Malaya Tribune, 24 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 185 1 I SUN COMPANY 9 supplies /in Photographic Materials ABB The Bltfot Place for Amateurs Developing. Printing and Enlargement No. 94, NOBTH BRIDGE BOAD, Phone 560<0 j Whiteaway, Laidlaw .Co., Ltd., Singapore. (Incorporated in England.) I* «omt THE LINES. Tobralco28 inches. Stripes, Gheoks, Plain. Special Offers $1.20 per yard. 5 Tootal
      185 words
    • 121 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Btraits Settlements.) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given for complete Elect ie Lighting Power Installations, raugn of Electrical supplies in "took V LB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "DlCtwaplT Telephones. MADSiHONG' Plants, rheideai Lighting Set for Bungalows and Small Houses.
      121 words
    • 406 1 CIGARETTES NUMBER F| VIRGINIA For Discriminating Smokers. Sole Manufacturers: ARDATH TOBACCO Co., Ltd., Presents for Friends at Horn a Manila Cigars From London Stocks. The following prices include Home Duty, Postage and Packing and are Felt U PERU DEL ORIENTE. LA INSUIA Per Box of NeU Per Pox of Nert.
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  • 11 2 (We de not necessarily endorse tfct opinions expressed ky MrmHldente.)
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  • 92 2 From MB LEE I JIN: Referring to your footnote to my letter in your paper of the 19th inat, stating that China-born Chineie can in course of time become naturalised British subjects, I have to say that the point in this case in unchallengeable since they can become
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  • 59 2 (Aneta Service to the "Tribune"). Weltevreden, Oct. 20,—The report about plague at Djocja is untrue and must refer to the plague which is raging: seriously in Magelang, where during: September there were 335 fatal cases. The total number of fatal cases in the plague region during September was
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  • 51 2 (Aneta Service to the "Tribune"). Weltevreden, Oct 20.—Both leaders of the Railway Union to-day had a conference with the Railway Board regarding some of the grievances. This personal conference has already had good results so that the leaders think the chances of a strike are not so
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  • 44 2 Reuter. Paris, Oct 21.—The reparation* Commission has intimated its concurrence with the general principle of the Loucheur-Kathenau agreement of Aug 29, but considers it derogates from the Versailles Treaty, especially article 237, therefore it refers the derogations to the respective Governments.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 28 2 Reuter. London, Oct 21—The governing body of the International Labour Office at Geneva has unanimously agreed to elect Lord Burnham president of the International Labour Conference.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 435 2 A public meeting is to be held at Hongkong for the purpose of appointing a committee to make arrangements for the visit of H R H the Prince of Wales to the Colony in April, 1922. His Excellency the Governor will preside. One of those things that might have been
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  • 311 2 Chmte* Paper SaW. The hearing wae began in the Penang Supreme Court on Tuesday before Mr Justice M H Whitley of a case in which Cheah Sen Lim sued the Kwang Wah Yit Poe Press, Ltd, and another claiming damages for alleged libel contained in this Chinese daily
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  • 130 2 The Hon Mr John Mitchell, and the Hon Mr W H Thorne have left for Singapore, on H E the Governor's invitation. The Penang members and the other unofficials will be consulted by His Excellency on an important matter, we understand, but no further information is available.
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  • 338 2 It is reported that the condition of the Emperor of Japan is increasingly grave. Mr Yeoh Seng Lye has beea ap>ointed a director of the Overseas •;>nk.—S. E. Mr Lionel Cresson has been granted letters patent for an iaventon for "terracaoutchouc blocks." The Swee Hng Club Singapore has been registered
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 264 2 k Single Trial Proves the Superiority OF FRAHROZ I COS Aerated liters. FIRST CLASS NEW-FASHIONED SARONGS can always be obtained from the address below, with a j guarantee that if unsaleable they can be returned within t\ c 120 days, without deduction aid exchange for new sarongs, o 8 or
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    • 457 2 DONT LOST YOUB PUNCH If you feel a growing dissatisfaction with life, and ill health seems to threaten yon without the symptom! of any fpecifio disease thowing, yonr nervei sre probably undernourished b canse yonr blood ii thin. Take a moment to examine into yonr own case. Have yon lost
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    • 332 2 THE DARKENING SHADOW. Have you commenced to feel shooting, throbbing pains, darting through your face and your temples —Can't sleep, awake ajj night-e worry, suffer, fret. That's the story of Neuralgia—the darkening shadow that can be banished by the applies* tion of Little's Oriental Balm. Bub into the face, or
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    • 701 2 AUCTION SALeT^ CHJEONG KOON SENG AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS. No. 30, Kling Street, Singapore. Attractive Auction Safe of Valuable Freehold and Tow*, and Conn. y p n at Emwald Hill Rjai, Kam «oug Java R%-1 P ayj L^Jr* 1 North Canal Road. Jilan B-aar, Tanjong Krtong At Mean. tfheona; Kooo Be. g
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  • 812 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market, Singapore, October £4. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchangi and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations. Robber, Dollar Shares. Issus Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allsnby 0.10 0.2 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 I.OU 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 1.75 5 Aycr Uitam
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 156 3 «.x Tix*, POPUIARPHOTO.PLAY HOUSE I EMPIRE Tanj Bond. TraPiB PaBs w IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.30 P.M. A "JDsationaJ tuction featuring Mildred Harrti (Mrs. Charlie ChapiTn) in a story of a country girl who ta aftred of her longing for high life by her husband. Folißll>l>Eiir In 6
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    • 598 3 s From MONDAY 2 to FRIDAY. October 21. I lfc«rlt£&Ue j AT THE fa the only I 33'ALHAMBRA II? Tha Hi for Mode tod Tctturei I f c mmjL&m rojlxx served I Intervals. I FOR FIVE NIGHTS ONLY Together with I (Instead of the usual Six Night.) A TtSSL ™MEDY
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    • 350 3 another gaiety programme impossible of imitation the kind of entertainment that makes everyone say. Oalty Always,' IN THE FIRST SHOW A» 7.30 SHARP LAiRY SEMON IN SPOOKS AND SPASMS One continuous long laugh from head to foot. Fine arts Triangle Production with Douglas Fairbanks in Flirting with Fate Costarred with
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  • 203 4 Karl is having another ahot to regain hie Crown. He baa "escaped" from Switaerland by aeroplane. He is going to Budapest. Thia farther adventure is likely to prove sa futile a* the laat, the Allies having definitely proscribed the Hspsburg. De Valera's telegram to the Pope may ruin
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  • 884 4 Mr Macphail has let the cat out of the bag. In developing his proposal for a Malaya Advisory Council, he frankly confesses that his prime inspiration if a desire to bring about the fusion of all the territories of British Malaya. Knowing, as he must, that such
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  • 255 4 The Ronstead Institute services are no longer held on Sunday, H M S Merlin left Singapore earl; yesterday morning for Hongkong. The Japanese steamer Ganges Maru, bound from Bombay to Japan, which arrived at Singapore yesterday, had 11 cases of influenza on board. Mr G Valpy has been appointed Collector
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  • 186 4 Alleged False Statement. On leaving the Bapreme Coart on Friday* afternooaj alter his public xmination in bankruptcy, Mr W P Drooglever, ai very briefly reported iv Saturdays Tribane, was accosted by Mr J Costello, .Chief Detective h spector, and arreiled in connection with making a false statement in
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  • 89 4 The 1922 Estimates. The draft estimates of the Singapore Municipality for 1922 are published in the Government Oazette. The estimated revenue for next year is $9,710,000 and expenditure $9,723,146. It is hoped in tbe first pi ace to raise a loan of $11,800,030, and if this aacoeeds a
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  • 103 4 The Opening Play. The Warwick Qomedy Go, opens its -(.a- i. at the Victoria Theatre tonight wi h Brown Sagar," one of their meet successful productions. Miss Mutjory Oiark plays the leading part of Lady Sloane. In the c >erse c f the dialogue she says 11
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  • 92 4 (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Oct 21.—A Chinese woman named Tan Soh was charged with abandoning a boy of three years, her own child, and another woman, Ong Tcng, with abetment, and they were committed to the Assizes. Evidence adduced that the women left the child on
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  • 66 4 At the meeting of the general committee of the United Services Great War Association of Malaga, held in the Selangor Club, at X L. yesterday, at which Ex-Service representative? from Singapore, Penang, and Telok Anson were present by invitation, it was unanimously decided to amalgamate all tbe Ex-Service
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  • 243 4 In celebration of the anniversary ex' tbe birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, the Consul General for Japan will receive visitors from 11.30 a.m. 1 p.m. on Oct 31, at "Kinlos?", Lady Hill, Orange Groveroad. The case of Capt John Herring came sbp before Mr Bull in the
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  • 143 4 ALL NATIONALITIES SHOULD SUBSCRIBE. Interest in this Ftftid is growirur It is a much-discussed u<pic, a n( j sympathy is general. So far subscnp. tions have come in somewhat slowly but, payday- at hand, mm Bnti cipate good results this week and next. Many promiSLs have made,
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  • 99 4 The Fund opened by the Malayan Leader," Kuala Lumpur, has mack- a nice start, as the following subscriptions up to Saturday show: The Malayan Leader Press >' > Geo. Dickinson 25.00 A E Moreira H E Hughes, Kuala Kangsar tM An Admirer of the Press r>.oo
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  • 136 4 Communist Outbreak. Reuter. New York, Oct 22.—The Steel lor poration ha.s reduced its price for steel rails by seven dollars a tun.Sofia, Oct 22.—Dimitsorf, I Minister, t\&s been assassinated waft motoring together with a chauffeur and two passengers. The ssfsisMfi are unknown. 'Ihe outrage is beuevei to be
    Reuter.  -  136 words
  • 119 4 Cabinet Resigns. Reuter. Berlin, Oct. 21.—Commenting on the Upper Silesian decision, "Vorwaorti believes that the* result will be that the whole zinc production of the region concerned will fall to Poland, also 85 per cent, of the coal; seventy P« cent, of the steel; and sixty-tivc p*?cent, of
    Reuter.  -  119 words
  • 44 4 Reuter. New York, Oct. 22.-A terrinc cyclone, described by a captain as worst in bis thirty years experience struck the liner Kashima Mam Thursday, conveying the Jssass* delegation to the Conference, of a*s* the chief is Prince Tokugawa, wso narrowly escaped injury.—Reuter-
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 46 4 There were nineteen fresh case;- o Smallpox in Singapore during week ending Oct 15, and two death?■ The smalj-pox eases occurred follows iKampong Soopoo five, i PP* 1 Sexuggosg four, Gaylang four, iPjJ two, Outram-road one, Tanjong ?*F T was, Berangroon one, and unknot
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 314 4 ROBINS6N Co.. Ltd. Robinson's Aam Speoial Value l& I, B Fur Felt Hats I '^kwm and Velour Hats W All fcizes in Stock. |s^^ No. C,B. Medium Shape Fur Felt with Smart Out Ere B im Price $8.50 Each. Shades, Grey, Ash, Mouse Mole Brown No 8.8. Fur Felt Full
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    • 300 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the StniU Settlement*. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE New Shipment Juit Arrived of Carpenter's Smoothing and Jiok Planes. Brass H«x*gon Tapped Nats from 3/8" to 3/4". Gotland's Brass Butt Hinges from If to 6 Clybnrn Screw Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos Oord or Yarn
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  • 474 5 Serious Hitch in Irish Negotiations. a talk if General Election. Reuter. London, Oct 21.—The Irish conference has been adjourned f until Oct •>4, after an hour and half's sitting. Reut#r. London, Oct 22.—The failure of the gp., Seiners to put in an appearance at the hour originally fixed
    Reuter.  -  474 words
  • 236 5 Some Later Details. Reuter. Lisbon, Oct. 20.—The revolution which has been threatening for two months broke out yesterday, when warships the harbour gave a signal, which was replied to by the revolutionaries in Lisbon, commanded by Colonel Coelho, who occupied without resistance strategic poiuts in the city. The
    Reuter.  -  236 words
  • 102 5 Trade Looking Up. Reuter. London, Oct. 21.—1n an interview, W F Stockton, president of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, doubt-' ed whether the extended export credits scheme would be much used by exporters of cotton to Far Eastern markets. He declared that, provided there was reasonable confidence
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 39 5 Reuter. London, Oct 21.—Trafalgar Day **s celebrated with the usual ceremonies. A large crowd at the Nelson Column viewed the wreaths from the Dominions, India, and branches of the League in the Dominions, China an d Japan.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 20 5 Reuter. New York, Oct 22.—M Venizeloe his bride have arrived. They *ere vociferously welcomed by a crowd m Greek* -Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  20 words
  • 227 5 Meeting With Railwaymen. Reuter. Chicago, Oct. 21.—The Labour Board has sent President Harding its report on the meeting with the railuaymen's leaders. I The report is not published, but it is known that the Board made three proposals, firstly, the railways to make j effective the entire
    Reuter.  -  227 words
  • 179 5 A Hopeful View. Reuter. London, Oct 22.—At Harrison and Crosfield's meeting, the chairman inter alia said that the position of the tea industry had much impi Jved. It was probable that the w\.-ld's production for 1921 would be 600 million pounds against a probable consumption of 700
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. London, Oct. 21.—The EllermanBucknall line are inaugurating on Dec. 2 a passenger service from Liverpool to the Straits, China and Japan. The first vessel wil be the city of Manchester, a month later the new twinscrew City of Simla will follow.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 528 5 TO BURGENLAND BY AIR. GOING TO BUDAPEST. Reuter. Vienna, Oct 22.—The Ex-Emperor Karl arrived at Oedenburg in Burgenland by aeroplane yesterday. It is reported that he is proceeding to Budapest, escorted by Colonel Oszteuburg's troops. A provisional Government under Count Julius Andrassy has been formed in Hungary.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  528 words
  • 102 5 MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. Singapore, Oct. 24. Silver 40%. Hongkong 23% per cent premium. -Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $4«. ghare Market.—Small enquiry. TAs.—Taipings $1.05 to $1.10, Norths $1.17% to $1.22%, Souths 60 to 65 cents, Nawng Pete $1.47% to $1.52%, Papans 40 to 45 cents Padang Plandoks 60 to 65
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  • 31 5 Reuter. Paris, Oct 21.—The Japanese Embassy denies a report from Buenos Aires that Japan i» *>king to obtain some islands off the coast of Chile as a naval baee.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 9 5 Reuter. Havre, Oct 22.—Marshal Foch has sailed for America.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  9 words
  • 1341 5 BOXING. CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT. Results of Final Bouts. The finals of the S S and F M S Boxing Championship tournament, held at the Victoria Theatre on Saturday night, were well attended. H E Major-Gen. Sir John Fowler, G O C was present and distributed the prizes at the conclusion
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  • 198 5 SCC TOURNAMENT. SATURDAY'S PLAY. Schofield owe 3 beat Frankel scr, 6—o, 6—o. Quinton owe 2 beat Gordon scr, w. o. Middlebrook owe ,1, beat P Wilson scr, 6—2, 6—o. Lynch scr, beat Mollett scr, w.o. Young scr, beat Maggs owe 3, 6—o, 6—l. TO-DAY'S TIES. A Doubles. (D)
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  • 119 5 SATURDAY'S PLAY. Staglea. A E Coelho owe 80 va. C A Bateman owe 2 unfinished. B Singles. J Zehnder owe 30 v .F B Gomes owe 15 unfinished. P A Aeria owe 3 beat A W Jansen owe 4, 6—l, 6—2. F J Rappa owe 1
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  • 71 5 Singapore, October 24. On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 3-16 d Demand 2s 3 15-16 d Private 3 months, sight £a 4 15-32 d On India— Bank TeLTransfer 162 On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 23% p.c. p.m. On ShanghaiBank demand draft 56 On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer
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  • 80 5 C. of C. Robber Association. Singapore, October 24. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 31 82 Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 32 33 Nov. to Dec. 34 34% Jan. to March 35% 36 April to June 36 37 Tone of Market.—Easier. Fred .Van .-house
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  • 72 5 SCOUTS' RELAY RACE. The annual relay race of the Singapore and S Maiaya Boy Scouts Association was run off on Saturday alternoon, the 11th Singapore irrop, under Scoutmaster Cherry, being the winners. Tne course was from the J% mile inompson-road to Newton-road, and was divided into lapses of half
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  • 54 5 SELANGOK DEFEAT PENANG. At Kuala Lumpur on Saturday the Selangor rugger eleven defeated the Penang visitors by 14 points (three tries and one converted try) to nil. TAIPING vs. IPOH. At Ipoh on Saturday the local side were beaten by a Taiping rugger team, who scored the only try
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  • 44 5 SQUALL CAUSES DUCKINGS. Several koleks of Swimming Club members were capsized yesterday morning owing to the sudden rain squall which came on. One, sailed by Mr Collenette, turned turtle rather far out, and was towed in for some way by the Club launch.
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  • 10 5 Football and cricket news will be l"und on Page 0
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 148 5 NEW tttUftCH LOAN. Credit National 6 X 1921. (For Reconstruction of Devastated Countries in France.) Issue of Francs, 3,C00,000,000 Bonds bearing interest at 6 per cent per annum payable half yearly on May Ist November Ist. Free of Income Tax or other dntiea in Fianoe. Price of issue Franos 498.50
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    • 181 5 I7RASER CHALMERS Engineering Works Magnet Bouse, 6t and B\ laaon load, Singapore. Everything Electrical." PEOPRIKTORS the General Electric Co., ltd. (Incorporated in England.) NEVER SAY DYE, SAY TINTEX Great Reduction From To-day M $030 M ?s£s At all Dispensaries, SHP Messrs John Little Co., Ltd. Messrs Whiteaway Laidlaw Co., Ltd.
      181 words

  • 2542 6 VARYING VIEWS REGARDING SHANTUNG. THE COUNTER-MEMORANDUMS. The Consul General of Japan, Singapore, Mr S Ukita, forwards to us copies of telegrams received from the Foreign Minister, Tokio, relating to the Shangtung question: Tokio, Oct 21, 1921. As already announced publicly on Sept 15 last, Japanese Minister at
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  • 163 6 FOOTBALL. PENNEFATHER'S TEAM WINS. (Aneta Service to the Tribune.") Batavia, Oct 22.—Mr Pennefather's team met the Football Club Uni at Bandoeng, yesterday, and won the match by two goals to nil. INTERNATIONAL MATCH. London, Oct 22.—The soccer International match, Ireland vs. England, resulted in a draw of one all
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  • 101 6 Y M C A's VICTORY. Raffles Institution entertained the V M C A to a match on the school ground on Saturday, the result being a win for the V M C A. The scores were V M C A, Ist innings 50, 2nd innings 52 for 7 wicketa.
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  • 105 6 The Empire to-night will have, as the feature of a fine new programme, a six-part drama of keen interest. "Forbidden," witii Mrs Chatttf Chaplin in the chief role. I A picture which has something to do with marriage and containing real human interest, "Just a Wife." in six
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  • 127 6 The Ideal Film Company have now completed the film of The Battle of Jutland," upon which they have been working: for about three year?. In reconstructing the battle that was fought on May 31, 1016. they have had the great advantage of suggestions made by Major-General
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 67 6 TO-NIGHT! Victoria Theatre. 1 J 4t Very sweet bit quite unrefined." TO-NIGHT. 17 10 Be Frid»y, Octobe 28 GRAND OPENING NIGHT of tint Great Tragioil Pl&y The Wondrful Trunks Book your eeate now THE STAB OPE&I AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, North Bridge. Road. To Night! To-Nlght! X Maiay Historical Pkos
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    • 660 6 GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Tender» will be received up to noon on Friday, the 4th November, 1921, at the Resident Councillor's Office, Malacca, from persons desirous contracting for supplies, ttc., for the Government at Malacca, for a period of one year, commencing from January 1st, 1922 <a) Cartage. (b) Firewood. (c) Timber.
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    • 231 6 PU.RE I RON *RESI§TS RUST and CORROSION. Wherever indi»t r y fiodi need for a pure, rr>s; resa i- Q n<\ durable irot» ABHCO Iron in pr*ftrrfd. /RV CQ Ingot Iron it uoequailfd for oolver*!, tanks, boilers, forte* c paaaanger and freight oarp t locomotives, loootnotiv* mbes' welding wire, telegraphed
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 555 6 MAILS CLOSE. To-day, Oct 24. n Malacca A Muar *8rl Huar 2 p.m. Colombo, Djibouti,* Port Said* A Marseilles* Brisgavia 2 p.m. n 'Batu Pahat Mena 8 p.m e Bangkok Zira 3 p.m, Malacca A Muar *Hye Leong 3 p.m j Port Bwettenham A Penang r *Kinta 3 p.m, [m
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  • 4986 7 Mr. Macphail Details his Proposals. "Fusion" the Oojectife. Mr L R Macphail write* to us m tollo^'*: At the last Committee Meeting of e Strait! Settlements (Singapore) ■tioa i propose-* the following resolution, wnich was carried unanimously: "That tail Association approvee the principle of requesting H E
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  • 85 7 A party of six Japanese merchants, who are now touring India on behalf of the Commercial Museum arranged by the Prefectural Government of Osaka, Japan, arrived in Madras from Colombo. Their object is to find possible sources for de\eloping Japanese trade with India. The party, it is reported, is accompanied
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 257 7 AEKATED X WATER V MACHINB fSQ bottler Parity assured C^Mt^^ FLUGELfcCoLvs ToNDMTTTiĕT CANNED MANGO PULP It furnishes in perfection that rich and rare delicacy of the RIPE Mango Colour Aroma and Flavour ALL ARE THERE and packed without sugar or preservatives—a triumph of the canners' art. Suitable for PUDDINGS, SOUFFLE,
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  • 960 8 QUESTIONS ABOUT MISSING BOOKS. Chinese Broker's Failure. The public examination in bankruptcy of Mr William F Drooglever was continued before Mr Justice Barrett Lennard in the Supreme Court on Friday, when the bankrupt was subjected to a searching cross-examina-tion by Mr Laycock, who represented some of the creditors
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  • 66 8 An Aneta wire from Weltevreden of Oct. 15, states: It is learned that it is no longer intended to increase the tin production of the Banka mines. The desirability of closing those mines of which the working is not sufficiently profitable owing to the present low tin prices, is under
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 266 8 10 to 20 times the i^^iamount taken SBC*;* M I think I like you better as BOVRIL As an Appet ser. DRINK' MELROSE DROVER OLD TOM GIN For Pahits, Slings and cocktails. Hirttentiacfl Lazarus a Sods, Ltd. I Incorporated in the Straits Settlements,) SINGAPORE, t Sfl *SgRIBE TO THK N
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    • 868 8 Luxuriant Hair Promoted By Cuticura Cuticura kills dandruff, stops itching, the cause of dry, thin and falling hair. Treatment: Gently rub Cuticura Ointment with the end of tha finger, on spots of dandruff and itching. Follow next morning with a hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. Repeat in two weeks. Nothing
      868 words
    • 260 8 Kmt£ j QAKLAND """""I i t o I STURDY 0 QJudge the actual vajue of ha Oakland Sensible Six by TUD any standard you choose —dependable daily aarvica, THE llc riding oomfort, in fual and tyros, or tha I 11C moderate purchase price. •> and every ona ofjthaaf emphasizes the
      260 words
    • 59 8 A Gdbd Publicity Han Should be ai Every Executive's Elbow. The Advertising Manager of ihe Tribune" is at your particular s*rvioe, Mr. Advertiser, ready at your elbow to join in consultation with yon, 88 your Right-hao 1 publicity man. Assistance will be givn m Planning any advertising campaign. \*rg« or
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 551 9 P. 0.-British India AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Bnoland) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. m Peninsular and Oriental S. N. Go. Under Contract with His Majesty** Government. IHE COMPANY'S MAIL SBrVIOBS EAST OF BOMBAY art at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From 1 LONDON Due SINGAPORE. Somali about Nov 1
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    • 677 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. (Incorporated la U S A J FOR AOOODNI OF THB D. S. SHIPPING BOARD SAN FBANCISLQ—IIAMLA~EA3T INDIA SAILINGS FROM BINGAPORB For CALCUTTA Dlreot Wolverine State Passengers and Freight Nor Is Granite State Passengers and Freight Dec 15 For BAN FBANOISOO via MAN LV HONOLULU. Creole State
      677 words
    • 784 9 CHINA MAIL LTD(lncorporated in U. 8. A.) Direct San Francisco Service Those df si ons of feeing Lhe Orient shonld travel by the scenic ronte SINGAPORE, HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA, HONOLULU A SAN FRANCISCO. From SINGAPOBE, b.s. CHINA 10,000 tons, Oat 25 From SINGAPORE, s.s. NANKING 15,000 tons, Dec 1
      784 words
    • 595 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated in Japan) London Line Itortnightly Service For MARSEILLES. LONDON ft ANTWERP via PORTSIyo Maru M M w o v 2 Atauta Maru Mot 11 Liverpool Lino Monthly Servioe For MARSEILLES A LIVERPOOL via PORTS. Kamakura Maru Deo 13 Hamburg lino Monthly Service For LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 609 10 WANTED. nr»CREABE OF SALARY is earned by Clerks and Office Assistants who know shorthand (Pit mars), and business correspondence, Only*a moderate fee is ehsrged for an efficient personal tuition. Write to the Instructor, 177 Hsvelock Road. 15 10 30 11 is Tit, TO LET.—Newly built Compound residence st St. Miohael's
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    • 640 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. The Exchange Banks wttl be olesed at Noon on Tuesday, 25th Inst 1 n n v Thursday,-7th J Raoe Diy 19 10 27 10 NOTICE. Notice is hereby given thst sll roads within the Government House Domain will be closed to the Public from 1 p.m ,to 9
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    • 472 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE C 0„ LTD. (Incorporated In the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: »8, EUNG STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital M $2,000,000 Surplus 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Teow Peng,
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    • 490 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 94, Market Street BRANCHES t Penang 85 Beach Street Malacca 131 Jonker Street Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. BatuPahat 109 Jalan Rahamat Palembang 16, Ilir. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised
      490 words
    • 451 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporate! in England BT ROYAL CHARTER, Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of £6 each £8,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd.
      451 words
    • 336 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD SINGAPORE 63 ELING STREET, Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Issued $10,500,000 Paid-up 5,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam, Esq., Chairman. Liew
      336 words
    • 377 10 INSURANCE. THE* OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) 9 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Mm Boon Kent. 0.8. E., Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Esq. Dy. Chairman. Eu Tong Sen, Esq. C.B.E. Ong Boon Tat, Esq. Lim Chwee CrJao, Esq. Choa Poh Siansr, Esq. Lee Pang teng, Esq.* Yeo
      377 words
    • 536 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE LSD SHIPPING CAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) Pbone to. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Pef annum* $3 Per quarter $jj Single Copy 6 eta. Postage Extra 50 eta. t>er m^.u To Foreign countries |i J 0 att[A Subscription Form wQ found on page B.] .VERY MANY "TRIBUNE" READERS depend
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