Malaya Tribune, 21 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. KVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. EVENING DAILY Vol. X.- No. 117 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, MAY 21, 1923 FIVE CENTS. Malaya Tribune. MONDAY, MAY 21, 1923.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 i niiiiuiiiimw»»»™* i 11 THE yA TRIBUNE j \M' I tpflfG GAZETTE. I 5HH r11 Dept. i Dept RATES. I N ADVANCE. $15.00 7.50 1 ary 3-75 i L :er I a*** 50 cts. peT nionih. I ,•i■• 1 1 1 1 1 CHOOSE ITS A MIfiLEY'S awlp- habit you
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    • 218 1 JUST UNPACKED, A new Consignment of CELFBRATED SUN-PROOF PITH HATS FOR Mens and Boy's PRICES VERY REASONABLE. Personal Inspection will Convince You. X SULTAN IBRAHIM "4, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. (Adelphi Hotel Buildings), SINGAPORE. Just Arrived. Our first consignment of Oak and Elm Coffins made entirely in EuroP© also A large
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    • 248 1 ■''■''■''■<llMinilll'l|llllllMlll|llll!|ll|ll|>i|!l|il|||||||||||||||lll|:i|ll||l|ll|!l||||M|M|ll|ll||i| l ||ll|P| I I II I i ittlSUttl I For Yourself or lor a-PRESENT, for travelling or for the desk. J A PORTFOLIO WATCH with a very good movement. Also JEWELLERY- DIAMONDS I Wrist and Pucket WAT HES j 111 11 I f LEVfitTIES WATCHES j 1± 1 B
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    • 277 1 ii'ii'ii'i'.iiiiiiiiiiiiitiifiitiiiin i i i i i i i I i .mmm THE I MALAYA TRIBUNE AND I SHIPPING GAZETTE. 1 The Popular N wspaper of the Straits Settlements. I Published Daily. I Complete Reports of Local j Events. I Full and Latest Telegrama. BEST SPORTS REPORTS. I Serravallo's Tonic (BABK
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  • 1152 2 SWEDEN SETS AN EXCELLENT EXAMPLE. The article which we publi toed last week, based on the address of the Vice-Chancellor of the Calcutta University, would appear to have excited considerable interest in Local educational ci cleg. We publish a couple of letters to-day from among the correspondence received
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  • 146 2 The proposal to tunnel Mom Bianr appear*, to have been revived. Ths provincial paper. "Savoie," states that it may be regarded as decided upon. It is prope ed la unite directV France and I'aly, and the p an wou'd involve 15 tunnes and 14 The
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  • 87 2 "Or c reason why ;he Leader is ften a litt'e bit late ii coming out is tha k we frequently have a number of fair vi 'itors who come n to leave a news item or an ad, or some of the kind, and at such times we
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 355 2 "Montserrat" Line Fruit Juice Whrn V? v *2 Jr»™. dHFaV^S quenches the thir-.? and re- (M'\ jfjjj 1\ certain i! is MONTSbRRAT, and lieves the parched throat as fi fjjl ii I w 9 5 th m ,f" co nothing else can. It is made J jjljlipllliilfil! I ,n and
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    • 154 2 THE ECSTACY OF FEELING WELL. No one can know the ecstacy of feeling well unless they have suffered the agonies of Rheumatism. N-euralgia, Sciatica, or other acute forms of pain, and then been cured. We have thousands of letters which express this ecstacy of feelint? the pain go, the ecstacy
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    • 358 2 JUST FIVE MINUTES MORE! A Talk To Sufferers From Insomnia. After a restless night, during the long hours of which you have towred and turned va'nly long ng for sleep, you s'nk just when day is breaking into a sort of torpor which lulls and •eenis like slumber come at
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    • 156 2 WR HOLD LARGEST^? CARPENTER'S \2 INCLUDING Augers, Ohisels, Ratchets and Bit Gimlets, Hammers, Snm't t 1 Drivers, Set Squares, Marking 'nj Rules, Etc Etc., We will be pleaso 1 >*■ Prices on ree-ipt of your enqti UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (iQco. poratad iv tha Strata Sett mmmk S!NGAPO3F. "(Jnitggrs 1 P'
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  • 1584 3 m MRS. THOMAS HARDY. Ar-. V.omen naturally extravagant: That .s a goatf/an many a man must Bmve himsjf lately, ewog to a cvTLa.n ca*e ami the sage comment thereon of a bachelor judge. No doubt many a man answer, d ft in the affirmative. Certainly he
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  • 50 3 If every expected surplus ia to be immediately drowned m the clamor for lower taxes, the argument for the capital levy must some day prevail. People will not go on indefinitely paying: over three hundred million pounds a year in interest on the war d*bt.— "Maaehester Guardian."
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 618 3 .^.rfggaaafi^ gives INSTANT RELIEF^ fte excruciating pains of RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA, you experience the severe pains of NEURALGIA. IL'MBAGO. or STIFFNESS* NEURITIS, Ac, you need Sloan*? ars this wonderful pain killer has been used by thousands all kinds of pain. Its effect is wonderful. A little laid and soothes, and the
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    • 198 3 I You who i tire quickly, fee! depressed, i i or Run-down, remember Wincarnis is always ready to help you to strength— to banish depression—-to promote j new, rich, red blood—to surcharge your system with new l nerve force—and to create new 'vitality. j Became Wtncnrnis is a Tonic, j
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    • 439 3 DURANT I Four-Cylinder Touring. I I Hand-painted, streamline body of roomy five- I I passenger capacity with plenty of leg room;' seats' I I ff f comfortable angle and covered by genuine S I )lac father over deep springs; instrument board I nmshed in Circassian walnut; one-man top with I
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  • 690 4 COMMENTS OF LOCAL AND GENERAL INTEREST. MISS ADELE BLOOD. By "Footli»rht. M (Cjncluslon). When she becomes the m'strew of Amelia Palace she may nit at h?r boudoir windows and look acrose the street at the famous "Lion House," a long, low stone structure, divided into suites of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 314 4 AMUSEMENTS. EMPIRE CINEMA From Monday, May 21 to Wednesday, May 23. In the Second Show at 9.30 pjn. A great actor in one of the most dramatic stories of the year William Farnum Presented by William Fox His Greatest Sacrifice In 7 reels. It Is a play that stirs the
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    • 394 4 AMUSEMENTS. AL HAM BRA in Our Next Change Friday, 18th. May to 23rd 1923. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. Topical Budget British Screen News. ALBERT E. SMITH PRESENTS Alice Calhoun in he Matrimonial Web In 5 P^rts. RemarkableSstoryflof a young girl who captures a band of smugglers single
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    • 35 4 Telephone 2411> LIM CHEE SENG, Cocil Street, OngtpoN, MICHEIIN TYRES STOCKIST. t Supplier of alt kinda of Pneumatic and Solid Tyres ;tn d also Supplier of GARGOYLE M Lubricating oils. Prompt Delivery to Every Order.
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    • 638 4 AMJSEMHm^^ "GAIETY" Big Programm? of Thriils ai d Another trim Excitement. of Ist Show at 7.30 Sharp. n ,ldni I**,. HOOT GIBSON ln he 30. k The peerless dare devil of the saddle in new SNUB Pni THE GALLOPiNG KiD A quick action story of the west is flmni which
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  • 217 5 TO-DAY'S LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS. Tin to-day.—$101.25 per pikul 100 tons so d. Buyers SeiJers Gambier 13 25 Java Cube 26.00 Hamburg Cu<be 23.00 Press Cube Sar. White Pepper 22.00 Mixed Black Pepper 14.00 ♦Sundried Copra 11.30 11.30 ♦Mixed Copra 10.75 10.75 ♦Small Flake Tapicca 12.25 12.25 Med Pearl
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  • 89 5 Singapore, May 19. On London— Bank 4 months' eight 2s 4 1-i~ Demand 2s 4 6-32d Private 3 months' sight 2s 4 9-16d. On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 174% On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 1 *p.c. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 72% On Java— Bank Tel. Tmnsfer 140%
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  • 85 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore, May 19. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Selleri. Spot 51% Latest London Cables quote. London Spot.— Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 51*4 52% June 52% 52% July to Sept 52% 53 Oct to Dec 54% 54% Latest London Cable?
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  • 1206 5  -  Bt SIR HALL CAINE. Maurce Heat's .election of the twon.y best books for the "bedde's head" is, m doubt an excellent one -for Maurice Hewlett. It includes some gre-t and noble books which it hgu d be good to go to bed up n. Bot think of
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  • 67 5 What strikes the imaginat'on of the average man alike in the pa record? of WfffptittD discovery and in the additioni which now be made to them, is the persistence of man himself. The portrait busts which are dragged from the darkness are such a migh*: he
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 68 5 RAFFLES INSTITUTION CENTENARY. It has been decided to hold a Dinner on Tuesday, the 5th of June 1923 to celebrate the Centenary of the founding of this Institution. All Old Rafflesians desirous of attending the Dinner are requested to send in their applications for tickets to the undersigned not later
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    • 244 5 MORTGAGEE'S SALE of a rubber plantation planted with rubber trees in bearing situate ot Sungei Baru Ulu and Lendu in Malacca contain ng the are s of 6 acres 2 roods 19 poles. 29 acres 3 roods 31 poles, 8 acres 3 roods 09 poles. 1 acre 1 rood 30
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    • 53 5 I 4W Per Tin U Ml. or Urion yjto DOUBLE ACE j "SEA-GULL" BRAND DANISH MILK) I Sweetened Condensed I 1 Full Cream. I I'^S: Unsweetened Condensed! j Sterilized Natural. SOLE IMPORTERS: jjj I The East Asiatic Co., Ltd.*! fl (Incorporate* is Dwinirk.) 3 I Singapore. J nC3 n ira
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  • 80 5 f |>(;Al' oliE u1ABT 1,,-rfay. Ma) 2Ipm closts r Loilg e 830 Pm- irf. Circ-s. 9.15 P-m. To-morro». a > 22 J 40 a.m., 3.7 p.m. Full i ,r ««s Rehearsal, 5 p.m. P" Hospital Opening. T. ft r *>15 P- nl Middlet: S.C.F.A. vs. ExJfn Malaya
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  • 323 5 To day. May 21. ur c e s at G P. 0. noon. To-morrow, May 22. nbaya Band jer mas in Ban Ho Guan 9 a.m. Sultana 9 a.m. *Edina 9 a.m. Hong Aik 9 a.m. Flevo 9 a.m. jjvd L-I-gg 1 Kheng Sen? 1 p.m. Par/iiar.jr. Bengkalis
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  • 768 6 This is an age of reconstruction in all parts of the world and it is therefore essentially an age of planning. To rectify the faults of the past, to repair the waste and neglect of the European War, to ensure even the very minimum of comfort
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  • 149 6 The Sweep Case Explained. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 19. There was a special general meeting of the Ipoh Gymkhana dub last night. Mr. P. G. Short, the president, explained the circumstances of the recent prosecution for running a sweep. He said that nothing new was
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  • 455 6 Three Cantonese aimed with knifes 2n«l pistols robboc, (lamitonese go!li> «mitb. ol 1?rengganu-stinovt. ol pipe» valuecl at on l^ritta^. Inree t?dil> :clc«l a NoKjen cleric n»m<6 Iloelc ol < »:< !u»r6 ros6 at I a.m. on l>i6av. an6 a >v«unli in cbest wild a lcn fe. 1"de 8tr»it« 3etllements tion
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  • 217 6 Other People's Views. From "Practical Housing," 1910 Councilor J. S. Nettlefold (of Birmingham Corporation): "The first principle of Town Planning is to consider beforehand the constituent parts of a modern town, and then to arrange them in such a way that the result shall show an ordered
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  • 138 6 (From Our Own Correspond.3nt.) KuaLa Lumpur, May 19. Two wagons of a goods tra'tn fron KuaCa Lumpur to line north, yesterday morning, became detailed bAwe-.n Trolak and Sungkai. The derailment was not discovered until trair travelled nearly 1% miles. Th€ wagons played havoc with the iaiis, t-laring up
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  • 142 6 Incident on the Balcony. London, Aprid 27.—The Berlin correspondent of the "Dad Mail" states that a real Live Romeo sued Juliet's father for heaving: flower pots at his head when the father found him climbing: the balcony to his sweetheart's room. Romeo was Mr. Max, a suburban
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  • 175 6 The women's struggle for equal rights proceeds aid over America, with various result? in the different States of the unon. In some the women have achieved practically all they desire and, there are cases, indeed, in which their fegal status is better th .n that of men.
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  • 41 6 We understand that Mr. Allan Lok who was fortunate in winning Ac thr.e first prizes and a th rd prizo in the big sweeps at r.ftie Spr'ng races last week, has given the mon:y for a Chinese school alt Kuala Lumpur.
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  • 267 6 FINE PKfti i "Anna Chafe- Atur tK s i ay I pegjLl 2*2 keen to s remembered for m, **U and Mr P, 7 J A ™a Christ J bargee father who "J Imh «oker whose M enough to S a hard mental sw S that her lov
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  • 215 6 Produces Revolver from I* Cassock. New York.—Catholic ami been starJed by the d of the Venerable Fa re: Hi O'NeHl, one of known priests in the fl highly drama: c chrums anc^» 1 sat at supper with two tms M Mi last evening. Fathi.r O'NeH was
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  • 21 6 The output of Tin Ore for U* W brf 1 inir May 15, Dr.*. No.*** <
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 308 6 jSLAZENGER'Sj Tennis Racket S I Gut Reviver 1 I A special preparation for Preserving and Reviving the gut of Tennis Rackets. I IN BOXES CONTAINING 1 I Price $|.00 per box. 1 I I I Robinson Co., Ltd. 555* I g SINGAPORE. In If iiiiJiJiiuiiiiiiiMuiuiijiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiii^ I BOOKS TO BEAD DLRING
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    • 67 6 IACTOCEIf Advice free by our Qualified Nurse to all users upon Application to NESTLE ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO. (London.) 144-147 Cecil Street, Singapore. II II II I I I I 111 I I I I I I I I I :|!!|lll!l|l:|!|||||||||||||||||i|||||!||:!|ll|lll!IIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIlf Hlk Photographs of Character and Individuality. We try to
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  • 336 7 ACTING CN ADVICE OF LONDON SPECIALISTS. MR. BALDWIN BUSY. Reuter. London, May 19. M r Bonar Law is returning to London to-day on the advice of j.' Holder, the Harky-street specialist.—Reuter. London, May 19. Mr Bonar Law's summons to London is the Premier's who are anticipating
    Reuter.  -  336 words
  • 83 7 WHAT AMERICANS MUST GET. Lnsitania Claims Head List. Reuter. Washington May 20. A statement presents to the Mixed Duns Commission establi hed to fix b German war liabi.ities, which has i*n pub. shtd shows thai the claims i4e American Government and citi-m-tai $1479 000 000 of which
    Reuter.  -  83 words
  • 86 7 Fruitless Attack on Trawler. Reuter. London May 19. exciting encounter rial prun-boat in the April 28 told by the Werof the Grimsby trawler Jeria. appeared when the Jer'a f«*a miles from land and orderJtte trawler to follow her to port. Sklpper ignored the order and SrJ? the Britis!h
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 55 7 Mentation for Extension of Time. Sir a, Ll May 20. a ji G «W«i made a rer^r,j t0 the Government with t n JoB o* time for the "fe* m r t f P«*«bitoa, within the f r the benefit of *Ha* m (listart Ports unable W r
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  • 50 7 Sydney Reuter. > 19 4 NV,] liam Cre isC"" m th Pacific is Cl Sntl »rc il i' ,r Sydno >' than Of ft' plni °n that the i* is ,a wise de W." fu Wt confidth. l^T*** tkn i9 n?e H! *u p ,ur have w
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 91 7 RUHR TROOPS TO BE REINFORCED. Tired Workmen. Reuter. Pari May 19. A forthcoming further increase in the French troops in the Ruhr is announced by the newspapers with the objec; ctf speeding up production, particularly by means of a closer superv sion of the railways. Le Gaulois gives
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 100 7 Charged in Various Courts. Reuter. London, May 19. Of nine more deportees who arrived at Holyhead seven were arrested, making sixteen re-arresls. All thotre arrested have been charged with conspiracy. Two of the re-arrested deportees, Scan McGrath, secretary of the Irish Self-determination League and John O'Mahoney, a
    Reuter.  -  100 words
  • 81 7 Demands Impeachment of Mr. Taft. Reuter. New York, May 20. The annual convention of the SociaVist Party passed a reso'ution demanding the impeachment of Mr. Taft for accepting a $10 000 annuity from the Carnegie Corporation, bequeathed to him by Mr. Carnegie as well as $5
    Reuter.  -  81 words
  • 29 7 Reuter. Warsaw. May 19. Olewinsfci, Vice-President erf the Polrsh Ministry of Agriculture has been a'sass-iraated in the street- The motive is stated to be persona] vengeance.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 187 7 END OF PAN-AMERICAN CONFERENCE. Reason Why. Reuter. London, May 19. Washington despatches record the growing conviction that the Pan-Am-erican Conference at Santiago has lamentably failed to fulfil hopes. Practically nothing has emerged fr. m the imposing agenda aiming at the 1 mutation of warJKke expenditure, codification of the
    Reuter.  -  187 words
  • 143 7 No Faith in Chinese. Reuter. Tsaochuang, May 19. Berube, one e>f the bandits' esaptives. has been released and is pre>ceeding to Peking to present a bandit ultimatum, that unles the troops are withdrawn by May 22. two British and American captives will be sh:t.— Reuter. Peking. May 20.
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 295 7 Paris Resents Proposal of Moralists. Paris.—Another typically Parisian tradition being menaced. Following tihe example of American cities certain moralists here are advocating that kisspng in public be made punishable by a heavy fine and, in repeated offences, jail sentences. They purpose to aubmit a MB in the
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  • 90 7 SWISS GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBLE. Rtptjr to Soviet Note. Reuter. Berne May 20. The Government received a note from the Soviet Government charging it with responsibility for the murder of VoUOwsky. The Federal Council decided to reply refusing to accept the note—Reuter. Berne, May 20. The Council refuses the demands
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 450 7 Story of No. 10 Downing Street. Down<;ig Street, for nearly two hundred years the centre of the British Empire, is but a hundred yards long- and ten wide. Go back tihiree-and-a-half centuries, and the ground on which it now stands was within the precincts of the
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  • 163 7 Mr. Mussolini of Italy appears to be a remarkable man. Other men have led blood l ess revolutions and direct coups detat, andl performed other fea'is like that. But Mussolini is goiirlg confidently ahead to do aomethirg from which Napollleon would have shrunk with dread and imperious Oaesar
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  • 684 7 NEWS ITEMS SUPPLEMENTING REUTERS CABLES. (Via Ceylon Exchanges.) RECONSTRUCTING THE CABINET. London, May 6.—Mr. Bonar Law's departure sharpens the sense of provisionalness in the political world, remarks the "Observer's" political correspondent- Lord Curzon and Mr. Baldwin are consc'ewtious and. careful deputies, but the ministry which is
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 518 7 THE BLA KSTONE I Oil Engines. jjj Simple, Reliable, Economical, Clean in Work, Easily Managed. S Used in all Parts of the World. I SINGLE CYLINDER MODEL. I 50 62 75 GO 115 140 B. H. P. 9 Worked with Crude, Residual or Tar Oils. m (Easily Converted to run
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  • 909 8 THE TURF. SATURDAY'S RACE MEET. Another laige crowd was present to witness the conclusion of the Spring Meet on Saturday. Logue was cautioned by the Committee for his riding of Sheila the previous day, otherwise there was nothing untoward. After the races a number of horses were
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  • 633 8 BATTLING KEY IN MANILA. Battling Key. Malaya's lightweight champion, writes from Manila umd.j* date May 7: *T am gtiad to inform you of my safe arrival her? in Manila. The promoter wrll fix me up somcth'ng hcare, my first fight oomiing off in about two weeks"—last Saturday probably—"and I
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  • 211 8 WALKER AMATEUR CUP. Americans beat Britishers. Reuter. London, May 19. In the Walked* amateur ga'.f cup. Amtr ca, the hold' rs, beat Britain by 6 matches to 5. Britain won the fours©meis by 3 matthes to 1. Ani.Tic a wan the singles by 5 to 2, the remaining single
    Reuter.  -  211 words
  • 133 8 American Loses Tittfe. Reuter. Leeds, May 19. In the final H. C. Jolly, of Foxgrove, beat the American, Walter Hagen, holder 0 f the British open championship, by two holes. It was a tense matfch, im which Jolly was very cool throughout. After turning two up he finished
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 61 8 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Dutch pair beat Americans. Reuter. St Cloud, May 20. At the International Lawn Tennis hard court Championships a sensation was the defeat of the American pair, Johnson and Miss Sears by the Dutch Pair Dremerkools by 8—6, 6—1, and the narrow win of Johnson over the
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 269 8 INTER-STATE CRICKET. Perak's Moderate Score. I From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, May 20. The Perak—Selangor cricket match which started at 2 30 p.m. yesterday, will be continued the whole of today and finished to-morrow morning. Perak batted first. There was a streaky start but the last two wickets added
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  • 54 8 PERAK.—Ist Innings. Carter 1 wkt for 10 runs Jonklaas 3 wkts for 31 runs O'Hara 3 wkts for 44 runs Green 1 wkt for 16 runs W lliams 2 wkts for 19 runs SELANGOR.—Ist Innings. Hennesey 1 wkt for 14 luns "Speldewinde 4 wkts for 36 runs Chelvam 5
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  • 358 8 Dr. Scharenguivel accomplished some sparkling batting on Saturday, when the week-end cricket match between the Civil Service and Services, and the Rest was commenced. The weather was fine, and the Rest opened well, but apart from the doctor's remarkable score, their batting was poor,
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  • 38 8 In the cricket maitch played on Saturday bJjween the S. R. C. and the Y. M. C. A., the former won by 66 runs. The scores will be given tomorrow.
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  • 117 8 S.F.A. MAY FIXTURES. A3 far as possible we shall publish a ly the S F A league fixtures frr "he current month: Ist Division. May. 23rd Middlesex vs S J 0 B, S C C 25th SRCvsRGA, SRC 28th SCCvsRGA, SCC 10th SJOBvsSCFA,SCC 2nd Division. Vlay. 22nd S C
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  • 235 8 But Not Very Conclusively, Says Greenwich Official. Ems tem s theory is favoured by the evidence of the Canadian party, who made obs.rvat'ons on the> eclipse of the sun at Wallal on September 21, fays Professor Ghant of Toronto University, accordi ng to a Rcuter
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 65 8 Your Lungs must be sound and healthy Good health is impossible when the lungs are not sound. SCOTT'S Emulsion maintains the lungs in a healthy condition and it the greatest Ai*J& safeguard jEjnjfik against pneu- MW&Mr monia, lung trouble and all X >1 ailments of the B j/ML jft throat
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    • 463 8 lllillllliMillillfll|IIIMII)itlflllll|iliillllillllltlllll|l!|llill|il|||||i|ini, |||||m||||1||||| I We also have Sporting TSgjJ^ j Rackets iaa^ /n ]rfe m EngllSh Ma ieri a i s f£:::::::::l| The 44 Survival' ftQ I iS ::|J The "Maharaja Extra I Iff Special" i£i jy The 2| The 44 Improved *H I Hrf Maharaja" I OJ 3he "Compass" Tennis
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  • 616 9 Singapore, May 12, 1923. Artick. Price. c. MEAT. Beef steak kata 0.45 Beef stew or curry kati 0.38 Pork, lean kati 0.64 Pork, lean and fat (lit quality) kati 0.62 Mutton Indian 0.73 Mutton Australian 0.66 Fowl 0.60 Fowl large (3 katis) each 1.80 Fowl medium (1%
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  • 1539 9 LATEST PRICES QUOTED IN THE MARKET. Item. LYALL AND EVATT, Exchange and Share Broker-,, issue the following list of quotations: Singapore, May 17. RUBBER, STERLING SHARES—-Mail Quotations? MARCH 21, 1923. Issue Paid Val. Up. a. d. 2|- 2j- Allagar 0 16 2|- 2|- Anglo-Java q 2 10}4
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 598 9 w fAf strong, and too strong stronger meepless, Weak and Nervous cniendidly FH by Dr. Cassell's Tablets when s^| CSj J Rest and Change had failed. ■I n f 129, CamberweH New ft b pjx& t j/ 0 ix)ndon, service in France I con»T 4 ft«r two ye«* invalided home,
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    • 164 9 i 1"» i i i runt" I THE STRAITS ALBION PRESS. Ltd., I (INCORPORATED IN THE STRAFTS>ETTLEMENTS.) jj PRINTERS AND STATIONERS, f 20a-20c, Collyer Quay, I SINGAPORE S.S. j Do you require STATIONERY of good quality a g 1 The following lines are stocked and can be a s I
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  • 521 10 FEDERATION OF SHANGHAI AMATEURS. Amatour radio interest* in Shang hai ar* Lkely to receive great benefit ia the. future judging by the announce meat, at a meetiug of the Shanghs Amat.ur Radio Society, that a movs ment had been inaugurated for form ing a federation of amateur*
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  • 90 10 Whether wv consuler the question of responsibility, of discipline, of the generail attitude of the officers and crew, of the attitude of the shipping compao(.es, of quarters of the general effect on the profusion, or of a thousand other questions directly concerned with the subject, woman can
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  • 86 10 The bu/rd,v, upon the consumers is intolerable. From 3d. a pound in 1915 they have b.en cailled upon to pay up to 6d. a pound for tlieir sugar, wh'ch was :ha unti. November «ajgt, v/hcvi on the ove of the general <iection<s the Federal Government If
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 722 10 AUCTION SALE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, Ltd. AUCTION SALE O? 10 Tons Each Rough, Planed Tongued and Grooved Kap>r Planks At our Sale Room, Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place On Tuesday, May 22, at 11 a.m. Samples on view. AUCTION SALE OF PRINTERS STORES To be held at Nos. 71 and 72
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    • 518 10 Mrs. Riddick Tells HowCuticuraHealed Hands and Face "I contracted a skin trouble of the hands and face which teok the form of wet eczema. It spread Jj\ rapidly to various parts «H and the rash became ao y M bad that I found it aly r~J moat imposaible to get
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    • 458 10 :Vri •a first symptom ofa col.i or cl j9xx thoaiĕ Uks a fsw Peps, the I navel bi rifhtshls remedy, j jj P©l* the wondarf al healing and fsrmioidal medicine which you Igj breath* frosn pieasani dissolving 9 tablets direefc into your fl Pep* eo-ib* thi tender nir passa-
      458 words
    • 573 10 STEAMER SAIUNGS S^ BSeSBKKcSfiB^ I Java-China-Japan u De I s. s." Tjitaroem (5775 tons). I jjj For Hongkong, (Swatow, Amoy > jjj Dalny arriving Jl,ne lst wUI take pa., S eng eN i for above port,. Has excellent pas.enger acco,^ I For particulars of freight and passages, p l eas
      573 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 473 11 SI AMER SAILINGS. INDIA AND APCAR LINE. (Complies Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGERS AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR ORIENTAL S. N. CO. Under Coatract with Hia Majeaty'a Government. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. 1923 rvar; a May 27 Ma >a June 10 Khiva June 24 Kashmir July 8 ■jtcedoaia
      473 words
    • 389 11 STEAMER SAILINGS 0. S X Proposed Sailing from Singapore (subject to change without previous notice) EUROPEAN LINE. For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Suez and Port Said. ♦Amazon Maru arr May 19 d-p 20 Amur Maru arr June 21 dep 22 *Omit Marseilles and Called at Bremen NEW
      389 words
    • 553 11 STEAMER SAILINGS. LINE OF STEAMERS Monthly sailings to and from Anatialia for cargo only, calling at Penang Batavia, Sourabaya, Fromantle, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. SCHEDULE OF ARRIVALS AND SAILINGS. Arrives Sals s.s. ECHUCA In Port M 21 EURELIA June |i June M «.s. EMITA JuJy 16 Jul 21 M. ECHUCA
      553 words
      595 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 499 12 WANTED. WANTED.—To buy a second hand I Ford ar iv good running order. Apply 40 c/o Malaya Tribune. SITUATIONS VACANT. WANTED SITUATION. An Insurance Expert of twenty- i three years experience who has o g-anised agencies and influenced very t;ood new business in Life, Fire, j Marine, Motor, etc... to
      499 words
    • 376 12 NOTICE. NOTICE, The Exchange Banks will be closed on Monday, May 21. Whit-Monday. i NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all concerned that Ismail bin Hadjee Ibrahim is no longer authorised to act as my attorney or on my behalf in any respect whatsoever. Dated 12th May, 1923. M. KADER
      376 words
    • 457 12 BANKS. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in the U. S. A.) OCEAN BUILDING, COLLYER QUAY. P. O. BOX NO: 262. TELEPHONE NO: 661. OWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Capital and Surplus US $10,000,000 Undivided Profits US $5,504,980 Reserve for Dividends US $500,000 Head Office:-60 WALL STREET. NEW
      457 words
    • 429 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat Palembang 16, Ilir. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontiaaak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised
      429 words
    • 422 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated ia England by Royal Charier 1858.) Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,060,000 BANKERS: Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. Westminster Bank Ltd. National Provincial and
      422 words
    • 376 12 INSURANCE. THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) Head Office Singapore, Ist Floor, Banque del Indo China Buildings, lA, Malacca Street. 'Phone, No. 357. BOARD OF DIRECTORS See Tecng Wah, Esq. (Chairman.) Gaw Khek Khiam, Esq. (Vice Chairman.) P.S. Lee, Esq. Ong Soon Tee, Esq. Yeo Hock
      376 words
    • 335 12 Ooa't You Don t you wish tl strong, healthy ;iia »n W"** >OU v. a Plenty of IJUre y »H MEDICINAL BLOOD oufficK-nt for i? j S< Id by The International P harj The Ang:o.Chi ileSe JS? The Medical C ffi (c The United l> harmacy The British The Ind;a
      335 words