Malaya Tribune, 11 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 368 1 1,UN fi? COMPANY I supplies 1 A ii r b tographic Materials Bigbt Place for Amateurs ls Dtvtloping. Printing and Enlargement Ho. H NORTH BRIDGE BOAD, phone 660 W Best English Underwear. The "JAEjIaNCO" W& it 'f Indie Gauae Vests, half slaves, /button fronts. Special Value. PriCe 8 h /C)
      368 words
    • 225 1 \-mmm\\\\\\\\\m American Boots and Shoes. A The "Keystone" Willow Oalf Boot with a mediam heavy lole. I Ii broad fitting and ii made for 1 Vyl three who require a light boot with 8 lhlC]I walkil g BOle Price 27,60 The 44 Benior" Walkover Shoe in Browr, Calf Medinm Weight
      225 words
    • 211 1 Fashionable British Footwear. "K w Heavy Brown Boot for l"4_»_ Military, ■hooting estate me, eto., ""^^Ssßw exceptionally strong. IqIJ Price $23.50 f («ajH Brown Calf or Glaoe Kid Bboe, Derby front very pmart shape for town wear. Prioe $24.50 f, -X" Black Glace Kid Shce. _sa_e____ with Patent toe c*p
      211 words
    • 383 1 THE MAUYA TRIBUNE HIPPING GAZETTE, Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable »n Advance. Per annum t 1 5.00 Half-yearly S 7 M> Ptr quarter «»75 i Postage Extra SO ots per month. Men's Handkerchiefs. gh PYRAMID gl HANDKERCHIEFS Tootals famous make, fiu- eoft lawa Jmmf, ra_B_ with colored borders. A
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  • 373 2 ENTERING INTO ACTIVITY, There isno doebt that this is tbe age of the Woman, and the yonager generation of Chinese women h*ve nut been b hiu i their W. st -n listers in coming forward. With the movement for emancipation ia hina, of coorae, there have
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  • 250 2 Penang Preaa Appreciation,. To return to the Governor, aaya" the Straits Echo in a leading article, we do not know whether ins Excellency is susceptible to criticism, whether like a wise man he has cultivated the pachydermatous hide which every servant oi the puolic (official or unofficial) should
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  • 80 2 The death rate per mille for the week ending Sept. 24 was 42.11. The total number of deaths was 344 of which 252 were males and 92 females. No European and no Eurasians died, but 254 Chinese, 60 Malays, 26 Indians. Convulsions caused 20 deaths, phthisis 52, malarial
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  • 163 2 In "Perak Church Notes" for October, all who earn their living are invited to sign a paper, enclosed in the "Notes," stating (1) "I am in favour (or not) of Sunday being observed as a Day of Rest in this country," and (2) "I am in favour (or not) of
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  • 1072 2 EMPIRE'S WHITE POPULATION 64,000,000. Cannon-Fodder Calculations. The general results of the Census for England and Wales contained no surprises for those who follow tbe statistics of population, says the "Westminster Gazette". The outstanding fact is that the increase in the population of Great Britain ia only about half
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  • 47 2 The Japanese Government Railways celebrate the 50th anniversary of their inception thia month. An official report on the earthquake in the Province of Kansu, China, laat December ahowa that 200,000 people were buried by falling hilla. All houses within an area of 76 square miles were deatroyed.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 638 2 FOR TRY Guan Hoe Hin Co., 387, Victoria Street, Sing pore M— FIB IT CLASS MEW- r"ASHIO HE 9 SARONGS p can always b« obta ned f rom tha address below, with a guarantee tat f unsaleable they can be returned within **o j 120 days, without deduction and exchange
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    • 596 2 MOIHRRS REST EASY AT NIGHT. Who Keep B by's Own Tablets lo tbe House. Every mother knows thoie night* of alarm and unrest wh«n the baby or one or other of tbe older child ren, wakes np feverish and unwell. The problt-m then is what can beet be done until
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    • 335 2 i An invaluable j restorative in cases of I Exhaustion j When the system is "below par," j 3 any unusual strain upon the vitality often causes a feeling of exhaustion, j J This feeling of exhaustion is due to j a a sudden partial collapse of the n vital
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    • 503 2 AUCTION SALE. _o_ CHEQNG KtJON SENC &~Co7 AUCTIONEERS 'PPRA'SERS. No. 30, Kiing Street, Singapore, o c Important Mortgagee's Sa/e cf Valuable Freehold Land and Sgfjep houses at Kirk Terrace Off woby Ghaut, and Compound House at Holland Roa?; &d( W Messrs. Oheong Koor/Set.g A Jo.'a S*l«-R wm,«j 3), Eliog street
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  • 780 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, October 11. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following hit of quotations. Robber. Dollar Shares. Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 0.10 0.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 l.Oo 2 Amalgamated Italy 1.25 1.75 5 Ayer Hitam
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 191 3 AT THE POPUI AR PHOTO PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Attar Boad. Tra -is Pass, tha lo&or. m IN «%BECOND SHOW AT 9 30 P.M. A Universal special attraction MAE MURRAY in Tif E B O LITTLE PERSON 6 Parti An ippealing that giv;s Alae MurHr> opportunity to enact a role that
      191 words
    • 574 3 1 From THURSDAY, October 6, to TUESDAY, October 11 T 11 > albfiotMl if A in am bra me «uitr« kT THE M*.** aflat* **«atre (Set tlit BEST A 1 mau M Ar% mX A B-J wnteltetw -s"- ALtlAMDKA -s» Ortaeatra Cakes, Coffee, «n4 the BEST The hall for MatIc
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    • 353 3 Grand Change of Programme Singapore Merchant Pays Handsome Tribute to the TRIBUNE." (Extract from letter dated August 20,1921, addressed to the Advertising Manager, "Malaya Tribune," Singapore.) "We enclose contract duly signed for a further period of three months and shall continue to advertise in the 11 MALAYA TRIBUNE as long
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  • 232 4 The Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd., have won their libel action against the Straits Times and its Editor. The Chief Justice awarded 85,000 damages and offered some severs comments. Nationalist extremists are to endeavour to ruin the success of the Prince of Wales's visit to India. Riots have
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  • 27 4 BIRTH. j P( HABKXGUlVtU—On 8*-pt. 22 192', al LnllibO' Hi SnULHtrh, t<> Mr and Mri. U, sca^ci gmv- I, a ion. 11 10 11 10
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  • 75 4 M-i. T*n S o*- j l0 «i 2i -I Oo*. 1921, at ht-r r*«id*-ne'> No. 4 Soab 8 r*»-t, 8>«-d 49. y»-*up. *b*« i I mother «I Mmh T>n Sorp, MUng Yong, Mm- g ObrarB 1 .\i r» PM->w, tfieaf Kany »m1 fiw»« «tbtr ynnngur brother*. The oorteg* will
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  • 897 4 The housing problem remains with us. Largely this is attributable to the excessive cost of building at the present time, and during the past year or two. A certaiii amount of building is going on in various parts of the town, but it is almost exclusively either
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  • 130 4 A Siamese notice to mariners states that according to a communication from Tanah Merah a lighter with load drifted from Tumpat about 12 days ago. Father Sauaaeau haa relieved Monseigneur Perrichon in charge of the Tamil mission at Penang. The Coadjutor Bishop of Malacca is expected to arrive from Penang
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  • 178 4 'SETTLEMENT NOW ON El WASHINGTON. Reuter. London, Oct 10.—Ihe "Times," commenting oil the Chinese reply to Japan's offer (recently published), says that the implication is that whereas Japan desired the to be settied before the Washington Conference, the Peking Government «jfTdetermined to keep ™t open and Dring
    Reuter.  -  178 words
  • 103 4 Trotzky's Narrow Escape. Reuter. Paris Oct 9.—A telegram from Riga states that Trotzky escaped from a fresh attempt on his life. Dynamite cartridges were placed on the railway with the object of yanking hia train, but a goods train came first and waa blown up aril forty waggons
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 479 4 Mrs R J Farrer was hostess at a :ea-party on Saturday to the Mohammedan friends of Mr Farrer, the gathering being in the nature of a reunion on the occasion of Mr Farrer'a return from long leave. The genial host was congratulated by the guests, on his recovery of his
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  • 204 4 CONGRESS "MANIFESTO" ISSUED. Reuter. Bombay, The weiring committee of tajPfcational Congress and Khnafat workers has passed a reaolution advocating a gtflfcral strike ail over InSj-a on the day arrival of the Prince of Wales at Bombay and urging provincial committees to arrange to boycott the occasion of the
    Reuter.  -  204 words
  • 223 4 Brisk and L'o.'s Successful Appeal. Before the Chief Justice, Sir Walter 3 Shaw, and M#' ustice Barrett Lennard in the Supreme Court on Saturday, an appeal concerning the identity of an 18-carat gwld hunter watch waa heard. The parties were Messrs Brisk and Co, watchmakers and jewellers,
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  • 168 4 Opening Performance To-night. The ADC will present the comedy "Rollo's Wild Oat" to-night At the time of writing it is not known whether the leading part will be played by the lady originally cast for it, or by Mrs Aiford, who so kindly offered to take the
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  • 152 4 Chauffeur Hit in the Jaw. Mr Shelley Thompson mentioned a case before Mr Nunn, in the district court yesterday, in which he appeared for Mr Black, a resident of Pulo Brani, who is charged with voluntarily causing hurt to the driver of a hired motor car. The case
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  • 31 4 Lady Guillemard opened the exhibition of work by the Swiss artist Mr R Wening at the V M C A yesterday. The exhibition will continue for ton* 4*7*. Admission ia fjee.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 236 4 MOTOR AND BICYCLE ACCESSORIES VE^ m mwr Poot rumps. fpee<?ometer Gi"*' r Fint-d to Wrench j«l Y r, or CyoTe 3}. -4 snd TaW n a mina t e incfc<-e, |l| p Back Carriers. Cycle L mps. CYCLE ND mo or cycle Robinson So, ltd. (Incorporated in the S.S.) gj?"
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    • 388 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Straits Settlement*; 36, PHILLIP BTBEET, SINGAPORE N«« Shipment Juet Arrived of Carpenter's Smoothing and Jack Pianas. Braai Hexagon Tnpped Nats from 3/8" to 3/4". Cutland's Braea Batt flingea from if to 6". Civ burn Borew Spanrjeri from 6" to 24". Aibeatoe Cord or
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  • 2348 5 $5,000 Damages /gains! the > »*Stnaits Times." Chief Justices Comments. Judgment was given tn*s morning 1 in the Supreme Court by the Justice in the action, brought on Sept 20, by the Cold Storage Co, Ltd, against the "Straits Times" Press, Ltd, and Mr A W Still,
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  • 77 5 Reuter. Lisbon, Oct 9.—The newspapers assert that tbe controversy with Cnina over the jurisdiction of Macao waters is assuming gravity. The Portuguese is sending troopa and two cruisers. The Minister of Commerce, however, has declarea that the matter should be settled diplomatically.—Reuter. t At the Ingathering Service
    Reuter.  -  77 words
  • 1302 5 FOOTBALL. S F A CUP SEMI-FINAL. R E SPORTS CLUB DEFEAT SRC By "Reflex.'' At the third meeting, the R E Sports Club managed to win their semi-final tie with the S R C, yesterday, and are now finalists for the cup. They will have to meet the SCC
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  • 75 5 MALACCA v X L. The Kuala Lumpur Rugby team visited Malacca on Saturday, and were well beaten by the home aide by 20 points to nil. KLANG v. SEREMBAN. Klang visited Seremoan on Saturday and suffered defeat by 14 points (3 tries and a goal) to 8 points, 1
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  • 42 5 B M B A MEETING POSTPONED. The special meeting which was to have been held on Friday, under the auspices of the British Malaya Box»ng Association, has been postponed. The date and place of meeting will oe announced in due course.
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  • 151 5 "Atrocities" in B N B. Reuter. London, Oct 9.—Amazing allegations against the British North Borneo Company are made in the current issue of the "Century Magazine," by Major E Alexander Powell, who asserts that opium smoking and gambling are officially encouraged in order to swell the revenues. Imported
    Reuter.  -  151 words
  • 50 5 Reuter. Melbourne. Oct 10.—Naval officers declare that under the naval reorganization scheme, the Pacific fleet will be based on Singapore, Sydney becoming merely a repairing port for fleet units. Further all subsisting naval stations in Australia, including Jexvis Bay, with the naval college will be abolished.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 49 5 The fourth anniversary of the Singapore Municipal Football Club was celebrated on Saturday night, at East CoaA-road, at Mr B Shaik Mohd Maricayer's bungalow (kindly lent for the occasion), a ronggeng being j in attendance. The function was much enjoyed by the many, guests and was a decided success.
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  • 78 5 C. of C. robber Association. Singapore, October 11. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 30 SI tibbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices Buyers Sellers Spot 32* 33* October 33* 34 Nov. to Dec. 34 34* Jan. to March 36 36* Tone of Market.—Steady. Fred Watt /house Co., Ltd.
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  • 112 5 Singapore, October 11. Silver 42%. Hongkong 32 per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $46%. Share Market—Dull. Rubbers.—Small enquiry. Tins.—Taipings $1.05 to $1.10, Norths $1.22% to $1.27%, Souths 62% to 67% cents, Nawng Pets $1.47% to $1.52%, Papans 42% to 47% cents, Padang Plandoks 60
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  • 247 5 London, Oct 9.—The Laird liner Rowan, from Glasgow to Dublin, with a crew of thirty-seven and fifty-six passengers, sank on the west of Scotland after a double collision. A total of 24 of the crew and 53 passengers were saved. Two of the latter subsequently died. j The
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  • 87 5 The case of Charles Edwin John R*rboar v the Borneo Go, I/ d, came ap before tbe Chi»f Jaatice, Sir Walter S Shaw, in the Supreme Coart tbis morning. The plaintiff, a late employee of tba defendant firm, claims th amount of commission dnv to bim on •beprofi'a made by
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 289 5 PHASER f HALMEBQ I Engineering \A/ork«. Magnet Boom, aa md B\ in sod *o«a. *ia|ipore. SOLE AGENT** KO* JAMES CaRTLR (STaIYBkH)OE), Lid. Rubber Machinery. A RANSOM E Co., Ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS. NEWBOULO Ltd. Steel, loos, Saws, Ac. HOLM 4 N BROS, Ltd.. Mining, Machinery, Dr lis Ac
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  • 440 6 LAWN TENNIS. 8 C C TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAY. C SinfJes. F M Toscenie, owe 1 beat C Wardla, scr., w.o. Major Westland, acr. beat F Dean, owe 4, 6—3, 6—2. H Hogervorst, scr. beat J H Pedlow, owe 1, w.o. A Robertson, owe 15 beat J D Pleirepont, ft
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  • 267 6 SATURDAY'S PLAY. Championship. R Holmberg beat E Ryan 6—2, 6—o. C A Norris beat E C La Brooy 6—l, 6—4. J T Andrews beat C W Gomes 2—6, 6—3, 7—6. B Singles. F A Alberquerque beat J H Nonis 6—l, 6—3. G G Gray v. G R Oehlers
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  • 137 6 D H Kleinman, the clever Singapore lawa tennis player, may be expected back soon. He has had a good time at well-known English tournaments during the summer. Possibly hia last appearance was in the finals at Phyllis Court, Henley-on-Thames, on Sept. 10, when in partnership with
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  • 332 6 AUSTRALIAN TEAM FOR FAR EAST. Cricketers will be interested to learn that efforts are being made with a view to inducing an Australian XI, which is visiting America, to play a game in Hongkong in the autumn of 1922. The announcement was made by Mr R Hancock, the president
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  • 203 6 LADIES' CHAMPIONSHIP. Andrew Currie Cup. The 1921 competition for the Andrew Currie Cup (ladies' golf championship) will be held on the Garrison Golf Club links, under the following conditions: Entries will be received by the Hon Sec of the Garrison Golf Club up to 6 p.m. on Monday, Oct.
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  • 483 6 STRAITS AND FMS CHAMPION* SHIP TOURNAMENT. Next week's boxing contests for the various championships of the Straits and F M S., and in aid of the European and non-European Unemployment Funds, will ue as follow: Monday Oct 17, fourteen a gnu, luesday fourteen tights, Wednesday thirteen fights, Thursday thirteen
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  • 45 6 TAIPING vs. IPOH. A Taiping versus Ipoh rugger match at Taiping on Saturday was well contested. The scrums were strong and the foot-work on both sides was good. Taiping won by one try. Perak promises to have a strong team for the Malaya Cup.
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  • 50 6 NEW WORLD'S RECORD. Reuter. Paris, Oct 9.—Louis Dutriou, champion cyclist of Dijon, has broken the world's unpaced hour record of 24 miles 1152 yards, established by F H Grubb at Heme Hill in July 1920. Dutriou covering over twenty-seven miles.—Reuter. [Other Sports items will be found on page 5.]
    Reuter.  -  50 words
  • 181 6 Work of the Malayan Fund. Mr W Peel, Chairman of the Unemployment Committee, writes I shall be glad if you will publish the following report regarding the work of the European Unemployment Committee up to date No of applicants for assistance 525 Employment found 163 Provided with passages
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  • 264 6 A very sad accident which resulted in the death of a Tamil railway shunter named Supramanian took place at about 4 p.m. on Thursday in the railway yard, Pudu. The man was put on to couple and uncouple carriages while shunting operations were in progress. Through a miscalculation he failed
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  • 207 6 To-day, Oct 11. High Tide?.—«.50 a.m., 5.50 p.m. Kent Assessment Board, 2.16. SVC: Maiay Co., 5.15. B. Scouts: XI Troop, 5.15. ADC," Rollo's Wild Oat," Victoria Theatre, 9.15. Harmston's Circus. Beach-road, 9.15. To-morrow, Oct 12. High Tides.—7.54 a.m., 7.25 p.m. Day of Atonement (Jewish Holiday) Polo, Balestier,
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  • 78 6 Two new episodes of "King of the Circus," Nos 11 and 12, will be screened from to-night at the Liberty "all in the second show, together with "The Barrier," a seven-act se#> sational photoplay adaptation of Rex Beach's world-famous story starri* Mitchell Lewis and full star cast, m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 354 6 The 6amtt Wtent I Superheated Steam I Y£Z7 Portable Engine. The running of Garrett Portable Engine* ia ao smooth and uniform that they fultil tbe moat exacting requirements that looked for in a n odern Engine; toe extremely low consumption of fuel and low working coat enable the cost of
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    • 309 6 ST*U_STORY. Hiss Flappir: (archly)" OIf l Mr. Dp lev 9 see hollo's Wild Oat." Oriley: (leditatiielg) 'Wii a stall, I t prcsums." GFET IT AT M MOUTRIE'S." TBE IPATENT PATCHQUICK Co. Office^— 26 3. OHOHABD ROAD Workshop.—i, 2 3. oavanagh road, Telephone No. 670 We have the facility a for
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 399 6 MAILS CLOSE. To-day, Oct. II. Hongkong, Shanghai A Japan Machaon 2 p.m Hongkong, Shanghai A Japan 'Pembrokeshire 2 p.m Hongkong, Shanghai A Japan Benlomond 3 p.m Malacca A Muar *Kaka 3 p.m Penang,* Rangoon A Calcutta Takada 4 p.m Batavia, Samarang A Sourabaya Nile 4 p.m Bangkok Zaida 4 p.m
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  • 926 7 lIOADS "AND RAILWAYS TO r BE IftJILT. Some Big Schemes. The movement for the development of Siam, which is strongly supported by the present Commissioner-General of Railways who is also in charge of the highways, of the kingdom, had gained considerable .strength of late, not only Eangkok
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  • 254 7 Invisible Empire. America is menaced by the revival of a dreaded anti- negro organisation of the Civil War—the Ku Klux Klan. It is said to uave a membership of 650,000, with "domains, realms, and klans" in every State of the Uliion. It is exposed and denounced by
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  • 179 7 Sad End to A Career. Dr J D Gimlette, MRCS.LRCP (London) is leaving for home by the s.s. Ekma. Recently, says the "Straits Echo," Dr Gimlette contracted blood poisoning after an operation on a native patient and had to have a leg amputated in Singapore Hospital. This is
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  • 131 7 A Fool's Paradise. London, Sept 12.—Lord Beaverbrook, writing to the "Daily Express" from Berlin, says:—"While on the surface prosperity is everywhere in Germany the era of inflatmn which is behind the apparent wealth ana luxury will inevitably end in a crash. Germany is going through a postponed,
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  • 171 7 Men—a hundred of them—are now at work painting and doing up the Tower Bridge, London. The cost ia estimated at about £20,000; over 60 tons of lead paint alone will be used; and the task will take half a year to complete. "Should you discover land fit for 400,000 unemployed
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 342 7 \\WV%' C I V NUBMICX'B J V SWE» mm J I ga»»»«** g|l mWrsl m Bpit! "> ereen batata V 1 mW> > a Oxide Paint VSn9 \\\K3** r tf 585« mmrA On o»'<w 1 Bed Lead SfifiSj ■p *yir& —^w Tk gp \\yS% THOMAS HTTBBUCK SOW LIMITED. ZZt 1
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    • 417 7 What Do You Want A Tractor For? fhe first thin g you will think of plowing. But don't stop there. If your tractor is to be a profit-maker for you, it must do much more than plow It must be do practically all the work around your estate that
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    • 449 7 I STEAMER SAILINGS .LflfQ TIIESTIN B. N, Go.' (leeorporate* la Italy) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. For Colombo, Aden, M&asaua, Port Said, Brindlii, Venice and T '-.rate, takingoargo on through Sill of ceding for Flo me the Levsnte Forts atid Black Sea Porta. Persia about No* 4 5 Th* tteemers being rnn nnder
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  • 1099 8 WHAT MR CHUNG LOK SHAN'S LETTER PROVES. Comments of Contemporaries. The Malay Mail states Any donbt as to the fictitious nature of the agitation fades away in face of Mr Chung Lok Shan's letter. He himself obviously recognises the weakness of his case. Otherwise he would not be
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  • 140 8 Important Issues Raised.- London.Sept 20.—The "Times" Peking correspondent announces that important issues have been raised owing to the loan under sn agreement that has recently been signed whereby a Canadian Banking Syndicate lends China 3,000,000 gold dollars for one year at an effective rate of 20
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  • 178 8 Of Air-Commodore E M Maitland, who perished with the R. 38, a correspondent writea to the Times": Maitland waa one of my most intimate friends, and he and I were closely associated from the very earliest days of hia aerial career. I well remember hia first balloon
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  • 164 8 The Cenotaph in Whitehall haa lost none of its appeal to the public imagination. Mr Norton, the Clerk of the Works at St. James's Palace, in whose hands its care haa been placed by the Office of Works,' states that between 300 and 400 wreaths and
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  • 36 8 A permanent Jewish Theatre is to be established in the West End, London, with the object of producing playa in English portraying the idealism of the Jewiah race in coatraat to the stage caricatures hitherto presented.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 788 8 TRY AND USE OUR t*> Adam's Cook Brand Indian Condiment Prepsratlons, (or the meet apetising and healthy taste. ft The aii-to-date 'irS~~tfi nee d s "t home 'Pure!.* are i ILEASINGj I Chop Cooky or Ba fSJCiSKn COOK BBAHD V Carry Powder, Pioklea,! Mil v made of the beat ~M
      788 words
    • 25 8 ARE YOU SUFFERING FROM 0 Toothache? U bo consult J. IK ED A (Hxperitnoed Dentist) 41, Hill Street (Qpposh* She Central Fir* Station. maraoMW ml
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    • 100 8 Add a gjfclgfc Spoonful of B0VRIL3 makes the whole dish more nourishing. DUTCH MARGARINE (Cow Calf Brand.) The World's Selection Packed in 1 lb., 2 lb., and 4 lb. tins. 1 1 I STOCKED MY All Provision Dealers. Chow Kit Co., Ltd., 8ING/PORE. KD 'LA LCMPITR, FEN A NO LONDONSime,
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    • 219 8 —-I Single Trial Proves th© superiority* mm «eo's 1 9 y Aerated Waters. William Caxton first introduced the printing press into England in the year 1471. After aequi/ing the newly invented art of printinffat Bruges; he returned to England, the land of his birth, and set up a printing press
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 575 9 mm bO.BRITISHiNDIA I AND m I APCAR LI^JE. I, (COWAlOBS iNCOaPOBATTO -iR BkoLAND) SERVICES. I PenIi^uV% r aAd oAeiital 5. M. Co. I cJlef Co.uract His Majesty's Grovernment. If HE COMTANt% MAIL 8EBVI0ES, EAST 6*F BOMBAY I LONDON SERVICE. I Frcn LCNJDON Due SINGAPORE. l*arr» A StlS K W 19
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    • 530 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. (Incorporate in U S A.J V m m VCOOONT OF THB D 8 SHIPPING BOARD SAN tFBANa^O—MANILA—£*3T INDIA BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE For OALOOITA Diroot Paaeengera and Freight Oct IJ O™S?«L? Ute IWngere and Freight Not 15 Granite State Paeeeagere and Freight Dec IS For B\N FBANOISCO
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    • 508 9 CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP L CO., LTD. (Incorporated in U. ft. A.) ANNOUNCE Ths inaognration of a Paaari ger and Freight Servioe of nnnanal exo<»llepo<* between CHINA and JAVA PORTS via SINGAPORE The iba NILE," 14,000 tons, formerly a Tr*wPacifio Liner, bpen assigned to this run to maintain a monthly servioe
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    • 308 9 0 S. K. Fit IS'tl »9»« Ilitll, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan.) NO. I DM BULLA STREET, PROPOSED SAILINGS FBOM SINGAPORB. (Scbjeet ta skaage witaeet aeHeaJ .1 °.OPBAN LTNM. For PORT SAID, MARSEILLES. LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. \ltai Maru arr Oct 17 dep 18 Amazon Maru arr. Nov 15 dpp.
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    • 734 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporate.- In Japan, 1 London Line Fortnightly Service For MARBJULLES, LONDON A ANTWERP via PORIS. Kamo Mam 0 t.9 IyT Maru M N»v J Atsuta Maru Njv *1 Liverpool Lino Monthly Service For MARSEILLES LIVERPOOL via PORTS. Lisbon Maru Ostll H*™hur>g i§mm Monthly Service For LONDON, ANTWERP,
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 339 10 TO 1ST TO LET.—Nnwly built Corr. pound o« at St, Micba Boad. Apply to J. B. Weaternoot, 15-A, Change Alley. 9 9 uc 1 TO LET. —2 1 R- ffl Qaay, with Immediate entry whole of ground floor and or initet of roomi lit and Snd floors to soit
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    • 681 10 NOTICE, 8. 8. 7 PER CENT. LOAN 1921. ISSUE OF DEFINITIVE BONDS. Holders of Provisional B>oeL>U of the above ken ere hereby in tormed that they may now obtain the definitive bondi for whioh they have applied by presenting their Provisional Receipts to the Bank through whioh application waa actually
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    • 480 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING ft INSURANCE CO., LTD, (Incorporated in the S.S.) 4 HEAD OFFICE: «8, KLING STREET, SINGAPORB. Established 1907. Paid-op Capital M $2,000,000 Surplus mm 8 840,006 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Eaq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Eaq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Tack Hee, Eaq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq.
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    • 489 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: 94, Market Street. BRANCHES Penang an Bench Street. Lalaocn M 111 Jonker Street Muar .77-79 Jalan Suleiman. BatuPahnt 109 Jalan Rahamat. Palembexg. AGENCIES AT I London, Mew York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontinnak ana Prang. CAPITAL. Authorised $20,000,000
      489 words
    • 449 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporate in England) BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 600,000 Shares ot 66 each M £8,000,000 Reserve Fund «3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank,
      449 words
    • 304 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, UNITED. (Incorporated in the SA) HEAD OFFICE: ■INGAPORM, U KLJNG STREET. TeL No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Issued $16,600,000 Paid-up 6,260,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5,250.000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam, Esq., Chairman.
      304 words
    • 356 10 INSURANCE. THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE 9 CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS J Hon. Dr. Un fooa Keng. O.B.E., Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Eaq. Dy. Chairman. En Ton* Sen, Eaq. C AE. Ong Boon Tat, Esq. Lim Chwee China, JBaf. Chua Fob SLuig, Eaq. Lee Pang Sesf| Eaq.
      356 words
    • 552 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE JUiD SHIPPtaC CflZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) 'PkOM No. £71. SUBSCRIPTION BATES. RATABLE fS ADVANCE. £er annum 4*T~ f Half-yearly 1 7<ftQ Per quarter 3.7fc Simple Copy 6 etj Poetage Extra M eta. per month. To Foreign countries $1 do [A Subscription Form win he found on page 8.J 1
      552 words