Malaya Tribune, 13 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 119 1 bUN V COMPANY supplies I ah Photographic Materials I i AKD The Rignt Place for Amistears Developing, Printing and EuUrgement M, N JBJBiBRI DGB BO AD, SllmPOBJO» Phone 560% mm I VYhiteavvay, Laidlaw ff Co,, fetd, f° c 'gS di Singapore. j i OUR FAMOUS I j T EE! LNr4
      119 words
    • 136 1 mmmmam <.■«< ■>. i Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. i( Incorporated in Straita Settlementa) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. f t I I I Quotations given for complete fleet Ie Lighting ft Power Installations, i j Full range ot Eleocrioal supplies in itook V LB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Pans. Fittings
      136 words
    • 341 1 THE mm TRIBUNE Amy i HIPPING GAZETTE Phona Mo. 171. SUBSCRIPTION ItATES Payable In Advanoo Per annum f 1 s.oo Half-yearly 7^,0 Per quarter M> 575 Postaga Extra 50 cts. per month. Just Arrived, Manilla Rope The Rope you can trust MADE FROM IlflCaitillai H[emp I In the World's Great
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  • 710 2 ACTION AGAINST BORNEO COMPANY. Supreme Court Judgment. In ilie Supicuit) Cutlet uu lamiia} ihe onae ot Jbiawiu Jouq birbuBr vb ibe Borneo Co, Ltd, came op btfo. i the Chief Justice bir WaLtr onaw. Tue pl»iuiiff, l*ie man*gti of the Borneo Lu*« Otcbaruruad garage, was reprtsin .td by
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  • 141 2 The report of Temerich Coconut and Rubber Estates announces a profit of $2,545 which with the balance of $61,710 brought forward leaves $G4,256. No dividend is recommended but after various allotments $30,756 is carried forward. Discussing the position of the Dutch Colonies with an interviewer in New York, Count Stirum,
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  • 148 2 Illegal and Legal. Reuter. Washington, Oct 10.—Wines and liquors valued at three hundred thousand dollars were stolen irom the country residence in Virginia of the financier, Joseph Leiter, the thieves using acetylene torches to cut their way through the three-inch thick steel door of tne wine cellar. They
    Reuter.  -  148 words
  • 121 2 Protests Recorded. Reuter. Brisbane, Oct. 10.—Mr Theodore has now admitted that Queensland is negotiating an American loan. His contradictory statements caused a scene in Parliament. Mr Morgan, leader of the opposition, was suspended a week for defying the Chair. Mr Theodore declares the exchange position will be advantageous,
    Reuter.  -  121 words
  • 111 2 People Crushed to Pulp. Reuter. London, Oct 10.—It is officially stated that two missing members of the crew of the s. s. Rowan have turned up. Thus eleven of the crew are missing, including Captain Brown. The official deaihroll at present is seventeen, but several members of the
    Reuter.  -  111 words
  • 87 2 Reuter. Washington, Oct 10.—In well-in-formed quarters it is expected the British delegation to the Washington Conference will be composed of Mr Balfour, Lord Lee, probably Sir Auckland Geddes, Sir K Borden (Canada) Mi Pearce (Australia) and if possible Gen Smuts (South Africa). The list may be subject to
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 138 2 The outbreak of smallpox in Singapore and the advice of the Health Officer that people should be revaccinated naturally bring to mind the great name of Jenner. Before his day the most absurd methods of cure were attempted. Nothing was too foolish for a doctor to do, and
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  • 141 2 Reuter. Copenhagen, Oct 10.—Count Preben Ahlefeldm Laurvig, ex-Minister to Peking and Tokio, has been appointed Danish Minister to London.—Reuter. The total length of ithe Penang Hills railway line measured along '.he formation level is 1 mile 435 yards, and the mean gradient about one in three the maximum being 1
    Reuter.  -  141 words
  • 435 2 The convincing appreciations of De Witt's Pills, such as appear in all the leading papers'at intervals, art only a few of the thousands of testimonials that Messrs. E. C. De Witt and Co., Ltd,, receive. Every statement made by these gratified persons can be substantiated
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 262 2 FIRST GLASS NEW-FASHIONED SARDNGS I can always be obta'ned from tbe address below, with a guarantee fat if unsaleable tbey can be returned within o 120 da\s, without deduction and exchange for new sarongs, o* fl4l or m ney refunded. Prices range from floto f 35 each. s*" OrdeS ate
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    • 550 2 PRETTY WOMEN who with to retain their charm find Pinkettes of especial value for tb> of the complexion at>d >f the general healih. The üb». when needed, of these dainty Ik i laxatives k-eps tha skin fie fnni pimple* and blemishes, ensures dail> regularity, dispels billions attacku and sick h*ad£ohes.
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    • 209 2 MANGEODINE. Beat for Mange, excellent for killing ticks and fleas in Doga, Cats, etc. Follow tbe directions and the result will be marvellous. STOCKISTS:— Medical Office, Bthj Baaah Road. Strait;- Pharmacy, Middle Road. Medical Hall, Ltd, Battery Road. The Dispensary, Rafflee Place. Finlayson Green Dispensary, Finlayson Green. Chong Shing Dispensary,
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    • 484 2 AUCTION SALE. ijHEONG KOON SENG &CoT AHCTIJNEERS APPRAISERS. 1 No. 30, K ing Street, Singapore. Important Mortgagees Sale Valuable Freehold at Kan pong bahru Road, Changt Road &.d East coast Roacu U Metirt. Obeong Koon Ser.g Jo.'a R o n, No. 33, g r^t On Wednesday, October 19, at 2.30
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  • 814 3 i t.t Prices Quoted ln the Market Singapore, October 11. Mea?rs. Lj.'ll and Evatt. Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the foilow•~g list of quotations. Rubber. Dvllar Shares. Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Aiienby 0.10 040 1 Aior Gajah 0.90 1.00 2 Amalgamated Maly 145 1.75 5 Ayer
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 153 3 AT THIS POPUI AH PBOTO PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tanj .-agar Road. Tramg P*,a th. Door. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT pM. IsW r i<M»r^fcxodaoU V with a trig star MITCHELL LEWIS In NINE-T|NTHS OF THE LAW Id 6 Paris a dram* with a good amonnt ot ia,tainiv<g Intereat, with iceaetlaid
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    • 615 3 |*»Mfel Frco, WEDNESDAY. ft**, ,2, u> MONDAY, ,7. Th. IMffe —At THE— CSS I fe-' tb a BEST A I 1 A J s\ a> A b: AL HAM BRA I»«tb«BC9T ~w k..i i*. v Cakes, Coffee I Mies XOiA served I titViSsf l~ fntervils I AN ABSORBING SELES! PICTURE
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    • 373 3 V| TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY TEUB?DIY Utb, 12 b sad 13 h October. I* Tl E AT 7 30 SttAW». THE GREAT HOUOINI SERIAL The Vfasfcr Mystery r One, Two and Tare* IN *EVEN REELS. W TIIE SECOND SHOW AT 9 15 »M. THUNDERBOLT JACK Serial Episode 5 enJ 6 Four New
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  • 162 4 The Irish Conference has opened. The Sinn Fein delegate* ere attending in atyle, with lavishly armed guards. Labour sagfesta rarioaa public works, and Capital suggests reduced taxation, aa the remedy for unemployment. France is making a private arrange* ment with Germany to take cash instead of goods on
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  • 68 4 DEATH. Mri. Tan 8<»ow joo on 2nd Oot. 1921, at her residence No. 4, 8eab Street, aged 49, years, the beloved mother of Mt-wt. Tan Miang Song, Miang Yong, Miang Chiang, Mi»ng Pbiow, Miang Kang and five other yonnger brotherf. The cortege will leave the above address on
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  • 779 4 A joyous event will be the visit of the Prince of Wales to Singapore next Spring. There is a temptation to wonder when the War Memorial would have been completed but for this happening, but all is well now. Work has already been begun and His Royal
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  • 390 4 A Chinese bank in Shanghai, named the Hsing Kong Bank, lias suspended payment. His Holiness the Swami Abhedananda will leave Penang by the a.s. Edavana sailing for Rangoon on Saturday. Boy Scouts are aaked to note that for Saturday's general parade they are required to attend with staves, and aot
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  • 224 4 The Driver's Statement, £h« inquest on the deaths of the two Chinese who were* passengers on motor-bus 3837 which capsized in New Keppel-road recently, was continued before Mr Bourne, the Coroner, on Tuesday. The speed Ml which was held on Sunday showed that the bus was capable of
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  • 599 4 Tan Kim Say a Chinese, was yesterday charged before Mr Dawson in the third police court with riding his motorcycle in a reckless manner along Stamford-road on Tuesday and failing to stop after an accident. The case was postponed and the accused allowed bail of $200. Mr H Mann, a
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  • 359 4 THE BANK OF TAIWAN SUED. Dr. Samuels' Claim. There wss an^ntere*t ng the Sapjeme Qmrf tl.ia morning before Mr Justice aWfjM. Lenrard, when Dr Jules Samuels tix the Raffles Hotel, Singapofp, Bued thePocal branch of ihe Bank of Taiw»n Ltd. The plaintifi claimed the >dio f $5,160, money
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  • 352 4 Arab Rent Agent Sentenced. An Arab named Syed Mohamed bin Somit, who appeared at the assizes early this year, and in a civil case later in connection with a sum of $20,000, rent money belonging to Messrs AlkafT and Company, of the Arcade, which he had received
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  • 67 4 Six Persona Injured. There was another motor bus accident this morning, when motor bus S 41, which was proceeding along Grove-road, suddenly swerved to the right, and overturned just near the Grove Estate. About six persons were injured, but fortunately not seriously. The driver, a Chinese, wss
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 231 4 MOTOR AND BICYCLE ACCESSORIES Mote and *m\\\W Foot Pumps Speedometer LUCAS j Can be Girder Fitted to Wr.nch feßl arm Yonr Cyole 3|, i\ and KW In a minute. BackCarritrs. Cycle Lamps. ft CYCLE AND MOT OR-CYCLE ft^^^ Robinson Co. Ltd. BINGAPORE. A LUBRICANT FOR EVERY PURPOSE. M -MMM. E
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    • 327 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Straita Settlements. 36, PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPOBE New Shipment Just Arrived of Carpenter's Smoothing and Jaok Plane*. Bran Hexagon Tapped Nats from 3/8" to 3/4". Gotland's Brass Ratt Hinges from 1$" to 6". Clybnrn Borew Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos Oord or Tarn
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  • 654 5 Seme Unfortunate Questions Arise. WJiile» the. Conference Approaches. Reuter. Washington, Oct 11.—Mr Hughes, State Secretary, has summoned the first meeting of American representatives at the Disarmament Conference for Oct 12. It is expected that the meeting will i onsider the reports of the progress ~i Government departments
    Reuter.  -  654 words
  • 308 5 Germany Angry. Reuter. DonrJon, Oct 11—The Silesia; recommendations of tbe committrr of tbe League of Nations have new bern communicated to the Suprem Council at Paris. Till the Council publishes it, it ia impossible to con firm tbe reports from Paris and Geneva that tbe recommendations favour
    Reuter.  -  308 words
  • 47 5 Reuter. Sydney, Oct 10.-The Japanese Conview Mr Suzuki > in an int thjn Sa ld that Japan would never ZT J pending Japanese to Ausmisst Cy Were not wanted. His ties 7** t0 im P rove commercial t0 hel P ce ment mutual "Wy relations—Reutcr.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 140 5 Gets German Goods. Reuter. London, Oct 10—The conclusion of the Loucheur-Rathenau agreement has evoked singularly little comment in England, though according to wellinformed Paris correspondents it practically means the Versailles Treaty is doomed, for if Germany defaults un- der the recent Allied London agree- j ment, France will
    Reuter.  -  140 words
  • 78 5 Government Expenditure. Reuter. London, Oct 11.—The economy committee, headed by Sir Eric Geddes, which is considering the expenditure of Government departments, held a first meeting to-day at Glenapp Castle, the Scottish residence ;,af Lord Inchcape. It is expected that ihe meetings will last for weeks. It is understood
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 75 5 Earl Hug's Views. Reuter. London, Oct 11.— the unveiling of a memorial to the fallen at Canterbury, Field Marshal Haig sharply criticised the proposed disbandment of four regiments of cavalry, being of opinion that the step is unjustified by the lessons of the war. He declared that if
    Reuter.  -  75 words
  • 36 5 Reuter. v Port Said, Oct 12.—The American steamer Eastern Admiral, from Shanghai for London and Rotterdam, has broken down 160 nyles from Alexandria, needing assistance. The steamer Eastern Importer is proceeding to assist.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 520 5 RELIEF MEASURES ARRANGED. ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY Reuter. London, Oct 11.—Six Labour repreaentatives held a two hours meet>°S with the Cabinet and the Unemployment Committee at Downing street in tbe evening, after tbe Irish conference had adj urned, and explained the Laboar propoaal for dealing with unemployment, incladtog the
    Reuter.  -  520 words
  • 58 5 Reuter. Sydney, Oct 11.—The Treasurer, Mr Lang, referring to the tnree million loan New South Wales is raising >in London, said that since the Government was formed in 1920 several offers of loans had been received from America, but none were favourably considered. The strongest American banks were
    Reuter.  -  58 words
  • 62 5 Reuter. London, Oct 11.—A telegram from Vera Cruz says that the Mexican! Eagle Oil Company have been placed under an embargo, by order of the State Government for refusing to pay a surtax of three million pesos. Three of the company's steamers loaded with oil are unable
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 49 5 Reuter. I Bombay, Oct lO.f-In the presence of a large gtfihering in the mill area, Mr Gandhi solemnly set fire to a heap of foreign clothing, and in a subsequent uncompromising speech repeated the views which form the subject of the charge against the Ali brothers. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 194 5 DECISION BEING TAKEN IN LONDON. SINN FEIN DEMONSTRATES Reuter. London, Oct 11.—The Irish Qou. ference has been opened at Down ing-atreet. A crowd, chiefly of Irish sympathiser*, cheered tbe Bmn Fein delegates and sang hymn?, after the proceedings bad been opened. Mr Chamberlain ia ill with lumbago and
    Reuter.  -  194 words
  • 161 5 Tariff Act Challenge. Reuter. London, Oct 10.—Sections of the trading community are objecting to the Safeguarding of Industries Act in so far as the appended schedule includes many commodities not made in Britain and apparently not related to key industries. The British Chemical Trade Association in a resolution
    Reuter.  -  161 words
  • 35 5 Reuter Geneva, Oct 10.—Ten Powers were represented at the opening conference of the League of Nations regarding the neutralisation of the Aaland Islands. M BernhofT, Danish Minister at Paris, was elected president.—
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 174 5 There was a very large attendance at the Protestant section of Bidadari Cemetery yesterday afternoon, when the remains of the late Mr Eleazar Johannes were laid to rest. A service was previously held at the Armenian Church, and when the cortege reached the cemetery the
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  • 97 5 At the Malacca Assizes yesterday, a Tamil named Sinniappen, charged with murder for stabbing another Tamil, was acquitted of the charge. The jury, after ten minutes' absence, returned a verdict of not gfciitly of murder but guilty of causing grievous hurt. Mr Justice Brown pasted sentence of one
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  • 341 5 THE TURF. TRAINING NOTES. j By "Uno." There was a meagre attendance of members to watch the work on the Race Course this morning. However the "lie-in-beds" did not miss much as there was very little work of any consequence done. Billet and Thompson both have their horses looking
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  • 126 5 X G C ST JAMES' CUP. The following players have qualified for the Keppel Golf Club St James' Cup, and the result of the drawing is as shown under: A S Gardner vs G Paterson; F Tradewell vs G Hogg or W Peach; G A F Layton vs W
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  • 42 5 S C C BEAT 4TH CO R G A. There was a lively game of hockey on the padang yesterday afternoon, when the S C C met the 4th Company R G A, and defeated them by four goals to one.
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  • 87 5 With reference to the notification in these columns with regard to the formation of a committee for helping destitute Indian coolies, the secretary writes to say that the committee appreciate the help rendered by Government in dealing with the situation, but feel that a depot should be
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  • 130 5 Last night, at the conclusion of the regular meeting of Lodge Zet-land-in-the-East, No. 508, a Lodge of Sorrow was held in memory of the late Bro. H Rickard, who held the office of J W of Lodge Zetland No. 508. Over one hundred of the deceased's masonic
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  • 37 5 It is notified that the War Office Medals Branch (A G 10) 27, Pilgrimstreet, E C, will be glad to receive applications from all those ex-officers who have not yet received their medals.
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  • 95 5 Singapore, October 13. On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 l-4d Demand 2a 4 Private 3 months, sight 2s 4 17-32 d On IndiaBank Tel. Transfer 156% On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 30% p.c. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 52% On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer ue% On
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  • 64 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore, October 13. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 33 34 Nov. to Dec. 34/£ 35 Jan. to March 36 37 Tone of Market.—Steady. Fred Wati /house Co.. Ltd. Singapore, October 13. To-day's dosing rubber quotations are as under:— New York.—ls%
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  • 123 5 Singapore, Oct IS. Silver 4?f Hongkong 3 per cent premium Shanghai, Nil. Three months gold $46|. Share Market.—Dull. Rubbera. —Small enqairy. Tit a.—Taipinga $105 to $1.10 Northa fl 22$ to $1.275, Souths*j 62$ to 67$ centa, Nawng Pete $1.50 to $1.55 Papane, 42$ to 47$ cents,
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  • 172 5 A Japanese named Hiroshi Iyume was produced before the Master Attendent on Saturday, on a charge of having deserted his ship, the s. s. Bencluch, and fined $25. Monseigneur Perrichon, Bishop of Coron and Coadjutor to the Bishop of Malacca, arrived this morning by the s. s. Klang from Penang,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 230 5 P&ASER CHALMERS I Engineering Works. Magnet House. 61 nad 8\ in son Boad, Singapore. Everything Electrical." PROPRIETORS thi General Electric Co., ltd (Incorporated in SofUnd.) m m B NEVER SAY DYE, S\Y TINTEX AT MAYNARD'S WINDOW j*» t£K We are showing a few samples j^S of what oan be done
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  • 1175 6  -  FOOTBALL. S C C WIN S P A CUP. Keen and Clean Game. BY "REYNARD." moet people expected, the SCC proved too good for the R E 3 C in the final of the S F A Cop yeBterday. They won by the odd-geal in three, but there wae
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  • 1458 6 Pulo Brani Men's Creditable Exhiiytien. By Echo." The R E are to be commended on putting up a surprisingly good resistance to obviously juperior forces. Even when they were two goals down they kept plodding away, and when there came, in the second half, one of
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  • 74 6 S R C ra STAFFORDS. A hockey match will be played tomorrow on the padang between the SRC and the Staffords "D" Company. The SRC will be represented by the following: G G Gray; E C S La Brooy and C Richards; J S de Souza, J R Anguss
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  • 99 6 1 SCC PRACTICE. The* teams for this evening's practice matfcb on the S C C ground will be-— D Pearson, R D Dykes S J: King, T Turnbull, J R Brander, J E Perry, F C Stewart, J S Wataon, Cfart? Qrsem, P C a4sj£enjf>, RaW*, Capt Ritter, Lieut
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  • 273 6 SCC TOURNAMENT. TO-DAY'S TIES. B Singles. (A court) E J Sutton scr. va. A E Bond scr. (D) T E Edmett owe 1 vs. E J Cassels scr. (G) A G Stredwick scr. vs. A P B Lrvesay scr. (L) F G Heath scr. C V Bailey owe
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  • 65 6 TO-DAY'S TIES. Championship, H G Stack v E E Ryan. A Singlet. A V Norria v E W de Cruz. C W Gomes v W F Carnegy to finish. A E Coelho v N E Ess to finish. B Singles. G Gray v G Oehlers to
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  • 56 6 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Roy Smith beat G J Dawson, 6—4, 6—l. J Lim vs. C A Bateman, unfinished. TO-DAY'S TLBS. E W Hide vs. C A Norri». TO-MORROWS TIES. C Smith vs. Gan Khek Keng. J Lim vs. C A Bateman.. [Other Sports items will be
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  • 52 6 Chi Yen Lai Vat, from Indragiri 13-10. MTKAsKH I iti/ sTTI I HUT! Ranee, from Kuantan 13-10. Masks from Jielautaa 13*10» Kboen Fk>ang, from PonUaoak 13*19. Gift*, from. Deli 13*10.... r «,i Gleaufer, from .Xondon 13-10. Klajig, from Penang 13-10. Landakaa, from Bombay 13-10. Oridono Maru, from
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  • 89 6 The Bishop of St. Albans lately described tho most dreary pessimist as the man who wears n belt as well as braces. As to the most cheery optimist he is possibly a certain intrepid aeronaut to be found on a flying packet that plies to France. He was explaining to
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  • 129 6 The Empire show to-night will be a first-class one. In tkje first show the chief feature will be "The Big Little Person" and in the second show "Nine-tenths of the Law." Bo ft are in six parts. The Marlborough presents to-night a splendid World drama, "Shall We Forgive
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 431 6 NOTICE. ESTATE TRUST AGENCIES, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) NOTICE is hereby given tba« the Register cf Transfers of the above Company will he atofed frnro October 15th to October 22nd, 1921, (both days inolnstve) fur the preparation of Dividend W* ranis. By Order of the Board, J, LEE KENG-TYE,
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    • 420 6 3 -1 V he G*mtt Patent superheated aeam Portable Engine. Therunnine of Garrett Portable so *m«*nrl uniform that they fulfil tbe nost exacting nqui.unentT -hat ire lnok.rt'or in a node?. Fngine; the ex-n me'y I>w omsm. p:ion erf..< i and h >a*aro.k. B|{ c a rn.t le .he cost of
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 196 6 WHEN AND WHERE. .t« >( -'«Hi. To-day, Oct 19r High Tides.—8.38 a.m., 4.29 p.a; nt> Philharmonic OrcheaUra, B. Scouts: III Ttoop, 6.15. Eurasian Association, St Andrew's School Hall, 8.15. ADC," Hollo's Wild Oat," Victoria Theatre, 9.15. Harmston's Circus, Beach-road, 9.15. To-morrow, Oct 14. High Tides.—9.8 a.m., 9.12 pan. Kerling
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    • 367 6 HAILS CLOSE. To-day, Oct. 13. Mersing, Kuantan, Keraaman Trengganu Quorra 2 p.m. Hongkong, Amoy, Shanghai Japan Japan 2 p.m. Sarawak Goebilt Kuching 2 p.m. Malacca Muar *Sri Muar 2 p.m. Batu Pahat Sri Wongsee 2 p.m. Penang Rangoon •Seang Bee 8 p.m. Penang,* Rangoon Calcutta Edavana 3 p.m. Penang,* Sabang,
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  • 485 7 SOME CURRENT NEWS AND COMMENTS. A new Chinese line has been established on the Panama service reports the Panama Canal Record theCbungwha Navigation Company of Hongkong, haviug insrituoed a new service between Hongkong and Valparaiso, via Hoojlulh, San riaucisco, aud Panama a The AmericanBhip p pug| ug Board
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  • 567 7 Cspiaiu Aioouie, WDo Wab he first master of too famous tea clipper Cutty Sark (now the Ferreira, ot Lisbon) haa jast celebiated hi« j-n i birthday at bis home, Macuof) tiouae, Auobteruiuchty, Fifeanire. Captain Moodie, who is atill in gooo ..ealib, is a native of Easo
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  • 359 7 Romance of Sheffield Industry. The discovery of methods of manufacturing irou aud steel which wnl euaoie those materials to deiy rust and stam ot all kinds is tne latest romance ol Sheffield industry. Iron aud steel makers are still exploring tne possibilities oi applying the materials to new
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  • 335 7 Divers' Trying Ordeal, The good ship Hamilla Mitchell, carrying £50,000 of specie, piled up on the Leuconna Rock, near Shanghai. She was a total loss, and the underwriters, after paying the insurance, considered tho question of trying to Salve the treasure. An expert reported that salvage was
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 624 7 TRY AND USE OUR Adam s Cook Brand Indian Condiatent Preparations, for the Uioat apetising and Wealthy taste, ft ■^■a«Bsa«asajejpesße«Bßß y T neu< t.jr nwMls at hor n« <ofNa, j|LEASiNG j Chop Oooky or aj COOK BBAID ■J Carr y Powder, X^'- V *sfc''" c a SyrUP etc., etc., S'
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    • 358 7 IB^^lP' f|jj Brpß Music in the Open Air, i JK/|Mk Ity Anytime, Anywhere. Ik MV I/ T^f 8 iecret of the Popularity ot the Decca, the wonderful little 1 gramophone that can be earned as easily as a handbag. i Wit!i its De «ut'fu!!v clear re- k I P rod
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    • 215 7 1 Single Trial Proves the dipi'riority OF j FRAMROZ S Co s Aerated Waters. William Caxton first introduced the printing press into England in the year ffl\. After acquiring the newly invented art of printing at Eruges, he returned to England, the land of his birth, and set up a
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  • 474 8 FORD RUNABOUT FOR £92., Mr Henry Ford, wbo wss one of tbe first to anticipate the downward trend of prices, and who started th" general reductions in the pricn of American motor cars some months ago, has created anotLer teneation by annoancing fntare prices at below the
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  • 188 8 Need for Court of Criminal Appeal. The frequency with which the Court of Criminal Appeal in England quashes verdicts given at trials presided over by the most eminent Judges of the High Court or orders the case to be tried afresh makes us quite certain, says the
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  • 146 8 There are indications that the caprices of fashion are once more tending towards a revival of demand for ostrich feathers. For various reasons the popularity of these beautiful plumes suffered an eclipse even before the Great War and that disaster proved almost a death blow to the industry.
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  • 42 8 A lantern procession in celebration ot tbe »nnivor»arv ul tbe toundmc tize l'b»ne«e 8epublic lvld »t pennng «'tis an sssuir tw»nt» »<?c» tionh p»rt,e,n«led snd «a<b was compunled >>» musicians, »nd bo»» nn,l girl» dre«»ed m variegated costumeb. Luge Mit«»»»ed tn» pre<:,«e»»uu. l
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  • 538 8 THE ALLEGED "REFORM" SCHEME. The Colonial Office, under the direction oi -Ur cnurenili, is engaged on an important scueiue ior tne reorganisation oi tne administration oi the crown Loionies and Protectorates, designed to give tnem, among otner tmngs, a greater amount of autonomy, states a correspondent of "ihe
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  • 248 8 Why Hhe Cattle Bellowed. Curious stowaways, other than of the human variety, have recently been found in ships arriving at British ports from abroad. Not the least interesting example was the discovery of a large tarantula spider, a birdeater, in a crate of bananas. During a recent trip
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 428 8 For RHEUMATISM Those twinges of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, however slight, are warnings. They mean that these serious complaints have settled m your joints, muscles and nerves. Don't ignore them- < banish the pain with Sloan's Liniment. It is the f swiftest pain killer known, and no matter how severe the
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    • 571 8 SSJssMSsM What Do You Want A Tractor For? O Ihe first thing you will think of plowing. But dcn't stop tnere. *If yoc? tractor ie to be a profit-maker for you, it musr. do much more than plow. It must be nble to do practically all tbe work around your
      571 words
    • 440 8 STEAMER SAILINGS. LLOYD TBILSItIQ %s N Co. HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Por Colombo, Aom, v «eaaa. Port Said, Brindiei, Vm > hi id Trieste, t&Btag cnrso c: trc^r v BUI of L*dj*B. for FitittsftE T-evant** Pons m.d Black bca Posts. 9 kbooiXov 15 Tbe steameri beir,g ro" cudei contract with the Italian
      440 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 555 9 O.BR3TISH,InOIA AND APCAR LINE. (Companies Incorporated in England) "fcNB ffJLSaENGEB SERVICES, and Oriental S. fl. Co. Under Contract with His Majesty's Government. fHB COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES FAST OF BOMBAY are at present suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. FromtLONDON Due SINGAPOBE. NyJDW ..f about Oct 19 Somali about Nov 1 Syria about
      555 words
    • 616 9 PACIFIC IriAiL STEAMSHIP CO. (Incorporated in U.S-AJ <> tfOR ACOOIiN* OP THB 0 S SHIPPING Bo> RD SAN FRANCISIO—VJAMLA— INDIA BAILINGB FROM BINGAPORE For OALdvrrA D.rHc Passenger, and Freight Oct 15 Stat and Freight Nov 1 5 Granite State Paaaengera ana Freight Dec 15 Ft BAM FBANCIBCO via MAM LA
      616 words
    • 513 9 I CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in U. S. A.) ANNOUNCE I Tbe inanimation of a Passerger and Freight Service of g oi i- xot-Uenoe b«tw< i n 4 j CHINA and JAVA PORTS via SINGAPORE Theiu NILE," 14,000 tons, formerly a Transit Pacific Liner, hia been assigned to
      513 words
    • 301 9 O, S. K. TU luka Skosat Xaiska, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan.) NO, 2 DE SOUZA STREET. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. tStfcjeet to taaaga wlthent aetiea,) EUROPEAN LINE. Ha* r*UKI tiAUJ, MARSEILLES, LONDON, AMTWLKP, ROTTERDAM a.nju Hamburg. Altai Maru arr Oct II dep 18 Amaxun Maru arr. Nov lo dep. Nov
      301 words
    • 614 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) London Line Fcitnightly Service For MARSEILLES. LONDON ft ANTWERP via PORT*. Kimo Maru q I :9 Iy > Maru M N 2 Ateuta Maru N v 1 1 Liverpool Line Monthly servioe For MARSEILLES A LIVERPOOL v a POETS Lisbon Maru M 0:t li
      614 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 380 10 TO LET. TO LET—Nawly br.ilt Compound r-s»dnrc- ht. Micha l't> Road. Apply to J. B. Wes.eraout, 15 A, Change Alltg. 3 9 uc TO LET—No. 76, 78, and 82. Waterloo S.reei. Ar-p'J to F. C. Aeria < i Straits Steamship Co Ltd. 11 10 2410 TO LET, —2 1 Raffle
      380 words
    • 660 10 NOTICE, S. S. 7 PER CENT. LOAN 1921. ISSUE OF DEFINITIVE BONDS. Hold-re of P. ovisional RreeipW of the above loau are hereby ho rormed that tbey may now obiali be dtfini.ive bonds tor wbiob it t j bave applied by Lresentti g tbeii Provisional to the Bank taroogh which
      660 words
    • 474 10 BANKS. >ZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO., LTD, (Incorporated in tbe S.S.) HEAD OFFICE 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplua mm B*o,ooo COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hea, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Teuw Peng, Esq.
      474 words
    • 495 10 BANKS. OIL UO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE 94, Market Street. BRANCHES Penang 6b Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muajp ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman, ttatu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat. Palembang 16, Ilir. AGENCIES AT London, New Yurk, San Franciaeo, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised
      495 words
    • 449 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporate! in England by royal Charter. Paid up Capital in OOU.OOO m area of £6 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank,
      449 words
    • 282 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. 9 (Incorporated in the £feS.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREET. Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Issued $10,500,000 Paid-up 5,260,000 Reserve Liability of I Shareholders 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam,
      282 words
    • 374 10 INSURANCE. THE OVr&SEAS 1 ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOARD OF D I RECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. 0.8. E., Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Esq. Dy. Chairman. Eu Tong Sen, Esq. C.B.E. Ong Boon Tat, Esc Lim Chwee China, Eaq. Chua Poh aVafJEj Eaq, O Lee Pang
      374 words
    • 566 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPI'C CfZEm. (EVENING DAILY.) Those Mo/171? SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVAJjjfi?) a Per ssnum ejgj, Hatf-yearly 7.5Q Per quartef 1 s 7| Siagle Copy 5 eta. Poatage Extra SO eta. per month. To Foreign coin tries $1 0 [A Subscription Form win b« found ot page B.]
      566 words