Malaya Tribune, 15 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 97 1 I bUN COMPANY I f q supplies I ah Photographic materials AND The Bight Plsee for Amateurs t w Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94. NOBTHfBRIDOE BO AD, 8ING*POBK Phonn 650.^ r i Wh tcawaj, Laidlaw 8» Co', Lid. Singapore. I I «V _l OUR FAMOUS (jjj^i TEMPUSj§|S| WATCHES J
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    • 133 1 Sime, Darby Go., Ltd. (incorporated in Straits S«ttlemeots ELECTRI2AL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given for complete Elect lc Lighting Power installations, Fnll range of ■leetrfeal ■uppUai in atook VLB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "OiCtOßrapH" Telephones. I V I -I MADSTRONG Plants, rheidea! Lighting Set for Bungalows
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    • 346 1 THE MM TRIBUNE AJD9 SHIPPING GAZETTE 'Phon* No. I*7l. SUBSCRIPTION rfATES Payable In Advance. Per annum f 1 *.00 Half-yaarly 7>o P«r quarter 275 Just Arrived, Manilla Rope j I The Rope you can trust MADE FROM I Manilla Hemp I In the World's Great Hemp Centre I with the
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  • 274 2 And The Price They Pay. Americans are proul of being a strennoua peiH le, but as a result of over-woik, hurried neals and insufficient rest m-ny of tbem suffsr from maladies due to vitiated blood and disordered nerves, As a remeJy in such cases Dr. Williams' pink puis,
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  • 842 2 SOME INTERESTING AUTO ITEMS. Most Motorized Nation. Bermuda remain" tho only civilized place io the world from which Utomobilcs tre barred. The number of Heaths from aaro* mob'Je accidents has dmpp-d 2.5 for pvery 1,000 cars in 19 5 to 1 3 in 1920. a a A new
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  • 413 2 The Jovial Minstrels' Troupe. I In the courae of an article by a correspondent to the iiangkoK iunes" i it ia stated: The members of the Jovial Minatreia celebrated tbeir seventh anniveraary by giving a dinner at tbeir club house in Pan-road on Saturday (Oct 1). There
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  • 56 2 List of Subacribera. Previously acknowledged $95,532.62 Johore Planters' Association 500 K. Kendall Esq.. (4th Contribution) "5 "5 Lad ies of the Teluk Anson C W A i 46 Taiping C W A 1.000 L McLean Esq.. 300 Total $98.0i'3.87 Singapore Branch:— Previously acknowledged ?20.5:fc).47 From Lodge Eastern
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  • 311 2 Many people in Malaya will be very sorry to hear that Mr Stanford, for many years the well-known and popular musical director of the Bandman Opera Co, died recently in South Africa while on tour. Mr George Grant, Sub-Agent of the Alor Star Branch of the Chartered Bank, will be
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  • 116 2 New Swedish Cabinet. 5 Trento, Oct 12.—The King ud Queen ox Italy were received with ft- markable scenes of anUpsiasm on visiting the new Italian province.— heater. London, Oct 12.—A Stockholm message says that a new Cabinet has been formed, witn M B ranting as Premier and Foreign
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  • 108 2 "EASTERN TRUTH SUED. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct 13.—In the District Court the Pinang Gazette Press" sued K Greening, T Long and J G Allan, lately partners in tbe "Eastern Truth" Syndicate for $269 for goods sold and supplied to the Syndicate and for work done. Plaintiffs' counsel said
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  • 146 2 Beautiful Japanese Device. When the Prince visits Japan he will receive a i e-utuui device by which the Japanese are accustomed to express tbeir wishes for their iriends. It is the figure of a drum in which birds have built their i.ests. It ia said that once
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  • 155 2 H H the Rajah of Sarawak accompanied by the Ranee, who were in Singapore recently, arrived at Miri on Sept. 27 and were expected in Kuching a few days later. lt is with much regret, says the "Sarawak Gazette," that we learn of the death from drowning of one of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 239 2 FIRST CLASS ft NEW-PASHIOMED SARONGS m can always be obtaued from the address below, with a guarantee ohaJ >f unsaleable they can he returned within < 130 days, without deduction aad exchange for new sarongs, "5 or aiooey refunded. Prices rang* from fioto f 35 each. o Order* ait always
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    • 422 2 Kong Hing tiieong Co., Photographic Dealers. We special se io Printing, Developing and Enlarging, c. us youi fi.ins. We wdl Pnnt and Dcvtlo.e sauie. Satisfaction guira.iteed. Prices m Herat? Importers also of Mould ngs, Piciure frames. Plate UJa s, Silvered Plate Gla*a, Window Glass, Etc, Etc. HEAL OFFICE: 102-104, North
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    • 58 2 ATTENTION Wo beg our oustomers to no!e that the n-wly opened firm ol Singapore Motor tbe same road, is different from ours. Eastern Motor Agency,* Engineers Importers, 108, Middle Eoad, SINGAPORE. 'Phone 23 if "CORONA" High-Grown Ceyian Tea IS SECOND TO NONE. INSIST in lining tOROM." c SOLB A'" ENTo
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    • 495 2 AUCTION SALE. OKOIC KOON SENG il^ AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS. 1 c No. 30, Kiing Street, Siogepore.e c Important Mortgagee's, Sale tf Valuable Freehold Properties $t Kan po ffg bariru Road, Changi Ttoad and East Coast Road and Padang Jeringau. At Me«rf. Obeons hfoon Seng X's Sal*. Rtom, No 3», 8 r
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  • 802 3 Littesi. Prices Quoted in the Market. 1 fcingapore, Octobj.- 14. Mesnrs. Lynil and Evatt, Exchange kzi Share Brokers, issue the followiug hat at quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 0.10 0.20 1 A:or Gajah O.yO 1.00 2 Amalgamates] Maly 1.25 1.75 5 Ayex
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 149 3 POPULAR PaOTO.PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE i T., ng Pa«ar Road. Trama Paas the Door. IN THE SECOND BHOW AT 9.3« p.M. *A big piotnre a big etar MITCHELL LEWIB in NINE-T£NTHS OF THE LAW In 6 Parts 3 l ama with a good amount of interest, witL seeties laid in the
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    • 396 3 Pom WEDNESDAY. 03to»Kr t2, to MONDAY, Ootob r 17. "■iiaWsytJt f Alhambra H le*fti« I AT THE i* the only b: ALHAMBRA s •»w saw j Cakes, Coffee, •oa tbe HIST j Tht hail for MaUc tod Feature. Too etc i KMAC* MOOLD. »^VIKI J during «i intfvalo. AN ABSORBING
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    • 200 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hell for tVmfort, Good Mueio And Qcod Pictures Bead) Koatf, Prom THUR8DAY, Oo»ober 13 to WEDNESDAY, October 19. Excluding Sunday, Oo!tb?r 16, 1921. A PKERLE38 WORLD PHOTOJ HY. WITH MANY DRAMATIC 8I!U\TI0tfS Featuring JUNE ELVIDOE in as*ocia'ion with ARTHUR A8HLEY, JOHN ROWERs AND GEORGE MC QU\RRIK and presenting
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    • 420 3 "GZiETY" CINEMA FRIDAY, Uth OOTOBER >o MONDAY 17th. IN THE SECOND SHOW aT (0 P M VIOLA DAJ^A Tbe moft beloved of the screen In the Super Metro attraction A piotnre you'll never fcrgt t ISETRO FALSE /2J2S ES FALSE EVIDENCE EVIDENCE In Five Parti. \vsv 6,CCO ieet kr? You'll
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  • 189 4 The L of N Council'a award concerning Upper Sileaia ia conaidered to be an excellent one. Everywhere, that is, except in Germany, whence come threateninga of unpleasantaeaa. More Disarmament Conference preliminaries. Auatralia ia setting- a good example. A Fiacal Commiasion in India ia to have Imperial Preference in
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  • 121 4 DEATHS. M>«. Tit. 8-»ow JMI on 2; d Oot. 1921, at her r*"ideric« No. 4, Seah Street, agH(i 49, y*a a th« b»| v< 0 mother of Mtre. Ton Miang Song, Miang Yong, Mia g Chiar 0, Phiow, Miang K-ng and five other yi-ucger broth*.*. The will lear*
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  • 867 4 Should salaries and wages be based primarily on the cost of living? Recently, commenting on the decision of the Municipal Commissioners to defer any further revision of their paylist pending the completion of Major Field's plans to devise a system under which at anytime the cost of
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  • 875 4 Mr C E St John Branch has been appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court ac from May 21. We acknowledge receipt of the bound volume of Strait* Settlements import and export returns for the year 1920. G F Jayasinghe. a clerk employed in the Colombo Municipality for the past
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  • 399 4 NEW DEMARCATION OF SILESIA. GERMAN .PROTESTS. Geneva, Oct 13.—A coherence of Ambassadors is iu£eting at Pans today to take cognisance of the Jr 0 posed Silesian solution and arrange for the execution of the decision reached. The communique of the Council 0 f the League, embodying the recommendations
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  • 78 4 Fall in Copra, (From Our Own Correspondent, i Penang, Oct. 14.—Copra haed to $10.50 to $10.75 per picul, boat $14.50 at the end of September. This is due chiefly to there being no demand from Germany, which in the course of the last few months has taken 24,000
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  • 249 4 Of the 2untitled boys in St untitled School, Kuching, 180 enured for the examinations and 80 per cent passed. An article in the Niewe Soerabaya Courant" describes the new Dutch rates aa exorbitant and murderous aa regards trade. Sir Charles Eliot, H Ms Ambassador to Japan, has had the dir.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 284 4 1 j/iaC GUARD I |Sj GILBERT ft SULLIVAN'S FAMOUS OPERA 1 THE music of The Yeomea of the Guard," one of the Ej J most charmlne of Gilbert and SuUiTaa's operas, haa Sifiil Y'l t cot d*d for iff "His i: P Masters 1 VoiceIllin under the pertonal direction of
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    • 312 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Straita Settlements. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE New Shipment Juat Arrived Carpenter's Smoothing and Jaok Planet. Brass Hexagon Tapped Natl from 3/S" to 9/4". Gotlando Braaa Ratt Hinges from If to 6". Olyburn Sorew Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos Cord or Yarn ali
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  • 1948 5 Is the Proposition a Total •Failure? SiarsliiliW Strug criticisms. Mr J M Simc presided the ual ffneral meeting of#the Kerling rn Mines. Ltd, at French Bank Buildvetterday. when others present Messrs J A Elias and J B David Tutors), E H Toft, S J Judah and (shareholder.)
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  • 129 5 Trading- Scheme Fails. Reuter. Reval, Oct 13.—Soviet support of private enterprise is indicated by a Moscow despatch announcing the formation of a private industrial jni.-n, with Trotsky as one of the directors, to control various industna. joncerns, including a tannery, iroi. *'orks, nail factories, paper mil's, orick works,
    Reuter.  -  129 words
  • 133 5 Reuter. London, Oct 13.—The new record of 550 marks to the pound sterling is exciting speculation as to whether a financial catastrophe is impending in Germany through the depreciation of currency, accompanied by the continued boom in industrial stocks, the average price of which is now
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 70 5 Reuter. London, Oc\ ,13.—The efforts of the 'United Spates Shipping Board to find employment for its tonnage is furthei evidenced by the news that the Board proposes to offer idle tonnage to American coal exporters at a dollar per steamer per month, on a bare boat basis." This
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 58 5 Reuter. Winnipeg, Oct 13— Five robbers aofloroformed the manager and two women clerks of the Bank Hochelega, at Elie, rifled the safe, and escaped in a mot&* car with fifty thousand dollars in cash and securities. Th* motor car was wrecked and the bandits Bettered over the eountryaide,
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 49 5 Reuter. London, Oct 13.—The Irish conference was re-opened at Downing-street. There was a smaller and quieter crowd. Th* Sinn Feiners arrived an hour late, but explained that this waa not because of any hitch, but because both sides desired to confer preliminary to the actual conference. —Reut*r.
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  • 40 5 Reuter. Lahore, Oct 13.—E»*mplary sentences have passed on the Nankanashi rioters. The Mahaut of the shrine and seven others have been sentenced to death, eight to transportation for life; and seventeen others to seven yeara' rigorous imprisonment.-—RVuter.
    Reuter.  -  40 words
  • 241 5 The Disarmament Chimera. Reuter. Paris, Oct 13.—1t is officially stated that in addition to M Briand, France will be represented at the Washington Conference by M Viviani, M Sarraut, Minister for the Coloniea, and M Jusserand, Ambasaador to the United States.—Reuter. Washington, Oct 13.—1t ia understood the disarmament
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  • 88 5 Reuter. London, Oct 13.—The question of the desirability of adopting the principle of Imperial Preference will be considered by a fiscal commission appointed by the Government of India to examine its tariff policy, with reference to all interests concerned. The commission consists of twelve notables, of whom seven
    Reuter.  -  88 words
  • 122 5 Reuter. London, Oct 13.—Canon John Meaghen, of Borrisokane, Tipperary, has bequeathed £500 each to Maynooth Mission, the China Catholic Mission of the Holy Ghost and the Fathers of China.—Reuter. London, Oct 13.—It is officially announced that Ambassador Davis will deposit the Congressional Medal on the unknown British warrior's
    Reuter.  -  122 words
  • 117 5 Reuter. The following bears out our specia' :able published yesterday: London, Oct 13.—The Rubber Grow ars Association's competition fer tht. best suggestions for new uses for rubber has resulted in the. first prize of £1000 being awarded to the suggestion for the use of sponge rubbei for
    Reuter.  -  117 words
  • 87 5 Reuter. Melbourne, Oct 13.—Mr Laird Smith, Minister for the Navy, introduced to the House of Representatives the Commonwealth naval estimates, totalling £3,180,000, expenditure for 1920-21, £96,000 below the amount of the appropriation, which is due to a reduction in th* personnel of the Navy, as the ranks and
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 76 5 Another Urge audieroe attended at the Victoria Theatre nieh'. when the Singapore A na»t.lw' Dramatio Gommhtee third performance of Rollo's Wilf Oa*." Tbe acting was aa good> a* ever, and was thoroughly enjoyed Among thoae attendirg last night were the Hon Mr F S Jam»c, 0 M
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  • 687 5 THE TURF. TRAINWG NOTES. By "Uno". > A fair number ot member* turned I out mis morning aim some useful work 1 was seen, tnouga mere wag nothing very exciting. The best gallop wan Dy Uuveruey ana oomooran, wno did a good Cup preparation. The following resume may give
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  • 108 5 V M C A vs STAFFORDS. A cricket match will be played today between the V M C A and the Staffords at Tanglin. The V M C A will be represented by the following: C P Burke, T Hester, M Ignatius, L C Parsons, M J Karunaratne, J
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  • 116 5 SRC va STAFFORDS M D" Co. The hockey match played yesterday resulted in a win for the Stafforda D Co. by two goals to one. The SRC were a man short in the first half, but the soldiers were kept in check by the 9 R C back* wh/)
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  • 196 5 ANOTHER JAVA TRIP. Mr Pennefather's XI go to Java (hit week-end to play three matches and it ia to be hoped, that they will aome baok with all tha honours. ENGLISH LEAGUE RESULTS. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur Oct 16.—The Lahore correspondent of tbe m Malay dill" wires
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  • 112 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) P- Oc 4 it in »rlii c u »f ei qsiry has comui-iicd in'o tb> ot the E*8'ern bbippiug Com unity's steamer Perils, which f uuder. d oft Pi-an* on Aag 17 t tbirtj being reported mi-sin?, paam&bly drowned. The e jar
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  • 196 5 His Majesty the King will not be recommended to disallow the Ordinance to amend the Widows' and Orphans' Pension Ordinance. In the reorganization of the Jamairan medical aervice, tha Legislative "ouncil has made provision for the nedical examination of children at;onding elementary schools. Under the auspices of the Hindu Young
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 245 5 pfiASER CHALMLRC Engln««rlng Works. Magnet Boose, a aad S\ Insoa Road, Singapore. ELECTRIC LIFTS For passengers or Goods QUOTATIONS GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETOR*" the General Electric Co., ltd (Inoorporated in England.) i j if NEVER B\Y DYE. S V TIN.EX AT MAYN \RD'S Mi WINDOW m tSsJw We art-
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  • 191 6 FOOTBALL. THE OLD ENGLISH GAME. Since the men of Chester in ths year 082 captured an iftVading Dane, beheaded him, and kicked hia skull through ths atreets, ths popularity of football kaa never ebbed, But it haa mellowed. We no longer try te murder each other on tha field.
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  • 413 6 S C C TOURNAMENT. Owing to the wet state of the ground no play was possible in the 8CC tennis tournament yesterday. The ties arranged for yesterday will bf played on Tuesday. MONDAY'S TIES. A Doubles. (A court) S J Edwards and P E Giocm, scr. vs. H
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  • 22 6 There was no play ir. the S R C tennis tournament yesterday, owhag to the w t ground.
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  • 12 6 TO-DAY'S H3S. G Towers vs. I Abel
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  • 306 6 There --vas recently a small discussion as to the best cam" for the general public, writes Mr A E Crawley in the Observ er." The Public Pari» Association throughout ths couatry say with a big democratic voice—town tennisBefore the war Manoheater was prominent in this popularisation of
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  • 246 6 S 8 AND F M S CHAMPIONSHIPS. The organiser of the S S and F M S Boxing Championship Tournament writes Messrs Pa the Freres have kindly presented a cinema projector to be auctioned on the final night of the boxing tournament next week. It is ihe ideal home
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  • 143 6 R G C MEDAL PLAY. The usual monthly medal competition of the Keppel Golf Club for October will be played to-day and to-morrow, and the ladies' spoon or October will be competed for on Monday. The gold medal for the year 1920— 21 will be played in conjunction with
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  • 25 6 RACE ENTRIES CLOSE. Entries for the autumn meeting closed to-day at the offices of the Singapore Sporting Club in Raffles Chambers, at noon.
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  • 39 6 DIVING COMPETITION. Members of the Swimming Club are reminded that the annual diving competition will take place to-morrow. This will be the first competition from the new diving stage and should prove of more than usual interest.
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  • 126 6 GEORGE GRAY'S VISIT. Match at Singapore Club. The famous billiards player, Mr George Gray, arrived In Singapore ye»t«»riap, coming earliw than esrptvted, and will be here about t»n dars, before going on to the F M S. He has been tour tn China, Japan, and the Dutch Indies, previously
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  • 534 6 S. Andrew's Cathedral. £lst Sunday after Trinity, 16th Oct. 1921. Harvest Festival. 7.80 a.m. Litany. 7.45 ajn. Holy Communion (Choral). 9.16 a.m. Matins followed by Holy Communion. 4 p.m. The Catechism. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. During the following week:—Holy Communion on Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a.m.
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  • 29 6 Kinta, from Penang 15-10. Hye Leong, from Malacca 15-10. Sri Muar, from Malacca 15-10. Mahidol, from Bangkok 15-10. Banca, from Bombay 15-10. Tara, from Madras 15-10.
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  • 92 6 GUTHRIE AND COS WEEKLY REPORT. Singapore, Oct 13. The usual Weekly Rubber Auction, held yesterday, opened with a rather quiet tone, Sheet realising 81V4 cents and Crepe 30 cents. Later, however, a substantial demand was disclosed and prices advanced to Sheet 32 V4 cents, Crepe 30 V4 to
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  • 278 6 Singapore, October 13. During the past week there has been a further advance in the market and prices have moved up from 1 cent to 2 cents. There has been a strong demand for Scot rubber, and the present outlook appears to be distinctly favourable
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  • 80 6 It in. ef oiars", a Urnerttble t mar n twa «*pfol i> iM a riefis M the 'r>!d Stor»ne Con pany nri he 'S'rirs Times" ahoeld fall hmi al nn« Let th»m ahak< '•and* and be friends and m«rk tf c •••ipp aasaajea b an interchange of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 Qtvtk «t St Ampk. (Pui%nr*m 5.30 a.m. Lo\v Maae. i MO a.m. Lew Mm» 3 a.m. High Mas». 5 p.m. Vesper» and Benediction. Cathedral af the Good Shepherd. 6-80 ajn. Low Mas*. 8 a.m. High Mm tad SenaoA. ft I'm VWfiw aid VHMriMte»
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    • 509 6 FOR SALE. V w Bui kalnw, JUn«lsn Dials <*•*•« LtlH m l»« ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, LTD. Successor* to Chin? Keayg Lee sail Co*, Auctioneers aad Estate %ceata» (Laco: (.ira ed in Spore.) 15 10 no IN(RE SR OF S L>RY i> -errt*H by C)» ba at>d Offic n't wbo kr>ow
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    • 413 6 iiperheated f team Portable EngV The running of Garrett Portable Endues is so aaßoo'b and Bwjfrm that thty fu'til tbe most exacting nail mMU that looked fo m > r odern Kn^ine; the extreme y1 >- con*un.p o fu< lar d \mw aro, kr? c s tmtle -he cost of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 549 6 MAILS CLOSE. To-day, Oct. 15. Muar Malacca •Ban Whatt Hin 2 p.m. Sibu Flevo 2 p.m. Muar Malacca *Hong Keat 3 p.m. Malacca, Port Swettenham Penang *Klang 3 p.m. Medan Circe 8 p.m. Batu Pahat Mena 3 p.m. Port Swettenham* Calcutta Creole State 4 p.m. Pontianak Khoen Foeng 4 p.m.
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  • 472 7 TWO DOCTRINES MIXED UP. Christianity Not Wanted? A scandal of division threaten Chinese missions, aaya a writer, it. The Christian Century (TJnden omioational), who find a that now there are in the Protestant cam two distinct groaps, one emphtsiz ing the aeoond coming of Chriat an therefore, the
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  • 332 7 Accommodation for 4,000. The White Star Line quadruplescrew steamship Majestic, now nearing completion, will be the largest vessel in the world, says the "Times." W ith a length over all of 956ft., a height from keel to boat deck of 102ft., and a breadth of over 100ft.,
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  • 35 7 The Whist Drive craze in London has attained mammoth proportions, thirty-five thousand players participating in a drive, in which the first prize was a house worth £1,000, with free coal and milk for a year.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 637 7 TRY AND (*SE OUR Uams Cook ir.w 1 Indian Condi me At Preparations, for the 'i o-; apetiaing 4i<d healthy taa.e»; on-to-date k*jkf?is r> n eds at home M«fil i£: AS{»*J}i Chop Cooky or 0 made of the beat Beleotedand J", V» fragrant Madras y N 3 i spices, taitable
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    • 230 7 ASAHI BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui buesan Kaisha. Battery-Rd. Si neaD >re. w>i ~—i ir -£mm 33 Th c > Beautifying Touch of VenYusa^ Civ s You Skin An Oxygen Batb. The latest discovery for restoring' beauty of skin and complexion ia by the application of that life-giving element Oxygen. Ven-Yuaa,
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    • 629 7 Weak, Nervous, Worn-out Mr Jaeatlldhaawe— at M >OMtfa A 'rtC«. ParlakiwKJt Ganjan, Dletrlet. Bits/ 0 8 B u 'h Pretidency. writ*. --1 ,2? had eafftred the "it a»aa»wa» ar Mini nervousness for ••id to be nerrt years. an d restorstiyet to 4 straw could and but SCtflttfk »»li.f till I
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    • 238 7 William Caxton first introduced th. prirting press into tnglar.u in .he >tai 147 i Miter acquiring the newly invited ar of prir.u. gat rugts, h rttui to England, th* land of his uirai, and set up a printing press near Westminister Abbey, "The Game and Playe of Chrsse" and The
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  • 1419 8 HOLDS SWAY OVER VAST NUMBERS. Dangerous Organisation. Reports of activity on the part of members of the Triad Society have not been very frequent lately, but the raid which took place in Selango* the other day has served to revive the interest in this oldest and perhaps most
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  • 140 8 Sir A Coman Doyle's new book, "Wanderings of a Spiritualist," deals chiefly with his recent visit to Australia. He says:—"Australiarc in some ways are more English than the English. They have kept the old type, while we have Americanised imperceptibly. The Australians are less ready to show emotion,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 279 8 —A Single Trial- Prove* the Superiority OF FRiKROZ i CD'S Aerated Waters. 1 laailßaMaaaajaiaMMajM iiwiiii hi mn m eHMeaWsSBsl Fire Burglar Proof FITTED WITH Keylock Keyless Combination Lock. Call and inspect one. You can Safe Hp a Chubb JKtH^LwWm ■HflHa^H WM Si"'' Hlk J W 1 mmmmm^*m mmmmmWm39' AH Sizes.
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    • 139 8 Bfcli ]N\X\from tho Factory lIXI|f Ik j vsport prtc* j m pou 11\ v4bllllvV li"-" ryres Broo,» lfj\ MTllft i "9 bur, Oil Bath. Cmfti HMfeJr Jl Hub. liout/e B ittwd Tubas, tc. mx A Bull.ant ul.iteJin Mvenamel.ed W VIPT I *»d 1 ned in *old. W AJ.KANTEO V TEARS
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    • 341 8 OAKLAND i j STURDY 1 STURDY Judge the actual va-ue of ha Oakland Sensible Six by rpup any standard you choose —dependable daily servioe, THF I iIC Tiding comfort, marked savings in fuel and tyres, or tha I DE J moderate purchase price. Each and every one of .these emphasizes
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    • 417 8 STEAMER SAILING!. B N, Go. (laworporatad Italy; HOMEWARD SAILINGS. For Colombo, Aden, Mamas, Port Said, Briidiai, Venice and* Trieste-, taking nergo on ihronsh Bill of Lading for Fir? ue the Levari te Ports ar black Be-, Ports. Persia tbont Nov 15 The steamers belrig ror under oontraot with the Italian
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 563 9 P/sO.-Bpjtish India AND a <l APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in Enolan*d) fIAIL ANJJ PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsular and Oriental S N. Co. TJnier Contract with Hia Majesty'i Government. fH? OOMPANY'B MAIL BBBVIOBS EAST OF BOMBAY art at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Sue SINGAPORE. about 4§cs 19 Somali ahout
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    • 556 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. (Incorporated ta U.S.A.J FOR ACCOUNT OF TEB 0 8 BHIPPING BOARD fIAN FttANCISLO— «AMLA— EAST INDIA SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORB For CALCUTTA Direot. Passengers and Freieht O* 15 GrSTS^? 1 IWmphs and Frei«bt Not 15 Granite State Passengers aod Freight Dec R For BAN FBANOISOO via MAN
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    • 846 9 CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD- n corpora ted in TJ. 8, A.) Trans-Pacific Service Those drgirrni of eeeinj? the Orient should travel by the poenic route SINGAPORE, HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NAGASAKI, YOKOHAMA. HONOLULU SAN FRANCISCO. From S'NJAI O iE. i«. "CHINA 10,000 ton?, Ost 23 From SIN'iAIO \E, ».s. NANKING 15.C00
      846 words
    • 568 9 N.Y. K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) Lend on Line Fortnightly Service For MABBEILLEB, LONDON ft ANTWEBP via PORTS. K»mo Maru O t 19 Iyo Maru H 2 Atsuta Maru w N >v 11 Liverpool Lino Monthly Service For MARSEILLES A LIVEBPOOL via PORTS. Hnmhurg lino Monthly Service For LONDON,
      568 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 465 10 TO LET. TO L E T.—N' -wiy both Coa. pound r-s.denc- at 8t. Mieha-ls Road. Apply to J. B. Wester aoot 14-A, Change Alley. -Li- s?_ TO LET_Ho. 76, 78, end 82. Waterloo Street. Apply to F. C AerU r I j train Steamship Co., Ltd. 11 10 uiq TO
      465 words
    • 584 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. ESTATE A TRUST AGENCIES, LTD. (Incorporated in tha SJS.) NOTICE is hereby given tha' the Register of Transfers of tht above Company will be eb-sed from October 15th to Ootober 22ud, 1921, both days inoloaive) for the preparation cf Dividend Wa- rants. By Order of tha Board, J.
      584 words
    • 483 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated in tha S.S.) BEAD OFFICE 58, EUNG STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital M $2,000,000 Surplus mm B*o,ooo COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lea Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. 1 Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Tao Tsow
      483 words
    • 492 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE »4, Market Street. BRANCHES P«nang 86 Beach Street Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-7» Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Bahamat Palembang- 16, Ilir. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Irang. CAPITAL. Authorised
      492 words
    • 461 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (lacorporatd in England BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid op Capital in ouv.uvu Snares of 86 each »,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd.
      461 words
    • 255 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the SJ3.) HEAD OFFICE? SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREET. Tel. No. IMS. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELL CAPITAL: Authorised 120,000,000 laaued $10j500,00C Paid-up 5,250,00 c Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5.250.00 C General Reserve S 200.00 C BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan
      255 words
    • 393 10 INSURANCE THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. <Incorporated ia the S.S.) LOARD OF DIRECTORSi Hem. Dr. Una Boon Rani. 0.8. E., Chainnaa, Lim Nee Soon, Eaq. Dr. Chairman. En Toag Sec, Eaq. CJ3.E. Ong Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee Chiaxf Eaq. Chna Poh Siang, Eaq. Lea Pang Sea;, Eaq. Too Baa
      393 words
    • 559 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE AJTD t SHIPPIM GAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.i Tboae ho^m SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ALV\NjE. Perxaanum Hali-yaarly $7 Siagls Copy 5 ctZ Porta** Extra 50 eta. per c ntfc To Foreign couatnes $1 do [A Subaeriptioa Form fouad oa page B.] VERY MANY TRIBUNE READERs depend upon street laDasi a
      559 words