Malaya Tribune, 31 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 THE TRIBUNE I r>iHt GAZETTE- Sfc- 11 Dept ,v \NCK. >!•*».(>(» 1 7.50 75 I I per «n° nth j,, i i i i tmm •mit« H —CI U U CJJ ttj tib db dij vLb^tbl CHOOSr. IT'S A ffRIGLEY'S HABIT YOU TO WON'T j CHEW |1 REGRET i Represented
      107 words
    • 291 1 I JUST UNPACKED. D A new Consignment of CELEBRATED SUN-PROOF l PITH HATS FOB I Men and Beys I PRICES VERY REASONABLE. n p. Personal Irspettioa will 5 Convince You. D iL SULTAN IBRAHIM M NORTH RlUOGfe ROAJi 8 (Adelphi Hotel Building). fj SJNGAPOg^ T** Greal Body Builder 9 9
      291 words
    • 182 1 pHiiiiiiiuiiiitiiiiiniHunnntiiiiiimranfiiiiiMiiictnin THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SK!P?IKG ZA SITE. The Popular N-wspape T of the Stra t» St ttlements. Published Daily. Complete R'ports of Local Event*. Full and Latest Telegraroa. BEST SPORTS REPORTS. •> t i i t f i j "SEA-GULL" BRAND DANISH MILK I II Sweetened Condensed j I,nsweetened
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  • 331 2 Oia aga comes eariy to those whoee Mood Li th n and weak. When the i psteu beconus van down the aoaidera bjgrxi to droop, the step losci ts elastic fey, the eye its sparkle and the ak n its color. In ;.dd't'on to
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  • 43 2 Clerks, conductors, dresser*, draughtsnen, typists, steicgr?.--f er>. store-keej ers, overseers, electricians, wiremen. steam, gas and oil engins iriver«, fitters, bore-?, hill-ccllectors, *tc at short notice. Please apply t > The Servant*' Agency. W*. D. ALVIS, Manager. No. 17. Dhoby Ghaut, Sirgapora.
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  • 2612 2 MR. wv&S'S contest WITH MR. E. E. GSBORN. In aif< of the London hospitaua the first of a series of W-tures and counter-lectures, conducted by acknowledged expert i the rsepeofcrre subjects, was t'telivored at the London SchoDC of Economics on April 10, wh n Mr. H.
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  • 133 2 Is your life one continuous horrible fight against the drend monster of Sciatic pain Do you feel yourself gradually weakening ir the awful struggle Is your life-energy being destroyed by the. agonizing, stabbing, thrusts of the torturous disease Then let me tell you that you are suffering
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 181 2 FRESH STOCK 1923 F. H. Ayre's lenrisballs $10.50 pr doz. Badminton Sets Ist Quality $35.00 2nd 25.00 Cheap 20 00 Special Pingporg Bails, Sets and Footballs. ROSE Co., Ltd, 38?, North Bridge Bead, SINGAPORE Telephone No. 396. ARE YOU SUFFERING I FROM TOOTHACHE? If so consult J. IKEIK (Ex perjured
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    • 294 2 Whiteaway, Laidlaw Tudor 1 Soft Felt Hats SI FO in all Sizes. Browns and Greys. II JLIV 1 /■MI^E-T-tjl -J Price *^3.95 <* eh. lujmri ill I P Child's White Bucklskin X^J^ Buttonless^ G^lze Vests White Canvas Sandals for r Children. Indian Gauze Vests I 1 From $2 95 Pair.
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    • 127 2 I i<iitiiiiiit:iii ,it i i i i i i i i 1 1 I m mocha m PURE I Sold «t «Bls I" it C Z. PATTARA, I m x "V.'.m r ■f. »***** >.« a(J. It |l!tll|llll<l I••' 1 BJ| III" '''^B ■•:»<<iui:iai«<,ii,iiitHiuaitiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii.i'!iiiiiiiiii''iiii>ii |lS fl S:OMOVf Via a Saving*
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  • 339 3 \i-its Battlefields. Brussels. May I.—The visit of 11. R. H. the Prince of Wales |p the ba.:i' front h;vs enabhd him to escape from some of London's conventions. He dined in a lounge suit in the pvbj c r.istauran: of a hotel, and spoofi he day in
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  • 30 3 The prize of £50 in the examination in Criminal Law, at the ia*t law examinations in England was won by N. W. J- Gunasekera a Cmjĕom kad. si Lincoln's In*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 631 3 1 WAIT I eat good health is impaired, but take steps to keep it up to i I Komcmber that ailments apparently trifling may very ta> V nto serious il,ness Do not to take Z 1 EEECHAN'S PILLS 2 fjrs( appearance of any distressing symptoms. They will *l tfl t
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    • 266 3 1 on every tin of\ cigarettes you Buy] and you can be sure of getting a cigarette that cannot be bettered no matter what you pay. i The bri S h t golden leaves of Virginia Tobacco used in k the making of THREE CATS cigarettes come from the ,anions
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  • 961 4 COMMENTS OF LOCAL AND GENERAL INTEREST. By "FootMght." Readers will be p J ased to hear j that I have succeeded in making' arrangenu nts with the Famous P.ay-! ers Lasky Co-poration to be supplied, direct from New Yor.c, wi h the latest news from their studios.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 475 4 AMUSEMENTj. ROSES, STONES OR MUD? WHICH > 3 THE fiOAD TO DESTINY A young man pile's .md bUum'o over «i story p:'h, to attain the pinnacle oi huuch.. A be mtiful yjaag girl leaver her co iveat home to seek Happiness a!-*iig the road f roses Poor Valiasky, queer genius,
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    • 424 4 AMUSEMENTS. ALHAMBRA From Wednesday May 30, to Monday June 4. to the Second Show at 9.15 p.m. sharp CAT THE CANARY 1 Reel Pathe Film. GOLDWYN PRESENTS Cullen Landis and Patsy Ruth Miller in Watch Your Step 5 rts A Rommtic comedy, as full of speed as of laughter. There
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    • 264 4 "•GAIETY" >'ew Star Attract n JmĔĔl\ PEGGY MAY Qim^ 1 Celebrated Eng ith Actre.vs. known a, the P Baby Bernhardt of Europe in \J The house of 3 m INTRIGUE 1 deT" A Picturization of Arthur Stringer's A |T Sensational Novel. V oll DAfit FLIRT \i|Tg* WHAT you wM see—
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  • 224 5 I (en* OH Storks Revived. L f Ma week was the Winston Chmp> KJH UJ .I*l. bj Mi*. Thornton L c d nirisiiif pubL r i r gay« us the two r. Asquith >a > a writer TZ t. I cal I am told Lit teims aeceptabk to
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  • 119 5 L. 1- characteristic* v Mr. Baldwin th his former so outstand--1". ;a-s:on for the Mr. Law, the E companion— fot mental mini source of and in all I] ar seen either Mr Baldwin in sinoking-rooia other I:■ pipe. Each v fond of a the ease of akes
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  • 34 5 Friday. June 1.— Meeting" of Executive Committee and Officers at Headquarters, 5.15 p.m. Saturday, June 2.—King's Birthday Parade. Scouts detailed for duty parade at YM.C.A, 6.30 a.m. FRANK C. SANDS, Commissioner.
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  • 219 5 TO-DAY'S LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS. Tin to-day.— per pikud. 100 tons sold. n Buyer* Seller* Oambier $1237S Java Cube 26 00 Cii> o 2 3.00 Press Cube White Pepper 2J.50 ♦Mixed Black Pepper 13.62£ 13.62% *Sundried Copra 10.80 10.80 Mixed Copra 10.30 Small Flake Tapioca n.oo Mcd Pearl Tapioca
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  • 91 5 Singapore, May 31. On London--Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 7-32 d Demand 2s 4 Vid Private 3 months' a ght 2» 4 15-32 d On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 174* On Hongkong— Bank demand drrft 1 p.c. pm. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 72% On Jay Bank Tel.
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  • 84 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore, May 31. Pale Crepe Closing Priceß. Buyers Selleie. Spot Latest London Cables quote. London Spot.— Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cloaing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 52 June 52 52* July to Sept 54 Oct to Dec 55 Ms Latest London Cablei quote. London Spot
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  • 77 5 For the purposes of cl:«ser settlement, the State Government of Queensland has decided to proceed with the resumption of about 480,000 acres in the Roma and Mitchell districts and about 250,000 acres in the Goondiwindi district. In both districts the land to be resumed is partly fr ehold
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  • 152 5 THE SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. Sngapare, May 30. Catalogued 1,058,497 lbs 472.54 torn. Offered 777,931 lbs, 347.29 tons. Sold 403,400 rba. 180.08 tons. Prices Realized. London Is. 2%d. New York 28% cts. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Singapore Standard Qua'ity No Sales. Good Average Quality 50
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  • 363 5 Singapore, May 30. The tone of the share market has been a little better. A fair business has been don».? in t in share», which are mostly steady, with, if anything a tendency to improve 1 There are signs of renewed interest in rubbers but
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  • 114 5 Singapore, May 29. Sago flour is quoted at 13 6d. Tin is quoted at £197r12.6 in London Tapioca is quoted at 27 6 for fair (lake. Gambler is quoted at 27[-. Cube Gambier, No Quotation. On the Liverpool market cotton, MJddldng American is at 15.81 Egyptain cotton
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  • 240 5 College Gir's and Cupid. Eagifi'sh college giria, if Dean Inge of St. Paul's is rght, have medieval views concerning the beauty of the unmarried We. The "G'oomy Dean," at a meeting at the Mansion House to support an appeal for a permanent endowment of four women's colleges at
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  • 92 5 Natal Indians' Complaint. Simla,, May 19. —A cable from the Secretary of the Natal Indian Congress states that although their deputation waited on the Mlinister for the Interior and made representations against the ordinances passed by the Natal Provincial Council!, with a v'ew to segregate Indians and choke
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  • 117 5 Singapore, May 31. Rubber. —London Is. 2%d. Local 51% cents. Tins—London £199.15. Local $99* (100 tons sod). Share Market. —Dull. Rubbers. —Rather moro enquiry. Tins.—Taipings 89 to 92 cts., Norths $1.22* to $1.27*, Souths $1 to $1.05 Hitams $135 to $1.40 Rawangs $1 20 to $1-25
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  • 133 5 The rale of issue of Money Orders for India and Ceylon to-day is Rs. 171 writ,] to $100. The rate of payment of Money Ord-rs from India ac.d Ceylon is Rs. 176 equal to $100. Most trying perhap > of :'l is the facetious bounder. Read humour is always acceptable,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 648 5 NOTICE. Police Orders issued under Section 6 (4) of Ordinance No. 96 (Minor Offences) for the Regulation of Traffic •t the King's Birthday Parade on the Esplanade on Saturday the 2nd June, 1923. J L From 7 aan. uwtiil the end of the parade -no vehicles moy:— (a) enter Camsaugiha
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    • 445 5 Import of Rubber into Singapore and Penang. The attention of Rubber dealers and others is called to the rules regarding import of rubber into Singapore which appear in the current issue of the Government Gazette. The rules apply only to import of rubber in sailing vessels, boats or steamers of
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 65 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Singapore, May 30. 9 a.m. S p.m. 9 p.m Bar Red to 32 degree Fan 1013.2 1011.2 1012-3 Temp 79 83 82 W t Bulb Ther: 78 80 79 Dir of Wind Calm S E Max Temp in shade 87 M n do. do. 74
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  • 52 5 5.15 p-m. P m fiW D ill. U t\l» Tanqueray. Themtre, U P-m. 3 niai <iu«4.45 p.m. sneday. J"' l a m.. 1.43 p.m. &orge> B;r hday. jj. C ib anni- mtg. 9-30 A.m. Club launches Monday. June 4. a.m-. 2 29 rmJune 5. —1.18 am.. 3
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  • 473 5 To-day, May 31. Panang, Rangoon Calcutta Penang Maru 2 p.m Sourabaya, Stagen, Kota Baroe, Balik Papan Samarinda Elout 2 p.m. Penang,* Rangoon Calcutta Ekma 3 p.m. Malacca Muar *Sri Muar 3 p.m. Batavia Prfnses Juliana 3 p»m. Batu Pahat Meran 3 p.m. Medafi Penang* Van Overetraten 3 p.m.
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  • 38 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT. MR. A. V. OLIVEIRO thanks his relatives and friends for their Condolences and Wreaths and also fur their kind attendance at the funeral of hi« wife the late Mrs. Oliveiro on Saturday, May :6, 1923.
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  • 778 6 If the dull political situation in England at the present time does not greatly interest us the industrial field compels serious reflection. There are two reasons for this. One is the effect which industrial turmoil at home has on the trade of the Empire and the
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  • 689 6 Reuter. London. May 30. —The fi'hnpowner Mr. Frank Bibby left £1 229 482.— Reuter. The procession of the Corpus Christi will lake place at the Chuch of Our Lady of Lourdes, Ophir-ioad, at 5 p.rru io-day. The postponed Fancy Dress Dance will take place to-morrow, $t\ 8 p.m. at "Eug«nie
    Reuter.  -  689 words
  • 175 6 Fuller Particulars. (From Our Own Cor respond jut.) Kuala Lumpur May 30. The-, has foea trouble i n the Confucian Boys' School, here as a result of three Chinese teachers being dismissed. It is aHeg.d thai, they actively developed the boy's sympathy, one dotating an essay
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  • 222 6 Courtneicge-Holloway Co. Seldom or n?ver is the Victor a Theatre pack d to any appreciable extent, when a F i'ay is repeated but las night's audience at this theatr: t:> wi'ness tte Courtnc.'dge-Hoiloway Cos. presentation of "The Bat," prov d the contrary. The Bat was twice presented a
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  • 119 6 In the Second Police Court yesterday, Sim Suan was fined $100 or six weeks' fmiprisonment for possession of non-Government chandu worth $100. Ihe chandu was concealed 3ta three pair* of Chinese women's bound-feet shoes. Revenue officers discovered this on the accused landing. AnoMher case in the same court
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  • 51 6 Word to Employers. "On the occasion of the X ng's Birthday parade the Commandant S.S.V.F, hopes trat employers will grant every facility to those Volunteer members of their staffs who may not be able to take full advantage of a public holiday, to enable them to attend the
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  • 102 6 Th I fo 1 lowing has been received from Harbour Master, Johore Bahru, and is published for general information I fee pasca'r.e %wKi una further notice be a Vowed through the lock at the following stated intervals 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. 11am. to 1 p.m. 4
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  • 459 6 COMMITTEE F M d h3 «tudc„t s w h J complete tw*, Z1 me pobue r f arrffiH ScoOmkl and far E X two. 5 It was thvr forn p 0 ~tt« in J w in Penan v i fegknd to this Colony. With this object in
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  • 40 6 (From Our Own < J Tl s Second mad-' ft ta the Assises two I n' cf count rfeitinf King's waaliattap house oa hail ag Penan T! 1 J have been making ten a*l ph set I f seea\
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  • 32 6 A Mid r mv Right at Kirn Kia: Ec w* d Ohm v bay« been br ~^.I T ,n:.h,S«-. „4 th mora bf Ins P case was r<>? 1
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 370 6 I FIELD GLASSES s X GENUINE BRiISH GOfERNISNI SFOCK. I J THE LEADING FEATURES /UE I Perfect Mechanic il and hj Pr fevg a tl k~--'.A Optical Construction, fc I > < ">&&M0 I 5 V/-:v sSj Brilliant Definition, I I y fe? "v?!a» M iximum Light, Dj r J
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    • 22 6 Advice free by our Qualified Nurse to all users upon Application to NESTLE ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. (London.) 114-147 Cecil Street, Singapore.
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  • 476 7 GERMAN DEPUTATION IN LONDON TO DISCUSS TERMS. AGRICULTURAL CONTRIBUTION. Reuter., May 30. Mowing a m etinf of the representaives of agr culture, the inform d Herr Cuno that th agricultural industry was prepared 200,000,000 go d marks yearly towards reparations. REICHSBANK SEIZURE Berlin, May 30. X he str
    Reuter.  -  476 words
  • 93 7 IMPORTANCE OF THE DITCH EAST INDIES. Rubber Prices. Reuter. London May 30. fttataj ;.t a meeting of tftie Bri- of Oir-.merce for the st London, Sir Walter v/ir.g to the ener*r5 he Chamber the importance In Bca SJ an out'et for 7* Winning t. be appre■N Ikers was
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 49 7 interests to be Fully Con sidered. Reuter. r Lc<Ddoß, May 30. oi i oramoßM at aue.?- McNeiH said fhat ne-ro- r return of Wei'haiwei ■•A The Govern--1 as yet tc make a ~n he subject, but he as«mttoaer that eJM private emtory were receiv- "^<l><rat on
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 39 7 P ILOT ACQUITTED. 10 <« i!v; on j ast year. Reuter. U Hrnic Urnj 30 UK f ..quitted ''i v no «*M sentenced to nment in eoanec- l s "f the steamer "^mJT 1 the Briti9h stet mer last year.—
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 46 7 WHAT MAY LEAD TO RUPTURE. Chicherin's Statement. Reuter. b:<ndo:v May 30. The Manchester Guardian's" Moscow Correspondent says:—Chiteherin dec'ares. that the Ru,s>se-British posi-tic-j is most serious. If Earl Ourzon insets en the reca'l cf the Soviet Amb?rjtadors at Afghanistan and Persia a rupture is inevitable.—
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 99 7 Another Phase of War-time Financing. Reuter. Washington May 30. The Treasury announces the suspension of silver purchases until it is ascertained whether the estimates of offers already accepted exceed two hundred mFTicn ounces, Wh'Ch the law authorises the government to purchase. The announcement means tb;t tihe
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 43 7 Soviet Vessels Excluded From Ports. Reuter. Const) ntincple, May 30. i Argora reports indicate Russo-Tui-kish differences. It is stated that the ■Turks have decided to exclude Soviet vessels from Turkish ports as a reprisal for the Soviet attitude regarding Turkish ships.—Router.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 336 7 CHINA NOT THE ONLY COUNTRY. Britain's Proposals. Reuter. Geneva,, May 30. The Opium Comjmrssion heard the •epor of M. Brent m the American efforts to suppress the aJnae of cerium tn the Philippines, urging the necessity of an undorstanrfinc with o ther countries to overcome smuggling which is
    Reuter.  -  336 words
  • 165 7 Reuter. Geneva, May 30. The Opium Cocivmioision adopted a resolution m> ved by S r Ma'tao'm Delev'ngre recommending .he Council of the League of Nations to invite Powers having 0 stem persons' ms Where the use of opium for smoking purposes was temporarily continued., to enter fortbwvfh into
    Reuter.  -  165 words
  • 139 7 Star 420 Million Miles in Diameter. Mr. Charles B. Micbrfeon, the American astronomer, has measured the ftar An 4 .ares. lis diameter is found to he 420 million miles, an I' cchange Telegraph Company** 'A 7 a*i ington mssage. Hither o the largest known star was BetelgeOM, which
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  • 128 7 AMERICA SHOULD STRIVE TO LESSEN V AR." Nation's Preservation. Reuter. Washington, 30. Speaking at the Memorial Day Commemoration at the Arlington Miliary Cemetery, President Harding declared that the United Sta; es had proved they couid lessen armaments. They ah *iJd now strive for an assurance to lessen
    Reuter.  -  128 words
  • 174 7 Opposition Amendments Defeated. Reuter. Lond n, May 30 The discussion on the Indemnity Bill-was quiet until the opposition parties discovered that the bill, as drafted, could extend an indemnity to ether cases than the de.portati ns nlthoqgh It was stated that the Government had no intention to use
    Reuter.  -  174 words
  • 27 7 Reuter. Lcnd.n, May 30. Art O'Brien and eight other Irish deportees who were charged at Bow Street with seditious conspiracy were remanded till to-morrow.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 27 7 Reuter. Al r ahabad May 30. The Pioneer learns from Meshed that the fatalities in the earthquake t Turbandh dari are estimated at 4 000—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 203 7 Labour Men Entertained by Governor. Singapore has some interesting visitors in a party of Australian Parliaimentflny representatives who arrived on the Kangaroo on Monday. Th y include the Hon. Mr. E. Taylor, the Speaker of the Western Austral/a Legislative Housa of Assembly, who has tak a
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  • 67 7 Tie fo! owing gent emen will act as s.eward'3 at the Birthday BaJ' on Saturday, Jun- 2:—Capt. W. H. Caltbrop Ca'throp, A.M., RN., Mr. W. H. Lee Warner. Major G. R. H. Webb 0.8 E., Mr. W. G. St rling, Mr. R. H. Onraet opt R. H. Johnstone
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  • 11 7 [Wo do not necessarily, endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents]
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  • 545 7 (To the Editor, "Malaya Tribune.") Sir, —My attention has been drawn to the proceedings of a suit in which two Hindu widows declared themselves to be the lawful w dows of a certain Hindu, reported in your issue of the 24th instant. His Lordship, in granting the
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  • 158 7 Host of Girls who can Never be Brides. P«rt>. Apr 1 21.—Twenty-five million Euiope<an women, the majority young and marriageable, must embrace pa'-vgamy or go unmarried to their graves. There are not enough men to go round, thanks to the wci Id war. The German Statist'cs Offie?
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 303 7 j "FIBRENT" 1 I Asbestos-Cement Sheeting I For Economy, Efficiency and Reliability jg I Non-Conductive and Everlasting {5 I BY ENGINEERS ACKNOWLEDGED as the BEST. S j) Corrugated Roofing Sheets. Standard Lengths, Straight or Curved to any Fadius. S FLAT SHEETS FOB WALLS, PARTITIONS. CEILINGS, Etc. I <] Various Sizes
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  • 825 8 FOOTBALL. A CAPITAL GAME. Bjt "Refl«." In spite of the wretched state of i ground, owing l to the rain, the St. Joseph's Old Boys and the S. C. F. A., in the first division of tihe S. F. A. League, adapted themselves weH to the conddtoums
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  • 279 8 As far possible we shall publish daily the S F A league fixtures for the current month: First Division. June. 1 S R C vs Middlesex, SRC. 6 S C C vs S J O B, S C C. 8 SCFAvsRGA, SRC. 11 S J 0 B
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  • 30 8 MIDDLESEX CHAMPIONSHIPS. Reuter. London, May 30.—Mrs. Mallory opem-ed the British tour in the Middlesex Championships at Ghiswick and entered the fifth round without the k>ss of a sat.—R^ter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 37 8 Reuter. First Day's Results. Brussels, May 30.—The Davis Cup first day's results were as follows:— Lycett (Britain) beat Watson (Belgium) by 6—2, B—6, 6—2, and Washer (Belgium) beat Gilbert by 6—2, 4—6, 6—2, 6— 3.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 116 8 TO-DAY'S TIES. Ladies Singles Championship. Miss Faweett vs. Mrs. Holmes Smith. Mrs. Marsh vs. Mrs. Cantrell. TO-MORROW'S TIES. Ladies Singles Championship. Mrs. Marsh or Mrs. Cantrell vs. Miss Andrew. Mixed Doubles—"A" Class. Miss, Thompson and Lt.-Col. Thompson owe 15.2 vs. Mrs. Brooke and Mr. Hopkins
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  • 64 8 TO-MORROW'S TIES. A. Doubles Handicap. Tan Cheng Gark and Tay Lian Teck vs. Ong Snow Sran and Ong Slow Hian. Seah Eng Kiang and Chomg Thutt Pitt vs. Tan Hong Ghee and Kiong Chin Eng. B Singles. Jee Ah Chian- vs. Koh Yew Tuan. B. Doubles Handicap. Wee
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  • 95 8 RAFFLES INSTITUTION CENTENARY. The Athletic Sports in connection wiith the celebration of the Centenary of Raffles Institution will be held on the Institution grounds on Monday, June 4, commencing at 2.30 p.m. The attention of Old Rafnesilans is called to the events open to former pup Is, viz. 100
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  • 115 8 INTER CLUB TOURNAMENT. Six billiard matches, three English and three American, have been arranged for Saturday at 3 p.m. between representatives of the Moslem Association and the Clerical Union. The games will be at the Union club house in 80, Waterloostreet and ail members and friends are cordiaFy invited
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  • 37 8 KID DALEY'S CHALLENGE. Rozario who has accepted the chaSlenge of Kid Daley, would like articles signed with the Austra'ian as soon as possible. Daley is requested to communicate with Mr. J. M. Bowen. Manjl»; Shows, Beachroad.
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  • 249 8 Conversations with the Other World. Paris, April 21.—The spiritualistic conversations of Victor Hugo with those who have passed over" are shortly to be published in Fnunce. These alleged conversations took place at St. Holier, Jersey, in September, 1853, and among those with whom Hugo is
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  • 71 8 To-day May 31.—5 p.m. at DriUl Hall, All Units, Battalion Practice Parade, King's Birthday Parade. Dress, Drill Order, Shirt Sleeves. Saturday, June 2.—6.40 a.m. at Drill HaU, All Units, King's Birthday Parade. Dress—Review Order. Sunday, June 3.—7.30 a.m., at Seletar Rifle Range Members S. V. R. A.
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  • 492 8 STORIES TO SHANGHAI. Mr. J. B. Powell edatcr of the "Weekly Review of the Far Eust," has succeeded in ending down to Shanghai two long and minute accounts of the events from the attack on the train amd the long march to the life of the
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  • 241 8 Thieves Disguised As Police. Or* th* 14th instant at about 10 p.m. says the "Siam Observer," some fifteen perecr.o dressed in police uniform cniuared the house of one Nai Buran residing at Prapradaeng and stated that they had been sent there to make investigations in connection wiith
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  • 517 8 CANNIBALS WHO DIE FOR LOVE. Though now more or loss "tamed by the Australian Administration in New Guinea, Papua, that once most savage dependency of the British Empire, and the home of some of the most terrible custom): in the wk/rld, is still a country to thrill
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 Spare yourself the cares of motherhood. Most of the care, and anxieties cf moinernood are caused by children's illnesses. Yet re ular courses of SCOTTS will keep your children both well and strong. Children thrive rapidly, est mp&b m& tlar I y t'-e addition of other ingredient and by the
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    • 513 8 ■uiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimiiaHtiiiiiiiiiitiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiitii.ii:!! ri|ii| 'l**^ RAJA'S {■**a>i"l 1 Vo Ban are going to give you best service h0,.. '> WATER RESISTANT— Sl^^fee^y They are made m our own factories in BLEi under the most scientific conditions V X T workmen, using only the finest of materials^ 1116 1 The leather is specially
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  • 615 9 .11 Singapore, May 1923. c. MEAT Beef steak ka v n.45 Beef stew or curry kati 0 33 Pork, lean kati 0 g 4 Pork, lean and fat (Ist kati "0.62 Mutton Indian kati (Govt.) 0.73 Mutton Australian kati Fowl kati 0 55 Fowl large (3 katis)
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  • 1492 9 LATEST PRICES QUOTED IN THE MARKET. Wum LYALL AND EVATT, Exchange and Share Broken, jssue the following Hat of quotations: Singapore, Moy 31. RUBBER APRIL 21, 1923. Issue Paid Val. Up. 2|- 2|- Allagar J a--2- 2|- Anglo Java £1 £1 Anglo-Malay J J J £1 £1
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 204 9 AXES Large Stocks on Hand with or without Handles, from 3 to 5 Ponnds AT PRE-WAR PRICES UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED 'Incorporated In the Straitt Settlements* SINGAPORE. "Hwitggrs" «TTTI n I I I I I I I I •il|Mitl|Mitl i Ht|, i |||l|«ltlltlltlliM«!ttltill<lt«llillilltllilltllillttlilW|lll|f|| l ||ir !l JUST ARRIVED Messrs. ELECTRO-AUTOMATE S
      204 words
    • 60 9 T. K. K.'S I Rubber Footwear i I MADE LOCALLY I SIZES TO SUIT YOUNG AND OLD. 8 3 Sizes: Extra Large $1 50 Large $1.30, Median $1 20 S 0 Small $1.00. S 1 TAN KAH KEE CO. 1 I RUBBER GOODS MANUFACTURERS fl FACTORY: 44, SUMBAWA ROAD. i>
      60 words

  • 284 10 RHODES SCHOLARS. Australia stands entirely first in comparison \ULth other Dominions and the Uni/ted States in the achievements of its Rhodtts Scholars. This fact is disclosed in a report recently pufblitsihed by the Trustees in England. The report deals with scholars fro7n Canada, and Newfoundand, Australia and New
    284 words
  • 161 10 During the four months ended January 31, 1923, high costs of tea in Colombo rcsi/.ted in considerably reduced 'being purchased therefor Australian consumption and consequently importations from Java have increased. The total brought into the Commonwealth for January from that country is the largest of any month in the
    161 words
  • 129 10 Testimony to the thrift of Australians is emphasised in the of various life assurance companies, tha rw«st recent being the record of accounts for 1922 of the Australian Mutual Provident Society. During the past year this Society completed new busine-s in the ordinary departmatit, including reassurances of £10,827 770,
    129 words
  • 103 10 By co-operation of the Commonwealth, State and local! authorities the danger of a bubonic p\ague outbreak in Australia, which at one period seamed serious, has been averted, with the result that the epidermic was limited in time to a few months. A recrudescence had been feared
    103 words
  • 187 10 How to Remove and Prevent It. "The symptom* of ik rvc-exhaus-tion," write# a distinguished physician in the "London Modieal Times," "comprise the whole extended gamut of all th© manifestations of aervous disease. The wandering thought, the headache, and the depress on, the mental and moral weakness in its every
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 700 10 AUCTION SALE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, Ltd. AUCTION SALE OF Unredeemed Pledges, the Property of Ten Pawnshops. TO BE HELD AT Our Sale-room. Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place On Monday, June 4, 1923, at 10 a.m. Wednesday, do 6, do Friday, do 8, do Monday, do 11, do The Pledges consisting of
      700 words
    • 437 10 I MALTED I M,LK^J > isius rioM /1 tii ruiT Hj Jj «LAIS j I nadtnniaing «f (r/jf cooititution by tkt ravages ttjf/ «f h*t slimatca. Drink yl IOILICII MALTED /1 W MILK, tht tried, trusted aad A M trat FOOD-DUNK. Mad« Wi MMt—■MlfiuMMjl /1 jjjj si bat at saLl
      437 words
    • 306 10 Just Arrived. Our first consignment of Oak and Elm Coffins made entirely in Europe also A large and varied consignment of Artificial Wreaths in ALL sizes, at ALL prices to suit ALL tastes. Inspection cordially invited. Orders for Tombstones executed at shortest notice in Italian Marble or White, Grey, Red,
      306 words
    • 362 10 STEAMER SAILINGS HUGO STINNES LINES Incorporated in Germany.) Regular monthly freight and Passenger service. OUTWARD BOUND. FOR HONGKONG, SHANGHA» AND JAPAN. s.s. EMIL KIRDORF" 9,000 tons about June 5. s.s. "SCHEER," 12,250 tons about June 16. HOMEWARD BOUND. FOR ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. s.s. "ADOLF yon BAYER" 9000 tons about
      362 words
    • 232 10 N.Y.K LONDON LINE. Haruna Maru Kamo Maru X| LIVERPOOL LINE Tat sun o Maru Tottori Maru .\fc<jj* J HAMBURG LINE Dakar Mam Tsuruga Mam Kitty NEW YORkTine" via BQQ Sailing dates aft SOUTH AMERICAN L L\ E Kawachi Maru Kamakura Maru Lli BOMBAY LINE, Wakasa Maru j Morioka Maru t
      232 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 481 11 S EAMER SAILINGS. p& OBRITI ii INDIA AND APCAR LINE (C-»i^ itei Incorporated in Englaud.) mail PASSENGERS AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR ORIENTAL S. N. CO. Under Contract with His Majesty'a Government. L O>TDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. Froxr LONDON Due SINGAPORE. i 920 June 10 Ma a June 24 July 8 I,
      481 words
    • 359 11 STEAMER SAILINGS 0 sir reposed Sailing from Singap**-. (subject to chance without previoug notice) EUROPEAN LINE. For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Suez and Port Said. ♦Amur Maru aw June 21 dep 22 ♦Omit Marseilles Alps Maru mid Ju]y NEW YORK LINE. For San Francisco, Panama, New York
      359 words
    • 536 11 STEAMER SAILINGS. Ul? OF RTfMMERS Monthly sailings to and from Austialia for MTJC only, calling at Penang Bntavia, Sourabaya, Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. SCHEDULE OF ARRIVALS AND SAILINGS. Arrives Sals EURELIA June n June M s.s. EMITA July 16 Jul 21 ■A ECHUCA Aug 13 Aujf Jg For further
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 465 12 WANTED. WANTED.—For a linn of Secretaries and Accountants. One Lady Typist—preferred with Shonthand. A Cash Clerk—Security Cash. Apply to Secretaries c|o "Malaya Tribune." SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. Accommodation for another fifty pupils is available in the Indian Elementary School, No. 8 Short Street, Singapore, tor pu jUs up to Standard IV irrespective
      465 words
    • 531 12 Nona NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be closed on June 2, Saturday, fublic Huliiay. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that Ismail bin Hadjee Ibrahim is no longer authorised to act as my attorney or on my behalf in any respect whatsoever. Dated 12th May, 1923. M. KADER
      531 words
    • 460 12 BANKS. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in the U. S. A.) OCEAN BUILDING, COLLYER QUAY. P. 0. BOX NO: 262. TELEPHONE NO: 661. OWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus US $10,000 000 Undivided Profits US $5,504,980 Reserve for Dividends US $500,000 Head Office:—6o WALL STREET.
      460 words
    • 429 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 13 i Jonker Street. Muar 77-Ty Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat lu9 Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Ilir. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL.
      429 words
    • 426 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England oy Royal Charter 1858.) Paid up Capital in 6JU 000 Snares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3.700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietor £3,000,000 BANKERS: Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. Westminster Bank Ltd. National Provincial
      426 words
    • 374 12 INSURANCE. THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED. (Incorporated m the S.S.) Head Office Singapore, Ist Floor, Banque del Indo China Buildings, lA, Malacca Street. 'Phone, No. 357. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: See Tecng Wah, Esq. (Chairman.) Gaw Khek Khiam, Esq. (Vice Chairman.) P.S. Lee, Esq. Ong Soon Tee, Esq. Yeo Hock
      374 words
    • 371 12 J °n t you wish i f rom wastj a b* hat you *Lt*T£; fnty of Pure b 0( 4 11 by drigkin. h Palatable and MEDICINAL BLOOD Sufficient for x PHI- B *'->U each. Sold by The EatenutMaa p The Ar,g, t i." ar The United P harmacy i"
      371 words