Malaya Tribune, 30 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND^^> SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING DAILY Vol. t- -No. 125 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1923 FIVE CENTS. Malaya Tribune. WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1923.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 174 1 ,„.."•'■i THE LAVA TRIBUNE j \NI> s fnlPpiNG GAZETTE. I I RATES. I n ADVANCE I SI 5.00 I r u,n 7.50 jJaiy carT 3.75 Pf garter Wets. mm m<»nth. ~,i•ii i i > 111 11 I j j limmmi" i p^— il a I ill 1 l| '1 I
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    • 49 1 iiiirnuuiiiiiTTinriuiniiiittiKii t ~r» THE MALAYA TRIBUNE j AND j SHIPPING GAZETTE. I The Popular of th- Straits Settlements. I Published Daily. Tomplete Reports of Local Events. I Fmß and Latest Telegrams. m j m J BEST SPORTS REPORTS. I f i i i i i i i i ii!.ttira«
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  • 1124 2 P. AND O. COMPANY. The new Australian maii and passenger steamer '"Mois.oiia", the latest Lo be completed *>f the P. and 0. Company ''a post-war s<h*ps lan a series of trials on measured mile off Tyne recently and afterwaitds ieft for a short cruise in the North
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  • 136 2 That's what you say about that painful swelling on your knee or elbow. But what are you going to do about it—sit there and suffer Perhaps you have tried all sorts of embrocations and found no relief. These are just the sort of cases in which
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  • 192 2 Transmi. sion of Vision. The Westminster Gazette ays an inve-n.icn has patented by the Genera' Rcd:o C. mpany, of London, which, it is clamed makes it possible for a wave akmg which image* are nsmitted t> be ruperimposcd up one along which ordinary wireless sounds are sent..
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  • 73 2 Our of the total of £200,000 to be provided jointly by the Commonwealth and the States of Australia, about £90,000 to £100 0)0 will be on the building of -.he Australian Pavi ion at the Empire Exhibition m Londonv Every piece of material to be used will be, wherever possible,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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    • 383 2 A NECESSITY FOR GOOD HEALTH. Daily regular'ty is essential for the retefiton of good health. When irr"ularlty sets fin a small dose of ■mmm speedily sets matters right. Pinkeyes ban h i m pst'en, bYoua attacksick headaches Kverishness, clear the skin and purfy the breath. Dealers sell them, or post
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    • 259 2 Th, Roifing that SPARKS, SMOKE. ACIDS DO NOT EFFECT CERTAIN-TEED W^L EXTRA QUALITY ROOFING IbSb\ Stocked in rolls 36 ins. wide a covering surface of 200 ed complete with nails and cement 2 Ply Price $13 per roil 3 Ply n SOLE AGENTS UNITED ENGINEERS [HUB (Incorporated la the Bteattl
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  • 810 3 BXPBSTB HPS FOR THE AMATKUB Ibß ord nary bil mrds player who *rond-rs why be can never do better IBM sc.rc by ika of twenty or thirty v.'n eeast to wonder :f he reads the admirable book "How to pj ay B.diards" by the famous professional,
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  • 506 3 GKOANUra TAXPAYERS. Coils tie:able int'.reat has been aroused here by an interview accorded by Mr. Rudyard Kipling to French jjwrnaHsits at Toulon on the subject of Che French and British attitudes towards Germany, says the Paris correspondent of the "Daily Telejitaph. Mr. Kipling is now staying
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  • 112 3 Has a Noisy Reception. London, May L —Peter Larkin S biother of "Jim" Larkin (the Irr h r. r itator) had a boiateroue recepti n i Hyde Bark to-day at th Day demonstration Turnirur angrily upon his interrupt(»is Larkin said: Some of you seem 11 h.;ve taken advantage
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  • 67 3 Furniture made untitle Australian woods Will be a feature of the Commonwealth display at the British Empire Exhibition in Eng'and next year. Already there is talk of "setting a fashion" in Austra'ian wiods, if not in I c\V'v m-tde articles. The possibility pneal alike to members of the Exhibition Ooanaaiaaioa
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 393 3 i i Abrams lotof Transport Co. Penang Lane j Telephone 3140. tfe have no* a fleet of twelve Hupmobiles in or deT available any time during the first ci* i I or j ,iq the -rowing: demand for lorries we y increased our fleet of trucks and I v undertake
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    • 150 3 THE KING OF SPIRITSTHE SPIRIT OF KINGS. m Such, indeed, is 'N. f. Club/ the whisky which maintains the same high standard of quality and the same mellow flavour that made it the personal choice of George IV. and William IV. N4PIER JOMMSTONES SCOTCH WHISKY settlements MACGREGOR ft Co. Ltd.
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  • 804 4 COMMENTS OF LOCAL AND GENERAL INTEREST. By "Footli*ht- M Commencing to-moirow a ght, the Emp'n Cfaema preswt a Vitagranh Super feature firm entitled "Trumpet Island". This is the biggest picture ill the history of Vitagraph, and ii has been pronounced by many as the greatest film ever
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 AMUSEMENTS. EMPIRE CINEMA From Monday May 28, to Wednesday May 30. In the Second Show at 9.30 pjn. Glimpses of Singapore An excellent local scenic production about 1,200 feet long. FRANK MAYO Supported by MOLLY MALONE In a strikingly emotional drama of the West Across Tbe Dead Line in 5
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    • 437 4 2 atosements. ALH AM BRA From Wednesday May 30, to Monday June 4. In the Second Shew at 9.15 p.m. sharp CAT THE CANARY 1 Reel Pathe Film. GOLDWYN PRESENTS Cullen Landis and Patsy Ruth Miller in Watch Your Step A Romantic comedy, as full of speed as of laughter.
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    • 304 4 AMUSEMENTS I *'"G AIE TiY I New Star Attrtcti n afS/l I PEGGY MAY QalW** I Celebrated English Actress, known as B the Baby Bernhardt" of Europe in I The HOUSE of I INTRIGUE DEATH I A Picturizatioj of Arthur Stringer s Sensational Novel ■•Il DARE FLIRT WIT I Se
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  • 83 5 Singapore, May 30. Is, L M 2d. Local 0. L *aJ 100 Hken.—iMechre. h :!.2<» to $1.25. I t carts, Nawqg F-jts k Typings S7» 2 to i T 1 2 to 1 22 L 2. vt LftMrois $4.20 to ce. rs $11X0 to $12. P
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  • 116 5 F*» I Although many coiifiiiued drys a rwnst making pubs" too ut.traictive bell mora drinking, j «-d in a dungy, I ated stre < ti East Lonv.'> f »f "pub" which its will he the fore-runner ttraeth style of public house L 1 ranrsatron her* hat$ the
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  • 25 5 a 3 tobacco ;.s »lth in an article the pipe, bok -h, ,ays, lonafoeo is r ;,i it is Cere. r :,u attack, the
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  • 236 5 iO-n.W's LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS. Tin to-day.—$100.00 per piku! 150 itctis soil p Buyers Sellers Gambler $12 00 t* V Cub 2(5.00 Haii:burjr Cul t 2 nn Press Cube f^ 00 3-:r. White Pepper <_ 2 I.50 Mixed Black Pepper 13 50 Sunidried Cop*-, Mixed Copra 10. 60 10
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  • 91 5 Singapore. May 30. LoiiiioD— Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 7-32 d Demand 2s 4 4d Private 3 months' slight 2» 4 15-32 d On Indna— Bank Tel. Transfer 1744 Hongkong— Bafrk denrand draft 14 pit. p.m. On Shangha Bank demand draft 72% On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer 140%
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  • 90 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore, May 30. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Seller s Spot Latest London Cables quote. London Spot.— Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers Sellers S|** 52 52V 4 June 52% 52* July to Sepi 53 V* 58 H Oct to Dec 5494 55
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  • 154 5 ARRIVALS. May 30. ladregii*, Dm. 161 tons, Capt. Mey. d n from Rengat. left May 28. X P M^alschappij. Ko.snai, Dot 165 lea, <w Stepers, from Bagan left May 28 K. P. Maatechaippij. Van Dieme/n. Dut. 579 tons, Gapt. Paleanl, from Deli, left May 28. K. P Maatschappij.
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  • 39 5 Mr A. C untitled managing untitled I r of 'he Gl IT6T Meat Ccanpaay, Sydney, stnd Mr. G L 1). Jom, •agJaem of the new rompaay, will airiv in Singapore about June 20. by the Ma re''a from Australia
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 338 5 ESTATE OF KATIJAH BINTE NASIB. DECEASED. AUCTION SALE OF A Valuable freehold land suitable for building allotments or Recreation Ground, situate at Koon Cheng Road, Malacca To be held by Public Auction at our Sale-room No. 21, First Cross Street, Malacca. On Thursday, June 7, 1923, at 12 noon. PARTICULARS.
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    • 421 5 NOTICE. The University of Amoy, Amoy. China. It is notified that the Examination will be held at the Chinese High School, Niven Road, Singapore, from Jure 4th to «th. NOTICE. r-, The V *L C A Scho l of Commerce Uasses m Typewriting, hortband (Elementary and AdvanceJ) and Bookkeeping. Particulars
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 61 5 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Kerbau Hospital. Singapore, May 29. 9 a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Bar Red to 32 decree Fah 1013.7 1011.5 ***** Temp 77 85 81 Wet Bulb Ther: 76 79 80 Dit of Wind 04lm S calm Max Temp in hade 88 Min do do 75 Max in
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  • 235 5 sisC A1-0« IARV Today Ma > 30 a.m., 1« 24 p.n, ff b ,,ani mM« ava Hi -„l I'ra«« P- m K W*j I: S.J.O.B. v.. Leagw ""'frfA.. S.C.C. t Theatre MO P-- T( m «rro«. 31 1132 a.m-> H.O p.m. Ptm ke IW« l rC f
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  • 536 5 To-day, May 30. Kemaman, Kuala Dungun Hcng Ho ?Vm Krotay, KaUmtan, Patani, Sin for. Bandon* Bangkok» tr Vaiaya 2 p.m. Hongkong 1 Shanghai Japan, vr u t. GJent&ra 2 p. m Muntok Palembang T De Weert 2 p.m. Mauritius, Reunion,* Delagoa Bay* Durban* o Armanestan 2 p.m. Baltamore,
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  • 784 6 Several other matters discussed at Monday's Council meeting, apart from the replies to questions on education, deserve comment. There was one small incident which, to our mind, serves to show that the mere enlargement of the Legislative Council has not yet served to add reality and dignity to
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  • 684 6 Reuter. London, May 29. The death is announced of Lord Chaplin.—Reuter. Mr. T. S. Wong-, of 32, Raffles Place, Simjaporv, is sailing to America via Hongkong, on a long holiday. Ch.ris'trian'ia, May 29. The Finance MinwsrbeT,, Begge, succeeds to the Premiiertshiip vice HalvonseTk deceased. —Reuter. Ut. R N. B*r of
    Reuter.  -  684 words
  • 84 6 K. L. SENSATION. As we go to press our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wires that trouble and confusion in the Boys School has resulted in three Chinese teachcrs being summarily dismissed and thirteen boys expelled 1 It Ls all ged that these teachers incited iihe boys against the school
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  • 142 6 Courtneidge-Holloway Company. The Caurtneidge-HoUoway Company opened their return visit last nbght at th s{ Victoria Theatre with "If Four Walls Told" The play wheh is not new to Singapore was well presented by the Company. Mr. Holloway gave a forceful portrayal of the part of Jan
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  • 252 6 We learn with much regret of the death of Mr. Jchn Ma# hail Conway, former sub-editor of the "Hongkong Telegraph," which occurred in Shanghai recently. Mr. Conway had been serving on the editorial staff of the "Shanghai Mercury" since December last when he left Hongkong. A native uf
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  • 34 6 Amount previously acknow1 edged $33 378.58 Further proceeds—Yan Sing Dramat) c Entertainments 80.00 Nofct Proceeds, Lecture by Professor Coomaraswamy 33.20 Part Proceeds—M.C.F.C. Entertainments 437.18 Total $33,928.30 GOH HOOD KIAT, Hon. Secretary.
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  • 87 6 The engagement of Mr. Richard Je sel and Miss Peggy Lew's, which is announced, will un te two families well-known' m the annals of the law. Miss Lewis is the younger daughter of S.T George Lewis, the eminent solicitor, and granddaughter of the late Sir George Lewis, and Mr. Jessel
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  • 467 6 RBQUEST FOB ten, W BAH. IWponement Mr. G. Cullen head of k r Department, a K au, Whppey r.„ R„ gBjh <>a a a U* ihi, U or H afernoc.,, on clianjes y Messrs. John. Lltrti* n f <***, the Hongkong and ShangCiT* At the out,,asked for
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  • 142 6 A syndicate has been fortafd t* run a new recreat on park it Eesar, which will incude a pitch, various enteriaxinenti «d refreshment stals There wll a be large k'josk for th£ use 0 traders and merchants w&> exh'b't their wares and sr«c- be let at a
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  • 23 6 The Gaaaraaasal j poses to hold an \W Arts and Crafts arvi Products at Aaa* W near Alor Star September.
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  • 32 6 There h still a g" t he p.... Dick» J fro h water in 1 rr(f tbf standpiipes bjin? 3 11 |lB few hours —fr>.' tr rred d a i]y—that rhe supply
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 294 6 I HIGHEST GRADE I FISHING TACKtE 1 For sea and fresh water fishing g MANUFACTURED by I S. ALLCOCK Co., Ltd/, REDDITCH S X 0 3 We invite inspection ot our stocks I of Tackle in which everything will [5 be found to meet the requirements ju of !oc il
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    • 22 6 Advice free by our Qualified Nurse to all users upon Application to NESTLE ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. (London.) 144-147 Cecil Street, Singapore.
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  • 451 7 GREAI BRITAIN WiLL NOT INTERFERE. BERLIN TROUBLED. Reuter. 'Paris, May 29. He Bete** Govtrnmeni'a proposal for the snttlememt of reparaBubmitted to the French Government, aim, according to securnga total payment of two thousand million sterling, Lr r from Allied participation to the extent of twentyfive per lustn-iaJ concerns.
    Reuter.  -  451 words
  • 56 7 "Perls Tryin- to Remove Difficulties. Nen tk May 29. W ash rig ton Corres- i" ;a enraful study of a quor decision 1 iry derj T.merrt »x>n *h?t there •nee f meetirg J grid's" Washington Cor- Mr. Mellon ini that he is try*»draft rwn l to meet
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  • 26 7 M a|^s()rd, r to I.R.A. Reuter. R n Mav 29. Def -rtmor t 11 ease fire t0 ],t completed by I 1 the Republican
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 24 7 Earthquake at Turf >atihidari. Reuter. jb'fL J d, May 20. 1 n»a from Teheran h TurbatihWari ,eaths Sever 1 dev »tated.-Rou> r
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 27 7 Reuter. May 29 P• rk '".n::o,,d on V U,,,. r i The sign. I m motive u ,k but r,. u V h n > «*> yees
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 54 7 Turkish Proposal to American Government. Reuter. Wa» hington May 29. The Goverrlment den es categorica'iy that Mr Grew, the American Minister at Switzerland suggested a commercial treaty to Turkey. On the cher hand the pr.posr.l came from Turkey. Defin te negotiatieous are improbable vn f .'R the broader
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 60 7 Date of Construction not Known. Reuter. London May 29. In the House ii Commons, Mr. Darbl hire asked for the shortest possible time in which the r.i .val base at Singapore wouM be constructed Mr. Eyrt s-Monreil repl'ed that pending the result of preliminary work 'md invest'gati
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 113 7 Reuter. Wu hington. May 29. "The Shipping Board has received a defin'te but informal offer for the purchase cf ihe en .ire active portion of the nteVuant §c*& It is stated that the amount offered is about a billion d-l'ars. It is asserted th't :he group,
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 505 7 RESTRICTION BILL DISCUSSED. (From Our Own Correspondst.) Kuala Lumpur, May 29 oil 1 mOe%of c Federal CcunE S Hose Prwidiiiff, Bffl 7^* im the B.U. irteoduoed on a cerate ot urg.frjcy. Mt. J. E. Nathan la, :Tlvited parent. w The Legal Adviser moved the first readme and the
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  • 29 7 Peking, May 4,—The South Ftdc'en forces, coavfptirig of the pft— ■H*fc of GeneraJ Hsu Shunohi's Army at Amoy. the troops of a G.-neral formerly to General Chen Chiung-mine's airmy.
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  • 641 7 WILL FOREIGN TAKE OVEP? Concerted Action. (Via Pacific Exchanges.) Geaieva, May 9.—The United Svates Government contemplates the despatch of a navail squadron to Gh na in connection wWh the bandit outrage in. Shantung. The Continent: .1 Powers are inclined to take conecrtod action with America in the event
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  • 484 7 HYLAM FOUND GUILTY OF SERIOUS OFFENCE. Heavy Sentences. The tl.aJ of Tan Jee Seng, a Hylam boy, on charges of kidnapping and raping a girl stated to be thirteen y<ans and six months old, *as concluded at the Ass zes, in the Supreme Count yesterday afternoon before Mr.
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  • 43 7 Reuter. Pari", May 29. The Council of the Chineoe Cony>rtium he'd a medting to discuss the present conditions in China. Its conclus'ons were not disclosed, but they are expected to be published after receiving approved of the rcspifctive croups.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 74 7 Reuter. Geneva, May 28. At .he Opium Commission the Gr inese repre. M ntative, in the name of his Government, made a d finite statement denying the rumours that en opium monopoly was to be established in China. Sir John Jordan's resolution provides that important seizures of
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 136 7 [c BIG LIBEL CASE. q 5 COLONEL PEARSON S I ACTION. fl fl Confirm'ng a previous an- [}j 3 ncuncement, we are able to ffi S sta'e definitely that Col. ft. S En L. Pearson, D.SO., Muni- fl fl cipal Engineer-in-Chief, is fl p] commencing a libel action gj fl
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    • 403 7 j SPEC!A OFFER "j I New and Secondhand I I Shafting, Plummer Blocks, Flange Couplings, Collars. 3 I Pulleys and Belting etc. I SrOCKS CAN BE SEEN AT OUR GODOWN IN I BEACH ROAD. S l Ask for Particulars and Special Prices. jjj jjj ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT of I THE BORNEO
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  • 538 8 FOOTBALL. MALAYA F. C. vs. S. C. C. By Reflex." Three second div sion matches were played off yesterday afternoon, largest crowd being draw. 1 to the Malaya ground, where the S. C. C. and the Ma'aya Football O'ub fought out a weU-contcsted "g.»<me which re ulted
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  • 27 8 LADIES' LAWN TENNIS CLUB TOURNAMENT. TO DAY'S TIES. Mixed Doubles—"A" Class. Mis- Tl.ompson and Lt.-Col. Thompson owe 15.2 vs. Mrs. Brooke and Mr. Hopkins scr.
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  • 481 8 JO DAY'S TIEK. A Singles (Semi-F nal). C'heong Chee Tong vs. Chiew Eag Hoh. II. Singles (Stmi-Final). Jc-e Ah Chiam vs. Koh Yew Tuan. A Doub'es Handicap. Tan Chony; Gavk and Tay Lian Ttck vs. Or.., Siiow Si an and Ong Siow Hisn. Seah Eng Kiang and Chotng
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  • 123 8 THE DERBY. Lon4on, May 29.—The Derby probablos are Boldandbad (J. J. Erennan). Skias (H. Beasley). Pharos (Gardner), Legality (Hulme), Parth (Walker), Papyrus (Jellis). My Lord (V. Smyth), Chosroes (G. Smith), Portumma (McGee). Kimnaird (WliSfrij). Eblan Gowan (Elliott). Twelve Pointer (Carslake), Town Guard (Archibald), Knockando (Donoghue), Doric (Childs) and
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  • 189 8 SATURDAY'S TOURNAMENT. The Singapore Polo Club is holding a tournament commencing on Saturday, June 2, with a match against the Iskandar Polo Club for the K. O R. Cup. Tho teams will be:— Tskandar Polo Club: H. H. Tbe Sultin of Perak Tangkn Abdul Rani, Mr. T. V. Welsh,
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  • 286 8 HOLIDAY MATCH CANCELLED. Owing to Monday, June 4 mot being a Bank Holiday, the match arranged between tho S. C. C. and a Ceylon XI for that date has had to be cancelled. On Saturday, June 2, in addition to the S. C. C. Tournament match, Meruhanita vs. Setrvices,
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  • 322 8 GENARO QUITTING THE GAME. New York, (by mail). —Fate almost m scast Frankie Geinaro, tlhe 21-yaar old New Yorker who recently toppled Pancho V:Ua, the Filipino, off his American fly-weight throne. It would be difficult for many people to look at the bundle of energy that Ls Genaro, with
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  • 54 8 Won by Ex-Indian Civil Servant. London, May 14.—Keith Macleod, an ex-Indian Civil Servant, has won £1,300 in a London nevrt-paper competition for discovering the criminal in a fiction article? Interviewed he said that for 25 years he had an ample opportunity in Ind'a and Ceylon for solving
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  • 396 8 KENNEDY AND COS WEEKLY REPORT. Penamg, May 26. There has been no outstanding feature in tlhe market during 'the wtjek but business is fairly aative and any thug offering below quotations can easily be placed. Tin close* ■ft £19», a htm of £3 7s. 6d. on
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  • 252 8 London. May 4.—lf the killing of whales continues at the DVdMttt rate they will be extt rniirtated before anr oth.r decade is the warning by Sr Sdney F. Harmcr, F. R. S., director of the rjatLtrai history department of the British Museum. His statement ia
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  • 82 8 A vicar, revisiting the scene of his former labours, preached in the old church—not for the first time- fr nn oat of his favourite texts: Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings?" The following day he called on an old farmer. I see a great many changes in the
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  • 11 8 [We do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents.]
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  • 140 8 (The Editor, Malaya Tribune.) Sir^ —A):» I was returning from office on Saturday last, I 9-W a crowd gathered on the pathway cf Middleroad. I was drawn by curiosby towards it,. What I 9 iw there made rne sick. The centre of attraction was <3 man cutting
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  • 237 8 What Other People Say. By Professor Beresiord Plte, F. R. I. B. A., in "Architecture and Town Planning.": "On'y by a long provision can 'h s unmatjurai and value at the centu- be dealt With. The initi-Tl way of dealing with it la w\ once to Layout the
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  • 80 8 According to a report on German trade aad industry during March, furnished by the Cr tisn Commercial Secretary at Berlin, the position of the India-rubber mdi s: i y was unsatisfactory. The shortage of German coal necessitated increased purchases of English fuel. Conditions in the home market were th: roughly
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  • Page 8 Advertisements

  • 620 9 Singapore, May 26, 1923. Artick. Pric#. c. MEAT. Beef steak kati q.45 Beef stew or curry kati 0.38 Pork, lean kati 0.64 Pork, lean and fat (l«t quality) 0.62 Mutton Indian kati (Govt.) 0.73 Mutton Australian kati Fowl kat; q 55 Fowl large (3 katis) each 1.65
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  • 1507 9 LATEST PRICES QUOTED IN THE MARKET. *y» LYALL AND EVATT, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations: Singapore, May 30. RUBBER, WttUNQ WiWTg Ifafi APRIL 21, 1923. Issue Paid Val. Up. 2|- 2|- Allagar fl 2j- 2|- Anglo-Java J 3 J-v £1 £1 Anglo-Malay
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 321 9 I'l' 1 111 ***** lIIVIIMaM I from a Walking Gait to the Speed of a Train I 5 I re r,n;a -it a snail's pm. andtyre economy of the Light-Six I t r grating to an express have converted many thousands I lw the matter of a D f automobile
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    • 305 9 AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS NO. 30, CHULIA STREET. SING A PORK. IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF Valuable Land and House Properties and Rubber Plantations At Mess.-r Cheon| Koon Seng Go's Sale-room, No. 30. Chulia Btreet, On Wednesday, June 6, at 230 p.m. m-dJZSmI ye V* lea,eho,d ,and the shophouse premise, S>. 30 Ophir
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  • 362 10 M.P.'S LOBSTER AND CHAMPAGNE. The best story of the recent allnight setting in tihe House of Commons ife that of the Glasgow member who complained that he had paid 5s. for a bed at an hotel for the night and would not be abSe to ooctjpy it. In
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  • 105 10 Power to Arrest Men. Twen y wtmm police in London j have been sworn in and enrolled as I constables in the Metropolitan Police j Force, and for the first time they now have the same power to arrest as the men police. They wi'l also
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  • 273 10 The Prime Minister of the Commonwealth of Australia, Mr. S. M. Bruce, announced <>n April 12. that the Ministry will meet Parliament on June 13. The se sion will baft ten weeks, after which, in August,. Mr. Bruce will leave Australia to attend the Imperial and Econmic Conferences in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 426 10 AUCTION SALE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, Ltd. AUCTION SALE OF Unredeemed Pledges, the Property of Ten Pawnshops. TO BE HELD AT Our Sale-room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place On Monday, June 4, 1923, at 10 a.m. Wednesday, do 6, do Friday, do 8, do Monday, do 11, do Tbe Pledge* consisting of
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    • 381 10 AUCTION SALE. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF One third share and interest in the residuary Estate of Tan Teck Guan, Deceased to be held by Public Auction at our sale-rom No. 21, irst Cross Street, On Thursday, May 31, at 12 noon. PAR lICULARS. —A one third share and interest in the
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    • 293 10 ECZEMA 5 YEARS ALL (MM Burned and Itched. Had HairCutOff.CuticuraHeals. I suffered for five years with eccema. It broke out in sore eruptions all over my scalp and I bad to have tny hair cut off. My hair fell out, and at times the burning and itching were so bad
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    • 338 10 STEAMER SAISs I Java-CWna-Japan L ine a s. s. Tjitaroem (5775 tons). I j I For Hongkong, (Swatow, Amoy optioiul), ft, I alny arriving J,,ne lst "Ml take p IMngtu I for above ports. Has excellent passenger For particulars of freight and passages, p| e ,< I Internationale Crediet-en Handels-Vereenis.
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    • 218 10 -ua^^j N. Y. K. LONDON LINE. Haruna Maru Kjhoo Majiu kmm LIVERPOOL LINE Taduo Maru Totton* Main s HAMBURG LINE Dakar Maru M Tsuruga Maru v i j NEW y ORK LINE BGQ Sailing daics ail. SOUTH AMERICAN UN£ Kawachi Maru B( j Kamakura Maru BOMBAY LINE. Wakasa Maru
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 461 11 S EAMER SAILINGS. ptOJKITIaI INDIA AND APCAR LINE I ict Incorporated in England.) mail PASSINGERS AND CARGO SERVICES. PENLNS LAR ORIENTAL S. N. CO. Tjudsr Q'**— rt with Eis Majeatye Government. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. tttsa •Tune 10 June 24 July 8 July 22 Aug 5 Aug
      461 words
    • 359 11 SAILINGS Proposed Sailing from Singapore Subject to change without previous notice) EUROPEAN LINE. For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Suez and Port Said. *Amur Maru arr June 21 dep 22 *Omit Marseilles A1 P S Ma mid July NEW YORK LINE. For San Francisco, Panama, New York via
      359 words
    • 535 11 STEAMER SAILINGS. LINE OF STEAMERS Monthly sairngs to and from Auetialia for car»: only, calling at Penang Batavia. Sourabaya, Fremantle. Adelaide. Melbourne and Sydney. SCHEDULE OF ARRIVALS AND SAILINGS. Arrive* Sa-l? M. EURELIA j UTIp June 10 MM. EMITA July 1C Ju]y 21 s.s. ECHUCA Aug 18 Aug 18 For
      535 words
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 496 12 WANTED. WANTED.—For a ririn of v 'ecreLaritii and Accountants. One Lady—preferred with ShoDthand. A Cash Uerk —Security Cash. Apply to Secretaries co "Malaya Tribune." SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION. Accommodate n for another fifty pupils H available in the Indian Elementary Scho 1. No. 8 Short Street. Singapore, Cm pi <ils up
      496 words
    • 533 12 Nona? NOTICE. The Exchange Banks wiil be closed on June 2, Saturuay, Public -tioiilay. NOTICE. Notice ia hereby given to ail concerned that Ismail bin tiadjee Ibrahim is nc longer authorised to act as my attorney or on my behalf in any respect whatsoever. Dated 12th May, 1923. M. KADER
      533 words
    • 457 12 BANKS. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in the U. S. A.) OCEAN BUILDING, COLLYER QUAY. P. O. BOX NO: 262. TELEPHONE NO: 661. OWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. Cap tal and Surplus US $10,000,000 Undivided Profits US $5,504,980 Reserve for Dividends US $500,000 Head Office:—6o WALL STREET.
      457 words
    • 427 12 BANKS. THE HO HONO BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Bahamat. Palembang 16, Dir. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya.. Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised
      427 words
    • 418 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1858.) Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS: Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. Westminster Bank Ltd. National Provincial and
      418 words
    • 374 12 INSURANCE. THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) Head Office Singapore, Ist Fioor, Banque del Indo China Buildings, lA, Malacca Street. 'Phone, No. 357. BOARD OF DIRECTORS See Tecng Wah, Esq. (Chairman.) Gaw Khek Khiam, Esq. (Vice Chairman.) P.S. Lee, Esq. Ong Soon Tee, Esq. Yeo Hock
      374 words
    • 323 12 pahtable a,, M »AL blood Sulfide f,, r S< id h| The International Phar The Medica; i Pharmacy Ind:a Disp.n ar.d TtK Ayur m THE MALAYA TRIBUNi AND SHIPPING GAZETTE (EVENING DAILY Tel. No. Editor iai LW IW. No. 171, Manage SUBSCRLPTiux PAYABLE IN ADVAN Cr Per annum I Haif-yeariy
      323 words