Malaya Tribune, 5 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 116 1 'j bUN COMPANY photographic r AND I for Amateurs 1 atid Enlargement I No#94. NORTH BRIDGE ROAD. 1 photeSSO- —v~* i Laidlaw j THE, WATCH WITH A REPUTATION. The Tempus Radium T^ empus The Dwarf Tempus $5.50 17.50 $5.50 l Dv tnrooi Case I, Mickel Plated, Unbreakable Wind, Handsome Appearance,
      116 words
    • 125 1 f Sime l Oarby&Co.,Ltd. 'ncorporated in Settlements I; ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. 1 i Quotations giv* for complete Fleet ie Lighting l ower Installations, I Foil rat)K< i i El«)?tr»ojl gn,p!l»> in s'.oek: I VJ.R. Wires A Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "DiCtogripl" Telephones. 'MADSTBONG' Plants, rheideai Lighting
      125 words
    • 195 1 CIGARETTES NUMBER fjj VIRGINIA I Unvarying in Quality the Viorld I Over. Sole Manufacturers: I ARDATH Tt BACCO Co., Ltd., I LO DON Cara and j Epergnea. Up» Io Bhaded Pink, Raby and mt Green. Jr|v f fl Thin, Plain $1.10 Usual Design wi'hont Basket! F $6 8S \ii A
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  • 825 2 EULOGIES OF FELLOW COUNCILLORS. The Governor's Praise. The following speeches relative to the departure from Singapore, for China, of the Hon Dr Lim Boon Keng, O B E, were unavoidably held over from yesterday's report of Monday's Legislative Council meeting. The Hon the Colonial Secretary, Mr
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  • 118 2 Mr T H Whitehead, late Chief Manager of the Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China, has conferred on his native place, Dunblane, Perthahire, a gift of £1,000 4 per cent. FundingLoan, out of which prizes are tobe awarded annually to leading pupils from schools in the parish as an
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  • 137 2 On French Hero's Tomb. Reuter. Paris, Oct 2.—In the presence of M Millerand, Ministers, and Marshals of of France, the American Ambassador, Admiral Niblack, commanding the American naval forces in Europe, and General Allen, commanding the American troops on the Rhine, of whom 500 picked men attended, General
    Reuter.  -  137 words
  • 98 2 Conference Proposed. Reuter. Paris, Oct L —According to Viennese reports, the former Hungarian Premier, Friedricb, has proclaimed Western Hungary an independent state, and is aasuming a defiant attitude. Friedrich is said to have three divisions at his disposaL— Reuter. Paris, Oct L—The Hungarian agency denies tha Viennese reports
    Reuter.  -  98 words
  • 54 2 Reuter. London, Oct 2.—A new issue is announced of bVz per cent Treasury Bonds, at ninety-eight instead of at ninety-seven as hitherto. They are redeemable at par in 1929, and convertible during 1922 into the 3Vfe per cent loan at the rata of £146 sterling loan per
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 37 2 Reuter. Chicago, Oct L—The American financial representative of the Dail Eireann announces the suspension of the collection of funds for the use of Ireland; also the preparation of a 120,000,000 Irish loan in November.—
    Reuter.  -  37 words
  • 279 2 On Satarday last, tbe staff of the Alor Gaj*b District Office gathered to do honour to their chief clerk, Mr E Sta Maria, on his promotion to the chief clerkship of the Public Works Department, Malacca, writes a correspondent. Mr E Sta Maria had
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  • 119 2 Mr J French, general manager, Carey Island, is expected back from Europe about the end of the yean. Mr Lauri de Frece, the comedian, died at Deauville. While a guest of Mr and Mrs S B Joel on board the yacht Irene, he recently taken ill and was taken to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 408 2 Singapore's New [Digpenaary. TIMMS* DISPENSARY, Ltd., Chemists, Pharmacists Opticians, Raffias Chamber* Replete with the following high-grade articles which are offered at MODERATE PRICES. PATENT MEDICINES, TOILET REQUISITES, PERFUMERY, MEDICATED WINES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, CHEMICAL SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS, MEDICAL, lUBGICAL ft SANITARY APPLIANCES, MEDICINE CHESTS. Special attention given to the equipment ef Batata
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    • 69 2 THERE IS NO NEED FO* YOU to await the Mango Season to enjoy that delioiooi frait. CANNED MANGO PULP Made from the lasoioos part of the Ohoioeat Graft* ed Indian frait is ALWAYS OBTAINABLE and Is FAR MORE DELICIOUS than the fresh frait told in Singapore. Obtainable from:. G. H.
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    • 585 2 A WOMvS TROUBLES. Interest!:!** Css in Ctylon. The case of Mrs. E. M. Fernando, wife of Mr. W. H. Fernando, stationmaster at Nugegoda, on the Ceylon Government Railways, is of especial interest to woman. Here are the facts &s related by this lady After the birth of my son Denzil
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    • 526 2 THE ECSTACY OF FEELING t WELL. No one can know the testacy of feeling well unless they have suffered the agonies of Rheumatism-, Neuralgia, Sciatica, or either acute forms of pain, and then been cured, We have thousands of letter* which express this ecstacy of feeling the pain go, the
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    • 408 2 AUCTION SALE. a j CHEBNG KOON SENG &T AUCTIONEERS APPRAISERS. 6 No. 30, Kling Street, Singapore. Important Mortgagor's Safe} Of Valuable Freehold Larjd aira Slven Shop, houses at Kirk Terrace Off DY/Jby Ghaut, and Compound hjpuse Jload, Singapore. At Messrs, Cheoug Koon Seng k Co.'s Sale-Room, No. 30, Kling Street.
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  • 817 3 Litest Prices Quoted in the Market, Singapore, October 5. Messrs. Lyeli and Evatt, Exchange aad Share Mrukera, iaane the followlag lift of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Sharea. Issue Values Buyers Sellers 1 Aiianby 0.10 Q.2U 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 1.00 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 1.75 5 Ayar Hi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 171 3 I AT THE POPULAR PHOTO PLAY HOUSE Clflrffffi XaEj nfi Road. Trams Pass the Door. 4 IN THE SECOND SHOW AT 9.30«5?.M. f Add! a typical etory of Modern Life THE*titTH SHE CHOSE In 5 Parti %r A rest IH* picture with a it. Theory of a girl of s%Mae
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    • 550 3 Prom FRIDAY, September 30, to WEDNESDAY, October 5. Alhcmrtfa Alhunbrt ALHAMBRA Orttatftrr Cakes, Coffee, •ad tha BEST Tht hail for Mnik and Features Taa, ata. B> «aMaV IffTf#Wt Momp dnrlsaj Intervals A DRAMATIC ROMANTIC, SENSATIONAL AND EX- Together with QUISITELY VISUALISED, NOT ONLY BEAUTIFUL t mtmmm m BUT DRAMATICALLY POWERFUL,
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    • 311 3 THOUSANDS HAVE EXPRESSED THAT MACISTE IS THE BEBT PICTURE THEY'VE EVER SEEN Have you leen it yet If not—a*e it To-night, for to-morrow may be too late. Nightly at 10 pm. Note Thursday is the last night in Singapore. TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMME. 7.3o—Alice Joyoe in The Third Degree In Seven Parts.
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    • 141 3 GsmpMii Tfts!tiin:ici. (Spanish Roy Line.) FOR MAN TLA. These L<v?z?i is dn« ah» n k 14th October, 192 L, and will prompt deapatoh for the above per:. For COLOMBO, STJ'-Z PO«T SAID, BARCELON A V LEN( IA and CADIZ (with transhipment to other Spanish ports). Tbe s.s. m ;> dne
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  • 184 4 The Moplahs are terrorising the Hindus, and conducting a guerilla warfare against the military in which the women are aiding them. Maxim Gorky thinks that Communism in Russia is doomed, hat that a Republic ia assured—Tsariam has gone for ever. The Reds have had aome severe fighting with
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  • 870 4 Unusually eventful was Monday's meeting of the Legislative Council. Several subjects of especial importance were brought under review. A noteworthy thing was that the Unofficial* were almost speechless. One of them joined in the tribute to Dr. Lim Boon Keng, and two asked questions, possibly under official inspiration
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  • 923 4 Mr F R Heron, of the Singapore Cold Storage Co., has gone on a business visit to Penang. There are now three companies of Girl Guides in Penang and the membership is still increasing. Colonel W v p Hume. C.M.G., late British Resident of Perak, has now settled down at
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  • 881 4 BY ECHO." Singapore has won the a j a A Cup for soccer. Tht# final at Kuala Lumpur on Saturday was thrilling but there was never any doubt Selangor bt#g mastered at all points of®the game. The #sult, 2-1 in Sfcgapuft, does not neft-ly represent the ascendancy 0
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 j The Supremacy of g( j' "Hi? Masters Voice 9 j J [m Gramophone is Universally Ackno v'edgad Years d unceasing labour and *ri*ntiKc s 'I f" urpeiißteul hay»- enaMH "HIS MASTER'S IHi I VOICE" »o maiiuain an nndispu -r! sabrem- I lg I acy in the world of music
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    • 350 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Strait* Settlement*; 3«, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE **«w Blxiumtant «Ji*»t Arrived of Carpenter's Smoothing and Jack Planes. Brass Hexagon Tapped Nuts from 3/8" to 3/4". Gotland's Braaa Bo;t Hinges from 1$" to 6". Olyburn Sorew Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos Oord or Yarn
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  • 217 5 Maxim Gorky on Russia's Debased Peasantry! Bolsmes Hgtit Hie Tatars. Reuter. -Hnn Oct 3.—Maxim Gorky, in£sto th. "Daily News.W 52 that communisnf would P*i 'JT Russia birth to a sort realist republic, or «v*> a del republic simimr to that of m United States. But the vast
    Reuter.  -  217 words
  • 86 5 Reuter. London. Oct 3._ At a meeting of the South Wales coal-owners at flrdiff it was decided to accept the Station of the Mines Department to refer the subsidy dispute to arbitra-3.-Under the sliding .-ale adopted by the Board of Con\mm and Arbitration in the manufactured iron
    Reuter.  -  86 words
  • 61 5 Reuter. Geneva. Oct 3.-The bly unanimously passed th* MM wt, totalling twenty-one million golu francs, snowing a reduction over last year af tr. 392,800. Dr Wellington Koo notified tne At,emblv of Chinas ratification cf me protocol tor the permanent court ol jaatke, and its intention to recognise the
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 71 5 Reuter. London. Oct 3.-The Archbishop of j Cantwbury, as president of the world j alliance for promoting Internationa: j friendship through the churches, has j sent a letter to he presidents of the na:. Ml councils in the United States, Europaaa countries, Japap an< Turkey, appealing to
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 54 5 Reuter. Copenhagen, Oct 3.—The Swedish general election has resulted in the return of ninety-three Social Democrats, with a gain of eighteen seats; Conservatives sixty-two with a loss of nine; Liberals fifty-one, a loss of seven; Agrarians twenty-one, a loss of eight; Left Socialists six, one gain; Communists seven,
    Reuter.  -  54 words
  • 42 5 Reuter. Paris, 0c ninth Lyons fair was inaugurated at Lyons by the Mayor, Senator Herriot. assisted by rtpresentatives of most nations. The fair offers a unique display of French goods testifying to French industry's unremitting efforts towards pre-war Prosperity.- Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  42 words
  • 36 5 Reuter. Washington, Oct. 3.—The on the condition of the United State* cotton crop on Sept. 26 indicates a crop of 6,537,000 bales, compared with the 1920 final yield of 13,433,000. Stocks are unchanged .-r
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 39 5 Reuter. Lisbon, Oct. B.—Shackletons' ship, the Quest, is in difficulties off Cape Rosa, owing to strong wind, and u> unable to hold her own. She has for help, and a tug has been from Lisbon.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  39 words
  • 25 5 Reuter. London, Oct 3.—A large Vickers Vimy crashed and burst into flame,; a Manston aerodrome, Kent. An officer ana four mechanics were killed.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 27 5 Reuter. London, Oct. 3.—Sir James Craig, the Ulster Premier, states that he ha* •at received aa iaviution to the Iris a K*aa toaAreaoa oa Ova. Ujm
    Reuter.  -  27 words
  • 103 5 Reuter. London, Oct 3.—The aviation exports criticising the Deutsch Meuthe I ace say that Lecointe's accident, Herbert's forced descent and the recent death of De Romanet are very remarkable because in all three cases the motors were faultless but the canvas wings were unable to stand
    Reuter.  -  103 words
  • 109 5 Reuter. <'hristiania, Oct. 1.—The Storting i 1 as ratified the Russo-Norwegian commercial treaty.—Reuter. Washington, Oct. 1. —Speeches in he Senate debate, beginning on Oct. 14, on the subject of Germanic peace treaties, will be limited to an hour each, under the agreement reached lo-night.—Reuter. Copenhagen, Oct. 2.—His Majesty
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  • 148 5 Petas Gevozdenvitch, a Russian was sentenced to a month's rigorous .mprisonment by Mr C VV Dawson in the third police court this morning, it was said that the accused, who was charged with cheating the American consul, had stowed away onboard the i. s. Steelmaker Marseilles. He
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  • 62 5 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, 0$b.~The Colomb£ correspondent of the Malay wires that the b<yjy of European is thought to be ihfTota A Hall, a Malayan Jointer who arrived here a month ago. marks or* nis clothes tally found on clothing left at a Colombo hotel.
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  • 115 5 In reply to a gueation hy the Hon >1r Choo Ela Peng at on 21 «l the Sxmtary Board. Euals I.umpur. the Chairman outlined the -,v5tem now in loM of regies lmg and l.taU bolder» ln tbe local marKe°Z.M.d «tnted tkat he coopcration >7tb He v,reoto?ot supply in tile
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  • 116 5 rVftLK-SELLER FLAYED ALIVE. WOMEN HELP THE REBELS. Reuter. Calicut, Oct 3.—The situation in Eastern Ernad is still serious. The rebel leader Chembrasserie Thangal is reported to have declared martial law, and the intention to kill every Hindu refusing to join Islam. The rebels complain that the Hindus are
    Reuter.  -  116 words
  • 273 5 Increases of Rent Refuted. Several applications for permission to increase lent were made at the meeting of the Rent Assessment Board, presided over by Mr C N Maxwell, yesterday afternoon. Other members present were Messrs E Tessensohn, Gaw Khek Khiam, Koh San Hin, W H Beadsworth, and
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  • 410 5 MILITARY SERVICE IN THE MALAY PENINSULA. Col Adams' Latter. [To the Editor, Penang Gazette.] Sir, —A year has passed since I last wrote you herein, and nothing done. Except of course by those men who have joined the new Corps in the F M S, which seems to be just
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  • 118 5 NO DEFINITE PLAN READY. PREMIER TO SPEAK. Reuter. London, Oct 3.—The experts who proceeded to Gairlocb to see the Premier and discuss the unemployment problem and industrial situation with Mr Lloyd George, spent a busy weekend, though their deliberations led to no concrete decisions, the Premier intimating that
    Reuter.  -  118 words
  • 291 5 Penang Father Sentenced. A shocking case of deliberate and continued cruelty to a young boy was brought to light in the Police Court, Penang, this morning before Mr A C Baker, when Ong Sin Moh, Ayer Itam, was charged with voluntarily causing hurt to his sojj,
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  • 154 5 At tbe recent annual t> eet'nz of Kedah Rubber, at Penang MrSlowe presided. The net revenue w*» $120 SOO and carry forward $86,255 lbe directors had carefully consider fri their decision not to recommend a dividend. In tbe Board's opinion it was better to have reserves than to
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  • 162 5 Messrs Baker, Morgan and Co, of X L, reported at 5 p.m. oa Friday The cable we were able last week to give to the Press fortunately put at least a brighter complexion on tha general outlook than was presented by the last mail to hand, in
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  • 70 5 A meeting has been held at the Tung Wah Hospital, Hongkong, to discuss arrangements a date for the re-interme.f of the b%yff of five or six hundred Chtaese who perished in the disastrous fire several years ago, this being rendered necessary by the haphazard manner in which the corpses wrra
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  • 510 5 WAS THE SPEED EXCESSIVE? Evidence of Passengers. At the inquest held in the Coroner's court yesterday, into the deaths of two Chinese, who were passengers in motor bus 3837, which fell over on its side while proceeding along New Keppel-road on Sept 26 last, the evidence of several
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  • 252 5 Success in Java and Cuba. Commenting on R Q A Criticism Financial Time» correspondent writes as follows Sir, —Yonr correspondent! "Throe» nortoo,' 1 in his letter of Ann 16, teems to oritiuiso the action of the Brazilian and FMS Government# for rendering their suppers to one of heir
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  • 70 5 The warship Katori with the Crown Prince of Japan on board, and the escorting squadrons, anchored at Yokohama on September 2. The next morning the representative of the Emperor and Empress, the Imperial Princes, including Prince Hirohito'; two brothers, Princes Yasuhito ami Nobuhito, members of the Cabinet, admirale of the
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  • 69 5 Singapore, October 5. On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 l-4d Demand 2s 4 Private 3 months, sight 2s 4 17-3Sd On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 15T On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 32 p.c. p.m. On ShanghaiBank demand draft 63 Vs On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer 186 hk
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  • 47 5 C. pi C. Tubber Association. Singapore, October 5. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 30 30 ft Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Priceu. Buyers Sellers Spot 30ft 31ft October 31ft 32 Oct. to Dec. 33 ft 34 Jan. to March 36 36ft Tone of Market.—Firm.
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  • 30 5 Singapore, October 5. To day's closing rubber quotations are as under:— New York.—15 cts. Londsn.—8ftd. Singapore.—31 cts. Tone of Market.—Firm. Tin to-day -78; 75 tons sold.
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  • 113 5 Singapore October 5. Silver 42Vs. Hongkong 32 per cent pramium, Shanghai Nil. Three Months 545*. Share Market.—Dull. Rubbers.—Small enquiry. Tins.—Taipings $1.02* to $1.07*, Norths $1.22* to $1.27*, Souths: «12* to 6i' 2 cents, Nawng Pets $1,451 to §1.50, Papans 40 to 45 cents/ Padang Plandoks 62*
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  • 161 5 Bears Losing Ground. Dame Humour is busy with reasons for American buyers' recent persistent efforts to bear down the prices of rubber in Eastern and Western markets, oae story being to the effect that the rise in freight rates from the East to America, which became effective to-day,
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  • 73 5 A Japanese giant, 7 ft 2 in tall and weighing 22 stone, has aroused eon-j siderable interest as no woman can ba found in Japan who is willing to become his wife. He married, it ia stated, when 24, but his wife died shortly after tha" marriage The "Japan Times"
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 246 5 PHASER CHALMERSI Engineering Workt. ■■gnat Hoese, SS end 6\ laaoa Road, Singapore. ELECTRIC LIFTS For Passengers or Goods. QUOTATIONS GIVEN FOB COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS >— the General Electric C° ltd io fo-jrl»nd.) ■ggess] a>Vfc lLll r *ta-1 B 1 NEVER 9\Y DYE. 8»Y TINTEX AT MAYNARDS WINDOW m Bg Wo
      246 words

  • 634 6 FOOTBALL. TO-DAY'S GAME. The SCC and the R G A will meet on the S R C ground thia afternoon in the semi-final of the S F A Cup The S C C team will be: Glaacoe; and Fenwick; Parish, Duff and Cushway; JfcDonald, Moss, Jamieaon, Sinclair and Lynch.
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  • 37 6 A SWEDISH RECORD. A Swedish swimmer named Amedorg has established a new record for 1,100 yards, free style swimming, at Christiana. He covered the distance in 14 nuns. 19 see., thus beating- Frank Beaurepaire's Adelaide recoid.
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  • 178 6 AERO CLUB EVENT. Eta-mpets, Oct. I—The Aero Club's sgeed race for tbe Oeutsch de la Meurthe Cup, replacing the Gordon Bennett Cup, which Sadi la Coiate won outright for Franoe, last year, was won by a Frenchman, Kirsch, on a Nieuport Delage monoplane, covering 300 kilometres in fine
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  • 326 6 C C TOURNAMENT. (A court) S F Derbyshire, owe o vs. J M Manßon, plus 3. (B) X B Osbourne, owe 3 vs. J Bakkenest, plus 3. (C) W B Coatee, owe 4 vs L H Goldie, scr. <D) L H Campling, scr. vs. J U Fraser, scr.
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  • 235 6 YBSTERDAY'3 PLAT. A Sing lea. A E Coelho, owe 30 vs. N E Ess, owe 15.4, unfinished. B Single». F M S Reutens, scr. beat F Monteiro, owe 30, 6—1, 1 —6, 6——4. Doable* Handicap. G R Oehlers and A van der Beck vs. E W
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  • 317 6 YESTERDAY'S PLAY. J Lim beat J Schiesa, 6—o, 6—l. t A'jedVs. C imith, unfinished. TO-DAY'S TEW. Roy vs. J T N Handy. C Smith vs. S Abed. v TO-MORROWS TIES. C A Bateman vs. I C Scott. Khoo Teck Beng vs. Gan Khek Keng. WHY
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  • 248 6 GGCts.SG C J A match between the Garrison Golf Club and Singapore Golf Club (foursome» play) will take place next Sunday morning at the Race Course Pl»yara are particularly requeated to not* the starting times. Th* teams ,r a* follows, Garrison Club pair* beiag the first named in each
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  • 90 6 IPOH PROGRAMME. Congratulations to the Committee of the Ipoh Gymkhana Club on the fine programme they have arranged for ths big two day racs meeting ia Ipoh on Dec 15 and 17. The stakes are big and should prove very attractive to race horse owners in Malaya. The
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  • 497 6 REAL CHAMPIONSHIPS AT LAST. "TRIBUNE" LEADS THE WAT. The British Malaya Boxing Association. The revival of boxing is bringing us something substantial at last in the way of a governing authority for the sport. A few weeks ago a delegation of boxing enthusiasts entered the "Tribune" office and requested
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  • 59 6 Sir F Swettenham'* Vis*/*. A London cabie to the Ceylon Observer" states:—Sis Frank Swettenham characterises the proposal that the High Commissioner for the Indian Ocean gToup of Colonies should reside at Port Louis as fantastic. He says that the proper residence for the High Commissioner would be
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  • 46 6 We understand that the work in connection with Singapore's new water-supply from Johore is at a standstill for the time being, apparently owing to the desire of the Municipality to know exactly how it stands in the way of finance before proceeding further in the matter.
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  • 157 6 From time to time one notices, in books or newspaper articles, descriptions of Malayan animals which are most inaccurate, even when written by persons who have resided for yean in the country. The mis-naming of different beasts is an oft-recurring fault. Even a book on the country which had the
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 431 6 PURE TIRCN ENDURES. SS I "8° t < Iron Roofin and Sidi "BhM no superior for rurt-resisting ARMchi*»tu tT iO S h0 M *".»brdi, godown, or factories Corrugated teadS? if wi u hM K W^ ,tandthemo t vi crcus tf ts oftimland »;r rfl rain *«»<l bot sun of the
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    • 379 6 0 A Stall Story. 9 a MtBS FLAPPER Jarobly) 0 "Oh, Mr. Driley, where can one ?>at L i T DBILEV: .meditatively) ■In a stall, I presume." o— Get It at MOUTRIE'S. *f* 15 io Z r** T6e PATENT Co, 1 Office:—26-3, ORCHARD ROAD AND Workshop 2& 8. OAVANAGH ROAD,
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 405 6 NAILS CLOSE, Daily by Train except Saaday. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Maw i aad Penang 8 a.m. A y. n Kota Tinggi A Kedah C a.m. /chart 6, 8, 9.80, noon 2, 4 A 8 pan. Te-day, Oct. 5. Kretay, Trengganu, Kelantan, Patani, Singora,* Bandon A Bangkok* Yugala 2 p.m.
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    • 187 6 WHEN AND WHERE. To-day, Oct 5. High Tides.—0.30 a.m., 0.19 p.m. Tambalak, Derrick's 12. Nyalas, Evatt'a, 12. Polo, Balestier, 4.45. S S A Committee, Barker*», 6.15. Football Cup semi-final 8 C C R G A, S R C ground. Y M C A Swimming Carnival, beats, 5. SVC: Chinese Co.
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  • 1372 7 LETTER OF MR. CHOON LOK SHAN. The SuaTgestion of Bribery. The following is a full copy of the letter purported to have been written to the General Association for Education by Mr Choon Lok Shan, alias Choon Thiam Poe, one of the two Chinese delegates journeying to
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  • 311 7 Enquiry By Special Commiseion. The following are the terrnß of reference of the special Commission appointed to enquire into local Municipal finances (the names of the members of tho L'omnvssion were given yesteroay): (a) Whether the Municipal Fund is able, from present sources of revenue, to meet the
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  • 90 7 When a girl begins calling you by your first name, watch out, boy! She likes your last one. We hear that a large American rubber company in Sumatra haa dispensed with the services of forty of its white staff during the present wavo of depression, says the "Malay Mail." Dr.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 787 7 a——— i. n, mamo AND USE OUR im s Cook Srand Indian Condiment reparations, tor the most arising srft healthy taste. 9 a»«a»aßaa«BßauaMaa»a f Wfl& s|Mo-<late* h^~~ naeds at home £§k Oho» Cooky 8V "I- -IPdwSi? COiIKBRAMD G Ai ry Powder V* Ii <j» made of tbe best J t
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    • 253 7 I,- Ilt ,1,,—,., I I I I I 111 j REMEMBER j We key most complete assortment L of lamps in Kling Street. P trol Lamps (200 o.p uaing mantles) Hinki' 80 o.p. Lamps Hinke' 4.1 op. Lamps H. kf' Viceroy Lamps Hi ok*' Coronation Lamps Sherwdods' Lumps Miller's Tabiu
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    • 170 7 llllliililffill lllilllliil lll^^^ llUillli'.iilillliltlllllllllUllillllliHHiillilll cSliKl I /I j 11 il 8 iiilil! l! 8 Pttnk:». th« Tennia (Hub.any o«t T -3wf] li] I 'I'll I doo' Fifncbon. on nueh oc; :<unon« ĕaiwl'' 1 'ill Entert»ininoßt aiwaya H# Mjj !S add* fo tbe pleasure. lllllllllmiihtv Of Music Dealers Stores. ii mill
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  • 451 8 RESOLUTIONS AND MONET VOTES. The following resolutions and financial votes were passed at the meeting of the Legislative Council on Monday: By the Colonial Secretary: That this Council the and sections of a wheme fo the construction of a prop access road to the Railway T i I
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  • 122 8 Runnymede Meadows, where Magna Charta may have been signed or sealed, are to be retained as Crown property. Sir A Griffith Boscawen made this announcement to the accompaniment of sympathetic cheers in the House of Commons. But it has been a narrow escape. It
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  • 94 8 Particulars are now available, as regards the white poputetion, of the Census taken in the Union of South Africa in May last. The total white population is 1,521,655, an increase of 245,39d, or 19.23 per cent, compared with the figures of the 1911 census. The population by
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  • 95 8 A telegram from Port Darwin states that t«o pro,pector« have ->,r K ,»H.vable god w tl-.e Au».rall<.! .rlue,vi territory. The Canadian Govmrnraei t hava awarded a silver cup t»> Mr f ederick Edward Upton, formerly wireless, operator of the stei.mship British Isles, of London, foil ssgi Ving to raacna a
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  • 448 8 PROPOSAL TO GIVE IT PRECEDENCE. The Berlin correspondent of the Observer writes: The problem of Upper Silesia mav be held responsible for much that is >appening in Germany at present, but one entirely unexpected result is the -ontroveriy agitating fecademic circles jver since the holidays began,
    448 words
  • 184 8 Two Chinese women who t-mhsrk-d op n an ur.*ncce*sfol trading posttare to ?sing-»p"re w t!' IMgaot* n an settna br-arrj in the SoaaseeVj "oart O'loe- tho Puirtr.d Jur'tr**. Pfoagkoag. Oae hosjsb from the other a ►am Of. $260*»'*'P'e «entirjg half the 10-ses on the Iran*
    184 words
  • 124 8 A frequent sight on London commons is that of girls playing cricket with their brothers. On a holiday afternoon recently the spectators of a serious grown-up match were surprised and delighted to see a girl coming out to bat. But the bowlers, who were fast, were embarrassed.
    124 words
  • 60 8 The report of the Grand Lodge of Ontario, one of nine Canadian Graqgj Lodges, which is just to hand, states that during the past ysjg the Masonic membership has increased by 7,000, bringing the total membership to 88,000, distributed among 500 lodges. Nineteen lodges were constituted during the year, and
    60 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 406 8 SLOAN'S LINIMENT Penetrates without Rubbing. HB^Eni Jus* a few drops of Sloan's on the painful Kflfcj <M ll■ y-jffl spot a*nd the pain stops. It is really wonderful v how quickly Sloan's acts. No need to rub it ijjkljjjljkll ft in—laid on lightly it penetrates to the bone and brings
      406 words
    • 256 8 DRINK ASALU BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui bussan Kaisha. Batterv-Rd. SineaDore. > 'Ja Your First Though* O Bat thai it your first O h ■Sot.g L Muck tsepsnaa on hia j* gaby well and £j haev/ <iur n, s first tnree months Jg Q Hlh .-nd a 4 ie ir r
      256 words
    • 474 8 I What Do You Want* A'Tractor For? o tne first thin g you will think of plowing- Bnt don't stop there., If your tractor is to be a profit-maker f ou, it must do muoh mors than plow. must be able to do pracisally all ths work arouDd your sstats
      474 words
    • 90 8 i —R TO THK TRIBUNE.*"' The only 5 cent Pa|>er In Malaya Bafe S,S BW; $7 SO f Month. WITH «REE DELIVERY TO OFFICE CR RESIDENCE. Oar Area/arum is steadily S« M, I SUBSCRIBE DIBECT. j 7fe following subscrivtion form may be used: To tbe H-nager, -B*** 2Pf "Malara Tribone,"
      90 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 531 9 P. s'O.-British India AND APCAR LIN?. I iNCORrORATI» W EiIOLAND) HAIL A$D SERVICES. Ptninsular trjid Oriental i\ N. Co. Under Contract with His Majesty's Government. fHE COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EABT*OF BOMBAY tjs at present suspended* LONDON FARjfIASTERN SERVICE, From 1 LONDON Dv* SINGAPORE. Hysoea about Oct 19 about Nov 1
      531 words
    • 450 9 PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP CO. a) (Incorporated in U.S.AJ ACCOUNT OF THE U 3. SHIPPING BOARD SAN FRANCISLO- lAINILA- EAsT INDIA SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE For CALCUTTA Direct. Creole State Passengers and Freight Oct 13 wolverine State Passengers and Freight Not 15 Uranite State Passengers and Freight Dec 15 For SaN FBANOISCO
      450 words
    • 757 9 THE I CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO.. LTD. (Incorporated in U 8. A.) j -J ANNOUNCE Th« iosognratinn of a and Freight Service of nnnsaal butween CHINA and JAVA PORTS via SINGAPORE The s.s. NILE," 14,000 tons, formerly a Transpacific Liner, haa been assigned to this run to maintain a monthly
      757 words
    • 702 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (I noorparated la Japan) London Lino Fortnightly Service lor MARSEILLES, LONDON ft ANTWERP via EjDRTS. Inaba Maru Oct 7 Kamo Maru 0 it 19 Iyo Maru N»v 2 Liverpool Lino Monthly Eervioe For MARSEILLES LIVERPOOL via PORTS. Lisbon Maru Ost Hnmburg lino Monthly Service For LONDON, ANTWERP,
      702 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 592 10 NOTICE NOTICE. Safe, Sure and Guaranteed Cure for Leprosy, Leucoderms, Patches, Marks, etc., in four weeks. Patienta willing to be treated by Post are requested to write. Thrft days trial free or a week's treatment for Rs. 7-8 ($426) only. Sri Works, Beadon Square, Calcutta, (M. T.) India. 21-9—W b-o
      592 words
    • 673 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. NOTICE 18 HEBE BY GIVEN that the artnersbip heretofore <eubliiting between Csia Y*e Boh, Tan Took Yew and Chan Kirn Swee carrying on baeir s* at Mo:or neera and Importers, etc., at Nob. S3. 24, 25 and 26, O.cnard Boad, Singapore nnder the ityle or firm of United
      673 words
    • 475 10 BANKS. 4_ A SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE <JO„ LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE 68, KLING STREET, "SINGAPORE, Established 1907. Paid-up Capital M $2,000,000 Surplua 800,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Eaq. Teo Teow
      475 words
    • 490 10 t BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD, HEAD OFFICE: 94, Market Street, BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street, Malacca 131 Jonker Street Muar ..77-78 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahanaat Palembang. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Senuuaag, Shanghai, Hongkong-, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised $20,000,900
      490 words
    • 448 10 —a— BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporatd in England BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Sharea of «*ch £3,000,000 Reaerve Fund £3,600,000 Reaerve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd.
      448 words
    • 313 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in tha^S.S.) HEAD OFFICB: SINGAPORE, Ct KLING STREET. TeL No. 1655. j BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised 820,000,000 luued 810,500,000 Psid-op 8 5,250,000 Reaerve Liability of Shareholders 8 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean Kheam,
      313 words
    • 348 10 INSURANCE. 9 OVfRSEA| ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOARD OF JI RECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim* Boon Keng. 0.8.E.. Chairman. Lim Soon, Eaq. Dy. Chair v man. En Tong Sen, Esq. C.B.E. Ong Boon Tat, Esq. Lim Chwee Chiastf Esq. te Chua Poh Siang, Eaq. Lee Pang S eVg,
      348 words
    • 533 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE SHIPPING C' ZET r E. (EVENUSG DAILY.*, i octit fMif 171 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. 0 PAYABLE IN AT3VftNCE. Hi* annA 16 00 Half-yearly 7JjQ Pat qua* ter 8.7J Siagle Copy 5 eta. Poatage Extra 50 eta. per month. To Foreign countries 51 do [A Subacriptioa Form will ba roujrt
      533 words