Malaya Tribune, 16 May 1923

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY. J SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING DAILY, Vol. X, No. 114 SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1923 FIVE CENTS. Malaya Tribune. WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1923.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 THE M LA VA TRIBUNE AND [tpplNG GAZETTE. Editor .1 Dept. j T j Dept. r WPTIQN KATES. j $13.00 I 7.50 I H* ;f year 3.75 2 p er quarter extra 50 cts. p t > r month. 5 i i i 1 1 1 CHOOSE lI'S A
      113 words
    • 247 1 I JUST UNPAGED. C I |t A new Consignment of CELFBRATED SUN-PROOF I PITH HATS I ROF I ten's and Boy's n Ir j PRICES VERY SEASONABLE. Personal Inspection will C Convince You. ii a j S SULTAN IBRAH^" 14, NORTH P.RIIOE ROAP (Adelphi Hotel Buildings). SING A POR C
      247 words
    • 217 1 I* IHIMM THE J MALAYA TFJBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. I The Popular Newspaper of I Straits Settlements. Published Daily. Complete Reports of Local Events. I Full and Latest Telegrams. Sporls Notes by Expert Critics. The Sportsman's Paper. j i«iiaii«tiaiiaiiaii«n ai i ß ji a Sttailsnailsliai SMSnaiiailßMfl) j M Only hand-making
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  • 581 2 CAPTURE Or MUNITIONS AND PRISONERS. roiangsi in Retreat. ("S.C.M.P." Correspondent) Canton. Mry 4.— Following Ufa fail of Nrran-ctuen-ngou, tho Kwangsi forces retreated to Yingtak. At the battle of Ngan-chan-ngou, many Northern troops participated but owing to an attack in their rear by the Yunnanese, they surrendered and
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  • 127 2 The first shipment of fresh fruits —apples, grapes, oranges and lemons —for Eastern markets under the Grcig-Allen system of airless storage, was made by the China-Aus-traian steamer "Victoria," which left Melbourne for Hongkong on March 24. The fruit is shipped in steel containers 7 ft by? 5
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 262 2 DURANT j i I- Four-Cyl<nder Touring. 3 Hand-painted, streamline body of roomy, five- jjj q passenger capacity with plenty of leg room; seats 3 set at comfortable and covered by genuine jj black leather over deep springs; instrument board 5 a finished in Circassian walnut; one-man top with }5 5
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    • 519 2 FOR DAINTY LADIES. Pinkettes are perfection they so capably keep the system clean, the skin clear, the breath 5 we* 1 the eyes bright. Taken occasionally when needed 1 banish sick headaches, aid digestion ro tore elal y regularity. Of medicine vendors, or post free 60 cents the vial, fr
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    • 165 2 HAMMERS URG6 STOCKS OF ALL TYPES AT GREATLY REDUCE PRICES UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED (Incorporated In the Straits St n rt| SINGAPORE. "(Jnitgers" miiiii*itii«iiar.ti.i.ii.t!.t.».• r.mhm i «i.,,.i„ gp* TBY OLR POPULAfi NEW Vfiffl I MANY TREASUREi j CIGARETTES 1 Became of IM «u ity.inMj», s V' -r ri Convince yourself by
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  • 537 3 A SEARCHING INQUIRY. A book by M. Andre "The Mystification of the- Allied Peoples," forms the text of a notable article by "Centurion" in the "Natural Review" for March. The special thesis of the volume is that "Mr Dcyd George was ttnc*MCu>us tcoi of
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  • 173 3 The Australian Minister for Home and Territories, S nator Pearce, hJd consultations in Me'bourne in March, with several representatives of pastoral and otner interests in the Northern Territory of the Commonwealth. The Minister discussed the terms and conditions of land tenure in the Territory, together with suggestions
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 325 3 I I which men drop pennies and get dollars to return WHY NOT PAY US A VISIT? High Street, you net value for value in gUH IfwXlS, CBHI I V TtV.ILING?. NAPKINS, CCITON GOODS, Etc. -nr Brand mark j^^^^^^^^ SQUARE IN A CIRCLE Al tRDED DIPLOMA AT M. B. E.
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    • 439 3 A DEADLY LiNEMY. It is the continual dropping th«: wean. away a 8tone In way the coium >ec twinges of Kheu matism causing acuta suffering Wiln each appearance, will wear away U.« strongest human system. The firs shooting pains se fm trivial, but as they continue they grow worse and
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    • 259 3 Not an idle boast, but a plain truth. George IV drank 'N. J. Club/ so also did William IV. Since 1745, 'N. J. Club' has been in high favour with those whisky drinkers who demand quality and mellow age. N/9 PIER JOHMSTOnES SCOTCH WHISKY settlements CALD BECK, MACGREGOR Co. Ltd.
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  • 1097 4 COMMENTS OF LOCAL AND GENERAL INTEREST. By "Footlight." Mary Horton had gone to the city to Saabs her fortune, leaving behind her dearost friend —her mother. Days had followed weeks, but fortune was still lagging. In fact Mary had given up the fight and was leven then
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 254 4 AMUSEMENTS. EMPIRE CINEMA A Paramount Picture al 1 :>0 in the second show At the End of the World m 6 Parts. Featuring Betty f'ompson, Mitch*}!] Le vis an 1 Milton Sills At 10. iO p.m. A Unhrerad Special attraction with EDITH ROHEft 1' as the Little Whiie iigr»«Bs, in
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    • 454 4 AMUSEMENTS. ALHAMBRA j j TBfiATtE, BFACH ROAD Id the Second Show at 9 p.m. I Topical Budget British Screen News. WILLIAM FOX Presents THOMAS CARRIGAN CHECKERS In 7 Parts. A stirring drama, which, will thrill all true lovers of Sport. M CHECKERS in his efforts to foil the machinations of
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    • 479 4 "GAIETY" IST 7.30 Q itfliffl I IT IS THE LAW JMl*^ IT IS THE LAW \J ff\r(c IT IS THE LAW v -"UL" n*)3 A Universa. Western Drama with Tom Santschi 1 lst wat J IHE LlOlv MAN BSSUAL K«*M U< 1 2nd "i,nK p THE LION MAN SEIIIAL Comp
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  • 105 5 8 Bfapore, May 16. r h o I 1 >a. Local. 48 I £195 10s Od. Local Pi II"» tOK s r > ci.> li Market— Dull. Ifflfcrs—Ir.acive. I I a gs -1 iT ;o $1.22 1 2, W 15 cents Xaw g Pets P Ta pings
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  • 17 5 RTR L 1 Lyttoo, obtained a pfeBftj m cr >urt on 1ft and miscon- 1 lot Honour1116
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  • 11 5 M v and At count... r »t tribune."
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  • 224 5 TO-DAY'S LOCAL MARKET QUOTATIONS. Tin to-day.— pe r pikuf 100 tons sold. n Buyer* Sellers anib:er $13.25 Java Cube 26.00 Hamburg Cvmt 2 :>.00 Pres*> Cub- II Sar. Whi;e Pepper 22 00 Mixed Black Pepper 14 00 •Sundried G.pna 11.30 1130 *Mixed Copra 10.75 10.75 •Small Flake Tapi.-ca
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  • 94 5 Singapore, May 16. On London— "?s:;V 4 months' s gfc- 2s 4 l-4d Demand 2s 4 5-32 d Private 3 months' sight 2s 4 9-16 d. On India Bank Tel. Transfer 174 X On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 1% pc. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft On Java— Bank
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  • 88 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. v Singapore, May 16. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers. Spot 47 y* Latest London Cables quote. London Spot.— Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Price? Buyers Sellers Spot 47% 48 May to June 47% 48 July to Sept 48 48 Oct to Dec 49%
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  • 913 5 PEIU.VJ NT TO BE MADE IN KUALA LUMPUR. In Edward Bellamy s novel with a purpose Looking Backward" that to.k the town by a orni a quarter of a cerjtury .ago was .narrated the life history of a progressive settlement. Vet i. fai'ed to secure disciples /or KM
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 479 5 RAFFLES INSTITUTION CENTENARY. Il has been decided to hold a Dinner on Tuesday, the sth of Jane 192:< to celebrate the Centenary of the founding of this Institution. All Old Rafflesians desirous of attending the Dinner are requested to send in their applications for tickets to the undersigned not later
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 34 5 FATHER REPORT. K ndai 't KetWi Hospita! v ugapot*, May 15. lit* 9pra- B "rree Fah 1013 2 1011.2 1012 7 U v J 84 79 •n,. ,,J 77 irr N ca^n 1 tSQ
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  • 232 5 vr .r()i:K WART. s M May I i, p; a.m.. 10.52 p.m. I i a i .eaves by Elienga Prsctio 5-15 p.m. F.A. vs. Mid- v S CC. ii- K. E. vs. Lx- U Tr c s ac. VW. Keppel. S* <7tFC. VS. Y.M.C.A S.C.F A- 0
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  • 543 5 To-day, May 1G. B«tavia, Cheribon Samirang Eden dale 2 p.m Batu Pnhat Aing Lcong 2 p m> i Keinaman, Kuala Dungun Trengganu Hong' Ho 2 p.m. Muntok Palembang Coen 2 p.m. Kretay, Kelantan, Patani, Sing-ora,* Bandon Bangkok* Suddhadib 2 p.m. Malacca Muar* Sri Muar 3 p.m. Batu Pahat
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  • 775 6 Opposition to the expenditure on a naval base at Singapore 13 still actively carried on in Great Britain, in spite of the fact that an overwhelming majority of the House of Commons approved the scheme. A number of influential newspapers are strongly criticising the Government's
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  • 658 6 Sir Frederick James, K.B.E. left for Europe on Home leave this morning. We draw line attent on of our readers to the Marlborough advertisement appearing on Page 7. A special meeting of the federal Council winl be he.d at Kuala Lumpur on May 29th. Mr. H, Welham, Editor «f the
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  • 531 6 JUDGMENT IN CLAIM FOR DAMAGES. Twakow Collision Case. Judgment in the case in which the Osaka Shoshen Kaisha, Limited, the owners of the steamship Shunku Maru, wove d«f€i"!.;Ur.<"- i an ac ion brow ht them by Mr. Tan Phĕy, whe claimed damages for the .'o&s of on« of
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  • 95 6 Christian Chinese Project. A Christian daily newspaper, the Nanyang News." is to be shortly in Singapore with a capita! of $50 000 of which $25.-000 will be called up immediate y Th? pu-V. Nation will be in Chinese characters, and its main idea, as stated in
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  • 113 6 It has been untitled in telegrams received at Bangkok from fail Hau-Anders» n of the YugeUa, Which was totally burnt off Sing ra recoat* y, that the fire was caused through the bursting of an oil pipe convey iag oil from the tanks to the jets under the boileU'. The
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  • 317 6 BETTY fcii It m s don, port aud ence i" tf J •eeine R I «■enti*, but th r »ii F»wley B tty Bai n '--nngj, I sne irhea dr* 1 > itat ye N she had acted n States, an.l V. Miss Bunient bd .IT""* thru-
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  • 98 6 (From Our Own Corrrtpa«l Extraordinary keeoo i un the approach log VVI uuntw* s-ate erxfcat and f- 2 a between Per*k and S laafff»' played in .'[>■ of a night mail train. Perak will be rep the fo'L.-w '1 Hargreave.s. Hoblyn Pi 1 Spedewinde. Edward and Chelvam. j
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  • 57 6 "D" Co. of the untitled allers will proceed I J 4 for the annu* l t-''"". course. Three ranks ft tm the The easa m% pey, who wss charj the manage tn at*- was reunied U»« I G uriuy. the third Steven.- appeared and the ,f defence Mr H R
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 302 6 ISLAZENGER'Sj I Tennis Racket j I Gut Reviver j p k special preparation for Pi escjr atid Reviving j I the ut Te.mis Rackets. j Price $1.00 per box. 3 8 I Robinson Co., Ltd. a ™ZZ, I I SINGAPORE. .••Illlllllllllllllll|||||||||Lr.l.|.lll'..tllll.lllllllli I BOOKS JO READ DltlNG YOUR SPARE TIME. HIE
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    • 130 6 MILKMAID BRAND *r~Wis*p* STERILIZED NATURAL MILK. (Prepared in Norway) :'L I Uich Natura1 Creara y Milk-Strictly ter^i —Purest in Quality—Perfect NESTLU ANGLO-SWISS COND: MILK CO., SINGAPORE BRANCHES. JAPANESE COMMERCIAL MUSEUM AND INFORMATION BUREAU. News and SntcftHgltlM relat've to Japa-ose rdusiry and commerce w 11 be freely teiven to ar,y inquVer.
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  • 301 7 STAIEMENV ON RUSSIAN REPLY 10 BRITISH NOTE. DEMANOS MUST BE GRANTED. Reuter. London, May 15. I y<l n London last night from Moscow, from whence I curtly by m or <-et' to confer with his ed.'eagues ma th© M V Delegation in London on'the a'«tuatiarj,—Renter. Londd.% May 15,
    Reuter.  -  301 words
  • 175 7 Reuter. d n May 15. fu Russian i a? published in I .mm nai r states that satist, y as w A the Soviets l I b* rhlmatums or L| i pets thai F.arl Curzon L, i sii east atjppoftiag m m al the Soviet has I. down
    Reuter.  -  175 words
  • 145 7 Reuter. London. May 15. A telegram from Moscow says thai the British Note, coupled with the Vorowsky murder, has evoked numerous open air demonstrations and meetings of the local Soviets all over Russia wb/ch expressed indignation at the "appallrr.g acts of the imperial bourgieoisie." They urged drastic reprisals.
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 63 7 Aniline and Soda Works Idle. Reuter. Berlin, May 15. French regiimnt this morning the Badi-n Anilĕne and Soda Ludwigvhafen. The employes a iwul to enter the works, are at a standstill.—Reuter. Cologne M y 15. E c:ans have occupied Beurath v '*toria Li jrnite mines The J®** tru
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 59 7 Reuter. Paris. May 15. tk- 01 says mi:, en, strike in the Saar which I s^e Feb. 15 The men were granted in- wages ranging from three 'rancs.— Renter-, •j., Berlin, May 15. u ast n r ht occupied the at Hoechst. Workers tr «ter the factory.
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 56 7 ,tIUe 'n the Pacific. Reuter. *r f»„. May 15. r (r r trem or, is reticent r f, ''''nel Ri-pington's d f">.' 3 ,>,i(^)n newspaper ma na^ r l^ e 1Vific cou'd be 05 01 Sydney. than *3 etJ r hut rems "*ked that J? 4 be
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 99 7 No Fresh Obligations. Reuter. London. May 15. Mr. McNeMl said that the situation :n China was too uncertain to permit any rigid declaration of policy with regard to future loans, but generally His Majesty's Government did not favour any proposals to create fresh obligations, until effective steps
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 65 7 Only Half a Scheme? Reuter. London. May 15. Presiding at a meeting of the Kapar Para Rubber Estates Company Mr. Eaumann, chairman, decaned that the rubber restriction scheme was only haM a scheme. The matter would new be settled' satisfactorily until they could get a central selling agency,
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 19 7 Reuter. Paris, May 15. The death has taken place of M. Defrey Cimet, an ex-premier of France.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  19 words
  • 127 7 TO BE TAKEN BACK TO ENGLAND. Lords* Judgment. Reuter. London, May 15. In the House of questioned with regard to the Irish deportees, Mr. Baldwin announced that the Government would introduce today an Indemnity Bill which he hoped won d be passed by the night of May 29.
    Reuter.  -  127 words
  • 93 7 People Burned to Death. Reuter. Hot Springs. Arkansas, May 15. Fire and flood have devastated the well-known resort. Hot Springs. Seventeen persons are known to' be drowned and it is reported that there are fifty fatalities. A raging torren: of water swept the main street,
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 38 7 China Sea Reports. Reuter. London, May 15. An Admiralty corrmun oue stp'es that His Majesty's ship Iroquois report- ihit two volcanic, islands are erupting in the southern part of the China Sea, off Cochin China.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 29 7 To Visit England. Reuter. The Hague, May 15. Queen Wilhelming intends to visit England this year, travelling incognito as is customary during her annual trip abroad —Renter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 56 7 Japanese Advice to Germany. Reuter. Paris. May 15. The Japanese reply to the German note declines to accept the proposals on account of the total sum offered and the methods of payment suggested and a'so guarantees. It opines that Germany should do what is necessary to facilitate
    Reuter.  -  56 words
  • 20 7 Bandits Repudiate Agreement. Reuter. Peking, May 15. The handrt leader has repudiated the agreement cabled on May 13
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  • 37 7 Reuter. London, May 15. A mass meeting of the Federation of Master Cotton Spttners at Manchester agreed to fix the basis of the selling price of standard counts m American yarns from June 1.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 137 7 Two Yankees were in Cook's office at Cannes the ether day for the purpose of cashing some of the'r American dollars into French "We'l gen.'iemen" said the clerk in charge, "if you W» give me 50 centimes (2d), I can casih your cheques in full without any
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  • 651 7 FRAWLEY COMEDY COMPANY J There r arge and enthusiastic audier. the Victoria Theatre last nigh:, wnen the Frawley Comedy Company, by specal arrangement with David Belas«o presented Avery Hopwood's screaming three act comedy "The Gold Diggers." Thia has nothing whatever to d)D w.'ih Alaska or any other
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  • 163 7 Mr. C. C. E. Knowles, director of Messrs. Weare and Co., L d., left Kuala Lumpur for Singapore on Monday night to meet his wife who arrivtls by the Khatori Maru to-day. Mrs. K.nowies has been at home about a year. An Australian well-drilling rig waa shown fa motion in
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  • 243 7 PLOT TO DEFRAUD STATE GOVERNMENT. Rubber Smuggling Scheme Penang, May 15. Th/ Alor Star correspondent to the Gazette says that the Kedah police hss unearthed a plo: which is said to hove been a scheme to defraud the State Government of some thousands of dol<ars. It is alleged
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  • 82 7 $10,000 Deficit in Revenue Accounts. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kua'a Lumpur, May 16 A deficit of over ten thousand dollars is reported to have been discovered in the Chandu Revenue Accounts of Grik, Upper Perak. The <] Cc g" y cf tfc 3 books with the returns led
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  • 49 7 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penancr, May 15. The in taMfca of Mr. G. Stephen Evans, as R.W.M. of the Lodge Scotia, yesterday, was largely attended. The instating mas'er was District Grand Master f the Middle East, Dr. Malcolm Watson who mrde a capital speech succeeding the banquet.
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  • 211 7 Professor W. L Carole, manager of the Prince of Wales's ranch in Alberta. Canada, arrived at Liverpool recently on board the Canadian Pacific liner Montcalm. In an interview Professor Carlyle said he had come over fca report to the Prince arid to arrange for fresh stock—shorthorns and
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  • 98 7 An Australian poet, Mr. Bernard O'Dowd, addressing the Institute of Arts and Literature, Melbourne, instanced a large number of poems which, he held, disposed of the claims of supeniority put forward on behalf of Mace field, Drinkwater, Squire, Kipling. Noyes and De La Mare. At the same time he confessed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 525 7 Gandy Beltings |M*| Of the highest quality in their raspective (Jj S j] classes and grades, to meet all driving <c" < v*V S tJ conditions and duties Dj 1 The Gandy Patent Cotton Belt I jj S r q fiandy s Improved Hair Belting X Gaudy's Balata Belting I
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  • 1895 8 THOMPSON SEVERELY CAUTIONED. SULTAN OF JOHORE'S OBJECTION. The second day's meet in the Spring Rices came off in ideal weather. There uas a large gathering which included several prominent people. The various evnts went off without a hitch, except in the last race of the day wh
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  • 30 8 London. April 26.—The House of Laity of the National Assembly decided to give general approval to the measure for the revisiion of the Prayer Book.
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  • 344 8 FOOTBALL. A CORRECTION. The contributed report of the second divis on League match between the HarCquins and 'the Seletar United, which was play.d on Monday afternoon was in error and awarded the victory to the Harlequins. We offer apolcgl.s to Sel.tar, who played an exce-i ent game
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  • 175 8 COUNTY RESULTS. London, May 15. Hampshire and Surrey have drawn. The Surreyite Shepherd made 133 and Harrison 155 not out. The Hantsite Mead made 106 not out. Yorkshire beat Middlesex by an inning's and 229. For Yorkshire Rhodes made 12f> and Kilner at the second attempt took 5 for
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  • 287 8 R. S. Y. C. The final race for the Vice President's Cop on Sunday mornintr brought out nine boats. The wind was light and at the start from the west. A squall came on during the tact when the fleet was two-thirds of the way to the Club buoy.
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  • 242 8 Reuter. BRITISH DAVIS CUP PLAYERS. The British players in the Davis Cup competition against Belgium in the first round at Brussels, on May 30 to June 1 will be Gilbert, Godfree, Lycett and Mavrogordato.—Reuter. LADIES' LAWN TENNIS CLUB TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Mixed Doubles—"A" Class. Mrs. Swindell and Mr.
    Reuter.  -  242 words
  • 64 8 GARRISON CLUB. The rcsu.t of the Monthly Medal resulted in at to be played off as soon as poss ble:— J. Maxwell 89 14 75 R. St. G. Johnston 87 12 75 E. L. Heywood 94 18 76 Runner-up KEPPEL CLUB. The lad ts Spoon for May w a
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  • 34 8 A Tamil school boy was knocked down on Monday at Kallang-road by a motor bus and sustained scalp wounds and other injuries. The driver of the bus, a Cantonese, has been arrested and charged.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 You Need It when run dou;n by illness After illness there [3 no builder up so reliable as SCOTT'S Emulsion. The pure cod liver oil and hypophosphitcs, which it contains, quickly build up wasted tissues, restore appetite, enrich the impoverished blood and bring renewed strength and vitality to the wasted
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    • 479 8 iiiliitiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiaitiiiiiitiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiituiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii| lllll|lllll|ll||||||a|;| j We also have Sporting Matepiais' f Tennis Rackets made of 2' English Materials. The "Survival' onr The "Maharaja Extra the "Maharaja 2, pecial" The "Improved h <°* Vaharaja" Ihe "Compass' I'ennig 800 Palls 1923, per doe. i jj| Restringing a Special!* j request j j Raja&CoJ 1
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  • 619 9 Singapore, May 12, 1923. Axtici*. Price. c MEAT. Beef steak kati 0.45 Beef stew or curry kati 0.38 Pork, lean kati 0.64 Pork, lean and fat (1* quality) kati 0.62 Mutton Indian 0.73 Australian 066 Fowl o^6o Fowl jarge (3 katis) each 1.80 Fowl medium (1%
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  • 1543 9 LATEST PRICES QUOTED IN THE MARKET. LYALL AND EVATT, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following Bat of quotations: Singapore, May 16. RUBbSM. STERLING SHARES—MaiI Quotations. MARCH 21, 1923. Issue Paid Val. Up. 2|- 2|- Allagar J J 2|- 2|- Anglo-Java 0 £1 £1 Anglo-Malay x g
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 463 9 if Hi I I '•lli' «l'» ll l,,l,lll, l,l,,:l,,, ,l,l,,,,l,l,,, l«'lll'lllllllllillllllllllll|||l|I| W tu|111 from a Walking Gait to the Speed of a Train j >|imf along at a mail a pmtm, and tyre economy of the Li ght-Six I then iccelerating to an expreaa have converted many thou-anda i tr
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    • 52 9 1 Rubber Footwear I j MADE LOCALLY I SIZES TO SUIT YOUNG AND OLD. 3 Sizes: Extra Large $1 50, Large 51.50, Medium $1.26 1 i SmaIIJSUKK g I TAN KAH KEE CO. I RUBBER GOODS MANUFACTURERS. 1 3 FACTORY: 44, SUMBAWA ROAD. SALES DEPARTMENT, £j I 215. South Bridge
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  • 741 10 "BIT OF THE MOVIES." The charge* against two British police 'officers mi Shanghai of torturing a ChirWse under arrest far the purpose of making him confess to a theft hanaturally excited widespread interest in the Far East, and is is with a great sense of
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  • 61 10 Hankow, April 14.—The Japanese paper here announces that in Tokio the govennmuvnt is planning a nationwide radio news agency for China comprising a scope of some thirty cities. Besides such points as Shanghai. Peking, Tientsin, Hajnkow, Chinwangtao, Tsingtao and Canton, agencies will be made with many other interior pointa in
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 690 10 AUCTION SALE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, Ltd. AUCTION SALE OF PRINTERS STORES To be held at Nos. 71 and 72 Cecil Street, On Wednesday, May 23, at 10-30 a.m. (^uprising:-Bales of printing, coloured, Ledger, marble andl cover paper, Asserted size Envelope, \s sorted visiting and invitation cards, White and Pink blotting
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    • 541 10 COULD NOT REST DAYORJGHT Rash and Blisters On Baby s Body. Cuticura Heals. "When my baby was ten months old a rash and small blisters broke out on her body. The itching and burning m*de her very cross; and her body was a mass of The irritation was so great
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    • 523 10 SATYRIN SATYPIN com lotSsl SILVER fOR MCN Fl%»i FOR WOMfN ni £il a. a&th fj m YOUTW l II| N M These new remarkable and salutary Hormon preparations provide quick and permanent remedies for the recovery of strength; especially Nerve energy, and are au'table for al people suffering from: Nervous
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    • 320 10 N Y.K" LONDON LINK. I Hakozr.k; Maru I Kitano Maru Ma j, j Haruna M,ru LIVERPOOL LINE I Toyohashi Maru I HAMBURG UN£ I Tajima Mar. I NEW YORK LINE vag^l Sailing latea ail I SOUTH AMERICAN LINE I Kawach. Maru I BOMBAY LINE. I Hakodate Maru I Akiia Maru
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 445 11 I S.2AMER SAILINGS. INDIA AND APCAR LINE. I (</on.^'» ct Incorporated in England.) mail PASSENGERS AND CARGO SERVICES. ORIENTAL S. N. CO. I'nder C- »t»act with His Majesty's Government. L O?WON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. LONDON Due SINGAPORE. 1923 May 27 June 10 W* June 24 I July 8 July 22 RS
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    • 403 11 STEAMER SAILINGS 0. X Proposed Sailing from Smga;>ora (subject to change without previous notice) EUROPEAN LINE. For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Suez and Port Said. ♦Amazon Maru arr May 19 dep 20 Amur Maru arr June 21 dep 22 *Omit Marseilles ami Called at Bremen NEW YORK
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    • 572 11 STEAMER SAILINGS. UM OF STcmviERS < Monthly sailings to and from Australia for cargo oaly, calling at Penang Batavia. Sourabaya, Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. SCHEDULE OF ARRIVALS AND SAILINGS. Arrives Sa;l? i s. ECHUCA May 19 May 24 EURELIA June Jun<l w s.s. EMITA July 16 July 21 s.a.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 497 12 WANTED. '•.'ANrUiJ. L'o buy a sec ;ud hand Frj ar ii g.»l r in:' '.g OftftOf. Apply 40 o/o Maiaya I'iiouem WANTED.—An experienced SalesMl for the Furniture Trade. Box 68, c o Malaya Tribune." TO LET. TO LET.-Two sections in Raffles nnkri Aoply to the Secretary, C, *rd«;i Club. TO
      497 words
    • 569 12 NOTICE. NOTICE. ORDINANCE NO. 96 (MINOR OFFENCES). Police Orders made under section (6 (4) of Ordinance No. 96 (Minor Offences) for the Regulation of Traffic <\n the occasion of Races on the 12th, 15th, 17th and 19th May, 1923, at the Race Course Singapore. L All vehicles except rickshas wili
      569 words
    • 456 12 BANKS. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in the U. S. A.) OCEAN BUILDING, COLLYER QUAY. P. 0. BOX NO: 262. TELEPHONE NO: 661. OWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK Capital and Surplus US $10,000,006 Undivided Profits US $5,504,980 Reserve for Dividends US $500,000 Head Office:—6o WALL STREET. NEW
      456 words
    • 430 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Peaang 85 Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Ilir. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Fraacisco, Batavia, Sourabaya. Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontiaaak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised
      430 words
    • 428 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1858.) Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS: Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. Westminster Bank Ltd. National Provincial and
      428 words
    • 377 12 HiSURANCL THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S..J Head Office Singapore, Ist Floor, Banque del Indo Okioa Buildings, lA, Malacca Street. 'Phone, No. 357. BOARD OF DIRECTORS See Tecng Wall, Esq. (Chairman.) Gaw Khek Khiam, Esq (Vice Chairman.) P.S. Lee, Esq. Ong Sou-n Tee, Esq. Yeo Hock
      377 words
    • 328 12 Do« V„„ tPo* t you v; P'enty of p irt "b y dri palatable J MEDiOKAt to Softeieat to, 1 <ia,s i>H,CE Ihe An,,,, w TJe Modic- Office. 'he British Ph aim Di S p, nar; and The Ayur Vedfc THE MALAYA nOte AND SHIPPING GAZER] (EVENING DAILY) W. No.
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