Malaya Tribune, 30 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 28 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] AND SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vol. VHI, No. 203 SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, AUGUST, 30 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. TUESDAY, AUG. 30, 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 146 1 THE mm TRIBUNE AND SHIPPING GAZETTE Phone No. 171. SUBSCRIPTION IiATES Payable In Advanoa. per annum S 1 500 Half-ytarly 7.90 Per quarter i 3.75 Postage Extra SO ots. per month. j^^pjjpaAMiaasßMaKSwiiwwspj^ Whitea way's Annual Sale. Aertex Sjh Cellular* 1 pw^^^rj^fr^ Underwear*. )r SPECIAL OFFER FOB THIS WEEK. Vmal Price
      146 words
    • 120 1 Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. 'incorporated io Straita Settlement*) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given for complete Electric Lighting Power InstaL'ations, Fall range of Electrical inpplles in stock VXR. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories, j "DlCtognpl." Telephones. 'MADSTRONG Plants, rheideai Lighting Set for Bungalows and Small Houses. «f|
      120 words
    • 162 1 SUN 8? COMPANY •upptia* Aii Photographic Mate rials AND The Right Place for Amateurs IB Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. 94, NORTH BRIDGE ROAD, I SINGAPORE I Phone 660 j Finest Ceylon Tea. I Exquisite* 2 1 f!avour un:pare. XHE ACRAWATTB TEA ESTATE, CEYLON. rtr 1 lb. Packs* 80
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  • 719 2 A RAY OF OPTIMISM IN THE GLOOM. Sixpence a fair Profit. Writing in the New Statesman of Jnly 16, Mr Emil Davies says Shareholders and others interested in the rubber plantation in.lut.try have been having a very thin time of it thia last year, and it must
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  • 135 2 The dance of the swallows, the lilies of the field, they are all at one in their assurance that we need not be subdued to worldliness and dullness and routine. Nature herself encourages us here and now to escape into the holiday heaven of beauty writea A
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  • 26 2 A photograph of Mr. Eric Macfadyen appears in one of the Home papers just to hand as prospective "Anti-Waste" candidate for the Parliamentary division of Peclt^ain,
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  • 238 2 A Disease Which Automatically Cures itself. One of a series of conferences organised by the Industrial League and Council of Trade L'uion representatives and employers was held recently at the residence of Sir Samuel Waring, Foots Cray, Kent. The subject under discussion was Foreign Exchanges and tneir influence
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  • 67 2 Reuter. I'aiis, Aug 25.—Owing to urgency Viscount Ishii will take upon himself the wording of the report on Silesia. The French public opinion is highly gratified at Lord Derby, ambassador in I J aris, being elected President of the British Empire Union aa Lord Derby is fully conversant
    Reuter.  -  67 words
  • 90 2 Reuter. Ottawa, Aug. 26.—Sir Joseph Fiavelle, director of the Grand Trunk [Railway, hi a statement is optimistic [With regard to the eventual success of the national railway system. He suggests the formaticn of a national railway company with a capital of 57j million dollars of which the Government
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 195 2 The steamer Phranang, which reached Hongk< ng on Aug. 14, brought a Chinese sailor, picked up in a small b«>at in the open sea, in the last stages of exhaustion from privation and exposure. The man was a member of the crew of a junk
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  • 134 2 Mr. J H James won the Aerial Derby over a course of 200 miles at a speed of 163 miles an hour—taking 1 hour 14 minutes to do the 200 miles. A speed such as that brings to us the possibility of a new race
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  • 62 2 At the last meeting of the Council of the Royal Colonial Institute, at which Sir Godfrey Lagden, K.C.M.G., the Chairman of Council, presided, 14 Resident Fellows, 64 Non-Resident Fellows and 12 Associates were elected, among them being the following: Malay States: D W Brisbane, J G Carrie (Perak), F H
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 550 2 DONT BE DISCOURAGED by Constipation. No matter how stubborn, it can be permanently overcome if treated in the right way. First, cleanse the intestinal canal by taking a small dose of Pinkettes, the tiny, gentle-as-nature laxatives. Then watch your diet. Fresh fruit, vegetables, a sufficiency of water consumed daily, and
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    • 443 2 Our Personal Guarantee to All Skin Sufferers W yOVR chemist has our \r authority to absolutely, guarantee relief from the first bottle of DEXMA. Your money will be returned without a word if you tell him that the first bottle of DEXMAdidnotstopthatitch, did not soothe and cool that eruption. You
      443 words
    • 267 2 mil ztivM'""'™- •\7 1 m 5j% R British firecn Paints. V- S9Q3 Wi Red oxide Faint. SfiSC Ip* An;i Corrosive Painta. kSSB* nTussuers rss 5555 SB ior I "w 8 s «06 Quick Oackint C*r»pot!tl«n >TT>"rtition .ii cI im'm I »a>m»hea. ZrVZf Dry Colours. 1 Lead. gjßjgg > '55*5 Bsw
      267 words
    • 185 2 For about one month 08 DONT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY^ 0 T*B ABLE INDIAN The public h aBSUred Cl splendid preparation af u2 0,7 curing the «silowear*s*" I vizr-Cold, Catarrh, sJS* Hemicrania, Earpa;n Toothache, Running J** Neuralgia, etc., etc m m* L*s minutes $1,000 Reward A reward* of $1,000 dollar.)
      185 words

  • 773 3 Latest Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, Aug 29, Messrs. Lycll and Evatt, Exchange tad Share Brokers, issue the following list of quotations. Rubber. Dollar Shares. lave Values Buyers Sellers 1 Allenby 0.15 0.20 1 Alor Gajah 0.90 1.10 I Amalgamated Maly 1.50 2.00 Ayer Hitam 8.00
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 rr—i m t AT THE POPUIAii PHOTO-PLAY HOUBE Tanjong Pa«*r Boad Trama Pass thoDoor IN THE SECOND SHOW P.M. Vitagraph's Marvellous photo serial of melodramatic- adventure Featuring Hedda Nova and J. Frank Glendon I "THE WOMAN IN THE WEB" In 15 Episodes or 30 Reels. A ierial of adventure, intrigue,
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    • 455 3 IShe From THURSDAY, August 25, to TUESDAY, A ague t SO. Alhambra I» Is the only ?Miie AT THE theatre *£jr AfLH AM DR A « W RBBW m«ha> mm C^WTlea. ■RWS ttaa BFBT The Hall for Moik aad Features served M n,c «aaoei road daring ««itm, laterals. A VTB?BR
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    • 134 3 MARLBOROUGH The Hall for Comfort, Good Music and Good Piorures BfjMta Road, From THURSDAY, August 25 to WEDNESDAY, August 11. (Ezolading Sunday, August 18) A STIRRING RETZWOOD PHOTODRAMA OF THE WEBT Featuring LOUIS BENNIBON In a western story fall of excitement and thrills OH JOHNNYI P L A fine blending
      134 words
    • 257 3 AT 7.31 SHARP. Laarry Benton in DULL CARE" His Latest Greatest and Beat Comedy. THE SECRET "KINGDOM SERIAL Featuring Charles Rlchman and Dorothy Kelly. In IS Chapters, 32 Reels To.Ntght! Chapters IA2, in 6 Parts (Continued Next Tuesday) SMASHING BARRIERS SERIAL Featuring Wm. Duncan A Edith Johnston. Episode 7 and
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  • 232 4 Mr. Lloyd George hopes for peace in Ireland. Civil war, he points out, would be caused by granting a Republic, so we seem to be in for it whatever ia done. The Moplah riota in South India, aimed chiefly againat the Hindus, continue. A demand for Home Rule
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  • 66 4 Meei'R Goh L i Kiat, Qoh Vfor.g, Ooh L i Mr. Onli Lai Hoe, Se*b, Qofc IM K trg <n familifa bag to tbfcnk th«-ir rf-Htiv-* lad fr»ectp, who sgtiatsnc in their sad bnrt tv*-ui(-nt end n\t< Ihrs* who eent l«tt.-r« of condole cp, t-it-crama, wreat'8 and
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  • 849 4 (it has happened that ex-ser-mcemen have laid themselves •en to criticism. They fought Allantly in the war, it is freely •needed, and made great sacri«es whilst others "stayed at •me and did well in a material sense. All honour to the ExServicemen. Only a small minority have in any
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  • 196 4 Mr and Mrs R W B Lazaroo, of the F M S Medical Department, Kuala Lumpur, left for Europe by the s. c. Porthos on Saturday. The P and O s. s. Manela, which left Hongkong on Monday, is due at this port at 5 p.m. on Saturday, the 3rd
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  • 54 4 Opposition to Have Its Say. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Aug 30.—The "Malay Mail's" Colombo correspondent wires jhat a London cable of Aug 27 states that the EGA will be holding a meeting this week, when the vigorous opAsition wnich exists in many quarters to the control
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  • 47 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug 30. —fcne s.s. A»ishinu. Maru has been towed into snauow water. The fire was extinguished last-night. The damaged cargo in hold No 5 is now being discharged. The date of sailing depends on the reauit of the survey.
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  • 530 4 At to-morrow's meeting of the V M C A Literary Society at b-30 a mock trial will be held, which promises to be very interesting. The public is cordially invited to attend. To-morrow will be the birthday ol both ttie Queen of Holland and tbe emperor ol Japan, and tne
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  • 967 4 WHERE IMPRO\ EMPVT TRUST COMES By "Plebius." As demonstrated at the* m on Friday, tne major; .j oipal Commissioners of sin are strongly lQ favour of nensive acne me of trail* J***' And if any publlc Singapore at ah j, Commissioner in mis matter a from tne conservative
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 260 4 "His 1/ 3 Hf i V. ]d Voice- b PORTABLE MODEL jV? veritable boon at Picnici, River j n f Arties, Etc. I ttSh SPECIFICATIONS f a Waxed Oak Cabinet; bruivtd finished ramitwe I ,\4B&| j>'' k 9&Ĕ 3 and lock: internal woodca horn with wooden m j X j
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    • 294 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., Incorporated in the Strain Settlement*. 36, PHILLIP BTHEET, SINGAPORE. The inoceenfnl Tenderere for the Bapply of miHoeUaneoni Article* and Engineers Storne to the Singapore Municipality for the period ending Slit December, 1921. New Shipments Just Rtjoeived. Yale Brocse L>ver Psdlrckf, Yale and Townio Chain Pm! y
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  • 266 5 Martial Law Declared in Affected Areas. Many Rtbels Fleeing to ths Hills. Reuter. Calicut, Aug 88.-The looted the treaaury at Ernad nd .ecured six lakhs of rupees. They liberated the prisoners in gaol and forced two prisoners and a warder to H,haramedanisro. They attacked a motorbua and
    Reuter.  -  266 words
  • 90 5 Meeting on Silesian Question. Reuter. Geneva, Aug 28. —The council of the League of Nations meeting tomorrow to consider the Upper Sileiian situation is considered favourable, from the fact that the members are all new men, hitherto not involved in subject, and the meeting it being held with
    Reuter.  -  90 words
  • 48 5 Thirty Persons Killed. Reuter. Home, Aug 2b. —Seventeen seaside holiday-makers from Ladispoli were killed and eighty sent to hospital from injuries through a train collision outside Rome. Later: Thirty dead hava bean recovered from the wreckage of the tram collision and over a hundred are injured—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 47 5 Recovery of Bodiea. Reuter. London, Aug. 27.—The forepart of tfc* I 38 has been raised, and two kcdies, one British and one American, have been recovered. Then is a reluctance to employ diver, owing to the tangled wires among the wreckage and the treacherous tides.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  47 words
  • 61 5 Reuter. Boulogne. Aug. 27.— Wreckage ol (hi missing London-Brussels aeroplane was picked up between and Gravelines, three miles out at sea The aeroplane evidently caught fire. Boats and submarines are searching for survivors.—Reuter. London, Aug. 27.—It is believed that the lost aeroplane is a Goliath, carrying goods
    Reuter.  -  61 words
  • 70 5 Reuter. Pans Aug 26.—M Paul Claude}, mw ambassador to will san in September. h an interview with the "Excelsior," M Claudel expressed himself proud and ■■coaly pleased to represent France *ith an allied nation whose civilisation he greatly admires and in whose oeitiny he flrmly believes, stating
    Reuter.  -  70 words
  • 49 5 Reuter. P»ris, Aug 27.—M Loucheur and "err Rathenau have resumed their conferen-fs on a possible r ranco-German economic nnderttandln«- with a view to hastening the retonstruction of the war-stricken re ifaaa, u n hearing of Errberger's assassination, Herr Rathenau exclaimed *Taa: is a great misfortune for Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 48 5 Reuter. -N'«w York, Aug 28.—The railwa>£ •ait of the Mississippi have been authorised to reduce the export rates iron and steel products twent" to twenty-five per cent in consequence "Presentations by the metal inthat stfth reductions am Nxx-siarj to enable Americans to from abroad.—
    Reuter.  -  48 words
  • 74 5 Slight Hopes of Success. Reuter. Simla, Aug 27.—Operations by the .Mount Everest expedition nortnwards and westwards have been completed without disclosing a route to the summit. Slight hopes of success are entertained with respect to the north-eusi dank when the monsoon abates. The Headquarters have been moved to
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 46 5 Commissioner for Singapore. Reuter. Ottawa, Aug 27. -The Department of Trade and Commerce announce* the appointment of Mr. H A Chisholm, at present Trade Commissioner at tuba, to the new office at Calcutta, v.d Mr. P W Ward, at present in Capetown, to Singapore.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  46 words
  • 65 5 Reuter. Atlantic City, 29.—Mr. Gompcta has appealed to Labour in the -untries participating in the Disrmament Conference to endeavour to \ave Labour represented on the delations. He has published correspondence with President Harding in which Mr. Gompers urged the President to appoint a Labour member on
    Reuter.  -  65 words
  • 33 5 Reuter. Washington, Aug 29.—President Harding intends to convene in September a coaference representing the whole country to inquire into unemployment, particularly economy measures necessary to restore business to normal.— tieuter.
    Reuter.  -  33 words
  • 74 5 Reuter. Toronto, Aug 29.—0f the Chinese crew of the Dominion Coal Company s» steamer Maskinonge, four were killed and two wounded in a revolver fighi in the forecastle of the steamer, which is anchored near Quebec. No weapon has been discovered, and the surviving Chinese reiuse
    Reuter.  -  74 words
  • 49 5 Reuter. London, Aug. 27.-A receiver has been appointed for the Fenton Textile Association, the issued capital o. which exceeds £1,000,000, and fc chiefly held by the chairman, Henry Fenton, also 600,000 sterling five year debenture notes which were offered to the public at 95 two years ago.Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  49 words
  • 35 5 Reuter. Washington, Aug. 27.-High officuv quarters intimate that the withdrawn of the Americans from the Rhipc will be seriously considered when the Senate and the Reichstag ratify the Germano-American Peace Treaty.i Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 36 5 Reuter. Berlin Aug "German has published a table show51 steamers have been launched from German yards since Jan. 1, of which all but four were.for Germa a account. The averagetonnag* *r v%'«4 w«s ff.WO.—
    Reuter.  -  36 words
  • 78 5 NOaSEPARATION POSSIBLE. The Premier's Statement. Reuter. London, Aug 28.—Mr Lloyd George, acknowledging the freedom of Barnaley, said that Britain had risen above W prejudices and had proposed unprecedented terms to Ireland, which commended themselves to the whole civilised world. He trusted that commonsense would prevail. We cannot countenance
    Reuter.  -  78 words
  • 133 5 Tino Recovers. Reuter. Washington Aug 26—Mr Brown has been appointed American representative at the Paris Conference.— Reuter. Athens, Aug. 27.—An official message states that King Constantine has recovered from his illness.—Reuter. Auckland, Aug 27.—Lord Northcliffe has arrived, and was officially welcomed.—Reuter. Ottawa, Aug. 27.—Sir R Borden, and the
    Reuter.  -  133 words
  • 232 5 Dispute Over Empty Bottles. A criminal appeal case was heard by the Chief Justice, Sir Walter S Shaw, in the Supreme Court yesteriay, Ng Heng* Jin being the appellant. Mr. M C Johannes appeared for the appellant and Mr. C Dickenson for the Crown. In this case
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  • 194 5 Siamese Subject's Claim. Rt aim" Francis Tya*™ o »1 P ear hefore the first magistrate, Mr Nono, on F.iday. He had beet to the court in order th* he mi*ht *how csuse as to why h should nol maintain Emily L»a*roo his wife Mr Shelley-Thompson, who reprr. sentpd
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  • 25 5 A weekly Tamil newspaper entitled 'Tamilaham" is being: published in Kuala Lumpur. It ia intended to convert it into a daily as soon as possible.
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  • 82 5 A SETTLEMENT NOW REPORTED. Japanese Concessions. Reuter. London, Aug 29.—The protracted dispute between the United States and Japan as regards the mandate given to the latter by the League over the island of Yap to which the United States objected, has now been settled, according to the Morning
    Reuter.  -  82 words
  • 179 5 Murder Causes Much Feeling. Reuter. Berlin, Aug. 28.—Two studentx have been arrested at Offenburg <n suspicion of murdering Erzberger. Labour organisations and political parties are strongly urging the Government to end the Chauvinist agitation to which Erzberger's murder is attributed. The Government has forbidden a festival at Potsdam
    Reuter.  -  179 words
  • 332 5 Claim for $700 Fails. In the Supreme Court yesterday the Chief Justice, Sir Walter S Shaw heard an action brought against the Eastern United Assurance Corporation, Ltd., by Chew Jim Hin, trading under the name of Chop Chew Ghee Teck, for damages f700.32, foi loss sustained by the
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  • 166 5 Film to Be Shown Here. A representative of the Tribune was privileged to see the special fivereel film of the Dempsey-Carpentier fight for the world's heavy-weight championship at the Pathe Freres show rooms in Orchard-road this morning and he pronounced it as tne most wonderful boxing film he
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  • 11 5 (We do not necessarily endorse the opinions expressed by correspondents.)
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  • 637 5 From BLACK AND AMBER: What is all this talk about not admitting the ladies on the S C C tennis courts for two days per month How iare we be so unchivalrous "Bushman's letter is very funny, but it is also very ungallant. The thin edge of the
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  • 133 5 From "FORETHOUGHT:" With reference to the following The Coliseum, Ltd, Kuala Lumpur, has just been registered with the Registrar of Companies, F M S, with a capital of $100,000. The first directors are Messrs D H Hampshaire, H B Talalla (managing director) and Loke Yaik Foo." May I
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  • 57 5 The "Times of Malaya" learns that the first prize in the Ipoh Gymkhana Club's Non-Selling Sweep was not won by Miss Aeria, of Penang, as previously stated, but that the holder of the lucky ticket is Mr E M Daniels, of the Income Tax Departi ment, Penang, who is also
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  • 72 5 Singapore, Aug 30. On London— Bank 4 months' sight 2a 4 l-16d. Demand 2s 3 13-16 d. Private 3 months sight 2s 4 7-16 d. On India— Bank Tel. Transfer 163 On Hongkong— Bang demand draft 22% p.c. pm. On Shanghai— Bank demand draft 61. On Java— Bank Tel.
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  • 67 5 C. of C. Rubber Association. Singapore, Aug 30. Pale Crepe Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot Sept. Oct. to Dec. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Closing Prices. Buyers Sellers Spot 27 27^ Sept. 27 Vj ?8 Oct. to Dec. 3031 Tone of Market.—Quiet. Fred Waterhouse Co., Ltd. Singapore, Aug 30. To-day's
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  • 281 5 Fatal Jump from Verandah. verdict of suicide whilst temporarily insane has been passed by Mr G F Bourne, the Coroner, in the case of gunner Winters, of the R G A, who was found dying at Blakang Mati in the early hours of the 20th inst. At the
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  • 105 5 Mr. O D Martiner, Agent for the China Mail Steamship Company in Yokohama, has received instructions bo go to Singapore, where he will open a branch office for the Company. He was to leave for his new post on Aug. 18 on the steamer Nawkin. The China Mail Company's steamers
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 266 5 PHASER CHALMERQ Er\gln»»rlng Work*. MBgnet Boise, a sett 63, ioMatoa load, Slagapora. FOLE AGENTS FO* JAMES CARTL R (STALYBKIDOE), Ltd. Rubber Machinery. a ransoms Co, Ltd. Wood Working Machinery SANDERSON BROS. NEWBOULD Ltd. Stetl, joo s, Saws, &c HOL\UN BROS, Ltd., Mining, Machinery, Drills ftc PROPRIETOR* the General Electric Co.,
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  • 1419 6 FOOTBALL. SCC DEFEAT SRC By "Reynard." The quality of the football in the match between the S C C and the SRC first eleven* on the S C C ground yesterday waa about the worst I have seen in the S F A League. Both teams were very poor
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  • 548 6 S S AND IMS CHAMPIONSHIPS. Mr. F C Johnson, of the local Prisons Department, organiser of the S S and F M S Boxing Championship Tournament, writes: I have received a letter from a Selangor intending competitor in the S S and F M S Boxing Championship Tournament who
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  • 32 6 Members of the V M C A are asked to note that in future volley ball practice will be held on Thursday and basket ball on Wednesday.
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  • 463 6 Y M C A CHAMPION SHIP. It is proposed to hold a championship tennis tournament in connection with the Y M C A. Members wishing to enter are asked to hand in their names. JAPANESE TIRELESS PLAY. Newport, Aug 28.—Shimidzu beat Hawkes 4—6, 6—3, 6—2, 6—2. Japan thus
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  • 157 6 BATAVIA MEETING. Writing to an Adelaide friend from Java on June 20, V» .Marsha]] state The record meeting for J: > \r» here in Batavia on Saturday and Sunday last. I rode four winners and C Pearson rode three. I won the two big races on Kenilic—the St.
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  • 111 6 PENANG SWIMMING CLUB. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penang, Aug. 29,—At the annual meeting of the Swimming Club, revised rules were adopted including one that a member disobeying a rule or bye-law may, at the discretion of the committee, be fined a sum not exceeding ten dollars. Country members are
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  • 32 6 FREAK MATCH-LIGHTER. During a cricket match at Bath a bowler sent down a fast ball which struck the batsman on the thigh, and exploded a box of matches in his pocket.
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  • 48 6 KATONG PRIVATE COURSE The August monthly medal of the Katong Private Golf Course was won by Mr. F H Dupree with a score of ¥1 net. The ball sweep on the best 9 holes was won by Mr. P W Smith with a score of 40 net
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  • 84 6 At the Liberty Hall, WUliam Fox's super-feature production The Honor System," a most tremendous human drama, and an unequalled pathetic spectacle, in ten reels, that was acclaimed by press and public as the supreme presentation of modern American life and character, will be screened in the second show
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  • 141 6 Grand opera will once again be presented in Singapore at the Victoria Theatre on Sept 8 and 9 when the Russian Company are booked to appear. The company is composed of many of the old favourites who played here on the first visit a few years
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  • 81 6 The Eastern Shipping Company haa •onsidered the question of salving the a s Perlis. With a view to carrying this into effect the steamer Pungah, with a Government marine surveyor, the Company's marine superintendent and the manager of the Company's graving dock at Prai, together with several
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  • 74 6 Mr Chua Kah Chwee writes under the above heading I understand that the Government is going to take about two acrea oi our Saynh Chua burial ground of Kampong Bahroe for medical officers' quarters, and this is already published in the Gazette, so sun ly some
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  • 180 6 At the summer graduation of Edinburgh University, the degree oi Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon the Right Rev Ernest Denny Danson, M A, Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak. Dr Danson was at Aberdeen ia 1902 and is a son of the iai Dean Danson, St Andrew's Episcoj>al Cathedral, Aberdeen.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 180 6 #THE DRUM I PUMP DRIVE—Designed to suit any method reqaired. Ask for pamphlet C. D P. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT of The Borneo Company, Limited. (IneoToerated in England) SPfCAPOBB, IPOH, PSNANO. "A ftatt ef Branches frem Bangkok ta BaUria." m \Mw m In i n T 1 TAN T i T Wi
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    • 340 6 A PUBLIC MEETING to be arranged by the STRAITS SETTLEMENTS (SINGAPORE* ASSOUAN will be held in the VICTORIA THEATRE on Monday, Sept. 5, at 5.15 pjn. f Wh*n the following rraclntioni 11 be considered RESOLUTION L This Meeting view, with great concern the prolonged neglect of the Government to adopr
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 605 6 HAILS CLOSE. To-day, Aug. 30. Mersing, Kuantan, Kemaman Trengganu Quorra 2 p.m. Malacca Muar Kaka 8 p.m. Billiton and Sourabaya Baa Poh Guan 4 p.m. Bangkok Zaida 4 p.m. Rhio Emely 4 p.m. Penang,* Rangoon A Calcutta Japan 4 p.m. To-morrow, Aug. 31. P Sambu, Moeara-Saba Djambi Singkep 9 a.m.
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    • 20 6 Remember Use Wrigiey's AHer Every *eai! TT WILL MIKE YOU HIALTHY AND ACTIVE. MULLEK AND r-HIPPB (MALAYA) Ltd., Bole Distributors.
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  • 1656 7 FULL REPORT OF PARIS MEETING. The manager of the Singapore Branch of the Banque Industrielle de Chine has now received a full report of the general meeting of shareholders of the Bank held at Paris on the July 25, which he forwards for publication. Mr Andre
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  • 1151 7 MUNICIPAL BY-LAWS FOR BUKIT BROWN. The following by-laws for the regulation of the Municipal burial ground for Chinese at Bukit Brown, Singapore were published in a Supplement to the Straits Settlements Government Gazette on July 29. They have been framed by the Municipal Commissioners of Singapore under
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 694 7 NOTICE. Ang 1921.) (f* G [No. 7352-21.1 FOR TODDY SHOP SINGAPORE. 1922. T ,rF is hereby given that will be received at the Coloeta'y'» office until noon on Member, 1921, for the exclusive 155 P «biect to the limitations of X rs Revenue Ordinance, 1909, Rule* made thereunder, of KtlS
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    • 739 7 TENDERS FOR TODDY SHOP LICENCES FOR PENANG, PROVINCE WELLESLEY AND THE DINDINGS, 1922. NOTICE is hereby given that Tenders,, to be forwarded in sealed coveis and marked on the outside "Toddy Shop Tenders," will be,,received at the Resident Councillor's Office until noon on the 9th September, 1921, for the exclusive
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    • 604 7 41. Bukit Toh Alang Estate. 42. Paya KeladL 43. Penaga. 44. Permatang Pon. 45. Pinang Tunggal. 46. Pokok Maeguing. 47. Sungei Dua. 48. Sungei Puyu. 49. Tassek Glugor. 1 50. Telok Ayer Tayrar. Province Wellesley (Southern District.) 51. Batu Kawan Estate. 52. Bukit Tambun. 53. Bukit Toh Kandang. 54. Byram
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    • 622 7 59. Kwala Sungei Baru, 27% mile. 60. North Devon, 22nd mile. 61. Serkam Estate. 62. Union Estate. 63. Ayer Panaa Rubber Estate, 16th mile. 64. Diamond Jubliee Estate, (Nyalas Division). 65. Ayer Panas Estate, Kesang Division. 66. Garing Estate, 13th mile. 67. Batulang Estate. 68. Kemcndore Estate. 69. Bukit Kajang
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    • 276 7 thff TAKE HORLICKS igj MALTED MILK— jVji As x night cap" try //^gjLst HORLICKS. You gXHfI will he pleasingly sur- ftfl prised how soo'hinij and invig- D ft} orating this FOOD DRINK h{ HO RUCK'S helps p Rfj nature to overcome disease. S| L>: Made in a moment by the
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  • 1059 8 CANADA TO FLEETSTREET. Mr. G B Burgin shows some modesty in giving his autobiography the title Memoirs of a Clubman" (Hutchinson, 16s net). With 60 works of fiction in round figures to his credit he would have been justified in calling it "Memoir* of a Novelist." It
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  • 196 8 Australia's Defence Policy. Senator Brigadier-General Emmott. lecturing at Melbourne on Aug 1 on the defence policy of Australia, expressed the opinion that the only possibility of Australia being involved in war was in defence of the White Australia policy. The first item of the defence policy should be
    196 words
  • 162 8 Dwarf Coconuta. In answer to several enquiries a correspondent (says the "Malayan Leader") had an interview with Mr. W P Handover and was informed that the Malayan Dwarf Coconuts from Sungei Nipah Estate have been sent and are now growing in the most distant parts of the Globe
    162 words
  • 247 8 Turn of the Tide." Dr. Macnamara, speaking on July 23, at a Coalition Liberal fete at Denmark Hill, said he was glad to say that though the unemployment figures were still most grave, they had at last begun to take a downward cour.-e. He hoped the improvement would
    247 words
  • 94 8 An amusing story was told of a Chinese girl charged at the Mixed Court the other day with false pretences, says the North China Daily News." Oppressed by the heat, she hired a rikisha the other night and went for a ride round. When the coolie tired, she engaged another
    94 words
  • 789 8 "THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I SAW." The Sublimity of Fuji. Mr V Lucas has been such a great traveller in English literature that it iis only recently that he has had time to visit India, Japan, and the United States, and incidentally, Malaya. He enshrines his piquant
    789 words
  • 67 8 Manila, July 20.—Two leading cigar and cigarette manufacturers here deny that they contemplate moving their factoriea to China on account of the favourable labour conditions there Although business has been dull here and the workers in several factories went on strike a month or so ago conditions are now said
    67 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 308 8 CHOTIRMALL'S THE CHEAPEST SILK STORE, WHOLESALE BETAIL. Marvellous Reductions Sale Now On 51-.2. HIGH SIMST. Na W7> T— TRY AND USE OUR Adsm s Cook Brand Indian Condimeni Preparations, for the noet tasttlsjsjg and hfbhi y taste. na-to date mV 'fS'll n ods at homo X LE;AS|NG T Chop Cooky
      308 words
    • 564 8 What Do You Want A Tractor For? the first thing you will think of plowing. But don't stop tbere. If your tractor i I to be a profit maker for joj, it must do much more thai plow. It muat be able to do practically all the work around your
      564 words
    • 157 8 II ~,-=T j FRO" ISftUATOR TO POLAR REGIONS Ss j *ole Agent. DOG'S HEAD Kirn Hill k ft, GUINNESS mtt9an he STOUT YOU'RE USED T\J I OBTAINABLE EVERYWHERE ftf I- QUARTS. PINTS AND NIPS, J i j I! i i I Singapore Merchant i Pays Handsome Tribute to I tbe
      157 words

  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 535 9 P,*o.-British India AND 1 APCAR LINE. (Comfamibs iNcoaroPATsx) m England) assasaaaa— MAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. Peninsuiar and Oriental S. N. Co. Uader Oontract wjth His Majesty's Government. fHB COMPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST OF BOMBAY at present suspended. Q LONDON FAR-EAGtfERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due SINGAPORE. svva about Sept 5 Karmala
      535 words
    • 439 9 »————J Passengers and Freight Services Operated by Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated in U.S AJ lOR THB U S. SHIPPING BOARD. SAN FBANCISCO-HANUA-ElftT INDIA. BAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. I For CALCUTTA Vh COLOMBO Creole Stat* Passengers and Freight Oct 13 i Wolverine State Passenger? and Freight Nov 15 Granite State Passengers
      439 words
    • 563 9 Waits Steamship Co. Ltd •teamen intended to sail frcm Singapore Kinta—Monday 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Peaang. Hye Leong—Monday, 430 p.m or MiUcca and Musr Kaka Tuesday, 4.30 p m for Malacoa and Muar. Ipoh 4 p m. for P. Swettenham and Penang. Hye Leoi X—Thursday, i.3<"> p.m., for
      563 words
    • 369 9 O. S. K. Tli Osaka Sbisn Kaiska, LIMITMD. (laeerparated ia JapaaJ NO. S DB SOUZA STREET, PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM SINGAPORE. Reject to change without aetiee.) EUROPEAN LINE. For PORT SAID. MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. 'Alaska Maru arr. Sept 14 dep. 15 'Omit Marseilles. Altai Maru arr Oct 15
      369 words
    • 737 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated in Japan) Lino Fortnightly Service For MARSEILLES. LONDON ANTWERP via PORT Sado Maru Papt 7 Kitaco Maru Sept 9 1 UY**ntn*ol Lino Monthly t ervioe For MARSEILLES LIVERPOOL via PORTS. Liebon Maru Oct 9 H*i*bur>g I me Monthly Service tot LONDON, ANT WE cP, ROTTERDAM A
      737 words

  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 386 10 WANTED. WANTED.—A Linotype Operator to work on Model 14 machine. Speed and accuracy in work necesaary. Written applications, with one recant testimonial proving- capability, naming salary required to Manager, Malaya Tribune. 26 5 ue TO SHIPPING COMPANIES AND SHIPS' CAPTAINS. The Straita Employment Registry can supply at short notice all
      386 words
    • 661 10 NOTICE. NOTICE, i NKW FILIPINO 1 BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA Available for all occasions. Good and Capable Musicians. Terms moderate. Apply at 99 Bencoolen Street, (Lorong- Pantei) G. UNDASAN, 9 X 9 REMOVAL NOTICE. Ths Pacific Trading Co., Ltd We beg to notify ths public th t oa Aagast 29,
      661 words
    • 477 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong Chow Keng, Esq. Teo Teow Peng, Esq. Tan
      477 words
    • 485 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 04, Market Street BRANCHES: Penang 85 Beach Street Malacca 131 Jonker Street Muar .77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat Palembang. AGENCIES AT London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy, Pontianak and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised $20,000,000 I"u«d
      485 words
    • 448 10 BANKS. CHARTERED BANK OF INDIA, AUSTRALIA AND CHINA. (Incorporate! in England.) BT ROYAL CHARTER. Paid up Capital in 600,000 Shares of £6 each £3,000,000 Reserve Fund £3,600,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors £3,000,000 BANKERS. Bank of England. London Joint City and Midland Bank, Ltd. London County Westminster and Parr's Bank, Ltd.
      448 words
    • 346 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in Ie S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 63*KLING STREET. Tel. N0.«1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELI. CAPITAL: Authorised 820,000,000 Issued $10,500,000 Paid-up 5,250,000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders *****,000 Reserve Fund and Surplus 290,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Hon. Dr. Lim Boon
      346 words
    • 331 10 INSURANCE. THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lim Boon Keng. 9.8. E., Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Esq. T>y. Chairman. Ea Tong Sen, Esq. C.B.E. Ong Boon Tat, Esq. Lim Chwee Chiaa, Eaq. Chua Pon Siang, Esq. Lee Pang Seng, Eaq. Yeo Ban
      331 words
    • 529 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE AJto SHIPPhC C/ZETFE 'Pboet 7|> SUBSCRIPTION PAYABLE IF ADVANCE Per Hatf-yearly Per quarter '7 Siagle Cop, Postage Extra 60 eta. To Foreign country JJ"* [A Subscription Form found on page B.] VERY MANY "TRIBUNE" READERS. Depend upon street sellen t P*per it will he?p «ure them agaiast ■7f
      529 words