Malaya Tribune, 20 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 207 1 j SUN V COMPANY Aii h tographic materials J AND I fbe Right Place for Amateurs I ptvilopiug. Printing and Enlargement I S No. H NOBTH BRIDGE BO AD. I SINGA?tRB. I J phon* 560 J Whiteaway, Co Mfi Ltd„ Singapore (Incorporated in EngUni) m SOME OF TM€ INES. Tobralco:-28
      207 words
    • 137 1 B II Sime, Darby Go., Ltd. < 1 (Incorporated in Btraita Settlement! ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. I Quotations given for complete fclect ie I Lighting Power Installations, if ell rwge of Eloctrioal mppliet in itook V I.R. Wires Cables. I Metal Filament Lamps. I Ceiling Table Fans. J Fittings Accessories. 1 "DlCtOinpl"
      137 words
    • 444 1 THE mm TRIBUNE I AND SHIPPING GAZETTE Phone No 111. SUBSCRIPTION RATES p «y«ble In Advance Per annum 15 00 Half-yearly 750 j Por quart™ J. 75 Postage Extra SO cts. per month. f Presents for Friends .at Hpma Manila Cigaps From London Stocks. The following prices include Home Duty,
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  • 490 2 TYPHOON SWEEPS JAPAN: BIG LOSS OF LIFE. Osaka, Sept 27.—Although the telegraphs and telephones are still interrupted, details of the damage done by a terrific typhoon which ravaged Kwansai on Sunday night and in the email hours of Monday are beginning to come in. Four hundred and fifty
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  • 100 2 The death rate for the week ending Oct 8 was 44.12 per mille. Nationalities were: European» 3, Eurasians 1, Chinese 229, Malays 36, Indians 19; with a total of 288, of which 222 were males and 66 females. The chief causes of death were Beri-beri 22, phthisis 22,
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  • 250 2 London, Oct 17.—Dr and Mrs Wellington Koo have ret urn'id to London from Paris.—Reuter. Some excitement was caused on tbe Hongkong exchange on Oct 6 by a sudden drop of one penny and halipenny in the value of tbe dollar. Tbe rate opened at 2s Ul/ 2 and by th«
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  • 547 2 Hindu Ideal of Happineaa. Under tbe auspices of the Hindu Young Men's Literary Union a lecture was delivered by Mr C R Menon on "The Hindu Ideal of Happineaa" on Saturday, at No 11 Dhoby Ghaut, with Mr R Bala Kriahnan, the president of the Union, in the
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  • 318 2 The "Malayan Leader" records the death on Saturday of Mr Lim .Mock Sung, Librarian, Institute of .Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur, at his residence in Jalan Simpang. The deceased was the son of Mr Lim Moh Seng, Police Court interpreter. He leaves behind bis wife and eight children. The funeral of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 244 2 FIRST GLASS ft NEW-tASHIOME3 3ABONGS I m mux alwajs be obtained from tbe address below, with a j guarantee that if unsaleable they can be returned within < 120 days, without deduction and exchange for new sarongs, jg Z er money refunded. Prices range from floto f 35 sack. 0
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    • 390 2 PRETTY WOMEN who wiih to retalu their oharin find Pinkettei of especial value for the preservation of the oomplexlon and of the general health. The me, when needed, of these dainty little laxative* keep, the ikin free from pimples and blemishes, enraref dally regularity, diipeli billion, attacks and liek headaches.
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    • 479 2 RUB OUT THE PAIN. Wherever the ache or pain, simply rub in Little's Orieatal Balm. As you rub in the Balm, you rub out the pain,—quickly, simply and sf rely. There is bo betteaj remedy for headache, earache, backache. It relieves lameness, sprains, strains, swellings. The more cruel sufferings of
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    • 756 2 AUCTION SALĔ! gheonc'koonlenciTcT AUCTIONEERS A APPRAISERS. c No. 30, Kiing Street, Singapore c Attractive Auction Salo ol Valuable Freehold and Leasehold Town and|jComt'y at Emerald Hill R*d, Kam -oug Road, Paya L^ r North Canal Jalan Tarjong 4 0 1 At Messrs. Ser*g A o.'t Sale R*m. No 30, kg.
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  • 768 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, October 18. Metart. Lyali and Evatt, Exchang •ad Share Broken, iaaue the follow ing lift of quotation!. Robber, Dollar Shares. ISSBS v,]ue Buyers Sellers 1 Alianby 0.10 0.2 C 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 I.OC 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 l.*7£ 5
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 I PQ J UI AH PHOTO.PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tram. Pass ihe Door IIN THE SECOKD SHOW AT 9.30 p.M. iv THE FLY OOP His latest an* newest Chinese Comedy in two nart. Ohinese Girl,, Chinee. Siting., Ohfne," Boeo^ IT PrOdo IOM fe S nr|n Wi W»* Esmond m BifiE-FISTa D
      170 words
    • 653 3 1 i I At*«» w h I F m TUESDAY, October 18 to SUNDAY, October 2* The I luuie AT THIC Alhaaibrt 3?j AL HAM BRA r^2f T j Ti «or Ma* ..d take "MP* I dttlam j *™eioee road. served I"" daring I a prwttv Intervals. I BE JuTTRn?
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    • 317 3 IN THE SECOND SHOW Star Feature VIOLA DANA In FALSE EVIDENCE "-Enough Said I Lait 3 Nighta—Tnetday, Wedneaday A Thursday, Oot. 18, 19 20 j Nightly at 10 p.m. AT 9 15 P.M. Thunderbolt Jack Serial Episodes 7 8. IN THE FIBBT SHOW AT 7.30 SHiRPThe HOUDI.NI" Serial Ep.sod*s On,,
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  • 203 4 State ownership appears to be the real objective of the American railway men in the current dispute about wages. Jamaica is complaining of a "Chinese invasion." Chinese business competition appears to be unpalatable. The Irish Conference resumes to-day and the situation ia producing a big crop of excited
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  • 746 4 Straws tuiieo with the xacuity of showing which way the wind blows. Reuter has of late given us quite a number of straws relating to Malaya's possible destiny as the greatest naval base in the Eastern hemisphere. The conference of Admirals which was held at Penang early
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  • 272 4 Owing to the untitled taking place >»>. Tue»s«v. Oct 25. tbe u»u«l ll<.!ne" »l not <.- !.els, >lr 3tuar' Hsgar Ning "n» su>orn in before ltr «listrict ml>«ristrule, tbis morning. sourtb ziolice «»»gierri»te. Tbe 3»llb cunlmul,,»? of are tbe lio.> Lrsntb t„ tbe ne>W 3illb 0ur«iWar». v?b,cb l« n«W c„mpletes,
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  • 75 4 Chinese Newspaper Sued. frrom Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct 19.-In the local Supreme Court before Mr Justice Whitley, a libel case was commenced, Cheah Seh Lin, plaintiff* against the Kwong Wah Yit Poh Press, Ltd, and Tan Seng Cheang, in respect of an alleged libellous statement in
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  • 84 4 (From Our Own Kuala Lumpur, Oct 1?.- At a meet ing of the commjjtee of the Dollar Rubber Producers' Association, a rVtter from the Rubber Producers' Association of Malaya was read, seating m that the latter association welcomed the formation of an association of proprietary planters, and
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  • 85 4 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Oct 19.—An interesting civil suit, the parties to which were Messrs Chart and Co, Ltd, stock and share brokers, as plaintiffs, and Mesers Fearon and Co, also stock and share brokers, as defendants, was concluded to-day. Plaintiffs claimed $480.13, loss incurred by
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  • 30 4 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Oct 19.—At Seremban to-day, Chan Kam Sing was committed for trial on a charge of forging a bank draft for $65,000.
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  • 327 4 Capt A S Fullan, R N R, staying in room 55 at the Raffles Hotel, reports to the police the theft of a silver cigarette case, a gold watch and chain, clothing etc. valued at $700 from his apartments. A cable from Hongkong announces that the s. s. China, from
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  • 934 4  -  BY "ECHO." Tha championship box if? contests of Malaya now in progress at ths Victoria Theatre are attracting tonsiderable attention, and reveaihg some real, talent. Sherratt i| Jones figA, on Monday, and the Trl Teng Kee v. Hutchinson bo»,t on Turnday, provided spbjndid spott and ha?« been the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 309 4 ROBINSSN Co.. Ltd. ■p«olal Value fl W Fur Felt Hats and Velour Hats All bizts in Stccx. No C,B. Medium Shape Far whh Smart Cat Edge B-lin Price $8.50 Each. Shades, Grey, Ash, Mouse Mole Brown No B B. Fa- Felt Fall Bhap- with Ribbon Boat d Carl Biim P.
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    • 289 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in tbe Strait* Settlement* 36, PHILLIP STBEET. SINGAPORE N«w Shipment Just Arrived Carpenter's Smoothing and Jack Plan«s. Bran Hexagon Tapped Nats from 3/8" to 3/4". Cutland's Brass Batt Hinges from If to 6". Glybnrn Sorew Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos Cord or Yarn all
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    • 79 4 REQUIEM HIGH MASS. In commemoration of the fth Annlveriary of the death of Mrt. Rosalie Oornelinc (nee MUnei) a R*>qnlem H'*h Mail will be performed at The Cathedral of the Good Shepherd at 7 a m., on Saturday, the 22ml October, 1921. Mr. B. M. A. Comelioi and hli daughters
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  • 394 5 Volunteer Force Being J§ Jeouao ised. Conference Resume* To-Pay. Reuter. London, Oct 18.—It js announced from Belfast that it has been decided to reorganise the Ulster Volunteer lent in ci nsequence of the ''inactivity of the British Government in eopjng with Sinn Fein, who have established their
    Reuter.  -  394 words
  • 167 5 Attempts to Avert It. New York. Oct IS—The presidents of those railroads with headquarters ta Chicago assert that the proposal to translate the recently ordered reduction in wages into an immediate reduction of freights in order to avert a stride is impossible, as it would again place the
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  • 91 5 Reuter. :on. Oct lS._Mr F J Brown, am** of the Post Office Telephone Telegraph Society, lecturing in dealt with the Imperial wireess chain. He announced that the s*.ion at Cairo would be finished by ZV\ the year completing the "*w link to South Africa. Two furZZ 55?" U1
    Reuter.  -  91 words
  • 57 5 Reuter. Lo„ o n> oct 18 Uoyds Bank fZ V rePolt reviews Germany's condition, and concludes that, a measure of misleading pro- a certain fields, Germany has Iroeen bankrupt and the conversion adttWaT? mtu f reign bills and rjjS *T merely p roves that at last appreciates the
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 36 5 Reuter. .^h.ngton,o c t. 18.-MrMcKinley, should kt-Tr Urged America A *en can 7 r,, JPS 0n the Rhine 88 li *prel T tS in Eur °P c re <l u}red ICan tr °ops.--Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 26 5 OF L OCAL INTEREST. Reuter. ,Trr h **no! o^t rr Chl oct 18 The di *over. (i i ea claima have Reuter sma!1 P° x bacillus.-
    Reuter.  -  26 words
  • 17 5 18 Th death has h< 4d of r. XU y Crewd50n for 01 aorr »***.-Rwrt«r. j
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  • 158 5 Cordial Messages. Reuter. London* Oct. 18.—The King has sent a message to President Harding expressing appreciation of the gift of the Medal of Honour to the British unknown warrior, "as a gesture of friendly sympathy and goodwill which we shall not forget." He points out that the
    Reuter.  -  158 words
  • 69 5 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 18.—The Senate has rejected an amendment to the German peace treaty proposed by the Democrat, Senator Walsh, providing that the United States join other Powers in a pledge to protect Germany against unwarranted invasion. A second amendment by Senator Walsh, that the United States
    Reuter.  -  69 words
  • 76 5 Reuter. London, Oct 18.—Reports from Jamaica show that the campaign begun by a section of the press against the so-called Chinese invasion of Jamaica is gathering strength, and j the matter will be brought the I Legislative Council session. It ;*is announced that the Chinese have I formed
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 36 5 Reuter. London, Oct 18.—After considerable negotiation the Duke of Westminster has disposed of the famous portraits, Gainsborough's* Blue Boy" and Reynolds's Tragic Muse" to Sir Joseph Duveen at a figure stated to £200,000. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 32 5 Reuter. Wellington, Oct 18.—The Government has introduced a Bill to enforce prohibition in the Cook Luanda, except in regard to liquor fo r medicinal, sacramental, or industrial purposes.— j Reuter.
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  • 34 5 Reuter. London, Oct. 18.—At the meeting of the League of Nations Union, Lord Robert Cecil announced tL'it Lord Cowdray had promised to contribute £50,000 to the Union for tt# next thro yvars.—-Beotor-
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 246 5 BRITISH INTERESTS WELL CARED FOR. PREMIER TO TRAVEL. Reuter. London, Oct 18.-The House of Commons was crowded when Parliament resumed. Replying to Mr Asquith's request for a statement regarding the Washington Conference, Mr Lloyd George confirmed the names of the British Empire delegation. He said that he himself
    Reuter.  -  246 words
  • 213 5 No Fraud Proved. Reuter. London, Oct 18.—The Daily Telegraph Paris correspondent says that with regard to the affair of the Banque Industrielle de Chine, a report by the financial expert, M Doyen, sets aside the accusation of allotting sham dividends, and says that the profits of the Bank
    Reuter.  -  213 words
  • 63 5 A Better Outlook. Reuter. London, Oct 18.—Official returns show that unemployment among trade unionists is steadily improving. It fell to 14.8 per cent, at the end of September com#»red with 16.3 per cent at the end of August. The cost of living for the same period declined ten
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 64 5 Reuter. Lille, Oct. 18.—The strike of textile workers'has partly broken down, and work has been resumed in some textile establishments at Roubaix, where the workers accepted the ten per cent, reduction of wages proposed by the employers. Some factories restarted in Lille after an agreement between employers and
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 39 5 Reuter. Washington, Oct 18.—The committee of the House of Representatives has favourably reported on the Bill for creating a special commission, headed by Mr Mellon, in order to arrange for the funding and repayment of foreign debts.—Reuter.
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  • 25 5 Reuter. London, Oct. 18.—Brigadier General Woodroffe has been appointed military secretary to the Prince of Wales during hh ritrl to Japan.—Beetof.
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  • 344 5 JUDGE ON IMMORAL HOUSES. No Plea for Relief. Mr Justice Barrett Lennard delivered an interesting ejectment case judgment in the Supreme Court thia morning of which the following is a turnmary: The plaintiff, Chow Moon, sole proprietor of Chqp Vat Thye, sued Chop San Oi Lin, to recover
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  • 16 5 The Oriental Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., has issued a supplementary list of subscribers for October.
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  • 274 5 9CCII BEAT SRC. The SRC hockey team suffered defeat at the hands of the S C C II on the SCC gTound yesterday evening. The SCC were an all-round superior team. In the opening stages of the game, however, the SRC •-•leven shaped well, and managed to break through
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  • 110 5 SCC PRACTICE. < A practice rugby match will be played on the S C C ground this afternoon. The following will be the teams Colours :—J G McCulloch F J Sutton, B E Abblett, G H Warren, S E King; Nicol, G D Nicholl; Capt Ritter, R O H
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  • 44 5 Members of the Polo Club desiring to reserve teatables at the Club's At Home on Wednesday next are reminded that application should be made to the Hon Sec care of Lyall and Evatt or to the Singapore Club before Seturday of this week.
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  • 213 5 TIME TO SUBSCRIBE —NOW. Enough has been aaid in the peat day or two as to the reasons for openma* a public subscription for this Fund. Briefly, it is meant as an opportunity to the general public to ffive an expression of sympathy with the "Straits Times"
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  • 376 5 Upholding A Principle. TV Malayan Leader," the Koala L-tmpar morning piper, has prompt* ly responded to the suggestion that ii ahoald make a separate appeal to ita readers on behalf of th* Pand. Says the Leader In calling 'he attention of oar many readers to tbe
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  • 127 5 Minister's Handsome Act. In regard to the finding of the body of a European (identified as that of Mr J Hall, of Singapore) on the shore at Colombo, the "Ceylon Independent" states oq Oct 11 We had occasion a few days ago to draw public
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  • 43 5 A Chinese was arrested by Detective Inspector Phear at 18 Upper Serangoon-road yesterday and produced before Mr Nunn in the criminal district court this morning on a charge of being in possession of a revolver and 38 rounds of amrpimitaoc wlfeout a licence.
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  • 119 5 Singapore, October 20. On LondonBank 4 months' sight 2a 4 3-16 d Demand 2a 3 15-16 d Private 3 montha, aight 2i 4 15-32 d On IndiaBank Tel.Tranafer 162 On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 22% p.c. n.m On ShanghaiBank demand draft 57*4 On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer 134*4 On
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  • 30 5 Singapore, October 20. To-day's closing rubber quotation. *re as under:— New York.—l 6% cts. London.—9%d. Singapore.—33 cts. Tone of Market.—Steady. Tin to-day $79; 100 tons sold.
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  • 98 5 Singapore, October 20. Silver 39%. Hongkong 22% per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $47%. Share Market.—Dull. Rubber.—Small enquiry. Tins.—Taipings $1.05 to $1.08, Norths $1.17% to-$1.22%, Souths 60 to 65 cents, Nawng Pets $1.45 to $1.50, Papans 42% to 47% cents, Padang Plandoks 60 to
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  • 44 5 Cairo, Oct 18.—Although it is understood that Zagloul Pasha was proceeding direct to Keneh and attempted to land at Sohag, but was prevented by the authorities, Zagloul telegraphed +o the Sultan accusing the Government of complicity in an attack at Assiut.— Reuter.
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  • 39 5 Paris, Oct 18.—Many Chinese girl students at Paris University have decided to sell their Chinese dresses and ornaments at the American Women's Club in order to raise money to pay their college fees in the coming year.—Reuter.
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  • 64 5 Connections to Civil Exchange. The following are the connections Lotwten the Civil and Military telephone exchanges: Fort Canning exchange. 3 Lines civil Nos. 2714, 2715, 2716. Tanglin exchange. 1 Line civil No. 2870. Calls made to Fort Canning, Pulo Brani, Alexandra or Blakan Mati should be made
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 PHASES CHALMERS Engineering Works. «««net Bouse, St and 6\ ioaoo Boad, SuVgtpora "Everything Electrical." PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd (Inoorpormted ia JSngUfid.) i i j NE*ER SvY DtfK, 8 V TINTEX AT MAYNARD'S m WINDOW m jixt We art- *howir g v eampLi #XtT Ol Whnr Cli bb ill)!
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  • 1358 6 BOXING. CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT. Last Wight's Bouts. There was again a pretty good attendance at the Victoria Theatre last night for the third series of bouts in the S S and F M S Boxing Championship Tournament. Nine fights were staged and some excellent boxing was eeen in one or
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  • 61 6 V M C A vs RAFFLES. In to-morrow's soccer match on the Raffles School ground, V M C A vs Raffles, the following will represent the former team: N Towers; L C Parsons and J V Moss; T Heater, C A Norris and H G Stack (capt); F Dresher,
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  • 379 6 SCC TOURNAMENT. There was no play yesterday owing to the rain. Yesterday's ties are fixed for tomorrow. TO-DAY'S TIES, Newcomers' Handicap. (A Court) E C Maggs owe 3 vs. J H Young scr. (B) T H Rediearp owe 1 vs. M VVardell scr. (C) W A Yenning scr,
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  • 21 6 There was no play yesterday, owing to the wet ground. [Other Sports rtsjass will be found on page B.?
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  • 1107 6 PLANS FOR BIG LOCAL EVENT, To Foster Industry. We are officially informed that a Malaya-Borneo Exhibition is to be held in Singapore next year on the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales. The dates will probably be from Friday March 31—the day of the Prince's arrival—to
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  • 87 6 "Bare-Fisted Gallagher," in five parts, is a fine picture story which will be the feature in the Empire cinema's change of programme tonight. A splendid Vitagraph Blue Ribbon production, The Clutch of Circumstance," featuring Corinne Griffith, will be screened at the Marlborough, to-night, along with interesting numbers of
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  • 34 6 Cap Ortegal, from Saigon 20-10. Circe, from Belawan 20-10. Sinang, from Palembang 20-10. Hong Ho, from Trengganu 20-10. Penang, from Miri 10-10. Ranee, from Kelantan 20-10. Kampar, from Teluk Anson 19-10.
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  • 142 6 To-day, Oct. 20. High Tides.—o.s a.m. 11.47 p.m. Philharmonic Orchestra, 6.16. B Scouts 111 Troop, 5.15. Freemasonry Eastern Gate Lodge, 8. Championship, boxing tournament, Victoria Theatre, 9. To-morrow, Oct. 21. High Tides.—o.4s a.m., 0.22 pjn. B Scouts: Band practice, Malay V C, 6.15. Billiards: George Gray, Garden
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  • 368 6 To-day, Oct 20. Colombo, Djibouti,* Port Said* A Marseilles* Cap Ortega 1 2 p.m. Malacca Muar *Sri Muar 2 p.m. Pontianak Ban Fo Soon 2 p.m. Batavia Cheribon A Samarang •Ban Hong Liong 2 p.m. Mersing, Kuantan, Kemaman Trengganu Quorra 2 p.m. Penang *Hong Hwa S p.m. Medan
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 119 6 Victoria Theatre. EDGAR WARWICK ANNOUNCES THE Warwick iom dy Co. Oct. 24 Brown Sugar 25 The Circle 26 Compromised 27 A Bill of Divorcement 28 Arms and the Man 29 The Double Event Prices $4, 3, 2 and 1. Plans now open at Moutrie's. 1710 no Is The £nglte of
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    • 402 6 LATBST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. B» Estate of itae Florcmina Rob rius. dec&aed. The pnblic are hereby informed that tbe power of Attorney dated h« 28th day of October 1920 and made by me in favour of one Maro*B Esbran cf 157 fiereooleD Street wai revoked ss from the 29tb •lay of
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    • 237 6 Pressed Steel Tank's. In tbeee day* of engineering and commercial e&erotise when machinery is becoming more and more largely ufed in all tounTriejgpf world, and the requirements of mankind »be<e water supp!y*w a e filtration, oanitatioo, &c. are concerned receive ever increasing anertion tbe need ofm arises fo/»%nks of light,
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  • 743 7 MR. STILL A SERVANT OF THE PUBLIC. Having studied the judgment of Sir Walter Shaw In the libel action brought by the Singapore Cold Storage Company against the Straits Times" Press, Ltd., and Mr a W Still, we have formed the opinion that the verdict was all
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  • 139 7 The Colombo harbour is to be deepened in order to berth the H M S Renown. Just before tha Hongkong Court rose for tha day, on Oct. Ist* Mr G G N Tinaon, on behalf of Messrs. Butterfleld and Swire proaacntad two stowaways found on tha Antilochus, after aha left
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  • 171 7 Over a thousand personal applications were made for a situation as handyman advertised by a Holborn firm, says the Manchester Guardian." Many of ths applicant* w*r* skilled •rtisans. Tha wage to ba paid was 10 per weak. So big was th. crowd round th* office
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  • 73 7 London, October I.—The Times Manila correspondent says: Judging from the recent tour of Mr Forbe*. who was sent to the Philippines to report on the prospects of granting self-government, it seems assured that th* Philippines will eventually be granted some form of independence when they are able to
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  • 142 7 One of the enlisted men in the U S Navy recently had a singular accident befall him in Shanghai. He wa« lying asleep on a long box. Hi* mouth waa open and on* of his friends, being a practical joker, dropped a cash iat* it. He is now ia the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 541 7 TRY AND USE OUR Adam s Cook Brand Indian Condiment Preparations for the moit apetiting and healtht taate, < >• T WJĔ lr\ needs at home i 4 0n °P Oooky or COOK BRA!,D |V Curry Powder, *J Syrap, 1 eto,, J» mavin of the beat f selected and V
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    • 206 7 1 mmn ~> nms I j! u 'Wincarnis' would do you good." Wincarnis affords satisfaction both/ to those who recommend it and to those who take it. Those who 1 recommend it, see the effect—those I who take it, feel the benefit. Why Wincarnis gives renewed health to those who
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    • 165 7 DON'T ENDURE SKIN JjISEASE. Zam-Bnk, nncqn ailed in Eczema, Ulcers. Bin?: worm Does your skin get rough, rashy and irritable? Art you troubled with outbreaks of inflamed pimples and blctches. If ro, let Zam-Buk soothe, putify and heal your skin. Use it also in eczema, boils, ulceration, abscesses, ringworm or
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    • 261 7 William Laxton first introduced the printing I press into I ngland intheyear 1471. After j acquiring the newiy invited art of j printing at t ruges, he returned to j England, the land of his birth, j and set up a printing press j near Westminister j Abbey, "The Game
      261 words

  • 634 8 LOSS FOft YEAR OF NEARLY $20,000. The directors' report to shareholders to be presented at the annual general meeting at French Bank Buildings on Oct 24, at noon, states: Your directors submit herewith a duly audited statement of the accounts of the Company for the year ended June
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  • 120 8 Captain Pithic, of the Eastern Shipping .Company, Ltd, haa returned from leave at Home and resumed command of his old ship the s.s. Trang. The death is announced of Mr Balfour Browne, X C, who took part in ths Tanjong Pagar arbitration as leading counsel for the Government. He was
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  • 482 8 WAR AND POPULATION. The formation of the C B C, or the Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress, under the aegis of several noted sociologists, coincides with the formation of a similar society in Japan, the title of which may be translated as "Society
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  • 398 8 A Siamese notice to mariners states that a rock of about 20 metres, diameter, with 4.5 metres least water over it, has been discovered in about Lat 12. 37. 4. N., Long, 100. 52. 3 E. Mr W Somerset-Maugham, the welUknown playwright, who has been on a visit to Australia,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 586 8 A Single Trial Proves ihe Superiority OF FRIIROZ GO'S Aerated Waters. ml J axujAt in a&tct After suffering agonies for 5 years this lady, Mrs. Dunning, has been positively cured by De Witt's Tills. If you get De Witt s Pills for your backache, rheumatism or any other kidney or
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    • 512 8 What Do You Want A Tractor For? 3 The firtt thing you will think of plowing- But don't stop there. If ia to be a profit maker for you, it muat do muoh mora than plow. It must be abla to do practicaliy all the work around your estate tha.
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    • 276 8 STEAMER SAILINGS. UJTI TBIESTIM m. if o*v. (Incorporated in Italy.) HOMEWARD SMLLNGS. For Colombo, Aden, Maaeaaa, Port Sa»d, JSrindiii, Teaeee i Triofte, ivkinf eJ!tgo on throng JEili y La«iißf»toi Fiornf tfct LfcY»ine> Pons -*nd Black Sta Pi> b.# Periia a i#on OUTWARD SAILINGS IROM TRIESTE VIA PORTS. M'-'r* m« r*«-
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 549 9 P/*o7Biwtishlndia AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) HAIL Atfb PASSENGER SERVICES. and Oriental N. Co. Under Contract with Hia Majesty's Government. IHE COMPANY'S MAIL EAST OF BOMBAY art st present suspended. x LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due BINGAPORE. Samali about Nov 1 DonjM* abont Dmj 6 Nellore about
      549 words
    • 514 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. (Incorporated ia U.S.AJ P< vlil« C< 2? TTN,f F T£IB D 8 SHIPPING BOARD »AN FRANCISCO—MANILA—EA3T INDIA BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE w p or OALGUrrA Direct. ***** MAN'LA HONOLULUWolvtrine state J«-««era and Freiaht Not )a Grrnite«tate Pwaengera and Freight Dec II t* ,7%m Paaeengers and Freight Jan
      514 words
    • 522 9 CHINA MAIL LTD- (Incorporated in U. S. A.) I Direct San Francisco Service Those dfii ong of (W nir th Oripnl shonld travel by the seenio route SINGAPORE, HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA. HONOLULU SAN FRANCISCO. Jrom SINJAPOttE, CHINA 10,000 ton*, OM 25 From SINOAPOdE. ML NANKING 15.C00 tons, Deo 1
      522 words
    • 305 9 O. S. K. Th luki siuii labia, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan.) NO. 2 DE SOUZA STREET. FROPOSBD SAILING! FBOM SINGAPOBB, (Stfcjeei ta canage wlthent MiiiuJ EUROPEAN UNbT" to PORT SAID, M»«intw LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Altai Maxu arr Oot i 7 dap 18 Amazon Maru arr. Nov 15 dep.
      305 words
    • 610 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated in Japan) London Unm Fortntghtly Service for MAB&BILLEB. LONDON ft ANTWERP via PORTS. KamoMaru 0 t ao IyoMaru w Nov 2 Atauta Maru w Nor It Liverpool Unm Monthly Service For MARSEILLES A LIVERPOOL via PORTS Hamburg I #no Monthly Service For LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM A
      610 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 492 10 T O LET. TO LET.—Newly built Compound residence at St. Miohael's Road. I Apply to J. B. Westerhout, 15-A, Change Alley. uo_ TO LET No. 76, 78, and 82, Waterloo Street. Apply to F. O. Aeria c/o Straita Steamship Co., Ltd. II 10 24 10 TO LET—2 1 RafflesQaay, with
      492 words
    • 642 10 Nona* mm —w NOTICE, The Exchange Banks will b» closed at Noon on Tu«sday, 25ihinstl Thursday, 57th J 1 19 10 27 10 NOTICE. ESTATE A TRUST AGENCIES, LTD, (Incorporated hi the S.S.) NOTICE 1« hereby given that the Register of Transfers of the above Company will be olosed from
      642 words
    • 469 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the 8.5.) HEAD OFFICE-: 68, KLTNw STREET, SINGAPORE. Eatobliahed 1907. Paid-up Capital M $2,000,000 Surplus mm 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Eaq.—Chairman. Lea Wee Nam, Eaq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teek He*, Eaq. Ong Chow Keng, Eaq. Teo Teow Peng,
      469 words
    • 487 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE 94, Market Street. BRANCHES: Penang 86 Beach Street. Malacca 181 Jonker Street Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat Palembang 16, Uir. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL, Authorised
      487 words
    • 450 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA, (Incorporatd in England) BY BOYAL CHABTBB. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of £5 each <u> £8,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank,
      450 words
    • 272 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREET, TeL No. 1653. BRANCH: PBNANG 28 BBACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised M 820,000,000 Issued $10,600,000 Paid-up 3 5,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 3 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean
      272 words
    • 386 10 INSURANCE. the o OVERSEAS ASSURANCE 1 CORPORATION, LTD, (Incorporated in tho S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Boa Rang. 03JL, Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Eaq. Dy. Chairman. En Toag Sen, Eaq. C JB X. Ong Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee Chian, Lag. Chna Poh Siang, Eaq. Lao Pang Seng*
      386 words
    • 559 10 MALAYA TRIBUTE aJD SHIPPI*C C*2LT f., (EVENING DAILY.) Phone No. igj i SUBSCRIPTION RATB9. PAYABLE IN ADVANCER Per aaftum Half-yearly m 7<|fl Per quarter J 8.7| Single Copy 5 eta. Postage Extra 60 eta. per montk. To Foreign couatries SI d 0 [A Subscriptioß Form will hi found oa nage
      559 words