Malaya Tribune, 12 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 108 1 1 bUN.ff COMPANY supplies A ii photographic Materials AND I The Bir P lace for Amateurs i Printing and Enlargement No 80AD, Whiteaway, Laidlaw 6? Co.,*Ltti In i 0) Singapore. I 1 I OUR FAMOUS ((mf) TEr^^PUS TEMPUSjg^ WATCHES ARE NOW STANDARD DWARF EACH J]) EACH 7 h'adium Lial p
      108 words
    • 124 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements; ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. "g* Quotations given for complete Elect ie Lighting Power Installations, Fall rang, of Eleotrioa! sappUes in Hook VXR. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "DiCtOflripr Telephones. t j MADSTRONG' Plants. The Ideal Lighting Set for Bungalows
      124 words
    • 375 1 ClGAKfe/iTES NUMBER VIRGINIA Imitated —but never Equalled. Sole Manufacturers: AHDATH TOBACCO Co., Ltd., LOC DON. I Just Arrived, j Manilla Rope I The Rope you can trust I I MADE FROM I Pure XlflTAniJLllsii Hemp I In the World's Great Hemp Centre I with the most modern Machinery. I Stocked
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  • 433 2 A HONGKONG CRITICISM. Down Bing»p o re w»y ih*y have a most determ.ued onsor of films—a regular root aud b<»uoh inau t» e means to do nothing by halves, a, tie following luc of insunc ions unaer which he works will show "The exhibition of films depicting
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  • 122 2 The Maurelania, the famous liner of the Cunard Company, which was so severely damaged by are at Southampton recently, is to be converted, during the process of rebuilding the interior, to an oil-burning vessel, like her sister ship the Aquitania. The Jiaumama had a race
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  • 240 2 Messrs H C William and A T New-boult have been appointed second Lieutenants in the M V L Capt E N Graham, M S V R., has been promoted to Major. Second Lieutenant C W S Gardner, M C, has resigned. The Rev Keppel Gamier is returning to Penang with
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  • 374 2 Threatened Shortage. The Planters' Association of Malaya 1 issues the following letter, dated Oct 5: Dear Sir, —At the P A M meeting held in August last, attention was called to the new Indian Emigration Bill (which will become an Ordinance probably this month) and to the fact
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  • 62 2 Reuter. Washington, Oct 9.—The Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America has sent a message to its 150,000 congregations here, including most Protestant denominations, urging that all religious bodies should seize the priceless opportunity of the Washington Conference to cultivate a Christian public opinion in
    Reuter.  -  62 words
  • 60 2 Reuter. Geneva, Oct 9.—How the expenses of the League of Nations are distributed among the members is exemplified as follows. The figures show units payable by each state British Empire and France e*ch ninety Italy, India, China, Japan, each sixty-five Canada thirty-five Australia, South Africa, the Netherlands each
    Reuter.  -  60 words
  • 36 2 Reuter. Paris, Oct 9.—" Le Matin" understands that Vice-admiral Deson, excommander of the French fleet in the Levant, has been appointed chief of the naval mission which will accompany M Briand to Washington.— Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 211 2 Mr J W W Hughes, formerly acting assistant British Adviser, Kelantan, has returned from Home leave and assumed the duties of Collector of Land Revenue, Penang, vice Mr S Codrington, who will henceforth devote l«is entire time to his work as Municipal President. The impttndinjr departure for Home by Mr
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  • 113 2 Manchester Function. Reuter. J Manchester, Octio!—Twelve thju- sand people enthusiastically greeted their Majesties in the Asfembly Hall of the Royal Exchange. Sir Arthur Haworih read a loyal address in which he mentioned that the Exchange now covered 1% acres of ground and had a membership of 11,000,
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 103 2 Reuter. St Nazaire, Oct 10.—M Briand, who was accompanied by six Cabinet Ministers, in a speech stated that the French Government had confidence is the present German Government. Referring to the problem of fluctuating exchanges, he dwelt on the paradoxical situation whereby Germany benefited in the economic
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 269 2 FIRiT CI ASS ft NEW- ASH 10 X E 9 SABONGS 0 can always be obtained from the address below, with a •j guarantee t*at if unsaleable they can he returned with'n o 120 without deduction and exchange for new sarongs, o n 9 m or m ney refunded. Prices
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    • 756 2 A WOM S T OUBl.ES. Interesting Case in Ceylon. The case of Mrs. E. M. Fernando, wife of Mr. W. H. t ernando. stationmbster at Nuge»<oda, on the i eylon Govern ent Railways is > t espec ial interest to w< man. Here are the facts at related by ms
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    • 275 2 GUAN Km I o.. Ltd. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE CRUMBLES! CRUfilBLES!! CRUCIBLES!!! From Nos. 20 to 100 MANUFACTURED BY Morgan Crucible Co., LONDON. To be had at above address 11 io no ITCHING BURNING RASHONARM Neck and Head. Hair Fell Out Badly. Cuticura Heals. "I had an itching and burning
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    • 470 2 AUCTION SALE. r AUCTIONEERS APPRA'SERS. I No. 30, Kiiog Street, Singapore.' 0 Important Mortgagees dffafo r'r Valuable Freehold Kan pong bahru Road,*Changi Road arj? Er s t m <. oast Road.» U Mesrrt, Cheotxr Koon Set g A o.'a 8al« R>om, No 30. Street On Wtdoesday, October 19, at 2.30
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  • 807 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, October 11. Messrs. LyalJ and Evatt, Exchanga and Share Broken, issue the following lilt of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. Issue Value3 Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 0.10 030 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 1.00 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 1.75 5 Ayer Hitam
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 175 3 AT THE POPUIAR PHOTO PLAT HOUSE EMPIRE Fagar Ro*d. Tran>s Pass tfc» Door. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9*30 P.M. featuring MAE MURRAY in jUOfF LITTLE PERSON 6 Parts #n appealing that gives Mac Murray opportunity to Tnaot a role that is going to obartn her admirers—a pretty charaoteriaation embellished
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    • 609 3 I From WEDNESDAY, Ootober 12, to MONDAY, Octob-r 17 The r I Tamils*! Ii Aihambra I iv Theatre AT TH E tha only I WfeaifJ iH S0 SBJ Iga SmSSßSnenh, thStttTS I ret th, A I A lL A W*% W*% A Solute. 3: ALnAMBKA ■•mbwi —i- nn Cakes, Coffee,
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    • 353 3 TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY ft THURSDAY Uth, 12.h and 13th October. M THE FIRST SHOW AT 7.31 SHARP. THE GREAT HOUOINI SERIAL The Master Mystery Episodes One, Two and Three IN SEVEN REELS. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9 15 P.M. THUNDERBOLT JACK Serial Episode 5 and 6 Four New Reels. GLADYS
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  • 146 4 The Irish issue seems to be void of promise. De Valera sticks to Sinn Fein's "rights". The Sileaian question is approaching settlement. Sun Vat Sen ia at loggerheads with Portugal. Trade is reviving but unemployment continues, and the Premier meets Labour delegates on the matter. The ADC scored
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  • 118 4 DEATHS. Mrs. Till Siow Joo nr> 3rd Oe\ 192!, at her rf-nide-c No. 4, 8,**h Scrnet, agf-d 49, year*, th*> mother rf M• »> s. T »r Mianp Sorp, Miang Yonj?, Mir Ormr-p, Ml<m Pbiow, Miang Rang an i fi»e otb+f yontiger brothers. Tb* will th* ftbtv* address
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  • 911 4 It is obvious that an Editor who makes a slip, no matter howwell meaningly, can expect short shrift in any .Malayan court. There have been several instances. There was the savage judgment in the case in which tne "Straits Times" was mulcted in heavy damages for quite
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  • 148 4 The Rent Assessment Board will sit in the Municipal Board Room Tuesday next week at 2.15 p.m. The Chinese in Malacca celebAtetst the anniversary of the Republic with flag: displays and a lantern procession, We understand that the Malacca C P 0, Major Bower, will shortly be going Home on
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  • 71 4 Europeans Burned to Death. Own Correspondent.) Inoh, Oct 11.— shocking tragedy occurred on Sunday morning at Sabak the Selangor side of the Bernam Kiver. Two Danes, Messrs«\setz and Luttichau, of William Estate, were asleep in their beds when the bungalow caught fire. One man was burned to death
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  • 64 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct 11.—The Blue fa*nel steamer Troilus aaVived here this morning fr°r* Liverpool, miking the voyage in days, the best run since the s.s. Pyrrhus, prior to the War, did it in 22 days. The Troili» actuary steamed 23 days, making her maiden
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  • 42 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Oct 11— Tunku Ismail, Jistrict Officer, Kulim, is charged with criminal breach of trust of $15,000* The case is to be heard at Kulim on the 24th instant, before a Malay Magistrate.
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  • 55 4 Work was commenced yesterday on the War Memorial by the Esplanade, the foundation stone of which was mid in the presence of M Clemenceau on the occasion of his visit East. The memorial is to b|, completed in time for the unveiling by H R H the
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  • 51 4 In the Supreme Court yesterday afternoon the Chief Justice gave judgment in favour of the Borneo Co, Ltd, with costs, in the action brought by Mr Barbour, former manager of the Jrchard-road garage. A report of the action is crowded out to-day, and will be given
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  • 457 4 On Saturday, the roof of a large godown in Robinson-road collapaed. About $160,000 worth of rice which A'as stored in the godown was buried, oxxt was successfully salved. Portions of the wall were also brought down. A Malacca reader writes that on Sunday, at about 2 p.m. at Bukit China,
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  • 751 4 ARRANGEMENTS FOR LOCAL VISIT. All Communities Invitation* .were issued by ths Colonial Secr«iyjf, the F S Jameo C M CP/ tb leading representative members of all communities in she Colony/ to meet for' the of organising aY fitting welcom to His itoyal Highness the Prince of W
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 229 4 MOTOR AND BICYCLE I ACCESSORIES I!! j Vktocar and Mot^r'Cycle VEFDE* Foot Pumps Speedometer Q#%, CYCLE AND MrnOß-CVCLE Robinson Co, i to. wKj (Incorporated in the C S.) j SIKCAPORE. Mm j A LUBRICANT FOR EVERY PURPOSE. JENL yOUB OKDKRB TO THB Asiatic P'etro'eum Co. (S.S.), Ltd. Incorporated ia England.
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    • 336 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated In the Straits Settlement*. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE New Shipment Just Arrived of Cwp'MtrerVi Smoothing and J-iok Pi*n«». Brsro H*xa«on Tipped Nats from 3/8" to 3/4". Cotiand's Brass Baa Hinges from If" to 6". Clybnru Sorfw Scanners from 6 M to 24". Asbestos Cord or
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  • 290 5 Different Chinese and Fortupse c Versions. 1 Sotial if us Alhiged. London, Oct. 11. —Reuter is informed that Sun Vat Sen's #overnment has demanded the* removal of the defensive works at Macaol on the ground that Portugal is not entitled to erect them, and also complains that
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  • 250 5 COMMITTEE'S DECISION EXPECTED. Reuter. London, Oct 10.—The Upper Silesian problem is likely to attain prominence shortly, as it is expectea the committee of four representatives of disinterested Powers, Hymans (Belgium) De Leon (spain) Da Cunna (brazil) and Wellington Koo (Cnina), to which tbe Council of tne League entrusted
    Reuter.  -  250 words
  • 79 5 Independence to Come. Reuter. Alanila, Oct 10.—At a farewell "anquet, Acting Governor Charles 1 eater denounced the wirresponsible proposals to perpetuate the American sovereignty in the Philippines. He said the preamble of the Jones Act, which promised sovereignty to we Filipinos, embodied a sacred pledge by America, and
    Reuter.  -  79 words
  • 85 5 Reuter. London, Oct 10.—Further signs of trade revival are given in the trade returns for September, which show •xports 55 millions sterling, compared Wlth 01 in August, and imports 87, compared with 88 %.—Reuter. London, Oct 11.—It is stated that trade has so far improved that a number
    Reuter.  -  85 words
  • 44 5 Reuter. Simla, Oct. 11.—The summary courts dealing with the Moplah rebels are taking strong action. They have committed 801 to the sessions, sentenced 1,634 to two years* jmprioonment, and 376 to terms rangJf from 2 to 20 months. Nineteen have been acqnitt*d.>-R«uter.
    Reuter.  -  44 words
  • 438 5 •*0E VALERA'S LATEST STATEMENT. Reuter. London, Oct 10.—Mr Michael Collins arrived in .London tnis morning, completing the £>inn b ein delegation to «.ne lnsn Conierence, wnicn is expected to be opened by Mr Uoya sjeorge at No. io oowning-street on .ne morning of tne 11th. ihe isnusn Government
    Reuter.  -  438 words
  • 38 5 Reuter. Athens? Oct lJy-A official communique claims that tne battle commencing on Sept 30 in the Aflun Karahisear sector ended on Oct 8 in a brilliant Greek victosy. The Turks are retreating in disorder. —Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 28 5 Reuter. Madrid, Oct 10.—An official communique from Melilla says the Spaniards have captured the mountainous region of Gourougou, the enemy' 6 principal base in Morocco. —Reuber.
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 711 5 TOWKAVS SON IN THE DOCK. Two Serious Charges. A great deal of excitement haa been caused in Malacca by the case in which Tan Soo Van, son of Tan Jiak Choo, a wealthy Straits-born Chinese, was charged with giving false evidence and fabricating certain books. These two serious
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  • 43 5 Amsterdam Oct 10.—The Algemeen Handelsblad' understands that I. hundred million florin, 6% per cent loan will shortly be issued, forming part of the Dutch Indies loan of 250 million florins, of which 75 thousand florins has already been issued.— Reuter.
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  • 68 5 Harmston's Circus is having a very successful season here. The show has attracted large crowds ever since it* opening, and they have always had their moneys worth of enjoyment. The papgrarame includes many wary interesting items. The circus ia strong in its wild animal show, and the final
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  • 15 5 The Rev F Dowland Ryan, M C, has resigned the Chaplaincy of Christ Ohurch, Bangkok.
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  • 1407 5 SINGAPORE ADC PERFORMANCE. A Big Success. The Singapore Amateur Dramatio Committee has achieved yet one more triumph. New ground was broken in the production of an American piece like Rollo's Wild Oat," a particularly new comedy by one Clare Hummer, not previously performed outside the United States.
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  • 279 5 Impatient of Delay. London, Oct 10.—Mr Lloyd George, in a letter to Messrs Bowerman and Henderson, informing them he can receive a Labour deputation on unemployment to-morrow evening, denies that he is responsible for any delays in meeting the Labour people, aa was suggested. He deeply regrets Labour's
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  • 135 5 Singapore, October 12. On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 l-4d Demand 2s 4 Private 3 months, sight 2s 4 17-32 d On IndiaBank Tel. Transfer 157% On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 30% p.c. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 63 On JavaBank TeL Transfer 186% On Japan—
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  • 111 5 Singapore, Oct 12. Silver 42%. Hongkong 30% per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $46%. Share Market.—Dull. Rubbers.—Small enquiry. Tins.—Taipings $1.05 to $1.10, Norths $1.22% to $1.27%, Souths 62% to 67% cents, Nawng Pets $1.50 to $1.55, Papans 42% to 47% cents, Padang Plandoks 60
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  • 238 5 There were few cases of interest at the meeting of the Rent Assessment Board which was presided over by Mr C N Maxwell yesterday afternoon. Other members present were Messrs E Tessensohn, Gaw Khek Khiam, Koh San Hin, and W H Beadsworth. Mr R Braddell mentioned a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 284 5 PHASER CHALMERC; Engineering Works. I Magnet Boate, 62 t nd 6\ Sasoa ttoaO, Singapore. ELECTRIC LIFTS For Passengers or Goods. QUOTATIONS GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd. (Incorporated in OngUad.) ■> aaasw. mmmm i o»w ——mmhi trr er i^m—i——ii inimw 881 1 j NEVER SAY DYE,
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  • 1102 6 FOOTBALL. S F A CUP FINAL. Ground to £c Enclosed. The S F A Cup final will start at spm to-day on the S R C ground, and Mr Lim Kee Cheok has arranged for an enclosure to be mads and prices nf $1, 50 cents and 20 cents
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  • 568 6 SCC TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAY. A Singles. J Donaldson scr. vs. R B B Dannell owe 30.4, postponed. H S Haskins owe 15, beat S J Edwards scr. 5—7, 6—3, 6—2. H Leakey scr. beat J Utermark owe 15, 5—7, 6—l, 6—4. B Singles. Major Stanbury owe 1 vs.
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  • 30 6 SATURDAY'S REGATTA. A reminder ia given of the S Y C regatta to be held on Saturday afternoon, when amongst other events the Governor's Cup will be sailed for.
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  • 50 6 GEORGE GRAY COMING. Mr George Gray, the famous billiard player, who is on a tour in the East, is expected to arrive here on Monday next from Java. It ia hoped tbat arrangements will be made for bim to play matoaes ia the Goioap aad the F M 8.
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  • 46 6 SUNDAY'S COMPETITION. Members of the Swimming Club are reminded of the annual diving competition next Sunday morning. The first dive will be from the new diving stage and in addition to the set diving competitors will be allowed oae vuhassary irve free* the tea board.
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  • 1011 6 BY "ECHO." To-day the Singapore Football Association Challenge Cup, first offered in 1892, will be fought for for the seventeenth time. In the first year it was won by a civilian team, the Singapore Engineers. Since then it has always been won by the military. The leading civilian
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  • 165 6 There is passing through Singapore a large number of refugees from Siberia who have been through much hardship. Messrs Frankels, Ltd, interested themselves in the case of these men, and besides giving assistance drew the attention of the Nanyang Bros Tobacco Co, of Robin-son-road, to the matter
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  • 25 6 Pionia from Copenhagen 12-10. Sri Muar from Malacca 12-10. Hye Leong from Malacca 12-10. Edavana from Calcutta 12.10. Japan from Calcutta 12-10.
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  • 127 6 To-day, Oct 12. High Tides.—7.64 a.m., 7.25 pjn. Day of Atonement (Jewish Holiday). Polo, Balestier, 4.46. Football: Cup final, S C C v R E Sports Club, SRC ground. Staffords' Drums, Bot. Gardens, 5.15. SVC: Chinese Co. recruits (musketry), 5.15. B. Scouts: VII Troop, 5.15. Tanglin Club,
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  • 375 6 To-day, Oct, 12. Malacca Muar •Ban Whatt Hin 2 p.m. Kretay, Trengganu, Kelantan, Patani, Singora,* Bandon Bangkok* Prachatipok 2 p.m. Mersing, Kuantan, Kemaman Trengganu* Quorra 2 p.m. Penang,* Rangoon A Calcutta Takada 3 p.m. Batu Pahat Mena 3 p.m Medan Medusa 3 p.m. Muar Malacca *Hong Keat 3
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  • 125 6 Out of ;i fine assortment of new features to hand, the Alhambra is presenting, to-night, a superb select feature production with that versatile star Alice Brady in the leading role. It is entitled The Death Dance," and the plot hinges around a famous character dance in the story,
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  • 258 6 Appeal to the Hindu Endowment BoaflL A correspondent, S T, writes to entreat that something shall be*done for the destitute Indian coolies now in Singapore. "It ia a pity," he says, "that they should be allowed to sleep in the five-footways and live on begging, before the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 376 6 NOTICE. I hcrt-by give notion that nade he power* c d to the nnde»ign*d By*»d hin Hood Albsbshe» >f No. 5, Change Alley by Syer till bin Abdnl'ahman bin -Ibabßh** of BaogH Java, by 8 Po ver of Attorney the 2 i i«»y of Septf«rol er, 1921. all Poweri. f
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    • 426 6 The Garrett Patent Vmm 9m Portable Engine. The running of Garrett Portable Eng*.ies is and uniform that they fulfil tbe n ost exacting rt-quirements that a'e loaded for in a n odern Engine; the enremely Urn consumption of fuel ardTow w<Mmg e< a enable*be coat of power production for coroprfattvely
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  • 12 7 (We do not necessary endorse the options expressed by correspon- dents.)
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  • 710 7 From Mr LEE I JIN: As the question of appointing a suitable candidate for the post of a representative on the Council for the Chinese is an important matter, I shall be much obliged if you will kindly allow me space in your valuable
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  • 141 7 AdAsaion of Womea. r r London, Sept 13.—Women's place in the Church was debated at \\he Ecumenical Methodist Conference. Miss Daisy Davies, American Epitosaid that worn* in raised thousands of dollars for the Church which the men administered'. The tims had come to abolish the sex harries. She
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  • 32 7 Addresses were pretested to the Est. Father Perrichon at Penang; by members of tbe Roman Catholic com' munity on his departure for Singapore to he rnnsesrssed Bishop of the* of Malacca. 7|
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  • 152 7 Must Have Security. Paris, Oct 10.—At Saint Nazaire, M Briand, speaking at a banquet, seated that France made the maximum of sacrifices during war and in peace, and shall get all the reparations during peace and a chief place in the world. The French Governmennt was bound
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  • 128 7 Much Less Building:. I London, Oct 9.—Lloyd's register indicates that the heavy slump in world shipbuilding continues. A total of 8,250,000 tons of merchant shipping was under construction in the United Kingdom on Sept 80 a reduction of a quarter of a million compared with June 30, but
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  • 83 7 London, Oct 10.—An Ypres League 'is being formed under the patronage of the Prince of Wales and Lord 1 French for the purpose of recording upon the Ypres Scroll the names and records of all soldiers who fought and died in the salient Contributions sre also being
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  • 71 7 Paris, Oct fO. —Speaking at an unveiling ceremon.v, the State Secretary, M Gaaton Vidal, aaid that any German aggression in the near future was unlikely. Military occupation of the Rhineland affords Trance the beat guarantee of her ovn safety but Germany's disarming v» still incomplete and efforts remain*
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  • 72 7 London, Oct 10.—The Vienna correspondent of the Timea wires that a financial panic has b*en caused by the unprecedented number of kronen issued recently, which has resulted in a mad rush of purchasers buying foodstuffs and goods in the belief that the kronen will soon become worthless.
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  • 58 7 London, Sept 20.—Th. National Pawnbrokers' Association are considering the question oi asking Parliament for authority to increase their intereat and other charges. It is declared that the pawnbnoking buaineae is at present unremunerative. Both rich and poor are anxious £o pledge but few to redeem goods,
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  • 32 7 Ere you cut yourselves fuse from England, Oh, Irishmen, stop and "think. We did that, you know, and .now we must go. To Canada for a drink. —Boston Trans cript.
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  • 84 7 At Ambara Palace, Bangkok, the King of Siam gave a dinner in hon our of His Excellency the Honour?* V« George W P Hunt, Envoy Extraordt ■> ary and Minister Plenipotentiary O*' the United States of America on th occasion of hia departure on leave. c The Conservator of Forests,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 597 7 TRY AND USE OUR Adam s Cook Brand Indian Condiment Preparations, (or the most apetising and healthy taile. *> 1 c ■^Mi^^^Mß»» 5% T he uo-tod*te jpiMe needs* at home Chop Cooky or C U RRY I COOK RD A Mia i V Curr y fm*sf > ieleot«dand c 4
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    • 273 7 Mtuic in the Open Air, Ii Anytime, Anywhere. Decca, tbe wonderful little I i '^^^3SP 3 gramophone that can be I came< 38 e **ily as a handbag. 1 1 I )tfl lU beautifully clear re- 1 9 I'BbW I P ro^u ctioo and full volume, j1 I Decca is
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    • 9 7 ASAHI BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui BuBBan Kaisha. Batterv-Rd. SiosaDore.
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    • 225 7 \—k Single Trial— i Proves tho Superiority OF FRAMROZ k GO'S ■crated latere. William Caxton first introduced the printing press into t ngland in the year 1471. After acquiring the newly invented art of j printing at Bruges, he returned to j England, the land of his birth, j and
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  • 750 8 OUR BURDEN IN PALESTINE. Sir Herbert Batnuel, High Com. nissloner aed Commander-in-Chief in an interim report published as a White Paper, gives an account of tbe civil administration of Palestine daring the period Jaly 1, 1920, and June 30, 1921. The report shows that, while the
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  • 43 8 I The Chinese Press states that German or Austrian subjects who formerly held posts in the Chinese Customs Service will be reinstated in the:'r former positions. Those who do not resume their old positions will be allowed the pensions wfeioh «*> due to th%m.
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  • 326 8 Records to Teach Student*. Cinema photography is now being applied with success to the study of disease. A great advance was made recently at the Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Maida Vale. A telephone call was received at the offices of the well-known firm of Pathe
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  • 206 8 Thrilling Incidents. London, Sept. I.—Writing from Central Brazil, Lieut. L Marsden Smith tells a thrilling story of his adventures, along with Captain Robert Hall and Lieut. Reginald S Smith, who accompanied him from Southport on his expedition to the Upper Amazon region. "Since we left Manos on
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  • 159 8 Cost of Paint and Varnish. London, Sept 20.—There is considerable amusement in art circles over a reported disagreement between Lord Leverhulme, whose action in decapitating a portrait of limself by Mr Augustus John recently aroused considerable controversy, and Sir William Orpen. According to the "Daily Chronicle's" Paris
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 411 8 'or RHEUMATISM Those twinges of Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuritis, however slighf-. are warnings. They mean tbat these serious complaints have settled in your joints, muscles and nerves. Don't ignore them banish the pain wttfl Sloan's Liniment. It is the swiftest pain killer known, and no matter how severe the pain may
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    • 64 8 et from Factory Wholesale Pnott iNrwtrmasts'.r Sat>« founds. World 5 finest nuusivt JrD' an,ii Potable ML h 1 delivatfk Sent on I to trial packed free. 'ive-.i»j /roeM and !n tara net rtJ> ij* tu nes) and ec c u< le<i. Satis. ■■4?sit&di£}t-£ :it"-ed. Aecntz ••C^Ltab^jffjjy.• I.*. Sc:id postcard for
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    • 520 8 I What Do You Want A Tractor For? The first thin g you will think of plowing. But don't stop there. If your tractor is to bs a profit-maker for yoa, it must do much more than plow. < It must be able to do practically all the work around
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    • 454 8 STEAMER SAILINGS. LLOYD rftIESTIIO fit. Co. i i ieaorpora ted ia Italy) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Fir Colombo, Aoen, AL-.aeaua, Port Said, Briucßai, Venice and T:»eete, taking oh|**lco through fittl of Ibadfrg for Fin me the Levante Ports and af&ck Bea V_ Penfr about Nov 15 j| Th-» iteerrjeri being run under
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 555 9 P. *0.-British Ijvdia •APCAR™ LINE. (Complies Incokporated in England) mail xfcb pmSJSom services. Penllsular and Oriental S, N. Co. Under Contract with Hl3 Majesty's Government. THB COMPANY'S MAIL OF BOMBAY art at present suspeuded. LONDON FAR-EASTERN BER VICE. From LOUDON Due SINGAPORE. Nyansa «Bcnt Oct 19 Somjgi about Nov 1
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    • 458 9 PAGIfIG MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. •> (Incorporated ia U S.A.J F$R ACCOUNT OP THB U 8 SHIPPING BOARD SAN FRANCISCO—MANILA—E&ST INDIA SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE For CALCUTTA D.reov OreoleState Paserngeraand Freight Oct t$ Wolverine State PassenKera and Freight Not 1$ Granite State Paaaengera and Freight Dec 15 For B\N FRANCISCO via MAN
      458 words
    • 798 9 1 CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP t CO., LTD. (Incorporated in U. S. A.) ANNOUNCE The insognration of a Passenger and Freight Service of nnnsnal «-xo»llanoe between. CHINA and JAVA PORTS via SINGAPORE The fl.s. NILE," 14,000 tons, formerly a Transpacific Liner, has been assigned to this run to maintain a monthly
      798 words
    • 727 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) London Lino Fortnightly Service For MARSEILLES. LONDON ft ANTWEBP via PORTS. K»mo Maru O t 19 Eye Maru N 2 Ateuta Maru N -v I Liverpool Lino Monthly i^ervice For MARSEILLES 4 LIVERPOOL v a PORTS. Lisbon Maru i... M o*l3 H*"*hur>o ijno Monthly
      727 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 431 10 TO LET. TO LET.—N wly built Compound I ne-. a*. Ht. Michael's Boad. App yio J. B. Wes.ernout, 15-A, Change Mi.y. 3 9 pc TO LET —No. 75, 78, and 82 Wasartoo tttt*t4, Atpiy w F 0. Aeri* > Sttaits S.t>aa.ship Co, Lto. 11 10 14 10 TO LET. —2
      431 words
    • 678 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. Safe, Sure and Guaranteed Cure for Leprosy, Leutoderms, Patches, Marks, etc., in four wecka. Patients willing to be treated by Post are requested to write. Three days trial free or a week's treatment for Re. 7-8 ($4.25) only. Sri Works, Baadon Square, Calcutta, (M. T.) India. 21-y—W u-c
      678 words
    • 478 10 BANKS. *ZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO., LTD, (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: 58, KLING STREET, SLNGAPOKE. Establiahed 1907. Paid-up Capital M $2,000,000 Surplus 8*0,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Saah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Tao Teow Peng:, Esq.
      478 words
    • 492 10 BANKS. IHE HO HONG HANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 94, Market Street. BRANCHES: Penang 85 Beach Street Aialacca 131 Junker Street. Muar ..77-79 Jaian Suleiman, datu Pahat 109 Jalan Kahamat. Palembang, AGENCIES AT I London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL, Authorised (20,000,000
      492 words
    • 450 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporatd in England) BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in ti 00,000 Snarea of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Rank,
      450 words
    • 262 10 BANKS. THE O VERSE A*CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S^ HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREET. Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: D?OH AND DELL CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Issued $10,600,000 Paid-up 6,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders f 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean
      262 words
    • 381 10 INSURANCE. THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated ia the S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. 0.8. E., Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Esq. Dy. Chairman. En Tong Sen, Esq. CBJL Ong Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee Chiax, Eaq. Chna Poh Esq. Lea Pang Seag, Esq. Yeo Baa Keng,
      381 words
    • 553 10 MALAYA TRIBUTE AND SHIPPING CAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) 'Phone No. lil. SUBSCRIPTION RATRS. ADVANJ?£. Per annum $15.00 Half-yearly 7£g Per quarter <■ 3.75 Single Copy 5 eta. Postage Extra 50 eta. per month. To Foreign countries $1 do [A Subscription Form will be found on (Inge B.] VERI MANY "TRIBUNE" READERS
      553 words