Malaya Tribune, 17 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY. J AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING BAIU > No. i«5 SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1923 FIVE CENTS. Malaya Tribune. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1923.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 120 1 "THE MALAGA TRIBUNE j AND I ppjjKJ GAZETTE, j I' M Dept. I rl rN ADVANCE. |15.00 f I**"*"" 7.50 fi*i-> e3ry 375 Z ir,r:<r fc t extra 50 cts month- CHOOSE IT'S A WRiGLEY'S Kjmi habit you j ro jRf Vv 7 o^ ,r i j CHEW II
      120 words
    • 239 1 I JUST UNPACKED. ru c I I A new Consignment of CELFBRATKD SUN-PROOF I PITH HATS r C ROF I Men s and Boy's i D jc PRICES VERY REASONABLE. Ĕ Personal Inspection will S Convince You. I 1L SULTAN IBRAHIM Jj 94, NORTH BRIDfiE itOAD }j (Adelphi Hotel Buildings).
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    • 283 1 f WATCHES of the BEST MAKE 1 at RENE ULLMANM, L," HIGH STREET, SINGAPORE. Telephone No. 2464 m) Sole D stributor for tie ell-known I ill 1 LEVBETTE WATCHES JEW ET 1 ERY i f the best ii i SXWmmW, PATTERNS with DIA MOM'S I 1 and all kinJs of
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    • 211 1 ll!llllll|ll|lllltlMIIIII!f!l|l[|ll|M|ll|ll|llMfl!ltlt'lt"SHMaHBB I THE S MALAYA TRIBUNE 1 AND I I SHIPPING GAZETTE. I The Popular Newspaper of the Straits Settlements. I Published Daily. Complete Reports of Local Events. Z I I I Full and Latest Telegrams. Z i BEST SPORTS REPORTS. f (lII lllAltftll I Mi i I |::|lllll|lt|ilill|;Mil|ll|llllllll|il|; l«u!m
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  • 1334 2 DEFENCE At the end of March, H. M. S. Chatham, flagship cf the New Zealand Division of the Royal Navy, visiited Melbourne. The Officers were entertained* by Ministers of the Commonwealth of Australia at Federal Parliament House. The Prime Minister, Mr. S. M. Bruce, in proposing the health
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  • 157 2 Few of our great statesmen have been intern «ted in racing:, and I remember reading somewhere an amus'ng description of Mr. Gladstone in the royal box at Epsom trying his hardest not .to appear bored says a writer tp an Eir.jgiish paper. Earl of Balfour is a constant
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 613 2 Tiny strong, and too s'.ioij strongir Sleepless, Weak and Nervous Made Splendidly Fit by Dr. CasseiTs Tablets when Tonics, Rest and Change had failed. Mr. B. Bramwell, of 129, Camberwell New road. London. 5.E.5, Eng., says:— After two yeare' service i.i Franco I con- r tracted pneumonia, was invalided home,
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    • 545 2 THE GIRL WHO SINGS BEFORE BREAKFAST. And The Girl Who Doesn't. Some girl* sing as soon ias they jump out of bed. Thejr aleep haa done them good, they are refreshed and eager to commence the day; what is more they are ready to eat a good, sub tan:iai breakfast.
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    • 94 2 HAMMEfts LARGE STOCKS OF ALL TYPES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRKB UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated In the Straits Settiem«nts SINGAPORE "ntiiteers" I Sole Proprietor 6; j NANYANG BROS. TOBACCO CO. LTD. (Incorporated in China.) Singapore Office: 181, South Bridge Road, Singapore I Telephone Nos. 2880 2881. •»!<»*« •*.-t- »«t: icmm it'r.
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  • 1695 3 THE KUALA KURAU CASE. Exemplary I'enalt.'es. Says Thursday's "Malay Mad": At the Parit Bunter court on Friday last, before Mr. Allen, the following were charged with bong knowmgiy concerned in smuggling rubber out of the F.M.S. at Kuala Kurr.u on April 12: 1. Low Guan Seng, Chinchew S.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 548 3 OF ENERGY reason why so many peopJe are lacking in T» j and constipation. If jour stomach o*o** )0t JI):IU their work effecti\cl> your system will Did urished. if yo«r bowels are irregular a certain 901 wast* matter will be retained in the system which j" 1 v h a
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    • 430 3 CIGARETTES Bl are made in London by an X English film with over 140 ffifff years' experience to help them I]H in their en deavour to produce jIJ-ffc the perfect cigarette. Finest tobacco- care- Br^r^; fully selected bright Hf l "™J rom C districts pure rice j: (V paperaretheonly ma-
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  • 48 4 COMMENTS OF LOCAL AND GENERAL INTEREST. By "Footlight." Cinema goers in general and boxir.T'i i:&:s in particular will be pleased to hear that the films depicting the McTigue-Siki figfot and the Ltwis-Todd contest have rece ved here, but the censor has banned the former.
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  • 703 4 The eventful d-atiny which 1 fted Adele Blood from the obscurity of a suburban church cho r to fame as on- 1 of the country's known actresses and the rare distinction of being proc'amed th. word's most bcaufc'ful ĕ blond, has suddenly ecipeed all it* past
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 356 4 MUSEMENTS W EMPIRE CINEMA In the Second Show at 9.30 pan. A great actor in one o;" th* most dramatic stories f the year William Farnum Presented by William Fox In a picture tha', gives the Etar an opportunity to lay ali cf his great screan powers at the feet
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    • 477 4 AMUSEMENTS. A LHAMBR A THFATRE, BEACH ROAD Id the Second Show at 9 p.m. Topical Budget British Screen News, j WILLIAM FOX Presents THOMAS CARRIE AN i CHECKERS In 7 Parts. a stirring drama, which, will thrill all true lovers of Sport. CHECKEKS in his efforts to foil the machinations
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    • 556 4 AMUSEMENTS^ "GAIETY" ,ST SHOW AT TM Oil^ IT IS iHE i IT IS THE LAW IT IS THE LAW JJd l| A Universa; Western Drama with Tom Sasteclli l i ls t Sh wM I IHE UOX aiAM SERIAL Far °W L'o vtj igj c THE LION MAN BBRIAL ..mlr
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  • 220 5 TO-DAY'S LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS. Tin to-day. $98.50 per pikuA Buyers. No sellers. Buyers Setters Gambier 13-2 5 Java Cube 26.00 Hamburg Cixbe 23.00 Press Cub© Sar. Whit© Pepper 22.00 Mixed Black Pepper 14.00 Sundrred Copra 11.30 1130 Mixed Copra 10.75 10.75 Small FJake Tapioca 12.25 12.25 Med Pearl
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  • 91 5 Singapore, May 17. On London— Bank 4 month*' 2s 4 1-4.-Demand 2s 4 5-32 d Private 3 months' sight 2s 4 9-16 d. On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 174% On Hongkong— Bank d:manl draft IVi p.c. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 72% On Java— Baafc Tel. Tmnsfer 140%
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  • 54 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore, May 17. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers. Spot Latest LondoR Cables quote. London Spot.— Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 49% 50% July to Sept 50% 50% Oct to Dec 52 52% Latest London Cable? quote. Iondon Spot Is
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  • 25 5 Singapore, May 17. To-day's closing rubber quotation? are as under: New York.—27 cts. London.—Is l%d. Singapore—49% cts. Tone of Market.— Steady.
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  • 92 5 General Papoulas, the former Gre k Commander-rtn-Chief in Asia Minor, is to appear before a court-martial charged with defrauding the Greek Stat? of £400 000. It it alleged that the general and >ht confederates signed nineteen fraudulent contracts with the Greek State during the Asir. Minor
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  • 157 5 ARRIVALS. May 17. M uY.n, Br L 70 ions, Caipt. Nacodah, from B. Pnhat loft May 16. Ho Aik Seran g, Diit. 729 torn, Capt. torn Palembang, left May 1-3 Lui Sa ng. U. S. Bam.. Brit. 68 tons, Capt. VicodaT), from left May 16, »-ng Bee. Kr
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  • 102 5 Singapore, May 17. Rubber.—London Is l%d, Local 49 cents. Tils.—London £192 7s 6d, Local v98% Buystrs. Share. Market.—Dull. Rubbers.—Inactive. Tins.—Taip|.ngs 8j to 90 cants, Norths $1.17% to $1.22%, Souths 97% cents to $1.02%, Nawng Pets $1.17% to $1,22%, Petalings 77% to 82% cents, Rawajigs $1.17% to
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  • 112 5 London, May 15. Sago flour quoted at 13|9d. Tin is quoted at £195.12.6 in London. Tapioca is quoted at for fair ;lake. Gambler is quoted at 28. Cube Gambier, No Quotation. On the Liverpool market cotton, middl ng American is at 14 70 Egyptian cotton at 15.40.
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  • 219 5 London, April 20.—The pliaying of games on Sundays, such as cricket and football, by London's masses has become the subject of controversy, and a movement is under way to put a stop to it. Professional football and cricket Le'agues in England do not schedule games on Sundays
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  • 222 5 i The Vengeance of Tutankhamen. Cairo Egypt, Apr*! 20—The i 1- nes. of Mr. Howard Carter, the American who issis.ed the Earl of Carnarvon in the discovery of the t mb of King Tutankhamen, following the deiath of Earl Carnarvon, is creating sensational st ries here. Some who
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 323 5 HOLMND EAST ASIA LTNE, (Monthly service to Phillippines. China and Japan.) The s.s. "OLDfi,KERK will loid on or about May 28th f<>r M*n<la, Hongk. nR. Shanghai, Kobe, Yokohama, Dalny and Tsingtao. The steamer has intermediate Class Passenger-Accommodation available. Please apply to Stoomvaart Miatschappi] 'Nederla d' 66 68, Robinson Road. Phone's
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    • 316 5 RAFFLES INSTITUTION CENTENARY. It has been decided to hold a Dinner on T ues day, the sth of June 1923 to celebrate the Centenary of the founding of this Institution. All Old Rafflesians desirous of attending the Dinner are requested to send in their applications for tickets to the undersigned
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    • 185 5 VICTORIA THEATRE. Tel. 826 Tel. 826 Special Race Week Attraction LAST THREE NIGHTS OF THE DANIEL FRAWLEY COY. Including MISS ADELE BLOOD. In all the Latest Broadway and London Successes. TO-NIGHT, AT 9.30 p.m. LAWFUL LARCENY To-morrow, May 18. SMIUN' THROUGH. Saturday, May 19. FAREWELL PERFORMANCE The Play that is
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    • 300 5 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Note, c hereby given that the regstration and lensing of dogs with n the Munic pal'ty of the Town of S ngapore for the year beginning Jun? 1, 1923, and ending May 31, 1924. w'll commence on Friday. June 1, 1923, and will be continued daily (Sundays excepted)
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  • 192 5 k l'OKE DlAKY. A N> u To-day- >> a > 17 P 47 a.m. 11.19 P-™-K 1 T ,^rutonl da*. pi Meetin*. Third Day. tern Gate, P-m. V Circus 9 15 p.m. r re 9-30 p.m. To-morrow. May 18. 018 a.m. 1147 p.m. i: 't'-Malay:'. Tribune."
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  • 229 5 Tu-day, May 17. fcra Pr.rj der Nederianden 2 p.m. arj* Rargoon Calcutta Elephanta 3 p.m. gju f. Red an g 4 p.m. ursiMuar* Hye Leong 4 p.m. cgki. Fin a rig, Batavia Enc-n' Soon Ann 4 pm. E» Ban Fo Soon 4 p.m. by. Suez.* Port Said." tearerp*
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  • 768 6 There is a great deal said to-day about the necessity for more practical education in our schools, for a more useful study of handcrafts and science and business skill. It is claimed with some truth that such courses are more preferable, having regard to the usefulness of
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  • 691 6 Being Hari Raya the Y.M.CA. Swimming Pool and Tennis Courts wi; be closed to-morrow. The Malayan Agri-horticUltural Association has received a grant of $3 000 from the F M S Government. The F.M S. Government has paid a sum of $1,686 towards equipment for the Medical School at Singapore. Mcntone,
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  • 323 6 European Charged. Capt. R. H. Whippey was yesterday changed in the third palica court before Mr. Gouriay wLn cheating the Europe Hotel on May 11 by faiseiy representing and indue ng the managemerjt of the Europe Hotel to believe thiat he was in possession of money On
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  • 111 6 McTigue-Siki Fight Fiim. The films depicting the McTigue Sik fight as woll as the Todd-Lewis contest hay.i bee.:* received in Singa>pore, and yesterday representatives of the press weru given a view of those two pic tunes which are excellent in every way. We und rstood that the c nsor
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  • 238 6 The following action was taken at a meeting of Muniopal Committee No. 4 heid on May 11 President's leave.—Approved Presidn t's request for one week's -leave to proceed on the 12th instant to Java. Rubber Factory at Sumbawa Road.— RetsoCwd that wVhen the iLcocdsary alienations to Tan Kah
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  • 355 6 HOW THK ttt n* WAi Mr. Heor, .a how Miss B y '< F,.aw,, if you wvn m of i dramatic ectoVi 1 i on. he say. an easy undi-nak,-, Aadifyouweregoirj the seas to fores toKUXb iy Afferent fr in New York or Jacks Mont., then what
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  • 63 6 (From Our Own Kuala V j At th-' Sar.::-' afur w«J coming n>.w chairman, and -i vices of Mr. Ei > s Mr. Freeman I a ment's pledge mad. a lliroc:r« arrang atenl cha'rman. if aot I main for at frequ at nt i The ihaireuw 1
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  • 29 6 Mr. Alan Mr. Alan Lake. F.M.S Jaeid record by w theh,- M tho first and I <T sweep Tv *> that he an dollars in t cto*
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 346 6 jSLAZENGER'S j I Tennis Racket i| Gut Reviver I k special preparation for Preserving and Reviving I the gut of Tennis Rackets. S per box. oi C; S I I Robinson Co., Ltd. tZjJS, I SINGAPORE. 1 V BOOKS 0 FAD Mil ING YOUR SPARE TIME. j I I HE
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  • 158 7 <;ITSPENDKI>. Warning. Reuter. London. May 15. 1 a fieorgo supported the V Vv advised the V* profit by this opport- .;„n. beg*** L t the preset state of J J d wa s too grave to drop tsf t wdorsed Mr. Uoyd W and urrd a full
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 73 7 Prosefdfd Reuter. London May 16 la he House of Commons Mr. Cecil r-- sked for the estab'lsnmenc f": enquiry with a vu-w r Muit-sai girl? is Ethels in Honorkc-g. Ormrl -Gciv -eplied that th" H r provided against -••f-ff vi'p f'T the purposes of "i ior N
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 69 7 IS. Given Priority for Reimbursement. Paris, May 16. The Committee on cost3 of the Aak? of Occupation have drawn up if*, text of the draft agreemer' for reimbursement to America in Stive years f a milliard gold marks ftr the expenses of the American 6cetMtion force and giving
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  • 31 7 Abandwrd Owing to fesai Relations. Reuter. London May 16 of the ur.cer inty of 'Nations the Russia- i.ory.on amounc? thai deeded to abandon rrefoi 'ho jo-ars X vr.P E^di^on.—Ro-jter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 28 7 f H (,f I iving Declined. I nd m May 16 »ast week foi to !:r t a declined l < ••"h -< Dam ?'> I !>r -war days.—
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  • 69 7 lb v. London May lfi :I V s charted I tiou? conapin cy I Mj Mm d a !»ii] re REARRESTED f A PP »1 ordered !ne O'Brien who was •r' W> -Hl-R utei Th, p L ion May 16. i in the Court ed r The Atr.
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  • 162 7 [•HE DEV AT HOT SPRINGS. Scenes of Terror. Reuter. New York, May 16. The disaster at the hot springs was due to a cloudburst in the adjacent mountains, after eighteen hours of rain flooding the streets, smashing shops and houses carrying off motor cars with occupants and
    Reuter.  -  162 words
  • 70 7 Agreement for Acquiring Control. Reuter. London May 16 A n has been signed beB a British financ ii group and th? Swiss Bank for the purpose of acquiring control of the AnatoUan Ra" .ways and affiliated companies. The British offered the French and groups an opportunity of participation.
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 38 7 Peking May 16. With the e nsent of the Government the Minister of Communications Wuyuiin, and General Yangiteh, havo gone to the Brigand headquarters as hostages in order to obtain the rele:se of the Lincheng prisoners.—Reuter.
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  • 128 7 London. May 16. In the House of Commons Mr. Stewart euggested that in view of the Lincheng outrage the Government should consider the p:ss.Hbdiity of arranging. by an International 1 Agreement. through the League of Nations cr ether w* se, for the more effective
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  • 46 7 Reuter. London May 16. Reductions in the wages of building operatives varying from %d to Id per hour were fixed by the arbitrators awa-xi The reduction operates from May 26. Labourers wages are being mainb 'ned at 75 per cent, of the craftsmcns wages.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 39 7 Reuter. Lahore. May 16 The Amrit ar Nat onal Bank an indigenous institution suspended payment owing to continuous withdrawals by de-. sitors. The shareholders meet on M y 28 to decide the details of !*quidat on—Reu'er.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 39 7 Reuter. Buenos Aires, May The 'iover-mcnt decided to a si* .rn<*re*c f -r sanction of payment of Argentina's overdue contv.but'ons to *he League of Nations and to rr.rify the country's membership to the 'eague 1 —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 37 7 Reuter. Paris, May 16. The Chamber by 313 votes to 240 voted in favour of the rest" ration of •ummertime in France. The decision awaits the ratinca-Mon of the senate where strong oppositrrra is antVipated.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 498 7 FRAWLEY COMEDY COMPANY. The Frawley Comedy Company presented at the Victoria Theatre test night, for the first time in the East, a farce comedy in three acts by Emil Nyitray and Frank Mandel entitled "My Lady Friends," the stage adaptation of May, Edgerton's book "Oh James." The
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  • 63 7 Reuter. Washington May 16. On laa appeal by the Roxana Petroleum Corporation, -Secretary of the Interior Work revoked the Testations prohibiting the losing to aliens jf mineral and other rlffhtl >B allotted to Iadfrn»» but wi'l enforce :ho 1020 law forbidding the kasin? of to |&t.ri•>where reciprocity
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 35 7 Reuter. London May 16. The Government owned Imperial Cebi e Company h:s further reduced iU My paid cahTe rates to Canada from lOd to 9d. The Deferred rates are now 4d. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 85 7 Lomdon May G.— Baghdad. The Ire.q Protccol was received with confltcfi'mg eanotiem Bama wcro dspos-. d to doubt the gcrrjum-en an of Brit sh intensions. Most of the big Tribal rend rs doubt the ability of the Iraq Government to carry on alone so early and
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  • 503 7 NEW LIST OF ROOKS READY. In adc' ion to a selection of mew fiction t:. 1 .11 owing works have been added to 1 he Raffles Library and wi'l be aval'table for issue on Saturday the 19th at 9 a.m. Aminoff (Baroness Leonie) "Torchlight" R2 volution. Ash well
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  • 29 7 Witt the permissIon of the High Comntssdoner the F-M.S. Gov;rnmenthlas revoted $7,500 the ba!la-ce of lai year's provision, for a building gfant to St. Mary's Girls' School Kmii iAimpur.
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  • 510 7 MINUTES (> COMMITTEE MEET ING HELI; APBIL 28. 1923. Present:—Mr. W. A. Anderson, Mr. C. Watt Mr. C. E. Chubb, Mr. F. W. Pinnock, Mr. Soh S'l.w Boh, with Mr. C. K. Langlands (Honorary Secretary). Absent:—The Hon: Mr. W. D. Jupp. Mr. G. Mavor. The
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  • 128 7 Vienna—The artiste of Vienna have decided to erect a monument to perpetuate the gratitude of the city for the help rendered it during the first years of the war and afterward by other nations of the world, above ail the United States*, which sent food and fuel
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  • 54 7 The Government of untitled has had to pay a sum of $11,500 to Inche Fatnvah in connection with the case brought by her against the State. With the approval of the Federal Counoil, !he F. M. S. Government has added a sum of $92 000 for expenses in connection with
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 427 7 I Culverts and 'Watergates jjj are the best and most economical selection of drainage problem ffl rjj that has yet been put forward in this country. Ĕj J I I ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT of 1 THE BORNEO COMPANY LTD I te (Incorporated in England.) S i/ SINGAPORE, IPOH. PENANG. B l
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  • 1020 8 FOOTBALL O. T. F. C'S DISGRACEFUL CONDUCT. By "Reflex." The rowdyism displayed by the O.T.F.C. after tho match with tfto V.M.C.A. on the Malaya ground yesterday afternoon was both disgusting and <ii-graee.ful and contrasts very strangely with a commurrication we received from Hon. Secretary on May
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  • 81 8 LADIES' LAWN TENNIS CLUB TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Championship Pairs. Mrs. Cantrell and Mr. Green beat Mis. Holmes-Smith and Mr. HolmesSmith, 6—0, 6—2. Ladies' Singles Handicap (Final)* Mrs. Marsh owe 15 beat Miss Richardson owe 15, 5—6, 6—3, 6—0. MONDAY'S TIES. Ladies' Doubles Open. Mrs. SwindeCIl and Miss Fawcett
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  • 69 8 Y. M. C. A. vs. S. R. C. 11. The following will represent the Y. M. C. A. 11. vs. S. R. C. II at cricket on Saturday on the latter's ground commencing at 2 p.m.:—H. G. Stack (Capt), G. J. Vyas, S. D. Kriekenbeek, Dr. J. U. Karunaratne,
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  • 109 8 "EVENING NEWS" TOURNAMENT. Reuter. Leeds, May 16.—The American professional golfers, Hagen, Sarazen and Hoffrier who are now in England for the British Open Championship at Troon on June 14 competed in the qualifying round of the Yorkshire "Even'ng News" £700 tournament at the Headinsi.ey course, which began yesterday in
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 177 8 TO-DAY'S SCRATCHINGS. The fol'owing are the scratchings for to-day's races Race 2.—Rockport. Race 3.— H. F., Bon Chance. Race 4.—Lady Wallae, Beaver, Free Lance. Race 5. —Firstaway, Gentle Eva. Race 7.—Ganesh, Clovelly Boy, Melville. TO DAY'S SELECTIONS. 1. THE ARCHDEACON STAKES. 1. Zoom. 2. Ruff Stuff. 3. Digger.
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  • 121 8 Radio Tests Being Made. Direct radio communication between Basco, in the Batanes Islands, and Hongkong wiii be established, reports the "Manila Times".if tests now being made by the Department of Commerce and Ccmmunrications give satisfactory results. Asking if the Basco wireless station could be opened to the
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  • 173 8 Sleeveless jackets for men are discussed by the "Tailor and Cutter'' this week. But the proposal, which was made by a is coldly disapproved. The innovator, however, dlaimls that the fashion would be most usefuil and sanitary. It would put an enid to filthy jacket cuffs*
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  • 105 8 THE SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. Singapore, May 16. Catalogued 976,635 lbs., 436 tons. Offend 813,568 lbs., 363.20 tons. Sold 582.398 lbs., 260 ton®. Prices ReaTzed. London Is. l%d. New York 26% cts. Ribbed Smoked Sheet. Singapore Standard Qualty 48% (1 lot). Good Average Qual
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  • 317 8 Singapor.. May 16. Busn:«s during the period under review has been on a limited sca>. Tin continues to fall away in price and now shows a very serious d cllne from best, with the result that there is a general weakn ss in. most t
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  • 299 8 Singapore, May 16. With the price of raw rubber still uncertain, and the continued decline in the price of tin, the volume of business transacted in the shaie market is still smaflJ. There has 1-atierly been rather more enquiry for rubber shares but at ruck-bottom
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  • 430 8 KWONGSI FORCES IN RETREAT. Railway Service Partly Resumed. (S.C.M.P. Correeponderiu) Canton. May 8. It is reported that Dr. Sara Yatsen's army have had further succeses against the Kwongsi who are reported to have abandoned the railway and are retreating in the direction of Sttiiukwam The former
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  • 31 8 The F.M S. Government is spending $2.000 en evening cfas es in technical and commercial subjects in Seremban, purchase of typ writers, apparatus etc. and $4,000 as salaries of teachers etc.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 82 8 It is easy— to keep the children well and strong keep them noumhed by SCOTT'S Emulsion. Each drop of SCOTTS Emulsion rich in body building ingredients such as are needed by every young child. At the same time that it builds up tho body, SCOTT'S soothes and heals th* throat
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    • 255 8 UillllllllllllUillllllHllllllllllHilllH I We also have Sporting Mat^> English Materials. 1 li "ii:: I The "Survival" 9 A( ttt.. I The -Maharaja Extra $22 \Vi: *-Special" i The "Maharaja 2l <* Special" The k Improved 1 iSi Maharaja" I MU he "Compass" rennis 8,00 fl JBalls 1923, per doz. L eestringing
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  • 612 9 Singapore, May 12, 1923. irUcK Price. c. MEAT. Beef steak kata 0.45 Beef stew or cunry kati 0.38 Pork, lean kati 0.64 Pork, lean and fat (lit quality) kati 0.62 Mutton Indian 0.73 Mutto.i, Australian 0.66 Fowl o!eo Fowl large- (3 katis) each 1.80 Fowl medium (IVi
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 280 9 1 ji Bubber Footwear MADE LOCALLY I SIZES TO SUIT YOUNG AND OLD. I fees: Extra Large $1.50, Large 51.30, Medium $1.20 1 Small $1.00. I TAN KAH KEE CO. f RUBBER GOODS MANUFACTURERS. f F \CTORY: ROAD. SALES DEPARTMENT, 215, South Bridge Road, Singapore. /^"■^iE^ l i a Ws
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    • 315 9 Approximately i ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM TOOTHACHE 7 If so consult J. IKEDA (Experienced Dentist) 41. HILL STREET. Opposite the Central Fire Station. Telephone 991. WHY SUFFER THE BURDEN TOOTH-ACHE which can be relieved almost Immediately by consulting k. TSUTADA JAPANESE DENTIST 74 BRAS BA«\H COAD. dm front of French
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    • 337 9 *^*«™oomQ^^ WHITEAWAY'S I I l SPFtm jj] "Saxone" running, strong, and well finished jjj 5j J cress shoe with or Goats Veloar Hats I)! without toe cap. Tq Brown, Grey. Fawn and light Ws! <r jSBHBB |q 2150 Pair. Prices! 12.51 A $21.51 jjj iSZ; V A splendid eir similar
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  • 448 10 WHERE THEY HIDE THE MORPHIA. How ingenious are the methods of the smugglers of "dope" into Chin* it toid by Mr. Ba*il Mathews in a League of Nations publication. Since 1911 the amount of morphine smuggled into the country has been increasing. In 1919 Dr. W u Lienteh,
    448 words
  • 278 10 A magnificent Rolits-Royce, carefully driven, came round the corner from Bond-street into Oxford-street, where its pace was retarded by the traffic. It was followed, at headlong speed, by a disreputable looking Ford, which promptly charged into the rear of the larger car. Both car» were badly
    278 words
  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 715 10 AUCTION SALE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, Ltd. AUCTION SALE O* 10 Tons Each Rough, Planed Tongued and Grooved Kap >r Planks At oy.t Bale Room, Raf*as Chambers, Raffles Place On Tuesday, May 22, at 11 a.n. Samples on view. AUCTION SALE OF PBINTEBS STORES To be held at Nos. 71 and
      715 words
    • 573 10 JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. Is it worth whiJe to experime: L with the myriad so-called cures" for Rheumatism when there IS one sovereign remedy time-tested and PROVEN which will bring you instant relief For nearly a generation Little's Oriential Balm has been used by all classes of people, in all countries,
      573 words
    • 566 10 j My Safeguard against Strain and Overwork Think of the harassing life ©of the average physician. Out in all weathers. Sleep broken night after night. Irregular meals. The inevitable result seems a j certain breakdown. Yet how is it that doctors usually manage to avoid this disaster? Simply by taking
      566 words
      290 words
    • 339 10 STEAMER laJJs I LONDON LINE, I Kitano Maru B Karuna Maru Ma I i! I LIVERPOOL LINE. I Toyohashi Maru H HAMBURG LINE I Tajima Maru H K9I I NEW v SUq I Sailing iai X SOUTH AMERICAN LINE I Kawachi Maru BOMBAY LINE. I Hakodate Maru Akita Maru H
      339 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 448 11 Si AMER SAILINGS. PiO.BRIIfti INDIA AND APCAR LINE, (i ,imn »i>-'8 Incorporated in England.) H*n PASSENGERS AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR ORIENTAL S. N. CO. ad»-r Cw witn His Majesty Government I pvTfl N TAR-EASTERN SERVICE. LONDON Due SINGAPORE. 1923 May 27 June 10 June 24 July 8 July 22 MARSEILLES
      448 words
    • 392 11 STEAMER SAILINGS no?Md 8-uhoj from (subject to change without previous notice) EUROPEAN LINE. For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Suez and Port Said. ♦Amazon Maru arr May 19 d.p 20 Amur Maru arr June 21 dep 22 ♦Omit Marseilles and Called at Bremen NEW YORK LINE. For San
      392 words
    • 561 11 STEAMER SAILINGS. LINE OF STEAMERS Monthly sailings to and from Auetialia for cargo only, calling at Penang Bstavia. Sourabaya, Frrmantle. Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. SCHEDULE OF ARRIVALS AND SAILINGS. Arrives Sails ECHUCA May 19 May 24 a*. EURELIA j une n June I<s s.s. EMITA j u l y 16
      561 words
      642 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 494 12 WAN i ED. WAN f&O. —fa buy a secmd hand For i tr iigi id r ling order Apply i 40 0,0 Maiaya iiibu 10 ANTED. —An .xperienced Salesman for the Furniture Trade. Box 68, <• o "Malaya Tribune." TO LET. TO L.ET —Two aoJtioni ln Rafflea Q i I-
      494 words
    • 562 12 NOiiLE. NOTICE. ORDINANCE NO. 96 (MINOR OFFENCES). Police Ore rs made under section (6 (i) of Ordinance No. 96 (Minor Otßncco) for the Regulation of Traffic <tn the occasion of Races on the 12th, 15th, 17th and 19th May, 1923, at the Race Course Singapore. 1. All vehicles except rickshas
      562 words
    • 461 12 BANKS. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in the U. S. A.) OCEAN BUILDING, COLLYER QUAY. P. O. BOX NO: 262. TELEPHONE NO: 661. •iWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Cap Ul and Surplus US $10,000,000 Undivided Profits US $5,504,980 Reserve for Dividends US $500,000 Head Office:—6o WALL STREET.
      461 words
    • 428 12 BANKS. THE 110 HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jon*«r Street. Muar 77-79 Jaian Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jaian Rahamat. Palembang I<>. Dir. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabay:- Semarang. Shanghai, Hongkong tnoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised
      428 words
    • 428 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1858.) Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS: Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. Westminster Bank Ltd. National Provincial and
      428 words
    • 373 12 INSURANCE. THE EASTERN UNITED CORPORATION LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) Head Office Singapore, Ist Floor, Banque del Indo China Buildings, lA, Malacca Street. 'Phone, No. 357. BOARD OF DIRECTORS See Teong Wah, Esq. (Chairman.) Gaw Khek Khiam, E3O (Vice Chairman.) P.S. Lee, Esq. Ong Soon Tee, Esq. Yeo Hock Hoe,
      373 words
    • 331 12 y»« u ant plenty of pure "V Palatable ami MEDICINAL BLOOD The Internmtioaal Pi An g .o. (nin Sr J The Medic;,. 0%, S c United I'harnia., ihe Bnt.tfa pfcam The Ind a Di, p JJ* and The Ayur V«* .M,d Ca Ks ■> THE MAL4YA TRlfiyfv AND SHIPPING GAZETTt
      331 words