Malaya Tribune, 3 October 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 235 1 4Tj>UnV COMPAQ supplies |au Phctogwpliic Materials« !U. and T^7«*& bt Pisco for Amateurs 1 and I|eJ j J 94, BRIDGE BOAD, I <N SINGAPOsfcE. I I Phonf66o *f> .mm I I ir J Co., Ltd. The House for Value, f (Incorpo|tedin Engl. «L* '(Battery Road, Cerner.) w, SINGAPORE, SINGAPORE j
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    • 127 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. Incorporated in Straits Settlementa) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given i r complete Elect ie Lighting Power Installations, Pnll range of BHecVrioal in stock j VXB. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "MttllWi" Telephones. 'MADSTRONG Plants, rheideai Lighting Set for Bungalows and Small Houses.
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    • 186 1 CIGARETTES NUMBER £i i i Unequalled Quality—Moderate Price. V Vl Sole Maoaf acrarefa: AEOATH TOBACCO Co.. Ltd., LONDON. l ml" f Oaraffes; andp k In Shaded P*ok, Ruby and /TT -r-i_ h Green. Thin, Plain $1.10. Uiual Design wi'honl Baskets ft I S 'I S6.BS V Jg. J I H
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  • 1166 2 LIST OF CONTRIBUTIONS. Previously acknowledged $1,000,421.98 Per Mr Arthur Edmunds, Hon. Treasurer, Seremban:— Through District Officer, Jelebu:— Towkay Chan Choi $50 n Siau Chung Sang t 50 Chu Kat Chun 15 Wun Koa Chin 15 Chop Sun Hang dsn 19 Chop Tong Tak Co. 10 Towkay Chee
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 582 2 Singapore's* New Dispensary, TIMMS' DISPENSARY* Ltd./ Raffles Chambers \)PI NLNG ANNOUNCEMENT. Messrs. Ti\ps* Dispensary, Ltd, have pleasure in announcing to the public that they have oC?ned new premises at Raffles Chambers, Raffles Place, where they will carry oTthe business of CHEMISTS, PHARM ACISTS and OPTICIANS. The premi/? h*ve been entirely
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    • 581 2 Disorders of the Intestinal T act can be avoided by »he us*, wh nectary, cf FINES ETE8 t the dainty little gentle ns-nattue laxatives which neither crips nor purge, PINKETTEB dlip 1 regulate »b« live", core biliousness and eick hea lech 8 clea tbe oom plexion of pimple an 1
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    • 327 2 AUCTION SALE. Box Hide and lan Leaf r Brogue f hoes. The undersigned have instructed to hy Pnblic Auotion at their S le Rw>m, Raffias Chamber?, R ill s Place, Ol WED*E«DAT, Oct f, at 10.11 1.8.' 96 Pairs X x Hide Brogue Shoes 195 Pairs Tan Leather Br<«ne Shoes
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    • 576 2 ATJQfTON SALE.„ JCltfOJftf KM* SflfG AJfci 0 AUCTIJNEERS APPRAISES. No. 30, tying Street, Singtpite. ff m 9 ĕP r ilticrioif sal* VaLuable Land and HousetPropertv afsa The American Motor Ship EfcfSerafiea as she now lies in Singapore J^fcrbour. \i Messrs, Serg Ob.*i SSe-Ctoom, Nopjtf, Klirg S:frsf^> On \^BdnBsday, r Oc
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  • 782 3 Latest Prices! Quoted in the Market, Singapore, Oct 3. Messrs. L#all and Bvatt, Exchange aad Share Brokers, issue the following liat oi quotations. Rubber. Dollar Snares. issue Values Buyers Boilers 1 Allenby 0.10 0.20 1 Alor GajarJ 0.90 1.06 2 Amalgamated Maly 1.25 k 1.75 5 Ayer
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 SOTB PL A 7 H. )08B r^fig^^Road jifa* Trams Pass the Door, SECOKD HOW AT 9%0 pu f£*2p l >P ic 4i «ory of Modern TMTH SHE CHOSE *w la 1 1,8118 A wuh a poA In it gtory of a girl of the alnmi-who hy her tpeoglh of characterise
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    • 677 3 lßĕ j From FRIDAY, September SO, to WEDNESDAY, October 5. Alhlmlwsi I Ala omnia is amamDrß i 1 si AT P n lh I JJ«»«tr« A theatre i -=ALHAMBRA# Oreheatra Cakes, Gaffes tai tha BEST Tbt Half tor Nnsic aad Ftatirai las. eta. uojja. ?J? t *i later t-ja A
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    • 509 3 AN EXTRA ORDINARY BIG CHANGE OF PROGRAMME I IN THE FIRST SHOW AT 7 3| SHARP. THE VITAGRAPH C prelect* CuRINNE GRIFFITH In the Special Production THE GARTER GIRL In 5 Part* A story of contrast, a tale of the stare and tbe country. It riv-s Corinne Griffith an unusual
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  • 215 4 Mr De Valera has accepted the invitation to a further conference about Ireland, on Sunday next. 3Mx Hughes sees no prospect of disarmament until the problems of the Pacific are settled. The Moplah rebels number ten thousand and their raaiatanca is strengthening. The All brothers are under trial.
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  • 25 4 At hii reeu .encH N 0 7, Loronp 33 Gavlang. Koh P»ng Ho« on 30, h Sept., 1921, at 11 15 no 410
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  • 824 4 Whether or not he fades away into the shades of Opposition after the impending Genera! Election, Mr Churchill undoubtedly intends to leave the impress of his personality upon the Colonial Office and its work. The grouping scheme of which the Times gave such untimely information is still
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  • 289 4 The Band of hope will meet at the V W C A on Wednesday, at 4,30 p.m. Mr Justice Sproule is expected to sail from England for the Straits by the s. s. Egypt, leaving London about Nov. 22. Mr and Mrs R H Adams, of OtUte* worth, left Penang
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  • 602 4 GOVERNOR DECORATES WAxt HEROES. '"s fA List of* Recipient. Ideal va/ather favoured the parade at Tanglin Barracks yesterday ing, when H E The Governor and Commander in Chief, Sir Laurence Nunns Guillemard, medals t% number of war heroes. The battalion was drawn football ground adjoining the Chapel, and
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  • 72 4 (From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpar, Oct 3.—The death MLs occurred at Lucerne of Mr L H Clayton, late of the Malayan t Civil Service. [The late Mr Clayton was a genial personality, who was popular with h 8 colleagoee and subordinates. He bad a
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  • 165 4 At the meeting of the Middle-road Church Epworth League, b/Td on Sa «f*3# eVBning at the ChaJfeJ Hall collection of $57.55 wa| (p in aid £f the Non-EurdpTan Unemployment Fund. During the fixing of the list of cases by the#:hief Justice, Sir Walter Shaw, in thejSupreme %>urt on Saturday made'bf
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  • 196 4 PEASANTS FjpaQftf** fahiwe/ AGUE Reuter. Geneva, 30.—After a long Russian fajpne relief, ing which Dr stirringly IpT pealed for the League's assistance, the Assembly unanimously adopted the committee's resolutions advising action, pending decisions 01 tt0 forthcoming international conference at Mr Fisher and Lord Robert Cecil were addtdt
    Reuter.  -  196 words
  • 93 4 The Crown (From our own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Oj; 3.—Th cor* respondent ot the Malay fiaail "it -oionibo wires that a limes of Od}lon" cable states the London preea gives prominence to the Lev lea Association's resolution as regardt the suggested reorganisation of tbe Grown Colonies. The
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  • 97 4 Tenders His Resignation. We le*ra tbat Traffic Inspector H J Benge has tendered his resigns* iion to the Government. Mr Becge oaa for the laat 16 months organised tne control of the tratho of Stugapc re in as satisfactory a manner as he coald undtr the circumstances, aad
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  • 96 4 AtPenaDg on Saturday Mr Justice Whitlejgaave judgment in the mit of the P 0 Uo again** the Eastern dams*ei calsed rTTpTaintiffs' wharf at Bel aw an by breach of agreement and negllgenceofthe defenrtntaTfc Stacking, or permitting stacking, of an excaslve weighed rice there. The
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  • 107 4 Supplementary order, of tbe day for this afternoon's meeting of t i^ Co ucil Question by Dr Galloway »1« Government able to make any mm**. Z en X T tu* the pre Bent POtitioa or the robber industry fMotion by the Treasurer That from £249 4s per annum
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 288 4 J The Supremacy of |j j■ f j "flKs Master's Voice" j I Gramophone I/ is Universally Acknowledged I ft? Tears of unceasing labour and scientific J L JT experiment have enabled "HIS MASTER'S 1 I VOICE to maintain an undisputed suprem- 11' acy in the world of music. §j|j
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    • 375 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in tbe Strait* Settlements; 36, PHILLIP STBBBT, SINGAPORE New Shipment Just Arrived of Carpenter'! Smoothing and Jaok Planet. Braai Hexagon Tapped Nnts from 3/8" to 3/4". Gotland's Braaa Batt Hinges from If to 6". Olybum Sorew Spanners from 6" to 24". Asbestos Cord or Tarn
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  • 372 5 >he Lattsl Menace in eeraany; Hungarian bun. Reuter. Vienna, Sept 30.—The nWsnapers i give the text of a proclama£orwurported to be issuefl by the BurgenTand i Council of National Defence over tha disputed ragioajin West Hungary, with the inrention of administering it as an independent Government-— Reuter. 1
    Reuter.  -  372 words
  • 130 5 League Urges Action. Reuter. London, Sept 30.— "Undoubtedly the drug menace is becoming very serious, and there is an organised traffic in drugs," said the Thames police court magistrate to-day, when a Chinese :.reman was fined £100 for concealing opium and £50 for possessing opium smoking utensils, and
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  • 76 5 British Seamen's Protest. Reuter. Marseilles, Sept 30.—A meeting oi five hundred British sailors strongly protested against the action of certan British steamship owners who ha.-« bought two steamers at Marseilles and propose to engage a Chinese crew. The sailors consider that in vicv of the commercial crisis and
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 123 5 Reuter. Melbourne, Sept 30.-In the House of Representatives* Mr Hughes, recapitulating the event#at the Imperial Conference, and referring to the Pacific Conference, emphasised that Australia was a Pacific ppwer. Her destiny lay in the Pacific the problem of which, so f«e> as Australiawasconcerned, was the which must expand.
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  • 79 5 Reuter. Geneva, SepfesJO.—The League Asstmbly has adopted the report of th* sixth committee containing the radrafted by Lord Robert Ceci', urging the appointment of en international blockade committee, wit.i yower to summon with object of advising the Assembly Ugon the application of economic penafluts against States infringincthe covenant.
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  • 76 5 Conference for Oct 11. Reuter. London, Sept 30.—Mr De Valera has accepted the invitation to a conference. Mr De Valera's telegram accepting the invitation to the London Conference on Oct 11 is a short communication, in which he repeats the non-con-troversial statements of Mr Lloyd George's last
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 87 5 Attack by Fanatics. Reuter. Khartum, Sept 30.—The fanatic Abdullan t,l Soghayer collected a following and attacked Nyala, south of Darfur on Sept 26. Mounted infantry and police repulsed the attack, and the tribesmen lost heavily. Abdullah is reported to have been killed. Mr Monsill, of the Soudan Civil
    Reuter.  -  87 words
  • 76 5 Seeking for^eace. Reuter. London, Sept 30.—The "Daily News" learns on high authority that Greece is approaching the Kemaliste with a view to peace. It is expected King Constantine will confer with foreign diplomatists, as Kemal Pasha has hitherto declined to deal direct with Greek represent tives. The
    Reuter.  -  76 words
  • 108 5 Reuter. I *W 4 London, OcV I.—The. Safeguarding v»f Industries Agjp comes into operation t<£day. Its immediate effect is inffcose upon certain inwJrtjd goods, of as ijjd£|Mry, a duty or a third of their valued The new duty wi% apply to si,x thousand artll&Jl&within the scope of
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  • 21 5 Reuter. Berlin, Sept 30.—The Reichstag haa adopted the pe*4e treaty with the Unitel States. T»?Cpmmunists voted against adoptiqjf—-Reuter.
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  • 28 5 Reuter. Antwerp, Sept 30.— Nobody was injured in the collision of the steamers Eydam. The latter |c turned to Antwerp.—Reuter. [The Wavel* soHMed in «ts Beheld*!-
    Reuter.  -  28 words
  • 337 5 SqyiET PROPAGANDA REPORTED. ARMY OF UNEMPLOYED. Reuter. London, Sept 30.—Striking corroboration of reports that the Bolshevists are utilising; the economic trouble of Europe for their own ends Is afforded by secret instructions issue to communist agents in Europe, including Britain, with regard to the procedure to be adopted
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  • 130 5 Statement at Sedition Trial. Reuter. Karachi, Sept 30.—At the trial of the Ali brothers, and other non-co-operators, Mohammed Ali, in c ksag statement, spoke of the question of an Indian Republic as looming in the distance. He professed ignorance in regard to leaflets sent to Moslems in
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  • 88 5 Cheering American Report. Reuter. Washington, Oct I.—The Federal RefeWe Board's monthly review reports a decided improvement in the credit situation, while an improvement is expected in the wholesale and retail trades. ♦he<advance of steel was first noted in August, and has been sustained, with increased employment in many
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  • 54 5 Reuter. Simla, Oct I.—ln the Council of State the Home Secretary said the latest reports from Malabar showed the Moplah armed fighting gangs totalled ten thousand, and their resistance was strengthening. Their guerilla tactics were likely to prolong the military operations. It was impassible therefore to forecast a
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  • 30 5 Reuter. New York, Sept 30.—The Sta* Transit Commission appointed to investigate the trangled finances of New York city tramways, elevated, end underground railways, recommends anmiejpa! c*wanwk*.—#Maw\ m
    Reuter.  -  30 words
  • 835 5 CRICKET. LEAGUE TOURNAMENT CLOSES. SCC WIN CHAMPIONSHIP. The S C C and the Ceylon XI, fighting for the local cricket league championship on the SCC ground on Saturday, put up a close contest. The Ceylon XI had only to draw in order to top the league, but the S
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  • 76 5 SINGAPORE'S DESERVING WIN. As reported on Page 6 of this issue, Singapore beat Selangor in the H M S Malaya Cup contest. The Malayan Leader comments Singapore won by two to one, and Singapore deserved to win. The Selangor team was outgeneralled, outmanoeuvred, and outplayed. Very often there was
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  • 264 5 BARNES CUPS GAMES. The final match of this quarter for the Barnes Cups was played before a good attendance on the Balestier ground on Saturday, His Excellency the Governor and Lady Guillemard being among the spectators. On the previous Saturday the Staffords had beaten the Civil Service by four
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  • 45 5 YESTERDAY'S GAME. There was an interesting water polo game at the Swimming Club yesterday, when Mr Hopkin's team beat Mr Bagnall's team by two goals to one, Schwarz and Watson scoring for the winners and Bagnall (in the last second) for the losers.
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  • 43 5 75 YARDS' HANDICAP. Only four men entered for I#ie 75 ynrds' swimming handicap at the Swimming Club yesterday, but the race was an exciting affair. Freeman, a now member, starting at six, won by a yard from Sattin, who started at eight
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  • 261 5 Telegraph Messenger Killed. At aboat midnight oa Saturday, a Tamil messenger employed by the Eastern Extension Tel?gra ph Compan? was run into and killed by 1570. Haroou bin vbdalrrbman, tbe driver of tbo oar, was produced before Mr D >w t,n in the second polio court
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  • 70 5 A fatal subbing affair is reported to have taken place on Friday night, when five Teochews entered a charcoal merchant's bouse, in Jalan Sultan, and stabbed the merchant to death. The men alao attacked the deceased* wife, and another man, who were in the house, but the wounds inflicted were
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  • 68 5 Singapore, October 8. On London— Bar.k 4 months' sight 2s 4 l-4d Demand 2s 4 Private 8 months, sight 2s 4 17-32 d On IndiaBank Tel. Transfen 157 On Hongkong— Bank demand draft 84 px. p.m. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 83*4 On Java— Bank Tel. Transfer 1364 On
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  • 70 5 C, ej C Rubber Asseeiatlesu Singapore, October t. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 29 29* fibbed Imeked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 30 'JU October SO jl Oct. to Dec. 31 ft 82 M Jan. to March 33Vs UM Tone of Market.—Steady. Fred Watt/house Ce.,
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  • 111 5 MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. Singapore, Oct 3, Silver 42%. Hongkong 34 per cent premium. Shanghai Nil. Three Months Gold 45%. Share Market.—Dull. Rubbers.—Small enquiry. Tins.—Taipings $1,024 to $1.07 Hi Norths $1,224 to $1,274, Souths 624 to 674 cents, Nawng Pets $1,474 to $1,524, Papans 40 to 45 cents, Padang Plandoks 624
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  • 59 5 Kamakura Maru from Birkenhead 3-10. Medusa from Belawan 3-10. Elpenor from Yokohama 2-10. Singkep from Djambi 3-10. Singaradja from Bengkalis 3-10. Sata from Port Saseho 3-10. Glenfalloch from Penang 3-10. Teitai Maru from Kulang 3-10. Khoen Foeng from Pontianak 3-10. Emelie from Rhio 3-10. Han Whatt Soon
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  • 28 5 Los Angeles, o<»t I.—Arbuekle was welcomed by many friends on his arrival from San Francisco. A large crowd also awaited the comedian, whom several women embraced.—Reuter.
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  • 44 5 Washington, Oct I.—President Harding has issued a proclamation urging the people to offer a silent two minutes prayer at noon on Armistice Day, when the body of the unkown American soldier, exhumed in France, will bo interred in the Arlington national cemetery.—Reuter.
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  • 16 5 Mr S A Lane, Chairman of the Singapore Harbour Board, arrived in Penang on Friday morning.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 239 5 PHASER CHALMEBC. I Englnoarlng Work* Magnet Boose, 62 end 6\ Insoa toao^s^spora, "Everything Electrical."! PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co ltd (Incorporate ia S£ngi*ad.) NEVER SAY DYE, SiY < TINTEX AT MAYNARD'S m WINDOW ga We ehowii taf v? pamples Tswlj of what c t)w done wi»n One Teaspoon #»11 TINTEX
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  • 945 6 FOOTBALL. H M S MALAYA CUP. Siky-apoie's Victory. (From ouAwn Correspondent) Kuala LumpVr, Oct I.— For the final match iafthe H M S Malaya association </Toot ball cup here the weather was dull but the ground in good condition. There was a huge attendance present including the Hon Mr
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  • 518 6 SCC TOURNAMENT. Today's Ties. Newcomers' Handicap. H C Rasmussen, scr vs. W A Yenning, scr. A W Bourne, Jun., owe 1 vs. A L Pattinson, scr. W Williams sex. vs. Lt Col C<unyn. owe 2. G van Egmond, plus 3 vs. C P SnelJ scr, J Dugnid, plus
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  • 156 6 THE MIDDLE-WEIGHT TITLE. Sept 5.—The middle weight title still hang» in the balance. Wilson, and Downey fought a nodecision twelve rounds bout here in an effort to settle the disputed title, but without success. Sporting writers contend that Wilson retains the title, basing their contention upon the unsupported cla
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  • 959 6 LAST QUARTER'S RACING. Bit Class Boats. Oct. 2 Elizabeth Challenge Cup. 9 Margaret II Cup. 16 Mr Carver'a Ist Trophy. 23 Odell Cup. 80 Odell Cup. Not. 6 Elizabeth Cup. 13 Margaret II Cup. 20 Mr Carver's 2nd Trophy. 27 Odell Cup. Dec. 4 Elizabeth Cup. 11 Margaret II
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  • 212 6 S G C MEDAL. The October monthly medal was played for on Saturday and yesterday. Forty seven cards ware taken out and the following were returned E Gregory Jones 86 20 6tj F M Philip 91 19 ?2 H Tongue 82 6 76 Dr W M Chill 89 12
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  • 28 6 The Path She Chose," in five parts, is a feature of the Empire's change of programme to-night, which will have several other fine pictures as well.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 336 6 11 p """""^e"'W"i"*B^seasf»- i]H|fWfaapa4' lH> ENDURES. !E? sf?iE2lilSS?ffs* Sidin h no superior for ru*-re*i.ting ?Ryrn l«™.mESS' or hou or factories Corrugated M>?.at.irofThc tl f 'p y bot .ua of tbe tropics aad "l™' ARM CO Ingot Corrugated >heets are marie iv •tandard, comren.ent sues n d gaug-s for all building
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    • 263 6 SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. Autumn Race Meeting", 1921. Tuesday, Thursday Saturday, October 25th, 27th, and 29th. NOTICE. THB NON MEMBERS POR HON OF THE GRaND STAND wnl not b- available for non-mem-om* at the above meeting an-' ttekpti for thia stand will not »t issued. VISITOR'S TICKETS— These will be issued
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    • 317 6 TO MOTOR GAR •aWMSI^! Wa«mf**xt yon r oar is onl of order ei'her Tyre trouble, Battery, Dynamo, Elfotrio %y^r/ Magneto, Vale**, or B -\t\ gs, etc, send i:Ao X\M I Patent Paterqifek Co., who have th* acd Experience to tackle all kinds of Repair. A good gonad job—No faking. Charges
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 366 6 MAILS CLOSE. Daily by Train except Sunday. Federated Malay States, Malacca, Muar and Penan? 6 a m A 6 p m Kota Tinggi Kedah a. m Johore 6, 8, 9.30, noon 2, 4 4 6 p.m To-day, Oct 3. Malacca Muar *Sri Muar 2 p.m Port Swattenham St Penang *Kinta
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    • 126 6 WHEN AND WHERE. To-day, Oct 3. High Tides.—11.18 a.m., 11.40 pj*. Jewish New Year (5C82) commences. Legislative Couneil, 2.30. S C C i S R C Lawn Tennis Tournaments open. S V C: Chinese Co. recruits, 5.15. B. Scouts: I, II, IV V Troops, 5.15. To-morrow, Oct 4. High Tide.—11.43
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  • 1195 7 REPORT OF COMMITTEE ACTIONS. The following actions by committees" were reported to the last meeting of the Municipal Commissioners: Salaries. Wages. Staff. Etc Approved an acting allowance of 20 per cent of minimum pay of the post held by the Asst. Sewerage Engineer to Mr Allen, during the
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  • 70 7 The Rev. Harold Anson said at the Modern Churchman Conference that the profiteer, the stirrer-up ci war, and the slum-dwelling owner were not excluded from the Church by the creeds, but the earnest critical student of science and philosophy and the conscientious Labour leader were excluded, because their
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  • 344 7 The Indian Police authorities are LaiHed in their attempts to trace the authors of a series oi attempts which have been made recently to wreck trains on the Assam-Bengal railway line, "If we are to recover our position in the commercial world, if prosperity is to return to British industry,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 705 7 AND USE OUR Ugh Cook tirnwi Indian Condiment Preparations, 1 T ior tke 08 a P etiein and healthy taajg, f op-to-d&te Bpicei, suitable to MADE If) NAINA MOHAMED tSc SONS, GENERAL MERCHANTS, ETC. 19, Raffles Place. STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN; 1921. 9 issue of $20,000,000 Loan Bearing interest from
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    • 238 7 REMEMBER We most complete assortment j of lamps in Kling Street. Petrol Limps (200 o.p using mantles) Hinks' 80 o.p. Lamps Hinks' 45 op. Lamps Hinks' Vioeroy Lamps Hinks' Coronation Lamps Sherwood's* Lamps Miller's Table and Hanging Lamps Loftns Lamps Our prices sre Use Cheapest SELAT TRADING Co., 42, KLING
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    • 129 7 jfcn—E— i hum irwtri ii*nr Tt-rt-^-^^T****^ t—«a—t^—*m——mmi l j DUTCH I MARGARINE j (Cow Calf Brand.) The World's Selection Packed in 1 lb., 2 lb., and 4 lb. tins. «I STOCKED BT j All Provision Dealers. I Chow Kit Co., Ltd.,SINGAPORE, j KUALA LUMPUR. PENANG cfc LONDON. I 9s, m
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  • 427 8 "CORNERING" IN CALCUTTA AND RANGOON. Cabling to tha "Ceylon Observer" on September 16, iv Rangoon correspondent st..ted Tha rice market, after reaching Rs. 660 for specials, has now eased somewhat. Persistent rumours of Government intervention have cnused an uneasy feeling in the market, and two days ago prices
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  • 195 8 For ueing insulting words an behaviour to a girl In tbe street, Krnest John Perkins, 50, a robber planter in tbe Malay States, staving •*t Ewell-road, Sorbiton was at Kingston fined £2 and lbs oosts. On A«g 30, Woodger stated that he kept accuser, ander observation in
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  • 156 8 The Rev G J Appel has been licensed ed to solemnize marriage, within the Colony. Capt. E A Brown is appointed to act as Commandant, Singapore Volunteer Corps. The official film censor's ch-ap'osj the film "Wanted at ceases to be valid. Mrs Towax« has had to e e up the
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  • 147 8 When the Slump Will End. Miss Mary Macgregor, the Scottish seeres3, la at present mystifying and entertaining Ponang. A member of an audience there wanted to know whether the Prince of Walei would marry. The reply waa that he would be married in 1923, to an English lady
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  • 161 8 Senator Ruseell, on behalf of the Acting-Prime Minister, haa informed the State Premier that arrangement *.aye been made under which the British Government and the Govern menta of tbe various Dominions have agreed to endorse all British pass ports held by Britieh-born subjects, ibis will be done, so
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  • 350 8 It was suggested to us recently (says the "Penang Gazette") that an attempt might be made to revive interest in the proposal (which met with an unfavourable reception some tints ago) to form either a branch of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association or an independent body run
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  • 137 8 Unless cause be shown to the untitled t* ary, within three months, le dasurier and Co. will be struck oS the Register of Companies. Dr Koo, the Chinese Minister, emphasizes the naed of encouraging more Chinese students to go to England, as a meant of promoting trade and consolidating
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  • 169 8 Sbackleton on Dominoes, Thousands gathered on the banks of the Thames to bid farewell to another little band of Englishmen who nave gone forth to face tne psrils of the ice tloe and the blizzards when Sir Ernest Shaekleton's Quest left St. Katherines Duck to begin
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  • 111 8 Now methods of making a living in Bangkok are always being invents ed, says a Siamese contemporary, and tno latest is to .pledge imitation gold leaf. The imitation appears to bo good enough to deceive even the elect, or at any rate a good many people are
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  • 257 8 It is understood that a European member of me Inuia Educational Service who is a Provincial Director of Education (Public Instruction/ nas beta appointed director af Education m Ceyioa, The Viceroy has appealed t-> tho Princes and people of India for contributions toWi.rus the sum of 14 V» lakhs (about
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 181 8 HORLICK'S if R gjl| MALTED MILK H HORLICK'S part fl B WALTfeD MILK—dU POOO-DRINK—for 2 _i mtwmfk it gave them to H im«, M j, C M ■nrimiied for alike. HORLICK'S J audo m a mo.u«at mj tm» i4kua «f l ltt k 3 ad Of all baza rs ani
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    • 179 8 PMPLES ITCHED N GHTAND DAY On Face For Nearly Three Years. Cuticura Heak "For nearby three years I suffered from a blemished skin. My face was a mass of pimples and scurf, and I was ashamed to go out on tbe street. It itched night and day, and it made
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    • 322 8 I tt^— ,UWC£ OAKLAND "9^ If 2gLwJndge the actual rWua of he Oakland Sensible Six by THE ny itana F° u daily *Tt|C riding comfort, Larked savings in fuel and tyres, or the 1 lit moderate purchase price -> "Each and every one emphasizes tha exceptional worth of the Oakland.
      322 words
    • 76 8 M TO THE TRIBUNE." c The only S cent Piper In MaJaji. Subscription Bate -SI6 a Year; S7.SO for Six Montha WITH bREE JJSLIVERY TO OFFICE CR RESIDENCE. c i.«A copy fS*W*IBIJNX" f r~,„», for Tktlouha.toU made up out Zf%Lr 7Z T Z of revenue. vinmr v urces t> SUBSCAIBE
      76 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 466 9 *P.<o.-Br!Tish India W apcar i (COUP ANTES IItCORP* ATID IN %OLj&D) sAlli SERVICES. Peninsular Oriental S. N. Co. Uader Conttact with His Majesty's Government. MAIL fJSBVIOES I&8T OF BOMBAY ar at preaeat suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From Dae SINGAPORE. Earmala febout Oct 3 Somali about Not 1 Myacea about Oot
      466 words
    • 609 9 -———mr——— M- r i, ii i i m m MMHM** Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporate la O.S.AJ a FOR Af COUNT OF THB C 3. BHIPPINQ BOARD SAN FRANCISCO—MANILA—EAST INDIA 9 SAILINGS FROM lINQAPORI For CALCUTTA Direct Creole State Passengers aad Freight Oct 13 Wolverine State Passengers and Freight Her
      609 words
    • 814 9 CHINA MAIL; STEAMSHIP CO., LTD. tj mni ni* i* ANNOUNCE Th* taanguration of a Passenger and Freight Service of nnniaal excellence botwei n CHINA and JAVA PORTS via SINGAPORE The 8.8. NILE," 14,000 tons, formerly a TranePaoific Liner, h%s been assigned to this run to maintain a monthly service and
      814 words
    • 766 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) London Llnm Fortnightly Service lor MARSEILLES, LONDON ft ANTWERP Wa PORTS. Inaba Mara M mm Oct 5 Kamo Mara Ozt 19 Iyo Maru M mm *N jv 2 Liverpool Line Monthly gerviee For MARSEILLE* A LIVERPOOL via PORTS. Lisbon Mam Oct 9 Hamburg I
      766 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 422 10 10 LET, TO LET Office and Godown, 42, Robinson Road. Apply to Then Heck Gwac, No. 7, Phillip Street, Local. *v 10 9 910 TO LET.—Newly boilt Componnd r-Bidecoe at St. Michael's Boad. Apply to J. B. Westerhout, 15-A, Change Alley. 3 9 uc OFFICES TO LET.—Raffles Quay 2-1 on
      422 words
    • 569 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. Notice ii hereby given thai the bniinetf whioh since the 25 h of May, 1921, waa carried on by me, Peena Mohamed Saltan aa the sole proprietor thereof at No. 255, Telok Ayer Street, Singap re, (as a Bice and Rem pah Store) under the style cf P.
      569 words
    • 477 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital M $2,000,000 Surplus mm f 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teek Eec, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Teow
      477 words
    • 487 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 94, Market Street BRANCHES: Penang w 85 Beach Street Malacca 131 Jonker Street Muar ..77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Bab Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat Palembang, AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL, Authorised $20,000,000
      487 words
    • 454 10 BANKS. —y CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporate in England) BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid np Capital in 600,000 Shares of £6 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS, Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank,
      454 words
    • 311 10 BAfKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE/ SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREET. TeL No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELL CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Issued 110,500,000 Paid-up 6,260,000 Reserve liability of Shareholders 5,250,000 Reserve Fund aad Surplus 290,000 BOARD OP DIRECTORS: The Hon. Dr.
      311 words
    • 334 10 INSURANCL THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD, (Incorporated ia the S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: tjon. Dr. List Boon Keng. OE.E., Aairmaa. Lim Nee Soon, Esq. Dy. Chairsassv En Toag Sen, Esq. CJ.E. Ong Boon Tat, Esq. Lim Chwee Chiax, Esq. Chua Poh Sianjf Eaq. Lee Pang Seng, Eaq. Yeo Baa K*Js,
      334 words
    • 546 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE,)* AND •> SHifrlSC CftZETTE. (EVENING DAHyr.) 4 «*> 'Phone Mo. •> s> 9/ SUBSCRIPTION RATES. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE^ t W Per aantug, gj #J Sl6cn yjq Pox quarter «p? 1 $t 7 Single Copy cV eta. I Portage Extra sVrts. per month, To Foreign countries $1 do [A
      546 words