Malaya Tribune, 27 August 1921

Total Pages: 10
1 10 Malaya Tribune
  • 27 1 The Malaya Tribune. EVENING DAILY.] SHIPPING GAZETTE. [EVENING DAILY. Vs« Vlll. -No. 201 SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, AUGUST, 27, 1921 FIVE CENTS The Malaya Tribune. SATURDAY. AUG. 27, 1921.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 254 1 IHE MAIATA TRIBUNE ABD SHIPPING GAZETTE, Phona Xte. 111. SUBSCBIPTION RATES Payable In Advanoe. per snnum 018.00 Hslf-yenrif S 7.6© p#r quarter 9 1.75 Postage Extra 00 cts. per month. BR HHHHHB BJ ißnßniF THE COMPLETE ELECTRIC PLANT BbV BbV m\\\\\\\\\ Amu E\ Ha. I mm mm nr BY Ban
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    • 26 1 SUN V COMPANY supplies Aii Photographic Materials AJTD Too Bight Place for Anuitenra Developing, Printing and Enlargement No. ti, NOBTH BRIDGE BO AD, SINGAFOBB. Phone 660.
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  • 753 2 QUESTION OF CAUSE OF DEATH. Was Deceased Strangled? The preliminary inquiry into the charge of murder preferred against Hew Kong Njim, Khoo Moi Choo and Wee Beng Keong, was further proceeded with before Mr. R C Cussen, magistrate, in the Seremban police court on Monday and Tuesday. At
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  • 120 2 GUTHRIE CO'S REPORT. Singapore, 24 August. For the weekly Rubber Auctions held to-day the quantity catalogued was 540 tore. There was a brißk demand for all grades, at prices a 'hade lower than last wi k and with filers meeting tbe market!, a good el°arance resulted, the quantity sold b
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  • 39 2 Practically the whole of the European resident* of Seremban, besides many subordinate Government officials, gathered together at the Seremban railvmy station on Tuesday night to bid bon voyage to Mr and Mrs Bryant, who were departing on Home leave.
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  • 223 2 Next Meeting to be in Singapore. The final meeting of the Medical Congress took place in Batavia at 9 o'clock on the morning of the 13th inst It was proposed by Dr. Horn to hold a Congress in 1922 in Singapore. The proposition was carried unanimously. Officers
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  • 244 2 Capt. Poulet's Case. It will be recollected that when Capt Poulet, the French aviator, waa in Singapore a few weeks back, he was, ■t was alleged, duped by a moneychanger's assistant at the Europe Hotel, but was later recompensed by the money changer himself. Capt Poulet reported that
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  • 68 2 Messrs. Barlow and Co. report: The mur'io r for the «tjote community advanced a little daring the early part of the week bar; declint-d sadden* ly onWedm oday to Ihm week's prices A fair imonit of bu> mess has been "racs&cied and quotation* close aa follows No. 1
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  • 21 2 Reuter. London, Aug 23.—Stormont Castle,' near Belfast, has been purchased as the home of the North Ireland Par!ia-1 ment.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  21 words
  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 791 2 FOREIGN CHILDREN IN THE FAR EAST are especially subject to worms, some of the indications of which are irregular appetite, bad breath, grinding- of the teeth in sleep, pain and swelling of the abdomen, irritation in the nose. Baby's Own Tablets, the Canadian children's remedy, given for a few days,
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    • 601 2 1 Life's Minor i Troubles I C —the small every-day worries, M P cares and disappointments which _f are the common lot of humanity jk —will be borne all the more easily I C when the health is sound. The i 0 bodily condition has a consider- aS able influence
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    • 560 2 Weak Wasted Children Grateful Mothers Tell of Wonderful Cures by Dr. Cassell's Tabletsf England. South A.'rlea. Mra. Bobineo*, 15. Leigh-etreet. Mrs Vm Zyl. PO., ettyitßhurt Frederick road. PendUton. Manchester. C.P South Africa, w"J-« Bn«land. cay« My little boy wae ty*V!. It* 1« paTalyeed. He could not more b* paralyeed, and
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    • 204 2 THE BEST CHEAPEST BBSB in the market BROWN 4 L GER, SUB-AGENTS WANTED. G Aurely &t Co 28, Flnlsyson Greaa Purchase! Purchase!! For about one month only DONT MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY J. B. LAL, THE ABLE INDIAN PHYSICIAN The public ia assured of my splendid preparation of Medicines for
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  • 630 3 h Prices Quoted in the Market. Singapore, Aug 23. rs Lyall sad Eratt, Exchange Ian Broken, issse th« followx of (petitions. Robber. Dollar Share*. Buyers Sellers uesj 0.15 8.20 fat Gijan 0.90 1.10 lajimated Ma y 1.50 2.00 Ijelham 8.00 l*r Ksniag L00 sf Moiek 1.00 is
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 150 3 I A T THE POPULAR PfIOTO.PLAY HOUSE Prnrar Road Trains Paaa tha Door us* r K mmmmmmjmr^mmm ffl THURSDAY. Angna: «25 t* BUND iV, August 28. IN THB SECOND SHOW AT 9.30 p.M. T?rf al Special Attraction Featuring Mary MacLaren and K 3l k Mayo in an nnnsnal story full
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    • 541 3 The I T" 18 j From THURSDAY, August 25, to TUESDkY, August »0. Aihambra MtadsWetoU is tbe only the Ifeeatie AT TEE theatre ALHAMBRA Brchaatrx -««*bbsb. aai mm em eaa. w m laiea m< Cakes, Coffee, a^emßs^? T T Hiq ,or Mb,,c d Fftlßrea served mm9%mm ««jlo»* «OA3u) faring intervals
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    • 378 3 ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. m IN THE PIRST SHOW AT 7 30 SHARP. GREATER VITAGRAPH PRESENTS HARRY T. MOREY IN THE FLAMING CLUE A red hot detective gtory filled with love, ■dieufe, suspens» and thrills by the Astbor of the famous Nick Carter stories SEVERAL FISTIC COMBATS. SECOND SHOW AT
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  • 131 4 Further details of the R 38 disaster prove that the commander averted a still greater tragedy. It is estimated that more than forty persons perished. Something waa wrong with the girders, and they snapped under a sudden strain. By-election activity includes an antiwaste campaign in which the Coalition
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  • 61 4 DEATH. Goh.—Ou Angus; 17 f at No 52 3, X r. v Road, Mr 6 Goh fongHock, aged 70 year*, bfloved mother cf Mtnri. Goh Lv Km, Goh Lai Morg, Goh Lai Mni, Goh L*i H>" m.a Ooh Lai Seah and Uoh L*i Kang. FnnerHl on Sunday, the
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  • 796 4 A small Reuter cable published yesterday is worth repeating. It ran as follows: The Ebbw Vale Steel and Iron Works, which have been closed for six months, throwing idle 8,000 workers, is restarting immediately. Everything points to a period of prosperity. Whether that last sentence applies to
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  • 432 4 Yeoh Soun Hong has been granted nalur»lil»l,nn «u«»>c1. The Ordinance to amend the Police Force Ordinance 1920 will not be recommended for disallowance to His Majesty. The Government Gazette notifies the raising of ihe Government telegraphic charges to five cents per word for ordinary and seven cents per word for
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  • 148 4 Correspondence With Government, (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug 26.—Correspondence is published between H E the Governor and the Secretary of the Associated Chambers of Commerce of Malaya. The latter Went a petition embodying the recommendations of the Kulala Lumpur conference on July 2, as to relief of
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  • 72 4 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Penang, Aug. 26.—A telegram was received this morning at the offices of the Eastern Shipping Co., from the company's agents at Trang stating that a Chinese junk had picked up two more survivors of the S S Perlis disaster, a fireman and a
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  • 633 4 Reuter. Our Kuala Lumpur correspondent wir«i; tn»t 2<r. Z V«ulc« »'N<rl»ill><i l« n» tn 5>1i«» X^,'l London, Aug 24. —The death has occurred at Lindsay, Ontario, of General Sir Sam Hughes, former Minister for Defence and Militia, Canada, who raised a contingent for the Gre.. t War and himself went
    Reuter.  -  633 words
  • 427 4 CHOP c„ IN BONC S Adjourned Examination. In the Supreme urr before Mr Just lC e Uarrl the public examinat v of Mr Low Teng Lal J*** Guan Chin Hong. 1, h Ch Justice Brown last a** re tinued. 48 c °n- In reply to questions by th*
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  • 101 4 Reconstruction Scheme. (From Our Own Correspondent) Kuala Lumpur, Aug 2t>.—Al an extraordinary meeting of the Kundjng Rubber Company, a I'Pt imntlWltlf scheme was passed, the cap;:;, cost of the- cultivated ana he:-.g reduced from S»">80 to $287 per acre It was proposed that the capita! of the Company
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  • 118 4 Th* acnnal general meeting of the Singapore 8t Andrea's Society wn held last evening in the Excbangt building. Mr J M Sio c presiding It was decided that uo ball «booid be given on St Andrew's Day, and the advisability t-f boiling a concert for the
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  • 134 4 An original «Chinese p »y by Mr V L Tan entitled P»* P° h BefD (The Treasure Box which tv« course of preparation for some tune, was produced before a Jarge m enthusiastic audience st the Star Opera last night. The story desJ sammarily witbtbe unMthfuln»ss J
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  • 17 4 Mr. E C Watson is appointed Judge of the Supreme Court for m Colosy aa from June
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 236 4 i mi ———i wammmm i |IM>aM>l l MAjYPOLE SOAP For Home Dyeing WASHES DYES CLEAN QUICK WILL DYE TO ANY SHADE BUT WON'T WASH OUT OR F\DE Black, Navy Blue, Purple, Dark' Brown, Dark Green, Colours Canary, Light Blue, jn Cerise. Maroon, Mauve, Stock Pink, Salmon Pink, Aloe Green, Cardinal,
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    • 283 4 GUAN KIAT Co., Ltd., I Incorporated in ihe Strait. Settlement*. 36, PHILLIP STREET, SINGAPORE. Tb? ■noeeaefnl Tenderer! for the inpply of mieoeUan»on* Artiolet and Engineers Storei to the Singapore Municipality for the period ending 31st 1921. New Shipment! Just Received. Yi.l« Bronze Lever Padlockr, Yale and Townic Chain Palley Blookv,
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  • 3031 5 Should Harbour Board Pay More Assessment? better Traffic Control Wanted. There were only two questions asked at the ordinary meeting of the Municipal Commissioners in the Municipal Buildings yesterday, but there as a fair amount of discussion on two motions put forward, with some unusually good speeches. Mr
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  • 105 5 Australia to Phone England. Reuter. London, Aug 24.—An optimistic account of wireless possibilities in the near future was given by Signor Marconi to-day at the annual meeting of the company. As a result of recent tests which Marconi personally conducted in the yacht Elektra, he thinks that atmo.pheric
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 105 5 Communist Has a Try. Reuter. London, Aug 25.—The by-election at Caerphilly resulted as follows: Morgan Jones (Labour) 13,699. Kees Edmunds (Liberal) 8,958. Stewart (Communist) 2,592. The vacancy was due to the Labourite Mr. Onions' death.—Reuter. London, Aug 25.—After a very active campaign, polling took place to-day in the by-election
    Reuter.  -  105 words
  • 71 5 A Japanese Hint. Reuter. Washington, Aug 25.—Baron Shidehara, conveying to the State Department Japan's hearty and appreciative acceptance of the invitation to the Disarmament Conference, said he hoped the agenda for the Far Eastern Conference would be arranged prior to the meeting, in accordance with Japan's suggestion, in
    Reuter.  -  71 words
  • 88 5 In the report of his evidence at The Bapietne Quart oo Wednrsday, Dr Conrad is tnado to say that "be had not been to the war." We are informed that the direct contrary is the fact. He bad been at tbe war for five tears, and it was on bis
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  • 1124 5 FLAMING MASS FALLS IN RIVER. Over 40 Persons Perish. Reuter. London, Aug 25.—1t is officially stated that the airship R 38 carried thirty-two British passengers, of whom eight were officers and nineteen other ranks, besides five, civilian ex. perts and seventeen Americans, of whom six were officers and
    Reuter.  -  1,124 words
  • 73 5 Reuter. Simla, Aug 2r>.—The continued stay of the British mission at Kabul is occasioning conflicting reports. The opinion is commonly expressed in India that hopes of the conclusion of a treaty are now very slender, but the tribesmen on both sides of the frontier confidently anticipate an
    Reuter.  -  73 words
  • 66 5 Reuter. Hobokon, Aug 25.—A fire destroyed two army store piers, but the damage was slight as the stores had previously been removed. The liner Leviathan lying nearby was scorched. The bodies of 500 American soldiers from France which were lying on the pier were also hastily removed, while
    Reuter.  -  66 words
  • 45 5 Reuter. Washington, Aug 25.—Congress h as gone into recess until Sept. 21. The House of Representatives passed a Bill continuing the dye embargo for three months, while the Senate ad.ipted the Agricultural Credits Bill, both of which have been sent to tbe President—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  45 words
  • 35 5 Reuter. Athens, Aug 25.—Two doctors have boen dispatched to Eski-Shehr to attend King Constantine, who is suffering from gastric trouble, and yesterday had vomiting attacks following a fainting fit lasting for twenty minutes.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  35 words
  • 23 5 Reuter. Vienna Aug 25.—An Austro-Ameri-can peace treaty has been signed. The negotiations were strictly confidential and the provisions arc unknown. Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  23 words
  • 25 5 Reuter. London, Aug 23.—The death has occurred of Marigold, the three year old daughter of Mr Winston C hurchill, Secretary of State for the Colonics.—Reuter.
    Reuter.  -  25 words
  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 258 5 j jP&ASEB CHAUIEBS Engineering Works. Magnet House, 82 and S3, Bo Mo son Koad, Singapore. ELECTRIC LIFTS For Passengers or Goods. QUOTATIONS GIVEN FOR COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS. PROPRIETORS the General Electric Co., ltd (Incorporated io Brglaid, W« bag to adriee our many customars that "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" hecorris have bean reduced
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  • 772 6 FOOTBALL. DIVISION U FINAL PLACINGS. A correspondent writes to ask who *c the runners-up to St Joseph's Id Boys in the second division of the »coer league. He points out that ie Staffs II and the S C F A II re level on points, and scored 21 oals
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  • 20 6 V M C A POOL. The V M C A swimming pool will be closed next Monday, for cleaning.
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  • 113 6 £500 A YEAR SALARY. Mr. E A McDonald, the Australian cricketer, has signed an agreement to play with the Nelson Cricket Club for a period of three years at £500 per annum. McDonald will play for the club next season. ALL-YEAR-ROUND PRACTICE. A London message of July 22 states
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  • 86 6 SELANGOR'S SEASON. Mr. J Huggins has resigned the captaincy of the Selangor Club. During his captaincy he has raised the standard of play considerably and the Club is now able to field as strong a team as could be got together anywhere in Malaya. The breach wi»l be filled
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  • 159 6 THE NATURAL RUNNER. Surely not less a feat than the actual feat of winning the Marathon lace was the feat of A R Mills, first home at Stamford Bridge from Windsor Castle in running on top of a plentiful lunch of roast beef and vegetables! Mills paid the penalty
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  • 456 6 INTEREST IN K L (To the Editor, Malayan Leader Sir—In view of the forthcoming S S and f M S Boxing Championship Tournament, to be held in Singapore some time in October, there does not seem to be the slightest move made by local amateurs to enter into this
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  • 193 6 PARI MUTUEL DIVIDENDS. Describing the second day of the big race meeting in Colombo a Ceylon paper of Aug. 10 sayß: Not the widest and moat expectant of punters could have dreamt that he would have, provided always that he was on the right animal, a winning dividend
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  • 201 6 From OLD SOLDIER You may be interested to know that a very old member of the S C C was holding forth the other evening on the proposal to institute ladies' days for lawn tennis. Said he: "I've been a member of this
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  • 113 6 Viscount Ishii to Report. Reuter. Pirif, Au* ?4—Diploma'ic circle? state that Viscount Ishii does not regard De Leon's refusl as final. De Tj" rj n' B action is attributed to Qerm*u insinuations as regards hia proposed attitude, and is in acco d. ance with Madrid's public distaete for
    Reuter.  -  113 words
  • 279 6 American Investigation. British engineering interests in China will learn with interest, perhaps not altogether unmixed with consternation, that towards the close of this year a party of five hundred American engineers will visit—we had almost written descend upon—China to study the reasons for British trade success
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  • 92 6 Two of the older and most respected citizens of Kuala Lumpur are leaving in Mr H N Ferrers, who figures prominently in the local life of Kuala Lumpur, who will be returning after a trip Home, and Mr T A Ford, who has been Veterinary Surgeon there since 1900, and
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  • 449 6 JAPANESE SCIENTISTS STARTLING DISCOVERY. May Revolutionise the Industry. A new process by which sandiron, or magnetic sand, may be converted into pig iron and thence into steel, has just been made public by Mr. Core Matsukata and Dr Asobu Naito. Tbe discovery, the scientists aver, will not
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  • 113 6 Why Penang should have so much better rikisha-pullers than are to be found in Singapore is not all clear, but it is a fact nevertheless and one on which the inhabitants of this island may reasonably congratulate themselves. We say "this island" and not "this
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  • 205 6 S. Andrew's Cathedral. The 14th. Sunday after Trinity, 28. August I9SL 7 a.m. Holy Communion. 7.45 a.m. Holy Communion (Choral.) 9.15 a.m. Matins and Litany. 5.30 p.m. Evensong and Sermon. During the following week:—Holy Communion on Tuesday and Thursday at 7 a.m., and on Friday at 8 a.m.
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  • 73 6 The death rate per mille for the week ending Aug 13 was 42.76. The total number of deaths was 330. Two Europeans and 3 Eurasians died, also 245 Chinese, 46 Malays, 28 Indians. Convulsions caused 30 deaths, phthisis 42, malarial fever 43, fever not specified 26, beri-beri 25,
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  • 76 6 Rev D L Welikala preaching at •t Luke's, Borella, Ceylon, on Sunday evening, Aug 7, referred to the fact ihat Mr Baron Livera, a great supporter of tbe Church, had bean pronounced by hia medical attendants as dead but that to the pleasurable surprise of the household tbe patient a
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  • 146 6 Socialist Visitor Unmolested. The Peking Leader rendrVke that it has been interesting to note the reception which Japan has given Mr. Bertrand Russell. To begin with, the Government left him severely alone, instead of having him followed by police, instead of preventing him from speaking or
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 209 6 11l III! 11l 111 1111 I ■IWIIH I 1111 l II I'll I""" '1 1 I' IWW—I iBBBBBBI Remember Use Wrigloy* MHer Every Meal! TT WILL M*■ KE YOU HEALTHY AND ACTIVEFHIPPS (MALAYA) Ltd.. 8o!e Distributors. BROADBENTS F T ?s?» e vEo STjONEBfiEAKER ARE THE BEST AND STRONGEST MADE. NEW
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    • 191 6 VICTORIA THiATBE /X i e> MATINEE To-day at S p.m. TO-NIGHT AT 9.15. FAREWELL PERFORMANCES OF THE WORLDS GREATEST MAGICIANS. With in The,r Entira M s I Company. A Massive Mystery production that surpasses the attempts of any and all Magicial productions ever presented. TO-NIGHT. New tricks, dances, Illusions and
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 206 6 WHEN AND WHERE. Aug 27. High Tides.—3.48 a.m., 3.42 p.m. SRC Athletic Sports, 2.30. Cricket: S C C v. H M Services, SCC ground. Polo, Balestier, 4.45. Concert, Y M C A, 8.30. Ex-Services Smoking Concert, SCC, 9.15. Chefalo Palermo, Victoria Theatre, 5 and 9.15. To-morrow, Aug 28. High
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    • 255 6 HAILS CLOSE. Aug 27,. Colombo, Djibouti, 0 Port Said,* Marseilles* and Antwerp* Amiral Ponty 4 p.m. Colombo, Suez,* Port Said,* Marseilles,* London,* Antwerp,* Rotterdam* Hamburg* Himalaya Maru 4 p.m. Monday, Aug 29. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing Kuan tan (By train) via Jerantut 6 a.m. Medan Melchoir Treub 9
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  • 332 7 New Intelligence Branch. The report on the F M S police force for 1920 states: An intelligence branch of the force was inaugurated in the month of April. Very great importance is attached to the successful development of this organization and it is hoped by its
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  • 229 7 Woman's Unlawful Drag Taking. Amy Margaret Halle, 33, housekeeper, pleaded "Guilty" at the Central Criminal Court on July 19 to administering to herself drugs to procure her own miscarriage. Mr. Justice Avory, taking into consideration the fact that she had been in custody on the charge
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  • 199 7 Stubbornness of the Strikers. The remarkable stubborn*eta ami solidarity now being exhibited in industrial disputes in Japan ia an evidence of the great growth of trade unionism in the Land of the Cherry Blossom during recent years. Tbe workers in big concerns have combined and the strikes
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  • 50 7 Sir Joseph Cook, replying in the Australian House of Repret tentatives that the present high ftoii fht were crippling the meat expert Industry, that Mr Hughes was engaged n the formation of a big export scheme in Lend on for «icoli i? with the pxiaury products of the t empire.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 m Wbiteaway's Annual Sale. °<armeau.' L Underwear. [j^^^^^^^^^^^^^i SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK. Urual Price $4.50 eaoh. AERTEX TO CLEAR AT AERTEX CELLULAR iv CELLULAR VESTS Per DRAWERS a Whiteaway, Laidlaw 6? Co., Ltd. IK Sr iD Smgap re. m\ ItRELU j THE WORLD'S BEST I t M D?«i Agen,,B
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    • 258 7 DRINK ASAHI BEER. SOLE AGENTS Mitsui Bussan Kaisha. Battery-Rd. SincraDore. Why Buffer the ourae-a or TOOTH-ACHE which can be relieved almost immediate 1 7 by consulting X TSUTADA JAPANESE DENTIST 74, B?*A a B*?AE ROAD In front of French Church THONI 1141. MANGEODINE. I Best for Mange, excellent for killing
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    • 143 7 Finest Ceylon Tea. DIRICT /HOM THE AGRAWATTE TEA ESTATE, CEYLON, Per 1 lb. Pac 1 et 80 cts. Per 2 lb. Packet $1.55 SPECJVL TERMS TO DEALERS. John Little Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in England.) Singapore Kuala Lumpur. THE MAINSTAY THE CUJO "man \v L ki X~m lap m l| V
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  • 298 8 Rubber in Plus District Suffering. Elephants have been doing a great deal of damage to rubber estates up and down the Plus-road during the past fortnight, says the Times of Malaya." In this connection a planting friend writes to us as follows: "I don't think there has been
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  • 240 8 By Train to Rangoon. It is stated in the Straits Echo that work on a large scale in connection with Uie conversion of tne gauge ol railway in Siam to Uie same v tne metre> gauge aa tnat adopted in iUaiaya is proceeding apace. The I'einew section nas
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  • 131 8 Shareholders in Malayan tin con- cerna may rind much-needed encouragement in the following passage from a speech by the Chairman, Commander C J R Livingstone-Learmouth, at the annual general meeting of the Kaduna Syndicate During a considerable part of the current financial period the market price
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  • 89 8 The Rev T E Bird, of Oscott College, Birmingham, said that in modern values the building of Solomon's Temple coat over a thousand million pounds. He urged that the building of the Temple could be taken as a recognis--1 ed landmark in the history of Israel. Nearly the
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  • 75 8 Under the heading "Will There Be A Third Government in Chine the "Canton Times" eajs While the southern troops are attacking Hupeh in the hope of ouxtiag the unpopular Tuchun Wang Ghan-yuan of the province wham thts people are desirous of gettin c rid of, the wily politicians and discredited
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 653 8 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS WAR LOAN, 1921. Issue of $20,000,000 Loan. Bearing amtereat frem the eate of porchaaa at 7 par cant, per annum paraset half-yearly en May 1 and Noreaaker 1. REPAYABLE AT PAR ON MAY 1, 1926. Free of Income lax aid other Duties Price of Issue 100—par cent. Under
      653 words
    • 324 8 CHOTIRMALL'S TH* CHEAPEST SILK STORE, WHOLESALE RETAIL. Marvellous Keductions Safe Now On 51-52, HIGH STREET. lei. No. 1957. T— TRY AND USE OUR Adam's Cook Brand Indian Condiment Preparations, for the roost apetising and healthy taste. Theup-todate fjjrjjf —T needs at home M iLEAsiNG Ohop Cooky or "vowuV COOK BRAND
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    • 403 8 NANYANG, BBOTHEBS TOBACCO COMPANY, 38« Robinson Road, Branches at KUALA LUMPUB, PBNANG A IPOH. These Brand/ These Brands are the are the sole property sole property NANYANO BROTHERS TOBACCO COMPANY China's Greatest Tobacco and Cigarette Factories. There is luxury in the flavour and aroma of our GOLDEN HORSE Cigarettes. They
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    • 52 8 Sime, Darby Go.f Ltd. Incorporated in Btraits Settlements.) ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT. Quotations given for complete Elect ie Lighting ft Power Installations, e> Pull range of Electrical supplies in itoek V I.R. Wires Cables. Metal Filament Lamps. Ceiling Table Fans. Fittings Accessories. "Qlrtlinpl" Telephones. MADSTRONG' Plants, rhe.dea. Lighting Set for Bungalows and
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 527 9 p,«O. British India AND APCAR LINE. (Companiss Incorporated in England) HAIL AND PASSENGER SERVICES. peninsular snd Oriental S. IV. Co. coder Contract with His Majesty's Government. f> m QOIIPANY'S MAIL SERVICES EAST 0» BOMBAY preset suspended. LONDON FAR-EASTERN SERVICE. From LONDON Due BINQAPOBE. IhiVB about Sept I Karmala aheut Oct
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    • 477 9 Paaaeng-e*. and Freight Services Operated bf Pacific Mail Steamship Co. (Incorporated ia U.S.AJ lOR AOOOUNI OF THE D. 8, SHIPPING BOARD SAN FRANCISCO— «AMLA-EAST INDIA. SAILINGS PROM SINGAPORE. For CALCUTTA Via COLOMBO «reele Stats Passengers and Freight Oct 13 Wolverine State Passengers and Freight Mot l S Oramte Stats Passengers
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    • 496 9 Straits StMnshipCO:, IM. Steamers intended to tail from Singapore Kftjang Bunday, 10 a m for Mir, Labuan, Jesselton, Kud tand Bandakan. Kinta —Monday 4 p.m., for Port Swettenham and Penang. Hye Leone—Monday, 4.30 p.m for Malacca and Muar Kaka Tuesday, 4.30 p ra., for Malacca and Muar. Ipoh- Wednesday 4
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    • 366 9 O.S.K. Tli Isai Skisn lalsia, LIMITED. (beer»eratee > te Jseea./ f NO. 1 Dl SOUZA STREET, PROPOSED SAILINGS FROM I SLNGAPORB. (Subject te shaage witbout aetiee.) j EUROPEAN UNI, For PORT SAID, MARSEILLES, LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM AND HAMBURG. j *Alaska Maru arr. Sept H dep. 15 •Omit Marseilles, Altai Maru
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    • 549 9 N.Y.K. European Line. (Incorporated In Japan) London Una Fortnightly Service For MARSEILLES, LONDON ANTWERP Sado Maru B KitanoMaru ,J Liverpool lino Monthly Pervi(je For MABSEILLEB A LIVEBPOOL via POSTS. Lisbon Maru Oct 9 Han.our Q I sop Monthly Fcr LONDON, ANTWERP, ROTTEttDAM HAMBURG via PORTS. Tottori Maru Ist half Sept
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 386 10 WANTED. W ANTED.—Cos's Clerk. Pre vious experience* in tolioitort cffice essentia). Apply Drew and Napier, 10, Col Iyer Quay. 22 S 27 8 WANTED.—A Linotype Operator to work on Model 14 machine. Speed and accuracy in work necessary. Written applications, with one recent testimonial proving capability, naming salary required to
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    • 608 10 NOTICE. NOTICE. NEW FILIPINO BRASS BAND AND ORCHESTRA Available for all occasions. Good and Capable Musicians. Terms moderate. Apply at 99 Bencoolen Street, (Lorong Pantei) G. UNDASAN, 9 19 NOTICE. The undersigned beg to notify the Trade that they are opening a Rubber Brokerage Department ai from tho 29th insmnt.
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    • 478 10 BANKS. SZE HAI TONG BANKING INSURANCE CO„ LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: 58, KLING STREET, SINGAPORE. Established 1907. Paid-up Capital $2,000,000 Surplus 890,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. Seah Eng Lim, Esq.—Chairman. Lee Wee Nam, Esq.—Deputy Chairman. Chan Teck Hee, Esq. Ong- Chow Keng-, Esq. Teo Teow Peng, Esq. Tan
      478 words
    • 485 10 BANKS. THE HO HONG BANK, LTD. HEAD OFFICE 94, Market Street. BRANCHES Penang 85 Beach Street Malacca 131 Jonker Street. Muar 77-79 Jalan Suleiman. Batu Pahat 109 Jalan Rahamat. AGENCIES AT: London, New York, San Francisco, Batavia, Sourabaya, Semarang, Shanghai, Hongkong, Amoy Palembang and Trang. CAPITAL. Authorised $20,000,000 Issued 8,000,000
      485 words
    • 437 10 BANKS. THE MERCANTILE BANK OF INDIA, LTD. (Incorporated in England.) Capital Authorised £3,000,000 Capital Subscribed £1,800,000 Capital Paid-up £1,050,000 Reserve Fund and Rest £1,227,600 BOARD OF DIRECTORS. P. J. Black, Eaq., Chairman J. M. Ryrio, Esq. H. Melvill Simsons,Esq. F. K. Chalmers, Esq. Sir David Yule Lord Carmichael. Chief Manager—Percy
      437 words
    • 346 10 BANKS. THE OVERSEA-CHINESE BANK, LIMITED. (Incorporated in the S.S.) HEAD OFFICE: SINGAPORE, 63 KLING STREET. Tel. No. 1655. BRANCH: PENANG 28 BEACH STREET. AGENCIES: IPOH AND DELL. CAPITAL: Authorised $20,000,000 Issued $10,500,000 Paid-up 5,250 000 Reserve Liability of Shareholders 5,250,000 Reserve Fund and Surplus 290,000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Hon.
      346 words
    • 355 10 INSURANCE THE OVERSEAS ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD. (Incorporated in the S.S.) BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Hon. Dr. Lin Boon Keng. 0.1{£., Chairman. Lim Nee Soon, Esq. Dy. Chairman. Ea Ton«r Sen, Eeq. C.B.E. Ong Boon Tat, Esq. Lim Chwee Chirm, Esq. Chua Fob Siang, Eaq. Lee Pang Seng, Esq. Teo Ban Keng-,
      355 words
    • 515 10 MALAYA TRIBUNE BHIPPINCJA 2ETTE Phone mo. 171 SUBSCRIPTION rates. PAYABLE Per annum Half-yearly *Mi Per quarter '7 Single Copy 5 eta' %t Postage Extra 50 eta. To Foreign countries $1 l? do [A Subseriptioa Form *m found on page B.] VERY MANY TRIBUNE READERS. Depend upon street sellers Paper It
      515 words