Malaya Tribune, 18 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 217 1 COMPANY i 7 supplies ,i p olographic Materials AND The dgbt Place for Amateurs -oping, Printing and Enlargement S 4, NORTH BRIQGE BO AD, T RINGA'OW I S6 I tK- V a I •a An Instrument for better work—and at a lower average cost. v^^^y If you believe in judging
      217 words
    • 38 1 I THE MAI AYA TRIBUIE I AND I SHIPPING GAZETTE, 1 'Pisone 1*««. in. I STTBSC*UPT T OH liA^yci Per an.: uib $*3 00 I Haif-jwly ...6 f^O P»r quart*? j 5 /5 f Po*w»g« SO fcfa. i
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  • 1831 2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF CHAMBER. The Chairman's Review. The eleventh annual general meeting of tha members of the North Borneo Chamber of Commerce was held in Sandakan on Aug 27, last. The secretary sends us the following report: Mr J N Wardrop occupied the chair, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 244 2 FIHST CLASS ft NEW-FASHIONED SARONGS m can always be obtained from toe address below, with a guarantee tbat If unsaleable tbey can be returned within 120 days, without deduction and exchange for new sarongs, g2. C or money refunded. Prices range from floto f 3S each. j g-g Orders are
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    • 545 2 MOTHERS REST EASY AT NIGHT. Who Keep Baby's Own Tablets In the House. Every mother knows those riighti of alarm and nnrest when the baby or one or other of the older children, wakes np feverish and unwell. The problem then ia what oan beet be done until the doctor
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    • 510 2 CURES TALK. Great Fame of a Great Medicine Won by Actual Merit. The fame of Little's Oriental Balm has been won by the good it has done to those who hare been crippled with pain. Mr. N. Elder of 14, Kin* George Street, Greenwich, London, says I was troubled awfully
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    • 530 2 AUCTION SALE. CHEQNC KOON SENOTF AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS. No. 30, Kling Street, Singapore Important Mortgagee's Sale oi Valuable Freehold Properties at KarrpfU Bahru Road, Changi*Road and East Coast Road and Padang Jerif»gau. U Messrs. Cbeong«Koon Seng ft Co.'s Bale-Rrs>m, No. 30, Xl% tj On V\ednesdsy October 19, at 2.30 p.m. L
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  • 749 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore. October 18. Meisn. Lyell and Eveitt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue tha following lut of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. km v BuyA Sailers 1 Allsnby 0.1(8* 030 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 J.OO 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 1.76 5 Ayer Hitam
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 159 3 <v* Y_c POPUIAR PHOTO.PLAY HOUSE I EMPIRE Tan; -ong J agar Road. Tramg Pass the Door. IN THE SECOND BHOW AT 9.3$ p._. A rline Pretly with Henry G. Sell in the inper aerial jjqaation of the year. t A WOMAN IN GREY 15 Episodes or 31 reels. Episode 7
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    • 409 3 I Abanura n From TUE8DAY 0fitobw to Sunday, October 23. The I I I Alhembrs 1 labile AT THE Is the only I 3: ALHAMBRAH Itad the BEST Tll HiH u Cakes, Coffee, I I aeeaaimo. MmIc lnd F «*turei tea, etc I |l defies asaimoaa aoaa, served I [I
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    • 194 3 MARLBOROUGH The Ht.ll for Oomfort, Good Mueic and Good Pictures Beach Road. From THURSDAY, October 13 to WEDNESDAY, October 1». Excluding Sunday, Ootcber 16, 1921. A PEERLESS WORLD PHOTOPL\Y, WITH MANY DRAMATIC SITUATIONS Featuring JUNE BLVIDGB •n association with ARTHUR ASHLEY, JOHN BOWER 8 AND GEORGE MO QUARRIE and presenting
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    • 339 3 IN THE SECOND SHOW Star Feature VIOLA DANA In FALBB EVIDENCE "—Enough Said I Last S Nights—Tuesday, Wednesday 18, 19 20 Nightly at 10 p.m. a AT 9.15 P.M. Thunderbolt Jack Serial Episodes 7 A 8. IN THE FIRST SHOW AT 7.30 SHARP The HOUOINI" Serial Episodes i One, Two
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  • 208 4 Armistice Day ia again to be the occasion of solemn celebrations Uiroaghout the Empire, including the two-minntes silence. France and Great Britain are embracing each other once again. The "Times" has produced a leader fitting the occasion. Germany joins with Britain, France and the United States in an
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  • 818 4 The public press acts in the public intereat at its peril." Those were the opening words of the editorial in which the Straits Times commented on the judgment which required it to pay $5000 damages and heavy costs for having libelled the Cold Storage Co., Ltd.,
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  • 400 4 No questions were asked at the meeting ot United Eii&'.i,ec»«. Ltd., to-day. The P and O s.s. Nyanza is expected to arrive from Penang at 3 p.m. to-day. and will proceed to the P O Wharf on her arrival. The P and O s.s. Khiva has left Hongkong, and is
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  • 209 4 Police Constable'e Plea. Ram Sali R»*, (P 0 330),<*pp«a e*ag»inBt*l sentenca-pf two month imprisonment by magistrate, before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter S Shaw, in the Supreme Court yesterday. Mr Langley, DPP, appeared for the Grown. 0 The appellant appeared in person and stated that be had no
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  • 78 4 Rumoured Arrests of Agitators. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct 17.—1t is stated that sveral well-known Chinese in F nang bave been arrested en b nisbment warrants in connection with tbe agitation against the Registration of Schools Ordinance and issae of propaganda in this connection. Inquiries made
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  • 54 4 Play Havoc With Cattle. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipob, Oct 18.—Depredations by timers are reported from several tillages around Taiping. At Simpeng a tiger family has pUyed havoc with a herd of cattle in a native estate. Several bullccks have been attacked nightly. One owner has accounted
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  • 434 4 The following were the guests of H E the Governor and Lady Guilleni4iO at dinner last Friday »t Government House: The Hon Mr F S James and Mrs James, Major F P Langley, M C and Mrs Langley, Mr M J Upcott, Mrs Noyes Lewis, Miss Shaw, and Mr A
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  • 550 4 A QUICK RESPONSE. We are glad to be able to report am immediate response td*thi su^ s tion made by R J, as set forth i n OUr columns yesterday and further re. ferred to in to-day's leader. The Fund is intended as an exalt* sion of
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  • 75 4 Judge Kept Waiting. (From Our Own Correspor. Ipoh Oct 17 —The persk ,*s-ir j? fixed*for to-day, began nearly two hears lale before Mr Justice Watecn cwing to the from cqjrt. His lordship intimated tbat be would communicate with the Reef dent, sayirg M I won'i pat ap with
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  • 117 4 The death occurred fSSterdaj a* Gaylang-road, of Captain C Kn;-t* The burial took place to-day st Bio»dari cemetery, at 0 a.m. Application was made to th Justice, Sir Walter S Shaw, hi Supreme Court yesterday, kjf Cobbett, for an crder to presui death of Chaf Thye Pheow, who a passenger
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 350 4 GILBERT SULLIVAN'S FAMOUS OPERA l ''S'M *pHE music of "The Yeomen ol the Guard," one of the I f H Ifl moet charming of Gilbert and SulliTan'e operas, taw jit \M X keen recorded for iijj I "His 1 tj Master's 1 (ll Voice" 1 •,'ffil under the personal direction
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    • 323 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated In the Straita Sattlement». 36, PHILLIP STBEET, SINGAPORE New Bhipmsnt Just Arrived of Carpenter*! Smoothing and Jaok Planet, Bran Hexagon Tapped Natl from 3/8" to 3/4" Gotland's Bran Batt Hinges from If to 6 Clyborn Berew Spanners from 6" to 84". Asbestos Cord or Tarn
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  • 279 5 B« Strike Threatened in ■> America. Veil Resent Wage Cutting. Reuter. Chicago, Oct 15.—A railroad strike it foreshadowed as the of a itttement by the Railroed Executive's Association that as the railroads could tot reduce freights without going bankrupt they were therefore seeking a further reduction in the
    Reuter.  -  279 words
  • 172 5 Turks Trove Stubborn. Reuter. Athens, Oct lo.—The Greek Chamsj 227 out of 240 votes passed a vote of confidence in the Premier, M Gour.aris. who with the Foreign Minister, M Baitazzis, accordingly embarks by a destroyer to-day for Brindisi, en route to Paris and London, to explain the
    Reuter.  -  172 words
  • 94 5 A Critical Week. Reuter tondon, Oct 16.—Rarely, in modern Political history, has the Government been faced wth such a momentous task as. during the forthcoming week. Parliament re-assembles on Oct 18 *m Mr Lloyd George will immediately submit the Cabinet's considered plans for alleviating un•nployment, which are understood
    Reuter  -  94 words
  • 65 5 Reuter. Pans, Oct 16._ a very imports.* in- agreement, providing for sj the fu3 development of 0 scientific and technical improve- f wir L eleM unices all over the has been reached by four of h r Ush Em P ire Fran <*> htVf' 1 theUn >ted States.
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 31 5 Reuter. Pershing, I i° na by a distinguished <^ C^ L -dLee,SirLW sjfehl. 1, Gueßk and "Presen- l er :,linistries and D*C Bp l i !Sarrival *">m Paris. American crowd
    Reuter.  -  31 words
  • 15 5 Reuter Pans, o ct is greaMvT P€raistent *1 tillage x abunwuantj .—Reuter.
    Reuter  -  15 words
  • 18 5 Reuter. Parted ayJ lt 15 unofficially re--*****311 ffifty r h as had! m ""d-Novem-years renewal °n
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  • 120 5 Empire-Wide Observance. Reuter. London, Oct 16.—Details of the arrangements being made in the United Kingdom to observe Armistice Day will be fofcv-arded to all parts of (he Empire. It is hoped there will be general co-operation in the observance in such a manner as will best correspond with
    Reuter.  -  120 words
  • 85 5 Reuter. Paris, Oct 16.—The Ambassadors' Conference has accepted the recommendations of the League of Nationa relative to Upper Silesia. The details of their execution will be discuss*! to-morrow. The award was notified to the Allied High Commission at Oppeln.—Reuter. Paris, Oct 15,—The papera are ■giving prominence to a
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 89 5 Reutur. Simla, Oct 16.—A Martial LAW Ordinance has been promulgated providing for the constitution of mMtary courts to try certain offences in any martial-law area, including the commission of acts calculated to interfere with the success of military or police operations, communication with rebels, and information in
    Reutur.  -  89 words
  • 59 5 Reuter. Reval, Oct 16.—Thousands of starving Tartars from the VV'iga region have arrived at the tovrj of Gdow, on the north-eastern shore ol Lake Peipus. t» Half the party died of starvation u'iring their two months' wanderings. The refugees were directed to the Esthonian frontier c tba, ground
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 55 5 Reuter. Chicago, Oct 16, -The court has sustained a demurrer made by th,e Chicago Tribune," declaring that there was no cause for action in the $10,000,000 libel suit filed by the Corporation of Chicago on the ground that the newspaper's critr/fems of the Mayor's financial policy gravely
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 33 5 Reuter. Washington, Oct 16.-The Labour Federation has appealed to labour organisations in Central and South America to join in a movement for the reduction of armaments by holding demonstrations on armistice day.— Reuter.
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  • 34 5 Reuter. New York, Oct 16.—Mr Rockfeller, Jr, has given funds for a residential centre for five hundred out fourteen hundred foreign students in New York. The building is to be called the International House.—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 1389 5 BOXING. CttAxMPIONSHIP TOURNAMBNT. Preliminary Conteate Began. S S and P M S. Boxing Championship Tournament, organised by Mr F C Johnson, commenced last night in the Victoria Theatre with eight preliminary bouts. The attendance was not great for the first night but that was to be expected. The semi-finals
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  • 313 5 RACE WEEK TOURNAMENT. Arrangements have been made for a polo tournament during race week. On Monday the MacDougall Cup will be played for, the competitors being two Singapore teams and the Burma Riflea and Perak. There will be three six minute chukkas and the maximum number of ponies allowed
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  • 673 5 GEORGE GRAY AT THE SINGAPORE CLUB. An Interesting Exhibition. The famous billiards player, George Gray, gave an exhibitionSo a large company of Singapore Club members yesterday evening. He played a game of 700 up, conceding 300 points, with Mr G R X Mugliston, the Club's best exponent of the
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  • 203 5 The Warwick Comedy Company will commence their season at the Victoria Theatre next Monday with a very clever and amusing piece Brown Sugar" by Lady (Arthur) Lever. The London public have long been enjoying the cleverness of the dialogue of this comedy and we understand that the
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  • 73 5 Singapore October 18. On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 7-32 d Demand 2s 3 31-32 d Private 3 months, sight 2s 4 l-2d Or? IndiaBank Tel. Transfer *£g On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 26*4 p.c. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 65 On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer
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  • 41 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore October 18. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Pricea. Buyers Sellers Spot 33% 34 October 34 34^ Nov. to Dec. 35% 86% Jan. to March 37 37% April to June 37% 38% Tone of Market.—Easier.
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  • 31 5 Singapore October 18. To-day's closing rubber quotations •re as under:— New York.—l 7 cts. London.—lOd. Singapore.—34 cts. Tone of Market.—Easier. Tin to-day $80; 150 tons sold.
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  • 98 5 MACPHAIL CO.'s REPORT. Singapore, Oct 18. Silver 42%. Hongkong 26*4 per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $47%. Share Market.—Dull. Rubbers.—Small enquiry. Tins.—Taipings $1.02% to $1.07%, Norths $1.17% to $1.22%, Souths 62% to 67% cents, Nawng Pets $1.47% to $1.52%, Papans 42% to 47% cents, Padang Plandoks 60 to
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  • 91 5 On Nov 20 next tbe Chinese Co, S V I, will have been in existence for twenty years. It is suggested thai a reunion of past and present members might take plsce oo Nov 19 (Saturday) snd those wbo have served or are nerving in
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  • 166 5 A further postponment was made in the second police court yesterday in the case of Captain J Herring, who is charged with cheating by tendering in payment of a bill to Mr A E Odell of the Europe Hotel, a cheque for $71.79, and thereby inducing Mr Odell to pay
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 261 5 FBASEB CHALMERC Engineering Works. Magnet mew, a and 6\ lnaoo Bead, Singapore SOLE AGENTS FOR JAMES CARTER (STALV BRIDGE), Ltd. Rubber Machinery. A RANSOM E Co., Ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS. NEWBOULO Ltd. Steel, Tools, Saws, &c. HOLMAN BROS, Ltd., Mining, Machinery, Drills &c PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co.,
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  • 692 6  -  FOOTBALL. Y M C A DRAW WITH S C C II. B 7 "Wegdrer." A draw of one goal all resulted from the match between the Y M C A and the S C C II on th« latter, ground yesterday evening. Mr Winter referred. The SCC had the
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  • 72 6 S C C v. S R C. In to-morrow's hockey match on the padang between the SCC and the SRC tha following will represent the latter team: G G Gray; C Richards and E E de Souza; J S de Souza, J V Moss and N E Ess; C
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  • 40 6 KATONG PRIVATE COURSI. The competition for the Ootober medal of the Katong Private Golf Course will take plaoe on Saturday and Sunday next 22nd and 23 inst The usual ball sweep on the beat round will he bold 4
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  • 524 6  -  By "Uno." There was some quite interesting work done this morning, before a large number of members» who had turned out to watch the final week of gallops. The going was exceptionally good and although the hurdles were up some quite good times were recorded. As
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  • 196 6 The following are the handicaps for the first day's racing next week Race No. 1 '.—(Five furlongs). Jill 10.12, Gay Lad 10.0, Orthez 9.13, Wester Watten 9.9, Wendy 7.10, Nankin 7.10, Avro 7.4, Babz 6.7, Layang Layang 6.7. Race No. 2 :—(Scurry Course). Kennerley 10.12, Backfire
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  • 52 6 SELANGOR va. N SEMBILAN. There were hardly more than a dozen people on the Kuala Lumpur padang on Saturday evening to witness the rugger match between Selarsger and Negri Sembilan. The teams appeared to be well matched. Selangor missed several chances, and a hard fought game ended in a
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  • 399 6 SCC TOURNAMENT. There was no play in the S C C tennis tournament yesterday, owing to the wet ground. Yesterday's ties I will be played to-morrow. TO-DAY'S TIES. A Singles. (A court) R E Prentis scr r». P E Groom owe 1. (D) A P Cameron owe 16.1
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  • 202 6 V M C A va. STAFFORDS. The following were the scores in the match played on Saturday afternoon Staffords. Morris b Ignatius 13 Beattie c Weerakody b Hartley 48 W Quarrell c Weerakody b Stack 1 Hind c Vyas b Hartley 7 Sgt Williams b Stack 0 Jones c
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  • 98 6 MEETING AT STAMFORD BRIDGE. London, Oct 1.—The following are the results of the long distance championships at the Amateur Athletic Association's meeting at Stemfoid Bridge. Seven Miles Walk.—Tross (Heme Hill) 1, Hehir (Surrey A C) 2. Goodwin (Surrey W C.) 3. Thirty-eight entered. Won in 51 tnins 48 8|5
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  • 33 6 Hebe, from Port Swettenham 18-10, Chosen Maru, from Osaka 18-10. Linan, from Amoy 18-10. Indragiri, from Indragiri 18-10. Ban Whatt Hin, from Malacca 18-10. R S Bahru, from longga 18-10.
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  • 255 6 In spite of big counter attractions, the Gaiety drew crowded houses, from Friday, with the big Viola Dana picture "False Evidence." Thursday this week is positively the last night. The great Houdini serial will also be shown in conjunction with episodes 7 and 8 of Thunderbolt Jack." A
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 519 6 Victoria Theatre. EDGAR WARWICK ANNOUNCES IHE4 Warwick eonudy 60. Oct. 24 Brown Sugar 25 The Circle 26 Compromised 27 A Bill of Divorcement 28 Arms and the Man 29 The Double Event Prices $4, 3, 2 and L Plans now open at Moutrie's. 1710 ne AUCTION SALE. New Enamelled Ware.
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    • 236 6 Pressed Steel Tanks. In tb*se days of engineering and Anmnerciil enterprise, when machinery is becoming more and more largely used in all countries of ut world, and the requirements of mankind where water sfmplv, water filtration, are concerned receive evesj increasing atteriion tbe need often ariseCTor tanks of light, strong,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 517 6 MAILS CLOSE. To-day, Oct 18. Malacca Muar *Kaka 3 p.m. Batu Pahat Mena 3 p.m. Saigon Haiphong 4 p.m. Penang* Calcutta Lai sang 4 p.m. Sungei Liat, Palembang Batavia Scott Harley 4 p.m. Colombo Bombay* Kasado Maru 4 p.m. To-morrow, Oct 19. P Sambu, Moeara-Saba Djambi Singkep 9 a.m. Batavia,
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  • 65 7 GENERAL NEWS. Reuter. Mexico City, Oct 15.-The Government hasi raised the embargo on the Mexican Eagle Oil Company.-Reuter. Londcs, Oct 14—The Manchester Guardian" has opened s Russian Famine Relief Fund.—Renter. Paris, Oct 15.-The Bordeaux University announces the opening of a course of higher studies ln wireless telegraphy bj
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 52 7 Reuter. Ottawa, Oct 14.-Canadian trade in September showed a total value of dollars, being a decline of 92 million compared with September of last year. The total for the six months ending September was 721 million a decline of 552 million compared with corresponding six months of last
    Reuter.  -  52 words
  • 60 7 Reuter. Bogota, Oct 14.-The Colombian senate has ratified the treaty with the United States whereby Colombia receives twenty-five million dollars in respect to the partitioning of Panama m 1903.—Reuter. London, Oct 15.—Reuter learns that the elections for the Congress of the new Central American Federation have been
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 43 7 Reuter. Washington, Oct 15.—With President Harding's approval, Mr Mellon has accepted the House of Representatives' ways and means committee's modification of the foreign loans funding Bill, which insisted on a committee being appointed to advise Mr Mellon in this undertaking.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  43 words
  • 36 7 Reuter. I London, Oct 14.—The financiers of the Amsterdam and Rotterdam Lloyd have entered into a community of interests with the German-Australian lines to run a joint ten-day service to the East Indies.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 28 7 Reuter. Simla, Oct 14.—The health of several members of the British Mission to Kabul ia unsatisfactory, and four have returned to India to recuperate.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 32 7 Reuter. London, Oct 14.—1n th-)?.ope of reestablishing a market it is announced that important reductions in steel will take effect on Oct 17, ranging from £2 to £4 per ton.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  32 words
  • 50 7 Reuter. Brussels, Oct 14.—The executive committee of the International Parliamentary Trade Conference has been opened by M Franck, Minister for the Colonies. Twenty countries are represented including Britain, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Japan, China and Persia. A sub-committee was appointed te draft a resolution on the exchange question.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 47 7 Reuter. Paris, Oct 13. —Answering the invitation of several universities in India, the noted French scholar Sylvain Levi, director of the Oriental Section of Strasbourg University, is to sail in Mid-October for India to organize in Bengal a centre of research into Asia's antique civilisations.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 58 7 Reuter. Pans, Oct 14.—According to ss official announcement, the excise on gasolene is to be reduced substantially. which fact is expected to give a considerable momentum to the automobile trade, already on the upward trend. The automobile show at Noyon proved an unqualified success, which ia conexined
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 30 7 Reuter. Washington, Oct 14.—The Department of Labour haa promulgated an order exempting foreign atudents from the provisions of tha Immigration Law as regards the quotas of immigrants .—Renter.
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 73 7 Reuter. London, Oct 14.—The v Times Cltj £<Kj»r urges that future loan proeectuses of the Dominions and Colonies shall give an undertaking that the money will be spent to the sdvantage of Britain whenever possible. He commends the action of India in giving t ity an undertaking in
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 34 7 Reuter. New York, Oet 15.—The Standard Franco-American» Company of Paxis, which is a subsidiary of the Standard OiJ of New Jersey, ha* been grafted exclusive rights of developing the oillands of Caecho-Slovakia.—-Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • 64 7 Reuter. Melbourne, Oct I4r-The HeraM reports tbat following the discovery oi d*tmet traces of mineral «>il in *hs Kimberlsy district of West Australia, there has been a rush of applicant, for oil proBj*actingt Hcenceaw Leas»s covering a hundred "thousantl square miles of tha western portio»< of
    Reuter.  -  64 words
  • 751 7 SOME FURTHER PRESS COMMENT. "Pinang Gasette." The public of Penang evinced a lively intereat in the reports of the hearing of the action for libel brought against the "Straits Times" Preaa, Ltd., and Mr A W Still by the Singapore Cold Storage Company, Ltd. The Chief Justice,
    "Pinang Gasette."  -  751 words
  • 44 7 Reuter. Melbourne, Oct 14.—The Commonwealth naval estimates show no further building is contemplated. Tha Federal Minister, replying to question* in Parliament, denied a report in the "Melbourne Age" regarding the supersession of Sydney as a naval base in favour of Singapore.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 111 7 S E. Si Non a Varo. untitled An exalted official in Singapore is said to have remarked that life would be pleasant enough were it not for the cares of this world and the deceitfulneas of Richards." Which sounds like base ingratitude.—S E. A Loeknow report saye that at a
    S E.  -  111 words
  • 483 7 Some Pening Cotnmrat*. Congratulations to the Singapore' General Committee for the reception p* H R H the Prince of Wales on banng secured the services of Mr W H MacgTegor as Honorary General Secretary. No better choice could have been made, for Mr Macgregor's name is a
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 627 7 TRY aND TJSR OUR Viras Cook Brand Indira Condiment Preparations, for the most apetistag and healthy taste. o fTne no-to date n eds at bune MADE B" NAINA MOHAMED <Sc gQNS, GENERAL MERCHANTS, ETC. 19, Raffles Place. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN, 1921. ea issue of $20,000,000 Loan Bearing urtereet from
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    • 297 7 Eczema Germ Discovered— I Is Helping Hundreds! A new edentiflc ciscorcry an external «raih, for tkio aises-ea k attracting MM ■ttcotioD of doctors. This ■sftoSj 4 1^ is "called DHX ApparrnMv ac ttp cf Eczema can! rfffc Si «tap:e remedy. mmS the W Ul drops of this ciftr>s:t;.? rx>tbuaa
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    • 243 7 William Caxton first introduced the printing press into i nglanc in the year 1471. After acquiring the newly invented art of printing at fcruges, he returyed to England, the land of his birth, and set up a printing press near Westminister Abbey, "The Game and Playe of Chcsse" and Ihe
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  • 942 8 ALLEGED OFFENCE AGAINST CHINESE GIRL. Magistrate's Conviction Quashed. The Chief Judicial Commissioner, th* Hon Mr L M Woodward, in tha Supreme Court on Oct 11, gave his considered Judgment ln a criminal appeal which was heard on Sept SO. The appellant in the case waa a Chinese nonia
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  • 330 8 Letter Condoling with Victim. How the "Spanish priaoner" trick can still be successful is shown by tha experience of a druggist living at Amiens. This native tradesman, having received the customary invitation to share a Spanish prisoner's fortune, went to Madrid. "At the atation," he recounts, "I
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  • 96 8 Bombay, Sept 27.—Judgment waa delivered this evening by th* Chief Presidency Magistrate ia te9 «as*j ia which Mr Hadap, editor of th* vernacular weekly Lokshahi, and th* printer, Mr S V Lain, wer* charged with sedition. Th* magistrate rejected th* plea of the accused that the
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  • 317 8 Some weeks ago General Wood intimated :itasted that he believed general military training in the Philippine* desirable for purposes of insular defence. Plans are now being worked out, subject to th* approval of Governor General Wood, for th* organization of a Philippine Militia. The Air Ministry is granting a subsidy
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 247 8 —I single Trial Proves the Superiority OF FMIIOZ fi Ed's Aerated liters. As an Appet ser -*> m *mm DRINK §m\\\\\\\\\\ m IWI "II MELROSE DROVER OLD TOM CIN r-,y For Pahits, Slings and Cocktails. »OLE AGENTS i Huitsnbacri Lazarusfi Sons, Ltd. (Lpcorporated in the Struts Settiemenrs.) SINGAPORE. i a
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    • 275 8 J Kmtl OAKLAND """"j STURDY STURDY Judge the actual value of he Oakland Sensibly Six by G THP &n y standard you choose—dependable daily service, THE riding oomfort, marked savings in fuel and tyrea, or Cne 1 fIC moderate purchase price. 1 Each and every one ef these emphasizes the
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    • 408 8 STEAMER SAflsj (Incorporated v lviy} homewaw^sailin GB( For Colombo, Aden, Port Said, Brindlsi, ?eJJ2 Triple, taking on ZZ Bin of UdhgfctF 3 ieitt and fii^ B«b J'ortt. Perils abco a OU*WARD SAUINfig 0 1 FROM TRIESTE VU POWI rOR HONGKONG 4 N, PPJ n »bottN Tl| The Heamtrf bflr ff
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 541 9 P.sO.-Britishlndli AND v» APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated w England)"" HfUL ANl\ PApENGEB SERVICES. Peninsular and Opicntal S, N. 00. Fader Contact with Hit Majesty's Government. fHE* COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBA 1 gsj st present suspended. s> LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. 18 Somali about Nov 1
      541 words
    • 538 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP 00. I (laoorporated ia US AJ *Jf AOOOUNI OF THE uT SHIPPING BOARD SAiN FRANCISCO—MANILA—EAST INDIA SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE For CALCUTTA Direct. Qr\rt£sJ£ te P*»«enger. and Freight Nov 1 S wanite Mate Passengers and Freight Dec 15 J««A« IEAHGBWO via MAN L\ HONOLULU, P»«*«fer. and Freight Nov
      538 words
    • 30 9 SEANC LINE OF STEAMERS. BAXGOO* a*4 9MTMA LXJfI mJU Bmmg Mm" |,Ttt MM v. ~u*Mg %0k" urn 7\ Uk |mh Lm w M9l HMtckrt ts ftffdk ft* mum m 1
      30 words
    • 529 9 CHINA MAIL! STEAMSHIP'CO., LTD- (Incorporated in U. S. A.) -fa Direet San Francisco Service Those df si'ous of -eeta* the Orient should travel by »he scenic route s SINGAPORE, HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA, HONOLULU ft SAN FRANCISCO. From SINGAPOBE, «.s. CHINA 10,000 tons, Oct 23 From SINGAPORE, ML NANKING 15,000
      529 words
    • 305 9 osjk; TIi luta Ami labia, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan.) NO. 2 DE SOUZA STREET. PROPOSED BAILLNGfl FROM SINGAPORE. (Sabjest to tanaga witheat liHiiJ EUROPEAN LINE For POET SAID, MARSEILLES. LONDON, ANTWERP, ROT-"" TEROAM AND HAMBURG. Altai Maru arr Oct 17 dep 18 'Amazon Maru arr. Nov 15 dep. Nov 16
      305 words
    • 536 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated in Japan) London Line Fortnightly Servioe lor MABSEILLEB. LONDON ft ANTWERP via POBTSKamo Maru Oat 20 Iyo Maru Nov 2 Atauta Maru Nov 11 Liverpool Unm Monthly bervioe for MARSEILLES A LTVEBPOOL via POBTS Hamburg Unm Monthly Service For LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM A HAMBURG via PORTS*
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 479 10 TO LET. TO LET.—Newly built Compound reiidenoe at Bt. Mlohael'i Road. Apply to J. B. Weeterhout, i5-A, Change Alley. 5 9 1 a no TO LET.—No. 76, 78, and 82, Waterloo Street. Apply to F. 0. Aeria e/o Straita Steamehip 00., Ltd. 11 10 2410 TO LET.—2 1 R 3
      479 words
    • 618 10 NOTICE, NOTICE. ESTATE ft TRUST AGENCIES, LTD, (Incorporated in the S.S.) NOTICE if hereby given iba* he Register of Transfer* of above Company will be closed from October 15th to Ootober 22t>d, 1921, (both days inolnsive) for the preparation of Dividend Wa»ran's. By Order of the Board, J, LEE KENG-TYE,
      618 words
    • 468 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING ft INSURANCE CO, LTD, (Incorporated in the S.S.) HBAD OFFICB: 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplua 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. I Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Teow Peng,
      468 words
    • 485 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE 94, Market Street. BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street Malacca 131 Jonker Street Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. BatuPahat 109 Jalan Rahamat Palembang* 16, Dir. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Franciaeo, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang-, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authoriaed $20,000,000
      485 words
    • 490 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporatd in England BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Sharea of £6 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. I London County Westminster and 1 Parr's
      490 words
    • 269 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: 9 SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREET, Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authoriaed $20,000,000 Issued $10,600,000 Paid-up 6,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam, Esq.,
      269 words
    • 392 10 INSURANCE. THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated ia the S.S.) BO*aRD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Ef oa Keng, 0.8. E., Chairmen. Lim Nee Soon, Eaq. Dy. Chairman. Eu Toag Sen, Eaq. C.B.E. Ong- Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee Chiaa, Rr»q. Chua Poh Siang, Eaq. Lee Pang Seng A Esq.
      392 words
    • 599 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE SHIPPING CAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) Phone Mo. m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN Per aasjum i $vi Per quarter •••s!■ Single Copy 5 eta. Postage Extra 60 eta. ner To Foreign couatrie. $1 J** [A Subscription Form win k, found oa nags B.] MANY -TRIBUNE" READERS depend upon street sellers
      599 words