Malaya Tribune, 31 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 31 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY. 1 AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. a z UVfcMNG DAILY, vol. vin- -No. 256 SINGAPORE, MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 139 1 I j bUN COMPANY supplies all I. tographic Materials AND Ine a^ nl Place for Amateurs I pevsiopiag. Printing and Eniargemanl No 94. NORTH BRIDGE BO AD, SINGa*'ORE. i phoce 660- 0 —-jsaiwi'" 1 1 ay m^ -1- ■■MMMBMi^^■MHMMMMMMMMB' Whiteaway, Laidlaw Co., Ltd., Singapore, f (Incorporated in England.) ;i> j
      139 words
    • 109 1 Sime, Darby Cp. 9 Ltd. Incorporated in Straits Settlements ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given for complete felecMc Lighting Power Installations. Pull range of Kl< ctrle-il supplies i ig'.ook V LB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. A< DlCtOßPmpll" Telephones. *< MADSI BONG' Plants, rhe ideal Lighting Set
      109 words
    • 448 1 II CIGARETTES NUMBER IJ VIRGINIA Unvarying in Quality the World Over. Sola Manufacturers: ARDATH TOBACCO to, Ltd., LOCDO* IjljPresents for Friends at Home. lllanila, Cigars From London Stocks. I The following prices include Borne Duty, Postage and Packing and are Kett LA PERLA DEL ORIENTE. LA INSULA. ,> Per Box
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  • 12 2 (We do not nw—rHf endorse the opinions expressed ky MM^ dents.)
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  • 283 2 Prom PROTEGE I am glad to note that one |of the items on the agenda of tLe Legi-lative CounoU meeting is the Bill for the renewal of the Real Restriction Ordinance. There exists at present a feeling of anxie:y and. apprehension among the tenants of dwelling hrusen generally
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  • 193 2 From C R MENON: Whatever the causes of the riots in Malabar may be, no one can deny tne fact that the poor district in Madras is now in great suffering. Thousand* of people have been rendered homeless and destitute; many have lost relatives; starvation is the
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  • 260 2 From GAS AH HAWKER Some time back I read two letters regarding Malacca hawkers and think what the letter» pointed out were facts and deserved some sort of inquisition, but 1 am surprised to see it has been left to pass by, which accounts for the worse state
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  • 146 2 From BLACHAN I note with regret that H R H the Prince of Wales will not visit Malacca during his visit to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Of course we may agree that there is little or nothing in sleepy Malacca to expect such as a Royal visitor, but
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  • 161 2 from v MINTAK. TOLONG": I wrifa this letter that yon may give ma tbe help of your powerful pen to get a main pipe laid at Lorong 26A, (Gaylang) as the place is now crowded and every one of us depend upon the "tookang ayer" for our
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  • 436 2 Werk of Local Branch. Mission work in connection with the Industrial Christian Fellowship (formerly the Navvy Mission Society) is being carried along in an interesting manner amongst the constructors of the Woodlands to Johore causeway. The Missioner who represent» the Fellowship is Mr S Creber. The contractors,
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  • 149 2 v Secures English Bride. London, Sept' 23.—Prince Mohammed Din Aleddin Mahmoud, brother of the ex-Khedive of Egypt and nephew of the present Egyptian ruler, vv-ill be married within the next few days to Mrs Arthur Evelyn Ellis in a London register office. The romance is the result
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  • 20 2 It it stated that numerous mining leases in Perak have been cancelled under Section 18 (ii) of the Mining Ifnactmsirt.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 215 2 The International Overseas Co. IMPORT! FI NF ST Coal, Sugar, flWtWl Fl s o a AUSTRALIAN WHEAT FLOUR Tin Plate and ORB BRAND I Black and White copra^ u ou Prices on applicationCake, Sago Flour, Nutmegs, Coffee, The International Overseas Co., Pr C,S IMPORTERS AND BXPOBTBRS, j all Languages. 3
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    • 473 2 MAKE YOURSELF STRONGER People with s'rong oonstitntiona esoape many minor ilia that make life miserable for others. Don't yen envy the friend who docs not koow what a headache is, whose digestion ig perfect and Bleep uudiftnrbed How far do yon come from thia description ai d hava yea ever
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    • 589 2 NOTICE CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. The Annual General a\l ii g of tbe Society will be held at Government Honae on Wednesday the 2nd November at 10 a.m. His Exoellenoy Sir Laurence Qoillemard, kcb, will preside. All interested in the work of the Scotety are oordially invited to be present. 25
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    • 628 2 AUCTION SALE~ SENG cT AUCTIONEERS .APPRAISERS. j No. 30 X ing Street, Singapore. muummmmm j tx. I Auction Sale of 5 Very desirable sea-Bide property at East Coast Road, Properties at Jalan Besar, Syed Alwi Road, R ffl-e Place,%to. At Messrs. Cheong Koon Seng A Oo.'s 3a16-R>:>aa, No. 3», KMug
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  • 786 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market, Singapore, October 31. Meuri. Lyall and Evatt, Exchang» and Share Brokers, issua the follou inf list of quotation*. Rubber, Dollar Shares. Issue Values Buyers Sailers 1 Allanby 0.10 0.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 1.00 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.00 1.50 6 Ayer
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 178 3 9 AT THB PO 'UI PHOTO PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanjng Ag»r Roaa. Trams Pass tha Door IN THE SECOIsD SHOW AT 930 p.M, Arlin* Pretty «is a He jy O. BeU in ihe super serial sensation At WOMAN IN GREY Episodes 11 12f It's in fifteen episodes 'Jboundirjg with Uhrills,
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    • 638 3 I I From SATURDAY, October 29, to THURSDAY, November 3. Tlw 1 I Tjtatie I —AT TH to tha only I jj DUMBEST A I 11 A JDQ Jk f 3: ALnAMbKA -aI*. Tk. oJ!. CUea, Cof f c I ImiVi? Th 9 Hal! for Moik and Ftatu Tea, etc,
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    • 341 3 Pretentfl ANOTHER GIGANTIC ATTRACTION I AT 10 P.M. TO-NIGH 7 Corinne Griffith Alice Calhoun and Maurice Costello In the Sensational VitDEADLIN AT 11 A Preae story, correct to the Mlnm ietail. with a gripping Theme running throughout. From the Jook by Ruth Byers. JACK RAWSON was falsely accused of MURDER
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  • 159 4 Good news from the United State*— the railway strike is off. British industrial disputes, too, are being peacfully adjusted. Karl refuses to abdicate voluntarily, so will have to be abdicated. His future home may be Madeira—without aeroplanes. The United States disclaims responsibility for possible failure of the Disarmament
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  • 756 4 Small-pox was the most urgent matter discussed at Friday's meeting of the Municipal Commissioners. There will be some uneasiness at the President's admission that there has been an increase in the number of cases during the month. The latest report, for the week ending Oct. 22, shows that 16
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  • 427 4 Plans for terrace houses on Mount Elizabeth hava not been approved. The U S destroyer Isobel arrive( here at noon on Saturday, and ex changed salutea with Fort Canning. Commencing from Nov 2, the searchlights at Fort Teregeh will be run on Wednesdays instead of Thursdays. Mr A Athisayam, the
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  • 198 4 Better Business Indicated. •The return of exports and import -< (or the Straits Settlements tor th > qaarter ending Septpmper 30 ham kyen issued, and give the followin< results, compared with the similar qaarter of lAt year, iu value o merchandice: 1921 1920 Imports $158,472,145 $281,907,520 Exports $140,023,840
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  • 99 4 The clauses of the Bill to be introduced this afternoon in the Legislative Council in connection with innkeepers' liability, limit the liability of innkeepers for loss or injury of goods to $750, except when baa been stolen, lost or injured through the wilful act, default or negligence
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  • 485 4 Mrs George Maxwell, wife of the Chief Secretary, is expected to arrive in Malaya in February. Amongst action taken by Municipal committees since the last meeting it is recorded that a sub-committee has been appointed to make recommendations to Government regarding reorganization of traffic control am. congestion of verandahs and
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  • 203 4 A HINT FOR PAY-DAY, Pay Day to-mtrrow! Do nor t get the "Straits Time." LAd*£t Consider how the have helped to make salaries-! wages go further by OOBataatlj afj? idj agamsf profiteering, and how t was in a very sjourageuus att* mDI (though as the result showes
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  • 95 4 The Double Brest." The Warwick Co very appropr.attj wound up a successful team i* t v Victoria Theatre by playing the tare* act sporting comedy, "The Event," on Saturday evening, ftm first to last the performance *ea; a nice swing, all the members of Ifcj cast doing
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  • 54 4 (Aneta Service to the "Tribune"). Weltevereden. Oct St.—The F- Indian sugar sponslstm Ganei H-..-.» Ahmad, at Sourabaya to-day, has finally been adjudicated bar.kru} t, h:j possessions consisting of hotels grounds estimated at a total of y seven million guilder?, while hi total about sixteen and a
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  • 101 4 It was reported a short while back that a valuable find of gold had SM made in North Kelantan. Vs I learn that a syndicate was ItrsssJ Singapore to investigate this aria, and three separate mining engineer! have reported so favour.; ths syndicate has acquired rights u«er
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  • 99 4 We are officially informed that Mr A Cavendish, Malayan G Sff has been detailed for duty as officer in charge of Co-ope rat iv t Setktis* Strais Settlements and Federated Malay States. Mr Cavendish has recently returned from a visit to Burma where he was sent to study
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  • 185 4 As an experiment Messrs untitled Morgan and Co., Ltd., Kuaia Lsssj are having the floor of their office en-trance-room covered with ordmarj. unvulcanized No. 1 smoked sheti. This is being supplied by one of j* Penang Rubber Co.'s estates and th« laying of it, with zinc sails, < p M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 302 4 fHE RIGID, RAPID, RELIABLE RALEIGH The Ail-Steel Bieyele There ii no Docbt Nowadays whioh Mechiue holds the Premier Position in the Pnblio Mind, the X LEIGH always was and is Today, the most* perfrtJt B ofc'e prodaotd. Tmn Popular R: 1 %h The Special Raleigh Model 'D* Model'B* Price $150/-
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    • 247 4 j GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Straita Settlements; j 36", PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE j Nev Bhipment Just Arrived of Garpentei's Smoothing and J?ck Planft. Brass Hexagon Tipped Note from 3/8" to 3/4". Cotlaud'i Brass Butt Hinges from If to 6". Clybuiu Sorew Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos
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  • 408 5 Trouble in Holland: Calm in m Britain. Labour 'Conference Decisions. Reuter. Chicago, Oct. 28.—The railway unions have appointed a cd.Amittee to draft a resolution calling* off the strike, or submission to a meeting of the labour leaders attending the conferee r.rranged at the instigation of the Labour
    Reuter.  -  408 words
  • 185 5 Welcome to Beatty. Reuter. London, Oct 28.—It is stated that Mr Lloyd George has every hope of being able to leave London for ashington on Nov. 4.—Reuter. Paris, Oct 23.—The French delegation proceeding to W' ashington. headed by M Briar.d, has departed. Washington. Oct 28.—The State Department has
    Reuter.  -  185 words
  • 55 5 Reuter New York, Oct. 28.—The Associated Press correspondent at Prague states that the Cabinet has approved of the agreement with the French Standard Oil Company, excepting in eleven districts, where there are already confessions or state-exploitation. A zecho-S'.ovak company will be formed under an agreement in which the
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 60 5 Reuter. Vancouver, Oct. 30.—A cloudbuiA resulting in a flood swept away the greater part of the mining town at Britannia Reach. Fifty houses were «rned off, and thirty-five persons are dead or missing. The flood waters from the Coquitlam riv er inundated there sections of a three-storey
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 29 5 Reuter. York, (Jet. 29.—Marshal Foch T arrived and was enthusiastically Jlcomed. He received the Freedom *h an( 0118 11^8 cheered :he cla? Ped hands with General
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  • 22 5 Reuter. Isatj oct 28 ThQ river has over ar.d n Usly house nTlsaiisisji are d3maped There were "Ufa aad injured.—Reuter.
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  • 16 5 Reuter. Ct 9 The Renown has tan T lh Prince of Wales on
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  • 105 5 The Ethics of Religion. Reuter Karachi, Oct 28.—Evidence for the prosecution in the trial of the Ali brothers has concluded. Mahomed Ali, in a statement, argued that a resolution of the Khilafat Congress gave effect to the teaching of the Koran, which was above the penal code.
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  • 95 5 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 28.—The NearEast Relief Committee, afer touring the famine areas of the Volga and Armenia, has approached Mr Hoover to recommend that the United States enter into a trade agreement with the Soviets. The Committee has also recommended the formation of an association of manufacturers for
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  • 77 5 Reuter. Paris, Oct. 28.—Marshal Joffre sails on Nov. 11 on an extensive Far Eastern tour, the object being to return the visit of the Japanese Crown Prince to France. After visiting Saigon apd Bangkok, and paying respects fc> the King of Siam and the Sovereigns of Cambodia
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  • 62 5 Reuter. Paris, Oct 29.—Replying to the German Note, the Ambassador's Conference declares that the protest against the partition of Silesia cannot be accepted. It takes note of Germany's undertaking to carry out the decision of the Conference. It approves of the Austro-Hunganan Protocol of Venice as regards
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  • 33 5 Reuter. London, Oct 29.—Commander Evans, of H M S Carlisle, has been awarded the Silver Medal for life-saving in connection with the wreck of the Hong Moh on March 3.—Reuter.
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  • 25 5 Reuter. London, Oct 28.—Underwriters ef the Commonwealth Loan have to take up sixty per cent of the stock, which is at one-quarter discount.—Reuter.
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  • 243 5 TROUBLE OVER KARL'S FUTURE. ON BRITISH WARSHIP. Reuter. London, Oct 28,-The Foreign Office has no knowledge of the delivery of an ultimatum from the Little Entente at Budapest. It is strongly held that Karl must abdicate or be formally deposed. The latesj news is that Karl haa refused
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  • 27 5 Reuter. ..Warsaw, Oct 29.—A message from Omsk states that the first consignment of British goods has arrived, consisting of tools and agricultural ma» hinery.—Reuter.
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  • 29 5 Reuter. New York, Oct 28.—Evelyn, wife of the notorious Harry Thaw, attempted to commit suicide with poison. Her fc-tomach was pumped out and she will probably recover.—Reuter.
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  • 254 5 November List Fixed. In the Snpreme Coart this morning, the Chief Jaatice, Sir Walter Shaw, together with Mr Jaatioe Barrett Lennard, were engaged fixing the list of caaea for the November sittings. The district coart appeals were fixed for the 19th. A case in which A C Harper
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  • 152 5 A pretty wedding took place at Hqjy Trinity Church, Shanghai, on the 12th inst., when Mr Cyril Champkin, manager of the Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., was married to Miss Helen Worcester. The Committee of Penang St Andrew's Society have decided to hold the Annual Ball this year on Friday,
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  • 301 5 FOOTBALL. SCC AND STAFFORDS DRAW.. A friendly game between the S C C and the Staffords wae played at Tanglin Barracks yesterday afternoon. The Club had four or five second team men in their eleven, and the regiment also had several changes from their usual first team. The ground
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  • 239 5 BOY SCOUTS' SPORTS. Fine weather favoured the holding of the Boy Scouts' annual inter-troop sports on Saturday afternoon. The sports were held on Raffles Institution ground, and some very keea competition was witnessed. The individual championships went to Wan Puteh, A division, and Hock Ann, B division, while the
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  • 161 5 LONG-DISTANCE RACE. At the Swimming Clab yesterday morning, the annual long-distance race for the Hay-Taylor trophy took p ace over a distance of 14. miles, from the Club to Sea View. ijThe race attracted eight competitors, seven of whom finished tbe course. The swimmers were helped by the tide.
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  • 173 5 H M S MALAYA CUP. Malacca Defeats N S. (From Our Own Correspondent). Malacca, Oct 30.—1n the H M S Malaya Cup rugger contest here, Malacca defeated Negri Sembilan by eight points to three. The match was pretty evenly contested, and Malacca were perhaps rather lucky to win as
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  • 409 5 YESTERDAY'S RACES. The second 8 Y C rsce for the Odell Cup came off yesterday in an ideal sailing breeze following an early rain squall, Ten of the big class turned oat and were started to handicap times by Mr Flett. The Helen was first away and on the
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  • 261 5 The Derail foatival was oelebrated yesterday by the principal Hindu merchants in Singapore, and by the entire Hindu community, The merchanta in High-street entertained their friends from 6 antil 11 p m, and In .each case the premises were brilliantly illaminated, and tastefolly decorated. MeBBrs K A J
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  • 55 5 The Duke of York, in accepting an invitation to visit Sheffield on Nov 4 to open the new super-electric power station, has intimated his inability to attend the Cutlers' Feast, on the ground that he has no right to be present at such a function while so many worklesa people
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  • 72 5 Singapore, Oct Si. On LondonBank 4 months' sigh* ts 4 S-S2d Demand ts 8 W-33d Private 8 meatae, right Ss 4 7-1 td On IndiaBank Tel. Transfer 186 On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 23ft p.c. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 56 On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer 136 «4
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  • 37 5 C. ef C. Rubber Association. Singapore, Oct 31. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot §3 34 November 84 34% Nov. to Dec. S4Vfc 85 Jan. to March 86 tt 87 Tone of Market.—Steady.
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  • 22 5 Singapore, Oct 31. To-day's closing rubber quotation* are as under:— New York.—l 6 cts. London.—9%d. Singapore.—33 ft cts.
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  • 38 5 Amount previously acknowledged $2,614.01 Eastern Rubber Co. 250. Chinese Commercial Bank 100 Mr Ho Siak Xi 100 Nett Proceeds, entertainment at Star Opera, under the auspices of the Mohamedan Starlight Cricket Club 211.89 Total $3,275.90
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  • 290 5 A Correspondent writes to ths "Malayan Leader." Legislation premeditated for the F M S has often in the past leaked out through the press of the Straits Settlements. One of your contemporaries evidently thinks that an Income Tax measure will shortly be introduced here. Although the
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  • 18 5 Reuter. Amsterdam, Oct 28.—Only 56,000,000 guilders have been subscribed to the 100,000,000 florin DutchIndies Loan issue at 99.—Reuter.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 255 5 PHASED CHALMEBCL Eoglneerlng Works. Magaet House, 82 cod B\ Inson Bote, Singapore. Everything Electrical." PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd. (Inaorponted in JSngUnd.) jj 1 NE7ER SAY DYE, S\Y TINTEX Great Reduction From To-day M 1030 M At all Dispensaries, Messrs John Little Co., Ltd. Messrs Whileaway Laidlaw Co., Ltd.
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  • 1362 6 THE TURF. AUTUMN MEETING. N G E Pays $54. On Saturday the usual large gathering was at the Racecourse to do honour to the third day of the race meeting, and the event was a success in every way, with fine weather conditions after a threat of rain. The
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  • 210 6 YMCAvjuSRC II. This, match was played on the SRC ground on Saturday. The scores were SRC: K R Scott, c Karunaratns, b Stack, 6 C W Gomez, b Weerakody, 28 C Richards, b Stack, 8 T Cordeiro, c Stack, b Hartley, 7 S Stewart, c and b Stack, 0
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  • 748 6 B M B A MEETING. A meeting under the auspices of the British Malaya Boxing Association will be held on Monday, Nov. 7, at the Anglo Chinese School Hall, Coleman-street, at 5 p. m., to receive the organising committee's report, to elect an executive committee, and transact such other
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  • 53 6 A correspondent writes to the I Malay Mail."—A Chinese kepala fell off the bridge near the market and was nearly drowned about 10 o'clock to-day. His pals rescued him on the verge of passing out. Just as he was recovering a policeman arrived and wanted to arrest him for falling
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  • 15 6 Mr and Mrs C J Foot left Kuala Lumpur for Singapore on Thursday on transfer.
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  • 100 6 A Chinese Fined. A Chinese was brought before Mr R C Cussen, the Seremban magistrate, charged with assisting in the selling of lottery tickets," under Enactment 19 of 1912, Section 4 (1) of the Gaming Ordinance. Chief Inspector Brouard said the accused was formerly a detective, and was
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  • 111 6 The report of the M»Uyan Oil Mills Ltd, states that the whole of the n*»w mach'uery and pUnr is now at Port Swet»enb»m. It is up to date and "In capable cf fxpres»ing ruhberseed oil or that of copra or groand »»ts. Tbe report en the oil
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  • 29 6 The Empire to-night will have a fine bill of fare, with "The Outcasts of Poker Flat" (in 6 parts) as the chief item in the second show.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 150 6 THE STAR OPEBA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, Nonh Bridge Road. Commencing To-night A Javanese Pl*J In 3 Parts PaDjl Smeraog Ist pait -aill be sieged to night. K. H CHEONG, Proprietor. Y. UTAH, Manager. Phone 136« For Seats. Is Ihe Engine of Your Car Slow on the Pick Up"? We
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    • 246 6 I FAIRBANKS-MORSE j "Z" 'Engines j UH.P. 3H.r* 6 HP. i Whatever the work—pumping, sawing or grinding,—yoa want it done at lowest cost. Yoa know that this "ooit" does not ■top with first COSt. It inolndei the money yoa spend to keep the engine running—for fuel—labour—repair!—upkeep. What yon get tor
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    • 593 6 NOTICE., NOTICE. It is hereby fj Examiner n for Lteeoti p Sr ors will held fa* v qJJ" <-n th- 5h rw£ next and followii. w The oi a i be as under 11 (a) Written ftei KuratJoa «j f ttwtrj Trigonometry L«v«lii a ;i Mtttt* it re> qur- follow-'
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 434 6 HAILS CLOSE. To-day, Oct 31. Malacca Muar. *Sri Muar 2 p.m. Tandjong Bale! Ayuthia 8 p.m. Port Swettenham A Penang •Kinta 8 p.m. Malacca Muar *Hye Leong 3 p.m. Penang* A Calcutta Chaksang 8 p.m. Port Swettenham,* Penang,* Madras and Negapatam, taking mails for EUROPE, etc. (via Bombay) Thongwa 3
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    • 145 6 WHEN AND WHERE, To-day, Oct SI. High Tide*.— ajn., 11.1 pjn. New Moon. Japaaese Consul Gansral at Homs (Emperor's Birthday), 11.30—1. Craigielea, Derricks, 12. Legislative Ceuncil, 2JJ0. Football: S C C II v. United Banks. B. Scouts: I, II, IV V Troops, 6.15. Scottish University Diansr. Freamajonry: Lodge Ailsa, t.
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  • 647 7 REVIEW OF PAST YEAR'S WORK. Election of Office Bearers. The Singapore and South Malaya Boy Scouts Association held their annual general meeting at the temporary headquarters, the old Post Office buildings, yesterday afternoon, when the Hon Mr D Y Perkins presided over a large gathering of Scouts
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  • 72 7 (The Editor of the "Malay Mail.") Sir, —The following problem may interest some of your readers:— A goes to B (European firm) and buys twelve articles for one dollar. X goes to V (Market Chinaman) aad buys twelve articles of tbe same kind for forty-sight cents. V says
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  • 65 7 The "Rubber Age" says it is reported that the Russian Government will shortly make arrangements to import rubber in large quantities to fill its very pressing demands for rubber goods. The monthly meeting of the Ladies' Work Party in connection with the Presbyterian Church will be held at the house
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  • 593 7 MORE F.M.S. PRESS CRITICISM, Most things came to us from the Colony, and in the general flow of merchandise, rubber shares, chandu i and Civil Servants one has not the heart to repel advice especially when it is kindly meant There is one commodity, however, which in recent i
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  • 208 7 Messrs Fearon and Co., of Kuala Lumpur, reported at 5 p.m. on Tuesday: Business has been qdiet during the week under review and the market appears to be suffering from inanition. Industrials dro almost neglected and the gilt-edged section is weaker. Rubber remains steady. It is
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  • 45 7 A list of 65 persons banished in December is published ia the Gasett*. Twenty-four of these ar* fjorn tfee F M 8. The first reinforced concrete powered lighter built in Chin* was launched from the shipyard of Messrs Brossard and Uopin at Hunghoen an IS.
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  • 471 7 v ANTI SOCIETY FORMED IN HONGKONG, Persuasive Methods Futile. The Anti-Mui-Tsai Society of Hongkong has been formed and haa issued a manifesto, from which we extract the following The cause of lll-trtetmeat te the mui-taai liea In the aeverifty and stringency of the document by which she is
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  • 231 7 Murder Case Sequel. As an outcome of the Seremban murder case, Are of the principal witnesses for the prosecution in that case were subsequently arrested on charges of alleged perjury. The names of the five persons so arrested are George Charles John Lee, (alias Lee Chin Wah), Lim
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 688 7 > l1i" M f 'HI «««■■■iM < g 1,, „mt ammmtm ammw l M lm I mmi lt STRAITS WAR LOAN, 1921. issue of $20,000,000 Loan B*ari"r lota.-*et from the date ef purchase et per cant. per aoain •anHi kaJf-yearly oa May 1 acl November L REPAYABLE AT PAR ON
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    • 289 7 1922, The following have just 0 arrived Annuals 1922 Rough Diariei for 1922 Pocket Diaries for 1922 Xmas ASD New Year Cards New Stock of Books Pear's Cyolopaedia $2.10 Student's Book-keeping by 3 Fieldhoose 4.50 ANDj" A Large Stock of Novels by all well-known authors. KOH&Co. 63, Bras Basah Road,
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    • 13 7 fLUGELT $OBA fOUKTAI* Savta oo:W ofboetlfci PLUG EL G L™ LONDON. N. l*>
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    • 172 7 I Be sure William Caxton first introduced the printing press into England in the year 1471. After acquiring the newly invented art of piinting at Bruges, he returned 10 England, the land of his birth, and set up a printing pres3 near Westminister Abbey, "The Game and FJaye of fhrste"
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  • 1177 8 A NEW POLITICAL PARTY. To Defeat Militarism. Peking, Oct 9.—A new political combination in North China aimed atthe decisive overthrow of Chang Tsolin and which, so its proponents believe, will satisfactorily adjust the question of the reunification of North China, is now in the making. How successful
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  • 293 8 Messrs Snowman and Co, of Hongkong, reported on Oct. 8: We last went to press on the 24th ult., since whin there has been but flight fluctuation in local rates either way. A little more interest has been noticeable in Tinic-chartering and one 1,600 ton Norwegian has been
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  • 171 8 The Dutch steamship companies recently lowered their freights for goods to the Dutch East Indies, and, according to 14 La Gazette DTlollande," this decrease probably was the result of the low rate of the mark. As a result of this low rv.ic the German companies are said to be in
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  • 283 8 Pacific Colonists who Came Back to Port. The "ship of adventure" —the yacht Medora, which, it is hoped, is to take a party to found a new colony in the Pacific—has not started adventuring yet. The vessel actually started, but the weather was so bad that some of
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  • 202 8 A permanent Imperial Shipping Board, to replace the existing imperial Shipping Committee, is proposed by the latter body in a report issued recently. It is suggested that such a Board could function on the following lines:— (a) To perform such duties as may be entrusted to them under
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  • 152 8 Rubber may have "turned the corner"—personally, we have our doubts —but estates and mercantile firms continue to reduce their European staffs, and nearly every mail takes home a batch af men who have suffered retrenchment. Recently, one large proup of estates reduced salaries all round in preference to
    152 words
  • 162 8 The Dutch East Indian census gives the population of Java and Madoera as 35,017,204, and the remainder of the islands at 11,143,843. The figures for New Guinea arc not included. Those British ex-servicemen who were disappointed in their attempt to join Spain's Foreign Legion do not appear to have missed
    162 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 257 8 —a Single Trial Proves the Superiority OF IFRIBOZ GO'S Aerated liters. j as an Appetiser. I DRINKS j MELROSE DROVER OLD iff GIN FOV Pahits, Slings and Cocktails. SOLE AGENTS: MtenbachLazarosS sens, Ltd. (Incorporated in tbe Straits Settlements.) SINGAPORE. *t I suftsegjgg TO THK "TRIBUNE." The only 5 cent Paper
      257 words
    • 329 8 I mm) OAKLAND I i I STURDY P mDV I g Judge the f ctua» value of he Oakland Sensible Six by I TI4C any standard you choo*e-de-endable daily service, I Int ridillg comfort, ma*td sa|ings in fuel and tyres, or the f I lit moderate purchase price. r- Each
      329 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 526 9 P.sO.-Britishlnwa AND i APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) 1 HAIL AMD PASSENGER SERVICES. Penlnsu'ar smd Oriental S. N. 70. Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL BEBVIOBS BJSI OF "BOMBAY at prssent suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. Somali about Nov 1 Dongola about Deo
      526 words
    • 654 9 I PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. m (I»corporated la WSJU »OR ACOODRI OF THB O. 8. BHIPPINQ BOARD SAN PRANCIStO—HAMLA—EAJST INDIA. SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Direct. Woljeriae Sute Pasaengera and Freight Nevl s «raiiite State Passengers and Freight See 15 For SAN FBANOISOO via MANILA HONOLULUPassengersand Freight Nov 1« GiSSSrS.?
      654 words
    • 740 9 CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD{incorporated pa U. 8. AJ Direct San Francisco Service Those desirous of teeing the OrUnt ahonld travel by the iconic route SINGAPORE, HONGKONG SHANGHAI NAQABAKI. YOKOHAMA, HONOLHLU m PAN FgANCIBCo" Prom SINGAPORE, m. 44 NANKING IfOOO tone, Dec 1 (Minimum First Class fare, Blngspore to San
      740 words
    • 579 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporate In Japan) London Line Fortnightly Service For MARSEILLES, LONDON A ANTWERP via PORTSIyojMaru w Nov 2 Atsuta:Maru Nov 11 Liverpool Line Monthly Service For MARSEILLES LIVERPOOL via PORTS. Eamakura Maru Deo 13 Hamburg Lino MonthlF Servioe For LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM A HAMBURG via POSTS. Mito Maru
      579 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 513 10 WANTED. WAN T E D.—Capable and experience 1 Shipping Clerk who has a good knowledge of writing manifests, eto. Good salary to suitable man. Appl'ca'ions with copies of reoent testimonials to MeA l later A Ot\ Ltd. 27 10 5 11 WAN TED.—Required oompetent book-keeper with experience of Mercantile accounts
      513 words
    • 588 10 NOTICE. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received up te noon en Friday, the 4th November, 1921, at the Resident Councillor's Office, Malacca, from persons desirous ef contracting for supplies, etc, for the Government at Malacca, for a period of one year, commencing frem January Ist, 1922 (a) Cartage. (b) Firewood,
      588 words
    • 472 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING ft INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated In the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: 68, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. P«id-uf Capital $8,000,000 Surplus mm I 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Eaq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Eaq,—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Eaq. Teo Teow
      472 words
    • 479 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE: 94, Market Street BRANCHES: Penang 85 Beach Street. IttfaaM 131 Junker Street. Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Bahamat. Palembang 16, Uir. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL, Authorised
      479 words
    • 453 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, (Incorporator in England BY ROYAL CHARTER, Paid up Onital in 60C 000 Share* of £6 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors «3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank,
      453 words
    • 340 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in tap S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 65 KLING STREET, Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET, AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authoriaed $20,000,000 limed $10,500,000 Paid-up 6,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam, Esq., Chairman.
      340 words
    • 391 10 INSURANCE. THB OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD, (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS I Hob. Dr. him Boa* Ken*-. 0.8. E., Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Eaq. Dy. Chaiiman. Eu Toag Sen, Esq. C .B.E. Ong Boon Tat Eaq. Lim Chwee Chiax, Eaq. Chua Poh SiantT, Eaq. Lee Pang oeag, Eeqf
      391 words
    • 531 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE SHIPPI 0 CAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) TtttM f»a. 17» SUBSCRIPTION RaTIS. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE f> Per annum -at—<i 7J 3 Par quarf rr f| Siagle Copy l eta. Poatag, Extra SO eta. per moHt w To Foreign couatries $1 <Jq [A Subscriptioß Form win 5. found page B.] VERY
      531 words