Malaya Tribune, 22 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 29 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. I EVENING DAILY. Vol. VIII,- -No 249 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1921 HV£ IfcNTS The Malaya Tribune. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1921,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 171 1 bUN 6? COMPANY j supplies A u photographic Materials AND Tbe Bight Place for Amateurs IN Developing. Printing and Enlargement Ko. 94. NOBTH BRIDGE BOAD, SING&POBB* phone SEO^a a Whiteaway, Laid law, *Co„ Ltd., Singapore, t (Incorporated in England.) j SOME OF THE LIMES. Tobralco:-28 inches Stripes, Cheoke, Plain. Special
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    • 123 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. i (incorporated in Straits Settlements) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given for complete Elect lc Lighting Power Installations, P 11 range of Xi epical mppliea in etook: VLB. Wires Cables. I Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "DiCteirapl" Telephones. r f •MADSTHONG Piants. rheideal Lighting Set
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    • 402 1 IHE mm TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE 'Phona No ITA. SUBSCRIPTION KATES Payable In Advaooe. Per annum 15 00 Half-yearly 7.50 Per quarter 175 Postage Extra 50 cts. per month. Presents for Friends at Home. Manila. Cigars. Frcm London Stocks. The following prices include Home Duty, Postage and Packing and are
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  • 738 2 DIVIDEND OF TEN PER CENT RECOMMENDED. Change in the Articles. The report to be submitted to the shareholders of the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd, at the eighth annual general meeting, to be held at the registered offices of the company, Banque de l'lndo Chine building, Singapore,
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  • 36 2 Sir Giodfrcy Collins, M P., says that •p °H fe of every f 1 paid in income tl abeorbed by armament* Beven chUb |g t out of tvtry £1 ot lncoae spent on the civil service.
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  • 716 2 BAGS OF FLOUR IN DISPUTE. Claim in Supreme Court. A claim fof $8,981.10 In respect oi 632 bags of flour waa entered in a caae in tbe Supreme Court before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, on Wednesday in which the Seremban General Agency Ltd., were sued by
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  • 130 2 Sciatica causes the most acute agony, making your life a burden, but if you don-'t fight the disease, it will gradually get a firmer and firmer hold on you—and then? There is only one sure weapon that you can use in your fight—and that can use in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 247 2 FIRST CLASS ft NEW-FASHIONED SARONGS H san always be obtained from the address below, with a J that if unsaleable they can be returned within o 120 da>s, without deduction and exchange for new sarongs, o n J* money refunded. Prices range from floto f 35 each. S g Orders
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    • 423 2 YOU'LL FEEL BETTER IN THE MORNING If when troubled with ooni ipaticn, liverithneti, bile or »iok headache, yon Uke a «mall doae of Pinkettea •I night on retiring to rest. Pinkettea are laxative perfection for they are not habit forming and naltber gripe nor purge*. Their oooaaional me enanres dally
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    • 548 2 I NOTICE. (NOTICE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, 6.TD (Incorporated in |he S.S.) NOTICE is hereby given thai ihe Register of Transfer* of tbt *bove Couipany will be el< snd from Oc'.ober 15:h to October 22nd, 1921, days inolneive) for th* preparation of DlvM- nd Wi r»n:a. By Order of the Board,
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    • 684 2 AUCTION SALE. cheqngT koonTeng 7cT AUCTUejEERS *PPJM'SERS. No. 30, X ing Street, Siege port. t> Attractive Auction Sale ot Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Tg-vn ande>Ooontr y P ro at ■atlwpjW Hill Road, K*m roug Java Road, p aya L„ biir R P N North Canal RokJ. JtUn T*nj^ Pj? atalorjEo™
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  • 805 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, October 18. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, issue the following list of quotations. Rubber, Dollar Shares, Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allsnby 0.10 030 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 1.00 2 Amalgamated Maly 136 L 75 6 Ayer
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 POPUIAR PHOT9.PLAY HOUSE EM PS RE Pagar Boad. Tramg PaBß th 4 Door IN THE SECOND BHOW AT 9.30 PM. JARRY SE¥ON in THE FLY-COP His latest and newest Chinese Comedy in two parts Chinese Girls, Chinese Settings, Chinese Scenes. AX b'rtson Cole production featuring William Desmond in BARE-FISTID iiALLAGHER
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    • 365 3 mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmummaaaaaamama Uktmtml* TDMDAY O**" 18 SUNDAY, OrtoUr 21. Ttrtxtie I AT THS la the only wfetro ton mmmm, A km thettr» srALHAMBRA uii3 ths best it*. v Cake* Coffee, «ttiaa «*aom «ojs,*. served during Intervals. pr^nrTDn^^^ FEATURING ONB OF THE MOST I a, uu BEATJTIPTJL GIRLS THAT EVER APPEIRED ON
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    • 212 3 MARLBOROUGH The Ht.ll for Oomfort, Good Music and Good Pictures Beach Boad. From THURSDAY, Ootcber 20 to WEDNESDAY, October 16, A CAPITAL BLUE RIBBON FEATURE OF GREAT DRAMATIC POWER Pifsenting CORINNE GRIFFITH in au intensely g'ippiog story of doms.ic problems and solutions THE CLUTCH OF CIRCUMSTANCE In o Parts It
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    • 324 3 ANOTHER GAIETY PROGRAMME IMPOSSIBLE OF IMITATION THE KIND OF ENTERTAINMENT THAT MAKES EVERYONE BAY. Oalty Always IN THE FIRST SHOW Af 7.30 SHARP LARRY SEMON IN SPOOKS AND SPA? MS One continuous long laugh from head to foot Fine arts Triangle Production with Douglas Fairbanks In Flirting with Fate Costarred
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  • 54 4 DEATH. On October 21,1921, at N*. 67, Spotte* Woode Park Road, Madam Seet Qhwee Neo aged 60 yeari, beloved mother of TVo Teok Soo tnd Teo Qb«n« Toh and mo;her-in-aw of Tay Eog Liong, Oban Kok Tye and Wee BengTeok. FoDeral Oil Taeiday 25;h Ojtobir at 10.30 a.m.
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  • 747 4 The Cabinet has produced its well-heralded scheme for solving the unemployment problem. It is not very sensational. The remarkable discovery has been made that the only practical way of providing for out-of-work men is to find them jobs; and that to find them jobs it is
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  • 492 4 The Rev Hiden Umimori, untitled of the Japanese Presbyterian Church has been licensed to solemnise marri ages in the Straits Sttlements. The Dutch East Indian Railway Workers' Co-operative Society has a membership of 3,500 of which about 20 per cent, is European. Its bank balance stands at 40,000 guilder*. The
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  • 405 4 Charge of False Information. In trie third po#ce court yesterday the case in which Jumah, a Bengali, is charged with giving false iniormationS) was continued. This is a case which arises out of a military enquiry at Blakaruf Mati on Jury 19 last, on Jumah alleging that
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  • 65 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, Oct. 21.—A cable has been received here from Home announcing the death of Mr Malcolm Duncan, a pioneer miner and planter of Perak. He was stationed for many years at Chenderiang, where he had proprietory interests. The deceased was a
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  • 159 4 Ex-Servicemen are reminded that a dinner in celebration of the third anniversary of the Armistice is being held at the Hotel St George, Bras Basah-road, on Friday, Nov 11, at b.15 p.m. The dinner is being held tinder the auspices of the Ex-Ser-vice's Association of Singapore, but
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  • 34 4 The states It |g now rumoured that the big lottery Wffl be •drawn, not in November as announced at«the next Chitrlada Pair, which takes place at the end of tne year.
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  • 52 4 untitled to Government Officer, of TL\T* BtatoB a "^tioß Uken BUCh Btep The Singapore and South Malaya Boy Scouts Aeaocition annual meet «J w,U be held at the headquarter "ct 28, at 5.15 p.m. The Hon Mr D V th„ a All members of 1921 y® 3 1920>~ **w*J reports
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  • 743 4 BT QUIZ." Local company meetings are becoro in* interesting. Mr Peck must ha h*u largely responsible. He ha. MajM in heckling- directors until they tr in a bad state of nerves. Nexhin, else cejdd explain the recent tion by on* Chair man/, hat he and h» coUeagues
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 304 4 ROBINSON <2o„ Ltd. Rcbinson's Fur Felt Hals* and Velour Mats mmWmi All Sues in Stock. No C,B. Shape P« Ml with Smart Cat Eige Brim Price $8.50 Each. Shades, Grey, Ash, Mouse Mole Brown No 88. Far Felt Fall ShfMM with Ribbon Bonnd Carl Brim P. ice 10 SO
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    • 298 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in tbe Straita Settlement*. 36, PHILLIP STxJEET, SINGAPOBE. New Bhipment Juit Arrived of Carpenter's Smoothing and Jaok Planea. Bran Hexagon T*ppod Natl from 3/8" to 3/4". Ontland'a Braaa Bnu Hinges from If to 6". Clyburn Borew Spanners from 6" to 84". Asbestos Cord or Yam
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    • 99 4 TO-DAY'S SUMMARY. Communists in France and Belgium are angry with America. They want two Italian anarchist* who hare been sentenced to death, to be released. Threatening letters, bombs, and window-smashing era in their repertoire. Japan's naval programme is not being extended. Britain's four big ships will be built after all.
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  • 370 5 Demonstrations Against imeriea's Representatives; Paris luilfoiitpaflii. Reuter. Paris, Oct 20.—The explosion of a bomb at the American Embassy last evening is attributed to Communists. The police at Brussels yesterday dispersed a demonsfration of Communists hooting the American legation as a protest against the condemnation to death in the
    Reuter.  -  370 words
  • 194 5 De Vaiera and the Pope. Reuter. London, Oct. 20.—1t is authoritatively stated that at present there is no need to fear a breakdown in the Irish negotiations. The Irish delegates are impressed with the sincerity of the Government's representatives, and hitherto the utmost goodwill has prevailed.—Reuter. London, Oct
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 150 5 American Press Views. Reuter. V* iork, Oct 20.-The "New York umes declares that the German Peace treaty is a disagreeable necesS and an anticlimax, because it 1 lar below the resolves with which America entered the war. T 4 the JLWetH" describes Harding's speech at Yorktown as Uague
    Reuter.  -  150 words
  • 38 5 Reuter. London, Oct. 20.-I n the House of r?T* Sir Home denied the th£t Mr MacKenna is bating in the United States on «übiect ef the British debt. Govr:,'7 6nt "■•wan of the nature of
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 26 5 OFF ICIALS RESTRAINED. Reuter. Mmco C,ty, Oct. 20.-The Mexican J., ewurt has «ssued an injunc»tateof Str v ining ffiCialS f the *ith tl Cruz rom interfering
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 24 5 A untitled telegram announces the Mr Kennedy Jones, M P. *fef M 0r is ap P° inted a Collector ■■SSI f r Settlement of
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  • 209 5 Leagues Decision. Reuter. London, Oct. 20.—Official: The League of Nations Polish-German frontier in Upper Silesia follows the Oder from its point of entry into Upper Silesia as far as Niebetschau, turns northeast and passes between Rossbers (which falls to Germany) and, Birkenhain (which goes to Poland); thence northwest.
    Reuter.  -  209 words
  • 94 5 To Fight the Strike. Reuter. fc Washington, Oct 21. —In preparation for the threatened general rai'way strike, the Government announces the completion of plans for movement of food and fuel and other primary commodities.—Renter. Washington, Oct 21.—Mr Hoover has announced that the Department of Commerce ia prepared to
    Reuter.  -  94 words
  • 93 5 Ex-Ministers Assassinated. Reuter. Madrid, Oct 20,—1t Is reported from Lisbon the! the former Ministers, Granjo, Mechado Doe Santos, Oarlos Maia, and Carlos Treytas Silva, have been assassinated by revolutionaries. Senor Oanba Leal was wounded. The foregoing lacks' confirmatic n direct from Lisbon, but a censored telegram of Renter's
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 14 5 The Municipal Estimates for 1922 are published as a supplement to the Government Gostte
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  • 259 5 PREMIER ON THE BIG CONFERENCE. JAPAN'S PROGRAMME. Reuter. £2 Cot° ndon Ct 2 In the H o«3e of Common. the Premier announced that can d PlBCed for *>ur capital ships. Asked to give, an assurance of British co-operation with the United States at the Washington Conference, m favour
    Reuter.  -  259 words
  • 154 5 Engineering to Benefit. Reuter. London, Oct 20.—Dealing with the export credits, Mr Lloyd George in the House of Commons announced that the Government had proposals from foreign Governments for very considerable engineering orders, to renew transport facilities in those countries, provided that the Government is prepared to give
    Reuter.  -  154 words
  • 102 5 Reuter. London, Oct. 20.—"Cotton News," the official organ of the American cotton association, states that a campaign H beyig conducted in the southern fates of America in favour of the co-operation of farmers, merchants »B/i bankers to restrict the cotton crop of 1922 even more than that of
    Reuter.  -  102 words
  • 66 5 Reuter. Lc.Jdon, Oct 21.—The British agent at Moscow reports that a company has been formed at Moscow to do business with foreign countries on behalf of the Soviet on a commission basis. The founders were formerly leading merchants at Moscow. The formation of this company is the first
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 34 5 Reuter. Paris, Oct 20.—General Pershing has left for Cherbourg en route to America. The distinguished gathering at the station included a representative of M Millerand and several members of the cabinet. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 30 5 Reuter. New York, Oct 20.—A correction of yesterday's freight reductions gives 30 to 35 per centum for oils and meats and canned goods. Grain is not included.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 1460 5 CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT. BOXING. Last Night's Bouts. Semi-finals in the fly weights, feather weights, light weights and middle weights were fought at the S S and F M S championship boxing tournament in the Victoria Theatre last night. There was a good attendance to see some excellent boxing, though two
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  • 281 5 GRAY AT THE GARDEN CLUB. A large audience at the Garden Club last night witnessed the public exhibition of billiards given by the famous cueist, Mr George Gray, who engaged in a match of 700 up with the Club's leading player, Mr Oon Ec Thiam, who received 300. The
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  • 281 5 RUBBER SHARE MARKET LEWIS AND PEAT'S WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, Oct 20. The firmneea shown at the close ot laat week has not been maintained, and the re-action expected has now set in. The fall in prices has been mainly attributable to profit taking but no big decline is looked for,
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  • 145 5 Singapore, Oct 20. During the past week all markets have been active and advancing. Locally, Trade Buyers have not been much in evidence, but there has been a continued strong demand by Dealers for all grades of spot rubber. Top prices have not moved up
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  • 78 5 Coming Short Season. A cordial welcome has always been entended to the Warwick Comedy Company in the big cities in the East, and Singapore will not be lacking in this respect on Monday, when the company, now at its best, commences another short season here with an
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  • 17 5 During the present month the Customs Authorities at Batavia have unearthed 20,000 guilders' worth of smuggled opium.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 236 5 FRASER CHALMERC i Engineering Works. I Magnet Boose, 83 snd 6\ lason Uoa<£ Singapore. ELECTRIC LIFTS For Passengers or Goods. QUOTATIONS GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd. (Inootponted io KngUnd.) NEVER BAY DTE, S\V TINTEX Great Reduction From To-day gg $0.30 ■HI At all D Messrs
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  • 94 6 FOOTBALL. THI TEAM IN JAVA. We have been faked to state that the team now playing football in Batavia is not a Singapore Recreation Club team but a team captained by Mr L M Pennefather and known as Mr Pennefather's XI. We made this clear in publishing the first
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  • 75 6 NEXT WEEK'S GAMES. The polo players have some big events next week, with the Singapore, Sultan of Perak's and Burma Rifles teams in opposition. On Monuay the first round of the MacDougall Cup will be played, four teams competing; the final will be on Friday. On Wednesday, Singapore and
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  • 84 6 i X G C COMPETITIONS. The Keppel Golf Club ball sweep on Saturday was cancelled as there were no entries and on Sunday was won by H Smith with a net score of 35. X L CUP CONTEST. The golf competition for the Governor's Cup on the X L
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  • 301 6 AUSTRALASIANS ON TOUR. Salford Badly Beaten. In the first game of their tour in England the Australasians were matched against Salford, the Northern Union League leaders, and the tourists won by 48 pts (6 goals, 12 tries) to 3 pts (1 try)- And the winners took the field without
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  • 149 6 SCC TOURNAMENT. Owing to the wet condition of the ground, there was no play yesterday in the SCC tournament. TO-DAY'S Tin. Newcomers' Handicap. (A Court) E C Maggs owe S vs. J H Young scr. (B) T H Redfearn owe 1 vs. M Wardell scr. (C) W A
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  • 109 6 There was no play yesterday, owing te the wet ground. TO-DAY'S TIBS. A Slnglee. C A Bateman vs A E Coelho. B Single* H'Cap. P Aeria vs A W Jansen. F R Rappa vs C A Reutens. J Zehnder vs F R Gomes. MONDAY'S TIES. Mixed Doubles.
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  • 109 6 The St J O B tennis tournament ii nearly completed. The final of the A singles between Cheong Chee Lim, scr, and Lim Seng Kiang, owe 6, will be played to-day. The results of ths B class singles are: Teo Kwang Leng winner, and Yee
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  • 22 6 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. C Smith beat Gan Khek Keng, o—l, 6—2. TO-DAY'S TIES. F Ruchwaldy vs. I Abed.
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  • 156 6 At the Phyllis Court Club tournament, Henley, in mail week a little incident occurred that called for a rapid decision from the referee besides considerable discussion afterwards. A C Hunter was playing Sir G A Thomas in the Open Singles. At a rather critical time in the
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  • 28 6 MARRIED VS. SINGLE. A hockey match between Married and Single on the SCC ground yesterday ended in a win for the latter by three goals to one.
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  • 541 6 AN INTERNATIONAL MATCH. Berlin, Aug 24.—A two-day cricket was begun this afternoon at Mariendorf, a suburb of Berlin, between a representative eleven of Prussia aad a picked team from Holland. A series of games had been arranged by the Society for the Encouragement of Playing Ball with
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  • 171 6 Amount previously acknowledged $936.33 Mr Tan Soo Guan 50 Mr Seah'Eng Kiat 60 Nett Proceeds, Charity Boxing Star Opera 835.72 50 per cent Nett Proceeds, S F A Final $900.91 450.46 Per Mr N B Westerhout Syed Omar bin Mohamed Alsagoff 100 Syed Yayah Almagbouly 15 Mr
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  • 119 6 The following Singapore properties Jprere sold by auction by Messrs Cheong Koon Seng and Co at their saleroom No 30 Kling-street on Wednesday afternoon Freehold land and the building No 49 Padang Jeringau off Kallang-road, area 32,903 sq ft bought by Messrs Chan Chong Chee and Lee
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  • 228 6 A Penang paper is agitating for an anti-rat campaign as Penang ie stiff with rats." The free dispensary that has been establ'thed in Taiping by Government is very largly patronised. The Pahang Assizes will commence at Bentong on Nov 1. The Resthouse has heen reserved for the Court staff and
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  • 36 6 Reuter. Washington, Oct 19.—President Harding ha? declined the invitation of British bankers to send representatives to a non-official financial conference on Dec. 12, but Bays he thinks private banking experts will probably gladly participate.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 568 6 SUNDAY SERVICE: S. Andrew's Cathedral. 22nd Sunday after Trinity, 23rd Oct 1021. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.46 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. The Catechism. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. The following week.—Holy Communion on Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a.m. and on Wednesday at
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    • 148 6 Bt John's Church, Jurong. 9 a.m. Matins and Sermon (Teochew.) Holy Communion every 4th Sunday. Church of Our Lady. Ophir Road (For the Tamiln.) 6 a.m. Low Mass and Sermon. 4 p.m. Vet para and Benediction. Church of St. Joseph (Portuguese Mission.) 5.30 a.m. Low Mass. 6.S0 a.m. Low Mass
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    • 654 6 NOTICE. Notice ti hereby given tbat all roads within the Government Home Domain will be closed to tbe PobAo from 1 p m to 9 p.m tn each of (he following dates viz I October. 25.b, 27th end 29tb. H. V. TOWNER, Depn'y Colord w E-'sir^w. 22 10 39 10
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    • 238 6 Km,m m Pressed Steel Tack]?. In tbese days of engineering and commercial entorn »h» machinery is becoming more and more largely used in all countries of n world, and the s/quirements of mankind wheC* water Supply filtration, sanitation, Ac. are concerned receive ever increasing the need often arises for tanks
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 386 6 MAILS CLOSE. To-day, Oct. 22. Port Swettenham,* Penang,* Colombo, Aden, Port Said A EUROPE (via Marseilles) Khiva 1 p.m Registration up to 11 a.m. Supplementary Mail by train to Penang, taking mails fo* EUROPE etc. 4 p.m. Registration up to 3.30 p.m P Sambu, Blinjoe, Djeboes Palembang Van Hogendorp 2
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  • 1225 7 LIGHTER SIDE OF IRISH PROBLEM. Under the Curfew in Belfast In dealing with thing* Irish either pol.tio.lor.oci.!. one hardly know! sometunea whether to approsch the Trai?V«* C r Tragic iti is to witness a fierce riot m which beeps of kidaey stones tore ■P from the footpath
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  • 244 7 A writer in the Sarawak Gazette states: I Let see, what were w e talking about; Yes, Hills. But really has it never struck you during some of the past sultry days how strange it is that, with so many ranges of hills in sight of Kuching,
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  • 334 7 Mr Wilfrid Frost, a natural history collector, who was sent to the Malay Archipelago by the Zoological Society last December, has arrived in London with 121 rare mammals, birds and reptiles. A few were lost on the journey, but the most valuable part of the collection has arrived in good
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  • 118 7 To Be Revived. In the course of the hearing of the recent case at Penang concerning Eastern Truth," the interesting intimation was given that the magazine is to be revived, as indicated by the following excerpt from the crossexamination of Mr R Greening by Mr J J Saunders,
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  • 245 7 Asked by the "Sunday Pictorial" to «ay what the world may be like 100 years hence, Mr John Albion wntea, inter alia: "European domination will probably have disappeared have elected to remain an integral Part of the British Empire. Japan overstraining herself, and I fore--2 1 m J.? hty stru
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 550 7 mer~' ——i A i 4 'M/ i V k I V) o c Jhsf -f J> N Ws Av/# ,1' f C\ 9 c 1 v X *V# W V S />J -if' V Sj?<y />?/*>" N I /&/A 0> %£\>V/ > 1 <4- <**, <s>" /,V s> «r/ <
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    • 476 7 Indigestion and Bad Stomach »r. Casse,,, Jagee. British Cula» B South Afrt A» P^^iJ 3» J& °n Lad, Ouiina. write,:- 1« J? Sonth Afnca I <r»or t.-.ed ha. don* me to «od 3?ESSLI*' el ht t*n month, a for atomach C o «tooiach I,„ trouble* M Or tronb'rd witli j.
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    • 128 7 SEASON 1922. The following have just arrived Annual* 1922 X n«h Diarit-a for 1922 Pocket Diarki for 1922 Xmas ASD New Yesr Cards New Stock cf Books tW'e Cyclopaedia $2 10 Mudent'a Bock keeping by Aribnr Fitldhoute 4. fig AND A. Large Stock of Novels by all well-known authors. KOH
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  • 541 8 SIR FRANK SWETTENHAM'S VIEWS IN THE TIMES." Sir Frank Swettenham writes to The Times that the new grouping of Crown Colonies contemplated by Mr Churchill is rather surprising to far as it aff cts the Straits Bettle. nonet*. To place a* Port Lcni-», in M»uriiiu: f a
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  • 211 8 General inflation of price, in the firs, six months of the year, followed by a serious depression are described as the two fetors principally affectmg the Netherlands trade in ■purvey of the economic position in the oar Eust during i 920 issued by
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  • 75 8 Investigation has disclosed that the wavy motion of centipedes it, due to the legs moving in groups, each wave including a definite number of legs. There was a heavy fall of enow on Mount Fuji on Sept 16. According to the "Asahi," this is the first time for the past
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  • 150 8 A Union Wanted. [The Editor "Malay Mail."] Si^ —Don't you think it ia about time that we had an Association which would help the mercantile assistant Tbe planters have their society and I believe the clerks have tbeir union, even the Civil Service have an Association witb representatives
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  • 324 8 Under the above beading the "Straits Echo" says Mr A W Still will find considerable consolation —if he needs it—for bis defeat in the Cold Storage libel action in the comments of his contemporaries on the case and the judgment. Practically all the more important papers of
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  • 277 8 Yesterday afternoon we heard the opinion expressed that some of our I contemporaries, by their criticism of the verdict and damages in the Cold Storage—"Straita Times" libel action, had rendered themselves liable to be summoned for contempt of court, says the Straits Echo." Such a view is
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 252 8 k Single Trial' Proves tho Superiority OF FRisaoz«GO'S tinted Raters. As an Appetiser. MELROSE DROVER OLD fJM GIN For I Pahits, Slinks and Cocktails. SOLE AGENTS: I [Hifttenbacb Lazaras Sons. Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements.) SINGAPORE. at--1.1 1- L*" Pg SSHIBE TO THE M TRIBUNE." The only 5-c<n* Paper
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    • 57 8 MEN FOR SALE, Extraordinary scenes were witnessed outside Boston recently. Unemployment is acute, and 150 worklesa men, marching to an open apace, offered themselves for sale. They stripped themselves to the waist and, mounting a block, precisely in the precedure of the old time slave auctions, offered their services lor
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    • 480 8 ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦Or I W WORK OF DIGESTION siiouid be performed with ease and J tomji .teness if the t"»dy is i iainiaii ed ia rfect health oen in the case of those who ess naturally strong digestions this < is far from always being the ca c, e> for the
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    • 282 8 I OAKLAND r 1 I t STURDY Judge the actual value of Oakland Sensible Six by TUC any standard you choose —dependable daily service, riding comfort, marked savings in fuel and tyres, or the moderate purchr se prj^ e. Bach and every one of these the exceptional worth of the
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    • 57 8 4 Publicity Man Should be at Ev r* Executive's Elbow. The Advertising Manager of the -Tribune" is at your p**J rvioe, Mr. Advertieer, ready at yonr elbow to join in consultation f* Jon 8i your Right-hand pnblioity man. Areietance will be planting any advertising oampnign. ktp or naaU. With thi.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 556 9 P>o.-Britishlndla AND APCAR LINI}. (Companies Incorporated in England) HAIL ANS PASSENGER SERVICES. .Peninsula* and Oriental S*N. 00. Under Contract with His Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICE* BAST %)F BOMBAY art at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVIOE. From JLOrtDON Due SINGAPOBE. Somali about Nov 1 Dongoli* about D.o 6 Nellore
      556 words
    • 669 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. i (laeorporatad la U.S.AJ FOg AOCOUNI OF THE U 8 SHIPPING BOARD. SAN FfiANCISCO—MANILA—EAST INDIA BAILINGB FROM SINGAPORE For OALOUfTA D» «o; Wolverine State Passengers and Freight Nov 15 Granite Sute Passengers and Freight Dec 15 For SAN FRANCISCO via MANILA HONOLULU. CreoleSUte Psasengen and Freight
      669 words
    • 811 9 CHINA MAIL LTD(lncorporated in U. S. A.) Direct San Francisco Service Those of ieein<? the Orient shonld travel by the scenic route SINGAPORE, HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA, HONOLULU ft SAN FRANCISCO. From SINiAI OrtE, *s. CHINA 10,000 tonr~Oct 25 From SINGAPORE, 5.8." NANKING M 15,( 00 tona, Dec 1 (Minimum
      811 words
    • 549 9 N. Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) London Line Fortnightly Service For MARSEILLES, LONDON o* ANTWERP vi* PORTSIyo Maru M N>v 2 Atsuta Maru N ov U Liverpool Line Monthly Service For MARSEILLES LIVERPOOL v a PORTS. Kamakura Maru jj eo 13 Hnnmburp nine Monthly Servioe For LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM
      549 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 477 10 WANTED, INCRĔ VBIT OPHiALARY m earned by Clerks and Office Assistants who know shorthand (Pitmans), and bcsiness correspondence. moderate fee it charged for an effioient personal tuition. Write to the Instructor, 177 Have-lock Road. IB 10 20 11 TO LET.—Newly built Compound residence at St, Miohael's Boad. Apply to J.
      477 words
    • 635 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be dosed at Noon on Tuesday, 25th Inst 1 D Thursday, 37th J 06 D W* 19 10 27 10 SINGAPORE AND MALAYAN DIRECTORY, 1922. All papers in the hands of the publio refer:ing to the Directory «hould be returned to the publishers *t
      635 words
    • 473 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TON 6 BANKING INSURANCE CO., LTD, (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Eatabliahed 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus M 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Eaq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Taow Peng,
      473 words
    • 488 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE 94, Market Street BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street Malacca 181 Jonker Street Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Raha mat. Palembang 16, Ilir. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Traug. CAPITAL.
      488 words
    • 451 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. Incorporate" in England) BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of «6 each £8,000,000 Reserve Fund 88,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £8,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd.
      451 words
    • 334 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. t (Incorporated ia tha S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPOBE, 63 KLING STREET, Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PBNANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Issued $10,500,000 Paid-up 5,260,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam, Esq.,
      334 words
    • 377 10 INSURANCE. THS OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD, (Incorporated ia the S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. tiun Boon Keng, OJBJL, Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Eaq. Dy. Chairman. En Toag Sen, Eaq. CBJC. Ong Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee Cffiax, Eaq. K> Chua Poh Siang, Eaq. 10 Lee Pang fleag, Esq.* 10
      377 words
    • 528 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE BHIPPMC CAZETfE. (EVENING DAILY.) Ft:one 010. 171 SUBSCRIPTION Rates, PAYABLE ~IN~ADVANCjI pA Half-yearly J l54 Per quar«rr |g Single Copy ct-> Postage Extra 50 eta. aw To Foreign couatriea $1 [A Subscription Form W ffl v found«on page B.] •VERY MANY "TRIBUNE" READERS depend upon street 6 eii.rg
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