Malaya Tribune, 14 July 1922

Total Pages: 12
1 12 Malaya Tribune
  • 31 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND 7 SHIPPING GAZETTE. V m I tVENINU UAI! V". if. tX >» 163 SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1922 FIVE CENTS. Malaya Tribune. FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1922
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 187 1 ii ~1 I 1 5 THE ofnu I M>LAYA JKIBUNE gflPflNG GAZETTE. r Newspaper of i I Repot* of Local I Events. I ao Fil UudUtc«tTele,ran,s. rtg Notes by Expert Critics- 1 The Paper loiaaoi locaocssaogaoi koi ioao OEaoE===soi=aos=io]=xo) at BROOKLAND'S n S (ENGLAND) 1 100 HSIIiES Covered in-14 Hours
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    • 32 1 tnnriiiipritnintrtiriiiinininrniTiiitnnuiiiiitauiiirinniai I CIC. I _riZTIES I 1 NUMBER 555 VIRGINIA i m S The Hall-Mark of 1 Perfection. m m I Sole Manufacturers I ARDATH TOBACCO I CO., LTD., London. 2 riiiiininiiiir^niiiiimrTiiiiniuiTTinifiiiHrTriiiiinmrintnu
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  • 280 2 OBSTREPEROUS BABY ELEPHANT. A collection of wild animals which Mr Douglas Bos toe k got together dur ng his eight years' tour of Africa and the East was landed from the Osaka Shosen Kaisha steamship Altai Maru at the Royal Albert Dock, London, on June 10, and
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  • 185 2 Vote to Women at 18. London, June 28.—1n the House of Loids, Viscount Peel moved a resolution applying to Burma the rules of the Government of India* Act constituting Burma a Governor's Province. In moving the resolution, Viscount Peel declared that all competent persons were much impressed with
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  • 57 2 At a luncheon by the Rotary Glub. Mr V S Srinivsaa Sastri reviewed ths history of the Servants of India Society. He said that had ordained that Indians shoui'd pass under ths protection of Great Brit*in for come great purposes, some of which had been realised but others of
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  • 645 2 BUILDING COSTS SLUMP AT HOME. There are passages in the following, taken from a "Westminster Gazette" editorial on the housing shortage, that have a very material application in Singapore, where a continuation of ridiculously high rents is attributed to still heavy building* costs (presumably several times as
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  • 103 2 A Luxurious Existesee. London, June 19.—The Government to-night transfer*, its 350 political internees now in various prisons to the American 4,000 ton woodes ship Argents. Thvy will spend the remainder of their terms aiioat off Carrickfergus. The accommodation and air sp.c-i is d.scribed a* more generous than that
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 843 2 AUCTION SALE. CHEONG KOON SENG CO AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS, No. 30, Chulia Street, Singapore. A Rood opportunity of acquiring first class Town business premises for sound and profitable invest.nent not to be missed by enterprising capitalist*. IMPORTANT MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF Very Valuable Freehold and Leasehold ingapore, Town Properties and the Tongkang
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    • 165 2 STRAIGHT TO THE MARK. It Goes Where the Pain is—And Stops it. A man or woman who has never suffered the excruciating agonies of Sciatica cannot realise the ful] intensity of pain. And a man or woman who has ever suffered Sciatica can never forget it. To such sufferers Little's
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    • 597 2 IS YOUR BABY GAINING IN WEIGHT? One of the surest signs that a baby is making: good progress m steady increase in weight. After the week there should be regular and rapid growth if the baby is being properly nourished. The most eommon cause of failure to gain weight is
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    • 228 2 .Mellin's Ibofjl Prepared as directed Mellin'sFoo i i s ,1, perfect substitute for breast milk .h B 4& contains nature's essential c K /W for building sturdy limbs and I ii_ I J Equally good for nursing or expects K mothers as for babies. Melius -.r"* jMmli makes mothers happy.
      228 words

  • 343 3 THE WEST AND THE EAST. The following appears in a review of "Books and Habits," By Lafcadio H«arn (Heinemann, London) Be. Cd. net: The book? to which the title refer «re the classics which the author introduced to Japanese students, when lecturing on English literature. The habits
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  • 112 3 Malayan mfttchna .are BOW being made* Safarft] of our friends have hem SL-en using thts* matches. For a first attempt the mattnfacfapft fl are! bo be congratulated. H 2S2 N matches will fjr the present maintain th-. r ir pronator position, but most of the other imported matin
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  • 333 3 MFANS TO FIGHT IT OUT. r A deputation of 2~> representatives > of various public bodies and associations in Canton, interviewed Dr Sun Vat-sen at Whampoa on Monday JUM 26 $ays the "China Mai!." They were received on board the cruis«r Wing Fung by Sun. Mr Wu
    333 words
  • 170 3 A Tragic Story. The guilty man cowered under the gaze of his accuser. He locked utterably miserable, d'jected, void of h >pc. The accuser's eye, st m and unrehnt- ir.g, held him as though by a spell. At first th 3 miserable wretch had I tried to brazen it
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  • 182 3 Figures up to May 1922. A return of arrivals in Malaya from and departures to the Madras Presidency in 1322 is as follows: 1922. Arrivals. (a) D partures. (b) Adults. Minor*. Adults. Minors. January to April 5,760 437 17,248 1,022 May 3.916 300 4,139 243 Total 9,670
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 385 3 prices that plead Quality that pleases. I satisfaction to you 4 pleasure to us. Framroz Co.'s AERATED WATERS. > aV\ V '4 «T'" I mm. 4 v<rt j *—I m^^W I ilm I 1 l-Vr a whole jtv 1 enaU i i- .ti- <.»..f" i j i mom a* 1
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    • 153 3 CubcuraPromotesGcodHair Treatment: At night rub Cuticura Ointment into partings all over the scalp. Next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Repeatin two weeks. SoaplfiTjlcwn 1». Ointment Is. 3d. f ndli 6d. Sold ttwoualMattbc Knipire. BritishDepot:F.N«wbe: y A 3oiu.Lt J.,27,Cj>jterhon»e3q.,London,E.C.l. Soap shaves without mug. IHArTTiUrS r %ErMER" BEER aEf*«smsH
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    • 372 3 I And above all -BOVRIL j m J H Add Bovril regularly to your I grocery list. If "something hot" I is wanted in a hurry, in sudden emergencies, whenever extra nourishment is required, a cup of hot Bovril gives just what you need in a moment. In the kitchen
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 434 4 CINEMAS EMPIRE CINEMA 0 1 In the Second Show at 9.30 p.m. Greater Vitagraph presents WILLIAM DUNCAN MISS CAROL HOLLOWAY in THE FIGHTING TRAIL 15 Episodes or 31 Reels The marvellous a iventure serial of the great outdoors, To-night the first 5 reels. Episode 1 "The Pried ss Ingredient" Eiisode
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    • 289 4 CINEMAS. ALHAMBRA The Cinema Theatre for Variety, Quality and Quantity, BEACH ROAD. A TWO-FEATURE PROGRAMME Providing Entertainment of the First Order In the Second Show, commencing at 9 p.m. A GOLDWYN PRODUCTION with a warm appeal to the heart, presenting «J<V< K PICK^OHD in a tale of a man who
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    • 438 4 CINEMAS GAIETY'S ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRA-OR01\ ay. Another great play his c mie to the screen—and with it. fc| actor who so triumphantly portrayed the notorious Ra-r Mercier fee. l r: MONTAGU LOVE IN THE BIG W T ORLD DRAMA OF MAGNIFICEV TO HIM THAT HATH Directed by Oscar Apfel IN SIX
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  • 2370 5 LATEST PRICES QUOTED IN THE MARKET. YAJ[ L AND EVATT, Exchange and Share Brokers issue the following list station 3 Singapore, July 14. RUBBER, STERLING SHARES —Mail Quotations. f ve pec. 1920 t-r lC?t fCCl- N- 1 fnd y.c. D e0 iy s-1 i* !s "V e.
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  • 326 5 To-day, July 14. P Sambu, Rhio, Anamba, Natuna Islands Serassan Speelman 2 p.m. Batu Pahat Sri Wongsee 2 p.m. Medan Van Diemen 3 p.m. Pejiang,* Rangoon Calcutta Ekma 3 p.m. Port Swettenham Teluk Anson *Kampar 3 p.m. Pulau Galang Sri Galang 4 p.m. Colombo Bombay* Burma Maru 4
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  • 268 5 The Palacegay change of programme includes two new episodes of "The Evil Eye" serial, preceded by a fine seven-part fii'm, The Joyous Troubk-Makers," with Wm. Farnum us the star artiste. Four reels of "Miracles of the Jungle" and Girlies and Grubbers," a Biv V comedy, are first-show items.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 67 5 j INEXPENSIVE STATIONERY ALL KINDS OF Account Books, Exercise Books, Press Copy Books, Pencils, Brown Paper, Carbon Paper, Typewriting Paper, Typewriting Ribbons, Stolzenburg Files, Buff and Cotton Twines, Duplicate and Triplicate Manifold Books, Office Chit ii Books, Envelopes, Pens, Penholders, &a WRITE FOR PRICES J THE STRAITS ALBION PRESS, Ltd.,
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  • 34 6 DEATH. CALEB—On Friday, July 14, M. Caleb, of the Municipal Water Department, at his residence 99, Jalan Besar. Funeral this evening at 5 p.m. at the Bidadari emetery. 14 7 14 7
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  • 700 6 v Mr Leonard Brown recently paid a visit to Germany. Not a very distinguished name, but a very distinguished person, nevertheless—none other than our old friend Lord Northcliffe, travelling incognito, or so he fancied. Peremptorily dismissing suggestions that he should affect some disguise—dyed hair, the villain's
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  • 228 6 Personal and General. Our Johore correspondent writes: Captain Hatton, of the marine department, of Messrs Topham, Jones and Rjilton, is back from Home after a holiday. Mr D V Byle is the new assistant manager of Mengkibol Estate, Kluang. Mr Perumaul, interpreter, police courts, Johore Bahru, has been
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  • 89 6 Kathleen Parlow Concerts. We are informed that Katfhleen Parlow will have time to give two concerts in Singapore as she arrives here on Sept 4, and leaves for Japan on Sept 9. Miss Parlow has generally the reputation of being the leading lady violinist of to-day. She is
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  • 395 6 Over 70 vagrants were brought up before the third court this morning and sent to the house of detention. Mr Dandie, the Traffic Manager of the Tramway Company, has just discovered a los.s of 1,000 second class tickets. The hearing of the charge against Mr McLean Roberts, whioh was fixed
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  • 153 6 FURTHER NATIONALIST SUCCESSES. Parliament Postponed. Reuter. London, July 12. —The opening of the new South Irish Parliament has been postponed indefinitely in view of the unsettled conditions. Communications have been established with Cork, but hitherto there is no information received from that city. Reports from the Galway
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 297 6 Yesterday's Impressive Funeral. The many friends of Mr George Johnson Smith received ia shock in the news of his death yesterday at the General Hospital from double pneumonia. He was taken ill with influenza on Saturday afternoon and was conveyed to the General Hospital on
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  • 54 6 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penang, July 13.—A Chinese fishseller was fined $50, or two months', by Mr for selling putrid prawns in Campbell-street market. Rinderpest was discovered among a 10).. d of cattle brought by a tongkang from Trang. The cattle were sent to the quarantine station,
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  • 58 6 We are indebted to the Nanyo Nichi-Nichi Shimbun" for the following: Tokio, July 13.—A Japanese-Am-erican radio telegraphic company, with a big capital, of V 200,000,000, is now being floated. It is believed that Messrs Asa no and Shibuzawa the prominent millionaires, are among the most enthusiastic proposers, accompanied
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  • 541 6 BY QL 12 "Countries g t >t they deserve," deda^TN Mail." We mnt Za v lot of sinners i n U*u m t ltt, «ya. That comet which as up-country is repot ed b," Poh ni" unwarranted affront H The Archdeacon has anew on the succulent he
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
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    • 124 6 STERILISED MILK. PRICE REDUCED TO Large Size 9.35 per case or 20 cts. per tin Small Size $10.40 H c t B NESTLE ANGLO-SWISS CONDBNSED MILK CO. (London) 144(147 Cecil Street, Singapore. EFFZETT (Made in Germany) OUTBOARD MOTORS and WATERPUMPS (Water-tight Magneto-driven.) The best in the Market. OUTBOARD MOTORS Stock
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  • 183 7 ENGLAND TO AUSTRALIA AND INDIA TO ENGLAND DIRECT. QUESTION OF SINGAPORE STATION. July 13 In the House of Commons > replying to questions, 1 r r state d that the Government had further considered the V: X W f an Irni rial wireless chain, and had dedi&d
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  • 104 7 Wili geictetas Be Dissolved? Reuter. tab IX- The political situthe leaders of th, nd the Majority; Soenv tTuti In.lept-nddcnt Socialists, at MMidembk doubt was exSaeceat the- Defence oi the Rea c; n the present form, lie rejection of the Bills would aw *i aiawhHoß of the Reichstag unavoid-bL.
    Reuter.  -  104 words
  • 133 7 Reuter. D.. i ites Prepare to Leave. The Hagu July 12.- The meeting of the property sub-ccmnfisdon, fit which Sir Lloyd Gn.rne presided listed for three hours. S:r Lloyd Graem in unequivocal terns detailed the numerous points on which the Russians had failed to defee rr.elr Int ntions,
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 50 7 lend m. Juiy 13.—The Chinese dipf 11 Dr *>«• has left for Berlin.— Wter. Udon. July 13.—The death is an--Sr° f Admiral S:r John Moresb >*- ?ars JuI F 13.—The French Govnt ha> accepted in principle proposal for a Near East which the Greeks and Mnii i 1
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  • 34 7 J. aij i3.—Tbe fi-*f mast d .a- *c worl I'? l. r«rc-st f been wrecked on a off the west I i lto fa e boats after i. v .'-tht-lonar experience.—
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  • 24 7 Reuter. ttej jL 13 7 Three Moplahs V -..?2f death .red •;.-it:on, on a charge Ch kkut,, form r Jr duri year's
    Reuter.  -  24 words
  • 14 7 M lZ A from I lite H ,rr S^nnes in Oct^r
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  • 8 7 Reuter. tfcttg J5 «aw three
    Reuter.  -  8 words
  • 112 7 Importation of Coal. Reuter. San Francisco, July 12.—The shortage of coal in the United States, owing to the miners' strike, has resulted in over a doien ghips being chartered on behalf of San Francisco interests to import coal from Australia, Glasgow and Cardiff.—Reuter. Chicago, July 13.—The negotiations
    Reuter.  -  112 words
  • 188 7 Request for Moratorium. Reuter. London, July 12.—German marks have recovered to 1,885, support being inspired by the belief in there being better prospects of the position being taken in hand.—Reuter. Paris, July 12—Declaring that the situation would become irremediable unless a speedy provisional agreoment was reeched, Germany has
    Reuter.  -  188 words
  • 51 7 Reuter. Cairo, July 13.—Fourteen persons were killed aad 20 seriously injur d by the fall of roof of the Abuelda Mosque, in the centre of Cairo, while the faithful were ceLbrating the feast cf the patron saint. Immense damage was done to valuable antiquities in the
    Reuter.  -  51 words
  • 33 7 Reuter. 1 London, July 12.—The Board of returns for June show imports £34,298,000 a decrease of £3,873.000 compared with June last year. Exports were £52.145,000, an increase of £13,993,000.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 35 7 Reuter. London, July 13.—The general reduction in railway ratea f*>m August 1, as the result of agreement b: twe.n English and Welsh ceirojyeiTiies in the Federation oi British Industriea, was ratified yesterday—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 41 7 The Singapore Brotherhood in conjunction with the Friendly Band will hold a meeting %-night at the CCA Hall, PrinseP-stfeAt, at 8 o'clock at which the Rev Gm% Hood Keng will give a talk on "TfleMEgil Life". All interested will be welcome.
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  • 1339 7 TRAMWAYS AND TELEPHONE RATES DISCUSSED. Exclusion of Pressmen. Mr Dudley Parsons presided over a committee meetmg of the Straits S- Elements (Singapore) Association held in the Board-room of Messrs Barker and Company yesterday aftern>on. The other ru embers present were M-ssrs T O Mayhew, F C Peck, A
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  • 43 7 Reuter. Berlin, July 12.—Th. explosion at Groden depot occurred after an inspects n By the rYfter-Allied Commission, fpe memb.r of which was slightly injured. A'l the wirdows at Cuxhav.r. were shattered and many roof carried off. Altogether 145 were injured—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 58 7 Singapore, July 13. Cepne. Afthough the tohjme of business has notffecn so i rge as the previous week prices have remained Steady and have a tendency to harden slighti;. a*- ensure. f. ar_ as follows:— 'No 1« SiJ.ndard S 10.30 to $10 70 No 2 10.00
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  • 230 7 ARRIVALS. The s.s. Jason, British, 4,800 tons, Capt F Baiting, aurived yesterday from Glasgow with a g,<neral CUOi and proceeded to Hankow last night. The s.s. Melchior Treub, Dutch, 1,612 tons, Capt Van der Wijk arrived y sterday from Deli with a general cargo and passengers and
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  • 54 7 The following passengers arrived yesterday by the s.s. Kajang from Sandakan :—Mrs A M Smith, Mr J R Camegy, Dr Bruce, Mrs Bniee and two childr-'n, Mr L T Wakeford, Mr W Vyn r, Mr Choo Seng Teck, Hon J H W Park, Mr A G Vanscolina and
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  • 31 7 The H tngkong Observatory reports at 9.55 a.m. yesterday a typhoon within GO miles of Lat 22 dog M Long 112 □eg Ej travelling N N W intensity unknown.
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  • 104 7 The s.s. Taishin Maru is expected h-. re from Bangkok on the 17th inst and will proceed to the wharf. She will sail for Java ports. The SjS. Katori Maru, is expected to arrive here from Colombo on July 16, and will proceed to Japan the next day.
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  • 99 7 Thje death took place on Juiy 12, on board the Italian steamer Veney'a, which arrived in port last night, of Senor Pinho, Secretary of the Brazilian Legation at Peking. Senor Pinho had been ailing for some years with tuberculosis, to which disease he eventually succumbed.
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  • 217 7 TYYIf Piffjmhml Function. w-s plsising iv s c tr.i- g<< d ..t--t« n.lanc. t th-' V W ,-C A Juribio Sal. ;n aid of the proposed lunch and rest room, held yest-rday afternoon it the Memorial Hal:. From the opening; hour, 4 p.m., onward, a t rge
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  • 71 7 Singapore, July 14. On London— Dank 4 months' sight 2s 4 l-16d Demand 2a 3 31-32 d Private 3 months siglu 2s 4 l-4d On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 176% On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 13 M p.c. pm. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 65% On JavaBank Tel. Transfer
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  • 88 7 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore, July 14. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers. Spot 25 25 V4 Latest London Cables quote.—L02 dan, Spot 7%d. ■i'hbed Smoked Sheet Closinjr Price Buyers Sellers Spot 25 25 H Aug to Sept 26 27 Oct to D:c 28 28Vi Latest London
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  • 118 7 London, July 11, 1922. Sago flour is quoted at 15jTin is quoted at £154.7.6 in London. Tapioca is quoted at 231- for fair flake. Gambier is quoted at 26|- in London; cub a gaunbier at 37,6. On the Liverpool market cotton, middling American is at 13.41 and
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  • 189 7 MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. Singapore, July 14. Silver 35%. Hongkong 13 K per cent Premium. I Share market.—Dull. Rubbers.—Allenbys 17 to 19 cents, Craigieleas. 22% to 27% cents, Bukit Stmbawangs Is to Is 4d and Singapore Uniteds 6%d to 8%d, Mentakabs 12% cents, Malaka Pindas 72% to 77% cents, Uiu Benuts
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  • 20 7 The latest London cables to hand this morning- are dated as follows:— Ordinary Rate July 12. Deferred Rate July 12.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 61 7 j ROBIN BLUE J I RECKITT'S I j FAMOUS ULTRAMARINE j DRY COLOUR BLUE j For the Household Laundry, Dhobie, Paint and I I Coloui wash work, etc. j 1 lb. CARTONS. Look for the Coloured Robin Label on every packet. STOCKED EVERYWHERE. j Sole Distributing Agents for S/S. &F.
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 162 7 WHEN AND WHERE. A SINGAPORE DIARY. To-day, July 14. High Tides.—0.54 a.m., 2.2 p.m. Football, Leigue II: S R C II v. S C C II, S R C ground; Ex-Services r. Harlequins, SRC ground; Seleta. U v. Municipal F C, S C F A ground. SVC: No 10 platoon,
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  • 1570 8 LAWN TENNIS. SINGAPORE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP. Honda and Koizumi Semi-Finalists. Yesterday's play in the Singapore lawn tennis open championship saw Honda and Koizumi, two of the Japanese contingent, qualify to meet each other in the semi-final round. They were both in the semi-finals last year, but whereas Koizumi
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  • 536 8 MIDDLESEX I BEAT R G A. (By "Reynard.") The first league match on the S C C ground yesterday, between the Middlesex I and the R G A, attracted a larger number of spectators than WM expected, in view of the fact that nothing depended on the game and
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  • 365 8 A Malacca reader, "P 0 M", The elevers suggested by "Disgusted Spectator" as being the most likely to provide the local "cup" team will, I fear, hardly serve the purposei While admitting that a number of the leading players of the settlement aprxer in his "list" there ar-
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  • 110 8 "KEY" r. CAEVALHO ON AUG 3. Thursday, Aug 3. wW see the Rtiaight forward introduction of professional boxing into the sports ac*ivi*ies of Singapore. The principal event will be the -rubber" contest between "Battling Key" (Tan T n;C X and Johnny Carvalho, over tan rounds. The venu, wll be
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  • 48 8 SRC BEAT MACHINE GUNNERS. On the S R C ground yesterday evening the S R C defeated a team representing the Machine Gunners the 2nd Middlesex Regiment by two coals to love. The goals wore score by the S R C captain, -TACK, ana E DE SOUZA.
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  • 59 8 V M C A CHAMPIONSHIPS. The eighty yards Race in the V M C A all-round championship will ho decided on Saturday next, at the sw mming pool, at 5-30 p.m. On Sunday morning at 10.00 the forty yards handicap will be held, and a water polo match will
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  • 53 8 KATONG G. C. The competition for the July ly iredal of the Katong Golf C ub will be held on Saturday will 30th inst. The usual to" swe*l "FRFNCH CHAMPIONSHIP. Bolerh" won the Golf Chompionsh.p vyth ordinary score of ***> He did his 3rd round in G5, whic record
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  • 18 8 first bisley result. Reuter. i London, July 12.-Lanc:ng has won the AAburton Shield at Bis I ley.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  18 words
  • 205 8 S C C vs. LANKA UNION. The following will represent the SCC against the Lanka Union in the Singapore Cricket Tournament match to be played on the S R C ground on Saturday:—O P GriffithJones (Capt), R L D Wodehouse, H M Cantrell, F R Craig, R T Holder,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 394 8 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED.—Junior Clerk required by European firm knowledge of typewriting and some office experience essential. Reply with full particulars and salary expected to Box 5, c/o "Malaya Tribune." 147 147 IN THE SUPREME COURT AT JOHORE BAHRU, JOHORE. Miscellaneous Civil Suit No. 69 of 1921. X V A L.
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    • 334 8 "LIGHT RAILWAY MATERIAL— 1 from TRACK to LOCO. Specify Hudson Material for your LigHt Rai] I its efficiency v*l give complete satisfaction, I your maintenance costs at a low fevel and 1 erably increase the life of your installation. I Over fifty years' experience has taught them I material that
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  • 694 9 LAWN TENNIS. HOW TENNIS BALLS ARE MADE. Although no maker will guarantee that every lawn tennis ball offered for sale is perfect in every detail, a ball with any sort of flaw in it has little chance of surviving the rigorous examinations to which it is Subjected before it
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 102 9 oxo THE FOUNDATION OF HEALTH SIMPLIFIES CObKING LEMCO m MOST MOHLY CONCENTRATED FORM OF BEbF KNOWN. fi AY BENTOS SOUP IN TINS. Made in four Varieties: Oxtail— Tomstc— Kidney—Mockturtlc FKAY BtNTOS Piitre Coir.pressed Cooked Corned Beef. Mikes a Most Delicious Meal. i FRAY BENTOS OX-TONGUE. mtp. SOLE AGENTS: BTHNBACH, LAZARUS
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    • 13 9 AERATED !IV WATER ijA ft MACHINE djjty bottler Assured. FLUGEL&Co. Ltd LONDON. N.UV
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    • 353 9 T. B. UN CO., Wholesale Retail Merchants, 239, TAN JONG PAGAR ROAD. SINGAPORE. Buttercup Metal Polish (square tins) at .20 per tin. Eau de Cologne (Vivandau Paris) at 1.20 per bot. J J Toilet and Baby Powder (in tin) at .30 tin. Perfums Renee Talc Powder (in tin) Mc K&
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    • 554 9 to MM the King-fcnperor fcf Crosse j I are prepared -with lastidious care from anginal ardwsllr jj mk 1 hied recipes- Only tr\e choicest and purest vinegars are used. That is vjty Crosse Blackwell's pickles Wm are universal y praise i :or piquancy qualify and flavour N R Ni Crosse
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    • 96 9 We Recommend VRANA MARDAN. This ointment is the only remedy for skin diseases, such as wounds, boils, itches, ulceration of the breast etc. Its efficacy is perceived within 24 hours. PRICE $0.80 CTS. PER TIN. YOGRAJ GUGGALA PILLS. A well approved remedy for eradicating complaints regarding the stomach and the
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    • 89 9 TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW STOCK. In order to give effect to the above we are disposing of following from our stock at moderate prices. It is an opportunity that should not be lost. Bourges pres.. "ire gauges, brass Globe valves, sets of gun metal water gauges, brass flanged angle
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  • 183 10 KARL MARX AND THE RED FIAG. A aleanur named Karl Marx, said to be owived by the Russian Soviet Government, reached Hull recently from Prtrograd, and berthed in the Victoria Dock. The vesecl carried a cargo of timber, and at her stern fltw a red flag
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  • 277 10 Excellent Hoasee for $3,300. No fewer than 123.479 dwellings were completed under State-aid d schemes by March 1 last. There are atill to be completed 84,159 houses by local authorities, and 14,000 under the private builders' subsidy. Unckr the terms of the subsidy, the latter have
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  • 217 10 Gifts to Victoria and Albert Museum. At the recent sale of the second portion of the Tomkinson Collection the museum was enabled, by the generoa'ty of personal friends of the late Mr Michael Tomkinson, to acquire an important series of examples of Japanese lacquer which have now been
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 494 10 rURODONALj I dissolves uric acid. i I j a tW ANCERFA CTX, late President of the A cademie 1 I THE SIGN OF THE TEMPORAL ARTERY. I I purlfr vour blood of poisonous substances and I Arterlc-Solerosis Is J 0 lM most dangerous of all- vU.. Uric of the blood
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    • 479 10 MOST DANGEROUS WEATHER Peps the Best Protection Against Throat and Lung Dangers. Nothing finds cut 44 the weak spot in your throat or lungs like the coming 01 the monsoon. Rapid changes of temperature and a warm steamy atmosphere play havoc with many people and liability to dangerous colds and
      479 words
    • 309 10 -mm, 1 For Infants, Invalids, j the Aged Travellers. 1 Keeps Indefinitely. J There is nothing "Just as good." Of all Chemists and Bazaars. Manufactured by HORLICK'S MALTED MILK CO.. I SLOUGH, BUCKS,, ENGLAND. i, ro:'7uTiiii» iaV. ..<2w v *GOLDEN HORSE' The Cigarettes with a distinctive Flavour, Ask the man
      309 words
    • 256 10 SAILL^H n. y: h| LONDON LIKE Kitano Maru k I Barvaa Ifarti J 1 LIVERPOOL LU ft] 'Sado Maru w HA MB! KG LIKE, B Matsuye Maru Tsuyan.a Maru I NKW YORK LINE k W SOIJTE AMERICAN (jR) H BOMBAY LLML H Awa Maru Tamba Maru I I CALCUTTA LINE
      256 words

  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 555 11 SIEAMER SAILINGS. p f 0 BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINE. I Incorporated m RngiafHf I MAIL PASSENGERS AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULA* ORIENTAL S. N. CO. a Contract with ni* Majesty's Government. LONL)ON FAK-KASTERN SEKVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. about July 23 about Aug 6 ara about Aug 22 Isly* B
      555 words
    • 399 11 STEAMER SAILINGS. O SL K. Proposed Sailing from Singapore (subject to change without previous notice) EUROPEAN LINE. For Marseilles, London, Hamburg, Rotterdam, Antwerp, via Colombo, Suez and Port Said. Atlas Maru arr July 25 dep 26 NEW YORK LINE. For San Francisco, Panama, New York via Japan. Hague Maru arr
      399 words
    • 347 11 STEAMER SAILINGS. LIME' OF STEAMERS Monthly sail.ngs to and from Australia for cargo only, calling at Batavia Sourabaya, Fremantle, Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. 1922 SCHEDULE OF SAILINGS. 1922 Arriving Singapore Sailing. Aug. 7 a.s. EMITA Aug. 12 Sept. 4 B.S. ENOGGERA" Sept. 9 Oct 9 s.s. EURELIA Oct. 14 Nov.
      347 words
    • 99 11 COMPANIA TRASATLANTICA (SPANISH ROYAL MAIL LINE.) The undermentioned hteauiers will hnv«» prompt despatch for the port* indicated. FOR MANILA Isla de Panay due about Aug 4 FOR COLOMBO. SUE/. PORT SAID, BARCELONA, VALENCIA AND CADIZ (with transhipment to other Spaaish ports) Isla de Panay due about Aug 24 For freights
      99 words
    • 502 11 STEAMER SAILINGS "cWnamall STEAMSHIP CO., LTD., (Incorporated in U. S. A.) San Francisco Service Those desirous of seeing the Orient should travel by the scenic rout* HONGKONG, SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA, HONOLULU SAN FRANCISCO. FROM HONGKONG s.s. NANKING Aug 10 s.s. CHINA ge 16 (First class fare, Hongkong to San Francisco
      502 words

  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 477 12 WANTED. WANTED. Eurasi in and Chinese Ladies r > sell during spare hours Ladies' an 1 children's Dresses and Shoes. Liberal co:.;-nLssi:>n. Apply, between 9 and 10 a.m. Frankeis, Ltd., 375, Victoria Street. 7 7 u. c. LABORATORY ASSISTANT WAN-TED.-To assist Fisheries Enquiry Commissioner in general Fisheries Investigation—including both rielii
      477 words
    • 747 12 NOTICE NOTICE. THE PLAINFIELD SCHOOL at 7 Gentle Road is for Chinese Children who wish to learn English. Kindergarten and Preparatory class from 8 to 11 a.m. Classes for lads above the age of 15, 1 to 4 p.m. For further particulars apply to the Principal. Telephone No. 1310. 6
      747 words
    • 444 12 BANKS. INTERNATIONAL BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in the U. S. A.) OWNED BY THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK. Capital and Surplus US$10,000,000 Undivided Profits 5,400,000 Reserve for Dividends 600,000 Bead Office:—60 WALL STREET. NEW YORK, linden Office:—36 Bishopsgate, Lyons Office:—27 P'ace, Tolozan. San Francisco Office:—282 Mont rfomery Street. BRANCHES.
      444 words
    • 438 12 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 94, MARKET STREET. BRANCHES: Penang S5 Beach Street. Malacca I'M Jonker Street Muar 77-79 Jalaa Suleiman, Batu Pmhat 109 Jalaa Rahamat alerobang 16, Ilir. AGENCIES Al: London, New York, San Francisco. R-tavia, Sourabaya, Semarang. Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontiaink and Traag. CAPITAL. Authorised
      438 words
    • 425 12 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporated in England by Royal Charter 1853.) Paid Capital in 6UU,0u0 bnarea oi £5 each £3,000,00«» Reserve Fund £3,700,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,00G,OUL> BANKERS: Bank of England. London Jou.t Ciiy and Midland Bank, Lr<L London County Westminster ana Parr's Bank, Ltd. National
      425 words
    • 398 12 INSURANCE. THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) Head Office: Singapore. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Set- Teong Wah, Esq. i Chairman.) Gaw Khek Khiam, Esq. (Vice Chairman.) P. S. Lea, N. B. Chan, Beq. Ong Soon lee, Eaq. Yen Hock Hoe, Eaq. Kob San Hin, E*q. Eng Lim,
      398 words
    • 296 12 THE MALAYA TRgJJ SHIPPIvg CAZETti (TONING DAILY.) TeL No. 345. EditorbJ r, ept Tel. No. 171, Managerial SUBSCRIPTION R Ar PAYABLE IN Per annum ♦in Half-yearly "o» Per quarter f t| Single Copy 5 ctl Postage Extra BO cts To Foreign countries $1 VERY MANY "MALAYA TRIBUNE" U^J depend upon
      296 words