Malaya Tribune, 14 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 333 1 i,UN COMPANY i supplies A u Photographic Materials AND The Bight Place for Amatenrs i ii pgvsloping. Printing and Bnlargcmenl A 94, NORTH iiRIDQJfi ROAD, SIN(JIa?OBJU Phone 660« <q j Reductions in Prices m We can now supply these excellent lighting sets at $i,400 complete with Battery Charged and ready
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    • 17 1 CIGARKTTES NUMBER fjj £j| VIRGINIA Synonymous with Refinement and Quality. Sole Manufacturers: ARDATH TOBACCO Co., Ltd., LOr-DON.
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  • 199 2 Dr. Milton Hersey's Report On Baby's Own Tablets. That there are no i jn ions drags or opiates in Baby's Own Tablets it jroved by the o-nifioate of Dr. Milton Hers*?, Official Anslyat to he cities of Qiebf-c, and Montreal, if whioh th- following is a copy
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  • 137 2 Tnat's what you say about that painful swelling on your knee or elbow. But wnat are you gouig to do about it--sit tnere and suffer Pernaps you have tried all sorts of emorocations and found no relief. These are just the sort of cases in which
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  • 425 2 APPEAL FOR POLITICS TO BE SET ASIDE. Peking, Sept, U -_As the last (ff rt towards the reunification of the country previous to the convocation of the Pac flc and Far Eastern Conference in Washington of th* Pacific Conference As.* i->tic v under the leadership of jir
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  • 185 2 Valued at £10,000. Ten wonderful carpets, with a romantic history, are lying in the vaults of one of the biggest banks in London. They are valued at £10,000, and have had some curious adventures. A certain Russian Count famous in the old Tsar regime was fleeing from the
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  • 48 2 H R H Prince Naradhip left Bangkok kok for the round tr.p to Singapore by the Valaya recently. Mr Frank Ad/. m i 9 coming out East again on a via/ t and will spend part of his time with his brother in Bangkok, says the Bangkok Tiraea".
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  • 157 2 Tha League* Report, Reuter. Geneva, Oot lQw—Tne Council of th* League oi Nations ass considered the report ot' tne permanent committee on mandates, whicn stated that reports had been received iroin the mandatory Powers relating to tne administration of various territories. Alt oi tneae were examined except Mesopotamia
    Reuter.  -  157 words
  • 134 2 Lynch Law in Texas. Reuter. Paris, Oct UL—General Nivelle has been placed on tne reserved list. 1 Reuter. London, Oct 10.—Mr Henry Tetley, chairman of Courtauid s and President of tne Silk Association, ieft £1,1*17,000. —Reuter. New York, Oct 11.—A telegram from Leesburg, Texas, says tnat a mob
    Reuter.  -  134 words
  • 81 2 The death rate per mille for the week ending Oct. 1, was 41.21. The total number of deaths was 20'J of which 191 were males and 78 females. One European and no Eurasians died, and 200 Chinese, 43 Malay., 19 Indians. Convulsion? caused 21 deaths, phthisis 26, malarial
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  • 22 2 Lonuon, Oct 12.—The official deathroll from the of the s s. Rowan put? ti;e number at 3«.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 83 2 The Registrar of Imports and Exports sends us the September rubber exports, from which we take the following Sept. 9 mos. 9 mos. 1921 1920 United King. 2,108 24,430 81,960 tons United State? 12,876 68.041 97,451 Cont. of Europe 644 4,066 Japan 1,951 ***** 3,691 Totals 17,674 112.206
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  • 141 2 A Chinese diplomat, recently at the bead of a mission in France, desired to show his gratitude towards the Quai d'Orsay officials who had helped him. He invited several of them to dine, and as a special mark of sympathy welcomed them at a Chinese restaurant not far
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  • 75 2 The bridge over the Muda river has I s»n completed but will probably not b open for traffic, till the beginning of next*) year, says a Penang report. Travellers will be able to proceed by car to Sungei Patani much more quickly than they can at present by train. Alor
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 372 2 FIRST CLASS ft NEW-FASHIONED SARONGS 9 tan always be obts ned from tba address below, with a guarantee fat if unsaleable they caa be returned witb'O < 120 da ja, without deduction aod exchange for new strongs, o B or muoey refunded. Prices range from floto f 35 each. 3"-
      372 words
    • 232 2 Kong Hmg liieong I Co., Photographic Deal rs We special se in Printing, Developing and -.'nl.rgi ig. j us youi hitus. We will Pi.nt and Develope Satisfaction guaranteed. Prices nrtferati importers also of Mouldings, Piciuxe frames, Plate Gia.s, Silvered Hate Glass, Window Glass, tic, tic hi;AD UFFIC": IC2-IC4,
      232 words
    • 62 2 /WW Cuticura Soap Shampoos Best For Children If you wish them to have thick, healthy hair through life shampoo regularly with Cuticura Soap and 1 not water. Before shampooing touch spots of dandruff and itching, if any, with Cuticura Ointment. A clean, healthy scalp usually means good hair. S*!f **»»*pa»ltl
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    • 464 2 BY ORDER OF THE OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE Re- X M M ISMAIL (in bankruptcy) AUCTION SALE OF One 4 cylinder 7-seextbr Btude baker Motor Car. Oae 6-oyltnder S-scater Auburn (Beamy Six) Motor Car. Bo h Cari have recently beeD overhauled and are in running order. To be held at our Sale-rooms,
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    • 554 2 AUCTION SALE. OtiEONC 'KOON SENrOoT AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS. No. 30, Kling Street, Sings pore. c Important Mortgagee s» Safe rf Valuable Freehold Properties €t Kampong Bahru Road, Changi Road and* East Coast goad and Padang#Jeringaj. it Messrs, Uoeong Koon 8e» g <k Jo.'c iial* Rk>ui, No 3> Kling S re»t On
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  • 815 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, Octobe.- 14. Messrs. L>cll and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, i&sua th* following lilt of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. Issss Values Bayers Sellers 1 Aiitnby e.lO 0.2 C 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 LOG 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 1.75 5 Ayer
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 155 3 Ai' lilt. kOtOlmim i La>t' HOUi h, EMPIRE lanj ng Ftgar Road. Trams Pass the Lbor. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.30 pMA big picture prodnotion with a b>t< cur MITCHELL LEWIS ia NINE*-TEWTHS of the law In 6 Parts a drama with a good amount of sustaining interest, with
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    • 650 3 VWMHK- "iir.i wiiMiii "mini IT^-^ II a WEDNESDAY, U«v.-U.i .2 _v> v o c T HeaUe AT THE I is the only wfcm m A mm**, a m theatw 4al tbe BEST AT U A II DO A stares, the /J% |T| £J& MF en BEST j[ MmJS m d
      650 words
    • 396 3 **C I V" CINEM A FHIDaY, Iftik UJIOBEU io aiUx\b_.Y i7.u. IN THE SECOND SHOW aT 10 P it. I VIOLA DANA The most beloved of th« screen in the Buper Metro attraction A picture you'll never forget METRO FALSE FALSE EVIDENCE MhPIL EVIDEVCE Iv Five Pane. \V5v 6,000 feet
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  • 224 4 The Prince adds his voice to His Majesty's in appealing that strong measure*, sail be taken to deal with unemplo; merit. Raeeian-Aaiatic Consolidated prefers to wait for the Soviet's break-up rather than bargain with it. President Harding aaka the press of the world to sponsor the great cense
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  • 99 4 DEATHS. Van DoRT.-At "Ddta" Bin t»lle R «d, Colombo on the 12.h inst. Hoi.hia Marion, the beloved wife of Dr. W. O. Van Dort. 14 10 UlO Mrs Tan B<*ow j->o on 3; d Oo 1921, at her r«ider.o* No. 4, Seal S;reet, aged 49, y*>ars, the b*lovf»
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  • 805 4 Reform is in the air. The need ia urgent to procure the alert interest of every citizen, so that changes which may come may both be the result of intelligent agitation and be understood and properly appreciated and utilised when they do come. Once the individual realises the
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  • 201 4 Inspector Bartells has been transferred ferred to Singapore fnim. Butterworth. Mr J Nolan has left for Malacca where he will take up the duties of Chief Detective Inspector. It is understood that Inspector Porter of Kandang Kerbau police station will take ovr the duties of Traffic Inspector, in successtoa to
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  • 331 4 Effect of Bankruptcy. A Chinee named Sng Eng Kiong, alias Sng Hock Sarf waa charged in the District Court some time ago with criminal breach of trust in respect of $3^00.' At tha conclusion of tha case, the accused waa* committed to take his trial before the
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  • 207 4 District Coart Case. Seah Kok Lin, a building contractor, as briefly reported already, has been acquitted by the District Judge of a charge of perjury.. The charge arose out of a recent civil case in the Supreme Court before Mr Justice Bar-rett-Lennard in which Seah Kok Lin
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  • 86 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Malacca, Oct 13.—The case against three Chinese who were charged at the Assizes here with being in possession of counterfeit coins and materials for making same, at Tebong, was concluded. The first two were found guilty, and sentenced to five ytsars on eacl charge
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  • 220 4 Reuter. Washington, Oct 13.—The death has occurred of .he Republican Senator Knox.—Reutea^ On Mr Crocke assuming the duties of Deputy Registrar, Supreme Court, yesterday, Mr W M Beins, chief cli -k of the Sup> me Court registry, wHo had been acting for thhe Deputy Registrar, reverts' 1 to Ms sulsatantive
    Reuter.  -  220 words
  • 679 4 BY M QUIZ.'' 0, sing the renown of A W Still, Who strove to cut cbtnka off rht householder's bill. He wrote wit% great taring aW* But chroe the wrong lar*>:—i it appears. They took hinsjto court, and had to pay Five thousand (and costs) for the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 288 4 fr GILBERT SULLIVAN'S FAMOUS OPERA g THE muiic of M The Yeomen of the Guard," oae oi the §r I>' 1 1 m(M t charming of Gilbert end SuUJ—_'» opera* htm --'J ht*a recorded for Oh1P "His I P Master's fc? Voice" P voder the peraooal direction oi Mr. R.
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    • 326 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Sir—U Settlement*. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE i Wmmr B—ip—rxttxit Just Jkz*rivtßd of s~ Carpenter's Smoothing and Jaok Planet. Braaa Hexagon Tipped Nata from 3/8" to 3/4". Culland Braaa Butt Hinge*- from If to 6". CI j bum Screw Spancrri from 6" to 34".
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  • 143 5 Tift I.G. is. Awards of Cash Prizes. tacit of Originality. l From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct. 14. —The London correspondent of the "Malay Kail wires that the Rubber Growers' Association's new-uses-of-rubber competition awards are: A thousand pounds sterling for ■MBge rubber: £500 for liquid rubber
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  • 186 5 America Wishes to Lend. Reuter. Sydney. Oct 12.—Americans are boldly bidding for further investments in Australia. A prominent American ii prepared to lend New South Wales an extra hundred millions sterling in the event '.>f difficulty in London in regard to renewals. It is argued here the investment
    Reuter.  -  186 words
  • 152 5 Clashing National Viewpoints. Reuter. Geneva, Oct. 12.—The Council of the League al Nations has forwarded its recommendations to M Briand a? regards Upper Silesia, which are of n complex character, but substantially amount to a proposal for the establishment of a political frontier line ■rs -ally based
    Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 152 5 A Manly Appeal. Reuter. London, Oct. 12.—A strOifg apses] for support osthe British Empire Exhibition at Wembley Park, in 1923, S-aes by the Prince of Wales, residing at a meeting at the Mansion House to-day for furtherance c*. the project. The Prir.ce urged that m order to
    Reuter.  -  152 words
  • 59 5 Reuter. Uafcn, Oct 12,—Sir Hamar Greened and Sir Worthington Evans on rehalf of Government, and Mr Michael Jolhns anr! Mr Barton Duggan of the Irish delegation, conferred for three ourr- for the purpose of considering qumion of the Irish truce. General Macready attended to deal with points. The
    Reuter.  -  59 words
  • 25 5 Reuter. Oa 13.—The trial of the Cabinet, which was in offi <* on Bulgaria's entry into the ar h«i opened in the High Court.—
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 143 5 Administration Criticised. Reuter. London, Oct 12.—The Cabinet today discussed the Government plan fof a dealing with unemployment and trade revival, the Washington Conference, and proposals for altering the form of the German indemnity. Reuter. London, Oct 12.—A letter of Lord Robert Gtefl has been published supporting Lord Grey's
    Reuter.  -  143 words
  • 142 5 Contracts Inoperative. Reuter. London, Oct 12.—Contrary to anticipations, the Russo-Asiatic Consolidated announces the failure of the protracted negotiations with the Soviet Government for the return of the Company's properties. The Company's chairman. Mr Urquhart, who spent three weeks in Moscow negotiating a draft contract, has also written to
    Reuter.  -  142 words
  • 234 5 Points for "Settlement. Reuter. New York, Oct 12.—The ex-Chan-cellor of the Exchequer, Mr McKenna, now chairman of the London, City and Midland Bank, has arrived on a financial mission. He was met by a Treasury representative, and is expected to confer regarding interest and payments on United
    Reuter.  -  234 words
  • 55 5 Reuter. London, Oct 12.-The Divisional Court haa ordered release of the Poplar Councillors.—Ranter. London, Oct 12.—The release of the Poplar Councillors wae the result of a petition in which they apologised to the court arid expressed a desire to assist the authorities in reaching a solution of the
    Reuter.  -  55 words
  • 315 5 WJUT THE PRESS CAN DO. PLANB FOR BIG MEETING. Reuter. Washington, Oct. 12.-President Harding in a letter to the World's Press Congress at Honoulu hoping the world's press will do its best to promote international understandings and particularly to facilitate the tasks of the Armaments Conference, declares the press
    Reuter.  -  315 words
  • 60 5 Reuter. Venice, Oct 12.—The Austrian and Hungarian delegations which arrived at the invitation of the Italian Foreign Minister have opened a conference with a view to settling the dispute with West Hungary.—Reuter. Venice, Oct 13.—The Austrian and Hungarian delegations, under the presidency of the Italian Foreign Minister, have arrived
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 66 5 Reuter. London, Oct 12.—Diplomatic correspondents assert that as the result of pressure by the League of Nations, the long-contested dispute on the Albanian frontiers in nearing a settlement on the basis of a full recognition of the independence of Albania. The settlement follows roughly the 1918 frontiers, and
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 44 5 Reuter. London, Oct 12.—A wire from Milan says tbe so-called Montenegrin Government, which has, since the overwhelming o| Montenegro by war, been located in Italy, has now ceased to exist as a result of Queen Milena signing a decree dissolving the Ministry.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 36 5 Reuter. Brussels, Oct 12.—The Belgian military police arrested at Cref eld a number (ft ex-officers of the German army who were about to hold a secret meeting. Documents were seized, and are beir% examined.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 22 5 Reuter. London, Oct 12.~1t ia leaned that the Spanish capture of Gurugu makee any further resistance by the Moors unlikely.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  22 words
  • 50 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct 13.—A few unreported cases of cl»»lera occurred on board the coolie ship Van Cloon, and have been successfully dealt with at Belawan. No further outbreak of cholera ia reported. Current reyprts that the Eaat Coast of Sumatra is infected are officially denied.
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  • 8 5 Mr D A M Brown left Penang for
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  • 1208 5 ACTION AND PROGRESS REPORTED. Anglo-Indian Affiliation? The second annual general meeting of the Eurasian Association was held at St Andrew's School hall last evening. Mr W J C La Cain, vice-presi-dent was in the chair, and was supported by Messrs P A Beins and N B Westerhout, acting
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  • 336 5 DR. SAMUELS' SUCCESSFUL CLAIM. No Answer to Action. The ease of Dr Jules Samuels vs the Bank of Taiwan, Ltd, was concluded in the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon. The case commenced in the morning and was partly reported in yesterday's issue. The plaintiff claimed the sum of
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  • 57 5 Reuter. Rabat, Oct 12.—1n the course of an ifficial reception of their Belgian Majesties, who are paying a visit to Morocco, the Sultan conferred the Sheriffian military medal on the Queen for distinguished war services. It is significant this is the first occasion on which the Sultan
    Reuter.  -  57 words
  • 67 5 Singapore, October 14. On LondonBank 4 months' sight 2s 4 l-4d Demand 2s 4 Private 3 months, sight 2a 4 17-32 d On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 156% On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 32% p.c. p.m. On ShanghaiBank demand draft 52% On JavaBank Tel. Transfer 135% On Japan— Bank
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  • 64 5 C. ef C. Rubber Association. Singapore, October 14. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cloaing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 34 85 October 35 354 Nov. to Dec. 85% 36 Jan. to March 36% 37% April to June 38 39 Tone of Market.—Firm. #Fred untitled Co. LTd Singapore, October 14. To-day's closing
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  • 44 5 Copra. Singapore, Oct IS. This market has been weak during the past week and the volume of business has been small. Closing quotations are as follows No. 1 Standard $11.00 to $11.50. No. 2 10.50 11.00. No. 3 10.00 10.50.
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  • 117 5 MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. Singapore, Oct. 14. Silver 42%. Hongkong 32% per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $46%. Share Market—Dull. Rubbers.—Small enquiry. Tina.—Taipings $1.05 to $1.10, Norths $1.22% to $1.27%, Souths 62% to 67% cents, Nawng Pets $1.47% to $1.52%, Papans 42% to 47% cents, Padang Plandoks 60 to
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  • 126 5 Naturalists, and sportsmen of the right type, will be p.eased to learn that the British Resident of Perak has absolutely prohibited the shooting, killing or taking of rhinoceros, s!adang and elephants in certain districts of Perak. A record house, under the patronage of Mr Lim Chin Kuan, witnessed the performance
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 293 5 pHASEB CHALMEfiQ I Engineering Work*. Magnet Bouse, 81 end 6\ laaoa toad, Slagipore. SOLE AGENTB FO* JAMES CARTLR (STALYBkIDOE), ltd. Rubber Mac Mi.cry. A RAN SO ME Co Ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS. NEWBOULD Ltd. Steel, Tools, Saws, Arc. HOLMAN BROS, Ltd., Mining, Machinery, Drills Btc PROPRIETORS the General
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  • 577 6 FOOTBALL. -S R C II vs. V M C A. The V M C A pu# up a good game against the S R C II on the Matter's ground yesterday afternoon. F C de Souza opened the score for the Club, but Burke managed to equalise. The score
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  • 69 6 INTEREST IN HONGKONG. Americans in Hongkong in introducing baseball into the Colony have begotten a new enthusiasm which has resulted in an attempt further to increase its popularity by the issue of a small booklet on the game with a glossary by the Far Eastern Employment Agency The booklet
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  • 165 6 SCC PRACTICE MATCH. The SCC rugger practice match on the padang yesterday resulted in a win for the Whites, who defeated the Colours by eight points to nil. Several practice scrums were introduced in th# course of the evening. LOST WITH THE R38. Rugby has lost several good players
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  • 283 6 SCC TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAY. B Singles. E J Sutton, scr. vs. A E Bond, scr. unfinished. T E Edmett, owe 1 vs. E J Cassels scr. unfinished. A G Stredwick, scr. beat A F B Livesay, scr. B—6, 6—2. C V Bailey, owe 5 beat F G Heath,
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  • 121 6 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. A Singles. A E Coelho, beat N E Ess, 9—7, 6—4. C W Gomes, beat W F Caraegy, 6—2, 11—9. V H Norris vs. E W de Cruz unfinished. H G Stack vs. E E Ryan unfinished. B Singles. G Gray, beat G R Oehlers, 6—l,
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  • 35 6 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. E W Hide vs. C A Norris, unfinished. TO-DAY'S TIES. Gan Khek Keng 1 vs. C E Smith J Lim vs. C A Bateman. TO-MORROW'S TIES. G Towers vs. I Abed.
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  • 37 6 CESAREWITCH RESULTS. Reuter. London, Oct 12.—The result of tho Cesarewitch was Yutoi (100—8) 1 Charleville (40—1) 2 Harrier (6—l) 3 Seventeen ran, and the race was won by four lengths, five separating second and third.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 94 6 TO-MORROW'S RACES. The first S V C race for His Excellency the Governor's Cup will take place on Saturday afternoon over the Burton Cup course. Bredenberg handicaps, 3*i hours limit. Start at 3p m. The small class will race for the Vice i'ommodore'stUup.. Start 3.15. Course arranged later. Sunday's
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  • 85 6 TO-MORROW'S CONTEST. A rowing race for fours will take place tomorrow afternoon, the teams being Mr R M Williams":—Bow, T M Winsley,; No 2, R M Williams No 3, C 0 Schafer Stroke, W E Coates Cox, J B Myles. Mr T H Stone's:—Bow, C C Hay; No 2,
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  • 399 6 HOW BECKETT BEAT MCCORMICK. Honours to the Loser. London, Sept 12.—For the first time the Opera House was used for a big prize fight to night, when Joe Beckett, the heavyweight champion, met Boy McCormick, holder of the light-heavyweight belt. The building was crowded. Carpentier was present and was
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  • 129 6 The popular Warwick Comedy Co will pay a return visit to the Victoria Theatre, commencing their season on Monday Oct 24. The touring manager, Mr Percy Howard, is now in Singapore, making the advance arrangements, and judging by the repertoire of the company the visit should prova
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  • 208 6 The report on the registration of births and deaths in the Straits Settlements in 1920 states The number of births registered throughout the Settlements during 1920 was 25,623 (males 13,306 and females 12,317). This shows a decrease of 1 and an increase 1,921 over the figures for
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  • 67 6 V M C A vs. ST J O B. The following will represent tha V M C A against the St Joseph's Old Boys Association at cricket to-morrow on the latter's ground C P Burke, T Hester, M Ignatius, L C Parsons, M J Karunaratne, J V Moss, D
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  • 165 6 At the Liberty Hall from to-night, another serial thriller, "The Whirlwind," starring that greatest daredevil of the screen, Charles Hutchison, will be started in the first show along with Lee-Moran's comedy feature. In the second show at 9.15, the Eddie Polo serial, "King of the Circus", episodes 11
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  • 32 6 Kajang, from Sandakan 14-10. Melchior Treub, from Deli 13-10. Rhesus, from Hongkong 13-10. Ban Whatt Hin, from Malacca 14-10. Nam Sang, from Calcutta 14-10. Commandant Dorise, from Pondicherry 14-10.
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  • 45 6 Joseph Hislop, a young Scottish tenor whom some British critics go so far as to call Caruso's successor bade farewell to his relatives in Edinburgh prior to sailing for America. It is said that Caruso took great interest in Hislop's American operatic premier last summer.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 336 6 #LOSTtnb*», h-twt-»T 9 p.m am' 9 30 p.m B '«*eb R X dlan* Ro-d. O-y' c R ««f), or< W ituffday, 12tb ir.ntpnt Fir,-' t y reward* IMI icar to Mr. Whit*, 73. lb-- Arc*d*\ 14 10 17 :0 NOTICE. N o> If gi*?< m h".* and C©., 7 B
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    • 528 6 NOTICE. FEDERATED MAlfcAY STATES RAILWAYS. On and after 16th Ocober, ftti, the fo lowing alterations in the train service will come into operation he s a.m. FXPRE S Kuala Lumpur to Penane will leave Kuala Lumpur at 7.3O a id. and step at all stations between Kuala I utnpur and
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    • 392 6 #7 he Garrftt Paten* Superheated yearn Portable Engine. i__ n( iarre tt Portable Engines is so smooth and un if crm thatTheVfaTS requirements that W. loos*, for in a inauney luiui v -Ttri-melv low consumption of fuel and low working small comrLre favourably wth installations where m-ch larger power, are
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 568 6 HAILS CLOSE. To-day, Oct 14. Batavia, Samarang Sourabaya Melchior Treub 2 p.m Port Swettenham,* Penang,* Colombo, Marseilles* New York* Knight Templar 2 p.m Bangkok *Helios 3 p.m Manila Legazpi 3 p.m Port Swettenham Teluk Anson *Kampar 3 p.m Malacca Muar *Kaka 3 p.m Saigon Shanghai* Commandant Dorise 3 p.m P
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  • 826 7 IS IT CONSIDERED A COURT? An Interesting Case. The powers of the Local Rent Assessment Board were in question in a case which, came on for hearing before Mr Justice Barrett-Lennard this week. The application was fot a writ of prohibition directed to the Board, prohibiting it
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  • 12 7 Mr T Strachan, who played Rugby lorJSeLm** last mmum. i» mow la
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  • 112 7 RUBBER SHARE MARKET THE SINGAPORE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE RUBBER ASSN. Singapore, October 12. Catalogued:—l,4os342 1b5.—627.61 Tons. Offered:—l,2sl,o7B 1b5.—558.51 Tons. 501d:—1,161,562 1b5.—518.55 Tons. Pricee Realized. Ribbed Smoked Sheet: Singapore Standard Quality 314 to 324. Good Average Quality 30 to 31. Off Quality 23 to 29. 4 Crepe Singapore Standard Quality Pale
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  • 164 7 Singapore, Oct. 11. The local share market still remains in a somewhat depressed condition. The report of United Engineers was a great disappointment for it was generally anticipated that the Directors would announce at least a 5 per cent final dividend, making in all 15
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  • 165 7 Singapore, October 12. The market continues very quiet. Rubber is a little stronger at 324 cts. spot, 34 cts. October to December. Allenbys advanced and were done up to 20 cts. but there are now sellers at a little under this figure. In the remainder
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  • 55 7 Fountain-pens figure among the utensils confiscated in America for containinp illicit whisky. No wonder some of these Americans are such spirited writers.—" London Opinion." An electrician had arrived home at 6 :i.m., and was sneaking upstairs when his wife called out: '"What'!" the matter? Wire you insulate?" The shock was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 542 7 TRY AND USE OUR Adim 8 Cook Brand Indian Condiment Preparations, for the xuoat apetising and healthy taste, > t*&i *ne up-to-date X- Bee ds at home «*«»«*»> ma(le of the beat ¥$£f f seleotedand 1 f f:p«rant Madras i 13 suitable to h&f aatanita, "give US A>) TRIAL I
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    • 219 7 DRINK ASAHI BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. Batterv-Rd. Singapore. The Beautifying Touch of Gives Your Skin An Oxygen Batb. The latest discovery for restoring beauty of skin and complexion ia by the application of that life-giving element Oxygen. Ven-Yusa, the wonderful toilet cream which brings these unique benelits is
      219 words
    • 361 7 s^^^^. Cigarettes ''The most elegant and refined Cigarette m the World.' VIRGINIA vacuum Kj Q C*Z (LZ H TINSOFSO <mmJ /1D JABLE_D£UCACIES I U I I NOTHING FINER BOTTLED cr CANNED Wm»mW %c ffr<sf requisites with CRCSSE 6/ Delicacies ore Quality, Purity aid js 3C varices of SOUPS i«i Varieties
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    • 47 7 FOR TRY Guan Hoe Hin Co., 887, Victoria Stieet, Sings p^rc. DUTCH 7~ MARGARINE (Cow> Calf Brand.) The World's c Selection Packed in 1 lb., 2 lb., and 4 lb. tins. STOCKED BT All Provision Dealers. Chow Kit Co., Ltd. PING PORE, iKUALA LUMPUB, PENANG A LONDON.
      47 words

  • 637 8 GREAT DANGER FROM MILITARISM. What the People Want. The following letter, written by Mr 0 Montague Ede, general manager of 'he China Fire Insurance. umpany, H ugkoog, appears in the Japan Cbrouicle." It appears to me and to many with «hom I bave discussed tbe subject, tt-at
    637 words
  • 155 8 Troublesome Fanatics. The Moplahs have given trouble at intervals for many past. In 1906, when the last census was taken, they numbered a million, but by this time probably number 1,500,000, according to an interview by a "Times" representative with Sir J D Reeb, M
    155 words
  • 20 8 Mme. Tetrazzint has arrived in London from Italy. Under her contract she receives £525 each time she appears in England,
    20 words
  • 281 8 PLAN TO RESTORE BOY EMPEROR. Peking, August 27.—A new religious sect known as the "Worshippers of the Eight Fairies has been exposed here as a gigantic monarchist organisation to restore Hsuan Tang the 15-years-old Boy Emperor of China. Many of the militarists and officials in the
    281 words
  • 259 8 The Protection Issue. London, Sept 22.—1n connection with the rumours of an election before long and an active political campaign arranged for the autumn, it it interesting to note that Professor W A S Hewins, who was intimately associated with the late Mr Joseph Chamberlain's Tariff Reform
    259 words
  • 182 8 A Picture of Tokyo. London, Sept 26.—The "Time*" features a striking article by a special correspondent in Japan who depicta Tokio as typical of the New Japan, seething with activities and reflecting the qualities and character of indusrty and the persistence of the people. There is every
    182 words
  • 50 8 The Canton bakers have been granted increase in wages of 30 per cent. I The F M S Government Gazette of Oct. 7 gives the names of the members of the Cinema Vigilance Committee appointed in the Federated State*. All committees are representative of tbe various races m aba coaunuaitr
    50 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 257 8 —A Single Trial Proves the superiority OF FRAMROZ S GO'S Aerated Waters. Fire Burglar Proof FITTED WITH Keyless Combination Lock. Call And inspect one. All Sizes. Pox* all requirements. Huttenbach Lazarus Sods. Ltd. ilncorporated in the 5 traits Settlements.) SINGAPORE. U r TO IHK. TRIBUNE.*' The only 5 cent Waper
      257 words
    • 522 8 I Wbat Oo You Want A Tractor For? I The first thiag you will think of plowing. But don't stop triers. Ii your tractor ia to be a profit ma scar for you. it must do much mora than plow. P It must ba abla to do practically all tha
      522 words
    • 443 8 STEAMER SAILINGS.* LLoro WSm t*. JM« Co* (laacrjoratea ia Itaiv I T. HOMEWARD SAILINGS. For Colombo, AdcD, Mstaaans, Port Sold, BrlnJlii, Venice at: 4 Trieste, taking c?jfro or ihrcnfh Bill of Lading for Pic me tbe Levari te Porta and ifcack Sea j>oriß. Persia fcbont No*]s Tbe steamers being rui
      443 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 563 9 P>o.-Br!tish India AND •APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporatsd in England) "IfAIL AND PA&BBNCKB SERVICES. Pentnsular and Oriental S. N. Co. Under Cdftract with Hie Majesty's QovfcVnment. THE COMPANY'S MAIL SEBVIOES EAST OF BOMBAY sra at prasant suspended. m m mmmm LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Sua SINGAPORE. K y 3 nz»
      563 words
    • 451 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMS.iiP CO. 5 (bjcorporated 1b USJU FDF AOCOUNf OF THB~TJ~B SHIPPING BOARD SAN FBA«CISLO-*AhILA-EA3T INDIA SAIUNGS FROM SINGAPORE For OALOUITA Direct. Granite State* ft. 1 aeo.e Bute FßANolBo p Via MAN LA HONOLULUWolverine State J»«en«er. end Freight Not 10 Gramt™Ute Pa-senge* and Freight Decll isL i\r Passengers and
      451 words
    • 521 9 CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in U, 8. A.) 1 Trans-Pacific Service Thoae deol-m. of wUm »h« Orient «honld travel by .he acinic rente SINGAPORE, HONGKONG SHANGHAI, NAGASAKIYOKOHAMA, HONOLULU SAN FRANCISCO. From BIN ,AI 0 ,E, I* CHINA 10,000 low, OV. 23 *--om SINvjAtO iM. e.«. M BdNKING 15.C00
      521 words
    • 301 9 O. S. K. rn lub Sbosii Kaiska, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan.) NO, 2 DB SOUZA STREET, FkOmsMD SAILINGS FROM BINGAPOsUL fetjevt U skaagt wltaeat aaJUaJ EUROPEAN UNe7~ r*ORT SAID, MARSEILLES. LONDON, ANTWERP, RUTTEBDAM AND HAMBURG. Altai Maru arr Oct 17 dep 18 Amazon Maru arr. Nov 15 dep. Nov If
      301 words
    • 604 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) London Line Fortnightly Service For MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWEBP via POSTS KamoMaru otl9 Iyo Maru N.v 3 Atsuta Maru M NjvU Liverpool uno Monthly c ervice For MABSEILLEB 4 LIVEBPOOL via POSTS. Lisbon Maru M 0 >t 13 H*~hurg tjmm Monthly Serv ce For LONDON,
      604 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 543 10 TO LET. TO LET.—Niwly built Com. pound residenoe at St. Mioha-4's Road. Apply to J. B. Westerhout, 15-A, Change AUey. c no TO LET—No. 76, 78, and 82, Waterloo Street. Apply to F. 0. Aeria c/o Straita Steamship Co., Ltd. 11 10 2410 TO LET.—2 1 Baffle Qaay, with Immediate
      543 words
    • 653 10 NOTICE. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. NOTICE. Candidate! for election ai mem* ben of the Singapore Sporting Club are reminded that no ballot for membership will be made after the 13th of Ootober. Application to join the Olab ahoald therefore be made aa ear)} ai possible. A. H. TODD, Secretary, S.S.C. 4
      653 words
    • 474 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO, LTD, (Incorporated in tha S.S.) HEAD OFFICE 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907, Paid-up Capital mm $2,000,000 Surplua mm 880,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Eaq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Tao Teow Peng,
      474 words
    • 511 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE: 94, Market Street. BRANCHES: Penang 86 Beach Street Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Ilir. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised
      511 words
    • 456 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporate" in England BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Sharea of £6 each £3,000,000 Reaerve Fund £3,600,000 Reaerve Liability of Proprietor* £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr'i Bank, Ltd.
      456 words
    • 260 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK. LIMITED. (Incorporated ia the S.S^) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREET. Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACB STREET. AGENCIES: D?OH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 laaued 110,500,000 Paid-up 6,250,000 Reaerve Liability of Shareholders S 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam, Esq.,
      260 words
    • 349 10 INSURANCE THE i OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOARD OP DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lint Boon Kenf 0.8. E., Chairman, Lim Nee Soon, Enq. Dy. Chairman. En Tong Sen, Eaq. CBE. Ong Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee China, Eaq. Chna Poh Sung. Eaq. Lee Pang Seng,' Eaq. Too
      349 words
    • 561 10 MALAYA TRIBUTE AJ»D SHIPPING CAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) Phone ho. If 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE* IN ADVICE** Per «Aum j l6 o Half-yearly fl) $7^ P« qunxter j 7 Single Copy 5 eta. Poatag* Extra 50 eta. per month To Foreign countries $1 do [A Subscription Form win be found on
      561 words