Malaya Tribune, 8 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 107 1 j>UN COMPANY supplier mi rhctographic Asterisk AND t> Tho Bight Place for Amateurs peveloping. Printing and Enlargement No. 94, NOBTHftBRIDGE BOAD. siyp4»jj£ifc- WhiteaWfcy, Laidlaw V Co., Ltd. Singapore, j OUR FAMOUS ((dfc)i TEMPUS#%! tempus I WATCHES I I X ARE NOW STANDARD I DWARF EACH EACH 4%%%W Badium Dial $4.95
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    • 126 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. (Incorporated ia Btraits Settlements I ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. I Quotations given for complete Elect tc Lighting Power Installations, i *V <eT Poll range of Eleotrioal supplies in stook t V I.R. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "DlCtlinpfc" Telephones. «MADSTRONG' Plants, rheideai Lighting
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    • 189 1 THE MkU TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETT* Phone No. 171.. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable* In Advance Per annum sPIS OO Half-yearly 7.e0 Per quarter I 575 Postage Extra SO cts. per month. 1 esawsnvasvaMßaMßsawawKanaaaavsnavsaan* 1 Just Arrived, j Manilla Rope The Rope you can trust j MADE FROM In the World's Great
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  • 268 2 And The Price They Pay. Americans are proud of being a strencou» peoiJe, but as a resoJt of over-work, hurried r eats and insufficient rest many of tbem suff-r fr<-n» maladies r»ue to vitiated biood and d so r dered nerves. Asa remely in such cases Dr. Willianjr*
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  • 164 2 it Goes Where the Pain is—And Stops It. A man or woman who has nerer suffered the excruciating agonies of oc:,atica cannot realise the fill] intensity of pain. And a man or woman who has ever suffered Sciatica can never forget it To such sufferers Little's Orient»!
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  • 596 2 HONGKONG PAPER ON OUR GOVERNOR. More Informality Wanted. The "South China Morning Post" for Sept 28 has tne following leading article: It were well, perhaps, if all Governors of Crown Ceionies were as sensible and open-minded as Sir Laurence GuUlemard, the Governor of the Stmits Settlements. It
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  • 145 2 Possible Redaction Next Year. The postal rates, which have suffered so many revisions since the war, are likely to be changed again early naxt year, but the alterations this time wfli be in favour of the public, says a Home paper. The probability is that tha Post-master-General will
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  • 102 2 It is reported from Canada that a heavy strike of gold haa been made on Cariboo Island, on the north shore of the Great Slave Lake. Mining machinery is now on the way to the island, and it is expected that everything will be in readiness ta begin operations upon
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  • 316 2 LESSON FROM CRIME REPORT. fiaya the "S r»i; 8 Echo Wri.. ing D 8 fr.m Ipoh oo this aaojec A 0 J Toweis qaotes fro. ■r leading artiela o<: Crime io VUI»S a aa If Howe ,4 A notable featare o£ the Strfci;a He port U tbe
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  • 394 2 Ejected from Foreign Settlement. The following interesting item of information appears in a recent issua of the Shanghai Municipal Gazette:— In the exercise of a right pertaining to the Foreign Settlement from the easiest days, but which has not been made use of since August, Iyi3, the following
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  • 77 2 The smalf son of a. very busy and businesslike father rent to the seasideohe other day oi i a holiday with his mother. They le ft patex-familias td* carry on with the good work of chasing the- nimble dollar. His final instructions to his son ware,
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  • 358 2 THE UNSPEAKABLE TURK." A Missionary'! Tribute. The tnxk, at bsast the pure-blooded Turk of the class which goes tcfrnake up the v common people," is not nor> maliy, we are assured,* bloodthirsty ruffian looking for more Armenians to massacre, "It is only when religious fanaticism is systematically fanned into flame
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 497 2 lNTew Dispensary. TIMMS' DISPENSARY, Ltd., vhe mists Pharmacists Opticians, Raffles Chambe s Rep'ete with the following hijzh-grade articles which are offered at MODERATE PRICKS. PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET REQUISITES, PERFUMERY, MEDICATED WINES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, CHEMICAL ft SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS, MEDICAL, SURGICAL ft SAN IT ART APPLIANCES, MEDICINE CHESTS. Special attention given ta
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    • 159 2 Kong Hiog Cheong Co., Photographic Dealers. We specialise in Printing, Developing and Enlurging, end us you fflms. We will P in t and Develop same, SitlsfactlN guinitNi. Prices m derate Importers also of Mouldings, Picture Fr-mes, Plate Gla s. Silvered Plate Gla**, Window Gla*>, Etc, Etc HEAD OFFICF: 102.104, North
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    • 311 2 "Vichy Etat" (Bo:tied nr.!er Govtrnti-nt Control > "Oi liarta and M Htapital" Litr« and Lit-e bcttJ*g, 44 Vichy W«t»r" j, b!sh!y term-d by i il Oeaaooaiaeaira), aa a corrective for Goot-B b« nroatiam. Nervte-and all irreguUiUee ct the Stomach which are tae c%aae ot H-a-iach- c 44 Cel. ttinea may
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    • 530 2 AUCTION SALE. O JSKEJONC" KOON S^T&T *UCTI -MEERS ft IPPRVSERS. Na, 30, King Street, Singapore. f Important Mortg*goo't% Sale cj Valuable Freehold Land an* fever* Shon houses at Kirk TerraceX)ff Jroby .Ghaut, arid Compound Hou3e at <&c. At Mettrt. ObeonpvKoon SecgA Co.'s 3&|s%3om, No. joking 8 r On Wednesday, October
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  • 732 3 Latest Prices Quoted In the Market. Singapore, October 8. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Broken, iaaua the followinf list of quotations. Robber, Dollar Sharea. Issue Value» Buyers Sellers 1 Ailenby 0.10 0.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 1.00 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 1.75 5 Ayer Hitam
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 164 3 AT THE POPULAR PHOTO PLAY HOUSE EMPIRE Tan j t-s Road. Trams Pass the T^oor. IN YE SECOND BHOW AT 9.30* p.M. A CLERK oomedy in 2 parti. A detective>ajid mystery sensation teeming with startling thrilla THROUGH TtJE WALL P^ Featuring William Duncan, G* orge Holt 4fell Shipman. It ia
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    • 357 3 From THURSDAY, October 6, to TUESDAY. Ootober 11 Aliiambra '> ifcOtotMtoa Ai THB theatre sr ALH AM BRA. "sOrtaei'ra Cakes, Coffee, tad the BEST Tha Hall for Malic aad Features Tea, etc. IntervalsA WORLD PRODUCTION OF GREAT DRAMATIC POWER Supplemented by The Topical Bud got, Tho Patho Review, Featuring that
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    • 194 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hall for Comfort, Qood Music and Good Pictures Beach Boad. From THURSDAY, Ootober 6 to WEDNESDAY, October 18. Bxoloding Sunday, Ootober 9. 1921. THE SECOND OB FINAL EPISODE OF THAT INTERESTING DETECTIVE DRAIA Featuring NICK WINTER The Famous Screen Dateotive THE DRAMA OF THE ALHAM BRA In 2
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    • 428 3 "GAIETY" CI MEM X Another Big Knockout Programme of Special Piotnres. At 7.50 Sharp. Tbe King Comedian of the Screen. Tbe one first to be teen on oar screen. Larry Semon in "Traps and Tangles His latest scream in two long reels Miles and miles of smiles. That which hundreds
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  • 150 4 The report that tbe United States 1» to apply prepare to the nations indeb:ed to her is contradicted. Tbe American immigration Uw is ciasing onpleasantness on account of annoyances to British subjects. The Panama tolls question is aader discDssion. Wise American stalesmen arge reconsideration. Mr Hsghes advocates an
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  • 797 4 me sirutation in India is such as to beget the profoundest anxiety. The first reports of the Moplah rising suggested that the rebels were quickly driven into the hills and the trouble might be considered at an end save for "sweeping-up" operations. That was in August. Now,
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  • 1241 4 Mr J G Black has become a passed I cadet. j Dr H W Purnivall has been secondI ed for service in Kelantan. I Mr R Caldwell has been seconded I for service in Kedah as Chief InspecI tor of Police. j Mr G A Hereford has been appointI ed
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  • 503 4 YEAR SHOWS DISAPPOINT ING RESULT. 0 Confident Outlook. JLtd, to#W p?esented at the tenth annual generaljaeeting, at the reg lt acred offices, Dftniar-road, on Tuesday Oct 18Tat noon, at#t«£: l a diteeJ tors submit the duiy audited statement of the accounts of the Company for the year ended
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  • 241 4 Mrs AI ford to the Rescue! As we announced briefly yesterday the opening performance of the ADC's lateet production, "Rollo's Wild Oat," has been postponed until Tues\>.y, owing to the sudden illness of Mrs Stookes, who was to play thfl leading role. Francis Graham, the prime mover
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 358 4 ROBINSON Co.. Ltd. Incorporated in Singapore. ■OLE: AGENT! FOR T*- E TH^ 'JR J LE iGH «NEW HUDSON 1 Ught* eight Motor C>cle <y Modci D 2 luxe. Power ie ample and constant, comfort end oletnlinees are 11 J x< m Pl'fied in the effective yC"~ ntad ar.d splash guards
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    • 317 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated io the Straita Settlement*. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE New Shipment Juit Arrived of > Carpenter's Smoothing and Jack Planes. Bran Hexagon Tapped Nets from 3/8" to 3/4". Gotland's Brass Ban Hinges from If to 6". 01 ybarn Sorew Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos Cord
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  • 604 5 Fatama Canal Tolls and' BritainV War Debts.. Not' for Washington Conference, Reuter. Washington, Oct Reversing the method adopted by Mr Woodrow Wilson, when he took the personal leaderahip of the American delegation to Paris, President Hardiffg clearly intends to try and carry the Senate alGng with him, the
    Reuter.  -  604 words
  • 99 5 Station at Singapore. Reuter. Melbourne, Oct 6.—Mr Hughes, in the House of Representatives, reviewing the work of the Imperial Conference, urged the adoption of the aiEtraiasian scheme of wireless communication with England as preferable to the Norman scheme of relays. He submitted a proposal for an experimental air
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 93 5 Loan for Reconstruction. Reuter. Paris, Oct 6.—By tl*J decision to authorise the Chinese Government to raise a loan in France for the reconstruction ol the Banque Industrielle de Chine, the French Government intends to safeffiard French interests in the Far East. If the French Government is ready to
    Reuter.  -  93 words
  • 20 5 Sheffield Gets Contracts. Reuter. London, Oct 7.—The Soviet Government has placed large contracts for steel tools in Sherheld.—Reuter.
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  • 63 5 Reuter. London, Oct 6.— The Azerbaijan Information Bureau in London states that the AntLSoviet rising in Azerbaijan is growing. The Boishevixs lost a thousand killed and three thousand ponded in fighting at Karabagh. Enver Pasha has arrived at Petrovsk in the northern Caucasus, with a view to toening
    Reuter.  -  63 words
  • 38 5 Reuter. Parisv Oct 6.—" L* Epoca aays the production of sugar in Italy in 1921 was nearly double that of 1920, therefore the import of sugar will be almost nil, thus saving Italy thae* aulhoas Bxatlißg.^lljßSjrsr.
    Reuter.  -  38 words
  • 110 5 Germany's Erratic Mark. Reuter. Berlin, Oct 6.—The twofold effect of the depreciation of the mark, namely an industrial boom and a rise in the cost of living, continues to be emphasised by daily announcements of increases in the price of commodities and high dividends. The report of the
    Reuter.  -  110 words
  • 39 5 Reuter. Britain's Delegates. London, Oct 6.—The Premier, Lor/W Birkenhead, Sir H Greenwood, Mr A Chamberlain, Sir W Evans and Mr Churchill will represent the Government at the Irish Conference in London on Oct 11.—Reuter. mW mitt., ttfL
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 41 5 Reuter. London, Oct 6.—The Cardiff Corporation has orderlfe an investigifStm of alleged profiteering by The Lord he was' frozen meat at 4Vid per for the relief o* AsJ*istressed, for which butchers were charging the eighteen to twenty pence.—Reuter., J
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 33 5 Reuter. Pasjs, Oct 6.—Nineteen in the Batignolleu collisionwand one hundred injured. They*anclude two Englishmen. Another colliaon took place in the station of Agen, u#*hich two persons were kUled and three injured.—
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  • 27 5 Reuter. Geneva, Oct 6.—The Chinese Minister at Berne, H E Wang Yung-Pan, has been appointed Chinese delegate at the forthcoming international Labour. Conference in Geneva.—
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  • 24 5 Reuter. Helsingfors, Oct 6.—Large quantitiea of books confiscated from the bourgeoisie are being sold w the ssxssjlb oi fssnmsil ac fuaL-sssusar.
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  • 664 5 FOOTBALL. SRC AND R E AGAIN DRAW. By Reynard." Yesterday the SRC and the R E Sports Club again fought a goalless draw in the semi-final of the S F A Cup. The game waa quicker and more vigorous than the previous encounter, but there was hardly any ecientific
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  • 22 5 K.G.C. COMPETITION. The qualifying round of the St Cup will be played for over this week-end at the Keppel Golf Club.
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  • 113 5 How the Scheme Failed. Reuter. London, Oot 6.—The Babber Growers' Association annoances that the scheme to form a Rubber Prodocers' Corporation will be dropped It is staled that a large number of directors and shareholders were ready to sapport the scheme, but were outnumbered by the other Earopesn
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 20 5 A quantity of counterfeit small nickel coins and a good many forged ten-cent notes are in circulation at present ia
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  • 162 5 GUTHRIE A COS REPORT. Singapore, October 6. The quantity catalogued for the Weekly Rubber Auction yesterday— So8 tons—was the heaviest for some time past, and precluded serious competition among buyers to the extent that values did not appreciate in accordance with a much firmer demand. Standard
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  • 250 5 Singapore, Oct. 7. Since our last report we have had a firm and advancing market. Prices have moved up 2 to 3 cents since the close of last week, and this has been largely due to the absence of sellers and a generally improved outlook. The
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  • 149 5 Mining to Begin thia Week. The Secretary of Nawng Pet Tin, Ltd, reports prjogress of the mins as follows: The last of the plant was received from the contractors on Sept. 24. The pressure pipe line was coupled up and the excavation for the elevators began on
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  • 48 5 Reuter. London, Oct 7.—Dr Nansen, interviewed, said the solution of the world problem of unemployment lies in saving Russia from the grip of famine. Everyone must help. The Soviet is sincerely doing everything possible, but is incapable of saving its people without foreign aid.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 157 5 The Japanese steamer Kaiwo Maru, Captain V Yashizaki, which arrived in Bangkok on Sept 25 from Singapore, reports picking up at sea a small boat with three persons on board. The boat was seen on Thursday afternoon about four o'clock, and was approximately 30 miles to the southwest off Pulo
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  • 108 5 The September Returns. The Acting Registrar of Imports and Exports favours us with the following: The total value of foreign imports of merchandise into British Malaya for the month of September, 1921, was $38,214,634, or £4,458,374. The total value of foreign imports of merchandise into British Malaya for
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  • 221 5 What Might Have Induced it. Mr Chung Lok Shan has a very bad piaaa both in the Colony and the F M S as the result of the Government's publication of his letter found when the General Educational Association in Singapore was raided recently. Events in India
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  • 123 5 A Siamese reader writes: An official announcement has just been published to the effect that tne drawing of the Bangkok million tnal lottery will take place definitely in the month of November (whether all the tickets are sold out or not) and that all counterfoils must be relumed
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  • 136 5 Under pressure of the People's Council in the Dutch East indies (which is a representative body of the t,ast Indian population, having, however, no executive power), the Government is considering the introduction of a Bill, by virtue of which East Indian enterprises of agriculture and industry
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  • 176 5 A party of 175 American business representatives were to leave San Francisco on the 22nd ult. on a three months tour of the principal ports of the Far East. The tour has been organised by the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. The party are travelling on the Hoosier State. At
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  • 226 5 Millionaire's Will Discussed. Very interesting proceedings took place in the Judical Commissioner's Court, Kuala Lumpur, during practically the whole of last week before the Hon Mr Justice L M Woodward when several counsel were engaged in arguing certain effects of the will of the late Dr Luke
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  • 199 5 Big Seizure at Seremban. A big haul of alleged illicit Chinese samsu was made by Chief Inspector Brouard at Seremban a few days ago. it is stated that Ins. Brouard had, a tew days previously, placed a native detective on special duty and on Friday morning last week
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  • 108 5 Sago flour is quoted at 15|6. Tin is quoted at £158.12.6 in London. Tapioca is quoted at 15,- for fair dake. Gambier is quoted at 2S r in London; cube gambier at 37|-. On ths Liverpool market cotton, middling American, is at 15.56; Egyptian cotton at
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 FBASEB CHALMEa§ Englnasrlng Work*. Magnet House, B2 aad 6\ iaaoa load, Singapore. ELECTRIC LIFTS For Passengers or Goods. QUOTATIONS GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd ;lnoorpor»ted in KngUod.) NEVER DYE, 8 vY 3 TINTEX AT MAYNARD'S m window p! We ar«* c few samples j of
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  • 354 6 LAWN TENNIS. SCC TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAT. D Singles. J Hodginf vs. V S Smith, unfinished. F C Jones beat C M Rice, 6—2, 6—4. H E Westendarp best J W Cushway, w.o. J C Ferric beat H L Snowie, 6—3, 6—2. E W Chatterley beat R L Brown, w.o.
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  • 39 6 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. C A Norris beat S D Jayaratna, 6-3, 6—4. E W Hide beat M Schwarz, 3—6, 6—l, 6—2. MONDAY'S TIES. Gan Khek Keng vs. C Smith. F Ruchwaldy vs H G Stack.
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  • 411 6 A SINGAPORE PICTURf!. Mr George Jervis has been telling the readers of the "Star" (London) something about football in Singapore. He writes As we in England are just embarking upon what will prove one of our most successful football seasons, my thoughts fly' many thousands of miles away to
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  • 282 6 ETIQUETTE OF THB GAME. The crowded golf court* and the very "considerate" player are not confined to Malaya. India knows them both, and a correspondent of the "Times of India" makes the following suggestiona to such "players" L Never drive until the playsra in front are off the green.
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  • 155 6 Extension of Boundaries. The "Canton Times" reports that a scheme to extend the boundaries of the City is now being carried out by the Municipal authorities. The territory to be extended will include Wang-chi-kong and Tai-tong kong about 30 li from the Great East Gate. The plans for
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  • 178 6 How severe has been the crisis from which we are recovering may be seen by reference to the statistics issued by the Ministry of Labour. At the end of June out of 78,720 insured workpeople in the rubber and waterproof goods trade, 19,752, or 25.09 per
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  • 48 6 Koh Keh, son of ths recently executed bandit leader Koh Chien, has assembled a band of robbers and is still in occupation of the city of Fungchi in Shensi. Taking upon himself the title of Commander-in-Chief, he haa declared his intention of avenging the deash of hia father.
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  • 1081 6 MOUNT ROSIE ECONOMIC GARDENS SITES. Capt. Richards' Report. We published, yesterday, a letter from Dr Winstedt referring to the decision to have Raffles College built on a aite in the Economic Gardens instead of Mount Roaie. Capt Richards was asked to report on the respective merits of the
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  • 278 6 8. Andrew's Cathedral 20th Sunday after Trinity, 9th Oci 1921. 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral) 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. 4 p.m. Evensong- and Sermon. During the folowing week:—Hoi: Communion on Tuesday and Thursdaj at 7 a.m. On Wednesday and Fridaj at 8 a.m.
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  • 166 6 To-day, Oct 8. High Tides.—2.46 a.m., 2.14 p.m. Bukit X B, G and B's, 11. V M C A Swimming Carnival, 4. B Scouta .VII Troop. Harmston's Circus, Beach-road, 4 and 9.15. To-morrow, Oct 9. High Tides.— a.m., 8.9 p.m. 20th Sunday after Trinity. Yachting: Cup Races,
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  • 350 6 To-day, Oct 8. Muar A Malacca Ban Whatt Hin 2 p.m. Sourabaya Soon Ann 2 p.m. Malacca, Port Swettenham A Penang •Klsng 3 p.m. Batu Pahat Mena 3 p.m. Muar A Malacca *Hong Keat 3 p.m. Saigon Bourbon 3 p.m. Medan Circe 3 p.m. Colombo, Suez* New York*
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  • 26 6 Jacos, from Calcutta 8-loT' Saigon Maru, from Bombay %10J Tean, from Amoy 7-10. V Kinta, from Penang 8-10. Sri Muar, from Malacca 8-10.
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  • 92 6 POKER RISKS. Charged at London Sessions recently with having kept or used a thirdfloor room as a gambling den at the premises of the Vaudevlle Club, the manager of the club, was found not guilty and was discharged. The police had found met playing poker, and the question of whether
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 283 6 —I. II IT) ■I II 1I PURE V IRON ENDURES. ASVCO Ingot Iron Roofing and hi»s no superior for resisting *cDVe D V f* cover,ne or bouses, shtd«, godowrs or factories Corruga'ed i* KMC 0 Ingot lion be*ts will stand the most vgorr us tests of time and weather. It
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    • 466 6 SThJUTORT kiss Flapp.f: (arcfelg) "tp, ftfr. Dp leu, W8 eatf one ,see* Julio's 4i Wild €at." Driley: (ledlta!liiily> "Ui a stall, i prisome." fc GET IT AT MOTJTRIE'S." 9 15 IO THE PATENT''PATCHQUICK Co. Office-—26-3. OROHABD ROAD AND Workshop l. 3, OAVANAGH ROAD, Telephone No, 070. We hay« the f
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    • 51 6 All Good PUyt Daring thil Week End TBE STAR OPERA AT THE THEATRE ROYAL, North Bridgo Boad. To Ntfat? To-Nlfat:! That Big Programme The Mysterious Box 5 Oiff«ront Be<i of Transformation Soenery will be shown To-marrow, Snnday SPECIAL PROGRAMME he given. K. It CHEONG, Proprietor. Y.LTAM Manage* Pnoae Mat Wmt
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  • 578 7 A JHINESE SttfcGESTION REMEDY. Government Reply. Mr Chew Cbay Baje, Penang, las received tbe following frrnt tin Private 8»c-etary to H B the Gov er or dsted Bep* 34 Sir, Wi I. refereno* to y< ur letter of tbe 19 h ir.slant sddressed to Hin Exc iieac the
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  • 211 7 Mr Gandhi Interviewed, Madras, Sept. 15—Mr Gandhi granted an interview to-day to a representative oi the "Madras Mail." Mr Gandhi said he looked upon Swa<Lshi*ts the cctrfluructive sids of noneoaperstyn as he expected it to lead to the manufacture of all cloth needed by the nation by means of
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  • 43 7 A daces signed by untitled Bolshevist Commissar* of Education, forbids tho moalToo of fairies, angels, or devils ia books for tho young. Ang*is axe to be supplanted by scientist* and "princely hercea" are to be "flSented in. their trufl ooeoAps OS. aan •*^^*^^s
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  • 178 7 Some Home Advice. Alert," assuming the he»v role of adviser in "The Fioaoeier" for rubber shareholders, sejs While assumiog the heavy role of er, it may not be out tr place to nuke a reply to tbos numerous correspondents wh* enasking what tbei sbsll do
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  • 146 7 Another Australian Election. Melbourne —Australia is a lsnd of wbirlwiog politics. Victoria, whioh possesses probably tbe stablest Government if any of the six States, was plunged into tbe turmoil of a general election at tbe end of Jal> although the ministry bad been ln office for Lss than
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  • 122 7 Suggestion from Shanghai. Z I Argle writes to the "NC Daily News on tbe deplorable state of th- wood roads of Shanghai He says :—I imagine that it has only to be brought to the notice of ear Municipal Councillors that rubber roads woali be a great improvement
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  • 164 7 Membsre of tbe committee ap pointed by the Government of Bombay to oonsider tbe figure of be Rent Aots are not Lkely to be extraordinarily popa'ar among tbe residents of that highly rented City. Most people in Bombay, we believe, consider that tbe rents now being
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  • 149 7 "Once the English ware the best washed race on earth, but now that honour belongs to the Japanese." This announcement of the loss of another British distinction waa mads by Sir James Crichton-Browne, addressing the Sanitary Inspectors' Association on the appropriate topic of personal ablutions at
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  • 35 7 Sems of the laws you have heipijd to frame have sot bees rigidly observed." "I'm net complaining," replied Senator Sorghum. Even Moeea could not insure a strict enforcement of so of fu*%> eel .tad afesauauuuumuaaY*
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  • 47 7 London, Sept 16.—A great Salvation Army missionary demonstration at Clapton, presided over by General Booth was attended by 180 officers who are going to India. Seventy-three of them are going out for the first time. The appointments held will be of very varied description*.
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  • 59 7 Is film acting dangerous ia a question which has lately been answered in the death of Billie Ritchie, the screen comedian, in California. He was playing in a film which required the assistance of several ostriches. The birds apparently did not like the role they were playing and ran amok,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 719 7 t I TRY AND USB OUR Adam's Cook Brand Indian Condiment separations, ior the n.ost spetising anc* healthy taste. flh* Dj-'.O-dHte needsiit borne are: Chop Cooky or, COOK BRAND Carry Powder, made of the beet a*spioe*. ni table to YODBBELC OF OUR WORDS. SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. w> MADE B"
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    • 165 7 William Caxton fust introduced the printing press into l nglar.a in the year 1471. After acquiring the newly invented art of printing at Bruges, he returned to England, the land of his birth, and set up a printing press near Westminister Abbey, "The Game and Playe of Chesse" and The
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    • 208 7 < Life's Minor 1 Troubles: C —the small everyday worries, cares and disappointsnoets which 2 are the common lot of humanity —will be borne all the more easily 1 C when the health is sound The g) bodily condition has a oensidar--3 cble influence upon tbe mind, tha 5 source
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    • 192 7 Gargoyle Mobiloils. 9 On and after October Ist, 1921, the price of Gargoyle Mobiloils in sealed, lithographed tins will be as follows Otrfroyie il'ihilojl "E 13.70 per 1 'gallon lia Ohmnyla KobUotl "ARCTIC" *20 Gar? oyl* Moliioi! 4 A" 420 Gargoyle Mobi'oil ■BB 4TO Gargoyle Mobik-' I B 420 Girgcvle
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  • 301 8 A DEFENCE OF SIR HENRI DETERDING. Mr R Waley Cohen has written to the "Time*" to correct recent statements relating to oil which have been in the nature of attacks upon the Shell Co. and its friends. The suggestions made, he says, are mainly of two
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  • 140 8 Message from Mr Lloyd George. London, Sept 7.—The Ecumenical Methodist Conference is meeting in London after a lapse of 20 years. Mr Lloyd George said in a message: —"The English-npeaking races owo a special debt of reverent gratitude to John Wesley, the greatest spiritual leader and religious
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  • 194 8 A well-known firm of London rub-ber-share brokers, in their monthly circular, state:—American figures indicate pretty clearly that the stocks of the raw material held in the United States cannot now be heavy; and it is clear also that the stocks of manufactured goods held in America, in
    194 words
  • 201 8 I It is obvious we harve yet much to Jletra respecting tbe length of life and j the death of the rubber tree. During i the last week Mr Maurice Maude j stated that a rrtbber tree will not die out entirely from lacjk of "cultivation,
    201 words
  • 207 8 VISIBLE SLUMP EFFECTS. H H Tungku Abu Bakar, Government Veterinary Surgeon, proceeded on the 26th to England on six months' furlough, to recruit his health which has been any thing but satisfactory for the last month or two. He was accompanied by Inche Omar, Surgeon to the Johore
    207 words
  • 260 8 A London Comment. The course of tbe rubber market meanders sluggishly. The launching lof the Rubber Shareholders' Association will have this much in its favour j I —that it comes at a time when the industry has never been so badly off for friends, and when any change
    260 words
  • 144 8 A Chemist's Suggestion. A French chemist has suggested an ingenious and somewhat humorous burglar alarm. He has submitted it to the laboratory of "La Nature," where it did all that was claimed of it by its inventor. It consists of j powdered iodine and ammonia. The iodine
    144 words
  • 148 8 Not A British Soldier Left. Paris, Sept 18.—The last detachment of British troops ln France will leave for England this month. By the end of September there will not be a single British soldier in uniform in France. The British Headquarters which are now stationed at St
    148 words
  • 65 8 Glasgow takes its place as the second city of the kingdom as the result of the Census. The figures of the other great areas are shown in the recent Census report for England i s follows:— i 3 reater London 7,476,168 "1 ty and County of
    65 words
  • 194 8 From a tourist's point of view I to take tbe Eastern trip is indeed I a delightful experience. One I skims through, seeing and doing only what is best, staying noj where long enough to feel the j climatic pull on one's health.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 465 8 Sleeplessness Debility Wonder J Cures by Dr. fassell's Tablets in Various Parts of die Empire. India, j Soorta Africa. Mr. Rajnnal -VI ra, io«7eU«tio Hall. Mrs William Lone. Pu. Baenorte* ■h««a*liai. 4onth iiidii*. writes- burg. .Northern Tranaraal. Soath F«H tbret- .wre I ruffered from I Africa. rii-a For «Ixlll years
      465 words
    • 415 8 J OAKLAND. KtKm i *mZ 1 < 1 Judge) the actual ralua of he Oakland Sensible Six by^ THF 11X17 standard you choose—dependable daily service, THE I riding comfort, marked savings in fuel and tyres, or the 1 fIC moderate purchase) price. m Each and every on* of these emphasises
      415 words
    • 363 8 STEAMER SAILINGS. L LLOYD MSli X". Co. (laaortw r« «d la Italy) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. For Ooloiubp, A ieii, Port ffetf, jrir.iiu, and H Take Rfssgu CP through ftili oimhci'.uZ tor Finru- ihe Lb\»n'»- aod^Black Persia ab&r No vl5 Th- tie* men being run order controot with lba Italian Government the
      363 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 546 9 P.s'O.-British India apcar line. Incorporated in England^ HAfl. SERVICES. and Oriental S. W. Co. Uader Contract with His Majesty's Government. THE COMPANY'S MAIL BERWGEB BAST OF BOMBAY ara at present suspended* S LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LOUDON SINGAPOBE. Mf4MP »b*nt OvTl* ijjomalf about Nov 1 :%ria<a> about Nov 15 fo
      546 words
    • 440 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. (Incorporate ia ».S«AJ .4* FOR ACCOUNT OF TEE U 8 BHIPPING BOARD. Sskfi FRANCISCO- MANILA—EAST INDIA 3AILINGB FROM SINGAPORE For Calcutta Direct. Creole State PaaKngen and Freight Oct IJ Wolverine State Paaaengera and Freight Nov 1$ Granite State Paaaengera and Freight Dec IS For SAN FRANCISCO
      440 words
    • 501 9 THE CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. (Incorporated in U. 8. A.) ANNOUNCE The inaognratlon of a Passenger and Freight Service of one goal excellence between CHINA and JAVA PORTS via SINGAPORE The B.s. NILE," 14,000 tons, formerly aTranaPaoific Liter, has been assigned to this run to maintain a monthly servioe
      501 words
    • 253 9 O, Si Kith Isala Stan Kilsla, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Japan.) ■a i oi souza street, PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. Subject to akaage witaect aittssj EUROPEAN UNH, For PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. Altai Maru arr Oct 17 dep 18 "Amazon Maru tof. Nov 15 dep. Nov 16
      253 words
    • 733 9 N.Y. K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) London Line Fortnightly Service For MARSEILLES, LONDON A ANTWERP via PORTS. Kamo Maru *D t 19 Iyo Maru N 2 A sura Maru M Not U Liverpool Llnm Monthly Servioe For MARSEILLES 4 LIVERPOOL via PORTS. Lisbon Maru i... m* On 11 Hamburg
      733 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 558 10 NOTICE. la ihe of Leortg* Heng id< rwise called L~i i*g > bog V c auu eong toll Ciici tltCSaStCt IUKtL Nx vi d o ion 26 oi luo i.u» l0 OiUiuanoe, Ijl4,'' »ii < 'eu/L-B b<» olaiuiß HgaiLß ih < t ii Lw.Nu HE.XO v h«t--v.,0. omiou i.£.o*M*
      558 words
    • 573 10 NOTICE, THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given the' he Register of Transfers of th bove Company will be closed fron 21st to 27th October, 1921 (boti laj s inolasivf) for the prepare, in o! Dividend Wa' runts. By Order of the Board, KWA SIEW, TEE, Secretary.
      573 words
    • 470 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO, LTD, (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE 58. KLING STREET, SINGAPORE, Established 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplua ,g 3V0,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Eaq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hec, Eaq. Ong- Chow Keng, Eaq. Teo Teow Peng, Eaq.
      470 words
    • 485 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG HANK, LTD. HEAL* OFFICE 94, Market Street. BRANCHES Penang 86 Beach Street ILaiacca 131 Junker Street. Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman, ttatu Pahat 109 Jalan KahamaL Palembang. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Franciaeo, Batavia, Sourabaya, Setaarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authoriaed 120,000,000 Issued
      485 words
    • 448 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporate! in England BT ROYAL CHARTER, Paid up Capital in 60u,000 Sharea of each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd. National
      448 words
    • 299 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. f (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, S3 KLING STREET. Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELL CAPITAL: Authoriaed $20,000,000 Issued $10,500,000 Paid-up f 5,260,000 Reaerre Liability of Shareholders 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam,
      299 words
    • 356 10 INSURANCE. the overseas assurance corporation, ltd. (Incorporated La the S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. L> Boon Keng. 0.8. E., Chairmaa. Lim Nee Soon, Eaq. Dy. Chairnan. Eu Ton* Sen, Eaq. C.B.E. Ong Boon Tat, Eaq. Lim Chwee Chifjt, Eaq. Chua Poh Siang, Eaq. j* Lee Pang firjng, Eaq. Yeo
      356 words
    • 530 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) Those Iff. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Ui ADVANCE, fcter aansßa* Half-yearly t 176« Per quaxter gj, Single Copy fct*. Portag« Extra 50 eta. per month. To Foreign countries $1 do [A Subscription Form wfQ t, found oa page B.] many "tribune- readers depend upon rtreet
      530 words