Malaya Tribune, 4 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 673 1 j Company A u photographic? Materials I AND I Tbe for Amateurs Developing, Printing and Enlargement I NtA 9*. NOBTH BRIDGE BOAD, 1 I PhonsßßO. a) I —i mi ■■n'IMM pii m I ■tnnnlii ia— i i sain P 1 »-»»-n^«-»Annnnnnn^^ MARRIED v. SINGLE! I I I The above caption
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    • 32 1 THE MALAYA TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. Phone Mo. 171 SUBSCRIPTION BATES Payable) In Advanos Per annum S 1 5.90 Half-yenrly S 7.80 Par quarter S 1.75 Postage Extra SO cts. per month.
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  • 597 2 THE TYRE TRADE REVIVES. A correspondent from New York writes in the Ceylon Observer The tyre trade is decidedly optimistic and yet it is just as decidedly cautious. Every manufacturer that I have talked to is working hia factory from 65 to 100 per cent, but
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  • 286 2 Fourteen grants of Letters Pateat for Inventions are published in the current Gazette. Mr Alfred Padmore, late Inspector of Police, Straits Settlements, who retired on pension about i if teen years ago, died suddenly on Ju.y 7 at Nottingham where he was then living. Telegraphic information haa reached Kuala Lumpur
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  • 319 2 A Somaliland Story. Mr Carl E Akeley, in the Sept issue of World's Work," tells how he killed a leopard barehanded in Somaliland thus: "We saw the leopard lurking behind a bush and fired several shots which only stopped the animal temporarily. Before I was able to
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  • 248 2 Singapore, Sept 30. After the firm market of last week prices have had a downwara declin* I from on* to two cents, and no ap- preciable rise ia looked for in the immediate future. Demand from New York continues to be good but a large
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  • 283 2 The "Malay Mail" hears that varius members of the Electrical Investigation Committee have received notic* of the termination of their engagement at the end of the year. We hear that a proposal has been made to hold a Malayan Arts and rafts Exhibition in Singapore during the visit of H
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 492 2 Singapore's New Dispensary^ TIMMS' DISPENSARY, Ltd., Chemists, Pharmacists Opticians, Raffles Chambers. V i Replete with the following high-grade articles which are C offered at MODERATE PRICES. PATENT MEDICINES. TOILET REQUISITES, PERFUMERY, MEDICATED WINES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, CHEMICAL ft SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS, MEDICAL, SURGICAL SANITARY APPLIANCES, MEDICINE CHESTS. Special attention given to th.
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    • 134 2 Straits labour Supply Co., STEVEDORES St DUB ASHES, Good Timber far Sals. Changhai." Merbau and Raaak for building purposes. Mutable also for Railway Sleepers. All sizes. Reined Jeloteag far Sale. Order, will be taken for Refined Jelatoug, Guaranteed for six months. Our Stevedoring and meoui are at the sendee of
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    • 473 2 MOTHERS REST EASY AT NIGHT. Who Keep Baby's 0*n Tablets Io the House. K?ery mother knows those nights of alarm and n:,r,g: wb. n the baby or one or other of the older children, wak-e np feverish and unwell. The problem then i- wh »t can belt be done until
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    • 527 2 THEJfRICE of pain- SCIATICA. No on* wants pain—still we pay for it heavily in lost health—lost energy—lost ambition—often absolute financial ruin. Why, pay this i awful price Why suffer the terrible* twitching tortures Sciatica when everlasting relief is so near at hand Perfect health, absolute freedom from pain may again
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    • 512 2 AUCTION SALE. CtfEOMS KOON SENG CrT AOCTIIHEERS JPPrWSEBS. > t) No. 30, King Street, > •> AUCTION SALE OF f Valuable Land and The 6 American Motor ShipOrftpdranca as she now lies in Singapore^riarbour. ki Mettrt. Ohgpog Koon Serg A JO, Kiir« Blres On' Wednesday October 5, at 230 p.m.
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  • 810 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, Oct 3. Messrs. Lyall and Evatt, Exchange and Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. issue Value* Buyers Sellers Ailenby 0.10 0.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 1.00 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 1.75 5 Ayer Hitam f.00
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 173 3 AT THE POPUI Af. PSQTO PLAY HOUSE MMPiRE. 3; Road Trame Pass the Door. IN THE SECOND SHOW AT pM. m An tjpioal arory of Modern Life frli "RSkTJi SHE CHdSE In Parti 1 c pi ta f c ith a pnn in lt of a girl of theisms wno
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    • 624 3 Ill The 111 From FRIDAY, September 30, to WBDNE8DAY, Ootober 5 Tfc* Albwnbra I ICcctif AT THE is tbe only I wfcr* you s tfcs»tp« feALHAMBRA# |«l tfct BEST I Hell r Md F tBrM < S£*I is.*->r t xtoAZk. aerr«| 1 I 1 dirlig I irttjrysls I I
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    • 169 3 hate expressed that MACISTE 18 THI BEST PIOTURE THsTTYI EVER BEEN Hit* yon seen lt yet If not—fee it To-night, for to-morrow may be too late. Nightly at 10 pm. Note Thureday ia the last night In Singapore, TO-NIGHT'S PROGRAMME. T 30—A Hoe Joyc* in Tae Third Degree In Seveo
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  • 136 4 H E the Governor made an important statement on the robber controversy, at the Legislative Council meeting. Mr Allen exposed the whole game of i the Chinese who oppose the Registration of Schools Ordinance. The Volanteer Bill was given first reading. The Attorney General thinks it meets public
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  • 36 4 DEATH. KOH Pbro HOB.—At his residence No. 7, Lorong S3, Gaylang, on 30.h, 1921, at 1115 p.m. The funeral will take pl?oe on I Thnnday, 6th inst, sged 44. 1 10 4 10
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  • 826 4 Exit Mr Green; re-enter Mr Farrer. That is the position of affairs in connection with the Presidency of the Municipal Commissioners. We welcome Mr Farrer's return and feel that its effect will be really beneficial. That can be quite honestly said whilst having every admiration for the excellent
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  • 316 4 The s. s. Hyson, which arrived in port yesterday, brought back 984 pilgrims from Jeddah. There were 83 deaths on the voyage, and three cases of small-pox on arrival. Ths marriage took place at Home on Sept 1, of Mr Mark Stone, Barris-ter-at-Law, Malacca, to Frances (Queenie), daughter of Charles
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  • 412 4 SENSATIONAL DOCU|fIENT MAjDE PJJBLIC. Bribery.of Reuters Urged, f We have in our possession a copy of the letter reag! by the Hon Mr P T Allen at the Legislative Council Meeting yesterday. Mr Allen aaid he found the letter in the president's desk at the headquarters of
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  • 233 4 Largely-Attended Funeral. His many friends were gTieved to learn last evening of the death of Mr H Rickard, head of the printing firm of Rickard, Ltd, which occurred at the Moulmein-road hospital yesterday, from an acute form of small-po*. Mr Xickard was taken auddenly ill
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  • 73 4 U Margaret de Rozario, a obtained a def rae Xi, with thr custody of her three ohildreo, aajfin*; Alfred de tyxario, herhasband, ia the Supreme Qoart thir morning before Mr Jastioe Barrett feefmard. The parties married in 1904 in 8t Joseph's Ohareh. Defrsion by the hasband since
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  • 79 4 (From Own Cdfcrespondent.) *iala LTimpur, Oct 4.— correspondent "Malay Mail" wires thai the 1«dy of an unknown European, dressed in a tussore suit, with white shjrt, with black stripes, black socks, aiNl black shoes, with John Little, Singapore" inside, was found wedged aTnong rocks by tfr%
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  • 124 4 JHE ARRESTED MEN UNREPENTANT. HINDUS PERSECUTED. 4 Reuter. o o' I Kai* 'fchi, Oct 2. —The Ali brothers and the other arrested on a section charge hjpe been <Ammitted for trial. The accused generally supported Mohammed Ali's statement re Islamic aims, etc, and attempted to refer to current
    Reuter.  -  124 words
  • 99 4 f Lord Northclifle s h oreca.-t. Reuter. Sydney, Wt 3.—Lord has sailed for the Phillippines en route to Japan and China. He declared that if Australia desired to remain white she must encourage Anglo-Saxon immigration by all means in her power. Australia was sufficiently wide and rich comfortably
    Reuter.  -  99 words
  • 48 4 Reuter. Oct li.—Six hundred of thc insurgents were killed in the suppression of the Nyala outbreak. The Hritish casualties were sixty-one.— Reuter. Cairo, Oct 3.—The Nyala garrison has been reinforced, and there is no •ause for the slightest anxiety. The insurgent leader, who was wounded. escaped.—
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 156 4 Powers of F M S Body. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct 4.—An official Railway Board has been formed, witb the following members The General Manager, F M S Railways, as chairman and treasurer, the F M S Director of Public Works, Messrs Robson, Choo Kia Peng,
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  • 74 4 Commission of Enquiry. A Government Gaaette extraordi. nary issued _yejsterday afternoon appoints to enqaire into the present and prospective financial position of tbe Manicipality of Singapore. The Commissionere nominated are Mr G P Bradney, tbs Hon Dr D J Galloway, Dr J H W J A »sac, G
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  • 97 4 A Malacca reader sends ua new? of affp«:vntly a somewhat severe earthquake shock e*>erienced there yesterday afternoon. It appear* that at a little after one o'clock, there was a sudden rumbling in front of the Malacca post office, and it was observed that the ground seemed to
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  • 48 4 Six Malay women were ap before Mr Nann in the district conrt ibis morning charged at the Instance of the Manicipality, for failing to report three cases of small-pox, in s house in Killiney.road. Two of the aceosed were iaed $10, and the rest 95 eaob.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 298 4 I TJi* Supremacy of f "His Master's Voice" If j& I Gramophone I f y£* is Universally Acknowledged gj f V Years of unceasing labour and scientific B k I* experiment have enabled His MASTER'S g j VOICE" to maintain an undisputed suprera- I HI acy in the world of
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    • 368 4 mmmm.m± i i GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Strait* Settlements; 36, PHILLIP STREET. SINGAPORE New Shipment Just Arrived of Oarpentei'a Smoothing and Jack Plant**. Braos Hexagon Tapped Nuts from 3/8" to 3/4". Gotland's Brass Butt Hinges from If to 6". Clyburn 8ort?w Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos
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  • 3297 5 minor's Long Statement oi Robkv Industry. f rinctWtttt-^SGiioois—VduDteers. v f the Governor, Sir Laurence Guillemsrd, X.C.8., madman impots an t statement on the rubber industry ttt the meeting of the Legislative Council in the Council Chambers v,>st«Fd»y afternoon, whel others prasent were. Officials H E the G fcaj-Gen.
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  • 61 5 THE TURF. AUSTRALIAN RESULTS. (From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct 4,—The "Malay Mall has the following racing results from Sydney: Derby. Cupidon 1, Furious 2, Honeybee 3. Betting 14jl on the winner. Epsom. Beauford 1, Dunwall 2, Wish Wynne 3. Betting 7|4 on the winner. Metropolitan. Daddie Blue
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  • 33 5 ENGLAND vs. AUSTRALASIA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oct 4.—The "Malay Mail's Sydney correspondent wires that the first Rugby league test result was: England defeated Australasia, by 6 points to 6.
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  • 338 5 French Expectations. Paris, Oct 2.—At the inauguration of a monument in his honour at Saint Hermine, Vendee, M Clemenceau made an eloquent speech on victorious France. Referring to the Treaty of Versailles, he said that the scheme for assuring the peace of the world, even H the confines
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  • 89 5 President Harding's Reply, Reuter. London, Oct 2.—Speaking at the British Legion rally at Edinburgh, Field Marshal Haig read a letter from President Harding, replying to a letter which Lord Haig, on behalf of the British Empire Service League, representing seven million ex-service men of the British Empire, wished
    Reuter.  -  89 words
  • 41 5 Reuter. Paris, Sept 30.—The delegation of the t rench Seamen s Union was cordially welcomed in London by the British Seamen's Union. The Frenca delegation's president, M Rivelli, was instrumental in establishing the first Seamen's Union in fcurope.-
    Reuter.  -  41 words
  • 25 5 Reuter. Peshawar, Oct 2.-<\ telegram from Kabul bears out that the prospects of a satisfactory conclusion to the Indo-Afghan negotiations have bright- ened.—I
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • 96 5 Singapore, October A On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2s 4 l-4d Demand 2s 4 Private 3 months, sight 2s 4 17-32 d On IndiaBank Tel. Tranafet IS7 On Hengkong— Bank demand draft 30% p.c. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 54% On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer 186% On
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  • 70 5 C mt C«r Asaoriatioa. Singapore, October 4. Pale Crepe Closing Pricea. Buyers Sellers Spot 29 80 Ribbed Smeked Sheet Closing Pricea. Buyers Sellers Spot 10* 31 October 31 31% Oct. to Dec. 32% 33% Jan. to Marc ii 34% 35 Tone of Market.—Steady. Fred Wav .-house Co,
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  • 113 5 MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. Singapore, Oct 4. Silver 42%. Hongkong 30 »4 per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold $45%. Share Market. Dull. Rubbers :—Small enquiry. Tin:—Taipings $1.06 to $1.10. Norths $1.26 to $1.30. Souths 62% to 67% cents. Nawang Pets $1.47% to $1.52%. Papans 40 to 45 cents. Padang
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  • 48 5 Reuter. Paris, Sept 30.—Several hundreds of workless coolies now residing in France have attempted to make themselves subsist by joining the IrancoChinese Institute, whose rolls are complete. These coolies cannot attend classes. The French Government has begun negotiations with China for sending them back to China.—
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 46 5 Reuter. London, Oct I.—The council of the Royal Aeronautical Society has decided to establish a memorial fund commemorating the victims of the R3B disaster. They propose to invest the capital, devoting the income to the encouragement of investigation in problems connected with airships.—
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 34 5 Reuter. New York, Oct 2.—On the ground that the authorised quota of Greeks admissible lor the year under the immigration law was completed, 371 Greeks wera refused admisiion, f>nd will be repatriated.-
    Reuter.  -  34 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 249 5 PHASER CHALMERQ Englnedrlng Worki. Magnet Hoese, SS end B\ ineon Boad, Singapore. SOLE AGENTS FOR JAMES CARTER (STALYBRIDfIE), Ltd. Robber Machinery. A RANSOME Co Ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS. NEWBOULD Ltd. Steel, lools, Saws, ftc. HOLMAN BROS, Ltd., Minhsg, Machinery. Drills km PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd. (b»orpor»**<l
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  • 659 6 FOOTBALL. TO-DAY'S CAMS. The SRC eleven to meet the R E Sports Club in the semi-final of the 9 F A Cup on the S R C ground today will be: Olrriaro; Wh«aUey aad Ntuxrfatherjr GejnmelL Aorta and O de Soauu, Fernanda* Leijseius. Ling*rd and MuUer. To-morrow's Gaate. The
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  • 31 6 AUSTRALIAN TOUR, A London cable to the "Malay Mail" states: The Australia Rugby League team beat Bradford by 53 points to 8. Horder and Burge were prominent ia securing tries.
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  • 66 6 A P C va. 8 C C. The following will represent the A P C against the S C C eecond team at hockey to-morrow on the padang: G G Gray L Rappa and H R S Law J S de Souza, H C Cooper (capt) and T M
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  • 131 6 8 8 AND P M 8 TOURNAMENT. Mr W Mountford, hon secretary of the above, writes: Local intending competitors will be weighed in and be medically examined at the Victoria Theatre between the hours of 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Sunday Oct 16. Drawings for the first night
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  • 297 6 SCC TOURNAMENT. YESTERDAY'S PLAY. Newcomers' Handicap. W A Yenning, scr. beat H C Raamuasen, scr., 6—l, 6—o. A W Bourne, Jun., owe 1 beat A L Pattinson, scr., 6—t, 6 L Lt Col. Comyn beat W Williams, w-o. G van Egmond plus 8 beat C P Snsll, scr.,
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  • 351 6 YESTERDAY'S PLAT. A Sialic*. C A Beteman beat A V van o'er Beck, 6—4, 6—2. C A Norris vs. E G Wheatley, postpoaed. B Singles. David de Scnsa re. A F Mulbr. anfinished. L Caramel! beat T A Cordeiro, 6—f, 6—l. DonWes Handicap. Urrie de Sonza and N
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  • 349 6 THE TOURNAMENT AVERAGES. Batting. The following have played five or more innings in the local cricket tournament, which ended on Saturday, and have an average of twenty or over:— Highest Inn, Rns, in Inn, N. 0., Ay. V G Eaechiel 6 109 57 8 10 II Dr Scharen gttivel
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  • 207 6 PENANG C C SPORTS. (From our own Correspondent) Peaang, Oct 3.—The Penang Cricket Club gymkhana on Saturday was a great success. There were many entries and keen competition. Large crowds attended. The ground was heavy, but there waa fine weather. The results were Putting the weight, J D Sanderson
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  • 149 6 V M C A CARNIVAL. The preliminary heats for the V M C A swimming carnival will be held on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. The programme for each day is as follows: Wednesday. Two Lengths Schools Championship; One length schools championship; Schools team relay race (boys over
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  • 44 6 Ayuthia from T Nebong 4-10. Hebe from Port Swettenh aw 4-l(L Quorra from Trengganu 1-10. Tydeus from Liverpool 4- 10, Eknia from Calcutta 4-1 ft. Glymont from Saigon 4-J ,< Katong from Bangkok HO. Ban Whatt Hin from Ms dacca v 10.
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  • 32 6 Kinta Sanitary Board coolies are to have their wages reduced by 10 per cent, from the fir.** day of next month in accordance with similar action taken by the P W D.
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  • 176 6 Edith Roberts will be tbe attraction at the Liberty Hall from to-night in her most recent Universal photoplay, entitled "Thunder Island," a five-act terrific tale of the astounding adventures of a little white tigress in a South-sea Island. Two new episodes of "King of the Circus," Nos. 9
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 441 6 PURE VI RON ENDURES. ABVCO Ingot Iron Roofing and Siding has no superior for rust-resisting se l Tic A covering for houses, sheds, godowns or factories Corrugated at A R MCO Ingot Iron Sheets will stand tbe moat vigorous tests of time and weather. It will endure the heavy rains
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    • 199 6 THE EASTERN UNITED ASSURANCE CORPORATION LIMITED. NOTICE is hereby given that •he Register of Transfers of th" sbove Company will be closed from 21st to 27th October, 1921 (both clays inclusive) for the preparation of Dividend Warrants. By Order of the Board, KWA SIEW. TEE, Secretary. 4 10 10 io
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    • 382 6 A Stall. Story. of f I MiSS FLAPPER (arcßly) 1 •>« Ob, Mr. Driley, where can one see Jicfo's fild Out (meditatively) la a stall, I presume." Get it at MOVTRIE S. 1510 j ——rTift PATENT PAVCHQUICK C(>. Of Bee 263, OBOHABD ROAD AND Workshop r—l,l &3, OA VAN AOH
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 600 6 MAILS CLOSE Daily by Train except Sunday. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Muar and Penang 6 a.m. A 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi A Kedah 6 a.m. Jehore 8, 8, 9.30, noon 2, 4 A 6 p.m. To-day, Oct 4. P Sambu A Pontianak Kalmoa 2 p.m. Batu Pahat Sri Wongsee 2
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  • 514 7 Easily Beaten by Aeroplane*. lbe speed of buds has been muvh exaggerates, we are told by aa ecutoriai writer in "The Scientinc American (Mew ¥ork), every one, ha *>ays, wno has watched tne higns oi vie swkte» Uxua nas made his own estimate, lbe speeds
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  • 123 7 Northcliffe, in the "Times," draws this portrait of President Harding Well over six feet in height, broadshouldered, with a torso like that of a Greek athlete, regular aquiline features, square jaw, small hands and feet, and the ease of strength in his movements, he is
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  • 210 7 Pneumatic tyres for baby carriages are the latest thing in the United States of America. The battleship Leonardo da Vinci, which has been aalvaged at Taranto, is now almost fit to join once more the Italian Navy. Mr Pike Pease states thai the estimated average cost of delivering a telegram
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  • 208 7 Sared Mother-ia-Law. The lady bather had got into a bale and tsbe couidn t swim. Nor couid tne you.iman on the end oi the piar; but when ahe came up ior the brat time and he caugrbt eight oi her face, he couid ahriek, and aa Ha
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  • 392 7 (To the Editor, Times of Malaya.) Sir, —With foodstuffs soaring in the vicinity of 50 per cent (or more) above pre-war prices and with so many unemployed, could not the various unemployment funds be pooled and administered under Government supervision for the production of foodstuffs by
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  • 204 7 More news supporting the view that the tide of the slump has turned! The New York correspondent of the Financial News" writes that tne industrial leaders in the United States be 1 iev > that America ia on the eve of a substantial business recovery, and are making their plana
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 768 7 m TRY AND USE <S*JR Adam's Cook Brand Indian Condflnent Preparations, 'or the most npetising and healthy taAe j. 1 *na up-to-date <|i J Chop Oooky or HSifr COU BRAND i Curr y Powder, maila khe beat 1 I] seleoted and ~U N fragrant Madras \L ll ''a B P
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    • 236 7 REMEMBER keep most complete assortment of lamps in Kling Street. I Petrol Ltmpi (300 o.p ruing mantlet) Hicks' 80 c.p. Lamps Hinke' 45 op. Lamps Hinki* Viceroy Lamps Hinke' Ooronation Limps Bherwoods' Lamps Miller's Table and Hinging Lamps Loftnj Lamps Out prices are the Cheapest SELAT* TRADING Co., «2, KLING
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    • 115 7 Be sure A you get 0 j DUTCH MARGARINE (Cow Calf Brand.) The World's Selection Packed in I lb., 2 lb., and 4 lb. tins <# -r— mmm m m STOOKHD BT All Provision Dealers. Chow Kit Co., Ltd.! BINGAPOKE. KUALA. LUMPUR. PENANG I LONDON--1,,. Singapore Merchant Fags Handsonfe Mgfe
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  • 521 8 Market Fluctuation*. Messrs Fearon and Co, Kuala Lumpur, reported on Sept 28 Reports of big buying orders from America, and an improvement in the price of rubber in the Singapore market as well as in London and New York, has led to a revival of interest in rubber
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  • 273 8 Solomon, the paramount Chief of the Zulus, has expressed his desire to visit England to pay his respects to King George. Colonel Reitz, Union Minister of Lands, has promised to submit this request to the Government. A censorship of newspapers is still in force in Palestine. C-ensoT.hip is considered essential
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  • 424 8 The Unfair Treatment of th* Navy. The anomalous position of naval officers in being refused the marriage allowances conceded to those of corresponding rank in the Army was brought to the notice of the House of Commons on Wednesday by RearAdmiral Adair on the third reading of
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  • 250 8 Smart Captare at Pajam. A vFry soccessial raid, which resulted in the captare of nine Chiese, alleged to be members of a Triad Society, was made by Mr H Fairbarn, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Selangor, and a party of police on Sepl 14. On the day in question
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  • 211 8 Captain Ladas L Hassell, D. S. 0., M.C., South Staffordshire Regiment, who has been seconded for service under the Colonial Office, was recently serving with the Ist Battalion at .Singapore. He was commissioned ia the regiment in May, 1915, from the Special Reserve, and held the rank of Acting-Captain through
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  • 216 8 Straabourg Honours Benefactor. A monument is to b* erected at Strasbourg to the man who invented "pate de foie gras." This delectable form of preserved goose liver is now a staple product of Strasbourg. It is sold potted, mixed with Perigord truffles, and a trad* to
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 199 8 H gm HALTED MILK H KORLICK'S part J TliouwnJ» cA I'ul lure tbanked HORLICiCS H V 7 MALTED MtLK —tbe FOOD-DRINK—for h V? >*' JJ. c *irengtli it gave rhciti to c«T»-o»v' It it M U unn vaifcd for o U r.o-J > oun- alike. HOR LICK'S C miffe in
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    • 338 8 TS*H»W»BVLlia<!ii'illWwiiu'iiifiit'imra^a>a»M«M^ I I |i Every wineglaGsful of I jj 'Wincarnis' means an I increased amount of P New strength, 1 New rich red blood, New nerve force, j New vitality, j 1 The outstanding value of 'Wincar- 1 g nis' in promoting a progressive j y increase in strength and
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    • 490 8 What Do You WanK4 Tractor For? The first thin p you will tkink of plowim.. But don't stop there. If your tjaotor is to be a profit maker for jou, it mflt do much more than plow. It must be able to do practically all the work around your estate
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    • 189 8 j Sg tIBE a <* j TO THK TRIBUNE/* Tbe only 5-cent Paper Malaya. I» Subscription Bete -$15 a Year; $7.50 for Bix Months. WITH tREJI JELIVBHY TO OFFICE CR RESIDENCE. •> -*V We *f* J*"** 6 to continue tiling the C MALA YA TRIBUNE at SC, ts Daily Jli
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 534 9 P.*o.-Bpjtishlndia AND APCAR LINE.. Lncorpokatkd in England) itAIB AMD PASSENGER SERVICES. Pe*nsular and Oriental S. IV. Co. U«d«rT}ontract Maj.rty'i^overnment THB COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES «EABT OB BOMHAV art at preeent suspended. U BOMBAY LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. Prom fIONDON Dus SINGAPOBE. Karmala about Oct aS .Somali about Nov 1 Ny ,Di» about
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    • 493 9 t Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated in USA J FOR ACCOUNT OF THE 0 8. SHIPPING BOAKD SAN FRANCISCO— MANILA—EAST INDIA SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE For Calcutta Dir ot. Pa-enger. and Freight Oct 13 WolTcrinc State Pa—nger, and Freight Nor 1 urawte State Paaiengeri and Freight Dec 15 For SAN FRANCISCO
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    • 49 9 SUM IM OF STEAMERS. BAMGOO* aaa ffKDTA LOT1 "Beaif Mm" l.rtf mi aa. "laaa* Eak" uw| ■a, "imx Lae" gjm ODD WELL LINE. ▼ia Suaz. KBNDAL 0A8TLB 6V 17 WRAY CASTLE mid Nov. i BOWES CASTLE mid Doc. •Calls at Boston KATUSOH, SIMONS ICaLt (I—nraoratW la E&tiaad.) AjroBta. w.»s
      49 words
    • 503 9 CHINA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. Incorporated in U. S. A.) ANNOUNCE The icaognraUon of a and Freight Bervloe of onosnal between CHINA and JAVA PORTS via SINGAPORE The 8.8.'' NILE," 14,000 tons, formerly a TranBraoifio Liner, has been assigned to this rnn to maintain a monthly service and accommodating, 142
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    • 304 9 O S. K. Tli Isata Sfeisea Kalsba, LDtrriD. (ißccTpwatW tm Japan.? Va I DE OOUXA STREET. PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE (Saejaet to thanga vitaeen) aetiee.) 3UBOPMAH LINE For PORT SAID, IfARHWTTJ.M LONDON, ANTWERP, ROT- TERDAM AND HAMBURG. Altfii Maru arr Oct 15 dep 16 'Amazon Maru e-r. Nov 15 dep,
      304 words
    • 576 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) London Line Fortnightly Service for MARSEILLES, LONDON ft ANTWERP*via PORTS. KimoMa-m 0;rl9 Iyo Maru N jv 2 Uverpoei LI>,# MonthIy ger?ioa lor MARSEILLES LTVHBPOOL via PORTS. Lisbon Maru m 0 ot Hamburg line Monthly For LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM HAMBURG via PORTS. MltoMaru early Nov
      576 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 431 10 19 LET. TO LET.—Office and Godown, 42, Robinson Road. Apply to Then Hook Gwon, No. 7, Phillip Street, Local. 10 9 9 10 ft TO LET. —Newly built Compound residence at St, Michael's Road. Apply to J. B. Weeterhout, 15-A, Change Alley. 3 9 uc OFFICES TO LET.—Raffles Quay 2-1
      431 words
    • 724 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. Notion is hereby given that th basinest which pinoe the 25 th of May, 1921, was carried on by me, Peens Mohamed Sultan as the sole proprietor theregnl at No. 255, Ayi-r Btr- r et, Siogsp re, as a Rice tmd He ,*L Store) and r the style
      724 words
    • 487 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chainaßn. Lee Wee Nam, Eaq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Teow Peng, Esq. Tan
      487 words
    • 501 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE: i 94, Market Street. BRANCHES: Penang 8a Beach Street. Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. BatuPahat 109 Jalan Kahamat. i-aicinbai.g. j AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Franciaeo, Batavia, SoOraba>a, Semarnng, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. 4 CAPITAL, Authorised
      501 words
    • 460 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporatd in England BY ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 000,000 Sharea of £5 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd.
      460 words
    • 304 10 BANKS. 9 THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, UMITED. (Incorporated ia the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 6S KLING STREET. Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Issued $10,500,000 Paid-up 5,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5,250,000 General Reserve 200,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Tan Ean.Kheam, Esq., Chairman.
      304 words
    • 376 10 INSURANCE. THE c OVERSEAS ASSURANCE LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOART*OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Boon J.eng. 0J8.E., Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Esq. Dy. Chairman. Eu Tong Sen, Esq. C.B.E. Ong Boon Tat, Esq. Lim Chwee China, Chua Poh Siang, Eaq. Lee Pang Seng, Enjft Yeo Baa Keng, Esq. Ong
      376 words
    • 549 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE PPHM CAZETTE. (EVENING DAILY.) X Tbcxu iho. 171. m SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE. IN ADVANCE^ Per aarum o 9 9 $15.00 Half -yeEly 7.50 Per quarter 3.7$ m Single Copy 5 e+fw Postage Extra 50 cts. per month. To Foreign countries $1 do [A Subscription Form win be found
      549 words