Malaya Tribune, 25 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 532 1 MJN COMPANY supplies an Photographic Materials AND Tne Bight Place for Amateurs IN Developing, Printing and Enlargement Ho. 94, NORTH BRIDGE BOAD, SING«rVOBE. Phone 660« I I t IIRELLI IS The World's Best A which is confirmed by Actual Test. Ballot, WINNER of Italian I A IKA Grand Prix and
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    • 32 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE, Phone Xfo. I*7l. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable In Advanoo. Per annum 00 Half-yearly j 7*o 1 Per quarter 1 ••70 I Postage Extra SO ota. per month.
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  • 1438 2 EGYPT'S RIVAL LEADERS. The Independence Issue. Egypt's struggle for independence is complicated by the fight for dominance between her two political leader*, Zaghlul Pasha, who heads the Nationalists, and Adly Yeghen Pasha, the Prime Minister, and the mix-up, according- to some French correspondents at Cairo, is marked
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  • 111 2 Sago flour is quoted at 15 Tin is quoted at £159.12.0 in Lcadon. Tapioca is quoted at 15:6 for fair flake. Gambier is quoted at 29,- in London: cube gambier at 38J-. On the Liverpool market cotton, middling American, is at 12.27, Egyptian cotton at 23.50. Black
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  • 55 2 The Rev. T Joseph, who has been pastor of the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church in Scott-road Kuala Lumpur, for the past fifteen years, is about to leave on transfer to Tranq nebar, Southern India. The Rev. 8 Muthusamy from Mayavaram, S India, is ahortly arriving here to f*k* the pjfcee
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  • 231 2 Celebrations in Hongkong. Canton, Oct 12.—Oct 10 being the 10th Anniversary of the Nation*! Day for the establishment o>f the Chinese Republic, the Cantonese celebrated the occasion with more enthusiasm than i in former years, as it man- mm iormal establishment of the South western Government. Most
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  • 189 2 Mr Maurice Maude has a visiting card advertisement in the "Financier" as a rubber consultant." In commenting on the Singapore Municipal Commission's demand for 101 million dollars for municipal purposes (roads, water, sewerage, electricity, and housing of staff for the next decade), which, it says, appears at first sight a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 373 2 1 he International Overseas Co. imports FINFST Coal, Sutar, C" I IN CO. 'ZSriSSX'- AUSTRALIAN &SjK&i3 wheat flour 1 in Plate and ORB BRAND Black and White qSTmHS Prices on application. Cake. Sago Flour, If atmegs, Ccffte, The International Overseas Co., PTod^ c{s IMPORTERS AND EXPORTERS, C al! Lrg d
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    • 423 2 THINKS BABY'S OWN TABLETS SAVED HSR BABY'S LIFB. Canadian mother■ have knowr and traited bftby'a Own Tablets for yeart. Here ii OBt moh mother'* experience I thiDk I can thank Baby'aOwn Tablet! for my baby'a life. H«« wa> badly conalipated, bui after giving him the Tablet! thry reli-ved hio a!moat
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    • 264 2 g HORUCKSl i Halted 1 I MILK 11 U3 Tkor* it oo fir er Food 1 )rinli tm A tor building up the iy>irm C weakened tliioufli extremes of IJ J C.mata than HORLICK'8 J! MALTED MILK. Tba B (J eoattituenti of H ?H ara Maited Barley. and J
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    • 700 2 AUCTION CHEON& KOON SENcTTcT AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS. No. 30, X ing Street, Siogsrjore. e» Attractive Auction Sale ot Valuable Freehold and afrd Oountty Prnp<* rtJ at Emerald Hill Jiva Road, Leb*, R ia{ j North Canal Ro*d, J iUi B <s«r, X «tong R M Mess's. Chefcoe Koof Be* g o.'e
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  • 794 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market, Singapore, October 24. Meaara. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following lilt of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. issue Values Bayers Ssllers 1 Allenby 0.10 0.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 LOO 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 1.75 6 Ayar Uitam
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 157 3 POPULAR PHOTO-PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE TaDj->ng Pagar Road. Trans Pass the Door IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.30 P.M. A sensational Jewel promotion featuring Mildred Harris (Mrs. Ohsjlie Chaplin) in a story of a oountry girl who Is oared «f her lodging for high life by her husband. In 6 parts
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    • 555 3 lß Prom MONDAY, October 24, to FRIDAY, Ootober 28. fllllimft*'* ALHAMBRA w Orcnestre Cakes, Coffee tad the BEST The Hall for Marie aad Ftatcrei Tea, etc. aeeamna. served ROAP during Intervals. FOR FIVE NIGHTS ONLY Together with A TWO-REEL COMEDY FEATURING THE WELL-KNOWN (Instead of the usual Six Nights) M.
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    • 300 3 IN THE FIRST SHOW AT 7 30 SHARP. "HOUDINI" SERIAL Epitodei 4, 5, 6 and 7. Eight Reela. (Continued Next Tuesday) 9 IN THB SECOND SHOW AT 9 15 P.M. "THUNDERBOLT JACK" SERIAL Epiaode Nine and Ten. 11 and 12 on Friday. GATES OfIbLADMESS With Little Madge Evans and Nilei
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  • 125 4 The Ex-Emperor Karl ia meeting with a certain amount of success. Everyone aeama anxious to see the hurt of him, but the question is, where can he be safely lodged thia time? Meanwhile it ia rumoured that he is at the gates of Budapest carrying all before him.
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  • 866 4 Can Singapore borrow $11,800,000? If so, it will be possible during 1922 to go ahead with some very urgent and much-belated public works, admittedly both desirable and necessary in the interests of the health, efficiency and reasonable amenities of city life. The Budget has just been gazetted,
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  • 1109 4 Mr Pennefather's football team returned by the s. s. Melchior Treub yesterday from its tour in Java. Paris, Oct. 20.—Mr R S Seymour, M V O, British Ambassador to Siam, has arrived.—Reuter. The Hon Mr Choo Kia Peng expected to leave Kuala Lumpur for Singapore on Sunday night." A special
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  • 91 4 MR. CHURCHILL MOV.N G Reuter London, 23.- V Churchill has appointed 1 under the chairmansh,; Stevenson, including aam r minent representative- T for me purpose of TttipiZ the present rubber sit British Colonies and Protect and to Advise tffe SecretfK- what measures should be improve the existing situation.
    Reuter  -  91 words
  • 88 4 Big Loss on the Kar. (From Our Own Corr Penang, Oct 24.-A Hydraulic Tin Los i Mr Saye, presiding, said 1 put was 2,4»8 picul-. i .i,272 in the previous year age price realised v. compared with $103.40. The loss on the year $47,247. If the price ol it
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  • 300 4 The 1922 Betuaates. The draft naiinto pore Municipality for I 22 iished in the Governim The estimated revenue f year is $9,710,000 and expeadrtßi >9,723,146. It is hoped in the first phca raise a loan of (11,800,1 X), and i this succeeds a msminmii rpenditan programme is anl
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  • 71 4 Our appeal for the "StJ Libjtl Fund is crowds laf**" will appear again to-aaorr We ask our Naders the Fund on Pay Day. ai they collect their Tote winning 1 9 Races. Remember. :t is hi Hm the community at large that re»*£ able freedom of eOflUMmi
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  • 12 4 Reuter. London, Oct. 24.—The untitled occurred of Brigadier Gk t Napier Bray.—Reuwr.
    Reuter.  -  12 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 ROBINSON St Co.. Ltd. All Sizes in Stock. No. C,B. Medium Shape Fur Felt with Smart Cut Edge Brim Price $8.50 Each. Shades, Grey, Ash, Mouse Mole Brown No B B. Fur Felt Fall Shape with Ribbon Bonnd Curl Brim Price 10 SO Each. No. V. Real Velour Lined Seoh
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    • 306 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated ia tbe Straits Settlement*. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE IVtBW Shipment Just Arrived of Carpenter's Smoothing and Jaok Planes. Braai Tapped Nate from 3/8" to 3/4". Cntland'f Brats Butt Hinges from If" to 6". Olyburn Borew Scanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos Cord or Yam sll
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  • 865 5 Karl's Following Said to be hicreasino. neighbouring states ft Act. Reuter. Vienna, Oct 23.—A Budapeat telegam 6tates that the Karlists have arrived at Budaoers, four miles from the capital, and clashed with Government troops, the Regent, Horthy, is reported personally to be Kading. A battk is still
    Reuter.  -  865 words
  • 88 5 Bolshevism Alleged. Reuter. Lisbon. Oct 23.—The British warship Calypso has arrived. The Jhole tountry is quiet.—Reuter. Madrid, Oct 23.—A Libson message '>'! that the revolutionary movement in Lisbon is directed by Colonel Are, tha insurgent troops, we revolutionaries liberated Corta the murderer of President Paes in at President
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 101 5 Reuter. foea*o, Oct 23.—The trainmen of '-roat Northern Railroad of Texas .aye struck. Numerically they are insignificant, but the strike indicates total disregard of the Labour board s plan of settlement. While the railway telegraphists vot«j in favour of a strike on Oct 30, the shop
    Reuter.  -  101 words
  • 145 5 Is He Returning? Reuter. Berlin, Oct 23.—fn the course of a letter to the President, submitting his resignation. Herr Wirth maintains that he has done his utmost to f' WI the treaty It might have been expected that the occupation of the Ruhr would and a just solution
    Reuter.  -  145 words
  • 55 5 Reuter. Paris. Oct 23.—Seven arrests have been made in connexion with the bomb outrage on Oct 22, including a waitress, named Linttault, who was suspected of throwing tue bomb, which was similar to the one that exploded in the house of the American Ambassador, and is believed to
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 465 5 WARWICK COMEDY CO.'s SUCCESS. A Lively Comedy. When we remarked last week that the Warwick Comedy Co were at their best it was no idle comment all donbt about it was dispersed by tha opening performance last night. The play was Lady (Arthur) Lever's comedy-drama, "Brown Bagar," a
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  • 117 5 Reuter. Pretoria, Oct 23.—General Smuts, in a speech referring to the composition of the Empire Delegation to Washington, said that he gathered from the presi that the Dominions were not invited to the Conference. He added that if the Pacmc Dominions attended without a direct invitation from
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 48 5 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 21.—Mr Hughes and Sir Auckland Geddes have signed a special treaty extending pa Canada the provisions of the treaty of 1899, with Great Britain, regarding the tAure and depositions of property belonging to each country's nationals in the territory of tho other.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 47 5 Reuter. London, Oct 23.—The "Observer" lear* that Kenya is about to raise a loan, probably of five millions sterling, in England, for public works. A further 10 to 12 millions will be raised in the next few months by other Crown Colonies for development works.—Reuter..
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 31 5 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 22.—Assuming that the participating Powers expect America to take the initiative, the American delegates to the Washington Conference definite proposals as the basis of a disarmament agreement.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 20 5 Reuter. —Madras, Oct 24.—The mill Btrike, mentioned on Jaly 12, has ended, the strikers baring surrendered uncoudirioMfly.—Bwtwr.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 493 5 THE TURF. TO-DAY'S RACES. The Lottery Returns. The Race Lotteries at Tanglin Club last evening were well attended and there was some lively (it might even be said foolish) bidding. Mr A H Todd, who is engaged on his fir3t meeting as Secretary, was auctioneer, and performed the duties
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  • 153 5 Agreement Reached. Reuter. Paris, Oct 21.—According to a Constantinople report, negotiationa towards the resumption of normal friendly relations between France and Turkey are nearing a mutually satisfactory conclusion.—Reuter. Paris, Oct 22.—1n the course of a speech in the Chamber yesterday, M Briand sated that France and Turkey
    Reuter.  -  153 words
  • 257 5 QUESTION OF TOP-HEAVY MOTORBUSES. Taxes on Food. There will be an ordinary meeting of the Singapore Municipal Commissioners in the board room, on Friday at 2.15 p.m. The agenda will include the following Questions by the Municipal Commissioners. Taking over Emerald Hill-road as a public street. Mr E
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  • 319 5 Meeting of General Committee of Lnited Services Great War Association of Malaya. The general committee of United Services Great War Association of Malaya met at the Selangor Club X L, last Sunday. At this meeting, in addition to representatives from all branches of the U S G W
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  • 101 5 The death rate for the week ending Oct 15 was 43.97 per mile. Nationalities were: Europeans 2, Eurasians 4, Chinese 213, Malay 38 Indians 29; with a total of 287, of which 192 were males and 95 female. The chief causes of death were: Beri-beri 26, phthisis 26,
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  • 104 5 Singapore, October 25. On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2a t 3-16 d Demand 2a 8 15-16 d Private 8 months, sight 2a 4 15-32 d On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 164 On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 20% p.c p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 57% On Java— Bank
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  • 73 5 C. of C. Pnbber Association. Singapore, October 25. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 32% 33 November 33% 34 Nov. to Dec. 34 34% Jan. to March 35 Va 36 April to June 36 37 Tone of Market.—Steady. Fred Wat. .-house Co., Ltd. Singapore, October 25.
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  • 16 5 Hebe from Port Swettenham 25-10. Kuala, from Bangkok 25-10. Zaida from Bangkok 25-10.
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  • 109 5 The "Times" Comments. Reuter. London, Oct. 24.—The "Times," referring to the Japanese reply to China's Shantung note, refrains from discussing the Japanese arguments on the ground that China from the viewpoint of international relations is largely a fiction in its present divided state, also because the paper
    Reuter.  -  109 words
  • 29 5 Reuter. Paris, Oct. 20.—A Japanese mission of 26, headed by Mr Okamoto, has arrived at Marseilles on its way to Geneva to attend the International Labour Conference.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  29 words
  • 111 5 A rumour has been current in Hongkong that on account of fresh legislation in regard to the imposition of an income tax in the Dutch East Indies, Chinese merchants in those Islands are making heavy remittances to Hongkong to evade the new measure. A Hongkong paper
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 285 5 pBASEB CHALMERS Engineering Works. I Magnet Bocae, a and 6\ laaoo Scad, Singapore. SOLE AGENTB FOR JAMES CARTER (STALYBRIDOE), Ltd. Rubber Machinery. A RANSOME Co., Ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS. NEWBOULD Ltd. Steel, Tools, Saws, &c. HOLM AN BROS, Ltd., Mining, Machinery, Drills &c PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co.,
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  • 1043 6 FOOTBALL. SCCH BEAT SRC 11. On the SRC ground yeaterday, the 8 R C II were defeated by the S C C II by two goals to one in a friendly game. Play in the first half of the game was even, the SRC forwards playing wall, and when
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  • 464 6 S C C\ TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAT, A Doubles. W D Visser and J Uterniark, scr. vs. R W Sinclair and J Donaldson, scr. (unfinished.) R E Prentis. and E C Milligan, owe 1 beat C E Winter and W A Wilson, scr. 6—l, 6—3. O R S Bateman
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  • 177 6 CEYLON RECORDS BROKEN. The first open athletic championship competition for Ceylon recently held in Colombo surpassed expectations both by the quality of the sport as well as the thoroughly representative character of the competitions. Several previous Ceylon open records were beaten. The high jump record of 5 ft 5%
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  • 341 6 MACDOUGALL CUP GAMES. Tbe first matches of the race week polo tournament were played jester day en the Balestier groend, with the preliminary games in the Mac dongall Cap, before gathering of interested spectators Including Lady Guillemerd. Tbe conditions were three six minute ohnkkas, each team allowed six ponies.
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  • 510 6 G C C vs. 8 L G C The following ia the result of the match played last Sunday between the Garrison Golf Club and Sepoy Lines Golf Club. The Sepoy Lines members are mentioned first: J D Hall and Capt Cumming, 1 vs. F S Gibson and J
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  • 229 6 Y H C A n. RAFFLES. The following were the scores in taturday'a match T 11 C A lat Imfef*. a H Kraal b Ratnam 0 C A Norria c Ibrahim b Irnatlua 11 G J Vyaa b Ratnam 1 N R Hartley b Ratnam 7 T Weerakody b
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  • 610 6 SUNDAY'S RACES. On Sunday morning the first race for the Odell Cup was sailed in strenuous weather and resulted in a win for the Ann,," No 17, the latest addition to tha fleet, by the narrow margin of 37 seconds. Mr Totton kindly started the race and sent the
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  • 96 6 PENANG ABA. A meeting of the committee of the Penang Amateur Boxing Association was held at the Drill Hall under the chairmanship of Mr Fletcher on Thursday evening when the rules governing amateur boxing, as drafted by a sub-committee, were discussed and passed with a few amendments and additions.
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  • 454 6 To-day, Oct. 25. Hongkong Fookeang fl p.m. Batu Pahat Sri Wongeee 2 p.m. Hongkong, Shanghai Japan ♦Benlawers 3 p.m. Malacca Muar *Kaka 3 p.m. Hongkong San Franciaeo China 3 p.m. Rhio Emely 4 p.m. To-morrow, Oct. 26. Moeara-Saba A Djambi Singkep 9 a.m. Batavia, Cheribon Samarang Giang Ann
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  • 139 6 Two new episodes of King of the Circus," NO3 15 and 16, will be put on the screen at the Liberty Hall, along with a super African film production entitled "With Edged Tools," a sixact x sensational drama featuring Mabei May at her best. In the first show,
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  • 173 6 To-d»y, Oct. 25T High Tideß.—44.6 a.m.. 4.6 p.m. St. Crispin. Rejoicing of the Law (Jewish Holiday) Autumn Races, Ist Day. B Scouts Sports heats, Raffles Institution, 3. f Tanglin Club, At Home, 6.30. Warwick Comedy Co., Victoria Theatre, "The Circle," 9.15. To-morrow, Oct, 26. c High Tides.—6.23
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 190 6 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. "TYRES SaLBBMaN. —Wanted immediately capable Cblnne Tyrei Salesman for large European firm. Apply Impex c/o Malaya Tribune. 25 10 10 CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Tbe Animal General Meeting of tae Scciey will be held at Government Houae on Wednesday the 2nd November at 10 am. Hii Excellency Sir Laurenoe
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    • 226 6 I PURE IRON c I RESISTS RUST and CORROSJON. Wherever imdoetrv finds need for a pure, mat reiis*in« <\nd durable kon, ABMCO Ingot Iron ia prrferred RfJCO Ingot Iron is uneq "U*d for cniver*. tanks, boilers, furnace, passenger and freight cars locomotive tabes welding wire, telegraph and fencing wir*. It
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  • 254 7 BRITISH BLUEJACKETS AT ODESSA. That the Handy man ia an artiste in the gentle Art of Spoof, is indicsted by the following account of his activities among the Reds at Odeaaa, which is culled from an exchange One of tha officers of a British ship which recently
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  • 137 7 Messrs Wheelock and Co, of Shanghai report on Oct. 6: The situation in our outward freight markets is as follows: To United Kingdom and Continent: —Market conditions on this berth as outlined in our last issue remain unchanged and consequently at the moment there is ample space in
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  • 58 7 So far, the War Office has distributed 48,000 1914 Stars 1,430,600 1914-15 Stars, 2,847,000 British War Medals, and 2,394,000 Victory medals. Germany Is returning the gramophone matrices she commandeered from British companies with branches within her territory during the war. The first consignment of these valuable copper discs, numbering 6,000,
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  • 308 7 BENEFITS OF A PIPE. Eat before you smoke. Smoke the same quantity every day. Don't go bo bed sooner than an hour after your last smoke." These are points from a aew vada mecum for smokers, compiled by Sir Jsmss Cantlie, the wallknown London physician, who addressed
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  • 216 7 Spain has now, according to her Minister of Marine, 10 submarine* ready for service, and intends to purchase 18 other*. According to the Aashi it ha* bees decided that the Prince of Wale* shall land at Yokohama, at which port the R*nown will arrive on April 14. An address of
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 663 7 <2> />$/ JeV w X A**/^SJfiP STRAITS SETTLEMĔHTS WUR LOAN, 1921. Issue of $20,000,000 Loan Burn* btartMl i>v:n the date of purchaae at 7 per cent p*r anmra »*!f.yearl7 on May 1 and November L REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAY i, 1926. Free of hcome lax and other Duties, Price
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    • 571 7 NOTICE. > r»da KattftsTBal 6 i92f. (For Reconstruction of Devastated Countries in France.) Issue of Franca, 3,000,000,000 Bonds beariDg interest at 6 per per annum payable half yeari) on May it A November lit. Free of Income Tax or c|h dties in France. Prioe of issn* Francs 493.50 p*» Bond
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    • 597 7 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tenders will be received up to noon on Friday, the 4th November, 1921, at the. Resident Councillor's Office, Malacca, from persons desirous of contracting for supplies, etc., for the Government at Malacca, for a period of one year, commencing from January 1st, 1922 (a) Cartage. (b) Firewood. (c)
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    • 78 7 Singapore Merchant Pays Handsale Tribute to the TRIBUNE." (Extract from letter dated August 20,193\ addressed to the Advertising Manager, "Malaya Tribune," Singapore.) "We enclose contract duly signed for a further period of three months and shall continue to advertise in the I4 I¥ALAYA TRIBUNE" as long as you can show
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    • 284 7 1 ih LIOBUCKc i h W Paint c V ffiEßg j> X white t <aa 1 «490! ■V'VJ »ht -CwrasJ-a Paints. gBgHl icz ass aa to I jpww* »888 i>i«in JC b*; L«ad SBttW William C axton first introduced the printing press into fc ngland in the year 1471.
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  • 407 8 Bolshevism in the Civil Service. Take a deep breath before you read thia. It is from the Straits Echo A Singapore correspondent writes Before it crystallises into history, it were well to dispose of. the popular legend that depicts the Colonial Secretary as a headstrong autocrat,
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  • 334 8 Klang Shop-keepers's Cse*. Tbere was heard ln tbe Supreme Quart, Kuala Luiepur on Friday, i fore tbe Hon Mr Justice Woodward, C J 0, an appeal againat (Dviotion and sentence by Mr J M -arrow, tbe Klang magistrate. The I) P p, captain Pratt was present rtapcndent, while
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  • 83 8 Mr Rockefeller has been asked to take part in the anti-tuberculosis campaign in Manila. Dr Victor C Heiser, of the Rockefeller Foundation, is investigating the advisability of the matter at Mr Rockefeller's request. Tuberculosis is the most serious problem which the health authorities of the Philippines have to contend with.
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  • 80 8 AUSTRALIAN LOAN. Reuter. London, Oct 21.—Underwriting is progressing with the new Commonwealth Loan of five millions sterling at six per cent, issued at 96, redeemable in 1931-41. It is understood there will be one million new money, the balance redeeming two millions bills and two millions other debts.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  80 words
  • 92 8 Reuter. New York, Oct 21.—A squadron of American destroyers met the Aquitania, with Lord and Lady Beatty aboard. The forts fire a salute of nineteen guns. Accompanied by RearAdmiral Rodman as honorary aide-de-camp, escorted by destroyers and seaplanes, Lord Beatty landed in a navy cutter and was enthusiastically
    Reuter.  -  92 words
  • 66 8 Reuter. London, Oct 22—The complete list of the British mission to the Washington Conference numbers fifty-five, besides the clerical staffs. In addition to the principal delegates already cabled, Sir Auckland Geddes officiates in the absence of the Premier. The delej, r at*s will be assisted by a
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 56 8 Reuter Geneva, Oct 22.—The board of management of the International Labour Office has considered the British Government suggestion that the office communicate with the Governments encountering difficulties similarly to Britain as regards the ratification of the Washington eight-hours-day convention. The Board agreed to submit the suggestion to the
    Reuter  -  56 words
  • 26 8 Reuter. The Hague, Oct 22.—Supplementary Dutch delegates to the Washington Conference are Mr Everwyn, Ambassador at Washington and Mr de Beaufort, Minister at Athens.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 39 8 Reuter. Washington, Oct 21.—1t is declared at the State Department that, following the exchange of ratifications of the German treaty, the American troopa are expected to begin to move out of Germany within a fortnight—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 40 8 Reuter. London, Oct 21.—Princess Louise lias dedicated the Shanghai Race Club ward at the Charing Cross hospital, paying a warm tribute to the generosity of the members. Mr Burkill, representing the Club, explained the origin of tli»2 gift.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 47 8 Reuter. Constantinople. Oct 21. —It is reported from Angora that a Franco- Kemalist agreement has been signed, France agreeing to a modification of the frontier, which henceforth follows the Bagdad railway as far as Nisibin. The French have becured a concession to work the railway.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 45 8 Reuter. New York, Oct 22.—A fight with fists occurred aboard the liner Cretic from Italy, when the vessel was raided for contraband and drugs. The customs officinls declare that the raid was justified by the results, large stocks of narcotics being discovered.—
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 119 8 Truly there is nothing new under the sun. The old trick of stealing the courthouse clock has just been successfully brought off once more, while the Pudu gaol authorities have made an attempt to repeat the feat accomplished some years ago in the Colony when a man arrested
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  • 57 8 On the evening of Sept 30. the body ol a murdered lliuropean «vsa lonnd at! Tegallel». lt bad had «evaral etabr m the back, lt ba» aiao» baan ld>2t.r!ed a» >h»t ol a Verman CLgtnear, named Bsubold, «as tn a qalnine lactory «haxro An all/sir «ith native «omen la! thought
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 266 8 r-* Single Trial Proves the superiority OF j FRaMBQZ S Cos j Aerated Waters. As an Ap-et ser. i DRINK MELROSE DROVER, I OLD I\)M GIN 4 Fop Pahlts, Sliigs and Cocktails. SOU AGENTS iUyttenbacH Lazarus Sons, Ltd. j Lcorporatfd in the Ftraits Settlementa,) vSLNGAPORP, I v TO THI TRIBUNE."
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    • 502 8 2 Specialists Heeommend —DEXMA for Your Eczema Dr. EL B. Holmes, the well- j j Known skin specialist, writes, mm convinced ttaat the DrXMA Fre- < fetfen is as rr.uch a apadfic lor ICSSM as j i jjr.'t for malaria. I A iCr.W.L Raadolpll corroborates: ft I U r. cf
      502 words
    • 319 8 mm OAKLAND I O 0 0 I a> 9 Jcdga the ?ctuai value of u e Oakland Sensible Six by THP any standard you cbro«e—dependable d»ily service, Tur 1 nC riding oomfort, marked Barings in fuel and tyres, or the I lib moderate purchiAe prio*. B»fh and every one ofjtheac
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 553 9 P>o.-British India AND APCAR LINE (Companies Incorporated in England) HAIL* AND PASSENGER SERVICES. PenlnsuUr and Oriental N. 00, Un ier Contract with His Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL BEBVIOKS EAST OF BOMBAY at pr©s©nt susp©nd©d. Wiaoai LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVIOE. Fron> LONDON Dua SINGAPOBE. Bomali about Nov 1 DongoU about D*o
      553 words
    • 643 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. (Ineorporattd ia U.S.A.J »<IR ACCOUNT OP THB U. 8. SHIPPING BOARD SAN FRANCISCO—MANILA—E&ST INDIA SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE For Calcutta Direct. WeKeihtlejej Pawengert and Freight Nov 15 Granite State Paaaengera and Freight Dec's For BAN FBANOIBOO via M4N L\ 6fc HONOLULUPaaeentera and Freight Not 10 GraniJrSLi Passenger,
      643 words
    • 521 9 CHINA MAIL LTD(lncorporated in U. S. A.) Direct San Francisco Service Those M on* of teeing th* Orient shonld travel by »b« scenic route SINGAPORE, HONGKONG SHANGHAI. NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA, HONOLULU SAN FRANCISCO. F'on. SFN iAI O aE. e.s. CHINA IO.UOO tone, On 25 From SINGAIO iE, «.s. M NANKING 15,100
      521 words
    • 297 9 O. S. K. TU Isaka Skosii Kaisia, I LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan.) r NO. 2DE SOUZA STREET. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. (Subject to change without notice.) 1 EUROPEAN LINE. *OT PORT RAID, ml A BSITT.f .M LONDON, ANTWEKP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. 'Amazon Maru arr. Nov 15 1 dep. Nov 16
      297 words
    • 573 9 N. Y. K. European Line. incorporated in Japan) London Line Fortnightly Servioe For MARSEILLES, LONDON ft ANTWERP via PORTS. IyojMaru M N>v 2 Atsuta Maru Nov v Liverpool Line Monthly Servioe For MARSEILLES A LIVERPOOL via PORTB. Eamakura Maru D eo 13 j SSZSgg !Sg Monthly Service For LONDON, ANTWERP,
      573 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 446 10 WANTED. LOOK TO YOUR FUTURE.— Daring the tlomp, end shortly when trade improves, the rffioe assistant who hnows shorthand aud business oorrespondenoe has more opportunities of getting a good position snd retaining it. Prepare yourself now. Write to the Instruo f or, 177, Havelooh R a 10 10 20 U
      446 words
    • 666 10 NOTICE, The Exchange Banks will be closed at Noon on Tuesday, 2Jihinatl RiCe D Thursday, i7h J 19 10 27 10 NOTICE, Notice Is hereby given that all roads within the Government Houst Domain will be closed to the Public from 1 p.m to 9 p.m., on each of the
      666 words
    • 474 10 BANKS. BZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO„ LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE IS, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplua 880,006 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Teow Peng, Esq. Tan
      474 words
    • 493 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 94, Market Street BRANCHES I Penang 85 Beach Street, Keshes■ 131 Jonker Street Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat Palembang 16, Dir. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Franciaeo, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL.
      493 words
    • 453 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporatd in England BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Sharea of £6 each «3.000,000 Reaerve Fund «3,600,000 Reaerve Liability of Proprietor* «3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd.
      453 words
    • 344 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated ln the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREBT. Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELL CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Uwued $10,600,000 Paid-up 5,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 6,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam, Esq., Chairman.
      344 words
    • 389 10 INSURANCE THE^ QrVERSEAj? ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD, (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. HP Boon Kenff, 0.8. E., Chairmaa. Lim Nee Soon, Esq. Dj. Chairman. Eu Tong Sen, Eiq. CB.E. Ong Boon Tat^Esq. Lim Chwee China, Eaq. Chua Poh f Ung, Eaq f Lee Pang Seng, Esq. Yeo
      389 words
    • 536 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING C^ZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) i beat I*o. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATBS. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Per unum Bjuf-yearly Per quarftr y., j Simgle Copy 6 ct*. Postage Extra 50 eta. per month To Foreign countries $1 d 0 [A Subscription Form wffl found «m page B.] sVERY MANY "TRIBUNE"
      536 words