg;? co Chorus <i«r. U»* 4 Stage and Scrw Ma>il Notice I ALL THE SPORTS Sl^^^
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  • 401 7 Contents of Letter and Reply. Both Will Be Frank. Reuter. U)NDON, Yesterday. Ronald s letter to M. Poin••Our two countries have ~h trying times side httt such sacnfices mon cause that J address you a ->ift<r TO |lvv oa ly to inform you od you greetI wishes
    Reuter.  -  401 words
  • 148 7 B, Advantauf to Britain. I LONDON Saturday. H grain 1 V I Angio-Rus- i dvan- PARIS Y-?:erday. v pic of the B'* I, regards V 1 te of a policy and of of b ped that succe.d, Wf arable re- have for r P>P€r*dc not lose s»ght r i
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  • 21 7 C **»l and After. INDIANA. "rdav. oid b y i electric Nkl i,. Wre k muned 1 I ctatow hekjMCßi
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  • 117 7 N. Ireland Boundary Question Discusscd. Reuter. LONDON, Saturday. The bye-e'ection for the city of London, du? to S r F. Banbury's peerage, resulted as follows:—Sir Vunsittart Bowater (Conservative) 12,062, *md Mr. Henry Bell (Liberal) 5,525. An nvportaT conference to discuss the North Ireland Boundary Question, attended by the
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 61 7 Attitude of British Unions'. Reuter. LONDON. Saturday. The Transport Workers' and Stevedores' Unions have decided to refuse to un'oad or touch German sh'ps in British ports on the ground of German shipowners' failure to negotiate a ise':tleme«nt of the Germans seamen's str ke and also in consequence of
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 30 7 Reuter. LONDON, Saturday. The Nat'onal Un on of Railwaymen has promised the Transport General Workers' Union their support in the even t of a dockets' s\r ke.—Reu er,
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 110 7 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Saturday. The Hour* of Reprcso 1u ve3 Immigration Cammt.e? has voted the report in favour cf the Immigration B11 to restrict the annual number of immigrants from cmry country to 2 per cent of tihe number of its or.&'U in the United States
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  • 32 7 Reuter. BERLIN, Yesterday. Von Hoesch, the present Charge d'Affaires, becomes Ambassador at Paris. Von Keller, Charge d'Affaires at Be'grade, becomes minister to Belgium. The French and Belgian Gov.mments have approved.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 197 7 MR. FALL DECLINES TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. Further Evidence. Reuter. W ASHINGTON, Saturday. Wh'te House has issued a statement wi'lhdraw-ing Rear Admiral Gregory as head of the Bureau of Yards and Docks as one of the prosecuting counsel tamed by Mr. CooI'dge in the o.l ease» in consequence of
    Reuter.  -  197 words
  • 75 7 Reuter. WASHINGTON, Saturday. Whit, House Ll—tl| a statement wthdrawing not Rear Admiral Gregory but Mr. T. W. Gregory. The «tatejrmnt said that in v ew of Mr. Doheny s evidence of the employment of Mr. T. W. Gregory as Government Courted the oil cases "might be an embarrassm.m
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 216 7 Reuter. WASHINGTON. Saturday. Startling testimony was given at to-days hearing in the of Representatives naval committee, which is enquiring into th, oil leases. Rear Admimal Robinson, engtiheer in chief of the Navy stated that it was the poeeiib'Xty of Japan prehaps in conjunction with Britain, invading the Pacific
    Reuter.  -  216 words
  • 59 7 Reuter. Mr. Mcadoo, who was proceed ng to Washington to the bectide of h s Father-in-law, ex-President Wi'fcon, has requested permisstton to testify to the Investigating Committee. He declares he waa rvever employed or consulted regarding oifl kuavft of the Un Cdi States. H> advtioe to the
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 292 7 PIONEER OF PEACE PASSES AWAY. Universal Tributes. Reuter. WASHINGTON, Yesterday. A stream of message* from Washington show that cx-Pres'den Wilson's' l fe is s'owly ebbing aw. ty and that death is expectable at a.iy moment. The ex-President was conscious for nearly the whole time. The latest bulletins state
    Reuter.  -  292 words
  • 680 7 Reuter. LONDON. Yesterday. Mn, Macdor.ald has sent a message to the American Nat on and Mrs Wlson saying that he is deeply grieved to hear of the death of the ex-Preside rvt. He knows that the whole British Nati.ti shar.fe hi s feelings. Ex-Prtside*nt W ison had a
    Reuter.  -  680 words
  • 165 7 AGREEMENTS READY FOR SIGNATURE. Recognition of the Soviet. Reuter. ROME, Yesterday. Hi w<papers say tthat the ItailoRuss'an Agreements will be s'gned to-day and comprise a treaty of commerce, navigation and customs agreement wi h supplementary apreemen M embracing two protocols, consisting of 80 articles. The Treaty contains
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 45 7 Arrest of a Magistrate. Reuter. SYDNEY. Yesterday. The police h've arrested Magistrate Rabaul of New Gu'nea on a charge connected wi h the exportation of 7 000 pounds worth of b rd of paradise plumes, wh eh is stric ly prohibi;cd. —Rtuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 35 7 Reuter. LONDON. Saturday. M 88 Sung Yem Chu. daughter of the Ch'nese ex-«premier was married in Lc.idon to Mr. Ching Men Chen of the litaff cf the M nistry of Communications.—Reu'ter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 39 7 Reuter. TEHERAN Saturday. Six aercp'anes, purchased from France have arrived at Bushire with a number of Preach airmen to act as instructors ;o the Persian Army. The Goverr.mert. has also engaged three Germans for the arsenal.—
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 18 7 Reuter. PARIS, Saturday. Spa n has agreed to sign the Ti ngier Agreement see. —Reu er.
    Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 16 7 Reuter. PARIS, Saturday. The death is reported of M. Ar.hur Meyer. D rector of Gaulois.—Reuter.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 24 7 m I We Wish Our Many Chinese Readers j A j HAPPY j AND I 1 PROSPEROUS m m I NEW YEAR. j "ittiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr
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    • 327 7 •lll!iaii|!l|MIII|llt1t|ll|i'l!l|ll|ll|ll|ll|ll|lltlItlltll|llllllll|l||lllll|ll|ll|:l|ll| lI■IIIIIIII I I I I I I I I t I t GANDYS IMPROVED HAIR BELTING. 2 A High Grade Belt firmly woven fv m I Camel Hair Yam. Minimum iuitial tension under the heaviest loids. In- 5 affected by climatic changes «>r heat. Resists folk action. Recommeiided I
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  • 67 8 Sports Pastimes. BOXING. DE SOUZA CHALLENGED. "Harry Smythe," a fa rly wellknown local welterweight requests us to repeat ha challenge to Edwin de Sauza over eight or ten rourdBwith the title at stake. Owing to a typographical error it was stated that in the Boy Walley— Young Ray fight la%t
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  • 736 8 GARRISON SPORTS. Successful Meet on Muddy Track. In *pfto of the heavy ra-m of the morning and the determined showers on Saturday afternoon, the annual Sports at W* Barracks W ere a success. Among the large number of spec atoaa were H. E. Sir Laurence and Lady Guttlemard, H.
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  • 406 8 IPOH RACES. An Excellent Finish. (From Our Own Correspondent). IPOH, Yesterday. The weather was fine during the afternoon, there was a good attendance and excellent sjport resulted!. His Highness th. Sultan of Perak distributed the cupsi at the c\ose, four hay ng been won by hiis own horses.
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  • 134 8 Reuter. CHAMONIX, Saturday. At ice hockey Britain beRt Sweden by 4 to 3. The Norwegian Rang won the 18 Kilometres skiing race in 74 min 9 15 sees. The classification- o<f nat/ons at the end of the ninth dUy was:—Norway 91 Va points, Finland 76 *4, Austria 25
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 754 8 R. S. Y. C. The race for the trophies Ulianntrd by Mr. Merton Brown took place yesterday morning in splend d sarillng weather and the winner turned out to be the Kathleen, whose heavy handiicaf) placed her in the premier poalt on on adjustment, but unfortdoateVi as has ha
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  • 123 8 HOME LEAGUE TABLES. LONDON, Jan. 27. Third Divis on. (Southern Section). Aberdare 2. SwirwJo.i 2. Swansea 1, Bournemouth 0. Brentford 0, Newport 0. Brighton arid Hcxve Albion 3, Queen Park 0. Bristol 1. Plymouth Argylle 1. Exeter City 0, Charlton* Athletic 0. Luton Town 1. GiiUingha*» 1Ml 11 wall
    123 words
  • 147 8 SCOTLAND vs. WALES. EDINBURGH Saturday. For the meeting between Scotland id WaUs here the weather was dull a:Vl wfndy. There 25 Olid spectators In the first half the backs were slow and failed badly, especially when on the offensive, Scotland mostly attacking. Afrcr a x minutes gained a
    147 words
  • 146 8 NEW YEAR VOLUNTEER MEETING- Th,.- fcl'ow'i >g are the trnafrigements for the Chnese New Year Prize Meeting of rhui S. V. R. A. to be held at the Farrer Range (Seletar) on Wednesday, commencing at 7.30 a.m. Cards. —Ail competitors must draw tiheV caixite from the Records Tent. A
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  • 132 8 SINGAPORE vs. SELANGOR. An 1 inter-state badminton match between Kuala Lumpur and S ngapore mm be played to-morrow anti Wednesday when the Indian Association Singapore wTll be art: home to the Selangor Indian Associat on of Kuala Lumpur. There will be two team matches and one singles and if
    132 words
  • 21 8 Reuter. LOS ANGELES, Yesterday. Wm, Hunter George Vonelm defeated Havera and OckendefT over 36 holes yesterday by 4 to 3~Reuter
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • 51 8 U. S. AMATEUR COMPETITION. Reuter. NEW YORK, Yistetrday. The United States Lawn Tennis Association has voted in favour of a decaration that lawn tennis player wi't:ra be ineligible for amateur competit'on after January 1, next. Tilden who has been expected to o.ppos3 tb: motion» d'd not attend the
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 61 8 The Hon. Treasurer begs to acknowledge with many thanks receipt of the following donations: Previously acknowledged $23,107.26 Hoi TWa Association 200 We Yew Y?.o JOO Colhoted by Mr. Teo Gee Leong from 25 friends 65 Bian Siong Association 50 Keng Chew Association 50 Shanghai Assoc'ation
    61 words
  • 47 8 Contributions to Date: Previously acknowledge I $1,244 "0. M. X'mto Presunt" 250 Th-r Hon Mr. Tan Chen# Lock 30 H. and Y. 25 j T. C. S. 25 E. P. GodcJard 10 \V. A. and E. A. B. 10 Total to date $1 594
    47 words
  • 175 8 As we stated on Friday, the P. O. s.s. Naldera s ore cf the new fleet of fin. sh'ps whirih has been put on the Far Eastern nun. This boat anr'ved in port on Saturday afternoon under the command of Captain Newby on a trip from Europ; to China and
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 57 8 Keep your chest: as sound as a bell by taking SCOTT'S Emulsion of the finest cod liver oil with tonic Hypophospnites of unique purity. To each one who knows his chest to be weak SCOTT'S Emulsion is a rare blessing— bringing relief and securiTy when other remedies fail. SCOTT'S EMULSIOI
      57 words
    • 368 8 AYRES' s CHAMPIONSHIP Tennis Balls imNMMtiailliilliliilliliilUUliillilMliiliiliiliiiiin.ii,! i Vi i i "77~~»» Price $9.85 p f Bozea.:! i^iilMlMliiliiiniiiiiiiiiini'iiiiiniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiinj i; ii, raja¥^Co! j Spssialised Sports Ojtfitters. 117, North Bridje Riaj i| I M Bargain P» Roger and Galle!i FLEIR Dt PASSE P£ftn, $5.00, In Handsome B| Colgates CASHMERE BOUQUET $H Gosnells—CHEßßY-BLOSSOM PERFUME
      368 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 112 8 SINGAPORE VOLUNTEER CORPS. Programme of Dm lis up to and for week ending Feb. 10, 1924. To-dtay, Feb. 4, at 5.10 p.m.— Hall, "C" (Soottislh) Company, Pract'cs for Guard of Honour. To-morrrow, Feb. 5, at 5.15 p.m.—Drill Hall. S. R. E. (v) Signals, Lamp and Flag Instructor!. Wednesday, Feb. 6,
      112 words

  • 589 9 HE PLEASETH HIS GRANDDAUGHTER. g 'As the Sabbath Day draweth nigh j unto its close, there come unto us j week by week the daughter of J Keturah and her husband and their three children, even the daughter of Jj the daughter of Keturah, and her Q
    589 words
  • 1025 9 LATEST PRICES QUOTED IN THE MARKET. I Messrs. LYALL AND EVATT, Exchange aad Share Broken, issue the following H*t of quotations: Singapore, Feb. 4. RUBBER, STERLING SHARES. Mail Quotations. Issue value of shares shown after name of company. Allagar 2s l|oVi Anglo-Java 2s 2|5V4 Anglo-Malay 20s 221Ayer
    1,025 words
  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 410 9 MOTORISTS osl ;.ccidents by protecting yourself against Glaring aod the dazzling RZys of the setting sun Kent's "GLARE GUARD" THE ANTI-DAZZLE DEVICE. Write fur particular to C ..,,.„„\< AN KOIiERTS Ltd., 137, Cecil St.. Singapore. C I 1 1 1 ■''■"■"■"■"■"■""■"■"■HlllßlilWllllßimtumußMMiißiwifl, RESTRINGING I ■Mi M GUARANTEED PrlCe S 6 onl
      410 words
    • 83 9 IMPORTANT NOTICE. The Oldest aid Most Up-to-date House in the town for ELECTRO-PLATING in GOLD, SILVER AND NICKEL. SPECIALITY Jewellery, Watch-oaaes etc., goldailed and re-gilt in any carat shade. Silver, and Plated-goods such as Cruet-stands, Forks. Spoons, and every kind of Table-ware, reqaired and renewed. Motor-car, Cycle and Lamp fittings,
      83 words
    • 295 9 I SALE j I Now Proceeding i I For One Month Only. I Inspection will convince you. a I I C. RAMGHAND ARSONS, 42, I n JJJ CALIFORNIA Sun-Maid Seedless Raisins Grown without Seeds. Raisins are {\[X\ cony c n idried in the VVvJ ence they are sun in beauti-
      295 words

  • 605 10 Singapore, Jan 26, MEAT. Article. Prices- c Be-ef round steak kati 042 Beef stew or curry kati 0.34 Pork lean kati 0 61 Pork, lean and fat (Ist quality) kati °f Mutton Indian lb. Mutton Australian lb. (Govt.) 0.50 Fowl katd Fowl large (3 katis) each Fowl
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 593 10 AUCTION SALE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES LTD. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE The Undesigned have received instructions to sell by public auction at their Bele-rcorr, R?ffles Chambers, Raffles Place, On Monday, February 18, at 2.30 p.m. Jalan Besar Lots Ito 6. All those six pieces of valuable 999 years' leasehold Building land situate
      593 words
    • 278 10 Gome! Gome!! Come!!! Great Clearance SALE Id honour of tbe third Anniversary of CHOP KHEE FATT Dealers in Precious Stones, Curios, etc. To be held at No. 612, North Bridge Road. Commencing from Tuesday, Jan. 15, 1924. For three weeks only. Special Reductions 20% Discount on Diamond and Brilliant Jewelleries
      278 words
    • 341 10 I 0 positive necessity to you if you are Weak, Anaemic, Nervous or Run-down Wincarnis is not a luxury—it is a positive necessity to all who arc Weak, or Anaemic, or Nervous, or Run-down. Because Wincarnis exercises an extraordinary power in promoting New Strength and New Vitality. And this is
      341 words
      275 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 496 11 STEAMER SAILINGS TliisilNDlA AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated ia England.) MAIL, PASSENGERS AND CARGO SERVICES. ►ENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL N. Co. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. (Uvier Contract with His Majesty's Government.) ARD S from LONDON. HOMEWARDS. 1 rhina k Japan For Marseille*, London ft Antwerp. for Due Leaves Tonnage Singapore Tonnage Singapore
      496 words
    • 363 11 STEAMER SAILINGS HUGO STTNNES LINES (Incorporated in Germany.) Regular monthly freight and Passenger service. OUTWARD BOUND. FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. Albert Voegler Feb 5 Car] Legien March 4 HOMEWARD BOUND. FOR ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. *Emil Kirdorf Feb 17 tScheer Mar 20 Albert Voegler Apr 9 fOargo only. ♦Calling
      363 words
    • 488 11 STEAMER SAILINGS V LINE OF BTE6MEBB Moithly sailings to and from Australia for cargo only, calling at *fr Batavia, Sourabaya, Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. SCHEDULE OF ARRIVAL" AND SAILINGS. Dtte of Arrival Date of Departure 1924 1924 ENOGGERA Feb. 15 Feb 17 EURELIA Mar 9 Mar 11 For further
      488 words
    • 471 11 STEAMER SAILINGS (NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA.) LONDON LINE. TONNAGE DESTINATION Suw.i Maru 12.000 Marseilles London Antwerp Feb 4 Fushlmi Maru 12,000 Marseilles London Antwerp Feb 19 Hakozaki Maru ***** Marseilles London Antwerp Mar 4 Hakusan Maru 11.000 Marseilles London An werp Mar 18 LIVERPOOL LINE. ♦Tottori Maru Marseilles Liverpool Feb 6
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 522 12 NOTICE. NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be closed on Tuesday, February 5. Wednesday, February 6. C hinete New Year. Monday, February 11. Public Holiday. 9 NOTICE TO ALL CONSUMERS OF ELECTRICITY IN THE SUBURBAN AREA. Owing to the present heavy demand on the Tramway I ompany's Generating Station, all consumers
      522 words
    • 555 12 NOTICE. il.i i r NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that A. R. A. M. Allagappa < hitty of No. 92 Market Street, Singapore has been appointed Manager of the Chitty Temples at Tank Road and atOutram Road from 25th January 1924 until further notice. All persons having business in connection
      555 words
    • 476 12 BANKS. THE CHINESE COMMERCIAL BANK, LIMITED. 64, CHULIA STREET, SINGAPORE. (Incorporated in the S.S.) Au horised Capital $4,000,000 Issued Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up Capital $1,000,000 Reserved Liability of Shareholders $1,000,000 Reserve Funds and Undivided Profit $1,589,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Chairmaa:—The Hon. Mr. Lee Choon Guan. Vice-Chairman :—Lim Nee Soon Esq. Dr.
      476 words
    • 501 12 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Registered in Londrm, under the Companies Acti of 1862 to 1890, on 2nd Dec. 1892.) Authorised Capital £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital £1,800.000 Paid-up Capital £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest.. £1,352,105 Head Office: 15, GRACE CHURCH STREET, London, E. C. 3. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Sir
      501 words
    • 499 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporated in England ky Royal Charter 1853. Paid no Capital in 600,000 shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fuad £3,800,000 Reserve Liab lity of Proprietors £3,000,000 HEAD OFFICE SB, Bishopsgat*, Londoa, E.C. Ageacies and Bramches. A lor Star Hongkong Puket Amritsar Iluilo
      499 words
    • 362 12 INSURANCE. #THE SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED FIRE MARINE TRANSIT INSURANCES ACCEPTED AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES. L. C. MARGOLIOUTH, Manager. Offices: 2, Finlayson Green. THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED, (Incorporated ia the S.S.) Head Office: Singapore, Ist Floor, Basque del Indo Chixu Builtd*!!, lA, Malacca Street. 'Ph.,ae, No. 267.
      362 words
    • 282 12 THE MEDICINAL *n strong GOOD FOR TRy General Debility, Sol Soy b Interna:,. The A^,, fh Ln.tcd The British and Ayur Vedc J| THE MALAYA Qpj AND I SHIPPING ltd (EVENING DAILI4 Tel. No. Tel. .No. 171, itajj J PAYABIjTINiiJ Per annum Haif-year.y Per quart-r Single Coff 2 Postage Extra
      282 words